path: root/src/lang.clj
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/lang.clj')
1 files changed, 272 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/src/lang.clj b/src/lang.clj
index 16e76f6e5..4dd8e159c 100644
--- a/src/lang.clj
+++ b/src/lang.clj
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
(defn write-file [file data]
(with-open [stream (java.io.BufferedOutputStream. (java.io.FileOutputStream. file))]
+ ;; (prn 'write-file 'file file 'stream stream 'data data)
(.write stream data)))
@@ -25,7 +26,33 @@
;; TODO: Add extra arities (apply2, apply3, ..., apply16)
;; TODO: When doing partial application, skip "apply" and just call constructor appropiatedly.
;; TODO: Add "new". Allow setting fields.
+ ;; TODO: Don't take into account newlines in strings unless they come from \n to allow better coding.
;; TODO:
+ ;; TODO:
+ ;; TODO:
+ ;; TODO:
+ (let [test '([:lang.parser/case-branch [:lang.parser/variant "Nil" ()]
+ [:lang.parser/ident "yx"]]
+ [:lang.parser/case-branch [:lang.parser/variant "Cons" ([:lang.parser/ident "x"] [:lang.parser/ident "xs*"])]
+ [:lang.parser/variant "Cons" ([:lang.parser/ident "x"] [:lang.parser/fn-call [:lang.parser/ident "++"] ([:lang.parser/ident "xs*"] [:lang.parser/ident "ys"])])]])
+ convert (fn [cases]
+ (list (reduce (fn [acc [_ shape body]]
+ (clojure.core.match/match shape
+ [::&parser/variant ?tag ?elems]
+ (let [=elems (map (fn [elem]
+ (clojure.core.match/match elem
+ [::&parser/ident ?ident]
+ [::ident ?ident]))
+ ?elems)]
+ (conj acc [?tag =elems body]))))
+ []
+ cases)))]
+ (convert test))
+ (enumerate (list (list '["Nil" [] branch-0]
+ '["Cons" [x xs*] branch-1])))
(let [source-code (slurp "test2.lang")
tokens (&lexer/lex source-code)
@@ -34,8 +61,252 @@
;; _ (prn 'syntax syntax)
ann-syntax (&analyser/analyse "test2" syntax)
;; _ (prn 'ann-syntax ann-syntax)
- class-data (&compiler/compile "test2" ann-syntax)]
+ class-data (&compiler/compile "test2" ann-syntax)
+ ;; _ (prn 'class-data class-data)
+ ]
(write-file "test2.class" class-data))
;; jar cvf test2.jar *.class test2 && java -cp "test2.jar" test2
+ (let [data '([::&parser/case-branch [::&parser/variant "Nil" ()]
+ [::&parser/ident "ys"]]
+ [::&parser/case-branch [::&parser/variant "Cons" ([::&parser/ident "x"] [::&parser/ident "xs*"])]
+ [::&parser/variant "Cons" ([::&parser/ident "x"] [::&parser/fn-call [::&parser/ident "++"] ([::&parser/ident "xs*"] [::&parser/ident "ys"])])]])
+ ;; count-registers (fn count-registers [pattern]
+ ;; (clojure.core.match/match pattern
+ ;; [::&parser/ident _]
+ ;; 0
+ ;; [::&parser/variant _ ?members]
+ ;; (reduce + (count ?members) (map count-registers ?members))))
+ gen-impl (fn gen-impl [offset pattern]
+ (clojure.core.match/match pattern
+ [::&parser/ident _]
+ [1 [::case-bind -1 offset]]
+ [::&parser/variant ?tag ?members]
+ (let [regs+insns (mapv (fn [idx member]
+ (clojure.core.match/match member
+ [::&parser/ident _]
+ [1 [::case-sub-bind (+ offset (inc idx))]]))
+ (range (count ?members))
+ ?members)]
+ [(reduce + 1 (map first regs+insns)) [::case-try ?tag (mapv second regs+insns)]])
+ (reduce + (count ?members) (map gen-impl ?members))))]
+ (reduce (fn [accum branch]
+ (clojure.core.match/match branch
+ [::&parser/case-branch ?pattern ?body]
+ (clojure.core.match/match ?pattern
+ [::&parser/variant ?tag ?members]
+ (let [[extra-registers impl] (gen-impl 0 ?pattern)
+ _ (prn 'impl extra-registers impl)
+ $branch (get-in accum [:paths :total])]
+ (-> accum
+ (update-in [:patterns]
+ (fn [patterns]
+ (if (contains? patterns ?tag)
+ (if (= (get patterns [?tag :arity]) (count ?members))
+ (update-in patterns [?tag :branches] conj {:test impl
+ :link $branch})
+ (assert "Pattern arity doesn't match!"))
+ (assoc patterns ?tag {:arity (count ?members)
+ :branches [{:test impl
+ :link $branch}]}))))
+ (update-in [:paths]
+ (fn [paths]
+ (-> paths
+ (update-in [:total] inc)
+ (assoc-in [:links $branch] ?body))))
+ (update-in [:registers] + (dec extra-registers)))))
+ ))
+ {:registers 1
+ :patterns {}
+ :paths {:total 0
+ :links {}}}
+ data))
+ '([::&parser/case-branch [::&parser/variant "Nil" ()]
+ [::&parser/ident "ys"]]
+ [::&parser/case-branch [::&parser/variant "Cons" ([::&parser/ident "x"] [::&parser/ident "xs*"])]
+ [::&parser/variant "Cons" ([::&parser/ident "x"] [::&parser/fn-call [::&parser/ident "++"] ([::&parser/ident "xs*"] [::&parser/ident "ys"])])]])
+ '([:try "Nil" []]
+ [:try "Cons" [[:bind 0 1] [:bind 1 2]]])
+ (list '["Nil" [] branch-0]
+ '["Cons" [x xs*] branch-1])
+ [:if [% tag "Nil"]
+ branch-0
+ [:let [%0 %1]
+ branch-1]]
+ (let [enumerate (fn [xs] (map vector (range (count xs)) xs))
+ cases (enumerate (list (list '["Nil" [] branch-0]
+ '["Cons" [x xs*] branch-1])))
+ classify-cases (fn [[idx cases]]
+ [idx (reduce (fn [order [tag members branch]]
+ (if-let [{:keys [arity branches] :as sub-struct} (get order tag)]
+ (if (= arity (count members))
+ (update-in order [tag :branches] conj [members branch])
+ (assert (str "Arity doesn't match:" (count members) " != " arity)))
+ (assoc order tag {:arity (count members)
+ :branches (vector [members branch])})))
+ {}
+ cases)])
+ ;; case->struct (fn [cases]
+ ;; (let [struct (classify-case cases)
+ ;; struct* (seq struct)]
+ ;; (reduce (fn [inner [tag {:keys [arity branches]}]]
+ ;; [:if [% tag "Nil"]
+ ;; branch-0
+ ;; inner])
+ ;; (second (last struct*))
+ ;; (butlast struct*))
+ ;; ))
+ ]
+ ;; (classify-case cases)
+ (let [;; separated (apply map list cases)
+ classifications (map classify-cases cases)
+ classifications* (sort-by first > classifications)]
+ ((fn [[idx struct]]
+ (prn idx struct)
+ (if-let [default (get struct nil)]
+ (reduce (fn [[dbinds dbranch] [tag [binds branch]]]
+ [:if tag
+ [:let binds
+ branch]
+ [:let dbinds
+ dbranch]])
+ (-> default :branches first)
+ (seq struct))
+ (let [struct* (seq struct)]
+ (reduce (fn [[dbinds dbranch] [tag sub-struct]]
+ (let [[binds branch] (-> sub-struct :branches first)]
+ [:if tag
+ [:let binds
+ branch]
+ [:let dbinds
+ dbranch]]))
+ (-> struct* last second :branches first)
+ (butlast struct*)))))
+ (first classifications*))
+ ))
+ ;; ([0 {"Cons" {:arity 2, :branches [[[x xs*] branch-1]]}, "Nil" {:arity 0, :branches [[[] branch-0]]}}])
+ ;; {"Cons" {:arity 2, :branches [[[x xs*] branch-1]]},
+ ;; "Nil" {:arity 0, :branches [[[] branch-0]]}}
+ ;; .........................
+ ;; (case elems
+ ;; #Nil
+ ;; elems
+ ;; (#Cons head tail)
+ ;; (case head
+ ;; (#Cons (#Symbol "~") (#Cons unquoted #Nil))
+ ;; (#Cons unquoted (template tail))
+ ;; (#Cons (#Symbol "~@") (#Cons spliced #Nil))
+ ;; (#Cons (#Symbol "++") (#Cons spliced (template tail)))
+ ;; _
+ ;; (#Cons head (template tail)))
+ ;; )
+ ;; Total registers: 3
+ ;; [{:tag "Nil" :data [] :path path-1}
+ ;; {:tag "Cons" :data [[:bind head] [:bind tail]] :path path-2}]
+ ;; {path-0 [:branch "Nil" []]
+ ;; path-1 [:branch "Cons" [[:bind head] [:bind tail]]]}
+ ;; Total registers: 6
+ ;; {path-0 [:branch "Cons" [[:adt "Symbol" [[:string-cmp "~"]]] [:adt "Cons" [[:bind unquoted] [:adt "Nil" []]]]]]
+ ;; path-1 [:branch "Cons" [[:adt "Symbol" [[:string-cmp "~@"]]] [:adt "Cons" [[:bind spliced] [:adt "Nil" []]]]]]
+ ;; path-2 [:default _]}
+ ;; {"#default#" [:default path-2 _]
+ ;; "Cons" [:branches [path-0 path-1]
+ ;; [[[:adt "Symbol" [[:string-cmp "~"]]] [:adt "Cons" [[:bind unquoted] [:adt "Nil" []]]]]
+ ;; [[:adt "Symbol" [[:string-cmp "~@"]]] [:adt "Cons" [[:bind spliced] [:adt "Nil" []]]]]]]}
+ ;; [:branches]
+ ;; (case elems
+ ;; #Nil
+ ;; elems
+ ;; (#Cons (list (' ~) unquoted) tail)
+ ;; (list* unquoted (template tail))
+ ;; (#Cons (list (' ~@) spliced) tail)
+ ;; (list* "++" spliced (template tail))
+ ;; _
+ ;; (#Cons head (template tail))
+ ;; )
+ ;; [{:tag "Nil" :data [] :path path-1}
+ ;; {:tag "Cons" :data [[:bind head] [:bind tail]] :path path-2}]
+ ;; [[{:tag "Cons" :data [%0 %1] :path nil
+ ;; :sub-cases [[{:tag "Symbol" :data [[:string-cmp "~"]] :path path-1}
+ ;; {:tag "Symbol" :data [[:string-cmp "~@"]] :path path-2}]
+ ;; [{:tag "Cons" :data [[:bind unquoted] {:tag "Nil" :data []}] :path path-1}
+ ;; {:tag "Cons" :data [[:bind spliced] {:tag "Nil" :data []}] :path path-2}]]}
+ ;; {:tag ::default :path path-3}]]
+ ;; [[["Cons" ["Symbol" "~"] ["Cons" unquoted ["Nil"]]]
+ ;; ["Cons" ["Symbol" "~@"] ["Cons" spliced ["Nil"]]]
+ ;; _]]
+ ;; [[["Symbol" "~"]
+ ;; ["Symbol" "~@"]]
+ ;; [["Cons" unquoted ["Nil"]]
+ ;; ["Cons" spliced ["Nil"]]]]
+ ;; (if (= "Cons" (:: % tag))
+ ;; (let [%0 (:: % _0)
+ ;; %1 (:: % _1)]
+ ;; (if (= "Symbol" (:: %0 tag))
+ ;; (let [%0|0 (:: %0 _0)]
+ ;; (if (= "~" %0|0)
+ ;; (if (= "Cons" (:: %1 tag))
+ ;; (let [%1|0 (:: %1 _0)
+ ;; %1|1 (:: %1 _1)]
+ ;; (if (= "Nil" (:: %1|1 tag))
+ ;; (let [unquoted %1|0]
+ ;; <path-1>)
+ ;; <path-3>))
+ ;; <path-3>)
+ ;; (if (= "@~" %0|0)
+ ;; (if (= "Cons" (:: %1 tag))
+ ;; (let [%1|0 (:: %1 _0)
+ ;; %1|1 (:: %1 _1)]
+ ;; (if (= "Nil" (:: %1|1 tag))
+ ;; (let [unquoted %1|0]
+ ;; <path-2>)
+ ;; <path-3>))
+ ;; <path-3>)
+ ;; <path-3>)))
+ ;; <path-3>))
+ ;; <path-3>)
+ ;; (list (list '["Nil" [] ...]
+ ;; '["Cons" [head tail] ...]))
+ ;; (list (list '["Cons" [["Symbol" ["~"]] ["Cons" [unquoted ["Nil" []]]]] ...]
+ ;; '["Cons" [["Symbol" ["~@"]] ["Cons" [spliced ["Nil" []]]]] ...]))
+ )