diff options
43 files changed, 1975 insertions, 2108 deletions
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 8e75a4c6f..e83967470 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -40,3 +40,8 @@ pom.xml.asc
diff --git a/commands b/commands
index 183ee6658..5a726b4c6 100644
--- a/commands
+++ b/commands
@@ -75,6 +75,16 @@ cd ~/lux/lux-python/ && lein clean
# Try
cd ~/lux/lux-ruby/ && java -jar target/program.jar build --source ~/lux/stdlib/source --target ~/lux/stdlib/target --module test/lux
+# PHP compiler
+ # Test
+ cd ~/lux/lux-php/ && lein_2_7_1 lux auto test
+ cd ~/lux/lux-php/ && lein clean && lein_2_7_1 lux auto test
+ # Build
+ cd ~/lux/lux-php/ && lein_2_7_1 lux auto build
+ cd ~/lux/lux-php/ && lein clean && lein_2_7_1 lux auto build
+ # Try
+ cd ~/lux/lux-php/ && java -jar target/program.jar build --source ~/lux/stdlib/source --target ~/lux/stdlib/target --module test/lux
# Run compiler test suite
cd ~/lux/new-luxc/ && lein_2_7_1 lux auto test
cd ~/lux/new-luxc/ && lein clean && lein_2_7_1 lux auto test
diff --git a/lux-lua/project.clj b/lux-lua/project.clj
index 62abfb470..a97f77bd9 100644
--- a/lux-lua/project.clj
+++ b/lux-lua/project.clj
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
(def sonatype-releases "https://oss.sonatype.org/service/local/staging/deploy/maven2/")
(def sonatype-snapshots "https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/")
-(defproject com.github.luxlang/lux-python #=(identity version)
+(defproject com.github.luxlang/lux-lua #=(identity version)
:description "A Lua compiler for Lux."
:url ~repo
:license {:name "Lux License v0.1"
diff --git a/lux-php/project.clj b/lux-php/project.clj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8dfe91d27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lux-php/project.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+(def version "0.6.0-SNAPSHOT")
+(def repo "https://github.com/LuxLang/lux")
+(def sonatype-releases "https://oss.sonatype.org/service/local/staging/deploy/maven2/")
+(def sonatype-snapshots "https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/")
+(defproject com.github.luxlang/lux-php #=(identity version)
+ :description "A Ruby compiler for Lux."
+ :url ~repo
+ :license {:name "Lux License v0.1"
+ :url ~(str repo "/blob/master/license.txt")}
+ :scm {:name "git"
+ :url ~(str repo ".git")}
+ :pom-addition [:developers [:developer
+ [:name "Eduardo Julian"]
+ [:url "https://github.com/eduardoejp"]]]
+ :repositories [["releases" ~sonatype-releases]
+ ["snapshots" ~sonatype-snapshots]
+ ["jitpack" "https://jitpack.io"]]
+ :deploy-repositories [["releases" {:url ~sonatype-releases :creds :gpg}]
+ ["snapshots" {:url ~sonatype-snapshots :creds :gpg}]]
+ :plugins [[com.github.luxlang/lein-luxc ~version]]
+ :dependencies [[com.github.luxlang/luxc-jvm ~version]
+ [com.github.luxlang/stdlib ~version]
+ ;; PHP 5
+ [org.develnext.jphp/jphp-core "0.9.2"]
+ [org.develnext.jphp/jphp-scripting "0.9.2"]]
+ :manifest {"lux" ~version}
+ :source-paths ["source"]
+ :lux {:program "program"}
+ )
diff --git a/lux-php/source/program.lux b/lux-php/source/program.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f3f445bd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lux-php/source/program.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,460 @@
+ [lux #*
+ [abstract
+ ["." monad (#+ do)]]
+ [control
+ pipe
+ ["." exception (#+ exception:)]
+ ["." io (#+ IO io)]
+ ["p" parser
+ [cli (#+ program:)]]]
+ [data
+ ["." maybe]
+ ["." error (#+ Error)]
+ [number
+ ["." i64]]
+ ["." text ("#@." hash)
+ format]
+ [collection
+ ["." array (#+ Array)]
+ ["." list ("#@." functor)]]]
+ [macro
+ ["." template]]
+ [world
+ ["." file]]
+ ["." host (#+ import: interface: do-to object)
+ ["_" php]]
+ [tool
+ [compiler
+ ["." name]
+ ["." synthesis]
+ [phase
+ [macro (#+ Expander)]
+ ["." generation
+ ["." php
+ ["." runtime]
+ ["." extension]]]]
+ [default
+ ["." platform (#+ Platform)]]]]
+ ["." debug]]
+ [program
+ ["/" compositor
+ ["/." cli]]])
+(import: #long java/lang/String)
+(import: #long (java/lang/Class a))
+(import: #long java/lang/Object
+ (toString [] java/lang/String)
+ (getClass [] (java/lang/Class java/lang/Object)))
+(import: #long java/lang/Integer)
+(import: #long java/lang/Long
+ (intValue [] java/lang/Integer))
+(import: #long php/runtime/Memory)
+(import: #long php/runtime/Memory$Type
+ (#enum ARRAY))
+(import: #long php/runtime/memory/NullMemory)
+(import: #long php/runtime/memory/FalseMemory)
+(import: #long php/runtime/memory/TrueMemory)
+(import: #long php/runtime/memory/LongMemory
+ (new [long])
+ (toLong [] long))
+(import: #long php/runtime/memory/DoubleMemory
+ (toDouble [] double))
+(import: #long php/runtime/memory/StringMemory
+ (new [java/lang/String])
+ (toString [] java/lang/String))
+(import: #long php/runtime/memory/ReferenceMemory
+ (getValue [] php/runtime/Memory))
+(import: #long php/runtime/memory/ArrayMemory
+ (new [(Array java/lang/Object)])
+ (size [] int)
+ (isMap [] boolean)
+ (get [php/runtime/Memory] php/runtime/Memory))
+(import: #long php/runtime/lang/IObject)
+(import: #long php/runtime/memory/ObjectMemory
+ (value php/runtime/lang/IObject))
+(import: #long php/runtime/env/Environment
+ (#static current [] php/runtime/env/Environment))
+(import: #long php/runtime/env/TraceInfo
+ (new [java/lang/String int int]))
+(import: #long php/runtime/reflection/FunctionEntity)
+(import: #long php/runtime/invoke/InvokeHelper
+ (#static callAny [php/runtime/Memory (Array php/runtime/Memory) php/runtime/env/Environment php/runtime/env/TraceInfo]
+ #try php/runtime/Memory))
+(import: #long php/runtime/lang/Closure
+ (call [php/runtime/env/Environment (Array php/runtime/Memory)] #try php/runtime/Memory))
+(template [<name>]
+ [(interface: <name>
+ (getValue [] java/lang/Object))
+ (`` (import: (~~ (template.identifier ["program/" <name>]))
+ (getValue [] java/lang/Object)))]
+ [StructureValue]
+ )
+(type: Reader
+ (-> java/lang/Object (Error Any)))
+(exception: (unknown-kind-of-object {object java/lang/Object})
+ (exception.report
+ ["Class" (java/lang/Object::toString (java/lang/Object::getClass object))]
+ ["Object" (java/lang/Object::toString object)]))
+(def: (lux-structure value)
+ (-> (Array java/lang/Object)
+ ## php/runtime/memory/ArrayMemory
+ php/runtime/Memory)
+ (`` (object [] php/runtime/Memory ## php/runtime/memory/ArrayMemory
+ [program/StructureValue]
+ [{php/runtime/Memory$Type php/runtime/Memory$Type::ARRAY}]
+ ## Methods
+ (program/StructureValue
+ (getValue)
+ java/lang/Object
+ (:assume value))
+ ## (php/runtime/memory/ArrayMemory
+ ## (size)
+ ## int
+ ## (exec
+ ## (log! "{lux-structure#size}")
+ ## (:assume (array.size value))))
+ ## (php/runtime/memory/ArrayMemory
+ ## (get {key php/runtime/Memory})
+ ## php/runtime/Memory
+ ## (exec
+ ## (log! (format "{lux-structure#get}" text.new-line
+ ## (exception.construct unknown-kind-of-object key)))
+ ## (error! "OOPS!")))
+ ## (php/runtime/memory/ArrayMemory
+ ## (getOrCreate {key php/runtime/Memory})
+ ## php/runtime/memory/ReferenceMemory
+ ## (exec
+ ## (log! (format "{lux-structure#getOrCreate}" text.new-line
+ ## (exception.construct unknown-kind-of-object key)))
+ ## (error! "OOPS!")))
+ ## (php/runtime/memory/ArrayMemory
+ ## (getOrCreateAsShortcut {key php/runtime/Memory})
+ ## php/runtime/memory/ReferenceMemory
+ ## (exec
+ ## (log! (format "{lux-structure#getOrCreateAsShortcut}" text.new-line
+ ## (exception.construct unknown-kind-of-object key)))
+ ## (error! "OOPS!")))
+ ## (php/runtime/memory/ArrayMemory
+ ## (getByScalarOrCreateAsShortcut {key java/lang/Object})
+ ## php/runtime/memory/ReferenceMemory
+ ## (exec
+ ## (log! (format "{lux-structure#getByScalarOrCreateAsShortcut}" text.new-line
+ ## (exception.construct unknown-kind-of-object key)))
+ ## (error! "OOPS!")))
+ ## (php/runtime/memory/ArrayMemory
+ ## (getByScalarOrCreate {key java/lang/Object})
+ ## php/runtime/memory/ReferenceMemory
+ ## (exec
+ ## (log! (format "{lux-structure#getByScalarOrCreate}" text.new-line
+ ## (exception.construct unknown-kind-of-object key)))
+ ## (error! "OOPS!")))
+ ## (php/runtime/memory/ArrayMemory
+ ## (getByScalar {key java/lang/Object})
+ ## php/runtime/memory/ReferenceMemory
+ ## (exec
+ ## (log! (format "{lux-structure#getByScalar}" text.new-line
+ ## (exception.construct unknown-kind-of-object key)))
+ ## (error! "OOPS!")))
+ (php/runtime/Memory
+ (refOfIndex {trace php/runtime/env/TraceInfo}
+ {index php/runtime/Memory})
+ php/runtime/Memory
+ (exec
+ (log! (format "{lux-structure#refOfIndex}" text.new-line
+ (exception.construct unknown-kind-of-object index)))
+ (error! "OOPS!")))
+ (php/runtime/Memory
+ (refOfIndexAsShortcut {trace php/runtime/env/TraceInfo}
+ {index php/runtime/Memory})
+ php/runtime/Memory
+ (exec
+ (log! (format "{lux-structure#refOfIndexAsShortcut}" text.new-line
+ (exception.construct unknown-kind-of-object index)))
+ (error! "OOPS!")))
+ (php/runtime/Memory
+ (refOfIndex {trace php/runtime/env/TraceInfo}
+ {index long})
+ php/runtime/Memory
+ (exec
+ (log! (format "{lux-structure#refOfIndex long}" text.new-line
+ (exception.construct unknown-kind-of-object index)))
+ (error! "OOPS!")))
+ (php/runtime/Memory
+ (refOfIndex {trace php/runtime/env/TraceInfo}
+ {index java/lang/String})
+ php/runtime/Memory
+ (exec
+ (log! (format "{lux-structure#refOfIndex java/lang/String}" text.new-line
+ (exception.construct unknown-kind-of-object index)))
+ (error! "OOPS!")))
+ (~~ (template [<name>]
+ [(php/runtime/Memory (<name>) php/runtime/Memory (undefined))]
+ [inc] [dec] [negative] [toNumeric]
+ ))
+ (~~ (template [<name>]
+ [(php/runtime/Memory (<name> {other php/runtime/Memory}) php/runtime/Memory (undefined))]
+ [plus] [minus] [mul] [pow] [div]
+ [identical] [equal] [notEqual]
+ [smaller] [smallerEq] [greater] [greaterEq]
+ ))
+ (php/runtime/Memory (toLong) long (undefined))
+ (php/runtime/Memory (toDouble) double (undefined))
+ (php/runtime/Memory (toBoolean) boolean (undefined))
+ (php/runtime/Memory (toString) java/lang/String (undefined))
+ (php/runtime/Memory (getBinaryBytes {input java/nio/charset/Charset}) ByteArray (undefined))
+ )))
+(def: (read-tuple read host-object)
+ (-> Reader php/runtime/memory/ArrayMemory (Error Any))
+ (let [size (:coerce Nat (php/runtime/memory/ArrayMemory::size host-object))]
+ (loop [idx 0
+ output (:coerce (Array Any) (array.new size))]
+ (if (n/< size idx)
+ (let [value (|> host-object
+ (php/runtime/memory/ArrayMemory::get (php/runtime/memory/LongMemory::new (.int idx)))
+ (:coerce php/runtime/memory/ReferenceMemory)
+ php/runtime/memory/ReferenceMemory::getValue)]
+ (case (host.check php/runtime/memory/NullMemory value)
+ (#.Some _)
+ (recur (inc idx) output)
+ #.None
+ (case (read value)
+ (#error.Failure error)
+ (#error.Failure error)
+ (#error.Success lux-value)
+ (recur (inc idx) (array.write idx lux-value output)))))
+ (#error.Success output)))))
+(def: (read-variant read host-object)
+ (-> Reader php/runtime/memory/ArrayMemory (Error Any))
+ (case [(|> host-object
+ (php/runtime/memory/ArrayMemory::get (php/runtime/memory/StringMemory::new runtime.variant-tag-field))
+ read)
+ (|> host-object
+ (php/runtime/memory/ArrayMemory::get (php/runtime/memory/StringMemory::new runtime.variant-value-field))
+ read)]
+ [(#error.Success tag) (#error.Success value)]
+ (#error.Success [(java/lang/Long::intValue (:coerce java/lang/Long tag))
+ (: Any
+ (case (|> host-object
+ (php/runtime/memory/ArrayMemory::get (php/runtime/memory/StringMemory::new runtime.variant-flag-field))
+ (:coerce php/runtime/memory/ReferenceMemory)
+ php/runtime/memory/ReferenceMemory::getValue
+ (host.check php/runtime/memory/NullMemory))
+ (#.Some _)
+ (host.null)
+ #.None
+ synthesis.unit))
+ value])
+ _
+ (exception.throw ..unknown-kind-of-object host-object)))
+(exception: #export nulll-has-no-lux-representation)
+(def: (read host-object)
+ Reader
+ (`` (<| (~~ (template [<class> <constant>]
+ [(case (host.check <class> host-object)
+ (#.Some _)
+ (#error.Success <constant>)
+ #.None)]
+ [php/runtime/memory/FalseMemory false]
+ [php/runtime/memory/TrueMemory true]
+ ))
+ (~~ (template [<class> <post>]
+ [(case (host.check <class> host-object)
+ (#.Some value)
+ (`` (|> value (~~ (template.splice <post>))))
+ #.None)]
+ [php/runtime/memory/LongMemory [php/runtime/memory/LongMemory::toLong #error.Success]]
+ [php/runtime/memory/DoubleMemory [php/runtime/memory/DoubleMemory::toDouble #error.Success]]
+ [php/runtime/memory/StringMemory [php/runtime/memory/StringMemory::toString #error.Success]]
+ [php/runtime/memory/ReferenceMemory [php/runtime/memory/ReferenceMemory::getValue read]]
+ [php/runtime/memory/ObjectMemory [#error.Success]]
+ ))
+ (case (host.check php/runtime/memory/ArrayMemory host-object)
+ (#.Some value)
+ (if (php/runtime/memory/ArrayMemory::isMap value)
+ (read-variant read value)
+ (read-tuple read value))
+ #.None)
+ (exception.throw ..unknown-kind-of-object host-object)
+ )))
+(exception: (cannot-apply-a-non-function {object java/lang/Object})
+ (exception.report
+ ["Class" (java/lang/Object::toString (java/lang/Object::getClass object))]
+ ["Non-function" (java/lang/Object::toString object)]))
+(import: #long javax/script/ScriptEngine
+ (eval [String] #try Object))
+(import: #long org/develnext/jphp/scripting/JPHPScriptEngine
+ (new []))
+(def: (ensure-macro macro)
+ ## (-> Macro (Maybe php/runtime/lang/Closure))
+ ## (do maybe.monad
+ ## [object-memory (|> macro
+ ## (:coerce java/lang/Object)
+ ## (host.check php/runtime/memory/ObjectMemory))]
+ ## (|> object-memory
+ ## php/runtime/memory/ObjectMemory::value
+ ## (host.check php/runtime/lang/Closure)))
+ (-> Macro (Maybe php/runtime/memory/ObjectMemory))
+ (|> macro
+ (:coerce java/lang/Object)
+ (host.check php/runtime/memory/ObjectMemory)))
+(def: (call-macro inputs lux macro)
+ (-> (List Code) Lux
+ php/runtime/memory/ObjectMemory
+ ## php/runtime/lang/Closure
+ (Error (Error [Lux (List Code)])))
+ (<| :assume
+ (do error.monad
+ [#let [_ (log! (format "{call-macro 0} " (exception.construct ..unknown-kind-of-object (:coerce java/lang/Object (php/runtime/memory/ObjectMemory::value macro)))))]
+ output (php/runtime/lang/Closure::call (php/runtime/env/Environment::current)
+ (|> (host.array php/runtime/Memory 3)
+ (host.array-write 0 macro)
+ (host.array-write 1
+ ## (php/runtime/memory/ArrayMemory::new (:coerce (Array java/lang/Object) inputs))
+ (lux-structure (:coerce (Array java/lang/Object) inputs))
+ )
+ (host.array-write 2
+ ## (php/runtime/memory/ArrayMemory::new (:coerce (Array java/lang/Object) lux))
+ (lux-structure (:coerce (Array java/lang/Object) lux))
+ ))
+ (:coerce php/runtime/lang/Closure
+ (php/runtime/memory/ObjectMemory::value macro)))
+ ## output (php/runtime/invoke/InvokeHelper::callAny macro
+ ## (|> (host.array php/runtime/Memory 2)
+ ## ## (host.array-write 0 macro)
+ ## ## (host.array-write 1 macro)
+ ## (host.array-write 0 ## (php/runtime/memory/ArrayMemory::new (:coerce (Array java/lang/Object) inputs))
+ ## (lux-structure (:coerce (Array java/lang/Object) inputs))
+ ## )
+ ## (host.array-write 1 ## (php/runtime/memory/ArrayMemory::new (:coerce (Array java/lang/Object) lux))
+ ## (lux-structure (:coerce (Array java/lang/Object) lux))
+ ## ))
+ ## (php/runtime/env/Environment::current)
+ ## (php/runtime/env/TraceInfo::new "" +0 +0))
+ #let [_ (log! (format "{call-macro 1} " (debug.inspect output)))
+ _ (log! (format "{call-macro 2} " (exception.construct ..unknown-kind-of-object (:coerce java/lang/Object output))))]]
+ (..read (:coerce java/lang/Object output)))))
+(def: (expander macro inputs lux)
+ Expander
+ (case (ensure-macro macro)
+ (#.Some macro)
+ (call-macro inputs lux macro)
+ #.None
+ (exception.throw cannot-apply-a-non-function (:coerce java/lang/Object macro)))
+ )
+(def: separator "___")
+(type: Host
+ (generation.Host (_.Expression Any) _.Statement))
+(def: host
+ (IO Host)
+ (io (let [interpreter (org/develnext/jphp/scripting/JPHPScriptEngine::new)
+ run! (: (-> Text (_.Code Any) (Error Any))
+ (function (_ dummy-name code)
+ (do error.monad
+ [output (javax/script/ScriptEngine::eval (format "<?php " (_.code code)) interpreter)]
+ (..read output))))]
+ (: Host
+ (structure
+ (def: (evaluate! dummy-name code)
+ (run! dummy-name (_.return code)))
+ (def: execute! run!)
+ (def: (define! [module name] input)
+ (let [global (format (text.replace-all .module-separator ..separator module)
+ ..separator (name.normalize name)
+ "___" (%n (text@hash name)))
+ @global (_.global global)]
+ (do error.monad
+ [#let [definition (_.; (_.set @global input))]
+ _ (run! global definition)
+ value (run! global (_.return @global))]
+ (wrap [global value definition])))))))))
+(def: platform
+ (IO (Platform IO _.Var (_.Expression Any) _.Statement))
+ (do io.monad
+ [host ..host]
+ (wrap {#platform.&monad io.monad
+ #platform.&file-system file.system
+ #platform.host host
+ #platform.phase php.generate
+ #platform.runtime runtime.generate})))
+(def: (program program)
+ (-> (_.Expression Any) _.Statement)
+ (_.; (_.apply/2 [(runtime.lux//program-args _.command-line-arguments)
+ _.null]
+ program)))
+(program: [{service /cli.service}]
+ (/.compiler ..expander
+ ..platform
+ extension.bundle
+ ..program
+ service))
diff --git a/lux-ruby/project.clj b/lux-ruby/project.clj
index 70f2e949c..5da89c1a4 100644
--- a/lux-ruby/project.clj
+++ b/lux-ruby/project.clj
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
(def sonatype-releases "https://oss.sonatype.org/service/local/staging/deploy/maven2/")
(def sonatype-snapshots "https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/")
-(defproject com.github.luxlang/lux-python #=(identity version)
+(defproject com.github.luxlang/lux-ruby #=(identity version)
:description "A Ruby compiler for Lux."
:url ~repo
:license {:name "Lux License v0.1"
diff --git a/new-luxc/project.clj b/new-luxc/project.clj
index 91b6efdb5..1b858000d 100644
--- a/new-luxc/project.clj
+++ b/new-luxc/project.clj
@@ -27,9 +27,6 @@
;; [kawa-scheme/kawa-core "2.4"]
;; ;; Common Lisp
;; [org.abcl/abcl "1.5.0"]
- ;; ;; PHP 5
- ;; [org.develnext.jphp/jphp-core "0.9.2"]
- ;; [org.develnext.jphp/jphp-scripting "0.9.2"]
:manifest {"lux" ~version}
diff --git a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/host/jvm.lux b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/host/jvm.lux
index da9dcb974..01ec36624 100644
--- a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/host/jvm.lux
+++ b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/host/jvm.lux
@@ -3,13 +3,14 @@
- ["p" parser]]
+ ["p" parser
+ ["s" code]]]
["." list ("#/." functor)]]]
["." code]
- ["s" syntax (#+ syntax:)]]
+ [syntax (#+ syntax:)]]
[host (#+ import:)]
[binary (#+ Binary)]]
diff --git a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/host/jvm/inst.lux b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/host/jvm/inst.lux
index d8360d4d7..7329dec1a 100644
--- a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/host/jvm/inst.lux
+++ b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/host/jvm/inst.lux
@@ -4,18 +4,19 @@
[monad (#+ do)]]
["." function]
- ["p" parser]]
+ ["p" parser
+ ["s" code]]]
["." maybe]
["." error]
- ["." list ("#/." functor)]]]
+ ["." list ("#@." functor)]]]
["." host (#+ import: do-to)]
["." code]
- ["s" syntax (#+ syntax:)]]
+ [syntax (#+ syntax:)]]
[phase (#+ Operation)]]]]
@@ -28,7 +29,7 @@
(syntax: (declare {codes (p.many s.local-identifier)})
(|> codes
- (list/map (function (_ code) (` ((~' #static) (~ (code.local-identifier code)) (~' int)))))
+ (list@map (function (_ code) (` ((~' #static) (~ (code.local-identifier code)) (~' int)))))
(`` (import: org/objectweb/asm/Opcodes
diff --git a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/host/php.lux b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/host/php.lux
deleted file mode 100644
index 878bbaa18..000000000
--- a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/host/php.lux
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,345 +0,0 @@
- [lux #- Code' Code not or and function]
- (lux (control pipe)
- (data [text]
- text/format
- [number]
- (coll [list "list/" Functor<List> Fold<List>]))
- (type abstract)))
-(abstract: Global' {} Any)
-(abstract: Var' {} Any)
-(abstract: Computation' {} Any)
-(abstract: (Expression' k) {} Any)
-(abstract: Statement' {} Any)
-(abstract: (Code' k)
- {}
- Text
- (type: #export Code (Ex [k] (Code' k)))
- (type: #export Expression (Code' (Ex [k] (Expression' k))))
- (type: #export Global (Code' (Expression' Global')))
- (type: #export Var (Code' (Expression' Var')))
- (type: #export Argument
- {#reference? Bit
- #var Var})
- (type: #export Computation (Code' (Expression' Computation')))
- (type: #export Statement (Code' Statement'))
- (def: #export code (-> Code Text) (|>> :representation))
- (def: nest
- (-> Text Text)
- (|>> (format "\n")
- (text.replace-all "\n" "\n ")))
- (def: block
- (-> Text Text)
- (|>> nest (text.enclose ["{" "\n}"])))
- (def: computation
- (-> Text Computation)
- (|>> (text.enclose ["(" ")"]) :abstraction))
- (def: (statement code)
- (-> Text Statement)
- (:abstraction (format code ";")))
- (def: parameters
- (-> (List Argument) Text)
- (|>> (list/map (.function (_ [reference? var])
- (if reference?
- (format "&" (:representation var))
- (:representation var))))
- (text.join-with ", ")
- (text.enclose ["(" ")"])))
- (template [<name> <reference?>]
- [(def: #export <name>
- (-> Var Argument)
- (|>> [<reference?>]))]
- [parameter #0]
- [reference #1]
- )
- (def: arguments
- (-> (List Expression) Text)
- (|>> (list/map ..code) (text.join-with ", ") (text.enclose ["(" ")"])))
- (def: #export var
- (-> Text Var)
- (|>> (format "$") :abstraction))
- (def: #export global
- (-> Text Global)
- (|>> :abstraction))
- (def: #export null
- Computation
- (:abstraction "NULL"))
- (def: #export bool
- (-> Bit Computation)
- (|>> (case> #0 "false"
- #1 "true")
- :abstraction))
- (def: #export int
- (-> Int Computation)
- (|>> %i :abstraction))
- (def: #export float
- (-> Frac Computation)
- (|>> (cond> [(f/= number.positive-infinity)]
- [(new> "INF" computation)]
- [(f/= number.negative-infinity)]
- [(new> "-INF" computation)]
- [(f/= number.not-a-number)]
- [(new> "NAN" computation)]
- ## else
- [%f :abstraction])))
- (def: #export string
- (-> Text Computation)
- (|>> %t :abstraction))
- (def: #export (apply args func)
- (-> (List Expression) Expression Computation)
- (:abstraction
- (format (:representation func) (..arguments args))))
- (def: #export (function arguments uses body)
- (-> (List Argument) (List Argument) Statement Computation)
- (let [uses (case uses
- #.Nil
- ""
- _
- (format "use " (..parameters uses)))]
- (computation
- (format "function " (..parameters arguments)
- " " uses " "
- (block (:representation body))))))
- (template [<name> <function>]
- [(def: #export <name>
- Computation
- (..apply (list) (..global <function>)))]
- [func-num-args/0 "func_num_args"]
- [func-get-args/0 "func_get_args"]
- )
- (template [<name> <function>]
- [(def: #export (<name> values)
- (-> (List Expression) Computation)
- (..apply values (..global <function>)))]
- [array/* "array"]
- )
- (template [<name> <function>]
- [(def: #export (<name> required optionals)
- (-> Expression (List Expression) Computation)
- (..apply (list& required optionals) (..global <function>)))]
- [array-merge/+ "array_merge"]
- )
- (def: #export (array/** kvs)
- (-> (List [Expression Expression]) Computation)
- (computation
- (format "array("
- (|> kvs
- (list/map (.function (_ [key value])
- (format (:representation key) " => " (:representation value))))
- (text.join-with ", "))
- ")")))
- (template [<name> <function>]
- [(def: #export (<name> input0)
- (-> Expression Computation)
- (..apply (list input0) (..global <function>)))]
- [is-null/1 "is_null"]
- [empty/1 "empty"]
- [count/1 "count"]
- [array-pop/1 "array_pop"]
- [floatval/1 "floatval"]
- )
- (template [<name> <function>]
- [(def: #export (<name> input0 input1)
- (-> Expression Expression Computation)
- (..apply (list input0 input1) (..global <function>)))]
- [call-user-func-array/2 "call_user_func_array"]
- [array-slice/2 "array_slice"]
- [array-push/2 "array_push"]
- )
- (template [<name> <function>]
- [(def: #export (<name> input0 input1 input2)
- (-> Expression Expression Expression Computation)
- (..apply (list input0 input1 input2) (..global <function>)))]
- [array-slice/3 "array_slice"])
- (def: #export (new constructor inputs)
- (-> Global (List Expression) Computation)
- (computation
- (format "new " (:representation constructor) (arguments inputs))))
- (def: #export (send method inputs object)
- (-> Text (List Expression) Expression Computation)
- (computation
- (format (:representation object) "->" method (arguments inputs))))
- (def: #export (nth idx array)
- (-> Expression Expression Computation)
- (computation
- (format (:representation array) "[" (:representation idx) "]")))
- (def: #export (? test then else)
- (-> Expression Expression Expression Computation)
- (computation
- (format (:representation test) " ? "
- (:representation then) " : "
- (:representation else))))
- (template [<name> <op>]
- [(def: #export (<name> param subject)
- (-> Expression Expression Computation)
- (computation
- (format (:representation subject) " " <op> " " (:representation param))))]
- [or "||"]
- [and "&&"]
- ## [is "is"]
- [= "=="]
- [< "<"]
- [<= "<="]
- [> ">"]
- [>= ">="]
- [+ "+"]
- [- "-"]
- [* "*"]
- [/ "/"]
- [% "%"]
- [** "**"]
- ## [bit-or "|"]
- ## [bit-and "&"]
- ## [bit-xor "^"]
- ## [bit-shl "<<"]
- ## [bit-shr ">>"]
- )
- (def: #export not
- (-> Computation Computation)
- (|>> :representation (format "!") :abstraction))
- (template [<name> <type> <constructor>]
- [(def: #export (<name> var value)
- (-> Var Expression <type>)
- (<constructor> (format (:representation var) " = " (:representation value))))]
- [set! Statement ..statement]
- [set!' Computation ..computation]
- )
- (def: #export (set-nth! idx value array)
- (-> Expression Expression Expression Statement)
- (..statement
- (format (:representation array) "[" (:representation idx) "] = " (:representation value))))
- (def: #export global!
- (-> Var Statement)
- (|>> :representation (format "global ") ..statement))
- (def: #export (set-global! name value)
- (-> Text Expression Statement)
- (|> (..var "GLOBALS") (..set-nth! (..string name) value)))
- (def: #export (if! test then! else!)
- (-> Expression Statement Statement Statement)
- (:abstraction
- (format "if (" (:representation test) ")"
- (block (:representation then!))
- " else "
- (block (:representation else!)))))
- (def: #export (when! test then!)
- (-> Expression Statement Statement)
- (:abstraction
- (format "if (" (:representation test) ") "
- (block (:representation then!)))))
- (def: #export (then! post! pre!)
- (-> Statement Statement Statement)
- (:abstraction
- (format (:representation pre!)
- "\n"
- (:representation post!))))
- ## (def: #export (while! test body!)
- ## (-> Computation Statement Statement)
- ## (:abstraction
- ## (format "while " (expression test) ":"
- ## (nest body!))))
- ## (def: #export (for-in! variable inputs body!)
- ## (-> SVariable Computation Statement Statement)
- ## (:abstraction
- ## (format "for " (..name variable) " in " (expression inputs) ":"
- ## (nest body!))))
- (type: #export Except
- {#class Global
- #exception Var
- #handler Statement})
- (def: (catch! except)
- (-> Except Text)
- (let [declaration (format "(" (:representation (get@ #class except))
- " " (:representation (get@ #exception except)) ")")]
- (format "catch" declaration " "
- (block (:representation (get@ #handler except))))))
- (def: #export (try! body! excepts)
- (-> Statement (List Except) Statement)
- (:abstraction
- (format "try " (block (:representation body!)) "\n"
- (|> excepts (list/map catch!) (text.join-with "\n")))))
- (template [<name> <keyword>]
- [(def: #export (<name> message)
- (-> Expression Statement)
- (statement (format <keyword> " " (:representation message))))]
- [throw! "throw"]
- [return! "return"]
- [echo! "echo"]
- )
- (def: #export do!
- (-> Expression Statement)
- (|>> :representation statement))
- (def: #export (define! name value)
- (-> Global Expression Statement)
- (do! (..apply (list (|> name :representation ..string)
- value)
- (..global "define"))))
- (def: #export (function! name args body)
- (-> Global (List Argument) Statement Statement)
- (:abstraction
- (format "function " (:representation name) (..parameters args)
- " " (block (:representation body)))))
- )
diff --git a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/jvm/procedure/host.lux b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/jvm/procedure/host.lux
index d5a7bd3f5..c4bc66923 100644
--- a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/jvm/procedure/host.lux
+++ b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/jvm/procedure/host.lux
@@ -3,14 +3,14 @@
["." monad (#+ do)]]
- ["p" parser ("#@." monad)]
- ["ex" exception (#+ exception:)]]
+ ["ex" exception (#+ exception:)]
+ ["p" parser ("#@." monad)
+ ["l" text]]]
["." product]
["." error]
["." text
- format
- ["l" lexer]]
+ format]
["." list ("#@." functor)]
["." dictionary (#+ Dictionary)]]]
@@ -602,7 +602,7 @@
(phase.throw extension.invalid-syntax [proc %synthesis inputs])))
(def: base-type
- (l.Lexer $.Type)
+ (l.Parser $.Type)
($_ p.either
(p.after (l.this "boolean") (p@wrap _t.boolean))
(p.after (l.this "byte") (p@wrap _t.byte))
@@ -618,7 +618,7 @@
(def: java-type
- (l.Lexer $.Type)
+ (l.Parser $.Type)
(do p.monad
[raw base-type
nesting (p.some (l.this "[]"))]
diff --git a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/php.lux b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/php.lux
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a694d3e6..000000000
--- a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/php.lux
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
- lux
- (lux (control ["ex" exception #+ exception:]
- pipe
- [monad #+ do])
- (data [bit]
- [maybe]
- ["e" error #+ Error]
- [text "text/" Eq<Text>]
- text/format
- (coll [array]))
- [macro]
- [io #+ IO Process io]
- [host #+ class: interface: object]
- (world [file #+ File]))
- (luxc [lang]
- (lang [".L" variable #+ Register]
- ["ls" synthesis #+ Synthesis]
- (host ["_" php #+ Expression Statement]))
- [".C" io]))
-(template [<name>]
- [(exception: #export (<name> {message Text})
- message)]
- [No-Active-Module-Buffer]
- [Cannot-Execute]
- [No-Anchor]
- )
-(host.import: java/lang/Object)
-(host.import: java/lang/String
- (getBytes [String] #try (Array byte)))
-(host.import: java/lang/CharSequence)
-(host.import: java/lang/Appendable
- (append [CharSequence] Appendable))
-(host.import: java/lang/StringBuilder
- (new [])
- (toString [] String))
-(host.import: javax/script/ScriptEngine
- (eval [String] #try Object))
-(host.import: org/develnext/jphp/scripting/JPHPScriptEngine
- (new []))
-(type: #export Anchor [Text Register])
-(type: #export Host
- {#context [Text Nat]
- #anchor (Maybe Anchor)
- #loader (-> Statement (Error Any))
- #interpreter (-> Expression (Error Object))
- #module-buffer (Maybe StringBuilder)
- #program-buffer StringBuilder})
-(def: #export init
- (IO Host)
- (io (let [interpreter (JPHPScriptEngine::new [])]
- {#context ["" +0]
- #anchor #.None
- #loader (function (_ code)
- (do e.Monad<Error>
- [_ (ScriptEngine::eval [(format "<?php " (_.code code))] interpreter)]
- (wrap [])))
- #interpreter (function (_ code)
- (ScriptEngine::eval [(format "<?php " (_.code (_.return! code)))] interpreter))
- #module-buffer #.None
- #program-buffer (StringBuilder::new [])})))
-(def: #export extension Text ".php")
-(def: #export module-name Text (format "module" extension))
-(def: #export init-module-buffer
- (Meta Any)
- (function (_ compiler)
- (#e.Success [(update@ #.host
- (|>> (:coerce Host)
- (set@ #module-buffer (#.Some (StringBuilder::new [])))
- (:coerce Nothing))
- compiler)
- []])))
-(def: #export (with-sub-context expr)
- (All [a] (-> (Meta a) (Meta [Text a])))
- (function (_ compiler)
- (let [old (:coerce Host (get@ #.host compiler))
- [old-name old-sub] (get@ #context old)
- new-name (format old-name "___" (%i (.int old-sub)))]
- (case (expr (set@ #.host
- (:coerce Nothing (set@ #context [new-name +0] old))
- compiler))
- (#e.Success [compiler' output])
- (#e.Success [(update@ #.host
- (|>> (:coerce Host)
- (set@ #context [old-name (inc old-sub)])
- (:coerce Nothing))
- compiler')
- [new-name output]])
- (#e.Error error)
- (#e.Error error)))))
-(def: #export context
- (Meta Text)
- (function (_ compiler)
- (#e.Success [compiler
- (|> (get@ #.host compiler)
- (:coerce Host)
- (get@ #context)
- (let> [name sub]
- name))])))
-(def: #export (with-anchor anchor expr)
- (All [a] (-> Anchor (Meta a) (Meta a)))
- (function (_ compiler)
- (let [old (:coerce Host (get@ #.host compiler))]
- (case (expr (set@ #.host
- (:coerce Nothing (set@ #anchor (#.Some anchor) old))
- compiler))
- (#e.Success [compiler' output])
- (#e.Success [(update@ #.host
- (|>> (:coerce Host)
- (set@ #anchor (get@ #anchor old))
- (:coerce Nothing))
- compiler')
- output])
- (#e.Error error)
- (#e.Error error)))))
-(def: #export anchor
- (Meta Anchor)
- (function (_ compiler)
- (case (|> compiler (get@ #.host) (:coerce Host) (get@ #anchor))
- (#.Some anchor)
- (#e.Success [compiler anchor])
- #.None
- ((lang.throw No-Anchor "") compiler))))
-(def: #export module-buffer
- (Meta StringBuilder)
- (function (_ compiler)
- (case (|> compiler (get@ #.host) (:coerce Host) (get@ #module-buffer))
- #.None
- ((lang.throw No-Active-Module-Buffer "") compiler)
- (#.Some module-buffer)
- (#e.Success [compiler module-buffer]))))
-(def: #export program-buffer
- (Meta StringBuilder)
- (function (_ compiler)
- (#e.Success [compiler (|> compiler (get@ #.host) (:coerce Host) (get@ #program-buffer))])))
-(template [<name> <field> <inputT> <outputT>]
- [(def: (<name> code)
- (-> <inputT> (Meta <outputT>))
- (function (_ compiler)
- (let [runner (|> compiler (get@ #.host) (:coerce Host) (get@ <field>))]
- (case (runner code)
- (#e.Error error)
- ((lang.throw Cannot-Execute error) compiler)
- (#e.Success output)
- (#e.Success [compiler output])))))]
- [load! #loader Statement Any]
- [interpret #interpreter Expression Object]
- )
-(def: #export variant-tag-field "_lux_tag")
-(def: #export variant-flag-field "_lux_flag")
-(def: #export variant-value-field "_lux_value")
-(def: #export unit Text "")
-(def: #export (definition-name [module name])
- (-> Name Text)
- (lang.normalize-name (format module "$" name)))
-(def: #export (save code)
- (-> Statement (Meta Any))
- (do macro.Monad<Meta>
- [module-buffer module-buffer
- #let [_ (Appendable::append [(:coerce CharSequence (_.code code))]
- module-buffer)]]
- (load! code)))
-(def: #export (save-module! target)
- (-> File (Meta (Process Any)))
- (do macro.Monad<Meta>
- [module macro.current-module-name
- module-buffer module-buffer
- program-buffer program-buffer
- #let [module-code (StringBuilder::toString [] module-buffer)
- _ (Appendable::append [(:coerce CharSequence (format module-code "\n"))]
- program-buffer)]]
- (wrap (ioC.write target
- (format (lang.normalize-name module) "/" ..module-name)
- (|> module-code
- (String::getBytes ["UTF-8"])
- e.assume)))))
-(type: #export Translator (-> Synthesis (Meta Expression)))
diff --git a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/php/case.jvm.lux b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/php/case.jvm.lux
deleted file mode 100644
index c438425ff..000000000
--- a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/php/case.jvm.lux
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,255 +0,0 @@
- lux
- (lux (control [monad #+ do]
- ["ex" exception #+ exception:])
- (data [number]
- [text]
- text/format
- (coll [list "list/" Functor<List> Fold<List>]
- (set ["set" unordered #+ Set])))
- [macro #+ "meta/" Monad<Meta>]
- (macro [code]))
- (luxc [lang]
- (lang [".L" variable #+ Register Variable]
- ["ls" synthesis #+ Synthesis Path]
- (host ["_" php #+ Expression Statement Except Var])))
- [//]
- (// [".T" runtime]
- [".T" primitive]
- [".T" reference]))
-(def: #export (translate-let translate register valueS bodyS)
- (-> (-> Synthesis (Meta Expression)) Register Synthesis Synthesis
- (Meta Expression))
- (do macro.Monad<Meta>
- [valueO (translate valueS)
- bodyO (translate bodyS)
- #let [@register (referenceT.variable register)]]
- (wrap (|> bodyO
- (list (_.set!' @register valueO))
- _.array/*
- (_.nth (_.int 1))))))
-(def: #export (translate-record-get translate valueS pathP)
- (-> (-> Synthesis (Meta Expression)) Synthesis (List [Nat Bit])
- (Meta Expression))
- (do macro.Monad<Meta>
- [valueO (translate valueS)]
- (wrap (list/fold (function (_ [idx tail?] source)
- (let [method (if tail?
- runtimeT.product//right
- runtimeT.product//left)]
- (method source (_.int (:coerce Int idx)))))
- valueO
- pathP))))
-(def: #export (translate-if testO thenO elseO)
- (-> Expression Expression Expression Expression)
- (_.? testO thenO elseO))
-(def: @savepoint (_.var "pm_cursor_savepoint"))
-(def: @cursor (_.var "pm_cursor"))
-(def: (push-cursor! value)
- (-> Expression Statement)
- (_.do! (_.array-push/2 @cursor value)))
-(def: save-cursor!
- Statement
- (_.do! (_.array-push/2 @savepoint (_.array-slice/2 @cursor (_.int 0)))))
-(def: restore-cursor!
- Statement
- (_.set! @cursor (_.array-pop/1 @savepoint)))
-(def: cursor-top
- Expression
- (_.nth (|> @cursor _.count/1 (_.- (_.int 1)))
- @cursor))
-(def: pop-cursor!
- Statement
- (_.do! (_.array-pop/1 @cursor)))
-(def: pm-error (_.string "PM-ERROR"))
-(def: php-exception (_.global "Exception"))
-(def: (new-Exception error)
- (-> Expression Expression)
- (_.new php-exception (list error)))
-(def: fail-pm! (_.throw! (new-Exception pm-error)))
-(def: @temp (_.var "temp"))
-(exception: #export (Unrecognized-Path {message Text})
- message)
-(def: @alt-error (_.var "alt_error"))
-(def: (pm-catch! handler!)
- (-> Statement Except)
- {#_.class php-exception
- #_.exception @alt-error
- #_.handler (_.if! (|> @alt-error (_.send "getMessage" (list)) (_.= pm-error))
- handler!
- (_.throw! @alt-error))})
-(def: (translate-pattern-matching' translate pathP)
- (-> (-> Synthesis (Meta Expression)) Path (Meta Statement))
- (case pathP
- (^code ("lux case exec" (~ bodyS)))
- (do macro.Monad<Meta>
- [bodyO (translate bodyS)]
- (wrap (_.return! bodyO)))
- (^code ("lux case pop"))
- (meta/wrap pop-cursor!)
- (^code ("lux case bind" (~ [_ (#.Nat register)])))
- (meta/wrap (_.set! (referenceT.variable register) cursor-top))
- (^template [<tag> <format>]
- [_ (<tag> value)]
- (meta/wrap (_.when! (_.not (_.= (|> value <format>) cursor-top))
- fail-pm!)))
- ([#.Int _.int]
- [#.Bit _.bool]
- [#.Frac _.float]
- [#.Text _.string])
- (^template [<pm> <getter>]
- (^code (<pm> (~ [_ (#.Nat idx)])))
- (meta/wrap (push-cursor! (<getter> cursor-top (_.int (:coerce Int idx))))))
- (["lux case tuple left" runtimeT.product//left]
- ["lux case tuple right" runtimeT.product//right])
- (^template [<pm> <flag>]
- (^code (<pm> (~ [_ (#.Nat idx)])))
- (meta/wrap (|> (_.set! @temp (runtimeT.sum//get cursor-top (_.int (:coerce Int idx)) <flag>))
- (_.then! (_.if! (_.is-null/1 @temp)
- fail-pm!
- (push-cursor! @temp))))))
- (["lux case variant left" _.null]
- ["lux case variant right" (_.string "")])
- (^code ("lux case seq" (~ leftP) (~ rightP)))
- (do macro.Monad<Meta>
- [leftO (translate-pattern-matching' translate leftP)
- rightO (translate-pattern-matching' translate rightP)]
- (wrap (|> leftO
- (_.then! rightO))))
- (^code ("lux case alt" (~ leftP) (~ rightP)))
- (do macro.Monad<Meta>
- [leftO (translate-pattern-matching' translate leftP)
- rightO (translate-pattern-matching' translate rightP)]
- (wrap (_.try! (|> save-cursor!
- (_.then! leftO))
- (list (pm-catch!
- (|> restore-cursor!
- (_.then! rightO)))))))
- _
- (lang.throw Unrecognized-Path (%code pathP))
- ))
-(def: (translate-pattern-matching translate pathP)
- (-> (-> Synthesis (Meta Expression)) Path (Meta Statement))
- (do macro.Monad<Meta>
- [pattern-matching (translate-pattern-matching' translate pathP)]
- (wrap (_.try! pattern-matching
- (list (pm-catch!
- (_.throw! (new-Exception (_.string "Invalid expression for pattern-matching.")))))))))
-(def: (initialize-pattern-matching! stack-init)
- (-> Expression Statement)
- (|> (_.set! @cursor (_.array/* (list stack-init)))
- (_.then! (_.set! @savepoint (_.array/* (list))))))
-(def: empty (Set Variable) (set.new number.Hash<Int>))
-(type: Storage
- {#bindings (Set Variable)
- #dependencies (Set Variable)})
-(def: (path-variables pathP)
- (-> Path Storage)
- (loop [pathP pathP
- outer-variables {#bindings empty
- #dependencies empty}]
- ## TODO: Remove (let [outer recur]) once loops can have names.
- (let [outer recur]
- (case pathP
- (^code ("lux case bind" (~ [_ (#.Nat register)])))
- (update@ #bindings (set.add (.int register))
- outer-variables)
- (^or (^code ("lux case seq" (~ leftP) (~ rightP)))
- (^code ("lux case alt" (~ leftP) (~ rightP))))
- (list/fold outer outer-variables (list leftP rightP))
- (^code ("lux case exec" (~ bodyS)))
- (loop [bodyS bodyS
- inner-variables outer-variables]
- ## TODO: Remove (let [inner recur]) once loops can have names.
- (let [inner recur]
- (case bodyS
- (^code ((~ [_ (#.Nat tag)]) (~ [_ (#.Bit last?)]) (~ valueS)))
- (inner valueS inner-variables)
- (^code [(~+ members)])
- (list/fold inner inner-variables members)
- (^ [_ (#.Form (list [_ (#.Int var)]))])
- (if (set.member? (get@ #bindings inner-variables) var)
- inner-variables
- (update@ #dependencies (set.add var) inner-variables))
- (^code ("lux call" (~ functionS) (~+ argsS)))
- (list/fold inner inner-variables (#.Cons functionS argsS))
- (^code ("lux function" (~ [_ (#.Nat arity)]) [(~+ environment)] (~ bodyS)))
- (|> environment
- (list/map (|>> (list) code.form))
- (list/fold inner inner-variables))
- (^code ("lux let" (~ [_ (#.Nat register)]) (~ inputS) (~ exprS)))
- (list/fold inner (update@ #bindings (set.add (.int register))
- inner-variables)
- (list inputS exprS))
- (^code ("lux case" (~ inputS) (~ pathPS)))
- (|> inner-variables (inner inputS) (outer pathPS))
- (^code ((~ [_ (#.Text procedure)]) (~+ argsS)))
- (list/fold inner inner-variables argsS)
- _
- inner-variables)))
- _
- outer-variables))))
-(def: generated-name
- (-> Text (Meta Text))
- (|>> macro.gensym
- (:: macro.Monad<Meta> map (|>> %code lang.normalize-name))))
-(def: #export (translate-case translate valueS pathP)
- (-> (-> Synthesis (Meta Expression)) Synthesis Path (Meta Expression))
- (do macro.Monad<Meta>
- [valueO (translate valueS)
- @case (:: @ map _.global (generated-name "case"))
- @value (:: @ map _.var (generated-name "value"))
- #let [@dependencies+ (|> (path-variables pathP)
- (get@ #dependencies)
- set.to-list
- (list/map referenceT.local))]
- pattern-matching! (translate-pattern-matching translate pathP)
- _ (//.save (_.function! @case (|> (list& @value @dependencies+)
- (list/map _.parameter))
- (|> (initialize-pattern-matching! @value)
- (_.then! pattern-matching!))))]
- (wrap (_.apply (list& valueO @dependencies+) @case))))
diff --git a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/php/eval.jvm.lux b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/php/eval.jvm.lux
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c4a6c641..000000000
--- a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/php/eval.jvm.lux
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
- lux
- (lux (control [monad #+ do]
- ["ex" exception #+ exception:])
- (data [bit]
- [maybe]
- ["e" error #+ Error]
- text/format
- (coll [array]))
- [host])
- (luxc [lang]
- (lang (host ["_" php #+ Expression Statement])))
- [//])
-(template [<name>]
- [(exception: #export (<name> {message Text})
- message)]
- [Not-A-Variant]
- [Null-Has-No-Lux-Representation]
- [Cannot-Evaluate]
- )
-(host.import: java/lang/Object
- (toString [] String)
- (getClass [] (Class Object)))
-(host.import: java/lang/Long
- (intValue [] Integer))
-(exception: #export (Unknown-Kind-Of-Host-Object {host-object Object})
- (let [object-class (:coerce Text (Object::toString [] (Object::getClass [] (:coerce Object host-object))))
- text-representation (:coerce Text (Object::toString [] (:coerce Object host-object)))]
- (format object-class " --- " text-representation)))
-(host.import: php/runtime/Memory)
-(host.import: php/runtime/memory/NullMemory)
-(host.import: php/runtime/memory/FalseMemory)
-(host.import: php/runtime/memory/TrueMemory)
-(host.import: php/runtime/memory/LongMemory
- (new [long])
- (toLong [] long))
-(host.import: php/runtime/memory/DoubleMemory
- (toDouble [] double))
-(host.import: php/runtime/memory/StringMemory
- (new [String])
- (toString [] String))
-(host.import: php/runtime/memory/ReferenceMemory
- (getValue [] Memory))
-(host.import: php/runtime/memory/ArrayMemory
- (size [] int)
- (isMap [] boolean)
- (get [Memory] Memory))
-(def: (tuple lux-object host-object)
- (-> (-> Object (Error Any)) ArrayMemory (Error Any))
- (let [size (ArrayMemory::size [] host-object)]
- (loop [idx 0
- output (: (Array Any) (array.new (:coerce Nat size)))]
- (if (i/< size idx)
- (let [value (|> host-object
- (ArrayMemory::get [(LongMemory::new [idx])])
- (:coerce ReferenceMemory) (ReferenceMemory::getValue []))]
- (if (host.instance? php/runtime/memory/NullMemory value)
- (recur (inc idx)
- (array.write (:coerce Nat idx) (host.null) output))
- (do e.Monad<Error>
- [lux-value (lux-object value)]
- (recur (inc idx)
- (array.write (:coerce Nat idx) lux-value output)))))
- (ex.return output)))))
-(def: (variant lux-object host-object)
- (-> (-> Object (Error Any)) ArrayMemory (Error Any))
- (do e.Monad<Error>
- [variant-tag (lux-object (ArrayMemory::get [(StringMemory::new [//.variant-tag-field])] host-object))
- variant-value (lux-object (ArrayMemory::get [(StringMemory::new [//.variant-value-field])] host-object))]
- (wrap (: Any
- [(Long::intValue [] (:coerce Long variant-tag))
- (: Any
- (if (|> host-object
- (ArrayMemory::get [(StringMemory::new [//.variant-flag-field])])
- (:coerce ReferenceMemory)
- (ReferenceMemory::getValue [])
- (host.instance? php/runtime/memory/NullMemory))
- (host.null)
- ""))
- variant-value]))))
-(def: (lux-object host-object)
- (-> Object (Error Any))
- (cond (host.instance? php/runtime/memory/FalseMemory host-object)
- (ex.return #0)
- (host.instance? php/runtime/memory/TrueMemory host-object)
- (ex.return #1)
- (host.instance? php/runtime/memory/LongMemory host-object)
- (ex.return (LongMemory::toLong [] (:coerce LongMemory host-object)))
- (host.instance? php/runtime/memory/DoubleMemory host-object)
- (ex.return (DoubleMemory::toDouble [] (:coerce DoubleMemory host-object)))
- (host.instance? php/runtime/memory/StringMemory host-object)
- (ex.return (StringMemory::toString [] (:coerce StringMemory host-object)))
- (host.instance? php/runtime/memory/ReferenceMemory host-object)
- (lux-object (ReferenceMemory::getValue [] (:coerce ReferenceMemory host-object)))
- (host.instance? php/runtime/memory/ArrayMemory host-object)
- (if (ArrayMemory::isMap [] (:coerce ArrayMemory host-object))
- (variant lux-object (:coerce ArrayMemory host-object))
- (tuple lux-object (:coerce ArrayMemory host-object)))
- ## else
- (ex.throw Unknown-Kind-Of-Host-Object host-object)))
-(def: #export (eval code)
- (-> Expression (Meta Any))
- (function (_ compiler)
- (let [interpreter (|> compiler (get@ #.host) (:coerce //.Host) (get@ #//.interpreter))]
- (case (interpreter code)
- (#e.Error error)
- ((lang.throw Cannot-Evaluate error) compiler)
- (#e.Success output)
- (case (lux-object output)
- (#e.Success parsed-output)
- (#e.Success [compiler parsed-output])
- (#e.Error error)
- ((lang.throw Cannot-Evaluate error) compiler))))))
diff --git a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/php/expression.jvm.lux b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/php/expression.jvm.lux
deleted file mode 100644
index c49003c64..000000000
--- a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/php/expression.jvm.lux
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
- lux
- (lux (control [monad #+ do]
- ["ex" exception #+ exception:]
- ["p" parser])
- (data ["e" error]
- text/format)
- [macro]
- (macro ["s" syntax]))
- (luxc ["&" lang]
- (lang [".L" variable #+ Variable Register]
- [".L" extension]
- ["ls" synthesis #+ Synthesis]
- (host ["_" php #+ Expression Statement])))
- [//]
- (// [".T" runtime]
- [".T" primitive]
- [".T" structure]
- [".T" reference]
- [".T" function]
- [".T" case]
- [".T" procedure]
- ))
-(template [<name>]
- [(exception: #export (<name> {message Text})
- message)]
- [Invalid-Function-Syntax]
- [Unrecognized-Synthesis]
- )
-(def: #export (translate synthesis)
- //.Translator
- (case synthesis
- (^template [<tag> <generator>]
- [_ (<tag> value)]
- (|> value <generator>))
- ([#.Bit primitiveT.translate-bit]
- [#.Int primitiveT.translate-int]
- [#.Frac primitiveT.translate-frac]
- [#.Text primitiveT.translate-text])
- (^code ((~ [_ (#.Nat tag)]) (~ [_ (#.Bit last?)]) (~ valueS)))
- (structureT.translate-variant translate tag last? valueS)
- (^code [(~+ members)])
- (structureT.translate-tuple translate members)
- (^ [_ (#.Form (list [_ (#.Int var)]))])
- (referenceT.translate-variable var)
- [_ (#.Identifier definition)]
- (referenceT.translate-definition definition)
- (^code ("lux let" (~ [_ (#.Nat register)]) (~ inputS) (~ exprS)))
- (caseT.translate-let translate register inputS exprS)
- (^code ("lux case" (~ inputS) (~ pathPS)))
- (caseT.translate-case translate inputS pathPS)
- (^code ("lux function" (~ [_ (#.Nat arity)]) [(~+ environment)] (~ bodyS)))
- (case (s.run environment (p.some s.int))
- (#e.Success environment)
- (functionT.translate-function translate environment arity bodyS)
- _
- (&.throw Invalid-Function-Syntax (%code synthesis)))
- (^code ("lux call" (~ functionS) (~+ argsS)))
- (functionT.translate-apply translate functionS argsS)
- (^code ((~ [_ (#.Text procedure)]) (~+ argsS)))
- (procedureT.translate-procedure translate procedure argsS)
- ## (do macro.Monad<Meta>
- ## [translation (extensionL.find-translation procedure)]
- ## (translation argsS))
- _
- (&.throw Unrecognized-Synthesis (%code synthesis))))
diff --git a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/php/function.jvm.lux b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/php/function.jvm.lux
deleted file mode 100644
index 27a265566..000000000
--- a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/php/function.jvm.lux
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
- lux
- (lux (control [monad #+ do]
- pipe)
- (data [product]
- [text]
- text/format
- (coll [list "list/" Functor<List> Fold<List>]))
- [macro])
- (luxc ["&" lang]
- (lang ["ls" synthesis #+ Synthesis Arity]
- [".L" variable #+ Register Variable]
- (host ["_" php #+ Expression Var Computation Statement])))
- [//]
- (// [".T" reference]))
-(def: #export (translate-apply translate functionS argsS+)
- (-> //.Translator Synthesis (List Synthesis) (Meta Computation))
- (do macro.Monad<Meta>
- [functionO (translate functionS)
- argsO+ (monad.map @ translate argsS+)]
- (wrap (_.apply argsO+ functionO))))
-(def: @curried (_.var "curried"))
-(def: (input-declaration! register)
- (-> Register Statement)
- (_.set! (referenceT.variable (inc register))
- (_.nth (|> register .int _.int)
- @curried)))
-(def: (with-closure function-name inits function-definition!)
- (-> Text (List Expression) (-> (List Var) Statement) (Meta Expression))
- (let [@function (_.var function-name)]
- (case inits
- #.Nil
- (do macro.Monad<Meta>
- [_ (//.save (function-definition! (list)))]
- (wrap @function))
- _
- (do macro.Monad<Meta>
- [#let [closure-name (format function-name "___CLOSURE")
- @closure (_.global (format function-name "___CLOSURE"))
- captured (|> (list.enumerate inits) (list/map (|>> product.left referenceT.closure)))]
- _ (//.save (_.function! @closure (list/map _.parameter captured)
- (|> (function-definition! captured)
- (_.then! (_.return! @function)))))]
- (wrap (_.apply inits @closure))))))
-(def: #export (translate-function translate env arity bodyS)
- (-> //.Translator (List Variable) Arity Synthesis (Meta Expression))
- (do macro.Monad<Meta>
- [[base-function-name bodyO] (//.with-sub-context
- (do @
- [function-name //.context]
- (//.with-anchor [function-name +1]
- (translate bodyS))))
- current-module-name macro.current-module-name
- #let [function-name (format current-module-name "___" base-function-name)]
- closureO+ (monad.map @ referenceT.translate-variable env)
- #let [@function (_.var function-name)
- self-init! (_.set! (referenceT.variable +0) @function)
- args-inits! (|> (list.n/range +0 (dec arity))
- (list/map input-declaration!)
- (list/fold _.then! self-init!))
- arityO (|> arity .int _.int)
- @num_args (_.var "num_args")]]
- (with-closure function-name closureO+
- (function (_ captured)
- (_.set! @function
- (_.function (list) (|> captured
- (list/map _.reference)
- (list& (_.reference @function)))
- (|> (_.set! @num_args _.func-num-args/0)
- (_.then! (_.set! @curried _.func-get-args/0))
- (_.then! (_.if! (|> @num_args (_.= arityO))
- (|> args-inits!
- (_.then! (_.return! bodyO)))
- (_.if! (|> @num_args (_.> arityO))
- (let [arity-args (_.array-slice/3 @curried (_.int 0) arityO)
- output-func-args (_.array-slice/2 @curried arityO)]
- (_.return! (_.call-user-func-array/2 (_.call-user-func-array/2 @function arity-args)
- output-func-args)))
- (let [@missing (_.var "missing")]
- (_.return! (_.function (list) (list (_.reference @function) (_.reference @curried))
- (|> (_.set! @missing _.func-get-args/0)
- (_.then! (_.return! (_.call-user-func-array/2 @function
- (_.array-merge/+ @curried (list @missing)))))))))))))))))))
diff --git a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/php/loop.jvm.lux b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/php/loop.jvm.lux
deleted file mode 100644
index ddc4f67ab..000000000
--- a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/php/loop.jvm.lux
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
- lux
- (lux (control [monad #+ do])
- (data [text]
- text/format
- (coll [list "list/" Functor<List>]))
- [macro])
- (luxc [lang]
- (lang ["ls" synthesis]
- (host ["_" php #+ Expression Statement])))
- [//]
- (// [".T" reference]))
-## (def: #export (translate-loop translate offset initsS+ bodyS)
-## (-> (-> ls.Synthesis (Meta Expression)) Nat (List ls.Synthesis) ls.Synthesis
-## (Meta Expression))
-## (do macro.Monad<Meta>
-## [loop-name (|> (macro.gensym "loop")
-## (:: @ map (|>> %code lang.normalize-name)))
-## initsO+ (monad.map @ translate initsS+)
-## bodyO (//.with-anchor [loop-name offset]
-## (translate bodyS))
-## #let [$loop-name (python.var loop-name)
-## @loop-name (@@ $loop-name)]
-## _ (//.save (python.def! $loop-name (|> (list.n/range +0 (dec (list.size initsS+)))
-## (list/map (|>> (n/+ offset) referenceT.variable)))
-## (python.return! bodyO)))]
-## (wrap (python.apply initsO+ @loop-name))))
-## (def: #export (translate-recur translate argsS+)
-## (-> (-> ls.Synthesis (Meta Expression)) (List ls.Synthesis)
-## (Meta Expression))
-## (do macro.Monad<Meta>
-## [[loop-name offset] //.anchor
-## argsO+ (monad.map @ translate argsS+)]
-## (wrap (python.apply argsO+ (python.global loop-name)))))
diff --git a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/php/primitive.jvm.lux b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/php/primitive.jvm.lux
deleted file mode 100644
index 061833c70..000000000
--- a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/php/primitive.jvm.lux
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
- lux
- (lux [macro "meta/" Monad<Meta>])
- (luxc (lang (host ["_" php #+ Computation]))))
-(def: #export translate-bit
- (-> Bit (Meta Computation))
- (|>> _.bool meta/wrap))
-(def: #export translate-int
- (-> Int (Meta Computation))
- (|>> _.int meta/wrap))
-(def: #export translate-frac
- (-> Frac (Meta Computation))
- (|>> _.float meta/wrap))
-(def: #export translate-text
- (-> Text (Meta Computation))
- (|>> _.string meta/wrap))
diff --git a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/php/procedure/common.jvm.lux b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/php/procedure/common.jvm.lux
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a44accf2..000000000
--- a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/php/procedure/common.jvm.lux
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,322 +0,0 @@
- lux
- (lux (control [monad #+ do]
- ["ex" exception #+ exception:]
- ["p" parser])
- (data ["e" error]
- [text]
- text/format
- [number]
- (coll [list "list/" Functor<List>]
- (dictionary ["dict" unordered #+ Dict])))
- [macro #+ with-gensyms]
- (macro [code]
- ["s" syntax #+ syntax:])
- [host])
- (luxc ["&" lang]
- (lang ["la" analysis]
- ["ls" synthesis]
- (host ["_" php #+ Expression Statement])))
- [///]
- (/// [".T" runtime]
- [".T" case]
- [".T" function]
- [".T" loop]))
-## [Types]
-(type: #export Translator
- (-> ls.Synthesis (Meta Expression)))
-(type: #export Proc
- (-> Translator (List ls.Synthesis) (Meta Expression)))
-(type: #export Bundle
- (Dict Text Proc))
-(syntax: (Vector {size s.nat} elemT)
- (wrap (list (` [(~+ (list.repeat size elemT))]))))
-(type: #export Nullary (-> (Vector +0 Expression) Expression))
-(type: #export Unary (-> (Vector +1 Expression) Expression))
-(type: #export Binary (-> (Vector +2 Expression) Expression))
-(type: #export Trinary (-> (Vector +3 Expression) Expression))
-(type: #export Variadic (-> (List Expression) Expression))
-## [Utils]
-(def: #export (install name unnamed)
- (-> Text (-> Text Proc)
- (-> Bundle Bundle))
- (dict.put name (unnamed name)))
-(def: #export (prefix prefix bundle)
- (-> Text Bundle Bundle)
- (|> bundle
- dict.entries
- (list/map (function (_ [key val]) [(format prefix " " key) val]))
- (dict.from-list text.Hash<Text>)))
-(def: (wrong-arity proc expected actual)
- (-> Text Nat Nat Text)
- (format "Wrong number of arguments for " (%t proc) "\n"
- "Expected: " (|> expected .int %i) "\n"
- " Actual: " (|> actual .int %i)))
-(syntax: (arity: {name s.local-identifier} {arity s.nat})
- (with-gensyms [g!_ g!proc g!name g!translate g!inputs]
- (do @
- [g!input+ (monad.seq @ (list.repeat arity (macro.gensym "input")))]
- (wrap (list (` (def: #export ((~ (code.local-identifier name)) (~ g!proc))
- (-> (-> (..Vector (~ (code.nat arity)) Expression) Expression)
- (-> Text ..Proc))
- (function ((~ g!_) (~ g!name))
- (function ((~ g!_) (~ g!translate) (~ g!inputs))
- (case (~ g!inputs)
- (^ (list (~+ g!input+)))
- (do macro.Monad<Meta>
- [(~+ (|> g!input+
- (list/map (function (_ g!input)
- (list g!input (` ((~ g!translate) (~ g!input))))))
- list.concat))]
- ((~' wrap) ((~ g!proc) [(~+ g!input+)])))
- (~' _)
- (macro.fail (wrong-arity (~ g!name) +1 (list.size (~ g!inputs))))))))))))))
-(arity: nullary +0)
-(arity: unary +1)
-(arity: binary +2)
-(arity: trinary +3)
-(def: #export (variadic proc)
- (-> Variadic (-> Text Proc))
- (function (_ proc-name)
- (function (_ translate inputsS)
- (do macro.Monad<Meta>
- [inputsI (monad.map @ translate inputsS)]
- (wrap (proc inputsI))))))
-## [Procedures]
-## ## [[Lux]]
-## (def: (lux//is [leftO rightO])
-## Binary
-## (_.is leftO rightO))
-## (def: (lux//if [testO thenO elseO])
-## Trinary
-## (caseT.translate-if testO thenO elseO))
-## (def: (lux//try riskyO)
-## Unary
-## (runtimeT.lux//try riskyO))
-## (exception: #export (Wrong-Syntax {message Text})
-## message)
-## (def: #export (wrong-syntax procedure args)
-## (-> Text (List ls.Synthesis) Text)
-## (format "Procedure: " procedure "\n"
-## "Arguments: " (%code (code.tuple args))))
-## (def: lux//loop
-## (-> Text Proc)
-## (function (_ proc-name)
-## (function (_ translate inputsS)
-## (case (s.run inputsS ($_ p.seq s.nat (s.tuple (p.many s.any)) s.any))
-## (#e.Success [offset initsS+ bodyS])
-## (loopT.translate-loop translate offset initsS+ bodyS)
-## (#e.Error error)
-## (&.throw Wrong-Syntax (wrong-syntax proc-name inputsS)))
-## )))
-## (def: lux//recur
-## (-> Text Proc)
-## (function (_ proc-name)
-## (function (_ translate inputsS)
-## (loopT.translate-recur translate inputsS))))
-## (def: lux-procs
-## Bundle
-## (|> (dict.new text.Hash<Text>)
-## (install "is" (binary lux//is))
-## (install "try" (unary lux//try))
-## (install "if" (trinary lux//if))
-## (install "loop" lux//loop)
-## (install "recur" lux//recur)
-## ))
-## ## [[Bits]]
-## (template [<name> <op>]
-## [(def: (<name> [subjectO paramO])
-## Binary
-## (<op> paramO subjectO))]
-## [bit//and _.bit-and]
-## [bit//or _.bit-or]
-## [bit//xor _.bit-xor]
-## )
-## (def: (bit//left-shift [subjectO paramO])
-## Binary
-## (|> (_.bit-shl paramO subjectO)
-## runtimeT.bit//64))
-## (template [<name> <op>]
-## [(def: (<name> [subjectO paramO])
-## Binary
-## (<op> paramO subjectO))]
-## [bit//arithmetic-right-shift _.bit-shr]
-## [bit//logical-right-shift runtimeT.bit//logical-right-shift]
-## )
-## (def: bit-procs
-## Bundle
-## (<| (prefix "bit")
-## (|> (dict.new text.Hash<Text>)
-## (install "and" (binary bit//and))
-## (install "or" (binary bit//or))
-## (install "xor" (binary bit//xor))
-## (install "left-shift" (binary bit//left-shift))
-## (install "logical-right-shift" (binary bit//logical-right-shift))
-## (install "arithmetic-right-shift" (binary bit//arithmetic-right-shift))
-## )))
-## ## [[Numbers]]
-## (host.import: java/lang/Double
-## (#static MIN_VALUE Double)
-## (#static MAX_VALUE Double))
-## (template [<name> <const> <encode>]
-## [(def: (<name> _)
-## Nullary
-## (<encode> <const>))]
-## [frac//smallest Double::MIN_VALUE _.float]
-## [frac//min (f/* -1.0 Double::MAX_VALUE) _.float]
-## [frac//max Double::MAX_VALUE _.float]
-## )
-(template [<name> <op>]
- [(def: (<name> [subjectO paramO])
- Binary
- (|> subjectO
- (<op> paramO)))]
- [int//+ _.+]
- [int//- _.-]
- [int//* _.*]
- [int/// _./]
- [int//% _.%]
- )
-## (template [<name> <op>]
-## [(def: (<name> [subjectO paramO])
-## Binary
-## (<op> paramO subjectO))]
-## [frac//+ _.+]
-## [frac//- _.-]
-## [frac//* _.*]
-## [frac/// _./]
-## [frac//% _.%]
-## [frac//= _.=]
-## [frac//< _.<]
-## [text//= _.=]
-## [text//< _.<]
-## )
-(template [<name> <cmp>]
- [(def: (<name> [subjectO paramO])
- Binary
- (<cmp> paramO subjectO))]
- [int//= _.=]
- [int//< _.<]
- )
-(def: int-procs
- Bundle
- (<| (prefix "int")
- (|> (dict.new text.Hash<Text>)
- (install "+" (binary int//+))
- (install "-" (binary int//-))
- (install "*" (binary int//*))
- (install "/" (binary int///))
- (install "%" (binary int//%))
- (install "=" (binary int//=))
- (install "<" (binary int//<))
- (install "to-frac" (unary _.floatval/1)))))
-## (def: frac-procs
-## Bundle
-## (<| (prefix "frac")
-## (|> (dict.new text.Hash<Text>)
-## (install "+" (binary frac//+))
-## (install "-" (binary frac//-))
-## (install "*" (binary frac//*))
-## (install "/" (binary frac///))
-## (install "%" (binary frac//%))
-## (install "=" (binary frac//=))
-## (install "<" (binary frac//<))
-## (install "smallest" (nullary frac//smallest))
-## (install "min" (nullary frac//min))
-## (install "max" (nullary frac//max))
-## (install "to-int" (unary (apply1 (_.global "int"))))
-## (install "encode" (unary (apply1 (_.global "repr"))))
-## (install "decode" (unary runtimeT.frac//decode)))))
-## ## [[Text]]
-## (def: (text//concat [subjectO paramO])
-## Binary
-## (|> subjectO (_.+ paramO)))
-## (def: (text//char [subjectO paramO])
-## Binary
-## (runtimeT.text//char subjectO paramO))
-## (def: (text//clip [subjectO paramO extraO])
-## Trinary
-## (runtimeT.text//clip subjectO paramO extraO))
-## (def: (text//index [textO partO startO])
-## Trinary
-## (runtimeT.text//index textO partO startO))
-## (def: text-procs
-## Bundle
-## (<| (prefix "text")
-## (|> (dict.new text.Hash<Text>)
-## (install "=" (binary text//=))
-## (install "<" (binary text//<))
-## (install "concat" (binary text//concat))
-## (install "index" (trinary text//index))
-## (install "size" (unary (apply1 (_.global "len"))))
-## (install "char" (binary text//char))
-## (install "clip" (trinary text//clip))
-## )))
-## ## [[IO]]
-## (def: io-procs
-## Bundle
-## (<| (prefix "io")
-## (|> (dict.new text.Hash<Text>)
-## (install "log" (unary runtimeT.io//log!))
-## (install "error" (unary runtimeT.io//throw!))
-## (install "exit" (unary runtimeT.io//exit!))
-## (install "current-time" (nullary (function (_ _)
-## (runtimeT.io//current-time! runtimeT.unit)))))))
-## [Bundles]
-(def: #export procedures
- Bundle
- (<| (prefix "lux")
- (|> (dict.new text.Hash<Text>)
- ## lux-procs
- ## (dict.merge bit-procs)
- (dict.merge int-procs)
- ## (dict.merge frac-procs)
- ## (dict.merge text-procs)
- ## (dict.merge io-procs)
- )))
diff --git a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/php/procedure/host.jvm.lux b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/php/procedure/host.jvm.lux
deleted file mode 100644
index 2793b40e8..000000000
--- a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/php/procedure/host.jvm.lux
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
- lux
- (lux (control [monad #+ do])
- (data [text]
- text/format
- (coll [list "list/" Functor<List>]
- (dictionary ["dict" unordered #+ Dict])))
- [macro "macro/" Monad<Meta>])
- (luxc ["&" lang]
- (lang ["la" analysis]
- ["ls" synthesis]
- (host [ruby #+ Ruby Expression Statement])))
- [///]
- (/// [".T" runtime])
- (// ["@" common]))
-## (template [<name> <lua>]
-## [(def: (<name> _) @.Nullary <lua>)]
-## [lua//nil "nil"]
-## [lua//table "{}"]
-## )
-## (def: (lua//global proc translate inputs)
-## (-> Text @.Proc)
-## (case inputs
-## (^ (list [_ (#.Text name)]))
-## (do macro.Monad<Meta>
-## []
-## (wrap name))
-## _
-## (&.throw @.Wrong-Syntax (@.wrong-syntax proc inputs))))
-## (def: (lua//call proc translate inputs)
-## (-> Text @.Proc)
-## (case inputs
-## (^ (list& functionS argsS+))
-## (do macro.Monad<Meta>
-## [functionO (translate functionS)
-## argsO+ (monad.map @ translate argsS+)]
-## (wrap (lua.apply functionO argsO+)))
-## _
-## (&.throw @.Wrong-Syntax (@.wrong-syntax proc inputs))))
-## (def: lua-procs
-## @.Bundle
-## (|> (dict.new text.Hash<Text>)
-## (@.install "nil" (@.nullary lua//nil))
-## (@.install "table" (@.nullary lua//table))
-## (@.install "global" lua//global)
-## (@.install "call" lua//call)))
-## (def: (table//call proc translate inputs)
-## (-> Text @.Proc)
-## (case inputs
-## (^ (list& tableS [_ (#.Text field)] argsS+))
-## (do macro.Monad<Meta>
-## [tableO (translate tableS)
-## argsO+ (monad.map @ translate argsS+)]
-## (wrap (lua.method field tableO argsO+)))
-## _
-## (&.throw @.Wrong-Syntax (@.wrong-syntax proc inputs))))
-## (def: (table//get [fieldO tableO])
-## @.Binary
-## (runtimeT.lua//get tableO fieldO))
-## (def: (table//set [fieldO valueO tableO])
-## @.Trinary
-## (runtimeT.lua//set tableO fieldO valueO))
-## (def: table-procs
-## @.Bundle
-## (<| (@.prefix "table")
-## (|> (dict.new text.Hash<Text>)
-## (@.install "call" table//call)
-## (@.install "get" (@.binary table//get))
-## (@.install "set" (@.trinary table//set)))))
-(def: #export procedures
- @.Bundle
- (<| (@.prefix "lua")
- (dict.new text.Hash<Text>)
- ## (|> lua-procs
- ## (dict.merge table-procs))
- ))
diff --git a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/php/reference.jvm.lux b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/php/reference.jvm.lux
deleted file mode 100644
index 2415963d1..000000000
--- a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/php/reference.jvm.lux
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
- lux
- (lux [macro]
- (data [text]
- text/format))
- (luxc ["&" lang]
- (lang [".L" variable #+ Variable Register]
- (host ["_" php #+ Var])))
- [//]
- (// [".T" runtime]))
-(template [<register> <prefix>]
- [(def: #export <register>
- (-> Register Var)
- (|>> (:coerce Int) %i (format <prefix>) _.var))]
- [closure "c"]
- [variable "v"])
-(def: #export (local var)
- (-> Variable Var)
- (if (variableL.captured? var)
- (closure (variableL.captured-register var))
- (variable (:coerce Nat var))))
-(def: #export global
- (-> Name Var)
- (|>> //.definition-name _.var))
-(template [<name> <input> <converter>]
- [(def: #export <name>
- (-> <input> (Meta Var))
- (|>> <converter> (:: macro.Monad<Meta> wrap)))]
- [translate-variable Variable local]
- [translate-definition Name global]
- )
diff --git a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/php/runtime.jvm.lux b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/php/runtime.jvm.lux
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c4d9f444..000000000
--- a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/php/runtime.jvm.lux
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,330 +0,0 @@
- lux
- (lux (control ["p" parser "p/" Monad<Parser>]
- [monad #+ do])
- (data text/format
- (coll [list "list/" Monad<List>]))
- [macro]
- (macro [code]
- ["s" syntax #+ syntax:])
- [io #+ Process])
- [//]
- (luxc [lang]
- (lang (host ["_" php #+ Expression Computation Statement]))))
-(def: prefix Text "LuxRuntime")
-(def: #export unit Computation (_.string //.unit))
-(def: (flag value)
- (-> Bit Computation)
- (if value
- (_.string "")
- _.null))
-(def: (variant' tag last? value)
- (-> Expression Expression Expression Computation)
- (_.array/** (list [(_.string //.variant-tag-field) tag]
- [(_.string //.variant-flag-field) last?]
- [(_.string //.variant-value-field) value])))
-(def: #export (variant tag last? value)
- (-> Nat Bit Expression Computation)
- (variant' (_.int (.int tag))
- (flag last?)
- value))
-(def: #export none
- Computation
- (variant +0 #0 unit))
-(def: #export some
- (-> Expression Computation)
- (variant +1 #1))
-(def: #export left
- (-> Expression Computation)
- (variant +0 #0))
-(def: #export right
- (-> Expression Computation)
- (variant +1 #1))
-(type: Runtime Statement)
-(def: declaration
- (s.Syntax [Text (List Text)])
- (p.either (p.seq s.local-identifier (p/wrap (list)))
- (s.form (p.seq s.local-identifier (p.some s.local-identifier)))))
-(syntax: (runtime: {[name args] declaration}
- definition)
- (let [implementation (code.local-identifier (format "@@" name))
- runtime (format "__" prefix "__" (lang.normalize-name name))
- @runtime (` (_.global (~ (code.text runtime))))
- argsC+ (list/map code.local-identifier args)
- argsLC+ (list/map (|>> lang.normalize-name code.text (~) (_.var) (`))
- args)
- declaration (` ((~ (code.local-identifier name))
- (~+ argsC+)))
- type (` (-> (~+ (list.repeat (list.size argsC+) (` _.Expression)))
- _.Computation))]
- (wrap (list (` (def: (~' #export) (~ declaration)
- (~ type)
- (_.apply (list (~+ argsC+)) (~ @runtime))))
- (` (def: (~ implementation)
- _.Statement
- (~ (case argsC+
- #.Nil
- (` (_.define! (~ @runtime) (~ definition)))
- _
- (` (let [(~+ (|> (list.zip2 argsC+ argsLC+)
- (list/map (function (_ [left right])
- (list left right)))
- list/join))]
- (_.function! (~ @runtime)
- ((~! list/map) _.parameter (list (~+ argsLC+)))
- (~ definition))))))))))))
-(syntax: (with-vars {vars (s.tuple (p.many s.local-identifier))}
- body)
- (wrap (list (` (let [(~+ (|> vars
- (list/map (function (_ var)
- (list (code.local-identifier var)
- (` (_.var (~ (code.text (lang.normalize-name var))))))))
- list/join))]
- (~ body))))))
-## (runtime: (lux//try op)
-## (let [$error (_.var "error")
-## $value (_.var "value")]
-## (_.try! ($_ _.then!
-## (_.set! (list $value) (_.apply (list unit) op))
-## (_.return! (right (@@ $value))))
-## (list [(list "Exception") $error
-## (_.return! (left (_.apply (list (@@ $error)) (_.global "str"))))]))))
-## (runtime: (lux//program-args program-args)
-## (let [$inputs (_.var "inputs")
-## $value (_.var "value")]
-## ($_ _.then!
-## (_.set! (list $inputs) none)
-## (<| (_.for-in! $value program-args)
-## (_.set! (list $inputs)
-## (some (_.tuple (list (@@ $value) (@@ $inputs))))))
-## (_.return! (@@ $inputs)))))
-## (def: runtime//lux
-## Runtime
-## ($_ _.then!
-## @@lux//try
-## @@lux//program-args))
-## (runtime: (io//log! message)
-## ($_ _.then!
-## (_.print! message)
-## (_.return! ..unit)))
-## (def: (exception message)
-## (-> Expression Computation)
-## (_.apply (list message) (_.global "Exception")))
-## (runtime: (io//throw! message)
-## ($_ _.then!
-## (_.raise! (exception message))
-## (_.return! ..unit)))
-## (runtime: (io//exit! code)
-## ($_ _.then!
-## (_.import! "sys")
-## (_.do! (|> (_.global "sys") (_.send (list code) "exit")))
-## (_.return! ..unit)))
-## (runtime: (io//current-time! _)
-## ($_ _.then!
-## (_.import! "time")
-## (_.return! (let [time (|> (_.global "time")
-## (_.send (list) "time")
-## (_.* (_.int 1,000)))]
-## (_.apply (list time) (_.global "int"))))))
-## (def: runtime//io
-## Runtime
-## ($_ _.then!
-## @@io//log!
-## @@io//throw!
-## @@io//exit!
-## @@io//current-time!))
-(runtime: (product//left product index)
- (let [$index_min_length (_.var "index_min_length")]
- (|> (_.set! $index_min_length (_.+ (_.int 1) index))
- (_.then! (_.if! (_.> $index_min_length (_.count/1 product))
- ## No need for recursion
- (_.return! (_.nth index product))
- ## Needs recursion
- (_.return! (product//left (_.nth (_.- (_.int 1)
- (_.count/1 product))
- product)
- (_.- (_.count/1 product)
- $index_min_length))))))))
-(runtime: (product//right product index)
- (let [$index_min_length (_.var "index_min_length")]
- (|> (_.set! $index_min_length (_.+ (_.int 1) index))
- (_.then! (<| (_.if! (_.= $index_min_length (_.count/1 product))
- ## Last element.
- (_.return! (_.nth index product)))
- (_.if! (_.< $index_min_length (_.count/1 product))
- ## Needs recursion
- (_.return! (product//right (_.nth (_.- (_.int 1)
- (_.count/1 product))
- product)
- (_.- (_.count/1 product)
- $index_min_length))))
- ## Must slice
- (_.return! (_.array-slice/2 product index)))))))
-(runtime: (sum//get sum wantedTag wantsLast)
- (let [no-match! (_.return! _.null)
- sum-tag (_.nth (_.string //.variant-tag-field) sum)
- sum-flag (_.nth (_.string //.variant-flag-field) sum)
- sum-value (_.nth (_.string //.variant-value-field) sum)
- is-last? (_.= (_.string "") sum-flag)
- test-recursion! (_.if! is-last?
- ## Must recurse.
- (_.return! (sum//get sum-value (_.- sum-tag wantedTag) wantsLast))
- no-match!)]
- (<| (_.if! (_.= sum-tag wantedTag)
- (_.if! (|> (_.and (_.is-null/1 wantsLast) (_.is-null/1 sum-flag))
- (_.or (|> (_.and (_.not (_.is-null/1 wantsLast))
- (_.not (_.is-null/1 sum-flag)))
- (_.and (_.= wantsLast sum-flag)))))
- (_.return! sum-value)
- test-recursion!))
- (_.if! (_.> sum-tag wantedTag)
- test-recursion!)
- (_.if! (|> (_.< sum-tag wantedTag)
- (_.and (_.not (_.is-null/1 wantsLast))))
- (_.return! (variant' (_.- wantedTag sum-tag) sum-flag sum-value)))
- no-match!)))
-(def: runtime//adt
- Runtime
- (|> @@product//left
- (_.then! @@product//right)
- (_.then! @@sum//get)))
-## (runtime: (bit//logical-right-shift param subject)
-## (let [mask (|> (_.int 1)
-## (_.bit-shl (_.- param (_.int 64)))
-## (_.- (_.int 1)))]
-## (_.return! (|> subject
-## (_.bit-shr param)
-## (_.bit-and mask)))))
-## (def: runtime//bit
-## Runtime
-## ($_ _.then!
-## @@bit//logical-right-shift))
-## (runtime: (text//index subject param start)
-## (with-vars [idx]
-## ($_ _.then!
-## (_.set! (list idx) (_.send (list param start) "find" subject))
-## (_.if! (_.= (_.int -1) (@@ idx))
-## (_.return! ..none)
-## (_.return! (..some (@@ idx)))))))
-## (def: inc (|>> (_.+ (_.int 1))))
-## (template [<name> <top-cmp>]
-## [(def: (<name> top value)
-## (-> Expression Expression Expression)
-## (_.and (|> value (_.>= (_.int 0)))
-## (|> value (<top-cmp> top))))]
-## [within? _.<]
-## [up-to? _.<=]
-## )
-## (runtime: (text//clip @text @from @to)
-## (with-vars [length]
-## ($_ _.then!
-## (_.set! (list length) (_.count/1 @text))
-## (_.if! ($_ _.and
-## (|> @to (within? (@@ length)))
-## (|> @from (up-to? @to)))
-## (_.return! (..some (|> @text (_.slice @from (inc @to)))))
-## (_.return! ..none)))))
-## (runtime: (text//char text idx)
-## (_.if! (|> idx (within? (_.count/1 text)))
-## (_.return! (..some (_.apply (list (|> text (_.slice idx (inc idx))))
-## (_.global "ord"))))
-## (_.return! ..none)))
-## (def: runtime//text
-## Runtime
-## ($_ _.then!
-## @@text//index
-## @@text//clip
-## @@text//char))
-## (def: (check-index-out-of-bounds array idx body!)
-## (-> Expression Expression Statement Statement)
-## (_.if! (|> idx (_.<= (_.count/1 array)))
-## body!
-## (_.raise! (exception (_.string "Array index out of bounds!")))))
-## (runtime: (array//get array idx)
-## (with-vars [temp]
-## (<| (check-index-out-of-bounds array idx)
-## ($_ _.then!
-## (_.set! (list temp) (_.nth idx array))
-## (_.if! (_.= _.null (@@ temp))
-## (_.return! ..none)
-## (_.return! (..some (@@ temp))))))))
-## (runtime: (array//put array idx value)
-## (<| (check-index-out-of-bounds array idx)
-## ($_ _.then!
-## (_.set-nth! idx value array)
-## (_.return! array))))
-## (def: runtime//array
-## Runtime
-## ($_ _.then!
-## @@array//get
-## @@array//put))
-(def: check-necessary-conditions!
- Statement
- (let [condition (_.= (_.int 8)
- (_.global "PHP_INT_SIZE"))
- error-message (_.string (format "Cannot run program!" "\n"
- "Lux/PHP programs require 64-bit PHP builds!"))
- ->Exception (|>> (list) (_.new (_.global "Exception")))]
- (_.when! (_.not condition)
- (_.throw! (->Exception error-message)))))
-(def: runtime
- Runtime
- (|> check-necessary-conditions!
- ## runtime//lux
- (_.then! runtime//adt)
- ## runtime//bit
- ## runtime//text
- ## runtime//array
- ## runtime//io
- ))
-(def: #export artifact Text (format prefix //.extension))
-(def: #export translate
- (Meta (Process Any))
- (do macro.Monad<Meta>
- [_ //.init-module-buffer
- _ (//.save runtime)]
- (//.save-module! artifact)))
diff --git a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/php/statement.jvm.lux b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/php/statement.jvm.lux
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c2482af6..000000000
--- a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/php/statement.jvm.lux
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
- lux
- (lux (control [monad #+ do])
- [macro]
- (data text/format))
- (luxc (lang [".L" module]
- (host ["_" php #+ Expression Statement])))
- [//]
- (// [".T" runtime]
- [".T" reference]
- [".T" eval]))
-(def: #export (translate-def name expressionT expressionO metaV)
- (-> Text Type Expression Code (Meta Any))
- (do macro.Monad<Meta>
- [current-module macro.current-module-name
- #let [def-name [current-module name]]]
- (case (macro.get-identifier-ann (name-of #.alias) metaV)
- (#.Some real-def)
- (do @
- [[realT realA realV] (macro.find-def real-def)
- _ (moduleL.define def-name [realT metaV realV])]
- (wrap []))
- _
- (do @
- [#let [def-name (referenceT.global def-name)]
- _ (//.save (_.set! def-name expressionO))
- expressionV (evalT.eval def-name)
- _ (moduleL.define def-name [expressionT metaV expressionV])
- _ (if (macro.type? metaV)
- (case (macro.declared-tags metaV)
- #.Nil
- (wrap [])
- tags
- (moduleL.declare-tags tags (macro.export? metaV) (:coerce Type expressionV)))
- (wrap []))
- #let [_ (log! (format "DEF " (%name def-name)))]]
- (wrap []))
- )))
-(def: #export (translate-program programO)
- (-> Expression (Meta Statement))
- (macro.fail "translate-program NOT IMPLEMENTED YET")
- ## (hostT.save (format "var " (referenceT.variable +0) " = " runtimeT.lux//program-args "();"
- ## "(" programO ")(null);"))
- )
diff --git a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/php/structure.jvm.lux b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/php/structure.jvm.lux
deleted file mode 100644
index 229b0e31d..000000000
--- a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/php/structure.jvm.lux
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
- lux
- (lux (control [monad #+ do])
- (data [text]
- text/format)
- [macro])
- (luxc ["&" lang]
- (lang [synthesis #+ Synthesis]
- (host ["_" php #+ Expression Computation])))
- [//]
- (// [".T" runtime]))
-(def: #export (translate-tuple translate elemsS+)
- (-> //.Translator (List Synthesis) (Meta Expression))
- (case elemsS+
- #.Nil
- (:: macro.Monad<Meta> wrap runtimeT.unit)
- (#.Cons singletonS #.Nil)
- (translate singletonS)
- _
- (do macro.Monad<Meta>
- [elemsT+ (monad.map @ translate elemsS+)]
- (wrap (_.array/* elemsT+)))))
-(def: #export (translate-variant translate tag tail? valueS)
- (-> //.Translator Nat Bit Synthesis (Meta Computation))
- (do macro.Monad<Meta>
- [valueT (translate valueS)]
- (wrap (runtimeT.variant tag tail? valueT))))
diff --git a/new-luxc/source/program.lux b/new-luxc/source/program.lux
index 661858e40..0936b51dd 100644
--- a/new-luxc/source/program.lux
+++ b/new-luxc/source/program.lux
@@ -4,8 +4,9 @@
[monad (#+ do)]]
- [cli (#+ program:)]
- ["." io (#+ IO)]]
+ ["." io (#+ IO)]
+ [parser
+ [cli (#+ program:)]]]
["." error (#+ Error)]
diff --git a/stdlib/source/lux/host/php.lux b/stdlib/source/lux/host/php.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..286d8d397
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/lux/host/php.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,444 @@
+ [lux (#- Code static int if cond or and not comment for)
+ [control
+ [pipe (#+ case> cond> new>)]]
+ [data
+ [number
+ ["." frac]]
+ ["." text
+ format]
+ [collection
+ ["." list ("#@." functor fold)]]]
+ [macro
+ ["." template]]
+ [type
+ abstract]])
+(def: input-separator ", ")
+(def: statement-suffix ";")
+(def: nest
+ (-> Text Text)
+ (|>> (format text.new-line)
+ (text.replace-all text.new-line (format text.new-line text.tab))))
+(def: block
+ (-> Text Text)
+ (|>> ..nest (text.enclose ["{" (format text.new-line "}")])))
+(def: group
+ (-> Text Text)
+ (text.enclose ["(" ")"]))
+(abstract: #export (Code brand)
+ {}
+ Text
+ (def: #export manual
+ (-> Text Code)
+ (|>> :abstraction))
+ (def: #export code
+ (-> (Code Any) Text)
+ (|>> :representation))
+ (template [<type> <super>]
+ [(with-expansions [<brand> (template.identifier [<type> "'"])]
+ (`` (abstract: #export (<brand> brand) {} Any))
+ (`` (type: #export (<type> brand)
+ (<super> (<brand> brand)))))]
+ [Expression Code]
+ [Computation Expression]
+ [Location Computation]
+ )
+ (template [<type> <super>]
+ [(with-expansions [<brand> (template.identifier [<type> "'"])]
+ (`` (abstract: #export <brand> {} Any))
+ (`` (type: #export <type> (<super> <brand>))))]
+ [Literal Computation]
+ [Var Location]
+ [Constant Location]
+ [Global Location]
+ [Access Location]
+ [Statement Code]
+ )
+ (type: #export Argument
+ {#reference? Bit
+ #var Var})
+ (def: #export ;
+ (-> (Expression Any) Statement)
+ (|>> :representation
+ (text.suffix ..statement-suffix)
+ :abstraction))
+ (def: #export var
+ (-> Text Var)
+ (|>> (format "$") :abstraction))
+ (def: #export constant
+ (-> Text Constant)
+ (|>> :abstraction))
+ (def: #export null
+ Literal
+ (:abstraction "NULL"))
+ (def: #export bool
+ (-> Bit Literal)
+ (|>> (case> #0 "false"
+ #1 "true")
+ :abstraction))
+ (def: #export int
+ (-> Int Literal)
+ (|>> %i :abstraction))
+ (def: #export float
+ (-> Frac Literal)
+ (|>> (cond> [(f/= frac.positive-infinity)]
+ [(new> "+INF" [])]
+ [(f/= frac.negative-infinity)]
+ [(new> "-INF" [])]
+ [(f/= frac.not-a-number)]
+ [(new> "NAN" [])]
+ ## else
+ [%f])
+ :abstraction))
+ (def: sanitize
+ (-> Text Text)
+ (`` (|>> (~~ (template [<find> <replace>]
+ [(text.replace-all <find> <replace>)]
+ ["\" "\\"]
+ [text.tab "\t"]
+ [text.vertical-tab "\v"]
+ [text.null "\0"]
+ [text.back-space "\b"]
+ [text.form-feed "\f"]
+ [text.new-line "\n"]
+ [text.carriage-return "\r"]
+ [text.double-quote (format "\" text.double-quote)]
+ ))
+ )))
+ (def: #export string
+ (-> Text Literal)
+ (|>> ..sanitize
+ (text.enclose [text.double-quote text.double-quote])
+ :abstraction))
+ (def: arguments
+ (-> (List (Expression Any)) Text)
+ (|>> (list@map ..code) (text.join-with ..input-separator) ..group))
+ (def: #export (apply/* args func)
+ (-> (List (Expression Any)) (Expression Any) (Computation Any))
+ (:abstraction
+ (format (:representation func) (..arguments args))))
+ (def: parameters
+ (-> (List Argument) Text)
+ (|>> (list@map (function (_ [reference? var])
+ (.if reference?
+ (format "&" (:representation var))
+ (:representation var))))
+ (text.join-with ..input-separator)
+ ..group))
+ (template [<name> <reference?>]
+ [(def: #export <name>
+ (-> Var Argument)
+ (|>> [<reference?>]))]
+ [parameter #0]
+ [reference #1]
+ )
+ (def: #export (closure uses arguments body!)
+ (-> (List Argument) (List Argument) Statement Literal)
+ (let [uses (case uses
+ #.Nil
+ ""
+ _
+ (format "use " (..parameters uses)))]
+ (|> (format "function " (..parameters arguments)
+ " " uses " "
+ (..block (:representation body!)))
+ ..group
+ :abstraction)))
+ (template [<apply> <input-var>+ <input-type>+ <function>+]
+ [(`` (def: #export (<apply> [(~~ (template.splice <input-var>+))] function)
+ (-> [(~~ (template.splice <input-type>+))] (Expression Any) (Computation Any))
+ (..apply/* (list (~~ (template.splice <input-var>+))) function)))
+ (`` (template [<lux-name> <php-name>]
+ [(def: #export (<lux-name> args)
+ (-> [(~~ (template.splice <input-type>+))] (Computation Any))
+ (<apply> args (..constant <php-name>)))]
+ (~~ (template.splice <function>+))))]
+ [apply/0 [] []
+ [[func-num-args/0 "func_num_args"]
+ [func-get-args/0 "func_get_args"]
+ [time/0 "time"]]]
+ [apply/1 [in0] [(Expression Any)]
+ [[is-null/1 "is_null"]
+ [empty/1 "empty"]
+ [count/1 "count"]
+ [strlen/1 "strlen"]
+ [array-pop/1 "array_pop"]
+ [array-reverse/1 "array_reverse"]
+ [intval/1 "intval"]
+ [floatval/1 "floatval"]
+ [strval/1 "strval"]
+ [ord/1 "ord"]
+ [chr/1 "chr"]
+ [print/1 "print"]
+ [exit/1 "exit"]]]
+ [apply/2 [in0 in1] [(Expression Any) (Expression Any)]
+ [[call-user-func-array/2 "call_user_func_array"]
+ [array-slice/2 "array_slice"]
+ [array-push/2 "array_push"]]]
+ [apply/3 [in0 in1 in2] [(Expression Any) (Expression Any) (Expression Any)]
+ [[array-slice/3 "array_slice"]
+ [array-splice/3 "array_splice"]
+ [strpos/3 "strpos"]
+ [substr/3 "substr"]]]
+ )
+ (def: #export (array/* values)
+ (-> (List (Expression Any)) Literal)
+ (|> values
+ (list@map ..code)
+ (text.join-with ..input-separator)
+ ..group
+ (format "array")
+ :abstraction))
+ (def: #export (array-merge/+ required optionals)
+ (-> (Expression Any) (List (Expression Any)) (Computation Any))
+ (..apply/* (list& required optionals) (..constant "array_merge")))
+ (def: #export (array/** kvs)
+ (-> (List [(Expression Any) (Expression Any)]) Literal)
+ (|> kvs
+ (list@map (function (_ [key value])
+ (format (:representation key) " => " (:representation value))))
+ (text.join-with ..input-separator)
+ ..group
+ (format "array")
+ :abstraction))
+ (def: #export (new constructor inputs)
+ (-> Constant (List (Expression Any)) (Computation Any))
+ (|> (format "new " (:representation constructor) (arguments inputs))
+ :abstraction))
+ (def: #export (do method inputs object)
+ (-> Text (List (Expression Any)) (Expression Any) (Computation Any))
+ (|> (format (:representation object) "->" method (arguments inputs))
+ :abstraction))
+ (def: #export (nth idx array)
+ (-> (Expression Any) (Expression Any) Access)
+ (|> (format (:representation array) "[" (:representation idx) "]")
+ :abstraction))
+ (def: #export (global name)
+ (-> Text Global)
+ (|> (..var "GLOBALS") (..nth (..string name)) :transmutation))
+ (def: #export (? test then else)
+ (-> (Expression Any) (Expression Any) (Expression Any) (Computation Any))
+ (|> (format (:representation test) " ? "
+ (:representation then) " : "
+ (:representation else))
+ ..group
+ :abstraction))
+ (template [<name> <op>]
+ [(def: #export (<name> parameter subject)
+ (-> (Expression Any) (Expression Any) (Computation Any))
+ (|> (format (:representation subject) " " <op> " " (:representation parameter))
+ ..group
+ :abstraction))]
+ [or "||"]
+ [and "&&"]
+ [= "==="]
+ [< "<"]
+ [<= "<="]
+ [> ">"]
+ [>= ">="]
+ [+ "+"]
+ [- "-"]
+ [* "*"]
+ [/ "/"]
+ [% "%"]
+ [bit-or "|"]
+ [bit-and "&"]
+ [bit-xor "^"]
+ [bit-shl "<<"]
+ [bit-shr ">>"]
+ [concat "."]
+ )
+ (def: #export not
+ (-> (Computation Any) (Computation Any))
+ (|>> :representation (format "!") :abstraction))
+ (def: #export (set var value)
+ (-> (Location Any) (Expression Any) (Computation Any))
+ (|> (format (:representation var) " = " (:representation value))
+ ..group
+ :abstraction))
+ (def: #export (set? var)
+ (-> Var (Computation Any))
+ (..apply/1 [var] (..constant "isset")))
+ (template [<name> <modifier>]
+ [(def: #export <name>
+ (-> Var Statement)
+ (|>> :representation (format <modifier> " ") (text.suffix ..statement-suffix) :abstraction))]
+ [define-global "global"]
+ )
+ (template [<name> <modifier> <location>]
+ [(def: #export (<name> location value)
+ (-> <location> (Expression Any) Statement)
+ (:abstraction (format <modifier> " " (:representation location)
+ " = " (:representation value)
+ ..statement-suffix)))]
+ [define-static "static" Var]
+ [define-constant "const" Constant]
+ )
+ (def: #export (if test then! else!)
+ (-> (Expression Any) Statement Statement Statement)
+ (:abstraction
+ (format "if " (..group (:representation test)) " "
+ (..block (:representation then!))
+ " else "
+ (..block (:representation else!)))))
+ (def: #export (when test then!)
+ (-> (Expression Any) Statement Statement)
+ (:abstraction
+ (format "if " (..group (:representation test)) " "
+ (..block (:representation then!)))))
+ (def: #export (then pre! post!)
+ (-> Statement Statement Statement)
+ (:abstraction
+ (format (:representation pre!)
+ text.new-line
+ (:representation post!))))
+ (def: #export (while test body!)
+ (-> (Expression Any) Statement Statement)
+ (:abstraction
+ (format "while " (..group (:representation test)) " "
+ (..block (:representation body!)))))
+ (def: #export (do-while test body!)
+ (-> (Expression Any) Statement Statement)
+ (:abstraction
+ (format "do " (..block (:representation body!))
+ " while " (..group (:representation test))
+ ..statement-suffix)))
+ (def: #export (for-each array value body!)
+ (-> (Expression Any) Var Statement Statement)
+ (:abstraction
+ (format "foreach(" (:representation array)
+ " as " (:representation value)
+ ") " (..block (:representation body!)))))
+ (type: #export Except
+ {#class Constant
+ #exception Var
+ #handler Statement})
+ (def: (catch except)
+ (-> Except Text)
+ (let [declaration (format (:representation (get@ #class except))
+ " " (:representation (get@ #exception except)))]
+ (format "catch" (..group declaration) " "
+ (..block (:representation (get@ #handler except))))))
+ (def: #export (try body! excepts)
+ (-> Statement (List Except) Statement)
+ (:abstraction
+ (format "try " (..block (:representation body!))
+ text.new-line
+ (|> excepts
+ (list@map catch)
+ (text.join-with text.new-line)))))
+ (template [<name> <keyword>]
+ [(def: #export <name>
+ (-> (Expression Any) Statement)
+ (|>> :representation (format <keyword> " ") (text.suffix ..statement-suffix) :abstraction))]
+ [throw "throw"]
+ [return "return"]
+ [echo "echo"]
+ )
+ (def: #export (define name value)
+ (-> Constant (Expression Any) (Expression Any))
+ (..apply/2 [(|> name :representation ..string)
+ value]
+ (..constant "define")))
+ (def: #export (define-function name uses arguments body!)
+ (-> Constant (List Argument) (List Argument) Statement Statement)
+ (let [uses (case uses
+ #.Nil
+ ""
+ _
+ (format " use " (..parameters uses)))]
+ (:abstraction
+ (format "function " (:representation name) " " (..parameters arguments)
+ uses " "
+ (..block (:representation body!))))))
+ (template [<name> <keyword>]
+ [(def: #export <name>
+ Statement
+ (|> <keyword>
+ (text.suffix ..statement-suffix)
+ :abstraction))]
+ [break "break"]
+ [continue "continue"]
+ )
+ )
+(def: #export (cond clauses else!)
+ (-> (List [(Expression Any) Statement]) Statement Statement)
+ (list@fold (function (_ [test then!] next!)
+ (..if test then! next!))
+ else!
+ (list.reverse clauses)))
+(def: #export command-line-arguments
+ Var
+ (..var "argv"))
diff --git a/stdlib/source/lux/host/ruby.lux b/stdlib/source/lux/host/ruby.lux
index e52fb6f37..037cdca5b 100644
--- a/stdlib/source/lux/host/ruby.lux
+++ b/stdlib/source/lux/host/ruby.lux
@@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
[lux (#- Code static int if cond function or and not comment)
- [pipe (#+ case> cond> new>)]
- [parser
- ["s" code]]]
+ [pipe (#+ case> cond> new>)]]
["." frac]]
@@ -12,9 +10,7 @@
["." list ("#@." functor fold)]]]
- ["." template]
- ["." code]
- [syntax (#+ syntax:)]]
+ ["." template]]
diff --git a/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/phase/extension/statement.lux b/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/phase/extension/statement.lux
index 61243a9bc..6c2ba872f 100644
--- a/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/phase/extension/statement.lux
+++ b/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/phase/extension/statement.lux
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
(do ///.monad
[codeT (generate codeS)
[target-name value statement] (///generation.define! name codeT)
- _ (///generation.save! name statement)]
+ _ (///generation.save! false name statement)]
(wrap [code//type codeT target-name value]))))
(def: (definition name ?type codeC)
@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@
(///generation.Operation anchor expression statement Any)))
(do ///.monad
[programG (generate programS)]
- (///generation.save! ["" ""] (program programG))))
+ (///generation.save! false ["" ""] (program programG))))
(def: (def::program program)
(All [anchor expression statement]
diff --git a/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/phase/generation.lux b/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/phase/generation.lux
index edf260e19..4482daa3b 100644
--- a/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/phase/generation.lux
+++ b/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/phase/generation.lux
@@ -221,12 +221,14 @@
(#error.Failure error)
(exception.throw cannot-interpret error))))
-(def: #export (save! name code)
+(def: #export (save! execute? name code)
(All [anchor expression statement]
- (-> Name statement (Operation anchor expression statement Any)))
+ (-> Bit Name statement (Operation anchor expression statement Any)))
(do //.monad
[label (..gensym "save")
- _ (execute! label code)
+ _ (if execute?
+ (execute! label code)
+ (wrap []))
?buffer (extension.read (get@ #buffer))]
(case ?buffer
(#.Some buffer)
diff --git a/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/phase/generation/php.lux b/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/phase/generation/php.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..480c473bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/phase/generation/php.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+ [lux #*
+ [abstract
+ [monad (#+ do)]]]
+ [/
+ [runtime (#+ Phase)]
+ ["." primitive]
+ ["." structure]
+ ["." reference ("#@." system)]
+ ["." case]
+ ["." loop]
+ ["." function]
+ ["." ///
+ ["." extension]
+ [//
+ ["." synthesis]]]])
+(def: #export (generate synthesis)
+ Phase
+ (case synthesis
+ (^template [<tag> <generator>]
+ (^ (<tag> value))
+ (:: ///.monad wrap (<generator> value)))
+ ([synthesis.bit primitive.bit]
+ [synthesis.i64 primitive.i64]
+ [synthesis.f64 primitive.f64]
+ [synthesis.text primitive.text])
+ (^ (synthesis.variant variantS))
+ (structure.variant generate variantS)
+ (^ (synthesis.tuple members))
+ (structure.tuple generate members)
+ (#synthesis.Reference value)
+ (reference@reference value)
+ (^ (synthesis.branch/case case))
+ (case.case generate case)
+ (^ (synthesis.branch/let let))
+ (case.let generate let)
+ (^ (synthesis.branch/if if))
+ (case.if generate if)
+ (^ (synthesis.loop/scope scope))
+ (loop.scope generate scope)
+ (^ (synthesis.loop/recur updates))
+ (loop.recur generate updates)
+ (^ (synthesis.function/abstraction abstraction))
+ (function.function generate abstraction)
+ (^ (synthesis.function/apply application))
+ (function.apply generate application)
+ (#synthesis.Extension extension)
+ (extension.apply generate extension)))
diff --git a/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/phase/generation/php/case.lux b/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/phase/generation/php/case.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1167ae5a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/phase/generation/php/case.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+ [lux (#- case let if)
+ [abstract
+ [monad (#+ do)]]
+ [control
+ ["ex" exception (#+ exception:)]]
+ [data
+ ["." product]
+ ["." text
+ format]
+ [collection
+ ["." list ("#@." functor fold)]
+ ["." set]]]
+ [host
+ ["_" php (#+ Var Expression Statement)]]]
+ ["." // #_
+ ["#." runtime (#+ Operation Phase)]
+ ["#." reference]
+ ["#." primitive]
+ ["#/" //
+ ["#." reference]
+ ["#/" // ("#@." monad)
+ [synthesis
+ ["." case]]
+ ["#/" // #_
+ ["." reference (#+ Register)]
+ ["#." synthesis (#+ Synthesis Path)]]]]])
+(def: #export register
+ (///reference.local _.var))
+(def: #export capture
+ (///reference.foreign _.var))
+(def: #export (let generate [valueS register bodyS])
+ (-> Phase [Synthesis Register Synthesis]
+ (Operation (Expression Any)))
+ (do ////.monad
+ [valueG (generate valueS)
+ bodyG (generate bodyS)]
+ (wrap (|> bodyG
+ (list (_.set (..register register) valueG))
+ _.array/*
+ (_.nth (_.int +1))))))
+(def: #export (record-get generate valueS pathP)
+ (-> Phase Synthesis (List (Either Nat Nat))
+ (Operation (Expression Any)))
+ (do ////.monad
+ [valueG (generate valueS)]
+ (wrap (list@fold (function (_ side source)
+ (.let [method (.case side
+ (^template [<side> <accessor>]
+ (<side> lefts)
+ (<accessor> (_.int (.int lefts))))
+ ([#.Left //runtime.tuple//left]
+ [#.Right //runtime.tuple//right]))]
+ (method source)))
+ valueG
+ pathP))))
+(def: #export (if generate [testS thenS elseS])
+ (-> Phase [Synthesis Synthesis Synthesis]
+ (Operation (Expression Any)))
+ (do ////.monad
+ [testG (generate testS)
+ thenG (generate thenS)
+ elseG (generate elseS)]
+ (wrap (_.? testG thenG elseG))))
+(def: @savepoint (_.var "lux_pm_savepoint"))
+(def: @cursor (_.var "lux_pm_cursor"))
+(def: @temp (_.var "lux_pm_temp"))
+(def: (push! value)
+ (-> (Expression Any) Statement)
+ (_.; (_.array-push/2 [@cursor value])))
+(def: peek-and-pop
+ (Expression Any)
+ (_.array-pop/1 @cursor))
+(def: pop!
+ Statement
+ (_.; ..peek-and-pop))
+(def: peek
+ (Expression Any)
+ (_.nth (|> @cursor _.count/1 (_.- (_.int +1)))
+ @cursor))
+(def: save!
+ Statement
+ (.let [cursor (_.array-slice/2 [@cursor (_.int +0)])]
+ (_.; (_.array-push/2 [@savepoint cursor]))))
+(def: restore!
+ Statement
+ (_.; (_.set @cursor (_.array-pop/1 @savepoint))))
+(def: fail! _.break)
+(exception: #export unrecognized-path)
+(def: (multi-pop! pops)
+ (-> Nat Statement)
+ (_.; (_.array-splice/3 [@cursor
+ (_.int +0)
+ (_.int (i/* -1 (.int pops)))])))
+(template [<name> <flag> <prep>]
+ [(def: (<name> simple? idx)
+ (-> Bit Nat Statement)
+ ($_ _.then
+ (_.; (_.set @temp (|> idx <prep> .int _.int (//runtime.sum//get ..peek <flag>))))
+ (.if simple?
+ (_.when (_.is-null/1 @temp)
+ fail!)
+ (_.if (_.is-null/1 @temp)
+ fail!
+ (..push! @temp)))))]
+ [left-choice _.null (<|)]
+ [right-choice (_.string "") inc]
+ )
+(def: (alternation pre! post!)
+ (-> Statement Statement Statement)
+ ($_ _.then
+ (_.do-while (_.bool false)
+ ($_ _.then
+ ..save!
+ pre!))
+ ($_ _.then
+ ..restore!
+ post!)))
+(def: (pattern-matching' generate pathP)
+ (-> Phase Path (Operation Statement))
+ (.case pathP
+ (^ (/////synthesis.path/then bodyS))
+ (:: ////.monad map _.return (generate bodyS))
+ #/////synthesis.Pop
+ (////@wrap ..pop!)
+ (#/////synthesis.Bind register)
+ (////@wrap (_.; (_.set (..register register) ..peek)))
+ (^template [<tag> <format>]
+ (^ (<tag> value))
+ (////@wrap (_.when (|> value <format> (_.= ..peek) _.not)
+ fail!)))
+ ([/////synthesis.path/bit //primitive.bit]
+ [/////synthesis.path/i64 //primitive.i64]
+ [/////synthesis.path/f64 //primitive.f64]
+ [/////synthesis.path/text //primitive.text])
+ (^template [<complex> <simple> <choice>]
+ (^ (<complex> idx))
+ (////@wrap (<choice> false idx))
+ (^ (<simple> idx nextP))
+ (|> nextP
+ (pattern-matching' generate)
+ (:: ////.monad map (_.then (<choice> true idx)))))
+ ([/////synthesis.side/left /////synthesis.simple-left-side ..left-choice]
+ [/////synthesis.side/right /////synthesis.simple-right-side ..right-choice])
+ (^ (/////synthesis.member/left 0))
+ (////@wrap (|> ..peek (_.nth (_.int +0)) ..push!))
+ (^template [<pm> <getter>]
+ (^ (<pm> lefts))
+ (////@wrap (|> ..peek (<getter> (_.int (.int lefts))) ..push!)))
+ ([/////synthesis.member/left //runtime.tuple//left]
+ [/////synthesis.member/right //runtime.tuple//right])
+ (^ (/////synthesis.!bind-top register thenP))
+ (do ////.monad
+ [then! (pattern-matching' generate thenP)]
+ (////@wrap ($_ _.then
+ (_.; (_.set (..register register) ..peek-and-pop))
+ then!)))
+ ## (^ (/////synthesis.!multi-pop nextP))
+ ## (.let [[extra-pops nextP'] (case.count-pops nextP)]
+ ## (do ////.monad
+ ## [next! (pattern-matching' generate nextP')]
+ ## (////@wrap ($_ _.then
+ ## (..multi-pop! (n/+ 2 extra-pops))
+ ## next!))))
+ (^template [<tag> <combinator>]
+ (^ (<tag> preP postP))
+ (do ////.monad
+ [pre! (pattern-matching' generate preP)
+ post! (pattern-matching' generate postP)]
+ (wrap (<combinator> pre! post!))))
+ ([/////synthesis.path/seq _.then]
+ [/////synthesis.path/alt ..alternation])
+ _
+ (////.throw unrecognized-path [])))
+(def: (pattern-matching generate pathP)
+ (-> Phase Path (Operation Statement))
+ (do ////.monad
+ [pattern-matching! (pattern-matching' generate pathP)]
+ (wrap ($_ _.then
+ (_.do-while (_.bool false)
+ pattern-matching!)
+ (_.throw (_.new (_.constant "Exception") (list (_.string case.pattern-matching-error))))))))
+(def: (gensym prefix)
+ (-> Text (Operation Text))
+ (:: ////.monad map (|>> %n (format prefix)) ///.next))
+(def: #export (case generate [valueS pathP])
+ (-> Phase [Synthesis Path] (Operation (Expression Any)))
+ (do ////.monad
+ [initG (generate valueS)
+ pattern-matching! (pattern-matching generate pathP)
+ @case (..gensym "case")
+ #let [@caseG (_.global @case)
+ @caseL (_.var @case)]
+ @init (:: @ map _.var (..gensym "init"))
+ #let [@dependencies+ (|> (case.storage pathP)
+ (get@ #case.dependencies)
+ set.to-list
+ (list@map (function (_ variable)
+ [#0 (.case variable
+ (#reference.Local register)
+ (..register register)
+ (#reference.Foreign register)
+ (..capture register))])))]
+ _ (///.save! true ["" @case]
+ ($_ _.then
+ (<| _.;
+ (_.set @caseL)
+ (_.closure (list (_.reference @caseL)) (list& [#0 @init]
+ @dependencies+))
+ ($_ _.then
+ (_.; (_.set @cursor (_.array/* (list @init))))
+ (_.; (_.set @savepoint (_.array/* (list))))
+ pattern-matching!))
+ (_.; (_.set @caseG @caseL))))]
+ (wrap (_.apply/* (list& initG (list@map product.right @dependencies+))
+ @caseG))))
diff --git a/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/phase/generation/php/extension.lux b/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/phase/generation/php/extension.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3bc0a0887
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/phase/generation/php/extension.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ [lux #*
+ [data
+ [collection
+ ["." dictionary]]]]
+ [//
+ [runtime (#+ Bundle)]]
+ [/
+ ["." common]])
+(def: #export bundle
+ Bundle
+ common.bundle)
diff --git a/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/phase/generation/php/extension/common.lux b/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/phase/generation/php/extension/common.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9938bb2c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/phase/generation/php/extension/common.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+ [lux #*
+ [abstract
+ ["." monad (#+ do)]]
+ [control
+ ["." function]]
+ [data
+ ["." product]
+ ["." text]
+ [collection
+ ["." dictionary]]]
+ [host (#+ import:)
+ ["_" php (#+ Expression)]]]
+ ["." /// #_
+ ["#." runtime (#+ Operation Phase Handler Bundle)]
+ ["#." primitive]
+ [//
+ [extension (#+ Nullary Unary Binary Trinary
+ nullary unary binary trinary)]
+ [//
+ [extension
+ ["." bundle]]]]])
+(def: lux-procs
+ Bundle
+ (|> bundle.empty
+ (bundle.install "is" (binary (product.uncurry _.=)))
+ (bundle.install "try" (unary ///runtime.lux//try))))
+(def: i64-procs
+ Bundle
+ (<| (bundle.prefix "i64")
+ (|> bundle.empty
+ (bundle.install "and" (binary (product.uncurry _.bit-and)))
+ (bundle.install "or" (binary (product.uncurry _.bit-or)))
+ (bundle.install "xor" (binary (product.uncurry _.bit-xor)))
+ (bundle.install "left-shift" (binary (product.uncurry _.bit-shl)))
+ (bundle.install "logical-right-shift" (binary (product.uncurry ///runtime.i64//logic-right-shift)))
+ (bundle.install "arithmetic-right-shift" (binary (product.uncurry _.bit-shr)))
+ (bundle.install "=" (binary (product.uncurry _.=)))
+ (bundle.install "+" (binary (product.uncurry _.+)))
+ (bundle.install "-" (binary (product.uncurry _.-)))
+ )))
+(def: int-procs
+ Bundle
+ (<| (bundle.prefix "int")
+ (|> bundle.empty
+ (bundle.install "<" (binary (product.uncurry _.<)))
+ (bundle.install "*" (binary (product.uncurry _.*)))
+ (bundle.install "/" (binary (product.uncurry _./)))
+ (bundle.install "%" (binary (product.uncurry _.%)))
+ (bundle.install "frac" (unary _.floatval/1))
+ (bundle.install "char" (unary _.chr/1)))))
+(import: #long java/lang/Double
+ (#static MIN_VALUE Double)
+ (#static MAX_VALUE Double))
+(template [<name> <const>]
+ [(def: (<name> _)
+ (Nullary (Expression Any))
+ (_.float <const>))]
+ [frac//smallest (java/lang/Double::MIN_VALUE)]
+ [frac//min (f/* -1.0 (java/lang/Double::MAX_VALUE))]
+ [frac//max (java/lang/Double::MAX_VALUE)]
+ )
+(def: frac-procs
+ Bundle
+ (<| (bundle.prefix "frac")
+ (|> bundle.empty
+ (bundle.install "+" (binary (product.uncurry _.+)))
+ (bundle.install "-" (binary (product.uncurry _.-)))
+ (bundle.install "*" (binary (product.uncurry _.*)))
+ (bundle.install "/" (binary (product.uncurry _./)))
+ (bundle.install "%" (binary (product.uncurry _.%)))
+ (bundle.install "=" (binary (product.uncurry _.=)))
+ (bundle.install "<" (binary (product.uncurry _.<)))
+ (bundle.install "smallest" (nullary frac//smallest))
+ (bundle.install "min" (nullary frac//min))
+ (bundle.install "max" (nullary frac//max))
+ (bundle.install "int" (unary _.intval/1))
+ (bundle.install "encode" (unary _.strval/1))
+ (bundle.install "decode" (unary (|>> _.floatval/1 ///runtime.some)))
+ )))
+(def: (text//index [startO partO textO])
+ (Trinary (Expression Any))
+ (///runtime.text//index textO partO startO))
+(def: text-procs
+ Bundle
+ (<| (bundle.prefix "text")
+ (|> bundle.empty
+ (bundle.install "=" (binary (product.uncurry _.=)))
+ (bundle.install "<" (binary (product.uncurry _.<)))
+ (bundle.install "concat" (binary (product.uncurry _.concat)))
+ (bundle.install "index" (trinary text//index))
+ (bundle.install "size" (unary _.strlen/1))
+ (bundle.install "char" (binary (function (text//char [text idx])
+ (|> text (_.nth idx) _.ord/1))))
+ (bundle.install "clip" (trinary (function (text//clip [from to text])
+ (_.substr/3 [text from (_.- from to)]))))
+ )))
+(def: io-procs
+ Bundle
+ (<| (bundle.prefix "io")
+ (|> bundle.empty
+ (bundle.install "log" (unary (|>> (_.concat (_.string text.new-line)) _.print/1)))
+ (bundle.install "error" (unary ///runtime.io//throw!))
+ (bundle.install "exit" (unary _.exit/1))
+ (bundle.install "current-time" (nullary (|>> _.time/0 (_.* (_.int +1,000))))))))
+(def: #export bundle
+ Bundle
+ (<| (bundle.prefix "lux")
+ (|> lux-procs
+ (dictionary.merge i64-procs)
+ (dictionary.merge int-procs)
+ (dictionary.merge frac-procs)
+ (dictionary.merge text-procs)
+ (dictionary.merge io-procs)
+ )))
diff --git a/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/phase/generation/php/function.lux b/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/phase/generation/php/function.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b2b446ed0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/phase/generation/php/function.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+ [lux (#- function)
+ [abstract
+ ["." monad (#+ do)]]
+ [control
+ pipe]
+ [data
+ ["." product]
+ ["." text
+ format]
+ [collection
+ ["." list ("#@." functor fold)]]]
+ [host
+ ["_" php (#+ Argument Expression Statement)]]]
+ ["." // #_
+ [runtime (#+ Operation Phase)]
+ ["#." reference]
+ ["#." case]
+ ["#/" //
+ ["#." reference]
+ ["#/" //
+ ["." // #_
+ [reference (#+ Register Variable)]
+ [analysis (#+ Variant Tuple Environment Arity Abstraction Application Analysis)]
+ [synthesis (#+ Synthesis)]]]]])
+(def: #export (apply generate [functionS argsS+])
+ (-> Phase (Application Synthesis) (Operation (Expression Any)))
+ (do ////.monad
+ [functionG (generate functionS)
+ argsG+ (monad.map @ generate argsS+)]
+ (wrap (_.apply/* argsG+ functionG))))
+(def: #export capture
+ (///reference.foreign _.var))
+(def: input
+ (|>> inc //case.register))
+(def: #export (function generate [environment arity bodyS])
+ (-> Phase (Abstraction Synthesis) (Operation (Expression Any)))
+ (do ////.monad
+ [[function-name bodyG] (///.with-context
+ (do @
+ [function-name ///.context]
+ (///.with-anchor (_.var function-name)
+ (generate bodyS))))
+ closureG+ (: (Operation (List Argument))
+ (monad.map @ (|>> (:: //reference.system variable)
+ (:: @ map _.reference))
+ environment))
+ #let [@curried (_.var "curried")
+ arityG (|> arity .int _.int)
+ @num-args (_.var "num_args")
+ @selfG (_.global function-name)
+ @selfL (_.var function-name)
+ initialize-self! (_.; (_.set (//case.register 0) @selfL))
+ initialize! (list@fold (.function (_ post pre!)
+ ($_ _.then
+ pre!
+ (_.; (_.set (..input post) (_.nth (|> post .int _.int) @curried)))))
+ initialize-self!
+ (list.indices arity))]
+ _ (///.save! true ["" function-name]
+ ($_ _.then
+ (<| _.;
+ (_.set @selfL)
+ (_.closure (list& (_.reference @selfL) closureG+) (list))
+ ($_ _.then
+ (_.echo (_.string "'ello, world! "))
+ (_.; (_.set @num-args (_.func-num-args/0 [])))
+ (_.echo @num-args) (_.echo (_.string " ~ ")) (_.echo arityG)
+ (_.echo (_.string text.new-line))
+ (_.; (_.set @curried (_.func-get-args/0 [])))
+ (_.cond (list [(|> @num-args (_.= arityG))
+ ($_ _.then
+ initialize!
+ (_.return bodyG))]
+ [(|> @num-args (_.> arityG))
+ (let [arity-inputs (_.array-slice/3 [@curried (_.int +0) arityG])
+ extra-inputs (_.array-slice/2 [@curried arityG])
+ next (_.call-user-func-array/2 [@selfL arity-inputs])
+ done (_.call-user-func-array/2 [next extra-inputs])]
+ ($_ _.then
+ (_.echo (_.string "STAGED ")) (_.echo (_.count/1 arity-inputs))
+ (_.echo (_.string " + ")) (_.echo (_.count/1 extra-inputs))
+ (_.echo (_.string text.new-line))
+ (_.echo (_.string "@selfL ")) (_.echo @selfL) (_.echo (_.string text.new-line))
+ (_.echo (_.string " next ")) (_.echo next) (_.echo (_.string text.new-line))
+ (_.echo (_.string " done ")) (_.echo done) (_.echo (_.string text.new-line))
+ (_.return done)))])
+ ## (|> @num-args (_.< arityG))
+ (let [@missing (_.var "missing")]
+ (_.return (<| (_.closure (list (_.reference @selfL) (_.reference @curried)) (list))
+ ($_ _.then
+ (_.; (_.set @missing (_.func-get-args/0 [])))
+ (_.echo (_.string "NEXT ")) (_.echo (_.count/1 @curried))
+ (_.echo (_.string " ")) (_.echo (_.count/1 @missing))
+ (_.echo (_.string " ")) (_.echo (_.count/1 (_.array-merge/+ @curried (list @missing))))
+ (_.echo (_.string text.new-line))
+ (_.return (_.call-user-func-array/2 [@selfL (_.array-merge/+ @curried (list @missing))])))))))
+ ))
+ (_.; (_.set @selfG @selfL))))]
+ (wrap @selfG)))
diff --git a/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/phase/generation/php/loop.lux b/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/phase/generation/php/loop.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3404953fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/phase/generation/php/loop.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ [lux (#- Scope)
+ [abstract
+ ["." monad (#+ do)]]
+ [data
+ ["." product]
+ [text
+ format]
+ [collection
+ ["." list ("#@." functor)]]]
+ [host
+ ["_" php (#+ Expression)]]]
+ ["." // #_
+ [runtime (#+ Operation Phase)]
+ ["#." case]
+ ["#/" //
+ ["#/" //
+ [//
+ [synthesis (#+ Scope Synthesis)]]]]])
+(def: #export (scope generate [start initsS+ bodyS])
+ (-> Phase (Scope Synthesis) (Operation (Expression Any)))
+ (do ////.monad
+ [@loop (:: @ map (|>> %n (format "loop")) ///.next)
+ #let [@loopG (_.global @loop)
+ @loopL (_.var @loop)]
+ initsO+ (monad.map @ generate initsS+)
+ bodyO (///.with-anchor @loopL
+ (generate bodyS))
+ _ (///.save! true ["" @loop]
+ ($_ _.then
+ (<| _.;
+ (_.set @loopL)
+ (_.closure (list (_.reference @loopL))
+ (|> initsS+
+ list.enumerate
+ (list@map (|>> product.left (n/+ start) //case.register [#0])))
+ (_.return bodyO)))
+ (_.; (_.set @loopG @loopL))))]
+ (wrap (_.apply/* initsO+ @loopG))))
+(def: #export (recur generate argsS+)
+ (-> Phase (List Synthesis) (Operation (Expression Any)))
+ (do ////.monad
+ [@scope ///.anchor
+ argsO+ (monad.map @ generate argsS+)]
+ (wrap (_.apply/* argsO+ @scope))))
diff --git a/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/phase/generation/php/primitive.lux b/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/phase/generation/php/primitive.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..48a32389b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/phase/generation/php/primitive.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ [lux (#- i64)
+ [control
+ [pipe (#+ cond> new>)]]
+ [data
+ [number
+ ["." frac]]]
+ [host
+ ["_" php (#+ Literal)]]]
+ ["." // #_
+ ["#." runtime]])
+(def: #export bit
+ (-> Bit Literal)
+ _.bool)
+(def: #export i64
+ (-> (I64 Any) Literal)
+ (|>> .int _.int))
+(def: #export f64
+ (-> Frac Literal)
+ _.float)
+(def: #export text
+ (-> Text Literal)
+ _.string)
diff --git a/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/phase/generation/php/reference.lux b/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/phase/generation/php/reference.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8f5313421
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/phase/generation/php/reference.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ [lux #*
+ [host
+ ["_" php (#+ Expression)]]]
+ [//
+ [//
+ ["." reference]]])
+(def: #export system
+ (reference.system (: (-> Text (Expression Any)) _.global)
+ (: (-> Text (Expression Any)) _.var)))
diff --git a/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/phase/generation/php/runtime.lux b/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/phase/generation/php/runtime.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e29b7622a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/phase/generation/php/runtime.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+ [lux (#- inc)
+ [abstract
+ [monad (#+ do)]]
+ [control
+ ["." function]
+ ["p" parser
+ ["s" code]]]
+ [data
+ [number (#+ hex)
+ ["." i64]]
+ ["." text
+ format]
+ [collection
+ ["." list ("#@." functor)]]]
+ ["." macro
+ ["." code]
+ [syntax (#+ syntax:)]]
+ [host
+ ["_" php (#+ Expression Var Global Computation Literal Statement)]]]
+ ["." ///
+ ["//." //
+ [//
+ ["/////." name]
+ ["." synthesis]]]]
+ )
+(template [<name> <base>]
+ [(type: #export <name>
+ (<base> Var (Expression Any) Statement))]
+ [Operation ///.Operation]
+ [Phase ///.Phase]
+ [Handler ///.Handler]
+ [Bundle ///.Bundle]
+ )
+(def: prefix Text "LuxRuntime")
+(def: #export unit (_.string synthesis.unit))
+(def: (flag value)
+ (-> Bit Literal)
+ (if value
+ (_.string "")
+ _.null))
+(def: #export variant-tag-field "_lux_tag")
+(def: #export variant-flag-field "_lux_flag")
+(def: #export variant-value-field "_lux_value")
+(def: (variant' tag last? value)
+ (-> (Expression Any) (Expression Any) (Expression Any) Literal)
+ (_.array/** (list [(_.string ..variant-tag-field) tag]
+ [(_.string ..variant-flag-field) last?]
+ [(_.string ..variant-value-field) value])))
+(def: #export (variant tag last? value)
+ (-> Nat Bit (Expression Any) Literal)
+ (variant' (_.int (.int tag))
+ (..flag last?)
+ value))
+(def: #export none
+ Literal
+ (..variant 0 #0 ..unit))
+(def: #export some
+ (-> (Expression Any) Literal)
+ (..variant 1 #1))
+(def: #export left
+ (-> (Expression Any) Literal)
+ (..variant 0 #0))
+(def: #export right
+ (-> (Expression Any) Literal)
+ (..variant 1 #1))
+(def: (runtime-name raw)
+ (-> Text [Global Var])
+ (let [refined (|> raw
+ /////name.normalize
+ (format ..prefix "_"))]
+ [(_.global refined) (_.var refined)]))
+(def: (feature name definition)
+ (-> [Global Var] (-> [Global Var] Statement) Statement)
+ (definition name))
+(syntax: #export (with-vars {vars (s.tuple (p.some s.local-identifier))}
+ body)
+ (wrap (list (` (let [(~+ (|> vars
+ (list@map (function (_ var)
+ (list (code.local-identifier var)
+ (` (_.var (~ (code.text (/////name.normalize var))))))))
+ list.concat))]
+ (~ body))))))
+(syntax: (runtime: {declaration (p.or s.local-identifier
+ (s.form (p.and s.local-identifier
+ (p.some s.local-identifier))))}
+ code)
+ (macro.with-gensyms [g!_ g!G g!L]
+ (case declaration
+ (#.Left name)
+ (let [code-nameC (code.local-identifier (format "@" name))
+ runtime-nameC (` (runtime-name (~ (code.text name))))]
+ (wrap (list (` (def: #export (~ (code.local-identifier name)) _.Global (~ runtime-nameC)))
+ (` (def: (~ code-nameC)
+ _.Statement
+ (..feature (~ runtime-nameC)
+ (function ((~ g!_) [(~ g!G) (~ g!L)])
+ (_.; (_.set (~ g!G) (~ code))))))))))
+ (#.Right [name inputs])
+ (let [code-nameC (code.local-identifier (format "@" name))
+ runtime-nameC (` (runtime-name (~ (code.text name))))
+ inputsC (list@map code.local-identifier inputs)
+ inputs-typesC (list@map (function.constant (` (_.Expression Any)))
+ inputs)]
+ (wrap (list (` (def: #export ((~ (code.local-identifier name)) (~+ inputsC))
+ (-> (~+ inputs-typesC) (_.Computation Any))
+ (.let [[(~ g!G) (~ g!L)] (~ runtime-nameC)]
+ (_.apply/* (list (~+ inputsC)) (~ g!G)))))
+ (` (def: (~ code-nameC)
+ _.Statement
+ (..feature (~ runtime-nameC)
+ (function ((~ g!_) [(~ g!G) (~ g!L)])
+ (..with-vars [(~+ inputsC)]
+ ($_ _.then
+ (<| _.;
+ (_.set (~ g!L))
+ (_.closure (list (_.reference (~ g!L)))
+ (list (~+ (|> inputsC
+ (list@map (function (_ inputC)
+ (` [#0 (~ inputC)]))))))
+ (~ code)))
+ (_.; (_.set (~ g!G) (~ g!L)))
+ ))))))))))))
+(runtime: (lux//try op)
+ (with-vars [value]
+ (_.try ($_ _.then
+ (_.; (_.set value (_.apply/1 [..unit] op)))
+ (_.return (..right value)))
+ (list (with-vars [error]
+ {#_.class (_.constant "Exception")
+ #_.exception error
+ #_.handler (_.return (..left (_.do "getMessage" (list) error)))})))))
+(runtime: (lux//program-args inputs)
+ (with-vars [head tail]
+ ($_ _.then
+ (_.; (_.set tail ..none))
+ (<| (_.for-each (_.array-reverse/1 inputs) head)
+ (_.; (_.set tail (..some (_.array/* (list head tail))))))
+ (_.return tail))))
+(def: runtime//lux
+ Statement
+ ($_ _.then
+ @lux//try
+ @lux//program-args))
+(runtime: (io//throw! message)
+ ($_ _.then
+ (_.throw (_.new (_.constant "Exception") (list message)))
+ (_.return ..unit)))
+(def: runtime//io
+ Statement
+ ($_ _.then
+ @io//throw!))
+(def: tuple-size
+ _.count/1)
+(def: last-index
+ (|>> ..tuple-size (_.- (_.int +1))))
+(with-expansions [<recur> (as-is ($_ _.then
+ (_.; (_.set lefts (_.- last-index-right lefts)))
+ (_.; (_.set tuple (_.nth last-index-right tuple)))))]
+ (runtime: (tuple//left lefts tuple)
+ (with-vars [last-index-right]
+ (<| (_.while (_.bool true))
+ ($_ _.then
+ (_.; (_.set last-index-right (..last-index tuple)))
+ (_.if (_.> lefts last-index-right)
+ ## No need for recursion
+ (_.return (_.nth lefts tuple))
+ ## Needs recursion
+ <recur>)))))
+ (runtime: (tuple//right lefts tuple)
+ (with-vars [last-index-right right-index]
+ (<| (_.while (_.bool true))
+ ($_ _.then
+ (_.; (_.set last-index-right (..last-index tuple)))
+ (_.; (_.set right-index (_.+ (_.int +1) lefts)))
+ (_.cond (list [(_.= right-index last-index-right)
+ (_.return (_.nth right-index tuple))]
+ [(_.> right-index last-index-right)
+ ## Needs recursion.
+ <recur>])
+ (_.return (_.array-slice/2 [tuple right-index])))
+ )))))
+(runtime: (sum//get sum wantsLast wantedTag)
+ (let [no-match! (_.return _.null)
+ sum-tag (_.nth (_.string ..variant-tag-field) sum)
+ ## sum-tag (_.nth (_.int +0) sum)
+ sum-flag (_.nth (_.string ..variant-flag-field) sum)
+ ## sum-flag (_.nth (_.int +1) sum)
+ sum-value (_.nth (_.string ..variant-value-field) sum)
+ ## sum-value (_.nth (_.int +2) sum)
+ is-last? (_.= (_.string "") sum-flag)
+ test-recursion! (_.if is-last?
+ ## Must recurse.
+ (_.return (sum//get sum-value (_.- sum-tag wantedTag) wantsLast))
+ no-match!)]
+ ($_ _.then
+ (_.echo (_.string "sum//get ")) (_.echo (_.count/1 sum))
+ (_.echo (_.string " ")) (_.echo (_.apply/1 [sum] (_.constant "gettype")))
+ (_.echo (_.string " ")) (_.echo sum-tag)
+ (_.echo (_.string " ")) (_.echo wantedTag)
+ (_.echo (_.string text.new-line))
+ (_.cond (list [(_.= sum-tag wantedTag)
+ (_.if (_.= wantsLast sum-flag)
+ (_.return sum-value)
+ test-recursion!)]
+ [(_.> sum-tag wantedTag)
+ test-recursion!]
+ [(_.and (_.< sum-tag wantedTag)
+ (_.= (_.string "") wantsLast))
+ (_.return (variant' (_.- wantedTag sum-tag) sum-flag sum-value))])
+ no-match!)
+ )))
+(def: runtime//adt
+ Statement
+ ($_ _.then
+ @tuple//left
+ @tuple//right
+ @sum//get))
+(runtime: (i64//logic-right-shift param subject)
+ (let [mask (|> (_.int +1)
+ (_.bit-shl (_.- param (_.int +64)))
+ (_.- (_.int +1)))]
+ (_.return (|> subject
+ (_.bit-shr param)
+ (_.bit-and mask)))))
+(def: runtime//i64
+ Statement
+ ($_ _.then
+ @i64//logic-right-shift
+ ))
+(runtime: (text//index subject param start)
+ (with-vars [idx]
+ ($_ _.then
+ (_.; (_.set idx (_.strpos/3 [subject param start])))
+ (_.if (_.= (_.bool false) idx)
+ (_.return ..none)
+ (_.return (..some idx))))))
+(def: runtime//text
+ Statement
+ ($_ _.then
+ @text//index
+ ))
+(def: check-necessary-conditions!
+ Statement
+ (let [condition (_.= (_.int +8)
+ (_.constant "PHP_INT_SIZE"))
+ error-message (_.string (format "Cannot run program!" text.new-line
+ "Lux/PHP programs require 64-bit PHP builds!"))]
+ (_.when (_.not condition)
+ (_.throw (_.new (_.constant "Exception") (list error-message))))))
+(def: runtime
+ Statement
+ ($_ _.then
+ check-necessary-conditions!
+ runtime//lux
+ runtime//adt
+ runtime//i64
+ runtime//text
+ runtime//io
+ ))
+(def: #export artifact ..prefix)
+(def: #export generate
+ (Operation Any)
+ (///.with-buffer
+ (do ////.monad
+ [_ (///.save! true ["" ..prefix] ..runtime)]
+ (///.save-buffer! ..artifact))))
diff --git a/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/phase/generation/php/structure.lux b/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/phase/generation/php/structure.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7bc675d7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/phase/generation/php/structure.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ [lux #*
+ [abstract
+ ["." monad (#+ do)]]
+ [host
+ ["_" php (#+ Expression)]]]
+ ["." // #_
+ ["#." runtime (#+ Operation Phase)]
+ ["#." primitive]
+ ["#//" ///
+ ["#/" // #_
+ [analysis (#+ Variant Tuple)]
+ ["#." synthesis (#+ Synthesis)]]]])
+(def: #export (tuple generate elemsS+)
+ (-> Phase (Tuple Synthesis) (Operation (Expression Any)))
+ (case elemsS+
+ #.Nil
+ (:: ////.monad wrap (//primitive.text /////synthesis.unit))
+ (#.Cons singletonS #.Nil)
+ (generate singletonS)
+ _
+ (|> elemsS+
+ (monad.map ////.monad generate)
+ (:: ////.monad map _.array/*))))
+(def: #export (variant generate [lefts right? valueS])
+ (-> Phase (Variant Synthesis) (Operation (Expression Any)))
+ (:: ////.monad map
+ (//runtime.variant (if right?
+ (inc lefts)
+ lefts)
+ right?)
+ (generate valueS)))
diff --git a/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/phase/generation/python/extension/common.lux b/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/phase/generation/python/extension/common.lux
index adec09fa3..1113ec3b6 100644
--- a/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/phase/generation/python/extension/common.lux
+++ b/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/phase/generation/python/extension/common.lux
@@ -41,6 +41,17 @@
(bundle.install "-" (binary (product.uncurry _.-)))
+(def: int-procs
+ Bundle
+ (<| (bundle.prefix "int")
+ (|> bundle.empty
+ (bundle.install "<" (binary (product.uncurry _.<)))
+ (bundle.install "*" (binary (product.uncurry _.*)))
+ (bundle.install "/" (binary (product.uncurry _./)))
+ (bundle.install "%" (binary (product.uncurry _.%)))
+ (bundle.install "frac" (unary _.float/1))
+ (bundle.install "char" (unary _.chr/1)))))
(import: #long java/lang/Double
(#static MIN_VALUE Double)
(#static MAX_VALUE Double))
@@ -55,17 +66,6 @@
[frac//max (java/lang/Double::MAX_VALUE)]
-(def: int-procs
- Bundle
- (<| (bundle.prefix "int")
- (|> bundle.empty
- (bundle.install "<" (binary (product.uncurry _.<)))
- (bundle.install "*" (binary (product.uncurry _.*)))
- (bundle.install "/" (binary (product.uncurry _./)))
- (bundle.install "%" (binary (product.uncurry _.%)))
- (bundle.install "frac" (unary _.float/1))
- (bundle.install "char" (unary _.chr/1)))))
(def: frac-procs
(<| (bundle.prefix "frac")
@@ -84,10 +84,6 @@
(bundle.install "encode" (unary _.repr/1))
(bundle.install "decode" (unary ///runtime.frac//decode)))))
-(def: (text//char [subjectO paramO])
- (Binary (Expression Any))
- (///runtime.text//char subjectO paramO))
(def: (text//clip [paramO extraO subjectO])
(Trinary (Expression Any))
(///runtime.text//clip subjectO paramO extraO))
diff --git a/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/phase/generation/ruby/runtime.lux b/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/phase/generation/ruby/runtime.lux
index 81bdc8702..8858e9d4f 100644
--- a/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/phase/generation/ruby/runtime.lux
+++ b/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/phase/generation/ruby/runtime.lux
@@ -274,34 +274,6 @@
-(runtime: (array//get array idx)
- (with-vars [temp]
- ($_ _.then
- (_.set (list temp) (_.nth idx array))
- (_.if (_.= _.nil temp)
- (_.return ..none)
- (_.return (..some temp))))))
-(runtime: (array//put array idx value)
- ($_ _.then
- (_.set (list (_.nth idx array)) value)
- (_.return array)))
-(def: runtime//array
- (Statement Any)
- ($_ _.then
- @array//get
- @array//put))
-(runtime: (box//write value box)
- ($_ _.then
- (_.set (list (_.nth (_.int +0) box)) value)
- (_.return ..unit)))
-(def: runtime//box
- (Statement Any)
- @box//write)
(def: runtime
(Statement Any)
($_ _.then
@@ -310,8 +282,6 @@
- runtime//array
- runtime//box
(def: #export artifact ..prefix)
diff --git a/stdlib/source/program/compositor.lux b/stdlib/source/program/compositor.lux
index a92aea013..5dd2fd1ba 100644
--- a/stdlib/source/program/compositor.lux
+++ b/stdlib/source/program/compositor.lux
@@ -4,8 +4,9 @@
[monad (#+ do)]]
- [cli (#+ program:)]
["." io (#+ IO io)]
+ [parser
+ [cli (#+ program:)]]
["!" capability]]]
diff --git a/stdlib/source/test/lux.lux b/stdlib/source/test/lux.lux
index f62a071ae..5c5051a2c 100644
--- a/stdlib/source/test/lux.lux
+++ b/stdlib/source/test/lux.lux
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
[python (#+)]
[lua (#+)]
[ruby (#+)]
+ [php (#+)]
[scheme (#+)]]
@@ -53,6 +54,8 @@
[ruby (#+)
+ [php (#+)
+ <host-modules>]
[scheme (#+)
## [control