path: root/source/lux/meta/type.lux
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 193 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/source/lux/meta/type.lux b/source/lux/meta/type.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0938d104d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/lux/meta/type.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+## Copyright (c) Eduardo Julian. All rights reserved.
+## This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+## If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
+## You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+(;import lux
+ (lux (control show
+ eq
+ monad)
+ (data (char #as c)
+ (text #as t #open ("text:" Text/Monoid Text/Eq))
+ (number/int #open ("int:" Int/Number Int/Ord Int/Show))
+ maybe
+ (list #refer #all #open ("list:" List/Monad List/Monoid List/Fold)))
+ ))
+(open List/Fold)
+## [Utils]
+(def (unravel-fun type)
+ (-> Type (, Type (List Type)))
+ (case type
+ (#;LambdaT in out')
+ (let [[out ins] (unravel-fun out')]
+ [out (@list& in ins)])
+ _
+ [type (@list)]))
+(def (unravel-app type)
+ (-> Type (, Type (List Type)))
+ (case type
+ (#;AppT left' right)
+ (let [[left rights] (unravel-app left')]
+ [left (list:++ rights (@list right))])
+ _
+ [type (@list)]))
+## [Structures]
+(defstruct #export Type/Show (Show Type)
+ (def (show type)
+ (case type
+ (#;DataT name params)
+ (case params
+ #;Nil
+ ($ text:++ "(^ " name ")")
+ _
+ ($ text:++ "(^ " name " " (|> params (list:map show) (interpose " ") (list:foldL text:++ "")) ")"))
+ (#;TupleT members)
+ (case members
+ #;Nil
+ "(,)"
+ _
+ ($ text:++ "(, " (|> members (list:map show) (interpose " ") (foldL text:++ "")) ")"))
+ (#;VariantT members)
+ (case members
+ #;Nil
+ "(|)"
+ _
+ ($ text:++ "(| " (|> members (list:map show) (interpose " ") (foldL text:++ "")) ")"))
+ (#;LambdaT input output)
+ (let [[out ins] (unravel-fun type)]
+ ($ text:++ "(-> " (|> ins (list:map show) (interpose " ") (foldL text:++ "")) " " (show out) ")"))
+ (#;VarT id)
+ ($ text:++ "⌈" (int:show id) "⌋")
+ (#;BoundT idx)
+ (int:show idx)
+ (#;ExT id)
+ ($ text:++ "⟨" (int:show id) "⟩")
+ (#;AppT fun param)
+ (let [[type-fun type-args] (unravel-app type)]
+ ($ text:++ "(" (show type-fun) " " (|> type-args (list:map show) (interpose " ") (foldL text:++ "")) ")"))
+ (#;UnivQ env body)
+ ($ text:++ "(All " (show body) ")")
+ (#;ExQ env body)
+ ($ text:++ "(Ex " (show body) ")")
+ (#;NamedT [module name] type)
+ ($ text:++ module ";" name)
+ )))
+(defstruct #export Type/Eq (Eq Type)
+ (def (= x y)
+ (case [x y]
+ [(#;DataT xname xparams) (#;DataT yname yparams)]
+ (and (text:= xname yname)
+ (int:= (size xparams) (size yparams))
+ (foldL (lambda [prev [x y]]
+ (and prev (= x y)))
+ true
+ (zip2 xparams yparams)))
+ (\or [(#;VarT xid) (#;VarT yid)]
+ [(#;ExT xid) (#;ExT yid)]
+ [(#;BoundT xid) (#;BoundT yid)])
+ (int:= xid yid)
+ (\or [(#;LambdaT xleft xright) (#;LambdaT yleft yright)]
+ [(#;AppT xleft xright) (#;AppT yleft yright)])
+ (and (= xleft yleft)
+ (= xright yright))
+ [(#;NamedT [xmodule xname] xtype) (#;NamedT [ymodule yname] ytype)]
+ (and (text:= xmodule ymodule)
+ (text:= xname yname)
+ (= xtype ytype))
+ (\or [(#;TupleT xmembers) (#;TupleT ymembers)]
+ [(#;VariantT xmembers) (#;VariantT ymembers)])
+ (and (int:= (size xmembers) (size ymembers))
+ (foldL (lambda [prev [x y]]
+ (and prev (= x y)))
+ true
+ (zip2 xmembers ymembers)))
+ (\or [(#;UnivQ xenv xbody) (#;UnivQ yenv ybody)]
+ [(#;ExQ xenv xbody) (#;ExQ yenv ybody)])
+ (and (int:= (size xenv) (size yenv))
+ (foldL (lambda [prev [x y]]
+ (and prev (= x y)))
+ (= xbody ybody)
+ (zip2 xenv yenv)))
+ _
+ false
+ )))
+## [Functions]
+(def #export (beta-reduce env type)
+ (-> (List Type) Type Type)
+ (case type
+ (\template [<tag>]
+ [(<tag> members)
+ (<tag> (list:map (beta-reduce env) members))])
+ [[#;VariantT]
+ [#;TupleT]]
+ (\template [<tag>]
+ [(<tag> left right)
+ (<tag> (beta-reduce env left) (beta-reduce env right))])
+ [[#;LambdaT]
+ [#;AppT]]
+ (\template [<tag>]
+ [(<tag> env def)
+ (case env
+ #;Nil
+ (<tag> env def)
+ _
+ type)])
+ [[#;UnivQ]
+ [#;ExQ]]
+ (#;BoundT idx)
+ (? type (@ idx env))
+ (#;NamedT name type)
+ (beta-reduce env type)
+ _
+ type
+ ))
+(def #export (apply-type type-fun param)
+ (-> Type Type (Maybe Type))
+ (case type-fun
+ (#;UnivQ env body)
+ (#;Some (beta-reduce (@list& type-fun param env) body))
+ (#;AppT F A)
+ (do Maybe/Monad
+ [type-fn* (apply-type F A)]
+ (apply-type type-fn* param))
+ (#;NamedT name type)
+ (apply-type type param)
+ _
+ #;None))