path: root/src/lux/analyser/host.clj
diff options
authorEduardo Julian2015-12-02 19:10:31 -0400
committerEduardo Julian2015-12-02 19:10:31 -0400
commit2c392029d19aee4962f3b37b4f10eb79f7c01e3f (patch)
treec9bad63534939e71d07903a0dd955f366b2d7404 /src/lux/analyser/host.clj
parenta8b1320ce27470cb462c32ca344e31404dbe2bde (diff)
- Made a variety of refactorings and minor changes.
- Generic class definitions are halfway done.
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 132 insertions, 133 deletions
diff --git a/src/lux/analyser/host.clj b/src/lux/analyser/host.clj
index b51dc21e7..b4d862be2 100644
--- a/src/lux/analyser/host.clj
+++ b/src/lux/analyser/host.clj
@@ -451,149 +451,143 @@
(&/V &&/$jvm-arraylength =array)
-(defn ^:private analyse-field [field]
- (|case field
- [_ (&/$FormS (&/$Cons [_ (&/$TextS ?field-name)]
- (&/$Cons [_ (&/$TupleS ?field-modifiers)]
- (&/$Cons [_ (&/$TupleS ?anns)]
- (&/$Cons [_ (&/$TextS ?field-type)]
- (&/$Nil))))))]
- (|do [=field-modifiers (&&a-parser/parse-modifiers ?field-modifiers)
- =anns (&/map% &&a-parser/parse-ann ?anns)]
- (return {:name ?field-name
- :modifiers =field-modifiers
- :anns =anns
- :type ?field-type}))
+(defn generic-class->simple-class [gclass]
+ "(-> GenericClass Text)"
+ (|case gclass
+ (&/$GenericTypeVar var-name)
+ "java.lang.Object"
- _
- (fail "[Analyser Error] Wrong syntax for field.")))
-(defn ^:private dummy-method-desc [method]
- (|case method
- [_ (&/$FormS (&/$Cons [_ (&/$TextS method-name)]
- (&/$Cons [_ (&/$TupleS method-modifiers)]
- (&/$Cons [_ (&/$TupleS method-anns)]
- (&/$Cons [_ (&/$TupleS method-exs)]
- (&/$Cons [_ (&/$TupleS method-inputs)]
- (&/$Cons [_ (&/$TextS method-output)]
- (&/$Cons method-body
- (&/$Nil)))))))))]
- (|do [=method-modifiers (&&a-parser/parse-modifiers method-modifiers)
- =method-exs (&/map% &&a-parser/parse-text method-exs)
- =method-inputs (&/map% (fn [minput]
- (|case minput
- [_ (&/$FormS (&/$Cons [_ (&/$SymbolS "" input-name)]
- (&/$Cons [_ (&/$TextS input-type)]
- (&/$Nil))))]
- (return (&/T input-name input-type))
- _
- (fail "[Analyser Error] Wrong syntax for method input.")))
- method-inputs)]
- (return {:name method-name
- :modifiers =method-modifiers
- :anns (&/|list)
- :exceptions =method-exs
- :inputs (&/|map &/|second =method-inputs)
- :output method-output}))
- _
- (fail (str "[Analyser Error] Wrong syntax for method: " (&/show-ast method)))))
-(defn ^:private analyse-method [analyse owner-class method]
- (|case method
- [_ (&/$FormS (&/$Cons [_ (&/$TextS method-name)]
- (&/$Cons [_ (&/$TupleS method-modifiers)]
- (&/$Cons [_ (&/$TupleS method-anns)]
- (&/$Cons [_ (&/$TupleS method-exs)]
- (&/$Cons [_ (&/$TupleS method-inputs)]
- (&/$Cons [_ (&/$TextS method-output)]
- (&/$Cons method-body
- (&/$Nil)))))))))]
- (|do [=method-modifiers (&&a-parser/parse-modifiers method-modifiers)
- =anns (&/map% &&a-parser/parse-ann method-anns)
- =method-exs (&/map% &&a-parser/parse-text method-exs)
- =method-inputs (&/map% (fn [minput]
- (|case minput
- [_ (&/$FormS (&/$Cons [_ (&/$SymbolS "" input-name)]
- (&/$Cons [_ (&/$TextS input-type)]
- (&/$Nil))))]
- (return (&/T input-name input-type))
- _
- (fail "[Analyser Error] Wrong syntax for method input.")))
- method-inputs)
- =method-body (&/fold (fn [body* input*]
- (|let [[iname itype] input*]
- (&&env/with-local iname (&type/Data$ (as-otype itype) &/Nil$)
- body*)))
- (if (= "void" method-output)
- (&&/analyse-1+ analyse method-body)
- (&&/analyse-1 analyse (&type/Data$ (as-otype method-output) &/Nil$) method-body))
- (&/|reverse (&/Cons$ (&/T &&/jvm-this owner-class)
- =method-inputs)))]
- (return {:name method-name
- :modifiers =method-modifiers
- :anns =anns
- :exceptions =method-exs
- :inputs (&/|map &/|second =method-inputs)
- :output method-output
- :body =method-body}))
+ (&/$GenericClass name params)
+ name
+ (&/$GenericArray param)
+ (|case param
+ (&/$GenericArray _)
+ (str "[" (generic-class->simple-class param))
+ (&/$GenericClass "boolean" _)
+ "[Z"
+ (&/$GenericClass "byte" _)
+ "[B"
+ (&/$GenericClass "short" _)
+ "[S"
+ (&/$GenericClass "int" _)
+ "[I"
+ (&/$GenericClass "long" _)
+ "[J"
+ (&/$GenericClass "float" _)
+ "[F"
+ (&/$GenericClass "double" _)
+ "[D"
+ (&/$GenericClass "char" _)
+ "[C"
+ (&/$GenericClass name params)
+ (str "[L" name ";")
+ (&/$GenericTypeVar var-name)
+ "[Ljava.lang.Object;")
+ ))
+(defn generic-class->type [gclass]
+ "(-> GenericClass (Lux Type))"
+ (|case gclass
+ (&/$GenericTypeVar var-name)
+ (return (&type/Data$ "java.lang.Object" &/Nil$))
- _
- (fail (str "[Analyser Error] Wrong syntax for method: " (&/show-ast method)))))
+ (&/$GenericClass name params)
+ (case name
+ "boolean" (return (&type/Data$ "java.lang.Boolean" (&/|list)))
+ "byte" (return (&type/Data$ "java.lang.Byte" (&/|list)))
+ "short" (return (&type/Data$ "java.lang.Short" (&/|list)))
+ "int" (return (&type/Data$ "java.lang.Integer" (&/|list)))
+ "long" (return (&type/Data$ "java.lang.Long" (&/|list)))
+ "float" (return (&type/Data$ "java.lang.Float" (&/|list)))
+ "double" (return (&type/Data$ "java.lang.Double" (&/|list)))
+ "char" (return (&type/Data$ "java.lang.Character" (&/|list)))
+ "void" (return &type/Unit)
+ ;; else
+ (|do [=params (&/map% generic-class->type params)]
+ (return (&type/Data$ name =params))))
+ (&/$GenericArray param)
+ (|do [=param (generic-class->type param)]
+ (return (&type/Data$ &host-type/array-data-tag (&/|list =param))))
+ ))
+(defn ^:private analyse-method [analyse class-decl method]
+ (|do [:let [[?cname ?cparams] class-decl
+ class-type (&type/Data$ ?cname &/Nil$)
+ [?decl ?body] method
+ [_ _ _ _ _ ?inputs ?output] ?decl]
+ output-type (generic-class->type ?output)
+ =body (&/fold (fn [body* input*]
+ (|do [:let [[iname itype*] input*]
+ itype (generic-class->type itype*)]
+ (&&env/with-local iname itype
+ body*)))
+ (&&/analyse-1 analyse output-type ?body)
+ (&/|reverse (&/Cons$ (&/T &&/jvm-this class-type)
+ ?inputs)))]
+ (return (&/T ?decl =body))))
(defn ^:private mandatory-methods [supers]
(|do [class-loader &/loader]
(&/flat-map% (partial &host/abstract-methods class-loader) supers)))
(defn ^:private check-method-completion [supers methods]
- "(-> (List ClassName) (List MethodDesc) (Lux (,)))"
+ "(-> (List SuperClassDecl) (List (, MethodDecl Analysis)) (Lux (,)))"
(|do [abstract-methods (mandatory-methods supers)
:let [methods-map (&/fold (fn [mmap mentry]
- (assoc mmap (:name mentry) mentry))
+ (prn 'methods-map (count mentry) mentry)
+ (|let [[[=name =modifiers =anns =gvars =exceptions =inputs =output] _] mentry]
+ (assoc mmap =name mentry)))
missing-method (&/fold (fn [missing abs-meth]
(|let [[am-name am-inputs] abs-meth]
(or missing
(if-let [meth-struct (get methods-map am-name)]
- (let [meth-inputs (:inputs meth-struct)]
- (if (and (= (&/|length meth-inputs) (&/|length am-inputs))
- (&/fold2 (fn [prev mi ai] (and prev (= mi ai)))
+ (|let [[[=name =modifiers =anns =gvars =exceptions =inputs =output] _] meth-struct]
+ (if (and (= (&/|length =inputs) (&/|length am-inputs))
+ (&/fold2 (fn [prev mi ai]
+ (|let [[iname itype] mi]
+ (and prev (= (generic-class->simple-class itype) ai))))
- meth-inputs am-inputs))
+ =inputs am-inputs))
- am-name))
- am-name))))
+ abs-meth))
+ abs-meth))))
(if (nil? missing-method)
(return nil)
- (fail (str "[Analyser Error] Missing method: " missing-method)))))
+ (|let [[am-name am-inputs] missing-method]
+ (fail (str "[Analyser Error] Missing method: " am-name " " "(" (->> am-inputs (&/|interpose " ") (&/fold str "")) ")"))))))
-(defn analyse-jvm-class [analyse compile-token name super-class interfaces anns fields methods]
+(defn analyse-jvm-class [analyse compile-token class-decl super-class interfaces =anns =fields methods]
(|do [module &/get-module-name
- :let [full-name (str module "." name)]
- ;; :let [_ (prn 'analyse-jvm-class/_0)]
- =anns (&/map% &&a-parser/parse-ann anns)
- =fields (&/map% analyse-field fields)
- ;; :let [_ (prn 'analyse-jvm-class/_1)]
- =method-descs (&/map% dummy-method-desc methods)
- _ (&host/use-dummy-class name super-class interfaces &/None$ =fields =method-descs)
- =methods (&/map% (partial analyse-method analyse full-name) methods)
+ :let [[?name ?params] class-decl
+ full-name (str module "." ?name)]
+ _ (&host/use-dummy-class class-decl super-class interfaces &/None$ =fields methods)
+ =methods (&/map% (partial analyse-method analyse class-decl) methods)
;; :let [_ (prn 'analyse-jvm-class/_2)]
_ (check-method-completion (&/Cons$ super-class interfaces) =methods)
;; :let [_ (prn 'analyse-jvm-class/_3)]
- _ (compile-token (&/V &&/$jvm-class (&/T name super-class interfaces =anns =fields =methods nil)))
- :let [_ (println 'DEF (str module "." name))]]
+ _ (compile-token (&/V &&/$jvm-class (&/T class-decl super-class interfaces =anns =fields =methods nil)))
+ :let [_ (println 'DEF full-name)]]
(return &/Nil$))))
-(defn analyse-jvm-interface [analyse compile-token interface-decl supers anns methods]
+(defn analyse-jvm-interface [analyse compile-token interface-decl supers =anns =methods]
(|do [module &/get-module-name
- =anns (&/map% &&a-parser/parse-ann anns)
- =methods (&/map% &&a-parser/parse-method-decl methods)
_ (compile-token (&/V &&/$jvm-interface (&/T interface-decl supers =anns =methods)))
:let [_ (println 'DEF (str module "." (&/|first interface-decl)))]]
(return &/Nil$)))
@@ -608,45 +602,50 @@
:final? false
:abstract? false
:concurrency nil}
- default-<init> {:name "<init>"
- :modifiers {:visibility "public"
- :static? false
- :final? false
- :abstract? false
- :concurrency nil}
- :anns (&/|list)
- :exceptions (&/|list)
- :inputs (&/|list)
- :output "void"}
+ default-<init> (&/T "<init>"
+ {:visibility "public"
+ :static? false
+ :final? false
+ :abstract? false
+ :concurrency nil}
+ (&/|list)
+ (&/|list)
+ (&/|list)
+ (&/|list)
+ (&/V &/$GenericClass (&/T "void" (&/|list))))
captured-slot-type "java.lang.Object"]
(defn analyse-jvm-anon-class [analyse compile-token exo-type super-class interfaces ctor-args methods]
(|do [module &/get-module-name
scope &/get-scope-name
:let [name (&host/location (&/|tail scope))
- anon-class (str module "." name)]
+ class-decl (&/T name (&/|list))
+ anon-class (str module "." name)
+ _ (prn 'analyse-jvm-anon-class/_0 anon-class)
+ _ (prn 'analyse-jvm-anon-class/_1 class-decl)
+ anon-class-type (&type/Data$ anon-class (&/|list))]
=ctor-args (&/map% (fn [ctor-arg]
(|let [[arg-type arg-term] ctor-arg]
(|do [=arg-term (&&/analyse-1+ analyse arg-term)]
(return (&/T arg-type =arg-term)))))
- =method-descs (&/map% dummy-method-desc methods)
- _ (->> =method-descs
+ _ (->> methods
+ (&/|map &/|first)
(&/Cons$ default-<init>)
- (&host/use-dummy-class name super-class interfaces (&/Some$ =ctor-args) (&/|list)))
- =methods (&/map% (partial analyse-method analyse anon-class) methods)
+ (&host/use-dummy-class class-decl super-class interfaces (&/Some$ =ctor-args) (&/|list)))
+ =methods (&/map% (partial analyse-method analyse class-decl) methods)
_ (check-method-completion (&/Cons$ super-class interfaces) =methods)
=captured &&env/captured-vars
:let [=fields (&/|map (fn [^objects idx+capt]
- {:name (str &c!base/closure-prefix (aget idx+capt 0))
- :modifiers captured-slot-modifier
- :anns (&/|list)
- :type captured-slot-type})
+ (&/T (str &c!base/closure-prefix (aget idx+capt 0))
+ captured-slot-modifier
+ (&/|list)
+ captured-slot-type))
(&/enumerate =captured))]
:let [sources (&/|map captured-source =captured)]
- _ (compile-token (&/V &&/$jvm-class (&/T name super-class interfaces (&/|list) =fields =methods =captured (&/Some$ =ctor-args))))
+ _ (compile-token (&/V &&/$jvm-class (&/T class-decl super-class interfaces (&/|list) =fields =methods =captured (&/Some$ =ctor-args))))
_cursor &/cursor]
- (return (&/|list (&&/|meta (&type/Data$ anon-class (&/|list)) _cursor
+ (return (&/|list (&&/|meta anon-class-type _cursor
(&/V &&/$jvm-new (&/T anon-class (&/|repeat (&/|length sources) captured-slot-type) sources))