path: root/src/lux/base.clj
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/lux/base.clj')
1 files changed, 247 insertions, 196 deletions
diff --git a/src/lux/base.clj b/src/lux/base.clj
index d2d06c6ea..d0b349eeb 100644
--- a/src/lux/base.clj
+++ b/src/lux/base.clj
@@ -1,36 +1,67 @@
(ns lux.base
(:require (clojure [template :refer [do-template]])
- [clojure.core.match :as M :refer [match matchv]]
+ [clojure.core.match :as M :refer [matchv]]
-;; [Resources]
-;; [Resources/Contants]
+;; [Exports]
(def +name-separator+ ";")
-;; [Resources/Utils]
+(defn T [& elems]
+ (to-array elems))
+(defn V [tag value]
+ (to-array [tag value]))
+(defn R [& kvs]
+ (to-array kvs))
+(defn get$ [slot record]
+ (let [size (alength record)]
+ (loop [idx 0]
+ (if (< idx size)
+ (if (= slot (aget record idx))
+ (aget record (+ 1 idx))
+ (recur (+ 2 idx)))
+ (assert false)))))
+(defn set$ [slot value record]
+ (let [record (aclone record)
+ size (alength record)]
+ (loop [idx 0]
+ (if (< idx size)
+ (if (= slot (aget record idx))
+ (aset record (+ 1 idx) value)
+ (recur (+ 2 idx)))
+ (assert false)))))
+(defmacro update$ [slot f record]
+ `(let [record# ~record]
+ (set$ ~slot (~f (get$ ~slot record#))
+ record#)))
(defn fail* [message]
- [::failure message])
+ (V "Left" message))
(defn return* [state value]
- [::ok [state value]])
+ (V "Right" (T state value)))
;; [Resources/Monads]
(defn fail [message]
(fn [_]
- [::failure message]))
+ (V "Left" message)))
(defn return [value]
(fn [state]
- [::ok [state value]]))
+ (V "Right" (T state value))))
(defn bind [m-value step]
(fn [state]
(let [inputs (m-value state)]
- (match inputs
- [::ok [?state ?datum]]
+ (matchv ::M/objects [inputs]
+ [["Right" [?state ?datum]]]
((step ?datum) ?state)
- [::failure _]
+ [_]
(defmacro exec [steps return]
@@ -45,78 +76,127 @@
(reverse (partition 2 steps))))
;; [Resources/Combinators]
-(defn try-m [monad]
+(defn try% [monad]
(fn [state]
- (match (monad state)
- [::ok [?state ?datum]]
+ (matchv ::M/objects [(monad state)]
+ [["Right" [?state ?datum]]]
(return* ?state ?datum)
- [::failure _]
+ [_]
(return* state nil))))
-(defn repeat-m [monad]
- (fn [state]
- (match (monad state)
- [::ok [?state ?head]]
- (do ;; (prn 'repeat-m/?state ?state)
- (match ((repeat-m monad) ?state)
- [::ok [?state* ?tail]]
- (do ;; (prn 'repeat-m/?state* ?state*)
- (return* ?state* (cons ?head ?tail)))))
- [::failure ?message]
- (do ;; (println "Failed at last:" ?message)
- (return* state '())))))
+(defn |cons [head tail]
+ (V "Cons" (T head tail)))
-(def source-consumed?
- (fn [state]
- [::ok [state (empty? (::source state))]]))
+(defn |map [f xs]
+ (matchv ::M/objects [xs]
+ [["Nil" _]]
+ xs
-(defn exhaust-m [monad]
- (exec [output-h monad
- ? source-consumed?
- output-t (if ?
- (return (list))
- (exhaust-m monad))]
- (return (cons output-h output-t))))
+ [["Cons" [x xs*]]]
+ (V "Cons" (T (f x) (|map f xs*)))))
-(defn try-all-m [monads]
- (if (empty? monads)
- (fail "Can't try no alternatives!")
- (fn [state]
- (let [output ((first monads) state)]
- (match output
- [::ok _]
- output
- _
- (if-let [monads* (seq (rest monads))]
- ((try-all-m monads*) state)
- output)
- )))))
+(defn fold [f init xs]
+ (matchv ::M/objects [xs]
+ [["Nil" _]]
+ init
+ [["Cons" [x xs*]]]
+ (fold f (f init x) xs*)))
+(defn |length [xs]
+ (fold (fn [acc _] (inc acc)) 0 xs))
-(defn if-m [text-m then-m else-m]
+(defn zip2 [xs ys]
+ (matchv ::M/objects [xs ys]
+ [["Cons" [x xs*]] ["Cons" [y ys*]]]
+ (V "Cons" (T (T x y) (zip2 xs* ys*)))
+ [_ _]
+ (V "Nil" nil)))
+(defn |keys [plist]
+ (matchv ::M/objects [plist]
+ [["Nil" _]]
+ (|list)
+ [["Cons" [[k v] plist*]]]
+ (|cons k (|keys plist*))))
+(defn |interpose [sep xs]
+ (matchv ::M/objects [xs]
+ [["Nil" _]]
+ xs
+ [["Cons" [_ ["Nil" _]]]]
+ xs
+ [["Cons" [x xs*]]]
+ (V "Cons" (T x (V "Cons" (T sep (|interpose sep xs*)))))))
+(let [cons% (fn [head tail]
+ (V "Cons" (T head tail)))
+ ++% (fn ++% [xs ys]
+ (matchv ::M/objects [xs]
+ [["Nil" _]]
+ ys
+ [["Cons" [x xs*]]]
+ (V "Cons" (T x (++% xs* ys)))))]
+ (do-template [<name> <joiner>]
+ (defn <name> [f xs]
+ (matchv ::M/objects [xs]
+ [["Nil" _]]
+ (return xs)
+ [["Cons" [x xs*]]]
+ (exec [y (f x)
+ ys (<name> f xs*)]
+ (return (<joiner> y ys)))))
+ map% cons%
+ flat-map% ++%))
+(defn fold% [f init xs]
+ (matchv ::M/objects [xs]
+ [["Nil" _]]
+ init
+ [["Cons" [x xs*]]]
+ (fold% f (f init x) xs*)))
+(defn |get [record slot]
+ (matchv ::M/objects [record]
+ [["Nil" _]]
+ (V "Left" (str "Not found: " slot))
+ [["Cons" [[k v] record*]]]
+ (if (= k slot)
+ (V "Right" v)
+ (|get record* slot))))
+(defmacro |list [& elems]
+ (reduce (fn [tail head]
+ `(V "Cons" (T ~head ~tail)))
+ `(V "Nil" nil)
+ elems))
+(defn if% [text-m then-m else-m]
(exec [? text-m]
(if ?
-(defn reduce-m [f init inputs]
- (if (empty? inputs)
- (return init)
- (exec [init* (f init (first inputs))]
- (reduce-m f init* (rest inputs)))))
-(defn apply-m [monad call-state]
+(defn apply% [monad call-state]
(fn [state]
;; (prn 'apply-m monad call-state)
(let [output (monad call-state)]
;; (prn 'apply-m/output output)
- (match output
- [::ok [?state ?datum]]
- [::ok [state ?datum]]
+ (matchv ::M/objects [output]
+ [["Right" [?state ?datum]]]
+ (return* state ?datum)
- [::failure _]
+ [_]
(defn assert! [test message]
@@ -124,7 +204,7 @@
(return nil)
(fail message)))
-(defn comp-m [f-m g-m]
+(defn comp% [f-m g-m]
(exec [temp g-m]
(f-m temp)))
@@ -136,15 +216,61 @@
(fn [state]
(return* state state)))
-(defn sequence-m [m-values]
- (match m-values
- ([head & tail] :seq)
+(defn sequence% [m-values]
+ (matchv ::M/objects [m-values]
+ [["Cons" [head tail]]]
(exec [_ head]
- (sequence-m tail))
+ (sequence% tail))
- _
+ [_]
(return nil)))
+(defn repeat% [monad]
+ (fn [state]
+ (matchv ::M/objects [(monad state)]
+ [["Right" [?state ?head]]]
+ (do ;; (prn 'repeat-m/?state ?state)
+ (matchv ::M/objects [((repeat% monad) ?state)]
+ [["Right" [?state* ?tail]]]
+ (do ;; (prn 'repeat-m/?state* ?state*)
+ (return* ?state* (|cons ?head ?tail)))))
+ [["Left" ?message]]
+ (do ;; (println "Failed at last:" ?message)
+ (return* state (V "Nil" nil))))))
+(def source-consumed?
+ (fn [state]
+ (return* state (empty? (get$ "source" state)))))
+(defn exhaust% [monad]
+ (exec [output-h monad
+ ? source-consumed?
+ output-t (if ?
+ (return (|list))
+ (exhaust% monad))]
+ (return (|cons output-h output-t))))
+(defn try-all% [monads]
+ (matchv ::M/objects [monads]
+ [["Nil" _]]
+ (fail "There are no alternatives to try!")
+ [["Cons" [m monads*]]]
+ (fn [state]
+ (let [output (m state)]
+ (matchv ::M/objects [output monads*]
+ [["Right" _] _]
+ output
+ [_ ["Nil" _]]
+ output
+ [_ _]
+ ((try-all% monads*) state)
+ )))
+ ))
(defn ^:private normalize-char [char]
(case char
\* "_ASTER_"
@@ -164,7 +290,6 @@
\! "_BANG_"
\? "_QM_"
\: "_COLON_"
- \; "_SCOLON_"
\. "_PERIOD_"
\, "_COMMA_"
\< "_LT_"
@@ -178,113 +303,100 @@
(def loader
(fn [state]
- (return* state (::loader state))))
+ (return* state (get$ "loader" state))))
(def +init-bindings+
- {:counter 0
- :mappings {}})
+ (R "counter" 0
+ "mappings" (|list)))
(defn env [name]
- {:name name
- :inner-closures 0
- :locals +init-bindings+
- :closure +init-bindings+})
+ (R "name" name
+ "inner-closures" 0
+ "locals" +init-bindings+
+ "closure" +init-bindings+))
(defn init-state []
- {::source nil
- ::modules {}
- ::global-env nil
- ::local-envs (list)
- ::types +init-bindings+
- ::writer nil
- ::loader (-> (java.io.File. "./output/") .toURL vector into-array java.net.URLClassLoader.)
- ::eval-ctor 0})
+ (R "source" (V "None" nil)
+ "modules" (|list)
+ "global-env" (V "None" nil)
+ "local-envs" (|list)
+ "types" +init-bindings+
+ "writer" (V "None" nil)
+ "loader" (-> (java.io.File. "./output/") .toURL vector into-array java.net.URLClassLoader.)
+ "eval-ctor" 0))
(def get-eval-ctor
(fn [state]
- (return* (update-in state [::eval-ctor] inc) (::eval-ctor state))))
+ (return* (update$ "eval-ctor" inc state) (get$ "eval-ctor" state))))
(def get-writer
(fn [state]
- (if-let [datum (::writer state)]
- [::ok [state datum]]
- [::failure "Writer hasn't been set."])))
+ (matchv ::M/objects [(get$ "writer" state)]
+ [["Some" datum]]
+ (return* state datum)
+ [_]
+ (fail* "Writer hasn't been set."))))
(def get-top-local-env
(fn [state]
- (if-let [datum (first (::local-envs state))]
- [::ok [state datum]]
- [::failure "Module hasn't been set."])))
+ (return* state (|head (get$ "local-envs" state)))))
(def get-current-module-env
(fn [state]
- (if-let [datum (::global-env state)]
- [::ok [state datum]]
- [::failure "Module hasn't been set."])))
+ (matchv ::M/objects [(get$ "global-env" state)]
+ [["Some" datum]]
+ (return* state datum)
+ [_]
+ (fail* "Module hasn't been set."))))
(def get-module-name
(exec [module get-current-module-env]
- (return (:name module))))
+ (return (get$ "name" module))))
(defn ^:private with-scope [name body]
(fn [state]
- (let [output (body (update-in state [::local-envs] conj (env name)))]
- (match output
- [::ok [state* datum]]
- [::ok [(update-in state* [::local-envs] rest) datum]]
+ (let [output (body (update$ "local-envs" #(conj % (env name)) state))]
+ (matchv ::M/objects [output]
+ [["Right" [state* datum]]]
+ (return* (update$ "local-envs" rest state*) datum)
- _
+ [_]
(defn with-closure [body]
- (exec [[local? closure-name] (try-all-m (list (exec [top get-top-local-env]
- (return [true (-> top :inner-closures str)]))
- (exec [global get-current-module-env]
- (return [false (-> global :inner-closures str)]))))]
+ (exec [[local? closure-name] (try-all% (list (exec [top get-top-local-env]
+ (return [true (->> top (get$ "inner-closures") str)]))
+ (exec [global get-current-module-env]
+ (return [false (->> global (get$ "inner-closures") str)]))))]
(fn [state]
(let [body* (with-scope closure-name
(body* (if local?
- (update-in state [::local-envs]
- #(cons (update-in (first %) [:inner-closures] inc)
- (rest %)))
- (update-in state [::global-env :inner-closures] inc)))))))
+ (update$ "local-envs" #(cons (update$ "inner-closures" inc (first %))
+ (rest %))
+ state)
+ (update$ "global-env" #(update$ "inner-closures" inc %) state)))))))
(def get-scope-name
(exec [module-name get-module-name]
(fn [state]
- [::ok [state (->> state ::local-envs (map :name) reverse (cons module-name))]])))
+ (return* state (->> state (get$ "local-envs") (map #(get$ "name" %)) reverse (cons module-name))))))
(defn with-writer [writer body]
(fn [state]
- (let [output (body (assoc state ::writer writer))]
- (match output
- [::ok [?state ?value]]
- [::ok [(assoc ?state ::writer (::writer state)) ?value]]
+ (let [output (body (set$ "writer" writer state))]
+ (matchv ::M/objects [output]
+ [["Right" [?state ?value]]]
+ (return* (set$ "writer" (get$ "writer" state) ?state) ?value)
- _
+ [_]
(defn run-state [monad state]
(monad state))
-(defn T [& elems]
- (to-array elems))
-(defn V [tag value]
- (to-array [tag value]))
-(defn R [& kvs]
- (to-array (reduce concat '() kvs)))
-(defn ->seq [xs]
- (matchv ::M/objects [xs]
- [["Nil" _]]
- (list)
- [["Cons" [x xs*]]]
- (cons x (->seq xs*))))
(defn show-ast [ast]
(matchv ::M/objects [ast]
[["Bool" ?value]]
@@ -309,69 +421,8 @@
[["Tuple" ?elems]]
- (str "[" (->> (->seq ?elems) (map show-ast) (interpose " ") (apply str)) "]")
+ (str "[" (->> ?elems (|map show-ast) (|interpose " ") (fold str "")) "]")
[["Form" ?elems]]
- (str "(" (->> (->seq ?elems) (map show-ast) (interpose " ") (apply str)) ")")
+ (str "(" (->> ?elems (|map show-ast) (|interpose " ") (fold str "")) ")")
-(defn |map [f xs]
- (matchv ::M/objects [xs]
- [["Nil" _]]
- xs
- [["Cons" [x xs*]]]
- (V "Cons" (to-array [(f x) (|map f xs*)]))))
-(defn |->list [seq]
- (reduce (fn [tail head]
- (V "Cons" (to-array [head tail])))
- (V "Nil" nil)
- seq))
-(let [cons% (fn [head tail]
- (V "Cons" (to-array [head tail])))
- ++% (fn ++% [xs ys]
- (matchv ::M/objects [xs]
- [["Nil" _]]
- ys
- [["Cons" [x xs*]]]
- (V "Cons" (to-array [x (++% xs* ys)]))))]
- (do-template [<name> <joiner>]
- (defn <name> [f xs]
- (matchv ::M/objects [xs]
- [["Nil" _]]
- (return xs)
- [["Cons" [x xs*]]]
- (exec [y (f x)
- ys (<name> f xs*)]
- (return (<joiner> y ys)))))
- |map% cons%
- |flat-map% ++%))
-(defn |fold% [f init xs]
- (matchv ::M/objects [xs]
- [["Nil" _]]
- init
- [["Cons" [x xs*]]]
- (|fold% f (f init x) xs*)))
-(defn |get [record slot]
- (matchv ::M/objects [record]
- [["Nil" _]]
- (V "Error" (str "Not found: " slot))
- [["Cons" [[k v] record*]]]
- (if (= k slot)
- (V "Ok" v)
- (|get record* slot))))
-(defmacro |list [elems]
- (reduce (fn [tail head]
- `(V "Cons" (to-array [~head ~tail])))
- `(V "Nil" nil)
- elems))