path: root/source/lux/data/number.lux
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'source/lux/data/number.lux')
1 files changed, 119 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/source/lux/data/number.lux b/source/lux/data/number.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8da674d88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/lux/data/number.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+## Copyright (c) Eduardo Julian. All rights reserved.
+## The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
+## Eclipse Public License 1.0 (http://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php)
+## which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
+## By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
+## the terms of this license.
+## You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
+(;import lux
+ (lux/control (monoid #as m))
+ (lux/data (eq #as E)
+ (ord #as O)
+ (bounded #as B)
+ (show #as S)))
+## Signatures
+(defsig #export (Number n)
+ (do-template [<name>]
+ [(: (-> n n n) <name>)]
+ [+] [-] [*] [/] [%])
+ (: (-> Int n)
+ from-int)
+ (do-template [<name>]
+ [(: (-> n n) <name>)]
+ [negate] [signum] [abs])
+ )
+## [Structures]
+## Number
+(do-template [<name> <type> <+> <-> <*> </> <%> <=> <<> <from> <0> <1> <-1>]
+ [(defstruct #export <name> (Number <type>)
+ (def + <+>)
+ (def - <->)
+ (def * <*>)
+ (def / </>)
+ (def % <%>)
+ (def (from-int x)
+ (<from> x))
+ (def (negate x)
+ (<*> <-1> x))
+ (def (abs x)
+ (if (<<> x <0>)
+ (<*> <-1> x)
+ x))
+ (def (signum x)
+ (cond (<=> x <0>) <0>
+ (<<> x <0>) <-1>
+ ## else
+ <1>))
+ )]
+ [ Int/Number Int i+ i- i* i/ i% i= i< id 0 1 -1]
+ [Real/Number Real r+ r- r* r/ r% r= r< _jvm_l2d 0.0 1.0 -1.0])
+## Eq
+(defstruct #export Int/Eq (E;Eq Int)
+ (def E;= i=))
+(defstruct #export Real/Eq (E;Eq Real)
+ (def E;= r=))
+## Ord
+## (def #export Int/Ord (O;Ord Int)
+## (O;ord$ Int/Eq i< i>))
+## (def #export Real/Ord (O;Ord Real)
+## (O;ord$ Real/Eq r< r>))
+(do-template [<name> <type> <eq> <lt> <gt>]
+ [(defstruct #export <name> (O;Ord <type>)
+ (def O;_eq <eq>)
+ (def O;< <lt>)
+ (def (O;<= x y)
+ (or (<lt> x y)
+ (using <eq> (E;= x y))))
+ (def O;> <gt>)
+ (def (O;>= x y)
+ (or (<gt> x y)
+ (using <eq> (E;= x y)))))]
+ [ Int/Ord Int Int/Eq i< i>]
+ [Real/Ord Real Real/Eq r< r>])
+## Bounded
+(do-template [<name> <type> <top> <bottom>]
+ [(defstruct #export <name> (B;Bounded <type>)
+ (def B;top <top>)
+ (def B;bottom <bottom>))]
+ [ Int/Bounded Int (_jvm_getstatic java.lang.Long MAX_VALUE) (_jvm_getstatic java.lang.Long MIN_VALUE)]
+ [Real/Bounded Real (_jvm_getstatic java.lang.Double MAX_VALUE) (_jvm_getstatic java.lang.Double MIN_VALUE)])
+## Monoid
+(do-template [<name> <type> <unit> <++>]
+ [(defstruct #export <name> (m;Monoid <type>)
+ (def m;unit <unit>)
+ (def m;++ <++>))]
+ [ IntAdd/Monoid Int 0 i+]
+ [ IntMul/Monoid Int 1 i*]
+ [RealAdd/Monoid Real 0.0 r+]
+ [RealMul/Monoid Real 1.0 r*]
+ [ IntMax/Monoid Int (:: Int/Bounded B;bottom) (O;max Int/Ord)]
+ [ IntMin/Monoid Int (:: Int/Bounded B;top) (O;min Int/Ord)]
+ [RealMax/Monoid Real (:: Real/Bounded B;bottom) (O;max Real/Ord)]
+ [RealMin/Monoid Real (:: Real/Bounded B;top) (O;min Real/Ord)]
+ )
+## Show
+(do-template [<name> <type> <body>]
+ [(defstruct #export <name> (S;Show <type>)
+ (def (S;show x)
+ <body>))]
+ [ Int/Show Int (_jvm_invokevirtual java.lang.Object toString [] x [])]
+ [Real/Show Real (_jvm_invokevirtual java.lang.Object toString [] x [])]
+ )