path: root/luxc/src/lux/compiler/js/proc/common.clj
diff options
authorEduardo Julian2017-03-22 18:54:07 -0400
committerEduardo Julian2017-03-22 18:54:07 -0400
commitbc17742ca0cc3483353e2c76e25496c1b105d8ed (patch)
tree746ae19b2f0eb7ab34a294cb31a081eca980f2e7 /luxc/src/lux/compiler/js/proc/common.clj
parent749608e2f4f9804f33812b194297201851343947 (diff)
- LuxRT functions/constants now live in the top-level namespace, instead of inside a LuxRT object.
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 30 insertions, 87 deletions
diff --git a/luxc/src/lux/compiler/js/proc/common.clj b/luxc/src/lux/compiler/js/proc/common.clj
index c7e741e01..907b6d512 100644
--- a/luxc/src/lux/compiler/js/proc/common.clj
+++ b/luxc/src/lux/compiler/js/proc/common.clj
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
(|do [:let [(&/$Cons ?input (&/$Cons ?param (&/$Nil))) ?values]
=input (compile ?input)
=param (compile ?param)]
- (return (str "LuxRT." <op> "(" =input "," =param ")"))))
+ (return (str "LuxRT$" <op> "(" =input "," =param ")"))))
^:private compile-bit-and "andI64"
^:private compile-bit-or "orI64"
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
(|do [:let [(&/$Cons ?input (&/$Cons ?param (&/$Nil))) ?values]
=input (compile ?input)
=param (compile ?param)]
- (return (str "LuxRT." <op> "(" =input "," =param ".L)"))))
+ (return (str "LuxRT$" <op> "(" =input "," =param ".L)"))))
^:private compile-bit-shift-left "shlI64"
^:private compile-bit-shift-right "shrI64"
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
(defn ^:private compile-bit-count [compile ?values special-args]
(|do [:let [(&/$Cons ?input (&/$Nil)) ?values]
=input (compile ?input)]
- (return (str "LuxRT.countI64(" =input ")"))))
+ (return (str "LuxRT$countI64(" =input ")"))))
(defn ^:private compile-lux-is [compile ?values special-args]
(|do [:let [(&/$Cons ?left (&/$Cons ?right (&/$Nil))) ?values]
@@ -52,12 +52,12 @@
(defn ^:private compile-lux-try [compile ?values special-args]
(|do [:let [(&/$Cons ?op (&/$Nil)) ?values]
=op (compile ?op)]
- (return (str "LuxRT.runTry(" =op ")"))))
+ (return (str "LuxRT$runTry(" =op ")"))))
(defn ^:private compile-array-new [compile ?values special-args]
(|do [:let [(&/$Cons ?length (&/$Nil)) ?values]
=length (compile ?length)]
- (return (str "new Array(" (str "LuxRT.toNumberI64(" =length ")") ")"))))
+ (return (str "new Array(" (str "LuxRT$toNumberI64(" =length ")") ")"))))
(defn ^:private compile-array-get [compile ?values special-args]
(|do [:let [(&/$Cons ?array (&/$Cons ?idx (&/$Nil))) ?values
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
=array (compile ?array)
=idx (compile ?idx)]
- (return (str "LuxRT.arrayGet(" =array "," =idx ")"))))
+ (return (str "LuxRT$arrayGet(" =array "," =idx ")"))))
(defn ^:private compile-array-put [compile ?values special-args]
(|do [:let [(&/$Cons ?array (&/$Cons ?idx (&/$Cons ?elem (&/$Nil)))) ?values
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
=array (compile ?array)
=idx (compile ?idx)
=elem (compile ?elem)]
- (return (str "LuxRT.arrayPut(" =array "," =idx "," =elem ")"))))
+ (return (str "LuxRT$arrayPut(" =array "," =idx "," =elem ")"))))
(defn ^:private compile-array-remove [compile ?values special-args]
(|do [:let [(&/$Cons ?array (&/$Cons ?idx (&/$Nil))) ?values
@@ -82,21 +82,21 @@
=array (compile ?array)
=idx (compile ?idx)]
- (return (str "LuxRT.arrayRemove(" =array "," =idx ")"))))
+ (return (str "LuxRT$arrayRemove(" =array "," =idx ")"))))
(defn ^:private compile-array-size [compile ?values special-args]
(|do [:let [(&/$Cons ?array (&/$Nil)) ?values
;; (&/$Nil) special-args
=array (compile ?array)]
- (return (str "LuxRT.fromNumberI64(" =array ".length" ")"))))
+ (return (str "LuxRT$fromNumberI64(" =array ".length" ")"))))
(do-template [<name> <method>]
(defn <name> [compile ?values special-args]
(|do [:let [(&/$Cons ?x (&/$Cons ?y (&/$Nil))) ?values]
=x (compile ?x)
=y (compile ?y)]
- (return (str &&rt/LuxRT "." <method> "(" =x "," =y ")"))))
+ (return (str "LuxRT$" <method> "(" =x "," =y ")"))))
^:private compile-nat-add "addI64"
^:private compile-nat-sub "subI64"
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@
(defn <name> [compile ?values special-args]
(|do [:let [(&/$Cons ?x (&/$Nil)) ?values]
=x (compile ?x)]
- (return (str &&rt/LuxRT "." <method> "(" =x ")"))
+ (return (str "LuxRT$" <method> "(" =x ")"))
^:private compile-int-encode "encodeI64"
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@
(defn ^:private compile-real-hash [compile ?values special-args]
(|do [:let [(&/$Cons ?x (&/$Nil)) ?values]
=x (compile ?x)]
- (return (str &&rt/LuxRT ".textHash(''+" =x ")"))
+ (return (str "LuxRT$textHash(''+" =x ")"))
(do-template [<name> <compiler> <value>]
@@ -191,63 +191,6 @@
=x (compile ?x)]
(return (str "(" =x ")" ".toString()"))))
-;; (defn ^:private compile-nat-lt [compile ?values special-args]
-;; (|do [:let [(&/$Cons ?x (&/$Cons ?y (&/$Nil))) ?values]
-;; ^MethodVisitor *writer* &/get-writer
-;; _ (compile ?x)
-;; :let [_ (doto *writer*
-;; &&/unwrap-long)]
-;; _ (compile ?y)
-;; :let [_ (doto *writer*
-;; &&/unwrap-long)
-;; $then (new Label)
-;; $end (new Label)
-;; _ (doto *writer*
-;; (.visitMethodInsn Opcodes/INVOKESTATIC "lux/LuxRT" "_compareUnsigned" "(JJ)I")
-;; (.visitLdcInsn (int -1))
-;; (.visitJumpInsn Opcodes/IF_ICMPEQ $then)
-;; (.visitFieldInsn Opcodes/GETSTATIC (&host-generics/->bytecode-class-name "java.lang.Boolean") "FALSE" (&host-generics/->type-signature "java.lang.Boolean"))
-;; (.visitJumpInsn Opcodes/GOTO $end)
-;; (.visitLabel $then)
-;; (.visitFieldInsn Opcodes/GETSTATIC (&host-generics/->bytecode-class-name "java.lang.Boolean") "TRUE" (&host-generics/->type-signature "java.lang.Boolean"))
-;; (.visitLabel $end))]]
-;; (return nil)))
-;; (do-template [<name> <method>]
-;; (defn <name> [compile ?values special-args]
-;; (|do [:let [(&/$Cons ?x (&/$Cons ?y (&/$Nil))) ?values]
-;; ^MethodVisitor *writer* &/get-writer
-;; _ (compile ?x)
-;; :let [_ (doto *writer*
-;; &&/unwrap-long)]
-;; _ (compile ?y)
-;; :let [_ (doto *writer*
-;; &&/unwrap-long)]
-;; :let [_ (doto *writer*
-;; (.visitMethodInsn Opcodes/INVOKESTATIC "lux/LuxRT" <method> "(JJ)J")
-;; &&/wrap-long)]]
-;; (return nil)))
-;; ^:private compile-deg-mul "mul_deg"
-;; ^:private compile-deg-div "div_deg"
-;; )
-;; (do-template [<name> <class> <method> <sig> <unwrap> <wrap>]
-;; (let [+wrapper-class+ (&host-generics/->bytecode-class-name <class>)]
-;; (defn <name> [compile ?values special-args]
-;; (|do [:let [(&/$Cons ?x (&/$Nil)) ?values]
-;; ^MethodVisitor *writer* &/get-writer
-;; _ (compile ?x)
-;; :let [_ (doto *writer*
-;; <unwrap>
-;; (.visitMethodInsn Opcodes/INVOKESTATIC "lux/LuxRT" <method> <sig>)
-;; <wrap>)]]
-;; (return nil))))
-;; ^:private compile-deg-to-real "java.lang.Long" "deg-to-real" "(J)D" &&/unwrap-long &&/wrap-double
-;; ^:private compile-real-to-deg "java.lang.Double" "real-to-deg" "(D)J" &&/unwrap-double &&/wrap-long
-;; )
(do-template [<name>]
(defn <name> [compile ?values special-args]
(|do [:let [(&/$Cons ?x (&/$Nil)) ?values]]
@@ -260,22 +203,22 @@
(defn ^:private compile-int-to-real [compile ?values special-args]
(|do [:let [(&/$Cons ?x (&/$Nil)) ?values]
=x (compile ?x)]
- (return (str "LuxRT.toNumberI64(" =x ")"))))
+ (return (str "LuxRT$toNumberI64(" =x ")"))))
(defn ^:private compile-real-to-int [compile ?values special-args]
(|do [:let [(&/$Cons ?x (&/$Nil)) ?values]
=x (compile ?x)]
- (return (str "LuxRT.fromNumberI64(" =x ")"))))
+ (return (str "LuxRT$fromNumberI64(" =x ")"))))
(defn ^:private compile-deg-to-real [compile ?values special-args]
(|do [:let [(&/$Cons ?x (&/$Nil)) ?values]
=x (compile ?x)]
- (return (str "LuxRT.degToReal(" =x ")"))))
+ (return (str "LuxRT$degToReal(" =x ")"))))
(defn ^:private compile-real-to-deg [compile ?values special-args]
(|do [:let [(&/$Cons ?x (&/$Nil)) ?values]
=x (compile ?x)]
- (return (str "LuxRT.realToDeg(" =x ")"))))
+ (return (str "LuxRT$realToDeg(" =x ")"))))
(do-template [<name> <op>]
(defn <name> [compile ?values special-args]
@@ -311,7 +254,7 @@
=text (compile ?text)
=part (compile ?part)
=start (compile ?start)]
- (return (str "LuxRT" "." <method> "(" =text "," =part "," =start ")"))))
+ (return (str "LuxRT$" <method> "(" =text "," =part "," =start ")"))))
^:private compile-text-last-index "lastIndex"
^:private compile-text-index "index"
@@ -332,30 +275,30 @@
=text (compile ?text)
=from (compile ?from)
=to (compile ?to)]
- (return (str "LuxRT.clip(" (str =text "," =from "," =to) ")"))))
+ (return (str "LuxRT$clip(" (str =text "," =from "," =to) ")"))))
(defn ^:private compile-text-replace-all [compile ?values special-args]
(|do [:let [(&/$Cons ?text (&/$Cons ?to-find (&/$Cons ?replace-with (&/$Nil)))) ?values]
=text (compile ?text)
=to-find (compile ?to-find)
=replace-with (compile ?replace-with)]
- (return (str "LuxRT.replaceAll(" (str =text "," =to-find "," =replace-with) ")"))))
+ (return (str "LuxRT$replaceAll(" (str =text "," =to-find "," =replace-with) ")"))))
(defn ^:private compile-text-size [compile ?values special-args]
(|do [:let [(&/$Cons ?text (&/$Nil)) ?values]
=text (compile ?text)]
- (return (str "LuxRT.fromNumberI64(" =text ".length" ")"))))
+ (return (str "LuxRT$fromNumberI64(" =text ".length" ")"))))
(defn ^:private compile-text-hash [compile ?values special-args]
(|do [:let [(&/$Cons ?text (&/$Nil)) ?values]
=text (compile ?text)]
- (return (str "LuxRT.textHash(" =text ")"))))
+ (return (str "LuxRT$textHash(" =text ")"))))
(defn ^:private compile-text-char [compile ?values special-args]
(|do [:let [(&/$Cons ?text (&/$Cons ?idx (&/$Nil))) ?values]
=text (compile ?text)
=idx (compile ?idx)]
- (return (str "LuxRT.textChar(" (str =text "," =idx) ")"))))
+ (return (str "LuxRT$textChar(" (str =text "," =idx) ")"))))
(do-template [<name> <method>]
(defn <name> [compile ?values special-args]
@@ -376,35 +319,35 @@
(defn ^:private compile-char-to-nat [compile ?values special-args]
(|do [:let [(&/$Cons ?x (&/$Nil)) ?values]
=x (compile ?x)]
- (return (str "LuxRT.fromNumberI64(" (str "(" =x ").C" ".charCodeAt(0)") ")"))))
+ (return (str "LuxRT$fromNumberI64(" (str "(" =x ").C" ".charCodeAt(0)") ")"))))
(defn ^:private compile-nat-to-char [compile ?values special-args]
(|do [:let [(&/$Cons ?x (&/$Nil)) ?values]
=x (compile ?x)]
(return (str "{C:"
(str "String.fromCharCode("
- (str "LuxRT.toNumberI64(" =x ")")
+ (str "LuxRT$toNumberI64(" =x ")")
(defn ^:private compile-io-log [compile ?values special-args]
(|do [:let [(&/$Cons ?message (&/$Nil)) ?values]
=message (compile ?message)]
- (return (str "LuxRT.log(" =message ")"))))
+ (return (str "LuxRT$log(" =message ")"))))
(defn ^:private compile-io-error [compile ?values special-args]
(|do [:let [(&/$Cons ?message (&/$Nil)) ?values]
=message (compile ?message)]
- (return (str "LuxRT.error(" =message ")"))))
+ (return (str "LuxRT$error(" =message ")"))))
(defn ^:private compile-io-exit [compile ?values special-args]
(|do [:let [(&/$Cons ?code (&/$Nil)) ?values]
=code (compile ?code)]
- (return (str "(process && process.exit && process.exit(LuxRT.fromNumberI64(" =code ")))"))))
+ (return (str "(process && process.exit && process.exit(LuxRT$fromNumberI64(" =code ")))"))))
(defn ^:private compile-io-current-time [compile ?values special-args]
(|do [:let [(&/$Nil) ?values]]
- (return (str "LuxRT.toNumberI64(" "(new Date()).getTime()" ")"))))
+ (return (str "LuxRT$toNumberI64(" "(new Date()).getTime()" ")"))))
(defn ^:private compile-atom-new [compile ?values special-args]
(|do [:let [(&/$Cons ?init (&/$Nil)) ?values]
@@ -434,7 +377,7 @@
(defn ^:private compile-process-concurrency-level [compile ?values special-args]
(|do [:let [(&/$Nil) ?values]]
- (return (str "LuxRT.fromNumberI64(1)"))))
+ (return (str "LuxRT$fromNumberI64(1)"))))
(defn ^:private compile-process-future [compile ?values special-args]
(|do [:let [(&/$Cons ?procedure (&/$Nil)) ?values]
@@ -450,7 +393,7 @@
(return (str "setTimeout("
(str "function() {" =procedure "(null)" "}")
- (str "LuxRT.toNumberI64(" =milliseconds ")")
+ (str "LuxRT$toNumberI64(" =milliseconds ")")
(do-template [<name> <field>]