path: root/stdlib/source/library/lux/data/collection/row.lux
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 490 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/stdlib/source/library/lux/data/collection/row.lux b/stdlib/source/library/lux/data/collection/row.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0bb304c35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/library/lux/data/collection/row.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,490 @@
+## https://hypirion.com/musings/understanding-persistent-vector-pt-1
+## https://hypirion.com/musings/understanding-persistent-vector-pt-2
+## https://hypirion.com/musings/understanding-persistent-vector-pt-3
+ [library
+ [lux #*
+ ["@" target]
+ [abstract
+ [functor (#+ Functor)]
+ [apply (#+ Apply)]
+ [monad (#+ Monad do)]
+ [equivalence (#+ Equivalence)]
+ [monoid (#+ Monoid)]
+ [fold (#+ Fold)]
+ [predicate (#+ Predicate)]]
+ [control
+ ["." try (#+ Try)]
+ ["." exception (#+ exception:)]
+ ["p" parser
+ ["s" code (#+ Parser)]]]
+ [data
+ ["." maybe]
+ ["." product]
+ [collection
+ ["." list ("#\." fold functor monoid)]
+ ["." array (#+ Array) ("#\." functor fold)]]]
+ [macro (#+ with_gensyms)
+ [syntax (#+ syntax:)]
+ ["." code]]
+ [math
+ [number
+ ["." i64]
+ ["n" nat]]]]])
+(type: (Node a)
+ (#Base (Array a))
+ (#Hierarchy (Array (Node a))))
+(type: (Base a) (Array a))
+(type: (Hierarchy a) (Array (Node a)))
+(type: Level Nat)
+(type: Index Nat)
+(def: branching_exponent
+ Nat
+ 5)
+(def: root_level
+ Level
+ 0)
+(template [<name> <op>]
+ [(def: <name>
+ (-> Level Level)
+ (<op> branching_exponent))]
+ [level_up n.+]
+ [level_down n.-]
+ )
+(def: full_node_size
+ Nat
+ (i64.left_shift branching_exponent 1))
+(def: branch_idx_mask
+ Nat
+ (dec full_node_size))
+(def: branch_idx
+ (-> Index Index)
+ (i64.and branch_idx_mask))
+(def: (new_hierarchy _)
+ (All [a] (-> Any (Hierarchy a)))
+ (array.new full_node_size))
+(def: (tail_off row_size)
+ (-> Nat Nat)
+ (if (n.< full_node_size row_size)
+ 0
+ (|> (dec row_size)
+ (i64.right_shift branching_exponent)
+ (i64.left_shift branching_exponent))))
+(def: (new_path level tail)
+ (All [a] (-> Level (Base a) (Node a)))
+ (if (n.= 0 level)
+ (#Base tail)
+ (|> (new_hierarchy [])
+ (array.write! 0 (new_path (level_down level) tail))
+ #Hierarchy)))
+(def: (new_tail singleton)
+ (All [a] (-> a (Base a)))
+ (|> (array.new 1)
+ (array.write! 0 singleton)))
+(def: (push_tail size level tail parent)
+ (All [a] (-> Nat Level (Base a) (Hierarchy a) (Hierarchy a)))
+ (let [sub_idx (branch_idx (i64.right_shift level (dec size)))
+ ## If we're currently on a bottom node
+ sub_node (if (n.= branching_exponent level)
+ ## Just add the tail to it
+ (#Base tail)
+ ## Otherwise, check whether there's a vacant spot
+ (case (array.read sub_idx parent)
+ ## If so, set the path to the tail
+ #.None
+ (new_path (level_down level) tail)
+ ## If not, push the tail onto the sub_node.
+ (#.Some (#Hierarchy sub_node))
+ (#Hierarchy (push_tail size (level_down level) tail sub_node))
+ _
+ (undefined))
+ )]
+ (|> (array.clone parent)
+ (array.write! sub_idx sub_node))))
+(def: (expand_tail val tail)
+ (All [a] (-> a (Base a) (Base a)))
+ (let [tail_size (array.size tail)]
+ (|> (array.new (inc tail_size))
+ (array.copy! tail_size 0 tail 0)
+ (array.write! tail_size val))))
+(def: (put' level idx val hierarchy)
+ (All [a] (-> Level Index a (Hierarchy a) (Hierarchy a)))
+ (let [sub_idx (branch_idx (i64.right_shift level idx))]
+ (case (array.read sub_idx hierarchy)
+ (#.Some (#Hierarchy sub_node))
+ (|> (array.clone hierarchy)
+ (array.write! sub_idx (#Hierarchy (put' (level_down level) idx val sub_node))))
+ (^multi (#.Some (#Base base))
+ (n.= 0 (level_down level)))
+ (|> (array.clone hierarchy)
+ (array.write! sub_idx (|> (array.clone base)
+ (array.write! (branch_idx idx) val)
+ #Base)))
+ _
+ (undefined))))
+(def: (pop_tail size level hierarchy)
+ (All [a] (-> Nat Level (Hierarchy a) (Maybe (Hierarchy a))))
+ (let [sub_idx (branch_idx (i64.right_shift level (n.- 2 size)))]
+ (cond (n.= 0 sub_idx)
+ #.None
+ (n.> branching_exponent level)
+ (do maybe.monad
+ [base|hierarchy (array.read sub_idx hierarchy)
+ sub (case base|hierarchy
+ (#Hierarchy sub)
+ (pop_tail size (level_down level) sub)
+ (#Base _)
+ (undefined))]
+ (|> (array.clone hierarchy)
+ (array.write! sub_idx (#Hierarchy sub))
+ #.Some))
+ ## Else...
+ (|> (array.clone hierarchy)
+ (array.delete! sub_idx)
+ #.Some)
+ )))
+(def: (to_list' node)
+ (All [a] (-> (Node a) (List a)))
+ (case node
+ (#Base base)
+ (array.to_list base)
+ (#Hierarchy hierarchy)
+ (|> hierarchy
+ array.to_list
+ list.reverse
+ (list\fold (function (_ sub acc) (list\compose (to_list' sub) acc))
+ #.Nil))))
+(type: #export (Row a)
+ {#level Level
+ #size Nat
+ #root (Hierarchy a)
+ #tail (Base a)})
+(def: #export empty
+ Row
+ {#level (level_up root_level)
+ #size 0
+ #root (array.new full_node_size)
+ #tail (array.new 0)})
+(def: #export (size row)
+ (All [a] (-> (Row a) Nat))
+ (get@ #size row))
+(def: #export (add val row)
+ (All [a] (-> a (Row a) (Row a)))
+ ## Check if there is room in the tail.
+ (let [row_size (get@ #size row)]
+ (if (|> row_size (n.- (tail_off row_size)) (n.< full_node_size))
+ ## If so, append to it.
+ (|> row
+ (update@ #size inc)
+ (update@ #tail (expand_tail val)))
+ ## Otherwise, push tail into the tree
+ ## --------------------------------------------------------
+ ## Will the root experience an overflow with this addition?
+ (|> (if (n.> (i64.left_shift (get@ #level row) 1)
+ (i64.right_shift branching_exponent row_size))
+ ## If so, a brand-new root must be established, that is
+ ## 1-level taller.
+ (|> row
+ (set@ #root (|> (for {@.old
+ (: (Hierarchy ($ 0))
+ (new_hierarchy []))}
+ (new_hierarchy []))
+ (array.write! 0 (#Hierarchy (get@ #root row)))
+ (array.write! 1 (new_path (get@ #level row) (get@ #tail row)))))
+ (update@ #level level_up))
+ ## Otherwise, just push the current tail onto the root.
+ (|> row
+ (update@ #root (push_tail row_size (get@ #level row) (get@ #tail row)))))
+ ## Finally, update the size of the row and grow a new
+ ## tail with the new element as it's sole member.
+ (update@ #size inc)
+ (set@ #tail (new_tail val)))
+ )))
+(exception: incorrect_row_structure)
+(exception: #export [a] (index_out_of_bounds {row (Row a)} {index Nat})
+ (exception.report ["Size" (\ n.decimal encode (get@ #size row))]
+ ["Index" (\ n.decimal encode index)]))
+(exception: base_was_not_found)
+(def: #export (within_bounds? row idx)
+ (All [a] (-> (Row a) Nat Bit))
+ (n.< (get@ #size row) idx))
+(def: (base_for idx row)
+ (All [a] (-> Index (Row a) (Try (Base a))))
+ (if (within_bounds? row idx)
+ (if (n.>= (tail_off (get@ #size row)) idx)
+ (#try.Success (get@ #tail row))
+ (loop [level (get@ #level row)
+ hierarchy (get@ #root row)]
+ (case [(n.> branching_exponent level)
+ (array.read (branch_idx (i64.right_shift level idx)) hierarchy)]
+ [#1 (#.Some (#Hierarchy sub))]
+ (recur (level_down level) sub)
+ [#0 (#.Some (#Base base))]
+ (#try.Success base)
+ [_ #.None]
+ (exception.throw ..base_was_not_found [])
+ _
+ (exception.throw ..incorrect_row_structure []))))
+ (exception.throw ..index_out_of_bounds [row idx])))
+(def: #export (nth idx row)
+ (All [a] (-> Nat (Row a) (Try a)))
+ (do try.monad
+ [base (base_for idx row)]
+ (case (array.read (branch_idx idx) base)
+ (#.Some value)
+ (#try.Success value)
+ #.None
+ (exception.throw ..incorrect_row_structure []))))
+(def: #export (put idx val row)
+ (All [a] (-> Nat a (Row a) (Try (Row a))))
+ (let [row_size (get@ #size row)]
+ (if (within_bounds? row idx)
+ (#try.Success (if (n.>= (tail_off row_size) idx)
+ (update@ #tail (for {@.old
+ (: (-> (Base ($ 0)) (Base ($ 0)))
+ (|>> array.clone (array.write! (branch_idx idx) val)))}
+ (|>> array.clone (array.write! (branch_idx idx) val)))
+ row)
+ (update@ #root (put' (get@ #level row) idx val)
+ row)))
+ (exception.throw ..index_out_of_bounds [row idx]))))
+(def: #export (update idx f row)
+ (All [a] (-> Nat (-> a a) (Row a) (Try (Row a))))
+ (do try.monad
+ [val (..nth idx row)]
+ (..put idx (f val) row)))
+(def: #export (pop row)
+ (All [a] (-> (Row a) (Row a)))
+ (case (get@ #size row)
+ 0
+ empty
+ 1
+ empty
+ row_size
+ (if (|> row_size (n.- (tail_off row_size)) (n.> 1))
+ (let [old_tail (get@ #tail row)
+ new_tail_size (dec (array.size old_tail))]
+ (|> row
+ (update@ #size dec)
+ (set@ #tail (|> (array.new new_tail_size)
+ (array.copy! new_tail_size 0 old_tail 0)))))
+ (maybe.assume
+ (do maybe.monad
+ [new_tail (base_for (n.- 2 row_size) row)
+ #let [[level' root'] (let [init_level (get@ #level row)]
+ (loop [level init_level
+ root (maybe.default (new_hierarchy [])
+ (pop_tail row_size init_level (get@ #root row)))]
+ (if (n.> branching_exponent level)
+ (case [(array.read 1 root) (array.read 0 root)]
+ [#.None (#.Some (#Hierarchy sub_node))]
+ (recur (level_down level) sub_node)
+ ## [#.None (#.Some (#Base _))]
+ ## (undefined)
+ _
+ [level root])
+ [level root])))]]
+ (wrap (|> row
+ (update@ #size dec)
+ (set@ #level level')
+ (set@ #root root')
+ (set@ #tail new_tail))))))
+ ))
+(def: #export (to_list row)
+ (All [a] (-> (Row a) (List a)))
+ (list\compose (to_list' (#Hierarchy (get@ #root row)))
+ (to_list' (#Base (get@ #tail row)))))
+(def: #export from_list
+ (All [a] (-> (List a) (Row a)))
+ (list\fold ..add ..empty))
+(def: #export (member? a/Equivalence row val)
+ (All [a] (-> (Equivalence a) (Row a) a Bit))
+ (list.member? a/Equivalence (to_list row) val))
+(def: #export empty?
+ (All [a] (-> (Row a) Bit))
+ (|>> (get@ #size) (n.= 0)))
+(syntax: #export (row {elems (p.some s.any)})
+ {#.doc (doc "Row literals."
+ (row +10 +20 +30 +40))}
+ (wrap (list (` (..from_list (list (~+ elems)))))))
+(implementation: (node_equivalence Equivalence<a>)
+ (All [a] (-> (Equivalence a) (Equivalence (Node a))))
+ (def: (= v1 v2)
+ (case [v1 v2]
+ [(#Base b1) (#Base b2)]
+ (\ (array.equivalence Equivalence<a>) = b1 b2)
+ [(#Hierarchy h1) (#Hierarchy h2)]
+ (\ (array.equivalence (node_equivalence Equivalence<a>)) = h1 h2)
+ _
+ #0)))
+(implementation: #export (equivalence Equivalence<a>)
+ (All [a] (-> (Equivalence a) (Equivalence (Row a))))
+ (def: (= v1 v2)
+ (and (n.= (get@ #size v1) (get@ #size v2))
+ (let [(^open "node\.") (node_equivalence Equivalence<a>)]
+ (and (node\= (#Base (get@ #tail v1))
+ (#Base (get@ #tail v2)))
+ (node\= (#Hierarchy (get@ #root v1))
+ (#Hierarchy (get@ #root v2))))))))
+(implementation: node_fold
+ (Fold Node)
+ (def: (fold f init xs)
+ (case xs
+ (#Base base)
+ (array\fold f init base)
+ (#Hierarchy hierarchy)
+ (array\fold (function (_ node init') (fold f init' node))
+ init
+ hierarchy))))
+(implementation: #export fold
+ (Fold Row)
+ (def: (fold f init xs)
+ (let [(^open ".") node_fold]
+ (fold f
+ (fold f
+ init
+ (#Hierarchy (get@ #root xs)))
+ (#Base (get@ #tail xs))))))
+(implementation: #export monoid
+ (All [a] (Monoid (Row a)))
+ (def: identity ..empty)
+ (def: (compose xs ys)
+ (list\fold add xs (..to_list ys))))
+(implementation: node_functor
+ (Functor Node)
+ (def: (map f xs)
+ (case xs
+ (#Base base)
+ (#Base (array\map f base))
+ (#Hierarchy hierarchy)
+ (#Hierarchy (array\map (map f) hierarchy)))))
+(implementation: #export functor
+ (Functor Row)
+ (def: (map f xs)
+ {#level (get@ #level xs)
+ #size (get@ #size xs)
+ #root (|> xs (get@ #root) (array\map (\ node_functor map f)))
+ #tail (|> xs (get@ #tail) (array\map f))}))
+(implementation: #export apply
+ (Apply Row)
+ (def: &functor ..functor)
+ (def: (apply ff fa)
+ (let [(^open ".") ..functor
+ (^open ".") ..fold
+ (^open ".") ..monoid
+ results (map (function (_ f) (map f fa))
+ ff)]
+ (fold compose identity results))))
+(implementation: #export monad
+ (Monad Row)
+ (def: &functor ..functor)
+ (def: wrap (|>> row))
+ (def: join
+ (let [(^open ".") ..fold
+ (^open ".") ..monoid]
+ (fold (function (_ post pre) (compose pre post)) identity))))
+(def: #export reverse
+ (All [a] (-> (Row a) (Row a)))
+ (|>> ..to_list list.reverse (list\fold add ..empty)))
+(template [<name> <array> <init> <op>]
+ [(def: #export <name>
+ (All [a]
+ (-> (Predicate a) (Row a) Bit))
+ (let [help (: (All [a]
+ (-> (Predicate a) (Node a) Bit))
+ (function (help predicate node)
+ (case node
+ (#Base base)
+ (<array> predicate base)
+ (#Hierarchy hierarchy)
+ (<array> (help predicate) hierarchy))))]
+ (function (<name> predicate row)
+ (let [(^slots [#root #tail]) row]
+ (<op> (help predicate (#Hierarchy root))
+ (help predicate (#Base tail)))))))]
+ [every? array.every? #1 and]
+ [any? array.any? #0 or]
+ )