path: root/src
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authorEduardo Julian2015-01-26 20:18:57 -0400
committerEduardo Julian2015-01-26 20:18:57 -0400
commitd6df22d4e8eb8ba5399277bc171aa758cf9c4ed6 (patch)
tree5347b603e5f46bbead9ea290f476142ac064f978 /src
parent0b71ae1447dd65c310a1e93d032bf588c35bdc10 (diff)
- 'def' with 'lambda' as value now experiences a rewrite to eliminate the localized lambda-name and use the name of the global-def for the sake of making it easier to understand to users/programmers.
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 70 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/src/lux/analyser.clj b/src/lux/analyser.clj
index 32c2df71b..874ea9376 100644
--- a/src/lux/analyser.clj
+++ b/src/lux/analyser.clj
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@
(defn ^:private resolve [ident]
(fn [state]
- (prn 'resolve ident)
+ ;; (prn 'resolve ident)
(let [[top & stack*] (::local-envs state)]
(if-let [=bound (or (get-in top [:mappings ident])
(get-in top [:mappings/closure ident]))]
@@ -632,6 +632,7 @@
(analyse-ast ?body))]
(return (list (annotated [::let idx ?label =value =body] (:type =body))))))
+(declare raise-bindings)
(defn ^:private raise-tree-bindings [outer-scope ?tree]
(case (:type ?tree)
@@ -699,6 +700,67 @@
[::lambda =scope =captured (list ?arg) =body])]]
(return (list (annotated =lambda =function)))))
+(declare ->def-lambda)
+(defn ^:private ->def-lambda-tree [old-scope new-scope ?tree]
+ (case (:type ?tree)
+ ::adt*
+ (update-in ?tree [:patterns]
+ #(into {} (for [[?tag ?unapply] %
+ :let [=unapply (update-in ?unapply [:parts] (partial map (partial ->def-lambda-tree old-scope new-scope)))]]
+ [?tag =unapply])))
+ ::defaults
+ (update-in ?tree [:stores]
+ #(into {} (for [[?store ?branches] %
+ :let [=store (->def-lambda old-scope new-scope {:form ?store :type ::&type/nothing})]]
+ [(:form =store) ?branches])))
+ ;; else
+ (assert false (pr-str ?tree))
+ ))
+(defn ^:private ->def-lambda [old-scope new-scope syntax]
+ (match (:form syntax)
+ [::local ?local-scope ?idx]
+ (if (= ?local-scope old-scope)
+ {:form [::local new-scope ?idx]
+ :type (:type syntax)}
+ syntax)
+ [::self ?self-name ?curried]
+ (if (= ?self-name old-scope)
+ {:form [::self new-scope (mapv (partial ->def-lambda old-scope new-scope) ?curried)]
+ :type (:type syntax)}
+ syntax)
+ [::jvm:iadd ?x ?y]
+ {:form [::iadd (->def-lambda old-scope new-scope ?x) (->def-lambda old-scope new-scope ?y)]
+ :type (:type syntax)}
+ [::case ?base ?variant ?registers ?mappings ?tree]
+ (let [=variant (->def-lambda old-scope new-scope ?variant)
+ =mappings (into {} (for [[idx syntax] ?mappings]
+ [idx (->def-lambda old-scope new-scope syntax)]))
+ =tree (->def-lambda-tree old-scope new-scope ?tree)]
+ {:form [::case ?base =variant ?registers =mappings =tree]
+ :type (:type syntax)})
+ [::call ?func ?args]
+ {:form [::call (->def-lambda old-scope new-scope ?func)
+ (map (partial ->def-lambda old-scope new-scope) ?args)]
+ :type (:type syntax)}
+ [::lambda ?scope ?captured ?args ?value]
+ {:form [::lambda ?scope
+ (into {} (for [[?name ?sub-syntax] ?captured]
+ [?name (->def-lambda old-scope new-scope ?sub-syntax)]))
+ ?args
+ (->def-lambda old-scope new-scope ?value)]
+ :type (:type syntax)}
+ _
+ (assert false (pr-str (:form syntax)))))
(defn ^:private analyse-def [analyse-ast ?name ?value]
(exec [def?? (defined? ?name)]
(if def??
@@ -707,6 +769,13 @@
:let [scoped-name (str "def_" ?name)]
[=value] (with-env scoped-name
(analyse-ast ?value))
+ :let [;; _ (prn 'analyse-def/=value =value)
+ =value (match (:form =value)
+ [::lambda ?scope _ _ _]
+ (->def-lambda ?scope scoped-name =value)
+ _
+ =value)]
_ (if ann??
(return nil)
(annotate ?name ::constant ::public false (:type =value)))