path: root/luxc/src/lux/compiler/js/lux.clj
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'luxc/src/lux/compiler/js/lux.clj')
1 files changed, 391 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/luxc/src/lux/compiler/js/lux.clj b/luxc/src/lux/compiler/js/lux.clj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bf188803c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/luxc/src/lux/compiler/js/lux.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,391 @@
+(ns lux.compiler.js.lux
+ (:require (clojure [string :as string]
+ [set :as set]
+ [template :refer [do-template]])
+ clojure.core.match
+ clojure.core.match.array
+ (lux [base :as & :refer [|do return* return |let |case]]
+ [type :as &type]
+ [lexer :as &lexer]
+ [parser :as &parser]
+ [analyser :as &analyser]
+ [host :as &host]
+ [optimizer :as &o])
+ (lux.analyser [base :as &a]
+ [module :as &a-module]
+ [meta :as &a-meta])
+ (lux.compiler.js [base :as &&]
+ [rt :as &&rt])
+ ))
+;; [Utils]
+(defn ^:private captured-name [register]
+ (str "$" register))
+(defn ^:private register-name [register]
+ (str "_" register))
+;; [Exports]
+(defn compile-bool [?value]
+ (return (str ?value)))
+(def mask-4b (dec (bit-shift-left 1 32)))
+(do-template [<name>]
+ (defn <name> [value]
+ (let [high (-> value (bit-shift-right 32) int)
+ low (-> value (bit-and mask-4b) (bit-shift-left 32) (bit-shift-right 32) int)]
+ (return (str "LuxRT$makeI64" "(" high "," low ")"))))
+ compile-nat
+ compile-int
+ compile-deg
+ )
+(defn compile-real [value]
+ (return (str value)))
+(defn compile-char [value]
+ (return (str "{C:" (pr-str (str value)) "}")))
+(defn compile-text [?value]
+ (return (pr-str ?value)))
+(defn compile-tuple [compile ?elems]
+ (|do [:let [num-elems (&/|length ?elems)]]
+ (|case num-elems
+ 0
+ (return &&/unit)
+ 1
+ (compile (&/|head ?elems))
+ _
+ (|do [=elems (&/map% compile ?elems)]
+ (return (str "[" (->> =elems (&/|interpose ",") (&/fold str "")) "]"))))))
+(defn compile-variant [compile tag tail? value]
+ (|do [value-expr (compile value)]
+ (return (str "[" tag
+ "," (if tail? "\"\"" "null")
+ "," value-expr
+ "]"))))
+(defn compile-local [compile register]
+ (return (register-name register)))
+(defn compile-captured [compile ?scope ?captured-id ?source]
+ (return (captured-name ?captured-id)))
+(defn compile-global [module name]
+ (return (&&/js-var-name module name)))
+(defn compile-apply [compile ?fn ?args]
+ (|do [=fn (compile ?fn)
+ =args (&/map% compile ?args)]
+ (return (str =fn "(" (->> =args (&/|interpose ",") (&/fold str "")) ")"))))
+(defn compile-loop [compile register-offset inits body]
+ (|do [:let [registers (&/|map #(->> % (+ register-offset) register-name)
+ (&/|range* 0 (dec (&/|length inits))))]
+ register-inits (&/map% compile inits)
+ =body (compile body)]
+ (return (str "(function _loop(" (->> registers (&/|interpose ",") (&/fold str "")) ") {"
+ (str "return " =body ";")
+ "})(" (->> register-inits (&/|interpose ",") (&/fold str "")) ")"))
+ ))
+(defn compile-iter [compile register-offset ?args]
+ ;; Can only optimize if it is a simple expression.
+ ;; Won't work if it's inside an 'if', unlike on the JVM.
+ ;; (|do [[updates _] (&/fold% (fn [updates+offset ?arg]
+ ;; (|let [[updates offset] updates+offset
+ ;; already-set? (|case ?arg
+ ;; [_ (&o/$var (&/$Local l-idx))]
+ ;; (= offset l-idx)
+ ;; _
+ ;; false)]
+ ;; (if already-set?
+ ;; (return (&/T [updates (inc offset)]))
+ ;; (|do [=arg (compile ?arg)]
+ ;; (return (&/T [(str updates
+ ;; (register-name offset) " = " =arg ";")
+ ;; (inc offset)]))))))
+ ;; (&/T ["" register-offset])
+ ;; ?args)]
+ ;; (return updates))
+ (|do [=args (&/map% compile ?args)]
+ (return (str "_loop("
+ (->> =args (&/|interpose ",") (&/fold str ""))
+ ")")))
+ )
+(defn compile-let [compile _value _register _body]
+ (|do [=value (compile _value)
+ =body (compile _body)]
+ (return (str "(function() {"
+ "var " (register-name _register) " = " =value ";"
+ " return " =body
+ ";})()"))))
+(defn compile-record-get [compile _value _path]
+ (|do [=value (compile _value)]
+ (return (&/fold (fn [source step]
+ (|let [[idx tail?] step
+ method (if tail? "product_getRight" "product_getLeft")]
+ (str "LuxRT$" method "(" source "," idx ")")))
+ (str "(" =value ")")
+ _path))))
+(defn compile-if [compile _test _then _else]
+ (|do [=test (compile _test)
+ =then (compile _then)
+ =else (compile _else)]
+ (return (str "(" =test " ? " =then " : " =else ")"))))
+(def ^:private savepoint "pm_cursor_savepoint")
+(def ^:private cursor "pm_cursor")
+(defn ^:private cursor-push [value]
+ (str cursor ".push(" value ");"))
+(def ^:private cursor-save (str savepoint ".push(" cursor ".slice());"))
+(def ^:private cursor-restore (str cursor " = " savepoint ".pop();"))
+(def ^:private cursor-peek (str cursor "[" cursor ".length - 1]"))
+(def ^:private cursor-pop (str cursor ".pop();"))
+(def ^:private pm-error (.intern (pr-str (str (char 0) "PM-ERROR" (char 0)))))
+(def ^:private pm-fail (str "throw " pm-error ";"))
+(defn ^:private compile-pm* [compile pm bodies]
+ "(-> Case-Pattern (List Analysis) (Lux JS))"
+ (|case pm
+ (&o/$ExecPM _body-idx)
+ (|case (&/|at _body-idx bodies)
+ (&/$Some body)
+ (|do [=body (compile body)]
+ (return (str "return " =body ";")))
+ (&/$None)
+ (assert false))
+ (&o/$PopPM)
+ (return cursor-pop)
+ (&o/$BindPM _register)
+ (return (str "var " (register-name _register) " = " cursor-peek ";"
+ cursor-pop))
+ (&o/$BoolPM _value)
+ (return (str "if(" cursor-peek " !== " _value ") { " pm-fail " }"))
+ (&o/$NatPM _value)
+ (|do [=value (compile-nat _value)]
+ (return (str "if(!" (str "LuxRT$eqI64(" cursor-peek "," =value ")") ") { " pm-fail " }")))
+ (&o/$IntPM _value)
+ (|do [=value (compile-int _value)]
+ (return (str "if(!" (str "LuxRT$eqI64(" cursor-peek "," =value ")") ") { " pm-fail " }")))
+ (&o/$DegPM _value)
+ (|do [=value (compile-deg _value)]
+ (return (str "if(!" (str "LuxRT$eqI64(" cursor-peek "," =value ")") ") { " pm-fail " }")))
+ (&o/$RealPM _value)
+ (return (str "if(" cursor-peek " !== " _value ") { " pm-fail " }"))
+ (&o/$CharPM _value)
+ (|do [=value (compile-char _value)]
+ (return (str "if(" (str "(" cursor-peek ").C") " !== " (str "(" =value ").C") ") { " pm-fail " }")))
+ (&o/$TextPM _value)
+ (|do [=value (compile-text _value)]
+ (return (str "if(" cursor-peek " !== " =value ") { " pm-fail " }")))
+ (&o/$TuplePM _idx+)
+ (|let [[_idx is-tail?] (|case _idx+
+ (&/$Left _idx)
+ (&/T [_idx false])
+ (&/$Right _idx)
+ (&/T [_idx true]))
+ getter (if is-tail? "product_getRight" "product_getLeft")]
+ (return (str (cursor-push (str "LuxRT$" getter "(" cursor-peek "," _idx ")")))))
+ (&o/$VariantPM _idx+)
+ (|let [[_idx is-last] (|case _idx+
+ (&/$Left _idx)
+ (&/T [_idx false])
+ (&/$Right _idx)
+ (&/T [_idx true]))
+ temp-assignment (str "temp = LuxRT$sum_get(" cursor-peek "," _idx "," (if is-last "\"\"" "null") ");")]
+ (return (str temp-assignment
+ (str "if(temp !== null) {"
+ (cursor-push "temp")
+ "}"
+ "else {"
+ pm-fail
+ "}"))))
+ (&o/$SeqPM _left-pm _right-pm)
+ (|do [=left (compile-pm* compile _left-pm bodies)
+ =right (compile-pm* compile _right-pm bodies)]
+ (return (str =left =right)))
+ (&o/$AltPM _left-pm _right-pm)
+ (|do [=left (compile-pm* compile _left-pm bodies)
+ =right (compile-pm* compile _right-pm bodies)]
+ (return (str "try {"
+ cursor-save
+ =left
+ "}"
+ "catch(ex) {"
+ "if(ex === " pm-error ") {"
+ cursor-restore
+ =right
+ "}"
+ "else {"
+ "throw ex;"
+ "}"
+ "}")))
+ ))
+(defn ^:private compile-pm [compile pm bodies]
+ (|do [raw (compile-pm* compile pm bodies)]
+ (return (str "try {" raw "}"
+ "catch(ex) {"
+ "if(ex === " pm-error ") {"
+ "throw \"Invalid expression for pattern-matching.\";"
+ "}"
+ "else {"
+ "throw ex;"
+ "}"
+ "}"))))
+;; [Resources]
+(defn compile-case [compile ?value ?pm ?bodies]
+ (|do [=value (compile ?value)
+ =pm (compile-pm compile ?pm ?bodies)]
+ (return (str "(function() {"
+ "\"use strict\";"
+ "var temp;"
+ "var " cursor " = [" =value "];"
+ "var " savepoint " = [];"
+ =pm
+ "})()"))))
+(defn compile-function [compile arity ?scope ?env ?body]
+ (|do [:let [??scope (&/|reverse ?scope)
+ function-name (str (&&/js-module (&/|head ??scope))
+ "$" (&host/location (&/|tail ??scope)))
+ func-args (->> (&/|range* 0 (dec arity))
+ (&/|map (fn [register] (str "var " (register-name (inc register)) " = arguments[" register "];")))
+ (&/fold str ""))]
+ =env-vars (&/map% (fn [=captured]
+ (|case =captured
+ [_ (&o/$captured ?scope ?captured-id ?source)]
+ (return (captured-name ?captured-id))))
+ (&/|vals ?env))
+ =env-values (&/map% (fn [=captured]
+ (|case =captured
+ [_ (&o/$captured ?scope ?captured-id ?source)]
+ (compile ?source)))
+ (&/|vals ?env))
+ =body (compile ?body)]
+ (return (str "(function(" (->> =env-vars (&/|interpose ",") (&/fold str "")) ") {"
+ "return "
+ (str "(function " function-name "() {"
+ "\"use strict\";"
+ "var num_args = arguments.length;"
+ "if(num_args == " arity ") {"
+ (str "var " (register-name 0) " = " function-name ";")
+ (str "var _loop = " function-name ";")
+ func-args
+ (str "while(true) {"
+ "return " =body ";"
+ "}")
+ "}"
+ "else if(num_args > " arity ") {"
+ "return " function-name ".apply(null, [].slice.call(arguments,0," arity "))"
+ ".apply(null, [].slice.call(arguments," arity "));"
+ "}"
+ ;; Less than arity
+ "else {"
+ "var curried = [].slice.call(arguments);"
+ "return function() { "
+ "return " function-name ".apply(null, curried.concat([].slice.call(arguments)));"
+ " };"
+ "}"
+ "})")
+ ";})(" (->> =env-values (&/|interpose ",") (&/fold str "")) ")"))))
+(defn compile-def [compile ?name ?body def-meta]
+ (|do [module-name &/get-module-name]
+ (|case (&a-meta/meta-get &a-meta/alias-tag def-meta)
+ (&/$Some (&/$IdentA [r-module r-name]))
+ (if (= 1 (&/|length def-meta))
+ (|do [def-value (&&/run-js! (&&/js-var-name r-module r-name))
+ def-type (&a-module/def-type r-module r-name)
+ _ (&/without-repl-closure
+ (&a-module/define module-name ?name def-type def-meta def-value))]
+ (return nil))
+ (&/fail-with-loc (str "[Compilation Error] Aliases cannot contain meta-data: " module-name ";" ?name)))
+ (&/$Some _)
+ (&/fail-with-loc "[Compilation Error] Invalid syntax for lux;alias meta-data. Must be an Ident.")
+ _
+ (|do [:let [var-name (&&/js-var-name module-name ?name)]
+ =body (compile ?body)
+ :let [def-js (str "var " var-name " = " =body ";")
+ is-type? (|case (&a-meta/meta-get &a-meta/type?-tag def-meta)
+ (&/$Some (&/$BoolA true))
+ true
+ _
+ false)
+ def-type (&a/expr-type* ?body)]
+ _ (&&/save-js! ?name def-js)
+ def-value (&&/run-js!+ var-name)
+ _ (&/without-repl-closure
+ (&a-module/define module-name ?name def-type def-meta def-value))
+ _ (|case (&/T [is-type? (&a-meta/meta-get &a-meta/tags-tag def-meta)])
+ [true (&/$Some (&/$ListA tags*))]
+ (|do [:let [was-exported? (|case (&a-meta/meta-get &a-meta/export?-tag def-meta)
+ (&/$Some _)
+ true
+ _
+ false)]
+ tags (&/map% (fn [tag*]
+ (|case tag*
+ (&/$TextA tag)
+ (return tag)
+ _
+ (&/fail-with-loc "[Compiler Error] Incorrect format for tags.")))
+ tags*)
+ _ (&a-module/declare-tags module-name tags was-exported? def-value)]
+ (return nil))
+ [false (&/$Some _)]
+ (&/fail-with-loc "[Compiler Error] Can't define tags for non-type.")
+ [true (&/$Some _)]
+ (&/fail-with-loc "[Compiler Error] Incorrect format for tags.")
+ [_ (&/$None)]
+ (return nil))
+ :let [_ (println 'DEF (str module-name ";" ?name))]]
+ (return nil))
+ ))
+ )
+(defn compile-program [compile ?body]
+ (|do [=body (compile ?body)
+ :let [program-js (str (str "var " (register-name 0) " = LuxRT$programArgs();")
+ (str "(" =body ")(null);"))]
+ eval? &/get-eval
+ ^StringBuilder buffer &&/get-buffer
+ :let [_ (when (not eval?)
+ (.append buffer ^String (str program-js "\n")))]]
+ (return "")))