path: root/stdlib/source/documentation
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
26 files changed, 2458 insertions, 46 deletions
diff --git a/stdlib/source/documentation/lux.lux b/stdlib/source/documentation/lux.lux
index 4365ea0eb..a046d1fdc 100644
--- a/stdlib/source/documentation/lux.lux
+++ b/stdlib/source/documentation/lux.lux
@@ -5,7 +5,17 @@
["$" documentation (#+ documentation:)]
["." debug]
- ["." io]]]]
+ ["." io]
+ ["<>" parser
+ ["<.>" code]]]
+ [data
+ ["." text (#+ \n)
+ ["%" format (#+ format)]]
+ [collection
+ ["." list]
+ ["." set]]]
+ [macro
+ ["." template]]]]
["." /]]
["." / #_
@@ -14,6 +24,7 @@
["#." data]
["#." debug]
["#." documentation]
+ ["#." extension]
["#." ffi]
["#." locale]
["#." macro]
@@ -26,22 +37,988 @@
["#." time]
... ["#." tool] ... TODO: Documentation for this
["#." type]
- ... ["#." world]
- ... ["#." extension]
+ ["#." world]
... ["#." target #_
... <target>]
+(documentation: /.prelude_module
+ (format "The name of the prelude module"
+ \n "Value: " (%.text /.prelude_module)))
+(documentation: /.Any
+ (format "The type of things whose type is irrelevant."
+ \n "It can be used to write functions or data-structures that can take, or return, anything."))
+(documentation: /.Nothing
+ (format "The type of things whose type is undefined."
+ \n "Useful for expressions that cause errors or other 'extraordinary' conditions."))
+(documentation: /.List
+ "A potentially empty list of values.")
+(documentation: /.Bit
+ "Your standard, run-of-the-mill boolean values (as #0 or #1 bits).")
+(documentation: /.I64
+ "64-bit integers without any semantics.")
+(documentation: /.Nat
+ (format "Natural numbers (unsigned integers)."
+ \n "They start at zero (0) and extend in the positive direction."))
+(documentation: /.Int
+ "Your standard, run-of-the-mill integer numbers.")
+(documentation: /.Rev
+ (format "Fractional numbers that live in the interval [0,1)."
+ \n "Useful for probability, and other domains that work within that interval."))
+(documentation: /.Frac
+ "Your standard, run-of-the-mill floating-point (fractional) numbers.")
+(documentation: /.Text
+ "Your standard, run-of-the-mill string values.")
+(documentation: /.Name
+ "A name. It is used as part of Lux syntax to represent identifiers and tags.")
+(documentation: /.Maybe
+ "A potentially missing value.")
+(documentation: /.Type
+ "This type represents the data-structures that are used to specify types themselves.")
+(documentation: /.Location
+ "Locations are for specifying the location of Code nodes in Lux files during compilation.")
+(documentation: /.Ann
+ "The type of things that can be annotated with meta-data of arbitrary types.")
+(documentation: /.Code
+ "The type of Code nodes for Lux syntax.")
+(documentation: /.private
+ "The export policy for private/local definitions.")
+(documentation: /.local
+ "The export policy for private/local definitions.")
+(documentation: /.public
+ "The export policy for public/global definitions.")
+(documentation: /.global
+ "The export policy for public/global definitions.")
+(documentation: /.Definition
+ "Represents all the data associated with a definition: its type, its annotations, and its value.")
+(documentation: /.Global
+ "Represents all the data associated with a global constant.")
+(documentation: /.Either
+ "A choice between two values of different types.")
+(documentation: /.Module
+ "All the information contained within a Lux module.")
+(documentation: /.Mode
+ "A sign that shows the conditions under which the compiler is running.")
+(documentation: /.Info
+ "Information about the current version and type of compiler that is running.")
+(documentation: /.Lux
+ (format "Represents the state of the Lux compiler during a run."
+ \n "It is provided to macros during their invocation, so they can access compiler data."
+ \n "Caveat emptor: Avoid fiddling with it, unless you know what you're doing."))
+(documentation: /.Meta
+ (format "Computations that can have access to the state of the compiler."
+ \n "These computations may fail, or modify the state of the compiler."))
+(documentation: /.Macro
+ "Functions that run at compile-time and allow you to transform and extend the language in powerful ways.")
+(documentation: /.comment
+ (format "Throws away any code given to it."
+ \n "Great for commenting-out code, while retaining syntax high-lighting and formatting in your text editor.")
+ [(comment
+ (def: (this will not)
+ (Be Defined)
+ (because it will be (commented out))))])
+(documentation: /.All
+ "Universal quantification."
+ [(All [a]
+ (-> a a))]
+ ["A name can be provided, to specify a recursive type."
+ (All List [a]
+ (Or Any
+ [a (List a)]))])
+(documentation: /.Ex
+ "Existential quantification."
+ [(Ex [a]
+ [(Codec Text a) a])]
+ ["A name can be provided, to specify a recursive type."
+ (Ex Self [a]
+ [(Codec Text a)
+ a
+ (List (Self a))])])
+(documentation: /.->
+ "Function types."
+ ["This is the type of a function that takes 2 Ints and returns an Int."
+ (-> Int Int Int)])
+(documentation: /.list
+ "List literals."
+ [(: (List Nat)
+ (list 0 1 2 3))])
+(documentation: /.list&
+ "List literals, with the last element being a tail-list."
+ [(: (List Nat)
+ (list& 0 1 2 3
+ (: (List Nat)
+ (list 4 5 6))))])
+(documentation: /.Union
+ "Union types."
+ [(Union Bit Nat Text)]
+ [(= Nothing
+ (Union))])
+(documentation: /.Tuple
+ "Tuple types."
+ [(Tuple Bit Nat Text)]
+ [(= Any
+ (Tuple))])
+(documentation: /.Or
+ "An alias for the Union type constructor."
+ [(= (Union Bit Nat Text)
+ (Or Bit Nat Text))]
+ [(= (Union)
+ (Or))])
+(documentation: /.And
+ "An alias for the Tuple type constructor."
+ [(= (Tuple Bit Nat Text)
+ (And Bit Nat Text))]
+ [(= (Tuple)
+ (And))])
+(documentation: /._$
+ "Left-association for the application of binary functions over variadic arguments."
+ [(_$ text\composite "Hello, " name ". How are you?")
+ "=>"
+ (text\composite (text\composite "Hello, " name) ". How are you?")])
+(documentation: /.$_
+ "Right-association for the application of binary functions over variadic arguments."
+ [($_ text\composite "Hello, " name ". How are you?")
+ "=>"
+ (text\composite "Hello, " (text\composite name ". How are you?"))])
+(documentation: /.if
+ "Picks which expression to evaluate based on a bit test value."
+ [(if #1
+ "Oh, yeah!"
+ "Aw hell naw!")
+ "=>"
+ "Oh, yeah!"]
+ [(if #0
+ "Oh, yeah!"
+ "Aw hell naw!")
+ "=>"
+ "Aw hell naw!"])
+(documentation: /.primitive
+ "Macro to treat define new primitive types."
+ [(primitive "java.lang.Object")]
+ [(primitive "java.util.List" [(primitive "java.lang.Long")])])
+(documentation: /.`
+ (format "Hygienic quasi-quotation as a macro."
+ \n "Unquote (~) and unquote-splice (~+) must also be used as forms."
+ \n "All unprefixed macros will receive their parent module's prefix if imported; otherwise will receive the prefix of the module on which the quasi-quote is being used.")
+ [(` (def: (~ name)
+ (function ((~' _) (~+ args))
+ (~ body))))])
+(documentation: /.`'
+ (format "Unhygienic quasi-quotation as a macro."
+ \n "Unquote (~) and unquote-splice (~+) must also be used as forms.")
+ [(`' (def: (~ name)
+ (function (_ (~+ args))
+ (~ body))))])
+(documentation: /.'
+ "Quotation as a macro."
+ [(' YOLO)])
+(documentation: /.|>
+ "Piping macro."
+ [(|> elems
+ (list\each int\encoded)
+ (interposed " ")
+ (mix text\composite ""))
+ "=>"
+ (mix text\composite ""
+ (interposed " "
+ (list\each int\encoded
+ elems)))])
+(documentation: /.<|
+ "Reverse piping macro."
+ [(<| (mix text\composite "")
+ (interposed " ")
+ (list\each int\encoded)
+ elems)
+ "=>"
+ (mix text\composite ""
+ (interposed " "
+ (list\each int\encoded
+ elems)))])
+(documentation: /.template
+ ""
+ ["By specifying a pattern (with holes), and the input data to fill those holes, repeats the pattern as many times as necessary."
+ (template [<name> <diff>]
+ [(def: .public <name>
+ (-> Int Int)
+ (+ <diff>))]
+ [++ +1]
+ [-- -1])])
+(documentation: /.not
+ "Bit negation."
+ [(not #1)
+ "=>"
+ #0]
+ [(not #0)
+ "=>"
+ #1])
+(documentation: /.type
+ "Takes a type expression and returns its representation as data-structure."
+ [(type (All [a]
+ (Maybe (List a))))])
+(documentation: /.:
+ "The type-annotation macro."
+ [(: (List Int)
+ (list +1 +2 +3))])
+(documentation: /.:as
+ "The type-coercion macro."
+ [(:as Dinosaur
+ (list +1 +2 +3))])
+(documentation: /.Rec
+ "Parameter-less recursive types."
+ ["A name has to be given to the whole type, to use it within its body."
+ (Rec Int_List
+ (Or Any
+ [Int Int_List]))])
+(documentation: /.exec
+ "Sequential execution of expressions (great for side-effects)."
+ [(exec
+ (log! "#1")
+ (log! "#2")
+ (log! "#3")
+ "YOLO")])
+(documentation: /.case
+ (format "The pattern-matching macro."
+ \n "Allows the usage of macros within the patterns to provide custom syntax.")
+ [(case (: (List Int)
+ (list +1 +2 +3))
+ (#Item x (#Item y (#Item z #End)))
+ (#Some ($_ * x y z))
+ _
+ #None)])
+(documentation: /.^
+ (format "Macro-expanding patterns."
+ \n "It's a special macro meant to be used with 'case'.")
+ [(case (: (List Int)
+ (list +1 +2 +3))
+ (^ (list x y z))
+ (#Some ($_ * x y z))
+ _
+ #None)])
+(documentation: /.^or
+ (format "Or-patterns."
+ \n "It's a special macro meant to be used with 'case'.")
+ [(type: Weekday
+ (Variant
+ #Monday
+ #Tuesday
+ #Wednesday
+ #Thursday
+ #Friday
+ #Saturday
+ #Sunday))
+ (def: (weekend? day)
+ (-> Weekday Bit)
+ (case day
+ (^or #Saturday #Sunday)
+ #1
+ _
+ #0))])
+(documentation: /.let
+ (format "Creates local bindings."
+ \n "Can (optionally) use pattern-matching macros when binding.")
+ [(let [x (foo bar)
+ y (baz quux)]
+ (op x y))])
+(documentation: /.function
+ "Syntax for creating functions."
+ [(: (All [a b]
+ (-> a b a))
+ (function (_ x y)
+ x))]
+ ["Allows for giving the function itself a name, for the sake of recursion."
+ (: (-> Nat Nat)
+ (function (factorial n)
+ (case n
+ 0 1
+ _ (* n (factorial (-- n))))))])
+(documentation: /.def:
+ "Defines global constants/functions."
+ [(def: branching_exponent
+ Int
+ +5)]
+ ["The type is optional."
+ (def: branching_exponent
+ +5)]
+ [(def: (pair_list pair)
+ (-> [Code Code] (List Code))
+ (let [[left right] pair]
+ (list left right)))]
+ ["Can pattern-match on the inputs to functions."
+ (def: (pair_list [left right])
+ (-> [Code Code] (List Code))
+ (list left right))])
+(documentation: /.macro:
+ "Macro-definition macro."
+ [(macro: .public (name_of tokens)
+ (case tokens
+ (^template [<tag>]
+ [(^ (list [_ (<tag> [module name])]))
+ (in (list (` [(~ (text$ module)) (~ (text$ name))])))])
+ ([#Identifier] [#Tag])
+ _
+ (failure "Wrong syntax for name_of")))])
+(documentation: /.and
+ "Short-circuiting 'and'."
+ [(and #1 #0)
+ "=>"
+ #0]
+ [(and #1 #1)
+ "=>"
+ #1])
+(documentation: /.or
+ "Short-circuiting 'or'."
+ [(or #1 #0)
+ "=>"
+ #1]
+ [(or #0 #0)
+ "=>"
+ #0])
+(documentation: /.panic!
+ "Causes an error, with the given error message."
+ [(panic! "OH NO!")])
+(documentation: /.implementation
+ "Express a value that implements an interface."
+ [(: (Order Int)
+ (implementation
+ (def: &equivalence
+ equivalence)
+ (def: (< reference subject)
+ (< reference subject))
+ ))])
+(documentation: /.implementation:
+ "Interface implementation."
+ [(implementation: .public order
+ (Order Int)
+ (def: &equivalence
+ equivalence)
+ (def: (< test subject)
+ (< test subject)))])
+(documentation: /.Variant
+ (format "Syntax for defining labelled/tagged sum/union types."
+ \n "WARNING: Only use it within the type: macro.")
+ [(type: Referrals
+ (Variant
+ #All
+ (#Only (List Text))
+ (#Exclude (List Text))
+ #Ignore
+ #Nothing))])
+(documentation: /.Record
+ (format "Syntax for defining labelled/slotted product/tuple types."
+ \n "WARNING: Only use it within the type: macro.")
+ [(type: Refer
+ (Record
+ {#refer_defs Referrals
+ #refer_open (List Openings)}))])
+(documentation: /.type:
+ "The type-definition macro."
+ [(type: (List a)
+ #End
+ (#Item a (List a)))])
+(documentation: /.interface:
+ "Interface definition."
+ [(interface: .public (Order a)
+ (: (Equivalence a)
+ &equivalence)
+ (: (-> a a Bit)
+ <))])
+(.template [<name>]
+ [(documentation: <name>
+ "Safe type-casting for I64 values.")]
+ [/.i64]
+ [/.nat]
+ [/.int]
+ [/.rev]
+ )
+(documentation: /.module_separator
+ (format "Character used to separate the parts of module names."
+ \n "Value: " (%.text /.module_separator)))
+(documentation: /.^open
+ (format "Same as the 'open' macro, but meant to be used as a pattern-matching macro for generating local bindings."
+ \n "Takes an 'alias' text for the generated local bindings.")
+ [(def: .public (range enum from to)
+ (All [a] (-> (Enum a) a a (List a)))
+ (let [(^open ".") enum]
+ (loop [end to
+ output #.End]
+ (cond (< end from)
+ (recur (pred end) (#.Item end output))
+ (< from end)
+ (recur (succ end) (#.Item end output))
+ ... (= end from)
+ (#.Item end output)))))])
+(documentation: /.cond
+ "Conditional branching with multiple test conditions."
+ [(cond (even? num) "WHEN even"
+ (odd? num) "WHEN odd"
+ "ELSE")])
+(documentation: /.value@
+ "Accesses the value of a record at a given tag."
+ [(value@ #field my_record)]
+ ["Can also work with multiple levels of nesting."
+ (value@ [#foo #bar #baz] my_record)]
+ ["And, if only the slot/path is given, generates an accessor function."
+ (let [getter (value@ [#foo #bar #baz])]
+ (getter my_record))])
+(documentation: /.open:
+ "Opens a implementation and generates a definition for each of its members (including nested members)."
+ [(open: "i:." order)
+ "=>"
+ (def: i:= (\ order =))
+ (def: i:< (\ order <))])
+(documentation: /.|>>
+ "Similar to the piping macro, but rather than taking an initial object to work on, creates a function for taking it."
+ [(|>> (list\each int\encoded)
+ (interposed " ")
+ (mix text\composite ""))
+ "=>"
+ (function (_ <it>)
+ (mix text\composite ""
+ (interposed " "
+ (list\each int\encoded <it>))))])
+(documentation: /.<<|
+ "Similar to the reverse piping macro, but rather than taking an initial object to work on, creates a function for taking it."
+ [(<<| (mix text\composite "")
+ (interposed " ")
+ (list\each int\encoded))
+ "=>"
+ (function (_ <it>)
+ (mix text\composite ""
+ (interposed " "
+ (list\each int\encoded
+ <it>))))])
+(documentation: /.module:
+ "Module-definition macro."
+ [(.module:
+ [lux #*
+ [control
+ ["M" monad #*]]
+ [data
+ maybe
+ ["." name ("#/." codec)]]
+ [macro
+ code]]
+ [//
+ [type ("." equivalence)]])])
+(documentation: /.\
+ "Allows accessing the value of a implementation's member."
+ [(\ codec encoded)]
+ ["Also allows using that value as a function."
+ (\ codec encoded +123)])
+(documentation: /.with@
+ "Sets the value of a record at a given tag."
+ [(with@ #name "Lux" lang)]
+ ["Can also work with multiple levels of nesting."
+ (with@ [#foo #bar #baz] value my_record)]
+ ["And, if only the slot/path and (optionally) the value are given, generates a mutator function."
+ (let [setter (with@ [#foo #bar #baz] value)]
+ (setter my_record))
+ (let [setter (with@ [#foo #bar #baz])]
+ (setter value my_record))])
+(documentation: /.revised@
+ "Modifies the value of a record at a given tag, based on some function."
+ [(revised@ #age ++ person)]
+ ["Can also work with multiple levels of nesting."
+ (revised@ [#foo #bar #baz] func my_record)]
+ ["And, if only the slot/path and (optionally) the value are given, generates a mutator function."
+ (let [updater (revised@ [#foo #bar #baz] func)]
+ (updater my_record))
+ (let [updater (revised@ [#foo #bar #baz])]
+ (updater func my_record))])
+(documentation: /.^template
+ "It's similar to template, but meant to be used during pattern-matching."
+ [(def: (reduced env type)
+ (-> (List Type) Type Type)
+ (case type
+ (#.Primitive name params)
+ (#.Primitive name (list\each (reduced env) params))
+ (^template [<tag>]
+ [(<tag> left right)
+ (<tag> (reduced env left) (reduced env right))])
+ ([#.Sum] [#.Product])
+ (^template [<tag>]
+ [(<tag> left right)
+ (<tag> (reduced env left) (reduced env right))])
+ ([#.Function] [#.Apply])
+ (^template [<tag>]
+ [(<tag> old_env def)
+ (case old_env
+ #.End
+ (<tag> env def)
+ _
+ type)])
+ ([#.UnivQ] [#.ExQ])
+ (#.Parameter idx)
+ (else type (list.item idx env))
+ _
+ type
+ ))])
+(.template [<name> <doc>]
+ [(documentation: <name>
+ <doc>)]
+ [/.++ "Increment function."]
+ [/.-- "Decrement function."]
+ )
+(documentation: /.loop
+ (format "Allows arbitrary looping, using the 'recur' form to re-start the loop."
+ \n "Can be used in monadic code to create monadic loops.")
+ [(loop [count +0
+ x init]
+ (if (< +10 count)
+ (recur (++ count) (f x))
+ x))]
+ ["Loops can also be given custom names."
+ (loop my_loop
+ [count +0
+ x init]
+ (if (< +10 count)
+ (my_loop (++ count) (f x))
+ x))])
+(documentation: /.^slots
+ "Allows you to extract record members as local variables with the same names."
+ [(let [(^slots [#foo #bar #baz]) quux]
+ (f foo bar baz))])
+(documentation: /.with_expansions
+ (format "Controlled macro-expansion."
+ \n "Bind an arbitraty number of Code nodes resulting from macro-expansion to local bindings."
+ \n "Wherever a binding appears, the bound Code nodes will be spliced in there.")
+ [(def: test
+ Test
+ (with_expansions
+ [<tests> (template [<function> <parameter> <expected>]
+ [(cover [<function>]
+ (compare <text>
+ (\ codec encoded <function> <parameter>)))]
+ [bit #1 "#1"]
+ [int +123 "+123"]
+ [frac +123.0 "+123.0"]
+ [text "123" "'123'"]
+ [tag ["yolo" "lol"] "#yolo.lol"]
+ [identifier ["yolo" "lol"] "yolo.lol"]
+ [form (list (bit #1)) "(#1)"]
+ [tuple (list (bit #1)) "[#1]"]
+ [record (list [(bit #1) (int +123)]) "{#1 +123}"]
+ )]
+ ($_ and
+ <tests>
+ )))])
+(documentation: /.static
+ (format "Resolves the names of definitions to their values at compile-time, assuming their values are either:"
+ \n "* Bit"
+ \n "* Nat"
+ \n "* Int"
+ \n "* Rev"
+ \n "* Frac"
+ \n "* Text")
+ [(def: my_nat 123)
+ (def: my_text "456")
+ (and (case [my_nat my_text]
+ (^ (static [..my_nat ..my_text]))
+ true
+ _
+ false)
+ (case [my_nat my_text]
+ (^ [(static ..my_nat) (static ..my_text)])
+ true
+ _
+ false))])
+(documentation: /.^multi
+ (format "Multi-level pattern matching."
+ \n "Useful in situations where the result of a branch depends on further refinements on the values being matched.")
+ [(case (split (size static) uri)
+ (^multi (#Some [chunk uri'])
+ {(text\= static chunk) #1})
+ (match_uri endpoint? parts' uri')
+ _
+ (#Left (format "Static part " (%t static) " does not match URI: " uri)))]
+ ["Short-cuts can be taken when using bit tests."
+ "The example above can be rewritten as..."
+ (case (split (size static) uri)
+ (^multi (#Some [chunk uri'])
+ (text\= static chunk))
+ (match_uri endpoint? parts' uri')
+ _
+ (#Left (format "Static part " (%t static) " does not match URI: " uri)))])
+(documentation: /.name_of
+ "Given an identifier or a tag, gives back a 2 tuple with the module and name parts, both as Text."
+ [(name_of #.doc)
+ "=>"
+ ["library/lux" "doc"]])
+(documentation: /.:parameter
+ (format "WARNING: Please stay away from this macro; it's very likely to be removed in a future version of Lux."
+ "Allows you to refer to the type-variables in a polymorphic function's type, by their index.")
+ ["In the example below, 0 corresponds to the 'a' variable."
+ (def: .public (of_list list)
+ (All [a] (-> (List a) (Row a)))
+ (list\mix add
+ (: (Row (:parameter 0))
+ empty)
+ list))])
+(documentation: /.same?
+ "Tests whether the 2 values are identical (not just 'equal')."
+ ["This one should succeed:"
+ (let [value +5]
+ (same? value
+ value))]
+ ["This one should fail:"
+ (same? +5
+ (+ +2 +3))])
+(documentation: /.^@
+ "Allows you to simultaneously bind and de-structure a value."
+ [(def: (hash (^@ set [member_hash _]))
+ (list\mix (function (_ elem acc)
+ (+ acc
+ (\ member_hash hash elem)))
+ 0
+ (set.list set)))])
+(documentation: /.^|>
+ "Pipes the value being pattern-matched against prior to binding it to a variable."
+ [(case input
+ (^|> value [++ (% 10) (max 1)])
+ (foo value))])
+(documentation: /.:expected
+ "Coerces the given expression to the type of whatever is expected."
+ [(: Dinosaur
+ (:expected (: (List Nat)
+ (list 1 2 3))))])
+(documentation: /.undefined
+ (format "Meant to be used as a stand-in for functions with undefined implementations."
+ \n "Undefined expressions will type-check against everything, so they make good dummy implementations."
+ \n "However, if an undefined expression is ever evaluated, it will raise a runtime error.")
+ [(def: (square x)
+ (-> Int Int)
+ (undefined))])
+(documentation: /.:of
+ "Generates the type corresponding to a given expression."
+ [(let [my_num +123]
+ (:of my_num))
+ "=="
+ Int]
+ [(:of +123)
+ "=="
+ Int])
+(documentation: /.template:
+ (format "Define macros in the style of template and ^template."
+ \n "For simple macros that do not need any fancy features.")
+ [(template: (square x)
+ (* x x))])
+(documentation: /.as_is
+ (format "Given a (potentially empty) list of codes, just returns them immediately, without any work done."
+ \n "This may seen useless, but it has its utility when dealing with controlled-macro-expansion macros.")
+ [(with_expansions [<operands> (as_is 1
+ 2
+ 3
+ 4)]
+ ($_ + <operands>))])
+(documentation: /.char
+ "If given a 1-character text literal, yields the char-code of the sole character."
+ [(: Nat
+ (char "A"))
+ "=>"
+ 65])
+(documentation: /.for
+ (format "Selects the appropriate code for a given target-platform when compiling Lux to it."
+ \n "Look-up the available targets in library/lux/target.")
+ [(def: js "JavaScript")
+ (for {"JVM" (do jvm stuff)
+ ..js (do js stuff)}
+ (do default stuff))])
+(documentation: /.``
+ (format "Delimits a controlled (spliced) macro-expansion."
+ \n "Uses a (~~) special form to specify where to expand.")
+ [(`` (some expression
+ (~~ (some macro which may yield 0 or more results))))])
+(documentation: /.^code
+ "Generates pattern-matching code for Code values in a way that looks like code-templating."
+ [(: (Maybe Nat)
+ (case (` (#0 123 +456.789))
+ (^code (#0 (~ [_ (#.Nat number)]) +456.789))
+ (#.Some number)
+ _
+ #.None))])
+(documentation: /.false
+ "The boolean FALSE value.")
+(documentation: /.true
+ "The boolean TRUE value.")
+(documentation: /.:let
+ "Local bindings for types."
+ [(:let [side (Either Int Frac)]
+ (List [side side]))])
+(documentation: /.try
+ ""
+ [(: Foo
+ (case (: (Either Text Bar)
+ (try (: Bar
+ (risky computation which may panic))))
+ (#.Right success)
+ (: Foo
+ (do something after success))
+ (#.Left error)
+ (: Foo
+ (recover from error))))])
(.def: .public documentation
(.List $.Module)
($.module /._
- []
+ [..prelude_module
+ ..Any
+ ..Nothing
+ ..List
+ ..Bit
+ ..I64
+ ..Nat
+ ..Int
+ ..Rev
+ ..Frac
+ ..Text
+ ..Name
+ ..Maybe
+ ..Type
+ ..Location
+ ..Ann
+ ..Code
+ ..private
+ ..local
+ ..public
+ ..global
+ ..Definition
+ ..Global
+ ..Either
+ ..Module
+ ..Mode
+ ..Info
+ ..Lux
+ ..Meta
+ ..Macro
+ ..comment
+ ..All
+ ..Ex
+ ..->
+ ..list
+ ..list&
+ ..Union
+ ..Tuple
+ ..Or
+ ..And
+ .._$
+ ..$_
+ ..if
+ ..primitive
+ ..`
+ ..`'
+ ..'
+ ..|>
+ ..<|
+ ..template
+ ..not
+ ..type
+ ..:
+ ..:as
+ ..Rec
+ ..exec
+ ..case
+ ..^
+ ..^or
+ ..let
+ ..function
+ ..def:
+ ..macro:
+ ..and
+ ..or
+ ..panic!
+ ..implementation
+ ..implementation:
+ ..Variant
+ ..Record
+ ..type:
+ ..interface:
+ ..i64
+ ..nat
+ ..int
+ ..rev
+ ..module_separator
+ ..^open
+ ..cond
+ ..value@
+ ..open:
+ ..|>>
+ ..<<|
+ ..module:
+ ..\
+ ..with@
+ ..revised@
+ ..^template
+ ..++
+ ..--
+ ..loop
+ ..^slots
+ ..with_expansions
+ ..static
+ ..^multi
+ ..name_of
+ ..:parameter
+ ..same?
+ ..^@
+ ..^|>
+ ..:expected
+ ..undefined
+ ..:of
+ ..template:
+ ..as_is
+ ..char
+ ..for
+ ..``
+ ..^code
+ ..false
+ ..true
+ ..:let
+ ..try
+ ($.default /.Code')
+ ($.default /.Alias)
+ ($.default /.Bindings)
+ ($.default /.Ref)
+ ($.default /.Scope)
+ ($.default /.Source)
+ ($.default /.Module_State)
+ ($.default /.Type_Context)
+ ($.default /.Macro')]
+ /extension.documentation
@@ -52,7 +1029,8 @@
- /type.documentation]))
+ /type.documentation
+ /world.documentation]))
(program: inputs
(io.io (debug.log! ($.documentation ..documentation))))
diff --git a/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/control/function/mixin.lux b/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/control/function/mixin.lux
index f23f065b0..d0a8c9667 100644
--- a/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/control/function/mixin.lux
+++ b/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/control/function/mixin.lux
@@ -13,16 +13,16 @@
(documentation: /.Mixin
"A partially-defined function which can be mixed with others to inherit their behavior.")
-(documentation: /.mixin
+(documentation: /.fixed
"Given a mixin, produces a normal function."
- [(mixin f)])
+ [(fixed f)])
(documentation: /.nothing
"A mixin that does nothing and just delegates work to the next mixin.")
-(documentation: /.with
+(documentation: /.mixed
"Produces a new mixin, where the behavior of the child can make use of the behavior of the parent."
- [(with parent child)])
+ [(mixed parent child)])
(documentation: /.advice
"Only apply then mixin when the input meets some criterion."
@@ -48,9 +48,9 @@
($.module /._
- ..mixin
+ ..fixed
- ..with
+ ..mixed
diff --git a/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/data/collection/array.lux b/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/data/collection/array.lux
index e36cba1a8..ce1d461c5 100644
--- a/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/data/collection/array.lux
+++ b/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/data/collection/array.lux
@@ -84,12 +84,10 @@
[(of_list xs)])
(documentation: /.list
- "Yields a list with every non-empty item in the array."
- [(list array)])
-(documentation: /.list'
- "Like 'list', but uses the 'default' value when encountering an empty cell in the array."
- [(list' default array)])
+ (format "Yields a list with every non-empty item in the array."
+ \n "Can use the optional default value when encountering an empty cell in the array.")
+ [(list #.None array)
+ (list (#.Some default) array)])
(.def: .public documentation
(.List $.Module)
@@ -113,7 +111,6 @@
- ..list'
($.default /.type_name)
($.default /.equivalence)
($.default /.monoid)
diff --git a/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/data/text.lux b/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/data/text.lux
index 7887d97f6..690eacd4b 100644
--- a/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/data/text.lux
+++ b/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/data/text.lux
@@ -27,9 +27,9 @@
"Yields the character at the specified index."
[(char index input)])
-(documentation: /.index'
+(documentation: /.index_since
- [(index' from pattern input)])
+ [(index_since from pattern input)])
(documentation: /.index
@@ -75,9 +75,9 @@
"Clips a chunk of text from the input at the specified offset and of the specified size."
[(clip offset size input)])
-(documentation: /.clip'
+(documentation: /.clip_since
"Clips the remaining text from the input at the specified offset."
- [(clip' offset input)])
+ [(clip_since offset input)])
(documentation: /.split_at
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
- ..index'
+ ..index_since
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@
- ..clip'
+ ..clip_since
diff --git a/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/extension.lux b/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/extension.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d5b9836e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/extension.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+ [library
+ [lux #*
+ ["$" documentation (#+ documentation:)]
+ ["." debug]
+ [control
+ ["<>" parser
+ ["<.>" code]]]
+ [data
+ ["." text (#+ \n)
+ ["%" format (#+ format)]]
+ [collection
+ ["." row]]]
+ [macro
+ ["." template]]
+ ["@" target
+ ["." jvm]]
+ [tool
+ [compiler
+ ["." phase]
+ [language
+ [lux
+ [phase
+ ["." directive]]]]]]]]
+ [\\library
+ ["." /]])
+(documentation: /.analysis:
+ "Mechanism for defining extensions to Lux's analysis/type-checking infrastructure."
+ [(analysis: ("my analysis" self phase archive [pass_through <code>.any])
+ (phase archive pass_through))])
+(documentation: /.synthesis:
+ "Mechanism for defining extensions to Lux's synthesis/optimization infrastructure."
+ [(synthesis: ("my synthesis" self phase archive [pass_through <analysis>.any])
+ (phase archive pass_through))])
+(documentation: /.generation:
+ ""
+ [(generation: ("my generation" self phase archive [pass_through <synthesis>.any])
+ (for {@.jvm
+ (\ phase.monad each (|>> #jvm.Embedded
+ row.row)
+ (phase archive pass_through))}
+ (phase archive pass_through)))])
+(documentation: /.directive:
+ ""
+ [(directive: ("my directive" self phase archive [parameters (<>.some <code>.any)])
+ (do phase.monad
+ [.let [_ (debug.log! (format "Successfully installed directive " (%.text self) "!"))]]
+ (in directive.no_requirements)))])
+(.def: .public documentation
+ (.List $.Module)
+ ($.module /._
+ ""
+ [..analysis:
+ ..synthesis:
+ ..generation:
+ ..directive:]
+ []))
diff --git a/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/math.lux b/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/math.lux
index f41afe130..57b56dec2 100644
--- a/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/math.lux
+++ b/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/math.lux
@@ -34,9 +34,9 @@
[(atan/2 x y)])
-(documentation: /.log'
+(documentation: /.log_by
- [(log' base it)])
+ [(log_by base it)])
(.def: .public documentation
(.List $.Module)
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
- ..log'
+ ..log_by
($.default /.cos)
($.default /.sin)
($.default /.tan)
diff --git a/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/type.lux b/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/type.lux
index 0ad9a5f51..25d216dca 100644
--- a/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/type.lux
+++ b/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/type.lux
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
- [lux (#- and)
+ [lux (#- function :as)
["$" documentation (#+ documentation:)]
["<>" parser
["<.>" code]]]
["." text (#+ \n)
- ["%" format (#+ format)]]]
+ ["%" format]]]
["." template]]]]
@@ -17,27 +17,180 @@
["#." check]
["#." dynamic]
["#." implicit]
- ... ["#." poly]
- ... ["#." quotient]
- ... ["#." refinement]
- ... ["#." resource]
- ... ["#." unit]
- ... ["#." variance]
- ])
+ ["#." poly]
+ ["#." quotient]
+ ["#." refinement]
+ ["#." resource]
+ ["#." unit]
+ ["#." variance]])
+(template [<name>]
+ [(documentation: <name>
+ "The number of parameters, and the body, of a quantified type."
+ [(<name> type)])]
+ [/.flat_univ_q]
+ [/.flat_ex_q]
+ )
+(documentation: /.flat_function
+ "The input, and the output of a function type."
+ [(flat_function type)])
+(documentation: /.flat_application
+ "The quantified type, and its parameters, for a type-application."
+ [(flat_application type)])
+(template [<name>]
+ [(documentation: <name>
+ "The members of a composite type."
+ [(<name> type)])]
+ [/.flat_variant]
+ [/.flat_tuple]
+ )
+(documentation: /.format
+ "A (readable) textual representable of a type."
+ [(format type)])
+(documentation: /.applied
+ "To the extend possible, applies a quantified type to the given parameters."
+ [(applied params func)])
+(documentation: /.code
+ (%.format "A representation of a type as code."
+ \n "The code is such that evaluating it would yield the type value.")
+ [(code type)])
+(documentation: /.de_aliased
+ "A (potentially named) type that does not have its name shadowed by other names."
+ [(de_aliased type)])
+(documentation: /.anonymous
+ "A type without any names covering it."
+ [(anonymous type)])
+(template [<name>]
+ [(documentation: <name>
+ "A composite type, constituted by the given member types."
+ [(<name> types)])]
+ [/.variant]
+ [/.tuple]
+ )
+(documentation: /.function
+ "A function type, with the given inputs and output."
+ [(function inputs output)])
+(documentation: /.application
+ "An un-evaluated type application, with the given quantified type, and parameters."
+ [(application params quant)])
+(template [<name>]
+ [(documentation: <name>
+ "A quantified type, with the given number of parameters, and body."
+ [(<name> size body)])]
+ [/.univ_q]
+ [/.ex_q]
+ )
+(documentation: /.quantified?
+ "Only yields #1 for universally or existentially quantified types."
+ [(quantified? type)])
+(documentation: /.array
+ "An array type, with the given level of nesting/depth, and the given element type."
+ [(array depth element_type)])
+(documentation: /.flat_array
+ "The level of nesting/depth and element type for an array type."
+ [(flat_array type)])
+(documentation: /.array?
+ "Is a type an array type?")
+(documentation: /.:log!
+ "Logs to the console/terminal the type of an expression."
+ [(:log! (: Foo (foo expression)))
+ "=>"
+ "Expression: (foo expression)"
+ " Type: Foo"
+ (foo expression)])
+(documentation: /.:as
+ (%.format "Casts a value to a specific type."
+ \n "The specified type can depend on type variables of the original type of the value."
+ \n "NOTE: Careless use of type-casts is an easy way to introduce bugs. USE WITH CAUTION.")
+ [(: (Bar Bit Nat Text)
+ (:as [a b c]
+ (Foo a [b c])
+ (Bar a b c)
+ (: (Foo Bit [Nat Text])
+ (foo expression))))])
+(documentation: /.:sharing
+ "Allows specifing the type of an expression as sharing type-variables with the type of another expression."
+ [(: (Bar Bit Nat Text)
+ (:sharing [a b c]
+ (Foo a [b c])
+ (: (Foo Bit [Nat Text])
+ (foo expression))
+ (Bar a b c)
+ (bar expression)))])
+(documentation: /.:by_example
+ "Constructs a type that shares type-variables with an expression of some other type."
+ [(: Type
+ (:by_example [a b c]
+ (Foo a [b c])
+ (: (Foo Bit [Nat Text])
+ (foo expression))
+ (Bar a b c)))
+ "=>"
+ (.type (Bar Bit Nat Text))])
(.def: .public documentation
(.List $.Module)
($.module /._
- ""
- []
+ "Basic functionality for working with types."
+ [..flat_univ_q
+ ..flat_ex_q
+ ..flat_function
+ ..flat_application
+ ..flat_variant
+ ..flat_tuple
+ ..format
+ ..applied
+ ..code
+ ..de_aliased
+ ..anonymous
+ ..variant
+ ..tuple
+ ..function
+ ..application
+ ..univ_q
+ ..ex_q
+ ..quantified?
+ ..array
+ ..flat_array
+ ..array?
+ ..:log!
+ ..:as
+ ..:sharing
+ ..:by_example
+ ($.default /.equivalence)]
- ... /poly.documentation
- ... /quotient.documentation
- ... /refinement.documentation
- ... /resource.documentation
- ... /unit.documentation
- ... /variance.documentation
- ]))
+ /poly.documentation
+ /quotient.documentation
+ /refinement.documentation
+ /resource.documentation
+ /unit.documentation
+ /variance.documentation]))
diff --git a/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/type/check.lux b/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/type/check.lux
index 3264a87a3..f6f8db6f0 100644
--- a/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/type/check.lux
+++ b/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/type/check.lux
@@ -91,6 +91,6 @@
($.default /.apply)
($.default /.monad)
($.default /.bound?)
- ($.default /.read')
+ ($.default /.peek)
($.default /.read)]
diff --git a/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/type/poly.lux b/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/type/poly.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..47ea08837
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/type/poly.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+ [library
+ [lux (#- and)
+ ["$" documentation (#+ documentation:)]
+ [abstract
+ [\\specification
+ ["$." equivalence]
+ ["$." codec]]]
+ [control
+ ["<>" parser
+ ["<.>" code]]]
+ [data
+ ["." text (#+ \n)
+ ["%" format (#+ format)]]]
+ [macro
+ ["." template]]]]
+ [\\library
+ ["." /]])
+(documentation: /.derived:
+ ""
+ [(type: Variant
+ (.Variant
+ (#Bit Bit)
+ (#Text Text)
+ (#Frac Frac)))
+ (type: #rec Recursive
+ (.Variant
+ (#Number Frac)
+ (#Addition Frac Recursive)))
+ (type: Record
+ (.Record
+ {#bit Bit
+ #frac Frac
+ #text Text
+ #maybe (Maybe Frac)
+ #list (List Frac)
+ #dictionary (Dictionary Text Frac)
+ #variant Variant
+ #tuple [Bit Text Frac]
+ #recursive Recursive
+ #date Date
+ #grams (Qty Gram)}))
+ (derived: equivalence
+ ($equivalence.equivalence
+ Record))
+ (: (Equivalence Record)
+ equivalence)
+ (derived: codec
+ ($codec.codec
+ Record))
+ (: (Codec Json Record)
+ codec)])
+(documentation: /.code
+ ""
+ [(code env type)])
+(.def: .public documentation
+ (.List $.Module)
+ ($.module /._
+ ""
+ [..derived:
+ ..code
+ ($.default /.poly:)]
+ []))
diff --git a/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/type/quotient.lux b/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/type/quotient.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..51b9db079
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/type/quotient.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+ [library
+ [lux (#- type)
+ ["$" documentation (#+ documentation:)]
+ [control
+ ["<>" parser
+ ["<.>" code]]]
+ [data
+ ["." text (#+ \n)
+ ["%" format (#+ format)]]]
+ [macro
+ ["." template]]]]
+ [\\library
+ ["." /]])
+(documentation: /.Class
+ "The class knows how to classify/label values that are meant to be equivalent to one another.")
+(documentation: /.Quotient
+ (format "A quotient value has been labeled with a class."
+ \n "All equivalent values will belong to the same class."
+ \n "This means all equivalent values possess the same label."))
+(documentation: /.quotient
+ ""
+ [(quotient class value)])
+(documentation: /.type
+ "The Quotient type associated with a Class type."
+ [(def: even
+ (class even?))
+ (def: Even
+ Type
+ (type even))
+ (: Even
+ (quotient even 123))])
+(.def: .public documentation
+ (.List $.Module)
+ ($.module /._
+ ""
+ [..Class
+ ..Quotient
+ ..quotient
+ ..type
+ ($.default /.class)
+ ($.default /.value)
+ ($.default /.label)
+ ($.default /.equivalence)]
+ []))
diff --git a/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/type/refinement.lux b/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/type/refinement.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eb7c4b902
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/type/refinement.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+ [library
+ [lux (#- type)
+ ["$" documentation (#+ documentation:)]
+ [control
+ ["<>" parser
+ ["<.>" code]]]
+ [data
+ ["." text (#+ \n)
+ ["%" format (#+ format)]]]
+ [macro
+ ["." template]]]]
+ [\\library
+ ["." /]])
+(documentation: /.Refined
+ "A refined version of another type, using a predicate to select valid instances.")
+(documentation: /.Refiner
+ "A selection mechanism for refined instances of a type.")
+(documentation: /.refiner
+ ""
+ [(refiner predicate)])
+(documentation: /.lifted
+ (format "Yields a function that can work on refined values."
+ \n "Respects the constraints of the refinement.")
+ [(lifted transform)])
+(documentation: /.only
+ ""
+ [(only refiner values)])
+(documentation: /.partition
+ "Separates refined values from the un-refined ones."
+ [(partition refiner values)])
+(documentation: /.type
+ "The Refined type associated with a Refiner type."
+ [(def: even
+ (refiner even?))
+ (def: Even
+ Type
+ (type even))
+ (: (Maybe Even)
+ (even 123))])
+(.def: .public documentation
+ (.List $.Module)
+ ($.module /._
+ ""
+ [..Refined
+ ..Refiner
+ ..refiner
+ ..lifted
+ ..only
+ ..partition
+ ..type
+ ($.default /.value)
+ ($.default /.predicate)]
+ []))
diff --git a/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/type/resource.lux b/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/type/resource.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..653cac853
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/type/resource.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+ [library
+ [lux (#- and)
+ ["$" documentation (#+ documentation:)]
+ [control
+ ["<>" parser
+ ["<.>" code]]]
+ [data
+ ["." text (#+ \n)
+ ["%" format (#+ format)]]]
+ [macro
+ ["." template]]]]
+ [\\library
+ ["." /]])
+(documentation: /.Procedure
+ (format "A computation that takes a sequence of resource access rights as inputs and yields a different sequence as outputs."
+ \n "A procedure yields a result value."
+ \n "A procedure can make use of monadic effects."))
+(documentation: /.Linear
+ (format "A procedure that is constant with regards to resource access rights."
+ \n "This means no additional resources will be available after the computation is over."
+ \n "This also means no previously available resources will have been consumed."))
+(documentation: /.Affine
+ "A procedure which expands the number of available resources.")
+(documentation: /.Relevant
+ "A procedure which reduces the number of available resources.")
+(documentation: /.run!
+ ""
+ [(run! monad procedure)])
+(documentation: /.lifted
+ ""
+ [(lifted monad procedure)])
+(documentation: /.Ordered
+ "The mode of keys which CANNOT be swapped, and for whom order of release/consumption matters.")
+(documentation: /.Commutative
+ "The mode of keys which CAN be swapped, and for whom order of release/consumption DOES NOT matters.")
+(documentation: /.Key
+ (format "The access right for a resource."
+ \n "Without the key for a resource existing somewhere among the available ambient rights, one cannot use a resource."))
+(documentation: /.Res
+ (format "A resource locked by a key."
+ \n "The 'key' represents the right to access/consume a resource."))
+(template [<name>]
+ [(documentation: <name>
+ "Makes a value into a resource and adds the key/access-right to it to the ambient keyring for future use."
+ [(<name> monad value)])]
+ [/.ordered]
+ [/.commutative]
+ )
+(documentation: /.read
+ "Access the value of a resource, so long as its key is available."
+ [(read monad resource)])
+(documentation: /.exchange
+ (format "A function that can exchange the keys for resource, so long as they are commutative."
+ \n "This keys will be placed at the front of the keyring in the order they are specified."
+ \n "The specific keys must be specified based of their index into the current keyring.")
+ [(do (monad !)
+ [res|left (commutative ! pre)
+ res|right (commutative ! post)
+ _ ((exchange [1 0]) !)
+ left (read ! res|left)
+ right (read ! res|right)]
+ (in (format left right)))])
+(template [<name>]
+ [(documentation: <name>
+ "Group/un-group keys in the keyring into/out-of tuples."
+ [(do (monad !)
+ [res|left (commutative ! pre)
+ res|right (commutative ! post)
+ _ ((group 2) !)
+ _ ((un_group 2) !)
+ right (read ! res|right)
+ left (read ! res|left)]
+ (in (format left right)))])]
+ [/.group]
+ [/.un_group]
+ )
+(.def: .public documentation
+ (.List $.Module)
+ ($.module /._
+ ""
+ [..Procedure
+ ..Linear
+ ..Affine
+ ..Relevant
+ ..run!
+ ..lifted
+ ..Ordered
+ ..Commutative
+ ..Key
+ ..Res
+ ..ordered
+ ..commutative
+ ..read
+ ..exchange
+ ..group
+ ..un_group
+ ($.default /.monad)
+ ($.default /.index_cannot_be_repeated)
+ ($.default /.amount_cannot_be_zero)]
+ []))
diff --git a/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/type/unit.lux b/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/type/unit.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b33a797c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/type/unit.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+ [library
+ [lux (#- and)
+ ["$" documentation (#+ documentation:)]
+ [control
+ ["<>" parser
+ ["<.>" code]]]
+ [data
+ ["." text (#+ \n)
+ ["%" format (#+ format)]]]
+ [macro
+ ["." template]]
+ [math
+ [number
+ ["." ratio]]]]]
+ [\\library
+ ["." /]])
+(documentation: /.Qty
+ "A quantity with an associated unit of measurement.")
+(template [<name>]
+ [(documentation: <name>
+ ""
+ [(<name> param subject)])]
+ [/.+]
+ [/.-]
+ [/.*]
+ [/./]
+ )
+(documentation: /.Unit
+ "A unit of measurement, to qualify numbers with.")
+(documentation: /.Scale
+ "A scale of magnitude.")
+(documentation: /.Pure
+ "A pure, unit-less quantity.")
+(documentation: /.unit:
+ (format "Define a unit of measurement."
+ \n "Both the name of the type, and the name of the Unit implementation must be specified.")
+ [(unit: .public Feet feet)])
+(documentation: /.scale:
+ "Define a scale of magnitude."
+ [(scale: .public Bajillion bajillion
+ [1 1,234,567,890])])
+(documentation: /.re_scaled
+ ""
+ [(re_scaled from to quantity)])
+(template [<type> <scale>]
+ [(`` (documentation: <scale>
+ (let [numerator (value@ [#/.ratio #ratio.numerator] <scale>)
+ denominator (value@ [#/.ratio #ratio.denominator] <scale>)]
+ (format "'" (~~ (template.text [<type>])) "' scale from " (%.nat numerator) " to " (%.nat denominator) "."))))]
+ [/.Kilo /.kilo]
+ [/.Mega /.mega]
+ [/.Giga /.giga]
+ [/.Milli /.milli]
+ [/.Micro /.micro]
+ [/.Nano /.nano]
+ )
+(template [<type>]
+ [(`` (documentation: <type>
+ (format "'" (~~ (template.text [<type>])) "' unit of meaurement.")))]
+ [/.Gram]
+ [/.Meter]
+ [/.Litre]
+ [/.Second]
+ )
+(.def: .public documentation
+ (.List $.Module)
+ ($.module /._
+ ""
+ [..Qty
+ ..+
+ ..-
+ ..*
+ ../
+ ..Unit
+ ..Scale
+ ..Pure
+ ..unit:
+ ..scale:
+ ..re_scaled
+ ..kilo
+ ..mega
+ ..giga
+ ..milli
+ ..micro
+ ..nano
+ ..Gram
+ ..Meter
+ ..Litre
+ ..Second
+ ($.default /.pure)
+ ($.default /.number)
+ ($.default /.equivalence)
+ ($.default /.order)
+ ($.default /.enum)
+ ($.default /.Kilo)
+ ($.default /.Mega)
+ ($.default /.Giga)
+ ($.default /.Milli)
+ ($.default /.Micro)
+ ($.default /.Nano)]
+ []))
diff --git a/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/type/variance.lux b/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/type/variance.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7503f9197
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/type/variance.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ [library
+ [lux (#- and)
+ ["$" documentation (#+ documentation:)]
+ [control
+ ["<>" parser
+ ["<.>" code]]]
+ [data
+ ["." text (#+ \n)
+ ["%" format (#+ format)]]]
+ [macro
+ ["." template]]]]
+ [\\library
+ ["." /]])
+(documentation: /.Co
+ "A constraint for covariant types.")
+(documentation: /.Contra
+ "A constraint for contravariant types.")
+(documentation: /.In
+ "A constraint for invariant types.")
+(.def: .public documentation
+ (.List $.Module)
+ ($.module /._
+ ""
+ [..Co
+ ..Contra
+ ..In]
+ []))
diff --git a/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/world.lux b/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/world.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..834c8cdd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/world.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ [library
+ [lux #*
+ [program (#+ program:)]
+ ["$" documentation (#+ documentation:)]
+ ["." debug]
+ [control
+ ["." io]]
+ [data
+ [collection
+ ["." list ("#\." monoid)]]]]]
+ ["." / #_
+ ["#." console]
+ ["#." file]
+ ["#." input #_
+ ["#/." keyboard]]
+ ["#." net]
+ ["#." output #_
+ ["#/." video #_
+ ["#/." resolution]]]
+ ["#." program]
+ ["#." shell]])
+(.def: .public documentation
+ (.List $.Module)
+ ($_ list\composite
+ /console.documentation
+ /file.documentation
+ /input/keyboard.documentation
+ /net.documentation
+ /output/video/resolution.documentation
+ /program.documentation
+ /shell.documentation))
diff --git a/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/world/console.lux b/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/world/console.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..80841123d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/world/console.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+ [library
+ [lux #*
+ ["$" documentation (#+ documentation:)]
+ [control
+ ["<>" parser
+ ["<.>" code]]]
+ [data
+ ["." text (#+ \n)
+ ["%" format (#+ format)]]]
+ [macro
+ ["." template]]]]
+ [\\library
+ ["." /]])
+(documentation: /.Console
+ "An interface to console/terminal I/O.")
+(documentation: /.write_line
+ "Writes the message on the console and appends a new-line/line-feed at the end."
+ [(write_line message console)])
+(documentation: /.Mock
+ (format "A mock/simulation of a console."
+ \n "Useful for testing."))
+(documentation: /.mock
+ ""
+ [(mock mock init)])
+(.def: .public documentation
+ (.List $.Module)
+ ($.module /._
+ ""
+ [..Console
+ ..write_line
+ ..Mock
+ ..mock
+ ($.default /.async)
+ ($.default /.cannot_open)
+ ($.default /.cannot_close)
+ ($.default /.default)]
+ []))
diff --git a/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/world/file.lux b/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/world/file.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..06596ef56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/world/file.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+ [library
+ [lux #*
+ ["$" documentation (#+ documentation:)]
+ [control
+ ["<>" parser
+ ["<.>" code]]]
+ [data
+ ["." text (#+ \n)
+ ["%" format (#+ format)]]]
+ [macro
+ ["." template]]]]
+ [\\library
+ ["." /]]
+ ["." / #_
+ ["#." watch]])
+(documentation: /.Path
+ "A path to a file or a directory in a file-system.")
+(documentation: /.System
+ "An interface to a file-system.")
+(documentation: /.parent
+ "If a path represents a nested file/directory, extracts its parent directory."
+ [(parent fs path)])
+(documentation: /.name
+ "The un-nested name of a file/directory."
+ [(name fs path)])
+(documentation: /.rooted
+ "A nested path for a file/directory, given a root/parent path and a file/directory name within it."
+ [(rooted fs parent child)])
+(documentation: /.exists?
+ "Checks if either a file or a directory exists at the given path."
+ [(exists? monad fs path)])
+(documentation: /.mock
+ (format "A purely in-memory simulation of a file-system."
+ \n "Useful for testing.")
+ [(mock separator)])
+(documentation: /.make_directories
+ (format "Creates the directory specified by the given path."
+ \n "Also, creates every super-directory necessary to make the given path valid.")
+ [(make_directories monad fs path)])
+(documentation: /.make_file
+ "Creates a new file with the given content if-and-only-if the file does not already exist."
+ [(make_file monad fs content path)])
+(.def: .public documentation
+ (.List $.Module)
+ ($.module /._
+ ""
+ [..Path
+ ..System
+ ..parent
+ ..name
+ ..rooted
+ ..exists?
+ ..mock
+ ..make_directories
+ ..make_file
+ ($.default /.async)
+ ($.default /.cannot_make_file)
+ ($.default /.cannot_find_file)
+ ($.default /.cannot_delete)
+ ($.default /.cannot_make_directory)
+ ($.default /.cannot_find_directory)
+ ($.default /.cannot_read_all_data)
+ ($.default /.cannot_modify_file)
+ ($.default /.default)]
+ [/watch.documentation]))
diff --git a/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/world/file/watch.lux b/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/world/file/watch.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e310d8d2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/world/file/watch.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+ [library
+ [lux #*
+ ["$" documentation (#+ documentation:)]
+ [control
+ ["<>" parser
+ ["<.>" code]]]
+ [data
+ ["." text (#+ \n)
+ ["%" format (#+ format)]]]
+ [macro
+ ["." template]]]]
+ [\\library
+ ["." /]])
+(documentation: /.Concern
+ "A particular concern to watch-out for.")
+(documentation: /.also
+ ""
+ [(also left right)])
+(documentation: /.Watcher
+ "Machinery for watching a file-system for changes to files and directories.")
+(documentation: /.polling
+ (format "A simple watcher that works for any file-system."
+ "Polls files and directories to detect changes.")
+ [(polling fs)])
+(documentation: /.mock
+ (format "A fake/emulated watcher."
+ \n "Must be given a path separator for the file-system.")
+ [(mock separator)])
+(documentation: /.default
+ "The default watcher for the default file-system.")
+(.def: .public documentation
+ (.List $.Module)
+ ($.module /._
+ ""
+ [..Concern
+ ..also
+ ..Watcher
+ ..polling
+ ..mock
+ ..default
+ ($.default /.creation)
+ ($.default /.creation?)
+ ($.default /.modification)
+ ($.default /.modification?)
+ ($.default /.deletion)
+ ($.default /.deletion?)
+ ($.default /.all)
+ ($.default /.not_being_watched)
+ ($.default /.cannot_poll_a_non_existent_directory)]
+ []))
diff --git a/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/world/input/keyboard.lux b/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/world/input/keyboard.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8c63ade98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/world/input/keyboard.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+ [library
+ [lux #*
+ ["$" documentation (#+ documentation:)]
+ [control
+ ["<>" parser
+ ["<.>" code]]]
+ [data
+ ["." text (#+ \n)
+ ["%" format (#+ format)]]]
+ [macro
+ ["." template]]]]
+ [\\library
+ ["." /]])
+(documentation: /.Key
+ "A key from a keyboard, identify by a numeric ID.")
+(documentation: /.Press
+ "A key-press for a key.")
+(.def: .public documentation
+ (.List $.Module)
+ ($.module /._
+ ""
+ [..Key
+ ..Press
+ ($.default /.back_space)
+ ($.default /.enter)
+ ($.default /.shift)
+ ($.default /.control)
+ ($.default /.alt)
+ ($.default /.caps_lock)
+ ($.default /.escape)
+ ($.default /.space)
+ ($.default /.page_up)
+ ($.default /.page_down)
+ ($.default /.end)
+ ($.default /.home)
+ ($.default /.left)
+ ($.default /.up)
+ ($.default /.right)
+ ($.default /.down)
+ ($.default /.a)
+ ($.default /.b)
+ ($.default /.c)
+ ($.default /.d)
+ ($.default /.e)
+ ($.default /.f)
+ ($.default /.g)
+ ($.default /.h)
+ ($.default /.i)
+ ($.default /.j)
+ ($.default /.k)
+ ($.default /.l)
+ ($.default /.m)
+ ($.default /.n)
+ ($.default /.o)
+ ($.default /.p)
+ ($.default /.q)
+ ($.default /.r)
+ ($.default /.s)
+ ($.default /.t)
+ ($.default /.u)
+ ($.default /.v)
+ ($.default /.w)
+ ($.default /.x)
+ ($.default /.y)
+ ($.default /.z)
+ ($.default /.num_pad_0)
+ ($.default /.num_pad_1)
+ ($.default /.num_pad_2)
+ ($.default /.num_pad_3)
+ ($.default /.num_pad_4)
+ ($.default /.num_pad_5)
+ ($.default /.num_pad_6)
+ ($.default /.num_pad_7)
+ ($.default /.num_pad_8)
+ ($.default /.num_pad_9)
+ ($.default /.delete)
+ ($.default /.num_lock)
+ ($.default /.scroll_lock)
+ ($.default /.print_screen)
+ ($.default /.insert)
+ ($.default /.windows)
+ ($.default /.f1)
+ ($.default /.f2)
+ ($.default /.f3)
+ ($.default /.f4)
+ ($.default /.f5)
+ ($.default /.f6)
+ ($.default /.f7)
+ ($.default /.f8)
+ ($.default /.f9)
+ ($.default /.f10)
+ ($.default /.f11)
+ ($.default /.f12)
+ ($.default /.f13)
+ ($.default /.f14)
+ ($.default /.f15)
+ ($.default /.f16)
+ ($.default /.f17)
+ ($.default /.f18)
+ ($.default /.f19)
+ ($.default /.f20)
+ ($.default /.f21)
+ ($.default /.f22)
+ ($.default /.f23)
+ ($.default /.f24)
+ ($.default /.release)
+ ($.default /.press)]
+ []))
diff --git a/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/world/net.lux b/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/world/net.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f6247b2e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/world/net.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ [library
+ [lux #*
+ [program (#+ program:)]
+ ["$" documentation (#+ documentation:)]
+ ["." debug]
+ [control
+ ["." io]]]]
+ [\\library
+ ["." /]]
+ ["." / #_
+ ["#." uri]
+ ["#." http #_
+ ["#/." client]
+ ["#/." status]]])
+(documentation: /.Address
+ "A TCP/IP address.")
+(documentation: /.Port
+ "A TCP/IP port.")
+(documentation: /.URL
+ "A Uniform Resource Locator.")
+(.def: .public documentation
+ (.List $.Module)
+ ($.module /._
+ ""
+ [..Address
+ ..Port
+ ..URL
+ ($.default /.Location)]
+ [/uri.documentation
+ /http/client.documentation
+ /http/status.documentation]))
diff --git a/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/world/net/http/client.lux b/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/world/net/http/client.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3534ebc6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/world/net/http/client.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+ [library
+ [lux #*
+ ["$" documentation (#+ documentation:)]
+ [control
+ ["<>" parser
+ ["<.>" code]]]
+ [data
+ ["." text (#+ \n)
+ ["%" format (#+ format)]]]
+ [macro
+ ["." template]]]]
+ [\\library
+ ["." /]])
+(documentation: /.Client
+ "A HTTP client capable of issuing requests to a HTTP server.")
+(template [<name>]
+ [(documentation: <name>
+ (format "A " (text.upper_cased (template.text [<name>])) " request."))]
+ [/.post]
+ [/.get]
+ [/.put]
+ [/.patch]
+ [/.delete]
+ [/.head]
+ [/.connect]
+ [/.options]
+ [/.trace]
+ [/.default]
+ [/.async]
+ [/.headers]
+ )
+(.def: .public documentation
+ (.List $.Module)
+ ($.module /._
+ ""
+ [..Client
+ ..post
+ ..get
+ ..put
+ ..patch
+ ..delete
+ ..head
+ ..connect
+ ..options
+ ..trace
+ ..default
+ ..async
+ ..headers]
+ []))
diff --git a/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/world/net/http/status.lux b/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/world/net/http/status.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f0623b88d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/world/net/http/status.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+ [library
+ [lux #*
+ ["$" documentation (#+ documentation:)]
+ [control
+ ["<>" parser
+ ["<.>" code]]]
+ [data
+ ["." text (#+ \n)
+ ["%" format (#+ format)]]]
+ [macro
+ ["." template]]]]
+ [\\library
+ ["." /]])
+(template [<name>]
+ [(documentation: <name>
+ (|> (template.text [<name>])
+ (text.replaced "_" " ")
+ text.upper_cased
+ (format (%.nat <name>) ": ")))]
+ ... 1xx Informational response
+ [/.continue]
+ [/.switching_protocols]
+ [/.processing]
+ [/.early_hints]
+ ... 2xx Success
+ [/.ok]
+ [/.created]
+ [/.accepted]
+ [/.non_authoritative_information]
+ [/.no_content]
+ [/.reset_content]
+ [/.partial_content]
+ [/.multi_status]
+ [/.already_reported]
+ [/.im_used]
+ ... 3xx Redirection
+ [/.multiple_choices]
+ [/.moved_permanently]
+ [/.found]
+ [/.see_other]
+ [/.not_modified]
+ [/.use_proxy]
+ [/.switch_proxy]
+ [/.temporary_redirect]
+ [/.permanent_redirect]
+ ... 4xx Client errors
+ [/.bad_request]
+ [/.unauthorized]
+ [/.payment_required]
+ [/.forbidden]
+ [/.not_found]
+ [/.method_not_allowed]
+ [/.not_acceptable]
+ [/.proxy_authentication_required]
+ [/.request_timeout]
+ [/.conflict]
+ [/.gone]
+ [/.length_required]
+ [/.precondition_failed]
+ [/.payload_too_large]
+ [/.uri_too_long]
+ [/.unsupported_media_type]
+ [/.range_not_satisfiable]
+ [/.expectation_failed]
+ [/.im_a_teapot]
+ [/.misdirected_request]
+ [/.unprocessable_entity]
+ [/.locked]
+ [/.failed_dependency]
+ [/.upgrade_required]
+ [/.precondition_required]
+ [/.too_many_requests]
+ [/.request_header_fields_too_large]
+ [/.unavailable_for_legal_reasons]
+ ... 5xx Server errors
+ [/.internal_server_error]
+ [/.not_implemented]
+ [/.bad_gateway]
+ [/.service_unavailable]
+ [/.gateway_timeout]
+ [/.http_version_not_supported]
+ [/.variant_also_negotiates]
+ [/.insufficient_storage]
+ [/.loop_detected]
+ [/.not_extended]
+ [/.network_authentication_required]
+ )
+(.def: .public documentation
+ (.List $.Module)
+ ($.module /._
+ ""
+ [ ... 1xx Informational response
+ ..continue
+ ..switching_protocols
+ ..processing
+ ..early_hints
+ ... 2xx Success
+ ..ok
+ ..created
+ ..accepted
+ ..non_authoritative_information
+ ..no_content
+ ..reset_content
+ ..partial_content
+ ..multi_status
+ ..already_reported
+ ..im_used
+ ... 3xx Redirection
+ ..multiple_choices
+ ..moved_permanently
+ ..found
+ ..see_other
+ ..not_modified
+ ..use_proxy
+ ..switch_proxy
+ ..temporary_redirect
+ ..permanent_redirect
+ ... 4xx Client errors
+ ..bad_request
+ ..unauthorized
+ ..payment_required
+ ..forbidden
+ ..not_found
+ ..method_not_allowed
+ ..not_acceptable
+ ..proxy_authentication_required
+ ..request_timeout
+ ..conflict
+ ..gone
+ ..length_required
+ ..precondition_failed
+ ..payload_too_large
+ ..uri_too_long
+ ..unsupported_media_type
+ ..range_not_satisfiable
+ ..expectation_failed
+ ..im_a_teapot
+ ..misdirected_request
+ ..unprocessable_entity
+ ..locked
+ ..failed_dependency
+ ..upgrade_required
+ ..precondition_required
+ ..too_many_requests
+ ..request_header_fields_too_large
+ ..unavailable_for_legal_reasons
+ ... 5xx Server errors
+ ..internal_server_error
+ ..not_implemented
+ ..bad_gateway
+ ..service_unavailable
+ ..gateway_timeout
+ ..http_version_not_supported
+ ..variant_also_negotiates
+ ..insufficient_storage
+ ..loop_detected
+ ..not_extended
+ ..network_authentication_required]
+ []))
diff --git a/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/world/net/uri.lux b/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/world/net/uri.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..710bf4b7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/world/net/uri.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ [library
+ [lux #*
+ [program (#+ program:)]
+ ["$" documentation (#+ documentation:)]
+ ["." debug]
+ [control
+ ["." io]]]]
+ [\\library
+ ["." /]])
+(documentation: /.URI
+ "A Uniform Resource Identifier.")
+(documentation: /.separator
+ "A separator for the pieces of a URI.")
+(.def: .public documentation
+ (.List $.Module)
+ ($.module /._
+ ""
+ [..URI
+ ..separator]
+ []))
diff --git a/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/world/output/video/resolution.lux b/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/world/output/video/resolution.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6425902c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/world/output/video/resolution.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+ [library
+ [lux #*
+ ["$" documentation (#+ documentation:)]
+ [control
+ ["<>" parser
+ ["<.>" code]]]
+ [data
+ ["." text (#+ \n)
+ ["%" format (#+ format)]]]
+ [macro
+ ["." template]]]]
+ [\\library
+ ["." /]])
+(documentation: /.Resolution
+ "A screen resolution.")
+(template [<name>]
+ [(documentation: <name>
+ (let [name (|> (template.text [<name>])
+ (text.replaced "/" " ")
+ (text.replaced "_" " ")
+ text.upper_cased)]
+ (format name " resolution: "
+ (%.nat (value@ #/.width <name>))
+ "x" (%.nat (value@ #/.height <name>))
+ ".")))]
+ [/.svga]
+ [/.wsvga]
+ [/.xga]
+ [/.xga+]
+ [/.wxga/16:9]
+ [/.wxga/5:3]
+ [/.wxga/16:10]
+ [/.sxga]
+ [/.wxga+]
+ [/.hd+]
+ [/.wsxga+]
+ [/.fhd]
+ [/.wuxga]
+ [/.wqhd]
+ [/.uhd_4k]
+ )
+(.def: .public documentation
+ (.List $.Module)
+ ($.module /._
+ ""
+ [..Resolution
+ ..svga
+ ..wsvga
+ ..xga
+ ..xga+
+ ..wxga/16:9
+ ..wxga/5:3
+ ..wxga/16:10
+ ..sxga
+ ..wxga+
+ ..hd+
+ ..wsxga+
+ ..fhd
+ ..wuxga
+ ..wqhd
+ ..uhd_4k
+ ($.default /.hash)
+ ($.default /.equivalence)]
+ []))
diff --git a/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/world/program.lux b/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/world/program.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d61db573b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/world/program.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+ [library
+ [lux #*
+ ["$" documentation (#+ documentation:)]
+ [control
+ ["<>" parser
+ ["<.>" code]]]
+ [data
+ ["." text (#+ \n)
+ ["%" format (#+ format)]]]
+ [macro
+ ["." template]]]]
+ [\\library
+ ["." /]])
+(documentation: /.Program
+ "Access to ambient program data and the capacity to exit the program.")
+(documentation: /.environment
+ "Assembles the environment variables available to the program."
+ [(environment monad program)])
+(documentation: /.mock
+ ""
+ [(mock environment home directory)])
+(.def: .public documentation
+ (.List $.Module)
+ ($.module /._
+ ""
+ [..Program
+ ..environment
+ ..mock
+ ($.default /.unknown_environment_variable)
+ ($.default /.async)
+ ($.default /.default)]
+ []))
diff --git a/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/world/shell.lux b/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/world/shell.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..43264c503
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/world/shell.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+ [library
+ [lux #*
+ ["$" documentation (#+ documentation:)]
+ [control
+ ["<>" parser
+ ["<.>" code]]]
+ [data
+ ["." text (#+ \n)
+ ["%" format (#+ format)]]]
+ [macro
+ ["." template]]]]
+ [\\library
+ ["." /]])
+(documentation: /.Exit
+ "A program exit code.")
+(documentation: /.Process
+ "The means for communicating with a program/process being executed by the operating system.")
+(documentation: /.Command
+ "A command that can be executed by the operating system.")
+(documentation: /.Argument
+ "A parameter for a command.")
+(documentation: /.Shell
+ "The means for issuing commands to the operating system.")
+(documentation: /.Mock
+ "A simulated process.")
+(documentation: /.mock
+ ""
+ [(mock mock init)])
+(.def: .public documentation
+ (.List $.Module)
+ ($.module /._
+ ""
+ [..Exit
+ ..Process
+ ..Command
+ ..Argument
+ ..Shell
+ ..Mock
+ ..mock
+ ($.default /.normal)
+ ($.default /.error)
+ ($.default /.async)
+ ($.default /.no_more_output)
+ ($.default /.default)]
+ []))