path: root/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/js/procedure
diff options
authorEduardo Julian2018-01-21 12:58:48 -0400
committerEduardo Julian2018-01-21 12:58:48 -0400
commit498af2e0123c1ce65e46bf15fe3854266ad58f53 (patch)
treee8235092c959b91c4328c838450a9ac391e0cbcc /new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/js/procedure
parent002ee0418195afccd1a1b500a36cc5b2adc44791 (diff)
- WIP: Host procedures for JS.
Diffstat (limited to '')
3 files changed, 809 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/js/procedure.jvm.lux b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/js/procedure.jvm.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..66c7fe6f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/js/procedure.jvm.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ lux
+ (lux (control [monad #+ do]
+ ["ex" exception #+ exception:])
+ (data [maybe]
+ text/format
+ (coll [dict])))
+ (luxc ["&" lang]
+ (lang ["ls" synthesis]))
+ [//]
+ (/ ["/." common]
+ ["/." host]))
+(exception: #export Unknown-Procedure)
+(def: procedures
+ /common.Bundle
+ (|> /common.procedures
+ (dict.merge /host.procedures)))
+(def: #export (translate-procedure translate name args)
+ (-> (-> ls.Synthesis (Meta //.Expression)) Text (List ls.Synthesis)
+ (Meta //.Expression))
+ (<| (maybe.default (&.throw Unknown-Procedure (%t name)))
+ (do maybe.Monad<Maybe>
+ [proc (dict.get name procedures)]
+ (wrap (proc translate args)))))
diff --git a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/js/procedure/common.jvm.lux b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/js/procedure/common.jvm.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b0dbe4533
--- /dev/null
+++ b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/js/procedure/common.jvm.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,633 @@
+ lux
+ (lux (control [monad #+ do])
+ (data ["e" error]
+ [text]
+ text/format
+ (coll [list "list/" Functor<List>]
+ [dict #+ Dict]))
+ [macro #+ with-gensyms]
+ (macro [code]
+ ["s" syntax #+ syntax:]))
+ (luxc ["&" lang]
+ (lang ["la" analysis]
+ ["ls" synthesis]))
+ [///]
+ (/// [".T" runtime]
+ [".T" case]
+ [".T" function]
+ [".T" loop]))
+## [Types]
+(type: #export Translator
+ (-> ls.Synthesis (Meta ///.Expression)))
+(type: #export Proc
+ (-> Translator (List ls.Synthesis) (Meta ///.Expression)))
+(type: #export Bundle
+ (Dict Text Proc))
+(syntax: (Vector [size s.nat] elemT)
+ (wrap (list (` [(~+ (list.repeat size elemT))]))))
+(type: #export Nullary (-> (Vector +0 ///.Expression) ///.Expression))
+(type: #export Unary (-> (Vector +1 ///.Expression) ///.Expression))
+(type: #export Binary (-> (Vector +2 ///.Expression) ///.Expression))
+(type: #export Trinary (-> (Vector +3 ///.Expression) ///.Expression))
+(type: #export Variadic (-> (List ///.Expression) ///.Expression))
+## [Utils]
+(def: #export (install name unnamed)
+ (-> Text (-> Text Proc)
+ (-> Bundle Bundle))
+ (dict.put name (unnamed name)))
+(def: #export (prefix prefix bundle)
+ (-> Text Bundle Bundle)
+ (|> bundle
+ dict.entries
+ (list/map (function [[key val]] [(format prefix " " key) val]))
+ (dict.from-list text.Hash<Text>)))
+(def: (wrong-arity proc expected actual)
+ (-> Text Nat Nat Text)
+ (format "Wrong number of arguments for " (%t proc) "\n"
+ "Expected: " (|> expected nat-to-int %i) "\n"
+ " Actual: " (|> actual nat-to-int %i)))
+(syntax: (arity: [name s.local-symbol] [arity s.nat])
+ (with-gensyms [g!proc g!name g!translate g!inputs]
+ (do @
+ [g!input+ (monad.seq @ (list.repeat arity (macro.gensym "input")))]
+ (wrap (list (` (def: #export ((~ (code.local-symbol name)) (~ g!proc))
+ (-> (-> (..Vector (~ (code.nat arity)) ///.Expression) ///.Expression)
+ (-> Text ..Proc))
+ (function [(~ g!name)]
+ (function [(~ g!translate) (~ g!inputs)]
+ (case (~ g!inputs)
+ (^ (list (~+ g!input+)))
+ (do macro.Monad<Meta>
+ [(~+ (|> g!input+
+ (list/map (function [g!input]
+ (list g!input (` ((~ g!translate) (~ g!input))))))
+ list.concat))]
+ ((~' wrap) ((~ g!proc) [(~+ g!input+)])))
+ (~' _)
+ (macro.fail (wrong-arity (~ g!name) +1 (list.size (~ g!inputs))))))))))))))
+(arity: nullary +0)
+(arity: unary +1)
+(arity: binary +2)
+(arity: trinary +3)
+(def: #export (variadic proc)
+ (-> Variadic (-> Text Proc))
+ (function [proc-name]
+ (function [translate inputsS]
+ (do macro.Monad<Meta>
+ [inputsI (monad.map @ translate inputsS)]
+ (wrap (proc inputsI))))))
+(def: (self-contained content)
+ (-> //.Expression //.Expression)
+ (format "(" content ")"))
+(def: (void action)
+ (-> //.Expression //.Expression)
+ (format "(" action "," runtimeT.unit ")"))
+## [Procedures]
+## [[Lux]]
+(def: (lux//is [leftJS rightJS])
+ Binary
+ (self-contained (format leftJS " === " rightJS)))
+(def: (lux//if [testJS thenJS elseJS])
+ Trinary
+ (caseT.translate-if testJS thenJS elseJS))
+(def: (lux//try riskyJS)
+ Unary
+ (format runtimeT.lux//try "(" riskyJS ")"))
+(def: (lux//noop valueJS)
+ Unary
+ valueJS)
+(exception: #export Wrong-Syntax)
+(def: #export (wrong-syntax procedure args)
+ (-> Text (List ls.Synthesis) Text)
+ (format "Procedure: " procedure "\n"
+ "Arguments: " (%code (code.tuple args))))
+(def: lux//loop
+ (-> Text Proc)
+ (function [proc-name]
+ (function [translate inputsS]
+ (case (s.run inputsS ($_ p.seq s.nat (s.tuple (p.many s.any)) s.any))
+ (#e.Success [offset initsS+ bodyS])
+ (loopT.translate-loop translate offset initsS+ bodyS)
+ (#e.Error error)
+ (&.throw Wrong-Syntax (wrong-syntax proc-name inputsS)))
+ )))
+(def: lux//recur
+ (-> Text Proc)
+ (function [proc-name]
+ (function [translate inputsS]
+ (loopT.translate-recur translate inputsS))))
+## [[Bits]]
+(do-template [<name> <op>]
+ [(def: (<name> [subjectJS paramJS])
+ Binary
+ (format <op> "(" subjectJS "," paramJS ")"))]
+ [bit//and runtimeT.bit//and]
+ [bit//or runtimeT.bit//or]
+ [bit//xor runtimeT.bit//xor]
+ [bit//shift-left runtimeT.bit//shift-left]
+ [bit//shift-right runtimeT.bit//shift-right]
+ [bit//unsigned-shift-right runtimeT.bit//unsigned-shift-right]
+ )
+(def: (bit//count subjectJS)
+ Unary
+ (format runtimeT.bit//count "(" subjectJS ")"))
+## [[Arrays]]
+(def: (array//new sizeJS)
+ Unary
+ (self-contained (format "new Array(" runtimeT.int//to-number "(" sizeJS ")" ")")))
+(def: (array//get [arrayJS idxJS])
+ Binary
+ (format runtimeT.array//get "(" arrayJS "," idxJS ")"))
+(def: (array//put [arrayJS idxJS elemJS])
+ Trinary
+ (format runtimeT.array//put "(" arrayJS "," idxJS "," elemJS ")"))
+(def: (array//remove [arrayJS idxJS])
+ Binary
+ (format runtimeT.array//remove "(" arrayJS "," idxJS ")"))
+(def: (array//size arrayJS)
+ Unary
+ (format arrayJS ".length"))
+## [[Numbers]]
+(do-template [<name> <encode> <type>]
+ [(def: (<name> _)
+ Nullary
+ (<encode> <const>))]
+ [nat//min 0 js-int]
+ [nat//max -1 js-int]
+ [int//min Long::MIN_VALUE js-int]
+ [int//max Long::MAX_VALUE js-int]
+ [frac//smallest Double::MIN_VALUE js-frac]
+ [frac//min (f/* -1.0 Double::MAX_VALUE) js-frac]
+ [frac//max Double::MAX_VALUE js-frac]
+ [frac//not-a-number Double::NaN js-frac]
+ [frac//positive-infinity Double::POSITIVE_INFINITY js-frac]
+ [frac//negative-infinity Double::NEGATIVE_INFINITY js-frac]
+ [deg//min 0 js-int]
+ [deg//max -1 js-int]
+ )
+(do-template [<name> <op>]
+ [(def: (<name> [subjectJS paramJS])
+ Binary
+ (format <op> "(" subjectJS "," paramJS ")"))]
+ [int//add runtimeT.int//+]
+ [int//sub runtimeT.int//-]
+ [int//mul runtimeT.int//*]
+ [int//div runtimeT.int///]
+ [int//rem runtimeT.int//%]
+ [nat//add runtimeT.int//+]
+ [nat//sub runtimeT.int//-]
+ [nat//mul runtimeT.int//*]
+ [nat//div runtimeT.nat///]
+ [nat//rem runtimeT.nat//%]
+ [deg//add runtimeT.int//+]
+ [deg//sub runtimeT.int//-]
+ [deg//mul runtimeT.deg//*]
+ [deg//div runtimeT.deg///]
+ [deg//rem runtimeT.int//-]
+ [deg//scale runtimeT.int//*]
+ [deg//reciprocal runtimeT.int///]
+ )
+(do-template [<name> <op>]
+ [(def: (<name> [subjectJS paramJS])
+ Binary
+ (self-contained (format subjectJS " " <op> " " paramJS)))]
+ [frac//add "+"]
+ [frac//sub "-"]
+ [frac//mul "*"]
+ [frac//div "/"]
+ [frac//rem "%"]
+ [frac//= "=="]
+ [frac//< "<"]
+ [text//= "=="]
+ [text//< "<"]
+ )
+(do-template [<name> <cmp>]
+ [(def: (<name> [subjectJS paramJS])
+ Binary
+ (format <cmp> "(" subjectJS "," paramJS ")"))]
+ [nat//= runtimeT.int//=]
+ [nat//< runtimeT.nat//<]
+ [int//= runtimeT.int//=]
+ [int//< runtimeT.int//<]
+ [deg//= runtimeT.int//=]
+ [deg//< runtimeT.nat//<]
+ )
+(do-template [<name>]
+ [(def: (<name> inputJS)
+ Unary
+ inputJS)]
+ [nat//to-int]
+ [int//to-nat]
+ )
+(def: (frac//encode inputJS)
+ Unary
+ (format (self-contained inputJS) ".toString()"))
+(def: (frac//decode inputJS)
+ Unary
+ (format "parseFloat(" inputJS ")"))
+(do-template [<name> <transform>]
+ [(def: (<name> inputJS)
+ Unary
+ (<transform> "(" inputJS ")"))]
+ [int//to-frac runtimeT.int//to-number]
+ [frac//to-int runtimeT.int//from-number]
+ [frac//to-deg runtimeT.deg//from-frac]
+ [deg//to-frac runtimeT.deg//to-frac]
+ [text//hash runtimeT.text//hash]
+ )
+(def: (nat//char inputJS)
+ Unary
+ (format "String.fromCharCode" "(" (int//to-frac inputJS) ")"))
+## [[Text]]
+(do-template [<name> <op>]
+ [(def: (<name> inputJS)
+ Unary
+ (format inputJS <op>))]
+ [text//size ".length"]
+ [text//trim ".trim()"]
+ [text//upper ".toUpperCase()"]
+ [text//lower ".toLowerCase()"]
+ )
+(do-template [<name> <method>]
+ [(def: (<name> [subjectJS paramJS])
+ Binary
+ (format subjectJS "." <method> "(" paramJS ")"))]
+ [text//concat "concat"]
+ [text//contains? "includes"]
+ )
+(def: (text//char [subjectJS paramJS])
+ Binary
+ (format runtimeT.text//char "(" subjectJS "," paramJS ")"))
+(do-template [<name> <runtime>]
+ [(def: (<name> [subjectJS paramJS extraJS])
+ Trinary
+ (format <runtime> "(" subjectJS "," paramJS "," extraJS ")"))]
+ [text//clip runtimeT.text//clip]
+ [text//replace-all runtimeT.text//replace-all]
+ )
+(def: (text//replace-once [subjectJS paramJS extraJS])
+ Trinary
+ (format subjectJS "." <method> "(" paramJS "," extraJS ")"))
+(do-template [<name> <method>]
+ [(def: (<name> [textJS partJS startJS])
+ Trinary
+ (format <method> "(" textJS "," partJS "," startJS ")"))]
+ [text//index runtimeT.text//index]
+ [text//last-index runtimeT.text//last-index]
+ )
+## [[Math]]
+(do-template [<name> <method>]
+ [(def: (<name> inputJS)
+ Unary
+ (format "Math." <method> "(" inputJS ")"))]
+ [math//cos "cos"]
+ [math//sin "sin"]
+ [math//tan "tan"]
+ [math//acos "acos"]
+ [math//asin "asin"]
+ [math//atan "atan"]
+ [math//cosh "cosh"]
+ [math//sinh "sinh"]
+ [math//tanh "tanh"]
+ [math//exp "exp"]
+ [math//log "log"]
+ [math//root2 "sqrt"]
+ [math//root3 "cbrt"]
+ [math//ceil "ceil"]
+ [math//floor "floor"]
+ [math//round "round"]
+ )
+(do-template [<name> <method>]
+ [(def: (<name> [inputJS paramJS])
+ Binary
+ (format "Math." <method> "(" inputJS "," paramJS ")"))]
+ [math//atan2 "atan2"]
+ [math//pow "pow"]
+ )
+## [[IO]]
+(def: (io//log messageJS)
+ Unary
+ (void (format "console.log(" messageJS ")")))
+(def: (io//error messageJS)
+ Unary
+ (format runtimeT.io//error "(" messageJS ")"))
+(def: (io//exit codeJS)
+ Unary
+ (format "(process && process.exit && process.exit(" (int//to-frac codeJS) "))"))
+(def: (io//current-time [])
+ Nullary
+ (frac//to-int "(new Date()).getTime()"))
+## [[Atoms]]
+(def: (atom//new initJS)
+ Unary
+ (format "{" runtimeT.atom-field ":" initJS "}"))
+(def: (atom//read atomJS)
+ Unary
+ (format atomJS "." runtimeT.atom-field))
+(def: (atom//compare-and-swap [atomJS oldJS newJS])
+ Trinary
+ (format atom//compare-and-swap "(" atomJS "," oldJS "," newJS ")"))
+## [[Box]]
+(def: (box//new initJS)
+ Unary
+ (format "[" initJS "]"))
+(def: (box//read boxJS)
+ Unary
+ (format "[" boxJS "][0]"))
+(def: (box//write [valueJS boxJS])
+ Binary
+ (void (format (box//read boxJS) " = " valueJS)))
+## [[Processes]]
+(def: (process//concurrency-level [])
+ Nullary
+ (frac//to-int "1"))
+(def: (process//future procedureJS)
+ Unary
+ (format "setTimeout("
+ "function() {" procedureJS "(null)" "}"
+ ",0)"))
+(def: (process//schedule [milli-secondsJS procedureJS])
+ Binary
+ (format "setTimeout("
+ "function() {" procedureJS "(null)" "}"
+ "," (int//to-frac milli-secondsJS) ")"))
+## [Bundles]
+(def: lux-procs
+ Bundle
+ (|> (dict.new text.Hash<Text>)
+ (install "noop" (unary lux//noop))
+ (install "is" (binary lux//is))
+ (install "try" (unary lux//try))
+ (install "if" (trinary lux//if))
+ (install "loop" lux//loop)
+ (install "recur" lux//recur)
+ ))
+(def: bit-procs
+ Bundle
+ (<| (prefix "bit")
+ (|> (dict.new text.Hash<Text>)
+ (install "count" (unary bit//count))
+ (install "and" (binary bit//and))
+ (install "or" (binary bit//or))
+ (install "xor" (binary bit//xor))
+ (install "shift-left" (binary bit//shift-left))
+ (install "unsigned-shift-right" (binary bit//unsigned-shift-right))
+ (install "shift-right" (binary bit//shift-right))
+ )))
+(def: nat-procs
+ Bundle
+ (<| (prefix "nat")
+ (|> (dict.new text.Hash<Text>)
+ (install "+" (binary nat//add))
+ (install "-" (binary nat//sub))
+ (install "*" (binary nat//mul))
+ (install "/" (binary nat//div))
+ (install "%" (binary nat//rem))
+ (install "=" (binary nat//eq))
+ (install "<" (binary nat//lt))
+ (install "min" (nullary nat//min))
+ (install "max" (nullary nat//max))
+ (install "to-int" (unary nat//to-int))
+ (install "char" (unary nat//char)))))
+(def: int-procs
+ Bundle
+ (<| (prefix "int")
+ (|> (dict.new text.Hash<Text>)
+ (install "+" (binary int//add))
+ (install "-" (binary int//sub))
+ (install "*" (binary int//mul))
+ (install "/" (binary int//div))
+ (install "%" (binary int//rem))
+ (install "=" (binary int//eq))
+ (install "<" (binary int//lt))
+ (install "min" (nullary int//min))
+ (install "max" (nullary int//max))
+ (install "to-nat" (unary int//to-nat))
+ (install "to-frac" (unary int//to-frac)))))
+(def: deg-procs
+ Bundle
+ (<| (prefix "deg")
+ (|> (dict.new text.Hash<Text>)
+ (install "+" (binary deg//add))
+ (install "-" (binary deg//sub))
+ (install "*" (binary deg//mul))
+ (install "/" (binary deg//div))
+ (install "%" (binary deg//rem))
+ (install "=" (binary deg//eq))
+ (install "<" (binary deg//lt))
+ (install "scale" (binary deg//scale))
+ (install "reciprocal" (binary deg//reciprocal))
+ (install "min" (nullary deg//min))
+ (install "max" (nullary deg//max))
+ (install "to-frac" (unary deg//to-frac)))))
+(def: frac-procs
+ Bundle
+ (<| (prefix "frac")
+ (|> (dict.new text.Hash<Text>)
+ (install "+" (binary frac//add))
+ (install "-" (binary frac//sub))
+ (install "*" (binary frac//mul))
+ (install "/" (binary frac//div))
+ (install "%" (binary frac//rem))
+ (install "=" (binary frac//eq))
+ (install "<" (binary frac//lt))
+ (install "smallest" (nullary frac//smallest))
+ (install "min" (nullary frac//min))
+ (install "max" (nullary frac//max))
+ (install "not-a-number" (nullary frac//not-a-number))
+ (install "positive-infinity" (nullary frac//positive-infinity))
+ (install "negative-infinity" (nullary frac//negative-infinity))
+ (install "to-deg" (unary frac//to-deg))
+ (install "to-int" (unary frac//to-int))
+ (install "encode" (unary frac//encode))
+ (install "decode" (unary frac//decode)))))
+(def: text-procs
+ Bundle
+ (<| (prefix "text")
+ (|> (dict.new text.Hash<Text>)
+ (install "=" (binary text//eq))
+ (install "<" (binary text//lt))
+ (install "concat" (binary text//concat))
+ (install "index" (trinary text//index))
+ (install "size" (unary text//size))
+ (install "hash" (unary text//hash))
+ (install "replace-once" (trinary text//replace-once))
+ (install "replace-all" (trinary text//replace-all))
+ (install "char" (binary text//char))
+ (install "clip" (trinary text//clip))
+ (install "upper" (unary text//upper))
+ (install "lower" (unary text//lower))
+ )))
+(def: array-procs
+ Bundle
+ (<| (prefix "array")
+ (|> (dict.new text.Hash<Text>)
+ (install "new" (unary array//new))
+ (install "get" (binary array//get))
+ (install "put" (trinary array//put))
+ (install "remove" (binary array//remove))
+ (install "size" (unary array//size))
+ )))
+(def: math-procs
+ Bundle
+ (<| (prefix "math")
+ (|> (dict.new text.Hash<Text>)
+ (install "cos" (unary math//cos))
+ (install "sin" (unary math//sin))
+ (install "tan" (unary math//tan))
+ (install "acos" (unary math//acos))
+ (install "asin" (unary math//asin))
+ (install "atan" (unary math//atan))
+ (install "cosh" (unary math//cosh))
+ (install "sinh" (unary math//sinh))
+ (install "tanh" (unary math//tanh))
+ (install "exp" (unary math//exp))
+ (install "log" (unary math//log))
+ (install "root2" (unary math//root2))
+ (install "root3" (unary math//root3))
+ (install "ceil" (unary math//ceil))
+ (install "floor" (unary math//floor))
+ (install "round" (unary math//round))
+ (install "atan2" (binary math//atan2))
+ (install "pow" (binary math//pow))
+ )))
+(def: io-procs
+ Bundle
+ (<| (prefix "io")
+ (|> (dict.new text.Hash<Text>)
+ (install "log" (unary io//log))
+ (install "error" (unary io//error))
+ (install "exit" (unary io//exit))
+ (install "current-time" (nullary io//current-time)))))
+(def: atom-procs
+ Bundle
+ (<| (prefix "atom")
+ (|> (dict.new text.Hash<Text>)
+ (install "new" (unary atom//new))
+ (install "read" (unary atom//read))
+ (install "compare-and-swap" (trinary atom//compare-and-swap)))))
+(def: box-procs
+ Bundle
+ (<| (prefix "box")
+ (|> (dict.new text.Hash<Text>)
+ (install "new" (unary box//new))
+ (install "read" (unary box//read))
+ (install "write" (binary box//write)))))
+(def: process-procs
+ Bundle
+ (<| (prefix "process")
+ (|> (dict.new text.Hash<Text>)
+ (install "concurrency-level" (nullary process//concurrency-level))
+ (install "future" (unary process//future))
+ (install "schedule" (binary process//schedule))
+ )))
+(def: #export procedures
+ Bundle
+ (<| (prefix "lux")
+ (|> (dict.new text.Hash<Text>)
+ (dict.merge lux-procs)
+ (dict.merge bit-procs)
+ (dict.merge nat-procs)
+ (dict.merge int-procs)
+ (dict.merge deg-procs)
+ (dict.merge frac-procs)
+ (dict.merge text-procs)
+ (dict.merge array-procs)
+ (dict.merge math-procs)
+ (dict.merge io-procs)
+ (dict.merge atom-procs)
+ (dict.merge box-procs)
+ (dict.merge process-procs)
+ )))
diff --git a/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/js/procedure/host.jvm.lux b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/js/procedure/host.jvm.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4ac0d2022
--- /dev/null
+++ b/new-luxc/source/luxc/lang/translation/js/procedure/host.jvm.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+ lux
+ (lux (control [monad #+ do])
+ (data [text]
+ text/format
+ (coll [list "list/" Functor<List>]
+ [dict #+ Dict]))
+ [macro "macro/" Monad<Meta>])
+ (luxc ["&" lang]
+ (lang ["la" analysis]
+ ["ls" synthesis]))
+ [///]
+ (/// [".T" runtime])
+ (// ["@" common]))
+(do-template [<name> <js>]
+ [(def: (<name> _) @.Nullary <js>)]
+ [js//null "null"]
+ [js//undefined "undefined"]
+ [js//object "{}"]
+ )
+(def: (js//global proc translate inputs)
+ (-> Text @.Proc)
+ (case inputs
+ (^ (list [_ (#.Text name)]))
+ (do macro.Monad<Meta>
+ []
+ (wrap name))
+ _
+ (&.throw @.Wrong-Syntax (@.wrong-syntax proc inputs))))
+(def: (js//call proc translate inputs)
+ (-> Text @.Proc)
+ (case inputs
+ (^ (list& functionS argsS+))
+ (do macro.Monad<Meta>
+ [functionJS (translate functionS)
+ argsJS+ (monad.map @ translate argsS+)]
+ (wrap (format "(" functionJS ")("
+ (text.join-with "," argsJS+)
+ ")")))
+ _
+ (&.throw @.Wrong-Syntax (@.wrong-syntax proc inputs))))
+(def: js-procs
+ @.Bundle
+ (|> (dict.new text.Hash<Text>)
+ (@.install "null" (@.nullary js//null))
+ (@.install "undefined" (@.nullary js//undefined))
+ (@.install "object" (@.nullary js//object))
+ (@.install "global" js//global)
+ (@.install "call" js//call)))
+(def: (object//new proc translate inputs)
+ (-> Text @.Proc)
+ (case inputs
+ (^ (list& constructorS argsS+))
+ (do macro.Monad<Meta>
+ [constructorJS (translate constructorS)
+ argsJS+ (monad.map @ translate argsS+)]
+ (wrap (format "new (" constructorJS ")("
+ (text.join-with "," argsJS+)
+ ")")))
+ _
+ (&.throw @.Wrong-Syntax (@.wrong-syntax proc inputs))))
+(def: (object//call proc translate inputs)
+ (-> Text @.Proc)
+ (case inputs
+ (^ (list& objectS fieldS argsS+))
+ (do macro.Monad<Meta>
+ [objectJS (translate objectS)
+ fieldJS (translate fieldS)
+ argsJS+ (monad.map @ translate argsS+)]
+ (wrap (format runtimeT.js//call
+ "(" objectJS
+ "," fieldJS
+ "," "[" (text.join-with "," argsJS+) "]"
+ ")")))
+ _
+ (&.throw @.Wrong-Syntax (@.wrong-syntax proc inputs))))
+(def: (object//get [fieldJS objectJS])
+ @.Binary
+ (format runtimeT.js//get "(" objectJS "," fieldJS ")"))
+(def: (object//set [fieldJS valueJS objectJS])
+ @.Trinary
+ (format runtimeT.js//set "(" objectJS "," fieldJS "," valueJS ")"))
+(def: (object//delete [fieldJS objectJS])
+ @.Binary
+ (format runtimeT.js//delete "(" objectJS "," fieldJS ")"))
+(def: object-procs
+ @.Bundle
+ (<| (@.prefix "object")
+ (|> (dict.new text.Hash<Text>)
+ (@.install "new" object//new)
+ (@.install "call" object//call)
+ (@.install "get" (@.binary object//get))
+ (@.install "set" (@.trinary object//set))
+ (@.install "delete" (@.binary object//delete))
+ )))
+(def: (array//literal elementsJS+)
+ @.Variadic
+ (format "[" (text.join-with "," elementsJS+) "]"))
+(def: (array//read [indexJS arrayJS])
+ @.Binary
+ (format runtimeT.array//get "(" arrayJS "," indexJS ")"))
+(def: (array//write [indexJS valueJS arrayJS])
+ @.Binary
+ (format runtimeT.array//put "(" arrayJS "," indexJS "," valueJS ")"))
+(def: (array//delete [indexJS arrayJS])
+ @.Binary
+ (format runtimeT.array//remove "(" arrayJS "," indexJS ")"))
+(def: (array//length arrayJS)
+ @.Unary
+ (format arrayJS ".length"))
+(def: array-procs
+ @.Bundle
+ (<| (@.prefix "array")
+ (|> (dict.new text.Hash<Text>)
+ (@.install "literal" array//literal)
+ (@.install "read" array//read)
+ (@.install "write" array//write)
+ (@.install "delete" array//delete)
+ (@.install "length" array//length)
+ )))
+(def: #export procedures
+ @.Bundle
+ (<| (@.prefix "js")
+ (|> (dict.merge js-procs)
+ (dict.merge object-procs)
+ (dict.merge array-procs)
+ )))