path: root/new-luxc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'new-luxc')
27 files changed, 2440 insertions, 172 deletions
diff --git a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/host/scheme.lux b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/host/scheme.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..db91b94ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/host/scheme.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+ [lux #- not or and list if function cond when let]
+ (lux (control pipe)
+ (data [maybe "maybe/" Functor<Maybe>]
+ [text]
+ text/format
+ [number]
+ (coll [list "list/" Functor<List> Fold<List>]))
+ (type abstract)))
+(abstract: #export Single {} Unit)
+(abstract: #export Poly {} Unit)
+(abstract: #export (Var kind)
+ {}
+ Text
+ (def: name (All [k] (-> (Var k) Text)) (|>> @representation))
+ (def: #export var (-> Text (Var Single)) (|>> @abstraction))
+ (def: #export (poly vars)
+ (-> (List (Var Single)) (Var Poly))
+ (@abstraction
+ (format "(" (|> vars (list/map ..name) (text.join-with " ")) ")")))
+ (def: #export (poly+ vars rest)
+ (-> (List (Var Single)) (Var Single) (Var Poly))
+ (@abstraction
+ (format "(" (|> vars (list/map ..name) (text.join-with " "))
+ " . " (..name rest)
+ ")")))
+ )
+(type: #export SVar (Var Single))
+(type: #export PVar (Var Poly))
+(type: #export *Var (Ex [k] (Var k)))
+(abstract: #export Expression
+ {}
+ Text
+ (def: #export expression (-> Expression Text) (|>> @representation))
+ (def: #export code (-> Text Expression) (|>> @abstraction))
+ (def: #export nil
+ Expression
+ (@abstraction "'()"))
+ (def: #export bool
+ (-> Bool Expression)
+ (|>> (case> true "#t"
+ false "#f")
+ @abstraction))
+ (def: #export int
+ (-> Int Expression)
+ (|>> %i @abstraction))
+ (def: #export float
+ (-> Frac Expression)
+ (|>> (cond> [(f/= number.positive-infinity)]
+ [(new> "+inf.0")]
+ [(f/= number.negative-infinity)]
+ [(new> "-inf.0")]
+ [number.not-a-number?]
+ [(new> "+nan.0")]
+ ## else
+ [%f])
+ @abstraction))
+ (def: #export positive-infinity Expression (..float number.positive-infinity))
+ (def: #export negative-infinity Expression (..float number.negative-infinity))
+ (def: #export not-a-number Expression (..float number.not-a-number))
+ (def: #export string
+ (-> Text Expression)
+ (|>> %t @abstraction))
+ (def: #export symbol
+ (-> Text Expression)
+ (|>> (format "'") @abstraction))
+ (def: #export (form elements)
+ (-> (List Expression) Expression)
+ (@abstraction
+ (format "(" (|> elements (list/map expression) (text.join-with " ")) ")")))
+ (def: #export @@
+ (All [k] (-> (Var k) Expression))
+ (|>> ..name @abstraction))
+ (def: #export global
+ (-> Text Expression)
+ (|>> var @@))
+ (def: #export (apply func args)
+ (-> Expression (List Expression) Expression)
+ (form (#.Cons func args)))
+ (do-template [<name> <function>]
+ [(def: #export <name>
+ (-> (List Expression) Expression)
+ (apply (..global <function>)))]
+ [vector "vector"]
+ [list "list"]
+ )
+ (def: #export (apply1 func)
+ (-> Expression (-> Expression Expression))
+ (|>> (.list) (..apply func)))
+ (do-template [<lux-name> <scheme-name>]
+ [(def: #export <lux-name> (apply1 (..global <scheme-name>)))]
+ [length "length"]
+ [values "values"]
+ [null? "null?"]
+ [car "car"]
+ [cdr "cdr"]
+ [raise "raise"]
+ [error-object-message "error-object-message"]
+ [make-vector "make-vector"]
+ [not "not"]
+ [string-hash "string-hash"]
+ )
+ (def: #export (apply2 func)
+ (-> Expression (-> Expression Expression Expression))
+ (.function (_ _0 _1)
+ (..apply func (.list _0 _1))))
+ (do-template [<lux-name> <scheme-name>]
+ [(def: #export <lux-name> (apply2 (..global <scheme-name>)))]
+ [append "append"]
+ [cons "cons"]
+ [vector-ref "vector-ref"]
+ [list-tail "list-tail"]
+ )
+ (def: #export (apply3 func)
+ (-> Expression (-> Expression Expression Expression Expression))
+ (.function (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (..apply func (.list _0 _1 _2))))
+ (do-template [<lux-name> <scheme-name>]
+ [(def: #export <lux-name> (apply3 (..global <scheme-name>)))]
+ [vector-set! "vector-set!"]
+ )
+ (def: #export (vector-copy! _0 _1 _2 _3 _4)
+ (-> Expression Expression Expression Expression Expression
+ Expression)
+ (..apply (..global "vector-copy!")
+ (.list _0 _1 _2 _3 _4)))
+ (do-template [<lux-name> <scheme-name>]
+ [(def: #export <lux-name>
+ (-> (List Expression) Expression)
+ (|>> (.list& (..global <scheme-name>)) ..form))]
+ [or "or"]
+ [and "and"]
+ )
+ (do-template [<lux-name> <scheme-name>]
+ [(def: #export (<lux-name> param subject)
+ (-> Expression Expression Expression)
+ (..form (.list (..global <scheme-name>) subject param)))]
+ [= "="]
+ [eq? "eq?"]
+ [eqv? "eqv?"]
+ [< "<"]
+ [<= "<="]
+ [> ">"]
+ [>= ">="]
+ [string=? "string=?"]
+ [string<? "string<?"]
+ [+ "+"]
+ [- "-"]
+ [/ "/"]
+ [* "*"]
+ [expt "expt"]
+ [remainder "remainder"]
+ [quotient "quotient"]
+ [mod "mod"]
+ [arithmetic-shift "arithmetic-shift"]
+ [bit-and "bitwise-and"]
+ [bit-or "bitwise-ior"]
+ [bit-xor "bitwise-xor"]
+ )
+ (do-template [<lux-name> <scheme-name> <var>]
+ [(def: #export (<lux-name> bindings body)
+ (-> (List [<var> Expression]) Expression Expression)
+ (..form (.list (..global <scheme-name>)
+ (|> bindings
+ (list/map (.function (_ [fname fvalue])
+ (..form (.list (@@ fname) fvalue))))
+ ..form)
+ body)))]
+ [let "let" SVar]
+ [let* "let*" SVar]
+ [letrec "letrec" SVar]
+ [let-values "let-values" PVar]
+ )
+ (def: #export (if test then else)
+ (-> Expression Expression Expression Expression)
+ (..form (.list (..global "if") test then else)))
+ (def: #export (when test then)
+ (-> Expression Expression Expression)
+ (..form (.list (..global "when") test then)))
+ (def: #export (cond clauses else)
+ (-> (List [Expression Expression]) Expression Expression)
+ (list/fold (.function (_ [test then] next)
+ (if test then next))
+ else
+ (list.reverse clauses)))
+ (def: #export (lambda input body)
+ (-> *Var Expression Expression)
+ (..form (.list (..global "lambda") (@@ input) body)))
+ (def: #export (define name inputs body)
+ (-> SVar (List SVar) Expression Expression)
+ (..form (.list (..global "define")
+ (case inputs
+ #.Nil
+ (@@ name)
+ _
+ (@@ (..poly (#.Cons name inputs))))
+ body)))
+ (def: #export begin
+ (-> (List Expression) Expression)
+ (|>> (#.Cons (..global "begin")) ..form))
+ (def: #export (set! name value)
+ (-> SVar Expression Expression)
+ (..form (.list (..global "set!") (@@ name) value)))
+ (def: #export (with-exception-handler handler body)
+ (-> Expression Expression Expression)
+ (..form (.list (..global "with-exception-handler") handler body)))
+ )
diff --git a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/js/case.jvm.lux b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/js/case.jvm.lux
index 45b6ec10e..82a8bb5c9 100644
--- a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/js/case.jvm.lux
+++ b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/js/case.jvm.lux
@@ -118,11 +118,11 @@
(^template [<pm> <flag>]
(^code (<pm> (~ [_ (#.Nat idx)])))
(meta/wrap (format "temp = " runtimeT.sum//get "(" peek-cursor "," (|> idx nat-to-int %i) "," <flag> ");"
- "if(temp !== null) {"
- (push-cursor "temp")
+ "if(temp == null) {"
+ fail-pattern-matching
"else {"
- fail-pattern-matching
+ (push-cursor "temp")
(["lux case variant left" "null"]
["lux case variant right" "\"\""])
diff --git a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/lua/case.jvm.lux b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/lua/case.jvm.lux
index 1853338b4..ed084b44d 100644
--- a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/lua/case.jvm.lux
+++ b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/lua/case.jvm.lux
@@ -118,9 +118,9 @@
(^template [<pm> <flag>]
(^code (<pm> (~ [_ (#.Nat idx)])))
(meta/wrap (lua.block! (list (lua.set! "temp" (runtimeT.sum//get cursor-top (lua.int (:! Int idx)) <flag>))
- (lua.if! (lua.not (lua.= lua.nil "temp"))
- (push-cursor! "temp")
- (lua.return! pm-error))))))
+ (lua.if! (lua.= lua.nil "temp")
+ (lua.return! pm-error)
+ (push-cursor! "temp"))))))
(["lux case variant left" lua.nil]
["lux case variant right" (lua.string "")])
diff --git a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/python/case.jvm.lux b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/python/case.jvm.lux
index 2668ae9f2..6e5935297 100644
--- a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/python/case.jvm.lux
+++ b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/python/case.jvm.lux
@@ -132,9 +132,9 @@
(^code (<pm> (~ [_ (#.Nat idx)])))
(meta/wrap ($_ python.then!
(python.set! (list $temp) (runtimeT.sum//get cursor-top (python.int (:! Int idx)) <flag>))
- (python.if! (python.not (python.= python.none (@@ $temp)))
- (push-cursor! (@@ $temp))
- fail-pm!))))
+ (python.if! (python.= python.none (@@ $temp))
+ fail-pm!
+ (push-cursor! (@@ $temp))))))
(["lux case variant left" python.none]
["lux case variant right" (python.string "")])
diff --git a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/r/case.jvm.lux b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/r/case.jvm.lux
index 6ceae3842..8a61f0263 100644
--- a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/r/case.jvm.lux
+++ b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/r/case.jvm.lux
@@ -138,9 +138,9 @@
(^code (<pm> (~ [_ (#.Nat idx)])))
(meta/wrap ($_ r.then
(r.set! $temp (runtimeT.sum//get cursor-top (r.int (:! Int idx)) <flag>))
- (r.if (r.not (r.= r.null (@@ $temp)))
- (push-cursor! (@@ $temp))
- fail-pm!))))
+ (r.if (r.= r.null (@@ $temp))
+ fail-pm!
+ (push-cursor! (@@ $temp))))))
(["lux case variant left" r.null]
["lux case variant right" (r.string "")])
diff --git a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/ruby/case.jvm.lux b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/ruby/case.jvm.lux
index 7f951a9dc..d76b2a757 100644
--- a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/ruby/case.jvm.lux
+++ b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/ruby/case.jvm.lux
@@ -123,9 +123,9 @@
(^template [<pm> <flag>]
(^code (<pm> (~ [_ (#.Nat idx)])))
(meta/wrap (ruby.block! (list (ruby.set! (list "temp") (runtimeT.sum//get cursor-top (ruby.int (:! Int idx)) <flag>))
- (ruby.if! (ruby.not (ruby.= ruby.nil "temp"))
- (push-cursor! "temp")
- (ruby.raise pm-error))))))
+ (ruby.if! (ruby.= ruby.nil "temp")
+ (ruby.raise pm-error)
+ (push-cursor! "temp"))))))
(["lux case variant left" ruby.nil]
["lux case variant right" (ruby.string "")])
diff --git a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/scheme.lux b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/scheme.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c32890a84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/scheme.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+ lux
+ (lux (control ["ex" exception #+ exception:]
+ pipe
+ [monad #+ do])
+ (data [bit]
+ [maybe]
+ ["e" error #+ Error]
+ [text "text/" Eq<Text>]
+ text/format
+ (coll [array]))
+ [macro]
+ [io #+ IO Process io]
+ [host #+ class: interface: object]
+ (world [file #+ File]))
+ (luxc [lang]
+ (lang [".L" variable #+ Register]
+ (host [scheme #+ Expression]))
+ [".C" io]))
+(do-template [<name>]
+ [(exception: #export (<name> {message Text})
+ message)]
+ [No-Active-Module-Buffer]
+ [Cannot-Execute]
+ [No-Anchor]
+ )
+(host.import java/lang/Object)
+(host.import java/lang/String
+ (getBytes [String] #try (Array byte)))
+(host.import java/lang/CharSequence)
+(host.import java/lang/Appendable
+ (append [CharSequence] Appendable))
+(host.import java/lang/StringBuilder
+ (new [])
+ (toString [] String))
+(host.import gnu/mapping/Environment)
+(host.import gnu/expr/Language
+ (eval [String] #try #? Object))
+(host.import kawa/standard/Scheme
+ (#static getR7rsInstance [] Scheme))
+(type: #export Anchor [Text Register])
+(type: #export Host
+ {#context [Text Nat]
+ #anchor (Maybe Anchor)
+ #loader (-> Expression (Error Unit))
+ #interpreter (-> Expression (Error Object))
+ #module-buffer (Maybe StringBuilder)
+ #program-buffer StringBuilder})
+(def: #export init
+ (IO Host)
+ (io (let [interpreter (Scheme::getR7rsInstance [])]
+ {#context ["" +0]
+ #anchor #.None
+ #loader (function (_ code)
+ (do e.Monad<Error>
+ [_ (Language::eval [(scheme.expression code)] interpreter)]
+ (wrap [])))
+ #interpreter (function (_ code)
+ (do e.Monad<Error>
+ [output (Language::eval [(scheme.expression code)] interpreter)]
+ (wrap (maybe.default (:! Object [])
+ output))))
+ #module-buffer #.None
+ #program-buffer (StringBuilder::new [])})))
+(def: #export file-extension ".scm")
+(def: #export r-module-name Text (format "module" file-extension))
+(def: #export init-module-buffer
+ (Meta Unit)
+ (function (_ compiler)
+ (#e.Success [(update@ #.host
+ (|>> (:! Host)
+ (set@ #module-buffer (#.Some (StringBuilder::new [])))
+ (:! Void))
+ compiler)
+ []])))
+(def: #export (with-sub-context expr)
+ (All [a] (-> (Meta a) (Meta [Text a])))
+ (function (_ compiler)
+ (let [old (:! Host (get@ #.host compiler))
+ [old-name old-sub] (get@ #context old)
+ new-name (format old-name "f___" (%i (nat-to-int old-sub)))]
+ (case (expr (set@ #.host
+ (:! Void (set@ #context [new-name +0] old))
+ compiler))
+ (#e.Success [compiler' output])
+ (#e.Success [(update@ #.host
+ (|>> (:! Host)
+ (set@ #context [old-name (n/inc old-sub)])
+ (:! Void))
+ compiler')
+ [new-name output]])
+ (#e.Error error)
+ (#e.Error error)))))
+(def: #export context
+ (Meta Text)
+ (function (_ compiler)
+ (#e.Success [compiler
+ (|> (get@ #.host compiler)
+ (:! Host)
+ (get@ #context)
+ (let> [name sub]
+ name))])))
+(def: #export (with-anchor anchor expr)
+ (All [a] (-> Anchor (Meta a) (Meta a)))
+ (function (_ compiler)
+ (let [old (:! Host (get@ #.host compiler))]
+ (case (expr (set@ #.host
+ (:! Void (set@ #anchor (#.Some anchor) old))
+ compiler))
+ (#e.Success [compiler' output])
+ (#e.Success [(update@ #.host
+ (|>> (:! Host)
+ (set@ #anchor (get@ #anchor old))
+ (:! Void))
+ compiler')
+ output])
+ (#e.Error error)
+ (#e.Error error)))))
+(def: #export anchor
+ (Meta Anchor)
+ (function (_ compiler)
+ (case (|> compiler (get@ #.host) (:! Host) (get@ #anchor))
+ (#.Some anchor)
+ (#e.Success [compiler anchor])
+ #.None
+ ((lang.throw No-Anchor "") compiler))))
+(def: #export module-buffer
+ (Meta StringBuilder)
+ (function (_ compiler)
+ (case (|> compiler (get@ #.host) (:! Host) (get@ #module-buffer))
+ #.None
+ ((lang.throw No-Active-Module-Buffer "") compiler)
+ (#.Some module-buffer)
+ (#e.Success [compiler module-buffer]))))
+(def: #export program-buffer
+ (Meta StringBuilder)
+ (function (_ compiler)
+ (#e.Success [compiler (|> compiler (get@ #.host) (:! Host) (get@ #program-buffer))])))
+(do-template [<name> <field> <outputT>]
+ [(def: (<name> code)
+ (-> Expression (Meta <outputT>))
+ (function (_ compiler)
+ (let [runner (|> compiler (get@ #.host) (:! Host) (get@ <field>))]
+ (case (runner code)
+ (#e.Error error)
+ ((lang.throw Cannot-Execute error) compiler)
+ (#e.Success output)
+ (#e.Success [compiler output])))))]
+ [load! #loader Unit]
+ [interpret #interpreter Object]
+ )
+(def: #export variant-tag "lux-variant")
+(def: #export unit Text "")
+(def: #export (definition-name [module name])
+ (-> Ident Text)
+ (lang.normalize-name (format module "$" name)))
+(def: #export (save code)
+ (-> Expression (Meta Unit))
+ (do macro.Monad<Meta>
+ [module-buffer module-buffer
+ #let [_ (Appendable::append [(:! CharSequence (scheme.expression code))]
+ module-buffer)]]
+ (load! code)))
+(def: #export run interpret)
+(def: #export (save-module! target)
+ (-> File (Meta (Process Unit)))
+ (do macro.Monad<Meta>
+ [module macro.current-module-name
+ module-buffer module-buffer
+ program-buffer program-buffer
+ #let [module-code (StringBuilder::toString [] module-buffer)
+ _ (Appendable::append [(:! CharSequence (format module-code "\n"))]
+ program-buffer)]]
+ (wrap (ioC.write target
+ (format (lang.normalize-name module) "/" r-module-name)
+ (|> module-code
+ (String::getBytes ["UTF-8"])
+ e.assume)))))
diff --git a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/scheme/case.jvm.lux b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/scheme/case.jvm.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0d67848c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/scheme/case.jvm.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+ lux
+ (lux (control [monad #+ do]
+ ["ex" exception #+ exception:])
+ (data [number]
+ [text]
+ text/format
+ (coll [list "list/" Functor<List> Fold<List>]
+ [set #+ Set]))
+ [macro #+ "meta/" Monad<Meta>]
+ (macro [code]))
+ (luxc [lang]
+ (lang [".L" variable #+ Register Variable]
+ ["ls" synthesis #+ Synthesis Path]
+ (host ["_" scheme #+ Expression SVar @@])))
+ [//]
+ (// [".T" runtime]
+ [".T" primitive]
+ [".T" reference]))
+(def: #export (translate-let translate register valueS bodyS)
+ (-> (-> Synthesis (Meta Expression)) Register Synthesis Synthesis
+ (Meta Expression))
+ (do macro.Monad<Meta>
+ [valueO (translate valueS)
+ bodyO (translate bodyS)
+ #let [$register (referenceT.variable register)]]
+ (wrap (_.let (list [$register valueO])
+ bodyO))))
+(def: #export (translate-record-get translate valueS pathP)
+ (-> (-> Synthesis (Meta Expression)) Synthesis (List [Nat Bool])
+ (Meta Expression))
+ (do macro.Monad<Meta>
+ [valueO (translate valueS)]
+ (wrap (list/fold (function (_ [idx tail?] source)
+ (let [method (if tail?
+ runtimeT.product//right
+ runtimeT.product//left)]
+ (method source (_.int (:! Int idx)))))
+ valueO
+ pathP))))
+(def: #export (translate-if testO thenO elseO)
+ (-> Expression Expression Expression Expression)
+ (_.if testO thenO elseO))
+(def: $savepoint (_.var "lux_pm_cursor_savepoint"))
+(def: $cursor (_.var "lux_pm_cursor"))
+(def: top _.length)
+(def: (push! value var)
+ (-> Expression SVar Expression)
+ (_.set! var (_.cons value (@@ var))))
+(def: (pop! var)
+ (-> SVar Expression)
+ (_.set! var (@@ var)))
+(def: (push-cursor! value)
+ (-> Expression Expression)
+ (push! value $cursor))
+(def: save-cursor!
+ Expression
+ (push! (@@ $cursor) $savepoint))
+(def: restore-cursor!
+ Expression
+ (_.set! $cursor (_.car (@@ $savepoint))))
+(def: cursor-top
+ Expression
+ (_.car (@@ $cursor)))
+(def: pop-cursor!
+ Expression
+ (pop! $cursor))
+(def: pm-error (_.string "PM-ERROR"))
+(def: fail-pm! (_.raise pm-error))
+(def: $temp (_.var "lux_pm_temp"))
+(exception: #export (Unrecognized-Path {message Text})
+ message)
+(def: $alt_error (_.var "alt_error"))
+(def: (pm-catch handler)
+ (-> Expression Expression)
+ (_.lambda (_.poly (list $alt_error))
+ (_.if (|> (@@ $alt_error) (_.eqv? pm-error))
+ handler
+ (_.raise (@@ $alt_error)))))
+(def: (translate-pattern-matching' translate pathP)
+ (-> (-> Synthesis (Meta Expression)) Path (Meta Expression))
+ (case pathP
+ (^code ("lux case exec" (~ bodyS)))
+ (do macro.Monad<Meta>
+ [bodyO (translate bodyS)]
+ (wrap bodyO))
+ (^code ("lux case pop"))
+ (meta/wrap pop-cursor!)
+ (^code ("lux case bind" (~ [_ (#.Nat register)])))
+ (meta/wrap (_.define (referenceT.variable register) (list) cursor-top))
+ (^template [<tag> <format> <=>]
+ [_ (<tag> value)]
+ (meta/wrap (_.when (|> value <format> (<=> cursor-top) _.not)
+ fail-pm!)))
+ ([#.Bool _.bool _.eqv?]
+ [#.Nat (<| _.int (:! Int)) _.=]
+ [#.Int _.int _.=]
+ [#.Deg (<| _.int (:! Int)) _.=]
+ [#.Frac _.float _.=]
+ [#.Text _.string _.eqv?])
+ (^template [<pm> <getter>]
+ (^code (<pm> (~ [_ (#.Nat idx)])))
+ (meta/wrap (push-cursor! (<getter> cursor-top (_.int (:! Int idx))))))
+ (["lux case tuple left" runtimeT.product//left]
+ ["lux case tuple right" runtimeT.product//right])
+ (^template [<pm> <flag>]
+ (^code (<pm> (~ [_ (#.Nat idx)])))
+ (meta/wrap (_.begin (list (_.set! $temp (runtimeT.sum//get cursor-top (_.int (:! Int idx)) <flag>))
+ (_.if (_.null? (@@ $temp))
+ fail-pm!
+ (push-cursor! (@@ $temp)))))))
+ (["lux case variant left" _.nil]
+ ["lux case variant right" (_.string "")])
+ (^code ("lux case seq" (~ leftP) (~ rightP)))
+ (do macro.Monad<Meta>
+ [leftO (translate-pattern-matching' translate leftP)
+ rightO (translate-pattern-matching' translate rightP)]
+ (wrap (_.begin (list leftO
+ rightO))))
+ (^code ("lux case alt" (~ leftP) (~ rightP)))
+ (do macro.Monad<Meta>
+ [leftO (translate-pattern-matching' translate leftP)
+ rightO (translate-pattern-matching' translate rightP)]
+ (wrap (_.with-exception-handler
+ (pm-catch (_.begin (list restore-cursor!
+ rightO)))
+ (_.lambda (_.poly (list))
+ (_.begin (list save-cursor!
+ leftO))))))
+ _
+ (lang.throw Unrecognized-Path (%code pathP))
+ ))
+(def: (translate-pattern-matching translate pathP)
+ (-> (-> Synthesis (Meta Expression)) Path (Meta Expression))
+ (do macro.Monad<Meta>
+ [pattern-matching! (translate-pattern-matching' translate pathP)]
+ (wrap (_.with-exception-handler
+ (pm-catch (_.raise (_.string "Invalid expression for pattern-matching.")))
+ (_.lambda (_.poly (list))
+ pattern-matching!)))))
+(def: (initialize-pattern-matching! stack-init)
+ (-> Expression Expression)
+ (_.begin (list (_.set! $cursor (_.list (list stack-init)))
+ (_.set! $savepoint (_.list (list))))))
+(def: #export (translate-case translate valueS pathP)
+ (-> (-> Synthesis (Meta Expression)) Synthesis Path (Meta Expression))
+ (do macro.Monad<Meta>
+ [valueO (translate valueS)
+ pattern-matching! (translate-pattern-matching translate pathP)]
+ (wrap (_.begin (list (initialize-pattern-matching! valueO)
+ pattern-matching!)))))
diff --git a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/scheme/eval.jvm.lux b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/scheme/eval.jvm.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a45af1f00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/scheme/eval.jvm.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+ lux
+ (lux (control ["ex" exception #+ exception:]
+ [monad #+ do])
+ (data [bit]
+ [maybe]
+ ["e" error #+ Error]
+ [text "text/" Eq<Text>]
+ text/format
+ (coll [array]))
+ [host])
+ (luxc [lang]
+ (lang (host [scheme #+ Expression])))
+ [//])
+(do-template [<name>]
+ [(exception: #export (<name> {message Text})
+ message)]
+ [Unknown-Kind-Of-Host-Object]
+ [Null-Has-No-Lux-Representation]
+ [Cannot-Evaluate]
+ [invalid-variant]
+ )
+(host.import java/lang/Object
+ (toString [] String)
+ (getClass [] (Class Object)))
+(host.import java/lang/Long
+ (intValue [] Integer))
+(host.import java/lang/Boolean)
+(host.import java/lang/String)
+(host.import gnu/math/IntNum
+ (longValue [] long))
+(host.import gnu/math/DFloNum
+ (doubleValue [] double))
+(host.import (gnu/lists/FVector E)
+ (getBufferLength [] int)
+ (get [int] E))
+(host.import gnu/lists/EmptyList)
+(host.import gnu/lists/FString
+ (toString [] String))
+(host.import gnu/lists/Pair
+ (getCar [] Object)
+ (getCdr [] Object)
+ (get [int] Object))
+(host.import gnu/mapping/Symbol
+ (getName [] String))
+(host.import gnu/mapping/SimpleSymbol)
+(def: (parse-tuple lux-object host-object)
+ (-> (-> Object (Error Top)) (FVector Object) (Error Top))
+ (let [size (:! Nat (FVector::getBufferLength [] host-object))]
+ (loop [idx +0
+ output (:! (Array Top) (array.new size))]
+ (if (n/< size idx)
+ (case (lux-object (FVector::get [(:! Int idx)] host-object))
+ (#e.Error error)
+ (#e.Error error)
+ (#e.Success lux-value)
+ (recur (n/inc idx) (array.write idx (:! Top lux-value) output)))
+ (#e.Success output)))))
+(def: (variant tag flag value)
+ (-> Nat Bool Top Top)
+ [(Long::intValue [] (:! Long tag))
+ (: Top
+ (if flag
+ //.unit
+ (host.null)))
+ value])
+(def: (to-text value)
+ (-> Top Text)
+ (let [value-text (:! Text (Object::toString [] (:! Object value)))
+ class-text (:! Text (Object::toString [] (Object::getClass [] (:! Object value))))]
+ (format value-text " : " class-text)))
+(def: (parse-variant lux-object host-object)
+ (-> (-> Object (Error Top)) Pair (Error Top))
+ (let [variant-tag (Pair::getCar [] host-object)]
+ (if (and (host.instance? gnu/mapping/SimpleSymbol variant-tag)
+ (text/= //.variant-tag (Symbol::getName [] (:! Symbol variant-tag))))
+ (do e.Monad<Error>
+ [#let [host-object (:! Pair (Pair::getCdr [] host-object))]
+ tag (lux-object (Pair::getCar [] host-object))
+ #let [host-object (:! Pair (Pair::getCdr [] host-object))]
+ #let [flag (host.instance? java/lang/String
+ (Pair::getCar [] host-object))]
+ value (lux-object (Pair::getCdr [] host-object))]
+ (wrap (..variant (:! Nat tag) flag value)))
+ (ex.throw invalid-variant (:! Text (Object::toString [] (:! Object host-object)))))))
+(def: (lux-object host-object)
+ (-> Object (Error Top))
+ (cond (or (host.instance? java/lang/Boolean host-object)
+ (host.instance? java/lang/String host-object))
+ (#e.Success host-object)
+ (host.instance? gnu/math/IntNum host-object)
+ (#e.Success (IntNum::longValue [] (:! IntNum host-object)))
+ (host.instance? gnu/math/DFloNum host-object)
+ (#e.Success (DFloNum::doubleValue [] (:! DFloNum host-object)))
+ (host.instance? gnu/lists/FString host-object)
+ (#e.Success (FString::toString [] (:! FString host-object)))
+ (host.instance? gnu/lists/FVector host-object)
+ (parse-tuple lux-object (:! (FVector Object) host-object))
+ (host.instance? gnu/lists/EmptyList host-object)
+ (#e.Success //.unit)
+ (host.instance? gnu/lists/Pair host-object)
+ (parse-variant lux-object (:! Pair host-object))
+ ## else
+ (let [object-class (:! Text (Object::toString [] (Object::getClass [] (:! Object host-object))))
+ text-representation (:! Text (Object::toString [] (:! Object host-object)))]
+ (ex.throw Unknown-Kind-Of-Host-Object (format object-class " --- " text-representation)))))
+(def: #export (eval code)
+ (-> Expression (Meta Top))
+ (function (_ compiler)
+ (let [interpreter (|> compiler (get@ #.host) (:! //.Host) (get@ #//.interpreter))]
+ (case (interpreter code)
+ (#e.Error error)
+ (exec (log! (format "eval #e.Error\n"
+ "<< " (scheme.expression code) "\n"
+ error))
+ ((lang.throw Cannot-Evaluate error) compiler))
+ (#e.Success output)
+ (case (lux-object output)
+ (#e.Success parsed-output)
+ (#e.Success [compiler parsed-output])
+ (#e.Error error)
+ (exec (log! (format "eval #e.Error\n"
+ "<< " (scheme.expression code) "\n"
+ error))
+ ((lang.throw Cannot-Evaluate error) compiler)))))))
diff --git a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/scheme/expression.jvm.lux b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/scheme/expression.jvm.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d906ae825
--- /dev/null
+++ b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/scheme/expression.jvm.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+ lux
+ (lux (control [monad #+ do]
+ ["ex" exception #+ exception:]
+ ["p" parser])
+ (data ["e" error]
+ text/format)
+ [macro]
+ (macro ["s" syntax]))
+ (luxc ["&" lang]
+ (lang [".L" variable #+ Variable Register]
+ [".L" extension]
+ ["ls" synthesis]
+ (host ["_" scheme #+ Expression])))
+ [//]
+ (// [".T" runtime]
+ [".T" primitive]
+ [".T" structure]
+ [".T" reference]
+ [".T" function]
+ [".T" case]
+ [".T" procedure]))
+(do-template [<name>]
+ [(exception: #export (<name> {message Text})
+ message)]
+ [Invalid-Function-Syntax]
+ [Unrecognized-Synthesis]
+ )
+(def: #export (translate synthesis)
+ (-> ls.Synthesis (Meta Expression))
+ (case synthesis
+ (^code [])
+ (:: macro.Monad<Meta> wrap runtimeT.unit)
+ (^template [<tag> <generator>]
+ [_ (<tag> value)]
+ (<generator> value))
+ ([#.Bool primitiveT.translate-bool]
+ [#.Nat primitiveT.translate-nat]
+ [#.Int primitiveT.translate-int]
+ [#.Deg primitiveT.translate-deg]
+ [#.Frac primitiveT.translate-frac]
+ [#.Text primitiveT.translate-text])
+ (^code ((~ [_ (#.Nat tag)]) (~ [_ (#.Bool last?)]) (~ valueS)))
+ (structureT.translate-variant translate tag last? valueS)
+ (^code [(~ singleton)])
+ (translate singleton)
+ (^code [(~+ members)])
+ (structureT.translate-tuple translate members)
+ (^ [_ (#.Form (list [_ (#.Int var)]))])
+ (referenceT.translate-variable var)
+ [_ (#.Symbol definition)]
+ (referenceT.translate-definition definition)
+ (^code ("lux call" (~ functionS) (~+ argsS)))
+ (functionT.translate-apply translate functionS argsS)
+ (^code ("lux function" (~ [_ (#.Nat arity)]) [(~+ environment)] (~ bodyS)))
+ (case (s.run environment (p.some s.int))
+ (#e.Success environment)
+ (functionT.translate-function translate environment arity bodyS)
+ _
+ (&.throw Invalid-Function-Syntax (%code synthesis)))
+ (^code ("lux let" (~ [_ (#.Nat register)]) (~ inputS) (~ exprS)))
+ (caseT.translate-let translate register inputS exprS)
+ (^code ("lux case" (~ inputS) (~ pathPS)))
+ (caseT.translate-case translate inputS pathPS)
+ (^code ((~ [_ (#.Text procedure)]) (~+ argsS)))
+ (procedureT.translate-procedure translate procedure argsS)
+ ## (do macro.Monad<Meta>
+ ## [translation (extensionL.find-translation procedure)]
+ ## (translation argsS))
+ _
+ (&.throw Unrecognized-Synthesis (%code synthesis))))
diff --git a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/scheme/function.jvm.lux b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/scheme/function.jvm.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0d03b31a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/scheme/function.jvm.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+ lux
+ (lux (control [monad #+ do]
+ pipe)
+ (data [product]
+ [text]
+ text/format
+ (coll [list "list/" Functor<List> Fold<List>]))
+ [macro])
+ (luxc ["&" lang]
+ (lang ["ls" synthesis]
+ [".L" variable #+ Variable]
+ (host ["_" scheme #+ Expression @@])))
+ [//]
+ (// [".T" reference]
+ [".T" runtime]))
+(def: #export (translate-apply translate functionS argsS+)
+ (-> (-> ls.Synthesis (Meta Expression)) ls.Synthesis (List ls.Synthesis) (Meta Expression))
+ (do macro.Monad<Meta>
+ [functionO (translate functionS)
+ argsO+ (monad.map @ translate argsS+)]
+ (wrap (_.apply functionO argsO+))))
+(def: $curried (_.var "curried"))
+(def: $missing (_.var "missing"))
+(def: input-declaration
+ (|>> n/inc referenceT.variable))
+(def: (with-closure function-name inits function-definition)
+ (-> Text (List Expression) Expression (Meta Expression))
+ (let [$closure (_.var (format function-name "___CLOSURE"))]
+ (do macro.Monad<Meta>
+ []
+ (case inits
+ #.Nil
+ (wrap function-definition)
+ _
+ (wrap (_.letrec (list [$closure
+ (_.lambda (|> (list.enumerate inits)
+ (list/map (|>> product.left referenceT.closure))
+ _.poly)
+ function-definition)])
+ (_.apply (@@ $closure) inits)))))))
+(def: #export (translate-function translate env arity bodyS)
+ (-> (-> ls.Synthesis (Meta Expression))
+ (List Variable) ls.Arity ls.Synthesis
+ (Meta Expression))
+ (do macro.Monad<Meta>
+ [[function-name bodyO] (//.with-sub-context
+ (do @
+ [function-name //.context]
+ (//.with-anchor [function-name +1]
+ (translate bodyS))))
+ closureO+ (monad.map @ referenceT.translate-variable env)
+ #let [arityO (|> arity nat-to-int _.int)
+ $num_args (_.var "num_args")
+ $function (_.var function-name)
+ apply-poly (function (_ args func)
+ (_.apply (_.global "apply") (list func args)))]]
+ (with-closure function-name closureO+
+ (_.letrec (list [$function (_.lambda $curried
+ (_.let (list [$num_args (_.length (@@ $curried))])
+ (<| (_.if (|> (@@ $num_args) (_.= arityO))
+ (_.let (list [(referenceT.variable +0) (@@ $function)])
+ (_.let-values (list [(|> (list.n/range +0 (n/dec arity))
+ (list/map input-declaration)
+ _.poly)
+ (_.apply (_.global "apply") (list (_.global "values") (@@ $curried)))])
+ bodyO)))
+ (_.if (|> (@@ $num_args) (_.> arityO))
+ (let [arity-args (runtimeT.list-slice (_.int 0) arityO (@@ $curried))
+ output-func-args (runtimeT.list-slice arityO
+ (|> (@@ $num_args) (_.- arityO))
+ (@@ $curried))]
+ (|> (@@ $function)
+ (apply-poly arity-args)
+ (apply-poly output-func-args))))
+ ## (|> (@@ $num_args) (_.< arityO))
+ (_.lambda $missing
+ (|> (@@ $function)
+ (apply-poly (_.append (@@ $curried) (@@ $missing))))))))])
+ (@@ $function)))
+ ))
diff --git a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/scheme/loop.jvm.lux b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/scheme/loop.jvm.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ecaf12c7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/scheme/loop.jvm.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+ lux
+ (lux (control [monad #+ do])
+ (data [text]
+ text/format
+ (coll [list "list/" Functor<List>]))
+ [macro])
+ (luxc [lang]
+ (lang ["ls" synthesis]
+ (host [r #+ Expression @@])))
+ [//]
+ (// [".T" reference]))
+(def: #export (translate-loop translate offset initsS+ bodyS)
+ (-> (-> ls.Synthesis (Meta Expression)) Nat (List ls.Synthesis) ls.Synthesis
+ (Meta Expression))
+ (do macro.Monad<Meta>
+ [loop-name (|> (macro.gensym "loop")
+ (:: @ map (|>> %code lang.normalize-name)))
+ initsO+ (monad.map @ translate initsS+)
+ bodyO (//.with-anchor [loop-name offset]
+ (translate bodyS))
+ #let [$loop-name (r.var loop-name)
+ @loop-name (@@ $loop-name)]
+ _ (//.save (r.set! $loop-name
+ (r.function (|> (list.n/range +0 (n/dec (list.size initsS+)))
+ (list/map (|>> (n/+ offset) referenceT.variable)))
+ bodyO)))]
+ (wrap (r.apply initsO+ @loop-name))))
+(def: #export (translate-recur translate argsS+)
+ (-> (-> ls.Synthesis (Meta Expression)) (List ls.Synthesis)
+ (Meta Expression))
+ (do macro.Monad<Meta>
+ [[loop-name offset] //.anchor
+ argsO+ (monad.map @ translate argsS+)]
+ (wrap (r.apply argsO+ (r.global loop-name)))))
diff --git a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/scheme/primitive.jvm.lux b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/scheme/primitive.jvm.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c7043eeb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/scheme/primitive.jvm.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ lux
+ (lux [macro "meta/" Monad<Meta>])
+ (luxc (lang (host [scheme #+ Expression])))
+ [//]
+ (// [".T" runtime]))
+(def: #export translate-bool
+ (-> Bool (Meta Expression))
+ (|>> scheme.bool meta/wrap))
+(def: #export translate-int
+ (-> Int (Meta Expression))
+ (|>> scheme.int meta/wrap))
+(def: #export translate-nat
+ (-> Nat (Meta Expression))
+ (|>> (:! Int) scheme.int meta/wrap))
+(def: #export translate-deg
+ (-> Deg (Meta Expression))
+ (|>> (:! Int) scheme.int meta/wrap))
+(def: #export translate-frac
+ (-> Frac (Meta Expression))
+ (|>> scheme.float meta/wrap))
+(def: #export translate-text
+ (-> Text (Meta Expression))
+ (|>> scheme.string meta/wrap))
diff --git a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/scheme/procedure.jvm.lux b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/scheme/procedure.jvm.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0876e9b19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/scheme/procedure.jvm.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ lux
+ (lux (control [monad #+ do]
+ ["ex" exception #+ exception:])
+ (data [maybe]
+ text/format
+ (coll [dict])))
+ (luxc ["&" lang]
+ (lang ["ls" synthesis]
+ (host ["_" scheme #+ Expression])))
+ [//]
+ (/ ["/." common]
+ ["/." host]))
+(exception: #export (Unknown-Procedure {message Text})
+ message)
+(def: procedures
+ /common.Bundle
+ (|> /common.procedures
+ (dict.merge /host.procedures)))
+(def: #export (translate-procedure translate name args)
+ (-> (-> ls.Synthesis (Meta Expression)) Text (List ls.Synthesis)
+ (Meta Expression))
+ (<| (maybe.default (&.throw Unknown-Procedure (%t name)))
+ (do maybe.Monad<Maybe>
+ [proc (dict.get name procedures)]
+ (wrap (proc translate args)))))
diff --git a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/scheme/procedure/common.jvm.lux b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/scheme/procedure/common.jvm.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f6a468f76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/scheme/procedure/common.jvm.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,535 @@
+ lux
+ (lux (control [monad #+ do]
+ ["ex" exception #+ exception:]
+ ["p" parser])
+ (data ["e" error]
+ [text]
+ text/format
+ [number #+ hex]
+ (coll [list "list/" Functor<List>]
+ [dict #+ Dict]))
+ [macro #+ with-gensyms]
+ (macro [code]
+ ["s" syntax #+ syntax:])
+ [host])
+ (luxc ["&" lang]
+ (lang ["la" analysis]
+ ["ls" synthesis]
+ (host ["_" scheme #+ Expression])))
+ [///]
+ (/// [".T" runtime]
+ [".T" case]
+ [".T" function]
+ [".T" loop]))
+## [Types]
+(type: #export Translator
+ (-> ls.Synthesis (Meta Expression)))
+(type: #export Proc
+ (-> Translator (List ls.Synthesis) (Meta Expression)))
+(type: #export Bundle
+ (Dict Text Proc))
+(syntax: (Vector [size s.nat] elemT)
+ (wrap (list (` [(~+ (list.repeat size elemT))]))))
+(type: #export Nullary (-> (Vector +0 Expression) Expression))
+(type: #export Unary (-> (Vector +1 Expression) Expression))
+(type: #export Binary (-> (Vector +2 Expression) Expression))
+(type: #export Trinary (-> (Vector +3 Expression) Expression))
+(type: #export Variadic (-> (List Expression) Expression))
+## [Utils]
+(def: #export (install name unnamed)
+ (-> Text (-> Text Proc)
+ (-> Bundle Bundle))
+ (dict.put name (unnamed name)))
+(def: #export (prefix prefix bundle)
+ (-> Text Bundle Bundle)
+ (|> bundle
+ dict.entries
+ (list/map (function (_ [key val]) [(format prefix " " key) val]))
+ (dict.from-list text.Hash<Text>)))
+(def: (wrong-arity proc expected actual)
+ (-> Text Nat Nat Text)
+ (format "Wrong number of arguments for " (%t proc) "\n"
+ "Expected: " (|> expected nat-to-int %i) "\n"
+ " Actual: " (|> actual nat-to-int %i)))
+(syntax: (arity: [name s.local-symbol] [arity s.nat])
+ (with-gensyms [g!_ g!proc g!name g!translate g!inputs]
+ (do @
+ [g!input+ (monad.seq @ (list.repeat arity (macro.gensym "input")))]
+ (wrap (list (` (def: #export ((~ (code.local-symbol name)) (~ g!proc))
+ (-> (-> (..Vector (~ (code.nat arity)) Expression) Expression)
+ (-> Text ..Proc))
+ (function ((~ g!_) (~ g!name))
+ (function ((~ g!_) (~ g!translate) (~ g!inputs))
+ (case (~ g!inputs)
+ (^ (list (~+ g!input+)))
+ (do macro.Monad<Meta>
+ [(~+ (|> g!input+
+ (list/map (function (_ g!input)
+ (list g!input (` ((~ g!translate) (~ g!input))))))
+ list.concat))]
+ ((~' wrap) ((~ g!proc) [(~+ g!input+)])))
+ (~' _)
+ (macro.fail (wrong-arity (~ g!name) +1 (list.size (~ g!inputs))))))))))))))
+(arity: nullary +0)
+(arity: unary +1)
+(arity: binary +2)
+(arity: trinary +3)
+(def: #export (variadic proc)
+ (-> Variadic (-> Text Proc))
+ (function (_ proc-name)
+ (function (_ translate inputsS)
+ (do macro.Monad<Meta>
+ [inputsI (monad.map @ translate inputsS)]
+ (wrap (proc inputsI))))))
+## [Procedures]
+## [[Lux]]
+(def: (lux//is [leftO rightO])
+ Binary
+ (_.eq? leftO rightO))
+(def: (lux//if [testO thenO elseO])
+ Trinary
+ (caseT.translate-if testO thenO elseO))
+(def: (lux//try riskyO)
+ Unary
+ (runtimeT.lux//try riskyO))
+(def: (lux//noop valueO)
+ Unary
+ valueO)
+(exception: #export (Wrong-Syntax {message Text})
+ message)
+(def: #export (wrong-syntax procedure args)
+ (-> Text (List ls.Synthesis) Text)
+ (format "Procedure: " procedure "\n"
+ "Arguments: " (%code (code.tuple args))))
+(def: lux//loop
+ (-> Text Proc)
+ (function (_ proc-name)
+ (function (_ translate inputsS)
+ (case (s.run inputsS ($_ p.seq s.nat (s.tuple (p.many s.any)) s.any))
+ (#e.Success [offset initsS+ bodyS])
+ (loopT.translate-loop translate offset initsS+ bodyS)
+ (#e.Error error)
+ (&.throw Wrong-Syntax (wrong-syntax proc-name inputsS)))
+ )))
+(def: lux//recur
+ (-> Text Proc)
+ (function (_ proc-name)
+ (function (_ translate inputsS)
+ (loopT.translate-recur translate inputsS))))
+(def: lux-procs
+ Bundle
+ (|> (dict.new text.Hash<Text>)
+ (install "noop" (unary lux//noop))
+ (install "is" (binary lux//is))
+ (install "try" (unary lux//try))
+ (install "if" (trinary lux//if))
+ (install "loop" lux//loop)
+ (install "recur" lux//recur)
+ ))
+## [[Bits]]
+(do-template [<name> <op>]
+ [(def: (<name> [subjectO paramO])
+ Binary
+ (<op> paramO subjectO))]
+ [bit//and _.bit-and]
+ [bit//or _.bit-or]
+ [bit//xor _.bit-xor]
+ )
+(def: (bit//shift-left [subjectO paramO])
+ Binary
+ (_.arithmetic-shift (_.remainder (_.int 64) paramO) subjectO))
+(def: (bit//signed-shift-right [subjectO paramO])
+ Binary
+ (_.arithmetic-shift (|> paramO (_.remainder (_.int 64)) (_.* (_.int -1)))
+ subjectO))
+(def: (bit//shift-right [subjectO paramO])
+ Binary
+ (runtimeT.bit//shift-right (_.remainder (_.int 64) paramO) subjectO))
+(def: bit-procs
+ Bundle
+ (<| (prefix "bit")
+ (|> (dict.new text.Hash<Text>)
+ (install "count" (unary (_.apply1 (_.global "bit-count"))))
+ (install "and" (binary bit//and))
+ (install "or" (binary bit//or))
+ (install "xor" (binary bit//xor))
+ (install "shift-left" (binary bit//shift-left))
+ (install "unsigned-shift-right" (binary bit//shift-right))
+ (install "shift-right" (binary bit//signed-shift-right))
+ )))
+## [[Arrays]]
+(def: (array//new size0)
+ Unary
+ ((_.apply2 (_.global "make-vector")) size0 _.nil))
+(def: (array//get [arrayO idxO])
+ Binary
+ (runtimeT.array//get arrayO idxO))
+(def: (array//put [arrayO idxO elemO])
+ Trinary
+ (runtimeT.array//put arrayO idxO elemO))
+(def: (array//remove [arrayO idxO])
+ Binary
+ (runtimeT.array//put arrayO idxO _.nil))
+(def: array-procs
+ Bundle
+ (<| (prefix "array")
+ (|> (dict.new text.Hash<Text>)
+ (install "new" (unary array//new))
+ (install "get" (binary array//get))
+ (install "put" (trinary array//put))
+ (install "remove" (binary array//remove))
+ (install "size" (unary (_.apply1 (_.global "vector-length"))))
+ )))
+## [[Numbers]]
+(host.import java/lang/Double
+ (#static MIN_VALUE Double)
+ (#static MAX_VALUE Double))
+(do-template [<name> <const> <encode>]
+ [(def: (<name> _)
+ Nullary
+ (<encode> <const>))]
+ [frac//smallest Double::MIN_VALUE _.float]
+ [frac//min (f/* -1.0 Double::MAX_VALUE) _.float]
+ [frac//max Double::MAX_VALUE _.float]
+ )
+(do-template [<name> <expression>]
+ [(def: (<name> _)
+ Nullary
+ (_.int <expression>))]
+ [nat//min 0]
+ [nat//max -1]
+ [int//min ("lux int min")]
+ [int//max ("lux int max")]
+ [deg//min 0]
+ [deg//max -1]
+ )
+(do-template [<name> <frac>]
+ [(def: (<name> _)
+ Nullary
+ (_.float <frac>))]
+ [frac//not-a-number number.not-a-number]
+ [frac//positive-infinity number.positive-infinity]
+ [frac//negative-infinity number.negative-infinity]
+ )
+(do-template [<name> <op>]
+ [(def: (<name> [subjectO paramO])
+ Binary
+ (|> subjectO (<op> paramO)))]
+ [int//add _.+]
+ [int//sub _.-]
+ [int//mul _.*]
+ [int//div _.quotient]
+ [int//rem _.remainder]
+ [nat//add _.+]
+ [nat//sub _.-]
+ [nat//mul _.*]
+ [nat//div runtimeT.nat///]
+ [nat//rem runtimeT.nat//%]
+ [deg//add _.+]
+ [deg//sub _.-]
+ [deg//rem _.-]
+ [deg//scale _.*]
+ [deg//mul _.*]
+ [deg//div _.quotient]
+ [deg//reciprocal _.quotient]
+ )
+(do-template [<name> <op>]
+ [(def: (<name> [subjectO paramO])
+ Binary
+ (<op> paramO subjectO))]
+ [frac//add _.+]
+ [frac//sub _.-]
+ [frac//mul _.*]
+ [frac//div _./]
+ [frac//rem _.mod]
+ [frac//= _.=]
+ [frac//< _.<]
+ [text//= _.string=?]
+ [text//< _.string<?]
+ )
+(do-template [<name> <cmp>]
+ [(def: (<name> [subjectO paramO])
+ Binary
+ (<cmp> paramO subjectO))]
+ [nat//= _.=]
+ [nat//< runtimeT.nat//<]
+ [int//= _.=]
+ [int//< _.<]
+ [deg//= _.=]
+ [deg//< runtimeT.nat//<]
+ )
+(def: deg//to-frac
+ Unary
+ (let [f2^32 (_.arithmetic-shift (_.int 32) (_.int 1))]
+ (|>> (_.arithmetic-shift (_.int -32))
+ (_.bit-and (_.int (hex "7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF")))
+ (_./ f2^32)
+ (_./ (_.float 1.0)))))
+(def: nat//char (|>> (_.apply1 (_.global "integer->char"))
+ (_.apply1 (_.global "string"))))
+(def: nat-procs
+ Bundle
+ (<| (prefix "nat")
+ (|> (dict.new text.Hash<Text>)
+ (install "+" (binary nat//add))
+ (install "-" (binary nat//sub))
+ (install "*" (binary nat//mul))
+ (install "/" (binary nat//div))
+ (install "%" (binary nat//rem))
+ (install "=" (binary nat//=))
+ (install "<" (binary nat//<))
+ (install "min" (nullary nat//min))
+ (install "max" (nullary nat//max))
+ (install "to-int" (unary id))
+ (install "char" (unary nat//char)))))
+(def: int-procs
+ Bundle
+ (<| (prefix "int")
+ (|> (dict.new text.Hash<Text>)
+ (install "+" (binary int//add))
+ (install "-" (binary int//sub))
+ (install "*" (binary int//mul))
+ (install "/" (binary int//div))
+ (install "%" (binary int//rem))
+ (install "=" (binary int//=))
+ (install "<" (binary int//<))
+ (install "min" (nullary int//min))
+ (install "max" (nullary int//max))
+ (install "to-nat" (unary id))
+ (install "to-frac" (unary (|>> (_./ (_.float 1.0))))))))
+(def: deg-procs
+ Bundle
+ (<| (prefix "deg")
+ (|> (dict.new text.Hash<Text>)
+ (install "+" (binary deg//add))
+ (install "-" (binary deg//sub))
+ (install "*" (binary deg//mul))
+ (install "/" (binary deg//div))
+ (install "%" (binary deg//rem))
+ (install "=" (binary deg//=))
+ (install "<" (binary deg//<))
+ (install "scale" (binary deg//scale))
+ (install "reciprocal" (binary deg//reciprocal))
+ (install "min" (nullary deg//min))
+ (install "max" (nullary deg//max))
+ (install "to-frac" (unary deg//to-frac)))))
+(def: frac-procs
+ Bundle
+ (<| (prefix "frac")
+ (|> (dict.new text.Hash<Text>)
+ (install "+" (binary frac//add))
+ (install "-" (binary frac//sub))
+ (install "*" (binary frac//mul))
+ (install "/" (binary frac//div))
+ (install "%" (binary frac//rem))
+ (install "=" (binary frac//=))
+ (install "<" (binary frac//<))
+ (install "smallest" (nullary frac//smallest))
+ (install "min" (nullary frac//min))
+ (install "max" (nullary frac//max))
+ (install "not-a-number" (nullary frac//not-a-number))
+ (install "positive-infinity" (nullary frac//positive-infinity))
+ (install "negative-infinity" (nullary frac//negative-infinity))
+ (install "to-deg" (unary runtimeT.frac//to-deg))
+ (install "to-int" (unary (_.apply1 (_.global "exact"))))
+ (install "encode" (unary (_.apply1 (_.global "number->string"))))
+ (install "decode" (unary runtimeT.frac//decode)))))
+## [[Text]]
+(def: (text//concat [subjectO paramO])
+ Binary
+ (_.apply (_.global "string-append") (list subjectO paramO)))
+(def: text-procs
+ Bundle
+ (<| (prefix "text")
+ (|> (dict.new text.Hash<Text>)
+ (install "=" (binary text//=))
+ (install "<" (binary text//<))
+ (install "concat" (binary text//concat))
+ ## (install "index" (trinary text//index))
+ (install "size" (unary (_.apply1 (_.global "string-length"))))
+ (install "hash" (unary (_.apply1 (_.global "string-hash"))))
+ ## (install "replace-once" (trinary text//replace-once))
+ ## (install "replace-all" (trinary text//replace-all))
+ ## (install "char" (binary text//char))
+ ## (install "clip" (trinary text//clip))
+ (install "upper" (unary (_.apply1 (_.global "string-upcase"))))
+ (install "lower" (unary (_.apply1 (_.global "string-downcase"))))
+ )))
+## [[Math]]
+(def: (math//pow [subject param])
+ Binary
+ ((_.apply2 (_.global "expt")) subject param))
+(def: math-func
+ (-> Text (-> Expression Expression))
+ (|>> _.global _.apply1))
+(def: math-procs
+ Bundle
+ (<| (prefix "math")
+ (|> (dict.new text.Hash<Text>)
+ (install "cos" (unary (math-func "cos")))
+ (install "sin" (unary (math-func "sin")))
+ (install "tan" (unary (math-func "tan")))
+ (install "acos" (unary (math-func "acos")))
+ (install "asin" (unary (math-func "asin")))
+ (install "atan" (unary (math-func "atan")))
+ (install "exp" (unary (math-func "exp")))
+ (install "log" (unary (math-func "log")))
+ (install "ceil" (unary (math-func "ceiling")))
+ (install "floor" (unary (math-func "floor")))
+ (install "pow" (binary math//pow))
+ )))
+## [[IO]]
+(def: (io//log input)
+ Unary
+ (_.begin (list (_.apply (_.global "display") (list input))
+ (_.apply (_.global "newline") (list)))))
+(def: (void code)
+ (-> Expression Expression)
+ (_.begin (list code runtimeT.unit)))
+(def: io-procs
+ Bundle
+ (<| (prefix "io")
+ (|> (dict.new text.Hash<Text>)
+ (install "log" (unary (|>> io//log ..void)))
+ (install "error" (unary _.raise))
+ (install "exit" (unary (_.apply1 (_.global "exit"))))
+ (install "current-time" (nullary (function (_ _) (runtimeT.io//current-time runtimeT.unit)))))))
+## [[Atoms]]
+(def: atom//new
+ Unary
+ (|>> (list) _.vector))
+(def: (atom//read atom)
+ Unary
+ (_.vector-ref atom (_.int 0)))
+(def: (atom//compare-and-swap [atomO oldO newO])
+ Trinary
+ (runtimeT.atom//compare-and-swap atomO oldO newO))
+(def: atom-procs
+ Bundle
+ (<| (prefix "atom")
+ (|> (dict.new text.Hash<Text>)
+ (install "new" (unary atom//new))
+ (install "read" (unary atom//read))
+ (install "compare-and-swap" (trinary atom//compare-and-swap)))))
+## [[Box]]
+(def: (box//write [valueO boxO])
+ Binary
+ (runtimeT.box//write valueO boxO))
+(def: box-procs
+ Bundle
+ (<| (prefix "box")
+ (|> (dict.new text.Hash<Text>)
+ (install "new" (unary atom//new))
+ (install "read" (unary atom//read))
+ (install "write" (binary box//write)))))
+## [[Processes]]
+(def: (process//concurrency-level [])
+ Nullary
+ (_.int 1))
+(def: (process//schedule [milli-secondsO procedureO])
+ Binary
+ (runtimeT.process//schedule milli-secondsO procedureO))
+(def: process-procs
+ Bundle
+ (<| (prefix "process")
+ (|> (dict.new text.Hash<Text>)
+ (install "concurrency-level" (nullary process//concurrency-level))
+ (install "future" (unary runtimeT.process//future))
+ (install "schedule" (binary process//schedule))
+ )))
+## [Bundles]
+(def: #export procedures
+ Bundle
+ (<| (prefix "lux")
+ (|> lux-procs
+ (dict.merge bit-procs)
+ (dict.merge nat-procs)
+ (dict.merge int-procs)
+ (dict.merge deg-procs)
+ (dict.merge frac-procs)
+ (dict.merge text-procs)
+ (dict.merge array-procs)
+ (dict.merge math-procs)
+ (dict.merge io-procs)
+ (dict.merge atom-procs)
+ (dict.merge box-procs)
+ (dict.merge process-procs)
+ )))
diff --git a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/scheme/procedure/host.jvm.lux b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/scheme/procedure/host.jvm.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c1b43da2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/scheme/procedure/host.jvm.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+ lux
+ (lux (control [monad #+ do])
+ (data [text]
+ text/format
+ (coll [list "list/" Functor<List>]
+ [dict #+ Dict]))
+ [macro "macro/" Monad<Meta>])
+ (luxc ["&" lang]
+ (lang ["la" analysis]
+ ["ls" synthesis]
+ (host [ruby #+ Ruby Expression Statement])))
+ [///]
+ (/// [".T" runtime])
+ (// ["@" common]))
+## (do-template [<name> <lua>]
+## [(def: (<name> _) @.Nullary <lua>)]
+## [lua//nil "nil"]
+## [lua//table "{}"]
+## )
+## (def: (lua//global proc translate inputs)
+## (-> Text @.Proc)
+## (case inputs
+## (^ (list [_ (#.Text name)]))
+## (do macro.Monad<Meta>
+## []
+## (wrap name))
+## _
+## (&.throw @.Wrong-Syntax (@.wrong-syntax proc inputs))))
+## (def: (lua//call proc translate inputs)
+## (-> Text @.Proc)
+## (case inputs
+## (^ (list& functionS argsS+))
+## (do macro.Monad<Meta>
+## [functionO (translate functionS)
+## argsO+ (monad.map @ translate argsS+)]
+## (wrap (lua.apply functionO argsO+)))
+## _
+## (&.throw @.Wrong-Syntax (@.wrong-syntax proc inputs))))
+## (def: lua-procs
+## @.Bundle
+## (|> (dict.new text.Hash<Text>)
+## (@.install "nil" (@.nullary lua//nil))
+## (@.install "table" (@.nullary lua//table))
+## (@.install "global" lua//global)
+## (@.install "call" lua//call)))
+## (def: (table//call proc translate inputs)
+## (-> Text @.Proc)
+## (case inputs
+## (^ (list& tableS [_ (#.Text field)] argsS+))
+## (do macro.Monad<Meta>
+## [tableO (translate tableS)
+## argsO+ (monad.map @ translate argsS+)]
+## (wrap (lua.method field tableO argsO+)))
+## _
+## (&.throw @.Wrong-Syntax (@.wrong-syntax proc inputs))))
+## (def: (table//get [fieldO tableO])
+## @.Binary
+## (runtimeT.lua//get tableO fieldO))
+## (def: (table//set [fieldO valueO tableO])
+## @.Trinary
+## (runtimeT.lua//set tableO fieldO valueO))
+## (def: table-procs
+## @.Bundle
+## (<| (@.prefix "table")
+## (|> (dict.new text.Hash<Text>)
+## (@.install "call" table//call)
+## (@.install "get" (@.binary table//get))
+## (@.install "set" (@.trinary table//set)))))
+(def: #export procedures
+ @.Bundle
+ (<| (@.prefix "lua")
+ (dict.new text.Hash<Text>)
+ ## (|> lua-procs
+ ## (dict.merge table-procs))
+ ))
diff --git a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/scheme/reference.jvm.lux b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/scheme/reference.jvm.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3ee8e472a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/scheme/reference.jvm.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ lux
+ (lux [macro]
+ (data [text]
+ text/format))
+ (luxc ["&" lang]
+ (lang [".L" variable #+ Variable Register]
+ (host ["_" scheme #+ Expression SVar @@])))
+ [//]
+ (// [".T" runtime]))
+(do-template [<register> <translation> <prefix>]
+ [(def: #export (<register> register)
+ (-> Register SVar)
+ (_.var (format <prefix> (%i (nat-to-int register)))))
+ (def: #export (<translation> register)
+ (-> Register (Meta Expression))
+ (:: macro.Monad<Meta> wrap (@@ (<register> register))))]
+ [closure translate-captured "c"]
+ [variable translate-local "v"])
+(def: #export (local var)
+ (-> Variable SVar)
+ (if (variableL.captured? var)
+ (closure (variableL.captured-register var))
+ (variable (int-to-nat var))))
+(def: #export (translate-variable var)
+ (-> Variable (Meta Expression))
+ (if (variableL.captured? var)
+ (translate-captured (variableL.captured-register var))
+ (translate-local (int-to-nat var))))
+(def: #export global
+ (-> Ident SVar)
+ (|>> //.definition-name _.var))
+(def: #export (translate-definition name)
+ (-> Ident (Meta Expression))
+ (:: macro.Monad<Meta> wrap (@@ (global name))))
diff --git a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/scheme/runtime.jvm.lux b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/scheme/runtime.jvm.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..585c80c86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/scheme/runtime.jvm.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
+ lux
+ (lux (control ["p" parser "p/" Monad<Parser>]
+ [monad #+ do])
+ (data [bit]
+ [number #+ hex]
+ text/format
+ (coll [list "list/" Monad<List>]))
+ [macro]
+ (macro [code]
+ ["s" syntax #+ syntax:])
+ [io #+ Process])
+ [//]
+ (luxc [lang]
+ (lang (host ["_" scheme #+ SVar Expression @@]))))
+(def: prefix Text "LuxRuntime")
+(def: #export unit Expression (_.string //.unit))
+(def: (flag value)
+ (-> Bool Expression)
+ (if value
+ (_.string "")
+ _.nil))
+(def: (variant' tag last? value)
+ (-> Expression Expression Expression Expression)
+ (<| (_.cons (_.symbol //.variant-tag))
+ (_.cons tag)
+ (_.cons last?)
+ value))
+(def: #export (variant tag last? value)
+ (-> Nat Bool Expression Expression)
+ (variant' (_.int (:! Int tag)) (flag last?) value))
+(def: #export none
+ Expression
+ (variant +0 false unit))
+(def: #export some
+ (-> Expression Expression)
+ (variant +1 true))
+(def: #export left
+ (-> Expression Expression)
+ (variant +0 false))
+(def: #export right
+ (-> Expression Expression)
+ (variant +1 true))
+(type: Runtime Expression)
+(def: declaration
+ (s.Syntax [Text (List Text)])
+ (p.either (p.seq s.local-symbol (p/wrap (list)))
+ (s.form (p.seq s.local-symbol (p.some s.local-symbol)))))
+(syntax: (runtime: [[name args] declaration]
+ definition)
+ (let [implementation (code.local-symbol (format "@@" name))
+ runtime (format prefix "__" (lang.normalize-name name))
+ $runtime (` (_.var (~ (code.text runtime))))
+ @runtime (` (@@ (~ $runtime)))
+ argsC+ (list/map code.local-symbol args)
+ argsLC+ (list/map (|>> lang.normalize-name (format "LRV__") code.text (~) (_.var) (`))
+ args)
+ declaration (` ((~ (code.local-symbol name))
+ (~+ argsC+)))
+ type (` (-> (~+ (list.repeat (list.size argsC+) (` _.Expression)))
+ _.Expression))]
+ (wrap (list (` (def: (~' #export) (~ declaration)
+ (~ type)
+ (~ (case argsC+
+ #.Nil
+ @runtime
+ _
+ (` (_.apply (~ @runtime) (list (~+ argsC+))))))))
+ (` (def: (~ implementation)
+ _.Expression
+ (~ (case argsC+
+ #.Nil
+ (` (_.define (~ $runtime) (~ definition)))
+ _
+ (` (let [(~+ (|> (list.zip2 argsC+ argsLC+)
+ (list/map (function (_ [left right])
+ (list left right)))
+ list/join))]
+ (_.define (~ $runtime) (list (~+ argsLC+))
+ (~ definition))))))))))))
+(runtime: (list-slice offset length list)
+ (<| (_.if (_.null? (@@ list))
+ (@@ list))
+ (_.if (|> (@@ offset) (_.> (_.int 0)))
+ (list-slice (|> (@@ offset) (_.- (_.int 1)))
+ (@@ length)
+ (_.cdr (@@ list))))
+ (_.if (|> (@@ length) (_.> (_.int 0)))
+ (_.cons (_.car (@@ list))
+ (list-slice (@@ offset)
+ (|> (@@ length) (_.- (_.int 1)))
+ (_.cdr (@@ list)))))
+ _.nil))
+(syntax: #export (with-vars [vars (s.tuple (p.many s.local-symbol))]
+ body)
+ (wrap (list (` (let [(~+ (|> vars
+ (list/map (function (_ var)
+ (list (code.local-symbol var)
+ (` (_.var (~ (code.text (format "LRV__" (lang.normalize-name var)))))))))
+ list/join))]
+ (~ body))))))
+(def: as-integer
+ (-> Expression Expression)
+ (_.apply1 (_.global "exact")))
+(runtime: (lux//try op)
+ (with-vars [error]
+ (_.with-exception-handler
+ (_.lambda (_.poly (list error))
+ (..left (@@ error)))
+ (_.lambda (_.poly (list))
+ (..right (_.apply (@@ op) (list ..unit)))))))
+(runtime: (lux//program-args program-args)
+ (with-vars [loop input output]
+ (_.letrec (list [loop (_.lambda (_.poly (list input output))
+ (_.if (_.eqv? _.nil (@@ input))
+ (@@ output)
+ (_.apply (@@ loop)
+ (list (_.cdr (@@ input))
+ (..some (_.vector (list (_.car (@@ input)) (@@ output))))))))])
+ (_.apply (@@ loop) (list (_.apply (_.global "reverse") (list (@@ program-args)))
+ ..none)))))
+(def: runtime//lux
+ Runtime
+ (_.begin (list @@lux//try
+ @@lux//program-args)))
+(def: minimum-index-length
+ (-> Expression Expression)
+ (|>> (_.+ (_.int 1))))
+(def: product-element
+ (-> Expression Expression Expression)
+ _.vector-ref)
+(def: (product-tail product)
+ (-> Expression Expression)
+ (_.vector-ref product (|> (_.length product) (_.- (_.int 1)))))
+(def: (updated-index min-length product)
+ (-> Expression Expression Expression)
+ (|> min-length (_.- (_.length product))))
+(runtime: (product//left product index)
+ (let [$index_min_length (_.var "index_min_length")]
+ (_.begin
+ (list (_.define $index_min_length (list)
+ (minimum-index-length (@@ index)))
+ (_.if (|> (_.length (@@ product)) (_.> (@@ $index_min_length)))
+ ## No need for recursion
+ (product-element (@@ product) (@@ index))
+ ## Needs recursion
+ (product//left (product-tail (@@ product))
+ (updated-index (@@ $index_min_length) (@@ product))))))))
+(runtime: (product//right product index)
+ (let [$index_min_length (_.var "index_min_length")
+ $product_length (_.var "product_length")
+ $slice (_.var "slice")]
+ (_.begin
+ (list
+ (_.define $index_min_length (list) (minimum-index-length (@@ index)))
+ (_.define $product_length (list) (_.length (@@ product)))
+ (<| (_.if ## Last element.
+ (|> (@@ $product_length) (_.= (@@ $index_min_length)))
+ (product-element (@@ product) (@@ index)))
+ (_.if ## Needs recursion
+ (|> (@@ $product_length) (_.< (@@ $index_min_length)))
+ (product//right (product-tail (@@ product))
+ (updated-index (@@ $index_min_length) (@@ product))))
+ ## Must slice
+ (_.begin
+ (list (_.define $slice (list)
+ (_.make-vector (|> (@@ $product_length)
+ (_.- (@@ index)))))
+ (_.vector-copy! (@@ $slice) (_.int 0)
+ (@@ product) (@@ index) (@@ $product_length))
+ (@@ $slice))))))))
+(runtime: (sum//get sum wanted_tag wants_last)
+ (with-vars [variant-tag sum-tag sum-flag sum-value]
+ (let [no-match _.nil
+ is-last? (|> (@@ sum-flag) (_.eqv? (_.string "")))
+ test-recursion (_.if is-last?
+ ## Must recurse.
+ (sum//get (@@ sum-value)
+ (|> (@@ wanted_tag) (_.- (@@ sum-tag)))
+ (@@ wants_last))
+ no-match)]
+ (<| (_.let-values (list [(_.poly (list variant-tag sum-tag sum-flag sum-value))
+ (_.apply (_.global "apply") (list (_.global "values") (@@ sum)))]))
+ (_.if (|> (@@ wanted_tag) (_.= (@@ sum-tag)))
+ (_.if (|> (@@ sum-flag) (_.eqv? (@@ wants_last)))
+ (@@ sum-value)
+ test-recursion))
+ (_.if (|> (@@ wanted_tag) (_.> (@@ sum-tag)))
+ test-recursion)
+ (_.if (_.and (list (|> (@@ wants_last) (_.eqv? (_.string "")))
+ (|> (@@ wanted_tag) (_.< (@@ sum-tag)))))
+ (variant' (|> (@@ sum-tag) (_.- (@@ wanted_tag))) (@@ sum-flag) (@@ sum-value)))
+ no-match))))
+(def: runtime//adt
+ Runtime
+ (_.begin (list @@product//left
+ @@product//right
+ @@sum//get)))
+(runtime: (bit//shift-right shift input)
+ (_.if (_.= (_.int 0) (@@ shift))
+ (@@ input)
+ (|> (@@ input)
+ (_.arithmetic-shift (_.* (_.int -1) (@@ shift)))
+ (_.bit-and (_.int (hex "7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"))))))
+(def: runtime//bit
+ Runtime
+ (_.begin (list @@bit//shift-right)))
+(def: int-high (bit//shift-right (_.int 32)))
+(def: int-low (_.bit-and (_.int (hex "FFFFFFFF"))))
+(runtime: (nat//< param subject)
+ (with-vars [pH sH]
+ (_.let (list [pH (int-high (@@ param))]
+ [sH (int-high (@@ subject))])
+ (_.or (list (_.< (@@ pH) (@@ sH))
+ (_.and (list (_.= (@@ pH) (@@ sH))
+ (_.< (int-low (@@ param)) (int-low (@@ subject))))))))))
+(runtime: (nat/// param subject)
+ (_.if (_.< (_.int 0) (@@ param))
+ (_.if (nat//< (@@ param) (@@ subject))
+ (_.int 0)
+ (_.int 1))
+ (with-vars [quotient]
+ (_.let (list [quotient (|> (@@ subject)
+ (bit//shift-right (_.int 1))
+ (_.quotient (@@ param))
+ (_.arithmetic-shift (_.int 1)))])
+ (let [remainder (_.- (_.* (@@ param) (@@ quotient))
+ (@@ subject))]
+ (_.if (_.not (nat//< (@@ param) remainder))
+ (_.+ (_.int 1) (@@ quotient))
+ (@@ quotient)))))))
+(runtime: (nat//% param subject)
+ (let [flat (|> (@@ subject)
+ (nat/// (@@ param))
+ (_.* (@@ param)))]
+ (|> (@@ subject) (_.- flat))))
+(def: runtime//nat
+ Runtime
+ (_.begin
+ (list @@nat//<
+ @@nat///
+ @@nat//%)))
+(runtime: (frac//to-deg input)
+ (with-vars [two32 shifted]
+ (_.let* (list [two32 (|> (_.float 2.0) (_.expt (_.float 32.0)))]
+ [shifted (|> (@@ input) (_.mod (_.float 1.0)) (_.* (@@ two32)))])
+ (let [low (|> (@@ shifted) (_.mod (_.float 1.0)) (_.* (@@ two32)) as-integer)
+ high (|> (@@ shifted) as-integer)]
+ (|> high
+ (_.arithmetic-shift (_.int 32))
+ (_.+ low))))))
+(runtime: (frac//decode input)
+ (with-vars [output]
+ (_.let (list [output ((_.apply1 (_.global "string->number")) (@@ input))])
+ (_.if (_.and (list (_.not (_.= (@@ output) (@@ output)))
+ (_.not (_.eqv? (_.string "+nan.0") (@@ input)))))
+ ..none
+ (..some (@@ output))))))
+(def: runtime//frac
+ Runtime
+ (_.begin
+ (list @@frac//to-deg
+ @@frac//decode)))
+## (def: runtime//text
+## Runtime
+## (_.begin (list @@text//index
+## @@text//clip
+## @@text//char)))
+(def: (check-index-out-of-bounds array idx body)
+ (-> Expression Expression Expression Expression)
+ (_.if (|> idx (_.<= (_.length array)))
+ body
+ (_.raise (_.string "Array index out of bounds!"))))
+(runtime: (array//get array idx)
+ (with-vars [temp]
+ (<| (check-index-out-of-bounds (@@ array) (@@ idx))
+ (_.let (list [temp (_.vector-ref (@@ array) (@@ idx))])
+ (_.if (|> (@@ temp) (_.eqv? _.nil))
+ ..none
+ (..some (@@ temp)))))))
+(runtime: (array//put array idx value)
+ (<| (check-index-out-of-bounds (@@ array) (@@ idx))
+ (_.begin
+ (list (_.vector-set! (@@ array) (@@ idx) (@@ value))
+ (@@ array)))))
+(def: runtime//array
+ Runtime
+ (_.begin
+ (list @@array//get
+ @@array//put)))
+(runtime: (atom//compare-and-swap atom old new)
+ (with-vars [temp]
+ (_.let (list [temp (_.vector-ref (@@ atom) (_.int 0))])
+ (_.if (_.eq? (@@ old) (@@ temp))
+ (_.begin
+ (list (_.vector-set! (@@ atom) (_.int 0) (@@ new))
+ (_.bool true)))
+ (_.bool false)))))
+(def: runtime//atom
+ Runtime
+ @@atom//compare-and-swap)
+(runtime: (box//write value box)
+ (_.begin
+ (list
+ (_.vector-set! (@@ box) (_.int 0) (@@ value))
+ ..unit)))
+(def: runtime//box
+ Runtime
+ (_.begin (list @@box//write)))
+(runtime: (io//current-time _)
+ (|> (_.apply (_.global "current-second") (list))
+ (_.* (_.int 1_000))
+ as-integer))
+(def: runtime//io
+ (_.begin (list @@io//current-time)))
+(def: process//incoming
+ SVar
+ (_.var (lang.normalize-name "process//incoming")))
+(runtime: (process//loop _)
+ (_.when (_.not (_.null? (@@ process//incoming)))
+ (with-vars [queue process]
+ (_.let (list [queue (@@ process//incoming)])
+ (_.begin (list (_.set! process//incoming (_.list (list)))
+ (_.apply (_.global "map")
+ (list (_.lambda (_.poly (list process))
+ (_.apply (@@ process) (list ..unit)))
+ (@@ queue)))
+ (process//loop ..unit)))))))
+(runtime: (process//future procedure)
+ (_.begin (list (_.set! process//incoming (_.cons (@@ procedure) (@@ process//incoming)))
+ ..unit)))
+(runtime: (process//schedule milli-seconds procedure)
+ (with-vars [start process now _ignored]
+ (_.let (list [start (io//current-time ..unit)])
+ (_.letrec (list [process (_.lambda _ignored
+ (_.let (list [now (io//current-time ..unit)])
+ (_.if (|> (@@ now) (_.- (@@ start)) (_.>= (@@ milli-seconds)))
+ (_.apply (@@ procedure) (list ..unit))
+ (process//future (@@ process)))))])
+ (process//future (@@ process))))))
+(def: runtime//process
+ Runtime
+ (_.begin (list (_.define process//incoming (list) (_.list (list)))
+ @@process//loop
+ @@process//future
+ @@process//schedule)))
+(def: runtime
+ Runtime
+ (_.begin (list @@list-slice
+ runtime//lux
+ runtime//bit
+ runtime//adt
+ runtime//nat
+ runtime//frac
+ ## runtime//text
+ runtime//array
+ runtime//atom
+ runtime//box
+ runtime//io
+ runtime//process
+ )))
+(def: #export artifact Text (format prefix //.file-extension))
+(def: #export translate
+ (Meta (Process Unit))
+ (do macro.Monad<Meta>
+ [_ //.init-module-buffer
+ _ (//.save runtime)]
+ (//.save-module! artifact)))
diff --git a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/scheme/statement.jvm.lux b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/scheme/statement.jvm.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c9611cd2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/scheme/statement.jvm.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+ lux
+ (lux (control [monad #+ do])
+ [macro]
+ (data text/format))
+ (luxc (lang [".L" module]
+ (host ["_" scheme #+ Expression @@])))
+ [//]
+ (// [".T" runtime]
+ [".T" reference]
+ [".T" eval]))
+(def: #export (translate-def name expressionT expressionO metaV)
+ (-> Text Type Expression Code (Meta Unit))
+ (do macro.Monad<Meta>
+ [current-module macro.current-module-name
+ #let [def-ident [current-module name]]]
+ (case (macro.get-symbol-ann (ident-for #.alias) metaV)
+ (#.Some real-def)
+ (do @
+ [[realT realA realV] (macro.find-def real-def)
+ _ (moduleL.define def-ident [realT metaV realV])]
+ (wrap []))
+ _
+ (do @
+ [#let [def-name (referenceT.global def-ident)]
+ _ (//.save (_.define def-name (list) expressionO))
+ expressionV (evalT.eval (@@ def-name))
+ _ (moduleL.define def-ident [expressionT metaV expressionV])
+ _ (if (macro.type? metaV)
+ (case (macro.declared-tags metaV)
+ #.Nil
+ (wrap [])
+ tags
+ (moduleL.declare-tags tags (macro.export? metaV) (:! Type expressionV)))
+ (wrap []))
+ #let [_ (log! (format "DEF " (%ident def-ident)))]]
+ (wrap []))
+ )))
+(def: #export (translate-program programO)
+ (-> Expression (Meta Expression))
+ (macro.fail "translate-program NOT IMPLEMENTED YET"))
diff --git a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/scheme/structure.jvm.lux b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/scheme/structure.jvm.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..01ddcbf6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/scheme/structure.jvm.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ lux
+ (lux (control [monad #+ do])
+ (data [text]
+ text/format)
+ [macro])
+ (luxc ["&" lang]
+ (lang [synthesis #+ Synthesis]
+ (host [scheme #+ Expression])))
+ [//]
+ (// [".T" runtime]))
+(def: #export (translate-tuple translate elemsS+)
+ (-> (-> Synthesis (Meta Expression)) (List Synthesis) (Meta Expression))
+ (case elemsS+
+ #.Nil
+ (:: macro.Monad<Meta> wrap runtimeT.unit)
+ (#.Cons singletonS #.Nil)
+ (translate singletonS)
+ _
+ (do macro.Monad<Meta>
+ [elemsT+ (monad.map @ translate elemsS+)]
+ (wrap (scheme.vector elemsT+)))))
+(def: #export (translate-variant translate tag tail? valueS)
+ (-> (-> Synthesis (Meta Expression)) Nat Bool Synthesis (Meta Expression))
+ (do macro.Monad<Meta>
+ [valueT (translate valueS)]
+ (wrap (runtimeT.variant tag tail? valueT))))
diff --git a/new-luxc/test/test/luxc/common.lux b/new-luxc/test/test/luxc/common.lux
index 7d4b156b8..35ec86c1b 100644
--- a/new-luxc/test/test/luxc/common.lux
+++ b/new-luxc/test/test/luxc/common.lux
@@ -14,31 +14,36 @@
[".T_jvm" eval]
[".T_jvm" runtime]
[".T_jvm" statement])
- [js]
- (js [".T_js" expression]
- [".T_js" eval]
- [".T_js" runtime]
- [".T_js" statement])
- [lua]
- (lua [".T_lua" expression]
- [".T_lua" eval]
- [".T_lua" runtime]
- [".T_lua" statement])
- [ruby]
- (ruby [".T_ruby" expression]
- [".T_ruby" eval]
- [".T_ruby" runtime]
- [".T_ruby" statement])
- [python]
- (python [".T_python" expression]
- [".T_python" eval]
- [".T_python" runtime]
- [".T_python" statement])
- [r]
- (r [".T_r" expression]
- [".T_r" eval]
- [".T_r" runtime]
- [".T_r" statement])
+ ## [js]
+ ## (js [".T_js" expression]
+ ## [".T_js" eval]
+ ## [".T_js" runtime]
+ ## [".T_js" statement])
+ ## [lua]
+ ## (lua [".T_lua" expression]
+ ## [".T_lua" eval]
+ ## [".T_lua" runtime]
+ ## [".T_lua" statement])
+ ## [ruby]
+ ## (ruby [".T_ruby" expression]
+ ## [".T_ruby" eval]
+ ## [".T_ruby" runtime]
+ ## [".T_ruby" statement])
+ ## [python]
+ ## (python [".T_python" expression]
+ ## [".T_python" eval]
+ ## [".T_python" runtime]
+ ## [".T_python" statement])
+ ## [r]
+ ## (r [".T_r" expression]
+ ## [".T_r" eval]
+ ## [".T_r" runtime]
+ ## [".T_r" statement])
+ [scheme]
+ (scheme [".T_scheme" expression]
+ [".T_scheme" eval]
+ [".T_scheme" runtime]
+ [".T_scheme" statement])
(type: #export Runner (-> Synthesis (e.Error Top)))
@@ -52,11 +57,12 @@
(wrap (initL.compiler host))))]
[init-jvm &host.init-host]
- [init-js js.init]
- [init-lua lua.init]
- [init-ruby ruby.init]
- [init-python python.init]
- [init-r r.init]
+ ## [init-js js.init]
+ ## [init-lua lua.init]
+ ## [init-ruby ruby.init]
+ ## [init-python python.init]
+ ## [init-r r.init]
+ [init-scheme scheme.init]
(def: (runner translate-runtime translate-expression eval init)
@@ -88,17 +94,20 @@
(def: #export run-jvm (runner runtimeT_jvm.translate expressionT_jvm.translate evalT_jvm.eval init-jvm))
(def: #export def-jvm (definer runtimeT_jvm.translate expressionT_jvm.translate evalT_jvm.eval init-jvm statementT_jvm.translate-def))
-(def: #export run-js (runner runtimeT_js.translate expressionT_js.translate evalT_js.eval init-js))
-(def: #export def-js (definer runtimeT_js.translate expressionT_js.translate evalT_js.eval init-js statementT_js.translate-def))
+## (def: #export run-js (runner runtimeT_js.translate expressionT_js.translate evalT_js.eval init-js))
+## (def: #export def-js (definer runtimeT_js.translate expressionT_js.translate evalT_js.eval init-js statementT_js.translate-def))
-(def: #export run-lua (runner runtimeT_lua.translate expressionT_lua.translate evalT_lua.eval init-lua))
-(def: #export def-lua (definer runtimeT_lua.translate expressionT_lua.translate evalT_lua.eval init-lua statementT_lua.translate-def))
+## (def: #export run-lua (runner runtimeT_lua.translate expressionT_lua.translate evalT_lua.eval init-lua))
+## (def: #export def-lua (definer runtimeT_lua.translate expressionT_lua.translate evalT_lua.eval init-lua statementT_lua.translate-def))
-(def: #export run-ruby (runner runtimeT_ruby.translate expressionT_ruby.translate evalT_ruby.eval init-ruby))
-(def: #export def-ruby (definer runtimeT_ruby.translate expressionT_ruby.translate evalT_ruby.eval init-ruby statementT_ruby.translate-def))
+## (def: #export run-ruby (runner runtimeT_ruby.translate expressionT_ruby.translate evalT_ruby.eval init-ruby))
+## (def: #export def-ruby (definer runtimeT_ruby.translate expressionT_ruby.translate evalT_ruby.eval init-ruby statementT_ruby.translate-def))
-(def: #export run-python (runner runtimeT_python.translate expressionT_python.translate evalT_python.eval init-python))
-(def: #export def-python (definer runtimeT_python.translate expressionT_python.translate evalT_python.eval init-python statementT_python.translate-def))
+## (def: #export run-python (runner runtimeT_python.translate expressionT_python.translate evalT_python.eval init-python))
+## (def: #export def-python (definer runtimeT_python.translate expressionT_python.translate evalT_python.eval init-python statementT_python.translate-def))
-(def: #export run-r (runner runtimeT_r.translate expressionT_r.translate evalT_r.eval init-r))
-(def: #export def-r (definer runtimeT_r.translate expressionT_r.translate evalT_r.eval init-r statementT_r.translate-def))
+## (def: #export run-r (runner runtimeT_r.translate expressionT_r.translate evalT_r.eval init-r))
+## (def: #export def-r (definer runtimeT_r.translate expressionT_r.translate evalT_r.eval init-r statementT_r.translate-def))
+(def: #export run-scheme (runner runtimeT_scheme.translate expressionT_scheme.translate evalT_scheme.eval init-scheme))
+(def: #export def-scheme (definer runtimeT_scheme.translate expressionT_scheme.translate evalT_scheme.eval init-scheme statementT_scheme.translate-def))
diff --git a/new-luxc/test/test/luxc/lang/translation/case.lux b/new-luxc/test/test/luxc/lang/translation/case.lux
index dc198b633..75736d223 100644
--- a/new-luxc/test/test/luxc/lang/translation/case.lux
+++ b/new-luxc/test/test/luxc/lang/translation/case.lux
@@ -94,37 +94,32 @@
(#e.Error error)
(exec (log! error)
- false))))
- (test "Can translate \"let\" expressions."
- (|> (run (` ("lux let" +0 (~ (code.nat to-bind))
- (0))))
- (case> (#e.Success valueT)
- (n/= to-bind (:! Nat valueT))
- (#e.Error error)
- (exec (log! error)
-(context: "[JVM] Pattern-matching."
- (<| (times +100)
- (pattern-matching-spec run-jvm)))
+## (context: "[JVM] Pattern-matching."
+## (<| (times +100)
+## (pattern-matching-spec run-jvm)))
-(context: "[JS] Pattern-matching."
- (<| (times +100)
- (pattern-matching-spec run-js)))
+## (context: "[JS] Pattern-matching."
+## (<| (times +100)
+## (pattern-matching-spec run-js)))
-(context: "[Lua] Pattern-matching."
- (<| (times +100)
- (pattern-matching-spec run-lua)))
+## (context: "[Lua] Pattern-matching."
+## (<| (times +100)
+## (pattern-matching-spec run-lua)))
-(context: "[Ruby] Pattern-matching."
- (<| (times +100)
- (pattern-matching-spec run-ruby)))
+## (context: "[Ruby] Pattern-matching."
+## (<| (times +100)
+## (pattern-matching-spec run-ruby)))
-(context: "[Python] Function."
- (<| (times +100)
- (pattern-matching-spec run-python)))
+## (context: "[Python] Function."
+## (<| (times +100)
+## (pattern-matching-spec run-python)))
+## (context: "[R] Pattern-matching."
+## (<| (times +100)
+## (pattern-matching-spec run-r)))
-(context: "[R] Pattern-matching."
+(context: "[Scheme] Function."
(<| (times +100)
- (pattern-matching-spec run-r)))
+ (pattern-matching-spec run-scheme)))
diff --git a/new-luxc/test/test/luxc/lang/translation/common.lux b/new-luxc/test/test/luxc/lang/translation/common.lux
index 4ab1b879d..8734336aa 100644
--- a/new-luxc/test/test/luxc/lang/translation/common.lux
+++ b/new-luxc/test/test/luxc/lang/translation/common.lux
@@ -737,26 +737,30 @@
(process-spec run)
-(context: "[JVM] Common procedures."
- (<| (times +100)
- (all-specs run-jvm)))
+## (context: "[JVM] Common procedures."
+## (<| (times +100)
+## (all-specs run-jvm)))
-(context: "[JS] Common procedures."
- (<| (times +100)
- (all-specs run-js)))
+## (context: "[JS] Common procedures."
+## (<| (times +100)
+## (all-specs run-js)))
-(context: "[Lua] Common procedures."
- (<| (times +100)
- (all-specs run-lua)))
+## (context: "[Lua] Common procedures."
+## (<| (times +100)
+## (all-specs run-lua)))
-(context: "[Ruby] Common procedures."
- (<| (times +100)
- (all-specs run-ruby)))
+## (context: "[Ruby] Common procedures."
+## (<| (times +100)
+## (all-specs run-ruby)))
-(context: "[Python] Common procedures."
- (<| (times +100)
- (all-specs run-python)))
+## (context: "[Python] Common procedures."
+## (<| (times +100)
+## (all-specs run-python)))
+## (context: "[R] Common procedures."
+## (<| (times +100)
+## (all-specs run-r)))
-(context: "[R] Common procedures."
+(context: "[Scheme] Common procedures."
(<| (times +100)
- (all-specs run-r)))
+ (all-specs run-scheme)))
diff --git a/new-luxc/test/test/luxc/lang/translation/function.lux b/new-luxc/test/test/luxc/lang/translation/function.lux
index b0baaaa03..0a3d8ca62 100644
--- a/new-luxc/test/test/luxc/lang/translation/function.lux
+++ b/new-luxc/test/test/luxc/lang/translation/function.lux
@@ -87,26 +87,30 @@
-(context: "[JVM] Function."
- (<| (times +100)
- (function-spec run-jvm)))
+## (context: "[JVM] Function."
+## (<| (times +100)
+## (function-spec run-jvm)))
-(context: "[JS] Function."
- (<| (times +100)
- (function-spec run-js)))
+## (context: "[JS] Function."
+## (<| (times +100)
+## (function-spec run-js)))
-(context: "[Lua] Function."
- (<| (times +100)
- (function-spec run-lua)))
+## (context: "[Lua] Function."
+## (<| (times +100)
+## (function-spec run-lua)))
-(context: "[Ruby] Function."
- (<| (times +100)
- (function-spec run-ruby)))
+## (context: "[Ruby] Function."
+## (<| (times +100)
+## (function-spec run-ruby)))
-(context: "[Python] Function."
- (<| (times +100)
- (function-spec run-python)))
+## (context: "[Python] Function."
+## (<| (times +100)
+## (function-spec run-python)))
+## (context: "[R] Function."
+## (<| (times +100)
+## (function-spec run-r)))
-(context: "[R] Function."
+(context: "[Scheme] Function."
(<| (times +100)
- (function-spec run-r)))
+ (function-spec run-scheme)))
diff --git a/new-luxc/test/test/luxc/lang/translation/primitive.lux b/new-luxc/test/test/luxc/lang/translation/primitive.lux
index d410f29f0..d36a02eb7 100644
--- a/new-luxc/test/test/luxc/lang/translation/primitive.lux
+++ b/new-luxc/test/test/luxc/lang/translation/primitive.lux
@@ -56,26 +56,30 @@
["text" Text code.text %text% text/=]))
-(context: "[JVM] Primitives."
- (<| (times +100)
- (spec run-jvm)))
+## (context: "[JVM] Primitives."
+## (<| (times +100)
+## (spec run-jvm)))
-(context: "[JS] Primitives."
- (<| (times +100)
- (spec run-js)))
+## (context: "[JS] Primitives."
+## (<| (times +100)
+## (spec run-js)))
-(context: "[Lua] Primitives."
- (<| (times +100)
- (spec run-lua)))
+## (context: "[Lua] Primitives."
+## (<| (times +100)
+## (spec run-lua)))
-(context: "[Ruby] Primitives."
- (<| (times +100)
- (spec run-ruby)))
+## (context: "[Ruby] Primitives."
+## (<| (times +100)
+## (spec run-ruby)))
-(context: "[Python] Primitives."
- (<| (times +100)
- (spec run-python)))
+## (context: "[Python] Primitives."
+## (<| (times +100)
+## (spec run-python)))
+## (context: "[R] Primitives."
+## (<| (times +100)
+## (spec run-r)))
-(context: "[R] Primitives."
+(context: "[Scheme] Primitives."
(<| (times +100)
- (spec run-r)))
+ (spec run-scheme)))
diff --git a/new-luxc/test/test/luxc/lang/translation/reference.lux b/new-luxc/test/test/luxc/lang/translation/reference.lux
index 6f27b75f2..7cef493e6 100644
--- a/new-luxc/test/test/luxc/lang/translation/reference.lux
+++ b/new-luxc/test/test/luxc/lang/translation/reference.lux
@@ -13,11 +13,12 @@
(lang ["_." module]
["ls" synthesis]
(translation (jvm [".T_jvm" statement])
- (js [".T_js" statement])
- (lua [".T_lua" statement])
- (ruby [".T_ruby" statement])
- (python [".T_python" statement])
- (r [".T_r" statement]))))
+ ## (js [".T_js" statement])
+ ## (lua [".T_lua" statement])
+ ## (ruby [".T_ruby" statement])
+ ## (python [".T_python" statement])
+ ## (r [".T_r" statement])
+ (scheme [".T_scheme" statement]))))
(test/luxc common))
(def: upper-alpha-ascii
@@ -67,26 +68,30 @@
(seq (definitions-spec define)
(variables-spec run)))
-(context: "[JVM] References."
- (<| (times +100)
- (references-spec run-jvm def-jvm)))
+## (context: "[JVM] References."
+## (<| (times +100)
+## (references-spec run-jvm def-jvm)))
-(context: "[JS] References."
- (<| (times +100)
- (references-spec run-js def-js)))
+## (context: "[JS] References."
+## (<| (times +100)
+## (references-spec run-js def-js)))
-(context: "[Lua] References."
- (<| (times +100)
- (references-spec run-lua def-lua)))
+## (context: "[Lua] References."
+## (<| (times +100)
+## (references-spec run-lua def-lua)))
-(context: "[Ruby] References."
- (<| (times +100)
- (references-spec run-ruby def-ruby)))
+## (context: "[Ruby] References."
+## (<| (times +100)
+## (references-spec run-ruby def-ruby)))
-(context: "[Python] References."
- (<| (times +100)
- (references-spec run-python def-python)))
+## (context: "[Python] References."
+## (<| (times +100)
+## (references-spec run-python def-python)))
+## (context: "[R] References."
+## (<| (times +100)
+## (references-spec run-r def-r)))
-(context: "[R] References."
+(context: "[Scheme] References."
(<| (times +100)
- (references-spec run-r def-r)))
+ (references-spec run-scheme def-scheme)))
diff --git a/new-luxc/test/test/luxc/lang/translation/structure.lux b/new-luxc/test/test/luxc/lang/translation/structure.lux
index cf186364c..5f2439394 100644
--- a/new-luxc/test/test/luxc/lang/translation/structure.lux
+++ b/new-luxc/test/test/luxc/lang/translation/structure.lux
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@
(test/luxc common))
(host.import java/lang/Integer)
-(host.import java/lang/Long)
(def: upper-alpha
(r.Random Nat)
@@ -115,26 +114,30 @@
(tuples-spec run)
(variants-spec run)))
-(context: "[JVM] Structures."
- (<| (times +100)
- (structure-spec run-jvm)))
+## (context: "[JVM] Structures."
+## (<| (times +100)
+## (structure-spec run-jvm)))
-(context: "[JS] Structures."
- (<| (times +100)
- (structure-spec run-js)))
+## (context: "[JS] Structures."
+## (<| (times +100)
+## (structure-spec run-js)))
-(context: "[Lua] Structures."
- (<| (times +100)
- (structure-spec run-lua)))
+## (context: "[Lua] Structures."
+## (<| (times +100)
+## (structure-spec run-lua)))
-(context: "[Ruby] Structures."
- (<| (times +100)
- (structure-spec run-ruby)))
+## (context: "[Ruby] Structures."
+## (<| (times +100)
+## (structure-spec run-ruby)))
-(context: "[Python] Structures."
- (<| (times +100)
- (structure-spec run-python)))
+## (context: "[Python] Structures."
+## (<| (times +100)
+## (structure-spec run-python)))
+## (context: "[R] Structures."
+## (<| (times +100)
+## (structure-spec run-r)))
-(context: "[R] Structures."
+(context: "[Scheme] Structures."
(<| (times +100)
- (structure-spec run-r)))
+ (structure-spec run-scheme)))