path: root/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/data
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
8 files changed, 440 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/data/collection.lux b/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/data/collection.lux
index e96f59465..04470c5ca 100644
--- a/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/data/collection.lux
+++ b/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/data/collection.lux
@@ -15,14 +15,9 @@
["#." queue]
["#." row]
["#." sequence]
- ... ["#." stack]
- ... ["#." set
- ... ["#/." multi]
- ... ["#/." ordered]]
- ... ["#." tree
- ... ["#/." finger]
- ... ["#/." zipper]]
- ])
+ ["#." stack]
+ ["#." set]
+ ["#." tree]])
(.def: .public documentation
(.List $.Module)
@@ -34,7 +29,7 @@
- ... /stack.documentation
- ... /set.documentation
- ... /tree.documentation
+ /stack.documentation
+ /set.documentation
+ /tree.documentation
diff --git a/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/data/collection/set.lux b/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/data/collection/set.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2778305ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/data/collection/set.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+ [library
+ [lux (#- list)
+ ["$" documentation (#+ documentation:)]
+ [control
+ ["<>" parser
+ ["<.>" code]]]
+ [data
+ ["." text (#+ \n)
+ ["%" format (#+ format)]]]
+ [macro
+ ["." template]]]]
+ [\\library
+ ["." /]]
+ ["." / #_
+ ["#." multi]
+ ["#." ordered]])
+(documentation: /.has
+ ""
+ [(has elem set)])
+(documentation: /.difference
+ ""
+ [(difference sub base)])
+(documentation: /.intersection
+ ""
+ [(intersection filter base)])
+(documentation: /.sub?
+ ""
+ [(sub? super sub)])
+(documentation: /.super?
+ ""
+ [(super? sub super)])
+(.def: .public documentation
+ (.List $.Module)
+ ($.module /._
+ ""
+ [..has
+ ..difference
+ ..intersection
+ ..sub?
+ ..super?
+ ($.default /.Set)
+ ($.default /.member_hash)
+ ($.default /.empty)
+ ($.default /.size)
+ ($.default /.lacks)
+ ($.default /.member?)
+ ($.default /.list)
+ ($.default /.union)
+ ($.default /.equivalence)
+ ($.default /.hash)
+ ($.default /.monoid)
+ ($.default /.empty?)
+ ($.default /.of_list)
+ ($.default /.predicate)]
+ [/multi.documentation
+ /ordered.documentation]))
diff --git a/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/data/collection/set/multi.lux b/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/data/collection/set/multi.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6e38886dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/data/collection/set/multi.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+ [library
+ [lux (#- list)
+ ["$" documentation (#+ documentation:)]
+ [control
+ ["<>" parser
+ ["<.>" code]]]
+ [data
+ ["." text (#+ \n)
+ ["%" format (#+ format)]]]
+ [macro
+ ["." template]]]]
+ [\\library
+ ["." /]])
+(documentation: /.Set
+ "A set that keeps track of repetition in its entries.")
+(documentation: /.has
+ ""
+ [(has multiplicity elem set)])
+(documentation: /.lacks
+ ""
+ [(lacks multiplicity elem set)])
+(documentation: /.multiplicity
+ ""
+ [(multiplicity set elem)])
+(template [<name>]
+ [(documentation: <name>
+ ""
+ [(<name> parameter subject)])]
+ [/.union]
+ [/.sum]
+ [/.intersection]
+ [/.difference]
+ )
+(documentation: /.sub?
+ "Is 'subject' a sub-set of 'reference'?"
+ [(sub? reference subject)])
+(documentation: /.support
+ "A set of the unique (non repeated) members."
+ [(support set)])
+(documentation: /.member?
+ ""
+ [(member? set elem)])
+(documentation: /.super?
+ "Is 'subject' a super-set of 'reference'?")
+(.def: .public documentation
+ (.List $.Module)
+ ($.module /._
+ ""
+ [..Set
+ ..has
+ ..lacks
+ ..multiplicity
+ ..union
+ ..sum
+ ..intersection
+ ..difference
+ ..sub?
+ ..support
+ ..member?
+ ..super?
+ ($.default /.empty)
+ ($.default /.size)
+ ($.default /.list)
+ ($.default /.equivalence)
+ ($.default /.hash)
+ ($.default /.empty?)
+ ($.default /.of_list)
+ ($.default /.of_set)]
+ []))
diff --git a/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/data/collection/set/ordered.lux b/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/data/collection/set/ordered.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0ace59c12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/data/collection/set/ordered.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+ [library
+ [lux (#- list)
+ ["$" documentation (#+ documentation:)]
+ [control
+ ["<>" parser
+ ["<.>" code]]]
+ [data
+ ["." text (#+ \n)
+ ["%" format (#+ format)]]]
+ [macro
+ ["." template]]]]
+ [\\library
+ ["." /]])
+(documentation: /.Set
+ "A set with ordered entries.")
+(documentation: /.member?
+ ""
+ [(member? set elem)])
+(documentation: /.has
+ ""
+ [(has elem set)])
+(documentation: /.lacks
+ ""
+ [(lacks elem set)])
+(documentation: /.difference
+ ""
+ [(difference param subject)])
+(documentation: /.sub?
+ "Is 'sub' a sub-set of 'super'?"
+ [(sub? super sub)])
+(documentation: /.super?
+ "Is 'super' a super-set of 'sub'?"
+ [(super? sub super)])
+(.def: .public documentation
+ (.List $.Module)
+ ($.module /._
+ ""
+ [..Set
+ ..member?
+ ..has
+ ..lacks
+ ..difference
+ ..sub?
+ ..super?
+ ($.default /.empty)
+ ($.default /.min)
+ ($.default /.max)
+ ($.default /.size)
+ ($.default /.empty?)
+ ($.default /.list)
+ ($.default /.of_list)
+ ($.default /.union)
+ ($.default /.intersection)
+ ($.default /.equivalence)]
+ []))
diff --git a/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/data/collection/stack.lux b/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/data/collection/stack.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c020db741
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/data/collection/stack.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+ [library
+ [lux (#- list)
+ ["$" documentation (#+ documentation:)]
+ [control
+ ["<>" parser
+ ["<.>" code]]]
+ [data
+ ["." text (#+ \n)
+ ["%" format (#+ format)]]]
+ [macro
+ ["." template]]]]
+ [\\library
+ ["." /]])
+(documentation: /.Stack
+ "A first-in, last-out sequential data-structure.")
+(documentation: /.value
+ "Yields the top value in the stack, if any."
+ [(value stack)])
+(documentation: /.next
+ ""
+ [(next stack)])
+(documentation: /.top
+ ""
+ [(top value stack)])
+(.def: .public documentation
+ (.List $.Module)
+ ($.module /._
+ ""
+ [..Stack
+ ..value
+ ..next
+ ..top
+ ($.default /.empty)
+ ($.default /.size)
+ ($.default /.empty?)
+ ($.default /.equivalence)
+ ($.default /.functor)]
+ []))
diff --git a/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/data/collection/tree.lux b/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/data/collection/tree.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..310073287
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/data/collection/tree.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+ [library
+ [lux (#- list)
+ ["$" documentation (#+ documentation:)]
+ [control
+ ["<>" parser
+ ["<.>" code]]]
+ [data
+ ["." text (#+ \n)
+ ["%" format (#+ format)]]]
+ [macro
+ ["." template]]]]
+ [\\library
+ ["." /]]
+ ["." / #_
+ ["#." finger]
+ ["#." zipper]])
+(documentation: /.Tree
+ "A generic tree data-structure.")
+(documentation: /.flat
+ "All the leaf values of the tree, in order."
+ [(flat tree)])
+(documentation: /.leaf
+ ""
+ [(leaf value)])
+(documentation: /.branch
+ ""
+ [(branch value children)])
+(documentation: /.tree
+ "Tree literals."
+ [(: (Tree Nat)
+ (tree 12
+ {34 {}
+ 56 {}
+ 78 {90 {}}}))])
+(.def: .public documentation
+ (.List $.Module)
+ ($.module /._
+ ""
+ [..Tree
+ ..flat
+ ..leaf
+ ..branch
+ ..tree
+ ($.default /.equivalence)
+ ($.default /.functor)
+ ($.default /.mix)]
+ [/finger.documentation
+ /zipper.documentation]))
diff --git a/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/data/collection/tree/finger.lux b/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/data/collection/tree/finger.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..683d98f51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/data/collection/tree/finger.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+ [library
+ [lux (#- list)
+ ["$" documentation (#+ documentation:)]
+ [control
+ ["<>" parser
+ ["<.>" code]]]
+ [data
+ ["." text (#+ \n)
+ ["%" format (#+ format)]]]
+ [macro
+ ["." template]]]]
+ [\\library
+ ["." /]])
+(documentation: /.Tree
+ "A finger tree.")
+(documentation: /.Builder
+ "A builder for finter tree structures.")
+(documentation: /.builder
+ "A new builder using the given monoid."
+ [(builder monoid)])
+(documentation: /.value
+ ""
+ [(value tree)])
+(documentation: /.tags
+ ""
+ [(tags tree)])
+(documentation: /.values
+ ""
+ [(values tree)])
+(documentation: /.one
+ "Finds one value that meets the predicate."
+ [(one predicate tree)])
+(documentation: /.exists?
+ "Verifies that a value exists which meets the predicate."
+ [(exists? predicate tree)])
+(.def: .public documentation
+ (.List $.Module)
+ ($.module /._
+ ""
+ [..Tree
+ ..Builder
+ ..builder
+ ..value
+ ..tags
+ ..values
+ ..one
+ ..exists?
+ ($.default /.tag)
+ ($.default /.root)]
+ []))
diff --git a/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/data/collection/tree/zipper.lux b/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/data/collection/tree/zipper.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d67fb37bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/documentation/lux/data/collection/tree/zipper.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+ [library
+ [lux (#- list)
+ ["$" documentation (#+ documentation:)]
+ [control
+ ["<>" parser
+ ["<.>" code]]]
+ [data
+ ["." text (#+ \n)
+ ["%" format (#+ format)]]]
+ [macro
+ ["." template]]]]
+ [\\library
+ ["." /]])
+(documentation: /.Zipper
+ "Tree zippers, for easy navigation and editing of trees.")
+(documentation: /.set
+ ""
+ [(set value zipper)])
+(documentation: /.update
+ ""
+ [(update transform zipper)])
+(documentation: /.interpose
+ ""
+ [(interpose value zipper)])
+(documentation: /.adopt
+ ""
+ [(adopt value zipper)])
+(.def: .public documentation
+ (.List $.Module)
+ ($.module /._
+ ""
+ [..Zipper
+ ..set
+ ..update
+ ..interpose
+ ..adopt
+ ($.default /.equivalence)
+ ($.default /.zipper)
+ ($.default /.tree)
+ ($.default /.value)
+ ($.default /.leaf?)
+ ($.default /.branch?)
+ ($.default /.start?)
+ ($.default /.down)
+ ($.default /.up)
+ ($.default /.right)
+ ($.default /.rightmost)
+ ($.default /.left)
+ ($.default /.leftmost)
+ ($.default /.next)
+ ($.default /.previous)
+ ($.default /.end)
+ ($.default /.start)
+ ($.default /.end?)
+ ($.default /.remove)
+ ($.default /.insert_left)
+ ($.default /.insert_right)
+ ($.default /.functor)
+ ($.default /.comonad)]
+ []))