path: root/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/scheme/runtime.jvm.lux
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 375 deletions
diff --git a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/scheme/runtime.jvm.lux b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/scheme/runtime.jvm.lux
deleted file mode 100644
index c3f149eeb..000000000
--- a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/scheme/runtime.jvm.lux
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,375 +0,0 @@
- lux
- (lux (control ["p" parser "p/" Monad<Parser>]
- [monad #+ do])
- (data [bit]
- [number #+ hex]
- text/format
- (coll [list "list/" Monad<List>]))
- [macro]
- (macro [code]
- ["s" syntax #+ syntax:])
- [io #+ Process])
- [//]
- (luxc [lang]
- (lang (host ["_" scheme #+ SVar Expression @@]))))
-(def: prefix Text "LuxRuntime")
-(def: #export unit Expression (_.string //.unit))
-(def: (flag value)
- (-> Bool Expression)
- (if value
- (_.string "")
- _.nil))
-(def: (variant' tag last? value)
- (-> Expression Expression Expression Expression)
- (<| (_.cons (_.symbol //.variant-tag))
- (_.cons tag)
- (_.cons last?)
- value))
-(def: #export (variant tag last? value)
- (-> Nat Bool Expression Expression)
- (variant' (_.int (:! Int tag)) (flag last?) value))
-(def: #export none
- Expression
- (variant +0 false unit))
-(def: #export some
- (-> Expression Expression)
- (variant +1 true))
-(def: #export left
- (-> Expression Expression)
- (variant +0 false))
-(def: #export right
- (-> Expression Expression)
- (variant +1 true))
-(type: Runtime Expression)
-(def: declaration
- (s.Syntax [Text (List Text)])
- (p.either (p.seq s.local-symbol (p/wrap (list)))
- (s.form (p.seq s.local-symbol (p.some s.local-symbol)))))
-(syntax: (runtime: {[name args] declaration}
- definition)
- (let [implementation (code.local-symbol (format "@@" name))
- runtime (format prefix "__" (lang.normalize-name name))
- $runtime (` (_.var (~ (code.text runtime))))
- @runtime (` (@@ (~ $runtime)))
- argsC+ (list/map code.local-symbol args)
- argsLC+ (list/map (|>> lang.normalize-name (format "LRV__") code.text (~) (_.var) (`))
- args)
- declaration (` ((~ (code.local-symbol name))
- (~+ argsC+)))
- type (` (-> (~+ (list.repeat (list.size argsC+) (` _.Expression)))
- _.Expression))]
- (wrap (list (` (def: (~' #export) (~ declaration)
- (~ type)
- (~ (case argsC+
- #.Nil
- @runtime
- _
- (` (_.apply (~ @runtime) (list (~+ argsC+))))))))
- (` (def: (~ implementation)
- _.Expression
- (~ (case argsC+
- #.Nil
- (` (_.define (~ $runtime) (~ definition)))
- _
- (` (let [(~+ (|> (list.zip2 argsC+ argsLC+)
- (list/map (function (_ [left right])
- (list left right)))
- list/join))]
- (_.define (~ $runtime) (list (~+ argsLC+))
- (~ definition))))))))))))
-(runtime: (list-slice offset length list)
- (<| (_.if (_.null? (@@ list))
- (@@ list))
- (_.if (|> (@@ offset) (_.> (_.int 0)))
- (list-slice (|> (@@ offset) (_.- (_.int 1)))
- (@@ length)
- (_.cdr (@@ list))))
- (_.if (|> (@@ length) (_.> (_.int 0)))
- (_.cons (_.car (@@ list))
- (list-slice (@@ offset)
- (|> (@@ length) (_.- (_.int 1)))
- (_.cdr (@@ list)))))
- _.nil))
-(syntax: #export (with-vars {vars (s.tuple (p.many s.local-symbol))}
- body)
- (wrap (list (` (let [(~+ (|> vars
- (list/map (function (_ var)
- (list (code.local-symbol var)
- (` (_.var (~ (code.text (format "LRV__" (lang.normalize-name var)))))))))
- list/join))]
- (~ body))))))
-(def: as-integer
- (-> Expression Expression)
- (_.apply1 (_.global "exact")))
-(runtime: (lux//try op)
- (with-vars [error]
- (_.with-exception-handler
- (_.lambda (_.poly (list error))
- (..left (@@ error)))
- (_.lambda (_.poly (list))
- (..right (_.apply (@@ op) (list ..unit)))))))
-(runtime: (lux//program-args program-args)
- (with-vars [loop input output]
- (_.letrec (list [loop (_.lambda (_.poly (list input output))
- (_.if (_.eqv? _.nil (@@ input))
- (@@ output)
- (_.apply (@@ loop)
- (list (_.cdr (@@ input))
- (..some (_.vector (list (_.car (@@ input)) (@@ output))))))))])
- (_.apply (@@ loop) (list (_.apply (_.global "reverse") (list (@@ program-args)))
- ..none)))))
-(def: runtime//lux
- Runtime
- (_.begin (list @@lux//try
- @@lux//program-args)))
-(def: minimum-index-length
- (-> Expression Expression)
- (|>> (_.+ (_.int 1))))
-(def: product-element
- (-> Expression Expression Expression)
- _.vector-ref)
-(def: (product-tail product)
- (-> Expression Expression)
- (_.vector-ref product (|> (_.length product) (_.- (_.int 1)))))
-(def: (updated-index min-length product)
- (-> Expression Expression Expression)
- (|> min-length (_.- (_.length product))))
-(runtime: (product//left product index)
- (let [$index_min_length (_.var "index_min_length")]
- (_.begin
- (list (_.define $index_min_length (list)
- (minimum-index-length (@@ index)))
- (_.if (|> (_.length (@@ product)) (_.> (@@ $index_min_length)))
- ## No need for recursion
- (product-element (@@ product) (@@ index))
- ## Needs recursion
- (product//left (product-tail (@@ product))
- (updated-index (@@ $index_min_length) (@@ product))))))))
-(runtime: (product//right product index)
- (let [$index_min_length (_.var "index_min_length")
- $product_length (_.var "product_length")
- $slice (_.var "slice")]
- (_.begin
- (list
- (_.define $index_min_length (list) (minimum-index-length (@@ index)))
- (_.define $product_length (list) (_.length (@@ product)))
- (<| (_.if ## Last element.
- (|> (@@ $product_length) (_.= (@@ $index_min_length)))
- (product-element (@@ product) (@@ index)))
- (_.if ## Needs recursion
- (|> (@@ $product_length) (_.< (@@ $index_min_length)))
- (product//right (product-tail (@@ product))
- (updated-index (@@ $index_min_length) (@@ product))))
- ## Must slice
- (_.begin
- (list (_.define $slice (list)
- (_.make-vector (|> (@@ $product_length)
- (_.- (@@ index)))))
- (_.vector-copy! (@@ $slice) (_.int 0)
- (@@ product) (@@ index) (@@ $product_length))
- (@@ $slice))))))))
-(runtime: (sum//get sum wanted_tag wants_last)
- (with-vars [variant-tag sum-tag sum-flag sum-value]
- (let [no-match _.nil
- is-last? (|> (@@ sum-flag) (_.eqv? (_.string "")))
- test-recursion (_.if is-last?
- ## Must recurse.
- (sum//get (@@ sum-value)
- (|> (@@ wanted_tag) (_.- (@@ sum-tag)))
- (@@ wants_last))
- no-match)]
- (<| (_.let-values (list [(_.poly (list variant-tag sum-tag sum-flag sum-value))
- (_.apply (_.global "apply") (list (_.global "values") (@@ sum)))]))
- (_.if (|> (@@ wanted_tag) (_.= (@@ sum-tag)))
- (_.if (|> (@@ sum-flag) (_.eqv? (@@ wants_last)))
- (@@ sum-value)
- test-recursion))
- (_.if (|> (@@ wanted_tag) (_.> (@@ sum-tag)))
- test-recursion)
- (_.if (_.and (list (|> (@@ wants_last) (_.eqv? (_.string "")))
- (|> (@@ wanted_tag) (_.< (@@ sum-tag)))))
- (variant' (|> (@@ sum-tag) (_.- (@@ wanted_tag))) (@@ sum-flag) (@@ sum-value)))
- no-match))))
-(def: runtime//adt
- Runtime
- (_.begin (list @@product//left
- @@product//right
- @@sum//get)))
-(runtime: (bit//logical-right-shift shift input)
- (_.if (_.= (_.int 0) (@@ shift))
- (@@ input)
- (|> (@@ input)
- (_.arithmetic-shift (_.* (_.int -1) (@@ shift)))
- (_.bit-and (_.int (hex "7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"))))))
-(def: runtime//bit
- Runtime
- (_.begin (list @@bit//logical-right-shift)))
-(runtime: (frac//decode input)
- (with-vars [output]
- (_.let (list [output ((_.apply1 (_.global "string->number")) (@@ input))])
- (_.if (_.and (list (_.not (_.= (@@ output) (@@ output)))
- (_.not (_.eqv? (_.string "+nan.0") (@@ input)))))
- ..none
- (..some (@@ output))))))
-(def: runtime//frac
- Runtime
- (_.begin
- (list @@frac//decode)))
-## (def: runtime//text
-## Runtime
-## (_.begin (list @@text//index
-## @@text//clip
-## @@text//char)))
-(def: (check-index-out-of-bounds array idx body)
- (-> Expression Expression Expression Expression)
- (_.if (|> idx (_.<= (_.length array)))
- body
- (_.raise (_.string "Array index out of bounds!"))))
-(runtime: (array//get array idx)
- (with-vars [temp]
- (<| (check-index-out-of-bounds (@@ array) (@@ idx))
- (_.let (list [temp (_.vector-ref (@@ array) (@@ idx))])
- (_.if (|> (@@ temp) (_.eqv? _.nil))
- ..none
- (..some (@@ temp)))))))
-(runtime: (array//put array idx value)
- (<| (check-index-out-of-bounds (@@ array) (@@ idx))
- (_.begin
- (list (_.vector-set! (@@ array) (@@ idx) (@@ value))
- (@@ array)))))
-(def: runtime//array
- Runtime
- (_.begin
- (list @@array//get
- @@array//put)))
-(runtime: (atom//compare-and-swap atom old new)
- (with-vars [temp]
- (_.let (list [temp (_.vector-ref (@@ atom) (_.int 0))])
- (_.if (_.eq? (@@ old) (@@ temp))
- (_.begin
- (list (_.vector-set! (@@ atom) (_.int 0) (@@ new))
- (_.bool true)))
- (_.bool false)))))
-(def: runtime//atom
- Runtime
- @@atom//compare-and-swap)
-(runtime: (box//write value box)
- (_.begin
- (list
- (_.vector-set! (@@ box) (_.int 0) (@@ value))
- ..unit)))
-(def: runtime//box
- Runtime
- (_.begin (list @@box//write)))
-(runtime: (io//current-time _)
- (|> (_.apply (_.global "current-second") (list))
- (_.* (_.int 1_000))
- as-integer))
-(def: runtime//io
- (_.begin (list @@io//current-time)))
-(def: process//incoming
- SVar
- (_.var (lang.normalize-name "process//incoming")))
-(runtime: (process//loop _)
- (_.when (_.not (_.null? (@@ process//incoming)))
- (with-vars [queue process]
- (_.let (list [queue (@@ process//incoming)])
- (_.begin (list (_.set! process//incoming (_.list (list)))
- (_.apply (_.global "map")
- (list (_.lambda (_.poly (list process))
- (_.apply (@@ process) (list ..unit)))
- (@@ queue)))
- (process//loop ..unit)))))))
-(runtime: (process//schedule milli-seconds procedure)
- (let [process//future (function (_ process)
- (_.set! process//incoming (_.cons process (@@ process//incoming))))]
- (_.begin
- (list
- (_.if (_.= (_.int 0) (@@ milli-seconds))
- (process//future (@@ procedure))
- (with-vars [start process now _ignored]
- (_.let (list [start (io//current-time ..unit)])
- (_.letrec (list [process (_.lambda _ignored
- (_.let (list [now (io//current-time ..unit)])
- (_.if (|> (@@ now) (_.- (@@ start)) (_.>= (@@ milli-seconds)))
- (_.apply (@@ procedure) (list ..unit))
- (process//future (@@ process)))))])
- (process//future (@@ process))))))
- ..unit))))
-(def: runtime//process
- Runtime
- (_.begin (list (_.define process//incoming (list) (_.list (list)))
- @@process//loop
- @@process//schedule)))
-(def: runtime
- Runtime
- (_.begin (list @@list-slice
- runtime//lux
- runtime//bit
- runtime//adt
- runtime//frac
- ## runtime//text
- runtime//array
- runtime//atom
- runtime//box
- runtime//io
- runtime//process
- )))
-(def: #export artifact Text (format prefix //.file-extension))
-(def: #export translate
- (Meta (Process Any))
- (do macro.Monad<Meta>
- [_ //.init-module-buffer
- _ (//.save runtime)]
- (//.save-module! artifact)))