diff options
-rw-r--r--stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/generation/r/procedure/common.lux (renamed from lux-r/source/luxc/lang/translation/r/procedure/common.jvm.lux)0
-rw-r--r--stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/generation/r/procedure/host.lux (renamed from lux-r/source/luxc/lang/translation/r/procedure/host.jvm.lux)0
37 files changed, 2433 insertions, 2078 deletions
diff --git a/commands.md b/commands.md
index 148ad9040..961d0220b 100644
--- a/commands.md
+++ b/commands.md
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ cd ~/lux/lux-bootstrapper/ && lein clean && lein install
## Run JBE
-cd ~/lux/jbe/ && ./jbe.sh
+cd ~/lux/jbe/bin/ && java ee.ioc.cs.jbe.browser.BrowserApplication
diff --git a/compilers.md b/compilers.md
index 5494eafd4..4277a07f7 100644
--- a/compilers.md
+++ b/compilers.md
@@ -1,38 +1,3 @@
-# R compiler
-## Test
-cd ~/lux/lux-r/ && lein lux auto test
-cd ~/lux/lux-r/ && lein clean && lein lux auto test
-## Build
-cd ~/lux/lux-r/ && lein lux auto build
-cd ~/lux/lux-r/ && lein clean && lein lux auto build
-## REPL
-cd ~/lux/lux-r/ && java -jar target/program.jar repl --source ~/lux/stdlib/source --target ~/lux/stdlib/target
-## Try
-cd ~/lux/lux-r/ && time java -jar target/program.jar build --source ~/lux/stdlib/source --target ~/lux/stdlib/target --module test/lux
-cd ~/lux/stdlib/ && lein clean && cd ~/lux/lux-r/ && time java -jar target/program.jar build --source ~/lux/stdlib/source --target ~/lux/stdlib/target --module test/lux
-cd ~/lux/stdlib/ && lein clean && cd ~/lux/lux-r/ && time java -jar target/program.jar build --source ~/lux/stdlib/source --library ~/lux/stdlib/target/library.tar --target ~/lux/stdlib/target --module test/lux
-cd ~/lux/lux-r/ && java -jar target/program.jar export --source ~/lux/stdlib/source --target ~/lux/stdlib/target
-cd ~/lux/stdlib/target/ && java -jar program.jar
# Compiler trial
## Build
diff --git a/lux-r/commands.md b/lux-r/commands.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dd982fab6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lux-r/commands.md
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# R compiler
+## Test
+cd ~/lux/lux-r/ && lein lux auto test
+cd ~/lux/lux-r/ && lein clean && lein lux auto test
+## Build
+## Develop
+cd ~/lux/lux-r/ \
+&& lein clean \
+&& lein lux auto build
+## REPL
+cd ~/lux/lux-r/ && java -jar target/program.jar repl --source ~/lux/stdlib/source --target ~/lux/stdlib/target
+## Try
+cd ~/lux/lux-r/ && time java -jar target/program.jar build --source ~/lux/stdlib/source --target ~/lux/stdlib/target --module test/lux
+cd ~/lux/stdlib/ && lein clean && cd ~/lux/lux-r/ && time java -jar target/program.jar build --source ~/lux/stdlib/source --target ~/lux/stdlib/target --module test/lux
+cd ~/lux/stdlib/ && lein clean && cd ~/lux/lux-r/ && time java -jar target/program.jar build --source ~/lux/stdlib/source --library ~/lux/stdlib/target/library.tar --target ~/lux/stdlib/target --module test/lux
+cd ~/lux/lux-r/ && java -jar target/program.jar export --source ~/lux/stdlib/source --target ~/lux/stdlib/target
+cd ~/lux/stdlib/target/ && java -jar program.jar
diff --git a/lux-r/project.clj b/lux-r/project.clj
index 96e02e021..ce41ff448 100644
--- a/lux-r/project.clj
+++ b/lux-r/project.clj
@@ -24,8 +24,7 @@
:dependencies [[com.github.luxlang/luxc-jvm ~version]
[com.github.luxlang/stdlib ~version]
- ;; JVM Bytecode
- [org.ow2.asm/asm-all "5.0.3"]]
+ [org.renjin/renjin-script-engine "3.5-beta43"]]
:manifest {"lux" ~version}
:source-paths ["source"]
diff --git a/lux-r/source/luxc/lang/host/r.lux b/lux-r/source/luxc/lang/host/r.lux
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e4c7fb5b..000000000
--- a/lux-r/source/luxc/lang/host/r.lux
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,299 +0,0 @@
- [lux #- not or and list if function cond when]
- (lux (control pipe)
- (data [maybe "maybe/" Functor<Maybe>]
- [text]
- text/format
- [number]
- (coll [list "list/" Functor<List> Fold<List>]))
- (type abstract)))
-(abstract: #export Single {} Any)
-(abstract: #export Poly {} Any)
-(abstract: #export (Var kind)
- {}
- Text
- (def: name (All [k] (-> (Var k) Text)) (|>> :representation))
- (def: #export var (-> Text (Var Single)) (|>> :abstraction))
- (def: #export var-args (Var Poly) (:abstraction "..."))
- )
-(type: #export SVar (Var Single))
-(type: #export PVar (Var Poly))
-(abstract: #export Expression
- {}
- Text
- (def: #export expression (-> Expression Text) (|>> :representation))
- (def: #export code (-> Text Expression) (|>> :abstraction))
- (def: (self-contained code)
- (-> Text Expression)
- (:abstraction
- (format "(" code ")")))
- (def: nest
- (-> Text Text)
- (|>> (format "\n")
- (text.replace-all "\n" "\n ")))
- (def: (_block expression)
- (-> Text Text)
- (format "{" (nest expression) "\n" "}"))
- (def: #export (block expression)
- (-> Expression Expression)
- (:abstraction
- (format "{" (:representation expression) "}")))
- (def: #export null
- Expression
- (|> "NULL" self-contained))
- (def: #export n/a
- Expression
- (|> "NA" self-contained))
- (def: #export not-available Expression n/a)
- (def: #export not-applicable Expression n/a)
- (def: #export no-answer Expression n/a)
- (def: #export bool
- (-> Bit Expression)
- (|>> (case> #0 "FALSE"
- #1 "TRUE")
- self-contained))
- (def: #export (int value)
- (-> Int Expression)
- (self-contained
- (format "as.integer(" (%i value) ")")))
- (def: #export float
- (-> Frac Expression)
- (|>> (cond> [(f/= number.positive-infinity)]
- [(new> "1.0/0.0")]
- [(f/= number.negative-infinity)]
- [(new> "-1.0/0.0")]
- [(f/= number.not-a-number)]
- [(new> "0.0/0.0")]
- ## else
- [%f])
- self-contained))
- (def: #export string
- (-> Text Expression)
- (|>> %t self-contained))
- (def: (composite-literal left-delimiter right-delimiter entry-serializer)
- (All [a] (-> Text Text (-> a Text)
- (-> (List a) Expression)))
- (.function (_ entries)
- (self-contained
- (format left-delimiter
- (|> entries (list/map entry-serializer) (text.join-with ","))
- right-delimiter))))
- (def: #export named-list
- (-> (List [Text Expression]) Expression)
- (composite-literal "list(" ")" (.function (_ [key value])
- (format key "=" (:representation value)))))
- (template [<name> <function>]
- [(def: #export <name>
- (-> (List Expression) Expression)
- (composite-literal (format <function> "(") ")" expression))]
- [vector "c"]
- [list "list"]
- )
- (def: #export (slice from to list)
- (-> Expression Expression Expression Expression)
- (self-contained
- (format (:representation list)
- "[" (:representation from) ":" (:representation to) "]")))
- (def: #export (slice-from from list)
- (-> Expression Expression Expression)
- (self-contained
- (format (:representation list)
- "[-1" ":-" (:representation from) "]")))
- (def: #export (apply args func)
- (-> (List Expression) Expression Expression)
- (self-contained
- (format (:representation func) "(" (text.join-with "," (list/map expression args)) ")")))
- (def: #export (apply-kw args kw-args func)
- (-> (List Expression) (List [Text Expression]) Expression Expression)
- (self-contained
- (format (:representation func)
- (format "("
- (text.join-with "," (list/map expression args)) ","
- (text.join-with "," (list/map (.function (_ [key val])
- (format key "=" (expression val)))
- kw-args))
- ")"))))
- (def: #export (nth idx list)
- (-> Expression Expression Expression)
- (self-contained
- (format (:representation list) "[[" (:representation idx) "]]")))
- (def: #export (if test then else)
- (-> Expression Expression Expression Expression)
- (self-contained
- (format "if(" (:representation test) ")"
- " " (.._block (:representation then))
- " else " (.._block (:representation else)))))
- (def: #export (when test then)
- (-> Expression Expression Expression)
- (self-contained
- (format "if(" (:representation test) ") {"
- (.._block (:representation then))
- "\n" "}")))
- (def: #export (cond clauses else)
- (-> (List [Expression Expression]) Expression Expression)
- (list/fold (.function (_ [test then] next)
- (if test then next))
- else
- (list.reverse clauses)))
- (template [<name> <op>]
- [(def: #export (<name> param subject)
- (-> Expression Expression Expression)
- (self-contained
- (format (:representation subject)
- " " <op> " "
- (:representation param))))]
- [= "=="]
- [< "<"]
- [<= "<="]
- [> ">"]
- [>= ">="]
- [+ "+"]
- [- "-"]
- [* "*"]
- [/ "/"]
- [%% "%%"]
- [** "**"]
- [or "||"]
- [and "&&"]
- )
- (def: #export @@
- (All [k] (-> (Var k) Expression))
- (|>> ..name self-contained))
- (def: #export global
- (-> Text Expression)
- (|>> var @@))
- (template [<name> <func>]
- [(def: #export (<name> param subject)
- (-> Expression Expression Expression)
- (..apply (.list subject param) (..global <func>)))]
- [bit-or "bitwOr"]
- [bit-and "bitwAnd"]
- [bit-xor "bitwXor"]
- [bit-shl "bitwShiftL"]
- [bit-ushr "bitwShiftR"]
- )
- (def: #export (bit-not subject)
- (-> Expression Expression)
- (..apply (.list subject) (..global "bitwNot")))
- (template [<name> <op>]
- [(def: #export <name>
- (-> Expression Expression)
- (|>> :representation (format <op>) self-contained))]
- [not "!"]
- [negate "-"]
- )
- (def: #export (length list)
- (-> Expression Expression)
- (..apply (.list list) (..global "length")))
- (def: #export (range from to)
- (-> Expression Expression Expression)
- (self-contained
- (format (:representation from) ":" (:representation to))))
- (def: #export (function inputs body)
- (-> (List (Ex [k] (Var k))) Expression Expression)
- (let [args (|> inputs (list/map ..name) (text.join-with ", "))]
- (self-contained
- (format "function(" args ") "
- (.._block (:representation body))))))
- (def: #export (try body warning error finally)
- (-> Expression (Maybe Expression) (Maybe Expression) (Maybe Expression) Expression)
- (let [optional (: (-> Text (Maybe Expression) (-> Text Text) Text)
- (.function (_ parameter value preparation)
- (|> value
- (maybe/map (|>> :representation preparation (format ", " parameter " = ")))
- (maybe.default ""))))]
- (self-contained
- (format "tryCatch("
- (.._block (:representation body))
- (optional "warning" warning id)
- (optional "error" error id)
- (optional "finally" finally .._block)
- ")"))))
- (def: #export (while test body)
- (-> Expression Expression Expression)
- (self-contained
- (format "while (" (:representation test) ") "
- (.._block (:representation body)))))
- (def: #export (for-in var inputs body)
- (-> SVar Expression Expression Expression)
- (self-contained
- (format "for (" (..name var) " in " (..expression inputs) ")"
- (.._block (:representation body)))))
- (template [<name> <keyword>]
- [(def: #export (<name> message)
- (-> Expression Expression)
- (..apply (.list message) (..global <keyword>)))]
- [stop "stop"]
- [print "print"]
- )
- (def: #export (set! var value)
- (-> (Var Single) Expression Expression)
- (self-contained
- (format (..name var) " <- " (:representation value))))
- (def: #export (set-nth! idx value list)
- (-> Expression Expression SVar Expression)
- (self-contained
- (format (..name list) "[[" (:representation idx) "]] <- " (:representation value))))
- (def: #export (then pre post)
- (-> Expression Expression Expression)
- (:abstraction
- (format (:representation pre)
- "\n"
- (:representation post))))
- )
diff --git a/lux-r/source/luxc/lang/translation/r.lux b/lux-r/source/luxc/lang/translation/r.lux
deleted file mode 100644
index a4a3db1f5..000000000
--- a/lux-r/source/luxc/lang/translation/r.lux
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
- lux
- (lux (control ["ex" exception #+ exception:]
- pipe
- [monad #+ do])
- (data [bit]
- [maybe]
- ["e" error #+ Error]
- [text "text/" Eq<Text>]
- text/format
- (coll [array]))
- [macro]
- [io #+ IO Process io]
- [host #+ class: interface: object]
- (world [file #+ File]))
- (luxc [lang]
- (lang [".L" variable #+ Register]
- (host [r #+ Expression]))
- [".C" io]))
-(template [<name>]
- [(exception: #export (<name> {message Text})
- message)]
- [No-Active-Module-Buffer]
- [Cannot-Execute]
- [No-Anchor]
- )
-(host.import: java/lang/Object)
-(host.import: java/lang/String
- (getBytes [String] #try [byte]))
-(host.import: java/lang/CharSequence)
-(host.import: java/lang/Appendable
- (append [CharSequence] Appendable))
-(host.import: java/lang/StringBuilder
- (new [])
- (toString [] String))
-(host.import: javax/script/ScriptEngine
- (eval [String] #try #? Object))
-(host.import: javax/script/ScriptEngineFactory
- (getScriptEngine [] ScriptEngine))
-(type: #export Anchor [Text Register])
-(type: #export Host
- {#context [Text Nat]
- #anchor (Maybe Anchor)
- #loader (-> Expression (Error Any))
- #interpreter (-> Expression (Error Object))
- #module-buffer (Maybe StringBuilder)
- #program-buffer StringBuilder})
-(def: #export init
- (IO Host)
- (io (let [interpreter (|> (undefined)
- (ScriptEngineFactory::getScriptEngine []))]
- {#context ["" +0]
- #anchor #.None
- #loader (function (_ code)
- (do e.Monad<Error>
- [_ (ScriptEngine::eval [(r.expression code)] interpreter)]
- (wrap [])))
- #interpreter (function (_ code)
- (do e.Monad<Error>
- [output (ScriptEngine::eval [(r.expression code)] interpreter)]
- (wrap (maybe.default (:coerce Object [])
- output))))
- #module-buffer #.None
- #program-buffer (StringBuilder::new [])})))
-(def: #export r-module-name Text "module.r")
-(def: #export init-module-buffer
- (Meta Any)
- (function (_ compiler)
- (#e.Success [(update@ #.host
- (|>> (:coerce Host)
- (set@ #module-buffer (#.Some (StringBuilder::new [])))
- (:coerce Nothing))
- compiler)
- []])))
-(def: #export (with-sub-context expr)
- (All [a] (-> (Meta a) (Meta [Text a])))
- (function (_ compiler)
- (let [old (:coerce Host (get@ #.host compiler))
- [old-name old-sub] (get@ #context old)
- new-name (format old-name "f___" (%i (.int old-sub)))]
- (case (expr (set@ #.host
- (:coerce Nothing (set@ #context [new-name +0] old))
- compiler))
- (#e.Success [compiler' output])
- (#e.Success [(update@ #.host
- (|>> (:coerce Host)
- (set@ #context [old-name (inc old-sub)])
- (:coerce Nothing))
- compiler')
- [new-name output]])
- (#e.Error error)
- (#e.Error error)))))
-(def: #export context
- (Meta Text)
- (function (_ compiler)
- (#e.Success [compiler
- (|> (get@ #.host compiler)
- (:coerce Host)
- (get@ #context)
- (let> [name sub]
- name))])))
-(def: #export (with-anchor anchor expr)
- (All [a] (-> Anchor (Meta a) (Meta a)))
- (function (_ compiler)
- (let [old (:coerce Host (get@ #.host compiler))]
- (case (expr (set@ #.host
- (:coerce Nothing (set@ #anchor (#.Some anchor) old))
- compiler))
- (#e.Success [compiler' output])
- (#e.Success [(update@ #.host
- (|>> (:coerce Host)
- (set@ #anchor (get@ #anchor old))
- (:coerce Nothing))
- compiler')
- output])
- (#e.Error error)
- (#e.Error error)))))
-(def: #export anchor
- (Meta Anchor)
- (function (_ compiler)
- (case (|> compiler (get@ #.host) (:coerce Host) (get@ #anchor))
- (#.Some anchor)
- (#e.Success [compiler anchor])
- #.None
- ((lang.throw No-Anchor "") compiler))))
-(def: #export module-buffer
- (Meta StringBuilder)
- (function (_ compiler)
- (case (|> compiler (get@ #.host) (:coerce Host) (get@ #module-buffer))
- #.None
- ((lang.throw No-Active-Module-Buffer "") compiler)
- (#.Some module-buffer)
- (#e.Success [compiler module-buffer]))))
-(def: #export program-buffer
- (Meta StringBuilder)
- (function (_ compiler)
- (#e.Success [compiler (|> compiler (get@ #.host) (:coerce Host) (get@ #program-buffer))])))
-(template [<name> <field> <outputT>]
- [(def: (<name> code)
- (-> Expression (Meta <outputT>))
- (function (_ compiler)
- (let [runner (|> compiler (get@ #.host) (:coerce Host) (get@ <field>))]
- (case (runner code)
- (#e.Error error)
- ((lang.throw Cannot-Execute error) compiler)
- (#e.Success output)
- (#e.Success [compiler output])))))]
- [load! #loader Any]
- [interpret #interpreter Object]
- )
-(def: #export variant-tag-field "luxVT")
-(def: #export variant-flag-field "luxVF")
-(def: #export variant-value-field "luxVV")
-(def: #export int-high-field "luxIH")
-(def: #export int-low-field "luxIL")
-(def: #export unit Text "")
-(def: #export (definition-name [module name])
- (-> Name Text)
- (lang.normalize-name (format module "$" name)))
-(def: #export (save code)
- (-> Expression (Meta Any))
- (do macro.Monad<Meta>
- [module-buffer module-buffer
- #let [_ (Appendable::append [(:coerce CharSequence (r.expression code))]
- module-buffer)]]
- (load! code)))
-(def: #export run interpret)
-(def: #export (save-module! target)
- (-> File (Meta (Process Any)))
- (do macro.Monad<Meta>
- [module macro.current-module-name
- module-buffer module-buffer
- program-buffer program-buffer
- #let [module-code (StringBuilder::toString [] module-buffer)
- _ (Appendable::append [(:coerce CharSequence (format module-code "\n"))]
- program-buffer)]]
- (wrap (ioC.write target
- (format (lang.normalize-name module) "/" r-module-name)
- (|> module-code
- (String::getBytes ["UTF-8"])
- e.assume)))))
diff --git a/lux-r/source/luxc/lang/translation/r/case.jvm.lux b/lux-r/source/luxc/lang/translation/r/case.jvm.lux
deleted file mode 100644
index 42460b620..000000000
--- a/lux-r/source/luxc/lang/translation/r/case.jvm.lux
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
- lux
- (lux (control [monad #+ do]
- ["ex" exception #+ exception:])
- (data [number]
- [text]
- text/format
- (coll [list "list/" Functor<List> Fold<List>]
- (set ["set" unordered #+ Set])))
- [macro #+ "meta/" Monad<Meta>]
- (macro [code]))
- (luxc [lang]
- (lang [".L" variable #+ Register Variable]
- ["ls" synthesis #+ Synthesis Path]
- (host [r #+ Expression SVar @@])))
- [//]
- (// [".T" runtime]
- [".T" primitive]
- [".T" reference]))
-(def: #export (translate-let translate register valueS bodyS)
- (-> (-> Synthesis (Meta Expression)) Register Synthesis Synthesis
- (Meta Expression))
- (do macro.Monad<Meta>
- [valueO (translate valueS)
- bodyO (translate bodyS)
- #let [$register (referenceT.variable register)]]
- (wrap (r.block
- ($_ r.then
- (r.set! $register valueO)
- bodyO)))))
-(def: #export (translate-record-get translate valueS pathP)
- (-> (-> Synthesis (Meta Expression)) Synthesis (List [Nat Bit])
- (Meta Expression))
- (do macro.Monad<Meta>
- [valueO (translate valueS)]
- (wrap (list/fold (function (_ [idx tail?] source)
- (let [method (if tail?
- runtimeT.product//right
- runtimeT.product//left)]
- (method source (r.int (:coerce Int idx)))))
- valueO
- pathP))))
-(def: #export (translate-if testO thenO elseO)
- (-> Expression Expression Expression Expression)
- (r.if testO thenO elseO))
-(def: $savepoint (r.var "lux_pm_cursor_savepoint"))
-(def: $cursor (r.var "lux_pm_cursor"))
-(def: top r.length)
-(def: next (|>> r.length (r.+ (r.int 1))))
-(def: (push! value var)
- (-> Expression SVar Expression)
- (r.set-nth! (next (@@ var)) value var))
-(def: (pop! var)
- (-> SVar Expression)
- (r.set-nth! (top (@@ var)) r.null var))
-(def: (push-cursor! value)
- (-> Expression Expression)
- (push! value $cursor))
-(def: save-cursor!
- Expression
- (push! (r.slice (r.float 1.0) (r.length (@@ $cursor)) (@@ $cursor))
- $savepoint))
-(def: restore-cursor!
- Expression
- (r.set! $cursor (r.nth (top (@@ $savepoint)) (@@ $savepoint))))
-(def: cursor-top
- Expression
- (|> (@@ $cursor) (r.nth (top (@@ $cursor)))))
-(def: pop-cursor!
- Expression
- (pop! $cursor))
-(def: pm-error (r.string "PM-ERROR"))
-(def: fail-pm! (r.stop pm-error))
-(def: $temp (r.var "lux_pm_temp"))
-(exception: #export (Unrecognized-Path {message Text})
- message)
-(def: $alt_error (r.var "alt_error"))
-(def: (pm-catch handler)
- (-> Expression Expression)
- (r.function (list $alt_error)
- (r.if (|> (@@ $alt_error) (r.= pm-error))
- handler
- (r.stop (@@ $alt_error)))))
-(def: (translate-pattern-matching' translate pathP)
- (-> (-> Synthesis (Meta Expression)) Path (Meta Expression))
- (case pathP
- (^code ("lux case exec" (~ bodyS)))
- (do macro.Monad<Meta>
- [bodyO (translate bodyS)]
- (wrap bodyO))
- (^code ("lux case pop"))
- (meta/wrap pop-cursor!)
- (^code ("lux case bind" (~ [_ (#.Nat register)])))
- (meta/wrap (r.set! (referenceT.variable register) cursor-top))
- (^template [<tag> <format>]
- [_ (<tag> value)]
- (meta/wrap (r.when (r.not (r.= (|> value <format>) cursor-top))
- fail-pm!)))
- ([#.Bit r.bool]
- [#.Frac r.float]
- [#.Text r.string])
- (^template [<tag> <format>]
- [_ (<tag> value)]
- (meta/wrap (r.when (r.not (runtimeT.int//= (|> value <format>) cursor-top))
- fail-pm!)))
- ([#.Nat (<| runtimeT.int (:coerce Int))]
- [#.Int runtimeT.int]
- [#.Rev (<| runtimeT.int (:coerce Int))])
- (^template [<pm> <getter>]
- (^code (<pm> (~ [_ (#.Nat idx)])))
- (meta/wrap (push-cursor! (<getter> cursor-top (r.int (:coerce Int idx))))))
- (["lux case tuple left" runtimeT.product//left]
- ["lux case tuple right" runtimeT.product//right])
- (^template [<pm> <flag>]
- (^code (<pm> (~ [_ (#.Nat idx)])))
- (meta/wrap ($_ r.then
- (r.set! $temp (runtimeT.sum//get cursor-top (r.int (:coerce Int idx)) <flag>))
- (r.if (r.= r.null (@@ $temp))
- fail-pm!
- (push-cursor! (@@ $temp))))))
- (["lux case variant left" r.null]
- ["lux case variant right" (r.string "")])
- (^code ("lux case seq" (~ leftP) (~ rightP)))
- (do macro.Monad<Meta>
- [leftO (translate-pattern-matching' translate leftP)
- rightO (translate-pattern-matching' translate rightP)]
- (wrap ($_ r.then
- leftO
- rightO)))
- (^code ("lux case alt" (~ leftP) (~ rightP)))
- (do macro.Monad<Meta>
- [leftO (translate-pattern-matching' translate leftP)
- rightO (translate-pattern-matching' translate rightP)]
- (wrap (r.try ($_ r.then
- save-cursor!
- leftO)
- #.None
- (#.Some (pm-catch ($_ r.then
- restore-cursor!
- rightO)))
- #.None)))
- _
- (lang.throw Unrecognized-Path (%code pathP))
- ))
-(def: (translate-pattern-matching translate pathP)
- (-> (-> Synthesis (Meta Expression)) Path (Meta Expression))
- (do macro.Monad<Meta>
- [pattern-matching! (translate-pattern-matching' translate pathP)]
- (wrap (r.try pattern-matching!
- #.None
- (#.Some (pm-catch (r.stop (r.string "Invalid expression for pattern-matching."))))
- #.None))))
-(def: (initialize-pattern-matching! stack-init)
- (-> Expression Expression)
- ($_ r.then
- (r.set! $cursor (r.list (list stack-init)))
- (r.set! $savepoint (r.list (list)))))
-(def: #export (translate-case translate valueS pathP)
- (-> (-> Synthesis (Meta Expression)) Synthesis Path (Meta Expression))
- (do macro.Monad<Meta>
- [valueO (translate valueS)
- pattern-matching! (translate-pattern-matching translate pathP)]
- (wrap (r.block
- ($_ r.then
- (initialize-pattern-matching! valueO)
- pattern-matching!)))))
diff --git a/lux-r/source/luxc/lang/translation/r/expression.jvm.lux b/lux-r/source/luxc/lang/translation/r/expression.jvm.lux
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c41fbe63..000000000
--- a/lux-r/source/luxc/lang/translation/r/expression.jvm.lux
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
- lux
- (lux (control [monad #+ do]
- ["ex" exception #+ exception:]
- ["p" parser])
- (data ["e" error]
- text/format)
- [macro]
- (macro ["s" syntax]))
- (luxc ["&" lang]
- (lang [".L" variable #+ Variable Register]
- [".L" extension]
- ["ls" synthesis]
- (host [r #+ Expression])))
- [//]
- (// [".T" runtime]
- [".T" primitive]
- [".T" structure]
- [".T" reference]
- [".T" function]
- [".T" case]
- [".T" procedure])
- )
-(template [<name>]
- [(exception: #export (<name> {message Text})
- message)]
- [Invalid-Function-Syntax]
- [Unrecognized-Synthesis]
- )
-(def: #export (translate synthesis)
- (-> ls.Synthesis (Meta Expression))
- (case synthesis
- (^code [])
- (:: macro.Monad<Meta> wrap runtimeT.unit)
- (^template [<tag> <generator>]
- [_ (<tag> value)]
- (<generator> value))
- ([#.Bit primitiveT.translate-bit]
- [#.Nat primitiveT.translate-nat]
- [#.Int primitiveT.translate-int]
- [#.Rev primitiveT.translate-rev]
- [#.Frac primitiveT.translate-frac]
- [#.Text primitiveT.translate-text])
- (^code ((~ [_ (#.Nat tag)]) (~ [_ (#.Bit last?)]) (~ valueS)))
- (structureT.translate-variant translate tag last? valueS)
- (^code [(~ singleton)])
- (translate singleton)
- (^code [(~+ members)])
- (structureT.translate-tuple translate members)
- (^ [_ (#.Form (list [_ (#.Int var)]))])
- (referenceT.translate-variable var)
- [_ (#.Identifier definition)]
- (referenceT.translate-definition definition)
- (^code ("lux let" (~ [_ (#.Nat register)]) (~ inputS) (~ exprS)))
- (caseT.translate-let translate register inputS exprS)
- (^code ("lux case" (~ inputS) (~ pathPS)))
- (caseT.translate-case translate inputS pathPS)
- (^code ("lux function" (~ [_ (#.Nat arity)]) [(~+ environment)] (~ bodyS)))
- (case (s.run environment (p.some s.int))
- (#e.Success environment)
- (functionT.translate-function translate environment arity bodyS)
- _
- (&.throw Invalid-Function-Syntax (%code synthesis)))
- (^code ("lux call" (~ functionS) (~+ argsS)))
- (functionT.translate-apply translate functionS argsS)
- (^code ((~ [_ (#.Text procedure)]) (~+ argsS)))
- (procedureT.translate-procedure translate procedure argsS)
- ## (do macro.Monad<Meta>
- ## [translation (extensionL.find-translation procedure)]
- ## (translation argsS))
- _
- (&.throw Unrecognized-Synthesis (%code synthesis))))
diff --git a/lux-r/source/luxc/lang/translation/r/function.jvm.lux b/lux-r/source/luxc/lang/translation/r/function.jvm.lux
deleted file mode 100644
index f39a5e1a2..000000000
--- a/lux-r/source/luxc/lang/translation/r/function.jvm.lux
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
- lux
- (lux (control [monad #+ do]
- pipe)
- (data [product]
- [text]
- text/format
- (coll [list "list/" Functor<List> Fold<List>]))
- [macro])
- (luxc ["&" lang]
- (lang ["ls" synthesis]
- [".L" variable #+ Variable]
- (host [r #+ Expression @@])))
- [//]
- (// [".T" reference]))
-(def: #export (translate-apply translate functionS argsS+)
- (-> (-> ls.Synthesis (Meta Expression)) ls.Synthesis (List ls.Synthesis) (Meta Expression))
- (do {@ macro.Monad<Meta>}
- [functionO (translate functionS)
- argsO+ (monad.map @ translate argsS+)]
- (wrap (r.apply argsO+ functionO))))
-(def: $curried (r.var "curried"))
-(def: (input-declaration register)
- (r.set! (referenceT.variable (inc register))
- (|> (@@ $curried) (r.nth (|> register inc .int r.int)))))
-(def: (with-closure function-name inits function-definition)
- (-> Text (List Expression) Expression (Meta Expression))
- (let [$closure (r.var (format function-name "___CLOSURE"))]
- (case inits
- #.Nil
- (do macro.Monad<Meta>
- [_ (//.save function-definition)]
- (wrap (r.global function-name)))
- _
- (do macro.Monad<Meta>
- [_ (//.save (r.set! $closure
- (r.function (|> (list.enumerate inits)
- (list/map (|>> product.left referenceT.closure)))
- ($_ r.then
- function-definition
- (r.global function-name)))))]
- (wrap (r.apply inits (@@ $closure)))))))
-(def: #export (translate-function translate env arity bodyS)
- (-> (-> ls.Synthesis (Meta Expression))
- (List Variable) ls.Arity ls.Synthesis
- (Meta Expression))
- (do {@ macro.Monad<Meta>}
- [[function-name bodyO] (//.with-sub-context
- (do @
- [function-name //.context]
- (//.with-anchor [function-name +1]
- (translate bodyS))))
- closureO+ (monad.map @ referenceT.translate-variable env)
- #let [arityO (|> arity .int r.int)
- $num_args (r.var "num_args")
- $function (r.var function-name)
- var-args (r.code (format "list" (r.expression (@@ r.var-args))))
- apply-poly (function (_ args func)
- (r.apply (list func args) (r.global "do.call")))]]
- (with-closure function-name closureO+
- (r.set! $function
- (r.function (list r.var-args)
- ($_ r.then
- (r.set! $curried var-args)
- (r.set! $num_args (r.length (@@ $curried)))
- (r.cond (list [(|> (@@ $num_args) (r.= arityO))
- ($_ r.then
- (r.set! (referenceT.variable +0) (@@ $function))
- (|> (list.n/range +0 (dec arity))
- (list/map input-declaration)
- (list/fold r.then bodyO)))]
- [(|> (@@ $num_args) (r.> arityO))
- (let [arity-args (r.slice (r.int 1) arityO (@@ $curried))
- output-func-args (r.slice (|> arityO (r.+ (r.int 1)))
- (@@ $num_args)
- (@@ $curried))]
- (|> (@@ $function)
- (apply-poly arity-args)
- (apply-poly output-func-args)))])
- ## (|> (@@ $num_args) (r.< arityO))
- (let [$missing (r.var "missing")]
- (r.function (list r.var-args)
- ($_ r.then
- (r.set! $missing var-args)
- (|> (@@ $function)
- (apply-poly (r.apply (list (@@ $curried) (@@ $missing))
- (r.global "append"))))))))))))
- ))
diff --git a/lux-r/source/luxc/lang/translation/r/loop.jvm.lux b/lux-r/source/luxc/lang/translation/r/loop.jvm.lux
deleted file mode 100644
index f1197e5ce..000000000
--- a/lux-r/source/luxc/lang/translation/r/loop.jvm.lux
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
- lux
- (lux (control [monad #+ do])
- (data [text]
- text/format
- (coll [list "list/" Functor<List>]))
- [macro])
- (luxc [lang]
- (lang ["ls" synthesis]
- (host [r #+ Expression @@])))
- [//]
- (// [".T" reference]))
-(def: #export (translate-loop translate offset initsS+ bodyS)
- (-> (-> ls.Synthesis (Meta Expression)) Nat (List ls.Synthesis) ls.Synthesis
- (Meta Expression))
- (do {@ macro.Monad<Meta>}
- [loop-name (|> (macro.gensym "loop")
- (:: @ map (|>> %code lang.normalize-name)))
- initsO+ (monad.map @ translate initsS+)
- bodyO (//.with-anchor [loop-name offset]
- (translate bodyS))
- #let [$loop-name (r.var loop-name)
- @loop-name (@@ $loop-name)]
- _ (//.save (r.set! $loop-name
- (r.function (|> (list.n/range +0 (dec (list.size initsS+)))
- (list/map (|>> (n/+ offset) referenceT.variable)))
- bodyO)))]
- (wrap (r.apply initsO+ @loop-name))))
-(def: #export (translate-recur translate argsS+)
- (-> (-> ls.Synthesis (Meta Expression)) (List ls.Synthesis)
- (Meta Expression))
- (do {@ macro.Monad<Meta>}
- [[loop-name offset] //.anchor
- argsO+ (monad.map @ translate argsS+)]
- (wrap (r.apply argsO+ (r.global loop-name)))))
diff --git a/lux-r/source/luxc/lang/translation/r/primitive.jvm.lux b/lux-r/source/luxc/lang/translation/r/primitive.jvm.lux
deleted file mode 100644
index 8bc7da848..000000000
--- a/lux-r/source/luxc/lang/translation/r/primitive.jvm.lux
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
- lux
- (lux [macro "meta/" Monad<Meta>])
- (luxc (lang (host [r #+ Expression])))
- [//]
- (// [".T" runtime]))
-(def: #export translate-bit
- (-> Bit (Meta Expression))
- (|>> r.bool meta/wrap))
-(def: #export translate-int
- (-> Int (Meta Expression))
- (|>> runtimeT.int meta/wrap))
-(def: #export translate-frac
- (-> Frac (Meta Expression))
- (|>> r.float meta/wrap))
-(def: #export translate-text
- (-> Text (Meta Expression))
- (|>> r.string meta/wrap))
diff --git a/lux-r/source/luxc/lang/translation/r/reference.jvm.lux b/lux-r/source/luxc/lang/translation/r/reference.jvm.lux
deleted file mode 100644
index 7de1c74ee..000000000
--- a/lux-r/source/luxc/lang/translation/r/reference.jvm.lux
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
- lux
- (lux [macro]
- (data [text]
- text/format))
- (luxc ["&" lang]
- (lang [".L" variable #+ Variable Register]
- (host [r #+ Expression SVar @@])))
- [//]
- (// [".T" runtime]))
-(template [<register> <translation> <prefix>]
- [(def: #export (<register> register)
- (-> Register SVar)
- (r.var (format <prefix> (%i (.int register)))))
- (def: #export (<translation> register)
- (-> Register (Meta Expression))
- (:: macro.Monad<Meta> wrap (@@ (<register> register))))]
- [closure translate-captured "c"]
- [variable translate-local "v"])
-(def: #export (local var)
- (-> Variable SVar)
- (if (variableL.captured? var)
- (closure (variableL.captured-register var))
- (variable (.nat var))))
-(def: #export (translate-variable var)
- (-> Variable (Meta Expression))
- (if (variableL.captured? var)
- (translate-captured (variableL.captured-register var))
- (translate-local (.nat var))))
-(def: #export global
- (-> Name SVar)
- (|>> //.definition-name r.var))
-(def: #export (translate-definition name)
- (-> Name (Meta Expression))
- (:: macro.Monad<Meta> wrap (@@ (global name))))
diff --git a/lux-r/source/luxc/lang/translation/r/runtime.jvm.lux b/lux-r/source/luxc/lang/translation/r/runtime.jvm.lux
deleted file mode 100644
index d641041d2..000000000
--- a/lux-r/source/luxc/lang/translation/r/runtime.jvm.lux
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,802 +0,0 @@
- lux
- (lux (control ["p" parser "p/" Monad<Parser>]
- [monad #+ do])
- (data [bit]
- [number (#+ hex) ("int/" Interval<Int>)]
- text/format
- (coll [list "list/" Monad<List>]))
- [macro]
- (macro [code]
- ["s" syntax #+ syntax:])
- [io #+ Process])
- [//]
- (luxc [lang]
- (lang (host [r #+ SVar Expression @@]))))
-(def: prefix Text "LuxRuntime")
-(def: #export unit Expression (r.string //.unit))
-(def: full-32 (hex "+FFFFFFFF"))
-(def: half-32 (hex "+7FFFFFFF"))
-(def: post-32 (hex "+100000000"))
-(def: (cap-32 input)
- (-> Nat Int)
- (cond (n/> full-32 input)
- (|> input (bit.and full-32) cap-32)
- (n/> half-32 input)
- (|> post-32 (n/- input) .int (i/* -1))
- ## else
- (.int input)))
-(def: high-32 (bit.logical-right-shift +32))
-(def: low-32 (|>> (bit.and (hex "+FFFFFFFF"))))
-(def: #export (int value)
- (-> Int Expression)
- (let [value (.nat value)
- high (|> value ..high-32 cap-32)
- low (|> value ..low-32 cap-32)]
- (r.named-list (list [//.int-high-field (r.int high)]
- [//.int-low-field (r.int low)]))))
-(def: (flag value)
- (-> Bit Expression)
- (if value
- (r.string "")
- r.null))
-(def: (variant' tag last? value)
- (-> Expression Expression Expression Expression)
- (r.named-list (list [//.variant-tag-field tag]
- [//.variant-flag-field last?]
- [//.variant-value-field value])))
-(def: #export (variant tag last? value)
- (-> Nat Bit Expression Expression)
- (variant' (r.int (.int tag))
- (flag last?)
- value))
-(def: #export none
- Expression
- (variant +0 #0 unit))
-(def: #export some
- (-> Expression Expression)
- (variant +1 #1))
-(def: #export left
- (-> Expression Expression)
- (variant +0 #0))
-(def: #export right
- (-> Expression Expression)
- (variant +1 #1))
-(type: Runtime Expression)
-(def: declaration
- (s.Syntax [Text (List Text)])
- (p.either (p.seq s.local-identifier (p/wrap (list)))
- (s.form (p.seq s.local-identifier (p.some s.local-identifier)))))
-(syntax: (runtime: {[name args] declaration}
- definition)
- (let [implementation (code.local-identifier (format "@@" name))
- runtime (format prefix "__" (lang.normalize-name name))
- $runtime (` (r.var (~ (code.text runtime))))
- @runtime (` (@@ (~ $runtime)))
- argsC+ (list/map code.local-identifier args)
- argsLC+ (list/map (|>> lang.normalize-name (format "LRV__") code.text (~) (r.var) (`))
- args)
- declaration (` ((~ (code.local-identifier name))
- (~+ argsC+)))
- type (` (-> (~+ (list.repeat (list.size argsC+) (` r.Expression)))
- r.Expression))]
- (wrap (list (` (def: (~' #export) (~ declaration)
- (~ type)
- (~ (case argsC+
- #.Nil
- @runtime
- _
- (` (r.apply (list (~+ argsC+)) (~ @runtime)))))))
- (` (def: (~ implementation)
- r.Expression
- (~ (case argsC+
- #.Nil
- (` (r.set! (~ $runtime) (~ definition)))
- _
- (` (let [(~+ (|> (list.zip2 argsC+ argsLC+)
- (list/map (function (_ [left right])
- (list left right)))
- list/join))]
- (r.set! (~ $runtime)
- (r.function (list (~+ argsLC+))
- (~ definition)))))))))))))
-(syntax: #export (with-vars {vars (s.tuple (p.many s.local-identifier))}
- body)
- (wrap (list (` (let [(~+ (|> vars
- (list/map (function (_ var)
- (list (code.local-identifier var)
- (` (r.var (~ (code.text (format "LRV__" (lang.normalize-name var)))))))))
- list/join))]
- (~ body))))))
-(def: high-shift (r.bit-shl (r.int 32)))
-(runtime: f2^32 (|> (r.int 2) (r.** (r.int 32))))
-(runtime: f2^63 (|> (r.int 2) (r.** (r.int 63))))
-(def: (as-double value)
- (-> Expression Expression)
- (r.apply (list value) (r.global "as.double")))
-(def: (as-integer value)
- (-> Expression Expression)
- (r.apply (list value) (r.global "as.integer")))
-(runtime: (int//unsigned-low input)
- (with-vars [low]
- ($_ r.then
- (r.set! low (|> (@@ input) (r.nth (r.string //.int-low-field))))
- (r.if (|> (@@ low) (r.>= (r.int 0)))
- (@@ low)
- (|> (@@ low) (r.+ f2^32))))))
-(runtime: (int//to-float input)
- (let [high (|> (@@ input)
- (r.nth (r.string //.int-high-field))
- high-shift)
- low (|> (@@ input)
- int//unsigned-low)]
- (|> high (r.+ low) as-double)))
-(runtime: (int//new high low)
- (r.named-list (list [//.int-high-field (as-integer (@@ high))]
- [//.int-low-field (as-integer (@@ low))])))
-(template [<name> <value>]
- [(runtime: <name>
- (..int <value>))]
- [int//zero 0]
- [int//one 1]
- [int//min int/bottom]
- [int//max int/top]
- )
-(def: #export int64-high (r.nth (r.string //.int-high-field)))
-(def: #export int64-low (r.nth (r.string //.int-low-field)))
-(runtime: (bit//not input)
- (int//new (|> (@@ input) int64-high r.bit-not)
- (|> (@@ input) int64-low r.bit-not)))
-(runtime: (int//+ param subject)
- (with-vars [sH sL pH pL
- x00 x16 x32 x48]
- ($_ r.then
- (r.set! sH (|> (@@ subject) int64-high))
- (r.set! sL (|> (@@ subject) int64-low))
- (r.set! pH (|> (@@ param) int64-high))
- (r.set! pL (|> (@@ param) int64-low))
- (let [bits16 (r.code "0xFFFF")
- move-top-16 (r.bit-shl (r.int 16))
- top-16 (r.bit-ushr (r.int 16))
- bottom-16 (r.bit-and bits16)
- split-16 (function (_ source)
- [(|> source top-16)
- (|> source bottom-16)])
- split-int (function (_ high low)
- [(split-16 high)
- (split-16 low)])
- [[s48 s32] [s16 s00]] (split-int (@@ sH) (@@ sL))
- [[p48 p32] [p16 p00]] (split-int (@@ pH) (@@ pL))
- new-half (function (_ top bottom)
- (|> top bottom-16 move-top-16
- (r.bit-or (bottom-16 bottom))))]
- ($_ r.then
- (r.set! x00 (|> s00 (r.+ p00)))
- (r.set! x16 (|> (@@ x00) top-16 (r.+ s16) (r.+ p16)))
- (r.set! x32 (|> (@@ x16) top-16 (r.+ s32) (r.+ p32)))
- (r.set! x48 (|> (@@ x32) top-16 (r.+ s48) (r.+ p48)))
- (int//new (new-half (@@ x48) (@@ x32))
- (new-half (@@ x16) (@@ x00))))))))
-(runtime: (int//= reference sample)
- (let [n/a? (function (_ value)
- (r.apply (list value) (r.global "is.na")))
- isTRUE? (function (_ value)
- (r.apply (list value) (r.global "isTRUE")))
- comparison (: (-> (-> Expression Expression) Expression)
- (function (_ field)
- (|> (|> (field (@@ sample)) (r.= (field (@@ reference))))
- (r.or (|> (n/a? (field (@@ sample)))
- (r.and (n/a? (field (@@ reference)))))))))]
- (|> (comparison int64-high)
- (r.and (comparison int64-low))
- isTRUE?)))
-(runtime: (int//negate input)
- (r.if (|> (@@ input) (int//= int//min))
- int//min
- (|> (@@ input) bit//not (int//+ int//one))))
-(runtime: int//-one
- (int//negate int//one))
-(runtime: (int//- param subject)
- (int//+ (int//negate (@@ param)) (@@ subject)))
-(runtime: (int//< reference sample)
- (with-vars [r-? s-?]
- ($_ r.then
- (r.set! s-? (|> (@@ sample) int64-high (r.< (r.int 0))))
- (r.set! r-? (|> (@@ reference) int64-high (r.< (r.int 0))))
- (|> (|> (@@ s-?) (r.and (r.not (@@ r-?))))
- (r.or (|> (r.not (@@ s-?)) (r.and (@@ r-?)) r.not))
- (r.or (|> (@@ sample)
- (int//- (@@ reference))
- int64-high
- (r.< (r.int 0))))))))
-(runtime: (int//from-float input)
- (r.cond (list [(r.apply (list (@@ input)) (r.global "is.nan"))
- int//zero]
- [(|> (@@ input) (r.<= (r.negate f2^63)))
- int//min]
- [(|> (@@ input) (r.+ (r.float 1.0)) (r.>= f2^63))
- int//max]
- [(|> (@@ input) (r.< (r.float 0.0)))
- (|> (@@ input) r.negate int//from-float int//negate)])
- (int//new (|> (@@ input) (r./ f2^32))
- (|> (@@ input) (r.%% f2^32)))))
-(runtime: (int//* param subject)
- (with-vars [sH sL pH pL
- x00 x16 x32 x48]
- ($_ r.then
- (r.set! sH (|> (@@ subject) int64-high))
- (r.set! pH (|> (@@ param) int64-high))
- (let [negative-subject? (|> (@@ sH) (r.< (r.int 0)))
- negative-param? (|> (@@ pH) (r.< (r.int 0)))]
- (r.cond (list [negative-subject?
- (r.if negative-param?
- (int//* (int//negate (@@ param))
- (int//negate (@@ subject)))
- (int//negate (int//* (@@ param)
- (int//negate (@@ subject)))))]
- [negative-param?
- (int//negate (int//* (int//negate (@@ param))
- (@@ subject)))])
- ($_ r.then
- (r.set! sL (|> (@@ subject) int64-low))
- (r.set! pL (|> (@@ param) int64-low))
- (let [bits16 (r.code "0xFFFF")
- move-top-16 (r.bit-shl (r.int 16))
- top-16 (r.bit-ushr (r.int 16))
- bottom-16 (r.bit-and bits16)
- split-16 (function (_ source)
- [(|> source top-16)
- (|> source bottom-16)])
- split-int (function (_ high low)
- [(split-16 high)
- (split-16 low)])
- new-half (function (_ top bottom)
- (|> top bottom-16 move-top-16
- (r.bit-or (bottom-16 bottom))))
- x16-top (|> (@@ x16) top-16)
- x32-top (|> (@@ x32) top-16)]
- (with-vars [s48 s32 s16 s00
- p48 p32 p16 p00]
- (let [[[_s48 _s32] [_s16 _s00]] (split-int (@@ sH) (@@ sL))
- [[_p48 _p32] [_p16 _p00]] (split-int (@@ pH) (@@ pL))
- set-subject-chunks! ($_ r.then (r.set! s48 _s48) (r.set! s32 _s32) (r.set! s16 _s16) (r.set! s00 _s00))
- set-param-chunks! ($_ r.then (r.set! p48 _p48) (r.set! p32 _p32) (r.set! p16 _p16) (r.set! p00 _p00))]
- ($_ r.then
- set-subject-chunks!
- set-param-chunks!
- (r.set! x00 (|> (@@ s00) (r.* (@@ p00))))
- (r.set! x16 (|> (@@ x00) top-16 (r.+ (|> (@@ s16) (r.* (@@ p00))))))
- (r.set! x32 x16-top)
- (r.set! x16 (|> (@@ x16) bottom-16 (r.+ (|> (@@ s00) (r.* (@@ p16))))))
- (r.set! x32 (|> (@@ x32) (r.+ x16-top) (r.+ (|> (@@ s32) (r.* (@@ p00))))))
- (r.set! x48 x32-top)
- (r.set! x32 (|> (@@ x32) bottom-16 (r.+ (|> (@@ s16) (r.* (@@ p16))))))
- (r.set! x48 (|> (@@ x48) (r.+ x32-top)))
- (r.set! x32 (|> (@@ x32) bottom-16 (r.+ (|> (@@ s00) (r.* (@@ p32))))))
- (r.set! x48 (|> (@@ x48) (r.+ x32-top)
- (r.+ (|> (@@ s48) (r.* (@@ p00))))
- (r.+ (|> (@@ s32) (r.* (@@ p16))))
- (r.+ (|> (@@ s16) (r.* (@@ p32))))
- (r.+ (|> (@@ s00) (r.* (@@ p48))))))
- (int//new (new-half (@@ x48) (@@ x32))
- (new-half (@@ x16) (@@ x00))))))
- )))))))
-(def: (limit-shift! shift)
- (-> SVar Expression)
- (r.set! shift (|> (@@ shift) (r.bit-and (r.int 63)))))
-(def: (no-shift-clause shift input)
- (-> SVar SVar [Expression Expression])
- [(|> (@@ shift) (r.= (r.int 0)))
- (@@ input)])
-(runtime: (bit//left-shift shift input)
- ($_ r.then
- (limit-shift! shift)
- (r.cond (list (no-shift-clause shift input)
- [(|> (@@ shift) (r.< (r.int 32)))
- (let [mid (|> (int64-low (@@ input)) (r.bit-ushr (|> (r.int 32) (r.- (@@ shift)))))
- high (|> (int64-high (@@ input))
- (r.bit-shl (@@ shift))
- (r.bit-or mid))
- low (|> (int64-low (@@ input))
- (r.bit-shl (@@ shift)))]
- (int//new high low))])
- (let [high (|> (int64-high (@@ input))
- (r.bit-shl (|> (@@ shift) (r.- (r.int 32)))))]
- (int//new high (r.int 0))))))
-(runtime: (bit//arithmetic-right-shift-32 shift input)
- (let [top-bit (|> (@@ input) (r.bit-and (r.int (hex "80000000"))))]
- (|> (@@ input)
- (r.bit-ushr (@@ shift))
- (r.bit-or top-bit))))
-(runtime: (bit//arithmetic-right-shift shift input)
- ($_ r.then
- (limit-shift! shift)
- (r.cond (list (no-shift-clause shift input)
- [(|> (@@ shift) (r.< (r.int 32)))
- (let [mid (|> (int64-high (@@ input)) (r.bit-shl (|> (r.int 32) (r.- (@@ shift)))))
- high (|> (int64-high (@@ input))
- (bit//arithmetic-right-shift-32 (@@ shift)))
- low (|> (int64-low (@@ input))
- (r.bit-ushr (@@ shift))
- (r.bit-or mid))]
- (int//new high low))])
- (let [low (|> (int64-high (@@ input))
- (bit//arithmetic-right-shift-32 (|> (@@ shift) (r.- (r.int 32)))))
- high (r.if (|> (int64-high (@@ input)) (r.>= (r.int 0)))
- (r.int 0)
- (r.int -1))]
- (int//new high low)))))
-(runtime: (int/// param subject)
- (let [negative? (|>> (int//< int//zero))
- valid-division-check [(|> (@@ param) (int//= int//zero))
- (r.stop (r.string "Cannot divide by zero!"))]
- short-circuit-check [(|> (@@ subject) (int//= int//zero))
- int//zero]]
- (r.cond (list valid-division-check
- short-circuit-check
- [(|> (@@ subject) (int//= int//min))
- (r.cond (list [(|> (|> (@@ param) (int//= int//one))
- (r.or (|> (@@ param) (int//= int//-one))))
- int//min]
- [(|> (@@ param) (int//= int//min))
- int//one])
- (with-vars [approximation]
- ($_ r.then
- (r.set! approximation
- (|> (@@ subject)
- (bit//arithmetic-right-shift (r.int 1))
- (int/// (@@ param))
- (bit//left-shift (r.int 1))))
- (r.if (|> (@@ approximation) (int//= int//zero))
- (r.if (negative? (@@ param))
- int//one
- int//-one)
- (let [remainder (int//- (int//* (@@ param) (@@ approximation))
- (@@ subject))]
- (|> remainder
- (int/// (@@ param))
- (int//+ (@@ approximation))))))))]
- [(|> (@@ param) (int//= int//min))
- int//zero]
- [(negative? (@@ subject))
- (r.if (negative? (@@ param))
- (|> (int//negate (@@ subject))
- (int/// (int//negate (@@ param))))
- (|> (int//negate (@@ subject))
- (int/// (@@ param))
- int//negate))]
- [(negative? (@@ param))
- (|> (@@ param)
- int//negate
- (int/// (@@ subject))
- int//negate)])
- (with-vars [result remainder approximate approximate-result log2 approximate-remainder]
- ($_ r.then
- (r.set! result int//zero)
- (r.set! remainder (@@ subject))
- (r.while (|> (|> (@@ remainder) (int//< (@@ param)))
- (r.or (|> (@@ remainder) (int//= (@@ param)))))
- (let [calc-rough-estimate (r.apply (list (|> (int//to-float (@@ remainder)) (r./ (int//to-float (@@ param)))))
- (r.global "floor"))
- calc-approximate-result (int//from-float (@@ approximate))
- calc-approximate-remainder (|> (@@ approximate-result) (int//* (@@ param)))
- delta (r.if (|> (r.float 48.0) (r.<= (@@ log2)))
- (r.float 1.0)
- (r.** (|> (@@ log2) (r.- (r.float 48.0)))
- (r.float 2.0)))]
- ($_ r.then
- (r.set! approximate (r.apply (list (r.float 1.0) calc-rough-estimate)
- (r.global "max")))
- (r.set! log2 (let [log (function (_ input)
- (r.apply (list input) (r.global "log")))]
- (r.apply (list (|> (log (r.int 2))
- (r./ (log (@@ approximate)))))
- (r.global "ceil"))))
- (r.set! approximate-result calc-approximate-result)
- (r.set! approximate-remainder calc-approximate-remainder)
- (r.while (|> (negative? (@@ approximate-remainder))
- (r.or (|> (@@ approximate-remainder) (int//< (@@ remainder)))))
- ($_ r.then
- (r.set! approximate (|> delta (r.- (@@ approximate))))
- (r.set! approximate-result calc-approximate-result)
- (r.set! approximate-remainder calc-approximate-remainder)))
- (r.set! result (|> (r.if (|> (@@ approximate-result) (int//= int//zero))
- int//one
- (@@ approximate-result))
- (int//+ (@@ result))))
- (r.set! remainder (|> (@@ remainder) (int//- (@@ approximate-remainder)))))))
- (@@ result)))
- )))
-(runtime: (int//% param subject)
- (let [flat (|> (@@ subject) (int/// (@@ param)) (int//* (@@ param)))]
- (|> (@@ subject) (int//- flat))))
-(def: runtime//int
- Runtime
- ($_ r.then
- @@int//zero
- @@int//one
- @@int//min
- @@int//max
- @@int//=
- @@int//<
- @@int//+
- @@int//-
- @@int//negate
- @@int//-one
- @@int//unsigned-low
- @@int//to-float
- @@int//*
- @@int///
- @@int//%))
-(runtime: (lux//try op)
- (with-vars [error value]
- (r.try ($_ r.then
- (r.set! value (r.apply (list ..unit) (@@ op)))
- (..right (@@ value)))
- #.None
- (#.Some (r.function (list error)
- (..left (r.nth (r.string "message")
- (@@ error)))))
- #.None)))
-(runtime: (lux//program-args program-args)
- (with-vars [inputs value]
- ($_ r.then
- (r.set! inputs ..none)
- (<| (r.for-in value (@@ program-args))
- (r.set! inputs (..some (r.list (list (@@ value) (@@ inputs))))))
- (@@ inputs))))
-(def: runtime//lux
- Runtime
- ($_ r.then
- @@lux//try
- @@lux//program-args))
-(def: current-time-float
- Expression
- (let [raw-time (r.apply (list) (r.global "Sys.time"))]
- (r.apply (list raw-time) (r.global "as.numeric"))))
-(runtime: (io//current-time! _)
- (|> current-time-float
- (r.* (r.float 1,000.0))
- int//from-float))
-(def: runtime//io
- Runtime
- ($_ r.then
- @@io//current-time!))
-(def: minimum-index-length
- (-> SVar Expression)
- (|>> @@ (r.+ (r.int 1))))
-(def: (product-element product index)
- (-> Expression Expression Expression)
- (|> product (r.nth (|> index (r.+ (r.int 1))))))
-(def: (product-tail product)
- (-> SVar Expression)
- (|> (@@ product) (r.nth (r.length (@@ product)))))
-(def: (updated-index min-length product)
- (-> Expression Expression Expression)
- (|> min-length (r.- (r.length product))))
-(runtime: (product//left product index)
- (let [$index_min_length (r.var "index_min_length")]
- ($_ r.then
- (r.set! $index_min_length (minimum-index-length index))
- (r.if (|> (r.length (@@ product)) (r.> (@@ $index_min_length)))
- ## No need for recursion
- (product-element (@@ product) (@@ index))
- ## Needs recursion
- (product//left (product-tail product)
- (updated-index (@@ $index_min_length) (@@ product)))))))
-(runtime: (product//right product index)
- (let [$index_min_length (r.var "index_min_length")]
- ($_ r.then
- (r.set! $index_min_length (minimum-index-length index))
- (r.cond (list [## Last element.
- (|> (r.length (@@ product)) (r.= (@@ $index_min_length)))
- (product-element (@@ product) (@@ index))]
- [## Needs recursion
- (|> (r.length (@@ product)) (r.< (@@ $index_min_length)))
- (product//right (product-tail product)
- (updated-index (@@ $index_min_length) (@@ product)))])
- ## Must slice
- (|> (@@ product) (r.slice-from (@@ index)))))))
-(runtime: (sum//get sum wanted_tag wants_last)
- (let [no-match r.null
- sum-tag (|> (@@ sum) (r.nth (r.string //.variant-tag-field)))
- sum-flag (|> (@@ sum) (r.nth (r.string //.variant-flag-field)))
- sum-value (|> (@@ sum) (r.nth (r.string //.variant-value-field)))
- is-last? (|> sum-flag (r.= (r.string "")))
- test-recursion (r.if is-last?
- ## Must recurse.
- (sum//get sum-value
- (|> (@@ wanted_tag) (r.- sum-tag))
- (@@ wants_last))
- no-match)]
- (r.cond (list [(r.= sum-tag (@@ wanted_tag))
- (r.if (r.= (@@ wants_last) sum-flag)
- sum-value
- test-recursion)]
- [(|> (@@ wanted_tag) (r.> sum-tag))
- test-recursion]
- [(|> (|> (@@ wants_last) (r.= (r.string "")))
- (r.and (|> (@@ wanted_tag) (r.< sum-tag))))
- (variant' (|> sum-tag (r.- (@@ wanted_tag))) sum-flag sum-value)])
- no-match)))
-(def: runtime//adt
- Runtime
- ($_ r.then
- @@product//left
- @@product//right
- @@sum//get
- ))
-(template [<name> <op>]
- [(runtime: (<name> mask input)
- (int//new (<op> (int64-high (@@ mask))
- (int64-high (@@ input)))
- (<op> (int64-low (@@ mask))
- (int64-low (@@ input)))))]
- [bit//and r.bit-and]
- [bit//or r.bit-or]
- [bit//xor r.bit-xor]
- )
-(runtime: (bit//logical-right-shift shift input)
- ($_ r.then
- (limit-shift! shift)
- (r.cond (list (no-shift-clause shift input)
- [(|> (@@ shift) (r.< (r.int 32)))
- (with-vars [$mid]
- (let [mid (|> (int64-high (@@ input)) (r.bit-shl (|> (r.int 32) (r.- (@@ shift)))))
- high (|> (int64-high (@@ input)) (r.bit-ushr (@@ shift)))
- low (|> (int64-low (@@ input))
- (r.bit-ushr (@@ shift))
- (r.bit-or (r.if (r.apply (list (@@ $mid)) (r.global "is.na"))
- (r.int 0)
- (@@ $mid))))]
- ($_ r.then
- (r.set! $mid mid)
- (int//new high low))))]
- [(|> (@@ shift) (r.= (r.int 32)))
- (let [high (int64-high (@@ input))]
- (int//new (r.int 0) high))])
- (let [low (|> (int64-high (@@ input)) (r.bit-ushr (|> (@@ shift) (r.- (r.int 32)))))]
- (int//new (r.int 0) low)))))
-(def: runtime//bit
- Runtime
- ($_ r.then
- @@bit//and
- @@bit//or
- @@bit//xor
- @@bit//not
- @@bit//left-shift
- @@bit//arithmetic-right-shift-32
- @@bit//arithmetic-right-shift
- @@bit//logical-right-shift
- ))
-(runtime: (frac//decode input)
- (with-vars [output]
- ($_ r.then
- (r.set! output (r.apply (list (@@ input)) (r.global "as.numeric")))
- (r.if (|> (@@ output) (r.= r.n/a))
- ..none
- (..some (@@ output))))))
-(def: runtime//frac
- Runtime
- ($_ r.then
- @@frac//decode))
-(def: inc (-> Expression Expression) (|>> (r.+ (r.int 1))))
-(template [<name> <top-cmp>]
- [(def: (<name> top value)
- (-> Expression Expression Expression)
- (|> (|> value (r.>= (r.int 0)))
- (r.and (|> value (<top-cmp> top)))))]
- [within? r.<]
- [up-to? r.<=]
- )
-(def: (text-clip start end text)
- (-> Expression Expression Expression Expression)
- (r.apply (list text start end)
- (r.global "substr")))
-(def: (text-length text)
- (-> Expression Expression)
- (r.apply (list text) (r.global "nchar")))
-(runtime: (text//index subject param start)
- (with-vars [idx startF subjectL]
- ($_ r.then
- (r.set! startF (int//to-float (@@ start)))
- (r.set! subjectL (text-length (@@ subject)))
- (r.if (|> (@@ startF) (within? (@@ subjectL)))
- ($_ r.then
- (r.set! idx (|> (r.apply-kw (list (@@ param) (r.if (|> (@@ startF) (r.= (r.int 0)))
- (@@ subject)
- (text-clip (inc (@@ startF))
- (inc (@@ subjectL))
- (@@ subject))))
- (list ["fixed" (r.bool #1)])
- (r.global "regexpr"))
- (r.nth (r.int 1))))
- (r.if (|> (@@ idx) (r.= (r.int -1)))
- ..none
- (..some (int//from-float (|> (@@ idx) (r.+ (@@ startF)))))))
- ..none))))
-(runtime: (text//clip text from to)
- (with-vars [length]
- ($_ r.then
- (r.set! length (r.length (@@ text)))
- (r.if ($_ r.and
- (|> (@@ to) (within? (@@ length)))
- (|> (@@ from) (up-to? (@@ to))))
- (..some (text-clip (inc (@@ from)) (inc (@@ to)) (@@ text)))
- ..none))))
-(def: (char-at idx text)
- (-> Expression Expression Expression)
- (r.apply (list (text-clip idx idx text))
- (r.global "utf8ToInt")))
-(runtime: (text//char text idx)
- (r.if (|> (@@ idx) (within? (r.length (@@ text))))
- ($_ r.then
- (r.set! idx (inc (@@ idx)))
- (..some (int//from-float (char-at (@@ idx) (@@ text)))))
- ..none))
-(def: runtime//text
- Runtime
- ($_ r.then
- @@text//index
- @@text//clip
- @@text//char))
-(def: (check-index-out-of-bounds array idx body)
- (-> Expression Expression Expression Expression)
- (r.if (|> idx (r.<= (r.length array)))
- body
- (r.stop (r.string "Array index out of bounds!"))))
-(runtime: (array//new size)
- (with-vars [output]
- ($_ r.then
- (r.set! output (r.list (list)))
- (r.set-nth! (|> (@@ size) (r.+ (r.int 1)))
- r.null
- output)
- (@@ output))))
-(runtime: (array//get array idx)
- (with-vars [temp]
- (<| (check-index-out-of-bounds (@@ array) (@@ idx))
- ($_ r.then
- (r.set! temp (|> (@@ array) (r.nth (@@ idx))))
- (r.if (|> (@@ temp) (r.= r.null))
- ..none
- (..some (@@ temp)))))))
-(runtime: (array//put array idx value)
- (<| (check-index-out-of-bounds (@@ array) (@@ idx))
- ($_ r.then
- (r.set-nth! (@@ idx) (@@ value) array)
- (@@ array))))
-(def: runtime//array
- Runtime
- ($_ r.then
- @@array//new
- @@array//get
- @@array//put))
-(runtime: (box//write value box)
- ($_ r.then
- (r.set-nth! (r.int 1) (@@ value) box)
- ..unit))
-(def: runtime//box
- Runtime
- ($_ r.then
- @@box//write))
-(def: runtime
- Runtime
- ($_ r.then
- runtime//lux
- @@f2^32
- @@f2^63
- @@int//new
- @@int//from-float
- runtime//bit
- runtime//int
- runtime//adt
- runtime//frac
- runtime//text
- runtime//array
- runtime//box
- runtime//io
- ))
-(def: #export artifact Text (format prefix ".r"))
-(def: #export translate
- (Meta (Process Any))
- (do macro.Monad<Meta>
- [_ //.init-module-buffer
- _ (//.save runtime)]
- (//.save-module! artifact)))
diff --git a/lux-r/source/luxc/lang/translation/r/statement.jvm.lux b/lux-r/source/luxc/lang/translation/r/statement.jvm.lux
deleted file mode 100644
index 1798cb56d..000000000
--- a/lux-r/source/luxc/lang/translation/r/statement.jvm.lux
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
- lux
- (lux (control [monad #+ do])
- [macro]
- (data text/format))
- (luxc (lang [".L" module]
- (host [r #+ Expression @@])))
- [//]
- (// [".T" runtime]
- [".T" reference]
- [".T" eval]))
-(def: #export (translate-def name expressionT expressionO metaV)
- (-> Text Type Expression Code (Meta Any))
- (do {@ macro.Monad<Meta>}
- [current-module macro.current-module-name
- #let [def-name [current-module name]]]
- (case (macro.get-identifier-ann (name-of #.alias) metaV)
- (#.Some real-def)
- (do @
- [[realT realA realV] (macro.find-def real-def)
- _ (moduleL.define def-name [realT metaV realV])]
- (wrap []))
- _
- (do @
- [#let [def-name (referenceT.global def-name)]
- _ (//.save (r.set! def-name expressionO))
- expressionV (evalT.eval (@@ def-name))
- _ (moduleL.define def-name [expressionT metaV expressionV])
- _ (if (macro.type? metaV)
- (case (macro.declared-tags metaV)
- #.Nil
- (wrap [])
- tags
- (moduleL.declare-tags tags (macro.export? metaV) (:coerce Type expressionV)))
- (wrap []))
- #let [_ (log! (format "DEF " (%name def-name)))]]
- (wrap []))
- )))
-(def: #export (translate-program programO)
- (-> Expression (Meta Expression))
- (macro.fail "translate-program NOT IMPLEMENTED YET"))
diff --git a/lux-r/source/luxc/lang/translation/r/structure.jvm.lux b/lux-r/source/luxc/lang/translation/r/structure.jvm.lux
deleted file mode 100644
index cea8fcd59..000000000
--- a/lux-r/source/luxc/lang/translation/r/structure.jvm.lux
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
- lux
- (lux (control [monad #+ do])
- (data [text]
- text/format)
- [macro])
- (luxc ["&" lang]
- (lang [synthesis #+ Synthesis]
- (host [r #+ Expression])))
- [//]
- (// [".T" runtime]))
-(def: #export (translate-tuple translate elemsS+)
- (-> (-> Synthesis (Meta Expression)) (List Synthesis) (Meta Expression))
- (case elemsS+
- #.Nil
- (:: macro.Monad<Meta> wrap runtimeT.unit)
- (#.Cons singletonS #.Nil)
- (translate singletonS)
- _
- (do {@ macro.Monad<Meta>}
- [elemsT+ (monad.map @ translate elemsS+)]
- (wrap (r.list elemsT+)))))
-(def: #export (translate-variant translate tag tail? valueS)
- (-> (-> Synthesis (Meta Expression)) Nat Bit Synthesis (Meta Expression))
- (do macro.Monad<Meta>
- [valueT (translate valueS)]
- (wrap (runtimeT.variant tag tail? valueT))))
diff --git a/lux-r/source/program.lux b/lux-r/source/program.lux
index e2cf047e9..183797d4f 100644
--- a/lux-r/source/program.lux
+++ b/lux-r/source/program.lux
@@ -1,180 +1,367 @@
- [lux (#- Definition)
- ["@" target]
- ["." host (#+ import:)]
+ [lux #*
+ [program (#+ program:)]
+ ["." ffi]
+ ["." debug]
- [monad (#+ do)]]
+ ["." monad (#+ do)]]
- ["." io (#+ IO)]
+ [pipe (#+ exec> case> new>)]
["." try (#+ Try)]
- [parser
- [cli (#+ program:)]]
+ ["." exception (#+ exception:)]
+ ["." io (#+ IO io)]
["." promise (#+ Promise)]]]
- ["." product]
- [text
- ["%" format (#+ format)]]
+ ["." maybe]
+ ["." text ("#\." hash)
+ ["%" format (#+ format)]
+ [encoding
+ ["." utf8]]]
- [array (#+ Array)]
- ["." dictionary]]]
- [world
- ["." file]]
- [target
- [jvm
- [bytecode (#+ Bytecode)]]]
+ ["." array (#+ Array)]]]
+ [macro
+ ["." template]]
+ [math
+ [number (#+ hex)
+ ["n" nat]
+ ["." i64]]]
+ ["." world #_
+ ["." file]
+ ["#/." program]]
+ ["@" target
+ ["_" r]]
- [default
- ["." platform (#+ Platform)]]
+ [phase (#+ Operation Phase)]
+ [reference
+ [variable (#+ Register)]]
+ [program (#+ Program)]
+ [generation (#+ Context Host)]
+ ["." synthesis]
- ["." macro (#+ Expander)]]
+ [macro (#+ Expander)]]
- [extension (#+ Phase Bundle Operation Handler Extender)
+ ["." extension (#+ Extender Handler)
+ ["#/." bundle]
["." analysis #_
- ["#" jvm]]
+ ["#" r]]
["." generation #_
- ["#" jvm]]
- ## ["." directive #_
- ## ["#" jvm]]
- ]
+ ["#" r]]]
- ["." jvm #_
- ## ["." runtime (#+ Anchor Definition)]
- ["." packager]
- ## ["#/." host]
- ]]]]]]]]
+ ["." reference]
+ ["." r
+ ["." runtime]]]]]]
+ [default
+ ["." platform (#+ Platform)]]
+ [meta
+ ["." packager #_
+ ["#" script]]]]]]
["/" compositor
- ["/." cli]
- ["/." static]]]
- [luxc
- [lang
- [host
- ["_" jvm]]
- ["." directive #_
- ["#" jvm]]
- [translation
- ["." jvm
- ["." runtime]
- ["." expression]
- ["#/." program]
- ["translation" extension]]]]])
-(import: #long java/lang/reflect/Method
- (invoke [java/lang/Object [java/lang/Object]] #try java/lang/Object))
-(import: #long (java/lang/Class c)
- (getMethod [java/lang/String [(java/lang/Class java/lang/Object)]] #try java/lang/reflect/Method))
-(import: #long java/lang/Object
- (getClass [] (java/lang/Class java/lang/Object)))
-(def: _object-class
- (java/lang/Class java/lang/Object)
- (host.class-for java/lang/Object))
-(def: _apply2-args
- (Array (java/lang/Class java/lang/Object))
- (|> (host.array (java/lang/Class java/lang/Object) 2)
- (host.array-write 0 _object-class)
- (host.array-write 1 _object-class)))
-(def: _apply4-args
- (Array (java/lang/Class java/lang/Object))
- (|> (host.array (java/lang/Class java/lang/Object) 4)
- (host.array-write 0 _object-class)
- (host.array-write 1 _object-class)
- (host.array-write 2 _object-class)
- (host.array-write 3 _object-class)))
-(def: #export (expander macro inputs lux)
+ ["#." cli]
+ ["#." static]]])
+(ffi.import: java/lang/String)
+(ffi.import: (java/lang/Class a)
+ ["#::."
+ (#static forName [java/lang/String] #try (java/lang/Class java/lang/Object))])
+(ffi.import: java/lang/Object
+ ["#::."
+ (toString [] java/lang/String)
+ (getClass [] (java/lang/Class java/lang/Object))])
+(ffi.import: java/lang/Long
+ ["#::."
+ (intValue [] java/lang/Integer)])
+(ffi.import: java/lang/Integer
+ ["#::."
+ (longValue [] long)])
+(ffi.import: java/lang/Number
+ ["#::."
+ (intValue [] java/lang/Integer)
+ (longValue [] long)
+ (doubleValue [] double)])
+(ffi.import: javax/script/ScriptEngine
+ ["#::."
+ (eval [java/lang/String] #try java/lang/Object)])
+(ffi.import: org/renjin/script/RenjinScriptEngine)
+(ffi.import: org/renjin/script/RenjinScriptEngineFactory
+ ["#::."
+ (new [])
+ (getScriptEngine [] org/renjin/script/RenjinScriptEngine)])
+(template [<name>]
+ [(exception: (<name> {object java/lang/Object})
+ (exception.report
+ ["Class" (java/lang/Object::toString (java/lang/Object::getClass object))]
+ ["Object" (java/lang/Object::toString object)]))]
+ [unknown_kind_of_object]
+ [cannot_apply_a_non_function]
+ )
+## (def: host_bit
+## (-> Bit org/armedbear/lisp/LispObject)
+## (|>> (case> #0 (org/armedbear/lisp/Nil::NIL)
+## #1 (org/armedbear/lisp/Symbol::T))))
+## (def: (host_value value)
+## (-> Any org/armedbear/lisp/LispObject)
+## (let [to_sub (: (-> Any org/armedbear/lisp/LispObject)
+## (function (_ sub_value)
+## (let [sub_value (:coerce java/lang/Object sub_value)]
+## (`` (<| (~~ (template [<type> <then>]
+## [(case (ffi.check <type> sub_value)
+## (#.Some sub_value)
+## (`` (|> sub_value (~~ (template.splice <then>))))
+## #.None)]
+## [[java/lang/Object] [host_value]]
+## [java/lang/Boolean [..host_bit]]
+## [java/lang/Integer [java/lang/Integer::longValue org/armedbear/lisp/Fixnum::getInstance]]
+## [java/lang/Long [org/armedbear/lisp/Bignum::getInstance]]
+## [java/lang/Double [org/armedbear/lisp/DoubleFloat::new]]
+## [java/lang/String [org/armedbear/lisp/SimpleString::new]]
+## ))
+## ## else
+## (:coerce org/armedbear/lisp/LispObject sub_value))))))]
+## (`` (ffi.object [] org/armedbear/lisp/LispObject [program/LuxADT]
+## []
+## ## Methods
+## (program/LuxADT
+## [] (getValue self) java/lang/Object
+## (:coerce java/lang/Object value))
+## (org/armedbear/lisp/LispObject
+## [] (length self)
+## int
+## (|> value
+## (:coerce (Array java/lang/Object))
+## array.size
+## (:coerce java/lang/Long)
+## java/lang/Number::intValue))
+## (~~ (template [<name>]
+## [(org/armedbear/lisp/LispObject
+## [] (<name> self {idx int})
+## org/armedbear/lisp/LispObject
+## (case (array.read (|> idx java/lang/Integer::longValue (:coerce Nat))
+## (:coerce (Array java/lang/Object) value))
+## (#.Some sub)
+## (to_sub sub)
+## #.None
+## (org/armedbear/lisp/Nil::NIL)))]
+## [NTH] [SVREF] [elt]
+## ))
+## ))))
+(type: (Reader a)
+ (-> a (Try Any)))
+## (def: (read_variant read host_object)
+## (-> (Reader org/armedbear/lisp/LispObject) (Reader org/armedbear/lisp/Cons))
+## (do try.monad
+## [tag (read (org/armedbear/lisp/LispObject::NTH +0 host_object))
+## value (read (org/armedbear/lisp/LispObject::NTH +2 host_object))]
+## (wrap [(java/lang/Long::intValue (:coerce java/lang/Long tag))
+## (case (ffi.check org/armedbear/lisp/Nil (org/armedbear/lisp/LispObject::NTH +1 host_object))
+## (#.Some _)
+## (: Any (ffi.null))
+## _
+## (: Any synthesis.unit))
+## value])))
+## (def: (read_tuple read host_object)
+## (-> (Reader org/armedbear/lisp/LispObject) (Reader org/armedbear/lisp/SimpleVector))
+## (let [size (.nat (org/armedbear/lisp/LispObject::length host_object))]
+## (loop [idx 0
+## output (:coerce (Array Any) (array.new size))]
+## (if (n.< size idx)
+## ## TODO: Start using "SVREF" instead of "elt" ASAP
+## (case (read (org/armedbear/lisp/LispObject::elt (.int idx) host_object))
+## (#try.Failure error)
+## (#try.Failure error)
+## (#try.Success member)
+## (recur (inc idx) (array.write! idx (:coerce Any member) output)))
+## (#try.Success output)))))
+(def: (read host_object)
+ (Reader java/lang/Object)
+ (`` (<| ## (~~ (template [<class> <post_processing>]
+ ## [(case (ffi.check <class> host_object)
+ ## (#.Some host_object)
+ ## (`` (|> host_object (~~ (template.splice <post_processing>))))
+ ## #.None)]
+ ## [org/armedbear/lisp/Bignum [org/armedbear/lisp/Bignum::longValue #try.Success]]
+ ## [org/armedbear/lisp/Fixnum [org/armedbear/lisp/Fixnum::longValue #try.Success]]
+ ## [org/armedbear/lisp/DoubleFloat [org/armedbear/lisp/DoubleFloat::doubleValue #try.Success]]
+ ## [org/armedbear/lisp/SimpleString [org/armedbear/lisp/SimpleString::getStringValue #try.Success]]
+ ## [org/armedbear/lisp/Cons [(read_variant read)]]
+ ## [org/armedbear/lisp/SimpleVector [(read_tuple read)]]
+ ## [org/armedbear/lisp/Nil [(new> (#try.Success false) [])]]
+ ## [org/armedbear/lisp/Closure [#try.Success]]
+ ## [program/LuxADT [program/LuxADT::getValue #try.Success]]))
+ ## (case (ffi.check org/armedbear/lisp/Symbol host_object)
+ ## (#.Some host_object)
+ ## (if (is? (org/armedbear/lisp/Symbol::T) host_object)
+ ## (#try.Success true)
+ ## (exception.throw ..unknown_kind_of_object [host_object]))
+ ## #.None)
+ ## else
+ (exception.throw ..unknown_kind_of_object [host_object])
+ )))
+## (def: ensure_macro
+## (-> Macro (Maybe org/armedbear/lisp/Closure))
+## (|>> (:coerce java/lang/Object) (ffi.check org/armedbear/lisp/Closure)))
+## (def: (call_macro inputs lux macro)
+## (-> (List Code) Lux org/armedbear/lisp/Closure (Try (Try [Lux (List Code)])))
+## (do try.monad
+## [raw_output (org/armedbear/lisp/LispObject::execute (..host_value inputs) (..host_value lux) macro)]
+## (:coerce (Try (Try [Lux (List Code)]))
+## (..read raw_output))))
+(def: (expander macro inputs lux)
- (do try.monad
- [apply-method (|> macro
- (:coerce java/lang/Object)
- (java/lang/Object::getClass)
- (java/lang/Class::getMethod "apply" _apply2-args))]
- (:coerce (Try (Try [Lux (List Code)]))
- (java/lang/reflect/Method::invoke
- (:coerce java/lang/Object macro)
- (|> (host.array java/lang/Object 2)
- (host.array-write 0 (:coerce java/lang/Object inputs))
- (host.array-write 1 (:coerce java/lang/Object lux)))
- apply-method))))
-(def: #export platform
- ## (IO (Platform Anchor (Bytecode Any) Definition))
- (IO (Platform _.Anchor _.Inst _.Definition))
+ ## (case (ensure_macro macro)
+ ## (#.Some macro)
+ ## (call_macro inputs lux macro)
+ ## #.None
+ ## (exception.throw ..cannot_apply_a_non_function (:coerce java/lang/Object macro)))
+ (exception.throw ..cannot_apply_a_non_function (:coerce java/lang/Object macro)))
+(def: host
+ (IO (Host _.Expression _.Expression))
+ (io (let [interpreter (|> (org/renjin/script/RenjinScriptEngineFactory::new)
+ org/renjin/script/RenjinScriptEngineFactory::getScriptEngine)
+ run! (: (-> (_.Code Any) (Try Any))
+ (function (_ code)
+ (do try.monad
+ [host_value (javax/script/ScriptEngine::eval (_.code code) interpreter)]
+ (read host_value))))]
+ (: (Host _.Expression _.Expression)
+ (structure
+ (def: (evaluate! context code)
+ (run! code))
+ (def: (execute! input)
+ (javax/script/ScriptEngine::eval (_.code input) interpreter))
+ (def: (define! context input)
+ (let [global (reference.artifact context)
+ $global (_.var global)]
+ (do try.monad
+ [#let [definition (_.set! $global input)]
+ _ (javax/script/ScriptEngine::eval (_.code definition) interpreter)
+ value (run! $global)]
+ (wrap [global value definition]))))
+ (def: (ingest context content)
+ (|> content (\ utf8.codec decode) try.assume (:coerce _.Expression)))
+ (def: (re_learn context content)
+ (run! content))
+ (def: (re_load context content)
+ (do try.monad
+ [_ (run! content)]
+ (run! (_.var (reference.artifact context)))))
+ )))))
+(def: platform
+ (IO (Platform _.SVar _.Expression _.Expression))
(do io.monad
- [## host jvm/host.host
- host jvm.host]
- (wrap {#platform.&file-system (file.async file.system)
+ [host ..host]
+ (wrap {#platform.&file_system (file.async file.default)
#platform.host host
- ## #platform.phase jvm.generate
- #platform.phase expression.translate
- ## #platform.runtime runtime.generate
- #platform.runtime runtime.translate
- #platform.write product.right})))
-(def: extender
- Extender
- ## TODO: Stop relying on coercions ASAP.
- (<| (:coerce Extender)
- (function (@self handler))
- (:coerce Handler)
- (function (@self name phase))
- (:coerce Phase)
- (function (@self parameters))
- (:coerce Operation)
- (function (@self state))
- (:coerce Try)
- try.assume
- (:coerce Try)
- (do try.monad
- [method (|> handler
- (:coerce java/lang/Object)
- (java/lang/Object::getClass)
- (java/lang/Class::getMethod "apply" _apply4-args))]
- (java/lang/reflect/Method::invoke
- (:coerce java/lang/Object handler)
- (|> (host.array java/lang/Object 4)
- (host.array-write 0 (:coerce java/lang/Object name))
- (host.array-write 1 (:coerce java/lang/Object phase))
- (host.array-write 2 (:coerce java/lang/Object parameters))
- (host.array-write 3 (:coerce java/lang/Object state)))
- method))))
-(def: (target service)
- (-> /cli.Service /cli.Target)
- (case service
- (^or (#/cli.Compilation [sources libraries target module])
- (#/cli.Interpretation [sources libraries target module])
- (#/cli.Export [sources target]))
- target))
-(def: (declare-success! _)
+ #platform.phase r.generate
+ #platform.runtime runtime.generate
+ #platform.write (|>> _.code (\ utf8.codec encode))})))
+(def: (program context program)
+ (Program _.Expression _.Expression)
+ (_.apply/2 program [(runtime.lux::program_args (_.commandArgs/0 [])) _.null]))
+(for {@.old
+ (def: extender
+ Extender
+ ## TODO: Stop relying on coercions ASAP.
+ (<| (:coerce Extender)
+ (function (@self handler))
+ (:coerce Handler)
+ (function (@self name phase))
+ (:coerce Phase)
+ (function (@self archive parameters))
+ (:coerce Operation)
+ (function (@self state))
+ (:coerce Try)
+ try.assume
+ (:coerce Try)
+ (exec
+ ("lux io log" "TODO: Extender")
+ (#try.Failure "TODO: Extender"))))
+ @.r
+ (def: (extender handler)
+ Extender
+ (:assume handler))})
+(def: (declare_success! _)
(-> Any (Promise Any))
- (promise.future (io.exit +0)))
-(program: [{service /cli.service}]
- (let [jar-path (format (..target service) (:: file.system separator) "program.jar")]
- (exec (do promise.monad
- [_ (/.compiler {#/static.host @.jvm
- #/static.host-module-extension ".jvm"
- #/static.target (..target service)
- #/static.artifact-extension ".class"}
- ..expander
- analysis.bundle
- ..platform
- ## generation.bundle
- translation.bundle
- (directive.bundle ..extender)
- jvm/program.program
- ..extender
- service
- [(packager.package jvm/program.class) jar-path])]
- (..declare-success! []))
- (io.io []))))
+ (promise.future (\ world/program.default exit +0)))
+(def: (scope body)
+ (-> _.Expression _.Expression)
+ (let [$program (_.var "lux_program")]
+ ($_ _.then
+ (_.set! $program (_.function (list) body))
+ (_.apply/0 $program [])
+ )))
+(`` (program: [{service /cli.service}]
+ (let [extension ".r"]
+ (do io.monad
+ [platform ..platform]
+ (exec (do promise.monad
+ [_ (/.compiler {#/static.host @.r
+ #/static.host_module_extension extension
+ #/static.target (/cli.target service)
+ #/static.artifact_extension extension}
+ ..expander
+ analysis.bundle
+ (io.io platform)
+ generation.bundle
+ extension/bundle.empty
+ ..program
+ [_.SVar _.Expression _.Expression]
+ ..extender
+ service
+ [(packager.package (_.manual "")
+ _.code
+ _.then
+ ..scope)
+ (format (/cli.target service)
+ (\ file.default separator)
+ "program"
+ extension)])]
+ (..declare_success! []))
+ (io.io []))))))
diff --git a/stdlib/source/lux/target/r.lux b/stdlib/source/lux/target/r.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c60456ad2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/lux/target/r.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
+ [lux (#- Code or and list if function cond not int)
+ [control
+ [pipe (#+ case> cond> new>)]
+ ["." function]
+ [parser
+ ["<.>" code]]]
+ [data
+ ["." maybe ("#\." functor)]
+ ["." text
+ ["%" format (#+ format)]]
+ [collection
+ ["." list ("#\." functor fold)]]]
+ [macro
+ [syntax (#+ syntax:)]
+ ["." template]
+ ["." code]]
+ [math
+ [number
+ ["f" frac]]]
+ [type
+ abstract]])
+(abstract: #export (Code kind)
+ Text
+ {}
+ (template [<type> <super>+]
+ [(with_expansions [<kind> (template.identifier [<type> "'"])]
+ (abstract: #export (<kind> kind) Any)
+ (`` (type: #export <type> (|> Any <kind> (~~ (template.splice <super>+))))))]
+ [Expression [Code]]
+ )
+ (template [<type> <super>+]
+ [(with_expansions [<kind> (template.identifier [<type> "'"])]
+ (abstract: #export (<kind> kind) Any)
+ (`` (type: #export (<type> <brand>) (|> <brand> <kind> (~~ (template.splice <super>+))))))]
+ [Var [Expression' Code]]
+ )
+ (template [<var> <kind>]
+ [(abstract: #export <kind> Any)
+ (type: #export <var> (Var <kind>))]
+ [SVar Single]
+ [PVar Poly]
+ )
+ (def: #export var
+ (-> Text SVar)
+ (|>> :abstraction))
+ (def: #export var_args
+ PVar
+ (:abstraction "..."))
+ (def: #export manual
+ (-> Text Code)
+ (|>> :abstraction))
+ (def: #export code
+ (-> (Code Any) Text)
+ (|>> :representation))
+ (def: (self_contained code)
+ (-> Text Expression)
+ (:abstraction
+ (format "(" code ")")))
+ (def: nest
+ (-> Text Text)
+ (let [nested_new_line (format text.new_line text.tab)]
+ (|>> (format text.new_line)
+ (text.replace_all text.new_line nested_new_line))))
+ (def: (_block expression)
+ (-> Text Text)
+ (format "{" (nest expression) text.new_line "}"))
+ (def: #export (block expression)
+ (-> Expression Expression)
+ (:abstraction
+ (format "{" (:representation expression) "}")))
+ (template [<name> <r>]
+ [(def: #export <name>
+ Expression
+ (..self_contained <r>))]
+ [null "NULL"]
+ [n/a "NA"]
+ )
+ (template [<name>]
+ [(def: #export <name> Expression n/a)]
+ [not_available]
+ [not_applicable]
+ [no_answer]
+ )
+ (def: #export bool
+ (-> Bit Expression)
+ (|>> (case> #0 "FALSE"
+ #1 "TRUE")
+ ..self_contained))
+ (def: #export (int value)
+ (-> Int Expression)
+ (..self_contained (format "as.integer(" (%.int value) ")")))
+ (def: #export float
+ (-> Frac Expression)
+ (|>> (cond> [(f.= f.positive_infinity)]
+ [(new> "1.0/0.0" [])]
+ [(f.= f.negative_infinity)]
+ [(new> "-1.0/0.0" [])]
+ [(f.= f.not_a_number)]
+ [(new> "0.0/0.0" [])]
+ ## else
+ [%.frac])
+ ..self_contained))
+ (def: sanitize
+ (-> Text Text)
+ (`` (|>> (~~ (template [<find> <replace>]
+ [(text.replace_all <find> <replace>)]
+ ["\" "\\"]
+ ["|" "\|"]
+ [text.alarm "\a"]
+ [text.back_space "\b"]
+ [text.tab "\t"]
+ [text.new_line "\n"]
+ [text.carriage_return "\r"]
+ [text.double_quote (format "\" text.double_quote)]
+ ))
+ )))
+ (def: #export string
+ (-> Text Expression)
+ (|>> %.text ..sanitize ..self_contained))
+ (def: (composite_literal left_delimiter right_delimiter entry_serializer)
+ (All [a] (-> Text Text (-> a Text)
+ (-> (List a) Expression)))
+ (.function (_ entries)
+ (..self_contained
+ (format left_delimiter
+ (|> entries (list\map entry_serializer) (text.join_with ","))
+ right_delimiter))))
+ (def: #export named_list
+ (-> (List [Text Expression]) Expression)
+ (composite_literal "list(" ")" (.function (_ [key value])
+ (format key "=" (:representation value)))))
+ (template [<name> <function>]
+ [(def: #export <name>
+ (-> (List Expression) Expression)
+ (composite_literal (format <function> "(") ")" ..code))]
+ [vector "c"]
+ [list "list"]
+ )
+ (def: #export (slice from to list)
+ (-> Expression Expression Expression Expression)
+ (..self_contained
+ (format (:representation list)
+ "[" (:representation from) ":" (:representation to) "]")))
+ (def: #export (slice_from from list)
+ (-> Expression Expression Expression)
+ (..self_contained
+ (format (:representation list)
+ "[-1" ":-" (:representation from) "]")))
+ (def: #export (apply args func)
+ (-> (List Expression) Expression Expression)
+ (..self_contained
+ (format (:representation func) "(" (text.join_with "," (list\map ..code args)) ")")))
+ (def: #export (apply_kw args kw_args func)
+ (-> (List Expression) (List [Text Expression]) Expression Expression)
+ (..self_contained
+ (format (:representation func)
+ (format "("
+ (text.join_with "," (list\map ..code args)) ","
+ (text.join_with "," (list\map (.function (_ [key val])
+ (format key "=" (:representation val)))
+ kw_args))
+ ")"))))
+ (syntax: (arity_inputs {arity <code>.nat})
+ (wrap (case arity
+ 0 (.list)
+ _ (|> arity
+ list.indices
+ (list\map (|>> %.nat code.local_identifier))))))
+ (syntax: (arity_types {arity <code>.nat})
+ (wrap (list.repeat arity (` ..Expression))))
+ (template [<arity> <function>+]
+ [(with_expansions [<apply> (template.identifier ["apply/" <arity>])
+ <inputs> (arity_inputs <arity>)
+ <types> (arity_types <arity>)
+ <definitions> (template.splice <function>+)]
+ (def: #export (<apply> function [<inputs>])
+ (-> Expression [<types>] Expression)
+ (..apply (.list <inputs>) function))
+ (template [<function>]
+ [(`` (def: #export (~~ (template.identifier [<function> "/" <arity>]))
+ (-> [<types>] Expression)
+ (<apply> (..var <function>))))]
+ <definitions>))]
+ [0
+ [["commandArgs"]]]
+ [1
+ []]
+ [2
+ []]
+ )
+ (def: #export (nth idx list)
+ (-> Expression Expression Expression)
+ (..self_contained
+ (format (:representation list) "[[" (:representation idx) "]]")))
+ (def: #export (if test then else)
+ (-> Expression Expression Expression Expression)
+ (..self_contained
+ (format "if(" (:representation test) ")"
+ " " (.._block (:representation then))
+ " else " (.._block (:representation else)))))
+ (def: #export (when test then)
+ (-> Expression Expression Expression)
+ (..self_contained
+ (format "if(" (:representation test) ") {"
+ (.._block (:representation then))
+ text.new_line "}")))
+ (def: #export (cond clauses else)
+ (-> (List [Expression Expression]) Expression Expression)
+ (list\fold (.function (_ [test then] next)
+ (if test then next))
+ else
+ (list.reverse clauses)))
+ (template [<name> <op>]
+ [(def: #export (<name> param subject)
+ (-> Expression Expression Expression)
+ (..self_contained
+ (format (:representation subject)
+ " " <op> " "
+ (:representation param))))]
+ [= "=="]
+ [< "<"]
+ [<= "<="]
+ [> ">"]
+ [>= ">="]
+ [+ "+"]
+ [- "-"]
+ [* "*"]
+ [/ "/"]
+ [%% "%%"]
+ [** "**"]
+ [or "||"]
+ [and "&&"]
+ )
+ (template [<name> <func>]
+ [(def: #export (<name> param subject)
+ (-> Expression Expression Expression)
+ (..apply (.list subject param) (..var <func>)))]
+ [bit_or "bitwOr"]
+ [bit_and "bitwAnd"]
+ [bit_xor "bitwXor"]
+ [bit_shl "bitwShiftL"]
+ [bit_ushr "bitwShiftR"]
+ )
+ (def: #export (bit_not subject)
+ (-> Expression Expression)
+ (..apply (.list subject) (..var "bitwNot")))
+ (template [<name> <op>]
+ [(def: #export <name>
+ (-> Expression Expression)
+ (|>> :representation (format <op>) ..self_contained))]
+ [not "!"]
+ [negate "-"]
+ )
+ (def: #export (length list)
+ (-> Expression Expression)
+ (..apply (.list list) (..var "length")))
+ (def: #export (range from to)
+ (-> Expression Expression Expression)
+ (..self_contained
+ (format (:representation from) ":" (:representation to))))
+ (def: #export (function inputs body)
+ (-> (List (Ex [k] (Var k))) Expression Expression)
+ (let [args (|> inputs (list\map ..code) (text.join_with ", "))]
+ (..self_contained
+ (format "function(" args ") "
+ (.._block (:representation body))))))
+ (def: #export (try body warning error finally)
+ (-> Expression (Maybe Expression) (Maybe Expression) (Maybe Expression) Expression)
+ (let [optional (: (-> Text (Maybe Expression) (-> Text Text) Text)
+ (.function (_ parameter value preparation)
+ (|> value
+ (maybe\map (|>> :representation preparation (format ", " parameter " = ")))
+ (maybe.default ""))))]
+ (..self_contained
+ (format "tryCatch("
+ (.._block (:representation body))
+ (optional "warning" warning function.identity)
+ (optional "error" error function.identity)
+ (optional "finally" finally .._block)
+ ")"))))
+ (def: #export (while test body)
+ (-> Expression Expression Expression)
+ (..self_contained
+ (format "while (" (:representation test) ") "
+ (.._block (:representation body)))))
+ (def: #export (for_in var inputs body)
+ (-> SVar Expression Expression Expression)
+ (..self_contained
+ (format "for (" (:representation var) " in " (:representation inputs) ")"
+ (.._block (:representation body)))))
+ (template [<name> <keyword>]
+ [(def: #export (<name> message)
+ (-> Expression Expression)
+ (..apply (.list message) (..var <keyword>)))]
+ [stop "stop"]
+ [print "print"]
+ )
+ (def: #export (set! var value)
+ (-> SVar Expression Expression)
+ (..self_contained
+ (format (:representation var) " <- " (:representation value))))
+ (def: #export (set_nth! idx value list)
+ (-> Expression Expression SVar Expression)
+ (..self_contained
+ (format (:representation list) "[[" (:representation idx) "]] <- " (:representation value))))
+ (def: #export (then pre post)
+ (-> Expression Expression Expression)
+ (:abstraction
+ (format (:representation pre)
+ text.new_line
+ (:representation post))))
+ )
diff --git a/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension/analysis/r.lux b/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension/analysis/r.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..12f578ed2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension/analysis/r.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ [lux #*
+ ["." ffi]
+ [abstract
+ ["." monad (#+ do)]]
+ [control
+ ["<>" parser
+ ["<c>" code (#+ Parser)]]]
+ [data
+ [collection
+ ["." array (#+ Array)]
+ ["." dictionary]
+ ["." list]]]
+ ["." type
+ ["." check]]
+ ["@" target
+ ["_" r]]]
+ [//
+ ["/" lux (#+ custom)]
+ [//
+ ["." bundle]
+ [//
+ ["." analysis #_
+ ["#/." type]]
+ [//
+ ["." analysis (#+ Analysis Operation Phase Handler Bundle)]
+ [///
+ ["." phase]]]]]])
+(def: #export bundle
+ Bundle
+ (<| (bundle.prefix "r")
+ (|> bundle.empty
+ )))
diff --git a/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension/generation/r.lux b/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension/generation/r.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cd0f6b7cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension/generation/r.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ [lux #*
+ [data
+ [collection
+ ["." dictionary]]]]
+ ["." / #_
+ ["#." common]
+ ["#." host]
+ [////
+ [generation
+ [r
+ [runtime (#+ Bundle)]]]]])
+(def: #export bundle
+ Bundle
+ (dictionary.merge /common.bundle
+ /host.bundle))
diff --git a/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension/generation/r/common.lux b/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension/generation/r/common.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cb82c6cb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension/generation/r/common.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+ [lux #*
+ [abstract
+ ["." monad (#+ do)]]
+ [control
+ ["." function]
+ ["." try]
+ ["<>" parser
+ ["<s>" synthesis (#+ Parser)]]]
+ [data
+ ["." product]
+ ["." text
+ ["%" format (#+ format)]]
+ [collection
+ ["." dictionary]
+ ["." set]
+ ["." list ("#\." functor fold)]]]
+ [math
+ [number
+ ["f" frac]]]
+ ["@" target
+ ["_" r (#+ Expression)]]]
+ ["." //// #_
+ ["/" bundle]
+ ["/#" // #_
+ ["." extension]
+ [generation
+ [extension (#+ Nullary Unary Binary Trinary
+ nullary unary binary trinary)]
+ ["." reference]
+ ["//" r #_
+ ["#." runtime (#+ Operation Phase Handler Bundle Generator)]
+ ["#." case]]]
+ [//
+ ["." synthesis (#+ %synthesis)]
+ ["." generation]
+ [///
+ ["#" phase]]]]])
+(def: #export (custom [parser handler])
+ (All [s]
+ (-> [(Parser s)
+ (-> Text (Generator s))]
+ Handler))
+ (function (_ extension_name phase archive input)
+ (case (<s>.run parser input)
+ (#try.Success input')
+ (handler extension_name phase archive input')
+ (#try.Failure error)
+ (/////.throw extension.invalid_syntax [extension_name %synthesis input]))))
+## (template: (!unary function)
+## (|>> list _.apply/* (|> (_.constant function))))
+## ## ## TODO: Get rid of this ASAP
+## ## (def: lux::syntax_char_case!
+## ## (..custom [($_ <>.and
+## ## <s>.any
+## ## <s>.any
+## ## (<>.some (<s>.tuple ($_ <>.and
+## ## (<s>.tuple (<>.many <s>.i64))
+## ## <s>.any))))
+## ## (function (_ extension_name phase archive [input else conditionals])
+## ## (do {! /////.monad}
+## ## [@input (\ ! map _.var (generation.gensym "input"))
+## ## inputG (phase archive input)
+## ## elseG (phase archive else)
+## ## conditionalsG (: (Operation (List [Expression Expression]))
+## ## (monad.map ! (function (_ [chars branch])
+## ## (do !
+## ## [branchG (phase archive branch)]
+## ## (wrap [(|> chars (list\map (|>> .int _.int (_.=/2 @input))) _.or)
+## ## branchG])))
+## ## conditionals))]
+## ## (wrap (_.let (list [@input inputG])
+## ## (list (list\fold (function (_ [test then] else)
+## ## (_.if test then else))
+## ## elseG
+## ## conditionalsG))))))]))
+## (def: lux_procs
+## Bundle
+## (|> /.empty
+## ## (/.install "syntax char case!" lux::syntax_char_case!)
+## (/.install "is" (binary _.eq/2))
+## ## (/.install "try" (unary //runtime.lux//try))
+## ))
+## ## (def: (capped operation parameter subject)
+## ## (-> (-> Expression Expression Expression)
+## ## (-> Expression Expression Expression))
+## ## (//runtime.i64//64 (operation parameter subject)))
+## (def: i64_procs
+## Bundle
+## (<| (/.prefix "i64")
+## (|> /.empty
+## (/.install "and" (binary _.logand/2))
+## (/.install "or" (binary _.logior/2))
+## (/.install "xor" (binary _.logxor/2))
+## (/.install "left-shift" (binary _.ash/2))
+## (/.install "right-shift" (binary (product.uncurry //runtime.i64//right_shift)))
+## (/.install "=" (binary _.=/2))
+## (/.install "<" (binary _.</2))
+## (/.install "+" (binary _.+/2))
+## (/.install "-" (binary _.-/2))
+## (/.install "*" (binary _.*/2))
+## (/.install "/" (binary _.floor/2))
+## (/.install "%" (binary _.rem/2))
+## ## (/.install "f64" (unary (_.//2 (_.float +1.0))))
+## (/.install "char" (unary (|>> _.code-char/1 _.string/1)))
+## )))
+## (def: f64_procs
+## Bundle
+## (<| (/.prefix "f64")
+## (|> /.empty
+## ## (/.install "=" (binary (product.uncurry _.=/2)))
+## ## (/.install "<" (binary (product.uncurry _.</2)))
+## ## (/.install "+" (binary (product.uncurry _.+/2)))
+## ## (/.install "-" (binary (product.uncurry _.-/2)))
+## ## (/.install "*" (binary (product.uncurry _.*/2)))
+## ## (/.install "/" (binary (product.uncurry _.//2)))
+## ## (/.install "%" (binary (product.uncurry _.rem/2)))
+## ## (/.install "i64" (unary _.truncate/1))
+## (/.install "encode" (unary _.write-to-string/1))
+## ## (/.install "decode" (unary //runtime.f64//decode))
+## )))
+## (def: (text//index [offset sub text])
+## (Trinary (Expression Any))
+## (//runtime.text//index offset sub text))
+## (def: (text//clip [offset length text])
+## (Trinary (Expression Any))
+## (//runtime.text//clip offset length text))
+## (def: (text//char [index text])
+## (Binary (Expression Any))
+## (_.char-code/1 (_.char/2 [text index])))
+## (def: text_procs
+## Bundle
+## (<| (/.prefix "text")
+## (|> /.empty
+## (/.install "=" (binary _.string=/2))
+## ## (/.install "<" (binary (product.uncurry _.string<?/2)))
+## (/.install "concat" (binary (function (_ [left right])
+## (_.concatenate/3 [(_.symbol "string") left right]))))
+## (/.install "index" (trinary ..text//index))
+## (/.install "size" (unary _.length/1))
+## (/.install "char" (binary ..text//char))
+## (/.install "clip" (trinary ..text//clip))
+## )))
+## (def: (io//log! message)
+## (Unary (Expression Any))
+## (_.progn (list (_.write-line/1 message)
+## //runtime.unit)))
+## (def: io_procs
+## Bundle
+## (<| (/.prefix "io")
+## (|> /.empty
+## (/.install "log" (unary ..io//log!))
+## (/.install "error" (unary _.error/1))
+## )))
+(def: #export bundle
+ Bundle
+ (<| (/.prefix "lux")
+ (|> /.empty
+ ## (dictionary.merge lux_procs)
+ ## (dictionary.merge i64_procs)
+ ## (dictionary.merge f64_procs)
+ ## (dictionary.merge text_procs)
+ ## (dictionary.merge io_procs)
+ )))
diff --git a/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension/generation/r/host.lux b/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension/generation/r/host.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2d9148dda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension/generation/r/host.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ [lux #*
+ [abstract
+ ["." monad (#+ do)]]
+ [control
+ ["." function]
+ ["<>" parser
+ ["<s>" synthesis (#+ Parser)]]]
+ [data
+ [collection
+ ["." dictionary]
+ ["." list]]
+ [text
+ ["%" format (#+ format)]]]
+ [target
+ ["_" r (#+ Var Expression)]]]
+ ["." // #_
+ ["#." common (#+ custom)]
+ ["//#" /// #_
+ ["/" bundle]
+ ["/#" // #_
+ ["." extension]
+ [generation
+ [extension (#+ Nullary Unary Binary Trinary
+ nullary unary binary trinary)]
+ ["." reference]
+ ["//" r #_
+ ["#." runtime (#+ Operation Phase Handler Bundle
+ with_vars)]]]
+ ["/#" // #_
+ ["." generation]
+ ["//#" /// #_
+ ["#." phase]]]]]])
+(def: #export bundle
+ Bundle
+ (<| (/.prefix "r")
+ (|> /.empty
+ )))
diff --git a/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/generation/r.lux b/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/generation/r.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b4b3e6423
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/generation/r.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+ [lux #*
+ [abstract
+ [monad (#+ do)]]
+ [target
+ ["_" r]]]
+ ["." / #_
+ [runtime (#+ Phase)]
+ ["#." primitive]
+ ["#." structure]
+ ["#." reference]
+ ["#." case]
+ ["#." loop]
+ ["#." function]
+ ["/#" // #_
+ ["#." reference]
+ ["/#" // #_
+ ["#." extension]
+ ["/#" // #_
+ [analysis (#+)]
+ ["#." synthesis]
+ ["//#" /// #_
+ ["#." phase ("#\." monad)]
+ [reference (#+)
+ [variable (#+)]]]]]]])
+(def: #export (generate archive synthesis)
+ Phase
+ (case synthesis
+ (^template [<tag> <generator>]
+ [(^ (<tag> value))
+ (//////phase\wrap (<generator> value))])
+ ([////synthesis.bit /primitive.bit]
+ [////synthesis.i64 /primitive.i64]
+ [////synthesis.f64 /primitive.f64]
+ [////synthesis.text /primitive.text])
+ (#////synthesis.Reference value)
+ (//reference.reference /reference.system archive value)
+ (^template [<tag> <generator>]
+ [(^ (<tag> value))
+ (<generator> generate archive value)])
+ ([////synthesis.variant /structure.variant]
+ [////synthesis.tuple /structure.tuple]
+ [////synthesis.branch/let /case.let]
+ [////synthesis.branch/if /case.if]
+ [////synthesis.branch/get /case.get]
+ [////synthesis.function/apply /function.apply]
+ [////synthesis.branch/case /case.case]
+ [////synthesis.loop/scope /loop.scope]
+ [////synthesis.loop/recur /loop.recur]
+ [////synthesis.function/abstraction /function.function])
+ (#////synthesis.Extension extension)
+ (///extension.apply archive generate extension)
+ ))
diff --git a/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/generation/r/case.lux b/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/generation/r/case.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fe4e4a7c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/generation/r/case.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+ [lux (#- case let if)
+ [abstract
+ ["." monad (#+ do)]]
+ [data
+ ["." product]
+ ["." text
+ ["%" format (#+ format)]]
+ [collection
+ ["." list ("#\." functor fold)]
+ ["." set]]]
+ [macro
+ ["." template]]
+ [math
+ [number
+ ["i" int]]]
+ [target
+ ["_" r (#+ Expression SVar)]]]
+ ["." // #_
+ ["#." runtime (#+ Operation Phase Generator)]
+ ["#." reference]
+ ["#." primitive]
+ ["/#" // #_
+ ["#." reference]
+ ["/#" // #_
+ ["#." synthesis #_
+ ["#/." case]]
+ ["/#" // #_
+ ["#." synthesis (#+ Member Synthesis Path)]
+ ["#." generation]
+ ["//#" /// #_
+ [reference
+ ["#." variable (#+ Register)]]
+ ["#." phase ("#\." monad)]
+ [meta
+ [archive (#+ Archive)]]]]]]])
+(def: #export register
+ (-> Register SVar)
+ (|>> (///reference.local //reference.system) :assume))
+(def: #export capture
+ (-> Register SVar)
+ (|>> (///reference.foreign //reference.system) :assume))
+(def: #export (let expression archive [valueS register bodyS])
+ (Generator [Synthesis Register Synthesis])
+ (do ///////phase.monad
+ [valueO (expression archive valueS)
+ bodyO (expression archive bodyS)]
+ (wrap (_.block
+ ($_ _.then
+ (_.set! (..register register) valueO)
+ bodyO)))))
+(def: #export (if expression archive [testS thenS elseS])
+ (Generator [Synthesis Synthesis Synthesis])
+ (do ///////phase.monad
+ [testO (expression archive testS)
+ thenO (expression archive thenS)
+ elseO (expression archive elseS)]
+ (wrap (_.if testO thenO elseO))))
+(def: #export (get expression archive [pathP valueS])
+ (Generator [(List Member) Synthesis])
+ (do ///////phase.monad
+ [valueO (expression archive valueS)]
+ (wrap (list\fold (function (_ side source)
+ (.let [method (.case side
+ (^template [<side> <accessor>]
+ [(<side> lefts)
+ (<accessor> (_.int (.int lefts)))])
+ ([#.Left //runtime.tuple::left]
+ [#.Right //runtime.tuple::right]))]
+ (method source)))
+ valueO
+ (list.reverse pathP)))))
+(def: $savepoint (_.var "lux_pm_cursor_savepoint"))
+(def: $cursor (_.var "lux_pm_cursor"))
+(def: $temp (_.var "lux_pm_temp"))
+(def: $alt_error (_.var "alt_error"))
+(def: top
+ _.length)
+(def: next
+ (|>> _.length (_.+ (_.int +1))))
+(def: (push! value var)
+ (-> Expression SVar Expression)
+ (_.set_nth! (next var) value var))
+(def: (pop! var)
+ (-> SVar Expression)
+ (_.set_nth! (top var) _.null var))
+(def: (push_cursor! value)
+ (-> Expression Expression)
+ (push! value $cursor))
+(def: save_cursor!
+ Expression
+ (push! (_.slice (_.float +1.0) (_.length $cursor) $cursor)
+ $savepoint))
+(def: restore_cursor!
+ Expression
+ (_.set! $cursor (_.nth (top $savepoint) $savepoint)))
+(def: peek
+ Expression
+ (|> $cursor (_.nth (top $cursor))))
+(def: pop_cursor!
+ Expression
+ (pop! $cursor))
+(def: error
+ (_.string (template.with_locals [error]
+ (template.text [error]))))
+(def: fail!
+ (_.stop ..error))
+(def: (catch handler)
+ (-> Expression Expression)
+ (_.function (list $alt_error)
+ (_.if (|> $alt_error (_.= ..error))
+ handler
+ (_.stop $alt_error))))
+(def: (pattern_matching' expression archive)
+ (Generator Path)
+ (function (recur pathP)
+ (.case pathP
+ (#/////synthesis.Then bodyS)
+ (expression archive bodyS)
+ #/////synthesis.Pop
+ (///////phase\wrap ..pop_cursor!)
+ (#/////synthesis.Bind register)
+ (///////phase\wrap (_.set! (..register register) ..peek))
+ (#/////synthesis.Bit_Fork when thenP elseP)
+ (do {! ///////phase.monad}
+ [then! (recur thenP)
+ else! (.case elseP
+ (#.Some elseP)
+ (recur elseP)
+ #.None
+ (wrap ..fail!))]
+ (wrap (.if when
+ (_.if ..peek
+ then!
+ else!)
+ (_.if ..peek
+ else!
+ then!))))
+ (^template [<tag> <format> <=>]
+ [(<tag> cons)
+ (do {! ///////phase.monad}
+ [clauses (monad.map ! (function (_ [match then])
+ (do !
+ [then! (recur then)]
+ (wrap [(<=> (|> match <format>)
+ ..peek)
+ then!])))
+ (#.Cons cons))]
+ (wrap (list\fold (function (_ [when then] else)
+ (_.if when then else))
+ ..fail!
+ clauses)))])
+ ([#/////synthesis.I64_Fork //primitive.i64 //runtime.i64::=]
+ [#/////synthesis.F64_Fork //primitive.f64 _.=]
+ [#/////synthesis.Text_Fork //primitive.text _.=])
+ (^template [<pm> <flag> <prep>]
+ [(^ (<pm> idx))
+ (///////phase\wrap ($_ _.then
+ (_.set! $temp (|> idx <prep> .int _.int (//runtime.sum::get ..peek (//runtime.flag <flag>))))
+ (_.if (_.= _.null $temp)
+ ..fail!
+ (..push_cursor! $temp))))])
+ ([/////synthesis.side/left false (<|)]
+ [/////synthesis.side/right true inc])
+ (^ (/////synthesis.member/left 0))
+ (///////phase\wrap (_.nth (_.int +1) ..peek))
+ (^template [<pm> <getter>]
+ [(^ (<pm> lefts))
+ (///////phase\wrap (|> ..peek (<getter> (_.int (.int lefts))) ..push_cursor!))])
+ ([/////synthesis.member/left //runtime.tuple::left]
+ [/////synthesis.member/right //runtime.tuple::right])
+ (^ (/////synthesis.path/seq leftP rightP))
+ (do ///////phase.monad
+ [leftO (recur leftP)
+ rightO (recur rightP)]
+ (wrap ($_ _.then
+ leftO
+ rightO)))
+ (^ (/////synthesis.path/alt leftP rightP))
+ (do {! ///////phase.monad}
+ [leftO (recur leftP)
+ rightO (recur rightP)]
+ (wrap (_.try ($_ _.then
+ ..save_cursor!
+ leftO)
+ #.None
+ (#.Some (..catch ($_ _.then
+ ..restore_cursor!
+ rightO)))
+ #.None)))
+ )))
+(def: (pattern_matching expression archive pathP)
+ (Generator Path)
+ (do ///////phase.monad
+ [pattern_matching! (pattern_matching' expression archive pathP)]
+ (wrap (_.try pattern_matching!
+ #.None
+ (#.Some (..catch (_.stop (_.string "Invalid expression for pattern-matching."))))
+ #.None))))
+(def: #export (case expression archive [valueS pathP])
+ (Generator [Synthesis Path])
+ (do {! ///////phase.monad}
+ [valueO (expression archive valueS)]
+ (<| (\ ! map (|>> ($_ _.then
+ (_.set! $cursor (_.list (list valueO)))
+ (_.set! $savepoint (_.list (list))))
+ _.block))
+ (pattern_matching expression archive pathP))))
diff --git a/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/generation/r/function.lux b/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/generation/r/function.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c89ffaf0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/generation/r/function.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+ [lux (#- function)
+ [abstract
+ ["." monad (#+ do)]]
+ [control
+ pipe]
+ [data
+ ["." product]
+ ["." text
+ ["%" format (#+ format)]]
+ [collection
+ ["." list ("#\." functor fold)]]]
+ [target
+ ["_" r (#+ Expression SVar)]]]
+ ["." // #_
+ ["#." runtime (#+ Operation Phase Generator)]
+ ["#." reference]
+ ["#." case]
+ ["/#" // #_
+ ["#." reference]
+ ["//#" /// #_
+ [analysis (#+ Variant Tuple Abstraction Application Analysis)]
+ [synthesis (#+ Synthesis)]
+ ["#." generation (#+ Context)]
+ ["//#" /// #_
+ [arity (#+ Arity)]
+ ["#." phase ("#\." monad)]
+ [reference
+ [variable (#+ Register Variable)]]
+ [meta
+ [archive
+ ["." artifact]]]]]]])
+(def: #export (apply expression archive [functionS argsS+])
+ (Generator (Application Synthesis))
+ (do {! ///////phase.monad}
+ [functionO (expression archive functionS)
+ argsO+ (monad.map ! (expression archive) argsS+)]
+ (wrap (_.apply argsO+ functionO))))
+(def: (with_closure function_id $function inits function_definition)
+ (-> artifact.ID SVar (List Expression) Expression (Operation Expression))
+ (case inits
+ #.Nil
+ (do ///////phase.monad
+ [_ (/////generation.execute! function_definition)
+ _ (/////generation.save! (%.nat function_id)
+ function_definition)]
+ (wrap $function))
+ _
+ (do ///////phase.monad
+ [#let [closure_definition (_.set! $function
+ (_.function (|> inits
+ list.size
+ list.indices
+ (list\map //case.capture))
+ ($_ _.then
+ function_definition
+ $function)))]
+ _ (/////generation.execute! closure_definition)
+ _ (/////generation.save! (%.nat function_id) closure_definition)]
+ (wrap (_.apply inits $function)))))
+(def: $curried (_.var "curried"))
+(def: $missing (_.var "missing"))
+(def: (input_declaration register)
+ (-> Register Expression)
+ (_.set! (|> register inc //case.register)
+ (|> $curried (_.nth (|> register inc .int _.int)))))
+(def: #export (function expression archive [environment arity bodyS])
+ (Generator (Abstraction Synthesis))
+ (do {! ///////phase.monad}
+ [[[function_module function_artifact] bodyO] (/////generation.with_new_context archive
+ (do !
+ [$self (\ ! map (|>> ///reference.artifact _.var)
+ (/////generation.context archive))]
+ (/////generation.with_anchor $self
+ (expression archive bodyS))))
+ closureO+ (monad.map ! (expression archive) environment)
+ #let [arityO (|> arity .int _.int)
+ $num_args (_.var "num_args")
+ $self (_.var (///reference.artifact [function_module function_artifact]))
+ apply_poly (.function (_ args func)
+ (_.apply (list func args) (_.var "do.call")))]]
+ (with_closure function_artifact $self closureO+
+ (_.set! $self (_.function (list _.var_args)
+ ($_ _.then
+ (_.set! $curried (_.list (list _.var_args)))
+ (_.set! $num_args (_.length $curried))
+ (_.cond (list [(|> $num_args (_.= arityO))
+ ($_ _.then
+ (_.set! (//case.register 0) $self)
+ (|> arity
+ list.indices
+ (list\map input_declaration)
+ (list\fold _.then bodyO)))]
+ [(|> $num_args (_.> arityO))
+ (let [arity_args (_.slice (_.int +1) arityO $curried)
+ output_func_args (_.slice (|> arityO (_.+ (_.int +1)))
+ $num_args
+ $curried)]
+ (|> $self
+ (apply_poly arity_args)
+ (apply_poly output_func_args)))])
+ ## (|> $num_args (_.< arityO))
+ (let [$missing (_.var "missing")]
+ (_.function (list _.var_args)
+ ($_ _.then
+ (_.set! $missing (_.list (list _.var_args)))
+ (|> $self
+ (apply_poly (_.apply (list $curried $missing)
+ (_.var "append"))))))))))))
+ ))
diff --git a/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/generation/r/loop.lux b/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/generation/r/loop.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c8f8bd1d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/generation/r/loop.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+ [lux (#- Scope)
+ [abstract
+ ["." monad (#+ do)]]
+ [data
+ ["." product]
+ ["." text
+ ["%" format (#+ format)]]
+ [collection
+ ["." list ("#\." functor fold)]
+ ["." set (#+ Set)]]]
+ [math
+ [number
+ ["n" nat]]]
+ [target
+ ["_" r]]]
+ ["." // #_
+ [runtime (#+ Operation Phase Generator)]
+ ["#." case]
+ ["/#" // #_
+ ["#." reference]
+ ["/#" // #_
+ [synthesis
+ ["." case]]
+ ["/#" // #_
+ ["."synthesis (#+ Scope Synthesis)]
+ ["#." generation]
+ ["//#" /// #_
+ ["#." phase]
+ [meta
+ [archive (#+ Archive)]]
+ [reference
+ [variable (#+ Register)]]]]]]])
+(def: #export (scope expression archive [offset initsS+ bodyS])
+ (Generator (Scope Synthesis))
+ (case initsS+
+ ## function/false/non-independent loop
+ #.Nil
+ (expression archive bodyS)
+ ## true loop
+ _
+ (do {! ///////phase.monad}
+ [$scope (\ ! map _.var (/////generation.gensym "loop_scope"))
+ initsO+ (monad.map ! (expression archive) initsS+)
+ bodyO (/////generation.with_anchor $scope
+ (expression archive bodyS))]
+ (wrap (_.block
+ ($_ _.then
+ (_.set! $scope
+ (_.function (|> initsS+
+ list.size
+ list.indices
+ (list\map (|>> (n.+ offset) //case.register)))
+ bodyO))
+ (_.apply initsO+ $scope)))))))
+(def: #export (recur expression archive argsS+)
+ (Generator (List Synthesis))
+ (do {! ///////phase.monad}
+ [$scope /////generation.anchor
+ argsO+ (monad.map ! (expression archive) argsS+)]
+ (wrap (_.apply argsO+ $scope))))
diff --git a/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/generation/r/primitive.lux b/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/generation/r/primitive.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..efbd569f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/generation/r/primitive.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ [lux (#- i64)
+ [target
+ ["_" r (#+ Expression)]]]
+ ["." // #_
+ ["#." runtime]])
+(template [<name> <type> <code>]
+ [(def: #export <name>
+ (-> <type> Expression)
+ <code>)]
+ [bit Bit _.bool]
+ [i64 (I64 Any) (|>> .int //runtime.i64)]
+ [f64 Frac _.float]
+ [text Text _.string]
+ )
diff --git a/lux-r/source/luxc/lang/translation/r/procedure/common.jvm.lux b/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/generation/r/procedure/common.lux
index 85ccd90dc..85ccd90dc 100644
--- a/lux-r/source/luxc/lang/translation/r/procedure/common.jvm.lux
+++ b/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/generation/r/procedure/common.lux
diff --git a/lux-r/source/luxc/lang/translation/r/procedure/host.jvm.lux b/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/generation/r/procedure/host.lux
index 3bd33955f..3bd33955f 100644
--- a/lux-r/source/luxc/lang/translation/r/procedure/host.jvm.lux
+++ b/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/generation/r/procedure/host.lux
diff --git a/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/generation/r/reference.lux b/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/generation/r/reference.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c3f2e8289
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/generation/r/reference.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ [lux #*
+ [target
+ ["_" r (#+ Expression)]]]
+ [///
+ [reference (#+ System)]])
+(structure: #export system
+ (System Expression)
+ (def: constant _.var)
+ (def: variable _.var))
diff --git a/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/generation/r/runtime.lux b/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/generation/r/runtime.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1b7119378
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/generation/r/runtime.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,848 @@
+ [lux (#- Location inc i64)
+ ["." meta]
+ [abstract
+ ["." monad (#+ do)]]
+ [control
+ ["." function]
+ ["<>" parser
+ ["<.>" code]]]
+ [data
+ ["." product]
+ ["." text ("#\." hash)
+ ["%" format (#+ format)]
+ [encoding
+ ["." utf8]]]
+ [collection
+ ["." list ("#\." functor)]
+ ["." row]]]
+ ["." macro
+ [syntax (#+ syntax:)]
+ ["." code]]
+ [math
+ [number (#+ hex)
+ ["n" nat]
+ ["i" int ("#\." interval)]
+ ["." i64]]]
+ ["@" target
+ ["_" r (#+ SVar Expression)]]]
+ ["." /// #_
+ ["#." reference]
+ ["//#" /// #_
+ [analysis (#+ Variant)]
+ ["#." synthesis (#+ Synthesis)]
+ ["#." generation]
+ ["//#" ///
+ ["#." phase]
+ [reference
+ [variable (#+ Register)]]
+ [meta
+ [archive (#+ Output Archive)
+ ["." artifact (#+ Registry)]]]]]])
+(def: module_id
+ 0)
+(template [<name> <base>]
+ [(type: #export <name>
+ (<base> _.SVar _.Expression _.Expression))]
+ [Operation /////generation.Operation]
+ [Phase /////generation.Phase]
+ [Handler /////generation.Handler]
+ [Bundle /////generation.Bundle]
+ )
+(type: #export (Generator i)
+ (-> Phase Archive i (Operation Expression)))
+(def: #export unit
+ Expression
+ (_.string /////synthesis.unit))
+(def: full_32 (hex "FFFFFFFF"))
+(def: half_32 (hex "7FFFFFFF"))
+(def: post_32 (hex "100000000"))
+(def: (cap_32 input)
+ (-> Nat Int)
+ (cond (n.> full_32 input)
+ (|> input (i64.and full_32) cap_32)
+ (n.> half_32 input)
+ (|> post_32 (n.- input) .int (i.* -1))
+ ## else
+ (.int input)))
+(def: high_32
+ (-> Nat Nat)
+ (i64.right_shift 32))
+(def: low_32
+ (-> Nat Nat)
+ (|>> (i64.and (hex "FFFFFFFF"))))
+(def: #export i64_high_field "luxIH")
+(def: #export i64_low_field "luxIL")
+(def: #export (i64 value)
+ (-> Int Expression)
+ (let [value (.nat value)
+ high (|> value ..high_32 ..cap_32)
+ low (|> value ..low_32 ..cap_32)]
+ (_.named_list (list [..i64_high_field (_.int high)]
+ [..i64_low_field (_.int low)]))))
+(def: #export variant_tag_field "luxVT")
+(def: #export variant_flag_field "luxVF")
+(def: #export variant_value_field "luxVV")
+(def: #export (flag value)
+ (-> Bit Expression)
+ (if value
+ (_.string "")
+ _.null))
+(def: (variant' tag last? value)
+ (-> Expression Expression Expression Expression)
+ (_.named_list (list [..variant_tag_field tag]
+ [..variant_flag_field last?]
+ [..variant_value_field value])))
+(def: #export (variant tag last? value)
+ (-> Nat Bit Expression Expression)
+ (variant' (_.int (.int tag))
+ (flag last?)
+ value))
+(def: #export none
+ Expression
+ (variant 0 #0 ..unit))
+(def: #export some
+ (-> Expression Expression)
+ (variant 1 #1))
+(def: #export left
+ (-> Expression Expression)
+ (variant 0 #0))
+(def: #export right
+ (-> Expression Expression)
+ (variant 1 #1))
+(syntax: #export (with_vars {vars (<code>.tuple (<>.some <code>.local_identifier))}
+ body)
+ (do {! meta.monad}
+ [ids (monad.seq ! (list.repeat (list.size vars) meta.count))]
+ (wrap (list (` (let [(~+ (|> vars
+ (list.zip/2 ids)
+ (list\map (function (_ [id var])
+ (list (code.local_identifier var)
+ (` (_.var (~ (code.text (format "v" (%.nat id)))))))))
+ list.concat))]
+ (~ body)))))))
+(syntax: (runtime: {declaration (<>.or <code>.local_identifier
+ (<code>.form (<>.and <code>.local_identifier
+ (<>.some <code>.local_identifier))))}
+ code)
+ (do meta.monad
+ [runtime_id meta.count]
+ (macro.with_gensyms [g!_]
+ (let [runtime (code.local_identifier (///reference.artifact [..module_id runtime_id]))
+ runtime_name (` (_.var (~ (code.text (%.code runtime)))))]
+ (case declaration
+ (#.Left name)
+ (let [g!name (code.local_identifier name)]
+ (wrap (list (` (def: #export (~ g!name)
+ _.SVar
+ (~ runtime_name)))
+ (` (def: (~ (code.local_identifier (format "@" name)))
+ _.Expression
+ (_.set! (~ runtime_name) (~ code)))))))
+ (#.Right [name inputs])
+ (let [g!name (code.local_identifier name)
+ inputsC (list\map code.local_identifier inputs)
+ inputs_typesC (list\map (function.constant (` _.Expression))
+ inputs)]
+ (wrap (list (` (def: #export ((~ g!name) (~+ inputsC))
+ (-> (~+ inputs_typesC) _.Expression)
+ (_.apply (list (~+ inputsC)) (~ runtime_name))))
+ (` (def: (~ (code.local_identifier (format "@" name)))
+ _.Expression
+ (..with_vars [(~+ inputsC)]
+ (_.set! (~ runtime_name)
+ (_.function (list (~+ inputsC))
+ (~ code))))))))))))))
+(def: high_shift (_.bit_shl (_.int +32)))
+(runtime: f2^32 (|> (_.int +2) (_.** (_.int +32))))
+(runtime: f2^63 (|> (_.int +2) (_.** (_.int +63))))
+(def: (as_double value)
+ (-> Expression Expression)
+ (_.apply (list value) (_.var "as.double")))
+(def: (as_integer value)
+ (-> Expression Expression)
+ (_.apply (list value) (_.var "as.integer")))
+(runtime: (i64::unsigned_low input)
+ (with_vars [low]
+ ($_ _.then
+ (_.set! low (|> input (_.nth (_.string ..i64_low_field))))
+ (_.if (|> low (_.>= (_.int +0)))
+ low
+ (|> low (_.+ f2^32))))))
+(runtime: (i64::to_float input)
+ (let [high (|> input
+ (_.nth (_.string ..i64_high_field))
+ high_shift)
+ low (|> input
+ i64::unsigned_low)]
+ (|> high (_.+ low) as_double)))
+(runtime: (i64::new high low)
+ (_.named_list (list [..i64_high_field (as_integer high)]
+ [..i64_low_field (as_integer low)])))
+(template [<name> <value>]
+ [(runtime: <name>
+ (..i64 <value>))]
+ [i64::zero +0]
+ [i64::one +1]
+ [i64::min i\bottom]
+ [i64::max i\top]
+ )
+(def: #export i64_high (_.nth (_.string ..i64_high_field)))
+(def: #export i64_low (_.nth (_.string ..i64_low_field)))
+(runtime: (i64::not input)
+ (i64::new (|> input i64_high _.bit_not)
+ (|> input i64_low _.bit_not)))
+(runtime: (i64::+ param subject)
+ (with_vars [sH sL pH pL
+ x00 x16 x32 x48]
+ ($_ _.then
+ (_.set! sH (|> subject i64_high))
+ (_.set! sL (|> subject i64_low))
+ (_.set! pH (|> param i64_high))
+ (_.set! pL (|> param i64_low))
+ (let [bits16 (_.manual "0xFFFF")
+ move_top_16 (_.bit_shl (_.int +16))
+ top_16 (_.bit_ushr (_.int +16))
+ bottom_16 (_.bit_and bits16)
+ split_16 (function (_ source)
+ [(|> source top_16)
+ (|> source bottom_16)])
+ split_int (function (_ high low)
+ [(split_16 high)
+ (split_16 low)])
+ [[s48 s32] [s16 s00]] (split_int sH sL)
+ [[p48 p32] [p16 p00]] (split_int pH pL)
+ new_half (function (_ top bottom)
+ (|> top bottom_16 move_top_16
+ (_.bit_or (bottom_16 bottom))))]
+ ($_ _.then
+ (_.set! x00 (|> s00 (_.+ p00)))
+ (_.set! x16 (|> x00 top_16 (_.+ s16) (_.+ p16)))
+ (_.set! x32 (|> x16 top_16 (_.+ s32) (_.+ p32)))
+ (_.set! x48 (|> x32 top_16 (_.+ s48) (_.+ p48)))
+ (i64::new (new_half x48 x32)
+ (new_half x16 x00)))))))
+(runtime: (i64::= reference sample)
+ (let [n/a? (function (_ value)
+ (_.apply (list value) (_.var "is.na")))
+ isTRUE? (function (_ value)
+ (_.apply (list value) (_.var "isTRUE")))
+ comparison (: (-> (-> Expression Expression) Expression)
+ (function (_ field)
+ (|> (|> (field sample) (_.= (field reference)))
+ (_.or (|> (n/a? (field sample))
+ (_.and (n/a? (field reference))))))))]
+ (|> (comparison i64_high)
+ (_.and (comparison i64_low))
+ isTRUE?)))
+(runtime: (i64::negate input)
+ (_.if (|> input (i64::= i64::min))
+ i64::min
+ (|> input i64::not (i64::+ i64::one))))
+(runtime: i64::-one
+ (i64::negate i64::one))
+(runtime: (i64::- param subject)
+ (i64::+ (i64::negate param) subject))
+(runtime: (i64::< reference sample)
+ (with_vars [r_? s_?]
+ ($_ _.then
+ (_.set! s_? (|> sample i64_high (_.< (_.int +0))))
+ (_.set! r_? (|> reference i64_high (_.< (_.int +0))))
+ (|> (|> s_? (_.and (_.not r_?)))
+ (_.or (|> (_.not s_?) (_.and r_?) _.not))
+ (_.or (|> sample
+ (i64::- reference)
+ i64_high
+ (_.< (_.int +0))))))))
+(runtime: (i64::from_float input)
+ (_.cond (list [(_.apply (list input) (_.var "is.nan"))
+ i64::zero]
+ [(|> input (_.<= (_.negate f2^63)))
+ i64::min]
+ [(|> input (_.+ (_.float +1.0)) (_.>= f2^63))
+ i64::max]
+ [(|> input (_.< (_.float +0.0)))
+ (|> input _.negate i64::from_float i64::negate)])
+ (i64::new (|> input (_./ f2^32))
+ (|> input (_.%% f2^32)))))
+(runtime: (i64::* param subject)
+ (with_vars [sH sL pH pL
+ x00 x16 x32 x48]
+ ($_ _.then
+ (_.set! sH (|> subject i64_high))
+ (_.set! pH (|> param i64_high))
+ (let [negative_subject? (|> sH (_.< (_.int +0)))
+ negative_param? (|> pH (_.< (_.int +0)))]
+ (_.cond (list [negative_subject?
+ (_.if negative_param?
+ (i64::* (i64::negate param)
+ (i64::negate subject))
+ (i64::negate (i64::* param
+ (i64::negate subject))))]
+ [negative_param?
+ (i64::negate (i64::* (i64::negate param)
+ subject))])
+ ($_ _.then
+ (_.set! sL (|> subject i64_low))
+ (_.set! pL (|> param i64_low))
+ (let [bits16 (_.manual "0xFFFF")
+ move_top_16 (_.bit_shl (_.int +16))
+ top_16 (_.bit_ushr (_.int +16))
+ bottom_16 (_.bit_and bits16)
+ split_16 (function (_ source)
+ [(|> source top_16)
+ (|> source bottom_16)])
+ split_int (function (_ high low)
+ [(split_16 high)
+ (split_16 low)])
+ new_half (function (_ top bottom)
+ (|> top bottom_16 move_top_16
+ (_.bit_or (bottom_16 bottom))))
+ x16_top (|> x16 top_16)
+ x32_top (|> x32 top_16)]
+ (with_vars [s48 s32 s16 s00
+ p48 p32 p16 p00]
+ (let [[[_s48 _s32] [_s16 _s00]] (split_int sH sL)
+ [[_p48 _p32] [_p16 _p00]] (split_int pH pL)
+ set_subject_chunks! ($_ _.then (_.set! s48 _s48) (_.set! s32 _s32) (_.set! s16 _s16) (_.set! s00 _s00))
+ set_param_chunks! ($_ _.then (_.set! p48 _p48) (_.set! p32 _p32) (_.set! p16 _p16) (_.set! p00 _p00))]
+ ($_ _.then
+ set_subject_chunks!
+ set_param_chunks!
+ (_.set! x00 (|> s00 (_.* p00)))
+ (_.set! x16 (|> x00 top_16 (_.+ (|> s16 (_.* p00)))))
+ (_.set! x32 x16_top)
+ (_.set! x16 (|> x16 bottom_16 (_.+ (|> s00 (_.* p16)))))
+ (_.set! x32 (|> x32 (_.+ x16_top) (_.+ (|> s32 (_.* p00)))))
+ (_.set! x48 x32_top)
+ (_.set! x32 (|> x32 bottom_16 (_.+ (|> s16 (_.* p16)))))
+ (_.set! x48 (|> x48 (_.+ x32_top)))
+ (_.set! x32 (|> x32 bottom_16 (_.+ (|> s00 (_.* p32)))))
+ (_.set! x48 (|> x48 (_.+ x32_top)
+ (_.+ (|> s48 (_.* p00)))
+ (_.+ (|> s32 (_.* p16)))
+ (_.+ (|> s16 (_.* p32)))
+ (_.+ (|> s00 (_.* p48)))))
+ (i64::new (new_half x48 x32)
+ (new_half x16 x00)))))
+ )))))))
+(def: (limit_shift! shift)
+ (-> SVar Expression)
+ (_.set! shift (|> shift (_.bit_and (_.int +63)))))
+(def: (no_shift_clause shift input)
+ (-> SVar SVar [Expression Expression])
+ [(|> shift (_.= (_.int +0)))
+ input])
+(runtime: (i64::left_shift shift input)
+ ($_ _.then
+ (limit_shift! shift)
+ (_.cond (list (no_shift_clause shift input)
+ [(|> shift (_.< (_.int +32)))
+ (let [mid (|> (i64_low input) (_.bit_ushr (|> (_.int +32) (_.- shift))))
+ high (|> (i64_high input)
+ (_.bit_shl shift)
+ (_.bit_or mid))
+ low (|> (i64_low input)
+ (_.bit_shl shift))]
+ (i64::new high low))])
+ (let [high (|> (i64_high input)
+ (_.bit_shl (|> shift (_.- (_.int +32)))))]
+ (i64::new high (_.int +0))))))
+(runtime: (i64::arithmetic_right_shift_32 shift input)
+ (let [top_bit (|> input (_.bit_and (_.int (hex "+80000000"))))]
+ (|> input
+ (_.bit_ushr shift)
+ (_.bit_or top_bit))))
+(runtime: (i64::arithmetic_right_shift shift input)
+ ($_ _.then
+ (limit_shift! shift)
+ (_.cond (list (no_shift_clause shift input)
+ [(|> shift (_.< (_.int +32)))
+ (let [mid (|> (i64_high input) (_.bit_shl (|> (_.int +32) (_.- shift))))
+ high (|> (i64_high input)
+ (i64::arithmetic_right_shift_32 shift))
+ low (|> (i64_low input)
+ (_.bit_ushr shift)
+ (_.bit_or mid))]
+ (i64::new high low))])
+ (let [low (|> (i64_high input)
+ (i64::arithmetic_right_shift_32 (|> shift (_.- (_.int +32)))))
+ high (_.if (|> (i64_high input) (_.>= (_.int +0)))
+ (_.int +0)
+ (_.int -1))]
+ (i64::new high low)))))
+(runtime: (i64::/ param subject)
+ (let [negative? (|>> (i64::< i64::zero))
+ valid_division_check [(|> param (i64::= i64::zero))
+ (_.stop (_.string "Cannot divide by zero!"))]
+ short_circuit_check [(|> subject (i64::= i64::zero))
+ i64::zero]]
+ (_.cond (list valid_division_check
+ short_circuit_check
+ [(|> subject (i64::= i64::min))
+ (_.cond (list [(|> (|> param (i64::= i64::one))
+ (_.or (|> param (i64::= i64::-one))))
+ i64::min]
+ [(|> param (i64::= i64::min))
+ i64::one])
+ (with_vars [approximation]
+ ($_ _.then
+ (_.set! approximation
+ (|> subject
+ (i64::arithmetic_right_shift (_.int +1))
+ (i64::/ param)
+ (i64::left_shift (_.int +1))))
+ (_.if (|> approximation (i64::= i64::zero))
+ (_.if (negative? param)
+ i64::one
+ i64::-one)
+ (let [remainder (i64::- (i64::* param approximation)
+ subject)]
+ (|> remainder
+ (i64::/ param)
+ (i64::+ approximation)))))))]
+ [(|> param (i64::= i64::min))
+ i64::zero]
+ [(negative? subject)
+ (_.if (negative? param)
+ (|> (i64::negate subject)
+ (i64::/ (i64::negate param)))
+ (|> (i64::negate subject)
+ (i64::/ param)
+ i64::negate))]
+ [(negative? param)
+ (|> param
+ i64::negate
+ (i64::/ subject)
+ i64::negate)])
+ (with_vars [result remainder approximate approximate_result log2 approximate_remainder]
+ ($_ _.then
+ (_.set! result i64::zero)
+ (_.set! remainder subject)
+ (_.while (|> (|> remainder (i64::< param))
+ (_.or (|> remainder (i64::= param))))
+ (let [calc_rough_estimate (_.apply (list (|> (i64::to_float remainder) (_./ (i64::to_float param))))
+ (_.var "floor"))
+ calc_approximate_result (i64::from_float approximate)
+ calc_approximate_remainder (|> approximate_result (i64::* param))
+ delta (_.if (|> (_.float +48.0) (_.<= log2))
+ (_.float +1.0)
+ (_.** (|> log2 (_.- (_.float +48.0)))
+ (_.float +2.0)))]
+ ($_ _.then
+ (_.set! approximate (_.apply (list (_.float +1.0) calc_rough_estimate)
+ (_.var "max")))
+ (_.set! log2 (let [log (function (_ input)
+ (_.apply (list input) (_.var "log")))]
+ (_.apply (list (|> (log (_.int +2))
+ (_./ (log approximate))))
+ (_.var "ceil"))))
+ (_.set! approximate_result calc_approximate_result)
+ (_.set! approximate_remainder calc_approximate_remainder)
+ (_.while (|> (negative? approximate_remainder)
+ (_.or (|> approximate_remainder (i64::< remainder))))
+ ($_ _.then
+ (_.set! approximate (|> delta (_.- approximate)))
+ (_.set! approximate_result calc_approximate_result)
+ (_.set! approximate_remainder calc_approximate_remainder)))
+ (_.set! result (|> (_.if (|> approximate_result (i64::= i64::zero))
+ i64::one
+ approximate_result)
+ (i64::+ result)))
+ (_.set! remainder (|> remainder (i64::- approximate_remainder))))))
+ result))
+ )))
+(runtime: (i64::% param subject)
+ (let [flat (|> subject (i64::/ param) (i64::* param))]
+ (|> subject (i64::- flat))))
+(runtime: (lux::try op)
+ (with_vars [error value]
+ (_.try ($_ _.then
+ (_.set! value (_.apply (list ..unit) op))
+ (..right value))
+ #.None
+ (#.Some (_.function (list error)
+ (..left (_.nth (_.string "message")
+ error))))
+ #.None)))
+(runtime: (lux::program_args program_args)
+ (with_vars [inputs value]
+ ($_ _.then
+ (_.set! inputs ..none)
+ (<| (_.for_in value program_args)
+ (_.set! inputs (..some (_.list (list value inputs)))))
+ inputs)))
+(def: runtime::lux
+ Expression
+ ($_ _.then
+ @lux::try
+ @lux::program_args
+ ))
+(def: current_time_float
+ Expression
+ (let [raw_time (_.apply (list) (_.var "Sys.time"))]
+ (_.apply (list raw_time) (_.var "as.numeric"))))
+(runtime: (io::current_time! _)
+ (|> current_time_float
+ (_.* (_.float +1,000.0))
+ i64::from_float))
+(def: runtime::io
+ Expression
+ ($_ _.then
+ @io::current_time!
+ ))
+(def: minimum_index_length
+ (-> SVar Expression)
+ (|>> (_.+ (_.int +1))))
+(def: (product_element product index)
+ (-> Expression Expression Expression)
+ (|> product (_.nth (|> index (_.+ (_.int +1))))))
+(def: (product_tail product)
+ (-> SVar Expression)
+ (|> product (_.nth (_.length product))))
+(def: (updated_index min_length product)
+ (-> Expression Expression Expression)
+ (|> min_length (_.- (_.length product))))
+(runtime: (tuple::left index product)
+ (let [$index_min_length (_.var "index_min_length")]
+ ($_ _.then
+ (_.set! $index_min_length (minimum_index_length index))
+ (_.if (|> (_.length product) (_.> $index_min_length))
+ ## No need for recursion
+ (product_element product index)
+ ## Needs recursion
+ (tuple::left (updated_index $index_min_length product)
+ (product_tail product))))))
+(runtime: (tuple::right index product)
+ (let [$index_min_length (_.var "index_min_length")]
+ ($_ _.then
+ (_.set! $index_min_length (minimum_index_length index))
+ (_.cond (list [## Last element.
+ (|> (_.length product) (_.= $index_min_length))
+ (product_element product index)]
+ [## Needs recursion
+ (|> (_.length product) (_.< $index_min_length))
+ (tuple::right (updated_index $index_min_length product)
+ (product_tail product))])
+ ## Must slice
+ (|> product (_.slice_from index))))))
+(runtime: (sum::get sum wants_last? wanted_tag)
+ (let [no_match _.null
+ sum_tag (|> sum (_.nth (_.string ..variant_tag_field)))
+ sum_flag (|> sum (_.nth (_.string ..variant_flag_field)))
+ sum_value (|> sum (_.nth (_.string ..variant_value_field)))
+ is_last? (|> sum_flag (_.= (_.string "")))
+ test_recursion (_.if is_last?
+ ## Must recurse.
+ (|> wanted_tag
+ (_.- sum_tag)
+ (sum::get sum_value wants_last?))
+ no_match)]
+ (_.cond (list [(_.= sum_tag wanted_tag)
+ (_.if (_.= wants_last? sum_flag)
+ sum_value
+ test_recursion)]
+ [(|> wanted_tag (_.> sum_tag))
+ test_recursion]
+ [(|> (|> wants_last? (_.= (_.string "")))
+ (_.and (|> wanted_tag (_.< sum_tag))))
+ (variant' (|> sum_tag (_.- wanted_tag)) sum_flag sum_value)])
+ no_match)))
+(def: runtime::adt
+ Expression
+ ($_ _.then
+ @tuple::left
+ @tuple::right
+ @sum::get
+ ))
+(template [<name> <op>]
+ [(runtime: (<name> mask input)
+ (i64::new (<op> (i64_high mask)
+ (i64_high input))
+ (<op> (i64_low mask)
+ (i64_low input))))]
+ [i64::and _.bit_and]
+ [i64::or _.bit_or]
+ [i64::xor _.bit_xor]
+ )
+(runtime: (i64::right_shift shift input)
+ ($_ _.then
+ (limit_shift! shift)
+ (_.cond (list (no_shift_clause shift input)
+ [(|> shift (_.< (_.int +32)))
+ (with_vars [$mid]
+ (let [mid (|> (i64_high input) (_.bit_shl (|> (_.int +32) (_.- shift))))
+ high (|> (i64_high input) (_.bit_ushr shift))
+ low (|> (i64_low input)
+ (_.bit_ushr shift)
+ (_.bit_or (_.if (_.apply (list $mid) (_.var "is.na"))
+ (_.int +0)
+ $mid)))]
+ ($_ _.then
+ (_.set! $mid mid)
+ (i64::new high low))))]
+ [(|> shift (_.= (_.int +32)))
+ (let [high (i64_high input)]
+ (i64::new (_.int +0) high))])
+ (let [low (|> (i64_high input) (_.bit_ushr (|> shift (_.- (_.int +32)))))]
+ (i64::new (_.int +0) low)))))
+(def: runtime::i64
+ Expression
+ ($_ _.then
+ @i64::zero
+ @i64::one
+ @i64::min
+ @i64::max
+ @i64::=
+ @i64::<
+ @i64::+
+ @i64::-
+ @i64::negate
+ @i64::-one
+ @i64::unsigned_low
+ @i64::to_float
+ @i64::*
+ @i64::/
+ @i64::%
+ @i64::and
+ @i64::or
+ @i64::xor
+ @i64::not
+ @i64::left_shift
+ @i64::arithmetic_right_shift_32
+ @i64::arithmetic_right_shift
+ @i64::right_shift
+ ))
+(runtime: (frac::decode input)
+ (with_vars [output]
+ ($_ _.then
+ (_.set! output (_.apply (list input) (_.var "as.numeric")))
+ (_.if (|> output (_.= _.n/a))
+ ..none
+ (..some output)))))
+(def: runtime::frac
+ Expression
+ ($_ _.then
+ @frac::decode
+ ))
+(def: inc
+ (-> Expression Expression)
+ (|>> (_.+ (_.int +1))))
+(template [<name> <top_cmp>]
+ [(def: (<name> top value)
+ (-> Expression Expression Expression)
+ (|> (|> value (_.>= (_.int +0)))
+ (_.and (|> value (<top_cmp> top)))))]
+ [within? _.<]
+ [up_to? _.<=]
+ )
+(def: (text_clip start end text)
+ (-> Expression Expression Expression Expression)
+ (_.apply (list text start end)
+ (_.var "substr")))
+(def: (text_length text)
+ (-> Expression Expression)
+ (_.apply (list text) (_.var "nchar")))
+(runtime: (text::index subject param start)
+ (with_vars [idx startF subjectL]
+ ($_ _.then
+ (_.set! startF (i64::to_float start))
+ (_.set! subjectL (text_length subject))
+ (_.if (|> startF (within? subjectL))
+ ($_ _.then
+ (_.set! idx (|> (_.apply_kw (list param (_.if (|> startF (_.= (_.int +0)))
+ subject
+ (text_clip (inc startF)
+ (inc subjectL)
+ subject)))
+ (list ["fixed" (_.bool #1)])
+ (_.var "regexpr"))
+ (_.nth (_.int +1))))
+ (_.if (|> idx (_.= (_.int -1)))
+ ..none
+ (..some (i64::from_float (|> idx (_.+ startF))))))
+ ..none))))
+(runtime: (text::clip text from to)
+ (with_vars [length]
+ ($_ _.then
+ (_.set! length (_.length text))
+ (_.if ($_ _.and
+ (|> to (within? length))
+ (|> from (up_to? to)))
+ (..some (text_clip (inc from) (inc to) text))
+ ..none))))
+(def: (char_at idx text)
+ (-> Expression Expression Expression)
+ (_.apply (list (text_clip idx idx text))
+ (_.var "utf8ToInt")))
+(runtime: (text::char text idx)
+ (_.if (|> idx (within? (_.length text)))
+ ($_ _.then
+ (_.set! idx (inc idx))
+ (..some (i64::from_float (char_at idx text))))
+ ..none))
+(def: runtime::text
+ Expression
+ ($_ _.then
+ @text::index
+ @text::clip
+ @text::char
+ ))
+(def: (check_index_out_of_bounds array idx body)
+ (-> Expression Expression Expression Expression)
+ (_.if (|> idx (_.<= (_.length array)))
+ body
+ (_.stop (_.string "Array index out of bounds!"))))
+(runtime: (array::new size)
+ (with_vars [output]
+ ($_ _.then
+ (_.set! output (_.list (list)))
+ (_.set_nth! (|> size (_.+ (_.int +1)))
+ _.null
+ output)
+ output)))
+(runtime: (array::get array idx)
+ (with_vars [temp]
+ (<| (check_index_out_of_bounds array idx)
+ ($_ _.then
+ (_.set! temp (|> array (_.nth (_.+ (_.int +1) idx))))
+ (_.if (|> temp (_.= _.null))
+ ..none
+ (..some temp))))))
+(runtime: (array::put array idx value)
+ (<| (check_index_out_of_bounds array idx)
+ ($_ _.then
+ (_.set_nth! (_.+ (_.int +1) idx) value array)
+ array)))
+(def: runtime::array
+ Expression
+ ($_ _.then
+ @array::new
+ @array::get
+ @array::put
+ ))
+(def: runtime
+ Expression
+ ($_ _.then
+ runtime::lux
+ @f2^32
+ @f2^63
+ @i64::new
+ @i64::from_float
+ runtime::i64
+ runtime::adt
+ runtime::frac
+ runtime::text
+ runtime::array
+ runtime::io
+ ))
+(def: #export generate
+ (Operation [Registry Output])
+ (do ///////phase.monad
+ [_ (/////generation.execute! ..runtime)
+ _ (/////generation.save! (%.nat ..module_id) ..runtime)]
+ (wrap [(|> artifact.empty
+ artifact.resource
+ product.right)
+ (row.row [(%.nat ..module_id)
+ (|> ..runtime
+ _.code
+ (\ utf8.codec encode))])])))
diff --git a/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/generation/r/structure.lux b/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/generation/r/structure.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5f4703836
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/generation/r/structure.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ [lux #*
+ [abstract
+ ["." monad (#+ do)]]
+ [data
+ [collection
+ ["." list]]]
+ [target
+ ["_" r (#+ Expression)]]]
+ ["." // #_
+ ["#." runtime (#+ Operation Phase Generator)]
+ ["#." primitive]
+ ["///#" //// #_
+ [analysis (#+ Variant Tuple)]
+ ["#." synthesis (#+ Synthesis)]
+ ["//#" /// #_
+ ["#." phase ("#\." monad)]]]])
+(def: #export (tuple expression archive elemsS+)
+ (Generator (Tuple Synthesis))
+ (case elemsS+
+ #.Nil
+ (///////phase\wrap (//primitive.text /////synthesis.unit))
+ (#.Cons singletonS #.Nil)
+ (expression archive singletonS)
+ _
+ (|> elemsS+
+ (monad.map ///////phase.monad (expression archive))
+ (///////phase\map _.list))))
+(def: #export (variant expression archive [lefts right? valueS])
+ (Generator (Variant Synthesis))
+ (let [tag (if right?
+ (inc lefts)
+ lefts)]
+ (///////phase\map (|>> (//runtime.variant tag right?))
+ (expression archive valueS))))
diff --git a/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/generation/scheme.lux b/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/generation/scheme.lux
index be476cf74..1a36df4e0 100644
--- a/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/generation/scheme.lux
+++ b/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/generation/scheme.lux
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
[lux #*
[monad (#+ do)]]
- [control
- ["." exception (#+ exception:)]]
["_" scheme]]]
["." / #_
diff --git a/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/generation/scheme/function.lux b/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/generation/scheme/function.lux
index 380352c5b..65c674ded 100644
--- a/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/generation/scheme/function.lux
+++ b/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/generation/scheme/function.lux
@@ -89,8 +89,7 @@
output_func_args (//runtime.slice arityO
(|> @num_args (_.-/2 arityO))
- (_.begin (list ## (_.display/1 (_.string (format "!!! PRE [slice]" text.new_line)))
- (|> @self
+ (_.begin (list (|> @self
(apply_poly arity_args)
(apply_poly output_func_args))))))
## (|> @num_args (_.</2 arityO))
diff --git a/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/generation/scheme/loop.lux b/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/generation/scheme/loop.lux
index 633b0da5a..d4b964910 100644
--- a/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/generation/scheme/loop.lux
+++ b/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/generation/scheme/loop.lux
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
["n" nat]]]
- ["_" scheme (#+ Computation Var)]]]
+ ["_" scheme]]]
["." // #_
[runtime (#+ Operation Phase Generator)]
["#." case]
diff --git a/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/generation/scheme/runtime.lux b/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/generation/scheme/runtime.lux
index 612cb3153..7f55df9a9 100644
--- a/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/generation/scheme/runtime.lux
+++ b/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/generation/scheme/runtime.lux
@@ -11,7 +11,8 @@
["." product]
["." text ("#\." hash)
["%" format (#+ format)]
- ["." encoding]]
+ [encoding
+ ["." utf8]]]
["." list ("#\." functor)]
["." row]]]
@@ -365,4 +366,4 @@
(row.row [(%.nat ..module_id)
(|> ..runtime
- (\ encoding.utf8 encode))])])))
+ (\ utf8.codec encode))])])))
diff --git a/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/meta/io/context.lux b/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/meta/io/context.lux
index 6c44c026a..3bb388f5e 100644
--- a/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/meta/io/context.lux
+++ b/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/meta/io/context.lux
@@ -15,7 +15,8 @@
[binary (#+ Binary)]
["." text ("#\." hash)
["%" format (#+ format)]
- ["." encoding]]
+ [encoding
+ ["." utf8]]]
["." dictionary (#+ Dictionary)]]]
@@ -127,7 +128,7 @@
(Promise (Try Input)))
(do (try.with promise.monad)
[[path binary] (..find_any_source_file system import contexts partial_host_extension module)]
- (case (\ encoding.utf8 decode binary)
+ (case (\ utf8.codec decode binary)
(#try.Success code)
(wrap {#////.module module
#////.file path
diff --git a/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/meta/packager/script.lux b/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/meta/packager/script.lux
index e8685ce2b..c23688a9e 100644
--- a/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/meta/packager/script.lux
+++ b/stdlib/source/lux/tool/compiler/meta/packager/script.lux
@@ -12,7 +12,8 @@
["." product]
["%" format (#+ format)]
- ["." encoding]]
+ [encoding
+ ["." utf8]]]
["." row]
["." list ("#\." functor)]]]
@@ -49,7 +50,7 @@
(monad.fold try.monad
(function (_ content so_far)
(|> content
- (\ encoding.utf8 decode)
+ (\ utf8.codec decode)
(\ try.monad map
(function (_ content)
(sequence so_far
@@ -75,4 +76,4 @@
(list\map (function (_ [module [module_id [descriptor document output]]])
[module_id output]))
(monad.fold ! (..write_module sequence) header)
- (\ ! map (|>> scope to_code (\ encoding.utf8 encode)))))))
+ (\ ! map (|>> scope to_code (\ utf8.codec encode)))))))