path: root/src/lux/analyser.clj
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/lux/analyser.clj')
1 files changed, 58 insertions, 598 deletions
diff --git a/src/lux/analyser.clj b/src/lux/analyser.clj
index 0b9839968..de6058f50 100644
--- a/src/lux/analyser.clj
+++ b/src/lux/analyser.clj
@@ -1,716 +1,176 @@
(ns lux.analyser
(:require (clojure [template :refer [do-template]])
[clojure.core.match :refer [match]]
- (lux [util :as &util :refer [exec return* return fail fail*
- repeat-m try-all-m map-m mapcat-m reduce-m
- normalize-ident]]
+ (lux [util :as &util :refer [exec return fail
+ try-all-m map-m mapcat-m reduce-m
+ assert!]]
[parser :as &parser]
[type :as &type]
[macro :as &macro]
- [host :as &host])))
-;; [Util]
-(def ^:private +dont-care-type+ [::&type/Any])
-(defn ^:private annotate [module name access type]
- (fn [state]
- (let [full-name (str module &util/+name-separator+ name)
- bound [::Expression [::global module name] type]]
- [::&util/ok [(-> state
- (assoc-in [::&util/modules module name] {:args-n [:None]
- :access access
- :type type
- :defined? false})
- (update-in [::&util/global-env] merge {full-name bound, name bound}))
- nil]])))
-(defn ^:private declare-macro [module name]
- (fn [state]
- [::&util/ok [(assoc-in state [::&util/modules module :macros name] true)
- nil]]))
-(defn ^:private expr-type [syntax+]
- (match syntax+
- [::Expression _ type]
- (return type)
- _
- (fail "Can't retrieve the type of a non-expression.")))
-(defn ^:private define [module name]
- (exec [? annotated?
- _ (assert! ? (str "[Analyser Error] Can't define an unannotated element: " name))]
- (fn [state]
- [::&util/ok [(assoc-in state [::&util/modules module name :defined?] true)
- nil]])))
-(defn ^:private defined? [module name]
- (fn [state]
- [::&util/ok [state (get-in state [::&util/modules module name :defined?])]]))
-(defn ^:private annotated? [module name]
- (fn [state]
- [::&util/ok [state (boolean (get-in state [::&util/modules module name]))]]))
-(defn ^:private macro? [module name]
- (fn [state]
- [::&util/ok [state (boolean (get-in state [::&util/modules module :macros name]))]]))
-(def ^:private next-local-idx
- (fn [state]
- [::&util/ok [state (-> state ::&util/local-envs first :locals :counter)]]))
-(defn ^:private with-env [label body]
- (fn [state]
- (let [=return (body (update-in state [::&util/local-envs] conj (fresh-env label)))]
- (match =return
- [::&util/ok [?state ?value]]
- [::&util/ok [(update-in ?state [::&util/local-envs] rest)
- ?value]]
- _
- =return))))
-(defn ^:private with-local [name mode type body]
- (fn [state]
- (let [old-mappings (-> state ::&util/local-envs first (get-in [:locals :mappings]))
- =return (body (update-in state [::&util/local-envs]
- (fn [[top & stack]]
- (let [bound-unit (case mode
- :self [::self (list)]
- :local [::local (get-in top [:locals :counter])])]
- (cons (-> top
- (update-in [:locals :counter] inc)
- (assoc-in [:locals :mappings name] [::Expression bound-unit type]))
- stack)))))]
- (match =return
- [::&util/ok [?state ?value]]
- [::&util/ok [(update-in ?state [::&util/local-envs] (fn [[top* & stack*]]
- (cons (-> top*
- (update-in [:locals :counter] dec)
- (assoc-in [:locals :mappings] old-mappings))
- stack*)))
- ?value]]
- _
- =return))))
-(defn ^:private with-locals [locals monad]
- (reduce (fn [inner [label elem]]
- (with-local label :local elem inner))
- monad
- (reverse locals)))
-(def ^:private captured-vars
- (fn [state]
- [::&util/ok [state (-> state ::&util/local-envs first :closure :mappings)]]))
-(defn ^:private analyse-1 [elem]
- (exec [output (analyse-ast elem)]
- (match output
- ([x] :seq)
- (return x)
- :else
- (fail "[Analyser Error] Can't expand to other than 1 element."))))
-(defn ^:private analyse-2 [el1 el2]
- (exec [output (mapcat-m analyse-ast (list el1 el2))]
- (match output
- ([x y] :seq)
- (return [x y])
- :else
- (fail "[Analyser Error] Can't expand to other than 2 elements."))))
-(defn ^:private with-lambda [self self-type arg arg-type body]
- (fn [state]
- (let [body* (with-env (-> state ::&util/local-envs first :inner-closures str)
- (exec [$scope &util/get-scope]
- (with-local self :self self-type
- (with-local arg :local arg-type
- (exec [=return body
- =captured captured-vars]
- (return [$scope =next =captured =return]))))))]
- (body* (update-in state [::&util/local-envs] #(cons (update-in (first %) [:inner-closures] inc)
- (rest %))))
- )))
-(defn ^:private close-over [scope ident register frame]
- (match register
- [::Expression _ register-type]
- (let [register* [::Expression [::captured scope (get-in frame [:closure :counter]) register] register-type]]
- [register* (update-in frame [:closure] #(-> %
- (update-in [:counter] inc)
- (assoc-in [:mappings ident] register*)))])))
-(defn ^:private extract-ident [ident]
- (match ident
- [::&parser/ident ?ident]
- (return ?ident)
- _
- (fail "")))
-(defn ^:private analyse-tuple [analyse-ast ?elems]
- (exec [=elems (mapcat-m analyse-ast ?elems)
- =elems-types (map-m expr-type =elems)
- ;; :let [_ (prn 'analyse-tuple =elems)]
- ]
- (return (list [::Expression [::tuple =elems] [::&type/Tuple =elems-types]]))))
-(defn ^:private analyse-ident [analyse-ast ident]
- (fn [state]
- (let [[top & stack*] (::local-envs state)]
- (if-let [=bound (or (get-in top [:locals :mappings ident])
- (get-in top [:closure :mappings ident]))]
- [::&util/ok [state (list =bound)]]
- (let [no-binding? #(and (-> % :locals :mappings (contains? ident) not)
- (-> % :closure :mappings (contains? ident) not))
- [inner outer] (split-with no-binding? stack*)]
- (if (empty? outer)
- (if-let [global (get-in state [::&util/global-env ident])]
- [::&util/ok [state (list global)]]
- [::&util/failure (str "[Analyser Error] Unresolved identifier: " ident)])
- (let [[=local inner*] (reduce (fn [[register new-inner] frame]
- (let [[register* frame*] (close-over (:name frame) ident register frame)]
- [register* (cons frame* new-inner)]))
- [(or (get-in (first outer) [:locals :mappings ident])
- (get-in (first outer) [:closure :mappings ident]))
- '()]
- (reverse (cons top inner)))]
- [::&util/ok [(assoc state ::&util/local-envs (concat inner* outer)) (list =local)]])
- ))
- ))
- ))
-(defn ^:private analyse-call [analyse-ast ?fn ?args]
- (exec [=fn (analyse-1 ?fn)
- loader &util/loader]
- (match =fn
- [::Expression =fn-form =fn-type]
- (match =fn-form
- [::global ?module ?name]
- (exec [macro? (macro? ?module ?name)]
- (if macro?
- (let [macro-class (&host/location (list ?name ?module))
- [macro-expansion state*] (&macro/expand loader macro-class ?args)]
- (mapcat-m analyse-ast macro-expansion))
- (exec [=args (mapcat-m analyse-ast ?args)
- :let [[needs-num =return-type] (match =fn-type
- [::&type/function ?fargs ?freturn]
- (let [needs-num (count ?fargs)
- provides-num (count =args)]
- (if (> needs-num provides-num)
- [needs-num [::&type/function (drop provides-num ?fargs) ?freturn]]
- [needs-num +dont-care-type+])))]]
- (return (list [::Expression [::static-call needs-num =fn =args] =return-type])))))
- _
- (exec [=args (mapcat-m analyse-ast ?args)]
- (return (list [::Expression [::call =fn =args] +dont-care-type+]))))
- :else
- (fail "Can't call something without a type."))
- ))
-(defn ^:private analyse-do [analyse-ast ?exprs]
- (exec [_ (assert! (count ?exprs) "\"do\" expressions can't have empty bodies.")
- =exprs (mapcat-m analyse-ast ?exprs)
- =exprs-types (map-m expr-type =exprs)]
- (return (list [::Expression [::do =exprs] (last =exprs-types)]))))
-(defn ^:private locals [member]
- (match member
- [::&parser/Ident ?name]
- (list ?name)
- [::&parser/Tuple ?submembers]
- (mapcat locals ?submembers)
- [::&parser/Form ([[::&parser/Tag _] & ?submembers] :seq)]
- (mapcat locals ?submembers)
- _
- (list)))
-(defn ^:private analyse-branch [max-registers [bindings body]]
- (reduce (fn [body* name]
- (with-local name :local +dont-care-type+ body*))
- (reduce (fn [body* _]
- (with-local "#" :local +dont-care-type+ body*))
- (analyse-1 body)
- (range (- max-registers (count bindings))))
- bindings))
-(defn ^:private analyse-case [analyse-ast ?variant ?branches]
- (exec [=variant (analyse-1 ?variant)
- _ (assert! (and (> (count ?branches) 0) (even? (count ?branches)))
- "Unbalanced branches in \"case'\" expression.")
- :let [branches (partition 2 ?branches)
- locals-per-branch (map locals (map first branches))
- max-locals (reduce max 0 (map count locals-per-branch))]
- base-register next-local-idx
- =bodies (map-m (partial analyse-branch max-locals)
- (map vector locals-per-branch (map second branches)))
- =body-types (map-m expr-type =bodies)
- =case-type (reduce-m &type/merge [::&type/Nothing] =body-types)
- :let [=branches (map vector (map first branches) =bodies)]]
- (return (list [::Expression [::case =variant base-register max-locals =branches] =case-type]))))
-(defn ^:private raise-expr [arg syntax]
- (match syntax
- [::Expression ?form ?type]
- (match ?form
- [::bool ?value]
- syntax
- [::int ?value]
- syntax
- [::real ?value]
- syntax
- [::char ?value]
- syntax
- [::text ?value]
- syntax
- [::tuple ?members]
- [::Expression [::tuple (map (partial raise-expr arg) ?members)] ?type]
- [::variant ?tag ?members]
- [::Expression [::variant ?tag (map (partial raise-expr arg) ?members)] ?type]
- [::local ?idx]
- [::Expression [::local (inc ?idx)] ?type]
- [::captured _ _ ?source]
- ?source
- [::self ?curried]
- [::Expression [::self (cons arg (map (partial raise-expr arg) ?curried))] ?type]
- [::global _ _]
- syntax
- [::case ?variant ?base ?num-bindings ?pm-struct]
- ...
- [::lambda ?scope ?captured ?args ?value]
- [::Expression [::lambda (pop ?scope)
- (into {} (for [[?name ?sub-syntax] ?captured]
- [?name (raise-expr arg ?sub-syntax)]))
- ?args
- ?value]
- ?type]
- [::call ?func ?args]
- [::Expression [::call (raise-expr arg ?func) (map (partial raise-expr arg) ?args)] ?type]
- [::do ?asts]
- [::Expression [::do (map (partial raise-expr arg) ?asts)] ?type]
- [::jvm-getstatic _ _]
- syntax
- [::jvm-invokevirtual ?class ?method ?arg-classes ?obj ?args]
- [::Expression [::jvm-invokevirtual ?class ?method ?arg-classes
- (raise-expr arg ?obj)
- (map (partial raise-expr arg) ?args)]
- ?type]
- ;; Integer arithmetic
- [::jvm-iadd ?x ?y]
- [::Expression [::jvm-iadd (raise-expr arg ?x) (raise-expr arg ?y)] ?type]
- [::jvm-isub ?x ?y]
- [::Expression [::jvm-isub (raise-expr arg ?x) (raise-expr arg ?y)] ?type]
- [::jvm-imul ?x ?y]
- [::Expression [::jvm-imul (raise-expr arg ?x) (raise-expr arg ?y)] ?type]
- [::jvm-idiv ?x ?y]
- [::Expression [::jvm-idiv (raise-expr arg ?x) (raise-expr arg ?y)] ?type]
- [::jvm-irem ?x ?y]
- [::Expression [::jvm-irem (raise-expr arg ?x) (raise-expr arg ?y)] ?type]
- ;; Long arithmetic
- [::jvm-ladd ?x ?y]
- [::Expression [::jvm-ladd (raise-expr arg ?x) (raise-expr arg ?y)] ?type]
- [::jvm-lsub ?x ?y]
- [::Expression [::jvm-lsub (raise-expr arg ?x) (raise-expr arg ?y)] ?type]
- [::jvm-lmul ?x ?y]
- [::Expression [::jvm-lmul (raise-expr arg ?x) (raise-expr arg ?y)] ?type]
- [::jvm-ldiv ?x ?y]
- [::Expression [::jvm-ldiv (raise-expr arg ?x) (raise-expr arg ?y)] ?type]
- [::jvm-lrem ?x ?y]
- [::Expression [::jvm-lrem (raise-expr arg ?x) (raise-expr arg ?y)] ?type]
- ;; Float arithmetic
- [::jvm-fadd ?x ?y]
- [::Expression [::jvm-fadd (raise-expr arg ?x) (raise-expr arg ?y)] ?type]
- [::jvm-fsub ?x ?y]
- [::Expression [::jvm-fsub (raise-expr arg ?x) (raise-expr arg ?y)] ?type]
- [::jvm-fmul ?x ?y]
- [::Expression [::jvm-fmul (raise-expr arg ?x) (raise-expr arg ?y)] ?type]
- [::jvm-fdiv ?x ?y]
- [::Expression [::jvm-fdiv (raise-expr arg ?x) (raise-expr arg ?y)] ?type]
- [::jvm-frem ?x ?y]
- [::Expression [::jvm-frem (raise-expr arg ?x) (raise-expr arg ?y)] ?type]
- ;; Double arithmetic
- [::jvm-dadd ?x ?y]
- [::Expression [::jvm-dadd (raise-expr arg ?x) (raise-expr arg ?y)] ?type]
- [::jvm-dsub ?x ?y]
- [::Expression [::jvm-dsub (raise-expr arg ?x) (raise-expr arg ?y)] ?type]
- [::jvm-dmul ?x ?y]
- [::Expression [::jvm-dmul (raise-expr arg ?x) (raise-expr arg ?y)] ?type]
- [::jvm-ddiv ?x ?y]
- [::Expression [::jvm-ddiv (raise-expr arg ?x) (raise-expr arg ?y)] ?type]
- [::jvm-drem ?x ?y]
- [::Expression [::jvm-drem (raise-expr arg ?x) (raise-expr arg ?y)] ?type]
- _
- (assert false syntax)
- )))
-(defn ^:private analyse-lambda [analyse-ast ?self ?arg ?body]
- (exec [[_ =arg =return :as =function] &type/fresh-function
- [=scope =captured =body] (with-lambda ?self =function
- ?arg =arg
- (analyse-1 ?body))
- =body-type (expr-type =body)
- =function (exec [_ (&type/solve =return =body-type)]
- (&type/clean =function))
- :let [=lambda (match =body
- [::Expression [::lambda ?sub-scope ?sub-captured ?sub-args ?sub-body] =body-type]
- [::Expression [::lambda =scope =captured (cons ?arg ?sub-args) (raise-expr ?arg ?sub-body)] =body-type]
- _
- [::Expression [::lambda =scope =captured (list ?arg) =body] =body-type])]]
- (return (list [::Expression =lambda =function]))))
-(defn ^:private analyse-def [analyse-ast ?name ?value]
- ;; (prn 'analyse-def ?name ?value)
- (exec [def?? (defined? ?name)]
- (if def??
- (fail (str "Can't redefine " ?name))
- (exec [ann?? (annotated? ?name)
- $module &util/get-module-name
- =value (analyse-1 ?value)
- =value (match =value
- [::Expression =value-form =value-type]
- (return (match =value-form
- [::lambda ?old-scope ?env ?args ?body]
- [::Expression [::lambda (list ?name $module) ?env ?args ?body] =value-type]
- _
- =value))
- _
- (fail ""))
- =value-type (expr-type =value)
- _ (if ann??
- (return nil)
- (annotate ?name ::public false =value-type))
- _ (define ?name)]
- (return (list [::Statement [::def ?name =value]]))))))
-(defn ^:private analyse-declare-macro [?ident]
- (exec [_ (annotate ?ident ::public true [::&type/Any])]
- (return (list))))
-(defn ^:private analyse-require [analyse-ast ?path]
- (assert false)
- (return (list)))
-(do-template [<name> <ident> <output-tag> <wrapper-class>]
- (defn <name> [analyse-ast ?x ?y]
- (exec [:let [=type [::&type/Data <wrapper-class>]]
- [=x =y] (analyse-2 ?x ?y)
- =x-type (expr-type =x)
- =y-type (expr-type =y)
- _ (&type/solve =type =x-type)
- _ (&type/solve =type =y-type)]
- (return (list [::Expression [<output-tag> =x =y] =type]))))
- ^:private analyse-jvm-iadd "jvm;iadd" ::jvm-iadd "java.lang.Integer"
- ^:private analyse-jvm-isub "jvm;isub" ::jvm-isub "java.lang.Integer"
- ^:private analyse-jvm-imul "jvm;imul" ::jvm-imul "java.lang.Integer"
- ^:private analyse-jvm-idiv "jvm;idiv" ::jvm-idiv "java.lang.Integer"
- ^:private analyse-jvm-irem "jvm;irem" ::jvm-irem "java.lang.Integer"
- ^:private analyse-jvm-ladd "jvm;ladd" ::jvm-ladd "java.lang.Long"
- ^:private analyse-jvm-lsub "jvm;lsub" ::jvm-lsub "java.lang.Long"
- ^:private analyse-jvm-lmul "jvm;lmul" ::jvm-lmul "java.lang.Long"
- ^:private analyse-jvm-ldiv "jvm;ldiv" ::jvm-ldiv "java.lang.Long"
- ^:private analyse-jvm-lrem "jvm;lrem" ::jvm-lrem "java.lang.Long"
- ^:private analyse-jvm-iadd "jvm;fadd" ::jvm-fadd "java.lang.Float"
- ^:private analyse-jvm-isub "jvm;fsub" ::jvm-fsub "java.lang.Float"
- ^:private analyse-jvm-imul "jvm;fmul" ::jvm-fmul "java.lang.Float"
- ^:private analyse-jvm-idiv "jvm;fdiv" ::jvm-fdiv "java.lang.Float"
- ^:private analyse-jvm-irem "jvm;frem" ::jvm-frem "java.lang.Float"
- ^:private analyse-jvm-iadd "jvm;dadd" ::jvm-dadd "java.lang.Double"
- ^:private analyse-jvm-isub "jvm;dsub" ::jvm-dsub "java.lang.Double"
- ^:private analyse-jvm-imul "jvm;dmul" ::jvm-dmul "java.lang.Double"
- ^:private analyse-jvm-idiv "jvm;ddiv" ::jvm-ddiv "java.lang.Double"
- ^:private analyse-jvm-irem "jvm;drem" ::jvm-drem "java.lang.Double"
- )
-(defn ^:private analyse-jvm-getstatic [analyse-ast ?class ?field]
- (exec [=class (full-class-name ?class)
- =type (lookup-static-field =class ?field)]
- (return (list [::Expression [::jvm-getstatic =class ?field] =type]))))
-(defn ^:private analyse-jvm-getfield [analyse-ast ?class ?field ?object]
- (exec [=class (full-class-name ?class)
- =type (lookup-static-field =class ?field)
- =object (analyse-1 ?object)]
- (return (list [::Expression [::jvm-getfield =class ?field =object] =type]))))
-(defn ^:private analyse-jvm-invokestatic [analyse-ast ?class ?method ?classes ?args]
- (exec [=class (full-class-name ?class)
- =classes (map-m extract-jvm-param ?classes)
- =return (lookup-virtual-method =class ?method =classes)
- =args (mapcat-m analyse-ast ?args)]
- (return (list [::Expression [::jvm-invokestatic =class ?method =classes =args] =return]))))
-(defn ^:private analyse-jvm-invokevirtual [analyse-ast ?class ?method ?classes ?object ?args]
- (exec [=class (full-class-name ?class)
- =classes (map-m extract-jvm-param ?classes)
- =return (lookup-virtual-method =class ?method =classes)
- =object (analyse-1 ?object)
- =args (mapcat-m analyse-ast ?args)]
- (return (list [::Expression [::jvm-invokevirtual =class ?method =classes =object =args] =return]))))
-(defn ^:private analyse-jvm-new [analyse-ast ?class ?classes ?args]
- (exec [=class (full-class-name ?class)
- =classes (map-m extract-jvm-param ?classes)
- =args (mapcat-m analyse-ast ?args)]
- (return (list [::Expression [::jvm-new =class =classes =args] [::&type/Data =class]]))))
-(defn ^:private analyse-jvm-new-array [analyse-ast ?class ?length]
- (exec [=class (full-class-name ?class)]
- (return (list [::Expression [::jvm-new-array =class ?length] [::&type/Array [::&type/Data =class]]]))))
-(defn ^:private analyse-jvm-aastore [analyse-ast ?array ?idx ?elem]
- (exec [[=array =elem] (analyse-2 ?array ?elem)
- =array-type (expr-type =array)]
- (return (list [::Expression [::jvm-aastore =array ?idx =elem] =array-type]))))
-(defn ^:private analyse-jvm-aaload [analyse-ast ?array ?idx]
- (exec [=array (analyse-1 ?array)
- =array-type (expr-type =array)]
- (return (list [::Expression [::jvm-aaload =array ?idx] =array-type]))))
-(defn ^:private analyse-jvm-class [analyse-ast ?name ?super-class ?fields]
- (exec [?fields (map-m (fn [?field]
- (match ?field
- [::&parser/tuple ([[::&parser/ident ?class] [::&parser/ident ?field-name]] :seq)]
- (return [?class ?field-name])
- _
- (fail "")))
- ?fields)
- :let [=fields (into {} (for [[class field] ?fields]
- [field {:access :public
- :type class}]))]
- $module &util/get-module-name]
- (return (list [::Statement [::jvm-class [$module ?name] ?super-class =fields {}]]))))
-(defn ^:private analyse-jvm-interface [analyse-ast ?name ?members]
- (exec [?members (map-m #(match %
- [::&parser/form ([[::&parser/ident ":"] [::&parser/ident ?member-name]
- [::&parser/form ([[::&parser/ident "->"] [::&parser/tuple ?inputs] [::&parser/ident ?output]] :seq)]]
- :seq)]
- (exec [?inputs (map-m extract-ident ?inputs)]
- (return [?member-name [?inputs ?output]]))
- _
- (fail ""))
- ?members)
- :let [=methods (into {} (for [[method [inputs output]] ?members]
- [method {:access :public
- :type [inputs output]}]))]
- $module &util/get-module-name]
- (return (list [::Statement [::jvm-interface [$module ?name] {} =methods]]))))
+ [host :as &host])
+ (lux.analyser [base :as &]
+ [lux :as &&lux]
+ [host :as &&host])))
+;; [Utils]
(defn ^:private analyse-basic-ast [analyse-ast token]
(match token
;; Standard special forms
[::&parser/bool ?value]
- (return (list [::Expression [::bool ?value] [::&type/Data "java.lang.Boolean"]]))
+ (return (list [::&/Expression [::bool ?value] [::&type/Data "java.lang.Boolean"]]))
[::&parser/int ?value]
- (return (list [::Expression [::int ?value] [::&type/Data "java.lang.Long"]]))
+ (return (list [::&/Expression [::int ?value] [::&type/Data "java.lang.Long"]]))
[::&parser/real ?value]
- (return (list [::Expression [::real ?value] [::&type/Data "java.lang.Double"]]))
+ (return (list [::&/Expression [::real ?value] [::&type/Data "java.lang.Double"]]))
[::&parser/char ?value]
- (return (list [::Expression [::char ?value] [::&type/Data "java.lang.Character"]]))
+ (return (list [::&/Expression [::char ?value] [::&type/Data "java.lang.Character"]]))
[::&parser/text ?value]
- (return (list [::Expression [::text ?value] [::&type/Data "java.lang.String"]]))
+ (return (list [::&/Expression [::text ?value] [::&type/Data "java.lang.String"]]))
[::&parser/tuple ?elems]
- (analyse-tuple analyse-ast ?elems)
+ (&&lux/analyse-tuple analyse-ast ?elems)
[::&parser/tag ?tag]
- (return (list [::Expression [::variant ?tag (list)] [::&type/Variant {?tag [::&type/Tuple (list)]}]]))
+ (return (list [::&/Expression [::variant ?tag (list)] [::&type/Variant {?tag [::&type/Tuple (list)]}]]))
[::&parser/ident ?ident]
- (analyse-ident analyse-ast ?ident)
+ (&&lux/analyse-ident analyse-ast ?ident)
[::&parser/form ([[::&parser/ident "case'"] ?variant & ?branches] :seq)]
- (analyse-case analyse-ast ?variant ?branches)
+ (&&lux/analyse-case analyse-ast ?variant ?branches)
[::&parser/form ([[::&parser/ident "lambda'"] [::&parser/ident ?self] [::&parser/ident ?arg] ?body] :seq)]
- (analyse-lambda analyse-ast ?self ?arg ?body)
+ (&&lux/analyse-lambda analyse-ast ?self ?arg ?body)
[::&parser/form ([[::&parser/ident "def'"] [::&parser/ident ?name] ?value] :seq)]
- (analyse-def analyse-ast ?name ?value)
+ (&&lux/analyse-def analyse-ast ?name ?value)
[::&parser/form ([[::&parser/ident "declare-macro"] [::&parser/ident ?ident]] :seq)]
- (analyse-declare-macro ?ident)
+ (&&lux/analyse-declare-macro ?ident)
[::&parser/form ([[::&parser/ident "require"] [::&parser/text ?path]] :seq)]
- (analyse-require analyse-ast ?path)
+ (&&lux/analyse-require analyse-ast ?path)
;; Host special forms
- [::&parser/form ([[::&parser/ident "do"] & ?exprs] :seq)]
- (analyse-do analyse-ast ?exprs)
+ [::&parser/form ([[::&parser/ident "exec"] & ?exprs] :seq)]
+ (&&host/analyse-exec analyse-ast ?exprs)
;; Integer arithmetic
[::&parser/form ([[::&parser/ident "jvm;iadd"] ?x ?y] :seq)]
- (analyse-jvm-iadd analyse-ast ?x ?y)
+ (&&host/analyse-jvm-iadd analyse-ast ?x ?y)
[::&parser/form ([[::&parser/ident "jvm;isub"] ?x ?y] :seq)]
- (analyse-jvm-isub analyse-ast ?x ?y)
+ (&&host/analyse-jvm-isub analyse-ast ?x ?y)
[::&parser/form ([[::&parser/ident "jvm;imul"] ?x ?y] :seq)]
- (analyse-jvm-imul analyse-ast ?x ?y)
+ (&&host/analyse-jvm-imul analyse-ast ?x ?y)
[::&parser/form ([[::&parser/ident "jvm;idiv"] ?x ?y] :seq)]
- (analyse-jvm-idiv analyse-ast ?x ?y)
+ (&&host/analyse-jvm-idiv analyse-ast ?x ?y)
[::&parser/form ([[::&parser/ident "jvm;irem"] ?x ?y] :seq)]
- (analyse-jvm-irem analyse-ast ?x ?y)
+ (&&host/analyse-jvm-irem analyse-ast ?x ?y)
;; Long arithmetic
[::&parser/form ([[::&parser/ident "jvm;ladd"] ?x ?y] :seq)]
- (analyse-jvm-ladd analyse-ast ?x ?y)
+ (&&host/analyse-jvm-ladd analyse-ast ?x ?y)
[::&parser/form ([[::&parser/ident "jvm;lsub"] ?x ?y] :seq)]
- (analyse-jvm-lsub analyse-ast ?x ?y)
+ (&&host/analyse-jvm-lsub analyse-ast ?x ?y)
[::&parser/form ([[::&parser/ident "jvm;lmul"] ?x ?y] :seq)]
- (analyse-jvm-lmul analyse-ast ?x ?y)
+ (&&host/analyse-jvm-lmul analyse-ast ?x ?y)
[::&parser/form ([[::&parser/ident "jvm;ldiv"] ?x ?y] :seq)]
- (analyse-jvm-ldiv analyse-ast ?x ?y)
+ (&&host/analyse-jvm-ldiv analyse-ast ?x ?y)
[::&parser/form ([[::&parser/ident "jvm;lrem"] ?x ?y] :seq)]
- (analyse-jvm-lrem analyse-ast ?x ?y)
+ (&&host/analyse-jvm-lrem analyse-ast ?x ?y)
;; Float arithmetic
[::&parser/form ([[::&parser/ident "jvm;fadd"] ?x ?y] :seq)]
- (analyse-jvm-fadd analyse-ast ?x ?y)
+ (&&host/analyse-jvm-fadd analyse-ast ?x ?y)
[::&parser/form ([[::&parser/ident "jvm;fsub"] ?x ?y] :seq)]
- (analyse-jvm-fsub analyse-ast ?x ?y)
+ (&&host/analyse-jvm-fsub analyse-ast ?x ?y)
[::&parser/form ([[::&parser/ident "jvm;fmul"] ?x ?y] :seq)]
- (analyse-jvm-fmul analyse-ast ?x ?y)
+ (&&host/analyse-jvm-fmul analyse-ast ?x ?y)
[::&parser/form ([[::&parser/ident "jvm;fdiv"] ?x ?y] :seq)]
- (analyse-jvm-fdiv analyse-ast ?x ?y)
+ (&&host/analyse-jvm-fdiv analyse-ast ?x ?y)
[::&parser/form ([[::&parser/ident "jvm;frem"] ?x ?y] :seq)]
- (analyse-jvm-frem analyse-ast ?x ?y)
+ (&&host/analyse-jvm-frem analyse-ast ?x ?y)
;; Double arithmetic
[::&parser/form ([[::&parser/ident "jvm;dadd"] ?x ?y] :seq)]
- (analyse-jvm-dadd analyse-ast ?x ?y)
+ (&&host/analyse-jvm-dadd analyse-ast ?x ?y)
[::&parser/form ([[::&parser/ident "jvm;dsub"] ?x ?y] :seq)]
- (analyse-jvm-dsub analyse-ast ?x ?y)
+ (&&host/analyse-jvm-dsub analyse-ast ?x ?y)
[::&parser/form ([[::&parser/ident "jvm;dmul"] ?x ?y] :seq)]
- (analyse-jvm-dmul analyse-ast ?x ?y)
+ (&&host/analyse-jvm-dmul analyse-ast ?x ?y)
[::&parser/form ([[::&parser/ident "jvm;ddiv"] ?x ?y] :seq)]
- (analyse-jvm-ddiv analyse-ast ?x ?y)
+ (&&host/analyse-jvm-ddiv analyse-ast ?x ?y)
[::&parser/form ([[::&parser/ident "jvm;drem"] ?x ?y] :seq)]
- (analyse-jvm-drem analyse-ast ?x ?y)
+ (&&host/analyse-jvm-drem analyse-ast ?x ?y)
[::&parser/form ([[::&parser/ident "jvm;getstatic"] [::&parser/ident ?class] [::&parser/ident ?field]] :seq)]
- (analyse-jvm-getstatic analyse-ast ?class ?field)
+ (&&host/analyse-jvm-getstatic analyse-ast ?class ?field)
[::&parser/form ([[::&parser/ident "jvm;getfield"] [::&parser/ident ?class] [::&parser/ident ?field] ?object] :seq)]
- (analyse-jvm-getfield analyse-ast ?class ?field ?object)
+ (&&host/analyse-jvm-getfield analyse-ast ?class ?field ?object)
[::&parser/form ([[::&parser/ident "jvm;invokestatic"] [::&parser/ident ?class] [::&parser/text ?method] [::&parser/tuple ?classes] [::&parser/tuple ?args]] :seq)]
- (analyse-jvm-invokestatic analyse-ast ?class ?method ?classes ?args)
+ (&&host/analyse-jvm-invokestatic analyse-ast ?class ?method ?classes ?args)
[::&parser/form ([[::&parser/ident "jvm;invokevirtual"] [::&parser/ident ?class] [::&parser/text ?method] [::&parser/tuple ?classes] ?object [::&parser/tuple ?args]] :seq)]
- (analyse-jvm-invokevirtual analyse-ast ?class ?method ?classes ?object ?args)
+ (&&host/analyse-jvm-invokevirtual analyse-ast ?class ?method ?classes ?object ?args)
[::&parser/form ([[::&parser/ident "jvm;new"] [::&parser/ident ?class] [::&parser/tuple ?classes] [::&parser/tuple ?args]] :seq)]
- (analyse-jvm-new analyse-ast ?class ?classes ?args)
+ (&&host/analyse-jvm-new analyse-ast ?class ?classes ?args)
[::&parser/form ([[::&parser/ident "jvm;new-array"] [::&parser/ident ?class] [::&parser/int ?length]] :seq)]
- (analyse-jvm-new-array analyse-ast ?class ?length)
+ (&&host/analyse-jvm-new-array analyse-ast ?class ?length)
[::&parser/form ([[::&parser/ident "jvm;aastore"] ?array [::&parser/int ?idx] ?elem] :seq)]
- (analyse-jvm-aastore analyse-ast ?array ?idx ?elem)
+ (&&host/analyse-jvm-aastore analyse-ast ?array ?idx ?elem)
[::&parser/form ([[::&parser/ident "jvm;aaload"] ?array [::&parser/int ?idx]] :seq)]
- (analyse-jvm-aaload analyse-ast ?array ?idx)
+ (&&host/analyse-jvm-aaload analyse-ast ?array ?idx)
[::&parser/form ([[::&parser/ident "jvm;class"] [::&parser/ident ?name] [::&parser/ident ?super-class] [::&parser/tuple ?fields]] :seq)]
- (analyse-jvm-class analyse-ast ?name ?super-class ?fields)
+ (&&host/analyse-jvm-class analyse-ast ?name ?super-class ?fields)
[::&parser/form ([[::&parser/ident "jvm;interface"] [::&parser/ident ?name] & ?members] :seq)]
- (analyse-jvm-interface analyse-ast ?name ?members)
+ (&&host/analyse-jvm-interface analyse-ast ?name ?members)
(fail (str "[Analyser Error] Unmatched token: " token))))
-(defn analyse-ast [token]
- ;; (prn 'analyse-ast token)
+(defn ^:private analyse-ast [token]
(match token
[::&parser/form ([[::&parser/tag ?tag] & ?data] :seq)]
(exec [=data (mapcat-m analyse-ast ?data)
- ;; :let [_ (prn 'analyse-ast/variant+ ?tag '=data =data)]
- =data-types (map-m expr-type =data)]
- (return (list [::Expression [::variant ?tag =data] [::&type/Variant {?tag [::&type/Tuple =data-types]}]])))
+ =data-types (map-m &/expr-type =data)]
+ (return (list [::&/Expression [::variant ?tag =data] [::&type/Variant {?tag [::&type/Tuple =data-types]}]])))
[::&parser/form ([?fn & ?args] :seq)]
- (try-all-m [(analyse-call analyse-ast ?fn ?args)
+ (try-all-m [(&&lux/analyse-call analyse-ast ?fn ?args)
(analyse-basic-ast analyse-ast token)])
(analyse-basic-ast analyse-ast token)))
+;; [Resources]
(def analyse
(exec [asts &parser/parse]
(mapcat-m analyse-ast asts)))