path: root/stdlib/source/lux/math/simple.lux
diff options
authorEduardo Julian2016-12-12 20:15:49 -0400
committerEduardo Julian2016-12-12 20:15:49 -0400
commit6095c8149a4f0c47333d50186f0758d286d30dec (patch)
tree07f2fe7fb68c4b48a94503650b72ccd468cf89d1 /stdlib/source/lux/math/simple.lux
parentbe0245eed09d242a1fa81a64ce9c3084e8251252 (diff)
- Small fixes, refactorings and expansions.
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 86 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/stdlib/source/lux/math/simple.lux b/stdlib/source/lux/math/simple.lux
index 9b6e70fbc..bb66e1160 100644
--- a/stdlib/source/lux/math/simple.lux
+++ b/stdlib/source/lux/math/simple.lux
@@ -133,11 +133,94 @@
[* ;;* n.* i.* r.* f.*]
[/ ;;/ n./ i./ r./ f./]
[% ;;% n.% i.% r.% f.%]
+ )
+(do-template [<name> <rec> <nat-op> <int-op> <real-op> <frac-op>]
+ [(syntax: #export (<name> {args ($_ s;alt
+ (s;seq s;symbol s;symbol)
+ (s;seq s;any s;any)
+ s;symbol
+ s;any
+ s;end)})
+ (case args
+ (+0 [x y])
+ (do @
+ [=x (resolve-type x)
+ =y (resolve-type y)
+ op (cond (and (check;checks? Nat =x)
+ (check;checks? Nat =y))
+ (wrap (` <nat-op>))
+ (and (check;checks? Int =x)
+ (check;checks? Int =y))
+ (wrap (` <int-op>))
+ (and (check;checks? Real =x)
+ (check;checks? Real =y))
+ (wrap (` <real-op>))
+ (and (check;checks? Frac =x)
+ (check;checks? Frac =y))
+ (wrap (` <frac-op>))
+ (compiler;fail (format "No operation for types: " (%type =x) " and " (%type =y))))]
+ (wrap (list (` ((~ op) (~ (ast;symbol x)) (~ (ast;symbol y)))))))
+ (+1 [x y])
+ (do @
+ [g!x (compiler;gensym "g!x")
+ g!y (compiler;gensym "g!y")]
+ (wrap (list (` (let [(~ g!x) (~ x)
+ (~ g!y) (~ y)]
+ (<rec> (~ g!x) (~ g!y)))))))
+ (+2 x)
+ (do @
+ [=x (resolve-type x)
+ op (cond (check;checks? Nat =x)
+ (wrap (` <nat-op>))
+ (check;checks? Int =x)
+ (wrap (` <int-op>))
+ (check;checks? Real =x)
+ (wrap (` <real-op>))
+ (check;checks? Frac =x)
+ (wrap (` <frac-op>))
+ (compiler;fail (format "No operation for type: " (%type =x))))]
+ (wrap (list (` ((~ op) (~ (ast;symbol x)))))))
+ (+3 x)
+ (do @
+ [g!x (compiler;gensym "g!x")]
+ (wrap (list (` (let [(~ g!x) (~ x)]
+ (<rec> (~ g!x)))))))
+ (+4 [])
+ (do @
+ [=e compiler;expected-type
+ op (cond (check;checks? (-> Nat Nat Bool) =e)
+ (wrap (` <nat-op>))
+ (check;checks? (-> Int Int Bool) =e)
+ (wrap (` <int-op>))
+ (check;checks? (-> Real Real Bool) =e)
+ (wrap (` <real-op>))
+ (check;checks? (-> Frac Frac Bool) =e)
+ (wrap (` <frac-op>))
+ (compiler;fail (format "No operation for type: " (%type =e))))]
+ (wrap (list op)))
+ ))]
- [= ;;= n.= i.= r.= f.=]
- [< ;;< n.< i.< r.< f.<]
+ [= ;;= n.= i.= r.= f.=]
+ [< ;;< n.< i.< r.< f.<]
[<= ;;<= n.<= i.<= r.<= f.<=]
- [> ;;> n.> i.> r.> f.>]
+ [> ;;> n.> i.> r.> f.>]
[>= ;;>= n.>= i.>= r.>= f.>=]