path: root/documentation
diff options
authorEduardo Julian2021-09-19 03:07:56 -0400
committerEduardo Julian2021-09-19 03:07:56 -0400
commit0bc2c541ab27e44b760618d15a248a794ab2f98e (patch)
treeb040ba5c8558d4b112acc1edc97839e3db4e40dd /documentation
parentad729814254ec3fef8c75b59472bc8108ec7c4c7 (diff)
Added STDLIB documentation for the different target platforms.
Diffstat (limited to '')
9 files changed, 195010 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/documentation/bookmark/database/graph.md b/documentation/bookmark/database/graph.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b5645fd7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/bookmark/database/graph.md
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# Reference
+1. [Demystifying Graph Databases: Analysis and Taxonomy of Data Organization, System Designs, and Graph Queries](https://arxiv.org/abs/1910.09017)
diff --git a/documentation/bookmark/math/geometry/quiver.md b/documentation/bookmark/math/geometry/quiver.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ee0fd16fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/bookmark/math/geometry/quiver.md
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# Reference
+1. [Quiver geometry](https://quivergeometry.net/)
diff --git a/documentation/bookmark/tool/design.md b/documentation/bookmark/tool/design.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..801c14ba7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/bookmark/tool/design.md
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# Reference
+1. [Mechanic](https://mechanic.design/)
diff --git a/documentation/bookmark/tool/version_control.md b/documentation/bookmark/tool/version_control.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9fb6cb528
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/bookmark/tool/version_control.md
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# Reference
+1. [Version Control Without Git](https://itoshkov.github.io/git-tutorial)
diff --git a/documentation/library/standard/js.md b/documentation/library/standard/js.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9e32934bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/library/standard/js.md
@@ -0,0 +1,38895 @@
+# library/lux
+## Definitions
+### \#
+Allows accessing the value of a implementation's member\.
+(# codec encoded)
+... Also allows using that value as a function.
+(# codec encoded +123)
+### $\_
+Right\-association for the application of binary functions over variadic arguments\.
+($_ text#composite "Hello, " name ". How are you?")
+... =>
+(text#composite "Hello, " (text#composite name ". How are you?"))
+### '
+Quotation as a macro\.
+(' YOLO)
+### \+\+
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (I64 _0) (I64 _0)))
+Increment function\.
+### \-\-
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (I64 _0) (I64 _0)))
+Decrement function\.
+### \->
+Function types\.
+... This is the type of a function that takes 2 Ints and returns an Int.
+(-> Int Int Int)
+### :
+The type\-annotation macro\.
+(: (List Int)
+ (list +1 +2 +3))
+### :as
+The type\-coercion macro\.
+(:as Dinosaur
+ (list +1 +2 +3))
+### :expected
+Coerces the given expression to the type of whatever is expected\.
+(: Dinosaur
+ (:expected (: (List Nat)
+ (list 1 2 3))))
+### :let
+Local bindings for types\.
+(:let [side (Either Int Frac)]
+ (List [side side]))
+### :of
+Generates the type corresponding to a given expression\.
+(let [my_num +123]
+ (:of my_num))
+... ==
+(:of +123)
+... ==
+### :parameter
+WARNING: Please stay away from this macro; it's very likely to be removed in a future version of Lux\.Allows you to refer to the type\-variables in a polymorphic function's type, by their index\.
+... In the example below, 0 corresponds to the 'a' variable.
+(def: public (of_list list)
+ (All (_ a) (-> (List a) (Sequence a)))
+ (list#mix add
+ (: (Sequence (:parameter 0))
+ empty)
+ list))
+### <<|
+Similar to the reverse piping macro, but rather than taking an initial object to work on, creates a function for taking it\.
+(<<| (mix text#composite "")
+ (interposed " ")
+ (list#each int#encoded))
+... =>
+(function (_ <it>)
+ (mix text#composite ""
+ (interposed " "
+ (list#each int#encoded
+ <it>))))
+### <|
+Reverse piping macro\.
+(<| (mix text#composite "")
+ (interposed " ")
+ (list#each int#encoded)
+ elems)
+... =>
+(mix text#composite ""
+ (interposed " "
+ (list#each int#encoded
+ elems)))
+### Alias
+... Type
+[Text Text]
+### All
+Universal quantification\.
+(All (_ a)
+ (-> a a))
+... A name can be provided, to specify a recursive type.
+(All (List a)
+ (Or Any
+ [a (List a)]))
+### And
+An alias for the Tuple type constructor\.
+(= (Tuple Bit Nat Text)
+ (And Bit Nat Text))
+(= (Tuple)
+ (And))
+### \(Ann meta\_data datum\)
+... Type
+ [#meta meta_data
+ #datum datum])
+The type of things that can be annotated with meta\-data of arbitrary types\.
+### Any
+... Type
+(Ex (Any _0)
+ _0)
+The type of things whose type is irrelevant\.
+It can be used to write functions or data\-structures that can take, or return, anything\.
+### \(Bindings key value\)
+... Type
+ [#counter Nat
+ #mappings (List [key value])])
+### Bit
+... Type
+(Primitive "#Bit")
+Your standard, run\-of\-the\-mill boolean values \(as \#0 or \#1 bits\)\.
+### Code
+... Type
+(Ann Location (Code' (Ann Location)))
+The type of Code nodes for Lux syntax\.
+### \(Code' w\)
+... Type
+ {#Bit Bit}
+ {#Nat Nat}
+ {#Int Int}
+ {#Rev Rev}
+ {#Frac Frac}
+ {#Text Text}
+ {#Symbol Symbol}
+ {#Form (List (w (Code' w)))}
+ {#Variant (List (w (Code' w)))}
+ {#Tuple (List (w (Code' w)))})
+### Definition
+... Type
+[Bit Type Any]
+Represents all the data associated with a definition: its type, its annotations, and its value\.
+### \(Either left right\)
+... Type
+ {#Left left}
+ {#Right right})
+A choice between two values of different types\.
+### Ex
+Existential quantification\.
+(Ex (_ a)
+ [(Codec Text a) a])
+... A name can be provided, to specify a recursive type.
+(Ex (Self a)
+ [(Codec Text a)
+ a
+ (List (Self a))])
+### Frac
+... Type
+(Primitive "#Frac")
+Your standard, run\-of\-the\-mill floating\-point \(fractional\) numbers\.
+### Global
+... Type
+ {#Definition Definition}
+ {#Type Bit Type (Or [Text (List Text)] [Text (List Text)])}
+ {#Tag Label}
+ {#Slot Label}
+ {#Alias Alias})
+Represents all the data associated with a global constant\.
+### \(I64 kind\)
+... Type
+(Primitive "#I64" kind)
+64\-bit integers without any semantics\.
+### Info
+... Type
+ [#target Text
+ #version Text
+ #mode Mode])
+Information about the current version and type of compiler that is running\.
+### Int
+... Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Int"))
+Your standard, run\-of\-the\-mill integer numbers\.
+### Interface
+Interface definition\.
+(type: public (Order a)
+ (Interface
+ (: (Equivalence a)
+ &equivalence)
+ (: (-> a a Bit)
+ <)))
+### Label
+... Type
+[Bit Type (List Text) Nat]
+### \(List item\)
+... Type
+ {#End Any}
+ {#Item item (List item)})
+A potentially empty list of values\.
+### Location
+... Type
+ [#module Text
+ #line Nat
+ #column Nat])
+Locations are for specifying the location of Code nodes in Lux files during compilation\.
+### Lux
+... Type
+(Rec Lux
+ (Record
+ [#info Info
+ #source Source
+ #location Location
+ #current_module (Maybe Text)
+ #modules (List [Text Module])
+ #scopes (List Scope)
+ #type_context Type_Context
+ #expected (Maybe Type)
+ #seed Nat
+ #scope_type_vars (List Nat)
+ #extensions Any
+ #eval (-> Type Code Lux (Or Text [Lux Any]))
+ #host Any]))
+Represents the state of the Lux compiler during a run\.
+It is provided to macros during their invocation, so they can access compiler data\.
+Caveat emptor: Avoid fiddling with it, unless you know what you're doing\.
+### Macro
+... Type
+(Primitive "#Macro")
+Functions that run at compile\-time and allow you to transform and extend the language in powerful ways\.
+### Macro'
+... Type
+(-> (List Code) (Meta (List Code)))
+### \(Maybe value\)
+... Type
+ {#None Any}
+ {#Some value})
+A potentially missing value\.
+### \(Meta it\)
+... Type
+(-> Lux (Either Text [Lux it]))
+Computations that can have access to the state of the compiler\.
+These computations may fail, or modify the state of the compiler\.
+### Mode
+... Type
+ {#Build Any}
+ {#Eval Any}
+ {#Interpreter Any})
+A sign that shows the conditions under which the compiler is running\.
+### Module
+... Type
+ [#module_hash Nat
+ #module_aliases (List [Text Text])
+ #definitions (List [Text Global])
+ #imports (List Text)
+ #module_state Module_State])
+All the information contained within a Lux module\.
+### Module\_State
+... Type
+ {#Active Any}
+ {#Compiled Any}
+ {#Cached Any})
+### Nat
+... Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+Natural numbers \(unsigned integers\)\.
+They start at zero \(0\) and extend in the positive direction\.
+### Nothing
+... Type
+(All (Nothing _0)
+ _0)
+The type of things whose type is undefined\.
+Useful for expressions that cause errors or other 'extraordinary' conditions\.
+### Or
+An alias for the Union type constructor\.
+(= (Union Bit Nat Text)
+ (Or Bit Nat Text))
+(= (Union)
+ (Or))
+### Primitive
+Macro to treat define new primitive types\.
+(Primitive "java.lang.Object")
+(Primitive "java.util.List" [(Primitive "java.lang.Long")])
+### Rec
+Parameter\-less recursive types\.
+... A name has to be given to the whole type, to use it within its body.
+(Rec Int_List
+ (Or Any
+ [Int Int_List]))
+... Can also be used with type: and labelled-type definitions.
+(type: Type
+ (Rec @
+ (Variant
+ {#Primitive Text (List @)}
+ {#Sum @ @}
+ {#Product @ @}
+ {#Function @ @}
+ {#Parameter Nat}
+ {#Var Nat}
+ {#Ex Nat}
+ {#UnivQ (List @) @}
+ {#ExQ (List @) @}
+ {#Apply @ @}
+ {#Named Symbol @})))
+### Record
+Syntax for defining labelled/slotted product/tuple types\.
+WARNING: Only use it within the type: macro\.
+(type: Refer
+ (Record
+ [#refer_defs Referrals
+ #refer_open (List Openings)]))
+### Ref
+... Type
+ {#Local Nat}
+ {#Captured Nat})
+### Rev
+... Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Rev"))
+Fractional numbers that live in the interval \[0,1\)\.
+Useful for probability, and other domains that work within that interval\.
+### Scope
+... Type
+ [#name (List Text)
+ #inner Nat
+ #locals (Bindings Text [Type Nat])
+ #captured (Bindings Text [Type Ref])])
+### Source
+... Type
+[Location Nat Text]
+### Symbol
+... Type
+[Text Text]
+A name for a Lux definition\.
+It includes the module of provenance\.
+### Text
+... Type
+(Primitive "#Text")
+Your standard, run\-of\-the\-mill string values\.
+### Tuple
+Tuple types\.
+(Tuple Bit Nat Text)
+(= Any
+ (Tuple))
+### Type
+... Type
+(Rec Type
+ (Variant
+ {#Primitive Text (List Type)}
+ {#Sum Type Type}
+ {#Product Type Type}
+ {#Function Type Type}
+ {#Parameter Nat}
+ {#Var Nat}
+ {#Ex Nat}
+ {#UnivQ (List Type) Type}
+ {#ExQ (List Type) Type}
+ {#Apply Type Type}
+ {#Named Symbol Type}))
+This type represents the data\-structures that are used to specify types themselves\.
+### Type\_Context
+... Type
+ [#ex_counter Nat
+ #var_counter Nat
+ #var_bindings (List [Nat (Maybe Type)])])
+### Union
+Union types\.
+(Union Bit Nat Text)
+(= Nothing
+ (Union))
+### Variant
+Syntax for defining labelled/tagged sum/union types\.
+WARNING: Only use it within the type: macro\.
+(type: Referrals
+ (Variant
+ {#All}
+ {#Only (List Text)}
+ {#Exclude (List Text)}
+ {#Ignore}
+ {#Nothing}))
+### ^
+Macro\-expanding patterns\.
+It's a special macro meant to be used with 'case'\.
+(case (: (List Int)
+ (list +1 +2 +3))
+ (^ (list x y z))
+ {#Some ($_ * x y z)}
+ _
+ {#None})
+### ^@
+Allows you to simultaneously bind and de\-structure a value\.
+(def: (hash (^@ set [member_hash _]))
+ (list#mix (function (_ elem acc)
+ (+ acc
+ (# member_hash hash elem)))
+ 0
+ (library/lux/data/collection/set.listset)))
+### ^code
+Generates pattern\-matching code for Code values in a way that looks like code\-templating\.
+(: (Maybe Nat)
+ (case (` (#0 123 +456.789))
+ (^code (#0 (~ [_ {#Nat number}]) +456.789))
+ {#Some number}
+ _
+ {#None}))
+### ^multi
+Multi\-level pattern matching\.
+Useful in situations where the result of a branch depends on further refinements on the values being matched\.
+(case (split (size static) uri)
+ (^multi {#Some [chunk uri']}
+ [(text#= static chunk) #1])
+ (match_uri endpoint? parts' uri')
+ _
+ {#Left (format "Static part " (%t static) " does not match URI: " uri)})
+... Short-cuts can be taken when using bit tests.
+... The example above can be rewritten as...
+(case (split (size static) uri)
+ (^multi {#Some [chunk uri']}
+ (text#= static chunk))
+ (match_uri endpoint? parts' uri')
+ _
+ {#Left (format "Static part " (%t static) " does not match URI: " uri)})
+### ^open
+Same as the 'open' macro, but meant to be used as a pattern\-matching macro for generating local bindings\.
+Takes an 'alias' text for the generated local bindings\.
+(def: public (range enum from to)
+ (All (_ a) (-> (Enum a) a a (List a)))
+ (let [(^open "[0]") enum]
+ (loop [end to
+ output {#End}]
+ (cond (< end from)
+ (again (pred end) {#Item end output})
+ (< from end)
+ (again (succ end) {#Item end output})
+ {#Item end output}))))
+### ^or
+It's a special macro meant to be used with 'case'\.
+(type: Weekday
+ (Variant
+ {#Monday}
+ {#Tuesday}
+ {#Wednesday}
+ {#Thursday}
+ {#Friday}
+ {#Saturday}
+ {#Sunday}))
+(def: (weekend? day)
+ (-> Weekday Bit)
+ (case day
+ (^or {#Saturday} {#Sunday})
+ #1
+ _
+ #0))
+### ^template
+It's similar to template, but meant to be used during pattern\-matching\.
+(def: (reduced env type)
+ (-> (List Type) Type Type)
+ (case type
+ {#Primitive name params}
+ {#Primitive name (list#each (reduced env) params)}
+ (^template [<tag>]
+ [{<tag> left right}
+ {<tag> (reduced env left) (reduced env right)}])
+ ([#Sum] [#Product])
+ (^template [<tag>]
+ [{<tag> left right}
+ {<tag> (reduced env left) (reduced env right)}])
+ ([#Function] [#Apply])
+ (^template [<tag>]
+ [{<tag> old_env def}
+ (case old_env
+ {#End}
+ {<tag> env def}
+ _
+ type)])
+ ([#UnivQ] [#ExQ])
+ {#Parameter idx}
+ (else type (library/lux/data/collection/list.itemidx env))
+ _
+ type))
+### ^|>
+Pipes the value being pattern\-matched against prior to binding it to a variable\.
+(case input
+ (^|> value [++ (% 10) (max 1)])
+ (foo value))
+### \_$
+Left\-association for the application of binary functions over variadic arguments\.
+(_$ text#composite "Hello, " name ". How are you?")
+... =>
+(text#composite (text#composite "Hello, " name) ". How are you?")
+### \`
+Hygienic quasi\-quotation as a macro\.
+Unquote \(~\) and unquote\-splice \(~\+\) must also be used as forms\.
+All unprefixed macros will receive their parent module's prefix if imported; otherwise will receive the prefix of the module on which the quasi\-quote is being used\.
+(` (def: (~ name)
+ (function ((~' _) (~+ args))
+ (~ body))))
+### \`'
+Unhygienic quasi\-quotation as a macro\.
+Unquote \(~\) and unquote\-splice \(~\+\) must also be used as forms\.
+(`' (def: (~ name)
+ (function (_ (~+ args))
+ (~ body))))
+### \`\`
+Delimits a controlled \(spliced\) macro\-expansion\.
+Uses a \(~~\) special form to specify where to expand\.
+(`` (some expression
+ (~~ (some macro which may yield 0 or more results))))
+### and
+Short\-circuiting 'and'\.
+(and #1 #0)
+... =>
+(and #1 #1)
+... =>
+### as\_is
+Given a \(potentially empty\) list of codes, just returns them immediately, without any work done\.
+This may seen useless, but it has its utility when dealing with controlled\-macro\-expansion macros\.
+(with_expansions [<operands> (as_is 1
+ 2
+ 3
+ 4)]
+ ($_ + <operands>))
+### case
+The pattern\-matching macro\.
+Allows the usage of macros within the patterns to provide custom syntax\.
+(case (: (List Int)
+ (list +1 +2 +3))
+ {#Item x {#Item y {#Item z {#End}}}}
+ {#Some ($_ * x y z)}
+ _
+ {#None})
+### char
+If given a 1\-character text literal, yields the char\-code of the sole character\.
+(: Nat
+ (char "A"))
+... =>
+### comment
+Throws away any code given to it\.
+Great for commenting\-out code, while retaining syntax high\-lighting and formatting in your text editor\.
+ (def: (this will not)
+ (Be Defined)
+ (because it will be (commented out))))
+### cond
+Conditional branching with multiple test conditions\.
+(cond (even? num) "WHEN even"
+ (odd? num) "WHEN odd"
+ "ELSE")
+### def:
+Defines global constants/functions\.
+(def: branching_exponent
+ Int
+ +5)
+... The type is optional.
+(def: branching_exponent
+ +5)
+(def: (pair_list pair)
+ (-> [Code Code] (List Code))
+ (let [[left right] pair]
+ (list left right)))
+... Can pattern-match on the inputs to functions.
+(def: (pair_list [left right])
+ (-> [Code Code] (List Code))
+ (list left right))
+### exec
+Sequential execution of expressions \(great for side\-effects\)\.
+ (log! "#1")
+ (log! "#2")
+ (log! "#3")
+ "YOLO")
+### false
+The boolean FALSE value\.
+### for
+Selects the appropriate code for a given target\-platform when compiling Lux to it\.
+Look\-up the available targets in library/lux/target\.
+(def: js
+ "JavaScript")
+(for ["JVM" (do jvm stuff)
+ js (do js stuff)]
+ (do default stuff))
+### function
+Syntax for creating functions\.
+(: (All (_ a b)
+ (-> a b a))
+ (function (_ x y)
+ x))
+... Allows for giving the function itself a name, for the sake of recursion.
+(: (-> Nat Nat)
+ (function (factorial n)
+ (case n
+ 0 1
+ _ (* n (factorial (-- n))))))
+### global
+The export policy for public/global definitions\.
+### i64
+(-> (I64 Any) I64)
+Safe type\-casting for I64 values\.
+### if
+Picks which expression to evaluate based on a bit test value\.
+(if #1
+ "Oh, yeah!"
+ "Aw hell naw!")
+... =>
+... Oh, yeah!
+(if #0
+ "Oh, yeah!"
+ "Aw hell naw!")
+... =>
+... Aw hell naw!
+### implementation
+Express a value that implements an interface\.
+(: (Order Int)
+ (implementation
+ (def: &equivalence
+ equivalence)
+ (def: (< reference subject)
+ (< reference subject))))
+### implementation:
+Interface implementation\.
+(implementation: public order
+ (Order Int)
+ (def: &equivalence
+ equivalence)
+ (def: (< test subject)
+ (< test subject)))
+### int
+(-> (I64 Any) Int)
+Safe type\-casting for I64 values\.
+### let
+Creates local bindings\.
+Can \(optionally\) use pattern\-matching macros when binding\.
+(let [x (foo bar)
+ y (baz quux)]
+ (op x y))
+### list
+List literals\.
+(: (List Nat)
+ (list 0 1 2 3))
+### list&
+List literals, with the last element being a tail\-list\.
+(: (List Nat)
+ (list& 0 1 2 3
+ (: (List Nat)
+ (list 4 5 6))))
+### local
+The export policy for private/local definitions\.
+### loop
+Allows arbitrary looping, using the 'again' form to re\-start the loop\.
+Can be used in monadic code to create monadic loops\.
+(loop [count +0
+ x init]
+ (if (< +10 count)
+ (again (++ count) (f x))
+ x))
+... Loops can also be given custom names.
+(loop my_loop
+ [count +0
+ x init]
+ (if (< +10 count)
+ (my_loop (++ count) (f x))
+ x))
+### macro
+(-> Macro Macro')
+### macro:
+Macro\-definition macro\.
+(macro: public (symbol tokens)
+ (case tokens
+ (^template [<tag>]
+ [(^ (list [_ {<tag> [module name]}]))
+ (in (list (` [(~ (text$ module)) (~ (text$ name))])))])
+ ([#Symbol])
+ _
+ (failure "Wrong syntax for symbol")))
+### module\_separator
+Character used to separate the parts of module names\.
+Value: "/"
+### nat
+(-> (I64 Any) Nat)
+Safe type\-casting for I64 values\.
+### not
+(-> Bit Bit)
+Bit negation\.
+(not #1)
+... =>
+(not #0)
+... =>
+### open:
+Opens a implementation and generates a definition for each of its members \(including nested members\)\.
+(open: "i:[0]" order)
+... =>
+(def: i:= (# order =))
+(def: i:< (# order <))
+### or
+Short\-circuiting 'or'\.
+(or #1 #0)
+... =>
+(or #0 #0)
+... =>
+### panic\!
+(-> Text Nothing)
+Causes an error, with the given error message\.
+(panic! "OH NO!")
+### prelude\_module
+The name of the prelude module
+Value: "library/lux"
+### private
+The export policy for private/local definitions\.
+### public
+The export policy for public/global definitions\.
+### rev
+(-> (I64 Any) Rev)
+Safe type\-casting for I64 values\.
+### revised@
+Modifies the value of a record at a given tag, based on some function\.
+(revised@ #age ++ person)
+... Can also work with multiple levels of nesting.
+(revised@ [#foo #bar #baz] func my_record)
+... And, if only the slot/path and (optionally) the value are given, generates a mutator function.
+(let [updater (revised@ [#foo #bar #baz] func)]
+ (updater my_record))
+(let [updater (revised@ [#foo #bar #baz])]
+ (updater func my_record))
+### same?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 _0 Bit))
+Tests whether the 2 values are identical \(not just 'equal'\)\.
+... This one should succeed:
+(let [value +5]
+ (same? value
+ value))
+... This one should fail:
+(same? +5
+ (+ +2 +3))
+### static
+Resolves the names of definitions to their values at compile\-time, assuming their values are either:
+\* Bit
+\* Nat
+\* Int
+\* Rev
+\* Frac
+\* Text
+(def: my_nat 123)
+(def: my_text "456")
+(and (case [my_nat my_text]
+ (^ (static [documentation/lux.my_natdocumentation/lux.my_text]))
+ true
+ _
+ false)
+ (case [my_nat my_text]
+ (^ [(static documentation/lux.my_nat)(static documentation/lux.my_text)])
+ true
+ _
+ false))
+### symbol
+Gives back a 2 tuple with the module and name parts, both as Text\.
+(symbol documentation/lux.#doc)
+... =>
+["documentation/lux" "#doc"]
+### template
+... By specifying a pattern (with holes), and the input data to fill those holes, repeats the pattern as many times as necessary.
+(template [<name> <diff>]
+ [(def: public <name>
+ (-> Int Int)
+ (+ <diff>))]
+ [++ +1]
+ [-- -1])
+### template:
+Define macros in the style of template and ^template\.
+For simple macros that do not need any fancy features\.
+(template: (square x)
+ (* x x))
+### true
+The boolean TRUE value\.
+### try
+(: Foo
+ (case (: (Either Text Bar)
+ (try (: Bar
+ (risky computation which may panic))))
+ {#Right success}
+ (: Foo
+ (do something after success))
+ {#Left error}
+ (: Foo
+ (recover from error))))
+### type
+Takes a type expression and returns its representation as data\-structure\.
+(type (All (_ a)
+ (Maybe (List a))))
+### type:
+The type\-definition macro\.
+(type: (List a)
+ {#End}
+ {#Item a (List a)})
+### undefined
+Meant to be used as a stand\-in for functions with undefined implementations\.
+Undefined expressions will type\-check against everything, so they make good dummy implementations\.
+However, if an undefined expression is ever evaluated, it will raise a runtime error\.
+(def: (square x)
+ (-> Int Int)
+ (undefined))
+### using
+Module\-definition macro\.
+ [lux "*"
+ [control
+ ["M" monad "*"]]
+ [data
+ maybe
+ ["[0]" name ("[1]#[0]" codec)]]
+ [macro
+ code]]
+ [//
+ [type ("[0]" equivalence)]])
+### value@
+Accesses the value of a record at a given tag\.
+(value@ #field my_record)
+... Can also work with multiple levels of nesting.
+(value@ [#foo #bar #baz] my_record)
+... And, if only the slot/path is given, generates an accessor function.
+(let [getter (value@ [#foo #bar #baz])]
+ (getter my_record))
+### with@
+Sets the value of a record at a given tag\.
+(with@ #name "Lux" lang)
+... Can also work with multiple levels of nesting.
+(with@ [#foo #bar #baz] value my_record)
+... And, if only the slot/path and (optionally) the value are given, generates a mutator function.
+(let [setter (with@ [#foo #bar #baz] value)]
+ (setter my_record))
+(let [setter (with@ [#foo #bar #baz])]
+ (setter value my_record))
+### with\_expansions
+Controlled macro\-expansion\.
+Bind an arbitraty number of Code nodes resulting from macro\-expansion to local bindings\.
+Wherever a binding appears, the bound Code nodes will be spliced in there\.
+(def: test
+ Test
+ (with_expansions
+ [<tests> (template [<function> <parameter> <expected>]
+ [(cover [<function>]
+ (compare <text>
+ (# codec encoded <function> <parameter>)))]
+ [bit #1 "#1"]
+ [int +123 "+123"]
+ [frac +123 "+123.0"]
+ [text "123" "'123'"]
+ [symbol ["yolo" "lol"] "yolo.lol"]
+ [form (list (bit #1)) "(#1)"]
+ [tuple (list (bit #1)) "[#1]"])]
+ ($_ and
+ <tests>)))
+### |>
+Piping macro\.
+(|> elems
+ (list#each int#encoded)
+ (interposed " ")
+ (mix text#composite ""))
+... =>
+(mix text#composite ""
+ (interposed " "
+ (list#each int#encoded
+ elems)))
+### |>>
+Similar to the piping macro, but rather than taking an initial object to work on, creates a function for taking it\.
+(|>> (list#each int#encoded)
+ (interposed " ")
+ (mix text#composite ""))
+... =>
+(function (_ <it>)
+ (mix text#composite ""
+ (interposed " "
+ (list#each int#encoded <it>))))
+## Missing documentation
+1. `` __adjusted_quantified_type__ ``
+# library/lux/abstract/apply
+## Definitions
+### \(Apply f\)
+... .Type
+ [&functor (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor f)
+ on (All (_ _0 _1) (-> (f _0) (f (-> _0 _1)) (f _1)))])
+Applicative functors\.
+### composite
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (Apply _0) (Apply _1) (Apply (All (_ _2) (_0 (_1 _2))))))
+Applicative functor composition\.
+# library/lux/abstract/codec
+## Definitions
+### \(Codec medium value\)
+... .Type
+ [encoded (-> value medium)
+ decoded (-> medium (library/lux/control/try.Try value))])
+A way to move back\-and\-forth between a type and an alternative representation for it\.
+### composite
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Codec _2 _1) (Codec _1 _0) (Codec _2 _0)))
+Codec composition\.
+(: (Codec c a)
+ (composite (: (Codec c b)
+ cb_codec)
+ (: (Codec b a)
+ ba_codec)))
+# library/lux/abstract/comonad
+## Definitions
+### \(CoMonad \!\)
+... .Type
+ [&functor (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor !)
+ out (All (_ _0) (-> (! _0) _0))
+ disjoint (All (_ _0) (-> (! _0) (! (! _0))))])
+Co\-monads are the opposite/complement to monads\.
+Co\-monadic structures are often infinite in size and built upon lazily\-evaluated functions\.
+### be
+A co\-monadic parallel to the 'do' macro\.
+(let [square (function (_ n) (* n n))]
+ (be comonad
+ [inputs (iterate ++ +2)]
+ (square (out inputs))))
+# library/lux/abstract/comonad/cofree
+## Definitions
+### \(CoFree \! it\)
+... .Type
+[it (! (CoFree ! it))]
+The CoFree CoMonad\.
+### comonad
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor _0) (library/lux/abstract/comonad.CoMonad (CoFree _0))))
+### functor
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor _0) (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor (CoFree _0))))
+# library/lux/abstract/enum
+## Definitions
+### \(Enum it\)
+... .Type
+ [&order (library/lux/abstract/order.Order it)
+ succ (-> it it)
+ pred (-> it it)])
+Enumerable types, with a notion of moving forward and backwards through a type's instances\.
+### range
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Enum _0) _0 _0 (.List _0)))
+An inclusive \[from, to\] range of values\.
+(range enum from to)
+# library/lux/abstract/equivalence
+## Definitions
+### \(Equivalence it\)
+... .Type
+ [#= (-> it it .Bit)])
+Equivalence for a type's instances\.
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor/contravariant.Functor Equivalence)
+### rec
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> (Equivalence _0) (Equivalence _0)) (Equivalence _0)))
+A recursive equivalence combinator\.
+(rec recursive_equivalence)
+# library/lux/abstract/functor
+## Definitions
+### \(And left right\)
+... .Type
+(All (_ _0)
+ [(left _0) (right _0)])
+### \(Fix \!\)
+... .Type
+(! (Fix !))
+### \(Functor \!\)
+... .Type
+ [#each (All (_ _0 _1) (-> (-> _0 _1) (! _0) (! _1)))])
+### \(Or left right\)
+... .Type
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Or (left _0) (right _0)))
+### \(Then outer inner\)
+... .Type
+(All (_ _0)
+ (outer (inner _0)))
+### composite
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Functor _0) (Functor _1) (Functor (Then _0 _1))))
+Functor composition\.
+### product
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Functor _0) (Functor _1) (Functor (And _0 _1))))
+Product composition for functors\.
+### sum
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Functor _0) (Functor _1) (Functor (Or _0 _1))))
+Co\-product \(sum\) composition for functors\.
+# library/lux/abstract/functor/contravariant
+## Definitions
+### \(Functor \!\)
+... .Type
+ [#each (All (_ _0 _1) (-> (-> _1 _0) (! _0) (! _1)))])
+The contravariant functor\.
+# library/lux/abstract/hash
+## Definitions
+### \(Hash it\)
+... .Type
+ [&equivalence (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence it)
+ hash (-> it .Nat)])
+A way to produce hash\-codes for a type's instances\.
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor/contravariant.Functor Hash)
+# library/lux/abstract/interval
+## Definitions
+### \(Interval it\)
+... .Type
+ [&enum (library/lux/abstract/enum.Enum it)
+ bottom it
+ top it])
+A representation of top and bottom boundaries for an ordered type\.
+### after?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### before?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### between
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/enum.Enum _0) _0 _0 (Interval _0)))
+### borders?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) _0 .Bit))
+Where a value is at the border of an interval\.
+### complement
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) (Interval _0)))
+The inverse of an interval\.
+### ends\_with?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Interval _0)))
+### finishes?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### inner?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### intersection
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) (Interval _0) (Interval _0)))
+An interval spanned by both predecessors\.
+### meets?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) (Interval _0) .Bit))
+Whether an interval meets another one on its bottom/lower side\.
+### nested?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### outer?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### overlaps?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### precedes?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### singleton
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/enum.Enum _0) _0 (Interval _0)))
+An interval where both top and bottom are the same value\.
+(singleton enum elem)
+### singleton?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### starts?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### starts\_with?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### succeeds?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### touches?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### union
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) (Interval _0) (Interval _0)))
+An interval that spans both predecessors\.
+### within?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) _0 .Bit))
+# library/lux/abstract/mix
+## Definitions
+### \(Mix structure\)
+... .Type
+ [#mix (All (_ _0 _1) (-> (-> _1 _0 _0) _0 (structure _1) _0))])
+Iterate over a structure's values to build a summary value\.
+### with\_monoid
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid _1) (Mix _0) (_0 _1) _1))
+Mix a mixable structure using the monoid's identity as the initial value\.
+(with_monoid monoid mix value)
+# library/lux/abstract/monad
+## Definitions
+### \(Monad it\)
+... .Type
+ [&functor (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor it)
+ in (All (_ _0) (-> _0 (it _0)))
+ conjoint (All (_ _0) (-> (it (it _0)) (it _0)))])
+A monad is a monoid in the category of endofunctors\.
+What's the problem?
+### all
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Monad _0) (.List (_0 _1)) (_0 (.List _1))))
+Run all the monadic values in the list and produce a list of the base values\.
+(all monad)
+### do
+Macro for easy concatenation of monadic operations\.
+(do monad
+ [y (f1 x)
+ z (f2 z)]
+ (in (f3 z)))
+### each
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Monad _0) (-> _1 (_0 _2)) (.List _1) (_0 (.List _2))))
+Apply a monadic function to all values in a list\.
+(each monad function items)
+### mix
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Monad _0) (-> _2 _1 (_0 _1)) _1 (.List _2) (_0 _1)))
+Mix a list with a monadic function\.
+(mix monad function initial_value items)
+### only
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Monad _0) (-> _1 (_0 .Bit)) (.List _1) (_0 (.List _1))))
+Filter the values in a list with a monadic function\.
+(only monad predicate items)
+### then
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Monad _0) (-> _1 (_0 _2)) (_0 _1) (_0 _2)))
+Apply a function with monadic effects to a monadic value and yield a new monadic value\.
+(then monad function)
+# library/lux/abstract/monad/free
+## Definitions
+### \(Free \! it\)
+... .Type
+ {#Pure it}
+ {#Effect (! (Free ! it))})
+The Free Monad\.
+### apply
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor _0) (library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply (Free _0))))
+### functor
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor _0) (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor (Free _0))))
+### monad
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor _0) (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (Free _0))))
+# library/lux/abstract/monoid
+## Definitions
+### \(Monoid it\)
+... .Type
+ [identity it
+ composite (-> it it it)])
+A way to compose values\.
+Includes an identity value which does not alter any other value when combined with\.
+### and
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Monoid _0) (Monoid _1) (Monoid [_0 _1])))
+# library/lux/abstract/order
+## Definitions
+### <=
+Less than or equal\.
+### >
+Greater than\.
+### >=
+Greater than or equal\.
+### \(Choice it\)
+... .Type
+(-> (Order it) it it it)
+A choice comparison between two values, with the knowledge of how to order them\.
+### \(Comparison it\)
+... .Type
+(-> (Order it) it it .Bit)
+An arbitrary comparison between two values, with the knowledge of how to order them\.
+### \(Order it\)
+... .Type
+ [&equivalence (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence it)
+ < (-> it it .Bit)])
+A signature for types that possess some sense of ordering among their elements\.
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor/contravariant.Functor Order)
+### max
+### min
+# library/lux/abstract/predicate
+## Definitions
+### \(Predicate it\)
+... .Type
+(-> it .Bit)
+A question that can be asked of a value, yield either false \(\#0\) or true \(\#1\)\.
+### all
+A predicate that always succeeds\.
+### and
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Predicate _0) (Predicate _0) (Predicate _0)))
+A predicate that meets both predecessors\.
+### complement
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Predicate _0) (Predicate _0)))
+The opposite of a predicate\.
+### difference
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Predicate _0) (Predicate _0) (Predicate _0)))
+A predicate that meeds 'base', but not 'sub'\.
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor/contravariant.Functor Predicate)
+### intersection
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid (Predicate _0)))
+### none
+A predicate that always fails\.
+### or
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Predicate _0) (Predicate _0) (Predicate _0)))
+A predicate that meets either predecessor\.
+### rec
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> (Predicate _0) (Predicate _0)) (Predicate _0)))
+Ties the knot for a recursive predicate\.
+### union
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid (Predicate _0)))
+# library/lux/control/concatenative
+## Definitions
+### &&
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> [[_2 _0] _1] [_2 _0 _1]))
+Groups the 2 topmost stack values as a 2\-tuple\.
+### =>
+Concatenative function types\.
+(=> [Nat] [Nat])
+(All (_ a)
+ (-> a (=> [] [a])))
+(All (_ t)
+ (=> [t] []))
+(All (_ a b c)
+ (=> [a b c] [b c a]))
+(All (_ ,,,0 ,,,1)
+ (=> [then (=> ,,,0 ,,,1)
+ else (=> ,,,0 ,,,1)]
+ ,,,0 [Bit then else] ,,,1))
+### ?
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> [[[_1 .Bit] _0] _0] [_1 _0]))
+Choose the top value when \#0 and the second\-to\-top when \#1\.
+### apply
+A generator for functions that turn arity N functions into arity N concatenative functions\.
+(: (=> [Nat] [Nat])
+ ((apply 1) ++))
+### apply/1
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1) (All (_ _2) (-> [_2 _0] [_2 _1]))))
+Lift a function of arity 1 into a concatenative function of arity 1\.
+### apply/2
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1 _2) (All (_ _3) (-> [[_3 _0] _1] [_3 _2]))))
+Lift a function of arity 2 into a concatenative function of arity 2\.
+### apply/3
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1 _2 _3) (All (_ _4) (-> [[[_4 _0] _1] _2] [_4 _3]))))
+Lift a function of arity 3 into a concatenative function of arity 3\.
+### apply/4
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3 _4)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1 _2 _3 _4) (All (_ _5) (-> [[[[_5 _0] _1] _2] _3] [_5 _4]))))
+Lift a function of arity 4 into a concatenative function of arity 4\.
+### apply/5
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3 _4 _5)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1 _2 _3 _4 _5) (All (_ _6) (-> [[[[[_6 _0] _1] _2] _3] _4] [_6 _5]))))
+Lift a function of arity 5 into a concatenative function of arity 5\.
+### apply/6
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3 _4 _5 _6)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1 _2 _3 _4 _5 _6) (All (_ _7) (-> [[[[[[_7 _0] _1] _2] _3] _4] _5] [_7 _6]))))
+Lift a function of arity 6 into a concatenative function of arity 6\.
+### apply/7
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3 _4 _5 _6 _7)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1 _2 _3 _4 _5 _6 _7) (All (_ _8) (-> [[[[[[[_8 _0] _1] _2] _3] _4] _5] _6] [_8 _7]))))
+Lift a function of arity 7 into a concatenative function of arity 7\.
+### apply/8
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3 _4 _5 _6 _7 _8)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1 _2 _3 _4 _5 _6 _7 _8) (All (_ _9) (-> [[[[[[[[_9 _0] _1] _2] _3] _4] _5] _6] _7] [_9 _8]))))
+Lift a function of arity 8 into a concatenative function of arity 8\.
+### call
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> [_0 (-> _0 _1)] _1))
+Executes an anonymous block on the stack\.
+### compose
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> [[_3 (-> _0 _1)] (-> _1 _2)] [_3 (-> _0 _2)]))
+Function composition\.
+(library/lux/math/number/nat.=(library/lux/math/number/nat.+2 sample)
+ (||> (push sample)
+ (push (|>> (push 1) n/+))
+ (push (|>> (push 1) n/+))
+ compose
+ call))
+### dip
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> [[_0 _1] (-> _0 _0)] [_0 _1]))
+Executes a block on the stack, save for the topmost value\.
+### dip/2
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> [[[_0 _1] _2] (-> _0 _0)] [[_0 _1] _2]))
+Executes a block on the stack, save for the 2 topmost values\.
+### do
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> [[_0 (-> _1 [_0 .Bit])] (-> _0 _1)] [[_1 (-> _1 [_0 .Bit])] (-> _0 _1)]))
+Do\-while loop expression\.
+(library/lux/math/number/nat.=(++ sample)
+ (||> (push sample)
+ (push (push false))
+ (push (|>> (push 1) n/+))
+ do while))
+### drop
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> [_1 _0] _1))
+Drop/pop a value from the top of the stack\.
+### dup
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> [_1 _0] [[_1 _0] _0]))
+Duplicate the top of the stack\.
+### f/%
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Frac] .Frac] [_0 .Frac]))
+% for Frac arithmetic\.
+### f/\*
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Frac] .Frac] [_0 .Frac]))
+\* for Frac arithmetic\.
+### f/\+
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Frac] .Frac] [_0 .Frac]))
+\+ for Frac arithmetic\.
+### f/\-
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Frac] .Frac] [_0 .Frac]))
+\- for Frac arithmetic\.
+### f//
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Frac] .Frac] [_0 .Frac]))
+/ for Frac arithmetic\.
+### f/<
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Frac] .Frac] [_0 .Bit]))
+< for Frac arithmetic\.
+### f/<=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Frac] .Frac] [_0 .Bit]))
+<= for Frac arithmetic\.
+### f/=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Frac] .Frac] [_0 .Bit]))
+= for Frac arithmetic\.
+### f/>
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Frac] .Frac] [_0 .Bit]))
+> for Frac arithmetic\.
+### f/>=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Frac] .Frac] [_0 .Bit]))
+>= for Frac arithmetic\.
+### i/%
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Int] .Int] [_0 .Int]))
+% for Int arithmetic\.
+### i/\*
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Int] .Int] [_0 .Int]))
+\* for Int arithmetic\.
+### i/\+
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Int] .Int] [_0 .Int]))
+\+ for Int arithmetic\.
+### i/\-
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Int] .Int] [_0 .Int]))
+\- for Int arithmetic\.
+### i//
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Int] .Int] [_0 .Int]))
+/ for Int arithmetic\.
+### i/<
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Int] .Int] [_0 .Bit]))
+< for Int arithmetic\.
+### i/<=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Int] .Int] [_0 .Bit]))
+<= for Int arithmetic\.
+### i/=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Int] .Int] [_0 .Bit]))
+= for Int arithmetic\.
+### i/>
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Int] .Int] [_0 .Bit]))
+> for Int arithmetic\.
+### i/>=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Int] .Int] [_0 .Bit]))
+>= for Int arithmetic\.
+### if
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> [[[_0 .Bit] (-> _0 _1)] (-> _0 _1)] _1))
+If expression\.
+(same? "then"
+ (||> (push true)
+ (push "then")
+ (push "else")
+ if))
+### loop
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [_0 (-> _0 [_0 .Bit])] _0))
+Executes a block as a loop until it yields \#0 to stop\.
+### n/%
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Nat] .Nat] [_0 .Nat]))
+% for Nat arithmetic\.
+### n/\*
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Nat] .Nat] [_0 .Nat]))
+\* for Nat arithmetic\.
+### n/\+
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Nat] .Nat] [_0 .Nat]))
+\+ for Nat arithmetic\.
+### n/\-
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Nat] .Nat] [_0 .Nat]))
+\- for Nat arithmetic\.
+### n//
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Nat] .Nat] [_0 .Nat]))
+/ for Nat arithmetic\.
+### n/<
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Nat] .Nat] [_0 .Bit]))
+< for Nat arithmetic\.
+### n/<=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Nat] .Nat] [_0 .Bit]))
+<= for Nat arithmetic\.
+### n/=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Nat] .Nat] [_0 .Bit]))
+= for Nat arithmetic\.
+### n/>
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Nat] .Nat] [_0 .Bit]))
+> for Nat arithmetic\.
+### n/>=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Nat] .Nat] [_0 .Bit]))
+>= for Nat arithmetic\.
+### nip
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> [[_2 _0] _1] [_2 _1]))
+Drop the second\-to\-last value from the top of the stack\.
+### partial
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> [[_0 _2] (-> [_0 _2] _1)] [_0 (-> _0 _1)]))
+Partial application\.
+(library/lux/math/number/nat.=(library/lux/math/number/nat.+sample sample)
+ (||> (push sample)
+ (push sample)
+ (push n/+)
+ partial
+ call))
+### push
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (All (_ _1) (-> _1 [_1 _0]))))
+Push a value onto the stack\.
+### r/%
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Rev] .Rev] [_0 .Rev]))
+% for Rev arithmetic\.
+### r/\*
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Rev] .Rev] [_0 .Rev]))
+\* for Rev arithmetic\.
+### r/\+
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Rev] .Rev] [_0 .Rev]))
+\+ for Rev arithmetic\.
+### r/\-
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Rev] .Rev] [_0 .Rev]))
+\- for Rev arithmetic\.
+### r//
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Rev] .Rev] [_0 .Rev]))
+/ for Rev arithmetic\.
+### r/<
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Rev] .Rev] [_0 .Bit]))
+< for Rev arithmetic\.
+### r/<=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Rev] .Rev] [_0 .Bit]))
+<= for Rev arithmetic\.
+### r/=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Rev] .Rev] [_0 .Bit]))
+= for Rev arithmetic\.
+### r/>
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Rev] .Rev] [_0 .Bit]))
+> for Rev arithmetic\.
+### r/>=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Rev] .Rev] [_0 .Bit]))
+>= for Rev arithmetic\.
+### rotL
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> [[[_3 _0] _1] _2] [[[_3 _1] _2] _0]))
+Rotes the 3 topmost stack values to the left\.
+### rotR
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> [[[_3 _0] _1] _2] [[[_3 _2] _0] _1]))
+Rotes the 3 topmost stack values to the right\.
+### swap
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> [[_2 _0] _1] [[_2 _1] _0]))
+Swaps the 2 topmost stack values\.
+### when
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Bit] (-> _0 _0)] _0))
+Only execute the block when \#1\.
+### while
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> [[_0 (-> _0 [_1 .Bit])] (-> _1 _0)] _1))
+While loop expression\.
+(library/lux/math/number/nat.=(library/lux/math/number/nat.+distance start)
+ (||> (push start)
+ (push (|>> dup
+ (push start) n/-
+ (push distance) n/<))
+ (push (|>> (push 1) n/+))
+ while))
+### word:
+A named concatenative function\.
+(word: square
+ (=> [Nat] [Nat])
+ dup
+ (apply/2 library/lux/math/number/nat.*))
+### ||>
+A self\-contained sequence of concatenative instructions\.
+(same? value
+ (||> (push sample)))
+(||> (push 123)
+ dup
+ n/=)
+### ||L
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> [_2 _0] [_2 (Or _0 _1)]))
+Left\-injects the top into sum\.
+### ||R
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> [_2 _1] [_2 (Or _0 _1)]))
+Right\-injects the top into sum\.
+# library/lux/control/concurrency/actor
+The actor model of concurrency\.
+## Definitions
+### \(Actor state\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/concurrency/actor.Actor" state)
+An entity that can react to messages \(mail\) sent to it concurrently\.
+### \(Behavior input state\)
+... .Type
+ [#on_init (-> input state)
+ #on_mail (-> (Mail state) state (Actor state) (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async (library/lux/control/try.Try state)))])
+An actor's behavior when mail is received and when a fatal error occurs\.
+### \(Mail state\)
+... .Type
+(-> state (Actor state) (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async (library/lux/control/try.Try state)))
+A one\-way message sent to an actor, without expecting a reply\.
+### \(Message state output\)
+... .Type
+(-> state (Actor state) (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async (library/lux/control/try.Try [state output])))
+A two\-way message sent to an actor, expecting a reply\.
+### \(Obituary state\)
+... .Type
+[.Text state (.List (-> state (Actor state) (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async (library/lux/control/try.Try state))))]
+Details on the death of an actor\.
+### Stop
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/io.IO .Any)
+A signal to stop an actor from observing a channel\.
+### actor
+Defines an anonymous actor, with its behavior and internal state\.
+Messages for the actor must be defined after the on\_mail handler\.
+(actor [Nat
+ 123]
+ ((on_mail message state self)
+ (message (++ state) self)))
+### actor:
+Defines a named actor, with its behavior and internal state\.
+Messages for the actor must be defined after the on\_mail handler\.
+(actor: .public (stack a)
+ (List a)
+ ((on_mail mail state self)
+ (do (try.with async.monad)
+ [.let [_ (debug.log! "BEFORE")]
+ output (mail state self)
+ .let [_ (debug.log! "AFTER")]]
+ (in output)))
+ (message: .public (push [value a] state self)
+ (List a)
+ (let [state' {.#Item value state}]
+ (async.resolved {try.#Success [state' state']}))))
+(actor: .public counter
+ Nat
+ (message: .public (count! [increment Nat] state self)
+ Any
+ (let [state' (n.+ increment state)]
+ (async.resolved {try.#Success [state' state']})))
+ (message: .public (read! state self)
+ Nat
+ (async.resolved {try.#Success [state state]})))
+### alive?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Actor _0) (library/lux/control/io.IO .Bit)))
+### dead
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### default
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Behavior _0 _0))
+Default actor behavior\.
+### mail\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Mail _0) (Actor _0) (library/lux/control/io.IO (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any))))
+Send mail to an actor\.
+### message:
+A message can access the actor's state through the state parameter\.
+A message can also access the actor itself through the self parameter\.
+A message's output must be an async containing a 2\-tuple with the updated state and a return value\.
+A message may succeed or fail \(in case of failure, the actor dies\)\.
+(actor: .public (stack a)
+ (List a)
+ ((on_mail mail state self)
+ (do (try.with async.monad)
+ [.let [_ (debug.log! "BEFORE")]
+ output (mail state self)
+ .let [_ (debug.log! "AFTER")]]
+ (in output)))
+ (message: .public (push [value a] state self)
+ (List a)
+ (let [state' {.#Item value state}]
+ (async.resolved {try.#Success [state' state']}))))
+(actor: .public counter
+ Nat
+ (message: .public (count! [increment Nat] state self)
+ Any
+ (let [state' (n.+ increment state)]
+ (async.resolved {try.#Success [state' state']})))
+ (message: .public (read! state self)
+ Nat
+ (async.resolved {try.#Success [state state]})))
+### obituary
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Actor _0) (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async (Obituary _0))))
+Await for an actor to stop working\.
+### obituary'
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Actor _0) (library/lux/control/io.IO (.Maybe (Obituary _0)))))
+### observe\!
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 Stop (Mail _1)) (library/lux/control/concurrency/frp.Channel _0) (Actor _1) (library/lux/control/io.IO .Any)))
+Use an actor to observe a channel by transforming each datum
+flowing through the channel into mail the actor can process\.
+Can stop observing the channel by executing the Stop value\.
+### poison\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Actor _0) (library/lux/control/io.IO (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any))))
+Kills the actor by sending mail that will kill it upon processing,
+but allows the actor to handle previous mail\.
+### poisoned
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### spawn\!
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Behavior _0 _1) _0 (library/lux/control/io.IO (Actor _1))))
+Given a behavior and initial state, spawns an actor and returns it\.
+### tell\!
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Message _0 _1) (Actor _0) (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async (library/lux/control/try.Try _1))))
+Communicate with an actor through message\-passing\.
+# library/lux/control/concurrency/async
+## Definitions
+### \(Async it\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async" it)
+Represents values produced by asynchronous computations \(unlike IO, which is synchronous\)\.
+### \(Resolver it\)
+... .Type
+(-> it (library/lux/control/io.IO .Bit))
+The function used to give a value to an async\.
+Will signal 'true' if the async has been resolved for the 1st time, 'false' otherwise\.
+### after
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat _0 (Async _0)))
+Delivers a value after a certain period has passed\.
+(after milli_seconds value)
+### and
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Async _0) (Async _1) (Async [_0 _1])))
+Combines the results of both asyncs, in\-order\.
+(and left right)
+### apply
+(library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply Async)
+### async
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Any [(Async _0) (Resolver _0)]))
+Creates a fresh async that has not been resolved yet\.
+(async _)
+### delay
+(-> .Nat (Async .Any))
+An async that will be resolved after the specified amount of milli\-seconds\.
+(delay milli_seconds)
+### either
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Async _0) (Async _0) (Async _0)))
+Yields the results of whichever async gets resolved first\.
+You cannot tell which one was resolved first\.
+(either left right)
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Async)
+### future
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/control/io.IO _0) (Async _0)))
+Runs an I/O computation on its own thread\.
+Returns an async that will eventually host its result\.
+(future computation)
+### monad
+(library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad Async)
+### or
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Async _0) (Async _1) (Async (Or _0 _1))))
+Yields the results of whichever async gets resolved first\.
+You can tell which one was resolved first through pattern\-matching\.
+(or left right)
+### resolved
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Async _0)))
+Produces an async that has already been resolved to the given value\.
+(resolved value)
+### resolved?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Async _0) (library/lux/control/io.IO .Bit)))
+Checks whether an async's value has already been resolved\.
+### schedule\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (library/lux/control/io.IO _0) (Async _0)))
+Runs an I/O computation on its own thread \(after a specified delay\)\.
+Returns an async that will eventually host its result\.
+(schedule! milli_seconds computation)
+### upon\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 (library/lux/control/io.IO .Any)) (Async _0) (library/lux/control/io.IO .Any)))
+Executes the given function as soon as the async has been resolved\.
+(upon! function async)
+### value
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Async _0) (library/lux/control/io.IO (.Maybe _0))))
+Polls an async for its value\.
+### within
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Async _0) (Async (.Maybe _0))))
+Wait for an async to be resolved within the specified amount of milli\-seconds\.
+(within milli_seconds async)
+# library/lux/control/concurrency/atom
+## Definitions
+### \(Atom it\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/concurrency/atom.Atom" it)
+Atomic references that are safe to mutate concurrently\.
+### atom
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Atom _0)))
+### compare\_and\_swap\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 _0 (Atom _0) (library/lux/control/io.IO .Bit)))
+Only mutates an atom if you can present its current value\.
+That guarantees that atom was not updated since you last read from it\.
+### read\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Atom _0) (library/lux/control/io.IO _0)))
+### update\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 _0) (Atom _0) (library/lux/control/io.IO [_0 _0])))
+Updates an atom by applying a function to its current value\.
+If it fails to update it \(because some other process wrote to it first\), it will retry until it succeeds\.
+The retries will be done with the new values of the atom, as they show up\.
+### write\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Atom _0) (library/lux/control/io.IO _0)))
+Writes the given value to an atom\.
+If it fails to write it \(because some other process wrote to it first\), it will retry until it succeeds\.
+# library/lux/control/concurrency/frp
+## Definitions
+### \(Channel it\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async (.Maybe [it (Channel it)]))
+An asynchronous channel to distribute values\.
+### \(Sink it\)
+... .Type
+ [close (library/lux/control/io.IO (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any))
+ feed (-> it (library/lux/control/io.IO (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any)))])
+The tail\-end of a channel, which can be written\-to to fee the channel\.
+### \(Subscriber it\)
+... .Type
+(-> it (library/lux/control/io.IO (.Maybe .Any)))
+A function that can receive every value fed into a channel\.
+### apply
+(library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply Channel)
+### channel
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Any [(Channel _0) (Sink _0)]))
+Creates a brand\-new channel and hands it over, along with the sink to write to it\.
+(channel _)
+### channel\_is\_already\_closed
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### distinct
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (Channel _0) (Channel _0)))
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Channel)
+### iterations
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async (.Maybe [_0 _1]))) _0 (Channel _1)))
+### list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Channel _0) (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async (.List _0))))
+### mix
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _1 _0 (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async _0)) _0 (Channel _1) (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async _0)))
+Asynchronous mix over channels\.
+(mix f init channel)
+### mixes
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _1 _0 (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async _0)) _0 (Channel _1) (Channel _0)))
+### monad
+(library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad Channel)
+### of\_async
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async _0) (Channel _0)))
+A one\-element channel containing the output from an async\.
+(of_async async)
+### only
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 .Bit) (Channel _0) (Channel _0)))
+Produces a new channel based on the old one, only with values
+that pass the test\.
+(only pass? channel)
+### periodic
+(-> .Nat [(Channel .Any) (Sink .Any)])
+### poll
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (library/lux/control/io.IO _0) [(Channel _0) (Sink _0)]))
+### sequential
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.List _0) (Channel _0)))
+Transforms the given list into a channel with the same elements\.
+(sequential milli_seconds values)
+### subscribe\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Subscriber _0) (Channel _0) (library/lux/control/io.IO .Any)))
+# library/lux/control/concurrency/semaphore
+## Definitions
+### Barrier
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/concurrency/semaphore.Barrier")
+A barrier that blocks all processes from proceeding until a given number of processes are parked at the barrier\.
+### Limit
+... .Type
+(library/lux/type/refinement.Refined .Nat (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/control/concurrency/semaphore",122,2 0}"))
+A limit for barriers\.
+### Mutex
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/concurrency/semaphore.Mutex")
+A mutual\-exclusion lock that can only be acquired by one process at a time\.
+### Semaphore
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/concurrency/semaphore.Semaphore")
+A tool for controlling access to resources by multiple concurrent processes\.
+### barrier
+(-> Limit Barrier)
+### block\!
+(-> Barrier (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async .Any))
+Wait on a barrier until all processes have arrived and met the barrier's limit\.
+### limit
+(library/lux/type/refinement.Refiner .Nat (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/control/concurrency/semaphore",122,2 0}"))
+Produce a limit for a barrier\.
+### mutex
+(-> .Any Mutex)
+Creates a brand\-new mutex\.
+(mutex _)
+### semaphore
+(-> .Nat Semaphore)
+(semaphore initial_open_positions)
+### semaphore\_is\_maxed\_out
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### signal\!
+(Ex (_ _0)
+ (-> Semaphore (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async (library/lux/control/try.Try .Int))))
+Signal to a semaphore that you're done with your work, and that there is a new open position\.
+(signal! semaphore)
+### synchronize\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> Mutex (library/lux/control/io.IO (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async _0)) (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async _0)))
+Runs the procedure with exclusive control of the mutex\.
+(synchronize! mutex procedure)
+### wait\!
+(Ex (_ _0)
+ (-> Semaphore (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async .Any)))
+Wait on a semaphore until there are open positions\.
+After finishing your work, you must 'signal' to the semaphore that you're done\.
+(wait! semaphore)
+# library/lux/control/concurrency/stm
+## Definitions
+### \(STM it\)
+... .Type
+(-> Tx [Tx it])
+A computation which updates a transaction and produces a value\.
+### \(Var it\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/concurrency/stm.Var" it)
+A mutable cell containing a value, and observers that will be alerted of any change to it\.
+### apply
+(library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply STM)
+### commit\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (STM _0) (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async _0)))
+Commits a transaction and returns its result \(asynchronously\)\.
+Note that a transaction may be re\-run an indeterminate number of times if other transactions involving the same variables successfully commit first\.
+For this reason, it's important to note that transactions must be free from side\-effects, such as I/O\.
+(commit! procedure)
+### follow\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Var _0) (library/lux/control/io.IO [(library/lux/control/concurrency/frp.Channel _0) (library/lux/control/concurrency/frp.Sink _0)])))
+Creates a channel that will receive all changes to the value of the given var\.
+(follow! target)
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor STM)
+### monad
+(library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad STM)
+### read
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Var _0) (STM _0)))
+### update
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 _0) (Var _0) (STM [_0 _0])))
+Update a var's value, and return a tuple with the old and the new values\.
+(update function var)
+### var
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Var _0)))
+Creates a new STM var, with a default value\.
+(var value)
+### write
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Var _0) (STM .Any)))
+# library/lux/control/concurrency/thread
+## Definitions
+### parallelism
+How many processes can run in parallel\.
+### schedule\!
+(-> .Nat (library/lux/control/io.IO .Any) (library/lux/control/io.IO .Any))
+Executes an I/O procedure after some milli\-seconds\.
+(schedule! milli_seconds action)
+# library/lux/control/continuation
+## Definitions
+### \(Cont input output\)
+... .Type
+(-> (-> input output) output)
+### apply
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply (All (_ _1) (Cont _1 _0))))
+### continued
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1) (Cont _0 _1) _1))
+Continues a continuation thunk\.
+(continued next cont)
+### functor
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor (All (_ _1) (Cont _1 _0))))
+### monad
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (All (_ _1) (Cont _1 _0))))
+### pending
+Turns any expression into a function that is pending a continuation\.
+(pending (some_function some_input))
+### portal
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> _0 (Cont [(-> _0 (Cont _1 _2)) _0] _2)))
+### reset
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Cont _0 _0) (Cont _0 _1)))
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Cont _0 _0) _0))
+Forces a continuation thunk to be evaluated\.
+(result cont)
+### shift
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> (-> _0 (Cont _0 _0)) (Cont _0 _0)) (Cont _0 _0)))
+### with\_current
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (-> (-> _0 (Cont _1 _2)) (Cont _0 _2)) (Cont _0 _2)))
+Call with current continuation\.
+ (function (_ go)
+ (do monad
+ [.let [nexus (function (nexus val)
+ (go [nexus val]))]
+ _ (go [nexus init])]
+ (in (undefined)))))
+# library/lux/control/exception
+Pure\-Lux exception\-handling functionality\.
+## Definitions
+### \(Exception it\)
+... .Type
+ [#label .Text
+ #constructor (-> it .Text)])
+An exception provides a way to decorate error messages\.
+### assertion
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Exception _0) _0 .Bit (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any)))
+### error
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Exception _0) _0 .Text))
+Constructs an error message from an exception\.
+(error exception message)
+### except
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Exception _0) _0 (library/lux/control/try.Try _1)))
+Decorate an error message with an Exception and lift it into the error\-handling context\.
+(except exception message)
+### exception:
+Define a new exception type\.
+It mostly just serves as a way to tag error messages for later catching\.
+... Simple case:
+(exception: .public some_exception)
+... Complex case:
+(exception: .public [arbitrary type variables] (some_exception [optional Text
+ arguments Int])
+ optional_body)
+### listing
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 .Text) (.List _0) .Text))
+A numbered report of the entries on a list\.
+NOTE: 0\-based numbering\.
+(listing format entries)
+### match?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Exception _0) .Text .Bit))
+Is this exception the cause of the error message?
+(match? exception error)
+### otherwise
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> .Text _0) (library/lux/control/try.Try _0) _0))
+If no handler could be found to catch the exception, then run a function as a last\-resort measure\.
+(otherwise else try)
+### report
+An error report\.
+(: Text
+ (report ["Row 0" value/0]
+ ["Row 1" value/1]
+ ,,,
+ ["Row N" value/N]))
+### when
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Exception _0) (-> .Text _1) (library/lux/control/try.Try _1) (library/lux/control/try.Try _1)))
+If a particular exception is detected on a possibly\-erroneous value, handle it\.
+If no exception was detected, or a different one from the one being checked, then pass along the original value\.
+(when exception then try)
+### with
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Exception _0) _0 (library/lux/control/try.Try _1) (library/lux/control/try.Try _1)))
+If a computation fails, prepends the exception to the error\.
+(with exception message computation)
+# library/lux/control/function
+## Definitions
+### composite
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (-> _1 _2) (-> _0 _1) _0 _2))
+Function composition\.
+(= ((composite f g) "foo")
+ (f (g "foo")))
+### constant
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (All (_ _1) (-> _1 _0))))
+Create constant functions\.
+(= ((constant "foo") "bar")
+ "foo")
+### flipped
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1 _2) _1 _0 _2))
+Flips the order of the arguments of a function\.
+(= ((flipped f) "foo" "bar")
+ (f "bar" "foo"))
+### identity
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 _0))
+Identity function\.
+Does nothing to its argument and just returns it\.
+(same? (identity value)
+ value)
+### monoid
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid (-> _0 _0)))
+### on
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 (-> _0 _1) _1))
+Simple 1\-argument function application\.
+(on input function)
+# library/lux/control/function/contract
+## Definitions
+### post
+Given a predicate and an expression to run, evaluates the expression and then tests the output with the predicate\.
+If the predicate returns \#1, returns the value of the expression\.
+Otherwise, an error is raised\.
+(post i.even?
+ (i.+ +2 +2))
+### post\_condition\_failed
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Code)
+### pre
+Given a test and an expression to run, only runs the expression if the test passes\.
+Otherwise, an error is raised\.
+(pre (i.= +4 (i.+ +2 +2))
+ (foo +123 +456 +789))
+### pre\_condition\_failed
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Code)
+# library/lux/control/function/memo
+## Definitions
+### \(Memo input output\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/function/mixin.Recursive input (library/lux/control/state.State (library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary input output) output))
+### closed
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (Memo _0 _1) _0 _1))
+Memoization confined to a single invocation to the function \(not counting any subsequent recursive invocations\)\.
+Memoized results will be re\-used during recursive invocations, but cannot be accessed after the main invocation has ended\.
+(closed hash memo)
+### memoization
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (library/lux/control/function/mixin.Mixin _0 (library/lux/control/state.State (library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary _0 _1) _1)))
+### none
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (Memo _0 _1) _0 _1))
+No memoization at all\.
+This is useful as a test control when measuring the effect of using memoization\.
+(none hash memo)
+### open
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Memo _0 _1) [(library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary _0 _1) _0] [(library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary _0 _1) _1]))
+Memoization where the memoized results can be re\-used accross invocations\.
+(open memo)
+# library/lux/control/function/mixin
+## Definitions
+### \(Mixin input output\)
+... .Type
+(-> (-> input output) (-> input output) input output)
+A partially\-defined function which can be mixed with others to inherit their behavior\.
+### \(Recursive input output\)
+... .Type
+(-> (-> input output) input output)
+An indirectly recursive function\.
+### advice
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (Mixin _0 _1) (Mixin _0 _1)))
+Only apply then mixin when the input meets some criterion\.
+(advice when then)
+### after
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (-> _1 _2 (_0 .Any)) (Mixin _1 (_0 _2))))
+Executes an action after doing the main work\.
+(after monad action)
+### before
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (-> _1 (_0 .Any)) (Mixin _1 (_0 _2))))
+Executes an action before doing the main work\.
+(before monad action)
+### fixed
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Mixin _0 _1) _0 _1))
+Given a mixin, produces a normal function\.
+(fixed f)
+### mixed
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Mixin _0 _1) (Mixin _0 _1) (Mixin _0 _1)))
+Produces a new mixin, where the behavior of the child can make use of the behavior of the parent\.
+(mixed parent child)
+### monoid
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid (Mixin _0 _1)))
+### nothing
+A mixin that does nothing and just delegates work to the next mixin\.
+### of\_recursive
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Recursive _0 _1) (Mixin _0 _1)))
+Transform an indirectly recursive function into a mixin\.
+(of_recursive recursive)
+# library/lux/control/function/mutual
+## Definitions
+### def:
+Globally\-defined mutually\-recursive functions\.
+ [.public (even? number)
+ (-> Nat Bit)
+ (case number
+ 0 true
+ _ (odd? (-- number)))]
+ [.public (odd? number)
+ (-> Nat Bit)
+ (case number
+ 0 false
+ _ (even? (-- number)))])
+### let
+Locally\-defined mutually\-recursive functions\.
+(let [(even? number)
+ (-> Nat Bit)
+ (case number
+ 0 true
+ _ (odd? (-- number)))
+ (odd? number)
+ (-> Nat Bit)
+ (case number
+ 0 false
+ _ (even? (-- number)))]
+ (and (even? 4)
+ (odd? 5)))
+# library/lux/control/io
+A method for abstracting I/O and effectful computations to make it safe while writing pure functional code\.
+## Definitions
+### \(IO it\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/io.IO" it)
+A type that represents synchronous, effectful computations that may interact with the outside world\.
+### apply
+(library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply IO)
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor IO)
+### io
+Delays the evaluation of an expression, by wrapping it in an IO 'thunk'\.
+Great for wrapping effectful computations \(which will not be performed until the IO is 'run\!'\)\.
+(io (exec
+ (log! msg)
+ "Some value..."))
+### monad
+(library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad IO)
+### run\!
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (IO _1) _1))
+A way to execute IO computations and perform their side\-effects\.
+# library/lux/control/lazy
+## Definitions
+### \(Lazy it\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/lazy.Lazy" it)
+A value specified by an expression that is calculated only at the last moment possible\.
+Afterwards, the value is cached for future reference\.
+### apply
+(library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply Lazy)
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Lazy _0))))
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Lazy)
+### lazy
+Specifies a lazy value by providing the expression that computes it\.
+(lazy eager_computation)
+### monad
+(library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad Lazy)
+### value
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Lazy _0) _0))
+# library/lux/control/maybe
+## Definitions
+### apply
+(library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply .Maybe)
+### else
+Allows you to provide a default value that will be used
+if a \(Maybe x\) value turns out to be \.\#None\.
+Note: the expression for the default value will not be computed if the base computation succeeds\.
+(else +20 {.#Some +10})
+... =>
+(else +20 {.#None})
+... =>
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (.Maybe _0))))
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor .Maybe)
+### hash
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash (.Maybe _0))))
+### lifted
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (_0 _1) (_0 (.Maybe _1))))
+Wraps a monadic value with Maybe machinery\.
+(lifted monad)
+### list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.Maybe _0) (.List _0)))
+### monad
+(library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad .Maybe)
+### monoid
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid (.Maybe _0)))
+### trusted
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.Maybe _0) _0))
+Assumes that a Maybe value is a \.\#Some and yields its value\.
+Raises/throws a runtime error otherwise\.
+WARNING: Use with caution\.
+(trusted trusted_computation)
+### when
+Can be used as a guard in \(co\)monadic be/do expressions\.
+(do monad
+ [value (do_something 1 2 3)
+ .when (passes_test? value)]
+ (do_something_else 4 5 6))
+### with
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (All (_ _1) (_0 (.Maybe _1))))))
+# library/lux/control/parser
+## Definitions
+### \(Parser state it\)
+... .Type
+(-> state (library/lux/control/try.Try [state it]))
+A generic parser\.
+### after
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 _2) (Parser _0 _2)))
+Run the parser after another one \(whose output is ignored\)\.
+(after param subject)
+### and
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 _2) (Parser _0 [_1 _2])))
+Sequencing combinator\.
+(and first second)
+### apply
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply (Parser _0)))
+### assertion
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text .Bit (Parser _0 .Any)))
+Fails with the given message if the test is \#0\.
+(assertion message test)
+### at\_least
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> .Nat (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 (.List _1))))
+Parse at least N times\.
+(at_least amount parser)
+### at\_most
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> .Nat (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 (.List _1))))
+Parse at most N times\.
+(at_most amount parser)
+### before
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 _2) (Parser _0 _2)))
+Run the parser before another one \(whose output is ignored\)\.
+(before param subject)
+### between
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> .Nat .Nat (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 (.List _1))))
+(between minimum additional parser)
+### codec
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec _1 _2) (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 _2)))
+Decode the output of a parser using a codec\.
+(codec codec parser)
+### either
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 _1)))
+Homogeneous alternative combinator\.
+(either this that)
+### else
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _1 (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 _1)))
+If the given parser fails, returns the default value\.
+(else value parser)
+### exactly
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> .Nat (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 (.List _1))))
+Parse exactly N times\.
+(exactly amount parser)
+### failure
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> .Text (Parser _0 _1)))
+Always fail with this 'message'\.
+(failure message)
+### functor
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor (Parser _0)))
+### lifted
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/control/try.Try _1) (Parser _0 _1)))
+Lift a potentially failed computation into a parser\.
+(lifted operation)
+### many
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 (.List _1))))
+1\-or\-more combinator\.
+(many parser)
+### maybe
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 (.Maybe _1))))
+Optionality combinator\.
+(maybe parser)
+### monad
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (Parser _0)))
+### not
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 .Any)))
+Only succeeds when the underlying parser fails\.
+(not parser)
+### only
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _1 .Bit) (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 _1)))
+Only succeed when the parser's output passes a test\.
+(only test parser)
+### or
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 _2) (Parser _0 (Or _1 _2))))
+Heterogeneous alternative combinator\.
+(or left right)
+### parses
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 .Any)))
+Ignore a parser's output and just execute it\.
+(parses parser)
+### parses?
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 .Bit)))
+Ignore a parser's output and just verify that it succeeds\.
+(parses? parser)
+### rec
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 _1)) (Parser _0 _1)))
+Combinator for recursive parsers\.
+(rec parser)
+### remaining
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Parser _0 _0))
+Yield the remaining input \(without consuming it\)\.
+### result
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) _0 (library/lux/control/try.Try [_0 _1])))
+Executes the parser on the input\.
+Does not verify that all of the input has been consumed by the parser\.
+Returns both the parser's output, and a value that represents the remaining input\.
+(result parser input)
+### separated\_by
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _2) (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 (.List _1))))
+Parses instances of 'parser' that are separated by instances of 'separator'\.
+(separated_by separator parser)
+### some
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 (.List _1))))
+0\-or\-more combinator\.
+(some parser)
+### speculative
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 _1)))
+Executes a parser, without actually consuming the input\.
+That way, the same input can be consumed again by another parser\.
+(speculative parser)
+# library/lux/control/parser/analysis
+## Definitions
+### \(Parser it\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/parser.Parser (.List library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Analysis))
+A parser for Lux code analysis nodes\.
+### any
+(Parser library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Analysis)
+Matches any value, without discrimination\.
+### bit
+(Parser .Bit)
+Queries for a bit value\.
+### bit\!
+(-> .Bit (Parser .Any))
+Assert a specific bit value\.
+### cannot\_parse
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception (.List library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Analysis))
+### constant
+(Parser .Symbol)
+Queries for a constant value\.
+### constant\!
+(-> .Symbol (Parser .Any))
+Assert a specific constant value\.
+### end\!
+(Parser .Any)
+Ensures there are no more inputs\.
+### end?
+(Parser .Bit)
+Checks whether there are no more inputs\.
+### foreign
+(Parser .Nat)
+Queries for a foreign value\.
+### foreign\!
+(-> .Nat (Parser .Any))
+Assert a specific foreign value\.
+### frac
+(Parser .Frac)
+Queries for a frac value\.
+### frac\!
+(-> .Frac (Parser .Any))
+Assert a specific frac value\.
+### int
+(Parser .Int)
+Queries for a int value\.
+### int\!
+(-> .Int (Parser .Any))
+Assert a specific int value\.
+### local
+(Parser .Nat)
+Queries for a local value\.
+### local\!
+(-> .Nat (Parser .Any))
+Assert a specific local value\.
+### nat
+(Parser .Nat)
+Queries for a nat value\.
+### nat\!
+(-> .Nat (Parser .Any))
+Assert a specific nat value\.
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (.List library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Analysis) (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)))
+Executes a parser and makes sure no inputs go unconsumed\.
+(result parser input)
+### rev
+(Parser .Rev)
+Queries for a rev value\.
+### rev\!
+(-> .Rev (Parser .Any))
+Assert a specific rev value\.
+### text
+(Parser .Text)
+Queries for a text value\.
+### text\!
+(-> .Text (Parser .Any))
+Assert a specific text value\.
+### tuple
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses only within the context of a tuple's contents\.
+(tuple parser)
+### unconsumed\_input
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception (.List library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Analysis))
+# library/lux/control/parser/binary
+## Definitions
+### Offset
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+An offset for reading within binary data\.
+### \(Parser it\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/parser.Parser [Offset library/lux/data/binary.Binary])
+A parser for raw binary data\.
+### Size
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+The size of a chunk of data within a binary array\.
+### any
+(Parser .Any)
+Does no parsing, and just returns a dummy value\.
+### binary/16
+(Parser library/lux/data/binary.Binary)
+Parses a block of data prefixed with a size that is 16 bytes long\.
+### binary/32
+(Parser library/lux/data/binary.Binary)
+Parses a block of data prefixed with a size that is 32 bytes long\.
+### binary/64
+(Parser library/lux/data/binary.Binary)
+Parses a block of data prefixed with a size that is 64 bytes long\.
+### binary/8
+(Parser library/lux/data/binary.Binary)
+Parses a block of data prefixed with a size that is 8 bytes long\.
+### binary\_was\_not\_fully\_read
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Nat .Nat])
+### bit
+(Parser .Bit)
+### bits/16
+(Parser .I64)
+### bits/32
+(Parser .I64)
+### bits/64
+(Parser .I64)
+### bits/8
+(Parser .I64)
+### code
+(Parser .Code)
+### end?
+(Parser .Bit)
+Checks whether there is no more data to read\.
+### frac
+(Parser .Frac)
+### int
+(Parser .Int)
+### invalid\_tag
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Nat .Nat])
+### list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser (.List _0))))
+Parses an arbitrarily long list of values\.
+(list value)
+### location
+(Parser .Location)
+### maybe
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser (.Maybe _0))))
+### nat
+(Parser .Nat)
+### not\_a\_bit
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### offset
+(Parser Offset)
+The current offset \(i\.e\. how much data has been read\)\.
+### or
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _1) (Parser (Or _0 _1))))
+### rec
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _0)) (Parser _0)))
+Tie the knot for a recursive parser\.
+### remaining
+(Parser .Nat)
+How much of the data remains to be read\.
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) library/lux/data/binary.Binary (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)))
+Runs a parser and checks that all the binary data was read by it\.
+(result parser input)
+### rev
+(Parser .Rev)
+### segment
+(-> .Nat (Parser library/lux/data/binary.Binary))
+Parses a chunk of data of a given size\.
+(segment size)
+### sequence/16
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser (library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence _0))))
+Parses a sequence of values prefixed with a size that is 16 bytes long\.
+### sequence/32
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser (library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence _0))))
+Parses a sequence of values prefixed with a size that is 32 bytes long\.
+### sequence/64
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser (library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence _0))))
+Parses a sequence of values prefixed with a size that is 64 bytes long\.
+### sequence/8
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser (library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence _0))))
+Parses a sequence of values prefixed with a size that is 8 bytes long\.
+### set
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (Parser _0) (Parser (library/lux/data/collection/set.Set _0))))
+(set hash value)
+### set\_elements\_are\_not\_unique
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### size/16
+### size/32
+### size/64
+### size/8
+### symbol
+(Parser .Symbol)
+### text
+(Parser .Text)
+### type
+(Parser .Type)
+### utf8/16
+(Parser .Text)
+Parses a block of \(UTF\-8 encoded\) text prefixed with a size that is 16 bytes long\.
+### utf8/32
+(Parser .Text)
+Parses a block of \(UTF\-8 encoded\) text prefixed with a size that is 32 bytes long\.
+### utf8/64
+(Parser .Text)
+Parses a block of \(UTF\-8 encoded\) text prefixed with a size that is 64 bytes long\.
+### utf8/8
+(Parser .Text)
+Parses a block of \(UTF\-8 encoded\) text prefixed with a size that is 8 bytes long\.
+# library/lux/control/parser/cli
+## Definitions
+### \(Parser it\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/parser.Parser (.List .Text) it)
+A command\-line interface parser\.
+### any
+(Parser .Text)
+Just returns the next input without applying any logic\.
+### end
+(Parser .Any)
+Ensures there are no more inputs\.
+### named
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses a named parameter and yields its value\.
+(named name value)
+### parameter
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [.Text .Text] (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses a parameter that can have either a short or a long name\.
+(parameter [short long] value)
+### parse
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> .Text (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)) (Parser _0)))
+Parses the next input with a parsing function\.
+(parse parser)
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (.List .Text) (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)))
+Executes the parser and verifies that all inputs are processed\.
+(result parser inputs)
+### somewhere
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Given a parser, tries to parse it somewhere in the inputs \(i\.e\. not necessarily parsing the immediate inputs\)\.
+(somewhere cli)
+### this
+(-> .Text (Parser .Any))
+Checks that a token is in the inputs\.
+(this reference)
+# library/lux/control/parser/code
+## Definitions
+### \(Parser it\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/parser.Parser (.List .Code))
+A Lux code parser\.
+### any
+(Parser .Code)
+Yields the next input without applying any logic\.
+### bit
+(Parser .Bit)
+Parses the next bit input\.
+### bit\!
+(-> .Bit (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific bit input\.
+### end\!
+(Parser .Any)
+Verifies there are no more inputs\.
+### end?
+(Parser .Bit)
+Checks whether there are no more inputs\.
+### form
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses the contents of a form\.
+### frac
+(Parser .Frac)
+Parses the next frac input\.
+### frac\!
+(-> .Frac (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific frac input\.
+### int
+(Parser .Int)
+Parses the next int input\.
+### int\!
+(-> .Int (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific int input\.
+### local
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List .Code) (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Runs parser against the given list of inputs\.
+(local inputs parser)
+### local\_symbol
+(Parser .Text)
+Parse a local local symbol \(a local symbol that has no module prefix\)\.
+### local\_symbol\!
+(-> .Text (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific local local symbol \(a local symbol that has no module prefix\)\.
+### nat
+(Parser .Nat)
+Parses the next nat input\.
+### nat\!
+(-> .Nat (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific nat input\.
+### next
+(Parser .Code)
+Yields the next Code token without consuming it from the input stream\.
+### not
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser .Code)))
+Yields the next Code token if the parser fails\.
+(not expected_to_fail)
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (.List .Code) (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)))
+Executes a parser against a stream of code, and verifies all the inputs are consumed\.
+(result parser inputs)
+### rev
+(Parser .Rev)
+Parses the next rev input\.
+### rev\!
+(-> .Rev (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific rev input\.
+### symbol
+(Parser .Symbol)
+Parses the next symbol input\.
+### symbol\!
+(-> .Symbol (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific symbol input\.
+### text
+(Parser .Text)
+Parses the next text input\.
+### text\!
+(-> .Text (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific text input\.
+### this\!
+(-> .Code (Parser .Any))
+Ensures the given Code is the next input\.
+(this! code)
+### tuple
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses the contents of a tuple\.
+### variant
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses the contents of a variant\.
+# library/lux/control/parser/environment
+## Definitions
+### Environment
+... .Type
+(library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary Property .Text)
+An abstraction for environment variables of a program\.
+### \(Parser it\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/parser.Parser Environment it)
+A parser of environment variables of a program\.
+### Property
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Text")
+A property in the environment\.
+### empty
+An empty environment\.
+### property
+(-> Property (Parser .Text))
+(property name)
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) Environment (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)))
+Executes a parser against the given environment variables\.
+Does not check whether all environment variables were parsed, since they're usually an open set\.
+(result parser environment)
+### unknown\_property
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception Property)
+# library/lux/control/parser/json
+## Definitions
+### \(Parser it\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/parser.Parser (.List library/lux/data/format/json.JSON) it)
+A JSON parser\.
+### any
+(Parser library/lux/data/format/json.JSON)
+Just returns the JSON input without applying any logic\.
+### array
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses the contents of a JSON array\.
+(array parser)
+### boolean
+(Parser library/lux/data/format/json.Boolean)
+Reads a JSON value as boolean\.
+### boolean\!
+(-> library/lux/data/format/json.Boolean (Parser .Any))
+Ensures a JSON value is a boolean\.
+### boolean?
+(-> library/lux/data/format/json.Boolean (Parser .Bit))
+Asks whether a JSON value is a boolean\.
+### dictionary
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser (library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary .Text _0))))
+Parses a dictionary\-like JSON object\.
+### empty\_input
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### field
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses a field inside a JSON object\.
+Use this inside the 'object' combinator\.
+(field field_name parser)
+### null
+(Parser library/lux/data/format/json.Null)
+Reads a JSON value as null\.
+### nullable
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser (.Maybe _0))))
+Enhances parser by adding NULL\-handling\.
+(nullable parser)
+### number
+(Parser library/lux/data/format/json.Number)
+Reads a JSON value as number\.
+### number\!
+(-> library/lux/data/format/json.Number (Parser .Any))
+Ensures a JSON value is a number\.
+### number?
+(-> library/lux/data/format/json.Number (Parser .Bit))
+Asks whether a JSON value is a number\.
+### object
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses the contents of a JSON object\.
+Use this with the 'field' combinator\.
+(object parser)
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) library/lux/data/format/json.JSON (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)))
+Executes the parser against a JSON object\.
+Verifies that all of the JSON was consumed by the parser\.
+(result parser json)
+### string
+(Parser library/lux/data/format/json.String)
+Reads a JSON value as string\.
+### string\!
+(-> library/lux/data/format/json.String (Parser .Any))
+Ensures a JSON value is a string\.
+### string?
+(-> library/lux/data/format/json.String (Parser .Bit))
+Asks whether a JSON value is a string\.
+### unconsumed\_input
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception (.List library/lux/data/format/json.JSON))
+### unexpected\_value
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception library/lux/data/format/json.JSON)
+### value\_mismatch
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/control/exception.Exception [library/lux/data/format/json.JSON library/lux/data/format/json.JSON]))
+# library/lux/control/parser/synthesis
+## Definitions
+### \(Parser it\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/parser.Parser (.List library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Synthesis))
+A parser for the Lux compiler's synthesis nodes using during optimization\.
+### any
+(Parser library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Synthesis)
+Yields a synthesis node without subjecting it to any analysis\.
+### bit
+(Parser .Bit)
+Queries for a bit synthesis node\.
+### bit\!
+(-> .Bit (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific bit synthesis node\.
+### cannot\_parse
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception (.List library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Synthesis))
+### constant
+(Parser .Symbol)
+Queries for a constant synthesis node\.
+### constant\!
+(-> .Symbol (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific constant synthesis node\.
+### empty\_input
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### end\!
+(Parser .Any)
+Ensures there are no more inputs\.
+### end?
+(Parser .Bit)
+Checks whether there are no more inputs\.
+### expected\_empty\_input
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception (.List library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Synthesis))
+### f64
+(Parser .Frac)
+Queries for a f64 synthesis node\.
+### f64\!
+(-> .Frac (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific f64 synthesis node\.
+### foreign
+(Parser .Nat)
+Queries for a foreign synthesis node\.
+### foreign\!
+(-> .Nat (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific foreign synthesis node\.
+### function
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> library/lux/tool/compiler/arity.Arity (Parser _0) (Parser [(library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Environment library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Synthesis) _0])))
+Parses the body of a function with the 'expected' arity\.
+(function expected parser)
+### i64
+(Parser (.I64 .Any))
+Queries for a i64 synthesis node\.
+### i64\!
+(-> (.I64 .Any) (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific i64 synthesis node\.
+### local
+(Parser .Nat)
+Queries for a local synthesis node\.
+### local\!
+(-> .Nat (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific local synthesis node\.
+### loop
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _1) (Parser [library/lux/tool/compiler/reference/variable.Register _0 _1])))
+Parses the initial values and the body of a loop\.
+(loop init_parsers iteration_parser)
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (.List library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Synthesis) (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)))
+Executes the parser against the inputs\.
+Ensures all inputs are consumed by the parser\.
+(result parser input)
+### text
+(Parser .Text)
+Queries for a text synthesis node\.
+### text\!
+(-> .Text (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific text synthesis node\.
+### tuple
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses the contents of a tuple\.
+(tuple parser)
+### unconsumed\_input
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception (.List library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Synthesis))
+### wrong\_arity
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [library/lux/tool/compiler/arity.Arity library/lux/tool/compiler/arity.Arity])
+# library/lux/control/parser/text
+## Definitions
+### Offset
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+An offset into a block of text\.
+### \(Parser it\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/parser.Parser [Offset .Text])
+A parser for text\.
+### Slice
+... .Type
+ [#basis Offset
+ #distance Offset])
+A slice of a block of text\.
+### alpha
+(Parser .Text)
+Yields alphabetic characters\.
+### alpha\_num
+(Parser .Text)
+Yields alphanumeric characters\.
+### and
+(-> (Parser .Text) (Parser .Text) (Parser .Text))
+Yields the outputs of both parsers composed together\.
+(and left right)
+### and\!
+(-> (Parser Slice) (Parser Slice) (Parser Slice))
+Yields the outputs of both parsers composed together \(as a slice\)\.
+(and! left right)
+### any
+(Parser .Text)
+Yields the next character without applying any logic\.
+### any\!
+(Parser Slice)
+Yields the next character \(as a slice\) without applying any logic\.
+### at\_least
+(-> .Nat (Parser .Text) (Parser .Text))
+Yields at least N characters\.
+### at\_least\!
+(-> .Nat (Parser Slice) (Parser Slice))
+Yields at least N characters \(as a slice\)\.
+### at\_most
+(-> .Nat (Parser .Text) (Parser .Text))
+Yields at most N characters\.
+### at\_most\!
+(-> .Nat (Parser Slice) (Parser Slice))
+Yields at most N characters \(as a slice\)\.
+### between
+(-> .Nat .Nat (Parser .Text) (Parser .Text))
+(between minimum additional parser)
+### between\!
+(-> .Nat .Nat (Parser Slice) (Parser Slice))
+(between! minimum additional parser)
+### cannot\_match
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Text)
+### cannot\_parse
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### cannot\_slice
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### character\_does\_not\_satisfy\_predicate
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception library/lux/data/text.Char)
+### character\_should\_be
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Text library/lux/data/text.Char])
+### character\_should\_not\_be
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Text library/lux/data/text.Char])
+### decimal
+(Parser .Text)
+Only yields decimal characters\.
+### enclosed
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [.Text .Text] (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+(enclosed [start end] parser)
+### end\!
+(Parser .Any)
+Ensure the parser's input is empty\.
+### exactly
+(-> .Nat (Parser .Text) (Parser .Text))
+Yields exactly N characters\.
+### exactly\!
+(-> .Nat (Parser Slice) (Parser Slice))
+Yields exactly N characters \(as a slice\)\.
+### expected\_to\_fail
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [Offset .Text])
+### hexadecimal
+(Parser .Text)
+Yields hexadecimal digits\.
+### local
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Applies a parser against the given input\.
+(local local_input parser)
+### lower
+(Parser .Text)
+Only yields lowercase characters\.
+### many
+(-> (Parser .Text) (Parser .Text))
+Yields <name> characters as a single continuous text\.
+### many\!
+(-> (Parser Slice) (Parser Slice))
+Yields <name> characters as a single continuous text \(as a slice\)\.
+### next
+(Parser .Text)
+Yields the next character \(without consuming it from the input\)\.
+### none\_of
+(-> .Text (Parser .Text))
+Yields characters that are not part of a piece of text\.
+### none\_of\!
+(-> .Text (Parser Slice))
+Yields characters \(as a slice\) that are not part of a piece of text\.
+### not
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser .Text)))
+Produce a character if the parser fails\.
+### not\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser Slice)))
+Produce a character \(as a slice\) if the parser fails\.
+### octal
+(Parser .Text)
+Only yields octal characters\.
+### offset
+(Parser Offset)
+Yields the current offset into the input\.
+### one\_of
+(-> .Text (Parser .Text))
+Yields characters that are part of a piece of text\.
+### one\_of\!
+(-> .Text (Parser Slice))
+Yields characters \(as a slice\) that are part of a piece of text\.
+### range
+(-> .Nat .Nat (Parser .Text))
+Only yields characters within a range\.
+(range bottom top)
+### remaining
+(Parser .Text)
+Get all of the remaining input \(without consuming it\)\.
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) .Text (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)))
+Executes a parser against a block of text\.
+Verifies that the entire input has been processed\.
+(result parser input)
+### satisfies
+(-> (-> library/lux/data/text.Char .Bit) (Parser .Text))
+Yields characters that satisfy a predicate\.
+(satisfies parser)
+### slice
+(-> (Parser Slice) (Parser .Text))
+Converts a slice to a block of text\.
+(slice parser)
+### some
+(-> (Parser .Text) (Parser .Text))
+Yields <name> characters as a single continuous text\.
+### some\!
+(-> (Parser Slice) (Parser Slice))
+Yields <name> characters as a single continuous text \(as a slice\)\.
+### space
+(Parser .Text)
+Yields white\-space\.
+### then
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _1) (library/lux/control/parser.Parser _0 .Text) (library/lux/control/parser.Parser _0 _1)))
+Embeds a text parser into an arbitrary parser that yields text\.
+(then structured text)
+### this
+(-> .Text (Parser .Any))
+Checks that a specific text shows up in the input\.
+(this reference)
+### unconsumed\_input
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [Offset .Text])
+### upper
+(Parser .Text)
+Only yields uppercase characters\.
+# library/lux/control/parser/tree
+## Definitions
+### \(Parser it\)
+... .Type
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/control/parser.Parser (library/lux/data/collection/tree/zipper.Zipper it) _0))
+A parser of arbitrary trees\.
+### cannot\_move\_further
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### down
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Parser _0 .Any))
+Move down\.
+### end
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Parser _0 .Any))
+Move to the last node\.
+### left
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Parser _0 .Any))
+Move to the left\.
+### leftmost
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Parser _0 .Any))
+Move to the leftmost node\.
+### next
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Parser _0 .Any))
+Move to the next node\.
+### previous
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Parser _0 .Any))
+Move to the previous node\.
+### result
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (library/lux/data/collection/tree.Tree _0) (library/lux/control/try.Try _1)))
+Applies the parser against a tree\.
+(result parser tree)
+### result'
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (library/lux/data/collection/tree/zipper.Zipper _0) (library/lux/control/try.Try _1)))
+Applies the parser against a tree zipper\.
+(result' parser zipper)
+### right
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Parser _0 .Any))
+Move to the right\.
+### rightmost
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Parser _0 .Any))
+Move to the rightmost node\.
+### start
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Parser _0 .Any))
+Move to the root node\.
+### up
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Parser _0 .Any))
+Move up\.
+### value
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Parser _0 _0))
+Yields the value inside the current tree node\.
+# library/lux/control/parser/type
+Parsing of Lux types\.
+Used mostly for polytypic programming\.
+## Definitions
+### Env
+... .Type
+(library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary .Nat [.Type .Code])
+An environment for type parsing\.
+### \(Parser it\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/parser.Parser [Env (.List .Type)] it)
+A parser of Lux types\.
+### adjusted\_idx
+(-> Env .Nat .Nat)
+(adjusted_idx env idx)
+### any
+(Parser .Type)
+Yields a type, without examination\.
+### applied
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses a type application\.
+(applied poly)
+### empty\_input
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### env
+(Parser Env)
+Yields the current parsing environment\.
+### exactly
+(-> .Type (Parser .Any))
+Parses a type exactly\.
+### existential
+(Parser .Nat)
+Yields an existential type\.
+### fresh
+An empty parsing environment\.
+### function
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _1) (Parser [_0 _1])))
+Parses a function's inputs and output\.
+(function in_poly out_poly)
+### local
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List .Type) (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Apply a parser to the given inputs\.
+(local types poly)
+### named
+(Parser [.Symbol .Type])
+Yields a named type\.
+### next
+(Parser .Type)
+Inspect a type in the input stream without consuming it\.
+### not\_application
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Type)
+### not\_existential
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Type)
+### not\_function
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Type)
+### not\_named
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Type)
+### not\_parameter
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Type)
+### not\_polymorphic
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Type)
+### not\_recursive
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Type)
+### not\_tuple
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Type)
+### not\_variant
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Type)
+### parameter
+(Parser .Code)
+### parameter\!
+(-> .Nat (Parser .Any))
+(parameter! id)
+### polymorphic
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser [.Code (.List .Code) _0])))
+(polymorphic poly)
+### recursive
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser [.Code _0])))
+(recursive poly)
+### recursive\_call
+(Parser .Code)
+### recursive\_self
+(Parser .Code)
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) .Type (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)))
+Applies a parser against a type\.
+Verifies that the parser fully consumes the type's information\.
+(result poly type)
+### sub
+(-> .Type (Parser .Any))
+Parses a sub type\.
+### super
+(-> .Type (Parser .Any))
+Parses a super type\.
+### tuple
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses the contents of a tuple type\.
+### types\_do\_not\_match
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Type .Type])
+### unconsumed\_input
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception (.List .Type))
+### unknown\_parameter
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Type)
+### variant
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses the contents of a variant type\.
+### with\_extension
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Type (Parser _0) (Parser [.Code _0])))
+(with_extension type poly)
+### wrong\_parameter
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Type .Type])
+# library/lux/control/parser/xml
+## Definitions
+### \(Parser it\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/parser.Parser [library/lux/data/format/xml.Attrs (.List library/lux/data/format/xml.XML)] it)
+A parser of XML\-encoded data\.
+### any
+(Parser library/lux/data/format/xml.XML)
+Yields the next node\.
+### attribute
+(-> library/lux/data/format/xml.Attribute (Parser .Text))
+Yields the value of an attribute in the current node\.
+(attribute name)
+### empty\_input
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### node
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> library/lux/data/format/xml.Tag (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses the contents of the next node if the tag matches\.
+(node expected parser)
+### nowhere
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (.List library/lux/data/format/xml.XML) (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)))
+Applies a parser against a stream of XML documents\.
+Verifies that all of the inputs are consumed by the parser\.
+(result parser documents)
+### somewhere
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Applies the parser somewhere among the remaining inputs; instead of demanding that the parser succeeds against the immediate inputs\.
+(somewhere parser)
+### tag
+(Parser library/lux/data/format/xml.Tag)
+Yields the tag from the next node\.
+### text
+(Parser .Text)
+Yields text from a text node\.
+### unconsumed\_inputs
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception (.List library/lux/data/format/xml.XML))
+### unexpected\_input
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### unknown\_attribute
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [library/lux/data/format/xml.Attribute (.List library/lux/data/format/xml.Attribute)])
+### wrong\_tag
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [library/lux/data/format/xml.Tag library/lux/data/format/xml.Tag])
+# library/lux/control/pipe
+Composable extensions to the piping macros \(|> and <|\) that enhance them with various abilities\.
+## Definitions
+### case>
+Pattern\-matching for pipes\.
+The bodies of each branch are NOT pipes; just regular values\.
+(|> +5
+ (case> +0 "zero"
+ +1 "one"
+ +2 "two"
+ +3 "three"
+ +4 "four"
+ +5 "five"
+ +6 "six"
+ +7 "seven"
+ +8 "eight"
+ +9 "nine"
+ _ "???"))
+### cond>
+Branching for pipes\.
+Both the tests and the bodies are piped\-code, and must be given inside a tuple\.
+(|> +5
+ (cond> [i.even?] [(i.* +2)]
+ [i.odd?] [(i.* +3)]
+ [(new> -1 [])]))
+### do>
+Monadic pipes\.
+Each steps in the monadic computation is a pipe and must be given inside a tuple\.
+(|> +5
+ (do> identity.monad
+ [(i.* +3)]
+ [(i.+ +4)]
+ [++]))
+### exec>
+Non\-updating pipes\.
+Will generate piped computations, but their results will not be used in the larger scope\.
+(|> +5
+ (exec> [.nat %n log!])
+ (i.* +10))
+### if>
+(same? (if (n.even? sample)
+ "even"
+ "odd")
+ (|> sample
+ (if> [n.even?]
+ [(new> "even" [])]
+ [(new> "odd" [])])))
+### let>
+Gives a name to the piped\-argument, within the given expression\.
+(n.= 10
+ (|> 5
+ (let> x (n.+ x x))))
+### loop>
+Loops for pipes\.
+Both the testing and calculating steps are pipes and must be given inside tuples\.
+(|> +1
+ (loop> [(i.< +10)]
+ [++]))
+### new>
+Ignores the piped argument, and begins a new pipe\.
+(n.= 1
+ (|> 20
+ (n.* 3)
+ (n.+ 4)
+ (new> 0 [++])))
+### tuple>
+Parallel branching for pipes\.
+Allows to run multiple pipelines for a value and gives you a tuple of the outputs\.
+(|> +5
+ (tuple> [(i.* +10)]
+ [-- (i./ +2)]
+ [i#encoded]))
+... =>
+[+50 +2 "+5"]
+### when>
+Only execute the body when the test passes\.
+(same? (if (n.even? sample)
+ (n.* 2 sample)
+ sample)
+ (|> sample
+ (when> [n.even?]
+ [(n.* 2)])))
+# library/lux/control/reader
+## Definitions
+### \(Reader environment it\)
+... .Type
+(-> environment it)
+Computations that have access to some environmental value\.
+### apply
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply (Reader _0)))
+### functor
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor (Reader _0)))
+### lifted
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (_0 _2) (Reader _1 (_0 _2))))
+Lift monadic values to the Reader wrapper\.
+### local
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 _0) (Reader _0 _1) (Reader _0 _1)))
+Run computation with a locally\-modified environment\.
+(local change proc)
+### monad
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (Reader _0)))
+### read
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Reader _0 _0))
+Get the environment\.
+### result
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 (Reader _0 _1) _1))
+Executes the reader against the given environment\.
+(result env proc)
+### with
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (All (_ _1) (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (All (_ _2) (Reader _1 (_0 _2)))))))
+Monad transformer for Reader\.
+(with monad)
+# library/lux/control/region
+## Definitions
+### \(Region r \! it\)
+... .Type
+(-> [r (.List (Cleaner r !))] (! [(.List (Cleaner r !)) (library/lux/control/try.Try it)]))
+A region where resources may be be claimed and where a side\-effecting computation may be performed\.
+Every resource is paired with a function that knows how to clean/reclaim it, to make sure there are no leaks\.
+### acquire\!
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (-> _1 (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any))) _1 (All (_ _2) (Region _2 _0 _1))))
+Acquire a resource while pairing it a function that knows how to reclaim it\.
+(acquire! monad cleaner value)
+### apply
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (All (_ _1) (library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply (Region _1 _0)))))
+### clean\_up\_error
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Text (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)]))
+### except
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (library/lux/control/exception.Exception _1) _1 (All (_ _3) (Region _3 _0 _2))))
+Fail by throwing/raising an exception\.
+(except monad exception message)
+### failure
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) .Text (All (_ _2) (Region _2 _0 _1))))
+Immediately fail with this 'message'\.
+(failure monad error)
+### functor
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor _0) (All (_ _1) (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor (Region _1 _0)))))
+### lifted
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (_0 _1) (All (_ _2) (Region _2 _0 _1))))
+Lift an effectful computation into a region\-based computation\.
+(lifted monad operation)
+### monad
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (All (_ _1) (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (Region _1 _0)))))
+### run\!
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (All (_ _2) (Region _2 _0 _1)) (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try _1))))
+Executes a region\-based computation, with a side\-effect determined by the monad\.
+(run! monad computation)
+# library/lux/control/remember
+## Definitions
+### fix\_me
+A FIXME message with an expiration date\.
+Can have an optional piece of code to focus on\.
+(fix_me "2022-04-01"
+ "Do this, that and the other.")
+(fix_me "2022-04-01"
+ "Improve the performace."
+ (some (complicated (computation 123))))
+### must\_remember
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [library/lux/time/date.Date library/lux/time/date.Date .Text (.Maybe .Code)])
+### remember
+A message with an expiration date\.
+Can have an optional piece of code to focus on\.
+(remember "2022-04-01"
+ "Do this, that and the other.")
+(remember "2022-04-01"
+ "Improve the performace."
+ (some (complicated (computation 123))))
+### to\_do
+A TODO message with an expiration date\.
+Can have an optional piece of code to focus on\.
+(to_do "2022-04-01"
+ "Do this, that and the other.")
+(to_do "2022-04-01"
+ "Improve the performace."
+ (some (complicated (computation 123))))
+# library/lux/control/security/capability
+## Definitions
+### \(Capability brand input output\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/security/capability.Capability" brand input output)
+Represents the capability to perform an operation\.
+This operation is assumed to have security implications\.
+### async
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Capability _0 _1 (library/lux/control/io.IO _2)) (Capability _0 _1 (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async _2))))
+Converts a synchronous I/O\-based capability into an asynchronous capability\.
+(async capability)
+### capability:
+Defines a capability as a unique type, and a constructor for instances\.
+(capability: (Can_Duplicate a)
+ (can_duplicate a [a a]))
+(let [capability (can_duplicate
+ (function (_ value)
+ [value value]))
+ [left right] (documentation/lux/control/security/capability.usecapability 123)]
+ (same? left right))
+### use
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Capability _0 _1 _2) _1 _2))
+Applies a capability against its required input\.
+(use capability input)
+# library/lux/control/security/policy
+## Definitions
+### Can\_Conceal
+... .Type
+(Can_Upgrade Privacy)
+### Can\_Distrust
+... .Type
+(Can_Downgrade Safety)
+### \(Can\_Downgrade brand % value\)
+... .Type
+(-> (Policy brand value %) value)
+Represents the capacity to 'downgrade' a value\.
+### Can\_Reveal
+... .Type
+(Can_Downgrade Privacy)
+### Can\_Trust
+... .Type
+(Can_Upgrade Safety)
+### \(Can\_Upgrade brand % value\)
+... .Type
+(-> value (Policy brand value %))
+Represents the capacity to 'upgrade' a value\.
+### \(Context brand scope %\)
+... .Type
+(-> (Privilege brand %) (scope %))
+A computational context with an associated policy privilege\.
+### \(Delegation brand %from %to\)
+... .Type
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Policy brand _0 %from) (Policy brand _0 %to)))
+Represents the act of delegating policy capacities\.
+### \(Policy brand value %\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/security/policy.Policy" brand value %)
+A security policy encoded as the means to 'upgrade' or 'downgrade' in a secure context\.
+### Privacy
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/security/policy.Privacy")
+A security context for privacy\.
+Private data is data which cannot be allowed to leak outside of the programmed\.
+### Private
+... .Type
+(Policy Privacy)
+### \(Privilege brand %\)
+... .Type
+ [#can_upgrade (Can_Upgrade brand %)
+ #can_downgrade (Can_Downgrade brand %)])
+Represents the privilege to both 'upgrade' and 'downgrade' a value\.
+### Safe
+... .Type
+(Policy Safety)
+### Safety
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/security/policy.Safety")
+A security context for safety\.
+Safe data is data coming from outside the program which can be trusted to be properly formatted and lacking injections\.
+### apply
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply (All (_ _2) (Policy _0 _2 _1))))
+### delegation
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Can_Downgrade _0 _1) (Can_Upgrade _0 _2) (Delegation _0 _1 _2)))
+Delegating policy capacities\.
+(delegation downgrade upgrade)
+### functor
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor (All (_ _2) (Policy _0 _2 _1))))
+### monad
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (All (_ _2) (Policy _0 _2 _1))))
+### with\_policy
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (Ex (_ _2)
+ (-> (Context _0 _1 _2) (_1 _2))))
+Activates a security context with the priviledge to enforce it's policy\.
+(type: Password
+ (Private Text))
+(type: (Policy %)
+ (Interface
+ (: (-> Text (Password %))
+ password)
+ (: (-> (Password %) Text)
+ unsafe)))
+(def: (policy _)
+ (Ex (_ %) (-> Any (Policy %)))
+ (with_policy
+ (: (Context Privacy Policy)
+ (function (_ (^open "%::."))
+ (implementation
+ (def: (password value)
+ (%::can_upgrade value))
+ (def: (unsafe password)
+ (%::can_downgrade password)))))))
+(with_policy context)
+# library/lux/control/state
+## Definitions
+### \+State
+... .Type
+(All (+State _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> _1 (_0 [_1 _2])))
+Stateful computations decorated by a monad\.
+### \(State state it\)
+... .Type
+(-> state [state it])
+Stateful computations\.
+### apply
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply (State _0)))
+### do\_while
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (State _0 .Bit) (State _0 .Any) (State _0 .Any)))
+A stateful do\-while loop\.
+(do_while condition body)
+### functor
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor (State _0)))
+### get
+(All (_ _0)
+ (State _0 _0))
+Read the current state\.
+### lifted
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (_0 _2) (+State _0 _1 _2)))
+Lift monadic values to the \+State wrapper\.
+(lifted monad ma)
+### local
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 _0) (State _0 _1) (State _0 _1)))
+Run the computation with a locally\-modified state\.
+(local change action)
+### monad
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (State _0)))
+### put
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (State _0 .Any)))
+Set the new state\.
+(put new_state)
+### result
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 (State _0 _1) [_0 _1]))
+Run a stateful computation\.
+(result state action)
+### result'
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> _1 (+State _0 _1 _2) (_0 [_1 _2])))
+Execute a stateful computation decorated by a monad\.
+(result' state action)
+### update
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 _0) (State _0 .Any)))
+Compute the new state\.
+(update change)
+### use
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1) (State _0 _1)))
+Run a function on the current state\.
+(use user)
+### while
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (State _0 .Bit) (State _0 .Any) (State _0 .Any)))
+A stateful while loop\.
+(while condition body)
+### with
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (+State _0 _1))))
+A monad transformer to create composite stateful computations\.
+(with monad)
+# library/lux/control/thread
+## Definitions
+### \(Box \! it\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/thread.Box" ! it)
+A mutable box holding a value\.
+### \(Thread \! it\)
+... .Type
+(-> ! it)
+An imperative process with access to mutable values\.
+### apply
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply (Thread _0)))
+### box
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (All (_ _1) (Thread _1 (Box _1 _0)))))
+A brand\-new box initialized to the given value\.
+(box init)
+### functor
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor (Thread _0)))
+### io
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (All (_ _1) (Thread _1 _0)) (library/lux/control/io.IO _0)))
+Transforms the imperative thread into an I/O computation\.
+### monad
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (Thread _0)))
+### read\!
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Box _0 _1) (Thread _0 _1)))
+Reads the current value in the box\.
+(read! box)
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (All (_ _1) (Thread _1 _0)) _0))
+Executes the imperative thread in a self\-contained way\.
+(result thread)
+### update\!
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 _0) (Box _1 _0) (Thread _1 _0)))
+Update a box's value by applying a function to it\.
+(update! f box)
+### write\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (All (_ _1) (-> (Box _1 _0) (Thread _1 .Any)))))
+Mutates the value in the box\.
+(write! value box)
+# library/lux/control/try
+## Definitions
+### \(Try it\)
+... .Type
+ {#Failure .Text}
+ {#Success it})
+A computation that can fail with an error message\.
+### apply
+(library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply Try)
+### else
+Allows you to provide a default value that will be used
+if a \(Try x\) value turns out to be \#Failure\.
+Note: the expression for the default value will not be computed if the base computation succeeds\.
+(= "bar"
+ (else "foo" {#Success "bar"}))
+(= "foo"
+ (else "foo" {#Failure "KABOOM!"}))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Try _0))))
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Try)
+### lifted
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (_0 _1) (_0 (Try _1))))
+Wraps a monadic value with error\-handling machinery\.
+(lifted monad)
+### maybe
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Try _0) (.Maybe _0)))
+(maybe try)
+### monad
+(library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad Try)
+### of\_maybe
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.Maybe _0) (Try _0)))
+(of_maybe maybe)
+### trusted
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Try _0) _0))
+Assumes a Try value succeeded, and yields its value\.
+If it didn't, raises the error as a runtime error\.
+WARNING: Use with caution\.
+(trusted try)
+### with
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (All (_ _1) (_0 (Try _1))))))
+Enhances a monad with error\-handling functionality\.
+(with monad)
+# library/lux/control/writer
+## Definitions
+### \(Writer log value\)
+... .Type
+ [#log log
+ #value value])
+Represents a value with an associated 'log' to record arbitrary information\.
+### apply
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid _0) (library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply (Writer _0))))
+### functor
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor (Writer _0)))
+### lifted
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid _0) (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _1) (_1 _2) (_1 (Writer _0 _2))))
+Wraps a monadic value with Writer machinery\.
+(lifted monoid monad)
+### monad
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid _0) (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (Writer _0))))
+### with
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid _0) (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _1) (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (All (_ _2) (_1 (Writer _0 _2))))))
+Enhances a monad with Writer functionality\.
+(with monoid monad)
+### write
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Writer _0 .Any)))
+Write a value to the log\.
+(write message)
+# library/lux/data/binary
+## Definitions
+### Binary
+... .Type
+(library/lux/ffi.Object (Primitive "Uint8Array"))
+A binary BLOB of data\.
+### after
+(-> .Nat Binary Binary)
+Yields a binary BLOB with at most the specified number of bytes removed\.
+(after bytes binary)
+### aggregate
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> .I64 _0 _0) _0 Binary _0))
+(aggregate f init binary)
+### copy
+(-> .Nat .Nat Binary .Nat Binary (library/lux/control/try.Try Binary))
+Mutates the target binary BLOB by copying bytes from the source BLOB to it\.
+(copy bytes source_offset source target_offset target)
+### empty
+(-> .Nat Binary)
+A fresh/empty binary BLOB of the specified size\.
+(empty size)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Binary)
+### index\_out\_of\_bounds
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Nat .Nat])
+### monoid
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid Binary)
+### read/16\!
+(-> .Nat Binary (library/lux/control/try.Try .I64))
+Read 2 bytes \(16 bits\) at the given index\.
+(read/16! index binary)
+### read/32\!
+(-> .Nat Binary (library/lux/control/try.Try .I64))
+Read 4 bytes \(32 bits\) at the given index\.
+(read/32! index binary)
+### read/64\!
+(-> .Nat Binary (library/lux/control/try.Try .I64))
+Read 8 bytes \(64 bits\) at the given index\.
+(read/64! index binary)
+### read/8\!
+(-> .Nat Binary (library/lux/control/try.Try .I64))
+Read 1 byte \(8 bits\) at the given index\.
+(read/8! index binary)
+### size
+(-> Binary .Nat)
+### slice
+(-> .Nat .Nat Binary (library/lux/control/try.Try Binary))
+Yields a subset of the binary BLOB, so long as the specified range is valid\.
+(slice offset length binary)
+### slice\_out\_of\_bounds
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Nat .Nat .Nat])
+### write/16\!
+(-> .Nat (.I64 .Any) Binary (library/lux/control/try.Try Binary))
+Write 2 bytes \(16 bits\) at the given index\.
+(write/16! index value binary)
+### write/32\!
+(-> .Nat (.I64 .Any) Binary (library/lux/control/try.Try Binary))
+Write 4 bytes \(32 bits\) at the given index\.
+(write/32! index value binary)
+### write/64\!
+(-> .Nat (.I64 .Any) Binary (library/lux/control/try.Try Binary))
+Write 8 bytes \(64 bits\) at the given index\.
+(write/64! index value binary)
+### write/8\!
+(-> .Nat (.I64 .Any) Binary (library/lux/control/try.Try Binary))
+Write 1 byte \(8 bits\) at the given index\.
+(write/8! index value binary)
+## Missing documentation
+1. `` cannot_copy_bytes ``
+# library/lux/data/bit
+## Definitions
+### codec
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Bit)
+### complement
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 .Bit) _0 .Bit))
+Generates the complement of a predicate\.
+That is a predicate that returns the oposite of the original predicate\.
+### conjunction
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Bit)
+### disjunction
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Bit)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence .Bit)
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash .Bit)
+### no
+### off
+### on
+### yes
+# library/lux/data/collection/array
+## Definitions
+### \(Array it\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Array" it)
+Mutable arrays\.
+### any?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate (Array _0))))
+### clone
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Array _0) (Array _0)))
+Yields a shallow clone of the array\.
+(clone xs)
+### contains?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Array _0) .Bit))
+(contains? index array)
+### copy\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat .Nat (Array _0) .Nat (Array _0) (Array _0)))
+Writes the contents of one array into the other\.
+(copy! length src_start src_array dest_start dest_array)
+### delete\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Array _0) (Array _0)))
+Mutate the array by deleting the value at the specified index\.
+(delete! index array)
+### empty
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Array _0)))
+An empty array of the specified size\.
+(empty size)
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Array _0))))
+### every?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate (Array _0))))
+### example
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (Array _0) (.Maybe _0)))
+Yields the first item in the array that satisfies the predicate\.
+(example p xs)
+### example\+
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> .Nat _0 .Bit) (Array _0) (.Maybe [.Nat _0])))
+Just like 'example', but with access to the index of each value\.
+(example+ p xs)
+### filter\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (Array _0) (Array _0)))
+Delete every item of the array that fails to satisfy the predicate\.
+(filter! p xs)
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Array)
+### list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.Maybe _0) (Array _0) (.List _0)))
+Yields a list with every non\-empty item in the array\.
+Can use the optional default value when encountering an empty cell in the array\.
+(list {.#None} array)
+(list {.#Some default} array)
+### mix
+(library/lux/abstract/mix.Mix Array)
+### monoid
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid (Array _0)))
+### occupancy
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Array _0) .Nat))
+Finds out how many cells in an array are occupied\.
+(occupancy array)
+### of\_list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List _0) (Array _0)))
+(of_list xs)
+### read\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Array _0) (.Maybe _0)))
+(read! index array)
+### size
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Array _0) .Nat))
+(size array)
+### type\_name
+### update\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (-> _0 _0) (Array _0) (Array _0)))
+Mutate the array by updating the value at the specified index\.
+(update! index transform array)
+### upsert\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat _0 (-> _0 _0) (Array _0) (Array _0)))
+Mutate the array by updating the value at the specified index\.
+If there is no value, update and write the default value given\.
+(upsert! index default transform array)
+### vacancy
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Array _0) .Nat))
+Finds out how many cells in an array are vacant\.
+(vacancy array)
+### write\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat _0 (Array _0) (Array _0)))
+Mutate the array by writing a value to the specified index\.
+(write! index value array)
+# library/lux/data/collection/bits
+## Definitions
+### Bits
+... .Type
+(library/lux/data/collection/array.Array Chunk)
+A bit\-map\.
+### Chunk
+... .Type
+(All (Chunk _0)
+ (Primitive "#I64" _0))
+### and
+(-> Bits Bits Bits)
+### bit
+(-> .Nat Bits .Bit)
+(bit index bits)
+### capacity
+(-> Bits .Nat)
+(capacity bits)
+### chunk\_size
+### empty
+### empty?
+(-> Bits .Bit)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Bits)
+### flipped
+(-> .Nat Bits Bits)
+### intersects?
+(-> Bits Bits .Bit)
+(intersects? reference sample)
+### not
+(-> Bits Bits)
+(not input)
+### one
+(-> .Nat Bits Bits)
+### or
+(-> Bits Bits Bits)
+### size
+(-> Bits .Nat)
+Measures the size of a bit\-map by counting all the 1s in the bit\-map\.
+(size bits)
+### xor
+(-> Bits Bits Bits)
+### zero
+(-> .Nat Bits Bits)
+# library/lux/data/collection/dictionary
+## Definitions
+### \(Dictionary key value\)
+... .Type
+ [#hash (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash key)
+ #root (Node key value)])
+A dictionary implemented as a Hash\-Array Mapped Trie \(HAMT\)\.
+### empty
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+An empty dictionary\.
+(empty key_hash)
+### empty?
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) .Bit))
+### entries
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) (.List [_0 _1])))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _1) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Dictionary _0 _1))))
+### functor
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor (Dictionary _0)))
+### has
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 _1 (Dictionary _0 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+(has key val dict)
+### has'
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 _1 (Dictionary _0 _1) (library/lux/control/try.Try (Dictionary _0 _1))))
+Only puts the KV\-pair if the key is not already present\.
+(has' key val dict)
+### key?
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) _0 .Bit))
+(key? dict key)
+### key\_already\_exists
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### key\_hash
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0)))
+### keys
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) (.List _0)))
+### lacks
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 (Dictionary _0 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+(lacks key dict)
+### merged
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+Merges 2 dictionaries\.
+If any collisions with keys occur, the values of dict2 will overwrite those of dict1\.
+(merged dict2 dict1)
+### merged\_with
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _1 _1 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+Merges 2 dictionaries\.
+If any collisions with keys occur, a new value will be computed by applying 'f' to the values of dict2 and dict1\.
+(merged_with f dict2 dict1)
+### of\_list
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (.List [_0 _1]) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+(of_list key_hash kvs)
+### re\_bound
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 _0 (Dictionary _0 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+If there is a value under 'from\_key', remove 'from\_key' and store the value under 'to\_key'\.
+(re_bound from_key to_key dict)
+### revised
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 (-> _1 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+Transforms the value located at key \(if available\), using the given function\.
+(revised key f dict)
+### revised'
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 _1 (-> _1 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+Updates the value at the key; if it exists\.
+Otherwise, puts a value by applying the function to a default\.
+(revised' key default f dict)
+### size
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) .Nat))
+### sub
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (.List _0) (Dictionary _0 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+A sub\-dictionary, with only the specified keys\.
+(sub keys dict)
+### value
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 (Dictionary _0 _1) (.Maybe _1)))
+(value key dict)
+### values
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) (.List _1)))
+# library/lux/data/collection/dictionary/ordered
+## Definitions
+### \(Dictionary key value\)
+... .Type
+ [#&order (library/lux/abstract/order.Order key)
+ #root (.Maybe (Node key value))])
+A dictionary data\-structure with ordered entries\.
+### empty
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/order.Order _0) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+An empty dictionary, employing the given order\.
+(empty order)
+### empty?
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) .Bit))
+### entries
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) (.List [_0 _1])))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _1) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Dictionary _0 _1))))
+### has
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 _1 (Dictionary _0 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+(has key value dict)
+### key?
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) _0 .Bit))
+(key? dict key)
+### keys
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) (.List _0)))
+### lacks
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 (Dictionary _0 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+(lacks key dict)
+### max
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) (.Maybe _1)))
+Yields value under the maximum key\.
+### min
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) (.Maybe _1)))
+Yields value under the minimum key\.
+### of\_list
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/order.Order _0) (.List [_0 _1]) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+(of_list order list)
+### revised
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 (-> _1 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+(revised key transform dict)
+### size
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) .Nat))
+(size dict)
+### value
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 (Dictionary _0 _1) (.Maybe _1)))
+(value key dict)
+### values
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) (.List _1)))
+# library/lux/data/collection/dictionary/plist
+## Definitions
+### \(PList it\)
+... .Type
+(.List [.Text it])
+A property list\.
+It's a simple dictionary\-like structure with Text keys\.
+### contains?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (PList _0) .Bit))
+(contains? key properties)
+### empty
+### empty?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (PList _0) .Bit))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (PList _0))))
+### has
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text _0 (PList _0) (PList _0)))
+(has key val properties)
+### keys
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (PList _0) (.List .Text)))
+### lacks
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (PList _0) (PList _0)))
+(lacks key properties)
+### revised
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (-> _0 _0) (PList _0) (PList _0)))
+(revised key f properties)
+### size
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (PList _0) .Nat))
+### value
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (PList _0) (.Maybe _0)))
+(value key properties)
+### values
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (PList _0) (.List _0)))
+# library/lux/data/collection/list
+## Definitions
+### after
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.List _0) (.List _0)))
+### all
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 (.Maybe _1)) (.List _0) (.List _1)))
+(all check xs)
+### any?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (.List _0) .Bit))
+### apply
+(library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply .List)
+### empty?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate (.List _0)))
+(empty? xs)
+### enumeration
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List _0) (.List [.Nat _0])))
+Pairs every element in the list with its index, starting at 0\.
+(enumeration xs)
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (.List _0))))
+### every?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (.List _0) .Bit))
+### example
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (.List _0) (.Maybe _0)))
+Yields the first value in the list that satisfies the predicate\.
+(example predicate xs)
+### first
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.List _0) (.List _0)))
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor .List)
+### hash
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash (.List _0))))
+### head
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List _0) (.Maybe _0)))
+Yields the first element of a list\.
+### indices
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.List .Nat)))
+Produces all the valid indices for a given size\.
+(indices size)
+### inits
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List _0) (.Maybe (.List _0))))
+For a list of size N, yields the first N\-1 elements\.
+Will yield a \.\#None for empty lists\.
+(inits xs)
+### interposed
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (.List _0) (.List _0)))
+Puts a value between every two elements in the list\.
+(interposed sep xs)
+### item
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.List _0) (.Maybe _0)))
+Fetches the element at the specified index\.
+(item i xs)
+### iterations
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 (.Maybe _0)) _0 (.List _0)))
+Generates a list element by element until the function returns \.\#None\.
+(iterations f x)
+### last
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List _0) (.Maybe _0)))
+(last xs)
+### lifted
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (_0 _1) (_0 (.List _1))))
+Wraps a monadic value with List machinery\.
+(lifted monad)
+### member?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (.List _0) _0 .Bit))
+(member? eq xs x)
+### mix
+(library/lux/abstract/mix.Mix .List)
+### mixes
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1 _1) _1 (.List _0) (.List _1)))
+(mixes f init inputs)
+### monad
+(library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad .List)
+### monoid
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid (.List _0)))
+### one
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 (.Maybe _1)) (.List _0) (.Maybe _1)))
+(one check xs)
+### only
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (.List _0) (.List _0)))
+A list with only values that satisfy the predicate\.
+(only keep? xs)
+### pairs
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List _0) (.Maybe (.List [_0 _0]))))
+Cut the list into pairs of 2\.
+(pairs list)
+### partition
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (.List _0) [(.List _0) (.List _0)]))
+Divide the list into all elements that satisfy a predicate, and all elements that do not\.
+(partition satisfies? list)
+### repeated
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat _0 (.List _0)))
+A list of the value x, repeated n times\.
+(repeated n x)
+### reversed
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List _0) (.List _0)))
+(reversed xs)
+### size
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List _0) .Nat))
+(size list)
+### sorted
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 _0 .Bit) (.List _0) (.List _0)))
+A list ordered by a comparison function\.
+(sorted < xs)
+### split\_at
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.List _0) [(.List _0) (.List _0)]))
+(split_at n xs)
+### split\_when
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (.List _0) [(.List _0) (.List _0)]))
+Segment the list by using a predicate to tell when to cut\.
+(split_when predicate xs)
+### sub
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.List _0) (.List (.List _0))))
+Segment the list into sub\-lists of \(at most\) the given size\.
+(sub size list)
+### tail
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List _0) (.Maybe (.List _0))))
+For a list of size N, yields the N\-1 elements after the first one\.
+### together
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List (.List _0)) (.List _0)))
+The sequential combination of all the lists\.
+### until
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (.List _0) (.List _0)))
+### when
+Can be used as a guard in \(co\)monadic be/do expressions\.
+(do monad
+ [value (do_something 1 2 3)
+ .when (passes_test? value)]
+ (do_something_else 4 5 6))
+### while
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (.List _0) (.List _0)))
+### with
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (All (_ _1) (_0 (.List _1))))))
+Enhances a monad with List functionality\.
+(with monad)
+### zipped
+Create list zippers with the specified number of input lists\.
+(def: zipped/2 (zipped 2))
+(def: zipped/3 (zipped 3))
+(zipped/3 xs ys zs)
+((zipped 3) xs ys zs)
+### zipped/2
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (.List _0) (.List _1) (.List [_0 _1])))
+### zipped/3
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (.List _0) (.List _1) (.List _2) (.List [_0 _1 _2])))
+### zipped\_with
+Create list zippers with the specified number of input lists\.
+(def: zipped_with/2 (zipped_with 2))
+(def: zipped_with/3 (zipped_with 3))
+(zipped_with/2 + xs ys)
+((zipped_with 2) + xs ys)
+### zipped\_with/2
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1 _2) (.List _0) (.List _1) (.List _2)))
+### zipped\_with/3
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1 _2 _3) (.List _0) (.List _1) (.List _2) (.List _3)))
+# library/lux/data/collection/queue
+## Definitions
+### \(Queue it\)
+... .Type
+ [#front (.List it)
+ #rear (.List it)])
+A first\-in, first\-out sequential data\-structure\.
+### empty
+### empty?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Queue _0) .Bit))
+### end
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Queue _0) (Queue _0)))
+(end val queue)
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Queue _0))))
+### front
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Queue _0) (.Maybe _0)))
+Yields the first value in the queue, if any\.
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Queue)
+### list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Queue _0) (.List _0)))
+(list queue)
+### member?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (Queue _0) _0 .Bit))
+(member? equivalence queue member)
+### next
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Queue _0) (Queue _0)))
+(next queue)
+### of\_list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List _0) (Queue _0)))
+(of_list entries)
+### size
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Queue _0) .Nat))
+# library/lux/data/collection/queue/priority
+## Definitions
+### Priority
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+### \(Queue it\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/collection/queue/priority.Queue" it)
+### empty
+### empty?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Queue _0) .Bit))
+### end
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> Priority _0 (Queue _0) (Queue _0)))
+(end priority value queue)
+### front
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Queue _0) (.Maybe _0)))
+### max
+### member?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (Queue _0) _0 .Bit))
+(member? equivalence queue member)
+### min
+### next
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Queue _0) (Queue _0)))
+### size
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Queue _0) .Nat))
+# library/lux/data/collection/sequence
+## Definitions
+### \(Sequence it\)
+... .Type
+ [#level Level
+ #size .Nat
+ #root (Hierarchy it)
+ #tail (Base it)])
+A sequential data\-structure with fast random access\.
+### any?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (Sequence _0) .Bit))
+### apply
+(library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply Sequence)
+### empty
+### empty?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Sequence _0) .Bit))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Sequence _0))))
+### every?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (Sequence _0) .Bit))
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Sequence)
+### has
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat _0 (Sequence _0) (library/lux/control/try.Try (Sequence _0))))
+(has idx val sequence)
+### index\_out\_of\_bounds
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/control/exception.Exception [(Sequence _0) .Nat]))
+### item
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Sequence _0) (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)))
+(item idx sequence)
+### list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Sequence _0) (.List _0)))
+(list sequence)
+### member?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (Sequence _0) _0 .Bit))
+(member? equivalence sequence val)
+### mix
+(library/lux/abstract/mix.Mix Sequence)
+### monad
+(library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad Sequence)
+### monoid
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid (Sequence _0)))
+### of\_list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List _0) (Sequence _0)))
+### prefix
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Sequence _0) (Sequence _0)))
+(prefix sequence)
+### reversed
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Sequence _0) (Sequence _0)))
+### revised
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (-> _0 _0) (Sequence _0) (library/lux/control/try.Try (Sequence _0))))
+(revised idx f sequence)
+### sequence
+Sequence literals\.
+(: (Sequence Nat)
+ (sequence 12 34 56 78 90))
+### size
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Sequence _0) .Nat))
+### suffix
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Sequence _0) (Sequence _0)))
+(suffix val sequence)
+### within\_bounds?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Sequence _0) .Nat .Bit))
+Determines whether the index is within the bounds of the sequence\.
+(within_bounds? sequence idx)
+# library/lux/data/collection/set
+## Definitions
+### \(Set it\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary it .Any)
+### difference
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+(difference sub base)
+### empty
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (Set _0)))
+### empty?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) .Bit))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Set _0)))
+### has
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+(has elem set)
+### hash
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash (Set _0)))
+### intersection
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+(intersection filter base)
+### lacks
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+### list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (.List _0)))
+### member?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) _0 .Bit))
+### member\_hash
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0)))
+### monoid
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid (Set _0))))
+### of\_list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (.List _0) (Set _0)))
+### predicate
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0)))
+### size
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) .Nat))
+### sub?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) .Bit))
+(sub? super sub)
+### super?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) .Bit))
+(super? sub super)
+### union
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+# library/lux/data/collection/set/multi
+## Definitions
+### \(Set it\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/collection/set/multi.Set" it)
+A set that keeps track of repetition in its entries\.
+### difference
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+### empty
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (Set _0)))
+### empty?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) .Bit))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Set _0)))
+### has
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat _0 (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+(has multiplicity elem set)
+### hash
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash (Set _0)))
+### intersection
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+### lacks
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat _0 (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+(lacks multiplicity elem set)
+### list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (.List _0)))
+### member?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) _0 .Bit))
+(member? set elem)
+### multiplicity
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) _0 .Nat))
+(multiplicity set elem)
+### of\_list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (.List _0) (Set _0)))
+### of\_set
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/data/collection/set.Set _0) (Set _0)))
+### size
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) .Nat))
+### sub?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) .Bit))
+Is 'subject' a sub\-set of 'reference'?
+(sub? reference subject)
+### sum
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+### super?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) .Bit))
+Is 'subject' a super\-set of 'reference'?
+### support
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (library/lux/data/collection/set.Set _0)))
+A set of the unique \(non repeated\) members\.
+(support set)
+### union
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+# library/lux/data/collection/set/ordered
+## Definitions
+### \(Set it\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/collection/set/ordered.Set" it)
+A set with ordered entries\.
+### difference
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+(difference param subject)
+### empty
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/order.Order _0) (Set _0)))
+### empty?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) .Bit))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Set _0)))
+### has
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+(has elem set)
+### intersection
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+### lacks
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+(lacks elem set)
+### list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (.List _0)))
+### max
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (.Maybe _0)))
+### member?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) _0 .Bit))
+(member? set elem)
+### min
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (.Maybe _0)))
+### of\_list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/order.Order _0) (.List _0) (Set _0)))
+### size
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) .Nat))
+### sub?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) .Bit))
+Is 'sub' a sub\-set of 'super'?
+(sub? super sub)
+### super?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) .Bit))
+Is 'super' a super\-set of 'sub'?
+(super? sub super)
+### union
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+# library/lux/data/collection/stack
+## Definitions
+### \(Stack it\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/collection/stack.Stack" it)
+A first\-in, last\-out sequential data\-structure\.
+### empty
+### empty?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Stack _0) .Bit))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Stack _0))))
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Stack)
+### next
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Stack _0) (.Maybe [_0 (Stack _0)])))
+(next stack)
+### size
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Stack _0) .Nat))
+### top
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Stack _0) (Stack _0)))
+(top value stack)
+### value
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Stack _0) (.Maybe _0)))
+Yields the top value in the stack, if any\.
+(value stack)
+# library/lux/data/collection/stream
+## Definitions
+### \(Stream it\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/continuation.Cont [it (Stream it)])
+An infinite sequence of values\.
+### ^stream&
+Allows destructuring of streams in pattern\-matching expressions\.
+Caveat emptor: Only use it for destructuring, and not for testing values within the streams\.
+(let [(^stream& x y z _tail) (some_stream_func +1 +2 +3)]
+ (func x y z))
+### after
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Stream _0) (Stream _0)))
+### comonad
+(library/lux/abstract/comonad.CoMonad Stream)
+### cycle
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [_0 (.List _0)] (Stream _0)))
+Go over the elements of a list forever\.
+(cycle [start next])
+### first
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Stream _0) (.List _0)))
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Stream)
+### head
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Stream _0) _0))
+### item
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Stream _0) _0))
+(item idx stream)
+### iterations
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 [_0 _1]) _0 (Stream _1)))
+A stateful way of infinitely calculating the values of a stream\.
+(iterations step init)
+### only
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 .Bit) (Stream _0) (Stream _0)))
+A new stream only with items that satisfy the predicate\.
+(only predicate stream)
+### partition
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 .Bit) (Stream _0) [(Stream _0) (Stream _0)]))
+Split a stream in two based on a predicate\.
+The left side contains all entries for which the predicate is \#1\.
+The right side contains all entries for which the predicate is \#0\.
+(partition left? xs)
+### repeated
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Stream _0)))
+Repeat a value forever\.
+(repeated x)
+### split\_at
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Stream _0) [(.List _0) (Stream _0)]))
+### split\_when
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 .Bit) (Stream _0) [(.List _0) (Stream _0)]))
+### tail
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Stream _0) (Stream _0)))
+### until
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 .Bit) (Stream _0) (Stream _0)))
+### while
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 .Bit) (Stream _0) (.List _0)))
+# library/lux/data/collection/tree
+## Definitions
+### \(Tree it\)
+... .Type
+ [#value it
+ #children (.List (Tree it))])
+A generic tree data\-structure\.
+### branch
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (.List (Tree _0)) (Tree _0)))
+(branch value children)
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Tree _0))))
+### flat
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Tree _0) (.List _0)))
+All the leaf values of the tree, in order\.
+(flat tree)
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Tree)
+### leaf
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Tree _0)))
+(leaf value)
+### mix
+(library/lux/abstract/mix.Mix Tree)
+### tree
+Tree literals\.
+(: (Tree Nat)
+ (tree 12
+ {34 {}
+ 56 {}
+ 78 {90 {}}}))
+# library/lux/data/collection/tree/finger
+## Definitions
+### \(Builder @ tag\)
+... .Type
+ [leaf (All (_ _0) (-> tag _0 (Tree @ tag _0)))
+ branch (All (_ _0) (-> (Tree @ tag _0) (Tree @ tag _0) (Tree @ tag _0)))])
+A builder for finter tree structures\.
+### \(Tree @ tag value\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/collection/tree/finger.Tree" @ tag value)
+A finger tree\.
+### builder
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Ex (_ _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid _0) (Builder _1 _0))))
+A new builder using the given monoid\.
+(builder monoid)
+### exists?
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _1) (Tree _0 _1 _2) .Bit))
+Verifies that a value exists which meets the predicate\.
+(exists? predicate tree)
+### one
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _1) (Tree _0 _1 _2) (.Maybe _2)))
+Finds one value that meets the predicate\.
+(one predicate tree)
+### root
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Tree _0 _1 _2) (.Either _2 [(Tree _0 _1 _2) (Tree _0 _1 _2)])))
+### tag
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Tree _0 _1 _2) _1))
+### tags
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Tree _0 _1 _2) (.List _1)))
+(tags tree)
+### value
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Tree _0 _1 _2) _2))
+(value tree)
+### values
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Tree _0 _1 _2) (.List _2)))
+(values tree)
+# library/lux/data/collection/tree/zipper
+## Definitions
+### \(Zipper it\)
+... .Type
+ [#family (.Maybe (Family Zipper it))
+ #node (library/lux/data/collection/tree.Tree it)])
+Tree zippers, for easy navigation and editing of trees\.
+### adopt
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Zipper _0) (Zipper _0)))
+(adopt value zipper)
+### branch?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) .Bit))
+### comonad
+(library/lux/abstract/comonad.CoMonad Zipper)
+### down
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) (.Maybe (Zipper _0))))
+### end
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) (.Maybe (Zipper _0))))
+### end?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) .Bit))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Zipper _0))))
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Zipper)
+### insert\_left
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Zipper _0) (.Maybe (Zipper _0))))
+### insert\_right
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Zipper _0) (.Maybe (Zipper _0))))
+### interpose
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Zipper _0) (Zipper _0)))
+(interpose value zipper)
+### leaf?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) .Bit))
+### left
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) (.Maybe (Zipper _0))))
+### leftmost
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) (.Maybe (Zipper _0))))
+### next
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) (.Maybe (Zipper _0))))
+### previous
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) (.Maybe (Zipper _0))))
+### remove
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) (.Maybe (Zipper _0))))
+### right
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) (.Maybe (Zipper _0))))
+### rightmost
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) (.Maybe (Zipper _0))))
+### set
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Zipper _0) (Zipper _0)))
+(set value zipper)
+### start
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) (.Maybe (Zipper _0))))
+### start?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) .Bit))
+### tree
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) (library/lux/data/collection/tree.Tree _0)))
+### up
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) (.Maybe (Zipper _0))))
+### update
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 _0) (Zipper _0) (Zipper _0)))
+(update transform zipper)
+### value
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) _0))
+### zipper
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/data/collection/tree.Tree _0) (Zipper _0)))
+# library/lux/data/color
+## Definitions
+### Alpha
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Rev"))
+The degree of transparency of a pigment\.
+### CMYK
+... .Type
+ [#cyan .Frac
+ #magenta .Frac
+ #yellow .Frac
+ #key .Frac])
+Cyan\-Magenta\-Yellow\-Key color format\.
+### Color
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/color.Color")
+A color value, independent of color format\.
+### HSB
+... .Type
+[.Frac .Frac .Frac]
+Hue\-Saturation\-Brightness color format\.
+### HSL
+... .Type
+[.Frac .Frac .Frac]
+Hue\-Saturation\-Lightness color format\.
+### Palette
+... .Type
+(-> Spread .Nat Color (.List Color))
+### Pigment
+... .Type
+ [#color Color
+ #alpha Alpha])
+A color with some degree of transparency\.
+### RGB
+... .Type
+ [#red .Nat
+ #green .Nat
+ #blue .Nat])
+Red\-Green\-Blue color format\.
+### Spread
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Frac")
+### addition
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid Color)
+### analogous
+A analogous palette\.
+(analogous spread variations color)
+### black
+### brighter
+(-> .Frac Color Color)
+### clash
+(-> Color [Color Color Color])
+A clash color scheme\.
+### cmyk
+(-> Color CMYK)
+### complement
+(-> Color Color)
+The opposite color\.
+(complement color)
+### darker
+(-> .Frac Color Color)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Color)
+### gray\_scale
+(-> Color Color)
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash Color)
+### hsb
+(-> Color HSB)
+### hsl
+(-> Color HSL)
+### interpolated
+(-> .Frac Color Color Color)
+(interpolated ratio end start)
+### monochromatic
+A monochromatic palette\.
+(monochromatic spread variations color)
+### of\_cmyk
+(-> CMYK Color)
+### of\_hsb
+(-> HSB Color)
+### of\_hsl
+(-> HSL Color)
+### of\_rgb
+(-> RGB Color)
+### opaque
+The minimum degree of transparency\.
+### rgb
+(-> Color RGB)
+### saturated
+(-> .Frac Color Color)
+### split\_complement
+(-> Color [Color Color Color])
+A split\-complement color scheme\.
+### square
+(-> Color [Color Color Color Color])
+A square color scheme\.
+### subtraction
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid Color)
+### tetradic
+(-> Color [Color Color Color Color])
+A tetradic color scheme\.
+### translucent
+The average degree of transparency\.
+### transparent
+The maximum degree of transparency\.
+### triad
+(-> Color [Color Color Color])
+A triad color scheme\.
+### un\_saturated
+(-> .Frac Color Color)
+### white
+# library/lux/data/color/named
+## Definitions
+### alice\_blue
+R:F0 G:F8 B:FF | alice blue
+### antique\_white
+R:FA G:EB B:D7 | antique white
+### aqua
+R:0 G:FF B:FF | aqua
+### aquamarine
+R:7F G:FF B:D4 | aquamarine
+### azure
+R:F0 G:FF B:FF | azure
+### beige
+R:F5 G:F5 B:DC | beige
+### bisque
+R:FF G:E4 B:C4 | bisque
+### black
+R:0 G:0 B:0 | black
+### blanched\_almond
+R:FF G:EB B:CD | blanched almond
+### blue
+R:0 G:0 B:FF | blue
+### blue\_violet
+R:8A G:2B B:E2 | blue violet
+### brown
+R:A5 G:2A B:2A | brown
+### burly\_wood
+R:DE G:B8 B:87 | burly wood
+### cadet\_blue
+R:5F G:9E B:A0 | cadet blue
+### chartreuse
+R:7F G:FF B:0 | chartreuse
+### chocolate
+R:D2 G:69 B:1E | chocolate
+### coral
+R:FF G:7F B:50 | coral
+### cornflower\_blue
+R:64 G:95 B:ED | cornflower blue
+### cornsilk
+R:FF G:F8 B:DC | cornsilk
+### crimson
+R:DC G:14 B:3C | crimson
+### cyan
+R:0 G:FF B:FF | cyan
+### dark\_blue
+R:0 G:0 B:8B | dark blue
+### dark\_cyan
+R:0 G:8B B:8B | dark cyan
+### dark\_goldenrod
+R:B8 G:86 B:B | dark goldenrod
+### dark\_gray
+R:A9 G:A9 B:A9 | dark gray
+### dark\_green
+R:0 G:64 B:0 | dark green
+### dark\_khaki
+R:BD G:B7 B:6B | dark khaki
+### dark\_magenta
+R:8B G:0 B:8B | dark magenta
+### dark\_olive\_green
+R:55 G:6B B:2F | dark olive green
+### dark\_orange
+R:FF G:8C B:0 | dark orange
+### dark\_orchid
+R:99 G:32 B:CC | dark orchid
+### dark\_red
+R:8B G:0 B:0 | dark red
+### dark\_salmon
+R:E9 G:96 B:7A | dark salmon
+### dark\_sea\_green
+R:8F G:BC B:8F | dark sea green
+### dark\_slate\_blue
+R:48 G:3D B:8B | dark slate blue
+### dark\_slate\_gray
+R:2F G:4F B:4F | dark slate gray
+### dark\_turquoise
+R:0 G:CE B:D1 | dark turquoise
+### dark\_violet
+R:94 G:0 B:D3 | dark violet
+### deep\_pink
+R:FF G:14 B:93 | deep pink
+### deep\_sky\_blue
+R:0 G:BF B:FF | deep sky blue
+### dim\_gray
+R:69 G:69 B:69 | dim gray
+### dodger\_blue
+R:1E G:90 B:FF | dodger blue
+### fire\_brick
+R:B2 G:22 B:22 | fire brick
+### floral\_white
+R:FF G:FA B:F0 | floral white
+### forest\_green
+R:22 G:8B B:22 | forest green
+### fuchsia
+R:FF G:0 B:FF | fuchsia
+### gainsboro
+R:DC G:DC B:DC | gainsboro
+### ghost\_white
+R:F8 G:F8 B:FF | ghost white
+### gold
+R:FF G:D7 B:0 | gold
+### goldenrod
+R:DA G:A5 B:20 | goldenrod
+### gray
+R:80 G:80 B:80 | gray
+### green
+R:0 G:80 B:0 | green
+### green\_yellow
+R:AD G:FF B:2F | green yellow
+### honey\_dew
+R:F0 G:FF B:F0 | honey dew
+### hot\_pink
+R:FF G:69 B:B4 | hot pink
+### indian\_red
+R:CD G:5C B:5C | indian red
+### indigo
+R:4B G:0 B:82 | indigo
+### ivory
+R:FF G:FF B:F0 | ivory
+### khaki
+R:F0 G:E6 B:8C | khaki
+### lavender
+R:E6 G:E6 B:FA | lavender
+### lavender\_blush
+R:FF G:F0 B:F5 | lavender blush
+### lawn\_green
+R:7C G:FC B:0 | lawn green
+### lemon\_chiffon
+R:FF G:FA B:CD | lemon chiffon
+### light\_blue
+R:AD G:D8 B:E6 | light blue
+### light\_coral
+R:F0 G:80 B:80 | light coral
+### light\_cyan
+R:E0 G:FF B:FF | light cyan
+### light\_goldenrod\_yellow
+R:FA G:FA B:D2 | light goldenrod yellow
+### light\_gray
+R:D3 G:D3 B:D3 | light gray
+### light\_green
+R:90 G:EE B:90 | light green
+### light\_pink
+R:FF G:B6 B:C1 | light pink
+### light\_salmon
+R:FF G:A0 B:7A | light salmon
+### light\_sea\_green
+R:20 G:B2 B:AA | light sea green
+### light\_sky\_blue
+R:87 G:CE B:FA | light sky blue
+### light\_slate\_gray
+R:77 G:88 B:99 | light slate gray
+### light\_steel\_blue
+R:B0 G:C4 B:DE | light steel blue
+### light\_yellow
+R:FF G:FF B:E0 | light yellow
+### lime
+R:0 G:FF B:0 | lime
+### lime\_green
+R:32 G:CD B:32 | lime green
+### linen
+R:FA G:F0 B:E6 | linen
+### magenta
+R:FF G:0 B:FF | magenta
+### maroon
+R:80 G:0 B:0 | maroon
+### medium\_aquamarine
+R:66 G:CD B:AA | medium aquamarine
+### medium\_blue
+R:0 G:0 B:CD | medium blue
+### medium\_orchid
+R:BA G:55 B:D3 | medium orchid
+### medium\_purple
+R:93 G:70 B:DB | medium purple
+### medium\_sea\_green
+R:3C G:B3 B:71 | medium sea green
+### medium\_slate\_blue
+R:7B G:68 B:EE | medium slate blue
+### medium\_spring\_green
+R:0 G:FA B:9A | medium spring green
+### medium\_turquoise
+R:48 G:D1 B:CC | medium turquoise
+### medium\_violet\_red
+R:C7 G:15 B:85 | medium violet red
+### midnight\_blue
+R:19 G:19 B:70 | midnight blue
+### mint\_cream
+R:F5 G:FF B:FA | mint cream
+### misty\_rose
+R:FF G:E4 B:E1 | misty rose
+### moccasin
+R:FF G:E4 B:B5 | moccasin
+### navajo\_white
+R:FF G:DE B:AD | navajo white
+### navy
+R:0 G:0 B:80 | navy
+### old\_lace
+R:FD G:F5 B:E6 | old lace
+### olive
+R:80 G:80 B:0 | olive
+### olive\_drab
+R:6B G:8E B:23 | olive drab
+### orange
+R:FF G:A5 B:0 | orange
+### orange\_red
+R:FF G:45 B:0 | orange red
+### orchid
+R:DA G:70 B:D6 | orchid
+### pale\_goldenrod
+R:EE G:E8 B:AA | pale goldenrod
+### pale\_green
+R:98 G:FB B:98 | pale green
+### pale\_turquoise
+R:AF G:EE B:EE | pale turquoise
+### pale\_violet\_red
+R:DB G:70 B:93 | pale violet red
+### papaya\_whip
+R:FF G:EF B:D5 | papaya whip
+### peach\_puff
+R:FF G:DA B:B9 | peach puff
+### peru
+R:CD G:85 B:3F | peru
+### pink
+R:FF G:C0 B:CB | pink
+### plum
+R:DD G:A0 B:DD | plum
+### powder\_blue
+R:B0 G:E0 B:E6 | powder blue
+### purple
+R:80 G:0 B:80 | purple
+### rebecca\_purple
+R:66 G:33 B:99 | rebecca purple
+### red
+R:FF G:0 B:0 | red
+### rosy\_brown
+R:BC G:8F B:8F | rosy brown
+### royal\_blue
+R:41 G:69 B:E1 | royal blue
+### saddle\_brown
+R:8B G:45 B:13 | saddle brown
+### salmon
+R:FA G:80 B:72 | salmon
+### sandy\_brown
+R:F4 G:A4 B:60 | sandy brown
+### sea\_green
+R:2E G:8B B:57 | sea green
+### sea\_shell
+R:FF G:F5 B:EE | sea shell
+### sienna
+R:A0 G:52 B:2D | sienna
+### silver
+R:C0 G:C0 B:C0 | silver
+### sky\_blue
+R:87 G:CE B:EB | sky blue
+### slate\_blue
+R:6A G:5A B:CD | slate blue
+### slate\_gray
+R:70 G:80 B:90 | slate gray
+### snow
+R:FF G:FA B:FA | snow
+### spring\_green
+R:0 G:FF B:7F | spring green
+### steel\_blue
+R:46 G:82 B:B4 | steel blue
+### tan
+R:D2 G:B4 B:8C | tan
+### teal
+R:0 G:80 B:80 | teal
+### thistle
+R:D8 G:BF B:D8 | thistle
+### tomato
+R:FF G:63 B:47 | tomato
+### turquoise
+R:40 G:E0 B:D0 | turquoise
+### violet
+R:EE G:82 B:EE | violet
+### wheat
+R:F5 G:DE B:B3 | wheat
+### white
+R:FF G:FF B:FF | white
+### white\_smoke
+R:F5 G:F5 B:F5 | white smoke
+### yellow
+R:FF G:FF B:0 | yellow
+### yellow\_green
+R:9A G:CD B:32 | yellow green
+# library/lux/data/format/binary
+## Definitions
+### Mutation
+... .Type
+(-> [library/lux/control/parser/binary.Offset library/lux/data/binary.Binary] [library/lux/control/parser/binary.Offset library/lux/data/binary.Binary])
+A mutation of binary data, tracking where in the data to transform\.
+### Specification
+... .Type
+[library/lux/control/parser/binary.Size Mutation]
+A description of how to transform binary data\.
+### \(Writer it\)
+... .Type
+(-> it Specification)
+An operation that knows how to write information into a binary blob\.
+### and
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Writer _0) (Writer _1) (Writer [_0 _1])))
+(and pre post)
+### any
+(Writer .Any)
+### binary/16
+(Writer library/lux/data/binary.Binary)
+### binary/32
+(Writer library/lux/data/binary.Binary)
+### binary/64
+(Writer library/lux/data/binary.Binary)
+### binary/8
+(Writer library/lux/data/binary.Binary)
+### bit
+(Writer .Bit)
+### bits/16
+(Writer (.I64 .Any))
+### bits/32
+(Writer (.I64 .Any))
+### bits/64
+(Writer (.I64 .Any))
+### bits/8
+(Writer (.I64 .Any))
+### code
+(Writer .Code)
+### frac
+(Writer .Frac)
+### instance
+(-> Specification library/lux/data/binary.Binary)
+Given a specification of how to construct binary data, yields a binary blob that matches it\.
+### int
+(Writer .Int)
+### list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Writer _0) (Writer (.List _0))))
+### location
+(Writer .Location)
+### maybe
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Writer _0) (Writer (.Maybe _0))))
+### monoid
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid Specification)
+### nat
+(Writer .Nat)
+### no\_op
+A specification for empty binary data\.
+### or
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Writer _0) (Writer _1) (Writer (Or _0 _1))))
+(or left right)
+### rec
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> (Writer _0) (Writer _0)) (Writer _0)))
+A combinator for recursive writers\.
+(rec body)
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Writer _0) _0 library/lux/data/binary.Binary))
+Yields a binary blob with all the information written to it\.
+(result writer value)
+### rev
+(Writer .Rev)
+### segment
+(-> .Nat (Writer library/lux/data/binary.Binary))
+Writes at most 'size' bytes of an input binary blob\.
+(segment size)
+### sequence/16
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Writer _0) (Writer (library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence _0))))
+### sequence/32
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Writer _0) (Writer (library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence _0))))
+### sequence/64
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Writer _0) (Writer (library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence _0))))
+### sequence/8
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Writer _0) (Writer (library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence _0))))
+### set
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Writer _0) (Writer (library/lux/data/collection/set.Set _0))))
+### symbol
+(Writer .Symbol)
+### text
+(Writer .Text)
+### type
+(Writer .Type)
+### utf8/16
+(Writer .Text)
+### utf8/32
+(Writer .Text)
+### utf8/64
+(Writer .Text)
+### utf8/8
+(Writer .Text)
+# library/lux/data/format/json
+Functionality for reading and writing values in the JSON format\.
+For more information, please see: http://www\.json\.org/
+## Definitions
+### Array
+... .Type
+(library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence JSON)
+### Boolean
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Bit")
+### JSON
+... .Type
+(Rec JSON
+ (Variant
+ {#Null Null}
+ {#Boolean Boolean}
+ {#Number Number}
+ {#String String}
+ {#Array (library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence JSON)}
+ {#Object (library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary String JSON)}))
+### Null
+... .Type
+(Ex (Null _0)
+ _0)
+### Number
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Frac")
+### Object
+... .Type
+(library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary String JSON)
+### String
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Text")
+### array\_field
+(-> .Text JSON (library/lux/control/try.Try Array))
+A JSON object field getter for arrays\.
+### boolean\_field
+(-> .Text JSON (library/lux/control/try.Try Boolean))
+A JSON object field getter for booleans\.
+### codec
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text JSON)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence JSON)
+### field
+(-> String JSON (library/lux/control/try.Try JSON))
+A JSON object field getter\.
+(field key json)
+### fields
+(-> JSON (library/lux/control/try.Try (.List String)))
+Get all the fields in a JSON object\.
+(fields json)
+### format
+(-> JSON .Text)
+### has
+(-> String JSON JSON (library/lux/control/try.Try JSON))
+A JSON object field setter\.
+(has key value json)
+### json
+A simple way to produce JSON literals\.
+... null
+(json #null)
+... true
+(json #1)
+... 123.456
+(json +123.456)
+... 'this is a string'
+(json "this is a string")
+... ['this' 'is' 'an' 'array']
+(json ["this" "is" "an" "array"])
+... {'this' 'is', 'an' 'object'}
+(json {"this" "is" "an" "object"})
+### null?
+(library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate JSON)
+### number\_field
+(-> .Text JSON (library/lux/control/try.Try Number))
+A JSON object field getter for numbers\.
+### object
+(-> (.List [String JSON]) JSON)
+### object\_field
+(-> .Text JSON (library/lux/control/try.Try Object))
+A JSON object field getter for objects\.
+### string\_field
+(-> .Text JSON (library/lux/control/try.Try String))
+A JSON object field getter for strings\.
+# library/lux/data/format/tar
+## Definitions
+### Big
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/format/tar.Big")
+### Content
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/format/tar.Content")
+### Contiguous
+... .Type
+[Path library/lux/time/instant.Instant Mode Ownership Content]
+### Directory
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/format/tar.Path")
+### Entry
+... .Type
+ {#Normal Normal}
+ {#Symbolic_Link Symbolic_Link}
+ {#Directory Directory}
+ {#Contiguous Contiguous})
+### File
+... .Type
+[Path library/lux/time/instant.Instant Mode Ownership Content]
+### ID
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/format/tar.Small")
+### Mode
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/format/tar.Mode")
+### Name
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/format/tar.Name")
+### Normal
+... .Type
+[Path library/lux/time/instant.Instant Mode Ownership Content]
+### Owner
+... .Type
+ [#name Name
+ #id ID])
+### Ownership
+... .Type
+ [#user Owner
+ #group Owner])
+### Path
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/format/tar.Path")
+### Small
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/format/tar.Small")
+### Symbolic\_Link
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/format/tar.Path")
+### Tar
+... .Type
+(library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence Entry)
+### and
+(-> Mode Mode Mode)
+### anonymous
+### big
+(-> .Nat (library/lux/control/try.Try Big))
+### big\_limit
+### content
+(-> library/lux/data/binary.Binary (library/lux/control/try.Try Content))
+### data
+(-> Content library/lux/data/binary.Binary)
+### execute\_by\_group
+### execute\_by\_other
+### execute\_by\_owner
+### from\_big
+(-> Big .Nat)
+### from\_name
+(-> Name .Text)
+### from\_path
+(-> Path library/lux/world/file.Path)
+### from\_small
+(-> Small .Nat)
+### invalid\_end\_of\_archive
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### invalid\_link\_flag
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### invalid\_mode
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### mode
+(-> Mode .Nat)
+### name
+(-> .Text (library/lux/control/try.Try Name))
+### name\_is\_too\_long
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Text)
+### name\_size
+### no\_id
+### no\_path
+### none
+### not\_a\_big\_number
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### not\_a\_small\_number
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### not\_ascii
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Text)
+### parser
+(library/lux/control/parser/binary.Parser Tar)
+### path
+(-> library/lux/world/file.Path (library/lux/control/try.Try Path))
+### path\_is\_too\_long
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Text)
+### path\_size
+### read\_by\_group
+### read\_by\_other
+### read\_by\_owner
+### save\_text
+### set\_group\_id\_on\_execution
+### set\_user\_id\_on\_execution
+### small
+(-> .Nat (library/lux/control/try.Try Small))
+### small\_limit
+### write\_by\_group
+### write\_by\_other
+### write\_by\_owner
+### writer
+(library/lux/data/format/binary.Writer Tar)
+### wrong\_character
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [library/lux/data/text.Char library/lux/data/text.Char])
+### wrong\_checksum
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Nat .Nat])
+### wrong\_link\_flag
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [Link_Flag Link_Flag])
+# library/lux/data/format/xml
+## Definitions
+### Attribute
+... .Type
+[.Text .Text]
+### Attrs
+... .Type
+(library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary Attribute .Text)
+### Tag
+... .Type
+[.Text .Text]
+### XML
+... .Type
+(Rec XML
+ (Variant
+ {#Text .Text}
+ {#Node Tag Attrs (.List XML)}))
+### attribute
+(-> Attribute .Text)
+The text format of a XML attribute\.
+### attributes
+An empty set of XML attributes\.
+### codec
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text XML)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence XML)
+### tag
+(-> Tag .Text)
+The text format of a XML tag\.
+(tag name)
+# library/lux/data/identity
+## Definitions
+### \(Identity it\)
+... .Type
+A value, as is, without any extra structure super\-imposed on it\.
+### apply
+(library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply Identity)
+### comonad
+(library/lux/abstract/comonad.CoMonad Identity)
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Identity)
+### monad
+(library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad Identity)
+# library/lux/data/product
+Functionality for working with tuples \(particularly 2\-tuples/pairs\)\.
+## Definitions
+### curried
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (-> [_0 _1] _2) _0 _1 _2))
+Converts a 2\-argument function into nested single\-argument functions\.
+(curried f)
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _1) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence [_0 _1])))
+### forked
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1) (-> _0 _2) _0 [_1 _2]))
+Yields a pair by applying both functions to a single value\.
+(forked f g)
+### hash
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _1) (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash [_0 _1])))
+### left
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> [_0 _1] _0))
+The left side of a pair\.
+### right
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> [_0 _1] _1))
+The right side of a pair\.
+### swapped
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> [_0 _1] [_1 _0]))
+(swapped [left right])
+### then
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> (-> _0 _2) (-> _1 _3) [_0 _1] [_2 _3]))
+Apply functions to both sides of a pair\.
+(then f g)
+### uncurried
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1 _2) [_0 _1] _2))
+Converts nested single\-argument functions into a 2\-argument function\.
+(uncurried f)
+# library/lux/data/sum
+Functionality for working with variants \(particularly 2\-variants\)\.
+## Definitions
+### either
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (-> _0 _2) (-> _1 _2) (Or _0 _1) _2))
+Applies a function to either side of a 2\-variant\.
+(either on_left on_right)
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _1) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Or _0 _1))))
+### hash
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _1) (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash (Or _0 _1))))
+### left
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 (Or _0 _1)))
+Lifts value to the left side of a 2\-variant\.
+### lefts
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (.List (Or _0 _1)) (.List _0)))
+### partition
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (.List (Or _0 _1)) [(.List _0) (.List _1)]))
+### right
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _1 (Or _0 _1)))
+Lifts value to the right side of a 2\-variant\.
+### rights
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (.List (Or _0 _1)) (.List _1)))
+### then
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1) (-> _2 _3) (Or _0 _2) (Or _1 _3)))
+Applies functions to both sides of a 2\-variant\.
+(then on_left on_right)
+# library/lux/data/text
+## Definitions
+### Char
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+A character code number\.
+### \\''
+### \\0
+### \\a
+### \\b
+### \\f
+### \\n
+### \\r
+### \\t
+### \\v
+### alarm
+### all\_split\_by
+(-> .Text .Text (.List .Text))
+(all_split_by token sample)
+### back\_space
+### carriage\_return
+### char
+(-> .Nat .Text (.Maybe Char))
+Yields the character at the specified index\.
+(char index input)
+### clip
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Text (.Maybe .Text))
+Clips a chunk of text from the input at the specified offset and of the specified size\.
+(clip offset size input)
+### clip\_since
+(-> .Nat .Text (.Maybe .Text))
+Clips the remaining text from the input at the specified offset\.
+(clip_since offset input)
+### contains?
+(-> .Text .Text .Bit)
+(contains? sub text)
+### double\_quote
+### empty?
+(-> .Text .Bit)
+### enclosed
+(-> [.Text .Text] .Text .Text)
+Surrounds the given content text with left and right side additions\.
+(enclosed [left right] content)
+### enclosed'
+(-> .Text .Text .Text)
+Surrounds the given content text with the same boundary text\.
+(enclosed' boundary content)
+### enclosed\_by?
+(-> .Text .Text .Bit)
+(enclosed_by? boundary value)
+### ends\_with?
+(-> .Text .Text .Bit)
+(ends_with? postfix x)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence .Text)
+### form\_feed
+### format
+(-> .Text .Text)
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash .Text)
+### index
+(-> .Text .Text (.Maybe .Nat))
+(index pattern input)
+### index\_since
+(-> .Nat .Text .Text (.Maybe .Nat))
+(index_since from pattern input)
+### interposed
+(-> .Text (.List .Text) .Text)
+(interposed separator texts)
+### last\_index
+(-> .Text .Text (.Maybe .Nat))
+(last_index part text)
+### line\_feed
+Same as 'new\_line'\.
+### lower\_cased
+(-> .Text .Text)
+### monoid
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Text)
+### new\_line
+### null
+### of\_char
+(-> Char .Text)
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order .Text)
+### prefix
+(-> .Text .Text .Text)
+(prefix param subject)
+### replaced
+(-> .Text .Text .Text .Text)
+(replaced pattern replacement template)
+### replaced/1
+(-> .Text .Text .Text .Text)
+(replaced/1 pattern replacement template)
+### size
+(-> .Text .Nat)
+### space
+### space?
+(-> Char .Bit)
+Checks whether the character is white\-space\.
+(space? char)
+### split\_at
+(-> .Nat .Text (.Maybe [.Text .Text]))
+(split_at at x)
+### split\_by
+(-> .Text .Text (.Maybe [.Text .Text]))
+(split_by token sample)
+### starts\_with?
+(-> .Text .Text .Bit)
+(starts_with? prefix x)
+### suffix
+(-> .Text .Text .Text)
+(suffix param subject)
+### tab
+### together
+(-> (.List .Text) .Text)
+### upper\_cased
+(-> .Text .Text)
+### vertical\_tab
+# library/lux/data/text/buffer
+## Definitions
+### Buffer
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/text/buffer.Buffer")
+Immutable text buffer for efficient text concatenation\.
+### empty
+### size
+(-> Buffer .Nat)
+### text
+(-> Buffer .Text)
+### then
+(-> .Text Buffer Buffer)
+# library/lux/data/text/encoding
+## Definitions
+### Encoding
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/text/encoding.Encoding")
+Encoding formats for text\.
+### ascii
+'ASCII' text encoding\.
+### cesu\_8
+'CESU\-8' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_037
+'IBM037' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1006
+'IBM1006' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1025
+'IBM1025' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1026
+'IBM1026' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1046
+'IBM1046' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1047
+'IBM1047' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1097
+'IBM1097' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1098
+'IBM1098' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1112
+'IBM1112' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1122
+'IBM1122' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1123
+'IBM1123' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1124
+'IBM1124' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1140
+'IBM01140' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1141
+'IBM01141' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1142
+'IBM01142' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1143
+'IBM01143' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1144
+'IBM01144' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1145
+'IBM01145' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1146
+'IBM01146' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1147
+'IBM01147' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1148
+'IBM01148' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1149
+'IBM01149' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1166
+'IBM1166' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1364
+'IBM1364' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1381
+'IBM1381' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1383
+'IBM1383' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_273
+'IBM273' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_277
+'IBM277' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_278
+'IBM278' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_280
+'IBM280' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_284
+'IBM284' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_285
+'IBM285' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_290
+'IBM290' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_297
+'IBM297' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_300
+'IBM300' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_33722
+'IBM33722' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_420
+'IBM420' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_424
+'IBM424' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_437
+'IBM437' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_500
+'IBM500' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_737
+'IBM737' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_775
+'IBM775' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_833
+'IBM833' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_834
+'IBM834' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_838
+'IBM\-Thai' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_850
+'IBM850' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_852
+'IBM852' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_855
+'IBM855' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_856
+'IBM856' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_857
+'IBM857' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_858
+'IBM00858' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_860
+'IBM860' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_861
+'IBM861' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_862
+'IBM862' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_863
+'IBM863' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_864
+'IBM864' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_865
+'IBM865' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_866
+'IBM866' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_868
+'IBM868' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_869
+'IBM869' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_870
+'IBM870' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_871
+'IBM871' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_874
+'IBM874' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_875
+'IBM875' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_918
+'IBM918' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_921
+'IBM921' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_922
+'IBM922' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_930
+'IBM930' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_933
+'IBM933' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_935
+'IBM935' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_937
+'IBM937' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_939
+'IBM939' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_942
+'IBM942' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_942c
+'IBM942C' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_943
+'IBM943' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_943c
+'IBM943C' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_948
+'IBM948' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_949
+'IBM949' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_949c
+'IBM949C' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_950
+'IBM950' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_964
+'IBM964' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_970
+'IBM970' text encoding\.
+### iso2022\_cn\_cns
+'ISO2022\-CN\-CNS' text encoding\.
+### iso2022\_cn\_gb
+'ISO2022\-CN\-GB' text encoding\.
+### iso\_2022\_cn
+'ISO\-2022\-CN' text encoding\.
+### iso\_2022\_jp
+'ISO\-2022\-JP' text encoding\.
+### iso\_2022\_jp\_2
+'ISO\-2022\-JP\-2' text encoding\.
+### iso\_2022\_kr
+'ISO\-2022\-KR' text encoding\.
+### iso\_8859\_1
+'ISO\-8859\-1' text encoding\.
+### iso\_8859\_11
+'iso\-8859\-11' text encoding\.
+### iso\_8859\_13
+'ISO\-8859\-13' text encoding\.
+### iso\_8859\_15
+'ISO\-8859\-15' text encoding\.
+### iso\_8859\_2
+'ISO\-8859\-2' text encoding\.
+### iso\_8859\_3
+'ISO\-8859\-3' text encoding\.
+### iso\_8859\_4
+'ISO\-8859\-4' text encoding\.
+### iso\_8859\_5
+'ISO\-8859\-5' text encoding\.
+### iso\_8859\_6
+'ISO\-8859\-6' text encoding\.
+### iso\_8859\_7
+'ISO\-8859\-7' text encoding\.
+### iso\_8859\_8
+'ISO\-8859\-8' text encoding\.
+### iso\_8859\_9
+'ISO\-8859\-9' text encoding\.
+### koi8\_r
+'KOI8\-R' text encoding\.
+### koi8\_u
+'KOI8\-U' text encoding\.
+### mac\_arabic
+'MacArabic' text encoding\.
+### mac\_central\_europe
+'MacCentralEurope' text encoding\.
+### mac\_croatian
+'MacCroatian' text encoding\.
+### mac\_cyrillic
+'MacCyrillic' text encoding\.
+### mac\_dingbat
+'MacDingbat' text encoding\.
+### mac\_greek
+'MacGreek' text encoding\.
+### mac\_hebrew
+'MacHebrew' text encoding\.
+### mac\_iceland
+'MacIceland' text encoding\.
+### mac\_roman
+'MacRoman' text encoding\.
+### mac\_romania
+'MacRomania' text encoding\.
+### mac\_symbol
+'MacSymbol' text encoding\.
+### mac\_thai
+'MacThai' text encoding\.
+### mac\_turkish
+'MacTurkish' text encoding\.
+### mac\_ukraine
+'MacUkraine' text encoding\.
+### name
+(-> Encoding .Text)
+### utf\_16
+'UTF\-16' text encoding\.
+### utf\_32
+'UTF\-32' text encoding\.
+### utf\_8
+'UTF\-8' text encoding\.
+### windows\_1250
+'windows\-1250' text encoding\.
+### windows\_1251
+'windows\-1251' text encoding\.
+### windows\_1252
+'windows\-1252' text encoding\.
+### windows\_1253
+'windows\-1253' text encoding\.
+### windows\_1254
+'windows\-1254' text encoding\.
+### windows\_1255
+'windows\-1255' text encoding\.
+### windows\_1256
+'windows\-1256' text encoding\.
+### windows\_1257
+'windows\-1257' text encoding\.
+### windows\_1258
+'windows\-1258' text encoding\.
+### windows\_31j
+'windows\-31j' text encoding\.
+### windows\_50220
+'windows\-50220' text encoding\.
+### windows\_50221
+'windows\-50221' text encoding\.
+### windows\_874
+'windows\-874' text encoding\.
+### windows\_949
+'windows\-949' text encoding\.
+### windows\_950
+'windows\-950' text encoding\.
+### windows\_iso2022jp
+'windows\-iso2022jp' text encoding\.
+# library/lux/data/text/encoding/utf8
+## Definitions
+### codec
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec library/lux/data/binary.Binary .Text)
+A codec for binary encoding of text as UTF\-8\.
+# library/lux/data/text/escape
+## Definitions
+### dangling\_escape
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Text)
+### escapable?
+(-> library/lux/data/text.Char .Bit)
+### escaped
+(-> .Text .Text)
+Yields a escaped version of the text\.
+(escaped text)
+### invalid\_escape
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Text .Nat library/lux/data/text.Char])
+### invalid\_unicode\_escape
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Text .Nat])
+### literal
+If given a escaped text literal, expands to an un\-escaped version\.
+(literal "Line 1\nLine 2")
+... =>
+(format "Line 1" \n
+ "Line 2")
+### un\_escaped
+(-> .Text (library/lux/control/try.Try .Text))
+Yields an un\-escaped text\.
+Fails if it was improperly escaped\.
+(un_escaped text)
+# library/lux/data/text/format
+## Definitions
+### \(Format it\)
+... .Type
+(-> it .Text)
+A way to produce readable text from values\.
+### bit
+(Format .Bit)
+### code
+(Format .Code)
+### date
+(Format library/lux/time/date.Date)
+### day
+(Format library/lux/time/day.Day)
+### duration
+(Format library/lux/time/duration.Duration)
+### format
+Text interpolation\.
+(format "Static part " (text static) " does not match URI: " uri)
+### frac
+(Format .Frac)
+### frac/10
+(Format .Frac)
+### frac/16
+(Format .Frac)
+### frac/2
+(Format .Frac)
+### frac/8
+(Format .Frac)
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor/contravariant.Functor Format)
+### instant
+(Format library/lux/time/instant.Instant)
+### int
+(Format .Int)
+### int/10
+(Format .Int)
+### int/16
+(Format .Int)
+### int/2
+(Format .Int)
+### int/8
+(Format .Int)
+### json
+(Format library/lux/data/format/json.JSON)
+### list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Format _0) (Format (.List _0))))
+### location
+(Format .Location)
+### maybe
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Format _0) (Format (.Maybe _0))))
+### mod
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Format (library/lux/math/modular.Mod _0)))
+### month
+(Format library/lux/time/month.Month)
+### nat
+(Format .Nat)
+### nat/10
+(Format .Nat)
+### nat/16
+(Format .Nat)
+### nat/2
+(Format .Nat)
+### nat/8
+(Format .Nat)
+### ratio
+(Format library/lux/math/number/ratio.Ratio)
+### rev
+(Format .Rev)
+### rev/10
+(Format .Rev)
+### rev/16
+(Format .Rev)
+### rev/2
+(Format .Rev)
+### rev/8
+(Format .Rev)
+### symbol
+(Format .Symbol)
+### text
+(Format .Text)
+### time
+(Format library/lux/time.Time)
+### type
+(Format .Type)
+### xml
+(Format library/lux/data/format/xml.XML)
+# library/lux/data/text/regex
+## Definitions
+### ^regex
+Allows you to test text against regular expressions\.
+(case some_text
+ (^regex "(\d{3})-(\d{3})-(\d{4})"
+ [_ country_code area_code place_code])
+ do_some_thing_when_number
+ (^regex "\w+")
+ do_some_thing_when_word
+ _
+ do_something_else)
+### incorrect\_quantification
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Nat .Nat])
+### regex
+Create lexers using regular\-expression syntax\.
+... Literals
+(regex "a")
+... Wildcards
+(regex ".")
+... Escaping
+(regex "\.")
+... Character classes
+(regex "\d")
+(regex "\p{Lower}")
+(regex "[abc]")
+(regex "[a-z]")
+(regex "[a-zA-Z]")
+(regex "[a-z&&[def]]")
+... Negation
+(regex "[^abc]")
+(regex "[^a-z]")
+(regex "[^a-zA-Z]")
+(regex "[a-z&&[^bc]]")
+(regex "[a-z&&[^m-p]]")
+... Combinations
+(regex "aa")
+(regex "a?")
+(regex "a*")
+(regex "a+")
+... Specific amounts
+(regex "a{2}")
+... At least
+(regex "a{1,}")
+... At most
+(regex "a{,1}")
+... Between
+(regex "a{1,2}")
+... Groups
+(regex "a(.)c")
+(regex "a(b+)c")
+(regex "(\d{3})-(\d{3})-(\d{4})")
+(regex "(\d{3})-(?:\d{3})-(\d{4})")
+(regex "(?<code>\d{3})-\k<code>-(\d{4})")
+(regex "(?<code>\d{3})-\k<code>-(\d{4})-\0")
+(regex "(\d{3})-((\d{3})-(\d{4}))")
+... Alternation
+(regex "a|b")
+(regex "a(.)(.)|b(.)(.)")
+# library/lux/data/text/unicode/block
+## Definitions
+### Block
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/text/unicode/block.Block")
+A block of valid unicode characters\.
+### alphabetic\_presentation\_forms
+FB00\-FB4F | alphabetic presentation forms
+### arabic
+600\-6FF | arabic
+### arabic\_presentation\_forms\_a
+FB50\-FDFF | arabic presentation forms a
+### arabic\_presentation\_forms\_b
+FE70\-FEFF | arabic presentation forms b
+### armenian
+530\-58F | armenian
+### arrows
+2190\-21FF | arrows
+### basic\_latin
+0\-7F | basic latin
+### basic\_latin/decimal
+30\-39 | basic latin/decimal
+### basic\_latin/lower
+61\-7A | basic latin/lower
+### basic\_latin/upper
+41\-5A | basic latin/upper
+### bengali
+980\-9FF | bengali
+### block
+(-> library/lux/data/text.Char .Nat Block)
+(block start additional)
+### block\_elements
+2580\-259F | block elements
+### bopomofo
+3100\-312F | bopomofo
+### bopomofo\_extended
+31A0\-31BF | bopomofo extended
+### box\_drawing
+2500\-257F | box drawing
+### braille\_patterns
+2800\-28FF | braille patterns
+### buhid
+1740\-175F | buhid
+### cherokee
+13A0\-13FF | cherokee
+### cjk\_compatibility
+3300\-33FF | cjk compatibility
+### cjk\_compatibility\_forms
+FE30\-FE4F | cjk compatibility forms
+### cjk\_compatibility\_ideographs
+F900\-FAFF | cjk compatibility ideographs
+### cjk\_radicals\_supplement
+2E80\-2EFF | cjk radicals supplement
+### cjk\_symbols\_and\_punctuation
+3000\-303F | cjk symbols and punctuation
+### cjk\_unified\_ideographs
+4E00\-9FFF | cjk unified ideographs
+### cjk\_unified\_ideographs\_extension\_a
+3400\-4DBF | cjk unified ideographs extension a
+### combining\_diacritical\_marks
+300\-36F | combining diacritical marks
+### combining\_diacritical\_marks\_for\_symbols
+20D0\-20FF | combining diacritical marks for symbols
+### combining\_half\_marks
+FE20\-FE2F | combining half marks
+### control\_pictures
+2400\-243F | control pictures
+### currency\_symbols
+20A0\-20CF | currency symbols
+### cyrillic
+400\-4FF | cyrillic
+### cyrillic\_supplementary
+500\-52F | cyrillic supplementary
+### devanagari
+900\-97F | devanagari
+### dingbats
+2700\-27BF | dingbats
+### enclosed\_alphanumerics
+2460\-24FF | enclosed alphanumerics
+### enclosed\_cjk\_letters\_and\_months
+3200\-32FF | enclosed cjk letters and months
+### end
+(-> Block library/lux/data/text.Char)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Block)
+### ethiopic
+1200\-137F | ethiopic
+### general\_punctuation
+2000\-206F | general punctuation
+### geometric\_shapes
+25A0\-25FF | geometric shapes
+### georgian
+10A0\-10FF | georgian
+### greek\_and\_coptic
+370\-3FF | greek and coptic
+### greek\_extended
+1F00\-1FFF | greek extended
+### gujarati
+A80\-AFF | gujarati
+### gurmukhi
+A00\-A7F | gurmukhi
+### halfwidth\_and\_fullwidth\_forms
+FF00\-FFEF | halfwidth and fullwidth forms
+### hangul\_compatibility\_jamo
+3130\-318F | hangul compatibility jamo
+### hangul\_jamo
+1100\-11FF | hangul jamo
+### hangul\_syllables
+AC00\-D7AF | hangul syllables
+### hanunoo
+1720\-173F | hanunoo
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash Block)
+### hebrew
+590\-5FF | hebrew
+### high\_private\_use\_surrogates
+DB80\-DBFF | high private use surrogates
+### high\_surrogates
+D800\-DB7F | high surrogates
+### hiragana
+3040\-309F | hiragana
+### ideographic\_description\_characters
+2FF0\-2FFF | ideographic description characters
+### ipa\_extensions
+250\-2AF | ipa extensions
+### kanbun
+3190\-319F | kanbun
+### kangxi\_radicals
+2F00\-2FDF | kangxi radicals
+### kannada
+C80\-CFF | kannada
+### katakana
+30A0\-30FF | katakana
+### katakana\_phonetic\_extensions
+31F0\-31FF | katakana phonetic extensions
+### khmer
+1780\-17FF | khmer
+### khmer\_symbols
+19E0\-19FF | khmer symbols
+### lao
+E80\-EFF | lao
+### latin\_1\_supplement
+A0\-FF | latin 1 supplement
+### latin\_extended\_a
+100\-17F | latin extended a
+### latin\_extended\_additional
+1E00\-1EFF | latin extended additional
+### latin\_extended\_b
+180\-24F | latin extended b
+### letterlike\_symbols
+2100\-214F | letterlike symbols
+### limbu
+1900\-194F | limbu
+### low\_surrogates
+DC00\-DFFF | low surrogates
+### malayalam
+D00\-D7F | malayalam
+### mathematical\_operators
+2200\-22FF | mathematical operators
+### miscellaneous\_mathematical\_symbols\_a
+27C0\-27EF | miscellaneous mathematical symbols a
+### miscellaneous\_mathematical\_symbols\_b
+2980\-29FF | miscellaneous mathematical symbols b
+### miscellaneous\_symbols
+2600\-26FF | miscellaneous symbols
+### miscellaneous\_symbols\_and\_arrows
+2B00\-2BFF | miscellaneous symbols and arrows
+### miscellaneous\_technical
+2300\-23FF | miscellaneous technical
+### mongolian
+1800\-18AF | mongolian
+### monoid
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid Block)
+### myanmar
+1000\-109F | myanmar
+### number\_forms
+2150\-218F | number forms
+### ogham
+1680\-169F | ogham
+### optical\_character\_recognition
+2440\-245F | optical character recognition
+### oriya
+B00\-B7F | oriya
+### phonetic\_extensions
+1D00\-1D7F | phonetic extensions
+### private\_use\_area
+E000\-F8FF | private use area
+### runic
+16A0\-16FF | runic
+### sinhala
+D80\-DFF | sinhala
+### size
+(-> Block .Nat)
+### small\_form\_variants
+FE50\-FE6F | small form variants
+### spacing\_modifier\_letters
+2B0\-2FF | spacing modifier letters
+### specials
+FFF0\-FFFF | specials
+### start
+(-> Block library/lux/data/text.Char)
+### superscripts\_and\_subscripts
+2070\-209F | superscripts and subscripts
+### supplemental\_arrows\_a
+27F0\-27FF | supplemental arrows a
+### supplemental\_arrows\_b
+2900\-297F | supplemental arrows b
+### supplemental\_mathematical\_operators
+2A00\-2AFF | supplemental mathematical operators
+### syriac
+700\-74F | syriac
+### tagalog
+1700\-171F | tagalog
+### tagbanwa
+1760\-177F | tagbanwa
+### tai\_le
+1950\-197F | tai le
+### tamil
+B80\-BFF | tamil
+### telugu
+C00\-C7F | telugu
+### thaana
+780\-7BF | thaana
+### thai
+E00\-E7F | thai
+### tibetan
+F00\-FFF | tibetan
+### unified\_canadian\_aboriginal\_syllabics
+1400\-167F | unified canadian aboriginal syllabics
+### variation\_selectors
+FE00\-FE0F | variation selectors
+### within?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> Block library/lux/data/text.Char .Bit))
+(within? block char)
+### yi\_radicals
+A490\-A4CF | yi radicals
+### yi\_syllables
+A000\-A48F | yi syllables
+### yijing\_hexagram\_symbols
+4DC0\-4DFF | yijing hexagram symbols
+# library/lux/data/text/unicode/set
+## Definitions
+### Set
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/text/unicode/set.Set")
+### ascii
+### ascii/alpha
+### ascii/alpha\_num
+### ascii/lower
+### ascii/numeric
+### ascii/upper
+### character
+### composite
+(-> Set Set Set)
+### end
+(-> Set library/lux/data/text.Char)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Set)
+### full
+### member?
+(-> Set library/lux/data/text.Char .Bit)
+(member? set character)
+### non\_character
+### set
+(-> [library/lux/data/text/unicode/block.Block (.List library/lux/data/text/unicode/block.Block)] Set)
+(set [head tail])
+### start
+(-> Set library/lux/data/text.Char)
+# library/lux/debug
+## Definitions
+### :hole
+A typed 'hole'\.
+Reveals the type expected of the expression that should go in the hole\.
+(: (-> Nat Text)
+ (function (_ number)
+ (:hole)))
+... =>
+### cannot\_represent\_value
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Type)
+### here
+Shows the names and values of local bindings available around the call to 'here'\.
+(let [foo 123
+ bar +456
+ baz +789]
+ (: Any
+ (here)))
+... =>
+... foo: +123
+... bar: +456
+... baz: +789.0
+... Can optionally be given a list of definitions to focus on.
+... These definitions to focus on can include custom format to represent the values.
+(let [foo 123
+ bar +456
+ baz +789]
+ (: Any
+ (here [foo library/lux/data/text/format.nat]baz)))
+... =>
+... foo: 123
+... baz: +789.0
+### inspection
+(library/lux/data/text/format.Format .Any)
+A best\-effort attempt to generate a textual representation of a value, without knowing its type\.
+(inspection value)
+### log\!
+(-> .Text .Any)
+Prints/writes a message to standard output\.
+(log! message)
+### private
+Allows access to un\-exported definitions in other modules\.
+... Module A
+(def: .private (secret_definition input)
+ (-> ??? ???)
+ (foo (bar (baz input))))
+... Module B
+((private secret_definition) my_input)
+### representation
+(-> .Type .Any (library/lux/control/try.Try .Text))
+A best\-effort attempt to generate a textual representation of a value, while knowing its type\.
+(representation type value)
+### type\_hole
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Location .Type])
+### unknown\_local\_binding
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Text)
+# library/lux/documentation
+## Definitions
+### Definition
+... .Type
+ [#definition .Text
+ #documentation (library/lux/data/format/markdown.Markdown library/lux/data/format/markdown.Block)])
+### Module
+... .Type
+ [#module .Text
+ #description .Text
+ #expected (library/lux/data/collection/set.Set .Text)
+ #definitions (.List Definition)])
+### default
+(: Definition
+ (default documentation/lux/documentation.definition))
+### documentation
+(-> (.List Module) .Text)
+### documentation:
+(documentation: default
+ ""
+ [(: Definition
+ (default documentation/lux/documentation.definition))])
+### module
+(: (.List Module)
+ (module _
+ ""
+ [documentation/lux/documentation.default
+ documentation/lux/documentation.documentation:
+ documentation/lux/documentation.module
+ (default unqualified_symbol)
+ (default Definition)
+ (default Module)
+ (default documentation)]
+ []))
+### unqualified\_symbol
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Symbol)
+# library/lux/extension
+## Definitions
+### analysis:
+Mechanism for defining extensions to Lux's analysis/type\-checking infrastructure\.
+(analysis: ("my analysis" self phase archive [pass_through library/lux/control/parser/code.any])
+ (phase archive pass_through))
+### directive:
+(directive: ("my directive" self phase archive [parameters (library/lux/control/parser.somelibrary/lux/control/parser/code.any)])
+ (do library/lux/tool/compiler/phase.monad
+ [.let [_ (library/lux/debug.log!(format "Successfully installed directive " (library/lux/data/text/format.textself) "!"))]]
+ (in library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/directive.no_requirements)))
+### generation:
+(generation: ("my generation" self phase archive [pass_through <synthesis>.any])
+ (for [library/lux/target.jvm
+ (# library/lux/tool/compiler/phase.monadeach (|>> {library/lux/target/jvm.#Embedded}
+ library/lux/data/collection/sequence.sequence)
+ (phase archive pass_through))]
+ (phase archive pass_through)))
+### synthesis:
+Mechanism for defining extensions to Lux's synthesis/optimization infrastructure\.
+(synthesis: ("my synthesis" self phase archive [pass_through <analysis>.any])
+ (phase archive pass_through))
+# library/lux/ffi
+## Definitions
+### Boolean
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Bit")
+### Function
+... .Type
+(Object Function')
+### Null
+... .Type
+(Object Null')
+### Number
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Frac")
+### \(Object brand\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/ffi.Object" brand)
+### String
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Text")
+### Symbol
+... .Type
+(Object Symbol')
+### Undefined
+... .Type
+(Object Undefined')
+### closure
+Allows defining closures/anonymous\-functions in the form that JavaScript expects\.
+This is useful for adapting Lux functions for usage by JavaScript code\.
+(: Function
+ (closure [left right]
+ (do_something (:as Foo left) (:as Bar right))))
+### constant
+Allows using definitions from the JavaScript host platform\.
+(constant .Frac [Math PI])
+### import:
+Easily import types, methods, functions and constants\.
+(import: Uint8Array)
+(import: TextEncoder
+ ["[1]::[0]"
+ (new [String])
+ (encode [String] Uint8Array)])
+(import: TextDecoder
+ ["[1]::[0]"
+ (new [String])
+ (decode [String] String)])
+### null
+(-> .Any .Nothing)
+The null pointer\.
+### null?
+(-> .Any .Bit)
+### on\_browser?
+### on\_nashorn?
+### on\_node\_js?
+### type\_of
+The type of an object, as text\.
+(= "boolean"
+ (type_of #1))
+(= "number"
+ (type_of +123.456))
+(= "string"
+ (type_of "789"))
+(= "function"
+ (type_of (function (_ value) value)))
+# library/lux/locale
+## Definitions
+### Locale
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/locale.Locale")
+A description of a locale; with territory, \(optional\) language, and \(optional\) text\-encoding\.
+### code
+(-> Locale .Text)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Locale)
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash Locale)
+### locale
+(-> library/lux/locale/language.Language (.Maybe library/lux/locale/territory.Territory) (.Maybe library/lux/data/text/encoding.Encoding) Locale)
+(locale language territory encoding)
+# library/lux/locale/language
+## Definitions
+### Language
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/locale/language.Language")
+An ISO 639 language\.
+### abkhazian
+### achinese
+### acoli
+### adangme
+### adyghe
+### afar
+### afrihili
+### afrikaans
+### afro\_asiatic
+### ainu
+### akan
+### akkadian
+### albanian
+### alemannic
+### aleut
+### algonquian
+### alsatian
+### altaic
+### amharic
+### ancient\_greek
+### angika
+### apache
+### arabic
+### aragonese
+### arapaho
+### arawak
+### armenian
+### aromanian
+### artificial
+### arumanian
+### assamese
+### asturian
+### asturleonese
+### athapascan
+### australian
+### austronesian
+### avaric
+### avestan
+### awadhi
+### aymara
+### azerbaijani
+### bable
+### balinese
+### baltic
+### baluchi
+### bambara
+### bamileke
+### banda
+### bantu
+### basa
+### bashkir
+### basque
+### batak
+### beja
+### belarusian
+### bemba
+### bengali
+### berber
+### bhojpuri
+### bihari
+### bikol
+### bilin
+### bini
+### bislama
+### blin
+### blissymbols
+### bokmal
+### bosnian
+### braj
+### breton
+### buginese
+### bulgarian
+### buriat
+### burmese
+### caddo
+### castilian
+### catalan
+### caucasian
+### cebuano
+### celtic
+### central\_american\_indian
+### central\_khmer
+### chagatai
+### chamic
+### chamorro
+### chechen
+### cherokee
+### chewa
+### cheyenne
+### chibcha
+### chichewa
+### chinese
+### chinook
+### chipewyan
+### choctaw
+### church\_slavic
+### church\_slavonic
+### chuukese
+### chuvash
+### classical\_nepal\_bhasa
+### classical\_newari
+### classical\_syriac
+### code
+(-> Language .Text)
+### cook\_islands\_maori
+### coptic
+### cornish
+### corsican
+### cree
+### creek
+### creoles\_and\_pidgins
+### creoles\_and\_pidgins/english
+### creoles\_and\_pidgins/french
+### creoles\_and\_pidgins/portuguese
+### crimean
+### croatian
+### cushitic
+### czech
+### dakota
+### danish
+### dargwa
+### delaware
+### dhivehi
+### dimili
+### dimli
+### dinka
+### dogri
+### dogrib
+### dravidian
+### duala
+### dutch
+### dyula
+### dzongkha
+### eastern\_frisian
+### edo
+### efik
+### egyptian
+### ekajuk
+### elamite
+### english
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Language)
+### erzya
+### esperanto
+### estonian
+### ewe
+### ewondo
+### fang
+### fanti
+### faroese
+### fijian
+### filipino
+### finnish
+### finno\_ugrian
+### flemish
+### fon
+### french
+### friulian
+### fulah
+### ga
+### gaelic
+### galibi\_carib
+### galician
+### ganda
+### gayo
+### gbaya
+### geez
+### georgian
+### german
+### germanic
+### gikuyu
+### gilbertese
+### gondi
+### gorontalo
+### gothic
+### grebo
+### greek
+### greenlandic
+### guarani
+### gujarati
+### gwich'in
+### haida
+### haitian
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash Language)
+### hausa
+### hawaiian
+### hebrew
+### herero
+### hiligaynon
+### himachali
+### hindi
+### hiri\_motu
+### hittite
+### hmong
+### hungarian
+### hupa
+### iban
+### icelandic
+### ido
+### igbo
+### ijo
+### iloko
+### imperial\_aramaic
+### inari
+### indic
+### indo\_european
+### indonesian
+### ingush
+### interlingua
+### interlingue
+### inuktitut
+### inupiaq
+### iranian
+### irish
+### iroquoian
+### italian
+### japanese
+### javanese
+### jingpho
+### judeo\_arabic
+### judeo\_persian
+### kabardian
+### kabyle
+### kachin
+### kalaallisut
+### kalmyk
+### kamba
+### kannada
+### kanuri
+### kapampangan
+### kara\_kalpak
+### karachay\_balkar
+### karelian
+### karen
+### kashmiri
+### kashubian
+### kawi
+### kazakh
+### khasi
+### khoisan
+### khotanese
+### kimbundu
+### kinyarwanda
+### kirdki
+### kirmanjki
+### klingon
+### komi
+### kongo
+### konkani
+### korean
+### kosraean
+### kpelle
+### kru
+### kumyk
+### kurdish
+### kurukh
+### kutenai
+### kwanyama
+### kyrgyz
+### ladino
+### lahnda
+### lamba
+### land\_dayak
+### lao
+### latin
+### latvian
+### leonese
+### lezghian
+### limburgan
+### lingala
+### lithuanian
+### lojban
+### low\_german
+### lower\_sorbian
+### lozi
+### luba\_katanga
+### luba\_lulua
+### luiseno
+### lule
+### lunda
+### luo
+### lushai
+### luxembourgish
+### macedo\_romanian
+### macedonian
+### madurese
+### magahi
+### maithili
+### makasar
+### malagasy
+### malay
+### malayalam
+### maldivian
+### maltese
+### manchu
+### mandar
+### mandingo
+### manipuri
+### manobo
+### manx
+### maori
+### mapudungun
+### marathi
+### mari
+### marshallese
+### marwari
+### masai
+### mayan
+### mende
+### mi'kmaq
+### micmac
+### middle\_dutch
+### middle\_english
+### middle\_french
+### middle\_high\_german
+### middle\_irish
+### minangkabau
+### mirandese
+### mohawk
+### moksha
+### moldavian
+### moldovan
+### mon\_khmer
+### mongo
+### mongolian
+### montenegrin
+### mossi
+### multiple
+### munda
+### n'ko
+### nahuatl
+### name
+(-> Language .Text)
+### nauru
+### navajo
+### ndonga
+### neapolitan
+### nepal\_bhasa
+### nepali
+### newari
+### nias
+### niger\_kordofanian
+### nilo\_saharan
+### niuean
+### nogai
+### north\_american\_indian
+### north\_ndebele
+### northern\_frisian
+### northern\_sami
+### northern\_sotho
+### norwegian
+### not\_applicable
+### nubian
+### nuosu
+### nyamwezi
+### nyanja
+### nyankole
+### nynorsk
+### nyoro
+### nzima
+### occitan
+### official\_aramaic
+### oirat
+### ojibwa
+### old\_bulgarian
+### old\_church\_slavonic
+### old\_english
+### old\_french
+### old\_high\_german
+### old\_irish
+### old\_newari
+### old\_norse
+### old\_persian
+### old\_provencal
+### old\_slavonic
+### oriya
+### oromo
+### osage
+### ossetic
+### otomian
+### ottoman\_turkish
+### pahlavi
+### palauan
+### pali
+### pampanga
+### pangasinan
+### papiamento
+### papuan
+### pashto
+### pedi
+### persian
+### philippine
+### phoenician
+### pohnpeian
+### polish
+### portuguese
+### prakrit
+### provencal
+### punjabi
+### quechua
+### rajasthani
+### rapanui
+### rarotongan
+### romance
+### romanian
+### romansh
+### romany
+### rundi
+### russian
+### sakan
+### salishan
+### samaritan\_aramaic
+### sami
+### samoan
+### sandawe
+### sango
+### sanskrit
+### santali
+### sardinian
+### sasak
+### scots
+### selkup
+### semitic
+### sepedi
+### serbian
+### serer
+### shan
+### shona
+### sichuan\_yi
+### sicilian
+### sidamo
+### sign
+### siksika
+### sindhi
+### sinhalese
+### sino\_tibetan
+### siouan
+### skolt\_sami
+### slavey
+### slavic
+### slovak
+### slovenian
+### sogdian
+### somali
+### songhai
+### soninke
+### sorbian
+### south\_american\_indian
+### south\_ndebele
+### southern\_altai
+### southern\_sami
+### southern\_sotho
+### spanish
+### sranan\_tongo
+### standard\_moroccan\_tamazight
+### sukuma
+### sumerian
+### sundanese
+### susu
+### swahili
+### swati
+### swedish
+### swiss\_german
+### syriac
+### tagalog
+### tahitian
+### tai
+### tajik
+### tamashek
+### tamil
+### tatar
+### telugu
+### tereno
+### tetum
+### thai
+### tibetan
+### tigre
+### tigrinya
+### timne
+### tiv
+### tlingit
+### tok\_pisin
+### tokelau
+### tonga
+### tongan
+### tsimshian
+### tsonga
+### tswana
+### tumbuka
+### tupi
+### turkish
+### turkmen
+### tuvalu
+### tuvinian
+### twi
+### udmurt
+### ugaritic
+### ukrainian
+### umbundu
+### uncoded
+### undetermined
+### upper\_sorbian
+### urdu
+### uyghur
+### uzbek
+### vai
+### valencian
+### venda
+### vietnamese
+### volapük
+### votic
+### wakashan
+### walamo
+### walloon
+### waray
+### washo
+### welsh
+### western\_frisian
+### wolof
+### xhosa
+### yakut
+### yao
+### yapese
+### yiddish
+### yoruba
+### yupik
+### zande
+### zapotec
+### zaza
+### zazaki
+### zenaga
+### zhuang
+### zulu
+### zuni
+# library/lux/locale/territory
+## Definitions
+### Territory
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/locale/territory.Territory")
+An ISO 3166 territory\.
+### afghanistan
+### aland\_islands
+### albania
+### algeria
+### american\_samoa
+### andorra
+### angola
+### anguilla
+### antarctica
+### antigua
+### argentina
+### armenia
+### aruba
+### ascension
+### australia
+### austria
+### azerbaijan
+### bahrain
+### bangladesh
+### barbados
+### barbuda
+### belarus
+### belgium
+### belize
+### benin
+### bermuda
+### bhutan
+### bolivia
+### bonaire
+### bosnia
+### botswana
+### bouvet\_island
+### brazil
+### british\_indian\_ocean\_territory
+### british\_virgin\_islands
+### brunei\_darussalam
+### bulgaria
+### burkina\_faso
+### burundi
+### caicos\_islands
+### cambodia
+### cameroon
+### canada
+### cape\_verde
+### cayman\_islands
+### central\_african\_republic
+### chad
+### chile
+### china
+### christmas\_island
+### cocos\_islands
+### colombia
+### comoros
+### congo
+### cook\_islands
+### costa\_rica
+### croatia
+### cuba
+### curacao
+### cyprus
+### czech\_republic
+### democratic\_republic\_of\_the\_congo
+### denmark
+### djibouti
+### dominica
+### dominican\_republic
+### east\_timor
+### ecuador
+### egypt
+### el\_salvador
+### equatorial\_guinea
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Territory)
+### eritrea
+### estonia
+### eswatini
+### ethiopia
+### falkland\_islands
+### faroe\_islands
+### fiji
+### finland
+### france
+### french\_guiana
+### french\_polynesia
+### french\_southern\_territories
+### futuna
+### gabon
+### georgia
+### germany
+### ghana
+### gibraltar
+### greece
+### greenland
+### grenada
+### guadeloupe
+### guam
+### guatemala
+### guernsey
+### guinea
+### guinea\_bissau
+### guyana
+### haiti
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash Territory)
+### heard\_island
+### herzegovina
+### honduras
+### hong\_kong
+### hungary
+### iceland
+### india
+### indonesia
+### iran
+### iraq
+### ireland
+### isle\_of\_man
+### israel
+### italy
+### ivory\_coast
+### jamaica
+### jan\_mayen
+### japan
+### jersey
+### jordan
+### kazakhstan
+### kenya
+### kiribati
+### kuwait
+### kyrgyzstan
+### laos
+### latvia
+### lebanon
+### lesotho
+### liberia
+### libya
+### liechtenstein
+### lithuania
+### long\_code
+(-> Territory .Text)
+### luxembourg
+### macau
+### macedonia
+### madagascar
+### malawi
+### malaysia
+### maldives
+### mali
+### malta
+### marshall\_islands
+### martinique
+### mauritania
+### mauritius
+### mayotte
+### mcdonald\_islands
+### mexico
+### micronesia
+### miquelon
+### moldova
+### monaco
+### mongolia
+### montenegro
+### montserrat
+### morocco
+### mozambique
+### myanmar
+### name
+(-> Territory .Text)
+### namibia
+### nauru
+### nepal
+### netherlands
+### nevis
+### new\_caledonia
+### new\_zealand
+### nicaragua
+### niger
+### nigeria
+### niue
+### norfolk\_island
+### north\_korea
+### northern\_ireland
+### northern\_mariana\_islands
+### norway
+### numeric\_code
+(-> Territory .Nat)
+### oman
+### pakistan
+### palau
+### palestine
+### panama
+### papua\_new\_guinea
+### paraguay
+### peru
+### philippines
+### pitcairn\_islands
+### poland
+### portugal
+### principe
+### puerto\_rico
+### qatar
+### reunion
+### romania
+### russia
+### rwanda
+### saba
+### saint\_barthelemy
+### saint\_helena
+### saint\_kitts
+### saint\_lucia
+### saint\_martin
+### saint\_pierre
+### saint\_vincent
+### samoa
+### san\_marino
+### sao\_tome
+### saudi\_arabia
+### senegal
+### serbia
+### seychelles
+### short\_code
+(-> Territory .Text)
+### sierra\_leone
+### singapore
+### sint\_eustatius
+### sint\_maarten
+### slovakia
+### slovenia
+### solomon\_islands
+### somalia
+### south\_africa
+### south\_georgia
+### south\_korea
+### south\_sandwich\_islands
+### south\_sudan
+### spain
+### sri\_lanka
+### sudan
+### suriname
+### svalbard
+### sweden
+### switzerland
+### syria
+### taiwan
+### tajikistan
+### tanzania
+### thailand
+### the\_bahamas
+### the\_gambia
+### the\_grenadines
+### tobago
+### togo
+### tokelau
+### tonga
+### trinidad
+### tristan\_da\_cunha
+### tunisia
+### turkey
+### turkmenistan
+### turks
+### tuvalu
+### uganda
+### ukraine
+### united\_arab\_emirates
+### united\_kingdom
+### united\_states\_minor\_outlying\_islands
+### united\_states\_of\_america
+### united\_states\_virgin\_islands
+### uruguay
+### uzbekistan
+### vanuatu
+### vatican\_city
+### venezuela
+### vietnam
+### wallis
+### western\_sahara
+### yemen
+### zambia
+### zimbabwe
+# library/lux/macro
+## Definitions
+### expansion
+(-> .Code (.Meta (.List .Code)))
+Given code that requires applying a macro, expands repeatedly until no more direct macro\-calls are left\.
+Otherwise, returns the code as\-is\.
+(expansion syntax)
+### full\_expansion
+(-> .Code (.Meta (.List .Code)))
+Expands all macro\-calls everywhere recursively, until only primitive/base code remains\.
+(full_expansion syntax)
+### log\_expansion\!
+Performs a macro\-expansion and logs the resulting code\.
+You can either use the resulting code, or omit them\.
+By omitting them, this macro produces nothing \(just like the lux\.comment macro\)\.
+ (def: (foo bar baz)
+ (-> Int Int Int)
+ (int.+ bar baz)))
+(log_expansion! "omit"
+ (def: (foo bar baz)
+ (-> Int Int Int)
+ (int.+ bar baz)))
+### log\_full\_expansion\!
+Performs a macro\-expansion and logs the resulting code\.
+You can either use the resulting code, or omit them\.
+By omitting them, this macro produces nothing \(just like the lux\.comment macro\)\.
+ (def: (foo bar baz)
+ (-> Int Int Int)
+ (int.+ bar baz)))
+(log_full_expansion! "omit"
+ (def: (foo bar baz)
+ (-> Int Int Int)
+ (int.+ bar baz)))
+### log\_single\_expansion\!
+Performs a macro\-expansion and logs the resulting code\.
+You can either use the resulting code, or omit them\.
+By omitting them, this macro produces nothing \(just like the lux\.comment macro\)\.
+ (def: (foo bar baz)
+ (-> Int Int Int)
+ (int.+ bar baz)))
+(log_single_expansion! "omit"
+ (def: (foo bar baz)
+ (-> Int Int Int)
+ (int.+ bar baz)))
+### one\_expansion
+(-> .Code (.Meta .Code))
+Works just like expand, except that it ensures that the output is a single Code token\.
+(one_expansion token)
+### single\_expansion
+(-> .Code (.Meta (.List .Code)))
+Given code that requires applying a macro, does it once and returns the result\.
+Otherwise, returns the code as\-is\.
+(single_expansion syntax)
+### symbol
+(-> .Text (.Meta .Code))
+Generates a unique name as a Code node \(ready to be used in code templates\)\.
+A prefix can be given \(or just be empty text\) to better identify the code for debugging purposes\.
+(symbol prefix)
+### with\_symbols
+Creates new symbols and offers them to the body expression\.
+(syntax: (synchronized [lock any
+ body any])
+ (with_symbols [g!lock g!body g!_]
+ (in (list (` (let [(~ g!lock) (~ lock)
+ (~ g!_) ("jvm monitorenter" (~ g!lock))
+ (~ g!body) (~ body)
+ (~ g!_) ("jvm monitorexit" (~ g!lock))]
+ (~ g!body)))))))
+### wrong\_syntax\_error
+(-> .Symbol .Text)
+A generic error message for macro syntax failures\.
+# library/lux/macro/code
+## Definitions
+### bit
+(-> .Bit .Code)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence .Code)
+### form
+(-> (.List .Code) .Code)
+### format
+(-> .Code .Text)
+### frac
+(-> .Frac .Code)
+### int
+(-> .Int .Code)
+### local\_symbol
+(-> .Text .Code)
+Produces a local symbol \(an symbol with no module prefix\)\.
+### nat
+(-> .Nat .Code)
+### replaced
+(-> .Code .Code .Code .Code)
+(replaced original substitute ast)
+### rev
+(-> .Rev .Code)
+### symbol
+(-> .Symbol .Code)
+### text
+(-> .Text .Code)
+### tuple
+(-> (.List .Code) .Code)
+### variant
+(-> (.List .Code) .Code)
+# library/lux/macro/local
+## Definitions
+### cannot\_shadow\_definition
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Text .Text])
+### push
+(-> (.List [.Symbol .Macro]) (.Meta .Code))
+Installs macros in the compiler\-state, with the given names\.
+Yields code that can be placed either as expression or as directives\.
+This code un\-installs the macros\.
+NOTE: Always use this code once to clean\-up\.\.
+(push macros)
+### unknown\_definition
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Text .Text])
+### unknown\_module
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Text)
+# library/lux/macro/syntax
+## Definitions
+### syntax:
+A more advanced way to define macros than 'macro:'\.
+The inputs to the macro can be parsed in complex ways through the use of syntax parsers\.
+The macro body is also \(implicitly\) run in the Meta monad, to save some typing\.
+Also, the compiler state can be accessed through the \*lux\* binding\.
+(syntax: .public (object [.let [imports (class_imports *lux*)]
+ .let [class_vars (list)]
+ super (opt (super_class_decl^ imports class_vars))
+ interfaces (tuple (some (super_class_decl^ imports class_vars)))
+ constructor_args (constructor_args^ imports class_vars)
+ methods (some (overriden_method_def^ imports))])
+ (let [def_code ($_ text#composite "anon-class:"
+ (spaced (list (super_class_decl$ (maybe.else object_super_class super))
+ (with_brackets (spaced (list#each super_class_decl$ interfaces)))
+ (with_brackets (spaced (list#each constructor_arg$ constructor_args)))
+ (with_brackets (spaced (list#each (method_def$ id) methods))))))]
+ (in (list (` ((~ (code.text def_code))))))))
+# library/lux/macro/syntax/check
+## Definitions
+### Check
+... .Type
+ [#type .Code
+ #value .Code])
+A type annotation for an expression\.
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Check)
+### format
+(-> Check .Code)
+### parser
+(library/lux/control/parser/code.Parser Check)
+# library/lux/macro/syntax/declaration
+## Definitions
+### Declaration
+... .Type
+ [#name .Text
+ #arguments (.List .Text)])
+A declaration for either a constant or a function\.
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Declaration)
+### format
+(-> Declaration .Code)
+### parser
+(library/lux/control/parser/code.Parser Declaration)
+A parser for declaration syntax\.
+... Such as:
+(foo bar baz)
+# library/lux/macro/syntax/definition
+## Definitions
+### Definition
+... .Type
+ [#name .Text
+ #value (.Either library/lux/macro/syntax/check.Check .Code)
+ #export? .Bit])
+Syntax for a constant definition\.
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Definition)
+### format
+(-> Definition .Code)
+### lacks\_type
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception Definition)
+### parser
+(-> .Lux (library/lux/control/parser/code.Parser Definition))
+A reader that first macro\-expands and then analyses the input Code, to ensure it is a definition\.
+(parser compiler)
+### typed
+(-> .Lux (library/lux/control/parser/code.Parser Definition))
+Only works for typed definitions\.
+(typed compiler)
+# library/lux/macro/syntax/export
+Syntax for marking a definition as an export\.
+## Definitions
+### default\_policy
+### parser
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/control/parser/code.Parser _0) (library/lux/control/parser/code.Parser [.Code _0])))
+(parser un_exported)
+# library/lux/macro/syntax/input
+## Definitions
+### Input
+... .Type
+ [#binding .Code
+ #type .Code])
+The common typed\-argument syntax used by many macros\.
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Input)
+### format
+(-> (.List Input) .Code)
+### parser
+(library/lux/control/parser/code.Parser (.List Input))
+Parser for the common typed\-argument syntax used by many macros\.
+# library/lux/macro/syntax/type/variable
+## Definitions
+### Variable
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Text")
+A variable's name\.
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Variable)
+### format
+(-> Variable .Code)
+### parser
+(library/lux/control/parser/code.Parser Variable)
+Parser for the common type variable/parameter used by many macros\.
+# library/lux/macro/template
+Utilities commonly used while templating\.
+## Definitions
+### amount
+(amount [a b c d])
+... =>
+### irregular\_arguments
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Nat .Nat])
+### let
+Lexically\-bound templates\.
+(let [(!square <root>)
+ [(* <root> <root>)]]
+ (def: (square root)
+ (-> Nat Nat)
+ (!square root)))
+### spliced
+(spliced [a b c d])
+... =>
+### symbol
+An symbol made by concatenating pieces of code\.
+The \(optional\) module part and the short part are specified independently\.
+(symbol ["abc" .def documentation/lux/macro/template.ghi])
+... =>
+(symbol [.def] ["abc" .def documentation/lux/macro/template.ghi])
+... =>
+### text
+A text literal made by concatenating pieces of code\.
+(text [#0 123 +456 +789 "abc" .def documentation/lux/macro/template.ghi])
+... =>
+... #0123+456+789.0abcdefghi
+### with\_locals
+Creates names for local bindings aliased by the names you choose\.
+(with_locals [my_var]
+ (let [my_var 123]
+ (text [my_var])))
+... =>
+... __gensym__my_var506
+# library/lux/math
+Common mathematical constants and functions\.
+## Definitions
+### acos
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### acosh
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### acoth
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### acsch
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### asech
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### asin
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### asinh
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### atan
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### atan/2
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Frac)
+(atan/2 x y)
+### atanh
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### ceil
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### cos
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### cosh
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### coth
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### csch
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### e
+The base of the natural logarithm\.
+### exp
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### factorial
+(-> .Nat .Nat)
+### floor
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### hypotenuse
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Frac)
+### log
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### log\_by
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Frac)
+(log_by base it)
+### pi
+The ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter\.
+### pow
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Frac)
+(pow param subject)
+### root/2
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### root/3
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### round
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### sech
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### sin
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### sinh
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### tan
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### tanh
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### tau
+The ratio of a circle's circumference to its radius\.
+# library/lux/math/infix
+## Definitions
+### infix
+Infix math syntax\.
+The rules for infix syntax are simple\.
+If you want your binary function to work well with it\.
+Then take the argument to the right \(y\) as your first argument,
+and take the argument to the left \(x\) as your second argument\.
+... Binary functions
+(infix [x * +10])
+... =>
+(* +10 x)
+... Nested infix
+(infix [[x + y] * [x - y]])
+... =>
+(* (- y x) (+ y x))
+... Unary functions
+(infix [sin [x + y]])
+... =>
+(sin (+ y x))
+... Also works with logic
+(infix [[x < y] and [y < z]])
+... =>
+(and (< z y)
+ (< y x))
+... Forms are left as-is
+(infix [(* 3 9) gcd 450])
+... =>
+(gcd 450 (* 3 9))
+# library/lux/math/logic/continuous
+Continuous logic using Rev values\.
+Continuous logic is logic in the interval \[0,1\] instead of just the binary \#0 and \#1 options\.
+Because Rev is being used, the interval is actual \[0,1\)\.
+## Definitions
+### =
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Rev)
+### and
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Rev)
+### conjunction
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Rev)
+### disjunction
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Rev)
+### false
+### implies
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Rev)
+(implies consequent antecedent)
+### not
+(-> .Rev .Rev)
+### or
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Rev)
+### true
+# library/lux/math/logic/fuzzy
+Fuzzy logic, implemented on top of the Rev type\.
+## Definitions
+### \(Fuzzy it\)
+... .Type
+(-> it .Rev)
+A fuzzy set\.
+### complement
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Fuzzy _0) (Fuzzy _0)))
+### cut
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Rev (Fuzzy _0) (Fuzzy _0)))
+(cut treshold set)
+### difference
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Fuzzy _0) (Fuzzy _0) (Fuzzy _0)))
+(difference sub base)
+### empty
+### full
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor/contravariant.Functor Fuzzy)
+### gradient
+(-> .Rev .Rev (Fuzzy .Rev))
+(gradient from to)
+### intersection
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Fuzzy _0) (Fuzzy _0) (Fuzzy _0)))
+### membership
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Fuzzy _0) _0 .Rev))
+(membership set elem)
+### of\_predicate
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (Fuzzy _0)))
+(of_predicate predicate)
+### of\_set
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/data/collection/set.Set _0) (Fuzzy _0)))
+### predicate
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Rev (Fuzzy _0) (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0)))
+(predicate treshold set)
+### trapezoid
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Rev .Rev (Fuzzy .Rev))
+(trapezoid bottom middle_bottom middle_top top)
+### triangle
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Rev (Fuzzy .Rev))
+(triangle bottom middle top)
+### union
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Fuzzy _0) (Fuzzy _0) (Fuzzy _0)))
+# library/lux/math/modular
+## Definitions
+### \*
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Mod _0) (Mod _0) (Mod _0)))
+### \+
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Mod _0) (Mod _0) (Mod _0)))
+### \-
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Mod _0) (Mod _0) (Mod _0)))
+### <
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Mod _0) (Mod _0) .Bit))
+### <=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Mod _0) (Mod _0) .Bit))
+### =
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Mod _0) (Mod _0) .Bit))
+### >
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Mod _0) (Mod _0) .Bit))
+### >=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Mod _0) (Mod _0) .Bit))
+### \(Mod %\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/math/modular.Mod" %)
+A number under a modulus\.
+### adapter
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/math/modulus.Modulus _0) (library/lux/math/modulus.Modulus _1) (library/lux/control/try.Try (-> (Mod _1) (Mod _0)))))
+(adapter reference subject)
+### addition
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/math/modulus.Modulus _0) (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid (Mod _0))))
+### codec
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/math/modulus.Modulus _0) (library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text (Mod _0))))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Mod _0)))
+### incorrect\_modulus
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/control/exception.Exception [(library/lux/math/modulus.Modulus _0) .Int]))
+### inverse
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Mod _0) (.Maybe (Mod _0))))
+### modular
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/math/modulus.Modulus _0) .Int (Mod _0)))
+(modular modulus value)
+### moduli\_are\_not\_equal
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (library/lux/control/exception.Exception [(library/lux/math/modulus.Modulus _0) (library/lux/math/modulus.Modulus _1)]))
+### modulus
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Mod _0) (library/lux/math/modulus.Modulus _0)))
+### multiplication
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/math/modulus.Modulus _0) (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid (Mod _0))))
+### order
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/order.Order (Mod _0)))
+### value
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Mod _0) .Int))
+# library/lux/math/modulus
+## Definitions
+### =
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Modulus _0) (Modulus _1) .Bit))
+### \(Modulus %\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/math/modulus.Modulus" %)
+A number used as a modulus in modular arithmetic\.
+It cannot be 0\.
+### congruent?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Modulus _0) .Int .Int .Bit))
+(congruent? modulus reference subject)
+### divisor
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Modulus _0) .Int))
+### literal
+... Success!
+(literal 123)
+... Failure!
+(literal 0)
+### modulus
+(Ex (_ _0)
+ (-> .Int (library/lux/control/try.Try (Modulus _0))))
+### zero\_cannot\_be\_a\_modulus
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+# library/lux/math/number
+## Definitions
+### bin
+Given syntax for a binary number, generates a Nat, an Int, a Rev or a Frac\.
+(bin "11001001")
+... Allows for the presence of commas (,) among the digits.
+(bin "11,00,10,01")
+### hex
+Given syntax for a hexadecimal number, generates a Nat, an Int, a Rev or a Frac\.
+(hex "deadBEEF")
+... Allows for the presence of commas (,) among the digits.
+(hex "dead,BEEF")
+### oct
+Given syntax for a octal number, generates a Nat, an Int, a Rev or a Frac\.
+(oct "615243")
+... Allows for the presence of commas (,) among the digits.
+(oct "615,243")
+# library/lux/math/number/complex
+Complex arithmetic\.
+## Definitions
+### %
+(-> Complex Complex Complex)
+### \*
+(-> Complex Complex Complex)
+### \*'
+(-> .Frac Complex Complex)
+### \+
+(-> Complex Complex Complex)
+### \+one
+### \-
+(-> Complex Complex Complex)
+### \-one
+### /
+(-> Complex Complex Complex)
+### /'
+(-> .Frac Complex Complex)
+### =
+(-> Complex Complex .Bit)
+### Complex
+... .Type
+ [#real .Frac
+ #imaginary .Frac])
+A complex number\.
+### abs
+(-> Complex .Frac)
+### acos
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### approximately?
+(-> .Frac Complex Complex .Bit)
+### argument
+(-> Complex .Frac)
+### asin
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### atan
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### complex
+Complex literals\.
+(complex real imaginary)
+... The imaginary part can be omitted if it's +0.0.
+(complex real)
+### conjugate
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### cos
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### cosh
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Complex)
+### exp
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### i
+### log
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### not\_a\_number?
+(-> Complex .Bit)
+### opposite
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### pow
+(-> Complex Complex Complex)
+### pow'
+(-> .Frac Complex Complex)
+### reciprocal
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### root/2
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### roots
+(-> .Nat Complex (.List Complex))
+### signum
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### sin
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### sinh
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### tan
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### tanh
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### zero
+# library/lux/math/number/frac
+## Definitions
+### %
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Frac)
+Frac\(tion\) remainder\.
+### \*
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Frac)
+Frac\(tion\) multiplication\.
+### \+
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Frac)
+Frac\(tion\) addition\.
+### \-
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Frac)
+Frac\(tion\) substraction\.
+### /
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Frac)
+Frac\(tion\) division\.
+### /%
+(-> .Frac .Frac [.Frac .Frac])
+(/% param subject)
+### <
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Bit)
+Frac\(tion\) less\-than\.
+(< reference sample)
+### <=
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Bit)
+Frac\(tion\) less\-than or equal\.
+(<= reference sample)
+### =
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Bit)
+Frac\(tion\) equivalence\.
+(= reference sample)
+### >
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Bit)
+Frac\(tion\) greater\-than\.
+(> reference sample)
+### >=
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Bit)
+Frac\(tion\) greater\-than or equal\.
+(>= reference sample)
+### abs
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### addition
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Frac)
+### approximately?
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Frac .Bit)
+(approximately? margin_of_error standard value)
+### biggest
+### binary
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Frac)
+### bits
+(-> .Frac .I64)
+### decimal
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Frac)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence .Frac)
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash .Frac)
+### hex
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Frac)
+### int
+(-> .Frac .Int)
+### max
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Frac)
+Frac\(tion\) minimum\.
+### maximum
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Frac)
+### min
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Frac)
+Frac\(tion\) minimum\.
+### minimum
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Frac)
+### mod
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Frac .Frac .Frac))
+(mod divisor dividend)
+### multiplication
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Frac)
+### nat
+(-> .Frac .Nat)
+### negative?
+(library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate .Frac)
+### negative\_infinity
+Negative infinity\.
+### not\_a\_number
+Not a number\.
+### not\_a\_number?
+(-> .Frac .Bit)
+Tests whether a frac is actually not\-a\-number\.
+(not_a_number? it)
+### number?
+(-> .Frac .Bit)
+### octal
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Frac)
+### of\_bits
+(-> .I64 .Frac)
+### opposite
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order .Frac)
+### positive?
+(library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate .Frac)
+### positive\_infinity
+Positive infinity\.
+### rev
+(-> .Frac .Rev)
+### signum
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### smallest
+### zero?
+(library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate .Frac)
+# library/lux/math/number/i16
+## Definitions
+### I16
+... .Type
+(.I64 (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/math/number/i16",13,17 0}"))
+A 16\-bit integer\.
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (.I64 (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/math/number/i16",13,17 0}")))
+### i16
+(-> .I64 (.I64 (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/math/number/i16",13,17 0}")))
+### i64
+(-> (.I64 (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/math/number/i16",13,17 0}")) .I64)
+### width
+# library/lux/math/number/i32
+## Definitions
+### I32
+... .Type
+(.I64 (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/math/number/i32",13,17 0}"))
+A 32\-bit integer\.
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (.I64 (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/math/number/i32",13,17 0}")))
+### i32
+(-> .I64 (.I64 (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/math/number/i32",13,17 0}")))
+### i64
+(-> (.I64 (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/math/number/i32",13,17 0}")) .I64)
+### width
+# library/lux/math/number/i64
+## Definitions
+### Mask
+... .Type
+(All (Mask _0)
+ (Primitive "#I64" _0))
+A pattern of bits that can be imposed on I64 values\.
+### \(Sub width\)
+... .Type
+ [&equivalence (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (.I64 width))
+ bits .Nat
+ narrow (-> .I64 (.I64 width))
+ wide (-> (.I64 width) .I64)])
+A sub\-space of I64 with a reduce amount of bits\.
+### and
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.I64 .Any) (.I64 _0) (.I64 _0)))
+Bitwise and\.
+### bit
+(-> .Nat Mask)
+A mask with only a specific bit set\.
+(bit position)
+### bits\_per\_byte
+### bytes\_per\_i64
+### conjunction
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid (.I64 _0)))
+### disjunction
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid (.I64 _0)))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (.I64 _0)))
+### false
+### flipped
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.I64 _0) (.I64 _0)))
+Flip bit at given index\.
+### hash
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash (.I64 _0)))
+### left\_rotated
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.I64 _0) (.I64 _0)))
+### left\_shifted
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.I64 _0) (.I64 _0)))
+Bitwise left\-shift\.
+### mask
+(-> .Nat Mask)
+Mask a block of bits of the specified size\.
+(mask amount_of_bits)
+### not
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.I64 _0) (.I64 _0)))
+Bitwise negation\.
+### one
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.I64 _0) (.I64 _0)))
+Set bit at given index\.
+### one?
+(-> .Nat (.I64 .Any) .Bit)
+(one? index input)
+### ones
+(-> (.I64 .Any) .Nat)
+Count the number of 1s in a bit\-map\.
+(ones it)
+### or
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.I64 .Any) (.I64 _0) (.I64 _0)))
+Bitwise or\.
+### region
+(-> .Nat .Nat Mask)
+A mask for a block of bits of the given size, starting at the given offset\.
+(region offset size)
+### reversed
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.I64 _0) (.I64 _0)))
+### right\_rotated
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.I64 _0) (.I64 _0)))
+### right\_shifted
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.I64 _0) (.I64 _0)))
+Unsigned/logic bitwise right\-shift\.
+### sign
+A mask for the sign bit of ints\.
+### sub
+(Ex (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.Maybe (Sub _0))))
+Given a width in the interval \(0,64\), yields an implementation for integers of that width\.
+(sub width)
+### true
+### width
+### xor
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.I64 .Any) (.I64 _0) (.I64 _0)))
+Bitwise xor\.
+### zero
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.I64 _0) (.I64 _0)))
+Clear bit at the given index\.
+### zero?
+(-> .Nat (.I64 .Any) .Bit)
+(zero? index input)
+# library/lux/math/number/i8
+## Definitions
+### I8
+... .Type
+(.I64 (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/math/number/i8",13,17 0}"))
+A 8\-bit integer\.
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (.I64 (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/math/number/i8",13,17 0}")))
+### i64
+(-> (.I64 (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/math/number/i8",13,17 0}")) .I64)
+### i8
+(-> .I64 (.I64 (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/math/number/i8",13,17 0}")))
+### width
+# library/lux/math/number/int
+## Definitions
+### %
+(-> .Int .Int .Int)
+Int\(eger\) remainder\.
+### \*
+(-> .Int .Int .Int)
+Int\(eger\) multiplication\.
+### \+
+(-> .Int .Int .Int)
+Int\(eger\) addition\.
+### \-
+(-> .Int .Int .Int)
+Int\(eger\) substraction\.
+### /
+(-> .Int .Int .Int)
+Int\(eger\) division\.
+### /%
+(-> .Int .Int [.Int .Int])
+Int\(eger\) \[division remainder\]\.
+### <
+(-> .Int .Int .Bit)
+Int\(eger\) less\-than\.
+(< reference sample)
+### <=
+(-> .Int .Int .Bit)
+Int\(eger\) less\-than or equal\.
+(<= reference sample)
+### =
+(-> .Int .Int .Bit)
+Int\(eger\) equivalence\.
+(= reference sample)
+### >
+(-> .Int .Int .Bit)
+Int\(eger\) greater\-than\.
+(> reference sample)
+### >=
+(-> .Int .Int .Bit)
+Int\(eger\) greater\-than or equal\.
+(>= reference sample)
+### abs
+(-> .Int .Int)
+A value of equal magnitude and positive sign\.
+### addition
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Int)
+### binary
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Int)
+### co\_prime?
+(-> .Int .Int .Bit)
+### decimal
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Int)
+### enum
+(library/lux/abstract/enum.Enum .Int)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence .Int)
+### even?
+(-> .Int .Bit)
+### extended\_gcd
+(-> .Int .Int [[.Int .Int] .Int])
+Extended euclidean algorithm\.
+### frac
+(-> .Int .Frac)
+### gcd
+(-> .Int .Int .Int)
+Greatest Common Divisor\.
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash .Int)
+### hex
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Int)
+### interval
+(library/lux/abstract/interval.Interval .Int)
+### lcm
+(-> .Int .Int .Int)
+Least Common Multiple\.
+### max
+(-> .Int .Int .Int)
+Int\(eger\) maximum\.
+### maximum
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Int)
+### min
+(-> .Int .Int .Int)
+Int\(eger\) minimum\.
+### minimum
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Int)
+### mod
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Int .Int .Int))
+Integer modulo\.
+Note: The modulo and the remainder are not the same\.
+(mod divisor dividend)
+### multiplication
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Int)
+### negative?
+(library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate .Int)
+### octal
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Int)
+### odd?
+(-> .Int .Bit)
+### opposite
+(-> .Int .Int)
+A value of equal magnitude and opposite sign\.
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order .Int)
+### positive?
+(library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate .Int)
+### right\_shifted
+(-> .Nat .Int .Int)
+Signed/arithmetic bitwise right\-shift\.
+(right_shifted parameter subject)
+### signum
+(-> .Int .Int)
+A value \(either \-1, 0 or \+0\) which represents the sign\.
+### zero?
+(library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate .Int)
+# library/lux/math/number/nat
+## Definitions
+### %
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Nat)
+Nat\(ural\) remainder\.
+### \*
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Nat)
+Nat\(ural\) multiplication\.
+### \+
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Nat)
+Nat\(ural\) addition\.
+### \-
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Nat)
+Nat\(ural\) substraction\.
+### /
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Nat)
+Nat\(ural\) division\.
+### /%
+(-> .Nat .Nat [.Nat .Nat])
+Nat\(ural\) \[division remainder\]\.
+### <
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Bit)
+Nat\(ural\) less\-than\.
+### <=
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Bit)
+Nat\(ural\) less\-than or equal\.
+### =
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Bit)
+Nat\(ural\) equivalence\.
+### >
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Bit)
+Nat\(ural\) greater\-than\.
+### >=
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Bit)
+Nat\(ural\) greater\-than or equal\.
+### addition
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Nat)
+### binary
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Nat)
+### co\_prime?
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Bit)
+### decimal
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Nat)
+### enum
+(library/lux/abstract/enum.Enum .Nat)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence .Nat)
+### even?
+(-> .Nat .Bit)
+### frac
+(-> .Nat .Frac)
+### gcd
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Nat)
+Greatest Common Divisor\.
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash .Nat)
+### hex
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Nat)
+### interval
+(library/lux/abstract/interval.Interval .Nat)
+### lcm
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Nat)
+Least Common Multiple\.
+### max
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Nat)
+Nat\(ural\) maximum\.
+### maximum
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Nat)
+### min
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Nat)
+Nat\(ural\) minimum\.
+### minimum
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Nat)
+### multiplication
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Nat)
+### octal
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Nat)
+### odd?
+(-> .Nat .Bit)
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order .Nat)
+# library/lux/math/number/ratio
+Rational numbers\.
+## Definitions
+### %
+(-> Ratio Ratio Ratio)
+### \*
+(-> Ratio Ratio Ratio)
+### \+
+(-> Ratio Ratio Ratio)
+### \-
+(-> Ratio Ratio Ratio)
+### /
+(-> Ratio Ratio Ratio)
+### <
+(-> Ratio Ratio .Bit)
+### <=
+(-> Ratio Ratio .Bit)
+### =
+(-> Ratio Ratio .Bit)
+### >
+(-> Ratio Ratio .Bit)
+### >=
+(-> Ratio Ratio .Bit)
+### Ratio
+... .Type
+ [#numerator .Nat
+ #denominator .Nat])
+An unsigned ratio of numbers\.
+### addition
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid Ratio)
+### codec
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text Ratio)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Ratio)
+### multiplication
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid Ratio)
+### nat
+(-> Ratio (.Maybe .Nat))
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order Ratio)
+### ratio
+Rational literals\.
+(ratio numerator denominator)
+... The denominator can be omitted if it is 1.
+(ratio numerator)
+### reciprocal
+(-> Ratio Ratio)
+# library/lux/math/number/rev
+## Definitions
+### %
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Rev)
+Rev\(olution\) remainder\.
+### \*
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Rev)
+Rev\(olution\) multiplication\.
+### \+
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Rev)
+Rev\(olution\) addition\.
+### \-
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Rev)
+Rev\(olution\) substraction\.
+### /
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Rev)
+Rev\(olution\) division\.
+### /%
+(-> .Rev .Rev [.Rev .Rev])
+### /1
+### /1024
+### /128
+### /16
+### /2
+### /2048
+### /256
+### /32
+### /4
+### /4096
+### /512
+### /64
+### /8
+### <
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Bit)
+Rev\(olution\) less\-than\.
+(< reference sample)
+### <=
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Bit)
+Rev\(olution\) less\-than or equal\.
+(<= reference sample)
+### =
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Bit)
+Rev\(olution\) equivalence\.
+(= reference sample)
+### >
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Bit)
+Rev\(olution\) greater\-than\.
+(> reference sample)
+### >=
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Bit)
+Rev\(olution\) greater\-than or equal\.
+(>= reference sample)
+### addition
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Rev)
+### binary
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Rev)
+### decimal
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Rev)
+### down
+(-> .Nat .Rev .Rev)
+(down scale subject)
+### enum
+(library/lux/abstract/enum.Enum .Rev)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence .Rev)
+### frac
+(-> .Rev .Frac)
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash .Rev)
+### hex
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Rev)
+### interval
+(library/lux/abstract/interval.Interval .Rev)
+### max
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Rev)
+Rev\(olution\) maximum\.
+### maximum
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Rev)
+### min
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Rev)
+Rev\(olution\) minimum\.
+### minimum
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Rev)
+### octal
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Rev)
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order .Rev)
+### ratio
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Nat)
+Ratio between two rev\(olution\)s\.
+### reciprocal
+(-> .Nat .Rev)
+Rev\(olution\) reciprocal of a Nat\(ural\)\.
+(reciprocal numerator)
+### up
+(-> .Nat .Rev .Rev)
+(up scale subject)
+# library/lux/math/random
+Pseudo\-random number generation \(PRNG\) algorithms\.
+## Definitions
+### PRNG
+... .Type
+(Rec PRNG
+ (-> .Any [PRNG .I64]))
+An abstract way to represent any PRNG\.
+### \(Random it\)
+... .Type
+(-> PRNG [PRNG it])
+A producer of random values based on a PRNG\.
+### and
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Random _0) (Random _1) (Random [_0 _1])))
+Sequencing combinator\.
+(and left right)
+### apply
+(library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply Random)
+### array
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Random _0) (Random (library/lux/data/collection/array.Array _0))))
+### ascii
+(-> .Nat (Random .Text))
+### ascii/alpha
+(-> .Nat (Random .Text))
+### ascii/alpha\_num
+(-> .Nat (Random .Text))
+### ascii/lower
+(-> .Nat (Random .Text))
+### ascii/numeric
+(-> .Nat (Random .Text))
+### ascii/upper
+(-> .Nat (Random .Text))
+### bit
+(Random .Bit)
+### char
+(-> library/lux/data/text/unicode/set.Set (Random library/lux/data/text.Char))
+### complex
+(Random library/lux/math/number/complex.Complex)
+### date
+(Random library/lux/time/date.Date)
+### day
+(Random library/lux/time/day.Day)
+### dictionary
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) .Nat (Random _0) (Random _1) (Random (library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary _0 _1))))
+(dictionary hash size key_gen value_gen)
+### duration
+(Random library/lux/time/duration.Duration)
+### either
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Random _0) (Random _0) (Random _0)))
+Homogeneous alternative combinator\.
+(either left right)
+### frac
+(Random .Frac)
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Random)
+### i64
+(Random .I64)
+### instant
+(Random library/lux/time/instant.Instant)
+### int
+(Random .Int)
+### list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Random _0) (Random (.List _0))))
+### maybe
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Random _0) (Random (.Maybe _0))))
+### monad
+(library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad Random)
+### month
+(Random library/lux/time/month.Month)
+### nat
+(Random .Nat)
+### one
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 (.Maybe _1)) (Random _0) (Random _1)))
+(one check random)
+### only
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 .Bit) (Random _0) (Random _0)))
+Retries the generator until the output satisfies a predicate\.
+(only pred gen)
+### or
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Random _0) (Random _1) (Random (Or _0 _1))))
+Heterogeneous alternative combinator\.
+(or left right)
+### pcg\_32
+(-> [(.I64 .Any) (.I64 .Any)] PRNG)
+An implementation of the PCG32 algorithm\.
+For more information, please see: http://www\.pcg\-random\.org/
+### prng
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 _0) (-> _0 .I64) _0 PRNG))
+(prng update return)
+### queue
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Random _0) (Random (library/lux/data/collection/queue.Queue _0))))
+### ratio
+(Random library/lux/math/number/ratio.Ratio)
+### rec
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> (Random _0) (Random _0)) (Random _0)))
+A combinator for producing recursive random generators\.
+(rec gen)
+### refined
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/type/refinement.Refiner _0 _1) (Random _0) (Random (library/lux/type/refinement.Refined _0 _1))))
+Retries the generator until the output can be refined\.
+(refined refiner gen)
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> PRNG (Random _0) [PRNG _0]))
+(result prng calc)
+### rev
+(Random .Rev)
+### safe\_frac
+(Random .Frac)
+A number in the interval \[0\.0,1\.0\]\.
+### sequence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Random _0) (Random (library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence _0))))
+### set
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) .Nat (Random _0) (Random (library/lux/data/collection/set.Set _0))))
+(set hash size value_gen)
+### split\_mix\_64
+(-> .Nat PRNG)
+An implementation of the SplitMix64 algorithm\.
+### stack
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Random _0) (Random (library/lux/data/collection/stack.Stack _0))))
+### text
+(-> (Random library/lux/data/text.Char) .Nat (Random .Text))
+(text char_gen size)
+### time
+(Random library/lux/time.Time)
+### unicode
+(-> .Nat (Random .Text))
+### xoroshiro\_128\+
+(-> [(.I64 .Any) (.I64 .Any)] PRNG)
+An implementation of the Xoroshiro128\+ algorithm\.
+For more information, please see: http://xoroshiro\.di\.unimi\.it/
+# library/lux/meta
+Functions for extracting information from the state of the compiler\.
+## Definitions
+### apply
+(library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply .Meta)
+### assertion
+(-> .Text .Bit (.Meta .Any))
+Fails with the given message if the test is \#0\.
+(assertion message test)
+### compiler\_state
+(.Meta .Lux)
+Obtains the current state of the compiler\.
+### current\_module
+(.Meta .Module)
+The module currently being compiled, if any\.
+### current\_module\_name
+(.Meta .Text)
+The name of the module currently being compiled, if any\.
+### de\_aliased
+(-> .Symbol (.Meta .Symbol))
+Given an aliased definition's name, returns the original definition being referenced\.
+(de_aliased def_name)
+### definition
+(-> .Symbol (.Meta .Global))
+Looks\-up a definition's whole data in the available modules \(including the current one\)\.
+(definition name)
+### definition\_type
+(-> .Symbol (.Meta .Type))
+Looks\-up a definition's type in the available modules \(including the current one\)\.
+(definition_type name)
+### definitions
+(-> .Text (.Meta (.List [.Text .Definition])))
+The entire list of definitions in a module \(including the non\-exported/private ones\)\.
+(definitions module)
+### either
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.Meta _0) (.Meta _0) (.Meta _0)))
+Pick whichever computation succeeds\.
+(either left right)
+### eval
+(-> .Type .Code (.Meta .Any))
+(eval type code)
+### expected\_type
+(.Meta .Type)
+The expected type of the current expression being analyzed\.
+### export
+(-> .Symbol (.Meta .Definition))
+Looks\-up a definition in the available modules \(including the current one\)\.
+The look\-up only succeeds if the definition has been exported\.
+(export name)
+### exports
+(-> .Text (.Meta (.List [.Text .Definition])))
+All the exported definitions in a module\.
+(exports module_name)
+### failure
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (.Meta _0)))
+Fails with the given error message\.
+(failure error)
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor .Meta)
+### globals
+(-> .Text (.Meta (.List [.Text .Global])))
+The entire list of globals in a module \(including the non\-exported/private ones\)\.
+(globals module)
+### imported?
+(-> .Text (.Meta .Bit))
+Checks if the given module has been imported by the current module\.
+(imported? import)
+### imported\_by?
+(-> .Text .Text (.Meta .Bit))
+(imported_by? import module)
+### imported\_modules
+(-> .Text (.Meta (.List .Text)))
+All the modules imported by a specified module\.
+(imported_modules module_name)
+### lifted
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/control/try.Try _0) (.Meta _0)))
+### locals
+(.Meta (.List (.List [.Text .Type])))
+All the local variables currently in scope, separated in different scopes\.
+### location
+(.Meta .Location)
+The location of the current expression being analyzed\.
+### macro
+(-> .Symbol (.Meta (.Maybe .Macro)))
+Looks\-up a macro known by the given name\.
+(macro full_name)
+### module
+(-> .Text (.Meta .Module))
+Looks\-up a module with the given name\.
+(module name)
+### module\_exists?
+(-> .Text (.Meta .Bit))
+(module_exists? module)
+### modules
+(.Meta (.List [.Text .Module]))
+All the available modules \(including the current one\)\.
+### monad
+(library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad .Meta)
+### normal
+(-> .Symbol (.Meta .Symbol))
+If given a name without a module prefix, gives it the current module's name as prefix\.
+Otherwise, returns the name as\-is\.
+(normal name)
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Lux (.Meta _0) (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)))
+Evaluates a computation that depends on Lux's compiler state\.
+(result lux action)
+### result'
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Lux (.Meta _0) (library/lux/control/try.Try [.Lux _0])))
+Evaluates a computation that depends on Lux's compiler state\.
+Also returns a \(potentially modified\) compiler state\.
+(result' lux action)
+### seed
+(.Meta .Nat)
+The current value of a number tracked by the compiler\.
+Also increases the value, so it's different next time it is seen\.
+This number can be used for generating data 'randomly' during compilation\.
+### slot
+(-> .Symbol (.Meta [.Nat (.List .Symbol) .Type]))
+Given a slot, finds out what is its index, its related slot\-list and its associated type\.
+(slot slot_name)
+### tag
+(-> .Symbol (.Meta [.Nat (.List .Symbol) .Type]))
+Given a tag, finds out what is its index, its related tag\-list and its associated type\.
+(tag tag_name)
+### tag\_lists
+(-> .Text (.Meta (.List [(.List .Symbol) .Type])))
+All the tag\-lists defined in a module, with their associated types\.
+(tag_lists module)
+### tags\_of
+(-> .Symbol (.Meta (.Maybe (.List .Symbol))))
+All the tags associated with a type definition\.
+(tags_of type_name)
+### try
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.Meta _0) (.Meta (library/lux/control/try.Try _0))))
+### type
+(-> .Symbol (.Meta .Type))
+Looks\-up the type of either a local variable or a definition\.
+(type name)
+### type\_context
+(.Meta .Type_Context)
+The current type\-checking context\.
+### type\_definition
+(-> .Symbol (.Meta .Type))
+Finds the value of a type definition \(such as Int, Any or Lux\)\.
+(type_definition name)
+### var\_type
+(-> .Text (.Meta .Type))
+Looks\-up the type of a local variable somewhere in the environment\.
+(var_type name)
+# library/lux/meta/location
+## Definitions
+### dummy
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence .Location)
+### format
+(-> .Location .Text)
+### here
+The Location of the current form\.
+### with
+(-> .Location .Text .Text)
+(with location error)
+# library/lux/meta/symbol
+## Definitions
+### codec
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Symbol)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence .Symbol)
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash .Symbol)
+### module
+(-> .Symbol .Text)
+The module part of a symbol\.
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order .Symbol)
+### short
+(-> .Symbol .Text)
+The short part of a symbol\.
+# library/lux/program
+## Definitions
+### program:
+Defines the entry\-point to a program \(similar to the 'main' function/method in other programming languages\)\.
+... Can take a list of all the input parameters to the program.
+(program: all_arguments
+ (do library/lux/control/io.monad
+ [foo (initialize program)]
+ (do_something_with all_arguments)))
+... Can also parse them using CLI parsers from the library/lux/control/parser/cli module.
+(program: [config configuration_parser]
+ (do library/lux/control/io.monad
+ [data (initialize program with config)]
+ (do_something_with data)))
+# library/lux/static
+## Definitions
+### frac
+\(library/lux/static\.frac \(: library/lux\.Frac \(value generating expression\)\)\)
+### int
+\(library/lux/static\.int \(: library/lux\.Int \(value generating expression\)\)\)
+### literal
+ (: (-> ??? Code)
+ format)
+ (: ???
+ (value generating expression)))
+### nat
+\(library/lux/static\.nat \(: library/lux\.Nat \(value generating expression\)\)\)
+### random
+ (: (-> ??? Code)
+ format)
+ (: (Random ???)
+ (random data generator)))
+### random\_frac
+\(: library/lux\.Frac \(library/lux/static\.random\_frac\)\)
+### random\_int
+\(: library/lux\.Int \(library/lux/static\.random\_int\)\)
+### random\_nat
+\(: library/lux\.Nat \(library/lux/static\.random\_nat\)\)
+### random\_rev
+\(: library/lux\.Rev \(library/lux/static\.random\_rev\)\)
+### rev
+\(library/lux/static\.rev \(: library/lux\.Rev \(value generating expression\)\)\)
+### text
+\(library/lux/static\.text \(: library/lux\.Text \(value generating expression\)\)\)
+# library/lux/target
+## Definitions
+### Target
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Text")
+The name/ID of a platform targetted by a Lux compiler\.
+This information can be used to generate code targetting specific platforms, and to make programs cross\-platform\.
+### common\_lisp
+### js
+### jvm
+### lua
+### old
+### php
+### python
+### r
+### ruby
+### scheme
+# library/lux/target/js
+## Definitions
+### %
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### \*
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### \+
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### \+\+
+(-> Location Expression)
+### ,
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### \-
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### \-\-
+(-> Location Expression)
+### /
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### <
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### <=
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### =
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### >
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### >=
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### ?
+(-> Expression Expression Expression Computation)
+### Access
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' Access'))))
+### Code
+... .Type
+(All (Code _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/target/js.Code" _0))
+### Computation
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' .Any)))
+### Expression
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' .Any))
+### Label
+... .Type
+(Code Label')
+### Literal
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' Literal')))
+### Location
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' .Any))))
+### Loop
+... .Type
+(Code (Statement' Loop'))
+### Statement
+... .Type
+(Code (Statement' .Any))
+### Var
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' Var'))))
+### and
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### apply/\*
+(-> Expression (.List Expression) Computation)
+### apply/1
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### apply/2
+(-> Expression Expression Expression Computation)
+### apply/3
+(-> Expression Expression Expression Expression Computation)
+### arithmetic\_right\_shift
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### array
+(-> (.List Expression) Computation)
+### at
+(-> Expression Expression Access)
+### bit\_and
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### bit\_not
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### bit\_or
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### bit\_xor
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### boolean
+(-> .Bit Literal)
+### break
+### break\_at
+(-> Label Statement)
+### closure
+(-> (.List Var) Statement Computation)
+### code
+(-> (Code .Any) .Text)
+### comment
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (Code _0) (Code _0)))
+### cond
+(-> (.List [Expression Statement]) Statement Statement)
+### continue
+### continue\_at
+(-> Label Statement)
+### declare
+(-> Var Statement)
+### define
+(-> Var Expression Statement)
+### delete
+(-> Location Statement)
+### do
+(-> .Text (.List Expression) Expression Computation)
+### do\_while
+(-> Expression Statement Loop)
+### for
+(-> Var Expression Expression Expression Statement Loop)
+### function
+(-> Var (.List Var) Statement Computation)
+### function\!
+(-> Var (.List Var) Statement Statement)
+### i32
+(-> .Int Computation)
+### if
+(-> Expression Statement Statement Statement)
+### int
+(-> .Int Literal)
+### label
+(-> .Text Label)
+### left\_shift
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### logic\_right\_shift
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### new
+(-> Expression (.List Expression) Computation)
+### not
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### not\_a\_number?
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### null
+### number
+(-> .Frac Literal)
+### object
+(-> (.List [.Text Expression]) Computation)
+### opposite
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### or
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### return
+(-> Expression Statement)
+### set
+(-> Location Expression Statement)
+### statement
+(-> Expression Statement)
+### string
+(-> .Text Literal)
+### switch
+(-> Expression (.List [(.List Literal) Statement]) (.Maybe Statement) Statement)
+### the
+(-> .Text Expression Access)
+### then
+(-> Statement Statement Statement)
+### throw
+(-> Expression Statement)
+### to\_i32
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### try
+(-> Statement [Var Statement] Statement)
+### type\_of
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### undefined
+### use\_strict
+### var
+(-> .Text Var)
+### when
+(-> Expression Statement Statement)
+### while
+(-> Expression Statement Loop)
+### with\_label
+(-> Label Loop Statement)
+# library/lux/target/jvm
+## Definitions
+### Arithmetic
+... .Type
+ {#Int_Arithmetic Int_Arithmetic}
+ {#Long_Arithmetic Long_Arithmetic}
+ {#Float_Arithmetic Float_Arithmetic}
+ {#Double_Arithmetic Double_Arithmetic})
+### Array
+... .Type
+ {#NEWARRAY (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)}
+ {#ANEWARRAY (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Object)}
+ {#BALOAD .Any}
+ {#BASTORE .Any}
+ {#SALOAD .Any}
+ {#SASTORE .Any}
+ {#IALOAD .Any}
+ {#IASTORE .Any}
+ {#LALOAD .Any}
+ {#LASTORE .Any}
+ {#FALOAD .Any}
+ {#FASTORE .Any}
+ {#DALOAD .Any}
+ {#DASTORE .Any}
+ {#CALOAD .Any}
+ {#CASTORE .Any}
+ {#AALOAD .Any}
+ {#AASTORE .Any})
+### Bitwise
+... .Type
+ {#Int_Bitwise Int_Bitwise}
+ {#Long_Bitwise Long_Bitwise})
+### Branching
+... .Type
+(All (Branching _0)
+ (Variant
+ {#IF_ICMPEQ _0}
+ {#IF_ICMPGE _0}
+ {#IF_ICMPGT _0}
+ {#IF_ICMPLE _0}
+ {#IF_ICMPLT _0}
+ {#IF_ICMPNE _0}
+ {#IFEQ _0}
+ {#IFNE _0}
+ {#IFGE _0}
+ {#IFGT _0}
+ {#IFLE _0}
+ {#IFLT _0}
+ {#TABLESWITCH .Int .Int _0 (.List _0)}
+ {#LOOKUPSWITCH _0 (.List [.Int _0])}
+ {#IF_ACMPEQ _0}
+ {#IF_ACMPNE _0}
+ {#IFNULL _0}))
+### Bytecode
+... .Type
+(All (Bytecode _0 _1)
+ (library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence (Instruction _0 _1)))
+### Comparison
+... .Type
+ {#LCMP .Any}
+ {#FCMPG .Any}
+ {#FCMPL .Any}
+ {#DCMPG .Any}
+ {#DCMPL .Any})
+### Concurrency
+... .Type
+### Constant
+... .Type
+ {#BIPUSH .Int}
+ {#SIPUSH .Int}
+ {#ICONST_M1 .Any}
+ {#ICONST_0 .Any}
+ {#ICONST_1 .Any}
+ {#ICONST_2 .Any}
+ {#ICONST_3 .Any}
+ {#ICONST_4 .Any}
+ {#ICONST_5 .Any}
+ {#LCONST_0 .Any}
+ {#LCONST_1 .Any}
+ {#FCONST_0 .Any}
+ {#FCONST_1 .Any}
+ {#FCONST_2 .Any}
+ {#DCONST_0 .Any}
+ {#DCONST_1 .Any}
+ {#LDC Literal})
+### Control
+... .Type
+(All (Control _0)
+ (Variant
+ {#GOTO _0}
+ {#Branching (Branching _0)}
+ {#Exception (Exception _0)}
+ {#Concurrency Concurrency}
+ {#Return Return}))
+### Conversion
+... .Type
+ {#I2B .Any}
+ {#I2S .Any}
+ {#I2L .Any}
+ {#I2F .Any}
+ {#I2D .Any}
+ {#I2C .Any}
+ {#L2I .Any}
+ {#L2F .Any}
+ {#L2D .Any}
+ {#F2I .Any}
+ {#F2L .Any}
+ {#F2D .Any}
+ {#D2I .Any}
+ {#D2L .Any}
+ {#D2F .Any})
+### Double\_Arithmetic
+... .Type
+ {#DADD .Any}
+ {#DSUB .Any}
+ {#DMUL .Any}
+ {#DDIV .Any}
+ {#DREM .Any}
+ {#DNEG .Any})
+### Exception
+... .Type
+(All (Exception _0)
+ (Variant
+ {#Try _0 _0 _0 (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class)}
+ {#ATHROW .Any}))
+### Float\_Arithmetic
+... .Type
+ {#FADD .Any}
+ {#FSUB .Any}
+ {#FMUL .Any}
+ {#FDIV .Any}
+ {#FREM .Any}
+ {#FNEG .Any})
+### Instruction
+... .Type
+(All (Instruction _0 _1)
+ (Variant
+ {#NOP .Any}
+ {#Constant Constant}
+ {#Arithmetic Arithmetic}
+ {#Bitwise Bitwise}
+ {#Conversion Conversion}
+ {#Array Array}
+ {#Object Object}
+ {#Local Local}
+ {#Stack Stack}
+ {#Comparison Comparison}
+ {#Control (Control _1)}
+ {#Embedded _0}))
+### Int\_Arithmetic
+... .Type
+ {#IADD .Any}
+ {#ISUB .Any}
+ {#IMUL .Any}
+ {#IDIV .Any}
+ {#IREM .Any}
+ {#INEG .Any})
+### Int\_Bitwise
+... .Type
+ {#IOR .Any}
+ {#IXOR .Any}
+ {#IAND .Any}
+ {#ISHL .Any}
+ {#ISHR .Any}
+ {#IUSHR .Any})
+### Label
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+### Literal
+... .Type
+ {#Boolean .Bit}
+ {#Int .Int}
+ {#Long .Int}
+ {#Double .Frac}
+ {#Char .Nat}
+ {#String .Text})
+### Local
+... .Type
+ {#Local_Int Local_Int}
+ {#IINC Register}
+ {#Local_Long Local_Long}
+ {#Local_Float Local_Float}
+ {#Local_Double Local_Double}
+ {#Local_Object Local_Object})
+### Local\_Double
+... .Type
+ {#DLOAD Register}
+ {#DSTORE Register})
+### Local\_Float
+... .Type
+ {#FLOAD Register}
+ {#FSTORE Register})
+### Local\_Int
+... .Type
+ {#ILOAD Register}
+ {#ISTORE Register})
+### Local\_Long
+... .Type
+ {#LLOAD Register}
+ {#LSTORE Register})
+### Local\_Object
+... .Type
+ {#ALOAD Register}
+ {#ASTORE Register})
+### Long\_Arithmetic
+... .Type
+ {#LADD .Any}
+ {#LSUB .Any}
+ {#LMUL .Any}
+ {#LDIV .Any}
+ {#LREM .Any}
+ {#LNEG .Any})
+### Long\_Bitwise
+... .Type
+ {#LOR .Any}
+ {#LXOR .Any}
+ {#LAND .Any}
+ {#LSHL .Any}
+ {#LSHR .Any}
+ {#LUSHR .Any})
+### Object
+... .Type
+ {#GETSTATIC (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) .Text (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value)}
+ {#PUTSTATIC (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) .Text (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value)}
+ {#NEW (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class)}
+ {#INSTANCEOF (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class)}
+ {#CHECKCAST (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Object)}
+ {#GETFIELD (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) .Text (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value)}
+ {#PUTFIELD (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) .Text (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value)}
+ {#INVOKEINTERFACE (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) .Text (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Method)}
+ {#INVOKESPECIAL (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) .Text (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Method)}
+ {#INVOKESTATIC (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) .Text (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Method)}
+ {#INVOKEVIRTUAL (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) .Text (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Method)})
+### Register
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+### Return
+... .Type
+ {#RETURN .Any}
+ {#IRETURN .Any}
+ {#LRETURN .Any}
+ {#FRETURN .Any}
+ {#DRETURN .Any}
+ {#ARETURN .Any})
+### Stack
+... .Type
+ {#DUP .Any}
+ {#DUP_X1 .Any}
+ {#DUP_X2 .Any}
+ {#DUP2 .Any}
+ {#DUP2_X1 .Any}
+ {#DUP2_X2 .Any}
+ {#SWAP .Any}
+ {#POP .Any}
+ {#POP2 .Any})
+# library/lux/target/jvm/type
+## Definitions
+### Argument
+... .Type
+[.Text (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value)]
+### Constraint
+... .Type
+ [#name .Text
+ #super_class (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class)
+ #super_interfaces (.List (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class))])
+### Type
+... .Type
+(All (Type _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type" _0))
+### Typed
+... .Type
+(All (Typed _0)
+ [(Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) _0])
+### array
+(-> (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Array))
+### as\_class
+(-> (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Declaration) (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class))
+### boolean
+(Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### byte
+(Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### char
+(Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### class
+(-> library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External (.List (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter)) (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class))
+### class?
+(-> (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (.Maybe library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External))
+### declaration
+(-> library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External (.List (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var)) (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Declaration))
+### descriptor
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Type _0) (library/lux/target/jvm/type/descriptor.Descriptor _0)))
+### double
+(Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Type _0)))
+### float
+(Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### format
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/data/text/format.Format (Type _0)))
+### hash
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash (Type _0)))
+### int
+(Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### long
+(Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### lower
+(-> (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter))
+### method
+(-> [(.List (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var)) (.List (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value)) (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Return) (.List (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class))] (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Method))
+### primitive?
+(-> (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (.Either (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Object) (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)))
+### reflection
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Type (library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Return' (library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value' _0))) (library/lux/target/jvm/type/reflection.Reflection (library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Return' (library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value' _0)))))
+### short
+(Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### signature
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Type _0) (library/lux/target/jvm/type/signature.Signature _0)))
+### upper
+(-> (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter))
+### var
+(-> .Text (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var))
+### void
+(Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Void)
+### void?
+(-> (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Return) (.Either (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Void)))
+### wildcard
+(Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter)
+# library/lux/target/jvm/type/alias
+## Definitions
+### Aliasing
+... .Type
+(library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary .Text .Text)
+### fresh
+### method
+(-> Aliasing (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Method) (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Method))
+# library/lux/target/jvm/type/box
+## Definitions
+### boolean
+### byte
+### char
+### double
+### float
+### int
+### long
+### short
+# library/lux/target/jvm/type/category
+## Definitions
+### Array
+... .Type
+(Return' (Value' (Object' Array')))
+### Class
+... .Type
+(Return' (Value' (Object' (Parameter' Class'))))
+### Declaration
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Declaration")
+### Method
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Method")
+### Object
+... .Type
+(Return' (Value' (Object' .Any)))
+### Parameter
+... .Type
+(Return' (Value' (Object' (Parameter' .Any))))
+### Primitive
+... .Type
+(Return' (Value' Primitive'))
+### Return
+... .Type
+(Return' .Any)
+### Return'
+... .Type
+(All (Return' _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Return'" _0))
+### Value
+... .Type
+(Return' (Value' .Any))
+### Value'
+... .Type
+(All (Value' _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value'" _0))
+### Var
+... .Type
+(Return' (Value' (Object' (Parameter' Var'))))
+### Void
+... .Type
+(Return' Void')
+# library/lux/target/jvm/type/descriptor
+## Definitions
+### Descriptor
+... .Type
+(All (Descriptor _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/target/jvm/type/descriptor.Descriptor" _0))
+### array
+(-> (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Array))
+### array\_prefix
+### as\_class
+(-> (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Declaration) (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class))
+### boolean
+(Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### byte
+(Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### char
+(Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### class
+(-> library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class))
+### class\_name
+(-> (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Object) library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.Internal)
+### class\_prefix
+### class\_suffix
+### declaration
+(-> library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Declaration))
+### descriptor
+(-> (Descriptor .Any) .Text)
+### double
+(Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Descriptor _0)))
+### float
+(Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### int
+(Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### long
+(Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### lower
+(-> (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter))
+### method
+(-> [(.List (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value)) (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Return)] (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Method))
+### short
+(Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### upper
+(-> (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter))
+### var
+(Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var)
+### void
+(Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Void)
+### wildcard
+(Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter)
+# library/lux/target/jvm/type/lux
+## Definitions
+### Lower
+... .Type
+(All (Lower _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/target/jvm/type/lux.Lower" _0))
+### Mapping
+... .Type
+(library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary .Text .Type)
+### Upper
+... .Type
+(All (Upper _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/target/jvm/type/lux.Upper" _0))
+### boxed\_return
+(-> Mapping (library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/type/check.Check .Type)))
+### boxed\_type
+(-> Mapping (library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/type/check.Check .Type)))
+### check
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/type/check.Check _0)) .Text (library/lux/type/check.Check _0)))
+### class
+(-> Mapping (library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/type/check.Check .Type)))
+### fresh
+### return
+(-> Mapping (library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/type/check.Check .Type)))
+### type
+(-> Mapping (library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/type/check.Check .Type)))
+### unknown\_var
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Text)
+# library/lux/target/jvm/type/parser
+## Definitions
+### array
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Array))
+### array'
+(-> (library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value)) (library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Array)))
+### array?
+(-> (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (.Maybe (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value)))
+### boolean
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive))
+### byte
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive))
+### char
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive))
+### class
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class))
+### class?
+(-> (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (.Maybe [library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External (.List (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter))]))
+### class\_name
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External)
+### declaration
+(-> (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Declaration) [library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External (.List (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var))])
+### declaration'
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser [library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External (.List (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var))])
+### double
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive))
+### float
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive))
+### int
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive))
+### long
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive))
+### lower?
+(-> (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (.Maybe (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class)))
+### method
+(-> (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Method) [(.List (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var)) (.List (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value)) (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Return) (.List (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class))])
+### name
+(-> (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var) .Text)
+### object
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Object))
+### object?
+(-> (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (.Maybe (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Object)))
+### parameter
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter))
+### parameter?
+(-> (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (.Maybe (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter)))
+### primitive
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive))
+### primitive?
+(-> (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (.Maybe (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)))
+### read\_class
+(-> (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) [library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External (.List (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter))])
+### return
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Return))
+### short
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive))
+### upper?
+(-> (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (.Maybe (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class)))
+### value
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value))
+### var
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var))
+### var'
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser .Text)
+### var?
+(-> (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (.Maybe .Text))
+### var\_name
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser .Text)
+### void
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Void))
+### wildcard
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter))
+### wildcard?
+(-> (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (.Maybe (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter)))
+# library/lux/target/jvm/type/reflection
+## Definitions
+### Reflection
+... .Type
+(All (Reflection _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/target/jvm/type/reflection.Reflection" _0))
+### array
+(-> (Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Array))
+### as\_class
+(-> (Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Declaration) (Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class))
+### boolean
+(Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### byte
+(Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### char
+(Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### class
+(-> library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External (Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class))
+### declaration
+(-> library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External (Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Declaration))
+### double
+(Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Reflection _0)))
+### float
+(Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### int
+(Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### long
+(Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### lower
+(-> (Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) (Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter))
+### reflection
+(-> (Reflection .Any) .Text)
+### short
+(Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### upper
+(-> (Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) (Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter))
+### var
+(Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var)
+### void
+(Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Void)
+### wildcard
+(Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter)
+# library/lux/target/jvm/type/signature
+## Definitions
+### Signature
+... .Type
+(All (Signature _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/target/jvm/type/signature.Signature" _0))
+### arguments\_end
+### arguments\_start
+### array
+(-> (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Array))
+### as\_class
+(-> (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Declaration) (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class))
+### boolean
+(Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### byte
+(Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### char
+(Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### class
+(-> library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External (.List (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter)) (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class))
+### declaration
+(-> library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External (.List (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var)) (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Declaration))
+### double
+(Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Signature _0)))
+### exception\_prefix
+### float
+(Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### hash
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash (Signature _0)))
+### int
+(Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### long
+(Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### lower
+(-> (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter))
+### lower\_prefix
+### method
+(-> [(.List (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var)) (.List (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value)) (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Return) (.List (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class))] (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Method))
+### parameters\_end
+### parameters\_start
+### short
+(Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### signature
+(-> (Signature .Any) .Text)
+### upper
+(-> (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter))
+### upper\_prefix
+### var
+(-> .Text (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var))
+### var\_name
+(-> (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var) .Text)
+### var\_prefix
+### void
+(Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Void)
+### wildcard
+(Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter)
+# library/lux/target/lua
+## Definitions
+### %
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### \*
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### \+
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### \-
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### /
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### //
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### <
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### <=
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### =
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### >
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### >=
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### Access
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' Access'))))
+### Code
+... .Type
+(All (Code _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/target/lua.Code" _0))
+### Computation
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' .Any)))
+### Expression
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' .Any))
+### Label
+... .Type
+(Code Label')
+### Literal
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' Literal')))
+### Location
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' .Any))))
+### Statement
+... .Type
+(Code (Statement' .Any))
+### Var
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' Var'))))
+### ^
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### and
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### apply/\*
+(-> (.List Expression) Expression Computation)
+### apply/1
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### apply/2
+(-> Expression Expression Expression Computation)
+### apply/3
+(-> Expression Expression Expression Expression Computation)
+### apply/4
+(-> Expression Expression Expression Expression Expression Computation)
+### apply/5
+(-> Expression Expression Expression Expression Expression Expression Computation)
+### array
+(-> (.List Expression) Literal)
+### bit\_and
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### bit\_or
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### bit\_shl
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### bit\_shr
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### bit\_xor
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### bool
+(-> .Bit Literal)
+### break
+### closure
+(-> (.List Var) Statement Expression)
+### code
+(-> (Code .Any) .Text)
+### concat
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### cond
+(-> (.List [Expression Statement]) Statement Statement)
+### do
+(-> .Text (.List Expression) Expression Computation)
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Code _0)))
+### error/1
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### error/2
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### float
+(-> .Frac Literal)
+### for\_in
+(-> (.List Var) Expression Statement Statement)
+### for\_step
+(-> Var Expression Expression Expression Statement Statement)
+### function
+(-> Var (.List Var) Statement Statement)
+### go\_to
+(-> Label Statement)
+### hash
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash (Code _0)))
+### if
+(-> Expression Statement Statement Statement)
+### int
+(-> .Int Literal)
+### ipairs/1
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### item
+(-> Expression Expression Access)
+### label
+(-> .Text Label)
+### length
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### let
+(-> (.List Var) Expression Statement)
+### local
+(-> (.List Var) Statement)
+### local/1
+(-> Var Expression Statement)
+### local\_function
+(-> Var (.List Var) Statement Statement)
+### manual
+(-> .Text Code)
+### multi
+(-> (.List Expression) Literal)
+### nil
+### not
+(-> Expression Expression)
+### opposite
+(-> Expression Expression)
+### or
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### print/1
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### print/2
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### print/3
+(-> Expression Expression Expression Computation)
+### repeat
+(-> Expression Statement Statement)
+### require/1
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### return
+(-> Expression Statement)
+### set
+(-> (.List Location) Expression Statement)
+### set\_label
+(-> Label Statement)
+### statement
+(-> Expression Statement)
+### string
+(-> .Text Literal)
+### table
+(-> (.List [.Text Expression]) Literal)
+### the
+(-> .Text Expression Computation)
+### then
+(-> Statement Statement Statement)
+### type/1
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### var
+(-> .Text Var)
+### when
+(-> Expression Statement Statement)
+### while
+(-> Expression Statement Statement)
+# library/lux/target/python
+## Definitions
+### %
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### \*
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### \*\*
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### \+
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### \-
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### /
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### //
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### <
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### <=
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### =
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### >
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### >=
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### ?
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### Access
+... .Type
+(Location Access')
+### Code
+... .Type
+(All (Code _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/target/python.Code" _0))
+### Computation
+... .Type
+(All (Computation _0)
+ (Expression (Computation' _0)))
+### Except
+... .Type
+ [#classes (.List SVar)
+ #exception SVar
+ #handler (Statement .Any)])
+### Exception/1
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### Expression
+... .Type
+(All (Expression _0)
+ (Code (Expression' _0)))
+### KVar
+... .Type
+(Var Keyword)
+### Keyword
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/target/python.Keyword")
+### Label
+... .Type
+(Code Label')
+### Literal
+... .Type
+(Computation Literal')
+### Location
+... .Type
+(All (Location _0)
+ (Computation (Location' _0)))
+### Loop
+... .Type
+(Statement Loop')
+### PVar
+... .Type
+(Var Poly)
+### Poly
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/target/python.Poly")
+### SVar
+... .Type
+(Var Single)
+### Single
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/target/python.Single")
+### Statement
+... .Type
+(All (Statement _0)
+ (Code (Statement' _0)))
+### Var
+... .Type
+(All (Var _0)
+ (Location (Var' _0)))
+### \_\_import\_\_/1
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### and
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### apply/\*
+(-> (Expression .Any) (.List (Expression .Any)) (Computation .Any))
+### apply/1
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### apply/2
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### apply/3
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### apply\_keyword
+(-> (.List (Expression .Any)) (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### apply\_poly
+(-> (.List (Expression .Any)) (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### bit\_and
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### bit\_or
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### bit\_shl
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### bit\_shr
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### bit\_xor
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### bool
+(-> .Bit Literal)
+### break
+(Statement .Any)
+### chr/1
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### code
+(-> (Code .Any) .Text)
+### comment
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (Code _0) (Code _0)))
+### cond
+(-> (.List [(Expression .Any) (Statement .Any)]) (Statement .Any) (Statement .Any))
+### continue
+(Statement .Any)
+### def
+(-> SVar (.List (Ex (_ _0) (Var _0))) (Statement .Any) (Statement .Any))
+### delete
+(-> (Location .Any) (Statement .Any))
+### dict
+(-> (.List [(Expression .Any) (Expression .Any)]) (Computation .Any))
+### do
+(-> .Text (.List (Expression .Any)) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### do\_keyword
+(-> (.List (Expression .Any)) (Expression .Any) .Text (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### do\_poly
+(-> (.List (Expression .Any)) (Expression .Any) .Text (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Code _0)))
+### exec
+(-> (Expression .Any) (.Maybe (Expression .Any)) (Statement .Any))
+### float
+(-> .Frac Literal)
+### float/1
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### for\_in
+(-> SVar (Expression .Any) (Statement .Any) Loop)
+### hash
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash (Code _0)))
+### if
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Statement .Any) (Statement .Any) (Statement .Any))
+### import
+(-> .Text (Statement .Any))
+### int
+(-> .Int Literal)
+### int/1
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### is
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### item
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) Location)
+### keyword
+(-> SVar (Var Keyword))
+### lambda
+(-> (.List (Var .Any)) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### len/1
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### list
+(-> (.List (Expression .Any)) Literal)
+### long
+(-> .Int Literal)
+### manual
+(-> .Text Code)
+### none
+### not
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### opposite
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### or
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### ord/1
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### pass
+(Statement .Any)
+### poly
+(-> SVar (Var Poly))
+### print
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Statement .Any))
+### raise
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Statement .Any))
+### repr/1
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### return
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Statement .Any))
+### set
+(-> (.List (Location .Any)) (Expression .Any) (Statement .Any))
+### slice
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) Access)
+### slice\_from
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) Access)
+### statement
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Statement .Any))
+### str/1
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### string
+(-> .Text Literal)
+### the
+(-> .Text (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### then
+(-> (Statement .Any) (Statement .Any) (Statement .Any))
+### try
+(-> (Statement .Any) (.List Except) (Statement .Any))
+### tuple
+(-> (.List (Expression .Any)) Literal)
+### unichr/1
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### unicode
+(-> .Text Literal)
+### unicode/1
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### var
+(-> .Text SVar)
+### when
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Statement .Any) (Statement .Any))
+### while
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Statement .Any) (.Maybe (Statement .Any)) Loop)
+# library/lux/target/ruby
+## Definitions
+### %
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### \*
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### \+
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### \-
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### /
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### <
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### <=
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### =
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### >
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### >=
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### ?
+(-> Expression Expression Expression Computation)
+### Access
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' Access'))))
+### Code
+... .Type
+(All (Code _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/target/ruby.Code" _0))
+### Computation
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' .Any)))
+### Expression
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' .Any))
+### GVar
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' (Var' GVar')))))
+### IVar
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' (Var' IVar')))))
+### LVar
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' (Var' (LVar' .Any))))))
+### LVar\*
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' (Var' (LVar' LVar*'))))))
+### LVar\*\*
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' (Var' (LVar' LVar**'))))))
+### Literal
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' Literal')))
+### Location
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' .Any))))
+### Rescue
+... .Type
+ [#classes (.List .Text)
+ #exception LVar
+ #rescue Statement])
+### SVar
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' (Var' SVar')))))
+### Statement
+... .Type
+(Code (Statement' .Any))
+### Var
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' (Var' .Any)))))
+### and
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### apply/\*
+(-> (.List Expression) Expression Computation)
+### apply/1
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### apply/2
+(-> Expression Expression Expression Computation)
+### apply/3
+(-> Expression Expression Expression Expression Computation)
+### apply\_lambda/\*
+(-> (.List Expression) Expression Computation)
+### array
+(-> (.List Expression) Literal)
+### array\_range
+(-> Expression Expression Expression Computation)
+### begin
+(-> Statement (.List Rescue) Statement)
+### bit\_and
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### bit\_or
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### bit\_shl
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### bit\_shr
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### bit\_xor
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### bool
+(-> .Bit Literal)
+### break
+### case\_insensitivity\_flag
+### catch
+(-> Expression Statement Statement)
+### code
+(-> (Code .Any) .Text)
+### code\_equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Code _0)))
+### code\_hash
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash (Code _0)))
+### command\_line\_arguments
+### comment
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (Code _0) (Code _0)))
+### cond
+(-> (.List [Expression Statement]) Statement Statement)
+### do
+(-> .Text (.List Expression) Expression Computation)
+### double\_splat
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### exit\_status
+### float
+(-> .Frac Literal)
+### for\_in
+(-> LVar Expression Statement Statement)
+### function
+(-> LVar (.List LVar) Statement Statement)
+### global
+(-> .Text GVar)
+### hash
+(-> (.List [Expression Expression]) Literal)
+### if
+(-> Expression Statement Statement Statement)
+### input\_record\_separator
+### instance
+(-> .Text IVar)
+### int
+(-> .Int Literal)
+### item
+(-> Expression Expression Access)
+### lambda
+(-> (.Maybe LVar) (.List Var) Statement Literal)
+### last\_line\_number\_read
+### last\_regexp\_match
+### last\_string\_matched
+### last\_string\_read
+### latest\_error
+### local
+(-> .Text LVar)
+### manual
+(-> .Text Code)
+### next
+### nil
+### not
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### opposite
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### or
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### output\_record\_separator
+### pow
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### print/1
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### print/2
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### print/3
+(-> Expression Expression Expression Computation)
+### process\_id
+### raise
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### redo
+### require/1
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### return
+(-> Expression Statement)
+### script\_name
+### set
+(-> (.List Location) Expression Statement)
+### splat
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### statement
+(-> Expression Statement)
+### static
+(-> .Text SVar)
+### string
+(-> .Text Literal)
+### symbol
+(-> .Text Literal)
+### the
+(-> .Text Expression Access)
+### then
+(-> Statement Statement Statement)
+### throw/1
+(-> Expression Statement)
+### variadic
+(-> LVar LVar*)
+### variadic\_kv
+(-> LVar LVar**)
+### when
+(-> Expression Statement Statement)
+### while
+(-> Expression Statement Statement)
+# library/lux/test
+Tools for unit & property\-based/generative testing\.
+## Definitions
+### Assertion
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async [Tally .Text])
+An asynchronous operation that yields test results\.
+### Seed
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+The seed value used for random testing \(if that feature is used\)\.
+### Tally
+... .Type
+ [#successes .Nat
+ #failures .Nat
+ #expected_coverage (library/lux/data/collection/set.Set .Symbol)
+ #actual_coverage (library/lux/data/collection/set.Set .Symbol)])
+A record of successes and failures while executing tests\.
+### Test
+... .Type
+(library/lux/math/random.Random Assertion)
+A test that relies on random data generation to thoroughly cover different scenarios\.
+### and
+(-> Test Test Test)
+Sequencing combinator\.
+(and left right)
+### and'
+(-> Assertion Assertion Assertion)
+Sequencing combinator \(for assertions\)\.
+(and' left right)
+### assertion
+(-> .Text .Bit Assertion)
+Check that a condition is \#1, and fail with the given message otherwise\.
+(assertion message condition)
+### context
+(-> .Text Test Test)
+Adds a contextual description to a test's documentation\.
+(context description)
+### cover
+Specifies a test as covering one or more definitions\.
+Adds to the test tally information to track which definitions have been tested\.
+(cover [definition/0 definition/1 ,,, definition/N]
+ (: Bit
+ (some "computation")))
+### cover'
+Specifies a test as covering one or more definitions\.
+Adds to the test tally information to track which definitions have been tested\.
+(cover' [definition/0 definition/1 ,,, definition/N]
+ (: Bit
+ (some "computation")))
+### covering
+Specifies the module being covered by a test\.
+Adds tracking information to the tally to know which exported definitions in the module need to be covered\.
+(covering documentation/lux/test._
+ (: Test
+ some_test))
+### error\_during\_execution
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Text)
+### failure
+(-> .Text Test)
+A failing test, with a given error message\.
+### for
+Specifies a context for tests as covering one or more definitions\.
+Adds to the test tally information to track which definitions have been tested\.
+(for [definition/0 definition/1 ,,, definition/N]
+ (: Test
+ some_test))
+### in\_parallel
+(-> (.List Test) Test)
+Executes multiple tests in parallel \(if the host platform supports it\) to take advantage of multiple cores\.
+(in_parallel tests)
+### lifted
+(-> .Text (library/lux/math/random.Random .Bit) Test)
+(lifted message random)
+### must\_try\_test\_at\_least\_once
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### run\!
+(-> Test (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async .Nothing))
+Executes a test, and exits the program with either a successful or a failing exit code\.
+WARNING: This procedure is only meant to be used in \(program: \.\.\.\) forms\.
+(run! test)
+### seed
+(-> Seed Test Test)
+Execute the given test with a specific seed value\.
+This allows you to reproduce a failing test case as many times as you want while debugging\.
+(seed value test)
+### test
+(-> .Text .Bit Test)
+Check that a condition is \#1, and fail with the given message otherwise\.
+(test message condition)
+### times
+(-> .Nat Test Test)
+Allows executing a test several times\.
+By doing this, it's possible to thoroughly test code with many different scenarios\.
+This assumes that random data generation is being used in tests instead of fixed/constant inputs\.
+(times amount test)
+# library/lux/time
+## Definitions
+### Clock
+... .Type
+ [#hour .Nat
+ #minute .Nat
+ #second .Nat
+ #milli_second .Nat])
+A clock marking the specific hour, minute, second, and milli\-second in a day\.
+### Time
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/time.Time")
+Time is defined as milliseconds since the start of the day \(00:00:00\.000\)\.
+### clock
+(-> Time Clock)
+(clock time)
+### codec
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text Time)
+Based on ISO 8601\.
+For example: 21:14:51\.827
+### enum
+(library/lux/abstract/enum.Enum Time)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Time)
+### hours
+Number of hours in an day\.
+### invalid\_hour
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### invalid\_minute
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### invalid\_second
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### midnight
+The instant corresponding to the start of the day: 00:00:00\.000
+### milli\_seconds
+Number of milli\-seconds in a second\.
+### millis
+(-> Time .Nat)
+### minutes
+Number of minutes in an hour\.
+### of\_millis
+(-> .Nat (library/lux/control/try.Try Time))
+(of_millis milli_seconds)
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order Time)
+### parser
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser Time)
+### seconds
+Number of seconds in a minute\.
+### time
+(-> Clock (library/lux/control/try.Try Time))
+(time clock)
+### time\_exceeds\_a\_day
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+# library/lux/time/date
+## Definitions
+### Date
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/time/date.Date")
+A date specified as a year/month/day triplet\.
+### codec
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text Date)
+Based on ISO 8601\.
+For example: 2017\-01\-15
+### date
+(-> library/lux/time/year.Year library/lux/time/month.Month .Nat (library/lux/control/try.Try Date))
+A date, within the allowed limits\.
+(date year month day_of_month)
+### day\_of\_month
+(-> Date .Nat)
+### days
+(-> Date .Int)
+### enum
+(library/lux/abstract/enum.Enum Date)
+### epoch
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Date)
+### invalid\_day
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [library/lux/time/year.Year library/lux/time/month.Month .Nat])
+### invalid\_month
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### month
+(-> Date library/lux/time/month.Month)
+### of\_days
+(-> .Int Date)
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order Date)
+### parser
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser Date)
+### year
+(-> Date library/lux/time/year.Year)
+# library/lux/time/day
+## Definitions
+### Day
+... .Type
+ {#Sunday .Any}
+ {#Monday .Any}
+ {#Tuesday .Any}
+ {#Wednesday .Any}
+ {#Thursday .Any}
+ {#Friday .Any}
+ {#Saturday .Any})
+A day of the week\.
+### by\_number
+(-> .Nat (library/lux/control/try.Try Day))
+### codec
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text Day)
+### enum
+(library/lux/abstract/enum.Enum Day)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Day)
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash Day)
+### invalid\_day
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### not\_a\_day\_of\_the\_week
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Text)
+### number
+(-> Day .Nat)
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order Day)
+### week
+(.List Day)
+All the days, ordered by when they come in a week\.
+# library/lux/time/duration
+## Definitions
+### Duration
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/time/duration.Duration")
+Durations have a resolution of milli\-seconds\.
+### codec
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text Duration)
+### day
+### difference
+(-> Duration Duration Duration)
+(difference from to)
+### down
+(-> .Nat Duration Duration)
+### empty
+### enum
+(library/lux/abstract/enum.Enum Duration)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Duration)
+### framed
+(-> Duration Duration Duration)
+### hour
+### inverse
+(-> Duration Duration)
+### leap\_year
+### merged
+(-> Duration Duration Duration)
+### milli\_second
+### millis
+(-> Duration .Int)
+### minute
+### monoid
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid Duration)
+### negative?
+(-> Duration .Bit)
+### neutral?
+(-> Duration .Bit)
+### normal\_year
+### of\_millis
+(-> .Int Duration)
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order Duration)
+### positive?
+(-> Duration .Bit)
+### second
+### ticks
+(-> Duration Duration .Int)
+### up
+(-> .Nat Duration Duration)
+### week
+# library/lux/time/instant
+## Definitions
+### Instant
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/time/instant.Instant")
+Instant is defined as milli\-seconds since the epoch\.
+### absolute
+(-> library/lux/time/duration.Duration Instant)
+(absolute offset)
+### after
+(-> library/lux/time/duration.Duration Instant Instant)
+(after duration instant)
+### codec
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text Instant)
+Based on ISO 8601\.
+For example: 2017\-01\-15T21:14:51\.827Z
+### date
+(-> Instant library/lux/time/date.Date)
+### day\_of\_week
+(-> Instant library/lux/time/day.Day)
+### enum
+(library/lux/abstract/enum.Enum Instant)
+### epoch
+The instant corresponding to 1970\-01\-01T00:00:00Z\.
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Instant)
+### millis
+(-> Instant .Int)
+### now
+(library/lux/control/io.IO Instant)
+Yields the current instant, as measured from the operating\-system's clock\.
+### of\_date\_time
+(-> library/lux/time/date.Date library/lux/time.Time Instant)
+(of_date_time date time)
+### of\_millis
+(-> .Int Instant)
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order Instant)
+### relative
+(-> Instant library/lux/time/duration.Duration)
+(relative instant)
+### span
+(-> Instant Instant library/lux/time/duration.Duration)
+(span from to)
+### time
+(-> Instant library/lux/time.Time)
+# library/lux/time/month
+## Definitions
+### Month
+... .Type
+ {#January .Any}
+ {#February .Any}
+ {#March .Any}
+ {#April .Any}
+ {#May .Any}
+ {#June .Any}
+ {#July .Any}
+ {#August .Any}
+ {#September .Any}
+ {#October .Any}
+ {#November .Any}
+ {#December .Any})
+A month of the year\.
+### by\_number
+(-> .Nat (library/lux/control/try.Try Month))
+### codec
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text Month)
+### days
+(-> Month .Nat)
+The amount of days of a month\.
+(days month)
+### enum
+(library/lux/abstract/enum.Enum Month)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Month)
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash Month)
+### invalid\_month
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### leap\_year\_days
+(-> Month .Nat)
+The amount of days of a month \(in a leap year\)\.
+(leap_year_days month)
+### not\_a\_month\_of\_the\_year
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Text)
+### number
+(-> Month .Nat)
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order Month)
+### year
+(.List Month)
+All the months, ordered by when they come in a year\.
+# library/lux/time/year
+## Definitions
+### Period
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+An amount of years\.
+### Year
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/time/year.Year")
+A year in the gregorian calendar\.
+Both negative \(< 0\) and positive \(> 0\) values are valid, but not 0\.
+This is because the first year of the gregorian calendar was year 1\.
+### century
+### codec
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text Year)
+Based on ISO 8601\.
+For example: 2017
+### days
+The amount of days in a typical year\.
+### epoch
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Year)
+### era
+### leap
+### leap?
+(-> Year .Bit)
+### leaps
+(-> Year .Int)
+The number of leap years in a period of years\.
+(leaps year)
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order Year)
+### parser
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser Year)
+### there\_is\_no\_year\_0
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### value
+(-> Year .Int)
+### year
+(-> .Int (library/lux/control/try.Try Year))
+A valid year in the gregorian calendar, if possible\.
+(year value)
+# library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis
+## Definitions
+### %analysis
+(library/lux/data/text/format.Format Analysis)
+### Abstraction
+... .Type
+(All (Abstraction _0)
+ [(Environment _0) library/lux/tool/compiler/arity.Arity _0])
+### Analysis
+... .Type
+(Rec Analysis
+ (Variant
+ {#Primitive Primitive}
+ {#Structure (Composite Analysis)}
+ {#Reference library/lux/tool/compiler/reference.Reference}
+ {#Case Analysis (Match' Analysis)}
+ {#Function (Environment Analysis) Analysis}
+ {#Apply Analysis Analysis}
+ {#Extension (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Extension Analysis)}))
+### Application
+... .Type
+(All (Application _0)
+ [_0 (.List _0)])
+### Branch
+... .Type
+(Branch' Analysis)
+### Branch'
+... .Type
+(All (Branch' _0)
+ (Record
+ [#when Pattern
+ #then _0]))
+### Bundle
+... .Type
+(library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Bundle .Lux .Code Analysis)
+### Composite
+... .Type
+(All (Composite _0)
+ (Variant
+ {#Variant (Variant _0)}
+ {#Tuple (Tuple _0)}))
+### Environment
+... .Type
+(All (Environment _0)
+ (.List _0))
+### Handler
+... .Type
+(library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Handler .Lux .Code Analysis)
+### Match
+... .Type
+(Match' Analysis)
+### Match'
+... .Type
+(All (Match' _0)
+ [(Branch' _0) (.List (Branch' _0))])
+### Operation
+... .Type
+(library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Operation .Lux .Code Analysis)
+### Pattern
+... .Type
+(Rec Pattern
+ (Variant
+ {#Simple Primitive}
+ {#Complex (Composite Pattern)}
+ {#Bind library/lux/tool/compiler/reference/variable.Register}))
+### Phase
+... .Type
+(library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Phase .Lux .Code Analysis)
+### Primitive
+... .Type
+ {#Unit .Any}
+ {#Bit .Bit}
+ {#Nat .Nat}
+ {#Int .Int}
+ {#Rev .Rev}
+ {#Frac .Frac}
+ {#Text .Text})
+### State\+
+... .Type
+(library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.State .Lux .Code Analysis)
+### Tag
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+### Tuple
+... .Type
+(All (Tuple _0)
+ (.List _0))
+### Variant
+... .Type
+(All (Variant _0)
+ (Record
+ [#lefts .Nat
+ #right? .Bit
+ #value _0]))
+### application
+(-> Analysis (Application Analysis))
+### apply
+(-> (Application Analysis) Analysis)
+### assertion
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/control/exception.Exception _0) _0 .Bit (Operation .Any)))
+### bit
+### choice
+(-> .Nat .Nat [.Nat .Bit])
+### composite\_equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Composite _0))))
+### composite\_hash
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash (Composite _0))))
+### constant
+### control/case
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Analysis)
+### except
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/control/exception.Exception _0) _0 Operation))
+### except'
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/control/exception.Exception _0) _0 (library/lux/tool/compiler/phase.Operation .Lux)))
+### failure
+(-> .Text Operation)
+### failure'
+(-> .Text (library/lux/tool/compiler/phase.Operation .Lux))
+### frac
+### info
+(-> library/lux/tool/compiler/version.Version .Text .Info)
+### install
+(-> .Lux (Operation .Any))
+### int
+### location
+(-> .Text .Location)
+### nat
+### no\_op
+### pattern/bind
+### pattern/bit
+### pattern/frac
+### pattern/int
+### pattern/nat
+### pattern/rev
+### pattern/text
+### pattern/tuple
+### pattern/unit
+### pattern/variant
+### rev
+### set\_current\_module
+(-> .Text (Operation .Any))
+### set\_location
+(-> .Location (Operation .Any))
+### set\_source\_code
+(-> .Source (Operation .Any))
+### source
+(-> .Text .Text .Source)
+### state
+(-> .Info .Lux)
+### tag
+(-> .Nat .Bit .Nat)
+### text
+### tuple
+### unit
+### variable
+### variable/foreign
+### variable/local
+### variant
+### with\_current\_module
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (Operation _0) (Operation _0)))
+### with\_location
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Location (Operation _0) (Operation _0)))
+### with\_scope
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Operation _0) (Operation [.Scope _0])))
+### with\_source\_code
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Source (Operation _0) (Operation _0)))
+### with\_stack
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/control/exception.Exception _0) _0 (Operation _1) (Operation _1)))
+### without\_scopes
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Operation _0) (Operation _0)))
+# library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/directive
+## Definitions
+### Bundle
+... .Type
+(All (Bundle _0 _1 _2)
+ (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Bundle (State _0 _1 _2) .Code Requirements))
+### Component
+... .Type
+(All (Component _0 _1)
+ (Record
+ [#state _0
+ #phase _1]))
+### Handler
+... .Type
+(All (Handler _0 _1 _2)
+ (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Handler (State _0 _1 _2) .Code Requirements))
+### Import
+... .Type
+ [#module library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/descriptor.Module
+ #alias .Text])
+### Operation
+... .Type
+(All (Operation _0 _1 _2)
+ (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Operation (State _0 _1 _2) .Code Requirements))
+### Phase
+... .Type
+(All (Phase _0 _1 _2)
+ (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Phase (State _0 _1 _2) .Code Requirements))
+### Requirements
+... .Type
+ [#imports (.List Import)
+ #referrals (.List .Code)])
+### State
+... .Type
+(All (State _0 _1 _2)
+ (Record
+ [#analysis (Component library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.State+ library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Phase)
+ #synthesis (Component library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.State+ library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Phase)
+ #generation (Component (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/generation.State+ _0 _1 _2) (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/generation.Phase _0 _1 _2))]))
+### State\+
+... .Type
+(All (State+ _0 _1 _2)
+ (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.State (State _0 _1 _2) .Code Requirements))
+### analysis
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (Operation _0 _1 _2 library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Phase))
+### generation
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (Operation _0 _1 _2 (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/generation.Phase _0 _1 _2)))
+### lifted\_analysis
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Operation _3) (Operation _0 _1 _2 _3)))
+### lifted\_generation
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/generation.Operation _0 _1 _2 _3) (Operation _0 _1 _2 _3)))
+### lifted\_synthesis
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Operation _3) (Operation _0 _1 _2 _3)))
+### merge\_requirements
+(-> Requirements Requirements Requirements)
+### no\_requirements
+### set\_current\_module
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/descriptor.Module (Operation _0 _1 _2 .Any)))
+### synthesis
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (Operation _0 _1 _2 library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Phase))
+# library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/generation
+## Definitions
+### Buffer
+... .Type
+(All (Buffer _0)
+ (library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence [library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.ID (.Maybe .Text) _0]))
+### Bundle
+... .Type
+(All (Bundle _0 _1 _2)
+ (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Bundle (State _0 _1 _2) library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Synthesis _1))
+### Context
+... .Type
+[library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive.ID library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.ID]
+### Extender
+... .Type
+(All (Extender _0 _1 _2)
+ (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Extender (State _0 _1 _2) library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Synthesis _1))
+### Handler
+... .Type
+(All (Handler _0 _1 _2)
+ (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Handler (State _0 _1 _2) library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Synthesis _1))
+### Host
+... .Type
+(All (Host _0 _1)
+ (Record
+ [evaluate (-> Context _0 (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any))
+ execute (-> _1 (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any))
+ define (-> Context (.Maybe .Text) _0 (library/lux/control/try.Try [.Text .Any _1]))
+ ingest (-> Context library/lux/data/binary.Binary _1)
+ re_learn (-> Context (.Maybe .Text) _1 (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any))
+ re_load (-> Context (.Maybe .Text) _1 (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any))]))
+### Operation
+... .Type
+(All (Operation _0 _1 _2)
+ (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Operation (State _0 _1 _2) library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Synthesis _1))
+### Phase
+... .Type
+(All (Phase _0 _1 _2)
+ (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Phase (State _0 _1 _2) library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Synthesis _1))
+### State
+... .Type
+(All (State _0 _1 _2)
+ (Record
+ [#module library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/descriptor.Module
+ #anchor (.Maybe _0)
+ #host (Host _1 _2)
+ #buffer (.Maybe (Buffer _2))
+ #registry library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.Registry
+ #counter .Nat
+ #context (.Maybe library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.ID)
+ #log (library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence .Text)]))
+### State\+
+... .Type
+(All (State+ _0 _1 _2)
+ (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.State (State _0 _1 _2) library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Synthesis _1))
+### anchor
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (Operation _0 _1 _2 _0))
+### buffer
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (Operation _0 _1 _2 (Buffer _2)))
+### cannot\_interpret
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Text)
+### cannot\_overwrite\_output
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.ID)
+### context
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive.Archive (Operation _0 _1 _2 Context)))
+### define\!
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> Context (.Maybe .Text) _1 (Operation _0 _1 _2 [.Text .Any _2])))
+### empty\_buffer
+### enter\_module
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/descriptor.Module (Operation _0 _1 _2 .Any)))
+### evaluate\!
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> Context _1 (Operation _0 _1 _2 .Any)))
+### execute\!
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> _2 (Operation _0 _1 _2 .Any)))
+### get\_registry
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (Operation _0 _1 _2 library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.Registry))
+### learn
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> .Text (Operation _0 _1 _2 library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.ID)))
+### learn\_analyser
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> .Text (Operation _0 _1 _2 library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.ID)))
+### learn\_custom
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> .Text (Operation _0 _1 _2 library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.ID)))
+### learn\_directive
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> .Text (Operation _0 _1 _2 library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.ID)))
+### learn\_generator
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> .Text (Operation _0 _1 _2 library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.ID)))
+### learn\_synthesizer
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> .Text (Operation _0 _1 _2 library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.ID)))
+### log\!
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> .Text (Operation _0 _1 _2 .Any)))
+### module
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (Operation _0 _1 _2 library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/descriptor.Module))
+### module\_id
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/descriptor.Module library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive.Archive (Operation _0 _1 _2 library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive.ID)))
+### next
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (Operation _0 _1 _2 .Nat))
+### no\_active\_buffer
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### no\_anchor
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### no\_buffer\_for\_saving\_code
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.ID)
+### no\_context
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### remember
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive.Archive .Symbol (Operation _0 _1 _2 Context)))
+### save\!
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.ID (.Maybe .Text) _2 (Operation _0 _1 _2 .Any)))
+### set\_anchor
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> _0 (Operation _0 _1 _2 .Any)))
+### set\_buffer
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Buffer _2) (Operation _0 _1 _2 .Any)))
+### set\_registry
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.Registry (Operation _0 _1 _2 .Any)))
+### state
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Host _1 _2) library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/descriptor.Module (State _0 _1 _2)))
+### symbol
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> .Text (Operation _0 _1 _2 .Text)))
+### unknown\_definition
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Symbol (.List .Text)])
+### with\_anchor
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> _0 (Operation _0 _1 _2 _3) (Operation _0 _1 _2 _3)))
+### with\_buffer
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> (Operation _0 _1 _2 _3) (Operation _0 _1 _2 _3)))
+### with\_context
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.ID (Operation _0 _1 _2 _3) (Operation _0 _1 _2 _3)))
+### with\_new\_context
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive.Archive (Operation _0 _1 _2 _3) (Operation _0 _1 _2 [Context _3])))
+# library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis
+## Definitions
+### \!bind\_top
+### \!multi\_pop
+### %path
+(library/lux/data/text/format.Format Path)
+### %path'
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/data/text/format.Format _0) (library/lux/data/text/format.Format (Path' _0))))
+### %synthesis
+(library/lux/data/text/format.Format Synthesis)
+### Abstraction
+... .Type
+(Abstraction' Synthesis)
+### Abstraction'
+... .Type
+(All (Abstraction' _0)
+ (Record
+ [#environment (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Environment _0)
+ #arity library/lux/tool/compiler/arity.Arity
+ #body _0]))
+### Access
+... .Type
+ {#Side Side}
+ {#Member Member})
+### Apply
+... .Type
+(Apply' Synthesis)
+### Apply'
+... .Type
+(All (Apply' _0)
+ (Record
+ [#function _0
+ #arguments (.List _0)]))
+### Branch
+... .Type
+(All (Branch _0)
+ (Variant
+ {#Let _0 library/lux/tool/compiler/reference/variable.Register _0}
+ {#If _0 _0 _0}
+ {#Get (.List Member) _0}
+ {#Case _0 (Path' _0)}))
+### Bundle
+... .Type
+(library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Bundle State library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Analysis Synthesis)
+### Control
+... .Type
+(All (Control _0)
+ (Variant
+ {#Branch (Branch _0)}
+ {#Loop (Loop _0)}
+ {#Function (Function _0)}))
+### Fork
+... .Type
+(All (Fork _0 _1)
+ [[_0 _1] (.List [_0 _1])])
+### Function
+... .Type
+(All (Function _0)
+ (Variant
+ {#Abstraction (Abstraction' _0)}
+ {#Apply _0 (.List _0)}))
+### Handler
+... .Type
+(library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Handler State library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Analysis Synthesis)
+### Loop
+... .Type
+(All (Loop _0)
+ (Variant
+ {#Scope (Scope _0)}
+ {#Again (.List _0)}))
+### Member
+... .Type
+(.Either .Nat .Nat)
+### Operation
+... .Type
+(library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Operation State library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Analysis Synthesis)
+### Path
+... .Type
+(Path' Synthesis)
+### Path'
+... .Type
+(All (Path' _0)
+ (Variant
+ {#Pop .Any}
+ {#Access Access}
+ {#Bind library/lux/tool/compiler/reference/variable.Register}
+ {#Bit_Fork .Bit (Path' _0) (.Maybe (Path' _0))}
+ {#I64_Fork (Fork (.I64 .Any) (Path' _0))}
+ {#F64_Fork (Fork .Frac (Path' _0))}
+ {#Text_Fork (Fork .Text (Path' _0))}
+ {#Alt (Path' _0) (Path' _0)}
+ {#Seq (Path' _0) (Path' _0)}
+ {#Then _0}))
+### Phase
+... .Type
+(library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Phase State library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Analysis Synthesis)
+### Primitive
+... .Type
+ {#Bit .Bit}
+ {#I64 (.I64 .Any)}
+ {#F64 .Frac}
+ {#Text .Text})
+### Resolver
+... .Type
+(library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary library/lux/tool/compiler/reference/variable.Variable library/lux/tool/compiler/reference/variable.Variable)
+### Scope
+... .Type
+(All (Scope _0)
+ (Record
+ [#start library/lux/tool/compiler/reference/variable.Register
+ #inits (.List _0)
+ #iteration _0]))
+### Side
+... .Type
+(.Either .Nat .Nat)
+### State
+... .Type
+ [#locals .Nat
+ #currying? .Bit])
+### State\+
+... .Type
+(library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.State State library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Analysis Synthesis)
+### Synthesis
+... .Type
+(Rec Synthesis
+ (Variant
+ {#Primitive Primitive}
+ {#Structure (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Composite Synthesis)}
+ {#Reference library/lux/tool/compiler/reference.Reference}
+ {#Control (Control Synthesis)}
+ {#Extension (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Extension Synthesis)}))
+### access\_equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Access)
+### bit
+### branch/case
+### branch/get
+### branch/if
+### branch/let
+### constant
+### currying?
+(Operation .Bit)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Synthesis)
+### f64
+### fresh\_resolver
+### function/abstraction
+### function/apply
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash Synthesis)
+### i64
+### init
+### locals
+(Operation .Nat)
+### loop/again
+### loop/scope
+### member/left
+### member/right
+### path'\_equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Path' _0))))
+### path/alt
+### path/bind
+### path/member
+### path/pop
+### path/seq
+### path/side
+### path/then
+### path\_equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Path)
+### primitive\_equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Primitive)
+### side/left
+### side/right
+### simple\_left\_side
+### simple\_right\_side
+### text
+### tuple
+### unit
+### variable
+### variable/foreign
+### variable/local
+### variant
+### with\_currying?
+(-> .Bit (All (_ _0) (-> (Operation _0) (Operation _0))))
+### with\_locals
+(-> .Nat (All (_ _0) (-> (Operation _0) (Operation _0))))
+### with\_new\_local
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Operation _0) (Operation _0)))
+# library/lux/tool/compiler/phase
+## Definitions
+### Operation
+... .Type
+(All (Operation _0 _1)
+ (library/lux/control/state.+State library/lux/control/try.Try _0 _1))
+### Phase
+... .Type
+(All (Phase _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive.Archive _1 (Operation _0 _2)))
+### Wrapper
+... .Type
+(All (Wrapper _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Phase _0 _1 _2) .Any))
+### assertion
+### composite
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3 _4)
+ (-> (Phase _0 _2 _3) (Phase _1 _3 _4) (Phase [_0 _1] _2 _4)))
+### except
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/control/exception.Exception _0) _0 Operation))
+### failure
+(-> .Text Operation)
+### get\_state
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (Operation _0 _0))
+### identity
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (Phase _0 _1 _1))
+### lifted
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/control/try.Try _1) (Operation _0 _1)))
+### monad
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (Operation _0)))
+### result
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 (Operation _0 _1) (library/lux/control/try.Try _1)))
+### result'
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 (Operation _0 _1) (library/lux/control/try.Try [_0 _1])))
+### set\_state
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 (Operation _0 .Any)))
+### sub
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> [(-> _0 _1) (-> _1 _0 _0)] (Operation _1 _2) (Operation _0 _2)))
+### timed
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> .Symbol .Text (Operation _0 _1) (Operation _0 _1)))
+# library/lux/type
+Basic functionality for working with types\.
+## Definitions
+### :as
+Casts a value to a specific type\.
+The specified type can depend on type variables of the original type of the value\.
+NOTE: Careless use of type\-casts is an easy way to introduce bugs\. USE WITH CAUTION\.
+(: (Bar Bit Nat Text)
+ (:as [a b c]
+ (Foo a [b c])
+ (Bar a b c)
+ (: (Foo Bit [Nat Text])
+ (foo expression))))
+### :by\_example
+Constructs a type that shares type\-variables with an expression of some other type\.
+(: Type
+ (:by_example [a b c]
+ (Foo a [b c])
+ (: (Foo Bit [Nat Text])
+ (foo expression))
+ (Bar a b c)))
+... =>
+(.type (Bar Bit Nat Text))
+### :log\!
+Logs to the console/terminal the type of an expression\.
+(:log! (: Foo (foo expression)))
+... =>
+... Expression: (foo expression)
+... Type: Foo
+(foo expression)
+### :sharing
+Allows specifing the type of an expression as sharing type\-variables with the type of another expression\.
+(: (Bar Bit Nat Text)
+ (:sharing [a b c]
+ (Foo a [b c])
+ (: (Foo Bit [Nat Text])
+ (foo expression))
+ (Bar a b c)
+ (bar expression)))
+### anonymous
+(-> .Type .Type)
+A type without any names covering it\.
+(anonymous type)
+### application
+(-> (.List .Type) .Type .Type)
+An un\-evaluated type application, with the given quantified type, and parameters\.
+(application params quant)
+### applied
+(-> (.List .Type) .Type (.Maybe .Type))
+To the extend possible, applies a quantified type to the given parameters\.
+(applied params func)
+### array
+(-> .Nat .Type .Type)
+An array type, with the given level of nesting/depth, and the given element type\.
+(array depth element_type)
+### array?
+(-> .Type .Bit)
+Is a type an array type?
+### code
+(-> .Type .Code)
+A representation of a type as code\.
+The code is such that evaluating it would yield the type value\.
+(code type)
+### de\_aliased
+(-> .Type .Type)
+A \(potentially named\) type that does not have its name shadowed by other names\.
+(de_aliased type)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence .Type)
+### ex\_q
+(-> .Nat .Type .Type)
+A quantified type, with the given number of parameters, and body\.
+### flat\_application
+(-> .Type [.Type (.List .Type)])
+The quantified type, and its parameters, for a type\-application\.
+(flat_application type)
+### flat\_array
+(-> .Type [.Nat .Type])
+The level of nesting/depth and element type for an array type\.
+(flat_array type)
+### flat\_ex\_q
+(-> .Type [.Nat .Type])
+The number of parameters, and the body, of a quantified type\.
+### flat\_function
+(-> .Type [(.List .Type) .Type])
+The input, and the output of a function type\.
+(flat_function type)
+### flat\_tuple
+(-> .Type (.List .Type))
+The members of a composite type\.
+### flat\_univ\_q
+(-> .Type [.Nat .Type])
+The number of parameters, and the body, of a quantified type\.
+### flat\_variant
+(-> .Type (.List .Type))
+The members of a composite type\.
+### format
+(-> .Type .Text)
+A \(readable\) textual representable of a type\.
+(format type)
+### function
+(-> (.List .Type) .Type .Type)
+A function type, with the given inputs and output\.
+(function inputs output)
+### quantified?
+(-> .Type .Bit)
+Only yields \#1 for universally or existentially quantified types\.
+(quantified? type)
+### tuple
+(-> (.List .Type) .Type)
+A composite type, constituted by the given member types\.
+### univ\_q
+(-> .Nat .Type .Type)
+A quantified type, with the given number of parameters, and body\.
+### variant
+(-> (.List .Type) .Type)
+A composite type, constituted by the given member types\.
+# library/lux/type/abstract
+## Definitions
+### :abstraction
+Type\-casting macro for abstract/nominal types\.
+(|> value
+ (: Representation)
+ :abstraction
+ (: Abstraction)
+ :representation
+ (: Representation))
+### :representation
+Type\-casting macro for abstract/nominal types\.
+(|> value
+ (: Representation)
+ :abstraction
+ (: Abstraction)
+ :representation
+ (: Representation))
+### :transmutation
+Transmutes an abstract/nominal type's phantom types\.
+(abstract: (JavaScript a)
+ Text
+ (abstract: Expression Any)
+ (abstract: Statement Any)
+ (def: (statement expression)
+ (-> (JavaScript Expression) (JavaScript Statement))
+ (:transmutation expression))
+ (def: (statement' expression)
+ (-> (JavaScript Expression) (JavaScript Statement))
+ (:transmutation JavaScript expression)))
+### Frame
+... .Type
+ [#name .Text
+ #type_vars (.List .Code)
+ #abstraction .Code
+ #representation .Code])
+Meta\-data about an abstract/nominal type in a stack of them\.
+### ^:representation
+Pattern\-matching macro to easily extract a representation\.
+(def: (computation abstraction)
+ (All (_ a) (-> (Abstract a) ???))
+ (let [(^:representation value) abstraction]
+ (foo (bar (baz value)))))
+### abstract:
+Define abstract/nominal types which hide their representation details\.
+You can convert between the abstraction and its representation selectively to access the value, while hiding it from others\.
+(abstract: String
+ Text
+ (def: (string value)
+ (-> Text String)
+ (:abstraction value))
+ (def: (text value)
+ (-> String Text)
+ (:representation value)))
+... Type-parameters are optional.
+(abstract: (Duplicate a)
+ [a a]
+ (def: (duplicate value)
+ (All (_ a) (-> a (Duplicate a)))
+ (:abstraction [value value])))
+... Definitions can be nested.
+(abstract: (Single a)
+ a
+ (def: (single value)
+ (All (_ a) (-> a (Single a)))
+ (:abstraction value))
+ (abstract: (Double a)
+ [a a]
+ (def: (double value)
+ (All (_ a) (-> a (Double a)))
+ (:abstraction [value value]))
+ (def: (single' value)
+ (All (_ a) (-> a (Single a)))
+ (:abstraction Single [value value]))
+ (let [value 123]
+ (same? value
+ (|> value
+ single'
+ (:representation Single)
+ double
+ :representation)))))
+... Type-parameters do not necessarily have to be used in the representation type.
+... If they are not used, they become phantom types and can be used to customize types without changing the representation.
+(abstract: (JavaScript a)
+ Text
+ (abstract: Expression Any)
+ (abstract: Statement Any)
+ (def: (+ x y)
+ (-> (JavaScript Expression) (JavaScript Expression) (JavaScript Expression))
+ (:abstraction
+ (format "(" (:representation x) "+" (:representation y) ")")))
+ (def: (while test body)
+ (-> (JavaScript Expression) (JavaScript Statement) (JavaScript Statement))
+ (:abstraction
+ (format "while(" (:representation test) ") {"
+ (:representation body)
+ "}"))))
+### current
+(.Meta Frame)
+The currently\-being\-defined abstract/nominal type\.
+### no\_active\_frames
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### specific
+(-> .Text (.Meta Frame))
+A specific abstract/nominal type still being defined somewhere in the scope\.
+(specific name)
+# library/lux/type/check
+Type\-checking functionality\.
+## Definitions
+### \(Check it\)
+... .Type
+(-> .Type_Context (library/lux/control/try.Try [.Type_Context it]))
+A type\-checking computation which may fail or yield a value\.
+### Var
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+The ID for a type\-variable in a type\-checking context\.
+### apply
+(library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply Check)
+### assertion
+(-> .Text .Bit (Check .Any))
+(assertion message test)
+### bind
+(-> .Type Var (Check .Any))
+Attemmpts to buy a type\-variable\.
+Fails if the variable has been bound already\.
+(bind type id)
+### bound?
+(-> Var (Check .Bit))
+### cannot\_rebind\_var
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Nat .Type .Type])
+### check
+(-> .Type .Type (Check .Any))
+Type\-check to ensure that the 'expected' type subsumes the 'actual' type\.
+(check expected actual)
+### clean
+(-> .Type (Check .Type))
+Resolves every bound type\-variable to yield a new type that is as resolved as possible\.
+(clean inputT)
+### context
+(Check .Type_Context)
+The current state of the type\-checking context\.
+### except
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/control/exception.Exception _0) _0 (Check _1)))
+(except exception message)
+### existential
+(Check [.Nat .Type])
+A brand\-new existential type\.
+### failure
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (Check _0)))
+(failure message)
+### fresh\_context
+An empty/un\-used type\-checking context\.
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Check)
+### invalid\_type\_application
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Type .Type])
+### monad
+(library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad Check)
+### peek
+(-> Var (Check (.Maybe .Type)))
+### read
+(-> Var (Check .Type))
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Type_Context (Check _0) (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)))
+(result context proc)
+### subsumes?
+(-> .Type .Type .Bit)
+A simple type\-checking function that just returns a yes/no answer\.
+(subsumes? expected actual)
+### type\_check\_failed
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Type .Type])
+### unbound\_type\_var
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### unknown\_type\_var
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### var
+(Check [Var .Type])
+A brand\-new \(unbound\) type\-variable\.
+# library/lux/type/dynamic
+## Definitions
+### :dynamic
+(: Dynamic
+ (:dynamic 123))
+### :static
+(: (try.Try Nat)
+ (:static Nat (:dynamic 123)))
+### Dynamic
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/type/dynamic.Dynamic")
+A value coupled with its type, so it can be checked later\.
+### format
+(-> Dynamic (library/lux/control/try.Try .Text))
+### wrong\_type
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Type .Type])
+# library/lux/type/implicit
+## Definitions
+### \#\#
+Automatic implementation selection \(for type\-class style polymorphism\)\.
+This feature layers type\-class style polymorphism on top of Lux's signatures and implementations\.
+When calling a polymorphic function, or using a polymorphic constant,
+this macro will check the types of the arguments, and the expected type for the whole expression
+and it will search in the local scope, the module's scope and the imports' scope
+in order to find suitable implementations to satisfy those requirements\.
+If a single alternative is found, that one will be used automatically\.
+If no alternative is found, or if more than one alternative is found \(ambiguity\)
+a compile\-time error will be raised, to alert the user\.
+Caveat emptor: You need to make sure to import the module of any implementation you want to use\.
+Otherwise, this macro will not find it\.
+... Nat equivalence
+(# number.equivalence = x y)
+(## = x y)
+... Can optionally add the prefix of the module where the signature was defined.
+(## equivalence.= x y)
+... (List Nat) equivalence
+(## =
+ (list.indices 10)
+ (list.indices 10))
+... (Functor List) each
+(## each ++ (list.indices 10))
+### implicit:
+Establish local definitions for implementations that will be prioritized over foreign definitions\.
+(implicit: [n.multiplication])
+(n.= (# n.multiplication composite left right)
+ (## composite left right))
+### with
+Establish lexical bindings for implementations that will be prioritized over non\-lexically\-bound implementations\.
+(with [n.addition]
+ (n.= (# n.addition composite left right)
+ (## composite left right)))
+## Missing documentation
+1. `` compatible_type? ``
+# library/lux/type/poly
+## Definitions
+### code
+(-> library/lux/control/parser/type.Env .Type .Code)
+(code env type)
+### poly:
+# library/lux/type/quotient
+## Definitions
+### \(Class value label\)
+... .Type
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/type/quotient.Class" value label _0))
+The class knows how to classify/label values that are meant to be equivalent to one another\.
+### \(Quotient value label\)
+... .Type
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/type/quotient.Quotient" value label _0))
+A quotient value has been labeled with a class\.
+All equivalent values will belong to the same class\.
+This means all equivalent values possess the same label\.
+### class
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (Ex (_ _2)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1) (Class _0 _1 _2))))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _1) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Quotient _0 _1 _2))))
+### label
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Quotient _0 _1 _2) _1))
+### quotient
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Class _0 _1 _2) _0 (Quotient _0 _1 _2)))
+(quotient class value)
+### type
+The Quotient type associated with a Class type\.
+(def: even
+ (class even?))
+(def: Even
+ Type
+ (type even))
+(: Even
+ (quotient even 123))
+### value
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Quotient _0 _1 _2) _0))
+# library/lux/type/refinement
+## Definitions
+### \(Refined it\)
+... .Type
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/type/refinement.Refined" it _0))
+A refined version of another type, using a predicate to select valid instances\.
+### \(Refiner it\)
+... .Type
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> it (.Maybe (Refined it _0))))
+A selection mechanism for refined instances of a type\.
+### lifted
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 _0) (Refined _0 _1) (.Maybe (Refined _0 _1))))
+Yields a function that can work on refined values\.
+Respects the constraints of the refinement\.
+(lifted transform)
+### only
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Refiner _0 _1) (.List _0) (.List (Refined _0 _1))))
+(only refiner values)
+### partition
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Refiner _0 _1) (.List _0) [(.List (Refined _0 _1)) (.List _0)]))
+Separates refined values from the un\-refined ones\.
+(partition refiner values)
+### predicate
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Refined _0 _1) (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0)))
+### refiner
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Ex (_ _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (Refiner _0 _1))))
+(refiner predicate)
+### type
+The Refined type associated with a Refiner type\.
+(def: even
+ (refiner even?))
+(def: Even
+ Type
+ (type even))
+(: (Maybe Even)
+ (even 123))
+### value
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Refined _0 _1) _0))
+# library/lux/type/resource
+## Definitions
+### \(Affine monad permissions value\)
+... .Type
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Procedure monad _0 [permissions _0] value))
+A procedure which expands the number of available resources\.
+### Commutative
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/type/resource.Commutative")
+The mode of keys which CAN be swapped, and for whom order of release/consumption DOES NOT matters\.
+### \(Key mode key\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/type/resource.Key" mode key)
+The access right for a resource\.
+Without the key for a resource existing somewhere among the available ambient rights, one cannot use a resource\.
+### \(Linear monad value\)
+... .Type
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Procedure monad _0 _0 value))
+A procedure that is constant with regards to resource access rights\.
+This means no additional resources will be available after the computation is over\.
+This also means no previously available resources will have been consumed\.
+### Ordered
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/type/resource.Ordered")
+The mode of keys which CANNOT be swapped, and for whom order of release/consumption matters\.
+### \(Procedure monad input output value\)
+... .Type
+(-> input (monad [output value]))
+A computation that takes a sequence of resource access rights as inputs and yields a different sequence as outputs\.
+A procedure yields a result value\.
+A procedure can make use of monadic effects\.
+### \(Relevant monad permissions value\)
+... .Type
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Procedure monad [permissions _0] _0 value))
+A procedure which reduces the number of available resources\.
+### \(Res key value\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/type/resource.Res" key value)
+A resource locked by a key\.
+The 'key' represents the right to access/consume a resource\.
+### amount\_cannot\_be\_zero
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### commutative
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (Ex (_ _2)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) _1 (Affine _0 (Key Commutative _2) (Res _2 _1)))))
+Makes a value into a resource and adds the key/access\-right to it to the ambient keyring for future use\.
+### exchange
+A function that can exchange the keys for resource, so long as they are commutative\.
+This keys will be placed at the front of the keyring in the order they are specified\.
+The specific keys must be specified based of their index into the current keyring\.
+(do (monad !)
+ [res|left (commutative ! pre)
+ res|right (commutative ! post)
+ _ ((exchange [1 0]) !)
+ left (read ! res|left)
+ right (read ! res|right)]
+ (in (format left right)))
+### group
+Group/un\-group keys in the keyring into/out\-of tuples\.
+(do (monad !)
+ [res|left (commutative ! pre)
+ res|right (commutative ! post)
+ _ ((group 2) !)
+ _ ((un_group 2) !)
+ right (read ! res|right)
+ left (read ! res|left)]
+ (in (format left right)))
+### index\_cannot\_be\_repeated
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### lifted
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (_0 _1) (Linear _0 _1)))
+(lifted monad procedure)
+### monad
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (library/lux/abstract/monad/indexed.IxMonad (Procedure _0))))
+### ordered
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (Ex (_ _2)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) _1 (Affine _0 (Key Ordered _2) (Res _2 _1)))))
+Makes a value into a resource and adds the key/access\-right to it to the ambient keyring for future use\.
+### read
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (Res _2 _1) (Relevant _0 (Key _3 _2) _1)))
+Access the value of a resource, so long as its key is available\.
+(read monad resource)
+### run\!
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (Linear _0 _1) (_0 _1)))
+(run! monad procedure)
+### un\_group
+Group/un\-group keys in the keyring into/out\-of tuples\.
+(do (monad !)
+ [res|left (commutative ! pre)
+ res|right (commutative ! post)
+ _ ((group 2) !)
+ _ ((un_group 2) !)
+ right (read ! res|right)
+ left (read ! res|left)]
+ (in (format left right)))
+# library/lux/type/unit
+## Definitions
+### \*
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Qty _0) (Qty _1) (Qty [_0 _1])))
+### \+
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Qty _0) (Qty _0) (Qty _0)))
+### \-
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Qty _0) (Qty _0) (Qty _0)))
+### /
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Qty _0) (Qty [_0 _1]) (Qty _1)))
+### Giga
+... .Type
+(All (Giga _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/type/unit.Giga" _0))
+### Gram
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/type/unit.Gram")
+### Kilo
+... .Type
+(All (Kilo _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/type/unit.Kilo" _0))
+### Litre
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/type/unit.Litre")
+### Mega
+... .Type
+(All (Mega _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/type/unit.Mega" _0))
+### Meter
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/type/unit.Meter")
+### Micro
+... .Type
+(All (Micro _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/type/unit.Micro" _0))
+### Milli
+... .Type
+(All (Milli _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/type/unit.Milli" _0))
+### Nano
+... .Type
+(All (Nano _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/type/unit.Nano" _0))
+### Pure
+... .Type
+(Qty .Any)
+A pure, unit\-less quantity\.
+### \(Qty unit\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/type/unit.Qty" unit)
+A quantity with an associated unit of measurement\.
+### \(Scale scale\)
+... .Type
+ [scale (All (_ _0) (-> (Qty _0) (Qty (scale _0))))
+ de_scale (All (_ _0) (-> (Qty (scale _0)) (Qty _0)))
+ ratio library/lux/math/number/ratio.Ratio])
+A scale of magnitude\.
+### Second
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/type/unit.Second")
+### \(Unit unit\)
+... .Type
+ [in (-> .Int (Qty unit))
+ out (-> (Qty unit) .Int)])
+A unit of measurement, to qualify numbers with\.
+### enum
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/enum.Enum (Qty _0)))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Qty _0)))
+### giga
+(Scale Giga)
+The 'giga' scale, from 1 to 1000000000\.
+### gram
+(Unit Gram)
+The 'gram' unit of meaurement\.
+### kilo
+(Scale Kilo)
+The 'kilo' scale, from 1 to 1000\.
+### litre
+(Unit Litre)
+The 'litre' unit of meaurement\.
+### mega
+(Scale Mega)
+The 'mega' scale, from 1 to 1000000\.
+### meter
+(Unit Meter)
+The 'meter' unit of meaurement\.
+### micro
+(Scale Micro)
+The 'micro' scale, from 1000000 to 1\.
+### milli
+(Scale Milli)
+The 'milli' scale, from 1000 to 1\.
+### nano
+(Scale Nano)
+The 'nano' scale, from 1000000000 to 1\.
+### number
+(-> Pure .Int)
+### order
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/order.Order (Qty _0)))
+### pure
+(-> .Int Pure)
+### re\_scaled
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Scale _0) (Scale _1) (Qty (_0 _2)) (Qty (_1 _2))))
+(re_scaled from to quantity)
+### scale:
+Define a scale of magnitude\.
+(scale: .public Bajillion bajillion
+ [1 1234567890])
+### second
+(Unit Second)
+The 'second' unit of meaurement\.
+### unit:
+Define a unit of measurement\.
+Both the name of the type, and the name of the Unit implementation must be specified\.
+(unit: .public Feet feet)
+# library/lux/type/variance
+## Definitions
+### \(Co it\)
+... .Type
+(-> .Any it)
+A constraint for covariant types\.
+### \(Contra it\)
+... .Type
+(-> it .Any)
+A constraint for contravariant types\.
+### \(In it\)
+... .Type
+(-> it it)
+A constraint for invariant types\.
+# library/lux/world/console
+## Definitions
+### \(Console \!\)
+... .Type
+ [read (-> .Any (! (library/lux/control/try.Try library/lux/data/text.Char)))
+ read_line (-> .Any (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Text)))
+ write (-> .Text (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any)))
+ close (-> .Any (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any)))])
+An interface to console/terminal I/O\.
+### \(Mock s\)
+... .Type
+ [on_read (-> s (library/lux/control/try.Try [s library/lux/data/text.Char]))
+ on_read_line (-> s (library/lux/control/try.Try [s .Text]))
+ on_write (-> .Text s (library/lux/control/try.Try s))
+ on_close (-> s (library/lux/control/try.Try s))])
+A mock/simulation of a console\.
+Useful for testing\.
+### async
+(-> (Console library/lux/control/io.IO) (Console library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async))
+### mock
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Mock _0) _0 (Console library/lux/control/io.IO)))
+(mock mock init)
+### write\_line
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (Console _0) (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any))))
+Writes the message on the console and appends a new\-line/line\-feed at the end\.
+(write_line message console)
+# library/lux/world/file
+## Definitions
+### Path
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Text")
+A path to a file or a directory in a file\-system\.
+### \(System \!\)
+... .Type
+ [separator .Text
+ file? (-> Path (! .Bit))
+ directory? (-> Path (! .Bit))
+ make_directory (-> Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any)))
+ directory_files (-> Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try (.List Path))))
+ sub_directories (-> Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try (.List Path))))
+ file_size (-> Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Nat)))
+ last_modified (-> Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try library/lux/time/instant.Instant)))
+ can_execute? (-> Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Bit)))
+ read (-> Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try library/lux/data/binary.Binary)))
+ delete (-> Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any)))
+ modify (-> library/lux/time/instant.Instant Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any)))
+ write (-> library/lux/data/binary.Binary Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any)))
+ append (-> library/lux/data/binary.Binary Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any)))
+ move (-> Path Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any)))])
+An interface to a file\-system\.
+### async
+(-> (System library/lux/control/io.IO) (System library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async))
+### cannot\_delete
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception Path)
+### cannot\_find\_directory
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception Path)
+### cannot\_find\_file
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception Path)
+### cannot\_make\_directory
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception Path)
+### cannot\_make\_file
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception Path)
+### cannot\_read\_all\_data
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception Path)
+### default
+(System library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async)
+### exists?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (System _0) Path (_0 .Bit)))
+Checks if either a file or a directory exists at the given path\.
+(exists? monad fs path)
+### make\_directories
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (System _0) Path (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any))))
+Creates the directory specified by the given path\.
+Also, creates every super\-directory necessary to make the given path valid\.
+(make_directories monad fs path)
+### make\_file
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (System _0) library/lux/data/binary.Binary Path (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any))))
+Creates a new file with the given content if\-and\-only\-if the file does not already exist\.
+(make_file monad fs content path)
+### mock
+(-> .Text (System library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async))
+A purely in\-memory simulation of a file\-system\.
+Useful for testing\.
+(mock separator)
+### name
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (System _0) Path .Text))
+The un\-nested name of a file/directory\.
+(name fs path)
+### parent
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (System _0) Path (.Maybe Path)))
+If a path represents a nested file/directory, extracts its parent directory\.
+(parent fs path)
+### rooted
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (System _0) Path .Text Path))
+A nested path for a file/directory, given a root/parent path and a file/directory name within it\.
+(rooted fs parent child)
+# library/lux/world/file/watch
+## Definitions
+### Concern
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/world/file/watch.Concern")
+A particular concern to watch\-out for\.
+### \(Watcher \!\)
+... .Type
+ [start (-> Concern library/lux/world/file.Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any)))
+ concern (-> library/lux/world/file.Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try Concern)))
+ stop (-> library/lux/world/file.Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try Concern)))
+ poll (-> .Any (! (library/lux/control/try.Try (.List [Concern library/lux/world/file.Path]))))])
+Machinery for watching a file\-system for changes to files and directories\.
+### all
+### also
+(-> Concern Concern Concern)
+(also left right)
+### cannot\_poll\_a\_non\_existent\_directory
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception library/lux/world/file.Path)
+### creation
+### creation?
+(library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate Concern)
+### deletion
+### deletion?
+(library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate Concern)
+### mock
+(-> .Text [(library/lux/world/file.System library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async) (Watcher library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async)])
+A fake/emulated watcher\.
+Must be given a path separator for the file\-system\.
+(mock separator)
+### modification
+### modification?
+(library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate Concern)
+### not\_being\_watched
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception library/lux/world/file.Path)
+### polling
+(-> (library/lux/world/file.System library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async) (Watcher library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async))
+A simple watcher that works for any file\-system\.Polls files and directories to detect changes\.
+(polling fs)
+# library/lux/world/input/keyboard
+## Definitions
+### Key
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+A key from a keyboard, identify by a numeric ID\.
+### Press
+... .Type
+ [#pressed? .Bit
+ #input Key])
+A key\-press for a key\.
+### a
+### alt
+### b
+### back\_space
+### c
+### caps\_lock
+### control
+### d
+### delete
+### down
+### e
+### end
+### enter
+### escape
+### f
+### f1
+### f10
+### f11
+### f12
+### f13
+### f14
+### f15
+### f16
+### f17
+### f18
+### f19
+### f2
+### f20
+### f21
+### f22
+### f23
+### f24
+### f3
+### f4
+### f5
+### f6
+### f7
+### f8
+### f9
+### g
+### h
+### home
+### i
+### insert
+### j
+### k
+### l
+### left
+### m
+### n
+### num\_lock
+### num\_pad\_0
+### num\_pad\_1
+### num\_pad\_2
+### num\_pad\_3
+### num\_pad\_4
+### num\_pad\_5
+### num\_pad\_6
+### num\_pad\_7
+### num\_pad\_8
+### num\_pad\_9
+### o
+### p
+### page\_down
+### page\_up
+### press
+(-> Key Press)
+### print\_screen
+### q
+### r
+### release
+(-> Key Press)
+### right
+### s
+### scroll\_lock
+### shift
+### space
+### t
+### u
+### up
+### v
+### w
+### windows
+### x
+### y
+### z
+# library/lux/world/net
+## Definitions
+### Address
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Text")
+A TCP/IP address\.
+### Location
+... .Type
+ [#address Address
+ #port Port])
+### Port
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+A TCP/IP port\.
+### URL
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Text")
+A Uniform Resource Locator\.
+# library/lux/world/net/http/client
+## Definitions
+### \(Client \!\)
+... .Type
+ [#request (-> library/lux/world/net/http.Method library/lux/world/net.URL library/lux/world/net/http.Headers (.Maybe library/lux/data/binary.Binary) (! (library/lux/control/try.Try (library/lux/world/net/http.Response !))))])
+A HTTP client capable of issuing requests to a HTTP server\.
+### async
+(-> (Client library/lux/control/io.IO) (Client library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async))
+### connect
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> library/lux/world/net.URL library/lux/world/net/http.Headers (.Maybe library/lux/data/binary.Binary) (Client _0) (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try (library/lux/world/net/http.Response _0)))))
+A CONNECT request\.
+### delete
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> library/lux/world/net.URL library/lux/world/net/http.Headers (.Maybe library/lux/data/binary.Binary) (Client _0) (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try (library/lux/world/net/http.Response _0)))))
+A DELETE request\.
+### get
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> library/lux/world/net.URL library/lux/world/net/http.Headers (.Maybe library/lux/data/binary.Binary) (Client _0) (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try (library/lux/world/net/http.Response _0)))))
+A GET request\.
+### head
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> library/lux/world/net.URL library/lux/world/net/http.Headers (.Maybe library/lux/data/binary.Binary) (Client _0) (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try (library/lux/world/net/http.Response _0)))))
+A HEAD request\.
+### headers
+(-> (.List [.Text .Text]) library/lux/world/net/http.Headers)
+### options
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> library/lux/world/net.URL library/lux/world/net/http.Headers (.Maybe library/lux/data/binary.Binary) (Client _0) (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try (library/lux/world/net/http.Response _0)))))
+A OPTIONS request\.
+### patch
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> library/lux/world/net.URL library/lux/world/net/http.Headers (.Maybe library/lux/data/binary.Binary) (Client _0) (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try (library/lux/world/net/http.Response _0)))))
+A PATCH request\.
+### post
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> library/lux/world/net.URL library/lux/world/net/http.Headers (.Maybe library/lux/data/binary.Binary) (Client _0) (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try (library/lux/world/net/http.Response _0)))))
+A POST request\.
+### put
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> library/lux/world/net.URL library/lux/world/net/http.Headers (.Maybe library/lux/data/binary.Binary) (Client _0) (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try (library/lux/world/net/http.Response _0)))))
+A PUT request\.
+### trace
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> library/lux/world/net.URL library/lux/world/net/http.Headers (.Maybe library/lux/data/binary.Binary) (Client _0) (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try (library/lux/world/net/http.Response _0)))))
+A TRACE request\.
+# library/lux/world/net/http/status
+## Definitions
+### accepted
+### already\_reported
+### bad\_gateway
+### bad\_request
+### conflict
+### continue
+### created
+### early\_hints
+### expectation\_failed
+### failed\_dependency
+### forbidden
+### found
+302: FOUND
+### gateway\_timeout
+### gone
+410: GONE
+### http\_version\_not\_supported
+### im\_a\_teapot
+### im\_used
+226: IM USED
+### insufficient\_storage
+### internal\_server\_error
+### length\_required
+### locked
+423: LOCKED
+### loop\_detected
+### method\_not\_allowed
+### misdirected\_request
+### moved\_permanently
+### multi\_status
+### multiple\_choices
+### network\_authentication\_required
+### no\_content
+### non\_authoritative\_information
+### not\_acceptable
+### not\_extended
+### not\_found
+### not\_implemented
+### not\_modified
+### ok
+200: OK
+### partial\_content
+### payload\_too\_large
+### payment\_required
+### permanent\_redirect
+### precondition\_failed
+### precondition\_required
+### processing
+### proxy\_authentication\_required
+### range\_not\_satisfiable
+### request\_header\_fields\_too\_large
+### request\_timeout
+### reset\_content
+### see\_other
+### service\_unavailable
+### switch\_proxy
+### switching\_protocols
+### temporary\_redirect
+### too\_many\_requests
+### unauthorized
+### unavailable\_for\_legal\_reasons
+### unprocessable\_entity
+### unsupported\_media\_type
+### upgrade\_required
+### uri\_too\_long
+### use\_proxy
+### variant\_also\_negotiates
+# library/lux/world/net/uri
+## Definitions
+### URI
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Text")
+A Uniform Resource Identifier\.
+### separator
+A separator for the pieces of a URI\.
+# library/lux/world/output/video/resolution
+## Definitions
+### Resolution
+... .Type
+ [#width .Nat
+ #height .Nat])
+A screen resolution\.
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Resolution)
+### fhd
+FHD resolution: 1920x1080\.
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash Resolution)
+### hd\+
+HD\+ resolution: 1600x900\.
+### svga
+SVGA resolution: 800x600\.
+### sxga
+SXGA resolution: 1280x1024\.
+### uhd\_4k
+UHD 4K resolution: 3840x2160\.
+### wqhd
+WQHD resolution: 2560x1440\.
+### wsvga
+WSVGA resolution: 1024x600\.
+### wsxga\+
+WSXGA\+ resolution: 1680x1050\.
+### wuxga
+WUXGA resolution: 1920x1200\.
+### wxga\+
+WXGA\+ resolution: 1440x900\.
+### wxga/16:10
+WXGA 16:10 resolution: 1280x800\.
+### wxga/16:9
+WXGA 16:9 resolution: 1280x720\.
+### wxga/5:3
+WXGA 5:3 resolution: 1280x768\.
+### xga
+XGA resolution: 1024x768\.
+### xga\+
+XGA\+ resolution: 1152x864\.
+# library/lux/world/program
+## Definitions
+### \(Program \!\)
+... .Type
+ [available_variables (-> .Any (! (.List .Text)))
+ variable (-> .Text (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Text)))
+ home library/lux/world/file.Path
+ directory library/lux/world/file.Path
+ exit (-> library/lux/world/shell.Exit (! .Nothing))])
+Access to ambient program data and the capacity to exit the program\.
+### async
+(-> (Program library/lux/control/io.IO) (Program library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async))
+### default
+(Program library/lux/control/io.IO)
+### environment
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (Program _0) (_0 library/lux/control/parser/environment.Environment)))
+Assembles the environment variables available to the program\.
+(environment monad program)
+### mock
+(-> library/lux/control/parser/environment.Environment library/lux/world/file.Path library/lux/world/file.Path (Program library/lux/control/io.IO))
+(mock environment home directory)
+### unknown\_environment\_variable
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Text)
+# library/lux/world/shell
+## Definitions
+### Argument
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Text")
+A parameter for a command\.
+### Command
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Text")
+A command that can be executed by the operating system\.
+### Exit
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Int"))
+A program exit code\.
+### \(Mock s\)
+... .Type
+ [on_read (-> s (library/lux/control/try.Try [s .Text]))
+ on_fail (-> s (library/lux/control/try.Try [s .Text]))
+ on_write (-> .Text s (library/lux/control/try.Try s))
+ on_destroy (-> s (library/lux/control/try.Try s))
+ on_await (-> s (library/lux/control/try.Try [s Exit]))])
+A simulated process\.
+### \(Process \!\)
+... .Type
+ [read (-> .Any (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Text)))
+ fail (-> .Any (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Text)))
+ write (-> .Text (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any)))
+ destroy (-> .Any (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any)))
+ await (-> .Any (! (library/lux/control/try.Try Exit)))])
+The means for communicating with a program/process being executed by the operating system\.
+### \(Shell \!\)
+... .Type
+ [#execute (-> [library/lux/control/parser/environment.Environment library/lux/world/file.Path Command (.List Argument)] (! (library/lux/control/try.Try (Process !))))])
+The means for issuing commands to the operating system\.
+### async
+(-> (Shell library/lux/control/io.IO) (Shell library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async))
+### error
+### mock
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> [library/lux/control/parser/environment.Environment library/lux/world/file.Path Command (.List Argument)] (library/lux/control/try.Try (Mock _0))) _0 (Shell library/lux/control/io.IO)))
+(mock mock init)
+### normal
diff --git a/documentation/library/standard/jvm.md b/documentation/library/standard/jvm.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ad167efc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/library/standard/jvm.md
@@ -0,0 +1,39576 @@
+# library/lux
+## Definitions
+### \#
+Allows accessing the value of a implementation's member\.
+(# codec encoded)
+... Also allows using that value as a function.
+(# codec encoded +123)
+### $\_
+Right\-association for the application of binary functions over variadic arguments\.
+($_ text#composite "Hello, " name ". How are you?")
+... =>
+(text#composite "Hello, " (text#composite name ". How are you?"))
+### '
+Quotation as a macro\.
+(' YOLO)
+### \+\+
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (I64 _0) (I64 _0)))
+Increment function\.
+### \-\-
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (I64 _0) (I64 _0)))
+Decrement function\.
+### \->
+Function types\.
+... This is the type of a function that takes 2 Ints and returns an Int.
+(-> Int Int Int)
+### :
+The type\-annotation macro\.
+(: (List Int)
+ (list +1 +2 +3))
+### :as
+The type\-coercion macro\.
+(:as Dinosaur
+ (list +1 +2 +3))
+### :expected
+Coerces the given expression to the type of whatever is expected\.
+(: Dinosaur
+ (:expected (: (List Nat)
+ (list 1 2 3))))
+### :let
+Local bindings for types\.
+(:let [side (Either Int Frac)]
+ (List [side side]))
+### :of
+Generates the type corresponding to a given expression\.
+(let [my_num +123]
+ (:of my_num))
+... ==
+(:of +123)
+... ==
+### :parameter
+WARNING: Please stay away from this macro; it's very likely to be removed in a future version of Lux\.Allows you to refer to the type\-variables in a polymorphic function's type, by their index\.
+... In the example below, 0 corresponds to the 'a' variable.
+(def: public (of_list list)
+ (All (_ a) (-> (List a) (Sequence a)))
+ (list#mix add
+ (: (Sequence (:parameter 0))
+ empty)
+ list))
+### <<|
+Similar to the reverse piping macro, but rather than taking an initial object to work on, creates a function for taking it\.
+(<<| (mix text#composite "")
+ (interposed " ")
+ (list#each int#encoded))
+... =>
+(function (_ <it>)
+ (mix text#composite ""
+ (interposed " "
+ (list#each int#encoded
+ <it>))))
+### <|
+Reverse piping macro\.
+(<| (mix text#composite "")
+ (interposed " ")
+ (list#each int#encoded)
+ elems)
+... =>
+(mix text#composite ""
+ (interposed " "
+ (list#each int#encoded
+ elems)))
+### Alias
+... Type
+[Text Text]
+### All
+Universal quantification\.
+(All (_ a)
+ (-> a a))
+... A name can be provided, to specify a recursive type.
+(All (List a)
+ (Or Any
+ [a (List a)]))
+### And
+An alias for the Tuple type constructor\.
+(= (Tuple Bit Nat Text)
+ (And Bit Nat Text))
+(= (Tuple)
+ (And))
+### \(Ann meta\_data datum\)
+... Type
+ [#meta meta_data
+ #datum datum])
+The type of things that can be annotated with meta\-data of arbitrary types\.
+### Any
+... Type
+(Ex (Any _0)
+ _0)
+The type of things whose type is irrelevant\.
+It can be used to write functions or data\-structures that can take, or return, anything\.
+### \(Bindings key value\)
+... Type
+ [#counter Nat
+ #mappings (List [key value])])
+### Bit
+... Type
+(Primitive "#Bit")
+Your standard, run\-of\-the\-mill boolean values \(as \#0 or \#1 bits\)\.
+### Code
+... Type
+(Ann Location (Code' (Ann Location)))
+The type of Code nodes for Lux syntax\.
+### \(Code' w\)
+... Type
+ {#Bit Bit}
+ {#Nat Nat}
+ {#Int Int}
+ {#Rev Rev}
+ {#Frac Frac}
+ {#Text Text}
+ {#Symbol Symbol}
+ {#Form (List (w (Code' w)))}
+ {#Variant (List (w (Code' w)))}
+ {#Tuple (List (w (Code' w)))})
+### Definition
+... Type
+[Bit Type Any]
+Represents all the data associated with a definition: its type, its annotations, and its value\.
+### \(Either left right\)
+... Type
+ {#Left left}
+ {#Right right})
+A choice between two values of different types\.
+### Ex
+Existential quantification\.
+(Ex (_ a)
+ [(Codec Text a) a])
+... A name can be provided, to specify a recursive type.
+(Ex (Self a)
+ [(Codec Text a)
+ a
+ (List (Self a))])
+### Frac
+... Type
+(Primitive "#Frac")
+Your standard, run\-of\-the\-mill floating\-point \(fractional\) numbers\.
+### Global
+... Type
+ {#Definition Definition}
+ {#Type Bit Type (Or [Text (List Text)] [Text (List Text)])}
+ {#Tag Label}
+ {#Slot Label}
+ {#Alias Alias})
+Represents all the data associated with a global constant\.
+### \(I64 kind\)
+... Type
+(Primitive "#I64" kind)
+64\-bit integers without any semantics\.
+### Info
+... Type
+ [#target Text
+ #version Text
+ #mode Mode])
+Information about the current version and type of compiler that is running\.
+### Int
+... Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Int"))
+Your standard, run\-of\-the\-mill integer numbers\.
+### Interface
+Interface definition\.
+(type: public (Order a)
+ (Interface
+ (: (Equivalence a)
+ &equivalence)
+ (: (-> a a Bit)
+ <)))
+### Label
+... Type
+[Bit Type (List Text) Nat]
+### \(List item\)
+... Type
+ {#End Any}
+ {#Item item (List item)})
+A potentially empty list of values\.
+### Location
+... Type
+ [#module Text
+ #line Nat
+ #column Nat])
+Locations are for specifying the location of Code nodes in Lux files during compilation\.
+### Lux
+... Type
+(Rec Lux
+ (Record
+ [#info Info
+ #source Source
+ #location Location
+ #current_module (Maybe Text)
+ #modules (List [Text Module])
+ #scopes (List Scope)
+ #type_context Type_Context
+ #expected (Maybe Type)
+ #seed Nat
+ #scope_type_vars (List Nat)
+ #extensions Any
+ #eval (-> Type Code Lux (Or Text [Lux Any]))
+ #host Any]))
+Represents the state of the Lux compiler during a run\.
+It is provided to macros during their invocation, so they can access compiler data\.
+Caveat emptor: Avoid fiddling with it, unless you know what you're doing\.
+### Macro
+... Type
+(Primitive "#Macro")
+Functions that run at compile\-time and allow you to transform and extend the language in powerful ways\.
+### Macro'
+... Type
+(-> (List Code) (Meta (List Code)))
+### \(Maybe value\)
+... Type
+ {#None Any}
+ {#Some value})
+A potentially missing value\.
+### \(Meta it\)
+... Type
+(-> Lux (Either Text [Lux it]))
+Computations that can have access to the state of the compiler\.
+These computations may fail, or modify the state of the compiler\.
+### Mode
+... Type
+ {#Build Any}
+ {#Eval Any}
+ {#Interpreter Any})
+A sign that shows the conditions under which the compiler is running\.
+### Module
+... Type
+ [#module_hash Nat
+ #module_aliases (List [Text Text])
+ #definitions (List [Text Global])
+ #imports (List Text)
+ #module_state Module_State])
+All the information contained within a Lux module\.
+### Module\_State
+... Type
+ {#Active Any}
+ {#Compiled Any}
+ {#Cached Any})
+### Nat
+... Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+Natural numbers \(unsigned integers\)\.
+They start at zero \(0\) and extend in the positive direction\.
+### Nothing
+... Type
+(All (Nothing _0)
+ _0)
+The type of things whose type is undefined\.
+Useful for expressions that cause errors or other 'extraordinary' conditions\.
+### Or
+An alias for the Union type constructor\.
+(= (Union Bit Nat Text)
+ (Or Bit Nat Text))
+(= (Union)
+ (Or))
+### Primitive
+Macro to treat define new primitive types\.
+(Primitive "java.lang.Object")
+(Primitive "java.util.List" [(Primitive "java.lang.Long")])
+### Rec
+Parameter\-less recursive types\.
+... A name has to be given to the whole type, to use it within its body.
+(Rec Int_List
+ (Or Any
+ [Int Int_List]))
+... Can also be used with type: and labelled-type definitions.
+(type: Type
+ (Rec @
+ (Variant
+ {#Primitive Text (List @)}
+ {#Sum @ @}
+ {#Product @ @}
+ {#Function @ @}
+ {#Parameter Nat}
+ {#Var Nat}
+ {#Ex Nat}
+ {#UnivQ (List @) @}
+ {#ExQ (List @) @}
+ {#Apply @ @}
+ {#Named Symbol @})))
+### Record
+Syntax for defining labelled/slotted product/tuple types\.
+WARNING: Only use it within the type: macro\.
+(type: Refer
+ (Record
+ [#refer_defs Referrals
+ #refer_open (List Openings)]))
+### Ref
+... Type
+ {#Local Nat}
+ {#Captured Nat})
+### Rev
+... Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Rev"))
+Fractional numbers that live in the interval \[0,1\)\.
+Useful for probability, and other domains that work within that interval\.
+### Scope
+... Type
+ [#name (List Text)
+ #inner Nat
+ #locals (Bindings Text [Type Nat])
+ #captured (Bindings Text [Type Ref])])
+### Source
+... Type
+[Location Nat Text]
+### Symbol
+... Type
+[Text Text]
+A name for a Lux definition\.
+It includes the module of provenance\.
+### Text
+... Type
+(Primitive "#Text")
+Your standard, run\-of\-the\-mill string values\.
+### Tuple
+Tuple types\.
+(Tuple Bit Nat Text)
+(= Any
+ (Tuple))
+### Type
+... Type
+(Rec Type
+ (Variant
+ {#Primitive Text (List Type)}
+ {#Sum Type Type}
+ {#Product Type Type}
+ {#Function Type Type}
+ {#Parameter Nat}
+ {#Var Nat}
+ {#Ex Nat}
+ {#UnivQ (List Type) Type}
+ {#ExQ (List Type) Type}
+ {#Apply Type Type}
+ {#Named Symbol Type}))
+This type represents the data\-structures that are used to specify types themselves\.
+### Type\_Context
+... Type
+ [#ex_counter Nat
+ #var_counter Nat
+ #var_bindings (List [Nat (Maybe Type)])])
+### Union
+Union types\.
+(Union Bit Nat Text)
+(= Nothing
+ (Union))
+### Variant
+Syntax for defining labelled/tagged sum/union types\.
+WARNING: Only use it within the type: macro\.
+(type: Referrals
+ (Variant
+ {#All}
+ {#Only (List Text)}
+ {#Exclude (List Text)}
+ {#Ignore}
+ {#Nothing}))
+### ^
+Macro\-expanding patterns\.
+It's a special macro meant to be used with 'case'\.
+(case (: (List Int)
+ (list +1 +2 +3))
+ (^ (list x y z))
+ {#Some ($_ * x y z)}
+ _
+ {#None})
+### ^@
+Allows you to simultaneously bind and de\-structure a value\.
+(def: (hash (^@ set [member_hash _]))
+ (list#mix (function (_ elem acc)
+ (+ acc
+ (# member_hash hash elem)))
+ 0
+ (library/lux/data/collection/set.listset)))
+### ^code
+Generates pattern\-matching code for Code values in a way that looks like code\-templating\.
+(: (Maybe Nat)
+ (case (` (#0 123 +456.789))
+ (^code (#0 (~ [_ {#Nat number}]) +456.789))
+ {#Some number}
+ _
+ {#None}))
+### ^multi
+Multi\-level pattern matching\.
+Useful in situations where the result of a branch depends on further refinements on the values being matched\.
+(case (split (size static) uri)
+ (^multi {#Some [chunk uri']}
+ [(text#= static chunk) #1])
+ (match_uri endpoint? parts' uri')
+ _
+ {#Left (format "Static part " (%t static) " does not match URI: " uri)})
+... Short-cuts can be taken when using bit tests.
+... The example above can be rewritten as...
+(case (split (size static) uri)
+ (^multi {#Some [chunk uri']}
+ (text#= static chunk))
+ (match_uri endpoint? parts' uri')
+ _
+ {#Left (format "Static part " (%t static) " does not match URI: " uri)})
+### ^open
+Same as the 'open' macro, but meant to be used as a pattern\-matching macro for generating local bindings\.
+Takes an 'alias' text for the generated local bindings\.
+(def: public (range enum from to)
+ (All (_ a) (-> (Enum a) a a (List a)))
+ (let [(^open "[0]") enum]
+ (loop [end to
+ output {#End}]
+ (cond (< end from)
+ (again (pred end) {#Item end output})
+ (< from end)
+ (again (succ end) {#Item end output})
+ {#Item end output}))))
+### ^or
+It's a special macro meant to be used with 'case'\.
+(type: Weekday
+ (Variant
+ {#Monday}
+ {#Tuesday}
+ {#Wednesday}
+ {#Thursday}
+ {#Friday}
+ {#Saturday}
+ {#Sunday}))
+(def: (weekend? day)
+ (-> Weekday Bit)
+ (case day
+ (^or {#Saturday} {#Sunday})
+ #1
+ _
+ #0))
+### ^template
+It's similar to template, but meant to be used during pattern\-matching\.
+(def: (reduced env type)
+ (-> (List Type) Type Type)
+ (case type
+ {#Primitive name params}
+ {#Primitive name (list#each (reduced env) params)}
+ (^template [<tag>]
+ [{<tag> left right}
+ {<tag> (reduced env left) (reduced env right)}])
+ ([#Sum] [#Product])
+ (^template [<tag>]
+ [{<tag> left right}
+ {<tag> (reduced env left) (reduced env right)}])
+ ([#Function] [#Apply])
+ (^template [<tag>]
+ [{<tag> old_env def}
+ (case old_env
+ {#End}
+ {<tag> env def}
+ _
+ type)])
+ ([#UnivQ] [#ExQ])
+ {#Parameter idx}
+ (else type (library/lux/data/collection/list.itemidx env))
+ _
+ type))
+### ^|>
+Pipes the value being pattern\-matched against prior to binding it to a variable\.
+(case input
+ (^|> value [++ (% 10) (max 1)])
+ (foo value))
+### \_$
+Left\-association for the application of binary functions over variadic arguments\.
+(_$ text#composite "Hello, " name ". How are you?")
+... =>
+(text#composite (text#composite "Hello, " name) ". How are you?")
+### \`
+Hygienic quasi\-quotation as a macro\.
+Unquote \(~\) and unquote\-splice \(~\+\) must also be used as forms\.
+All unprefixed macros will receive their parent module's prefix if imported; otherwise will receive the prefix of the module on which the quasi\-quote is being used\.
+(` (def: (~ name)
+ (function ((~' _) (~+ args))
+ (~ body))))
+### \`'
+Unhygienic quasi\-quotation as a macro\.
+Unquote \(~\) and unquote\-splice \(~\+\) must also be used as forms\.
+(`' (def: (~ name)
+ (function (_ (~+ args))
+ (~ body))))
+### \`\`
+Delimits a controlled \(spliced\) macro\-expansion\.
+Uses a \(~~\) special form to specify where to expand\.
+(`` (some expression
+ (~~ (some macro which may yield 0 or more results))))
+### and
+Short\-circuiting 'and'\.
+(and #1 #0)
+... =>
+(and #1 #1)
+... =>
+### as\_is
+Given a \(potentially empty\) list of codes, just returns them immediately, without any work done\.
+This may seen useless, but it has its utility when dealing with controlled\-macro\-expansion macros\.
+(with_expansions [<operands> (as_is 1
+ 2
+ 3
+ 4)]
+ ($_ + <operands>))
+### case
+The pattern\-matching macro\.
+Allows the usage of macros within the patterns to provide custom syntax\.
+(case (: (List Int)
+ (list +1 +2 +3))
+ {#Item x {#Item y {#Item z {#End}}}}
+ {#Some ($_ * x y z)}
+ _
+ {#None})
+### char
+If given a 1\-character text literal, yields the char\-code of the sole character\.
+(: Nat
+ (char "A"))
+... =>
+### comment
+Throws away any code given to it\.
+Great for commenting\-out code, while retaining syntax high\-lighting and formatting in your text editor\.
+ (def: (this will not)
+ (Be Defined)
+ (because it will be (commented out))))
+### cond
+Conditional branching with multiple test conditions\.
+(cond (even? num) "WHEN even"
+ (odd? num) "WHEN odd"
+ "ELSE")
+### def:
+Defines global constants/functions\.
+(def: branching_exponent
+ Int
+ +5)
+... The type is optional.
+(def: branching_exponent
+ +5)
+(def: (pair_list pair)
+ (-> [Code Code] (List Code))
+ (let [[left right] pair]
+ (list left right)))
+... Can pattern-match on the inputs to functions.
+(def: (pair_list [left right])
+ (-> [Code Code] (List Code))
+ (list left right))
+### exec
+Sequential execution of expressions \(great for side\-effects\)\.
+ (log! "#1")
+ (log! "#2")
+ (log! "#3")
+ "YOLO")
+### false
+The boolean FALSE value\.
+### for
+Selects the appropriate code for a given target\-platform when compiling Lux to it\.
+Look\-up the available targets in library/lux/target\.
+(def: js
+ "JavaScript")
+(for ["JVM" (do jvm stuff)
+ js (do js stuff)]
+ (do default stuff))
+### function
+Syntax for creating functions\.
+(: (All (_ a b)
+ (-> a b a))
+ (function (_ x y)
+ x))
+... Allows for giving the function itself a name, for the sake of recursion.
+(: (-> Nat Nat)
+ (function (factorial n)
+ (case n
+ 0 1
+ _ (* n (factorial (-- n))))))
+### global
+The export policy for public/global definitions\.
+### i64
+(-> (I64 Any) I64)
+Safe type\-casting for I64 values\.
+### if
+Picks which expression to evaluate based on a bit test value\.
+(if #1
+ "Oh, yeah!"
+ "Aw hell naw!")
+... =>
+... Oh, yeah!
+(if #0
+ "Oh, yeah!"
+ "Aw hell naw!")
+... =>
+... Aw hell naw!
+### implementation
+Express a value that implements an interface\.
+(: (Order Int)
+ (implementation
+ (def: &equivalence
+ equivalence)
+ (def: (< reference subject)
+ (< reference subject))))
+### implementation:
+Interface implementation\.
+(implementation: public order
+ (Order Int)
+ (def: &equivalence
+ equivalence)
+ (def: (< test subject)
+ (< test subject)))
+### int
+(-> (I64 Any) Int)
+Safe type\-casting for I64 values\.
+### let
+Creates local bindings\.
+Can \(optionally\) use pattern\-matching macros when binding\.
+(let [x (foo bar)
+ y (baz quux)]
+ (op x y))
+### list
+List literals\.
+(: (List Nat)
+ (list 0 1 2 3))
+### list&
+List literals, with the last element being a tail\-list\.
+(: (List Nat)
+ (list& 0 1 2 3
+ (: (List Nat)
+ (list 4 5 6))))
+### local
+The export policy for private/local definitions\.
+### loop
+Allows arbitrary looping, using the 'again' form to re\-start the loop\.
+Can be used in monadic code to create monadic loops\.
+(loop [count +0
+ x init]
+ (if (< +10 count)
+ (again (++ count) (f x))
+ x))
+... Loops can also be given custom names.
+(loop my_loop
+ [count +0
+ x init]
+ (if (< +10 count)
+ (my_loop (++ count) (f x))
+ x))
+### macro
+(-> Macro Macro')
+### macro:
+Macro\-definition macro\.
+(macro: public (symbol tokens)
+ (case tokens
+ (^template [<tag>]
+ [(^ (list [_ {<tag> [module name]}]))
+ (in (list (` [(~ (text$ module)) (~ (text$ name))])))])
+ ([#Symbol])
+ _
+ (failure "Wrong syntax for symbol")))
+### module\_separator
+Character used to separate the parts of module names\.
+Value: "/"
+### nat
+(-> (I64 Any) Nat)
+Safe type\-casting for I64 values\.
+### not
+(-> Bit Bit)
+Bit negation\.
+(not #1)
+... =>
+(not #0)
+... =>
+### open:
+Opens a implementation and generates a definition for each of its members \(including nested members\)\.
+(open: "i:[0]" order)
+... =>
+(def: i:= (# order =))
+(def: i:< (# order <))
+### or
+Short\-circuiting 'or'\.
+(or #1 #0)
+... =>
+(or #0 #0)
+... =>
+### panic\!
+(-> Text Nothing)
+Causes an error, with the given error message\.
+(panic! "OH NO!")
+### prelude\_module
+The name of the prelude module
+Value: "library/lux"
+### private
+The export policy for private/local definitions\.
+### public
+The export policy for public/global definitions\.
+### rev
+(-> (I64 Any) Rev)
+Safe type\-casting for I64 values\.
+### revised@
+Modifies the value of a record at a given tag, based on some function\.
+(revised@ #age ++ person)
+... Can also work with multiple levels of nesting.
+(revised@ [#foo #bar #baz] func my_record)
+... And, if only the slot/path and (optionally) the value are given, generates a mutator function.
+(let [updater (revised@ [#foo #bar #baz] func)]
+ (updater my_record))
+(let [updater (revised@ [#foo #bar #baz])]
+ (updater func my_record))
+### same?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 _0 Bit))
+Tests whether the 2 values are identical \(not just 'equal'\)\.
+... This one should succeed:
+(let [value +5]
+ (same? value
+ value))
+... This one should fail:
+(same? +5
+ (+ +2 +3))
+### static
+Resolves the names of definitions to their values at compile\-time, assuming their values are either:
+\* Bit
+\* Nat
+\* Int
+\* Rev
+\* Frac
+\* Text
+(def: my_nat 123)
+(def: my_text "456")
+(and (case [my_nat my_text]
+ (^ (static [documentation/lux.my_natdocumentation/lux.my_text]))
+ true
+ _
+ false)
+ (case [my_nat my_text]
+ (^ [(static documentation/lux.my_nat)(static documentation/lux.my_text)])
+ true
+ _
+ false))
+### symbol
+Gives back a 2 tuple with the module and name parts, both as Text\.
+(symbol documentation/lux.#doc)
+... =>
+["documentation/lux" "#doc"]
+### template
+... By specifying a pattern (with holes), and the input data to fill those holes, repeats the pattern as many times as necessary.
+(template [<name> <diff>]
+ [(def: public <name>
+ (-> Int Int)
+ (+ <diff>))]
+ [++ +1]
+ [-- -1])
+### template:
+Define macros in the style of template and ^template\.
+For simple macros that do not need any fancy features\.
+(template: (square x)
+ (* x x))
+### true
+The boolean TRUE value\.
+### try
+(: Foo
+ (case (: (Either Text Bar)
+ (try (: Bar
+ (risky computation which may panic))))
+ {#Right success}
+ (: Foo
+ (do something after success))
+ {#Left error}
+ (: Foo
+ (recover from error))))
+### type
+Takes a type expression and returns its representation as data\-structure\.
+(type (All (_ a)
+ (Maybe (List a))))
+### type:
+The type\-definition macro\.
+(type: (List a)
+ {#End}
+ {#Item a (List a)})
+### undefined
+Meant to be used as a stand\-in for functions with undefined implementations\.
+Undefined expressions will type\-check against everything, so they make good dummy implementations\.
+However, if an undefined expression is ever evaluated, it will raise a runtime error\.
+(def: (square x)
+ (-> Int Int)
+ (undefined))
+### using
+Module\-definition macro\.
+ [lux "*"
+ [control
+ ["M" monad "*"]]
+ [data
+ maybe
+ ["[0]" name ("[1]#[0]" codec)]]
+ [macro
+ code]]
+ [//
+ [type ("[0]" equivalence)]])
+### value@
+Accesses the value of a record at a given tag\.
+(value@ #field my_record)
+... Can also work with multiple levels of nesting.
+(value@ [#foo #bar #baz] my_record)
+... And, if only the slot/path is given, generates an accessor function.
+(let [getter (value@ [#foo #bar #baz])]
+ (getter my_record))
+### with@
+Sets the value of a record at a given tag\.
+(with@ #name "Lux" lang)
+... Can also work with multiple levels of nesting.
+(with@ [#foo #bar #baz] value my_record)
+... And, if only the slot/path and (optionally) the value are given, generates a mutator function.
+(let [setter (with@ [#foo #bar #baz] value)]
+ (setter my_record))
+(let [setter (with@ [#foo #bar #baz])]
+ (setter value my_record))
+### with\_expansions
+Controlled macro\-expansion\.
+Bind an arbitraty number of Code nodes resulting from macro\-expansion to local bindings\.
+Wherever a binding appears, the bound Code nodes will be spliced in there\.
+(def: test
+ Test
+ (with_expansions
+ [<tests> (template [<function> <parameter> <expected>]
+ [(cover [<function>]
+ (compare <text>
+ (# codec encoded <function> <parameter>)))]
+ [bit #1 "#1"]
+ [int +123 "+123"]
+ [frac +123.0 "+123.0"]
+ [text "123" "'123'"]
+ [symbol ["yolo" "lol"] "yolo.lol"]
+ [form (list (bit #1)) "(#1)"]
+ [tuple (list (bit #1)) "[#1]"])]
+ ($_ and
+ <tests>)))
+### |>
+Piping macro\.
+(|> elems
+ (list#each int#encoded)
+ (interposed " ")
+ (mix text#composite ""))
+... =>
+(mix text#composite ""
+ (interposed " "
+ (list#each int#encoded
+ elems)))
+### |>>
+Similar to the piping macro, but rather than taking an initial object to work on, creates a function for taking it\.
+(|>> (list#each int#encoded)
+ (interposed " ")
+ (mix text#composite ""))
+... =>
+(function (_ <it>)
+ (mix text#composite ""
+ (interposed " "
+ (list#each int#encoded <it>))))
+## Missing documentation
+1. `` __adjusted_quantified_type__ ``
+# library/lux/abstract/apply
+## Definitions
+### \(Apply f\)
+... .Type
+ [&functor (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor f)
+ on (All (_ _0 _1) (-> (f _0) (f (-> _0 _1)) (f _1)))])
+Applicative functors\.
+### composite
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (Apply _0) (Apply _1) (Apply (All (_ _2) (_0 (_1 _2))))))
+Applicative functor composition\.
+# library/lux/abstract/codec
+## Definitions
+### \(Codec medium value\)
+... .Type
+ [encoded (-> value medium)
+ decoded (-> medium (library/lux/control/try.Try value))])
+A way to move back\-and\-forth between a type and an alternative representation for it\.
+### composite
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Codec _2 _1) (Codec _1 _0) (Codec _2 _0)))
+Codec composition\.
+(: (Codec c a)
+ (composite (: (Codec c b)
+ cb_codec)
+ (: (Codec b a)
+ ba_codec)))
+# library/lux/abstract/comonad
+## Definitions
+### \(CoMonad \!\)
+... .Type
+ [&functor (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor !)
+ out (All (_ _0) (-> (! _0) _0))
+ disjoint (All (_ _0) (-> (! _0) (! (! _0))))])
+Co\-monads are the opposite/complement to monads\.
+Co\-monadic structures are often infinite in size and built upon lazily\-evaluated functions\.
+### be
+A co\-monadic parallel to the 'do' macro\.
+(let [square (function (_ n) (* n n))]
+ (be comonad
+ [inputs (iterate ++ +2)]
+ (square (out inputs))))
+# library/lux/abstract/comonad/cofree
+## Definitions
+### \(CoFree \! it\)
+... .Type
+[it (! (CoFree ! it))]
+The CoFree CoMonad\.
+### comonad
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor _0) (library/lux/abstract/comonad.CoMonad (CoFree _0))))
+### functor
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor _0) (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor (CoFree _0))))
+# library/lux/abstract/enum
+## Definitions
+### \(Enum it\)
+... .Type
+ [&order (library/lux/abstract/order.Order it)
+ succ (-> it it)
+ pred (-> it it)])
+Enumerable types, with a notion of moving forward and backwards through a type's instances\.
+### range
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Enum _0) _0 _0 (.List _0)))
+An inclusive \[from, to\] range of values\.
+(range enum from to)
+# library/lux/abstract/equivalence
+## Definitions
+### \(Equivalence it\)
+... .Type
+ [#= (-> it it .Bit)])
+Equivalence for a type's instances\.
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor/contravariant.Functor Equivalence)
+### rec
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> (Equivalence _0) (Equivalence _0)) (Equivalence _0)))
+A recursive equivalence combinator\.
+(rec recursive_equivalence)
+# library/lux/abstract/functor
+## Definitions
+### \(And left right\)
+... .Type
+(All (_ _0)
+ [(left _0) (right _0)])
+### \(Fix \!\)
+... .Type
+(! (Fix !))
+### \(Functor \!\)
+... .Type
+ [#each (All (_ _0 _1) (-> (-> _0 _1) (! _0) (! _1)))])
+### \(Or left right\)
+... .Type
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Or (left _0) (right _0)))
+### \(Then outer inner\)
+... .Type
+(All (_ _0)
+ (outer (inner _0)))
+### composite
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Functor _0) (Functor _1) (Functor (Then _0 _1))))
+Functor composition\.
+### product
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Functor _0) (Functor _1) (Functor (And _0 _1))))
+Product composition for functors\.
+### sum
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Functor _0) (Functor _1) (Functor (Or _0 _1))))
+Co\-product \(sum\) composition for functors\.
+# library/lux/abstract/functor/contravariant
+## Definitions
+### \(Functor \!\)
+... .Type
+ [#each (All (_ _0 _1) (-> (-> _1 _0) (! _0) (! _1)))])
+The contravariant functor\.
+# library/lux/abstract/hash
+## Definitions
+### \(Hash it\)
+... .Type
+ [&equivalence (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence it)
+ hash (-> it .Nat)])
+A way to produce hash\-codes for a type's instances\.
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor/contravariant.Functor Hash)
+# library/lux/abstract/interval
+## Definitions
+### \(Interval it\)
+... .Type
+ [&enum (library/lux/abstract/enum.Enum it)
+ bottom it
+ top it])
+A representation of top and bottom boundaries for an ordered type\.
+### after?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### before?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### between
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/enum.Enum _0) _0 _0 (Interval _0)))
+### borders?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) _0 .Bit))
+Where a value is at the border of an interval\.
+### complement
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) (Interval _0)))
+The inverse of an interval\.
+### ends\_with?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Interval _0)))
+### finishes?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### inner?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### intersection
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) (Interval _0) (Interval _0)))
+An interval spanned by both predecessors\.
+### meets?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) (Interval _0) .Bit))
+Whether an interval meets another one on its bottom/lower side\.
+### nested?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### outer?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### overlaps?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### precedes?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### singleton
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/enum.Enum _0) _0 (Interval _0)))
+An interval where both top and bottom are the same value\.
+(singleton enum elem)
+### singleton?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### starts?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### starts\_with?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### succeeds?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### touches?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### union
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) (Interval _0) (Interval _0)))
+An interval that spans both predecessors\.
+### within?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) _0 .Bit))
+# library/lux/abstract/mix
+## Definitions
+### \(Mix structure\)
+... .Type
+ [#mix (All (_ _0 _1) (-> (-> _1 _0 _0) _0 (structure _1) _0))])
+Iterate over a structure's values to build a summary value\.
+### with\_monoid
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid _1) (Mix _0) (_0 _1) _1))
+Mix a mixable structure using the monoid's identity as the initial value\.
+(with_monoid monoid mix value)
+# library/lux/abstract/monad
+## Definitions
+### \(Monad it\)
+... .Type
+ [&functor (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor it)
+ in (All (_ _0) (-> _0 (it _0)))
+ conjoint (All (_ _0) (-> (it (it _0)) (it _0)))])
+A monad is a monoid in the category of endofunctors\.
+What's the problem?
+### all
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Monad _0) (.List (_0 _1)) (_0 (.List _1))))
+Run all the monadic values in the list and produce a list of the base values\.
+(all monad)
+### do
+Macro for easy concatenation of monadic operations\.
+(do monad
+ [y (f1 x)
+ z (f2 z)]
+ (in (f3 z)))
+### each
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Monad _0) (-> _1 (_0 _2)) (.List _1) (_0 (.List _2))))
+Apply a monadic function to all values in a list\.
+(each monad function items)
+### mix
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Monad _0) (-> _2 _1 (_0 _1)) _1 (.List _2) (_0 _1)))
+Mix a list with a monadic function\.
+(mix monad function initial_value items)
+### only
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Monad _0) (-> _1 (_0 .Bit)) (.List _1) (_0 (.List _1))))
+Filter the values in a list with a monadic function\.
+(only monad predicate items)
+### then
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Monad _0) (-> _1 (_0 _2)) (_0 _1) (_0 _2)))
+Apply a function with monadic effects to a monadic value and yield a new monadic value\.
+(then monad function)
+# library/lux/abstract/monad/free
+## Definitions
+### \(Free \! it\)
+... .Type
+ {#Pure it}
+ {#Effect (! (Free ! it))})
+The Free Monad\.
+### apply
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor _0) (library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply (Free _0))))
+### functor
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor _0) (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor (Free _0))))
+### monad
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor _0) (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (Free _0))))
+# library/lux/abstract/monoid
+## Definitions
+### \(Monoid it\)
+... .Type
+ [identity it
+ composite (-> it it it)])
+A way to compose values\.
+Includes an identity value which does not alter any other value when combined with\.
+### and
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Monoid _0) (Monoid _1) (Monoid [_0 _1])))
+# library/lux/abstract/order
+## Definitions
+### <=
+Less than or equal\.
+### >
+Greater than\.
+### >=
+Greater than or equal\.
+### \(Choice it\)
+... .Type
+(-> (Order it) it it it)
+A choice comparison between two values, with the knowledge of how to order them\.
+### \(Comparison it\)
+... .Type
+(-> (Order it) it it .Bit)
+An arbitrary comparison between two values, with the knowledge of how to order them\.
+### \(Order it\)
+... .Type
+ [&equivalence (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence it)
+ < (-> it it .Bit)])
+A signature for types that possess some sense of ordering among their elements\.
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor/contravariant.Functor Order)
+### max
+### min
+# library/lux/abstract/predicate
+## Definitions
+### \(Predicate it\)
+... .Type
+(-> it .Bit)
+A question that can be asked of a value, yield either false \(\#0\) or true \(\#1\)\.
+### all
+A predicate that always succeeds\.
+### and
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Predicate _0) (Predicate _0) (Predicate _0)))
+A predicate that meets both predecessors\.
+### complement
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Predicate _0) (Predicate _0)))
+The opposite of a predicate\.
+### difference
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Predicate _0) (Predicate _0) (Predicate _0)))
+A predicate that meeds 'base', but not 'sub'\.
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor/contravariant.Functor Predicate)
+### intersection
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid (Predicate _0)))
+### none
+A predicate that always fails\.
+### or
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Predicate _0) (Predicate _0) (Predicate _0)))
+A predicate that meets either predecessor\.
+### rec
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> (Predicate _0) (Predicate _0)) (Predicate _0)))
+Ties the knot for a recursive predicate\.
+### union
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid (Predicate _0)))
+# library/lux/control/concatenative
+## Definitions
+### &&
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> [[_2 _0] _1] [_2 _0 _1]))
+Groups the 2 topmost stack values as a 2\-tuple\.
+### =>
+Concatenative function types\.
+(=> [Nat] [Nat])
+(All (_ a)
+ (-> a (=> [] [a])))
+(All (_ t)
+ (=> [t] []))
+(All (_ a b c)
+ (=> [a b c] [b c a]))
+(All (_ ,,,0 ,,,1)
+ (=> [then (=> ,,,0 ,,,1)
+ else (=> ,,,0 ,,,1)]
+ ,,,0 [Bit then else] ,,,1))
+### ?
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> [[[_1 .Bit] _0] _0] [_1 _0]))
+Choose the top value when \#0 and the second\-to\-top when \#1\.
+### apply
+A generator for functions that turn arity N functions into arity N concatenative functions\.
+(: (=> [Nat] [Nat])
+ ((apply 1) ++))
+### apply/1
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1) (All (_ _2) (-> [_2 _0] [_2 _1]))))
+Lift a function of arity 1 into a concatenative function of arity 1\.
+### apply/2
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1 _2) (All (_ _3) (-> [[_3 _0] _1] [_3 _2]))))
+Lift a function of arity 2 into a concatenative function of arity 2\.
+### apply/3
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1 _2 _3) (All (_ _4) (-> [[[_4 _0] _1] _2] [_4 _3]))))
+Lift a function of arity 3 into a concatenative function of arity 3\.
+### apply/4
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3 _4)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1 _2 _3 _4) (All (_ _5) (-> [[[[_5 _0] _1] _2] _3] [_5 _4]))))
+Lift a function of arity 4 into a concatenative function of arity 4\.
+### apply/5
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3 _4 _5)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1 _2 _3 _4 _5) (All (_ _6) (-> [[[[[_6 _0] _1] _2] _3] _4] [_6 _5]))))
+Lift a function of arity 5 into a concatenative function of arity 5\.
+### apply/6
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3 _4 _5 _6)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1 _2 _3 _4 _5 _6) (All (_ _7) (-> [[[[[[_7 _0] _1] _2] _3] _4] _5] [_7 _6]))))
+Lift a function of arity 6 into a concatenative function of arity 6\.
+### apply/7
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3 _4 _5 _6 _7)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1 _2 _3 _4 _5 _6 _7) (All (_ _8) (-> [[[[[[[_8 _0] _1] _2] _3] _4] _5] _6] [_8 _7]))))
+Lift a function of arity 7 into a concatenative function of arity 7\.
+### apply/8
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3 _4 _5 _6 _7 _8)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1 _2 _3 _4 _5 _6 _7 _8) (All (_ _9) (-> [[[[[[[[_9 _0] _1] _2] _3] _4] _5] _6] _7] [_9 _8]))))
+Lift a function of arity 8 into a concatenative function of arity 8\.
+### call
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> [_0 (-> _0 _1)] _1))
+Executes an anonymous block on the stack\.
+### compose
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> [[_3 (-> _0 _1)] (-> _1 _2)] [_3 (-> _0 _2)]))
+Function composition\.
+(library/lux/math/number/nat.=(library/lux/math/number/nat.+2 sample)
+ (||> (push sample)
+ (push (|>> (push 1) n/+))
+ (push (|>> (push 1) n/+))
+ compose
+ call))
+### dip
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> [[_0 _1] (-> _0 _0)] [_0 _1]))
+Executes a block on the stack, save for the topmost value\.
+### dip/2
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> [[[_0 _1] _2] (-> _0 _0)] [[_0 _1] _2]))
+Executes a block on the stack, save for the 2 topmost values\.
+### do
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> [[_0 (-> _1 [_0 .Bit])] (-> _0 _1)] [[_1 (-> _1 [_0 .Bit])] (-> _0 _1)]))
+Do\-while loop expression\.
+(library/lux/math/number/nat.=(++ sample)
+ (||> (push sample)
+ (push (push false))
+ (push (|>> (push 1) n/+))
+ do while))
+### drop
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> [_1 _0] _1))
+Drop/pop a value from the top of the stack\.
+### dup
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> [_1 _0] [[_1 _0] _0]))
+Duplicate the top of the stack\.
+### f/%
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Frac] .Frac] [_0 .Frac]))
+% for Frac arithmetic\.
+### f/\*
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Frac] .Frac] [_0 .Frac]))
+\* for Frac arithmetic\.
+### f/\+
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Frac] .Frac] [_0 .Frac]))
+\+ for Frac arithmetic\.
+### f/\-
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Frac] .Frac] [_0 .Frac]))
+\- for Frac arithmetic\.
+### f//
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Frac] .Frac] [_0 .Frac]))
+/ for Frac arithmetic\.
+### f/<
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Frac] .Frac] [_0 .Bit]))
+< for Frac arithmetic\.
+### f/<=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Frac] .Frac] [_0 .Bit]))
+<= for Frac arithmetic\.
+### f/=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Frac] .Frac] [_0 .Bit]))
+= for Frac arithmetic\.
+### f/>
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Frac] .Frac] [_0 .Bit]))
+> for Frac arithmetic\.
+### f/>=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Frac] .Frac] [_0 .Bit]))
+>= for Frac arithmetic\.
+### i/%
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Int] .Int] [_0 .Int]))
+% for Int arithmetic\.
+### i/\*
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Int] .Int] [_0 .Int]))
+\* for Int arithmetic\.
+### i/\+
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Int] .Int] [_0 .Int]))
+\+ for Int arithmetic\.
+### i/\-
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Int] .Int] [_0 .Int]))
+\- for Int arithmetic\.
+### i//
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Int] .Int] [_0 .Int]))
+/ for Int arithmetic\.
+### i/<
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Int] .Int] [_0 .Bit]))
+< for Int arithmetic\.
+### i/<=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Int] .Int] [_0 .Bit]))
+<= for Int arithmetic\.
+### i/=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Int] .Int] [_0 .Bit]))
+= for Int arithmetic\.
+### i/>
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Int] .Int] [_0 .Bit]))
+> for Int arithmetic\.
+### i/>=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Int] .Int] [_0 .Bit]))
+>= for Int arithmetic\.
+### if
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> [[[_0 .Bit] (-> _0 _1)] (-> _0 _1)] _1))
+If expression\.
+(same? "then"
+ (||> (push true)
+ (push "then")
+ (push "else")
+ if))
+### loop
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [_0 (-> _0 [_0 .Bit])] _0))
+Executes a block as a loop until it yields \#0 to stop\.
+### n/%
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Nat] .Nat] [_0 .Nat]))
+% for Nat arithmetic\.
+### n/\*
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Nat] .Nat] [_0 .Nat]))
+\* for Nat arithmetic\.
+### n/\+
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Nat] .Nat] [_0 .Nat]))
+\+ for Nat arithmetic\.
+### n/\-
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Nat] .Nat] [_0 .Nat]))
+\- for Nat arithmetic\.
+### n//
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Nat] .Nat] [_0 .Nat]))
+/ for Nat arithmetic\.
+### n/<
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Nat] .Nat] [_0 .Bit]))
+< for Nat arithmetic\.
+### n/<=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Nat] .Nat] [_0 .Bit]))
+<= for Nat arithmetic\.
+### n/=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Nat] .Nat] [_0 .Bit]))
+= for Nat arithmetic\.
+### n/>
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Nat] .Nat] [_0 .Bit]))
+> for Nat arithmetic\.
+### n/>=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Nat] .Nat] [_0 .Bit]))
+>= for Nat arithmetic\.
+### nip
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> [[_2 _0] _1] [_2 _1]))
+Drop the second\-to\-last value from the top of the stack\.
+### partial
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> [[_0 _2] (-> [_0 _2] _1)] [_0 (-> _0 _1)]))
+Partial application\.
+(library/lux/math/number/nat.=(library/lux/math/number/nat.+sample sample)
+ (||> (push sample)
+ (push sample)
+ (push n/+)
+ partial
+ call))
+### push
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (All (_ _1) (-> _1 [_1 _0]))))
+Push a value onto the stack\.
+### r/%
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Rev] .Rev] [_0 .Rev]))
+% for Rev arithmetic\.
+### r/\*
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Rev] .Rev] [_0 .Rev]))
+\* for Rev arithmetic\.
+### r/\+
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Rev] .Rev] [_0 .Rev]))
+\+ for Rev arithmetic\.
+### r/\-
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Rev] .Rev] [_0 .Rev]))
+\- for Rev arithmetic\.
+### r//
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Rev] .Rev] [_0 .Rev]))
+/ for Rev arithmetic\.
+### r/<
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Rev] .Rev] [_0 .Bit]))
+< for Rev arithmetic\.
+### r/<=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Rev] .Rev] [_0 .Bit]))
+<= for Rev arithmetic\.
+### r/=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Rev] .Rev] [_0 .Bit]))
+= for Rev arithmetic\.
+### r/>
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Rev] .Rev] [_0 .Bit]))
+> for Rev arithmetic\.
+### r/>=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Rev] .Rev] [_0 .Bit]))
+>= for Rev arithmetic\.
+### rotL
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> [[[_3 _0] _1] _2] [[[_3 _1] _2] _0]))
+Rotes the 3 topmost stack values to the left\.
+### rotR
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> [[[_3 _0] _1] _2] [[[_3 _2] _0] _1]))
+Rotes the 3 topmost stack values to the right\.
+### swap
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> [[_2 _0] _1] [[_2 _1] _0]))
+Swaps the 2 topmost stack values\.
+### when
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Bit] (-> _0 _0)] _0))
+Only execute the block when \#1\.
+### while
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> [[_0 (-> _0 [_1 .Bit])] (-> _1 _0)] _1))
+While loop expression\.
+(library/lux/math/number/nat.=(library/lux/math/number/nat.+distance start)
+ (||> (push start)
+ (push (|>> dup
+ (push start) n/-
+ (push distance) n/<))
+ (push (|>> (push 1) n/+))
+ while))
+### word:
+A named concatenative function\.
+(word: square
+ (=> [Nat] [Nat])
+ dup
+ (apply/2 library/lux/math/number/nat.*))
+### ||>
+A self\-contained sequence of concatenative instructions\.
+(same? value
+ (||> (push sample)))
+(||> (push 123)
+ dup
+ n/=)
+### ||L
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> [_2 _0] [_2 (Or _0 _1)]))
+Left\-injects the top into sum\.
+### ||R
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> [_2 _1] [_2 (Or _0 _1)]))
+Right\-injects the top into sum\.
+# library/lux/control/concurrency/actor
+The actor model of concurrency\.
+## Definitions
+### \(Actor state\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/concurrency/actor.Actor" state)
+An entity that can react to messages \(mail\) sent to it concurrently\.
+### \(Behavior input state\)
+... .Type
+ [#on_init (-> input state)
+ #on_mail (-> (Mail state) state (Actor state) (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async (library/lux/control/try.Try state)))])
+An actor's behavior when mail is received and when a fatal error occurs\.
+### \(Mail state\)
+... .Type
+(-> state (Actor state) (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async (library/lux/control/try.Try state)))
+A one\-way message sent to an actor, without expecting a reply\.
+### \(Message state output\)
+... .Type
+(-> state (Actor state) (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async (library/lux/control/try.Try [state output])))
+A two\-way message sent to an actor, expecting a reply\.
+### \(Obituary state\)
+... .Type
+[.Text state (.List (-> state (Actor state) (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async (library/lux/control/try.Try state))))]
+Details on the death of an actor\.
+### Stop
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/io.IO .Any)
+A signal to stop an actor from observing a channel\.
+### actor
+Defines an anonymous actor, with its behavior and internal state\.
+Messages for the actor must be defined after the on\_mail handler\.
+(actor [Nat
+ 123]
+ ((on_mail message state self)
+ (message (++ state) self)))
+### actor:
+Defines a named actor, with its behavior and internal state\.
+Messages for the actor must be defined after the on\_mail handler\.
+(actor: .public (stack a)
+ (List a)
+ ((on_mail mail state self)
+ (do (try.with async.monad)
+ [.let [_ (debug.log! "BEFORE")]
+ output (mail state self)
+ .let [_ (debug.log! "AFTER")]]
+ (in output)))
+ (message: .public (push [value a] state self)
+ (List a)
+ (let [state' {.#Item value state}]
+ (async.resolved {try.#Success [state' state']}))))
+(actor: .public counter
+ Nat
+ (message: .public (count! [increment Nat] state self)
+ Any
+ (let [state' (n.+ increment state)]
+ (async.resolved {try.#Success [state' state']})))
+ (message: .public (read! state self)
+ Nat
+ (async.resolved {try.#Success [state state]})))
+### alive?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Actor _0) (library/lux/control/io.IO .Bit)))
+### dead
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### default
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Behavior _0 _0))
+Default actor behavior\.
+### mail\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Mail _0) (Actor _0) (library/lux/control/io.IO (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any))))
+Send mail to an actor\.
+### message:
+A message can access the actor's state through the state parameter\.
+A message can also access the actor itself through the self parameter\.
+A message's output must be an async containing a 2\-tuple with the updated state and a return value\.
+A message may succeed or fail \(in case of failure, the actor dies\)\.
+(actor: .public (stack a)
+ (List a)
+ ((on_mail mail state self)
+ (do (try.with async.monad)
+ [.let [_ (debug.log! "BEFORE")]
+ output (mail state self)
+ .let [_ (debug.log! "AFTER")]]
+ (in output)))
+ (message: .public (push [value a] state self)
+ (List a)
+ (let [state' {.#Item value state}]
+ (async.resolved {try.#Success [state' state']}))))
+(actor: .public counter
+ Nat
+ (message: .public (count! [increment Nat] state self)
+ Any
+ (let [state' (n.+ increment state)]
+ (async.resolved {try.#Success [state' state']})))
+ (message: .public (read! state self)
+ Nat
+ (async.resolved {try.#Success [state state]})))
+### obituary
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Actor _0) (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async (Obituary _0))))
+Await for an actor to stop working\.
+### obituary'
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Actor _0) (library/lux/control/io.IO (.Maybe (Obituary _0)))))
+### observe\!
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 Stop (Mail _1)) (library/lux/control/concurrency/frp.Channel _0) (Actor _1) (library/lux/control/io.IO .Any)))
+Use an actor to observe a channel by transforming each datum
+flowing through the channel into mail the actor can process\.
+Can stop observing the channel by executing the Stop value\.
+### poison\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Actor _0) (library/lux/control/io.IO (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any))))
+Kills the actor by sending mail that will kill it upon processing,
+but allows the actor to handle previous mail\.
+### poisoned
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### spawn\!
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Behavior _0 _1) _0 (library/lux/control/io.IO (Actor _1))))
+Given a behavior and initial state, spawns an actor and returns it\.
+### tell\!
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Message _0 _1) (Actor _0) (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async (library/lux/control/try.Try _1))))
+Communicate with an actor through message\-passing\.
+# library/lux/control/concurrency/async
+## Definitions
+### \(Async it\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async" it)
+Represents values produced by asynchronous computations \(unlike IO, which is synchronous\)\.
+### \(Resolver it\)
+... .Type
+(-> it (library/lux/control/io.IO .Bit))
+The function used to give a value to an async\.
+Will signal 'true' if the async has been resolved for the 1st time, 'false' otherwise\.
+### after
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat _0 (Async _0)))
+Delivers a value after a certain period has passed\.
+(after milli_seconds value)
+### and
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Async _0) (Async _1) (Async [_0 _1])))
+Combines the results of both asyncs, in\-order\.
+(and left right)
+### apply
+(library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply Async)
+### async
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Any [(Async _0) (Resolver _0)]))
+Creates a fresh async that has not been resolved yet\.
+(async _)
+### delay
+(-> .Nat (Async .Any))
+An async that will be resolved after the specified amount of milli\-seconds\.
+(delay milli_seconds)
+### either
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Async _0) (Async _0) (Async _0)))
+Yields the results of whichever async gets resolved first\.
+You cannot tell which one was resolved first\.
+(either left right)
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Async)
+### future
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/control/io.IO _0) (Async _0)))
+Runs an I/O computation on its own thread\.
+Returns an async that will eventually host its result\.
+(future computation)
+### monad
+(library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad Async)
+### or
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Async _0) (Async _1) (Async (Or _0 _1))))
+Yields the results of whichever async gets resolved first\.
+You can tell which one was resolved first through pattern\-matching\.
+(or left right)
+### resolved
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Async _0)))
+Produces an async that has already been resolved to the given value\.
+(resolved value)
+### resolved?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Async _0) (library/lux/control/io.IO .Bit)))
+Checks whether an async's value has already been resolved\.
+### schedule\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (library/lux/control/io.IO _0) (Async _0)))
+Runs an I/O computation on its own thread \(after a specified delay\)\.
+Returns an async that will eventually host its result\.
+(schedule! milli_seconds computation)
+### upon\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 (library/lux/control/io.IO .Any)) (Async _0) (library/lux/control/io.IO .Any)))
+Executes the given function as soon as the async has been resolved\.
+(upon! function async)
+### value
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Async _0) (library/lux/control/io.IO (.Maybe _0))))
+Polls an async for its value\.
+### within
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Async _0) (Async (.Maybe _0))))
+Wait for an async to be resolved within the specified amount of milli\-seconds\.
+(within milli_seconds async)
+# library/lux/control/concurrency/atom
+## Definitions
+### \(Atom it\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/concurrency/atom.Atom" it)
+Atomic references that are safe to mutate concurrently\.
+### atom
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Atom _0)))
+### compare\_and\_swap\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 _0 (Atom _0) (library/lux/control/io.IO .Bit)))
+Only mutates an atom if you can present its current value\.
+That guarantees that atom was not updated since you last read from it\.
+### read\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Atom _0) (library/lux/control/io.IO _0)))
+### update\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 _0) (Atom _0) (library/lux/control/io.IO [_0 _0])))
+Updates an atom by applying a function to its current value\.
+If it fails to update it \(because some other process wrote to it first\), it will retry until it succeeds\.
+The retries will be done with the new values of the atom, as they show up\.
+### write\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Atom _0) (library/lux/control/io.IO _0)))
+Writes the given value to an atom\.
+If it fails to write it \(because some other process wrote to it first\), it will retry until it succeeds\.
+# library/lux/control/concurrency/frp
+## Definitions
+### \(Channel it\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async (.Maybe [it (Channel it)]))
+An asynchronous channel to distribute values\.
+### \(Sink it\)
+... .Type
+ [close (library/lux/control/io.IO (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any))
+ feed (-> it (library/lux/control/io.IO (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any)))])
+The tail\-end of a channel, which can be written\-to to fee the channel\.
+### \(Subscriber it\)
+... .Type
+(-> it (library/lux/control/io.IO (.Maybe .Any)))
+A function that can receive every value fed into a channel\.
+### apply
+(library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply Channel)
+### channel
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Any [(Channel _0) (Sink _0)]))
+Creates a brand\-new channel and hands it over, along with the sink to write to it\.
+(channel _)
+### channel\_is\_already\_closed
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### distinct
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (Channel _0) (Channel _0)))
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Channel)
+### iterations
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async (.Maybe [_0 _1]))) _0 (Channel _1)))
+### list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Channel _0) (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async (.List _0))))
+### mix
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _1 _0 (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async _0)) _0 (Channel _1) (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async _0)))
+Asynchronous mix over channels\.
+(mix f init channel)
+### mixes
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _1 _0 (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async _0)) _0 (Channel _1) (Channel _0)))
+### monad
+(library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad Channel)
+### of\_async
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async _0) (Channel _0)))
+A one\-element channel containing the output from an async\.
+(of_async async)
+### only
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 .Bit) (Channel _0) (Channel _0)))
+Produces a new channel based on the old one, only with values
+that pass the test\.
+(only pass? channel)
+### periodic
+(-> .Nat [(Channel .Any) (Sink .Any)])
+### poll
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (library/lux/control/io.IO _0) [(Channel _0) (Sink _0)]))
+### sequential
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.List _0) (Channel _0)))
+Transforms the given list into a channel with the same elements\.
+(sequential milli_seconds values)
+### subscribe\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Subscriber _0) (Channel _0) (library/lux/control/io.IO .Any)))
+# library/lux/control/concurrency/semaphore
+## Definitions
+### Barrier
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/concurrency/semaphore.Barrier")
+A barrier that blocks all processes from proceeding until a given number of processes are parked at the barrier\.
+### Limit
+... .Type
+(library/lux/type/refinement.Refined .Nat (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/control/concurrency/semaphore",122,2 0}"))
+A limit for barriers\.
+### Mutex
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/concurrency/semaphore.Mutex")
+A mutual\-exclusion lock that can only be acquired by one process at a time\.
+### Semaphore
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/concurrency/semaphore.Semaphore")
+A tool for controlling access to resources by multiple concurrent processes\.
+### barrier
+(-> Limit Barrier)
+### block\!
+(-> Barrier (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async .Any))
+Wait on a barrier until all processes have arrived and met the barrier's limit\.
+### limit
+(library/lux/type/refinement.Refiner .Nat (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/control/concurrency/semaphore",122,2 0}"))
+Produce a limit for a barrier\.
+### mutex
+(-> .Any Mutex)
+Creates a brand\-new mutex\.
+(mutex _)
+### semaphore
+(-> .Nat Semaphore)
+(semaphore initial_open_positions)
+### semaphore\_is\_maxed\_out
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### signal\!
+(Ex (_ _0)
+ (-> Semaphore (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async (library/lux/control/try.Try .Int))))
+Signal to a semaphore that you're done with your work, and that there is a new open position\.
+(signal! semaphore)
+### synchronize\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> Mutex (library/lux/control/io.IO (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async _0)) (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async _0)))
+Runs the procedure with exclusive control of the mutex\.
+(synchronize! mutex procedure)
+### wait\!
+(Ex (_ _0)
+ (-> Semaphore (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async .Any)))
+Wait on a semaphore until there are open positions\.
+After finishing your work, you must 'signal' to the semaphore that you're done\.
+(wait! semaphore)
+# library/lux/control/concurrency/stm
+## Definitions
+### \(STM it\)
+... .Type
+(-> Tx [Tx it])
+A computation which updates a transaction and produces a value\.
+### \(Var it\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/concurrency/stm.Var" it)
+A mutable cell containing a value, and observers that will be alerted of any change to it\.
+### apply
+(library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply STM)
+### commit\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (STM _0) (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async _0)))
+Commits a transaction and returns its result \(asynchronously\)\.
+Note that a transaction may be re\-run an indeterminate number of times if other transactions involving the same variables successfully commit first\.
+For this reason, it's important to note that transactions must be free from side\-effects, such as I/O\.
+(commit! procedure)
+### follow\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Var _0) (library/lux/control/io.IO [(library/lux/control/concurrency/frp.Channel _0) (library/lux/control/concurrency/frp.Sink _0)])))
+Creates a channel that will receive all changes to the value of the given var\.
+(follow! target)
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor STM)
+### monad
+(library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad STM)
+### read
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Var _0) (STM _0)))
+### update
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 _0) (Var _0) (STM [_0 _0])))
+Update a var's value, and return a tuple with the old and the new values\.
+(update function var)
+### var
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Var _0)))
+Creates a new STM var, with a default value\.
+(var value)
+### write
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Var _0) (STM .Any)))
+# library/lux/control/concurrency/thread
+## Definitions
+### parallelism
+How many processes can run in parallel\.
+### schedule\!
+(-> .Nat (library/lux/control/io.IO .Any) (library/lux/control/io.IO .Any))
+Executes an I/O procedure after some milli\-seconds\.
+(schedule! milli_seconds action)
+# library/lux/control/continuation
+## Definitions
+### \(Cont input output\)
+... .Type
+(-> (-> input output) output)
+### apply
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply (All (_ _1) (Cont _1 _0))))
+### continued
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1) (Cont _0 _1) _1))
+Continues a continuation thunk\.
+(continued next cont)
+### functor
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor (All (_ _1) (Cont _1 _0))))
+### monad
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (All (_ _1) (Cont _1 _0))))
+### pending
+Turns any expression into a function that is pending a continuation\.
+(pending (some_function some_input))
+### portal
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> _0 (Cont [(-> _0 (Cont _1 _2)) _0] _2)))
+### reset
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Cont _0 _0) (Cont _0 _1)))
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Cont _0 _0) _0))
+Forces a continuation thunk to be evaluated\.
+(result cont)
+### shift
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> (-> _0 (Cont _0 _0)) (Cont _0 _0)) (Cont _0 _0)))
+### with\_current
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (-> (-> _0 (Cont _1 _2)) (Cont _0 _2)) (Cont _0 _2)))
+Call with current continuation\.
+ (function (_ go)
+ (do monad
+ [.let [nexus (function (nexus val)
+ (go [nexus val]))]
+ _ (go [nexus init])]
+ (in (undefined)))))
+# library/lux/control/exception
+Pure\-Lux exception\-handling functionality\.
+## Definitions
+### \(Exception it\)
+... .Type
+ [#label .Text
+ #constructor (-> it .Text)])
+An exception provides a way to decorate error messages\.
+### assertion
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Exception _0) _0 .Bit (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any)))
+### error
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Exception _0) _0 .Text))
+Constructs an error message from an exception\.
+(error exception message)
+### except
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Exception _0) _0 (library/lux/control/try.Try _1)))
+Decorate an error message with an Exception and lift it into the error\-handling context\.
+(except exception message)
+### exception:
+Define a new exception type\.
+It mostly just serves as a way to tag error messages for later catching\.
+... Simple case:
+(exception: .public some_exception)
+... Complex case:
+(exception: .public [arbitrary type variables] (some_exception [optional Text
+ arguments Int])
+ optional_body)
+### listing
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 .Text) (.List _0) .Text))
+A numbered report of the entries on a list\.
+NOTE: 0\-based numbering\.
+(listing format entries)
+### match?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Exception _0) .Text .Bit))
+Is this exception the cause of the error message?
+(match? exception error)
+### otherwise
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> .Text _0) (library/lux/control/try.Try _0) _0))
+If no handler could be found to catch the exception, then run a function as a last\-resort measure\.
+(otherwise else try)
+### report
+An error report\.
+(: Text
+ (report ["Row 0" value/0]
+ ["Row 1" value/1]
+ ,,,
+ ["Row N" value/N]))
+### when
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Exception _0) (-> .Text _1) (library/lux/control/try.Try _1) (library/lux/control/try.Try _1)))
+If a particular exception is detected on a possibly\-erroneous value, handle it\.
+If no exception was detected, or a different one from the one being checked, then pass along the original value\.
+(when exception then try)
+### with
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Exception _0) _0 (library/lux/control/try.Try _1) (library/lux/control/try.Try _1)))
+If a computation fails, prepends the exception to the error\.
+(with exception message computation)
+# library/lux/control/function
+## Definitions
+### composite
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (-> _1 _2) (-> _0 _1) _0 _2))
+Function composition\.
+(= ((composite f g) "foo")
+ (f (g "foo")))
+### constant
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (All (_ _1) (-> _1 _0))))
+Create constant functions\.
+(= ((constant "foo") "bar")
+ "foo")
+### flipped
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1 _2) _1 _0 _2))
+Flips the order of the arguments of a function\.
+(= ((flipped f) "foo" "bar")
+ (f "bar" "foo"))
+### identity
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 _0))
+Identity function\.
+Does nothing to its argument and just returns it\.
+(same? (identity value)
+ value)
+### monoid
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid (-> _0 _0)))
+### on
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 (-> _0 _1) _1))
+Simple 1\-argument function application\.
+(on input function)
+# library/lux/control/function/contract
+## Definitions
+### post
+Given a predicate and an expression to run, evaluates the expression and then tests the output with the predicate\.
+If the predicate returns \#1, returns the value of the expression\.
+Otherwise, an error is raised\.
+(post i.even?
+ (i.+ +2 +2))
+### post\_condition\_failed
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Code)
+### pre
+Given a test and an expression to run, only runs the expression if the test passes\.
+Otherwise, an error is raised\.
+(pre (i.= +4 (i.+ +2 +2))
+ (foo +123 +456 +789))
+### pre\_condition\_failed
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Code)
+# library/lux/control/function/memo
+## Definitions
+### \(Memo input output\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/function/mixin.Recursive input (library/lux/control/state.State (library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary input output) output))
+### closed
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (Memo _0 _1) _0 _1))
+Memoization confined to a single invocation to the function \(not counting any subsequent recursive invocations\)\.
+Memoized results will be re\-used during recursive invocations, but cannot be accessed after the main invocation has ended\.
+(closed hash memo)
+### memoization
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (library/lux/control/function/mixin.Mixin _0 (library/lux/control/state.State (library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary _0 _1) _1)))
+### none
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (Memo _0 _1) _0 _1))
+No memoization at all\.
+This is useful as a test control when measuring the effect of using memoization\.
+(none hash memo)
+### open
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Memo _0 _1) [(library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary _0 _1) _0] [(library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary _0 _1) _1]))
+Memoization where the memoized results can be re\-used accross invocations\.
+(open memo)
+# library/lux/control/function/mixin
+## Definitions
+### \(Mixin input output\)
+... .Type
+(-> (-> input output) (-> input output) input output)
+A partially\-defined function which can be mixed with others to inherit their behavior\.
+### \(Recursive input output\)
+... .Type
+(-> (-> input output) input output)
+An indirectly recursive function\.
+### advice
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (Mixin _0 _1) (Mixin _0 _1)))
+Only apply then mixin when the input meets some criterion\.
+(advice when then)
+### after
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (-> _1 _2 (_0 .Any)) (Mixin _1 (_0 _2))))
+Executes an action after doing the main work\.
+(after monad action)
+### before
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (-> _1 (_0 .Any)) (Mixin _1 (_0 _2))))
+Executes an action before doing the main work\.
+(before monad action)
+### fixed
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Mixin _0 _1) _0 _1))
+Given a mixin, produces a normal function\.
+(fixed f)
+### mixed
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Mixin _0 _1) (Mixin _0 _1) (Mixin _0 _1)))
+Produces a new mixin, where the behavior of the child can make use of the behavior of the parent\.
+(mixed parent child)
+### monoid
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid (Mixin _0 _1)))
+### nothing
+A mixin that does nothing and just delegates work to the next mixin\.
+### of\_recursive
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Recursive _0 _1) (Mixin _0 _1)))
+Transform an indirectly recursive function into a mixin\.
+(of_recursive recursive)
+# library/lux/control/function/mutual
+## Definitions
+### def:
+Globally\-defined mutually\-recursive functions\.
+ [.public (even? number)
+ (-> Nat Bit)
+ (case number
+ 0 true
+ _ (odd? (-- number)))]
+ [.public (odd? number)
+ (-> Nat Bit)
+ (case number
+ 0 false
+ _ (even? (-- number)))])
+### let
+Locally\-defined mutually\-recursive functions\.
+(let [(even? number)
+ (-> Nat Bit)
+ (case number
+ 0 true
+ _ (odd? (-- number)))
+ (odd? number)
+ (-> Nat Bit)
+ (case number
+ 0 false
+ _ (even? (-- number)))]
+ (and (even? 4)
+ (odd? 5)))
+# library/lux/control/io
+A method for abstracting I/O and effectful computations to make it safe while writing pure functional code\.
+## Definitions
+### \(IO it\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/io.IO" it)
+A type that represents synchronous, effectful computations that may interact with the outside world\.
+### apply
+(library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply IO)
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor IO)
+### io
+Delays the evaluation of an expression, by wrapping it in an IO 'thunk'\.
+Great for wrapping effectful computations \(which will not be performed until the IO is 'run\!'\)\.
+(io (exec
+ (log! msg)
+ "Some value..."))
+### monad
+(library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad IO)
+### run\!
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (IO _1) _1))
+A way to execute IO computations and perform their side\-effects\.
+# library/lux/control/lazy
+## Definitions
+### \(Lazy it\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/lazy.Lazy" it)
+A value specified by an expression that is calculated only at the last moment possible\.
+Afterwards, the value is cached for future reference\.
+### apply
+(library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply Lazy)
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Lazy _0))))
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Lazy)
+### lazy
+Specifies a lazy value by providing the expression that computes it\.
+(lazy eager_computation)
+### monad
+(library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad Lazy)
+### value
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Lazy _0) _0))
+# library/lux/control/maybe
+## Definitions
+### apply
+(library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply .Maybe)
+### else
+Allows you to provide a default value that will be used
+if a \(Maybe x\) value turns out to be \.\#None\.
+Note: the expression for the default value will not be computed if the base computation succeeds\.
+(else +20 {.#Some +10})
+... =>
+(else +20 {.#None})
+... =>
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (.Maybe _0))))
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor .Maybe)
+### hash
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash (.Maybe _0))))
+### lifted
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (_0 _1) (_0 (.Maybe _1))))
+Wraps a monadic value with Maybe machinery\.
+(lifted monad)
+### list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.Maybe _0) (.List _0)))
+### monad
+(library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad .Maybe)
+### monoid
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid (.Maybe _0)))
+### trusted
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.Maybe _0) _0))
+Assumes that a Maybe value is a \.\#Some and yields its value\.
+Raises/throws a runtime error otherwise\.
+WARNING: Use with caution\.
+(trusted trusted_computation)
+### when
+Can be used as a guard in \(co\)monadic be/do expressions\.
+(do monad
+ [value (do_something 1 2 3)
+ .when (passes_test? value)]
+ (do_something_else 4 5 6))
+### with
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (All (_ _1) (_0 (.Maybe _1))))))
+# library/lux/control/parser
+## Definitions
+### \(Parser state it\)
+... .Type
+(-> state (library/lux/control/try.Try [state it]))
+A generic parser\.
+### after
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 _2) (Parser _0 _2)))
+Run the parser after another one \(whose output is ignored\)\.
+(after param subject)
+### and
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 _2) (Parser _0 [_1 _2])))
+Sequencing combinator\.
+(and first second)
+### apply
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply (Parser _0)))
+### assertion
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text .Bit (Parser _0 .Any)))
+Fails with the given message if the test is \#0\.
+(assertion message test)
+### at\_least
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> .Nat (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 (.List _1))))
+Parse at least N times\.
+(at_least amount parser)
+### at\_most
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> .Nat (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 (.List _1))))
+Parse at most N times\.
+(at_most amount parser)
+### before
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 _2) (Parser _0 _2)))
+Run the parser before another one \(whose output is ignored\)\.
+(before param subject)
+### between
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> .Nat .Nat (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 (.List _1))))
+(between minimum additional parser)
+### codec
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec _1 _2) (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 _2)))
+Decode the output of a parser using a codec\.
+(codec codec parser)
+### either
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 _1)))
+Homogeneous alternative combinator\.
+(either this that)
+### else
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _1 (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 _1)))
+If the given parser fails, returns the default value\.
+(else value parser)
+### exactly
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> .Nat (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 (.List _1))))
+Parse exactly N times\.
+(exactly amount parser)
+### failure
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> .Text (Parser _0 _1)))
+Always fail with this 'message'\.
+(failure message)
+### functor
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor (Parser _0)))
+### lifted
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/control/try.Try _1) (Parser _0 _1)))
+Lift a potentially failed computation into a parser\.
+(lifted operation)
+### many
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 (.List _1))))
+1\-or\-more combinator\.
+(many parser)
+### maybe
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 (.Maybe _1))))
+Optionality combinator\.
+(maybe parser)
+### monad
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (Parser _0)))
+### not
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 .Any)))
+Only succeeds when the underlying parser fails\.
+(not parser)
+### only
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _1 .Bit) (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 _1)))
+Only succeed when the parser's output passes a test\.
+(only test parser)
+### or
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 _2) (Parser _0 (Or _1 _2))))
+Heterogeneous alternative combinator\.
+(or left right)
+### parses
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 .Any)))
+Ignore a parser's output and just execute it\.
+(parses parser)
+### parses?
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 .Bit)))
+Ignore a parser's output and just verify that it succeeds\.
+(parses? parser)
+### rec
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 _1)) (Parser _0 _1)))
+Combinator for recursive parsers\.
+(rec parser)
+### remaining
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Parser _0 _0))
+Yield the remaining input \(without consuming it\)\.
+### result
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) _0 (library/lux/control/try.Try [_0 _1])))
+Executes the parser on the input\.
+Does not verify that all of the input has been consumed by the parser\.
+Returns both the parser's output, and a value that represents the remaining input\.
+(result parser input)
+### separated\_by
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _2) (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 (.List _1))))
+Parses instances of 'parser' that are separated by instances of 'separator'\.
+(separated_by separator parser)
+### some
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 (.List _1))))
+0\-or\-more combinator\.
+(some parser)
+### speculative
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 _1)))
+Executes a parser, without actually consuming the input\.
+That way, the same input can be consumed again by another parser\.
+(speculative parser)
+# library/lux/control/parser/analysis
+## Definitions
+### \(Parser it\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/parser.Parser (.List library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Analysis))
+A parser for Lux code analysis nodes\.
+### any
+(Parser library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Analysis)
+Matches any value, without discrimination\.
+### bit
+(Parser .Bit)
+Queries for a bit value\.
+### bit\!
+(-> .Bit (Parser .Any))
+Assert a specific bit value\.
+### cannot\_parse
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception (.List library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Analysis))
+### constant
+(Parser .Symbol)
+Queries for a constant value\.
+### constant\!
+(-> .Symbol (Parser .Any))
+Assert a specific constant value\.
+### end\!
+(Parser .Any)
+Ensures there are no more inputs\.
+### end?
+(Parser .Bit)
+Checks whether there are no more inputs\.
+### foreign
+(Parser .Nat)
+Queries for a foreign value\.
+### foreign\!
+(-> .Nat (Parser .Any))
+Assert a specific foreign value\.
+### frac
+(Parser .Frac)
+Queries for a frac value\.
+### frac\!
+(-> .Frac (Parser .Any))
+Assert a specific frac value\.
+### int
+(Parser .Int)
+Queries for a int value\.
+### int\!
+(-> .Int (Parser .Any))
+Assert a specific int value\.
+### local
+(Parser .Nat)
+Queries for a local value\.
+### local\!
+(-> .Nat (Parser .Any))
+Assert a specific local value\.
+### nat
+(Parser .Nat)
+Queries for a nat value\.
+### nat\!
+(-> .Nat (Parser .Any))
+Assert a specific nat value\.
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (.List library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Analysis) (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)))
+Executes a parser and makes sure no inputs go unconsumed\.
+(result parser input)
+### rev
+(Parser .Rev)
+Queries for a rev value\.
+### rev\!
+(-> .Rev (Parser .Any))
+Assert a specific rev value\.
+### text
+(Parser .Text)
+Queries for a text value\.
+### text\!
+(-> .Text (Parser .Any))
+Assert a specific text value\.
+### tuple
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses only within the context of a tuple's contents\.
+(tuple parser)
+### unconsumed\_input
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception (.List library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Analysis))
+# library/lux/control/parser/binary
+## Definitions
+### Offset
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+An offset for reading within binary data\.
+### \(Parser it\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/parser.Parser [Offset library/lux/data/binary.Binary])
+A parser for raw binary data\.
+### Size
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+The size of a chunk of data within a binary array\.
+### any
+(Parser .Any)
+Does no parsing, and just returns a dummy value\.
+### binary/16
+(Parser library/lux/data/binary.Binary)
+Parses a block of data prefixed with a size that is 16 bytes long\.
+### binary/32
+(Parser library/lux/data/binary.Binary)
+Parses a block of data prefixed with a size that is 32 bytes long\.
+### binary/64
+(Parser library/lux/data/binary.Binary)
+Parses a block of data prefixed with a size that is 64 bytes long\.
+### binary/8
+(Parser library/lux/data/binary.Binary)
+Parses a block of data prefixed with a size that is 8 bytes long\.
+### binary\_was\_not\_fully\_read
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Nat .Nat])
+### bit
+(Parser .Bit)
+### bits/16
+(Parser .I64)
+### bits/32
+(Parser .I64)
+### bits/64
+(Parser .I64)
+### bits/8
+(Parser .I64)
+### code
+(Parser .Code)
+### end?
+(Parser .Bit)
+Checks whether there is no more data to read\.
+### frac
+(Parser .Frac)
+### int
+(Parser .Int)
+### invalid\_tag
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Nat .Nat])
+### list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser (.List _0))))
+Parses an arbitrarily long list of values\.
+(list value)
+### location
+(Parser .Location)
+### maybe
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser (.Maybe _0))))
+### nat
+(Parser .Nat)
+### not\_a\_bit
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### offset
+(Parser Offset)
+The current offset \(i\.e\. how much data has been read\)\.
+### or
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _1) (Parser (Or _0 _1))))
+### rec
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _0)) (Parser _0)))
+Tie the knot for a recursive parser\.
+### remaining
+(Parser .Nat)
+How much of the data remains to be read\.
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) library/lux/data/binary.Binary (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)))
+Runs a parser and checks that all the binary data was read by it\.
+(result parser input)
+### rev
+(Parser .Rev)
+### segment
+(-> .Nat (Parser library/lux/data/binary.Binary))
+Parses a chunk of data of a given size\.
+(segment size)
+### sequence/16
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser (library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence _0))))
+Parses a sequence of values prefixed with a size that is 16 bytes long\.
+### sequence/32
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser (library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence _0))))
+Parses a sequence of values prefixed with a size that is 32 bytes long\.
+### sequence/64
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser (library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence _0))))
+Parses a sequence of values prefixed with a size that is 64 bytes long\.
+### sequence/8
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser (library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence _0))))
+Parses a sequence of values prefixed with a size that is 8 bytes long\.
+### set
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (Parser _0) (Parser (library/lux/data/collection/set.Set _0))))
+(set hash value)
+### set\_elements\_are\_not\_unique
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### size/16
+### size/32
+### size/64
+### size/8
+### symbol
+(Parser .Symbol)
+### text
+(Parser .Text)
+### type
+(Parser .Type)
+### utf8/16
+(Parser .Text)
+Parses a block of \(UTF\-8 encoded\) text prefixed with a size that is 16 bytes long\.
+### utf8/32
+(Parser .Text)
+Parses a block of \(UTF\-8 encoded\) text prefixed with a size that is 32 bytes long\.
+### utf8/64
+(Parser .Text)
+Parses a block of \(UTF\-8 encoded\) text prefixed with a size that is 64 bytes long\.
+### utf8/8
+(Parser .Text)
+Parses a block of \(UTF\-8 encoded\) text prefixed with a size that is 8 bytes long\.
+# library/lux/control/parser/cli
+## Definitions
+### \(Parser it\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/parser.Parser (.List .Text) it)
+A command\-line interface parser\.
+### any
+(Parser .Text)
+Just returns the next input without applying any logic\.
+### end
+(Parser .Any)
+Ensures there are no more inputs\.
+### named
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses a named parameter and yields its value\.
+(named name value)
+### parameter
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [.Text .Text] (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses a parameter that can have either a short or a long name\.
+(parameter [short long] value)
+### parse
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> .Text (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)) (Parser _0)))
+Parses the next input with a parsing function\.
+(parse parser)
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (.List .Text) (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)))
+Executes the parser and verifies that all inputs are processed\.
+(result parser inputs)
+### somewhere
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Given a parser, tries to parse it somewhere in the inputs \(i\.e\. not necessarily parsing the immediate inputs\)\.
+(somewhere cli)
+### this
+(-> .Text (Parser .Any))
+Checks that a token is in the inputs\.
+(this reference)
+# library/lux/control/parser/code
+## Definitions
+### \(Parser it\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/parser.Parser (.List .Code))
+A Lux code parser\.
+### any
+(Parser .Code)
+Yields the next input without applying any logic\.
+### bit
+(Parser .Bit)
+Parses the next bit input\.
+### bit\!
+(-> .Bit (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific bit input\.
+### end\!
+(Parser .Any)
+Verifies there are no more inputs\.
+### end?
+(Parser .Bit)
+Checks whether there are no more inputs\.
+### form
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses the contents of a form\.
+### frac
+(Parser .Frac)
+Parses the next frac input\.
+### frac\!
+(-> .Frac (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific frac input\.
+### int
+(Parser .Int)
+Parses the next int input\.
+### int\!
+(-> .Int (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific int input\.
+### local
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List .Code) (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Runs parser against the given list of inputs\.
+(local inputs parser)
+### local\_symbol
+(Parser .Text)
+Parse a local local symbol \(a local symbol that has no module prefix\)\.
+### local\_symbol\!
+(-> .Text (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific local local symbol \(a local symbol that has no module prefix\)\.
+### nat
+(Parser .Nat)
+Parses the next nat input\.
+### nat\!
+(-> .Nat (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific nat input\.
+### next
+(Parser .Code)
+Yields the next Code token without consuming it from the input stream\.
+### not
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser .Code)))
+Yields the next Code token if the parser fails\.
+(not expected_to_fail)
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (.List .Code) (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)))
+Executes a parser against a stream of code, and verifies all the inputs are consumed\.
+(result parser inputs)
+### rev
+(Parser .Rev)
+Parses the next rev input\.
+### rev\!
+(-> .Rev (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific rev input\.
+### symbol
+(Parser .Symbol)
+Parses the next symbol input\.
+### symbol\!
+(-> .Symbol (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific symbol input\.
+### text
+(Parser .Text)
+Parses the next text input\.
+### text\!
+(-> .Text (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific text input\.
+### this\!
+(-> .Code (Parser .Any))
+Ensures the given Code is the next input\.
+(this! code)
+### tuple
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses the contents of a tuple\.
+### variant
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses the contents of a variant\.
+# library/lux/control/parser/environment
+## Definitions
+### Environment
+... .Type
+(library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary Property .Text)
+An abstraction for environment variables of a program\.
+### \(Parser it\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/parser.Parser Environment it)
+A parser of environment variables of a program\.
+### Property
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Text")
+A property in the environment\.
+### empty
+An empty environment\.
+### property
+(-> Property (Parser .Text))
+(property name)
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) Environment (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)))
+Executes a parser against the given environment variables\.
+Does not check whether all environment variables were parsed, since they're usually an open set\.
+(result parser environment)
+### unknown\_property
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception Property)
+# library/lux/control/parser/json
+## Definitions
+### \(Parser it\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/parser.Parser (.List library/lux/data/format/json.JSON) it)
+A JSON parser\.
+### any
+(Parser library/lux/data/format/json.JSON)
+Just returns the JSON input without applying any logic\.
+### array
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses the contents of a JSON array\.
+(array parser)
+### boolean
+(Parser library/lux/data/format/json.Boolean)
+Reads a JSON value as boolean\.
+### boolean\!
+(-> library/lux/data/format/json.Boolean (Parser .Any))
+Ensures a JSON value is a boolean\.
+### boolean?
+(-> library/lux/data/format/json.Boolean (Parser .Bit))
+Asks whether a JSON value is a boolean\.
+### dictionary
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser (library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary .Text _0))))
+Parses a dictionary\-like JSON object\.
+### empty\_input
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### field
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses a field inside a JSON object\.
+Use this inside the 'object' combinator\.
+(field field_name parser)
+### null
+(Parser library/lux/data/format/json.Null)
+Reads a JSON value as null\.
+### nullable
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser (.Maybe _0))))
+Enhances parser by adding NULL\-handling\.
+(nullable parser)
+### number
+(Parser library/lux/data/format/json.Number)
+Reads a JSON value as number\.
+### number\!
+(-> library/lux/data/format/json.Number (Parser .Any))
+Ensures a JSON value is a number\.
+### number?
+(-> library/lux/data/format/json.Number (Parser .Bit))
+Asks whether a JSON value is a number\.
+### object
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses the contents of a JSON object\.
+Use this with the 'field' combinator\.
+(object parser)
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) library/lux/data/format/json.JSON (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)))
+Executes the parser against a JSON object\.
+Verifies that all of the JSON was consumed by the parser\.
+(result parser json)
+### string
+(Parser library/lux/data/format/json.String)
+Reads a JSON value as string\.
+### string\!
+(-> library/lux/data/format/json.String (Parser .Any))
+Ensures a JSON value is a string\.
+### string?
+(-> library/lux/data/format/json.String (Parser .Bit))
+Asks whether a JSON value is a string\.
+### unconsumed\_input
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception (.List library/lux/data/format/json.JSON))
+### unexpected\_value
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception library/lux/data/format/json.JSON)
+### value\_mismatch
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/control/exception.Exception [library/lux/data/format/json.JSON library/lux/data/format/json.JSON]))
+# library/lux/control/parser/synthesis
+## Definitions
+### \(Parser it\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/parser.Parser (.List library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Synthesis))
+A parser for the Lux compiler's synthesis nodes using during optimization\.
+### any
+(Parser library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Synthesis)
+Yields a synthesis node without subjecting it to any analysis\.
+### bit
+(Parser .Bit)
+Queries for a bit synthesis node\.
+### bit\!
+(-> .Bit (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific bit synthesis node\.
+### cannot\_parse
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception (.List library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Synthesis))
+### constant
+(Parser .Symbol)
+Queries for a constant synthesis node\.
+### constant\!
+(-> .Symbol (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific constant synthesis node\.
+### empty\_input
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### end\!
+(Parser .Any)
+Ensures there are no more inputs\.
+### end?
+(Parser .Bit)
+Checks whether there are no more inputs\.
+### expected\_empty\_input
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception (.List library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Synthesis))
+### f64
+(Parser .Frac)
+Queries for a f64 synthesis node\.
+### f64\!
+(-> .Frac (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific f64 synthesis node\.
+### foreign
+(Parser .Nat)
+Queries for a foreign synthesis node\.
+### foreign\!
+(-> .Nat (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific foreign synthesis node\.
+### function
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> library/lux/tool/compiler/arity.Arity (Parser _0) (Parser [(library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Environment library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Synthesis) _0])))
+Parses the body of a function with the 'expected' arity\.
+(function expected parser)
+### i64
+(Parser (.I64 .Any))
+Queries for a i64 synthesis node\.
+### i64\!
+(-> (.I64 .Any) (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific i64 synthesis node\.
+### local
+(Parser .Nat)
+Queries for a local synthesis node\.
+### local\!
+(-> .Nat (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific local synthesis node\.
+### loop
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _1) (Parser [library/lux/tool/compiler/reference/variable.Register _0 _1])))
+Parses the initial values and the body of a loop\.
+(loop init_parsers iteration_parser)
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (.List library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Synthesis) (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)))
+Executes the parser against the inputs\.
+Ensures all inputs are consumed by the parser\.
+(result parser input)
+### text
+(Parser .Text)
+Queries for a text synthesis node\.
+### text\!
+(-> .Text (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific text synthesis node\.
+### tuple
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses the contents of a tuple\.
+(tuple parser)
+### unconsumed\_input
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception (.List library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Synthesis))
+### wrong\_arity
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [library/lux/tool/compiler/arity.Arity library/lux/tool/compiler/arity.Arity])
+# library/lux/control/parser/text
+## Definitions
+### Offset
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+An offset into a block of text\.
+### \(Parser it\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/parser.Parser [Offset .Text])
+A parser for text\.
+### Slice
+... .Type
+ [#basis Offset
+ #distance Offset])
+A slice of a block of text\.
+### alpha
+(Parser .Text)
+Yields alphabetic characters\.
+### alpha\_num
+(Parser .Text)
+Yields alphanumeric characters\.
+### and
+(-> (Parser .Text) (Parser .Text) (Parser .Text))
+Yields the outputs of both parsers composed together\.
+(and left right)
+### and\!
+(-> (Parser Slice) (Parser Slice) (Parser Slice))
+Yields the outputs of both parsers composed together \(as a slice\)\.
+(and! left right)
+### any
+(Parser .Text)
+Yields the next character without applying any logic\.
+### any\!
+(Parser Slice)
+Yields the next character \(as a slice\) without applying any logic\.
+### at\_least
+(-> .Nat (Parser .Text) (Parser .Text))
+Yields at least N characters\.
+### at\_least\!
+(-> .Nat (Parser Slice) (Parser Slice))
+Yields at least N characters \(as a slice\)\.
+### at\_most
+(-> .Nat (Parser .Text) (Parser .Text))
+Yields at most N characters\.
+### at\_most\!
+(-> .Nat (Parser Slice) (Parser Slice))
+Yields at most N characters \(as a slice\)\.
+### between
+(-> .Nat .Nat (Parser .Text) (Parser .Text))
+(between minimum additional parser)
+### between\!
+(-> .Nat .Nat (Parser Slice) (Parser Slice))
+(between! minimum additional parser)
+### cannot\_match
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Text)
+### cannot\_parse
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### cannot\_slice
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### character\_does\_not\_satisfy\_predicate
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception library/lux/data/text.Char)
+### character\_should\_be
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Text library/lux/data/text.Char])
+### character\_should\_not\_be
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Text library/lux/data/text.Char])
+### decimal
+(Parser .Text)
+Only yields decimal characters\.
+### enclosed
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [.Text .Text] (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+(enclosed [start end] parser)
+### end\!
+(Parser .Any)
+Ensure the parser's input is empty\.
+### exactly
+(-> .Nat (Parser .Text) (Parser .Text))
+Yields exactly N characters\.
+### exactly\!
+(-> .Nat (Parser Slice) (Parser Slice))
+Yields exactly N characters \(as a slice\)\.
+### expected\_to\_fail
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [Offset .Text])
+### hexadecimal
+(Parser .Text)
+Yields hexadecimal digits\.
+### local
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Applies a parser against the given input\.
+(local local_input parser)
+### lower
+(Parser .Text)
+Only yields lowercase characters\.
+### many
+(-> (Parser .Text) (Parser .Text))
+Yields <name> characters as a single continuous text\.
+### many\!
+(-> (Parser Slice) (Parser Slice))
+Yields <name> characters as a single continuous text \(as a slice\)\.
+### next
+(Parser .Text)
+Yields the next character \(without consuming it from the input\)\.
+### none\_of
+(-> .Text (Parser .Text))
+Yields characters that are not part of a piece of text\.
+### none\_of\!
+(-> .Text (Parser Slice))
+Yields characters \(as a slice\) that are not part of a piece of text\.
+### not
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser .Text)))
+Produce a character if the parser fails\.
+### not\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser Slice)))
+Produce a character \(as a slice\) if the parser fails\.
+### octal
+(Parser .Text)
+Only yields octal characters\.
+### offset
+(Parser Offset)
+Yields the current offset into the input\.
+### one\_of
+(-> .Text (Parser .Text))
+Yields characters that are part of a piece of text\.
+### one\_of\!
+(-> .Text (Parser Slice))
+Yields characters \(as a slice\) that are part of a piece of text\.
+### range
+(-> .Nat .Nat (Parser .Text))
+Only yields characters within a range\.
+(range bottom top)
+### remaining
+(Parser .Text)
+Get all of the remaining input \(without consuming it\)\.
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) .Text (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)))
+Executes a parser against a block of text\.
+Verifies that the entire input has been processed\.
+(result parser input)
+### satisfies
+(-> (-> library/lux/data/text.Char .Bit) (Parser .Text))
+Yields characters that satisfy a predicate\.
+(satisfies parser)
+### slice
+(-> (Parser Slice) (Parser .Text))
+Converts a slice to a block of text\.
+(slice parser)
+### some
+(-> (Parser .Text) (Parser .Text))
+Yields <name> characters as a single continuous text\.
+### some\!
+(-> (Parser Slice) (Parser Slice))
+Yields <name> characters as a single continuous text \(as a slice\)\.
+### space
+(Parser .Text)
+Yields white\-space\.
+### then
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _1) (library/lux/control/parser.Parser _0 .Text) (library/lux/control/parser.Parser _0 _1)))
+Embeds a text parser into an arbitrary parser that yields text\.
+(then structured text)
+### this
+(-> .Text (Parser .Any))
+Checks that a specific text shows up in the input\.
+(this reference)
+### unconsumed\_input
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [Offset .Text])
+### upper
+(Parser .Text)
+Only yields uppercase characters\.
+# library/lux/control/parser/tree
+## Definitions
+### \(Parser it\)
+... .Type
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/control/parser.Parser (library/lux/data/collection/tree/zipper.Zipper it) _0))
+A parser of arbitrary trees\.
+### cannot\_move\_further
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### down
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Parser _0 .Any))
+Move down\.
+### end
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Parser _0 .Any))
+Move to the last node\.
+### left
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Parser _0 .Any))
+Move to the left\.
+### leftmost
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Parser _0 .Any))
+Move to the leftmost node\.
+### next
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Parser _0 .Any))
+Move to the next node\.
+### previous
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Parser _0 .Any))
+Move to the previous node\.
+### result
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (library/lux/data/collection/tree.Tree _0) (library/lux/control/try.Try _1)))
+Applies the parser against a tree\.
+(result parser tree)
+### result'
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (library/lux/data/collection/tree/zipper.Zipper _0) (library/lux/control/try.Try _1)))
+Applies the parser against a tree zipper\.
+(result' parser zipper)
+### right
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Parser _0 .Any))
+Move to the right\.
+### rightmost
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Parser _0 .Any))
+Move to the rightmost node\.
+### start
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Parser _0 .Any))
+Move to the root node\.
+### up
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Parser _0 .Any))
+Move up\.
+### value
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Parser _0 _0))
+Yields the value inside the current tree node\.
+# library/lux/control/parser/type
+Parsing of Lux types\.
+Used mostly for polytypic programming\.
+## Definitions
+### Env
+... .Type
+(library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary .Nat [.Type .Code])
+An environment for type parsing\.
+### \(Parser it\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/parser.Parser [Env (.List .Type)] it)
+A parser of Lux types\.
+### adjusted\_idx
+(-> Env .Nat .Nat)
+(adjusted_idx env idx)
+### any
+(Parser .Type)
+Yields a type, without examination\.
+### applied
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses a type application\.
+(applied poly)
+### empty\_input
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### env
+(Parser Env)
+Yields the current parsing environment\.
+### exactly
+(-> .Type (Parser .Any))
+Parses a type exactly\.
+### existential
+(Parser .Nat)
+Yields an existential type\.
+### fresh
+An empty parsing environment\.
+### function
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _1) (Parser [_0 _1])))
+Parses a function's inputs and output\.
+(function in_poly out_poly)
+### local
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List .Type) (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Apply a parser to the given inputs\.
+(local types poly)
+### named
+(Parser [.Symbol .Type])
+Yields a named type\.
+### next
+(Parser .Type)
+Inspect a type in the input stream without consuming it\.
+### not\_application
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Type)
+### not\_existential
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Type)
+### not\_function
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Type)
+### not\_named
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Type)
+### not\_parameter
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Type)
+### not\_polymorphic
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Type)
+### not\_recursive
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Type)
+### not\_tuple
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Type)
+### not\_variant
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Type)
+### parameter
+(Parser .Code)
+### parameter\!
+(-> .Nat (Parser .Any))
+(parameter! id)
+### polymorphic
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser [.Code (.List .Code) _0])))
+(polymorphic poly)
+### recursive
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser [.Code _0])))
+(recursive poly)
+### recursive\_call
+(Parser .Code)
+### recursive\_self
+(Parser .Code)
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) .Type (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)))
+Applies a parser against a type\.
+Verifies that the parser fully consumes the type's information\.
+(result poly type)
+### sub
+(-> .Type (Parser .Any))
+Parses a sub type\.
+### super
+(-> .Type (Parser .Any))
+Parses a super type\.
+### tuple
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses the contents of a tuple type\.
+### types\_do\_not\_match
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Type .Type])
+### unconsumed\_input
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception (.List .Type))
+### unknown\_parameter
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Type)
+### variant
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses the contents of a variant type\.
+### with\_extension
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Type (Parser _0) (Parser [.Code _0])))
+(with_extension type poly)
+### wrong\_parameter
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Type .Type])
+# library/lux/control/parser/xml
+## Definitions
+### \(Parser it\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/parser.Parser [library/lux/data/format/xml.Attrs (.List library/lux/data/format/xml.XML)] it)
+A parser of XML\-encoded data\.
+### any
+(Parser library/lux/data/format/xml.XML)
+Yields the next node\.
+### attribute
+(-> library/lux/data/format/xml.Attribute (Parser .Text))
+Yields the value of an attribute in the current node\.
+(attribute name)
+### empty\_input
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### node
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> library/lux/data/format/xml.Tag (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses the contents of the next node if the tag matches\.
+(node expected parser)
+### nowhere
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (.List library/lux/data/format/xml.XML) (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)))
+Applies a parser against a stream of XML documents\.
+Verifies that all of the inputs are consumed by the parser\.
+(result parser documents)
+### somewhere
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Applies the parser somewhere among the remaining inputs; instead of demanding that the parser succeeds against the immediate inputs\.
+(somewhere parser)
+### tag
+(Parser library/lux/data/format/xml.Tag)
+Yields the tag from the next node\.
+### text
+(Parser .Text)
+Yields text from a text node\.
+### unconsumed\_inputs
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception (.List library/lux/data/format/xml.XML))
+### unexpected\_input
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### unknown\_attribute
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [library/lux/data/format/xml.Attribute (.List library/lux/data/format/xml.Attribute)])
+### wrong\_tag
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [library/lux/data/format/xml.Tag library/lux/data/format/xml.Tag])
+# library/lux/control/pipe
+Composable extensions to the piping macros \(|> and <|\) that enhance them with various abilities\.
+## Definitions
+### case>
+Pattern\-matching for pipes\.
+The bodies of each branch are NOT pipes; just regular values\.
+(|> +5
+ (case> +0 "zero"
+ +1 "one"
+ +2 "two"
+ +3 "three"
+ +4 "four"
+ +5 "five"
+ +6 "six"
+ +7 "seven"
+ +8 "eight"
+ +9 "nine"
+ _ "???"))
+### cond>
+Branching for pipes\.
+Both the tests and the bodies are piped\-code, and must be given inside a tuple\.
+(|> +5
+ (cond> [i.even?] [(i.* +2)]
+ [i.odd?] [(i.* +3)]
+ [(new> -1 [])]))
+### do>
+Monadic pipes\.
+Each steps in the monadic computation is a pipe and must be given inside a tuple\.
+(|> +5
+ (do> identity.monad
+ [(i.* +3)]
+ [(i.+ +4)]
+ [++]))
+### exec>
+Non\-updating pipes\.
+Will generate piped computations, but their results will not be used in the larger scope\.
+(|> +5
+ (exec> [.nat %n log!])
+ (i.* +10))
+### if>
+(same? (if (n.even? sample)
+ "even"
+ "odd")
+ (|> sample
+ (if> [n.even?]
+ [(new> "even" [])]
+ [(new> "odd" [])])))
+### let>
+Gives a name to the piped\-argument, within the given expression\.
+(n.= 10
+ (|> 5
+ (let> x (n.+ x x))))
+### loop>
+Loops for pipes\.
+Both the testing and calculating steps are pipes and must be given inside tuples\.
+(|> +1
+ (loop> [(i.< +10)]
+ [++]))
+### new>
+Ignores the piped argument, and begins a new pipe\.
+(n.= 1
+ (|> 20
+ (n.* 3)
+ (n.+ 4)
+ (new> 0 [++])))
+### tuple>
+Parallel branching for pipes\.
+Allows to run multiple pipelines for a value and gives you a tuple of the outputs\.
+(|> +5
+ (tuple> [(i.* +10)]
+ [-- (i./ +2)]
+ [i#encoded]))
+... =>
+[+50 +2 "+5"]
+### when>
+Only execute the body when the test passes\.
+(same? (if (n.even? sample)
+ (n.* 2 sample)
+ sample)
+ (|> sample
+ (when> [n.even?]
+ [(n.* 2)])))
+# library/lux/control/reader
+## Definitions
+### \(Reader environment it\)
+... .Type
+(-> environment it)
+Computations that have access to some environmental value\.
+### apply
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply (Reader _0)))
+### functor
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor (Reader _0)))
+### lifted
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (_0 _2) (Reader _1 (_0 _2))))
+Lift monadic values to the Reader wrapper\.
+### local
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 _0) (Reader _0 _1) (Reader _0 _1)))
+Run computation with a locally\-modified environment\.
+(local change proc)
+### monad
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (Reader _0)))
+### read
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Reader _0 _0))
+Get the environment\.
+### result
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 (Reader _0 _1) _1))
+Executes the reader against the given environment\.
+(result env proc)
+### with
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (All (_ _1) (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (All (_ _2) (Reader _1 (_0 _2)))))))
+Monad transformer for Reader\.
+(with monad)
+# library/lux/control/region
+## Definitions
+### \(Region r \! it\)
+... .Type
+(-> [r (.List (Cleaner r !))] (! [(.List (Cleaner r !)) (library/lux/control/try.Try it)]))
+A region where resources may be be claimed and where a side\-effecting computation may be performed\.
+Every resource is paired with a function that knows how to clean/reclaim it, to make sure there are no leaks\.
+### acquire\!
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (-> _1 (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any))) _1 (All (_ _2) (Region _2 _0 _1))))
+Acquire a resource while pairing it a function that knows how to reclaim it\.
+(acquire! monad cleaner value)
+### apply
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (All (_ _1) (library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply (Region _1 _0)))))
+### clean\_up\_error
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Text (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)]))
+### except
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (library/lux/control/exception.Exception _1) _1 (All (_ _3) (Region _3 _0 _2))))
+Fail by throwing/raising an exception\.
+(except monad exception message)
+### failure
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) .Text (All (_ _2) (Region _2 _0 _1))))
+Immediately fail with this 'message'\.
+(failure monad error)
+### functor
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor _0) (All (_ _1) (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor (Region _1 _0)))))
+### lifted
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (_0 _1) (All (_ _2) (Region _2 _0 _1))))
+Lift an effectful computation into a region\-based computation\.
+(lifted monad operation)
+### monad
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (All (_ _1) (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (Region _1 _0)))))
+### run\!
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (All (_ _2) (Region _2 _0 _1)) (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try _1))))
+Executes a region\-based computation, with a side\-effect determined by the monad\.
+(run! monad computation)
+# library/lux/control/remember
+## Definitions
+### fix\_me
+A FIXME message with an expiration date\.
+Can have an optional piece of code to focus on\.
+(fix_me "2022-04-01"
+ "Do this, that and the other.")
+(fix_me "2022-04-01"
+ "Improve the performace."
+ (some (complicated (computation 123))))
+### must\_remember
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [library/lux/time/date.Date library/lux/time/date.Date .Text (.Maybe .Code)])
+### remember
+A message with an expiration date\.
+Can have an optional piece of code to focus on\.
+(remember "2022-04-01"
+ "Do this, that and the other.")
+(remember "2022-04-01"
+ "Improve the performace."
+ (some (complicated (computation 123))))
+### to\_do
+A TODO message with an expiration date\.
+Can have an optional piece of code to focus on\.
+(to_do "2022-04-01"
+ "Do this, that and the other.")
+(to_do "2022-04-01"
+ "Improve the performace."
+ (some (complicated (computation 123))))
+# library/lux/control/security/capability
+## Definitions
+### \(Capability brand input output\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/security/capability.Capability" brand input output)
+Represents the capability to perform an operation\.
+This operation is assumed to have security implications\.
+### async
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Capability _0 _1 (library/lux/control/io.IO _2)) (Capability _0 _1 (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async _2))))
+Converts a synchronous I/O\-based capability into an asynchronous capability\.
+(async capability)
+### capability:
+Defines a capability as a unique type, and a constructor for instances\.
+(capability: (Can_Duplicate a)
+ (can_duplicate a [a a]))
+(let [capability (can_duplicate
+ (function (_ value)
+ [value value]))
+ [left right] (documentation/lux/control/security/capability.usecapability 123)]
+ (same? left right))
+### use
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Capability _0 _1 _2) _1 _2))
+Applies a capability against its required input\.
+(use capability input)
+# library/lux/control/security/policy
+## Definitions
+### Can\_Conceal
+... .Type
+(Can_Upgrade Privacy)
+### Can\_Distrust
+... .Type
+(Can_Downgrade Safety)
+### \(Can\_Downgrade brand % value\)
+... .Type
+(-> (Policy brand value %) value)
+Represents the capacity to 'downgrade' a value\.
+### Can\_Reveal
+... .Type
+(Can_Downgrade Privacy)
+### Can\_Trust
+... .Type
+(Can_Upgrade Safety)
+### \(Can\_Upgrade brand % value\)
+... .Type
+(-> value (Policy brand value %))
+Represents the capacity to 'upgrade' a value\.
+### \(Context brand scope %\)
+... .Type
+(-> (Privilege brand %) (scope %))
+A computational context with an associated policy privilege\.
+### \(Delegation brand %from %to\)
+... .Type
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Policy brand _0 %from) (Policy brand _0 %to)))
+Represents the act of delegating policy capacities\.
+### \(Policy brand value %\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/security/policy.Policy" brand value %)
+A security policy encoded as the means to 'upgrade' or 'downgrade' in a secure context\.
+### Privacy
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/security/policy.Privacy")
+A security context for privacy\.
+Private data is data which cannot be allowed to leak outside of the programmed\.
+### Private
+... .Type
+(Policy Privacy)
+### \(Privilege brand %\)
+... .Type
+ [#can_upgrade (Can_Upgrade brand %)
+ #can_downgrade (Can_Downgrade brand %)])
+Represents the privilege to both 'upgrade' and 'downgrade' a value\.
+### Safe
+... .Type
+(Policy Safety)
+### Safety
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/security/policy.Safety")
+A security context for safety\.
+Safe data is data coming from outside the program which can be trusted to be properly formatted and lacking injections\.
+### apply
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply (All (_ _2) (Policy _0 _2 _1))))
+### delegation
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Can_Downgrade _0 _1) (Can_Upgrade _0 _2) (Delegation _0 _1 _2)))
+Delegating policy capacities\.
+(delegation downgrade upgrade)
+### functor
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor (All (_ _2) (Policy _0 _2 _1))))
+### monad
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (All (_ _2) (Policy _0 _2 _1))))
+### with\_policy
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (Ex (_ _2)
+ (-> (Context _0 _1 _2) (_1 _2))))
+Activates a security context with the priviledge to enforce it's policy\.
+(type: Password
+ (Private Text))
+(type: (Policy %)
+ (Interface
+ (: (-> Text (Password %))
+ password)
+ (: (-> (Password %) Text)
+ unsafe)))
+(def: (policy _)
+ (Ex (_ %) (-> Any (Policy %)))
+ (with_policy
+ (: (Context Privacy Policy)
+ (function (_ (^open "%::."))
+ (implementation
+ (def: (password value)
+ (%::can_upgrade value))
+ (def: (unsafe password)
+ (%::can_downgrade password)))))))
+(with_policy context)
+# library/lux/control/state
+## Definitions
+### \+State
+... .Type
+(All (+State _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> _1 (_0 [_1 _2])))
+Stateful computations decorated by a monad\.
+### \(State state it\)
+... .Type
+(-> state [state it])
+Stateful computations\.
+### apply
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply (State _0)))
+### do\_while
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (State _0 .Bit) (State _0 .Any) (State _0 .Any)))
+A stateful do\-while loop\.
+(do_while condition body)
+### functor
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor (State _0)))
+### get
+(All (_ _0)
+ (State _0 _0))
+Read the current state\.
+### lifted
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (_0 _2) (+State _0 _1 _2)))
+Lift monadic values to the \+State wrapper\.
+(lifted monad ma)
+### local
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 _0) (State _0 _1) (State _0 _1)))
+Run the computation with a locally\-modified state\.
+(local change action)
+### monad
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (State _0)))
+### put
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (State _0 .Any)))
+Set the new state\.
+(put new_state)
+### result
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 (State _0 _1) [_0 _1]))
+Run a stateful computation\.
+(result state action)
+### result'
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> _1 (+State _0 _1 _2) (_0 [_1 _2])))
+Execute a stateful computation decorated by a monad\.
+(result' state action)
+### update
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 _0) (State _0 .Any)))
+Compute the new state\.
+(update change)
+### use
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1) (State _0 _1)))
+Run a function on the current state\.
+(use user)
+### while
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (State _0 .Bit) (State _0 .Any) (State _0 .Any)))
+A stateful while loop\.
+(while condition body)
+### with
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (+State _0 _1))))
+A monad transformer to create composite stateful computations\.
+(with monad)
+# library/lux/control/thread
+## Definitions
+### \(Box \! it\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/thread.Box" ! it)
+A mutable box holding a value\.
+### \(Thread \! it\)
+... .Type
+(-> ! it)
+An imperative process with access to mutable values\.
+### apply
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply (Thread _0)))
+### box
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (All (_ _1) (Thread _1 (Box _1 _0)))))
+A brand\-new box initialized to the given value\.
+(box init)
+### functor
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor (Thread _0)))
+### io
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (All (_ _1) (Thread _1 _0)) (library/lux/control/io.IO _0)))
+Transforms the imperative thread into an I/O computation\.
+### monad
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (Thread _0)))
+### read\!
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Box _0 _1) (Thread _0 _1)))
+Reads the current value in the box\.
+(read! box)
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (All (_ _1) (Thread _1 _0)) _0))
+Executes the imperative thread in a self\-contained way\.
+(result thread)
+### update\!
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 _0) (Box _1 _0) (Thread _1 _0)))
+Update a box's value by applying a function to it\.
+(update! f box)
+### write\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (All (_ _1) (-> (Box _1 _0) (Thread _1 .Any)))))
+Mutates the value in the box\.
+(write! value box)
+# library/lux/control/try
+## Definitions
+### \(Try it\)
+... .Type
+ {#Failure .Text}
+ {#Success it})
+A computation that can fail with an error message\.
+### apply
+(library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply Try)
+### else
+Allows you to provide a default value that will be used
+if a \(Try x\) value turns out to be \#Failure\.
+Note: the expression for the default value will not be computed if the base computation succeeds\.
+(= "bar"
+ (else "foo" {#Success "bar"}))
+(= "foo"
+ (else "foo" {#Failure "KABOOM!"}))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Try _0))))
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Try)
+### lifted
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (_0 _1) (_0 (Try _1))))
+Wraps a monadic value with error\-handling machinery\.
+(lifted monad)
+### maybe
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Try _0) (.Maybe _0)))
+(maybe try)
+### monad
+(library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad Try)
+### of\_maybe
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.Maybe _0) (Try _0)))
+(of_maybe maybe)
+### trusted
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Try _0) _0))
+Assumes a Try value succeeded, and yields its value\.
+If it didn't, raises the error as a runtime error\.
+WARNING: Use with caution\.
+(trusted try)
+### with
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (All (_ _1) (_0 (Try _1))))))
+Enhances a monad with error\-handling functionality\.
+(with monad)
+# library/lux/control/writer
+## Definitions
+### \(Writer log value\)
+... .Type
+ [#log log
+ #value value])
+Represents a value with an associated 'log' to record arbitrary information\.
+### apply
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid _0) (library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply (Writer _0))))
+### functor
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor (Writer _0)))
+### lifted
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid _0) (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _1) (_1 _2) (_1 (Writer _0 _2))))
+Wraps a monadic value with Writer machinery\.
+(lifted monoid monad)
+### monad
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid _0) (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (Writer _0))))
+### with
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid _0) (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _1) (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (All (_ _2) (_1 (Writer _0 _2))))))
+Enhances a monad with Writer functionality\.
+(with monoid monad)
+### write
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Writer _0 .Any)))
+Write a value to the log\.
+(write message)
+# library/lux/data/binary
+## Definitions
+### Binary
+... .Type
+(Primitive "[B")
+A binary BLOB of data\.
+### after
+(-> .Nat Binary Binary)
+Yields a binary BLOB with at most the specified number of bytes removed\.
+(after bytes binary)
+### aggregate
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> .I64 _0 _0) _0 Binary _0))
+(aggregate f init binary)
+### copy
+(-> .Nat .Nat Binary .Nat Binary (library/lux/control/try.Try Binary))
+Mutates the target binary BLOB by copying bytes from the source BLOB to it\.
+(copy bytes source_offset source target_offset target)
+### empty
+(-> .Nat Binary)
+A fresh/empty binary BLOB of the specified size\.
+(empty size)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Binary)
+### index\_out\_of\_bounds
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Nat .Nat])
+### monoid
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid Binary)
+### read/16\!
+(-> .Nat Binary (library/lux/control/try.Try .I64))
+Read 2 bytes \(16 bits\) at the given index\.
+(read/16! index binary)
+### read/32\!
+(-> .Nat Binary (library/lux/control/try.Try .I64))
+Read 4 bytes \(32 bits\) at the given index\.
+(read/32! index binary)
+### read/64\!
+(-> .Nat Binary (library/lux/control/try.Try .I64))
+Read 8 bytes \(64 bits\) at the given index\.
+(read/64! index binary)
+### read/8\!
+(-> .Nat Binary (library/lux/control/try.Try .I64))
+Read 1 byte \(8 bits\) at the given index\.
+(read/8! index binary)
+### size
+(-> Binary .Nat)
+### slice
+(-> .Nat .Nat Binary (library/lux/control/try.Try Binary))
+Yields a subset of the binary BLOB, so long as the specified range is valid\.
+(slice offset length binary)
+### slice\_out\_of\_bounds
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Nat .Nat .Nat])
+### write/16\!
+(-> .Nat (.I64 .Any) Binary (library/lux/control/try.Try Binary))
+Write 2 bytes \(16 bits\) at the given index\.
+(write/16! index value binary)
+### write/32\!
+(-> .Nat (.I64 .Any) Binary (library/lux/control/try.Try Binary))
+Write 4 bytes \(32 bits\) at the given index\.
+(write/32! index value binary)
+### write/64\!
+(-> .Nat (.I64 .Any) Binary (library/lux/control/try.Try Binary))
+Write 8 bytes \(64 bits\) at the given index\.
+(write/64! index value binary)
+### write/8\!
+(-> .Nat (.I64 .Any) Binary (library/lux/control/try.Try Binary))
+Write 1 byte \(8 bits\) at the given index\.
+(write/8! index value binary)
+# library/lux/data/bit
+## Definitions
+### codec
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Bit)
+### complement
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 .Bit) _0 .Bit))
+Generates the complement of a predicate\.
+That is a predicate that returns the oposite of the original predicate\.
+### conjunction
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Bit)
+### disjunction
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Bit)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence .Bit)
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash .Bit)
+### no
+### off
+### on
+### yes
+# library/lux/data/collection/array
+## Definitions
+### \(Array it\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Array" it)
+Mutable arrays\.
+### any?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate (Array _0))))
+### clone
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Array _0) (Array _0)))
+Yields a shallow clone of the array\.
+(clone xs)
+### contains?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Array _0) .Bit))
+(contains? index array)
+### copy\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat .Nat (Array _0) .Nat (Array _0) (Array _0)))
+Writes the contents of one array into the other\.
+(copy! length src_start src_array dest_start dest_array)
+### delete\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Array _0) (Array _0)))
+Mutate the array by deleting the value at the specified index\.
+(delete! index array)
+### empty
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Array _0)))
+An empty array of the specified size\.
+(empty size)
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Array _0))))
+### every?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate (Array _0))))
+### example
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (Array _0) (.Maybe _0)))
+Yields the first item in the array that satisfies the predicate\.
+(example p xs)
+### example\+
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> .Nat _0 .Bit) (Array _0) (.Maybe [.Nat _0])))
+Just like 'example', but with access to the index of each value\.
+(example+ p xs)
+### filter\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (Array _0) (Array _0)))
+Delete every item of the array that fails to satisfy the predicate\.
+(filter! p xs)
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Array)
+### list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.Maybe _0) (Array _0) (.List _0)))
+Yields a list with every non\-empty item in the array\.
+Can use the optional default value when encountering an empty cell in the array\.
+(list {.#None} array)
+(list {.#Some default} array)
+### mix
+(library/lux/abstract/mix.Mix Array)
+### monoid
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid (Array _0)))
+### occupancy
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Array _0) .Nat))
+Finds out how many cells in an array are occupied\.
+(occupancy array)
+### of\_list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List _0) (Array _0)))
+(of_list xs)
+### read\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Array _0) (.Maybe _0)))
+(read! index array)
+### size
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Array _0) .Nat))
+(size array)
+### type\_name
+### update\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (-> _0 _0) (Array _0) (Array _0)))
+Mutate the array by updating the value at the specified index\.
+(update! index transform array)
+### upsert\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat _0 (-> _0 _0) (Array _0) (Array _0)))
+Mutate the array by updating the value at the specified index\.
+If there is no value, update and write the default value given\.
+(upsert! index default transform array)
+### vacancy
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Array _0) .Nat))
+Finds out how many cells in an array are vacant\.
+(vacancy array)
+### write\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat _0 (Array _0) (Array _0)))
+Mutate the array by writing a value to the specified index\.
+(write! index value array)
+# library/lux/data/collection/bits
+## Definitions
+### Bits
+... .Type
+(library/lux/data/collection/array.Array Chunk)
+A bit\-map\.
+### Chunk
+... .Type
+(All (Chunk _0)
+ (Primitive "#I64" _0))
+### and
+(-> Bits Bits Bits)
+### bit
+(-> .Nat Bits .Bit)
+(bit index bits)
+### capacity
+(-> Bits .Nat)
+(capacity bits)
+### chunk\_size
+### empty
+### empty?
+(-> Bits .Bit)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Bits)
+### flipped
+(-> .Nat Bits Bits)
+### intersects?
+(-> Bits Bits .Bit)
+(intersects? reference sample)
+### not
+(-> Bits Bits)
+(not input)
+### one
+(-> .Nat Bits Bits)
+### or
+(-> Bits Bits Bits)
+### size
+(-> Bits .Nat)
+Measures the size of a bit\-map by counting all the 1s in the bit\-map\.
+(size bits)
+### xor
+(-> Bits Bits Bits)
+### zero
+(-> .Nat Bits Bits)
+# library/lux/data/collection/dictionary
+## Definitions
+### \(Dictionary key value\)
+... .Type
+ [#hash (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash key)
+ #root (Node key value)])
+A dictionary implemented as a Hash\-Array Mapped Trie \(HAMT\)\.
+### empty
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+An empty dictionary\.
+(empty key_hash)
+### empty?
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) .Bit))
+### entries
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) (.List [_0 _1])))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _1) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Dictionary _0 _1))))
+### functor
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor (Dictionary _0)))
+### has
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 _1 (Dictionary _0 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+(has key val dict)
+### has'
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 _1 (Dictionary _0 _1) (library/lux/control/try.Try (Dictionary _0 _1))))
+Only puts the KV\-pair if the key is not already present\.
+(has' key val dict)
+### key?
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) _0 .Bit))
+(key? dict key)
+### key\_already\_exists
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### key\_hash
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0)))
+### keys
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) (.List _0)))
+### lacks
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 (Dictionary _0 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+(lacks key dict)
+### merged
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+Merges 2 dictionaries\.
+If any collisions with keys occur, the values of dict2 will overwrite those of dict1\.
+(merged dict2 dict1)
+### merged\_with
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _1 _1 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+Merges 2 dictionaries\.
+If any collisions with keys occur, a new value will be computed by applying 'f' to the values of dict2 and dict1\.
+(merged_with f dict2 dict1)
+### of\_list
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (.List [_0 _1]) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+(of_list key_hash kvs)
+### re\_bound
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 _0 (Dictionary _0 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+If there is a value under 'from\_key', remove 'from\_key' and store the value under 'to\_key'\.
+(re_bound from_key to_key dict)
+### revised
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 (-> _1 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+Transforms the value located at key \(if available\), using the given function\.
+(revised key f dict)
+### revised'
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 _1 (-> _1 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+Updates the value at the key; if it exists\.
+Otherwise, puts a value by applying the function to a default\.
+(revised' key default f dict)
+### size
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) .Nat))
+### sub
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (.List _0) (Dictionary _0 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+A sub\-dictionary, with only the specified keys\.
+(sub keys dict)
+### value
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 (Dictionary _0 _1) (.Maybe _1)))
+(value key dict)
+### values
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) (.List _1)))
+# library/lux/data/collection/dictionary/ordered
+## Definitions
+### \(Dictionary key value\)
+... .Type
+ [#&order (library/lux/abstract/order.Order key)
+ #root (.Maybe (Node key value))])
+A dictionary data\-structure with ordered entries\.
+### empty
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/order.Order _0) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+An empty dictionary, employing the given order\.
+(empty order)
+### empty?
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) .Bit))
+### entries
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) (.List [_0 _1])))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _1) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Dictionary _0 _1))))
+### has
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 _1 (Dictionary _0 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+(has key value dict)
+### key?
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) _0 .Bit))
+(key? dict key)
+### keys
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) (.List _0)))
+### lacks
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 (Dictionary _0 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+(lacks key dict)
+### max
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) (.Maybe _1)))
+Yields value under the maximum key\.
+### min
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) (.Maybe _1)))
+Yields value under the minimum key\.
+### of\_list
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/order.Order _0) (.List [_0 _1]) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+(of_list order list)
+### revised
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 (-> _1 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+(revised key transform dict)
+### size
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) .Nat))
+(size dict)
+### value
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 (Dictionary _0 _1) (.Maybe _1)))
+(value key dict)
+### values
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) (.List _1)))
+# library/lux/data/collection/dictionary/plist
+## Definitions
+### \(PList it\)
+... .Type
+(.List [.Text it])
+A property list\.
+It's a simple dictionary\-like structure with Text keys\.
+### contains?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (PList _0) .Bit))
+(contains? key properties)
+### empty
+### empty?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (PList _0) .Bit))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (PList _0))))
+### has
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text _0 (PList _0) (PList _0)))
+(has key val properties)
+### keys
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (PList _0) (.List .Text)))
+### lacks
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (PList _0) (PList _0)))
+(lacks key properties)
+### revised
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (-> _0 _0) (PList _0) (PList _0)))
+(revised key f properties)
+### size
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (PList _0) .Nat))
+### value
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (PList _0) (.Maybe _0)))
+(value key properties)
+### values
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (PList _0) (.List _0)))
+# library/lux/data/collection/list
+## Definitions
+### after
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.List _0) (.List _0)))
+### all
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 (.Maybe _1)) (.List _0) (.List _1)))
+(all check xs)
+### any?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (.List _0) .Bit))
+### apply
+(library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply .List)
+### empty?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate (.List _0)))
+(empty? xs)
+### enumeration
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List _0) (.List [.Nat _0])))
+Pairs every element in the list with its index, starting at 0\.
+(enumeration xs)
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (.List _0))))
+### every?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (.List _0) .Bit))
+### example
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (.List _0) (.Maybe _0)))
+Yields the first value in the list that satisfies the predicate\.
+(example predicate xs)
+### first
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.List _0) (.List _0)))
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor .List)
+### hash
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash (.List _0))))
+### head
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List _0) (.Maybe _0)))
+Yields the first element of a list\.
+### indices
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.List .Nat)))
+Produces all the valid indices for a given size\.
+(indices size)
+### inits
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List _0) (.Maybe (.List _0))))
+For a list of size N, yields the first N\-1 elements\.
+Will yield a \.\#None for empty lists\.
+(inits xs)
+### interposed
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (.List _0) (.List _0)))
+Puts a value between every two elements in the list\.
+(interposed sep xs)
+### item
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.List _0) (.Maybe _0)))
+Fetches the element at the specified index\.
+(item i xs)
+### iterations
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 (.Maybe _0)) _0 (.List _0)))
+Generates a list element by element until the function returns \.\#None\.
+(iterations f x)
+### last
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List _0) (.Maybe _0)))
+(last xs)
+### lifted
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (_0 _1) (_0 (.List _1))))
+Wraps a monadic value with List machinery\.
+(lifted monad)
+### member?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (.List _0) _0 .Bit))
+(member? eq xs x)
+### mix
+(library/lux/abstract/mix.Mix .List)
+### mixes
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1 _1) _1 (.List _0) (.List _1)))
+(mixes f init inputs)
+### monad
+(library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad .List)
+### monoid
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid (.List _0)))
+### one
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 (.Maybe _1)) (.List _0) (.Maybe _1)))
+(one check xs)
+### only
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (.List _0) (.List _0)))
+A list with only values that satisfy the predicate\.
+(only keep? xs)
+### pairs
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List _0) (.Maybe (.List [_0 _0]))))
+Cut the list into pairs of 2\.
+(pairs list)
+### partition
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (.List _0) [(.List _0) (.List _0)]))
+Divide the list into all elements that satisfy a predicate, and all elements that do not\.
+(partition satisfies? list)
+### repeated
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat _0 (.List _0)))
+A list of the value x, repeated n times\.
+(repeated n x)
+### reversed
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List _0) (.List _0)))
+(reversed xs)
+### size
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List _0) .Nat))
+(size list)
+### sorted
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 _0 .Bit) (.List _0) (.List _0)))
+A list ordered by a comparison function\.
+(sorted < xs)
+### split\_at
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.List _0) [(.List _0) (.List _0)]))
+(split_at n xs)
+### split\_when
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (.List _0) [(.List _0) (.List _0)]))
+Segment the list by using a predicate to tell when to cut\.
+(split_when predicate xs)
+### sub
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.List _0) (.List (.List _0))))
+Segment the list into sub\-lists of \(at most\) the given size\.
+(sub size list)
+### tail
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List _0) (.Maybe (.List _0))))
+For a list of size N, yields the N\-1 elements after the first one\.
+### together
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List (.List _0)) (.List _0)))
+The sequential combination of all the lists\.
+### until
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (.List _0) (.List _0)))
+### when
+Can be used as a guard in \(co\)monadic be/do expressions\.
+(do monad
+ [value (do_something 1 2 3)
+ .when (passes_test? value)]
+ (do_something_else 4 5 6))
+### while
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (.List _0) (.List _0)))
+### with
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (All (_ _1) (_0 (.List _1))))))
+Enhances a monad with List functionality\.
+(with monad)
+### zipped
+Create list zippers with the specified number of input lists\.
+(def: zipped/2 (zipped 2))
+(def: zipped/3 (zipped 3))
+(zipped/3 xs ys zs)
+((zipped 3) xs ys zs)
+### zipped/2
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (.List _0) (.List _1) (.List [_0 _1])))
+### zipped/3
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (.List _0) (.List _1) (.List _2) (.List [_0 _1 _2])))
+### zipped\_with
+Create list zippers with the specified number of input lists\.
+(def: zipped_with/2 (zipped_with 2))
+(def: zipped_with/3 (zipped_with 3))
+(zipped_with/2 + xs ys)
+((zipped_with 2) + xs ys)
+### zipped\_with/2
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1 _2) (.List _0) (.List _1) (.List _2)))
+### zipped\_with/3
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1 _2 _3) (.List _0) (.List _1) (.List _2) (.List _3)))
+# library/lux/data/collection/queue
+## Definitions
+### \(Queue it\)
+... .Type
+ [#front (.List it)
+ #rear (.List it)])
+A first\-in, first\-out sequential data\-structure\.
+### empty
+### empty?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Queue _0) .Bit))
+### end
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Queue _0) (Queue _0)))
+(end val queue)
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Queue _0))))
+### front
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Queue _0) (.Maybe _0)))
+Yields the first value in the queue, if any\.
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Queue)
+### list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Queue _0) (.List _0)))
+(list queue)
+### member?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (Queue _0) _0 .Bit))
+(member? equivalence queue member)
+### next
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Queue _0) (Queue _0)))
+(next queue)
+### of\_list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List _0) (Queue _0)))
+(of_list entries)
+### size
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Queue _0) .Nat))
+# library/lux/data/collection/queue/priority
+## Definitions
+### Priority
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+### \(Queue it\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/collection/queue/priority.Queue" it)
+### empty
+### empty?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Queue _0) .Bit))
+### end
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> Priority _0 (Queue _0) (Queue _0)))
+(end priority value queue)
+### front
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Queue _0) (.Maybe _0)))
+### max
+### member?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (Queue _0) _0 .Bit))
+(member? equivalence queue member)
+### min
+### next
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Queue _0) (Queue _0)))
+### size
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Queue _0) .Nat))
+# library/lux/data/collection/sequence
+## Definitions
+### \(Sequence it\)
+... .Type
+ [#level Level
+ #size .Nat
+ #root (Hierarchy it)
+ #tail (Base it)])
+A sequential data\-structure with fast random access\.
+### any?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (Sequence _0) .Bit))
+### apply
+(library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply Sequence)
+### empty
+### empty?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Sequence _0) .Bit))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Sequence _0))))
+### every?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (Sequence _0) .Bit))
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Sequence)
+### has
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat _0 (Sequence _0) (library/lux/control/try.Try (Sequence _0))))
+(has idx val sequence)
+### index\_out\_of\_bounds
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/control/exception.Exception [(Sequence _0) .Nat]))
+### item
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Sequence _0) (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)))
+(item idx sequence)
+### list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Sequence _0) (.List _0)))
+(list sequence)
+### member?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (Sequence _0) _0 .Bit))
+(member? equivalence sequence val)
+### mix
+(library/lux/abstract/mix.Mix Sequence)
+### monad
+(library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad Sequence)
+### monoid
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid (Sequence _0)))
+### of\_list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List _0) (Sequence _0)))
+### prefix
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Sequence _0) (Sequence _0)))
+(prefix sequence)
+### reversed
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Sequence _0) (Sequence _0)))
+### revised
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (-> _0 _0) (Sequence _0) (library/lux/control/try.Try (Sequence _0))))
+(revised idx f sequence)
+### sequence
+Sequence literals\.
+(: (Sequence Nat)
+ (sequence 12 34 56 78 90))
+### size
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Sequence _0) .Nat))
+### suffix
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Sequence _0) (Sequence _0)))
+(suffix val sequence)
+### within\_bounds?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Sequence _0) .Nat .Bit))
+Determines whether the index is within the bounds of the sequence\.
+(within_bounds? sequence idx)
+# library/lux/data/collection/set
+## Definitions
+### \(Set it\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary it .Any)
+### difference
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+(difference sub base)
+### empty
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (Set _0)))
+### empty?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) .Bit))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Set _0)))
+### has
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+(has elem set)
+### hash
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash (Set _0)))
+### intersection
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+(intersection filter base)
+### lacks
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+### list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (.List _0)))
+### member?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) _0 .Bit))
+### member\_hash
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0)))
+### monoid
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid (Set _0))))
+### of\_list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (.List _0) (Set _0)))
+### predicate
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0)))
+### size
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) .Nat))
+### sub?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) .Bit))
+(sub? super sub)
+### super?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) .Bit))
+(super? sub super)
+### union
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+# library/lux/data/collection/set/multi
+## Definitions
+### \(Set it\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/collection/set/multi.Set" it)
+A set that keeps track of repetition in its entries\.
+### difference
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+### empty
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (Set _0)))
+### empty?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) .Bit))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Set _0)))
+### has
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat _0 (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+(has multiplicity elem set)
+### hash
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash (Set _0)))
+### intersection
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+### lacks
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat _0 (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+(lacks multiplicity elem set)
+### list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (.List _0)))
+### member?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) _0 .Bit))
+(member? set elem)
+### multiplicity
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) _0 .Nat))
+(multiplicity set elem)
+### of\_list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (.List _0) (Set _0)))
+### of\_set
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/data/collection/set.Set _0) (Set _0)))
+### size
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) .Nat))
+### sub?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) .Bit))
+Is 'subject' a sub\-set of 'reference'?
+(sub? reference subject)
+### sum
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+### super?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) .Bit))
+Is 'subject' a super\-set of 'reference'?
+### support
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (library/lux/data/collection/set.Set _0)))
+A set of the unique \(non repeated\) members\.
+(support set)
+### union
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+# library/lux/data/collection/set/ordered
+## Definitions
+### \(Set it\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/collection/set/ordered.Set" it)
+A set with ordered entries\.
+### difference
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+(difference param subject)
+### empty
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/order.Order _0) (Set _0)))
+### empty?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) .Bit))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Set _0)))
+### has
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+(has elem set)
+### intersection
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+### lacks
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+(lacks elem set)
+### list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (.List _0)))
+### max
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (.Maybe _0)))
+### member?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) _0 .Bit))
+(member? set elem)
+### min
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (.Maybe _0)))
+### of\_list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/order.Order _0) (.List _0) (Set _0)))
+### size
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) .Nat))
+### sub?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) .Bit))
+Is 'sub' a sub\-set of 'super'?
+(sub? super sub)
+### super?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) .Bit))
+Is 'super' a super\-set of 'sub'?
+(super? sub super)
+### union
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+# library/lux/data/collection/stack
+## Definitions
+### \(Stack it\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/collection/stack.Stack" it)
+A first\-in, last\-out sequential data\-structure\.
+### empty
+### empty?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Stack _0) .Bit))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Stack _0))))
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Stack)
+### next
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Stack _0) (.Maybe [_0 (Stack _0)])))
+(next stack)
+### size
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Stack _0) .Nat))
+### top
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Stack _0) (Stack _0)))
+(top value stack)
+### value
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Stack _0) (.Maybe _0)))
+Yields the top value in the stack, if any\.
+(value stack)
+# library/lux/data/collection/stream
+## Definitions
+### \(Stream it\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/continuation.Cont [it (Stream it)])
+An infinite sequence of values\.
+### ^stream&
+Allows destructuring of streams in pattern\-matching expressions\.
+Caveat emptor: Only use it for destructuring, and not for testing values within the streams\.
+(let [(^stream& x y z _tail) (some_stream_func +1 +2 +3)]
+ (func x y z))
+### after
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Stream _0) (Stream _0)))
+### comonad
+(library/lux/abstract/comonad.CoMonad Stream)
+### cycle
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [_0 (.List _0)] (Stream _0)))
+Go over the elements of a list forever\.
+(cycle [start next])
+### first
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Stream _0) (.List _0)))
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Stream)
+### head
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Stream _0) _0))
+### item
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Stream _0) _0))
+(item idx stream)
+### iterations
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 [_0 _1]) _0 (Stream _1)))
+A stateful way of infinitely calculating the values of a stream\.
+(iterations step init)
+### only
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 .Bit) (Stream _0) (Stream _0)))
+A new stream only with items that satisfy the predicate\.
+(only predicate stream)
+### partition
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 .Bit) (Stream _0) [(Stream _0) (Stream _0)]))
+Split a stream in two based on a predicate\.
+The left side contains all entries for which the predicate is \#1\.
+The right side contains all entries for which the predicate is \#0\.
+(partition left? xs)
+### repeated
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Stream _0)))
+Repeat a value forever\.
+(repeated x)
+### split\_at
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Stream _0) [(.List _0) (Stream _0)]))
+### split\_when
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 .Bit) (Stream _0) [(.List _0) (Stream _0)]))
+### tail
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Stream _0) (Stream _0)))
+### until
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 .Bit) (Stream _0) (Stream _0)))
+### while
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 .Bit) (Stream _0) (.List _0)))
+# library/lux/data/collection/tree
+## Definitions
+### \(Tree it\)
+... .Type
+ [#value it
+ #children (.List (Tree it))])
+A generic tree data\-structure\.
+### branch
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (.List (Tree _0)) (Tree _0)))
+(branch value children)
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Tree _0))))
+### flat
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Tree _0) (.List _0)))
+All the leaf values of the tree, in order\.
+(flat tree)
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Tree)
+### leaf
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Tree _0)))
+(leaf value)
+### mix
+(library/lux/abstract/mix.Mix Tree)
+### tree
+Tree literals\.
+(: (Tree Nat)
+ (tree 12
+ {34 {}
+ 56 {}
+ 78 {90 {}}}))
+# library/lux/data/collection/tree/finger
+## Definitions
+### \(Builder @ tag\)
+... .Type
+ [leaf (All (_ _0) (-> tag _0 (Tree @ tag _0)))
+ branch (All (_ _0) (-> (Tree @ tag _0) (Tree @ tag _0) (Tree @ tag _0)))])
+A builder for finter tree structures\.
+### \(Tree @ tag value\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/collection/tree/finger.Tree" @ tag value)
+A finger tree\.
+### builder
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Ex (_ _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid _0) (Builder _1 _0))))
+A new builder using the given monoid\.
+(builder monoid)
+### exists?
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _1) (Tree _0 _1 _2) .Bit))
+Verifies that a value exists which meets the predicate\.
+(exists? predicate tree)
+### one
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _1) (Tree _0 _1 _2) (.Maybe _2)))
+Finds one value that meets the predicate\.
+(one predicate tree)
+### root
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Tree _0 _1 _2) (.Either _2 [(Tree _0 _1 _2) (Tree _0 _1 _2)])))
+### tag
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Tree _0 _1 _2) _1))
+### tags
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Tree _0 _1 _2) (.List _1)))
+(tags tree)
+### value
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Tree _0 _1 _2) _2))
+(value tree)
+### values
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Tree _0 _1 _2) (.List _2)))
+(values tree)
+# library/lux/data/collection/tree/zipper
+## Definitions
+### \(Zipper it\)
+... .Type
+ [#family (.Maybe (Family Zipper it))
+ #node (library/lux/data/collection/tree.Tree it)])
+Tree zippers, for easy navigation and editing of trees\.
+### adopt
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Zipper _0) (Zipper _0)))
+(adopt value zipper)
+### branch?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) .Bit))
+### comonad
+(library/lux/abstract/comonad.CoMonad Zipper)
+### down
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) (.Maybe (Zipper _0))))
+### end
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) (.Maybe (Zipper _0))))
+### end?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) .Bit))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Zipper _0))))
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Zipper)
+### insert\_left
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Zipper _0) (.Maybe (Zipper _0))))
+### insert\_right
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Zipper _0) (.Maybe (Zipper _0))))
+### interpose
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Zipper _0) (Zipper _0)))
+(interpose value zipper)
+### leaf?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) .Bit))
+### left
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) (.Maybe (Zipper _0))))
+### leftmost
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) (.Maybe (Zipper _0))))
+### next
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) (.Maybe (Zipper _0))))
+### previous
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) (.Maybe (Zipper _0))))
+### remove
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) (.Maybe (Zipper _0))))
+### right
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) (.Maybe (Zipper _0))))
+### rightmost
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) (.Maybe (Zipper _0))))
+### set
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Zipper _0) (Zipper _0)))
+(set value zipper)
+### start
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) (.Maybe (Zipper _0))))
+### start?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) .Bit))
+### tree
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) (library/lux/data/collection/tree.Tree _0)))
+### up
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) (.Maybe (Zipper _0))))
+### update
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 _0) (Zipper _0) (Zipper _0)))
+(update transform zipper)
+### value
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) _0))
+### zipper
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/data/collection/tree.Tree _0) (Zipper _0)))
+# library/lux/data/color
+## Definitions
+### Alpha
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Rev"))
+The degree of transparency of a pigment\.
+### CMYK
+... .Type
+ [#cyan .Frac
+ #magenta .Frac
+ #yellow .Frac
+ #key .Frac])
+Cyan\-Magenta\-Yellow\-Key color format\.
+### Color
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/color.Color")
+A color value, independent of color format\.
+### HSB
+... .Type
+[.Frac .Frac .Frac]
+Hue\-Saturation\-Brightness color format\.
+### HSL
+... .Type
+[.Frac .Frac .Frac]
+Hue\-Saturation\-Lightness color format\.
+### Palette
+... .Type
+(-> Spread .Nat Color (.List Color))
+### Pigment
+... .Type
+ [#color Color
+ #alpha Alpha])
+A color with some degree of transparency\.
+### RGB
+... .Type
+ [#red .Nat
+ #green .Nat
+ #blue .Nat])
+Red\-Green\-Blue color format\.
+### Spread
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Frac")
+### addition
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid Color)
+### analogous
+A analogous palette\.
+(analogous spread variations color)
+### black
+### brighter
+(-> .Frac Color Color)
+### clash
+(-> Color [Color Color Color])
+A clash color scheme\.
+### cmyk
+(-> Color CMYK)
+### complement
+(-> Color Color)
+The opposite color\.
+(complement color)
+### darker
+(-> .Frac Color Color)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Color)
+### gray\_scale
+(-> Color Color)
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash Color)
+### hsb
+(-> Color HSB)
+### hsl
+(-> Color HSL)
+### interpolated
+(-> .Frac Color Color Color)
+(interpolated ratio end start)
+### monochromatic
+A monochromatic palette\.
+(monochromatic spread variations color)
+### of\_cmyk
+(-> CMYK Color)
+### of\_hsb
+(-> HSB Color)
+### of\_hsl
+(-> HSL Color)
+### of\_rgb
+(-> RGB Color)
+### opaque
+The minimum degree of transparency\.
+### rgb
+(-> Color RGB)
+### saturated
+(-> .Frac Color Color)
+### split\_complement
+(-> Color [Color Color Color])
+A split\-complement color scheme\.
+### square
+(-> Color [Color Color Color Color])
+A square color scheme\.
+### subtraction
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid Color)
+### tetradic
+(-> Color [Color Color Color Color])
+A tetradic color scheme\.
+### translucent
+The average degree of transparency\.
+### transparent
+The maximum degree of transparency\.
+### triad
+(-> Color [Color Color Color])
+A triad color scheme\.
+### un\_saturated
+(-> .Frac Color Color)
+### white
+# library/lux/data/color/named
+## Definitions
+### alice\_blue
+R:F0 G:F8 B:FF | alice blue
+### antique\_white
+R:FA G:EB B:D7 | antique white
+### aqua
+R:0 G:FF B:FF | aqua
+### aquamarine
+R:7F G:FF B:D4 | aquamarine
+### azure
+R:F0 G:FF B:FF | azure
+### beige
+R:F5 G:F5 B:DC | beige
+### bisque
+R:FF G:E4 B:C4 | bisque
+### black
+R:0 G:0 B:0 | black
+### blanched\_almond
+R:FF G:EB B:CD | blanched almond
+### blue
+R:0 G:0 B:FF | blue
+### blue\_violet
+R:8A G:2B B:E2 | blue violet
+### brown
+R:A5 G:2A B:2A | brown
+### burly\_wood
+R:DE G:B8 B:87 | burly wood
+### cadet\_blue
+R:5F G:9E B:A0 | cadet blue
+### chartreuse
+R:7F G:FF B:0 | chartreuse
+### chocolate
+R:D2 G:69 B:1E | chocolate
+### coral
+R:FF G:7F B:50 | coral
+### cornflower\_blue
+R:64 G:95 B:ED | cornflower blue
+### cornsilk
+R:FF G:F8 B:DC | cornsilk
+### crimson
+R:DC G:14 B:3C | crimson
+### cyan
+R:0 G:FF B:FF | cyan
+### dark\_blue
+R:0 G:0 B:8B | dark blue
+### dark\_cyan
+R:0 G:8B B:8B | dark cyan
+### dark\_goldenrod
+R:B8 G:86 B:B | dark goldenrod
+### dark\_gray
+R:A9 G:A9 B:A9 | dark gray
+### dark\_green
+R:0 G:64 B:0 | dark green
+### dark\_khaki
+R:BD G:B7 B:6B | dark khaki
+### dark\_magenta
+R:8B G:0 B:8B | dark magenta
+### dark\_olive\_green
+R:55 G:6B B:2F | dark olive green
+### dark\_orange
+R:FF G:8C B:0 | dark orange
+### dark\_orchid
+R:99 G:32 B:CC | dark orchid
+### dark\_red
+R:8B G:0 B:0 | dark red
+### dark\_salmon
+R:E9 G:96 B:7A | dark salmon
+### dark\_sea\_green
+R:8F G:BC B:8F | dark sea green
+### dark\_slate\_blue
+R:48 G:3D B:8B | dark slate blue
+### dark\_slate\_gray
+R:2F G:4F B:4F | dark slate gray
+### dark\_turquoise
+R:0 G:CE B:D1 | dark turquoise
+### dark\_violet
+R:94 G:0 B:D3 | dark violet
+### deep\_pink
+R:FF G:14 B:93 | deep pink
+### deep\_sky\_blue
+R:0 G:BF B:FF | deep sky blue
+### dim\_gray
+R:69 G:69 B:69 | dim gray
+### dodger\_blue
+R:1E G:90 B:FF | dodger blue
+### fire\_brick
+R:B2 G:22 B:22 | fire brick
+### floral\_white
+R:FF G:FA B:F0 | floral white
+### forest\_green
+R:22 G:8B B:22 | forest green
+### fuchsia
+R:FF G:0 B:FF | fuchsia
+### gainsboro
+R:DC G:DC B:DC | gainsboro
+### ghost\_white
+R:F8 G:F8 B:FF | ghost white
+### gold
+R:FF G:D7 B:0 | gold
+### goldenrod
+R:DA G:A5 B:20 | goldenrod
+### gray
+R:80 G:80 B:80 | gray
+### green
+R:0 G:80 B:0 | green
+### green\_yellow
+R:AD G:FF B:2F | green yellow
+### honey\_dew
+R:F0 G:FF B:F0 | honey dew
+### hot\_pink
+R:FF G:69 B:B4 | hot pink
+### indian\_red
+R:CD G:5C B:5C | indian red
+### indigo
+R:4B G:0 B:82 | indigo
+### ivory
+R:FF G:FF B:F0 | ivory
+### khaki
+R:F0 G:E6 B:8C | khaki
+### lavender
+R:E6 G:E6 B:FA | lavender
+### lavender\_blush
+R:FF G:F0 B:F5 | lavender blush
+### lawn\_green
+R:7C G:FC B:0 | lawn green
+### lemon\_chiffon
+R:FF G:FA B:CD | lemon chiffon
+### light\_blue
+R:AD G:D8 B:E6 | light blue
+### light\_coral
+R:F0 G:80 B:80 | light coral
+### light\_cyan
+R:E0 G:FF B:FF | light cyan
+### light\_goldenrod\_yellow
+R:FA G:FA B:D2 | light goldenrod yellow
+### light\_gray
+R:D3 G:D3 B:D3 | light gray
+### light\_green
+R:90 G:EE B:90 | light green
+### light\_pink
+R:FF G:B6 B:C1 | light pink
+### light\_salmon
+R:FF G:A0 B:7A | light salmon
+### light\_sea\_green
+R:20 G:B2 B:AA | light sea green
+### light\_sky\_blue
+R:87 G:CE B:FA | light sky blue
+### light\_slate\_gray
+R:77 G:88 B:99 | light slate gray
+### light\_steel\_blue
+R:B0 G:C4 B:DE | light steel blue
+### light\_yellow
+R:FF G:FF B:E0 | light yellow
+### lime
+R:0 G:FF B:0 | lime
+### lime\_green
+R:32 G:CD B:32 | lime green
+### linen
+R:FA G:F0 B:E6 | linen
+### magenta
+R:FF G:0 B:FF | magenta
+### maroon
+R:80 G:0 B:0 | maroon
+### medium\_aquamarine
+R:66 G:CD B:AA | medium aquamarine
+### medium\_blue
+R:0 G:0 B:CD | medium blue
+### medium\_orchid
+R:BA G:55 B:D3 | medium orchid
+### medium\_purple
+R:93 G:70 B:DB | medium purple
+### medium\_sea\_green
+R:3C G:B3 B:71 | medium sea green
+### medium\_slate\_blue
+R:7B G:68 B:EE | medium slate blue
+### medium\_spring\_green
+R:0 G:FA B:9A | medium spring green
+### medium\_turquoise
+R:48 G:D1 B:CC | medium turquoise
+### medium\_violet\_red
+R:C7 G:15 B:85 | medium violet red
+### midnight\_blue
+R:19 G:19 B:70 | midnight blue
+### mint\_cream
+R:F5 G:FF B:FA | mint cream
+### misty\_rose
+R:FF G:E4 B:E1 | misty rose
+### moccasin
+R:FF G:E4 B:B5 | moccasin
+### navajo\_white
+R:FF G:DE B:AD | navajo white
+### navy
+R:0 G:0 B:80 | navy
+### old\_lace
+R:FD G:F5 B:E6 | old lace
+### olive
+R:80 G:80 B:0 | olive
+### olive\_drab
+R:6B G:8E B:23 | olive drab
+### orange
+R:FF G:A5 B:0 | orange
+### orange\_red
+R:FF G:45 B:0 | orange red
+### orchid
+R:DA G:70 B:D6 | orchid
+### pale\_goldenrod
+R:EE G:E8 B:AA | pale goldenrod
+### pale\_green
+R:98 G:FB B:98 | pale green
+### pale\_turquoise
+R:AF G:EE B:EE | pale turquoise
+### pale\_violet\_red
+R:DB G:70 B:93 | pale violet red
+### papaya\_whip
+R:FF G:EF B:D5 | papaya whip
+### peach\_puff
+R:FF G:DA B:B9 | peach puff
+### peru
+R:CD G:85 B:3F | peru
+### pink
+R:FF G:C0 B:CB | pink
+### plum
+R:DD G:A0 B:DD | plum
+### powder\_blue
+R:B0 G:E0 B:E6 | powder blue
+### purple
+R:80 G:0 B:80 | purple
+### rebecca\_purple
+R:66 G:33 B:99 | rebecca purple
+### red
+R:FF G:0 B:0 | red
+### rosy\_brown
+R:BC G:8F B:8F | rosy brown
+### royal\_blue
+R:41 G:69 B:E1 | royal blue
+### saddle\_brown
+R:8B G:45 B:13 | saddle brown
+### salmon
+R:FA G:80 B:72 | salmon
+### sandy\_brown
+R:F4 G:A4 B:60 | sandy brown
+### sea\_green
+R:2E G:8B B:57 | sea green
+### sea\_shell
+R:FF G:F5 B:EE | sea shell
+### sienna
+R:A0 G:52 B:2D | sienna
+### silver
+R:C0 G:C0 B:C0 | silver
+### sky\_blue
+R:87 G:CE B:EB | sky blue
+### slate\_blue
+R:6A G:5A B:CD | slate blue
+### slate\_gray
+R:70 G:80 B:90 | slate gray
+### snow
+R:FF G:FA B:FA | snow
+### spring\_green
+R:0 G:FF B:7F | spring green
+### steel\_blue
+R:46 G:82 B:B4 | steel blue
+### tan
+R:D2 G:B4 B:8C | tan
+### teal
+R:0 G:80 B:80 | teal
+### thistle
+R:D8 G:BF B:D8 | thistle
+### tomato
+R:FF G:63 B:47 | tomato
+### turquoise
+R:40 G:E0 B:D0 | turquoise
+### violet
+R:EE G:82 B:EE | violet
+### wheat
+R:F5 G:DE B:B3 | wheat
+### white
+R:FF G:FF B:FF | white
+### white\_smoke
+R:F5 G:F5 B:F5 | white smoke
+### yellow
+R:FF G:FF B:0 | yellow
+### yellow\_green
+R:9A G:CD B:32 | yellow green
+# library/lux/data/format/binary
+## Definitions
+### Mutation
+... .Type
+(-> [library/lux/control/parser/binary.Offset library/lux/data/binary.Binary] [library/lux/control/parser/binary.Offset library/lux/data/binary.Binary])
+A mutation of binary data, tracking where in the data to transform\.
+### Specification
+... .Type
+[library/lux/control/parser/binary.Size Mutation]
+A description of how to transform binary data\.
+### \(Writer it\)
+... .Type
+(-> it Specification)
+An operation that knows how to write information into a binary blob\.
+### and
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Writer _0) (Writer _1) (Writer [_0 _1])))
+(and pre post)
+### any
+(Writer .Any)
+### binary/16
+(Writer library/lux/data/binary.Binary)
+### binary/32
+(Writer library/lux/data/binary.Binary)
+### binary/64
+(Writer library/lux/data/binary.Binary)
+### binary/8
+(Writer library/lux/data/binary.Binary)
+### bit
+(Writer .Bit)
+### bits/16
+(Writer (.I64 .Any))
+### bits/32
+(Writer (.I64 .Any))
+### bits/64
+(Writer (.I64 .Any))
+### bits/8
+(Writer (.I64 .Any))
+### code
+(Writer .Code)
+### frac
+(Writer .Frac)
+### instance
+(-> Specification library/lux/data/binary.Binary)
+Given a specification of how to construct binary data, yields a binary blob that matches it\.
+### int
+(Writer .Int)
+### list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Writer _0) (Writer (.List _0))))
+### location
+(Writer .Location)
+### maybe
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Writer _0) (Writer (.Maybe _0))))
+### monoid
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid Specification)
+### nat
+(Writer .Nat)
+### no\_op
+A specification for empty binary data\.
+### or
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Writer _0) (Writer _1) (Writer (Or _0 _1))))
+(or left right)
+### rec
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> (Writer _0) (Writer _0)) (Writer _0)))
+A combinator for recursive writers\.
+(rec body)
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Writer _0) _0 library/lux/data/binary.Binary))
+Yields a binary blob with all the information written to it\.
+(result writer value)
+### rev
+(Writer .Rev)
+### segment
+(-> .Nat (Writer library/lux/data/binary.Binary))
+Writes at most 'size' bytes of an input binary blob\.
+(segment size)
+### sequence/16
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Writer _0) (Writer (library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence _0))))
+### sequence/32
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Writer _0) (Writer (library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence _0))))
+### sequence/64
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Writer _0) (Writer (library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence _0))))
+### sequence/8
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Writer _0) (Writer (library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence _0))))
+### set
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Writer _0) (Writer (library/lux/data/collection/set.Set _0))))
+### symbol
+(Writer .Symbol)
+### text
+(Writer .Text)
+### type
+(Writer .Type)
+### utf8/16
+(Writer .Text)
+### utf8/32
+(Writer .Text)
+### utf8/64
+(Writer .Text)
+### utf8/8
+(Writer .Text)
+# library/lux/data/format/json
+Functionality for reading and writing values in the JSON format\.
+For more information, please see: http://www\.json\.org/
+## Definitions
+### Array
+... .Type
+(library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence JSON)
+### Boolean
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Bit")
+### JSON
+... .Type
+(Rec JSON
+ (Variant
+ {#Null Null}
+ {#Boolean Boolean}
+ {#Number Number}
+ {#String String}
+ {#Array (library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence JSON)}
+ {#Object (library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary String JSON)}))
+### Null
+... .Type
+(Ex (Null _0)
+ _0)
+### Number
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Frac")
+### Object
+... .Type
+(library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary String JSON)
+### String
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Text")
+### array\_field
+(-> .Text JSON (library/lux/control/try.Try Array))
+A JSON object field getter for arrays\.
+### boolean\_field
+(-> .Text JSON (library/lux/control/try.Try Boolean))
+A JSON object field getter for booleans\.
+### codec
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text JSON)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence JSON)
+### field
+(-> String JSON (library/lux/control/try.Try JSON))
+A JSON object field getter\.
+(field key json)
+### fields
+(-> JSON (library/lux/control/try.Try (.List String)))
+Get all the fields in a JSON object\.
+(fields json)
+### format
+(-> JSON .Text)
+### has
+(-> String JSON JSON (library/lux/control/try.Try JSON))
+A JSON object field setter\.
+(has key value json)
+### json
+A simple way to produce JSON literals\.
+... null
+(json #null)
+... true
+(json #1)
+... 123.456
+(json +123.456)
+... 'this is a string'
+(json "this is a string")
+... ['this' 'is' 'an' 'array']
+(json ["this" "is" "an" "array"])
+... {'this' 'is', 'an' 'object'}
+(json {"this" "is" "an" "object"})
+### null?
+(library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate JSON)
+### number\_field
+(-> .Text JSON (library/lux/control/try.Try Number))
+A JSON object field getter for numbers\.
+### object
+(-> (.List [String JSON]) JSON)
+### object\_field
+(-> .Text JSON (library/lux/control/try.Try Object))
+A JSON object field getter for objects\.
+### string\_field
+(-> .Text JSON (library/lux/control/try.Try String))
+A JSON object field getter for strings\.
+# library/lux/data/format/tar
+## Definitions
+### Big
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/format/tar.Big")
+### Content
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/format/tar.Content")
+### Contiguous
+... .Type
+[Path library/lux/time/instant.Instant Mode Ownership Content]
+### Directory
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/format/tar.Path")
+### Entry
+... .Type
+ {#Normal Normal}
+ {#Symbolic_Link Symbolic_Link}
+ {#Directory Directory}
+ {#Contiguous Contiguous})
+### File
+... .Type
+[Path library/lux/time/instant.Instant Mode Ownership Content]
+### ID
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/format/tar.Small")
+### Mode
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/format/tar.Mode")
+### Name
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/format/tar.Name")
+### Normal
+... .Type
+[Path library/lux/time/instant.Instant Mode Ownership Content]
+### Owner
+... .Type
+ [#name Name
+ #id ID])
+### Ownership
+... .Type
+ [#user Owner
+ #group Owner])
+### Path
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/format/tar.Path")
+### Small
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/format/tar.Small")
+### Symbolic\_Link
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/format/tar.Path")
+### Tar
+... .Type
+(library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence Entry)
+### and
+(-> Mode Mode Mode)
+### anonymous
+### big
+(-> .Nat (library/lux/control/try.Try Big))
+### big\_limit
+### content
+(-> library/lux/data/binary.Binary (library/lux/control/try.Try Content))
+### data
+(-> Content library/lux/data/binary.Binary)
+### execute\_by\_group
+### execute\_by\_other
+### execute\_by\_owner
+### from\_big
+(-> Big .Nat)
+### from\_name
+(-> Name .Text)
+### from\_path
+(-> Path library/lux/world/file.Path)
+### from\_small
+(-> Small .Nat)
+### invalid\_end\_of\_archive
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### invalid\_link\_flag
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### invalid\_mode
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### mode
+(-> Mode .Nat)
+### name
+(-> .Text (library/lux/control/try.Try Name))
+### name\_is\_too\_long
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Text)
+### name\_size
+### no\_id
+### no\_path
+### none
+### not\_a\_big\_number
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### not\_a\_small\_number
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### not\_ascii
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Text)
+### parser
+(library/lux/control/parser/binary.Parser Tar)
+### path
+(-> library/lux/world/file.Path (library/lux/control/try.Try Path))
+### path\_is\_too\_long
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Text)
+### path\_size
+### read\_by\_group
+### read\_by\_other
+### read\_by\_owner
+### save\_text
+### set\_group\_id\_on\_execution
+### set\_user\_id\_on\_execution
+### small
+(-> .Nat (library/lux/control/try.Try Small))
+### small\_limit
+### write\_by\_group
+### write\_by\_other
+### write\_by\_owner
+### writer
+(library/lux/data/format/binary.Writer Tar)
+### wrong\_character
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [library/lux/data/text.Char library/lux/data/text.Char])
+### wrong\_checksum
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Nat .Nat])
+### wrong\_link\_flag
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [Link_Flag Link_Flag])
+# library/lux/data/format/xml
+## Definitions
+### Attribute
+... .Type
+[.Text .Text]
+### Attrs
+... .Type
+(library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary Attribute .Text)
+### Tag
+... .Type
+[.Text .Text]
+### XML
+... .Type
+(Rec XML
+ (Variant
+ {#Text .Text}
+ {#Node Tag Attrs (.List XML)}))
+### attribute
+(-> Attribute .Text)
+The text format of a XML attribute\.
+### attributes
+An empty set of XML attributes\.
+### codec
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text XML)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence XML)
+### tag
+(-> Tag .Text)
+The text format of a XML tag\.
+(tag name)
+# library/lux/data/identity
+## Definitions
+### \(Identity it\)
+... .Type
+A value, as is, without any extra structure super\-imposed on it\.
+### apply
+(library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply Identity)
+### comonad
+(library/lux/abstract/comonad.CoMonad Identity)
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Identity)
+### monad
+(library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad Identity)
+# library/lux/data/product
+Functionality for working with tuples \(particularly 2\-tuples/pairs\)\.
+## Definitions
+### curried
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (-> [_0 _1] _2) _0 _1 _2))
+Converts a 2\-argument function into nested single\-argument functions\.
+(curried f)
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _1) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence [_0 _1])))
+### forked
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1) (-> _0 _2) _0 [_1 _2]))
+Yields a pair by applying both functions to a single value\.
+(forked f g)
+### hash
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _1) (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash [_0 _1])))
+### left
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> [_0 _1] _0))
+The left side of a pair\.
+### right
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> [_0 _1] _1))
+The right side of a pair\.
+### swapped
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> [_0 _1] [_1 _0]))
+(swapped [left right])
+### then
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> (-> _0 _2) (-> _1 _3) [_0 _1] [_2 _3]))
+Apply functions to both sides of a pair\.
+(then f g)
+### uncurried
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1 _2) [_0 _1] _2))
+Converts nested single\-argument functions into a 2\-argument function\.
+(uncurried f)
+# library/lux/data/sum
+Functionality for working with variants \(particularly 2\-variants\)\.
+## Definitions
+### either
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (-> _0 _2) (-> _1 _2) (Or _0 _1) _2))
+Applies a function to either side of a 2\-variant\.
+(either on_left on_right)
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _1) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Or _0 _1))))
+### hash
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _1) (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash (Or _0 _1))))
+### left
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 (Or _0 _1)))
+Lifts value to the left side of a 2\-variant\.
+### lefts
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (.List (Or _0 _1)) (.List _0)))
+### partition
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (.List (Or _0 _1)) [(.List _0) (.List _1)]))
+### right
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _1 (Or _0 _1)))
+Lifts value to the right side of a 2\-variant\.
+### rights
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (.List (Or _0 _1)) (.List _1)))
+### then
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1) (-> _2 _3) (Or _0 _2) (Or _1 _3)))
+Applies functions to both sides of a 2\-variant\.
+(then on_left on_right)
+# library/lux/data/text
+## Definitions
+### Char
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+A character code number\.
+### \\''
+### \\0
+### \\a
+### \\b
+### \\f
+### \\n
+### \\r
+### \\t
+### \\v
+### alarm
+### all\_split\_by
+(-> .Text .Text (.List .Text))
+(all_split_by token sample)
+### back\_space
+### carriage\_return
+### char
+(-> .Nat .Text (.Maybe Char))
+Yields the character at the specified index\.
+(char index input)
+### clip
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Text (.Maybe .Text))
+Clips a chunk of text from the input at the specified offset and of the specified size\.
+(clip offset size input)
+### clip\_since
+(-> .Nat .Text (.Maybe .Text))
+Clips the remaining text from the input at the specified offset\.
+(clip_since offset input)
+### contains?
+(-> .Text .Text .Bit)
+(contains? sub text)
+### double\_quote
+### empty?
+(-> .Text .Bit)
+### enclosed
+(-> [.Text .Text] .Text .Text)
+Surrounds the given content text with left and right side additions\.
+(enclosed [left right] content)
+### enclosed'
+(-> .Text .Text .Text)
+Surrounds the given content text with the same boundary text\.
+(enclosed' boundary content)
+### enclosed\_by?
+(-> .Text .Text .Bit)
+(enclosed_by? boundary value)
+### ends\_with?
+(-> .Text .Text .Bit)
+(ends_with? postfix x)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence .Text)
+### form\_feed
+### format
+(-> .Text .Text)
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash .Text)
+### index
+(-> .Text .Text (.Maybe .Nat))
+(index pattern input)
+### index\_since
+(-> .Nat .Text .Text (.Maybe .Nat))
+(index_since from pattern input)
+### interposed
+(-> .Text (.List .Text) .Text)
+(interposed separator texts)
+### last\_index
+(-> .Text .Text (.Maybe .Nat))
+(last_index part text)
+### line\_feed
+Same as 'new\_line'\.
+### lower\_cased
+(-> .Text .Text)
+### monoid
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Text)
+### new\_line
+### null
+### of\_char
+(-> Char .Text)
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order .Text)
+### prefix
+(-> .Text .Text .Text)
+(prefix param subject)
+### replaced
+(-> .Text .Text .Text .Text)
+(replaced pattern replacement template)
+### replaced/1
+(-> .Text .Text .Text .Text)
+(replaced/1 pattern replacement template)
+### size
+(-> .Text .Nat)
+### space
+### space?
+(-> Char .Bit)
+Checks whether the character is white\-space\.
+(space? char)
+### split\_at
+(-> .Nat .Text (.Maybe [.Text .Text]))
+(split_at at x)
+### split\_by
+(-> .Text .Text (.Maybe [.Text .Text]))
+(split_by token sample)
+### starts\_with?
+(-> .Text .Text .Bit)
+(starts_with? prefix x)
+### suffix
+(-> .Text .Text .Text)
+(suffix param subject)
+### tab
+### together
+(-> (.List .Text) .Text)
+### upper\_cased
+(-> .Text .Text)
+### vertical\_tab
+# library/lux/data/text/buffer
+## Definitions
+### Buffer
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/text/buffer.Buffer")
+Immutable text buffer for efficient text concatenation\.
+### empty
+### size
+(-> Buffer .Nat)
+### text
+(-> Buffer .Text)
+### then
+(-> .Text Buffer Buffer)
+# library/lux/data/text/encoding
+## Definitions
+### Encoding
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/text/encoding.Encoding")
+Encoding formats for text\.
+### ascii
+'ASCII' text encoding\.
+### cesu\_8
+'CESU\-8' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_037
+'IBM037' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1006
+'IBM1006' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1025
+'IBM1025' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1026
+'IBM1026' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1046
+'IBM1046' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1047
+'IBM1047' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1097
+'IBM1097' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1098
+'IBM1098' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1112
+'IBM1112' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1122
+'IBM1122' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1123
+'IBM1123' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1124
+'IBM1124' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1140
+'IBM01140' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1141
+'IBM01141' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1142
+'IBM01142' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1143
+'IBM01143' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1144
+'IBM01144' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1145
+'IBM01145' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1146
+'IBM01146' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1147
+'IBM01147' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1148
+'IBM01148' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1149
+'IBM01149' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1166
+'IBM1166' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1364
+'IBM1364' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1381
+'IBM1381' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1383
+'IBM1383' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_273
+'IBM273' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_277
+'IBM277' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_278
+'IBM278' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_280
+'IBM280' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_284
+'IBM284' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_285
+'IBM285' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_290
+'IBM290' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_297
+'IBM297' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_300
+'IBM300' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_33722
+'IBM33722' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_420
+'IBM420' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_424
+'IBM424' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_437
+'IBM437' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_500
+'IBM500' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_737
+'IBM737' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_775
+'IBM775' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_833
+'IBM833' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_834
+'IBM834' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_838
+'IBM\-Thai' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_850
+'IBM850' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_852
+'IBM852' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_855
+'IBM855' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_856
+'IBM856' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_857
+'IBM857' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_858
+'IBM00858' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_860
+'IBM860' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_861
+'IBM861' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_862
+'IBM862' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_863
+'IBM863' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_864
+'IBM864' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_865
+'IBM865' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_866
+'IBM866' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_868
+'IBM868' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_869
+'IBM869' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_870
+'IBM870' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_871
+'IBM871' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_874
+'IBM874' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_875
+'IBM875' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_918
+'IBM918' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_921
+'IBM921' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_922
+'IBM922' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_930
+'IBM930' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_933
+'IBM933' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_935
+'IBM935' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_937
+'IBM937' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_939
+'IBM939' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_942
+'IBM942' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_942c
+'IBM942C' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_943
+'IBM943' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_943c
+'IBM943C' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_948
+'IBM948' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_949
+'IBM949' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_949c
+'IBM949C' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_950
+'IBM950' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_964
+'IBM964' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_970
+'IBM970' text encoding\.
+### iso2022\_cn\_cns
+'ISO2022\-CN\-CNS' text encoding\.
+### iso2022\_cn\_gb
+'ISO2022\-CN\-GB' text encoding\.
+### iso\_2022\_cn
+'ISO\-2022\-CN' text encoding\.
+### iso\_2022\_jp
+'ISO\-2022\-JP' text encoding\.
+### iso\_2022\_jp\_2
+'ISO\-2022\-JP\-2' text encoding\.
+### iso\_2022\_kr
+'ISO\-2022\-KR' text encoding\.
+### iso\_8859\_1
+'ISO\-8859\-1' text encoding\.
+### iso\_8859\_11
+'iso\-8859\-11' text encoding\.
+### iso\_8859\_13
+'ISO\-8859\-13' text encoding\.
+### iso\_8859\_15
+'ISO\-8859\-15' text encoding\.
+### iso\_8859\_2
+'ISO\-8859\-2' text encoding\.
+### iso\_8859\_3
+'ISO\-8859\-3' text encoding\.
+### iso\_8859\_4
+'ISO\-8859\-4' text encoding\.
+### iso\_8859\_5
+'ISO\-8859\-5' text encoding\.
+### iso\_8859\_6
+'ISO\-8859\-6' text encoding\.
+### iso\_8859\_7
+'ISO\-8859\-7' text encoding\.
+### iso\_8859\_8
+'ISO\-8859\-8' text encoding\.
+### iso\_8859\_9
+'ISO\-8859\-9' text encoding\.
+### koi8\_r
+'KOI8\-R' text encoding\.
+### koi8\_u
+'KOI8\-U' text encoding\.
+### mac\_arabic
+'MacArabic' text encoding\.
+### mac\_central\_europe
+'MacCentralEurope' text encoding\.
+### mac\_croatian
+'MacCroatian' text encoding\.
+### mac\_cyrillic
+'MacCyrillic' text encoding\.
+### mac\_dingbat
+'MacDingbat' text encoding\.
+### mac\_greek
+'MacGreek' text encoding\.
+### mac\_hebrew
+'MacHebrew' text encoding\.
+### mac\_iceland
+'MacIceland' text encoding\.
+### mac\_roman
+'MacRoman' text encoding\.
+### mac\_romania
+'MacRomania' text encoding\.
+### mac\_symbol
+'MacSymbol' text encoding\.
+### mac\_thai
+'MacThai' text encoding\.
+### mac\_turkish
+'MacTurkish' text encoding\.
+### mac\_ukraine
+'MacUkraine' text encoding\.
+### name
+(-> Encoding .Text)
+### utf\_16
+'UTF\-16' text encoding\.
+### utf\_32
+'UTF\-32' text encoding\.
+### utf\_8
+'UTF\-8' text encoding\.
+### windows\_1250
+'windows\-1250' text encoding\.
+### windows\_1251
+'windows\-1251' text encoding\.
+### windows\_1252
+'windows\-1252' text encoding\.
+### windows\_1253
+'windows\-1253' text encoding\.
+### windows\_1254
+'windows\-1254' text encoding\.
+### windows\_1255
+'windows\-1255' text encoding\.
+### windows\_1256
+'windows\-1256' text encoding\.
+### windows\_1257
+'windows\-1257' text encoding\.
+### windows\_1258
+'windows\-1258' text encoding\.
+### windows\_31j
+'windows\-31j' text encoding\.
+### windows\_50220
+'windows\-50220' text encoding\.
+### windows\_50221
+'windows\-50221' text encoding\.
+### windows\_874
+'windows\-874' text encoding\.
+### windows\_949
+'windows\-949' text encoding\.
+### windows\_950
+'windows\-950' text encoding\.
+### windows\_iso2022jp
+'windows\-iso2022jp' text encoding\.
+# library/lux/data/text/encoding/utf8
+## Definitions
+### codec
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec library/lux/data/binary.Binary .Text)
+A codec for binary encoding of text as UTF\-8\.
+# library/lux/data/text/escape
+## Definitions
+### dangling\_escape
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Text)
+### escapable?
+(-> library/lux/data/text.Char .Bit)
+### escaped
+(-> .Text .Text)
+Yields a escaped version of the text\.
+(escaped text)
+### invalid\_escape
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Text .Nat library/lux/data/text.Char])
+### invalid\_unicode\_escape
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Text .Nat])
+### literal
+If given a escaped text literal, expands to an un\-escaped version\.
+(literal "Line 1\nLine 2")
+... =>
+(format "Line 1" \n
+ "Line 2")
+### un\_escaped
+(-> .Text (library/lux/control/try.Try .Text))
+Yields an un\-escaped text\.
+Fails if it was improperly escaped\.
+(un_escaped text)
+# library/lux/data/text/format
+## Definitions
+### \(Format it\)
+... .Type
+(-> it .Text)
+A way to produce readable text from values\.
+### bit
+(Format .Bit)
+### code
+(Format .Code)
+### date
+(Format library/lux/time/date.Date)
+### day
+(Format library/lux/time/day.Day)
+### duration
+(Format library/lux/time/duration.Duration)
+### format
+Text interpolation\.
+(format "Static part " (text static) " does not match URI: " uri)
+### frac
+(Format .Frac)
+### frac/10
+(Format .Frac)
+### frac/16
+(Format .Frac)
+### frac/2
+(Format .Frac)
+### frac/8
+(Format .Frac)
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor/contravariant.Functor Format)
+### instant
+(Format library/lux/time/instant.Instant)
+### int
+(Format .Int)
+### int/10
+(Format .Int)
+### int/16
+(Format .Int)
+### int/2
+(Format .Int)
+### int/8
+(Format .Int)
+### json
+(Format library/lux/data/format/json.JSON)
+### list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Format _0) (Format (.List _0))))
+### location
+(Format .Location)
+### maybe
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Format _0) (Format (.Maybe _0))))
+### mod
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Format (library/lux/math/modular.Mod _0)))
+### month
+(Format library/lux/time/month.Month)
+### nat
+(Format .Nat)
+### nat/10
+(Format .Nat)
+### nat/16
+(Format .Nat)
+### nat/2
+(Format .Nat)
+### nat/8
+(Format .Nat)
+### ratio
+(Format library/lux/math/number/ratio.Ratio)
+### rev
+(Format .Rev)
+### rev/10
+(Format .Rev)
+### rev/16
+(Format .Rev)
+### rev/2
+(Format .Rev)
+### rev/8
+(Format .Rev)
+### symbol
+(Format .Symbol)
+### text
+(Format .Text)
+### time
+(Format library/lux/time.Time)
+### type
+(Format .Type)
+### xml
+(Format library/lux/data/format/xml.XML)
+# library/lux/data/text/regex
+## Definitions
+### ^regex
+Allows you to test text against regular expressions\.
+(case some_text
+ (^regex "(\d{3})-(\d{3})-(\d{4})"
+ [_ country_code area_code place_code])
+ do_some_thing_when_number
+ (^regex "\w+")
+ do_some_thing_when_word
+ _
+ do_something_else)
+### incorrect\_quantification
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Nat .Nat])
+### regex
+Create lexers using regular\-expression syntax\.
+... Literals
+(regex "a")
+... Wildcards
+(regex ".")
+... Escaping
+(regex "\.")
+... Character classes
+(regex "\d")
+(regex "\p{Lower}")
+(regex "[abc]")
+(regex "[a-z]")
+(regex "[a-zA-Z]")
+(regex "[a-z&&[def]]")
+... Negation
+(regex "[^abc]")
+(regex "[^a-z]")
+(regex "[^a-zA-Z]")
+(regex "[a-z&&[^bc]]")
+(regex "[a-z&&[^m-p]]")
+... Combinations
+(regex "aa")
+(regex "a?")
+(regex "a*")
+(regex "a+")
+... Specific amounts
+(regex "a{2}")
+... At least
+(regex "a{1,}")
+... At most
+(regex "a{,1}")
+... Between
+(regex "a{1,2}")
+... Groups
+(regex "a(.)c")
+(regex "a(b+)c")
+(regex "(\d{3})-(\d{3})-(\d{4})")
+(regex "(\d{3})-(?:\d{3})-(\d{4})")
+(regex "(?<code>\d{3})-\k<code>-(\d{4})")
+(regex "(?<code>\d{3})-\k<code>-(\d{4})-\0")
+(regex "(\d{3})-((\d{3})-(\d{4}))")
+... Alternation
+(regex "a|b")
+(regex "a(.)(.)|b(.)(.)")
+# library/lux/data/text/unicode/block
+## Definitions
+### Block
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/text/unicode/block.Block")
+A block of valid unicode characters\.
+### alphabetic\_presentation\_forms
+FB00\-FB4F | alphabetic presentation forms
+### arabic
+600\-6FF | arabic
+### arabic\_presentation\_forms\_a
+FB50\-FDFF | arabic presentation forms a
+### arabic\_presentation\_forms\_b
+FE70\-FEFF | arabic presentation forms b
+### armenian
+530\-58F | armenian
+### arrows
+2190\-21FF | arrows
+### basic\_latin
+0\-7F | basic latin
+### basic\_latin/decimal
+30\-39 | basic latin/decimal
+### basic\_latin/lower
+61\-7A | basic latin/lower
+### basic\_latin/upper
+41\-5A | basic latin/upper
+### bengali
+980\-9FF | bengali
+### block
+(-> library/lux/data/text.Char .Nat Block)
+(block start additional)
+### block\_elements
+2580\-259F | block elements
+### bopomofo
+3100\-312F | bopomofo
+### bopomofo\_extended
+31A0\-31BF | bopomofo extended
+### box\_drawing
+2500\-257F | box drawing
+### braille\_patterns
+2800\-28FF | braille patterns
+### buhid
+1740\-175F | buhid
+### cherokee
+13A0\-13FF | cherokee
+### cjk\_compatibility
+3300\-33FF | cjk compatibility
+### cjk\_compatibility\_forms
+FE30\-FE4F | cjk compatibility forms
+### cjk\_compatibility\_ideographs
+F900\-FAFF | cjk compatibility ideographs
+### cjk\_radicals\_supplement
+2E80\-2EFF | cjk radicals supplement
+### cjk\_symbols\_and\_punctuation
+3000\-303F | cjk symbols and punctuation
+### cjk\_unified\_ideographs
+4E00\-9FFF | cjk unified ideographs
+### cjk\_unified\_ideographs\_extension\_a
+3400\-4DBF | cjk unified ideographs extension a
+### combining\_diacritical\_marks
+300\-36F | combining diacritical marks
+### combining\_diacritical\_marks\_for\_symbols
+20D0\-20FF | combining diacritical marks for symbols
+### combining\_half\_marks
+FE20\-FE2F | combining half marks
+### control\_pictures
+2400\-243F | control pictures
+### currency\_symbols
+20A0\-20CF | currency symbols
+### cyrillic
+400\-4FF | cyrillic
+### cyrillic\_supplementary
+500\-52F | cyrillic supplementary
+### devanagari
+900\-97F | devanagari
+### dingbats
+2700\-27BF | dingbats
+### enclosed\_alphanumerics
+2460\-24FF | enclosed alphanumerics
+### enclosed\_cjk\_letters\_and\_months
+3200\-32FF | enclosed cjk letters and months
+### end
+(-> Block library/lux/data/text.Char)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Block)
+### ethiopic
+1200\-137F | ethiopic
+### general\_punctuation
+2000\-206F | general punctuation
+### geometric\_shapes
+25A0\-25FF | geometric shapes
+### georgian
+10A0\-10FF | georgian
+### greek\_and\_coptic
+370\-3FF | greek and coptic
+### greek\_extended
+1F00\-1FFF | greek extended
+### gujarati
+A80\-AFF | gujarati
+### gurmukhi
+A00\-A7F | gurmukhi
+### halfwidth\_and\_fullwidth\_forms
+FF00\-FFEF | halfwidth and fullwidth forms
+### hangul\_compatibility\_jamo
+3130\-318F | hangul compatibility jamo
+### hangul\_jamo
+1100\-11FF | hangul jamo
+### hangul\_syllables
+AC00\-D7AF | hangul syllables
+### hanunoo
+1720\-173F | hanunoo
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash Block)
+### hebrew
+590\-5FF | hebrew
+### high\_private\_use\_surrogates
+DB80\-DBFF | high private use surrogates
+### high\_surrogates
+D800\-DB7F | high surrogates
+### hiragana
+3040\-309F | hiragana
+### ideographic\_description\_characters
+2FF0\-2FFF | ideographic description characters
+### ipa\_extensions
+250\-2AF | ipa extensions
+### kanbun
+3190\-319F | kanbun
+### kangxi\_radicals
+2F00\-2FDF | kangxi radicals
+### kannada
+C80\-CFF | kannada
+### katakana
+30A0\-30FF | katakana
+### katakana\_phonetic\_extensions
+31F0\-31FF | katakana phonetic extensions
+### khmer
+1780\-17FF | khmer
+### khmer\_symbols
+19E0\-19FF | khmer symbols
+### lao
+E80\-EFF | lao
+### latin\_1\_supplement
+A0\-FF | latin 1 supplement
+### latin\_extended\_a
+100\-17F | latin extended a
+### latin\_extended\_additional
+1E00\-1EFF | latin extended additional
+### latin\_extended\_b
+180\-24F | latin extended b
+### letterlike\_symbols
+2100\-214F | letterlike symbols
+### limbu
+1900\-194F | limbu
+### low\_surrogates
+DC00\-DFFF | low surrogates
+### malayalam
+D00\-D7F | malayalam
+### mathematical\_operators
+2200\-22FF | mathematical operators
+### miscellaneous\_mathematical\_symbols\_a
+27C0\-27EF | miscellaneous mathematical symbols a
+### miscellaneous\_mathematical\_symbols\_b
+2980\-29FF | miscellaneous mathematical symbols b
+### miscellaneous\_symbols
+2600\-26FF | miscellaneous symbols
+### miscellaneous\_symbols\_and\_arrows
+2B00\-2BFF | miscellaneous symbols and arrows
+### miscellaneous\_technical
+2300\-23FF | miscellaneous technical
+### mongolian
+1800\-18AF | mongolian
+### monoid
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid Block)
+### myanmar
+1000\-109F | myanmar
+### number\_forms
+2150\-218F | number forms
+### ogham
+1680\-169F | ogham
+### optical\_character\_recognition
+2440\-245F | optical character recognition
+### oriya
+B00\-B7F | oriya
+### phonetic\_extensions
+1D00\-1D7F | phonetic extensions
+### private\_use\_area
+E000\-F8FF | private use area
+### runic
+16A0\-16FF | runic
+### sinhala
+D80\-DFF | sinhala
+### size
+(-> Block .Nat)
+### small\_form\_variants
+FE50\-FE6F | small form variants
+### spacing\_modifier\_letters
+2B0\-2FF | spacing modifier letters
+### specials
+FFF0\-FFFF | specials
+### start
+(-> Block library/lux/data/text.Char)
+### superscripts\_and\_subscripts
+2070\-209F | superscripts and subscripts
+### supplemental\_arrows\_a
+27F0\-27FF | supplemental arrows a
+### supplemental\_arrows\_b
+2900\-297F | supplemental arrows b
+### supplemental\_mathematical\_operators
+2A00\-2AFF | supplemental mathematical operators
+### syriac
+700\-74F | syriac
+### tagalog
+1700\-171F | tagalog
+### tagbanwa
+1760\-177F | tagbanwa
+### tai\_le
+1950\-197F | tai le
+### tamil
+B80\-BFF | tamil
+### telugu
+C00\-C7F | telugu
+### thaana
+780\-7BF | thaana
+### thai
+E00\-E7F | thai
+### tibetan
+F00\-FFF | tibetan
+### unified\_canadian\_aboriginal\_syllabics
+1400\-167F | unified canadian aboriginal syllabics
+### variation\_selectors
+FE00\-FE0F | variation selectors
+### within?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> Block library/lux/data/text.Char .Bit))
+(within? block char)
+### yi\_radicals
+A490\-A4CF | yi radicals
+### yi\_syllables
+A000\-A48F | yi syllables
+### yijing\_hexagram\_symbols
+4DC0\-4DFF | yijing hexagram symbols
+# library/lux/data/text/unicode/set
+## Definitions
+### Set
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/text/unicode/set.Set")
+### ascii
+### ascii/alpha
+### ascii/alpha\_num
+### ascii/lower
+### ascii/numeric
+### ascii/upper
+### character
+### composite
+(-> Set Set Set)
+### end
+(-> Set library/lux/data/text.Char)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Set)
+### full
+### member?
+(-> Set library/lux/data/text.Char .Bit)
+(member? set character)
+### non\_character
+### set
+(-> [library/lux/data/text/unicode/block.Block (.List library/lux/data/text/unicode/block.Block)] Set)
+(set [head tail])
+### start
+(-> Set library/lux/data/text.Char)
+# library/lux/debug
+## Definitions
+### :hole
+A typed 'hole'\.
+Reveals the type expected of the expression that should go in the hole\.
+(: (-> Nat Text)
+ (function (_ number)
+ (:hole)))
+... =>
+### cannot\_represent\_value
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Type)
+### here
+Shows the names and values of local bindings available around the call to 'here'\.
+(let [foo 123
+ bar +456
+ baz +789.0]
+ (: Any
+ (here)))
+... =>
+... foo: +123
+... bar: +456
+... baz: +789.0
+... Can optionally be given a list of definitions to focus on.
+... These definitions to focus on can include custom format to represent the values.
+(let [foo 123
+ bar +456
+ baz +789.0]
+ (: Any
+ (here [foo library/lux/data/text/format.nat]baz)))
+... =>
+... foo: 123
+... baz: +789.0
+### inspection
+(library/lux/data/text/format.Format .Any)
+A best\-effort attempt to generate a textual representation of a value, without knowing its type\.
+(inspection value)
+### log\!
+(-> .Text .Any)
+Prints/writes a message to standard output\.
+(log! message)
+### private
+Allows access to un\-exported definitions in other modules\.
+... Module A
+(def: .private (secret_definition input)
+ (-> ??? ???)
+ (foo (bar (baz input))))
+... Module B
+((private secret_definition) my_input)
+### representation
+(-> .Type .Any (library/lux/control/try.Try .Text))
+A best\-effort attempt to generate a textual representation of a value, while knowing its type\.
+(representation type value)
+### type\_hole
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Location .Type])
+### unknown\_local\_binding
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Text)
+# library/lux/documentation
+## Definitions
+### Definition
+... .Type
+ [#definition .Text
+ #documentation (library/lux/data/format/markdown.Markdown library/lux/data/format/markdown.Block)])
+### Module
+... .Type
+ [#module .Text
+ #description .Text
+ #expected (library/lux/data/collection/set.Set .Text)
+ #definitions (.List Definition)])
+### default
+(: Definition
+ (default documentation/lux/documentation.definition))
+### documentation
+(-> (.List Module) .Text)
+### documentation:
+(documentation: default
+ ""
+ [(: Definition
+ (default documentation/lux/documentation.definition))])
+### module
+(: (.List Module)
+ (module _
+ ""
+ [documentation/lux/documentation.default
+ documentation/lux/documentation.documentation:
+ documentation/lux/documentation.module
+ (default unqualified_symbol)
+ (default Definition)
+ (default Module)
+ (default documentation)]
+ []))
+### unqualified\_symbol
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Symbol)
+# library/lux/extension
+## Definitions
+### analysis:
+Mechanism for defining extensions to Lux's analysis/type\-checking infrastructure\.
+(analysis: ("my analysis" self phase archive [pass_through library/lux/control/parser/code.any])
+ (phase archive pass_through))
+### directive:
+(directive: ("my directive" self phase archive [parameters (library/lux/control/parser.somelibrary/lux/control/parser/code.any)])
+ (do library/lux/tool/compiler/phase.monad
+ [.let [_ (library/lux/debug.log!(format "Successfully installed directive " (library/lux/data/text/format.textself) "!"))]]
+ (in library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/directive.no_requirements)))
+### generation:
+(generation: ("my generation" self phase archive [pass_through <synthesis>.any])
+ (for [library/lux/target.jvm
+ (# library/lux/tool/compiler/phase.monadeach (|>> {library/lux/target/jvm.#Embedded}
+ library/lux/data/collection/sequence.sequence)
+ (phase archive pass_through))]
+ (phase archive pass_through)))
+### synthesis:
+Mechanism for defining extensions to Lux's synthesis/optimization infrastructure\.
+(synthesis: ("my synthesis" self phase archive [pass_through <analysis>.any])
+ (phase archive pass_through))
+# library/lux/ffi
+## Definitions
+### \!\!\!
+Takes a \(Maybe ObjectType\) and returns a ObjectType\.
+A \.\#None would get translated into a \(null\)\.
+(= (null)
+ (!!! (??? (: java/lang/Thread (null)))))
+(= "foo"
+ (!!! (??? "foo")))
+### :as
+(:as java/lang/Object
+ (: java/lang/String
+ ???))
+### ???
+Takes a \(potentially null\) ObjectType reference and creates a \(Maybe ObjectType\) for it\.
+(= (??? (: java/lang/String (null)))
+ {.#None})
+(= (??? "YOLO")
+ {.#Some "YOLO"})
+### Boolean
+... .Type
+(Primitive "java.lang.Boolean")
+The type of a \(boxed\) Boolean object\.
+### Byte
+... .Type
+(Primitive "java.lang.Byte")
+The type of a \(boxed\) Byte object\.
+### Character
+... .Type
+(Primitive "java.lang.Character")
+The type of a \(boxed\) Character object\.
+### Double
+... .Type
+(Primitive "java.lang.Double")
+The type of a \(boxed\) Double object\.
+### Float
+... .Type
+(Primitive "java.lang.Float")
+The type of a \(boxed\) Float object\.
+### Inheritance
+... .Type
+ {#FinalI .Any}
+ {#AbstractI .Any}
+ {#DefaultI .Any})
+### Integer
+... .Type
+(Primitive "java.lang.Integer")
+The type of a \(boxed\) Integer object\.
+### Long
+... .Type
+(Primitive "java.lang.Long")
+The type of a \(boxed\) Long object\.
+### Privacy
+... .Type
+ {#PublicP .Any}
+ {#PrivateP .Any}
+ {#ProtectedP .Any}
+ {#DefaultP .Any})
+### Short
+... .Type
+(Primitive "java.lang.Short")
+The type of a \(boxed\) Short object\.
+### State
+... .Type
+ {#VolatileS .Any}
+ {#FinalS .Any}
+ {#DefaultS .Any})
+### array
+Create an array of the given type, with the given size\.
+(array java/lang/Object 10)
+### boolean
+... .Type
+(Primitive "boolean")
+The type of an \(unboxed\) boolean value\.
+### byte
+... .Type
+(Primitive "byte")
+The type of an \(unboxed\) byte value\.
+### byte\_to\_char
+Type converter\.
+### byte\_to\_int
+Type converter\.
+### byte\_to\_long
+Type converter\.
+### cannot\_cast\_to\_non\_object
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value))
+### cannot\_convert\_to\_jvm\_type
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Type)
+### char
+... .Type
+(Primitive "char")
+The type of an \(unboxed\) char value\.
+### char\_to\_byte
+Type converter\.
+### char\_to\_int
+Type converter\.
+### char\_to\_long
+Type converter\.
+### char\_to\_short
+Type converter\.
+### check
+Checks whether an object is an instance of a particular class\.
+Caveat emptor: Cannot check for polymorphism, so avoid using parameterized classes\.
+(case (check String "YOLO")
+ {.#Some value_as_string}
+ {.#None})
+### class:
+Allows defining JVM classes in Lux code\.
+(class: "final" (TestClass A) [Runnable]
+ ("private" foo boolean)
+ ("private" bar A)
+ ("private" baz java/lang/Object)
+ ("public" [] (new [value A]) []
+ (exec
+ (:= ::foo #1)
+ (:= ::bar value)
+ (:= ::baz "")
+ []))
+ ("public" (virtual) java/lang/Object
+ "")
+ ("public" "static" (static) java/lang/Object
+ "")
+ (Runnable [] (run) void
+ []))
+... The tuple corresponds to parent interfaces.
+... An optional super-class can be specified before the tuple. If not specified, java.lang.Object will be assumed.
+... Fields and methods defined in the class can be used with special syntax.
+... For example:
+... ::resolved, for accessing the 'resolved' field.
+... (:= ::resolved #1) for modifying it.
+... (::new! []) for calling the class's constructor.
+... (::resolve! container [value]) for calling the 'resolve' method.
+### class\_for
+Loads the class as a java\.lang\.Class object\.
+(class_for java/lang/String)
+### class\_name\_cannot\_be\_a\_type\_variable
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Text (.List (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var))])
+### class\_names\_cannot\_contain\_periods
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Text)
+### do\_to
+Call a variety of methods on an object\. Then, return the object\.
+(do_to object
+ (ClassName::method1 arg0 arg1 arg2)
+ (ClassName::method2 arg3 arg4 arg5))
+### double
+... .Type
+(Primitive "double")
+The type of an \(unboxed\) double value\.
+### double\_to\_float
+Type converter\.
+### double\_to\_int
+Type converter\.
+### double\_to\_long
+Type converter\.
+### float
+... .Type
+(Primitive "float")
+The type of an \(unboxed\) float value\.
+### float\_to\_double
+Type converter\.
+### float\_to\_int
+Type converter\.
+### float\_to\_long
+Type converter\.
+### import:
+Allows importing JVM classes, and using them as types\.
+... Their methods, fields and enum options can also be imported.
+(import: java/lang/Object
+ ["[1]::[0]"
+ (new [])
+ (equals [java/lang/Object] boolean)
+ (wait [int] "io" "try" void)])
+... Special options can also be given for the return values.
+... '?' means that the values will be returned inside a Maybe type. That way, null becomes .#None.
+... 'try' means that the computation might throw an exception, and the return value will be wrapped by the Try type.
+... 'io' means the computation has side effects, and will be wrapped by the IO type.
+... These options must show up in the following order ['io' 'try' '?'] (although, each option can be used independently).
+(import: java/lang/String
+ ["[1]::[0]"
+ (new [[byte]])
+ ("static" valueOf [char] java/lang/String)
+ ("static" valueOf "as" int_valueOf [int] java/lang/String)])
+(import: (java/util/List e)
+ ["[1]::[0]"
+ (size [] int)
+ (get [int] e)])
+(import: (java/util/ArrayList a)
+ ["[1]::[0]"
+ ([T] toArray [[T]] [T])])
+... The class-type that is generated is of the fully-qualified name.
+... This avoids a clash between the java.util.List type, and Lux's own List type.
+... All enum options to be imported must be specified.
+(import: java/lang/Character$UnicodeScript
+ ["[1]::[0]"
+... It should also be noted, the only types that may show up in method arguments or return values may be Java classes, arrays, primitives, void or type-vars.
+... Lux types, such as Maybe cannot be named (otherwise, they'd be confused for Java classes).
+(import: (lux/concurrency/async/JvmAsync A)
+ ["[1]::[0]"
+ (resolve [A] boolean)
+ (poll [] A)
+ (wasResolved [] boolean)
+ (waitOn [lux/Function] void)
+ ("static" [A] make [A] (lux/concurrency/async/JvmAsync A))])
+... Also, the names of the imported members will look like Class::member
+(java/lang/Object::new [])
+(java/lang/Object::equals [other_object] my_object)
+(java/util/List::size [] my_list)
+### int
+... .Type
+(Primitive "int")
+The type of an \(unboxed\) int value\.
+### int\_to\_byte
+Type converter\.
+### int\_to\_char
+Type converter\.
+### int\_to\_double
+Type converter\.
+### int\_to\_float
+Type converter\.
+### int\_to\_long
+Type converter\.
+### int\_to\_short
+Type converter\.
+### interface:
+Allows defining JVM interfaces\.
+(interface: TestInterface
+ ([] foo [boolean String] void "throws" [Exception]))
+### length
+Gives the length of an array\.
+(length my_array)
+### long
+... .Type
+(Primitive "long")
+The type of an \(unboxed\) long value\.
+### long\_to\_byte
+Type converter\.
+### long\_to\_char
+Type converter\.
+### long\_to\_double
+Type converter\.
+### long\_to\_float
+Type converter\.
+### long\_to\_int
+Type converter\.
+### long\_to\_short
+Type converter\.
+### null
+The null pointer\.
+### null?
+(-> (Primitive "java.lang.Object") .Bit)
+Test for the null pointer\.
+(= true
+ (null? (null)))
+(= false
+ (null? "YOLO"))
+### object
+Allows defining anonymous classes\.
+... The 1st tuple corresponds to class-level type-variables.
+... The 2nd tuple corresponds to parent interfaces.
+... The 3rd tuple corresponds to arguments to the super class constructor.
+... An optional super-class can be specified before the 1st tuple. If not specified, java.lang.Object will be assumed.
+(object [] [Runnable]
+ []
+ (Runnable [] (run self) void
+ (exec
+ (do_something some_value)
+ [])))
+### read\!
+Loads an element from an array\.
+(read! 10 my_array)
+### short
+... .Type
+(Primitive "short")
+The type of an \(unboxed\) short value\.
+### short\_to\_char
+Type converter\.
+### short\_to\_int
+Type converter\.
+### short\_to\_long
+Type converter\.
+### synchronized
+Evaluates body, while holding a lock on a given object\.
+(synchronized object_to_be_locked
+ (exec
+ (do something)
+ (dosomething else)
+ (finish the computation)))
+### type
+(: Type
+ (type java/lang/String))
+### unexpected\_type\_variable
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Text (.List (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var))])
+### write\!
+Stores an element into an array\.
+(write! 10 my_object my_array)
+# library/lux/locale
+## Definitions
+### Locale
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/locale.Locale")
+A description of a locale; with territory, \(optional\) language, and \(optional\) text\-encoding\.
+### code
+(-> Locale .Text)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Locale)
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash Locale)
+### locale
+(-> library/lux/locale/language.Language (.Maybe library/lux/locale/territory.Territory) (.Maybe library/lux/data/text/encoding.Encoding) Locale)
+(locale language territory encoding)
+# library/lux/locale/language
+## Definitions
+### Language
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/locale/language.Language")
+An ISO 639 language\.
+### abkhazian
+### achinese
+### acoli
+### adangme
+### adyghe
+### afar
+### afrihili
+### afrikaans
+### afro\_asiatic
+### ainu
+### akan
+### akkadian
+### albanian
+### alemannic
+### aleut
+### algonquian
+### alsatian
+### altaic
+### amharic
+### ancient\_greek
+### angika
+### apache
+### arabic
+### aragonese
+### arapaho
+### arawak
+### armenian
+### aromanian
+### artificial
+### arumanian
+### assamese
+### asturian
+### asturleonese
+### athapascan
+### australian
+### austronesian
+### avaric
+### avestan
+### awadhi
+### aymara
+### azerbaijani
+### bable
+### balinese
+### baltic
+### baluchi
+### bambara
+### bamileke
+### banda
+### bantu
+### basa
+### bashkir
+### basque
+### batak
+### beja
+### belarusian
+### bemba
+### bengali
+### berber
+### bhojpuri
+### bihari
+### bikol
+### bilin
+### bini
+### bislama
+### blin
+### blissymbols
+### bokmal
+### bosnian
+### braj
+### breton
+### buginese
+### bulgarian
+### buriat
+### burmese
+### caddo
+### castilian
+### catalan
+### caucasian
+### cebuano
+### celtic
+### central\_american\_indian
+### central\_khmer
+### chagatai
+### chamic
+### chamorro
+### chechen
+### cherokee
+### chewa
+### cheyenne
+### chibcha
+### chichewa
+### chinese
+### chinook
+### chipewyan
+### choctaw
+### church\_slavic
+### church\_slavonic
+### chuukese
+### chuvash
+### classical\_nepal\_bhasa
+### classical\_newari
+### classical\_syriac
+### code
+(-> Language .Text)
+### cook\_islands\_maori
+### coptic
+### cornish
+### corsican
+### cree
+### creek
+### creoles\_and\_pidgins
+### creoles\_and\_pidgins/english
+### creoles\_and\_pidgins/french
+### creoles\_and\_pidgins/portuguese
+### crimean
+### croatian
+### cushitic
+### czech
+### dakota
+### danish
+### dargwa
+### delaware
+### dhivehi
+### dimili
+### dimli
+### dinka
+### dogri
+### dogrib
+### dravidian
+### duala
+### dutch
+### dyula
+### dzongkha
+### eastern\_frisian
+### edo
+### efik
+### egyptian
+### ekajuk
+### elamite
+### english
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Language)
+### erzya
+### esperanto
+### estonian
+### ewe
+### ewondo
+### fang
+### fanti
+### faroese
+### fijian
+### filipino
+### finnish
+### finno\_ugrian
+### flemish
+### fon
+### french
+### friulian
+### fulah
+### ga
+### gaelic
+### galibi\_carib
+### galician
+### ganda
+### gayo
+### gbaya
+### geez
+### georgian
+### german
+### germanic
+### gikuyu
+### gilbertese
+### gondi
+### gorontalo
+### gothic
+### grebo
+### greek
+### greenlandic
+### guarani
+### gujarati
+### gwich'in
+### haida
+### haitian
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash Language)
+### hausa
+### hawaiian
+### hebrew
+### herero
+### hiligaynon
+### himachali
+### hindi
+### hiri\_motu
+### hittite
+### hmong
+### hungarian
+### hupa
+### iban
+### icelandic
+### ido
+### igbo
+### ijo
+### iloko
+### imperial\_aramaic
+### inari
+### indic
+### indo\_european
+### indonesian
+### ingush
+### interlingua
+### interlingue
+### inuktitut
+### inupiaq
+### iranian
+### irish
+### iroquoian
+### italian
+### japanese
+### javanese
+### jingpho
+### judeo\_arabic
+### judeo\_persian
+### kabardian
+### kabyle
+### kachin
+### kalaallisut
+### kalmyk
+### kamba
+### kannada
+### kanuri
+### kapampangan
+### kara\_kalpak
+### karachay\_balkar
+### karelian
+### karen
+### kashmiri
+### kashubian
+### kawi
+### kazakh
+### khasi
+### khoisan
+### khotanese
+### kimbundu
+### kinyarwanda
+### kirdki
+### kirmanjki
+### klingon
+### komi
+### kongo
+### konkani
+### korean
+### kosraean
+### kpelle
+### kru
+### kumyk
+### kurdish
+### kurukh
+### kutenai
+### kwanyama
+### kyrgyz
+### ladino
+### lahnda
+### lamba
+### land\_dayak
+### lao
+### latin
+### latvian
+### leonese
+### lezghian
+### limburgan
+### lingala
+### lithuanian
+### lojban
+### low\_german
+### lower\_sorbian
+### lozi
+### luba\_katanga
+### luba\_lulua
+### luiseno
+### lule
+### lunda
+### luo
+### lushai
+### luxembourgish
+### macedo\_romanian
+### macedonian
+### madurese
+### magahi
+### maithili
+### makasar
+### malagasy
+### malay
+### malayalam
+### maldivian
+### maltese
+### manchu
+### mandar
+### mandingo
+### manipuri
+### manobo
+### manx
+### maori
+### mapudungun
+### marathi
+### mari
+### marshallese
+### marwari
+### masai
+### mayan
+### mende
+### mi'kmaq
+### micmac
+### middle\_dutch
+### middle\_english
+### middle\_french
+### middle\_high\_german
+### middle\_irish
+### minangkabau
+### mirandese
+### mohawk
+### moksha
+### moldavian
+### moldovan
+### mon\_khmer
+### mongo
+### mongolian
+### montenegrin
+### mossi
+### multiple
+### munda
+### n'ko
+### nahuatl
+### name
+(-> Language .Text)
+### nauru
+### navajo
+### ndonga
+### neapolitan
+### nepal\_bhasa
+### nepali
+### newari
+### nias
+### niger\_kordofanian
+### nilo\_saharan
+### niuean
+### nogai
+### north\_american\_indian
+### north\_ndebele
+### northern\_frisian
+### northern\_sami
+### northern\_sotho
+### norwegian
+### not\_applicable
+### nubian
+### nuosu
+### nyamwezi
+### nyanja
+### nyankole
+### nynorsk
+### nyoro
+### nzima
+### occitan
+### official\_aramaic
+### oirat
+### ojibwa
+### old\_bulgarian
+### old\_church\_slavonic
+### old\_english
+### old\_french
+### old\_high\_german
+### old\_irish
+### old\_newari
+### old\_norse
+### old\_persian
+### old\_provencal
+### old\_slavonic
+### oriya
+### oromo
+### osage
+### ossetic
+### otomian
+### ottoman\_turkish
+### pahlavi
+### palauan
+### pali
+### pampanga
+### pangasinan
+### papiamento
+### papuan
+### pashto
+### pedi
+### persian
+### philippine
+### phoenician
+### pohnpeian
+### polish
+### portuguese
+### prakrit
+### provencal
+### punjabi
+### quechua
+### rajasthani
+### rapanui
+### rarotongan
+### romance
+### romanian
+### romansh
+### romany
+### rundi
+### russian
+### sakan
+### salishan
+### samaritan\_aramaic
+### sami
+### samoan
+### sandawe
+### sango
+### sanskrit
+### santali
+### sardinian
+### sasak
+### scots
+### selkup
+### semitic
+### sepedi
+### serbian
+### serer
+### shan
+### shona
+### sichuan\_yi
+### sicilian
+### sidamo
+### sign
+### siksika
+### sindhi
+### sinhalese
+### sino\_tibetan
+### siouan
+### skolt\_sami
+### slavey
+### slavic
+### slovak
+### slovenian
+### sogdian
+### somali
+### songhai
+### soninke
+### sorbian
+### south\_american\_indian
+### south\_ndebele
+### southern\_altai
+### southern\_sami
+### southern\_sotho
+### spanish
+### sranan\_tongo
+### standard\_moroccan\_tamazight
+### sukuma
+### sumerian
+### sundanese
+### susu
+### swahili
+### swati
+### swedish
+### swiss\_german
+### syriac
+### tagalog
+### tahitian
+### tai
+### tajik
+### tamashek
+### tamil
+### tatar
+### telugu
+### tereno
+### tetum
+### thai
+### tibetan
+### tigre
+### tigrinya
+### timne
+### tiv
+### tlingit
+### tok\_pisin
+### tokelau
+### tonga
+### tongan
+### tsimshian
+### tsonga
+### tswana
+### tumbuka
+### tupi
+### turkish
+### turkmen
+### tuvalu
+### tuvinian
+### twi
+### udmurt
+### ugaritic
+### ukrainian
+### umbundu
+### uncoded
+### undetermined
+### upper\_sorbian
+### urdu
+### uyghur
+### uzbek
+### vai
+### valencian
+### venda
+### vietnamese
+### volapük
+### votic
+### wakashan
+### walamo
+### walloon
+### waray
+### washo
+### welsh
+### western\_frisian
+### wolof
+### xhosa
+### yakut
+### yao
+### yapese
+### yiddish
+### yoruba
+### yupik
+### zande
+### zapotec
+### zaza
+### zazaki
+### zenaga
+### zhuang
+### zulu
+### zuni
+# library/lux/locale/territory
+## Definitions
+### Territory
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/locale/territory.Territory")
+An ISO 3166 territory\.
+### afghanistan
+### aland\_islands
+### albania
+### algeria
+### american\_samoa
+### andorra
+### angola
+### anguilla
+### antarctica
+### antigua
+### argentina
+### armenia
+### aruba
+### ascension
+### australia
+### austria
+### azerbaijan
+### bahrain
+### bangladesh
+### barbados
+### barbuda
+### belarus
+### belgium
+### belize
+### benin
+### bermuda
+### bhutan
+### bolivia
+### bonaire
+### bosnia
+### botswana
+### bouvet\_island
+### brazil
+### british\_indian\_ocean\_territory
+### british\_virgin\_islands
+### brunei\_darussalam
+### bulgaria
+### burkina\_faso
+### burundi
+### caicos\_islands
+### cambodia
+### cameroon
+### canada
+### cape\_verde
+### cayman\_islands
+### central\_african\_republic
+### chad
+### chile
+### china
+### christmas\_island
+### cocos\_islands
+### colombia
+### comoros
+### congo
+### cook\_islands
+### costa\_rica
+### croatia
+### cuba
+### curacao
+### cyprus
+### czech\_republic
+### democratic\_republic\_of\_the\_congo
+### denmark
+### djibouti
+### dominica
+### dominican\_republic
+### east\_timor
+### ecuador
+### egypt
+### el\_salvador
+### equatorial\_guinea
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Territory)
+### eritrea
+### estonia
+### eswatini
+### ethiopia
+### falkland\_islands
+### faroe\_islands
+### fiji
+### finland
+### france
+### french\_guiana
+### french\_polynesia
+### french\_southern\_territories
+### futuna
+### gabon
+### georgia
+### germany
+### ghana
+### gibraltar
+### greece
+### greenland
+### grenada
+### guadeloupe
+### guam
+### guatemala
+### guernsey
+### guinea
+### guinea\_bissau
+### guyana
+### haiti
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash Territory)
+### heard\_island
+### herzegovina
+### honduras
+### hong\_kong
+### hungary
+### iceland
+### india
+### indonesia
+### iran
+### iraq
+### ireland
+### isle\_of\_man
+### israel
+### italy
+### ivory\_coast
+### jamaica
+### jan\_mayen
+### japan
+### jersey
+### jordan
+### kazakhstan
+### kenya
+### kiribati
+### kuwait
+### kyrgyzstan
+### laos
+### latvia
+### lebanon
+### lesotho
+### liberia
+### libya
+### liechtenstein
+### lithuania
+### long\_code
+(-> Territory .Text)
+### luxembourg
+### macau
+### macedonia
+### madagascar
+### malawi
+### malaysia
+### maldives
+### mali
+### malta
+### marshall\_islands
+### martinique
+### mauritania
+### mauritius
+### mayotte
+### mcdonald\_islands
+### mexico
+### micronesia
+### miquelon
+### moldova
+### monaco
+### mongolia
+### montenegro
+### montserrat
+### morocco
+### mozambique
+### myanmar
+### name
+(-> Territory .Text)
+### namibia
+### nauru
+### nepal
+### netherlands
+### nevis
+### new\_caledonia
+### new\_zealand
+### nicaragua
+### niger
+### nigeria
+### niue
+### norfolk\_island
+### north\_korea
+### northern\_ireland
+### northern\_mariana\_islands
+### norway
+### numeric\_code
+(-> Territory .Nat)
+### oman
+### pakistan
+### palau
+### palestine
+### panama
+### papua\_new\_guinea
+### paraguay
+### peru
+### philippines
+### pitcairn\_islands
+### poland
+### portugal
+### principe
+### puerto\_rico
+### qatar
+### reunion
+### romania
+### russia
+### rwanda
+### saba
+### saint\_barthelemy
+### saint\_helena
+### saint\_kitts
+### saint\_lucia
+### saint\_martin
+### saint\_pierre
+### saint\_vincent
+### samoa
+### san\_marino
+### sao\_tome
+### saudi\_arabia
+### senegal
+### serbia
+### seychelles
+### short\_code
+(-> Territory .Text)
+### sierra\_leone
+### singapore
+### sint\_eustatius
+### sint\_maarten
+### slovakia
+### slovenia
+### solomon\_islands
+### somalia
+### south\_africa
+### south\_georgia
+### south\_korea
+### south\_sandwich\_islands
+### south\_sudan
+### spain
+### sri\_lanka
+### sudan
+### suriname
+### svalbard
+### sweden
+### switzerland
+### syria
+### taiwan
+### tajikistan
+### tanzania
+### thailand
+### the\_bahamas
+### the\_gambia
+### the\_grenadines
+### tobago
+### togo
+### tokelau
+### tonga
+### trinidad
+### tristan\_da\_cunha
+### tunisia
+### turkey
+### turkmenistan
+### turks
+### tuvalu
+### uganda
+### ukraine
+### united\_arab\_emirates
+### united\_kingdom
+### united\_states\_minor\_outlying\_islands
+### united\_states\_of\_america
+### united\_states\_virgin\_islands
+### uruguay
+### uzbekistan
+### vanuatu
+### vatican\_city
+### venezuela
+### vietnam
+### wallis
+### western\_sahara
+### yemen
+### zambia
+### zimbabwe
+# library/lux/macro
+## Definitions
+### expansion
+(-> .Code (.Meta (.List .Code)))
+Given code that requires applying a macro, expands repeatedly until no more direct macro\-calls are left\.
+Otherwise, returns the code as\-is\.
+(expansion syntax)
+### full\_expansion
+(-> .Code (.Meta (.List .Code)))
+Expands all macro\-calls everywhere recursively, until only primitive/base code remains\.
+(full_expansion syntax)
+### log\_expansion\!
+Performs a macro\-expansion and logs the resulting code\.
+You can either use the resulting code, or omit them\.
+By omitting them, this macro produces nothing \(just like the lux\.comment macro\)\.
+ (def: (foo bar baz)
+ (-> Int Int Int)
+ (int.+ bar baz)))
+(log_expansion! "omit"
+ (def: (foo bar baz)
+ (-> Int Int Int)
+ (int.+ bar baz)))
+### log\_full\_expansion\!
+Performs a macro\-expansion and logs the resulting code\.
+You can either use the resulting code, or omit them\.
+By omitting them, this macro produces nothing \(just like the lux\.comment macro\)\.
+ (def: (foo bar baz)
+ (-> Int Int Int)
+ (int.+ bar baz)))
+(log_full_expansion! "omit"
+ (def: (foo bar baz)
+ (-> Int Int Int)
+ (int.+ bar baz)))
+### log\_single\_expansion\!
+Performs a macro\-expansion and logs the resulting code\.
+You can either use the resulting code, or omit them\.
+By omitting them, this macro produces nothing \(just like the lux\.comment macro\)\.
+ (def: (foo bar baz)
+ (-> Int Int Int)
+ (int.+ bar baz)))
+(log_single_expansion! "omit"
+ (def: (foo bar baz)
+ (-> Int Int Int)
+ (int.+ bar baz)))
+### one\_expansion
+(-> .Code (.Meta .Code))
+Works just like expand, except that it ensures that the output is a single Code token\.
+(one_expansion token)
+### single\_expansion
+(-> .Code (.Meta (.List .Code)))
+Given code that requires applying a macro, does it once and returns the result\.
+Otherwise, returns the code as\-is\.
+(single_expansion syntax)
+### symbol
+(-> .Text (.Meta .Code))
+Generates a unique name as a Code node \(ready to be used in code templates\)\.
+A prefix can be given \(or just be empty text\) to better identify the code for debugging purposes\.
+(symbol prefix)
+### with\_symbols
+Creates new symbols and offers them to the body expression\.
+(syntax: (synchronized [lock any
+ body any])
+ (with_symbols [g!lock g!body g!_]
+ (in (list (` (let [(~ g!lock) (~ lock)
+ (~ g!_) ("jvm monitorenter" (~ g!lock))
+ (~ g!body) (~ body)
+ (~ g!_) ("jvm monitorexit" (~ g!lock))]
+ (~ g!body)))))))
+### wrong\_syntax\_error
+(-> .Symbol .Text)
+A generic error message for macro syntax failures\.
+# library/lux/macro/code
+## Definitions
+### bit
+(-> .Bit .Code)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence .Code)
+### form
+(-> (.List .Code) .Code)
+### format
+(-> .Code .Text)
+### frac
+(-> .Frac .Code)
+### int
+(-> .Int .Code)
+### local\_symbol
+(-> .Text .Code)
+Produces a local symbol \(an symbol with no module prefix\)\.
+### nat
+(-> .Nat .Code)
+### replaced
+(-> .Code .Code .Code .Code)
+(replaced original substitute ast)
+### rev
+(-> .Rev .Code)
+### symbol
+(-> .Symbol .Code)
+### text
+(-> .Text .Code)
+### tuple
+(-> (.List .Code) .Code)
+### variant
+(-> (.List .Code) .Code)
+# library/lux/macro/local
+## Definitions
+### cannot\_shadow\_definition
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Text .Text])
+### push
+(-> (.List [.Symbol .Macro]) (.Meta .Code))
+Installs macros in the compiler\-state, with the given names\.
+Yields code that can be placed either as expression or as directives\.
+This code un\-installs the macros\.
+NOTE: Always use this code once to clean\-up\.\.
+(push macros)
+### unknown\_definition
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Text .Text])
+### unknown\_module
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Text)
+# library/lux/macro/syntax
+## Definitions
+### syntax:
+A more advanced way to define macros than 'macro:'\.
+The inputs to the macro can be parsed in complex ways through the use of syntax parsers\.
+The macro body is also \(implicitly\) run in the Meta monad, to save some typing\.
+Also, the compiler state can be accessed through the \*lux\* binding\.
+(syntax: .public (object [.let [imports (class_imports *lux*)]
+ .let [class_vars (list)]
+ super (opt (super_class_decl^ imports class_vars))
+ interfaces (tuple (some (super_class_decl^ imports class_vars)))
+ constructor_args (constructor_args^ imports class_vars)
+ methods (some (overriden_method_def^ imports))])
+ (let [def_code ($_ text#composite "anon-class:"
+ (spaced (list (super_class_decl$ (maybe.else object_super_class super))
+ (with_brackets (spaced (list#each super_class_decl$ interfaces)))
+ (with_brackets (spaced (list#each constructor_arg$ constructor_args)))
+ (with_brackets (spaced (list#each (method_def$ id) methods))))))]
+ (in (list (` ((~ (code.text def_code))))))))
+# library/lux/macro/syntax/check
+## Definitions
+### Check
+... .Type
+ [#type .Code
+ #value .Code])
+A type annotation for an expression\.
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Check)
+### format
+(-> Check .Code)
+### parser
+(library/lux/control/parser/code.Parser Check)
+# library/lux/macro/syntax/declaration
+## Definitions
+### Declaration
+... .Type
+ [#name .Text
+ #arguments (.List .Text)])
+A declaration for either a constant or a function\.
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Declaration)
+### format
+(-> Declaration .Code)
+### parser
+(library/lux/control/parser/code.Parser Declaration)
+A parser for declaration syntax\.
+... Such as:
+(foo bar baz)
+# library/lux/macro/syntax/definition
+## Definitions
+### Definition
+... .Type
+ [#name .Text
+ #value (.Either library/lux/macro/syntax/check.Check .Code)
+ #export? .Bit])
+Syntax for a constant definition\.
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Definition)
+### format
+(-> Definition .Code)
+### lacks\_type
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception Definition)
+### parser
+(-> .Lux (library/lux/control/parser/code.Parser Definition))
+A reader that first macro\-expands and then analyses the input Code, to ensure it is a definition\.
+(parser compiler)
+### typed
+(-> .Lux (library/lux/control/parser/code.Parser Definition))
+Only works for typed definitions\.
+(typed compiler)
+# library/lux/macro/syntax/export
+Syntax for marking a definition as an export\.
+## Definitions
+### default\_policy
+### parser
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/control/parser/code.Parser _0) (library/lux/control/parser/code.Parser [.Code _0])))
+(parser un_exported)
+# library/lux/macro/syntax/input
+## Definitions
+### Input
+... .Type
+ [#binding .Code
+ #type .Code])
+The common typed\-argument syntax used by many macros\.
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Input)
+### format
+(-> (.List Input) .Code)
+### parser
+(library/lux/control/parser/code.Parser (.List Input))
+Parser for the common typed\-argument syntax used by many macros\.
+# library/lux/macro/syntax/type/variable
+## Definitions
+### Variable
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Text")
+A variable's name\.
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Variable)
+### format
+(-> Variable .Code)
+### parser
+(library/lux/control/parser/code.Parser Variable)
+Parser for the common type variable/parameter used by many macros\.
+# library/lux/macro/template
+Utilities commonly used while templating\.
+## Definitions
+### amount
+(amount [a b c d])
+... =>
+### irregular\_arguments
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Nat .Nat])
+### let
+Lexically\-bound templates\.
+(let [(!square <root>)
+ [(* <root> <root>)]]
+ (def: (square root)
+ (-> Nat Nat)
+ (!square root)))
+### spliced
+(spliced [a b c d])
+... =>
+### symbol
+An symbol made by concatenating pieces of code\.
+The \(optional\) module part and the short part are specified independently\.
+(symbol ["abc" .def documentation/lux/macro/template.ghi])
+... =>
+(symbol [.def] ["abc" .def documentation/lux/macro/template.ghi])
+... =>
+### text
+A text literal made by concatenating pieces of code\.
+(text [#0 123 +456 +789.0 "abc" .def documentation/lux/macro/template.ghi])
+... =>
+... #0123+456+789.0abcdefghi
+### with\_locals
+Creates names for local bindings aliased by the names you choose\.
+(with_locals [my_var]
+ (let [my_var 123]
+ (text [my_var])))
+... =>
+... __gensym__my_var506
+# library/lux/math
+Common mathematical constants and functions\.
+## Definitions
+### acos
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### acosh
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### acoth
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### acsch
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### asech
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### asin
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### asinh
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### atan
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### atan/2
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Frac)
+(atan/2 x y)
+### atanh
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### ceil
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### cos
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### cosh
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### coth
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### csch
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### e
+The base of the natural logarithm\.
+### exp
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### factorial
+(-> .Nat .Nat)
+### floor
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### hypotenuse
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Frac)
+### log
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### log\_by
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Frac)
+(log_by base it)
+### pi
+The ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter\.
+### pow
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Frac)
+(pow param subject)
+### root/2
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### root/3
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### round
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### sech
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### sin
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### sinh
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### tan
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### tanh
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### tau
+The ratio of a circle's circumference to its radius\.
+# library/lux/math/infix
+## Definitions
+### infix
+Infix math syntax\.
+The rules for infix syntax are simple\.
+If you want your binary function to work well with it\.
+Then take the argument to the right \(y\) as your first argument,
+and take the argument to the left \(x\) as your second argument\.
+... Binary functions
+(infix [x * +10])
+... =>
+(* +10 x)
+... Nested infix
+(infix [[x + y] * [x - y]])
+... =>
+(* (- y x) (+ y x))
+... Unary functions
+(infix [sin [x + y]])
+... =>
+(sin (+ y x))
+... Also works with logic
+(infix [[x < y] and [y < z]])
+... =>
+(and (< z y)
+ (< y x))
+... Forms are left as-is
+(infix [(* 3 9) gcd 450])
+... =>
+(gcd 450 (* 3 9))
+# library/lux/math/logic/continuous
+Continuous logic using Rev values\.
+Continuous logic is logic in the interval \[0,1\] instead of just the binary \#0 and \#1 options\.
+Because Rev is being used, the interval is actual \[0,1\)\.
+## Definitions
+### =
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Rev)
+### and
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Rev)
+### conjunction
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Rev)
+### disjunction
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Rev)
+### false
+### implies
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Rev)
+(implies consequent antecedent)
+### not
+(-> .Rev .Rev)
+### or
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Rev)
+### true
+# library/lux/math/logic/fuzzy
+Fuzzy logic, implemented on top of the Rev type\.
+## Definitions
+### \(Fuzzy it\)
+... .Type
+(-> it .Rev)
+A fuzzy set\.
+### complement
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Fuzzy _0) (Fuzzy _0)))
+### cut
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Rev (Fuzzy _0) (Fuzzy _0)))
+(cut treshold set)
+### difference
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Fuzzy _0) (Fuzzy _0) (Fuzzy _0)))
+(difference sub base)
+### empty
+### full
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor/contravariant.Functor Fuzzy)
+### gradient
+(-> .Rev .Rev (Fuzzy .Rev))
+(gradient from to)
+### intersection
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Fuzzy _0) (Fuzzy _0) (Fuzzy _0)))
+### membership
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Fuzzy _0) _0 .Rev))
+(membership set elem)
+### of\_predicate
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (Fuzzy _0)))
+(of_predicate predicate)
+### of\_set
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/data/collection/set.Set _0) (Fuzzy _0)))
+### predicate
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Rev (Fuzzy _0) (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0)))
+(predicate treshold set)
+### trapezoid
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Rev .Rev (Fuzzy .Rev))
+(trapezoid bottom middle_bottom middle_top top)
+### triangle
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Rev (Fuzzy .Rev))
+(triangle bottom middle top)
+### union
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Fuzzy _0) (Fuzzy _0) (Fuzzy _0)))
+# library/lux/math/modular
+## Definitions
+### \*
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Mod _0) (Mod _0) (Mod _0)))
+### \+
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Mod _0) (Mod _0) (Mod _0)))
+### \-
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Mod _0) (Mod _0) (Mod _0)))
+### <
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Mod _0) (Mod _0) .Bit))
+### <=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Mod _0) (Mod _0) .Bit))
+### =
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Mod _0) (Mod _0) .Bit))
+### >
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Mod _0) (Mod _0) .Bit))
+### >=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Mod _0) (Mod _0) .Bit))
+### \(Mod %\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/math/modular.Mod" %)
+A number under a modulus\.
+### adapter
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/math/modulus.Modulus _0) (library/lux/math/modulus.Modulus _1) (library/lux/control/try.Try (-> (Mod _1) (Mod _0)))))
+(adapter reference subject)
+### addition
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/math/modulus.Modulus _0) (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid (Mod _0))))
+### codec
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/math/modulus.Modulus _0) (library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text (Mod _0))))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Mod _0)))
+### incorrect\_modulus
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/control/exception.Exception [(library/lux/math/modulus.Modulus _0) .Int]))
+### inverse
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Mod _0) (.Maybe (Mod _0))))
+### modular
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/math/modulus.Modulus _0) .Int (Mod _0)))
+(modular modulus value)
+### moduli\_are\_not\_equal
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (library/lux/control/exception.Exception [(library/lux/math/modulus.Modulus _0) (library/lux/math/modulus.Modulus _1)]))
+### modulus
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Mod _0) (library/lux/math/modulus.Modulus _0)))
+### multiplication
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/math/modulus.Modulus _0) (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid (Mod _0))))
+### order
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/order.Order (Mod _0)))
+### value
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Mod _0) .Int))
+# library/lux/math/modulus
+## Definitions
+### =
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Modulus _0) (Modulus _1) .Bit))
+### \(Modulus %\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/math/modulus.Modulus" %)
+A number used as a modulus in modular arithmetic\.
+It cannot be 0\.
+### congruent?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Modulus _0) .Int .Int .Bit))
+(congruent? modulus reference subject)
+### divisor
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Modulus _0) .Int))
+### literal
+... Success!
+(literal 123)
+... Failure!
+(literal 0)
+### modulus
+(Ex (_ _0)
+ (-> .Int (library/lux/control/try.Try (Modulus _0))))
+### zero\_cannot\_be\_a\_modulus
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+# library/lux/math/number
+## Definitions
+### bin
+Given syntax for a binary number, generates a Nat, an Int, a Rev or a Frac\.
+(bin "11001001")
+... Allows for the presence of commas (,) among the digits.
+(bin "11,00,10,01")
+### hex
+Given syntax for a hexadecimal number, generates a Nat, an Int, a Rev or a Frac\.
+(hex "deadBEEF")
+... Allows for the presence of commas (,) among the digits.
+(hex "dead,BEEF")
+### oct
+Given syntax for a octal number, generates a Nat, an Int, a Rev or a Frac\.
+(oct "615243")
+... Allows for the presence of commas (,) among the digits.
+(oct "615,243")
+# library/lux/math/number/complex
+Complex arithmetic\.
+## Definitions
+### %
+(-> Complex Complex Complex)
+### \*
+(-> Complex Complex Complex)
+### \*'
+(-> .Frac Complex Complex)
+### \+
+(-> Complex Complex Complex)
+### \+one
+### \-
+(-> Complex Complex Complex)
+### \-one
+### /
+(-> Complex Complex Complex)
+### /'
+(-> .Frac Complex Complex)
+### =
+(-> Complex Complex .Bit)
+### Complex
+... .Type
+ [#real .Frac
+ #imaginary .Frac])
+A complex number\.
+### abs
+(-> Complex .Frac)
+### acos
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### approximately?
+(-> .Frac Complex Complex .Bit)
+### argument
+(-> Complex .Frac)
+### asin
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### atan
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### complex
+Complex literals\.
+(complex real imaginary)
+... The imaginary part can be omitted if it's +0.0.
+(complex real)
+### conjugate
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### cos
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### cosh
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Complex)
+### exp
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### i
+### log
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### not\_a\_number?
+(-> Complex .Bit)
+### opposite
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### pow
+(-> Complex Complex Complex)
+### pow'
+(-> .Frac Complex Complex)
+### reciprocal
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### root/2
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### roots
+(-> .Nat Complex (.List Complex))
+### signum
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### sin
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### sinh
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### tan
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### tanh
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### zero
+# library/lux/math/number/frac
+## Definitions
+### %
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Frac)
+Frac\(tion\) remainder\.
+### \*
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Frac)
+Frac\(tion\) multiplication\.
+### \+
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Frac)
+Frac\(tion\) addition\.
+### \-
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Frac)
+Frac\(tion\) substraction\.
+### /
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Frac)
+Frac\(tion\) division\.
+### /%
+(-> .Frac .Frac [.Frac .Frac])
+(/% param subject)
+### <
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Bit)
+Frac\(tion\) less\-than\.
+(< reference sample)
+### <=
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Bit)
+Frac\(tion\) less\-than or equal\.
+(<= reference sample)
+### =
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Bit)
+Frac\(tion\) equivalence\.
+(= reference sample)
+### >
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Bit)
+Frac\(tion\) greater\-than\.
+(> reference sample)
+### >=
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Bit)
+Frac\(tion\) greater\-than or equal\.
+(>= reference sample)
+### abs
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### addition
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Frac)
+### approximately?
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Frac .Bit)
+(approximately? margin_of_error standard value)
+### biggest
+### binary
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Frac)
+### bits
+(-> .Frac .I64)
+### decimal
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Frac)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence .Frac)
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash .Frac)
+### hex
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Frac)
+### int
+(-> .Frac .Int)
+### max
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Frac)
+Frac\(tion\) minimum\.
+### maximum
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Frac)
+### min
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Frac)
+Frac\(tion\) minimum\.
+### minimum
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Frac)
+### mod
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Frac .Frac .Frac))
+(mod divisor dividend)
+### multiplication
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Frac)
+### nat
+(-> .Frac .Nat)
+### negative?
+(library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate .Frac)
+### negative\_infinity
+Negative infinity\.
+### not\_a\_number
+Not a number\.
+### not\_a\_number?
+(-> .Frac .Bit)
+Tests whether a frac is actually not\-a\-number\.
+(not_a_number? it)
+### number?
+(-> .Frac .Bit)
+### octal
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Frac)
+### of\_bits
+(-> .I64 .Frac)
+### opposite
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order .Frac)
+### positive?
+(library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate .Frac)
+### positive\_infinity
+Positive infinity\.
+### rev
+(-> .Frac .Rev)
+### signum
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### smallest
+### zero?
+(library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate .Frac)
+# library/lux/math/number/i16
+## Definitions
+### I16
+... .Type
+(.I64 (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/math/number/i16",13,17 0}"))
+A 16\-bit integer\.
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (.I64 (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/math/number/i16",13,17 0}")))
+### i16
+(-> .I64 (.I64 (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/math/number/i16",13,17 0}")))
+### i64
+(-> (.I64 (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/math/number/i16",13,17 0}")) .I64)
+### width
+# library/lux/math/number/i32
+## Definitions
+### I32
+... .Type
+(.I64 (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/math/number/i32",13,17 0}"))
+A 32\-bit integer\.
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (.I64 (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/math/number/i32",13,17 0}")))
+### i32
+(-> .I64 (.I64 (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/math/number/i32",13,17 0}")))
+### i64
+(-> (.I64 (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/math/number/i32",13,17 0}")) .I64)
+### width
+# library/lux/math/number/i64
+## Definitions
+### Mask
+... .Type
+(All (Mask _0)
+ (Primitive "#I64" _0))
+A pattern of bits that can be imposed on I64 values\.
+### \(Sub width\)
+... .Type
+ [&equivalence (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (.I64 width))
+ bits .Nat
+ narrow (-> .I64 (.I64 width))
+ wide (-> (.I64 width) .I64)])
+A sub\-space of I64 with a reduce amount of bits\.
+### and
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.I64 .Any) (.I64 _0) (.I64 _0)))
+Bitwise and\.
+### bit
+(-> .Nat Mask)
+A mask with only a specific bit set\.
+(bit position)
+### bits\_per\_byte
+### bytes\_per\_i64
+### conjunction
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid (.I64 _0)))
+### disjunction
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid (.I64 _0)))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (.I64 _0)))
+### false
+### flipped
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.I64 _0) (.I64 _0)))
+Flip bit at given index\.
+### hash
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash (.I64 _0)))
+### left\_rotated
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.I64 _0) (.I64 _0)))
+### left\_shifted
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.I64 _0) (.I64 _0)))
+Bitwise left\-shift\.
+### mask
+(-> .Nat Mask)
+Mask a block of bits of the specified size\.
+(mask amount_of_bits)
+### not
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.I64 _0) (.I64 _0)))
+Bitwise negation\.
+### one
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.I64 _0) (.I64 _0)))
+Set bit at given index\.
+### one?
+(-> .Nat (.I64 .Any) .Bit)
+(one? index input)
+### ones
+(-> (.I64 .Any) .Nat)
+Count the number of 1s in a bit\-map\.
+(ones it)
+### or
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.I64 .Any) (.I64 _0) (.I64 _0)))
+Bitwise or\.
+### region
+(-> .Nat .Nat Mask)
+A mask for a block of bits of the given size, starting at the given offset\.
+(region offset size)
+### reversed
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.I64 _0) (.I64 _0)))
+### right\_rotated
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.I64 _0) (.I64 _0)))
+### right\_shifted
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.I64 _0) (.I64 _0)))
+Unsigned/logic bitwise right\-shift\.
+### sign
+A mask for the sign bit of ints\.
+### sub
+(Ex (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.Maybe (Sub _0))))
+Given a width in the interval \(0,64\), yields an implementation for integers of that width\.
+(sub width)
+### true
+### width
+### xor
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.I64 .Any) (.I64 _0) (.I64 _0)))
+Bitwise xor\.
+### zero
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.I64 _0) (.I64 _0)))
+Clear bit at the given index\.
+### zero?
+(-> .Nat (.I64 .Any) .Bit)
+(zero? index input)
+# library/lux/math/number/i8
+## Definitions
+### I8
+... .Type
+(.I64 (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/math/number/i8",13,17 0}"))
+A 8\-bit integer\.
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (.I64 (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/math/number/i8",13,17 0}")))
+### i64
+(-> (.I64 (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/math/number/i8",13,17 0}")) .I64)
+### i8
+(-> .I64 (.I64 (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/math/number/i8",13,17 0}")))
+### width
+# library/lux/math/number/int
+## Definitions
+### %
+(-> .Int .Int .Int)
+Int\(eger\) remainder\.
+### \*
+(-> .Int .Int .Int)
+Int\(eger\) multiplication\.
+### \+
+(-> .Int .Int .Int)
+Int\(eger\) addition\.
+### \-
+(-> .Int .Int .Int)
+Int\(eger\) substraction\.
+### /
+(-> .Int .Int .Int)
+Int\(eger\) division\.
+### /%
+(-> .Int .Int [.Int .Int])
+Int\(eger\) \[division remainder\]\.
+### <
+(-> .Int .Int .Bit)
+Int\(eger\) less\-than\.
+(< reference sample)
+### <=
+(-> .Int .Int .Bit)
+Int\(eger\) less\-than or equal\.
+(<= reference sample)
+### =
+(-> .Int .Int .Bit)
+Int\(eger\) equivalence\.
+(= reference sample)
+### >
+(-> .Int .Int .Bit)
+Int\(eger\) greater\-than\.
+(> reference sample)
+### >=
+(-> .Int .Int .Bit)
+Int\(eger\) greater\-than or equal\.
+(>= reference sample)
+### abs
+(-> .Int .Int)
+A value of equal magnitude and positive sign\.
+### addition
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Int)
+### binary
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Int)
+### co\_prime?
+(-> .Int .Int .Bit)
+### decimal
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Int)
+### enum
+(library/lux/abstract/enum.Enum .Int)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence .Int)
+### even?
+(-> .Int .Bit)
+### extended\_gcd
+(-> .Int .Int [[.Int .Int] .Int])
+Extended euclidean algorithm\.
+### frac
+(-> .Int .Frac)
+### gcd
+(-> .Int .Int .Int)
+Greatest Common Divisor\.
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash .Int)
+### hex
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Int)
+### interval
+(library/lux/abstract/interval.Interval .Int)
+### lcm
+(-> .Int .Int .Int)
+Least Common Multiple\.
+### max
+(-> .Int .Int .Int)
+Int\(eger\) maximum\.
+### maximum
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Int)
+### min
+(-> .Int .Int .Int)
+Int\(eger\) minimum\.
+### minimum
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Int)
+### mod
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Int .Int .Int))
+Integer modulo\.
+Note: The modulo and the remainder are not the same\.
+(mod divisor dividend)
+### multiplication
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Int)
+### negative?
+(library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate .Int)
+### octal
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Int)
+### odd?
+(-> .Int .Bit)
+### opposite
+(-> .Int .Int)
+A value of equal magnitude and opposite sign\.
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order .Int)
+### positive?
+(library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate .Int)
+### right\_shifted
+(-> .Nat .Int .Int)
+Signed/arithmetic bitwise right\-shift\.
+(right_shifted parameter subject)
+### signum
+(-> .Int .Int)
+A value \(either \-1, 0 or \+0\) which represents the sign\.
+### zero?
+(library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate .Int)
+# library/lux/math/number/nat
+## Definitions
+### %
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Nat)
+Nat\(ural\) remainder\.
+### \*
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Nat)
+Nat\(ural\) multiplication\.
+### \+
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Nat)
+Nat\(ural\) addition\.
+### \-
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Nat)
+Nat\(ural\) substraction\.
+### /
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Nat)
+Nat\(ural\) division\.
+### /%
+(-> .Nat .Nat [.Nat .Nat])
+Nat\(ural\) \[division remainder\]\.
+### <
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Bit)
+Nat\(ural\) less\-than\.
+### <=
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Bit)
+Nat\(ural\) less\-than or equal\.
+### =
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Bit)
+Nat\(ural\) equivalence\.
+### >
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Bit)
+Nat\(ural\) greater\-than\.
+### >=
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Bit)
+Nat\(ural\) greater\-than or equal\.
+### addition
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Nat)
+### binary
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Nat)
+### co\_prime?
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Bit)
+### decimal
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Nat)
+### enum
+(library/lux/abstract/enum.Enum .Nat)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence .Nat)
+### even?
+(-> .Nat .Bit)
+### frac
+(-> .Nat .Frac)
+### gcd
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Nat)
+Greatest Common Divisor\.
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash .Nat)
+### hex
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Nat)
+### interval
+(library/lux/abstract/interval.Interval .Nat)
+### lcm
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Nat)
+Least Common Multiple\.
+### max
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Nat)
+Nat\(ural\) maximum\.
+### maximum
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Nat)
+### min
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Nat)
+Nat\(ural\) minimum\.
+### minimum
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Nat)
+### multiplication
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Nat)
+### octal
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Nat)
+### odd?
+(-> .Nat .Bit)
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order .Nat)
+# library/lux/math/number/ratio
+Rational numbers\.
+## Definitions
+### %
+(-> Ratio Ratio Ratio)
+### \*
+(-> Ratio Ratio Ratio)
+### \+
+(-> Ratio Ratio Ratio)
+### \-
+(-> Ratio Ratio Ratio)
+### /
+(-> Ratio Ratio Ratio)
+### <
+(-> Ratio Ratio .Bit)
+### <=
+(-> Ratio Ratio .Bit)
+### =
+(-> Ratio Ratio .Bit)
+### >
+(-> Ratio Ratio .Bit)
+### >=
+(-> Ratio Ratio .Bit)
+### Ratio
+... .Type
+ [#numerator .Nat
+ #denominator .Nat])
+An unsigned ratio of numbers\.
+### addition
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid Ratio)
+### codec
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text Ratio)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Ratio)
+### multiplication
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid Ratio)
+### nat
+(-> Ratio (.Maybe .Nat))
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order Ratio)
+### ratio
+Rational literals\.
+(ratio numerator denominator)
+... The denominator can be omitted if it is 1.
+(ratio numerator)
+### reciprocal
+(-> Ratio Ratio)
+# library/lux/math/number/rev
+## Definitions
+### %
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Rev)
+Rev\(olution\) remainder\.
+### \*
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Rev)
+Rev\(olution\) multiplication\.
+### \+
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Rev)
+Rev\(olution\) addition\.
+### \-
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Rev)
+Rev\(olution\) substraction\.
+### /
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Rev)
+Rev\(olution\) division\.
+### /%
+(-> .Rev .Rev [.Rev .Rev])
+### /1
+### /1024
+### /128
+### /16
+### /2
+### /2048
+### /256
+### /32
+### /4
+### /4096
+### /512
+### /64
+### /8
+### <
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Bit)
+Rev\(olution\) less\-than\.
+(< reference sample)
+### <=
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Bit)
+Rev\(olution\) less\-than or equal\.
+(<= reference sample)
+### =
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Bit)
+Rev\(olution\) equivalence\.
+(= reference sample)
+### >
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Bit)
+Rev\(olution\) greater\-than\.
+(> reference sample)
+### >=
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Bit)
+Rev\(olution\) greater\-than or equal\.
+(>= reference sample)
+### addition
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Rev)
+### binary
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Rev)
+### decimal
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Rev)
+### down
+(-> .Nat .Rev .Rev)
+(down scale subject)
+### enum
+(library/lux/abstract/enum.Enum .Rev)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence .Rev)
+### frac
+(-> .Rev .Frac)
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash .Rev)
+### hex
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Rev)
+### interval
+(library/lux/abstract/interval.Interval .Rev)
+### max
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Rev)
+Rev\(olution\) maximum\.
+### maximum
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Rev)
+### min
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Rev)
+Rev\(olution\) minimum\.
+### minimum
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Rev)
+### octal
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Rev)
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order .Rev)
+### ratio
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Nat)
+Ratio between two rev\(olution\)s\.
+### reciprocal
+(-> .Nat .Rev)
+Rev\(olution\) reciprocal of a Nat\(ural\)\.
+(reciprocal numerator)
+### up
+(-> .Nat .Rev .Rev)
+(up scale subject)
+# library/lux/math/random
+Pseudo\-random number generation \(PRNG\) algorithms\.
+## Definitions
+### PRNG
+... .Type
+(Rec PRNG
+ (-> .Any [PRNG .I64]))
+An abstract way to represent any PRNG\.
+### \(Random it\)
+... .Type
+(-> PRNG [PRNG it])
+A producer of random values based on a PRNG\.
+### and
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Random _0) (Random _1) (Random [_0 _1])))
+Sequencing combinator\.
+(and left right)
+### apply
+(library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply Random)
+### array
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Random _0) (Random (library/lux/data/collection/array.Array _0))))
+### ascii
+(-> .Nat (Random .Text))
+### ascii/alpha
+(-> .Nat (Random .Text))
+### ascii/alpha\_num
+(-> .Nat (Random .Text))
+### ascii/lower
+(-> .Nat (Random .Text))
+### ascii/numeric
+(-> .Nat (Random .Text))
+### ascii/upper
+(-> .Nat (Random .Text))
+### bit
+(Random .Bit)
+### char
+(-> library/lux/data/text/unicode/set.Set (Random library/lux/data/text.Char))
+### complex
+(Random library/lux/math/number/complex.Complex)
+### date
+(Random library/lux/time/date.Date)
+### day
+(Random library/lux/time/day.Day)
+### dictionary
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) .Nat (Random _0) (Random _1) (Random (library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary _0 _1))))
+(dictionary hash size key_gen value_gen)
+### duration
+(Random library/lux/time/duration.Duration)
+### either
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Random _0) (Random _0) (Random _0)))
+Homogeneous alternative combinator\.
+(either left right)
+### frac
+(Random .Frac)
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Random)
+### i64
+(Random .I64)
+### instant
+(Random library/lux/time/instant.Instant)
+### int
+(Random .Int)
+### list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Random _0) (Random (.List _0))))
+### maybe
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Random _0) (Random (.Maybe _0))))
+### monad
+(library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad Random)
+### month
+(Random library/lux/time/month.Month)
+### nat
+(Random .Nat)
+### one
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 (.Maybe _1)) (Random _0) (Random _1)))
+(one check random)
+### only
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 .Bit) (Random _0) (Random _0)))
+Retries the generator until the output satisfies a predicate\.
+(only pred gen)
+### or
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Random _0) (Random _1) (Random (Or _0 _1))))
+Heterogeneous alternative combinator\.
+(or left right)
+### pcg\_32
+(-> [(.I64 .Any) (.I64 .Any)] PRNG)
+An implementation of the PCG32 algorithm\.
+For more information, please see: http://www\.pcg\-random\.org/
+### prng
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 _0) (-> _0 .I64) _0 PRNG))
+(prng update return)
+### queue
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Random _0) (Random (library/lux/data/collection/queue.Queue _0))))
+### ratio
+(Random library/lux/math/number/ratio.Ratio)
+### rec
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> (Random _0) (Random _0)) (Random _0)))
+A combinator for producing recursive random generators\.
+(rec gen)
+### refined
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/type/refinement.Refiner _0 _1) (Random _0) (Random (library/lux/type/refinement.Refined _0 _1))))
+Retries the generator until the output can be refined\.
+(refined refiner gen)
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> PRNG (Random _0) [PRNG _0]))
+(result prng calc)
+### rev
+(Random .Rev)
+### safe\_frac
+(Random .Frac)
+A number in the interval \[0\.0,1\.0\]\.
+### sequence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Random _0) (Random (library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence _0))))
+### set
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) .Nat (Random _0) (Random (library/lux/data/collection/set.Set _0))))
+(set hash size value_gen)
+### split\_mix\_64
+(-> .Nat PRNG)
+An implementation of the SplitMix64 algorithm\.
+### stack
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Random _0) (Random (library/lux/data/collection/stack.Stack _0))))
+### text
+(-> (Random library/lux/data/text.Char) .Nat (Random .Text))
+(text char_gen size)
+### time
+(Random library/lux/time.Time)
+### unicode
+(-> .Nat (Random .Text))
+### xoroshiro\_128\+
+(-> [(.I64 .Any) (.I64 .Any)] PRNG)
+An implementation of the Xoroshiro128\+ algorithm\.
+For more information, please see: http://xoroshiro\.di\.unimi\.it/
+# library/lux/meta
+Functions for extracting information from the state of the compiler\.
+## Definitions
+### apply
+(library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply .Meta)
+### assertion
+(-> .Text .Bit (.Meta .Any))
+Fails with the given message if the test is \#0\.
+(assertion message test)
+### compiler\_state
+(.Meta .Lux)
+Obtains the current state of the compiler\.
+### current\_module
+(.Meta .Module)
+The module currently being compiled, if any\.
+### current\_module\_name
+(.Meta .Text)
+The name of the module currently being compiled, if any\.
+### de\_aliased
+(-> .Symbol (.Meta .Symbol))
+Given an aliased definition's name, returns the original definition being referenced\.
+(de_aliased def_name)
+### definition
+(-> .Symbol (.Meta .Global))
+Looks\-up a definition's whole data in the available modules \(including the current one\)\.
+(definition name)
+### definition\_type
+(-> .Symbol (.Meta .Type))
+Looks\-up a definition's type in the available modules \(including the current one\)\.
+(definition_type name)
+### definitions
+(-> .Text (.Meta (.List [.Text .Definition])))
+The entire list of definitions in a module \(including the non\-exported/private ones\)\.
+(definitions module)
+### either
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.Meta _0) (.Meta _0) (.Meta _0)))
+Pick whichever computation succeeds\.
+(either left right)
+### eval
+(-> .Type .Code (.Meta .Any))
+(eval type code)
+### expected\_type
+(.Meta .Type)
+The expected type of the current expression being analyzed\.
+### export
+(-> .Symbol (.Meta .Definition))
+Looks\-up a definition in the available modules \(including the current one\)\.
+The look\-up only succeeds if the definition has been exported\.
+(export name)
+### exports
+(-> .Text (.Meta (.List [.Text .Definition])))
+All the exported definitions in a module\.
+(exports module_name)
+### failure
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (.Meta _0)))
+Fails with the given error message\.
+(failure error)
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor .Meta)
+### globals
+(-> .Text (.Meta (.List [.Text .Global])))
+The entire list of globals in a module \(including the non\-exported/private ones\)\.
+(globals module)
+### imported?
+(-> .Text (.Meta .Bit))
+Checks if the given module has been imported by the current module\.
+(imported? import)
+### imported\_by?
+(-> .Text .Text (.Meta .Bit))
+(imported_by? import module)
+### imported\_modules
+(-> .Text (.Meta (.List .Text)))
+All the modules imported by a specified module\.
+(imported_modules module_name)
+### lifted
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/control/try.Try _0) (.Meta _0)))
+### locals
+(.Meta (.List (.List [.Text .Type])))
+All the local variables currently in scope, separated in different scopes\.
+### location
+(.Meta .Location)
+The location of the current expression being analyzed\.
+### macro
+(-> .Symbol (.Meta (.Maybe .Macro)))
+Looks\-up a macro known by the given name\.
+(macro full_name)
+### module
+(-> .Text (.Meta .Module))
+Looks\-up a module with the given name\.
+(module name)
+### module\_exists?
+(-> .Text (.Meta .Bit))
+(module_exists? module)
+### modules
+(.Meta (.List [.Text .Module]))
+All the available modules \(including the current one\)\.
+### monad
+(library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad .Meta)
+### normal
+(-> .Symbol (.Meta .Symbol))
+If given a name without a module prefix, gives it the current module's name as prefix\.
+Otherwise, returns the name as\-is\.
+(normal name)
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Lux (.Meta _0) (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)))
+Evaluates a computation that depends on Lux's compiler state\.
+(result lux action)
+### result'
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Lux (.Meta _0) (library/lux/control/try.Try [.Lux _0])))
+Evaluates a computation that depends on Lux's compiler state\.
+Also returns a \(potentially modified\) compiler state\.
+(result' lux action)
+### seed
+(.Meta .Nat)
+The current value of a number tracked by the compiler\.
+Also increases the value, so it's different next time it is seen\.
+This number can be used for generating data 'randomly' during compilation\.
+### slot
+(-> .Symbol (.Meta [.Nat (.List .Symbol) .Type]))
+Given a slot, finds out what is its index, its related slot\-list and its associated type\.
+(slot slot_name)
+### tag
+(-> .Symbol (.Meta [.Nat (.List .Symbol) .Type]))
+Given a tag, finds out what is its index, its related tag\-list and its associated type\.
+(tag tag_name)
+### tag\_lists
+(-> .Text (.Meta (.List [(.List .Symbol) .Type])))
+All the tag\-lists defined in a module, with their associated types\.
+(tag_lists module)
+### tags\_of
+(-> .Symbol (.Meta (.Maybe (.List .Symbol))))
+All the tags associated with a type definition\.
+(tags_of type_name)
+### try
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.Meta _0) (.Meta (library/lux/control/try.Try _0))))
+### type
+(-> .Symbol (.Meta .Type))
+Looks\-up the type of either a local variable or a definition\.
+(type name)
+### type\_context
+(.Meta .Type_Context)
+The current type\-checking context\.
+### type\_definition
+(-> .Symbol (.Meta .Type))
+Finds the value of a type definition \(such as Int, Any or Lux\)\.
+(type_definition name)
+### var\_type
+(-> .Text (.Meta .Type))
+Looks\-up the type of a local variable somewhere in the environment\.
+(var_type name)
+# library/lux/meta/location
+## Definitions
+### dummy
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence .Location)
+### format
+(-> .Location .Text)
+### here
+The Location of the current form\.
+### with
+(-> .Location .Text .Text)
+(with location error)
+# library/lux/meta/symbol
+## Definitions
+### codec
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Symbol)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence .Symbol)
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash .Symbol)
+### module
+(-> .Symbol .Text)
+The module part of a symbol\.
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order .Symbol)
+### short
+(-> .Symbol .Text)
+The short part of a symbol\.
+# library/lux/program
+## Definitions
+### program:
+Defines the entry\-point to a program \(similar to the 'main' function/method in other programming languages\)\.
+... Can take a list of all the input parameters to the program.
+(program: all_arguments
+ (do library/lux/control/io.monad
+ [foo (initialize program)]
+ (do_something_with all_arguments)))
+... Can also parse them using CLI parsers from the library/lux/control/parser/cli module.
+(program: [config configuration_parser]
+ (do library/lux/control/io.monad
+ [data (initialize program with config)]
+ (do_something_with data)))
+# library/lux/static
+## Definitions
+### frac
+\(library/lux/static\.frac \(: library/lux\.Frac \(value generating expression\)\)\)
+### int
+\(library/lux/static\.int \(: library/lux\.Int \(value generating expression\)\)\)
+### literal
+ (: (-> ??? Code)
+ format)
+ (: ???
+ (value generating expression)))
+### nat
+\(library/lux/static\.nat \(: library/lux\.Nat \(value generating expression\)\)\)
+### random
+ (: (-> ??? Code)
+ format)
+ (: (Random ???)
+ (random data generator)))
+### random\_frac
+\(: library/lux\.Frac \(library/lux/static\.random\_frac\)\)
+### random\_int
+\(: library/lux\.Int \(library/lux/static\.random\_int\)\)
+### random\_nat
+\(: library/lux\.Nat \(library/lux/static\.random\_nat\)\)
+### random\_rev
+\(: library/lux\.Rev \(library/lux/static\.random\_rev\)\)
+### rev
+\(library/lux/static\.rev \(: library/lux\.Rev \(value generating expression\)\)\)
+### text
+\(library/lux/static\.text \(: library/lux\.Text \(value generating expression\)\)\)
+# library/lux/target
+## Definitions
+### Target
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Text")
+The name/ID of a platform targetted by a Lux compiler\.
+This information can be used to generate code targetting specific platforms, and to make programs cross\-platform\.
+### common\_lisp
+### js
+### jvm
+### lua
+### old
+### php
+### python
+### r
+### ruby
+### scheme
+# library/lux/target/js
+## Definitions
+### %
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### \*
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### \+
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### \+\+
+(-> Location Expression)
+### ,
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### \-
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### \-\-
+(-> Location Expression)
+### /
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### <
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### <=
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### =
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### >
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### >=
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### ?
+(-> Expression Expression Expression Computation)
+### Access
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' Access'))))
+### Code
+... .Type
+(All (Code _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/target/js.Code" _0))
+### Computation
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' .Any)))
+### Expression
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' .Any))
+### Label
+... .Type
+(Code Label')
+### Literal
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' Literal')))
+### Location
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' .Any))))
+### Loop
+... .Type
+(Code (Statement' Loop'))
+### Statement
+... .Type
+(Code (Statement' .Any))
+### Var
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' Var'))))
+### and
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### apply/\*
+(-> Expression (.List Expression) Computation)
+### apply/1
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### apply/2
+(-> Expression Expression Expression Computation)
+### apply/3
+(-> Expression Expression Expression Expression Computation)
+### arithmetic\_right\_shift
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### array
+(-> (.List Expression) Computation)
+### at
+(-> Expression Expression Access)
+### bit\_and
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### bit\_not
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### bit\_or
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### bit\_xor
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### boolean
+(-> .Bit Literal)
+### break
+### break\_at
+(-> Label Statement)
+### closure
+(-> (.List Var) Statement Computation)
+### code
+(-> (Code .Any) .Text)
+### comment
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (Code _0) (Code _0)))
+### cond
+(-> (.List [Expression Statement]) Statement Statement)
+### continue
+### continue\_at
+(-> Label Statement)
+### declare
+(-> Var Statement)
+### define
+(-> Var Expression Statement)
+### delete
+(-> Location Statement)
+### do
+(-> .Text (.List Expression) Expression Computation)
+### do\_while
+(-> Expression Statement Loop)
+### for
+(-> Var Expression Expression Expression Statement Loop)
+### function
+(-> Var (.List Var) Statement Computation)
+### function\!
+(-> Var (.List Var) Statement Statement)
+### i32
+(-> .Int Computation)
+### if
+(-> Expression Statement Statement Statement)
+### int
+(-> .Int Literal)
+### label
+(-> .Text Label)
+### left\_shift
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### logic\_right\_shift
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### new
+(-> Expression (.List Expression) Computation)
+### not
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### not\_a\_number?
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### null
+### number
+(-> .Frac Literal)
+### object
+(-> (.List [.Text Expression]) Computation)
+### opposite
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### or
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### return
+(-> Expression Statement)
+### set
+(-> Location Expression Statement)
+### statement
+(-> Expression Statement)
+### string
+(-> .Text Literal)
+### switch
+(-> Expression (.List [(.List Literal) Statement]) (.Maybe Statement) Statement)
+### the
+(-> .Text Expression Access)
+### then
+(-> Statement Statement Statement)
+### throw
+(-> Expression Statement)
+### to\_i32
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### try
+(-> Statement [Var Statement] Statement)
+### type\_of
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### undefined
+### use\_strict
+### var
+(-> .Text Var)
+### when
+(-> Expression Statement Statement)
+### while
+(-> Expression Statement Loop)
+### with\_label
+(-> Label Loop Statement)
+# library/lux/target/jvm
+## Definitions
+### Arithmetic
+... .Type
+ {#Int_Arithmetic Int_Arithmetic}
+ {#Long_Arithmetic Long_Arithmetic}
+ {#Float_Arithmetic Float_Arithmetic}
+ {#Double_Arithmetic Double_Arithmetic})
+### Array
+... .Type
+ {#NEWARRAY (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)}
+ {#ANEWARRAY (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Object)}
+ {#BALOAD .Any}
+ {#BASTORE .Any}
+ {#SALOAD .Any}
+ {#SASTORE .Any}
+ {#IALOAD .Any}
+ {#IASTORE .Any}
+ {#LALOAD .Any}
+ {#LASTORE .Any}
+ {#FALOAD .Any}
+ {#FASTORE .Any}
+ {#DALOAD .Any}
+ {#DASTORE .Any}
+ {#CALOAD .Any}
+ {#CASTORE .Any}
+ {#AALOAD .Any}
+ {#AASTORE .Any})
+### Bitwise
+... .Type
+ {#Int_Bitwise Int_Bitwise}
+ {#Long_Bitwise Long_Bitwise})
+### Branching
+... .Type
+(All (Branching _0)
+ (Variant
+ {#IF_ICMPEQ _0}
+ {#IF_ICMPGE _0}
+ {#IF_ICMPGT _0}
+ {#IF_ICMPLE _0}
+ {#IF_ICMPLT _0}
+ {#IF_ICMPNE _0}
+ {#IFEQ _0}
+ {#IFNE _0}
+ {#IFGE _0}
+ {#IFGT _0}
+ {#IFLE _0}
+ {#IFLT _0}
+ {#TABLESWITCH .Int .Int _0 (.List _0)}
+ {#LOOKUPSWITCH _0 (.List [.Int _0])}
+ {#IF_ACMPEQ _0}
+ {#IF_ACMPNE _0}
+ {#IFNULL _0}))
+### Bytecode
+... .Type
+(All (Bytecode _0 _1)
+ (library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence (Instruction _0 _1)))
+### Comparison
+... .Type
+ {#LCMP .Any}
+ {#FCMPG .Any}
+ {#FCMPL .Any}
+ {#DCMPG .Any}
+ {#DCMPL .Any})
+### Concurrency
+... .Type
+### Constant
+... .Type
+ {#BIPUSH .Int}
+ {#SIPUSH .Int}
+ {#ICONST_M1 .Any}
+ {#ICONST_0 .Any}
+ {#ICONST_1 .Any}
+ {#ICONST_2 .Any}
+ {#ICONST_3 .Any}
+ {#ICONST_4 .Any}
+ {#ICONST_5 .Any}
+ {#LCONST_0 .Any}
+ {#LCONST_1 .Any}
+ {#FCONST_0 .Any}
+ {#FCONST_1 .Any}
+ {#FCONST_2 .Any}
+ {#DCONST_0 .Any}
+ {#DCONST_1 .Any}
+ {#LDC Literal})
+### Control
+... .Type
+(All (Control _0)
+ (Variant
+ {#GOTO _0}
+ {#Branching (Branching _0)}
+ {#Exception (Exception _0)}
+ {#Concurrency Concurrency}
+ {#Return Return}))
+### Conversion
+... .Type
+ {#I2B .Any}
+ {#I2S .Any}
+ {#I2L .Any}
+ {#I2F .Any}
+ {#I2D .Any}
+ {#I2C .Any}
+ {#L2I .Any}
+ {#L2F .Any}
+ {#L2D .Any}
+ {#F2I .Any}
+ {#F2L .Any}
+ {#F2D .Any}
+ {#D2I .Any}
+ {#D2L .Any}
+ {#D2F .Any})
+### Double\_Arithmetic
+... .Type
+ {#DADD .Any}
+ {#DSUB .Any}
+ {#DMUL .Any}
+ {#DDIV .Any}
+ {#DREM .Any}
+ {#DNEG .Any})
+### Exception
+... .Type
+(All (Exception _0)
+ (Variant
+ {#Try _0 _0 _0 (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class)}
+ {#ATHROW .Any}))
+### Float\_Arithmetic
+... .Type
+ {#FADD .Any}
+ {#FSUB .Any}
+ {#FMUL .Any}
+ {#FDIV .Any}
+ {#FREM .Any}
+ {#FNEG .Any})
+### Instruction
+... .Type
+(All (Instruction _0 _1)
+ (Variant
+ {#NOP .Any}
+ {#Constant Constant}
+ {#Arithmetic Arithmetic}
+ {#Bitwise Bitwise}
+ {#Conversion Conversion}
+ {#Array Array}
+ {#Object Object}
+ {#Local Local}
+ {#Stack Stack}
+ {#Comparison Comparison}
+ {#Control (Control _1)}
+ {#Embedded _0}))
+### Int\_Arithmetic
+... .Type
+ {#IADD .Any}
+ {#ISUB .Any}
+ {#IMUL .Any}
+ {#IDIV .Any}
+ {#IREM .Any}
+ {#INEG .Any})
+### Int\_Bitwise
+... .Type
+ {#IOR .Any}
+ {#IXOR .Any}
+ {#IAND .Any}
+ {#ISHL .Any}
+ {#ISHR .Any}
+ {#IUSHR .Any})
+### Label
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+### Literal
+... .Type
+ {#Boolean .Bit}
+ {#Int .Int}
+ {#Long .Int}
+ {#Double .Frac}
+ {#Char .Nat}
+ {#String .Text})
+### Local
+... .Type
+ {#Local_Int Local_Int}
+ {#IINC Register}
+ {#Local_Long Local_Long}
+ {#Local_Float Local_Float}
+ {#Local_Double Local_Double}
+ {#Local_Object Local_Object})
+### Local\_Double
+... .Type
+ {#DLOAD Register}
+ {#DSTORE Register})
+### Local\_Float
+... .Type
+ {#FLOAD Register}
+ {#FSTORE Register})
+### Local\_Int
+... .Type
+ {#ILOAD Register}
+ {#ISTORE Register})
+### Local\_Long
+... .Type
+ {#LLOAD Register}
+ {#LSTORE Register})
+### Local\_Object
+... .Type
+ {#ALOAD Register}
+ {#ASTORE Register})
+### Long\_Arithmetic
+... .Type
+ {#LADD .Any}
+ {#LSUB .Any}
+ {#LMUL .Any}
+ {#LDIV .Any}
+ {#LREM .Any}
+ {#LNEG .Any})
+### Long\_Bitwise
+... .Type
+ {#LOR .Any}
+ {#LXOR .Any}
+ {#LAND .Any}
+ {#LSHL .Any}
+ {#LSHR .Any}
+ {#LUSHR .Any})
+### Object
+... .Type
+ {#GETSTATIC (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) .Text (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value)}
+ {#PUTSTATIC (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) .Text (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value)}
+ {#NEW (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class)}
+ {#INSTANCEOF (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class)}
+ {#CHECKCAST (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Object)}
+ {#GETFIELD (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) .Text (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value)}
+ {#PUTFIELD (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) .Text (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value)}
+ {#INVOKEINTERFACE (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) .Text (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Method)}
+ {#INVOKESPECIAL (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) .Text (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Method)}
+ {#INVOKESTATIC (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) .Text (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Method)}
+ {#INVOKEVIRTUAL (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) .Text (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Method)})
+### Register
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+### Return
+... .Type
+ {#RETURN .Any}
+ {#IRETURN .Any}
+ {#LRETURN .Any}
+ {#FRETURN .Any}
+ {#DRETURN .Any}
+ {#ARETURN .Any})
+### Stack
+... .Type
+ {#DUP .Any}
+ {#DUP_X1 .Any}
+ {#DUP_X2 .Any}
+ {#DUP2 .Any}
+ {#DUP2_X1 .Any}
+ {#DUP2_X2 .Any}
+ {#SWAP .Any}
+ {#POP .Any}
+ {#POP2 .Any})
+# library/lux/target/jvm/type
+## Definitions
+### Argument
+... .Type
+[.Text (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value)]
+### Constraint
+... .Type
+ [#name .Text
+ #super_class (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class)
+ #super_interfaces (.List (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class))])
+### Type
+... .Type
+(All (Type _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type" _0))
+### Typed
+... .Type
+(All (Typed _0)
+ [(Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) _0])
+### array
+(-> (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Array))
+### as\_class
+(-> (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Declaration) (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class))
+### boolean
+(Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### byte
+(Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### char
+(Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### class
+(-> library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External (.List (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter)) (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class))
+### class?
+(-> (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (.Maybe library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External))
+### declaration
+(-> library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External (.List (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var)) (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Declaration))
+### descriptor
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Type _0) (library/lux/target/jvm/type/descriptor.Descriptor _0)))
+### double
+(Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Type _0)))
+### float
+(Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### format
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/data/text/format.Format (Type _0)))
+### hash
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash (Type _0)))
+### int
+(Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### long
+(Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### lower
+(-> (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter))
+### method
+(-> [(.List (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var)) (.List (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value)) (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Return) (.List (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class))] (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Method))
+### primitive?
+(-> (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (.Either (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Object) (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)))
+### reflection
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Type (library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Return' (library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value' _0))) (library/lux/target/jvm/type/reflection.Reflection (library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Return' (library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value' _0)))))
+### short
+(Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### signature
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Type _0) (library/lux/target/jvm/type/signature.Signature _0)))
+### upper
+(-> (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter))
+### var
+(-> .Text (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var))
+### void
+(Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Void)
+### void?
+(-> (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Return) (.Either (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Void)))
+### wildcard
+(Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter)
+# library/lux/target/jvm/type/alias
+## Definitions
+### Aliasing
+... .Type
+(library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary .Text .Text)
+### fresh
+### method
+(-> Aliasing (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Method) (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Method))
+# library/lux/target/jvm/type/box
+## Definitions
+### boolean
+### byte
+### char
+### double
+### float
+### int
+### long
+### short
+# library/lux/target/jvm/type/category
+## Definitions
+### Array
+... .Type
+(Return' (Value' (Object' Array')))
+### Class
+... .Type
+(Return' (Value' (Object' (Parameter' Class'))))
+### Declaration
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Declaration")
+### Method
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Method")
+### Object
+... .Type
+(Return' (Value' (Object' .Any)))
+### Parameter
+... .Type
+(Return' (Value' (Object' (Parameter' .Any))))
+### Primitive
+... .Type
+(Return' (Value' Primitive'))
+### Return
+... .Type
+(Return' .Any)
+### Return'
+... .Type
+(All (Return' _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Return'" _0))
+### Value
+... .Type
+(Return' (Value' .Any))
+### Value'
+... .Type
+(All (Value' _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value'" _0))
+### Var
+... .Type
+(Return' (Value' (Object' (Parameter' Var'))))
+### Void
+... .Type
+(Return' Void')
+# library/lux/target/jvm/type/descriptor
+## Definitions
+### Descriptor
+... .Type
+(All (Descriptor _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/target/jvm/type/descriptor.Descriptor" _0))
+### array
+(-> (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Array))
+### array\_prefix
+### as\_class
+(-> (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Declaration) (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class))
+### boolean
+(Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### byte
+(Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### char
+(Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### class
+(-> library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class))
+### class\_name
+(-> (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Object) library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.Internal)
+### class\_prefix
+### class\_suffix
+### declaration
+(-> library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Declaration))
+### descriptor
+(-> (Descriptor .Any) .Text)
+### double
+(Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Descriptor _0)))
+### float
+(Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### int
+(Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### long
+(Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### lower
+(-> (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter))
+### method
+(-> [(.List (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value)) (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Return)] (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Method))
+### short
+(Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### upper
+(-> (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter))
+### var
+(Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var)
+### void
+(Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Void)
+### wildcard
+(Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter)
+# library/lux/target/jvm/type/lux
+## Definitions
+### Lower
+... .Type
+(All (Lower _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/target/jvm/type/lux.Lower" _0))
+### Mapping
+... .Type
+(library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary .Text .Type)
+### Upper
+... .Type
+(All (Upper _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/target/jvm/type/lux.Upper" _0))
+### boxed\_return
+(-> Mapping (library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/type/check.Check .Type)))
+### boxed\_type
+(-> Mapping (library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/type/check.Check .Type)))
+### check
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/type/check.Check _0)) .Text (library/lux/type/check.Check _0)))
+### class
+(-> Mapping (library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/type/check.Check .Type)))
+### fresh
+### return
+(-> Mapping (library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/type/check.Check .Type)))
+### type
+(-> Mapping (library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/type/check.Check .Type)))
+### unknown\_var
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Text)
+# library/lux/target/jvm/type/parser
+## Definitions
+### array
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Array))
+### array'
+(-> (library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value)) (library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Array)))
+### array?
+(-> (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (.Maybe (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value)))
+### boolean
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive))
+### byte
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive))
+### char
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive))
+### class
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class))
+### class?
+(-> (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (.Maybe [library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External (.List (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter))]))
+### class\_name
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External)
+### declaration
+(-> (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Declaration) [library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External (.List (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var))])
+### declaration'
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser [library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External (.List (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var))])
+### double
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive))
+### float
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive))
+### int
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive))
+### long
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive))
+### lower?
+(-> (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (.Maybe (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class)))
+### method
+(-> (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Method) [(.List (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var)) (.List (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value)) (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Return) (.List (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class))])
+### name
+(-> (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var) .Text)
+### object
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Object))
+### object?
+(-> (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (.Maybe (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Object)))
+### parameter
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter))
+### parameter?
+(-> (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (.Maybe (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter)))
+### primitive
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive))
+### primitive?
+(-> (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (.Maybe (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)))
+### read\_class
+(-> (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) [library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External (.List (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter))])
+### return
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Return))
+### short
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive))
+### upper?
+(-> (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (.Maybe (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class)))
+### value
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value))
+### var
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var))
+### var'
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser .Text)
+### var?
+(-> (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (.Maybe .Text))
+### var\_name
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser .Text)
+### void
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Void))
+### wildcard
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter))
+### wildcard?
+(-> (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (.Maybe (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter)))
+# library/lux/target/jvm/type/reflection
+## Definitions
+### Reflection
+... .Type
+(All (Reflection _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/target/jvm/type/reflection.Reflection" _0))
+### array
+(-> (Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Array))
+### as\_class
+(-> (Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Declaration) (Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class))
+### boolean
+(Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### byte
+(Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### char
+(Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### class
+(-> library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External (Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class))
+### declaration
+(-> library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External (Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Declaration))
+### double
+(Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Reflection _0)))
+### float
+(Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### int
+(Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### long
+(Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### lower
+(-> (Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) (Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter))
+### reflection
+(-> (Reflection .Any) .Text)
+### short
+(Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### upper
+(-> (Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) (Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter))
+### var
+(Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var)
+### void
+(Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Void)
+### wildcard
+(Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter)
+# library/lux/target/jvm/type/signature
+## Definitions
+### Signature
+... .Type
+(All (Signature _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/target/jvm/type/signature.Signature" _0))
+### arguments\_end
+### arguments\_start
+### array
+(-> (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Array))
+### as\_class
+(-> (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Declaration) (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class))
+### boolean
+(Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### byte
+(Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### char
+(Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### class
+(-> library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External (.List (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter)) (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class))
+### declaration
+(-> library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External (.List (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var)) (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Declaration))
+### double
+(Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Signature _0)))
+### exception\_prefix
+### float
+(Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### hash
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash (Signature _0)))
+### int
+(Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### long
+(Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### lower
+(-> (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter))
+### lower\_prefix
+### method
+(-> [(.List (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var)) (.List (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value)) (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Return) (.List (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class))] (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Method))
+### parameters\_end
+### parameters\_start
+### short
+(Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### signature
+(-> (Signature .Any) .Text)
+### upper
+(-> (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter))
+### upper\_prefix
+### var
+(-> .Text (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var))
+### var\_name
+(-> (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var) .Text)
+### var\_prefix
+### void
+(Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Void)
+### wildcard
+(Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter)
+# library/lux/target/lua
+## Definitions
+### %
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### \*
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### \+
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### \-
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### /
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### //
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### <
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### <=
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### =
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### >
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### >=
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### Access
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' Access'))))
+### Code
+... .Type
+(All (Code _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/target/lua.Code" _0))
+### Computation
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' .Any)))
+### Expression
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' .Any))
+### Label
+... .Type
+(Code Label')
+### Literal
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' Literal')))
+### Location
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' .Any))))
+### Statement
+... .Type
+(Code (Statement' .Any))
+### Var
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' Var'))))
+### ^
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### and
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### apply/\*
+(-> (.List Expression) Expression Computation)
+### apply/1
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### apply/2
+(-> Expression Expression Expression Computation)
+### apply/3
+(-> Expression Expression Expression Expression Computation)
+### apply/4
+(-> Expression Expression Expression Expression Expression Computation)
+### apply/5
+(-> Expression Expression Expression Expression Expression Expression Computation)
+### array
+(-> (.List Expression) Literal)
+### bit\_and
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### bit\_or
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### bit\_shl
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### bit\_shr
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### bit\_xor
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### bool
+(-> .Bit Literal)
+### break
+### closure
+(-> (.List Var) Statement Expression)
+### code
+(-> (Code .Any) .Text)
+### concat
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### cond
+(-> (.List [Expression Statement]) Statement Statement)
+### do
+(-> .Text (.List Expression) Expression Computation)
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Code _0)))
+### error/1
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### error/2
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### float
+(-> .Frac Literal)
+### for\_in
+(-> (.List Var) Expression Statement Statement)
+### for\_step
+(-> Var Expression Expression Expression Statement Statement)
+### function
+(-> Var (.List Var) Statement Statement)
+### go\_to
+(-> Label Statement)
+### hash
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash (Code _0)))
+### if
+(-> Expression Statement Statement Statement)
+### int
+(-> .Int Literal)
+### ipairs/1
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### item
+(-> Expression Expression Access)
+### label
+(-> .Text Label)
+### length
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### let
+(-> (.List Var) Expression Statement)
+### local
+(-> (.List Var) Statement)
+### local/1
+(-> Var Expression Statement)
+### local\_function
+(-> Var (.List Var) Statement Statement)
+### manual
+(-> .Text Code)
+### multi
+(-> (.List Expression) Literal)
+### nil
+### not
+(-> Expression Expression)
+### opposite
+(-> Expression Expression)
+### or
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### print/1
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### print/2
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### print/3
+(-> Expression Expression Expression Computation)
+### repeat
+(-> Expression Statement Statement)
+### require/1
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### return
+(-> Expression Statement)
+### set
+(-> (.List Location) Expression Statement)
+### set\_label
+(-> Label Statement)
+### statement
+(-> Expression Statement)
+### string
+(-> .Text Literal)
+### table
+(-> (.List [.Text Expression]) Literal)
+### the
+(-> .Text Expression Computation)
+### then
+(-> Statement Statement Statement)
+### type/1
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### var
+(-> .Text Var)
+### when
+(-> Expression Statement Statement)
+### while
+(-> Expression Statement Statement)
+# library/lux/target/python
+## Definitions
+### %
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### \*
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### \*\*
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### \+
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### \-
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### /
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### //
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### <
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### <=
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### =
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### >
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### >=
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### ?
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### Access
+... .Type
+(Location Access')
+### Code
+... .Type
+(All (Code _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/target/python.Code" _0))
+### Computation
+... .Type
+(All (Computation _0)
+ (Expression (Computation' _0)))
+### Except
+... .Type
+ [#classes (.List SVar)
+ #exception SVar
+ #handler (Statement .Any)])
+### Exception/1
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### Expression
+... .Type
+(All (Expression _0)
+ (Code (Expression' _0)))
+### KVar
+... .Type
+(Var Keyword)
+### Keyword
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/target/python.Keyword")
+### Label
+... .Type
+(Code Label')
+### Literal
+... .Type
+(Computation Literal')
+### Location
+... .Type
+(All (Location _0)
+ (Computation (Location' _0)))
+### Loop
+... .Type
+(Statement Loop')
+### PVar
+... .Type
+(Var Poly)
+### Poly
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/target/python.Poly")
+### SVar
+... .Type
+(Var Single)
+### Single
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/target/python.Single")
+### Statement
+... .Type
+(All (Statement _0)
+ (Code (Statement' _0)))
+### Var
+... .Type
+(All (Var _0)
+ (Location (Var' _0)))
+### \_\_import\_\_/1
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### and
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### apply/\*
+(-> (Expression .Any) (.List (Expression .Any)) (Computation .Any))
+### apply/1
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### apply/2
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### apply/3
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### apply\_keyword
+(-> (.List (Expression .Any)) (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### apply\_poly
+(-> (.List (Expression .Any)) (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### bit\_and
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### bit\_or
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### bit\_shl
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### bit\_shr
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### bit\_xor
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### bool
+(-> .Bit Literal)
+### break
+(Statement .Any)
+### chr/1
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### code
+(-> (Code .Any) .Text)
+### comment
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (Code _0) (Code _0)))
+### cond
+(-> (.List [(Expression .Any) (Statement .Any)]) (Statement .Any) (Statement .Any))
+### continue
+(Statement .Any)
+### def
+(-> SVar (.List (Ex (_ _0) (Var _0))) (Statement .Any) (Statement .Any))
+### delete
+(-> (Location .Any) (Statement .Any))
+### dict
+(-> (.List [(Expression .Any) (Expression .Any)]) (Computation .Any))
+### do
+(-> .Text (.List (Expression .Any)) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### do\_keyword
+(-> (.List (Expression .Any)) (Expression .Any) .Text (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### do\_poly
+(-> (.List (Expression .Any)) (Expression .Any) .Text (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Code _0)))
+### exec
+(-> (Expression .Any) (.Maybe (Expression .Any)) (Statement .Any))
+### float
+(-> .Frac Literal)
+### float/1
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### for\_in
+(-> SVar (Expression .Any) (Statement .Any) Loop)
+### hash
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash (Code _0)))
+### if
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Statement .Any) (Statement .Any) (Statement .Any))
+### import
+(-> .Text (Statement .Any))
+### int
+(-> .Int Literal)
+### int/1
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### is
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### item
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) Location)
+### keyword
+(-> SVar (Var Keyword))
+### lambda
+(-> (.List (Var .Any)) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### len/1
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### list
+(-> (.List (Expression .Any)) Literal)
+### long
+(-> .Int Literal)
+### manual
+(-> .Text Code)
+### none
+### not
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### opposite
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### or
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### ord/1
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### pass
+(Statement .Any)
+### poly
+(-> SVar (Var Poly))
+### print
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Statement .Any))
+### raise
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Statement .Any))
+### repr/1
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### return
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Statement .Any))
+### set
+(-> (.List (Location .Any)) (Expression .Any) (Statement .Any))
+### slice
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) Access)
+### slice\_from
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) Access)
+### statement
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Statement .Any))
+### str/1
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### string
+(-> .Text Literal)
+### the
+(-> .Text (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### then
+(-> (Statement .Any) (Statement .Any) (Statement .Any))
+### try
+(-> (Statement .Any) (.List Except) (Statement .Any))
+### tuple
+(-> (.List (Expression .Any)) Literal)
+### unichr/1
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### unicode
+(-> .Text Literal)
+### unicode/1
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### var
+(-> .Text SVar)
+### when
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Statement .Any) (Statement .Any))
+### while
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Statement .Any) (.Maybe (Statement .Any)) Loop)
+# library/lux/target/ruby
+## Definitions
+### %
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### \*
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### \+
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### \-
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### /
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### <
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### <=
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### =
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### >
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### >=
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### ?
+(-> Expression Expression Expression Computation)
+### Access
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' Access'))))
+### Code
+... .Type
+(All (Code _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/target/ruby.Code" _0))
+### Computation
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' .Any)))
+### Expression
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' .Any))
+### GVar
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' (Var' GVar')))))
+### IVar
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' (Var' IVar')))))
+### LVar
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' (Var' (LVar' .Any))))))
+### LVar\*
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' (Var' (LVar' LVar*'))))))
+### LVar\*\*
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' (Var' (LVar' LVar**'))))))
+### Literal
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' Literal')))
+### Location
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' .Any))))
+### Rescue
+... .Type
+ [#classes (.List .Text)
+ #exception LVar
+ #rescue Statement])
+### SVar
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' (Var' SVar')))))
+### Statement
+... .Type
+(Code (Statement' .Any))
+### Var
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' (Var' .Any)))))
+### and
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### apply/\*
+(-> (.List Expression) Expression Computation)
+### apply/1
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### apply/2
+(-> Expression Expression Expression Computation)
+### apply/3
+(-> Expression Expression Expression Expression Computation)
+### apply\_lambda/\*
+(-> (.List Expression) Expression Computation)
+### array
+(-> (.List Expression) Literal)
+### array\_range
+(-> Expression Expression Expression Computation)
+### begin
+(-> Statement (.List Rescue) Statement)
+### bit\_and
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### bit\_or
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### bit\_shl
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### bit\_shr
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### bit\_xor
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### bool
+(-> .Bit Literal)
+### break
+### case\_insensitivity\_flag
+### catch
+(-> Expression Statement Statement)
+### code
+(-> (Code .Any) .Text)
+### code\_equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Code _0)))
+### code\_hash
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash (Code _0)))
+### command\_line\_arguments
+### comment
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (Code _0) (Code _0)))
+### cond
+(-> (.List [Expression Statement]) Statement Statement)
+### do
+(-> .Text (.List Expression) Expression Computation)
+### double\_splat
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### exit\_status
+### float
+(-> .Frac Literal)
+### for\_in
+(-> LVar Expression Statement Statement)
+### function
+(-> LVar (.List LVar) Statement Statement)
+### global
+(-> .Text GVar)
+### hash
+(-> (.List [Expression Expression]) Literal)
+### if
+(-> Expression Statement Statement Statement)
+### input\_record\_separator
+### instance
+(-> .Text IVar)
+### int
+(-> .Int Literal)
+### item
+(-> Expression Expression Access)
+### lambda
+(-> (.Maybe LVar) (.List Var) Statement Literal)
+### last\_line\_number\_read
+### last\_regexp\_match
+### last\_string\_matched
+### last\_string\_read
+### latest\_error
+### local
+(-> .Text LVar)
+### manual
+(-> .Text Code)
+### next
+### nil
+### not
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### opposite
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### or
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### output\_record\_separator
+### pow
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### print/1
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### print/2
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### print/3
+(-> Expression Expression Expression Computation)
+### process\_id
+### raise
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### redo
+### require/1
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### return
+(-> Expression Statement)
+### script\_name
+### set
+(-> (.List Location) Expression Statement)
+### splat
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### statement
+(-> Expression Statement)
+### static
+(-> .Text SVar)
+### string
+(-> .Text Literal)
+### symbol
+(-> .Text Literal)
+### the
+(-> .Text Expression Access)
+### then
+(-> Statement Statement Statement)
+### throw/1
+(-> Expression Statement)
+### variadic
+(-> LVar LVar*)
+### variadic\_kv
+(-> LVar LVar**)
+### when
+(-> Expression Statement Statement)
+### while
+(-> Expression Statement Statement)
+# library/lux/test
+Tools for unit & property\-based/generative testing\.
+## Definitions
+### Assertion
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async [Tally .Text])
+An asynchronous operation that yields test results\.
+### Seed
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+The seed value used for random testing \(if that feature is used\)\.
+### Tally
+... .Type
+ [#successes .Nat
+ #failures .Nat
+ #expected_coverage (library/lux/data/collection/set.Set .Symbol)
+ #actual_coverage (library/lux/data/collection/set.Set .Symbol)])
+A record of successes and failures while executing tests\.
+### Test
+... .Type
+(library/lux/math/random.Random Assertion)
+A test that relies on random data generation to thoroughly cover different scenarios\.
+### and
+(-> Test Test Test)
+Sequencing combinator\.
+(and left right)
+### and'
+(-> Assertion Assertion Assertion)
+Sequencing combinator \(for assertions\)\.
+(and' left right)
+### assertion
+(-> .Text .Bit Assertion)
+Check that a condition is \#1, and fail with the given message otherwise\.
+(assertion message condition)
+### context
+(-> .Text Test Test)
+Adds a contextual description to a test's documentation\.
+(context description)
+### cover
+Specifies a test as covering one or more definitions\.
+Adds to the test tally information to track which definitions have been tested\.
+(cover [definition/0 definition/1 ,,, definition/N]
+ (: Bit
+ (some "computation")))
+### cover'
+Specifies a test as covering one or more definitions\.
+Adds to the test tally information to track which definitions have been tested\.
+(cover' [definition/0 definition/1 ,,, definition/N]
+ (: Bit
+ (some "computation")))
+### covering
+Specifies the module being covered by a test\.
+Adds tracking information to the tally to know which exported definitions in the module need to be covered\.
+(covering documentation/lux/test._
+ (: Test
+ some_test))
+### error\_during\_execution
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Text)
+### failure
+(-> .Text Test)
+A failing test, with a given error message\.
+### for
+Specifies a context for tests as covering one or more definitions\.
+Adds to the test tally information to track which definitions have been tested\.
+(for [definition/0 definition/1 ,,, definition/N]
+ (: Test
+ some_test))
+### in\_parallel
+(-> (.List Test) Test)
+Executes multiple tests in parallel \(if the host platform supports it\) to take advantage of multiple cores\.
+(in_parallel tests)
+### lifted
+(-> .Text (library/lux/math/random.Random .Bit) Test)
+(lifted message random)
+### must\_try\_test\_at\_least\_once
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### run\!
+(-> Test (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async .Nothing))
+Executes a test, and exits the program with either a successful or a failing exit code\.
+WARNING: This procedure is only meant to be used in \(program: \.\.\.\) forms\.
+(run! test)
+### seed
+(-> Seed Test Test)
+Execute the given test with a specific seed value\.
+This allows you to reproduce a failing test case as many times as you want while debugging\.
+(seed value test)
+### test
+(-> .Text .Bit Test)
+Check that a condition is \#1, and fail with the given message otherwise\.
+(test message condition)
+### times
+(-> .Nat Test Test)
+Allows executing a test several times\.
+By doing this, it's possible to thoroughly test code with many different scenarios\.
+This assumes that random data generation is being used in tests instead of fixed/constant inputs\.
+(times amount test)
+# library/lux/time
+## Definitions
+### Clock
+... .Type
+ [#hour .Nat
+ #minute .Nat
+ #second .Nat
+ #milli_second .Nat])
+A clock marking the specific hour, minute, second, and milli\-second in a day\.
+### Time
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/time.Time")
+Time is defined as milliseconds since the start of the day \(00:00:00\.000\)\.
+### clock
+(-> Time Clock)
+(clock time)
+### codec
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text Time)
+Based on ISO 8601\.
+For example: 21:14:51\.827
+### enum
+(library/lux/abstract/enum.Enum Time)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Time)
+### hours
+Number of hours in an day\.
+### invalid\_hour
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### invalid\_minute
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### invalid\_second
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### midnight
+The instant corresponding to the start of the day: 00:00:00\.000
+### milli\_seconds
+Number of milli\-seconds in a second\.
+### millis
+(-> Time .Nat)
+### minutes
+Number of minutes in an hour\.
+### of\_millis
+(-> .Nat (library/lux/control/try.Try Time))
+(of_millis milli_seconds)
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order Time)
+### parser
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser Time)
+### seconds
+Number of seconds in a minute\.
+### time
+(-> Clock (library/lux/control/try.Try Time))
+(time clock)
+### time\_exceeds\_a\_day
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+# library/lux/time/date
+## Definitions
+### Date
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/time/date.Date")
+A date specified as a year/month/day triplet\.
+### codec
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text Date)
+Based on ISO 8601\.
+For example: 2017\-01\-15
+### date
+(-> library/lux/time/year.Year library/lux/time/month.Month .Nat (library/lux/control/try.Try Date))
+A date, within the allowed limits\.
+(date year month day_of_month)
+### day\_of\_month
+(-> Date .Nat)
+### days
+(-> Date .Int)
+### enum
+(library/lux/abstract/enum.Enum Date)
+### epoch
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Date)
+### invalid\_day
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [library/lux/time/year.Year library/lux/time/month.Month .Nat])
+### invalid\_month
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### month
+(-> Date library/lux/time/month.Month)
+### of\_days
+(-> .Int Date)
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order Date)
+### parser
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser Date)
+### year
+(-> Date library/lux/time/year.Year)
+# library/lux/time/day
+## Definitions
+### Day
+... .Type
+ {#Sunday .Any}
+ {#Monday .Any}
+ {#Tuesday .Any}
+ {#Wednesday .Any}
+ {#Thursday .Any}
+ {#Friday .Any}
+ {#Saturday .Any})
+A day of the week\.
+### by\_number
+(-> .Nat (library/lux/control/try.Try Day))
+### codec
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text Day)
+### enum
+(library/lux/abstract/enum.Enum Day)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Day)
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash Day)
+### invalid\_day
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### not\_a\_day\_of\_the\_week
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Text)
+### number
+(-> Day .Nat)
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order Day)
+### week
+(.List Day)
+All the days, ordered by when they come in a week\.
+# library/lux/time/duration
+## Definitions
+### Duration
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/time/duration.Duration")
+Durations have a resolution of milli\-seconds\.
+### codec
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text Duration)
+### day
+### difference
+(-> Duration Duration Duration)
+(difference from to)
+### down
+(-> .Nat Duration Duration)
+### empty
+### enum
+(library/lux/abstract/enum.Enum Duration)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Duration)
+### framed
+(-> Duration Duration Duration)
+### hour
+### inverse
+(-> Duration Duration)
+### leap\_year
+### merged
+(-> Duration Duration Duration)
+### milli\_second
+### millis
+(-> Duration .Int)
+### minute
+### monoid
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid Duration)
+### negative?
+(-> Duration .Bit)
+### neutral?
+(-> Duration .Bit)
+### normal\_year
+### of\_millis
+(-> .Int Duration)
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order Duration)
+### positive?
+(-> Duration .Bit)
+### second
+### ticks
+(-> Duration Duration .Int)
+### up
+(-> .Nat Duration Duration)
+### week
+# library/lux/time/instant
+## Definitions
+### Instant
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/time/instant.Instant")
+Instant is defined as milli\-seconds since the epoch\.
+### absolute
+(-> library/lux/time/duration.Duration Instant)
+(absolute offset)
+### after
+(-> library/lux/time/duration.Duration Instant Instant)
+(after duration instant)
+### codec
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text Instant)
+Based on ISO 8601\.
+For example: 2017\-01\-15T21:14:51\.827Z
+### date
+(-> Instant library/lux/time/date.Date)
+### day\_of\_week
+(-> Instant library/lux/time/day.Day)
+### enum
+(library/lux/abstract/enum.Enum Instant)
+### epoch
+The instant corresponding to 1970\-01\-01T00:00:00Z\.
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Instant)
+### millis
+(-> Instant .Int)
+### now
+(library/lux/control/io.IO Instant)
+Yields the current instant, as measured from the operating\-system's clock\.
+### of\_date\_time
+(-> library/lux/time/date.Date library/lux/time.Time Instant)
+(of_date_time date time)
+### of\_millis
+(-> .Int Instant)
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order Instant)
+### relative
+(-> Instant library/lux/time/duration.Duration)
+(relative instant)
+### span
+(-> Instant Instant library/lux/time/duration.Duration)
+(span from to)
+### time
+(-> Instant library/lux/time.Time)
+# library/lux/time/month
+## Definitions
+### Month
+... .Type
+ {#January .Any}
+ {#February .Any}
+ {#March .Any}
+ {#April .Any}
+ {#May .Any}
+ {#June .Any}
+ {#July .Any}
+ {#August .Any}
+ {#September .Any}
+ {#October .Any}
+ {#November .Any}
+ {#December .Any})
+A month of the year\.
+### by\_number
+(-> .Nat (library/lux/control/try.Try Month))
+### codec
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text Month)
+### days
+(-> Month .Nat)
+The amount of days of a month\.
+(days month)
+### enum
+(library/lux/abstract/enum.Enum Month)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Month)
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash Month)
+### invalid\_month
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### leap\_year\_days
+(-> Month .Nat)
+The amount of days of a month \(in a leap year\)\.
+(leap_year_days month)
+### not\_a\_month\_of\_the\_year
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Text)
+### number
+(-> Month .Nat)
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order Month)
+### year
+(.List Month)
+All the months, ordered by when they come in a year\.
+# library/lux/time/year
+## Definitions
+### Period
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+An amount of years\.
+### Year
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/time/year.Year")
+A year in the gregorian calendar\.
+Both negative \(< 0\) and positive \(> 0\) values are valid, but not 0\.
+This is because the first year of the gregorian calendar was year 1\.
+### century
+### codec
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text Year)
+Based on ISO 8601\.
+For example: 2017
+### days
+The amount of days in a typical year\.
+### epoch
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Year)
+### era
+### leap
+### leap?
+(-> Year .Bit)
+### leaps
+(-> Year .Int)
+The number of leap years in a period of years\.
+(leaps year)
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order Year)
+### parser
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser Year)
+### there\_is\_no\_year\_0
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### value
+(-> Year .Int)
+### year
+(-> .Int (library/lux/control/try.Try Year))
+A valid year in the gregorian calendar, if possible\.
+(year value)
+# library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis
+## Definitions
+### %analysis
+(library/lux/data/text/format.Format Analysis)
+### Abstraction
+... .Type
+(All (Abstraction _0)
+ [(Environment _0) library/lux/tool/compiler/arity.Arity _0])
+### Analysis
+... .Type
+(Rec Analysis
+ (Variant
+ {#Primitive Primitive}
+ {#Structure (Composite Analysis)}
+ {#Reference library/lux/tool/compiler/reference.Reference}
+ {#Case Analysis (Match' Analysis)}
+ {#Function (Environment Analysis) Analysis}
+ {#Apply Analysis Analysis}
+ {#Extension (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Extension Analysis)}))
+### Application
+... .Type
+(All (Application _0)
+ [_0 (.List _0)])
+### Branch
+... .Type
+(Branch' Analysis)
+### Branch'
+... .Type
+(All (Branch' _0)
+ (Record
+ [#when Pattern
+ #then _0]))
+### Bundle
+... .Type
+(library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Bundle .Lux .Code Analysis)
+### Composite
+... .Type
+(All (Composite _0)
+ (Variant
+ {#Variant (Variant _0)}
+ {#Tuple (Tuple _0)}))
+### Environment
+... .Type
+(All (Environment _0)
+ (.List _0))
+### Handler
+... .Type
+(library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Handler .Lux .Code Analysis)
+### Match
+... .Type
+(Match' Analysis)
+### Match'
+... .Type
+(All (Match' _0)
+ [(Branch' _0) (.List (Branch' _0))])
+### Operation
+... .Type
+(library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Operation .Lux .Code Analysis)
+### Pattern
+... .Type
+(Rec Pattern
+ (Variant
+ {#Simple Primitive}
+ {#Complex (Composite Pattern)}
+ {#Bind library/lux/tool/compiler/reference/variable.Register}))
+### Phase
+... .Type
+(library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Phase .Lux .Code Analysis)
+### Primitive
+... .Type
+ {#Unit .Any}
+ {#Bit .Bit}
+ {#Nat .Nat}
+ {#Int .Int}
+ {#Rev .Rev}
+ {#Frac .Frac}
+ {#Text .Text})
+### State\+
+... .Type
+(library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.State .Lux .Code Analysis)
+### Tag
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+### Tuple
+... .Type
+(All (Tuple _0)
+ (.List _0))
+### Variant
+... .Type
+(All (Variant _0)
+ (Record
+ [#lefts .Nat
+ #right? .Bit
+ #value _0]))
+### application
+(-> Analysis (Application Analysis))
+### apply
+(-> (Application Analysis) Analysis)
+### assertion
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/control/exception.Exception _0) _0 .Bit (Operation .Any)))
+### bit
+### choice
+(-> .Nat .Nat [.Nat .Bit])
+### composite\_equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Composite _0))))
+### composite\_hash
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash (Composite _0))))
+### constant
+### control/case
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Analysis)
+### except
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/control/exception.Exception _0) _0 Operation))
+### except'
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/control/exception.Exception _0) _0 (library/lux/tool/compiler/phase.Operation .Lux)))
+### failure
+(-> .Text Operation)
+### failure'
+(-> .Text (library/lux/tool/compiler/phase.Operation .Lux))
+### frac
+### info
+(-> library/lux/tool/compiler/version.Version .Text .Info)
+### install
+(-> .Lux (Operation .Any))
+### int
+### location
+(-> .Text .Location)
+### nat
+### no\_op
+### pattern/bind
+### pattern/bit
+### pattern/frac
+### pattern/int
+### pattern/nat
+### pattern/rev
+### pattern/text
+### pattern/tuple
+### pattern/unit
+### pattern/variant
+### rev
+### set\_current\_module
+(-> .Text (Operation .Any))
+### set\_location
+(-> .Location (Operation .Any))
+### set\_source\_code
+(-> .Source (Operation .Any))
+### source
+(-> .Text .Text .Source)
+### state
+(-> .Info .Lux)
+### tag
+(-> .Nat .Bit .Nat)
+### text
+### tuple
+### unit
+### variable
+### variable/foreign
+### variable/local
+### variant
+### with\_current\_module
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (Operation _0) (Operation _0)))
+### with\_location
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Location (Operation _0) (Operation _0)))
+### with\_scope
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Operation _0) (Operation [.Scope _0])))
+### with\_source\_code
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Source (Operation _0) (Operation _0)))
+### with\_stack
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/control/exception.Exception _0) _0 (Operation _1) (Operation _1)))
+### without\_scopes
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Operation _0) (Operation _0)))
+# library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/directive
+## Definitions
+### Bundle
+... .Type
+(All (Bundle _0 _1 _2)
+ (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Bundle (State _0 _1 _2) .Code Requirements))
+### Component
+... .Type
+(All (Component _0 _1)
+ (Record
+ [#state _0
+ #phase _1]))
+### Handler
+... .Type
+(All (Handler _0 _1 _2)
+ (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Handler (State _0 _1 _2) .Code Requirements))
+### Import
+... .Type
+ [#module library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/descriptor.Module
+ #alias .Text])
+### Operation
+... .Type
+(All (Operation _0 _1 _2)
+ (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Operation (State _0 _1 _2) .Code Requirements))
+### Phase
+... .Type
+(All (Phase _0 _1 _2)
+ (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Phase (State _0 _1 _2) .Code Requirements))
+### Requirements
+... .Type
+ [#imports (.List Import)
+ #referrals (.List .Code)])
+### State
+... .Type
+(All (State _0 _1 _2)
+ (Record
+ [#analysis (Component library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.State+ library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Phase)
+ #synthesis (Component library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.State+ library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Phase)
+ #generation (Component (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/generation.State+ _0 _1 _2) (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/generation.Phase _0 _1 _2))]))
+### State\+
+... .Type
+(All (State+ _0 _1 _2)
+ (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.State (State _0 _1 _2) .Code Requirements))
+### analysis
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (Operation _0 _1 _2 library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Phase))
+### generation
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (Operation _0 _1 _2 (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/generation.Phase _0 _1 _2)))
+### lifted\_analysis
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Operation _3) (Operation _0 _1 _2 _3)))
+### lifted\_generation
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/generation.Operation _0 _1 _2 _3) (Operation _0 _1 _2 _3)))
+### lifted\_synthesis
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Operation _3) (Operation _0 _1 _2 _3)))
+### merge\_requirements
+(-> Requirements Requirements Requirements)
+### no\_requirements
+### set\_current\_module
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/descriptor.Module (Operation _0 _1 _2 .Any)))
+### synthesis
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (Operation _0 _1 _2 library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Phase))
+# library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/generation
+## Definitions
+### Buffer
+... .Type
+(All (Buffer _0)
+ (library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence [library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.ID (.Maybe .Text) _0]))
+### Bundle
+... .Type
+(All (Bundle _0 _1 _2)
+ (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Bundle (State _0 _1 _2) library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Synthesis _1))
+### Context
+... .Type
+[library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive.ID library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.ID]
+### Extender
+... .Type
+(All (Extender _0 _1 _2)
+ (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Extender (State _0 _1 _2) library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Synthesis _1))
+### Handler
+... .Type
+(All (Handler _0 _1 _2)
+ (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Handler (State _0 _1 _2) library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Synthesis _1))
+### Host
+... .Type
+(All (Host _0 _1)
+ (Record
+ [evaluate (-> Context _0 (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any))
+ execute (-> _1 (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any))
+ define (-> Context (.Maybe .Text) _0 (library/lux/control/try.Try [.Text .Any _1]))
+ ingest (-> Context library/lux/data/binary.Binary _1)
+ re_learn (-> Context (.Maybe .Text) _1 (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any))
+ re_load (-> Context (.Maybe .Text) _1 (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any))]))
+### Operation
+... .Type
+(All (Operation _0 _1 _2)
+ (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Operation (State _0 _1 _2) library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Synthesis _1))
+### Phase
+... .Type
+(All (Phase _0 _1 _2)
+ (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Phase (State _0 _1 _2) library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Synthesis _1))
+### State
+... .Type
+(All (State _0 _1 _2)
+ (Record
+ [#module library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/descriptor.Module
+ #anchor (.Maybe _0)
+ #host (Host _1 _2)
+ #buffer (.Maybe (Buffer _2))
+ #registry library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.Registry
+ #counter .Nat
+ #context (.Maybe library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.ID)
+ #log (library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence .Text)]))
+### State\+
+... .Type
+(All (State+ _0 _1 _2)
+ (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.State (State _0 _1 _2) library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Synthesis _1))
+### anchor
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (Operation _0 _1 _2 _0))
+### buffer
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (Operation _0 _1 _2 (Buffer _2)))
+### cannot\_interpret
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Text)
+### cannot\_overwrite\_output
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.ID)
+### context
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive.Archive (Operation _0 _1 _2 Context)))
+### define\!
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> Context (.Maybe .Text) _1 (Operation _0 _1 _2 [.Text .Any _2])))
+### empty\_buffer
+### enter\_module
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/descriptor.Module (Operation _0 _1 _2 .Any)))
+### evaluate\!
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> Context _1 (Operation _0 _1 _2 .Any)))
+### execute\!
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> _2 (Operation _0 _1 _2 .Any)))
+### get\_registry
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (Operation _0 _1 _2 library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.Registry))
+### learn
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> .Text (Operation _0 _1 _2 library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.ID)))
+### learn\_analyser
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> .Text (Operation _0 _1 _2 library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.ID)))
+### learn\_custom
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> .Text (Operation _0 _1 _2 library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.ID)))
+### learn\_directive
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> .Text (Operation _0 _1 _2 library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.ID)))
+### learn\_generator
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> .Text (Operation _0 _1 _2 library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.ID)))
+### learn\_synthesizer
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> .Text (Operation _0 _1 _2 library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.ID)))
+### log\!
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> .Text (Operation _0 _1 _2 .Any)))
+### module
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (Operation _0 _1 _2 library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/descriptor.Module))
+### module\_id
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/descriptor.Module library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive.Archive (Operation _0 _1 _2 library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive.ID)))
+### next
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (Operation _0 _1 _2 .Nat))
+### no\_active\_buffer
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### no\_anchor
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### no\_buffer\_for\_saving\_code
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.ID)
+### no\_context
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### remember
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive.Archive .Symbol (Operation _0 _1 _2 Context)))
+### save\!
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.ID (.Maybe .Text) _2 (Operation _0 _1 _2 .Any)))
+### set\_anchor
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> _0 (Operation _0 _1 _2 .Any)))
+### set\_buffer
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Buffer _2) (Operation _0 _1 _2 .Any)))
+### set\_registry
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.Registry (Operation _0 _1 _2 .Any)))
+### state
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Host _1 _2) library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/descriptor.Module (State _0 _1 _2)))
+### symbol
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> .Text (Operation _0 _1 _2 .Text)))
+### unknown\_definition
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Symbol (.List .Text)])
+### with\_anchor
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> _0 (Operation _0 _1 _2 _3) (Operation _0 _1 _2 _3)))
+### with\_buffer
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> (Operation _0 _1 _2 _3) (Operation _0 _1 _2 _3)))
+### with\_context
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.ID (Operation _0 _1 _2 _3) (Operation _0 _1 _2 _3)))
+### with\_new\_context
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive.Archive (Operation _0 _1 _2 _3) (Operation _0 _1 _2 [Context _3])))
+# library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis
+## Definitions
+### \!bind\_top
+### \!multi\_pop
+### %path
+(library/lux/data/text/format.Format Path)
+### %path'
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/data/text/format.Format _0) (library/lux/data/text/format.Format (Path' _0))))
+### %synthesis
+(library/lux/data/text/format.Format Synthesis)
+### Abstraction
+... .Type
+(Abstraction' Synthesis)
+### Abstraction'
+... .Type
+(All (Abstraction' _0)
+ (Record
+ [#environment (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Environment _0)
+ #arity library/lux/tool/compiler/arity.Arity
+ #body _0]))
+### Access
+... .Type
+ {#Side Side}
+ {#Member Member})
+### Apply
+... .Type
+(Apply' Synthesis)
+### Apply'
+... .Type
+(All (Apply' _0)
+ (Record
+ [#function _0
+ #arguments (.List _0)]))
+### Branch
+... .Type
+(All (Branch _0)
+ (Variant
+ {#Let _0 library/lux/tool/compiler/reference/variable.Register _0}
+ {#If _0 _0 _0}
+ {#Get (.List Member) _0}
+ {#Case _0 (Path' _0)}))
+### Bundle
+... .Type
+(library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Bundle State library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Analysis Synthesis)
+### Control
+... .Type
+(All (Control _0)
+ (Variant
+ {#Branch (Branch _0)}
+ {#Loop (Loop _0)}
+ {#Function (Function _0)}))
+### Fork
+... .Type
+(All (Fork _0 _1)
+ [[_0 _1] (.List [_0 _1])])
+### Function
+... .Type
+(All (Function _0)
+ (Variant
+ {#Abstraction (Abstraction' _0)}
+ {#Apply _0 (.List _0)}))
+### Handler
+... .Type
+(library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Handler State library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Analysis Synthesis)
+### Loop
+... .Type
+(All (Loop _0)
+ (Variant
+ {#Scope (Scope _0)}
+ {#Again (.List _0)}))
+### Member
+... .Type
+(.Either .Nat .Nat)
+### Operation
+... .Type
+(library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Operation State library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Analysis Synthesis)
+### Path
+... .Type
+(Path' Synthesis)
+### Path'
+... .Type
+(All (Path' _0)
+ (Variant
+ {#Pop .Any}
+ {#Access Access}
+ {#Bind library/lux/tool/compiler/reference/variable.Register}
+ {#Bit_Fork .Bit (Path' _0) (.Maybe (Path' _0))}
+ {#I64_Fork (Fork (.I64 .Any) (Path' _0))}
+ {#F64_Fork (Fork .Frac (Path' _0))}
+ {#Text_Fork (Fork .Text (Path' _0))}
+ {#Alt (Path' _0) (Path' _0)}
+ {#Seq (Path' _0) (Path' _0)}
+ {#Then _0}))
+### Phase
+... .Type
+(library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Phase State library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Analysis Synthesis)
+### Primitive
+... .Type
+ {#Bit .Bit}
+ {#I64 (.I64 .Any)}
+ {#F64 .Frac}
+ {#Text .Text})
+### Resolver
+... .Type
+(library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary library/lux/tool/compiler/reference/variable.Variable library/lux/tool/compiler/reference/variable.Variable)
+### Scope
+... .Type
+(All (Scope _0)
+ (Record
+ [#start library/lux/tool/compiler/reference/variable.Register
+ #inits (.List _0)
+ #iteration _0]))
+### Side
+... .Type
+(.Either .Nat .Nat)
+### State
+... .Type
+ [#locals .Nat
+ #currying? .Bit])
+### State\+
+... .Type
+(library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.State State library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Analysis Synthesis)
+### Synthesis
+... .Type
+(Rec Synthesis
+ (Variant
+ {#Primitive Primitive}
+ {#Structure (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Composite Synthesis)}
+ {#Reference library/lux/tool/compiler/reference.Reference}
+ {#Control (Control Synthesis)}
+ {#Extension (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Extension Synthesis)}))
+### access\_equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Access)
+### bit
+### branch/case
+### branch/get
+### branch/if
+### branch/let
+### constant
+### currying?
+(Operation .Bit)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Synthesis)
+### f64
+### fresh\_resolver
+### function/abstraction
+### function/apply
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash Synthesis)
+### i64
+### init
+### locals
+(Operation .Nat)
+### loop/again
+### loop/scope
+### member/left
+### member/right
+### path'\_equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Path' _0))))
+### path/alt
+### path/bind
+### path/member
+### path/pop
+### path/seq
+### path/side
+### path/then
+### path\_equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Path)
+### primitive\_equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Primitive)
+### side/left
+### side/right
+### simple\_left\_side
+### simple\_right\_side
+### text
+### tuple
+### unit
+### variable
+### variable/foreign
+### variable/local
+### variant
+### with\_currying?
+(-> .Bit (All (_ _0) (-> (Operation _0) (Operation _0))))
+### with\_locals
+(-> .Nat (All (_ _0) (-> (Operation _0) (Operation _0))))
+### with\_new\_local
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Operation _0) (Operation _0)))
+# library/lux/tool/compiler/phase
+## Definitions
+### Operation
+... .Type
+(All (Operation _0 _1)
+ (library/lux/control/state.+State library/lux/control/try.Try _0 _1))
+### Phase
+... .Type
+(All (Phase _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive.Archive _1 (Operation _0 _2)))
+### Wrapper
+... .Type
+(All (Wrapper _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Phase _0 _1 _2) .Any))
+### assertion
+### composite
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3 _4)
+ (-> (Phase _0 _2 _3) (Phase _1 _3 _4) (Phase [_0 _1] _2 _4)))
+### except
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/control/exception.Exception _0) _0 Operation))
+### failure
+(-> .Text Operation)
+### get\_state
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (Operation _0 _0))
+### identity
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (Phase _0 _1 _1))
+### lifted
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/control/try.Try _1) (Operation _0 _1)))
+### monad
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (Operation _0)))
+### result
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 (Operation _0 _1) (library/lux/control/try.Try _1)))
+### result'
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 (Operation _0 _1) (library/lux/control/try.Try [_0 _1])))
+### set\_state
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 (Operation _0 .Any)))
+### sub
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> [(-> _0 _1) (-> _1 _0 _0)] (Operation _1 _2) (Operation _0 _2)))
+### timed
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> .Symbol .Text (Operation _0 _1) (Operation _0 _1)))
+# library/lux/type
+Basic functionality for working with types\.
+## Definitions
+### :as
+Casts a value to a specific type\.
+The specified type can depend on type variables of the original type of the value\.
+NOTE: Careless use of type\-casts is an easy way to introduce bugs\. USE WITH CAUTION\.
+(: (Bar Bit Nat Text)
+ (:as [a b c]
+ (Foo a [b c])
+ (Bar a b c)
+ (: (Foo Bit [Nat Text])
+ (foo expression))))
+### :by\_example
+Constructs a type that shares type\-variables with an expression of some other type\.
+(: Type
+ (:by_example [a b c]
+ (Foo a [b c])
+ (: (Foo Bit [Nat Text])
+ (foo expression))
+ (Bar a b c)))
+... =>
+(.type (Bar Bit Nat Text))
+### :log\!
+Logs to the console/terminal the type of an expression\.
+(:log! (: Foo (foo expression)))
+... =>
+... Expression: (foo expression)
+... Type: Foo
+(foo expression)
+### :sharing
+Allows specifing the type of an expression as sharing type\-variables with the type of another expression\.
+(: (Bar Bit Nat Text)
+ (:sharing [a b c]
+ (Foo a [b c])
+ (: (Foo Bit [Nat Text])
+ (foo expression))
+ (Bar a b c)
+ (bar expression)))
+### anonymous
+(-> .Type .Type)
+A type without any names covering it\.
+(anonymous type)
+### application
+(-> (.List .Type) .Type .Type)
+An un\-evaluated type application, with the given quantified type, and parameters\.
+(application params quant)
+### applied
+(-> (.List .Type) .Type (.Maybe .Type))
+To the extend possible, applies a quantified type to the given parameters\.
+(applied params func)
+### array
+(-> .Nat .Type .Type)
+An array type, with the given level of nesting/depth, and the given element type\.
+(array depth element_type)
+### array?
+(-> .Type .Bit)
+Is a type an array type?
+### code
+(-> .Type .Code)
+A representation of a type as code\.
+The code is such that evaluating it would yield the type value\.
+(code type)
+### de\_aliased
+(-> .Type .Type)
+A \(potentially named\) type that does not have its name shadowed by other names\.
+(de_aliased type)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence .Type)
+### ex\_q
+(-> .Nat .Type .Type)
+A quantified type, with the given number of parameters, and body\.
+### flat\_application
+(-> .Type [.Type (.List .Type)])
+The quantified type, and its parameters, for a type\-application\.
+(flat_application type)
+### flat\_array
+(-> .Type [.Nat .Type])
+The level of nesting/depth and element type for an array type\.
+(flat_array type)
+### flat\_ex\_q
+(-> .Type [.Nat .Type])
+The number of parameters, and the body, of a quantified type\.
+### flat\_function
+(-> .Type [(.List .Type) .Type])
+The input, and the output of a function type\.
+(flat_function type)
+### flat\_tuple
+(-> .Type (.List .Type))
+The members of a composite type\.
+### flat\_univ\_q
+(-> .Type [.Nat .Type])
+The number of parameters, and the body, of a quantified type\.
+### flat\_variant
+(-> .Type (.List .Type))
+The members of a composite type\.
+### format
+(-> .Type .Text)
+A \(readable\) textual representable of a type\.
+(format type)
+### function
+(-> (.List .Type) .Type .Type)
+A function type, with the given inputs and output\.
+(function inputs output)
+### quantified?
+(-> .Type .Bit)
+Only yields \#1 for universally or existentially quantified types\.
+(quantified? type)
+### tuple
+(-> (.List .Type) .Type)
+A composite type, constituted by the given member types\.
+### univ\_q
+(-> .Nat .Type .Type)
+A quantified type, with the given number of parameters, and body\.
+### variant
+(-> (.List .Type) .Type)
+A composite type, constituted by the given member types\.
+# library/lux/type/abstract
+## Definitions
+### :abstraction
+Type\-casting macro for abstract/nominal types\.
+(|> value
+ (: Representation)
+ :abstraction
+ (: Abstraction)
+ :representation
+ (: Representation))
+### :representation
+Type\-casting macro for abstract/nominal types\.
+(|> value
+ (: Representation)
+ :abstraction
+ (: Abstraction)
+ :representation
+ (: Representation))
+### :transmutation
+Transmutes an abstract/nominal type's phantom types\.
+(abstract: (JavaScript a)
+ Text
+ (abstract: Expression Any)
+ (abstract: Statement Any)
+ (def: (statement expression)
+ (-> (JavaScript Expression) (JavaScript Statement))
+ (:transmutation expression))
+ (def: (statement' expression)
+ (-> (JavaScript Expression) (JavaScript Statement))
+ (:transmutation JavaScript expression)))
+### Frame
+... .Type
+ [#name .Text
+ #type_vars (.List .Code)
+ #abstraction .Code
+ #representation .Code])
+Meta\-data about an abstract/nominal type in a stack of them\.
+### ^:representation
+Pattern\-matching macro to easily extract a representation\.
+(def: (computation abstraction)
+ (All (_ a) (-> (Abstract a) ???))
+ (let [(^:representation value) abstraction]
+ (foo (bar (baz value)))))
+### abstract:
+Define abstract/nominal types which hide their representation details\.
+You can convert between the abstraction and its representation selectively to access the value, while hiding it from others\.
+(abstract: String
+ Text
+ (def: (string value)
+ (-> Text String)
+ (:abstraction value))
+ (def: (text value)
+ (-> String Text)
+ (:representation value)))
+... Type-parameters are optional.
+(abstract: (Duplicate a)
+ [a a]
+ (def: (duplicate value)
+ (All (_ a) (-> a (Duplicate a)))
+ (:abstraction [value value])))
+... Definitions can be nested.
+(abstract: (Single a)
+ a
+ (def: (single value)
+ (All (_ a) (-> a (Single a)))
+ (:abstraction value))
+ (abstract: (Double a)
+ [a a]
+ (def: (double value)
+ (All (_ a) (-> a (Double a)))
+ (:abstraction [value value]))
+ (def: (single' value)
+ (All (_ a) (-> a (Single a)))
+ (:abstraction Single [value value]))
+ (let [value 123]
+ (same? value
+ (|> value
+ single'
+ (:representation Single)
+ double
+ :representation)))))
+... Type-parameters do not necessarily have to be used in the representation type.
+... If they are not used, they become phantom types and can be used to customize types without changing the representation.
+(abstract: (JavaScript a)
+ Text
+ (abstract: Expression Any)
+ (abstract: Statement Any)
+ (def: (+ x y)
+ (-> (JavaScript Expression) (JavaScript Expression) (JavaScript Expression))
+ (:abstraction
+ (format "(" (:representation x) "+" (:representation y) ")")))
+ (def: (while test body)
+ (-> (JavaScript Expression) (JavaScript Statement) (JavaScript Statement))
+ (:abstraction
+ (format "while(" (:representation test) ") {"
+ (:representation body)
+ "}"))))
+### current
+(.Meta Frame)
+The currently\-being\-defined abstract/nominal type\.
+### no\_active\_frames
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### specific
+(-> .Text (.Meta Frame))
+A specific abstract/nominal type still being defined somewhere in the scope\.
+(specific name)
+# library/lux/type/check
+Type\-checking functionality\.
+## Definitions
+### \(Check it\)
+... .Type
+(-> .Type_Context (library/lux/control/try.Try [.Type_Context it]))
+A type\-checking computation which may fail or yield a value\.
+### Var
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+The ID for a type\-variable in a type\-checking context\.
+### apply
+(library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply Check)
+### assertion
+(-> .Text .Bit (Check .Any))
+(assertion message test)
+### bind
+(-> .Type Var (Check .Any))
+Attemmpts to buy a type\-variable\.
+Fails if the variable has been bound already\.
+(bind type id)
+### bound?
+(-> Var (Check .Bit))
+### cannot\_rebind\_var
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Nat .Type .Type])
+### check
+(-> .Type .Type (Check .Any))
+Type\-check to ensure that the 'expected' type subsumes the 'actual' type\.
+(check expected actual)
+### clean
+(-> .Type (Check .Type))
+Resolves every bound type\-variable to yield a new type that is as resolved as possible\.
+(clean inputT)
+### context
+(Check .Type_Context)
+The current state of the type\-checking context\.
+### except
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/control/exception.Exception _0) _0 (Check _1)))
+(except exception message)
+### existential
+(Check [.Nat .Type])
+A brand\-new existential type\.
+### failure
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (Check _0)))
+(failure message)
+### fresh\_context
+An empty/un\-used type\-checking context\.
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Check)
+### invalid\_type\_application
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Type .Type])
+### monad
+(library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad Check)
+### peek
+(-> Var (Check (.Maybe .Type)))
+### read
+(-> Var (Check .Type))
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Type_Context (Check _0) (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)))
+(result context proc)
+### subsumes?
+(-> .Type .Type .Bit)
+A simple type\-checking function that just returns a yes/no answer\.
+(subsumes? expected actual)
+### type\_check\_failed
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Type .Type])
+### unbound\_type\_var
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### unknown\_type\_var
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### var
+(Check [Var .Type])
+A brand\-new \(unbound\) type\-variable\.
+# library/lux/type/dynamic
+## Definitions
+### :dynamic
+(: Dynamic
+ (:dynamic 123))
+### :static
+(: (try.Try Nat)
+ (:static Nat (:dynamic 123)))
+### Dynamic
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/type/dynamic.Dynamic")
+A value coupled with its type, so it can be checked later\.
+### format
+(-> Dynamic (library/lux/control/try.Try .Text))
+### wrong\_type
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Type .Type])
+# library/lux/type/implicit
+## Definitions
+### \#\#
+Automatic implementation selection \(for type\-class style polymorphism\)\.
+This feature layers type\-class style polymorphism on top of Lux's signatures and implementations\.
+When calling a polymorphic function, or using a polymorphic constant,
+this macro will check the types of the arguments, and the expected type for the whole expression
+and it will search in the local scope, the module's scope and the imports' scope
+in order to find suitable implementations to satisfy those requirements\.
+If a single alternative is found, that one will be used automatically\.
+If no alternative is found, or if more than one alternative is found \(ambiguity\)
+a compile\-time error will be raised, to alert the user\.
+Caveat emptor: You need to make sure to import the module of any implementation you want to use\.
+Otherwise, this macro will not find it\.
+... Nat equivalence
+(# number.equivalence = x y)
+(## = x y)
+... Can optionally add the prefix of the module where the signature was defined.
+(## equivalence.= x y)
+... (List Nat) equivalence
+(## =
+ (list.indices 10)
+ (list.indices 10))
+... (Functor List) each
+(## each ++ (list.indices 10))
+### implicit:
+Establish local definitions for implementations that will be prioritized over foreign definitions\.
+(implicit: [n.multiplication])
+(n.= (# n.multiplication composite left right)
+ (## composite left right))
+### with
+Establish lexical bindings for implementations that will be prioritized over non\-lexically\-bound implementations\.
+(with [n.addition]
+ (n.= (# n.addition composite left right)
+ (## composite left right)))
+## Missing documentation
+1. `` compatible_type? ``
+# library/lux/type/poly
+## Definitions
+### code
+(-> library/lux/control/parser/type.Env .Type .Code)
+(code env type)
+### poly:
+# library/lux/type/quotient
+## Definitions
+### \(Class value label\)
+... .Type
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/type/quotient.Class" value label _0))
+The class knows how to classify/label values that are meant to be equivalent to one another\.
+### \(Quotient value label\)
+... .Type
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/type/quotient.Quotient" value label _0))
+A quotient value has been labeled with a class\.
+All equivalent values will belong to the same class\.
+This means all equivalent values possess the same label\.
+### class
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (Ex (_ _2)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1) (Class _0 _1 _2))))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _1) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Quotient _0 _1 _2))))
+### label
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Quotient _0 _1 _2) _1))
+### quotient
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Class _0 _1 _2) _0 (Quotient _0 _1 _2)))
+(quotient class value)
+### type
+The Quotient type associated with a Class type\.
+(def: even
+ (class even?))
+(def: Even
+ Type
+ (type even))
+(: Even
+ (quotient even 123))
+### value
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Quotient _0 _1 _2) _0))
+# library/lux/type/refinement
+## Definitions
+### \(Refined it\)
+... .Type
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/type/refinement.Refined" it _0))
+A refined version of another type, using a predicate to select valid instances\.
+### \(Refiner it\)
+... .Type
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> it (.Maybe (Refined it _0))))
+A selection mechanism for refined instances of a type\.
+### lifted
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 _0) (Refined _0 _1) (.Maybe (Refined _0 _1))))
+Yields a function that can work on refined values\.
+Respects the constraints of the refinement\.
+(lifted transform)
+### only
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Refiner _0 _1) (.List _0) (.List (Refined _0 _1))))
+(only refiner values)
+### partition
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Refiner _0 _1) (.List _0) [(.List (Refined _0 _1)) (.List _0)]))
+Separates refined values from the un\-refined ones\.
+(partition refiner values)
+### predicate
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Refined _0 _1) (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0)))
+### refiner
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Ex (_ _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (Refiner _0 _1))))
+(refiner predicate)
+### type
+The Refined type associated with a Refiner type\.
+(def: even
+ (refiner even?))
+(def: Even
+ Type
+ (type even))
+(: (Maybe Even)
+ (even 123))
+### value
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Refined _0 _1) _0))
+# library/lux/type/resource
+## Definitions
+### \(Affine monad permissions value\)
+... .Type
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Procedure monad _0 [permissions _0] value))
+A procedure which expands the number of available resources\.
+### Commutative
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/type/resource.Commutative")
+The mode of keys which CAN be swapped, and for whom order of release/consumption DOES NOT matters\.
+### \(Key mode key\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/type/resource.Key" mode key)
+The access right for a resource\.
+Without the key for a resource existing somewhere among the available ambient rights, one cannot use a resource\.
+### \(Linear monad value\)
+... .Type
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Procedure monad _0 _0 value))
+A procedure that is constant with regards to resource access rights\.
+This means no additional resources will be available after the computation is over\.
+This also means no previously available resources will have been consumed\.
+### Ordered
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/type/resource.Ordered")
+The mode of keys which CANNOT be swapped, and for whom order of release/consumption matters\.
+### \(Procedure monad input output value\)
+... .Type
+(-> input (monad [output value]))
+A computation that takes a sequence of resource access rights as inputs and yields a different sequence as outputs\.
+A procedure yields a result value\.
+A procedure can make use of monadic effects\.
+### \(Relevant monad permissions value\)
+... .Type
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Procedure monad [permissions _0] _0 value))
+A procedure which reduces the number of available resources\.
+### \(Res key value\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/type/resource.Res" key value)
+A resource locked by a key\.
+The 'key' represents the right to access/consume a resource\.
+### amount\_cannot\_be\_zero
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### commutative
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (Ex (_ _2)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) _1 (Affine _0 (Key Commutative _2) (Res _2 _1)))))
+Makes a value into a resource and adds the key/access\-right to it to the ambient keyring for future use\.
+### exchange
+A function that can exchange the keys for resource, so long as they are commutative\.
+This keys will be placed at the front of the keyring in the order they are specified\.
+The specific keys must be specified based of their index into the current keyring\.
+(do (monad !)
+ [res|left (commutative ! pre)
+ res|right (commutative ! post)
+ _ ((exchange [1 0]) !)
+ left (read ! res|left)
+ right (read ! res|right)]
+ (in (format left right)))
+### group
+Group/un\-group keys in the keyring into/out\-of tuples\.
+(do (monad !)
+ [res|left (commutative ! pre)
+ res|right (commutative ! post)
+ _ ((group 2) !)
+ _ ((un_group 2) !)
+ right (read ! res|right)
+ left (read ! res|left)]
+ (in (format left right)))
+### index\_cannot\_be\_repeated
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### lifted
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (_0 _1) (Linear _0 _1)))
+(lifted monad procedure)
+### monad
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (library/lux/abstract/monad/indexed.IxMonad (Procedure _0))))
+### ordered
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (Ex (_ _2)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) _1 (Affine _0 (Key Ordered _2) (Res _2 _1)))))
+Makes a value into a resource and adds the key/access\-right to it to the ambient keyring for future use\.
+### read
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (Res _2 _1) (Relevant _0 (Key _3 _2) _1)))
+Access the value of a resource, so long as its key is available\.
+(read monad resource)
+### run\!
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (Linear _0 _1) (_0 _1)))
+(run! monad procedure)
+### un\_group
+Group/un\-group keys in the keyring into/out\-of tuples\.
+(do (monad !)
+ [res|left (commutative ! pre)
+ res|right (commutative ! post)
+ _ ((group 2) !)
+ _ ((un_group 2) !)
+ right (read ! res|right)
+ left (read ! res|left)]
+ (in (format left right)))
+# library/lux/type/unit
+## Definitions
+### \*
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Qty _0) (Qty _1) (Qty [_0 _1])))
+### \+
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Qty _0) (Qty _0) (Qty _0)))
+### \-
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Qty _0) (Qty _0) (Qty _0)))
+### /
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Qty _0) (Qty [_0 _1]) (Qty _1)))
+### Giga
+... .Type
+(All (Giga _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/type/unit.Giga" _0))
+### Gram
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/type/unit.Gram")
+### Kilo
+... .Type
+(All (Kilo _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/type/unit.Kilo" _0))
+### Litre
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/type/unit.Litre")
+### Mega
+... .Type
+(All (Mega _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/type/unit.Mega" _0))
+### Meter
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/type/unit.Meter")
+### Micro
+... .Type
+(All (Micro _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/type/unit.Micro" _0))
+### Milli
+... .Type
+(All (Milli _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/type/unit.Milli" _0))
+### Nano
+... .Type
+(All (Nano _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/type/unit.Nano" _0))
+### Pure
+... .Type
+(Qty .Any)
+A pure, unit\-less quantity\.
+### \(Qty unit\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/type/unit.Qty" unit)
+A quantity with an associated unit of measurement\.
+### \(Scale scale\)
+... .Type
+ [scale (All (_ _0) (-> (Qty _0) (Qty (scale _0))))
+ de_scale (All (_ _0) (-> (Qty (scale _0)) (Qty _0)))
+ ratio library/lux/math/number/ratio.Ratio])
+A scale of magnitude\.
+### Second
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/type/unit.Second")
+### \(Unit unit\)
+... .Type
+ [in (-> .Int (Qty unit))
+ out (-> (Qty unit) .Int)])
+A unit of measurement, to qualify numbers with\.
+### enum
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/enum.Enum (Qty _0)))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Qty _0)))
+### giga
+(Scale Giga)
+The 'giga' scale, from 1 to 1000000000\.
+### gram
+(Unit Gram)
+The 'gram' unit of meaurement\.
+### kilo
+(Scale Kilo)
+The 'kilo' scale, from 1 to 1000\.
+### litre
+(Unit Litre)
+The 'litre' unit of meaurement\.
+### mega
+(Scale Mega)
+The 'mega' scale, from 1 to 1000000\.
+### meter
+(Unit Meter)
+The 'meter' unit of meaurement\.
+### micro
+(Scale Micro)
+The 'micro' scale, from 1000000 to 1\.
+### milli
+(Scale Milli)
+The 'milli' scale, from 1000 to 1\.
+### nano
+(Scale Nano)
+The 'nano' scale, from 1000000000 to 1\.
+### number
+(-> Pure .Int)
+### order
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/order.Order (Qty _0)))
+### pure
+(-> .Int Pure)
+### re\_scaled
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Scale _0) (Scale _1) (Qty (_0 _2)) (Qty (_1 _2))))
+(re_scaled from to quantity)
+### scale:
+Define a scale of magnitude\.
+(scale: .public Bajillion bajillion
+ [1 1234567890])
+### second
+(Unit Second)
+The 'second' unit of meaurement\.
+### unit:
+Define a unit of measurement\.
+Both the name of the type, and the name of the Unit implementation must be specified\.
+(unit: .public Feet feet)
+# library/lux/type/variance
+## Definitions
+### \(Co it\)
+... .Type
+(-> .Any it)
+A constraint for covariant types\.
+### \(Contra it\)
+... .Type
+(-> it .Any)
+A constraint for contravariant types\.
+### \(In it\)
+... .Type
+(-> it it)
+A constraint for invariant types\.
+# library/lux/world/console
+## Definitions
+### \(Console \!\)
+... .Type
+ [read (-> .Any (! (library/lux/control/try.Try library/lux/data/text.Char)))
+ read_line (-> .Any (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Text)))
+ write (-> .Text (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any)))
+ close (-> .Any (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any)))])
+An interface to console/terminal I/O\.
+### \(Mock s\)
+... .Type
+ [on_read (-> s (library/lux/control/try.Try [s library/lux/data/text.Char]))
+ on_read_line (-> s (library/lux/control/try.Try [s .Text]))
+ on_write (-> .Text s (library/lux/control/try.Try s))
+ on_close (-> s (library/lux/control/try.Try s))])
+A mock/simulation of a console\.
+Useful for testing\.
+### async
+(-> (Console library/lux/control/io.IO) (Console library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async))
+### cannot\_close
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### cannot\_open
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### default
+(library/lux/control/io.IO (library/lux/control/try.Try (Console library/lux/control/io.IO)))
+### mock
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Mock _0) _0 (Console library/lux/control/io.IO)))
+(mock mock init)
+### write\_line
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (Console _0) (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any))))
+Writes the message on the console and appends a new\-line/line\-feed at the end\.
+(write_line message console)
+# library/lux/world/file
+## Definitions
+### Path
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Text")
+A path to a file or a directory in a file\-system\.
+### \(System \!\)
+... .Type
+ [separator .Text
+ file? (-> Path (! .Bit))
+ directory? (-> Path (! .Bit))
+ make_directory (-> Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any)))
+ directory_files (-> Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try (.List Path))))
+ sub_directories (-> Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try (.List Path))))
+ file_size (-> Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Nat)))
+ last_modified (-> Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try library/lux/time/instant.Instant)))
+ can_execute? (-> Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Bit)))
+ read (-> Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try library/lux/data/binary.Binary)))
+ delete (-> Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any)))
+ modify (-> library/lux/time/instant.Instant Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any)))
+ write (-> library/lux/data/binary.Binary Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any)))
+ append (-> library/lux/data/binary.Binary Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any)))
+ move (-> Path Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any)))])
+An interface to a file\-system\.
+### async
+(-> (System library/lux/control/io.IO) (System library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async))
+### cannot\_delete
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception Path)
+### cannot\_find\_directory
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception Path)
+### cannot\_find\_file
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception Path)
+### cannot\_make\_directory
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception Path)
+### cannot\_make\_file
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception Path)
+### cannot\_modify\_file
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [library/lux/time/instant.Instant Path])
+### cannot\_read\_all\_data
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception Path)
+### default
+(System library/lux/control/io.IO)
+### exists?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (System _0) Path (_0 .Bit)))
+Checks if either a file or a directory exists at the given path\.
+(exists? monad fs path)
+### make\_directories
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (System _0) Path (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any))))
+Creates the directory specified by the given path\.
+Also, creates every super\-directory necessary to make the given path valid\.
+(make_directories monad fs path)
+### make\_file
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (System _0) library/lux/data/binary.Binary Path (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any))))
+Creates a new file with the given content if\-and\-only\-if the file does not already exist\.
+(make_file monad fs content path)
+### mock
+(-> .Text (System library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async))
+A purely in\-memory simulation of a file\-system\.
+Useful for testing\.
+(mock separator)
+### name
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (System _0) Path .Text))
+The un\-nested name of a file/directory\.
+(name fs path)
+### parent
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (System _0) Path (.Maybe Path)))
+If a path represents a nested file/directory, extracts its parent directory\.
+(parent fs path)
+### rooted
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (System _0) Path .Text Path))
+A nested path for a file/directory, given a root/parent path and a file/directory name within it\.
+(rooted fs parent child)
+# library/lux/world/file/watch
+## Definitions
+### Concern
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/world/file/watch.Concern")
+A particular concern to watch\-out for\.
+### \(Watcher \!\)
+... .Type
+ [start (-> Concern library/lux/world/file.Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any)))
+ concern (-> library/lux/world/file.Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try Concern)))
+ stop (-> library/lux/world/file.Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try Concern)))
+ poll (-> .Any (! (library/lux/control/try.Try (.List [Concern library/lux/world/file.Path]))))])
+Machinery for watching a file\-system for changes to files and directories\.
+### all
+### also
+(-> Concern Concern Concern)
+(also left right)
+### cannot\_poll\_a\_non\_existent\_directory
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception library/lux/world/file.Path)
+### creation
+### creation?
+(library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate Concern)
+### default
+(library/lux/control/io.IO (library/lux/control/try.Try (Watcher library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async)))
+The default watcher for the default file\-system\.
+### deletion
+### deletion?
+(library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate Concern)
+### mock
+(-> .Text [(library/lux/world/file.System library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async) (Watcher library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async)])
+A fake/emulated watcher\.
+Must be given a path separator for the file\-system\.
+(mock separator)
+### modification
+### modification?
+(library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate Concern)
+### not\_being\_watched
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception library/lux/world/file.Path)
+### polling
+(-> (library/lux/world/file.System library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async) (Watcher library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async))
+A simple watcher that works for any file\-system\.Polls files and directories to detect changes\.
+(polling fs)
+# library/lux/world/input/keyboard
+## Definitions
+### Key
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+A key from a keyboard, identify by a numeric ID\.
+### Press
+... .Type
+ [#pressed? .Bit
+ #input Key])
+A key\-press for a key\.
+### a
+### alt
+### b
+### back\_space
+### c
+### caps\_lock
+### control
+### d
+### delete
+### down
+### e
+### end
+### enter
+### escape
+### f
+### f1
+### f10
+### f11
+### f12
+### f13
+### f14
+### f15
+### f16
+### f17
+### f18
+### f19
+### f2
+### f20
+### f21
+### f22
+### f23
+### f24
+### f3
+### f4
+### f5
+### f6
+### f7
+### f8
+### f9
+### g
+### h
+### home
+### i
+### insert
+### j
+### k
+### l
+### left
+### m
+### n
+### num\_lock
+### num\_pad\_0
+### num\_pad\_1
+### num\_pad\_2
+### num\_pad\_3
+### num\_pad\_4
+### num\_pad\_5
+### num\_pad\_6
+### num\_pad\_7
+### num\_pad\_8
+### num\_pad\_9
+### o
+### p
+### page\_down
+### page\_up
+### press
+(-> Key Press)
+### print\_screen
+### q
+### r
+### release
+(-> Key Press)
+### right
+### s
+### scroll\_lock
+### shift
+### space
+### t
+### u
+### up
+### v
+### w
+### windows
+### x
+### y
+### z
+# library/lux/world/net
+## Definitions
+### Address
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Text")
+A TCP/IP address\.
+### Location
+... .Type
+ [#address Address
+ #port Port])
+### Port
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+A TCP/IP port\.
+### URL
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Text")
+A Uniform Resource Locator\.
+# library/lux/world/net/http/client
+## Definitions
+### \(Client \!\)
+... .Type
+ [#request (-> library/lux/world/net/http.Method library/lux/world/net.URL library/lux/world/net/http.Headers (.Maybe library/lux/data/binary.Binary) (! (library/lux/control/try.Try (library/lux/world/net/http.Response !))))])
+A HTTP client capable of issuing requests to a HTTP server\.
+### async
+(-> (Client library/lux/control/io.IO) (Client library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async))
+A ASYNC request\.
+### connect
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> library/lux/world/net.URL library/lux/world/net/http.Headers (.Maybe library/lux/data/binary.Binary) (Client _0) (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try (library/lux/world/net/http.Response _0)))))
+A CONNECT request\.
+### default
+(Client library/lux/control/io.IO)
+A DEFAULT request\.
+### delete
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> library/lux/world/net.URL library/lux/world/net/http.Headers (.Maybe library/lux/data/binary.Binary) (Client _0) (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try (library/lux/world/net/http.Response _0)))))
+A DELETE request\.
+### get
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> library/lux/world/net.URL library/lux/world/net/http.Headers (.Maybe library/lux/data/binary.Binary) (Client _0) (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try (library/lux/world/net/http.Response _0)))))
+A GET request\.
+### head
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> library/lux/world/net.URL library/lux/world/net/http.Headers (.Maybe library/lux/data/binary.Binary) (Client _0) (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try (library/lux/world/net/http.Response _0)))))
+A HEAD request\.
+### headers
+(-> (.List [.Text .Text]) library/lux/world/net/http.Headers)
+A HEADERS request\.
+### options
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> library/lux/world/net.URL library/lux/world/net/http.Headers (.Maybe library/lux/data/binary.Binary) (Client _0) (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try (library/lux/world/net/http.Response _0)))))
+A OPTIONS request\.
+### patch
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> library/lux/world/net.URL library/lux/world/net/http.Headers (.Maybe library/lux/data/binary.Binary) (Client _0) (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try (library/lux/world/net/http.Response _0)))))
+A PATCH request\.
+### post
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> library/lux/world/net.URL library/lux/world/net/http.Headers (.Maybe library/lux/data/binary.Binary) (Client _0) (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try (library/lux/world/net/http.Response _0)))))
+A POST request\.
+### put
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> library/lux/world/net.URL library/lux/world/net/http.Headers (.Maybe library/lux/data/binary.Binary) (Client _0) (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try (library/lux/world/net/http.Response _0)))))
+A PUT request\.
+### trace
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> library/lux/world/net.URL library/lux/world/net/http.Headers (.Maybe library/lux/data/binary.Binary) (Client _0) (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try (library/lux/world/net/http.Response _0)))))
+A TRACE request\.
+# library/lux/world/net/http/status
+## Definitions
+### accepted
+### already\_reported
+### bad\_gateway
+### bad\_request
+### conflict
+### continue
+### created
+### early\_hints
+### expectation\_failed
+### failed\_dependency
+### forbidden
+### found
+302: FOUND
+### gateway\_timeout
+### gone
+410: GONE
+### http\_version\_not\_supported
+### im\_a\_teapot
+### im\_used
+226: IM USED
+### insufficient\_storage
+### internal\_server\_error
+### length\_required
+### locked
+423: LOCKED
+### loop\_detected
+### method\_not\_allowed
+### misdirected\_request
+### moved\_permanently
+### multi\_status
+### multiple\_choices
+### network\_authentication\_required
+### no\_content
+### non\_authoritative\_information
+### not\_acceptable
+### not\_extended
+### not\_found
+### not\_implemented
+### not\_modified
+### ok
+200: OK
+### partial\_content
+### payload\_too\_large
+### payment\_required
+### permanent\_redirect
+### precondition\_failed
+### precondition\_required
+### processing
+### proxy\_authentication\_required
+### range\_not\_satisfiable
+### request\_header\_fields\_too\_large
+### request\_timeout
+### reset\_content
+### see\_other
+### service\_unavailable
+### switch\_proxy
+### switching\_protocols
+### temporary\_redirect
+### too\_many\_requests
+### unauthorized
+### unavailable\_for\_legal\_reasons
+### unprocessable\_entity
+### unsupported\_media\_type
+### upgrade\_required
+### uri\_too\_long
+### use\_proxy
+### variant\_also\_negotiates
+# library/lux/world/net/uri
+## Definitions
+### URI
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Text")
+A Uniform Resource Identifier\.
+### separator
+A separator for the pieces of a URI\.
+# library/lux/world/output/video/resolution
+## Definitions
+### Resolution
+... .Type
+ [#width .Nat
+ #height .Nat])
+A screen resolution\.
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Resolution)
+### fhd
+FHD resolution: 1920x1080\.
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash Resolution)
+### hd\+
+HD\+ resolution: 1600x900\.
+### svga
+SVGA resolution: 800x600\.
+### sxga
+SXGA resolution: 1280x1024\.
+### uhd\_4k
+UHD 4K resolution: 3840x2160\.
+### wqhd
+WQHD resolution: 2560x1440\.
+### wsvga
+WSVGA resolution: 1024x600\.
+### wsxga\+
+WSXGA\+ resolution: 1680x1050\.
+### wuxga
+WUXGA resolution: 1920x1200\.
+### wxga\+
+WXGA\+ resolution: 1440x900\.
+### wxga/16:10
+WXGA 16:10 resolution: 1280x800\.
+### wxga/16:9
+WXGA 16:9 resolution: 1280x720\.
+### wxga/5:3
+WXGA 5:3 resolution: 1280x768\.
+### xga
+XGA resolution: 1024x768\.
+### xga\+
+XGA\+ resolution: 1152x864\.
+# library/lux/world/program
+## Definitions
+### \(Program \!\)
+... .Type
+ [available_variables (-> .Any (! (.List .Text)))
+ variable (-> .Text (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Text)))
+ home library/lux/world/file.Path
+ directory library/lux/world/file.Path
+ exit (-> library/lux/world/shell.Exit (! .Nothing))])
+Access to ambient program data and the capacity to exit the program\.
+### async
+(-> (Program library/lux/control/io.IO) (Program library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async))
+### default
+(Program library/lux/control/io.IO)
+### environment
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (Program _0) (_0 library/lux/control/parser/environment.Environment)))
+Assembles the environment variables available to the program\.
+(environment monad program)
+### mock
+(-> library/lux/control/parser/environment.Environment library/lux/world/file.Path library/lux/world/file.Path (Program library/lux/control/io.IO))
+(mock environment home directory)
+### unknown\_environment\_variable
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Text)
+# library/lux/world/shell
+## Definitions
+### Argument
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Text")
+A parameter for a command\.
+### Command
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Text")
+A command that can be executed by the operating system\.
+### Exit
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Int"))
+A program exit code\.
+### \(Mock s\)
+... .Type
+ [on_read (-> s (library/lux/control/try.Try [s .Text]))
+ on_fail (-> s (library/lux/control/try.Try [s .Text]))
+ on_write (-> .Text s (library/lux/control/try.Try s))
+ on_destroy (-> s (library/lux/control/try.Try s))
+ on_await (-> s (library/lux/control/try.Try [s Exit]))])
+A simulated process\.
+### \(Process \!\)
+... .Type
+ [read (-> .Any (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Text)))
+ fail (-> .Any (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Text)))
+ write (-> .Text (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any)))
+ destroy (-> .Any (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any)))
+ await (-> .Any (! (library/lux/control/try.Try Exit)))])
+The means for communicating with a program/process being executed by the operating system\.
+### \(Shell \!\)
+... .Type
+ [#execute (-> [library/lux/control/parser/environment.Environment library/lux/world/file.Path Command (.List Argument)] (! (library/lux/control/try.Try (Process !))))])
+The means for issuing commands to the operating system\.
+### async
+(-> (Shell library/lux/control/io.IO) (Shell library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async))
+### default
+(Shell library/lux/control/io.IO)
+### error
+### mock
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> [library/lux/control/parser/environment.Environment library/lux/world/file.Path Command (.List Argument)] (library/lux/control/try.Try (Mock _0))) _0 (Shell library/lux/control/io.IO)))
+(mock mock init)
+### no\_more\_output
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### normal
diff --git a/documentation/library/standard/lua.md b/documentation/library/standard/lua.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0b0dad263
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/library/standard/lua.md
@@ -0,0 +1,38814 @@
+# library/lux
+## Definitions
+### \#
+Allows accessing the value of a implementation's member\.
+(# codec encoded)
+... Also allows using that value as a function.
+(# codec encoded +123)
+### $\_
+Right\-association for the application of binary functions over variadic arguments\.
+($_ text#composite "Hello, " name ". How are you?")
+... =>
+(text#composite "Hello, " (text#composite name ". How are you?"))
+### '
+Quotation as a macro\.
+(' YOLO)
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (I64 _0) (I64 _0)))
+Increment function\.
+### \-\-
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (I64 _0) (I64 _0)))
+Decrement function\.
+### \->
+Function types\.
+... This is the type of a function that takes 2 Ints and returns an Int.
+(-> Int Int Int)
+### :
+The type\-annotation macro\.
+(: (List Int)
+ (list +1 +2 +3))
+### :as
+The type\-coercion macro\.
+(:as Dinosaur
+ (list +1 +2 +3))
+### :expected
+Coerces the given expression to the type of whatever is expected\.
+(: Dinosaur
+ (:expected (: (List Nat)
+ (list 1 2 3))))
+### :let
+Local bindings for types\.
+(:let [side (Either Int Frac)]
+ (List [side side]))
+### :of
+Generates the type corresponding to a given expression\.
+(let [my_num +123]
+ (:of my_num))
+... ==
+(:of +123)
+... ==
+### :parameter
+WARNING: Please stay away from this macro; it's very likely to be removed in a future version of Lux\.Allows you to refer to the type\-variables in a polymorphic function's type, by their index\.
+... In the example below, 0 corresponds to the 'a' variable.
+(def: public (of_list list)
+ (All (_ a) (-> (List a) (Sequence a)))
+ (list#mix add
+ (: (Sequence (:parameter 0))
+ empty)
+ list))
+### <<|
+Similar to the reverse piping macro, but rather than taking an initial object to work on, creates a function for taking it\.
+(<<| (mix text#composite "")
+ (interposed " ")
+ (list#each int#encoded))
+... =>
+(function (_ <it>)
+ (mix text#composite ""
+ (interposed " "
+ (list#each int#encoded
+ <it>))))
+### <|
+Reverse piping macro\.
+(<| (mix text#composite "")
+ (interposed " ")
+ (list#each int#encoded)
+ elems)
+... =>
+(mix text#composite ""
+ (interposed " "
+ (list#each int#encoded
+ elems)))
+### Alias
+... Type
+[Text Text]
+### All
+Universal quantification\.
+(All (_ a)
+ (-> a a))
+... A name can be provided, to specify a recursive type.
+(All (List a)
+ (Or Any
+ [a (List a)]))
+### And
+An alias for the Tuple type constructor\.
+(= (Tuple Bit Nat Text)
+ (And Bit Nat Text))
+(= (Tuple)
+ (And))
+### \(Ann meta\_data datum\)
+... Type
+ [#meta meta_data
+ #datum datum])
+The type of things that can be annotated with meta\-data of arbitrary types\.
+### Any
+... Type
+(Ex (Any _0)
+ _0)
+The type of things whose type is irrelevant\.
+It can be used to write functions or data\-structures that can take, or return, anything\.
+### \(Bindings key value\)
+... Type
+ [#counter Nat
+ #mappings (List [key value])])
+### Bit
+... Type
+(Primitive "#Bit")
+Your standard, run\-of\-the\-mill boolean values \(as \#0 or \#1 bits\)\.
+### Code
+... Type
+(Ann Location (Code' (Ann Location)))
+The type of Code nodes for Lux syntax\.
+### \(Code' w\)
+... Type
+ {#Bit Bit}
+ {#Nat Nat}
+ {#Int Int}
+ {#Rev Rev}
+ {#Frac Frac}
+ {#Text Text}
+ {#Symbol Symbol}
+ {#Form (List (w (Code' w)))}
+ {#Variant (List (w (Code' w)))}
+ {#Tuple (List (w (Code' w)))})
+### Definition
+... Type
+[Bit Type Any]
+Represents all the data associated with a definition: its type, its annotations, and its value\.
+### \(Either left right\)
+... Type
+ {#Left left}
+ {#Right right})
+A choice between two values of different types\.
+### Ex
+Existential quantification\.
+(Ex (_ a)
+ [(Codec Text a) a])
+... A name can be provided, to specify a recursive type.
+(Ex (Self a)
+ [(Codec Text a)
+ a
+ (List (Self a))])
+### Frac
+... Type
+(Primitive "#Frac")
+Your standard, run\-of\-the\-mill floating\-point \(fractional\) numbers\.
+### Global
+... Type
+ {#Definition Definition}
+ {#Type Bit Type (Or [Text (List Text)] [Text (List Text)])}
+ {#Tag Label}
+ {#Slot Label}
+ {#Alias Alias})
+Represents all the data associated with a global constant\.
+### \(I64 kind\)
+... Type
+(Primitive "#I64" kind)
+64\-bit integers without any semantics\.
+### Info
+... Type
+ [#target Text
+ #version Text
+ #mode Mode])
+Information about the current version and type of compiler that is running\.
+### Int
+... Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Int"))
+Your standard, run\-of\-the\-mill integer numbers\.
+### Interface
+Interface definition\.
+(type: public (Order a)
+ (Interface
+ (: (Equivalence a)
+ &equivalence)
+ (: (-> a a Bit)
+ <)))
+### Label
+... Type
+[Bit Type (List Text) Nat]
+### \(List item\)
+... Type
+ {#End Any}
+ {#Item item (List item)})
+A potentially empty list of values\.
+### Location
+... Type
+ [#module Text
+ #line Nat
+ #column Nat])
+Locations are for specifying the location of Code nodes in Lux files during compilation\.
+### Lux
+... Type
+(Rec Lux
+ (Record
+ [#info Info
+ #source Source
+ #location Location
+ #current_module (Maybe Text)
+ #modules (List [Text Module])
+ #scopes (List Scope)
+ #type_context Type_Context
+ #expected (Maybe Type)
+ #seed Nat
+ #scope_type_vars (List Nat)
+ #extensions Any
+ #eval (-> Type Code Lux (Or Text [Lux Any]))
+ #host Any]))
+Represents the state of the Lux compiler during a run\.
+It is provided to macros during their invocation, so they can access compiler data\.
+Caveat emptor: Avoid fiddling with it, unless you know what you're doing\.
+### Macro
+... Type
+(Primitive "#Macro")
+Functions that run at compile\-time and allow you to transform and extend the language in powerful ways\.
+### Macro'
+... Type
+(-> (List Code) (Meta (List Code)))
+### \(Maybe value\)
+... Type
+ {#None Any}
+ {#Some value})
+A potentially missing value\.
+### \(Meta it\)
+... Type
+(-> Lux (Either Text [Lux it]))
+Computations that can have access to the state of the compiler\.
+These computations may fail, or modify the state of the compiler\.
+### Mode
+... Type
+ {#Build Any}
+ {#Eval Any}
+ {#Interpreter Any})
+A sign that shows the conditions under which the compiler is running\.
+### Module
+... Type
+ [#module_hash Nat
+ #module_aliases (List [Text Text])
+ #definitions (List [Text Global])
+ #imports (List Text)
+ #module_state Module_State])
+All the information contained within a Lux module\.
+### Module\_State
+... Type
+ {#Active Any}
+ {#Compiled Any}
+ {#Cached Any})
+### Nat
+... Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+Natural numbers \(unsigned integers\)\.
+They start at zero \(0\) and extend in the positive direction\.
+### Nothing
+... Type
+(All (Nothing _0)
+ _0)
+The type of things whose type is undefined\.
+Useful for expressions that cause errors or other 'extraordinary' conditions\.
+### Or
+An alias for the Union type constructor\.
+(= (Union Bit Nat Text)
+ (Or Bit Nat Text))
+(= (Union)
+ (Or))
+### Primitive
+Macro to treat define new primitive types\.
+(Primitive "java.lang.Object")
+(Primitive "java.util.List" [(Primitive "java.lang.Long")])
+### Rec
+Parameter\-less recursive types\.
+... A name has to be given to the whole type, to use it within its body.
+(Rec Int_List
+ (Or Any
+ [Int Int_List]))
+... Can also be used with type: and labelled-type definitions.
+(type: Type
+ (Rec @
+ (Variant
+ {#Primitive Text (List @)}
+ {#Sum @ @}
+ {#Product @ @}
+ {#Function @ @}
+ {#Parameter Nat}
+ {#Var Nat}
+ {#Ex Nat}
+ {#UnivQ (List @) @}
+ {#ExQ (List @) @}
+ {#Apply @ @}
+ {#Named Symbol @})))
+### Record
+Syntax for defining labelled/slotted product/tuple types\.
+WARNING: Only use it within the type: macro\.
+(type: Refer
+ (Record
+ [#refer_defs Referrals
+ #refer_open (List Openings)]))
+### Ref
+... Type
+ {#Local Nat}
+ {#Captured Nat})
+### Rev
+... Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Rev"))
+Fractional numbers that live in the interval \[0,1\)\.
+Useful for probability, and other domains that work within that interval\.
+### Scope
+... Type
+ [#name (List Text)
+ #inner Nat
+ #locals (Bindings Text [Type Nat])
+ #captured (Bindings Text [Type Ref])])
+### Source
+... Type
+[Location Nat Text]
+### Symbol
+... Type
+[Text Text]
+A name for a Lux definition\.
+It includes the module of provenance\.
+### Text
+... Type
+(Primitive "#Text")
+Your standard, run\-of\-the\-mill string values\.
+### Tuple
+Tuple types\.
+(Tuple Bit Nat Text)
+(= Any
+ (Tuple))
+### Type
+... Type
+(Rec Type
+ (Variant
+ {#Primitive Text (List Type)}
+ {#Sum Type Type}
+ {#Product Type Type}
+ {#Function Type Type}
+ {#Parameter Nat}
+ {#Var Nat}
+ {#Ex Nat}
+ {#UnivQ (List Type) Type}
+ {#ExQ (List Type) Type}
+ {#Apply Type Type}
+ {#Named Symbol Type}))
+This type represents the data\-structures that are used to specify types themselves\.
+### Type\_Context
+... Type
+ [#ex_counter Nat
+ #var_counter Nat
+ #var_bindings (List [Nat (Maybe Type)])])
+### Union
+Union types\.
+(Union Bit Nat Text)
+(= Nothing
+ (Union))
+### Variant
+Syntax for defining labelled/tagged sum/union types\.
+WARNING: Only use it within the type: macro\.
+(type: Referrals
+ (Variant
+ {#All}
+ {#Only (List Text)}
+ {#Exclude (List Text)}
+ {#Ignore}
+ {#Nothing}))
+### ^
+Macro\-expanding patterns\.
+It's a special macro meant to be used with 'case'\.
+(case (: (List Int)
+ (list +1 +2 +3))
+ (^ (list x y z))
+ {#Some ($_ * x y z)}
+ _
+ {#None})
+### ^@
+Allows you to simultaneously bind and de\-structure a value\.
+(def: (hash (^@ set [member_hash _]))
+ (list#mix (function (_ elem acc)
+ (+ acc
+ (# member_hash hash elem)))
+ 0
+ (library/lux/data/collection/set.listset)))
+### ^code
+Generates pattern\-matching code for Code values in a way that looks like code\-templating\.
+(: (Maybe Nat)
+ (case (` (#0 123 +456.789))
+ (^code (#0 (~ [_ {#Nat number}]) +456.789))
+ {#Some number}
+ _
+ {#None}))
+### ^multi
+Multi\-level pattern matching\.
+Useful in situations where the result of a branch depends on further refinements on the values being matched\.
+(case (split (size static) uri)
+ (^multi {#Some [chunk uri']}
+ [(text#= static chunk) #1])
+ (match_uri endpoint? parts' uri')
+ _
+ {#Left (format "Static part " (%t static) " does not match URI: " uri)})
+... Short-cuts can be taken when using bit tests.
+... The example above can be rewritten as...
+(case (split (size static) uri)
+ (^multi {#Some [chunk uri']}
+ (text#= static chunk))
+ (match_uri endpoint? parts' uri')
+ _
+ {#Left (format "Static part " (%t static) " does not match URI: " uri)})
+### ^open
+Same as the 'open' macro, but meant to be used as a pattern\-matching macro for generating local bindings\.
+Takes an 'alias' text for the generated local bindings\.
+(def: public (range enum from to)
+ (All (_ a) (-> (Enum a) a a (List a)))
+ (let [(^open "[0]") enum]
+ (loop [end to
+ output {#End}]
+ (cond (< end from)
+ (again (pred end) {#Item end output})
+ (< from end)
+ (again (succ end) {#Item end output})
+ {#Item end output}))))
+### ^or
+It's a special macro meant to be used with 'case'\.
+(type: Weekday
+ (Variant
+ {#Monday}
+ {#Tuesday}
+ {#Wednesday}
+ {#Thursday}
+ {#Friday}
+ {#Saturday}
+ {#Sunday}))
+(def: (weekend? day)
+ (-> Weekday Bit)
+ (case day
+ (^or {#Saturday} {#Sunday})
+ #1
+ _
+ #0))
+### ^template
+It's similar to template, but meant to be used during pattern\-matching\.
+(def: (reduced env type)
+ (-> (List Type) Type Type)
+ (case type
+ {#Primitive name params}
+ {#Primitive name (list#each (reduced env) params)}
+ (^template [<tag>]
+ [{<tag> left right}
+ {<tag> (reduced env left) (reduced env right)}])
+ ([#Sum] [#Product])
+ (^template [<tag>]
+ [{<tag> left right}
+ {<tag> (reduced env left) (reduced env right)}])
+ ([#Function] [#Apply])
+ (^template [<tag>]
+ [{<tag> old_env def}
+ (case old_env
+ {#End}
+ {<tag> env def}
+ _
+ type)])
+ ([#UnivQ] [#ExQ])
+ {#Parameter idx}
+ (else type (library/lux/data/collection/list.itemidx env))
+ _
+ type))
+### ^|>
+Pipes the value being pattern\-matched against prior to binding it to a variable\.
+(case input
+ (^|> value [++ (% 10) (max 1)])
+ (foo value))
+### \_$
+Left\-association for the application of binary functions over variadic arguments\.
+(_$ text#composite "Hello, " name ". How are you?")
+... =>
+(text#composite (text#composite "Hello, " name) ". How are you?")
+Hygienic quasi\-quotation as a macro\.
+Unquote \(~\) and unquote\-splice \(~\) must also be used as forms\.
+All unprefixed macros will receive their parent module's prefix if imported; otherwise will receive the prefix of the module on which the quasi\-quote is being used\.
+(` (def: (~ name)
+ (function ((~' _) (~+ args))
+ (~ body))))
+### '
+Unhygienic quasi\-quotation as a macro\.
+Unquote \(~\) and unquote\-splice \(~\) must also be used as forms\.
+(`' (def: (~ name)
+ (function (_ (~+ args))
+ (~ body))))
+### `
+Delimits a controlled \(spliced\) macro\-expansion\.
+Uses a \(~~\) special form to specify where to expand\.
+(`` (some expression
+ (~~ (some macro which may yield 0 or more results))))
+### and
+Short\-circuiting 'and'\.
+(and #1 #0)
+... =>
+(and #1 #1)
+... =>
+### as\_is
+Given a \(potentially empty\) list of codes, just returns them immediately, without any work done\.
+This may seen useless, but it has its utility when dealing with controlled\-macro\-expansion macros\.
+(with_expansions [<operands> (as_is 1
+ 2
+ 3
+ 4)]
+ ($_ + <operands>))
+### case
+The pattern\-matching macro\.
+Allows the usage of macros within the patterns to provide custom syntax\.
+(case (: (List Int)
+ (list +1 +2 +3))
+ {#Item x {#Item y {#Item z {#End}}}}
+ {#Some ($_ * x y z)}
+ _
+ {#None})
+### char
+If given a 1\-character text literal, yields the char\-code of the sole character\.
+(: Nat
+ (char "A"))
+... =>
+### comment
+Throws away any code given to it\.
+Great for commenting\-out code, while retaining syntax high\-lighting and formatting in your text editor\.
+ (def: (this will not)
+ (Be Defined)
+ (because it will be (commented out))))
+### cond
+Conditional branching with multiple test conditions\.
+(cond (even? num) "WHEN even"
+ (odd? num) "WHEN odd"
+ "ELSE")
+### def:
+Defines global constants/functions\.
+(def: branching_exponent
+ Int
+ +5)
+... The type is optional.
+(def: branching_exponent
+ +5)
+(def: (pair_list pair)
+ (-> [Code Code] (List Code))
+ (let [[left right] pair]
+ (list left right)))
+... Can pattern-match on the inputs to functions.
+(def: (pair_list [left right])
+ (-> [Code Code] (List Code))
+ (list left right))
+### exec
+Sequential execution of expressions \(great for side\-effects\)\.
+ (log! "#1")
+ (log! "#2")
+ (log! "#3")
+ "YOLO")
+### false
+The boolean FALSE value\.
+### for
+Selects the appropriate code for a given target\-platform when compiling Lux to it\.
+Look\-up the available targets in library/lux/target\.
+(def: js
+ "JavaScript")
+(for ["JVM" (do jvm stuff)
+ js (do js stuff)]
+ (do default stuff))
+### function
+Syntax for creating functions\.
+(: (All (_ a b)
+ (-> a b a))
+ (function (_ x y)
+ x))
+... Allows for giving the function itself a name, for the sake of recursion.
+(: (-> Nat Nat)
+ (function (factorial n)
+ (case n
+ 0 1
+ _ (* n (factorial (-- n))))))
+### global
+The export policy for public/global definitions\.
+### i64
+(-> (I64 Any) I64)
+Safe type\-casting for I64 values\.
+### if
+Picks which expression to evaluate based on a bit test value\.
+(if #1
+ "Oh, yeah!"
+ "Aw hell naw!")
+... =>
+... Oh, yeah!
+(if #0
+ "Oh, yeah!"
+ "Aw hell naw!")
+... =>
+... Aw hell naw!
+### implementation
+Express a value that implements an interface\.
+(: (Order Int)
+ (implementation
+ (def: &equivalence
+ equivalence)
+ (def: (< reference subject)
+ (< reference subject))))
+### implementation:
+Interface implementation\.
+(implementation: public order
+ (Order Int)
+ (def: &equivalence
+ equivalence)
+ (def: (< test subject)
+ (< test subject)))
+### int
+(-> (I64 Any) Int)
+Safe type\-casting for I64 values\.
+### let
+Creates local bindings\.
+Can \(optionally\) use pattern\-matching macros when binding\.
+(let [x (foo bar)
+ y (baz quux)]
+ (op x y))
+### list
+List literals\.
+(: (List Nat)
+ (list 0 1 2 3))
+### list&
+List literals, with the last element being a tail\-list\.
+(: (List Nat)
+ (list& 0 1 2 3
+ (: (List Nat)
+ (list 4 5 6))))
+### local
+The export policy for private/local definitions\.
+### loop
+Allows arbitrary looping, using the 'again' form to re\-start the loop\.
+Can be used in monadic code to create monadic loops\.
+(loop [count +0
+ x init]
+ (if (< +10 count)
+ (again (++ count) (f x))
+ x))
+... Loops can also be given custom names.
+(loop my_loop
+ [count +0
+ x init]
+ (if (< +10 count)
+ (my_loop (++ count) (f x))
+ x))
+### macro
+(-> Macro Macro')
+### macro:
+Macro\-definition macro\.
+(macro: public (symbol tokens)
+ (case tokens
+ (^template [<tag>]
+ [(^ (list [_ {<tag> [module name]}]))
+ (in (list (` [(~ (text$ module)) (~ (text$ name))])))])
+ ([#Symbol])
+ _
+ (failure "Wrong syntax for symbol")))
+### module\_separator
+Character used to separate the parts of module names\.
+Value: "/"
+### nat
+(-> (I64 Any) Nat)
+Safe type\-casting for I64 values\.
+### not
+(-> Bit Bit)
+Bit negation\.
+(not #1)
+... =>
+(not #0)
+... =>
+### open:
+Opens a implementation and generates a definition for each of its members \(including nested members\)\.
+(open: "i:[0]" order)
+... =>
+(def: i:= (# order =))
+(def: i:< (# order <))
+### or
+Short\-circuiting 'or'\.
+(or #1 #0)
+... =>
+(or #0 #0)
+... =>
+### panic\!
+(-> Text Nothing)
+Causes an error, with the given error message\.
+(panic! "OH NO!")
+### prelude\_module
+The name of the prelude module
+Value: "library/lux"
+### private
+The export policy for private/local definitions\.
+### public
+The export policy for public/global definitions\.
+### rev
+(-> (I64 Any) Rev)
+Safe type\-casting for I64 values\.
+### revised@
+Modifies the value of a record at a given tag, based on some function\.
+(revised@ #age ++ person)
+... Can also work with multiple levels of nesting.
+(revised@ [#foo #bar #baz] func my_record)
+... And, if only the slot/path and (optionally) the value are given, generates a mutator function.
+(let [updater (revised@ [#foo #bar #baz] func)]
+ (updater my_record))
+(let [updater (revised@ [#foo #bar #baz])]
+ (updater func my_record))
+### same?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 _0 Bit))
+Tests whether the 2 values are identical \(not just 'equal'\)\.
+... This one should succeed:
+(let [value +5]
+ (same? value
+ value))
+... This one should fail:
+(same? +5
+ (+ +2 +3))
+### static
+Resolves the names of definitions to their values at compile\-time, assuming their values are either:
+\* Bit
+\* Nat
+\* Int
+\* Rev
+\* Frac
+\* Text
+(def: my_nat 123)
+(def: my_text "456")
+(and (case [my_nat my_text]
+ (^ (static [documentation/lux.my_natdocumentation/lux.my_text]))
+ true
+ _
+ false)
+ (case [my_nat my_text]
+ (^ [(static documentation/lux.my_nat)(static documentation/lux.my_text)])
+ true
+ _
+ false))
+### symbol
+Gives back a 2 tuple with the module and name parts, both as Text\.
+(symbol documentation/lux.#doc)
+... =>
+["documentation/lux" "#doc"]
+### template
+... By specifying a pattern (with holes), and the input data to fill those holes, repeats the pattern as many times as necessary.
+(template [<name> <diff>]
+ [(def: public <name>
+ (-> Int Int)
+ (+ <diff>))]
+ [++ +1]
+ [-- -1])
+### template:
+Define macros in the style of template and ^template\.
+For simple macros that do not need any fancy features\.
+(template: (square x)
+ (* x x))
+### true
+The boolean TRUE value\.
+### try
+(: Foo
+ (case (: (Either Text Bar)
+ (try (: Bar
+ (risky computation which may panic))))
+ {#Right success}
+ (: Foo
+ (do something after success))
+ {#Left error}
+ (: Foo
+ (recover from error))))
+### type
+Takes a type expression and returns its representation as data\-structure\.
+(type (All (_ a)
+ (Maybe (List a))))
+### type:
+The type\-definition macro\.
+(type: (List a)
+ {#End}
+ {#Item a (List a)})
+### undefined
+Meant to be used as a stand\-in for functions with undefined implementations\.
+Undefined expressions will type\-check against everything, so they make good dummy implementations\.
+However, if an undefined expression is ever evaluated, it will raise a runtime error\.
+(def: (square x)
+ (-> Int Int)
+ (undefined))
+### using
+Module\-definition macro\.
+ [lux "*"
+ [control
+ ["M" monad "*"]]
+ [data
+ maybe
+ ["[0]" name ("[1]#[0]" codec)]]
+ [macro
+ code]]
+ [//
+ [type ("[0]" equivalence)]])
+### value@
+Accesses the value of a record at a given tag\.
+(value@ #field my_record)
+... Can also work with multiple levels of nesting.
+(value@ [#foo #bar #baz] my_record)
+... And, if only the slot/path is given, generates an accessor function.
+(let [getter (value@ [#foo #bar #baz])]
+ (getter my_record))
+### with@
+Sets the value of a record at a given tag\.
+(with@ #name "Lux" lang)
+... Can also work with multiple levels of nesting.
+(with@ [#foo #bar #baz] value my_record)
+... And, if only the slot/path and (optionally) the value are given, generates a mutator function.
+(let [setter (with@ [#foo #bar #baz] value)]
+ (setter my_record))
+(let [setter (with@ [#foo #bar #baz])]
+ (setter value my_record))
+### with\_expansions
+Controlled macro\-expansion\.
+Bind an arbitraty number of Code nodes resulting from macro\-expansion to local bindings\.
+Wherever a binding appears, the bound Code nodes will be spliced in there\.
+(def: test
+ Test
+ (with_expansions
+ [<tests> (template [<function> <parameter> <expected>]
+ [(cover [<function>]
+ (compare <text>
+ (# codec encoded <function> <parameter>)))]
+ [bit #1 "#1"]
+ [int +123 "+123"]
+ [frac +123.0 "+123.0"]
+ [text "123" "'123'"]
+ [symbol ["yolo" "lol"] "yolo.lol"]
+ [form (list (bit #1)) "(#1)"]
+ [tuple (list (bit #1)) "[#1]"])]
+ ($_ and
+ <tests>)))
+### |>
+Piping macro\.
+(|> elems
+ (list#each int#encoded)
+ (interposed " ")
+ (mix text#composite ""))
+... =>
+(mix text#composite ""
+ (interposed " "
+ (list#each int#encoded
+ elems)))
+### |>>
+Similar to the piping macro, but rather than taking an initial object to work on, creates a function for taking it\.
+(|>> (list#each int#encoded)
+ (interposed " ")
+ (mix text#composite ""))
+... =>
+(function (_ <it>)
+ (mix text#composite ""
+ (interposed " "
+ (list#each int#encoded <it>))))
+## Missing documentation
+1. `` __adjusted_quantified_type__ ``
+# library/lux/abstract/apply
+## Definitions
+### \(Apply f\)
+... .Type
+ [&functor (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor f)
+ on (All (_ _0 _1) (-> (f _0) (f (-> _0 _1)) (f _1)))])
+Applicative functors\.
+### composite
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (Apply _0) (Apply _1) (Apply (All (_ _2) (_0 (_1 _2))))))
+Applicative functor composition\.
+# library/lux/abstract/codec
+## Definitions
+### \(Codec medium value\)
+... .Type
+ [encoded (-> value medium)
+ decoded (-> medium (library/lux/control/try.Try value))])
+A way to move back\-and\-forth between a type and an alternative representation for it\.
+### composite
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Codec _2 _1) (Codec _1 _0) (Codec _2 _0)))
+Codec composition\.
+(: (Codec c a)
+ (composite (: (Codec c b)
+ cb_codec)
+ (: (Codec b a)
+ ba_codec)))
+# library/lux/abstract/comonad
+## Definitions
+### \(CoMonad \!\)
+... .Type
+ [&functor (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor !)
+ out (All (_ _0) (-> (! _0) _0))
+ disjoint (All (_ _0) (-> (! _0) (! (! _0))))])
+Co\-monads are the opposite/complement to monads\.
+Co\-monadic structures are often infinite in size and built upon lazily\-evaluated functions\.
+### be
+A co\-monadic parallel to the 'do' macro\.
+(let [square (function (_ n) (* n n))]
+ (be comonad
+ [inputs (iterate ++ +2)]
+ (square (out inputs))))
+# library/lux/abstract/comonad/cofree
+## Definitions
+### \(CoFree \! it\)
+... .Type
+[it (! (CoFree ! it))]
+The CoFree CoMonad\.
+### comonad
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor _0) (library/lux/abstract/comonad.CoMonad (CoFree _0))))
+### functor
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor _0) (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor (CoFree _0))))
+# library/lux/abstract/enum
+## Definitions
+### \(Enum it\)
+... .Type
+ [&order (library/lux/abstract/order.Order it)
+ succ (-> it it)
+ pred (-> it it)])
+Enumerable types, with a notion of moving forward and backwards through a type's instances\.
+### range
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Enum _0) _0 _0 (.List _0)))
+An inclusive \[from, to\] range of values\.
+(range enum from to)
+# library/lux/abstract/equivalence
+## Definitions
+### \(Equivalence it\)
+... .Type
+ [#= (-> it it .Bit)])
+Equivalence for a type's instances\.
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor/contravariant.Functor Equivalence)
+### rec
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> (Equivalence _0) (Equivalence _0)) (Equivalence _0)))
+A recursive equivalence combinator\.
+(rec recursive_equivalence)
+# library/lux/abstract/functor
+## Definitions
+### \(And left right\)
+... .Type
+(All (_ _0)
+ [(left _0) (right _0)])
+### \(Fix \!\)
+... .Type
+(! (Fix !))
+### \(Functor \!\)
+... .Type
+ [#each (All (_ _0 _1) (-> (-> _0 _1) (! _0) (! _1)))])
+### \(Or left right\)
+... .Type
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Or (left _0) (right _0)))
+### \(Then outer inner\)
+... .Type
+(All (_ _0)
+ (outer (inner _0)))
+### composite
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Functor _0) (Functor _1) (Functor (Then _0 _1))))
+Functor composition\.
+### product
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Functor _0) (Functor _1) (Functor (And _0 _1))))
+Product composition for functors\.
+### sum
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Functor _0) (Functor _1) (Functor (Or _0 _1))))
+Co\-product \(sum\) composition for functors\.
+# library/lux/abstract/functor/contravariant
+## Definitions
+### \(Functor \!\)
+... .Type
+ [#each (All (_ _0 _1) (-> (-> _1 _0) (! _0) (! _1)))])
+The contravariant functor\.
+# library/lux/abstract/hash
+## Definitions
+### \(Hash it\)
+... .Type
+ [&equivalence (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence it)
+ hash (-> it .Nat)])
+A way to produce hash\-codes for a type's instances\.
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor/contravariant.Functor Hash)
+# library/lux/abstract/interval
+## Definitions
+### \(Interval it\)
+... .Type
+ [&enum (library/lux/abstract/enum.Enum it)
+ bottom it
+ top it])
+A representation of top and bottom boundaries for an ordered type\.
+### after?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### before?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### between
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/enum.Enum _0) _0 _0 (Interval _0)))
+### borders?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) _0 .Bit))
+Where a value is at the border of an interval\.
+### complement
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) (Interval _0)))
+The inverse of an interval\.
+### ends\_with?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Interval _0)))
+### finishes?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### inner?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### intersection
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) (Interval _0) (Interval _0)))
+An interval spanned by both predecessors\.
+### meets?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) (Interval _0) .Bit))
+Whether an interval meets another one on its bottom/lower side\.
+### nested?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### outer?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### overlaps?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### precedes?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### singleton
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/enum.Enum _0) _0 (Interval _0)))
+An interval where both top and bottom are the same value\.
+(singleton enum elem)
+### singleton?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### starts?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### starts\_with?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### succeeds?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### touches?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### union
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) (Interval _0) (Interval _0)))
+An interval that spans both predecessors\.
+### within?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) _0 .Bit))
+# library/lux/abstract/mix
+## Definitions
+### \(Mix structure\)
+... .Type
+ [#mix (All (_ _0 _1) (-> (-> _1 _0 _0) _0 (structure _1) _0))])
+Iterate over a structure's values to build a summary value\.
+### with\_monoid
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid _1) (Mix _0) (_0 _1) _1))
+Mix a mixable structure using the monoid's identity as the initial value\.
+(with_monoid monoid mix value)
+# library/lux/abstract/monad
+## Definitions
+### \(Monad it\)
+... .Type
+ [&functor (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor it)
+ in (All (_ _0) (-> _0 (it _0)))
+ conjoint (All (_ _0) (-> (it (it _0)) (it _0)))])
+A monad is a monoid in the category of endofunctors\.
+What's the problem?
+### all
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Monad _0) (.List (_0 _1)) (_0 (.List _1))))
+Run all the monadic values in the list and produce a list of the base values\.
+(all monad)
+### do
+Macro for easy concatenation of monadic operations\.
+(do monad
+ [y (f1 x)
+ z (f2 z)]
+ (in (f3 z)))
+### each
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Monad _0) (-> _1 (_0 _2)) (.List _1) (_0 (.List _2))))
+Apply a monadic function to all values in a list\.
+(each monad function items)
+### mix
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Monad _0) (-> _2 _1 (_0 _1)) _1 (.List _2) (_0 _1)))
+Mix a list with a monadic function\.
+(mix monad function initial_value items)
+### only
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Monad _0) (-> _1 (_0 .Bit)) (.List _1) (_0 (.List _1))))
+Filter the values in a list with a monadic function\.
+(only monad predicate items)
+### then
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Monad _0) (-> _1 (_0 _2)) (_0 _1) (_0 _2)))
+Apply a function with monadic effects to a monadic value and yield a new monadic value\.
+(then monad function)
+# library/lux/abstract/monad/free
+## Definitions
+### \(Free \! it\)
+... .Type
+ {#Pure it}
+ {#Effect (! (Free ! it))})
+The Free Monad\.
+### apply
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor _0) (library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply (Free _0))))
+### functor
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor _0) (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor (Free _0))))
+### monad
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor _0) (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (Free _0))))
+# library/lux/abstract/monoid
+## Definitions
+### \(Monoid it\)
+... .Type
+ [identity it
+ composite (-> it it it)])
+A way to compose values\.
+Includes an identity value which does not alter any other value when combined with\.
+### and
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Monoid _0) (Monoid _1) (Monoid [_0 _1])))
+# library/lux/abstract/order
+## Definitions
+### <=
+Less than or equal\.
+### >
+Greater than\.
+### >=
+Greater than or equal\.
+### \(Choice it\)
+... .Type
+(-> (Order it) it it it)
+A choice comparison between two values, with the knowledge of how to order them\.
+### \(Comparison it\)
+... .Type
+(-> (Order it) it it .Bit)
+An arbitrary comparison between two values, with the knowledge of how to order them\.
+### \(Order it\)
+... .Type
+ [&equivalence (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence it)
+ < (-> it it .Bit)])
+A signature for types that possess some sense of ordering among their elements\.
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor/contravariant.Functor Order)
+### max
+### min
+# library/lux/abstract/predicate
+## Definitions
+### \(Predicate it\)
+... .Type
+(-> it .Bit)
+A question that can be asked of a value, yield either false \(\#0\) or true \(\#1\)\.
+### all
+A predicate that always succeeds\.
+### and
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Predicate _0) (Predicate _0) (Predicate _0)))
+A predicate that meets both predecessors\.
+### complement
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Predicate _0) (Predicate _0)))
+The opposite of a predicate\.
+### difference
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Predicate _0) (Predicate _0) (Predicate _0)))
+A predicate that meeds 'base', but not 'sub'\.
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor/contravariant.Functor Predicate)
+### intersection
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid (Predicate _0)))
+### none
+A predicate that always fails\.
+### or
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Predicate _0) (Predicate _0) (Predicate _0)))
+A predicate that meets either predecessor\.
+### rec
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> (Predicate _0) (Predicate _0)) (Predicate _0)))
+Ties the knot for a recursive predicate\.
+### union
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid (Predicate _0)))
+# library/lux/control/concatenative
+## Definitions
+### &&
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> [[_2 _0] _1] [_2 _0 _1]))
+Groups the 2 topmost stack values as a 2\-tuple\.
+### =>
+Concatenative function types\.
+(=> [Nat] [Nat])
+(All (_ a)
+ (-> a (=> [] [a])))
+(All (_ t)
+ (=> [t] []))
+(All (_ a b c)
+ (=> [a b c] [b c a]))
+(All (_ ,,,0 ,,,1)
+ (=> [then (=> ,,,0 ,,,1)
+ else (=> ,,,0 ,,,1)]
+ ,,,0 [Bit then else] ,,,1))
+### ?
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> [[[_1 .Bit] _0] _0] [_1 _0]))
+Choose the top value when \#0 and the second\-to\-top when \#1\.
+### apply
+A generator for functions that turn arity N functions into arity N concatenative functions\.
+(: (=> [Nat] [Nat])
+ ((apply 1) ++))
+### apply/1
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1) (All (_ _2) (-> [_2 _0] [_2 _1]))))
+Lift a function of arity 1 into a concatenative function of arity 1\.
+### apply/2
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1 _2) (All (_ _3) (-> [[_3 _0] _1] [_3 _2]))))
+Lift a function of arity 2 into a concatenative function of arity 2\.
+### apply/3
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1 _2 _3) (All (_ _4) (-> [[[_4 _0] _1] _2] [_4 _3]))))
+Lift a function of arity 3 into a concatenative function of arity 3\.
+### apply/4
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3 _4)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1 _2 _3 _4) (All (_ _5) (-> [[[[_5 _0] _1] _2] _3] [_5 _4]))))
+Lift a function of arity 4 into a concatenative function of arity 4\.
+### apply/5
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3 _4 _5)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1 _2 _3 _4 _5) (All (_ _6) (-> [[[[[_6 _0] _1] _2] _3] _4] [_6 _5]))))
+Lift a function of arity 5 into a concatenative function of arity 5\.
+### apply/6
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3 _4 _5 _6)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1 _2 _3 _4 _5 _6) (All (_ _7) (-> [[[[[[_7 _0] _1] _2] _3] _4] _5] [_7 _6]))))
+Lift a function of arity 6 into a concatenative function of arity 6\.
+### apply/7
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3 _4 _5 _6 _7)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1 _2 _3 _4 _5 _6 _7) (All (_ _8) (-> [[[[[[[_8 _0] _1] _2] _3] _4] _5] _6] [_8 _7]))))
+Lift a function of arity 7 into a concatenative function of arity 7\.
+### apply/8
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3 _4 _5 _6 _7 _8)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1 _2 _3 _4 _5 _6 _7 _8) (All (_ _9) (-> [[[[[[[[_9 _0] _1] _2] _3] _4] _5] _6] _7] [_9 _8]))))
+Lift a function of arity 8 into a concatenative function of arity 8\.
+### call
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> [_0 (-> _0 _1)] _1))
+Executes an anonymous block on the stack\.
+### compose
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> [[_3 (-> _0 _1)] (-> _1 _2)] [_3 (-> _0 _2)]))
+Function composition\.
+(library/lux/math/number/nat.=(library/lux/math/number/nat.+2 sample)
+ (||> (push sample)
+ (push (|>> (push 1) n/+))
+ (push (|>> (push 1) n/+))
+ compose
+ call))
+### dip
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> [[_0 _1] (-> _0 _0)] [_0 _1]))
+Executes a block on the stack, save for the topmost value\.
+### dip/2
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> [[[_0 _1] _2] (-> _0 _0)] [[_0 _1] _2]))
+Executes a block on the stack, save for the 2 topmost values\.
+### do
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> [[_0 (-> _1 [_0 .Bit])] (-> _0 _1)] [[_1 (-> _1 [_0 .Bit])] (-> _0 _1)]))
+Do\-while loop expression\.
+(library/lux/math/number/nat.=(++ sample)
+ (||> (push sample)
+ (push (push false))
+ (push (|>> (push 1) n/+))
+ do while))
+### drop
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> [_1 _0] _1))
+Drop/pop a value from the top of the stack\.
+### dup
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> [_1 _0] [[_1 _0] _0]))
+Duplicate the top of the stack\.
+### f/%
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Frac] .Frac] [_0 .Frac]))
+% for Frac arithmetic\.
+### f/\*
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Frac] .Frac] [_0 .Frac]))
+\* for Frac arithmetic\.
+### f/
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Frac] .Frac] [_0 .Frac]))
+ for Frac arithmetic\.
+### f/\-
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Frac] .Frac] [_0 .Frac]))
+\- for Frac arithmetic\.
+### f//
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Frac] .Frac] [_0 .Frac]))
+/ for Frac arithmetic\.
+### f/<
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Frac] .Frac] [_0 .Bit]))
+< for Frac arithmetic\.
+### f/<=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Frac] .Frac] [_0 .Bit]))
+<= for Frac arithmetic\.
+### f/=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Frac] .Frac] [_0 .Bit]))
+= for Frac arithmetic\.
+### f/>
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Frac] .Frac] [_0 .Bit]))
+> for Frac arithmetic\.
+### f/>=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Frac] .Frac] [_0 .Bit]))
+>= for Frac arithmetic\.
+### i/%
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Int] .Int] [_0 .Int]))
+% for Int arithmetic\.
+### i/\*
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Int] .Int] [_0 .Int]))
+\* for Int arithmetic\.
+### i/
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Int] .Int] [_0 .Int]))
+ for Int arithmetic\.
+### i/\-
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Int] .Int] [_0 .Int]))
+\- for Int arithmetic\.
+### i//
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Int] .Int] [_0 .Int]))
+/ for Int arithmetic\.
+### i/<
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Int] .Int] [_0 .Bit]))
+< for Int arithmetic\.
+### i/<=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Int] .Int] [_0 .Bit]))
+<= for Int arithmetic\.
+### i/=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Int] .Int] [_0 .Bit]))
+= for Int arithmetic\.
+### i/>
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Int] .Int] [_0 .Bit]))
+> for Int arithmetic\.
+### i/>=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Int] .Int] [_0 .Bit]))
+>= for Int arithmetic\.
+### if
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> [[[_0 .Bit] (-> _0 _1)] (-> _0 _1)] _1))
+If expression\.
+(same? "then"
+ (||> (push true)
+ (push "then")
+ (push "else")
+ if))
+### loop
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [_0 (-> _0 [_0 .Bit])] _0))
+Executes a block as a loop until it yields \#0 to stop\.
+### n/%
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Nat] .Nat] [_0 .Nat]))
+% for Nat arithmetic\.
+### n/\*
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Nat] .Nat] [_0 .Nat]))
+\* for Nat arithmetic\.
+### n/
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Nat] .Nat] [_0 .Nat]))
+ for Nat arithmetic\.
+### n/\-
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Nat] .Nat] [_0 .Nat]))
+\- for Nat arithmetic\.
+### n//
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Nat] .Nat] [_0 .Nat]))
+/ for Nat arithmetic\.
+### n/<
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Nat] .Nat] [_0 .Bit]))
+< for Nat arithmetic\.
+### n/<=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Nat] .Nat] [_0 .Bit]))
+<= for Nat arithmetic\.
+### n/=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Nat] .Nat] [_0 .Bit]))
+= for Nat arithmetic\.
+### n/>
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Nat] .Nat] [_0 .Bit]))
+> for Nat arithmetic\.
+### n/>=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Nat] .Nat] [_0 .Bit]))
+>= for Nat arithmetic\.
+### nip
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> [[_2 _0] _1] [_2 _1]))
+Drop the second\-to\-last value from the top of the stack\.
+### partial
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> [[_0 _2] (-> [_0 _2] _1)] [_0 (-> _0 _1)]))
+Partial application\.
+(library/lux/math/number/nat.=(library/lux/math/number/nat.+sample sample)
+ (||> (push sample)
+ (push sample)
+ (push n/+)
+ partial
+ call))
+### push
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (All (_ _1) (-> _1 [_1 _0]))))
+Push a value onto the stack\.
+### r/%
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Rev] .Rev] [_0 .Rev]))
+% for Rev arithmetic\.
+### r/\*
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Rev] .Rev] [_0 .Rev]))
+\* for Rev arithmetic\.
+### r/
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Rev] .Rev] [_0 .Rev]))
+ for Rev arithmetic\.
+### r/\-
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Rev] .Rev] [_0 .Rev]))
+\- for Rev arithmetic\.
+### r//
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Rev] .Rev] [_0 .Rev]))
+/ for Rev arithmetic\.
+### r/<
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Rev] .Rev] [_0 .Bit]))
+< for Rev arithmetic\.
+### r/<=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Rev] .Rev] [_0 .Bit]))
+<= for Rev arithmetic\.
+### r/=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Rev] .Rev] [_0 .Bit]))
+= for Rev arithmetic\.
+### r/>
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Rev] .Rev] [_0 .Bit]))
+> for Rev arithmetic\.
+### r/>=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Rev] .Rev] [_0 .Bit]))
+>= for Rev arithmetic\.
+### rotL
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> [[[_3 _0] _1] _2] [[[_3 _1] _2] _0]))
+Rotes the 3 topmost stack values to the left\.
+### rotR
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> [[[_3 _0] _1] _2] [[[_3 _2] _0] _1]))
+Rotes the 3 topmost stack values to the right\.
+### swap
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> [[_2 _0] _1] [[_2 _1] _0]))
+Swaps the 2 topmost stack values\.
+### when
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Bit] (-> _0 _0)] _0))
+Only execute the block when \#1\.
+### while
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> [[_0 (-> _0 [_1 .Bit])] (-> _1 _0)] _1))
+While loop expression\.
+(library/lux/math/number/nat.=(library/lux/math/number/nat.+distance start)
+ (||> (push start)
+ (push (|>> dup
+ (push start) n/-
+ (push distance) n/<))
+ (push (|>> (push 1) n/+))
+ while))
+### word:
+A named concatenative function\.
+(word: square
+ (=> [Nat] [Nat])
+ dup
+ (apply/2 library/lux/math/number/nat.*))
+### ||>
+A self\-contained sequence of concatenative instructions\.
+(same? value
+ (||> (push sample)))
+(||> (push 123)
+ dup
+ n/=)
+### ||L
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> [_2 _0] [_2 (Or _0 _1)]))
+Left\-injects the top into sum\.
+### ||R
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> [_2 _1] [_2 (Or _0 _1)]))
+Right\-injects the top into sum\.
+# library/lux/control/concurrency/actor
+The actor model of concurrency\.
+## Definitions
+### \(Actor state\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/concurrency/actor.Actor" state)
+An entity that can react to messages \(mail\) sent to it concurrently\.
+### \(Behavior input state\)
+... .Type
+ [#on_init (-> input state)
+ #on_mail (-> (Mail state) state (Actor state) (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async (library/lux/control/try.Try state)))])
+An actor's behavior when mail is received and when a fatal error occurs\.
+### \(Mail state\)
+... .Type
+(-> state (Actor state) (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async (library/lux/control/try.Try state)))
+A one\-way message sent to an actor, without expecting a reply\.
+### \(Message state output\)
+... .Type
+(-> state (Actor state) (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async (library/lux/control/try.Try [state output])))
+A two\-way message sent to an actor, expecting a reply\.
+### \(Obituary state\)
+... .Type
+[.Text state (.List (-> state (Actor state) (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async (library/lux/control/try.Try state))))]
+Details on the death of an actor\.
+### Stop
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/io.IO .Any)
+A signal to stop an actor from observing a channel\.
+### actor
+Defines an anonymous actor, with its behavior and internal state\.
+Messages for the actor must be defined after the on\_mail handler\.
+(actor [Nat
+ 123]
+ ((on_mail message state self)
+ (message (++ state) self)))
+### actor:
+Defines a named actor, with its behavior and internal state\.
+Messages for the actor must be defined after the on\_mail handler\.
+(actor: .public (stack a)
+ (List a)
+ ((on_mail mail state self)
+ (do (try.with async.monad)
+ [.let [_ (debug.log! "BEFORE")]
+ output (mail state self)
+ .let [_ (debug.log! "AFTER")]]
+ (in output)))
+ (message: .public (push [value a] state self)
+ (List a)
+ (let [state' {.#Item value state}]
+ (async.resolved {try.#Success [state' state']}))))
+(actor: .public counter
+ Nat
+ (message: .public (count! [increment Nat] state self)
+ Any
+ (let [state' (n.+ increment state)]
+ (async.resolved {try.#Success [state' state']})))
+ (message: .public (read! state self)
+ Nat
+ (async.resolved {try.#Success [state state]})))
+### alive?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Actor _0) (library/lux/control/io.IO .Bit)))
+### dead
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### default
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Behavior _0 _0))
+Default actor behavior\.
+### mail\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Mail _0) (Actor _0) (library/lux/control/io.IO (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any))))
+Send mail to an actor\.
+### message:
+A message can access the actor's state through the state parameter\.
+A message can also access the actor itself through the self parameter\.
+A message's output must be an async containing a 2\-tuple with the updated state and a return value\.
+A message may succeed or fail \(in case of failure, the actor dies\)\.
+(actor: .public (stack a)
+ (List a)
+ ((on_mail mail state self)
+ (do (try.with async.monad)
+ [.let [_ (debug.log! "BEFORE")]
+ output (mail state self)
+ .let [_ (debug.log! "AFTER")]]
+ (in output)))
+ (message: .public (push [value a] state self)
+ (List a)
+ (let [state' {.#Item value state}]
+ (async.resolved {try.#Success [state' state']}))))
+(actor: .public counter
+ Nat
+ (message: .public (count! [increment Nat] state self)
+ Any
+ (let [state' (n.+ increment state)]
+ (async.resolved {try.#Success [state' state']})))
+ (message: .public (read! state self)
+ Nat
+ (async.resolved {try.#Success [state state]})))
+### obituary
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Actor _0) (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async (Obituary _0))))
+Await for an actor to stop working\.
+### obituary'
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Actor _0) (library/lux/control/io.IO (.Maybe (Obituary _0)))))
+### observe\!
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 Stop (Mail _1)) (library/lux/control/concurrency/frp.Channel _0) (Actor _1) (library/lux/control/io.IO .Any)))
+Use an actor to observe a channel by transforming each datum
+flowing through the channel into mail the actor can process\.
+Can stop observing the channel by executing the Stop value\.
+### poison\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Actor _0) (library/lux/control/io.IO (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any))))
+Kills the actor by sending mail that will kill it upon processing,
+but allows the actor to handle previous mail\.
+### poisoned
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### spawn\!
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Behavior _0 _1) _0 (library/lux/control/io.IO (Actor _1))))
+Given a behavior and initial state, spawns an actor and returns it\.
+### tell\!
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Message _0 _1) (Actor _0) (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async (library/lux/control/try.Try _1))))
+Communicate with an actor through message\-passing\.
+# library/lux/control/concurrency/async
+## Definitions
+### \(Async it\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async" it)
+Represents values produced by asynchronous computations \(unlike IO, which is synchronous\)\.
+### \(Resolver it\)
+... .Type
+(-> it (library/lux/control/io.IO .Bit))
+The function used to give a value to an async\.
+Will signal 'true' if the async has been resolved for the 1st time, 'false' otherwise\.
+### after
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat _0 (Async _0)))
+Delivers a value after a certain period has passed\.
+(after milli_seconds value)
+### and
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Async _0) (Async _1) (Async [_0 _1])))
+Combines the results of both asyncs, in\-order\.
+(and left right)
+### apply
+(library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply Async)
+### async
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Any [(Async _0) (Resolver _0)]))
+Creates a fresh async that has not been resolved yet\.
+(async _)
+### delay
+(-> .Nat (Async .Any))
+An async that will be resolved after the specified amount of milli\-seconds\.
+(delay milli_seconds)
+### either
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Async _0) (Async _0) (Async _0)))
+Yields the results of whichever async gets resolved first\.
+You cannot tell which one was resolved first\.
+(either left right)
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Async)
+### future
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/control/io.IO _0) (Async _0)))
+Runs an I/O computation on its own thread\.
+Returns an async that will eventually host its result\.
+(future computation)
+### monad
+(library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad Async)
+### or
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Async _0) (Async _1) (Async (Or _0 _1))))
+Yields the results of whichever async gets resolved first\.
+You can tell which one was resolved first through pattern\-matching\.
+(or left right)
+### resolved
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Async _0)))
+Produces an async that has already been resolved to the given value\.
+(resolved value)
+### resolved?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Async _0) (library/lux/control/io.IO .Bit)))
+Checks whether an async's value has already been resolved\.
+### schedule\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (library/lux/control/io.IO _0) (Async _0)))
+Runs an I/O computation on its own thread \(after a specified delay\)\.
+Returns an async that will eventually host its result\.
+(schedule! milli_seconds computation)
+### upon\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 (library/lux/control/io.IO .Any)) (Async _0) (library/lux/control/io.IO .Any)))
+Executes the given function as soon as the async has been resolved\.
+(upon! function async)
+### value
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Async _0) (library/lux/control/io.IO (.Maybe _0))))
+Polls an async for its value\.
+### within
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Async _0) (Async (.Maybe _0))))
+Wait for an async to be resolved within the specified amount of milli\-seconds\.
+(within milli_seconds async)
+# library/lux/control/concurrency/atom
+## Definitions
+### \(Atom it\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/concurrency/atom.Atom" it)
+Atomic references that are safe to mutate concurrently\.
+### atom
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Atom _0)))
+### compare\_and\_swap\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 _0 (Atom _0) (library/lux/control/io.IO .Bit)))
+Only mutates an atom if you can present its current value\.
+That guarantees that atom was not updated since you last read from it\.
+### read\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Atom _0) (library/lux/control/io.IO _0)))
+### update\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 _0) (Atom _0) (library/lux/control/io.IO [_0 _0])))
+Updates an atom by applying a function to its current value\.
+If it fails to update it \(because some other process wrote to it first\), it will retry until it succeeds\.
+The retries will be done with the new values of the atom, as they show up\.
+### write\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Atom _0) (library/lux/control/io.IO _0)))
+Writes the given value to an atom\.
+If it fails to write it \(because some other process wrote to it first\), it will retry until it succeeds\.
+# library/lux/control/concurrency/frp
+## Definitions
+### \(Channel it\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async (.Maybe [it (Channel it)]))
+An asynchronous channel to distribute values\.
+### \(Sink it\)
+... .Type
+ [close (library/lux/control/io.IO (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any))
+ feed (-> it (library/lux/control/io.IO (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any)))])
+The tail\-end of a channel, which can be written\-to to fee the channel\.
+### \(Subscriber it\)
+... .Type
+(-> it (library/lux/control/io.IO (.Maybe .Any)))
+A function that can receive every value fed into a channel\.
+### apply
+(library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply Channel)
+### channel
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Any [(Channel _0) (Sink _0)]))
+Creates a brand\-new channel and hands it over, along with the sink to write to it\.
+(channel _)
+### channel\_is\_already\_closed
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### distinct
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (Channel _0) (Channel _0)))
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Channel)
+### iterations
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async (.Maybe [_0 _1]))) _0 (Channel _1)))
+### list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Channel _0) (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async (.List _0))))
+### mix
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _1 _0 (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async _0)) _0 (Channel _1) (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async _0)))
+Asynchronous mix over channels\.
+(mix f init channel)
+### mixes
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _1 _0 (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async _0)) _0 (Channel _1) (Channel _0)))
+### monad
+(library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad Channel)
+### of\_async
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async _0) (Channel _0)))
+A one\-element channel containing the output from an async\.
+(of_async async)
+### only
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 .Bit) (Channel _0) (Channel _0)))
+Produces a new channel based on the old one, only with values
+that pass the test\.
+(only pass? channel)
+### periodic
+(-> .Nat [(Channel .Any) (Sink .Any)])
+### poll
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (library/lux/control/io.IO _0) [(Channel _0) (Sink _0)]))
+### sequential
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.List _0) (Channel _0)))
+Transforms the given list into a channel with the same elements\.
+(sequential milli_seconds values)
+### subscribe\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Subscriber _0) (Channel _0) (library/lux/control/io.IO .Any)))
+# library/lux/control/concurrency/semaphore
+## Definitions
+### Barrier
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/concurrency/semaphore.Barrier")
+A barrier that blocks all processes from proceeding until a given number of processes are parked at the barrier\.
+### Limit
+... .Type
+(library/lux/type/refinement.Refined .Nat (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/control/concurrency/semaphore",122,2 0}"))
+A limit for barriers\.
+### Mutex
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/concurrency/semaphore.Mutex")
+A mutual\-exclusion lock that can only be acquired by one process at a time\.
+### Semaphore
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/concurrency/semaphore.Semaphore")
+A tool for controlling access to resources by multiple concurrent processes\.
+### barrier
+(-> Limit Barrier)
+### block\!
+(-> Barrier (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async .Any))
+Wait on a barrier until all processes have arrived and met the barrier's limit\.
+### limit
+(library/lux/type/refinement.Refiner .Nat (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/control/concurrency/semaphore",122,2 0}"))
+Produce a limit for a barrier\.
+### mutex
+(-> .Any Mutex)
+Creates a brand\-new mutex\.
+(mutex _)
+### semaphore
+(-> .Nat Semaphore)
+(semaphore initial_open_positions)
+### semaphore\_is\_maxed\_out
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### signal\!
+(Ex (_ _0)
+ (-> Semaphore (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async (library/lux/control/try.Try .Int))))
+Signal to a semaphore that you're done with your work, and that there is a new open position\.
+(signal! semaphore)
+### synchronize\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> Mutex (library/lux/control/io.IO (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async _0)) (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async _0)))
+Runs the procedure with exclusive control of the mutex\.
+(synchronize! mutex procedure)
+### wait\!
+(Ex (_ _0)
+ (-> Semaphore (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async .Any)))
+Wait on a semaphore until there are open positions\.
+After finishing your work, you must 'signal' to the semaphore that you're done\.
+(wait! semaphore)
+# library/lux/control/concurrency/stm
+## Definitions
+### \(STM it\)
+... .Type
+(-> Tx [Tx it])
+A computation which updates a transaction and produces a value\.
+### \(Var it\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/concurrency/stm.Var" it)
+A mutable cell containing a value, and observers that will be alerted of any change to it\.
+### apply
+(library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply STM)
+### commit\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (STM _0) (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async _0)))
+Commits a transaction and returns its result \(asynchronously\)\.
+Note that a transaction may be re\-run an indeterminate number of times if other transactions involving the same variables successfully commit first\.
+For this reason, it's important to note that transactions must be free from side\-effects, such as I/O\.
+(commit! procedure)
+### follow\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Var _0) (library/lux/control/io.IO [(library/lux/control/concurrency/frp.Channel _0) (library/lux/control/concurrency/frp.Sink _0)])))
+Creates a channel that will receive all changes to the value of the given var\.
+(follow! target)
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor STM)
+### monad
+(library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad STM)
+### read
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Var _0) (STM _0)))
+### update
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 _0) (Var _0) (STM [_0 _0])))
+Update a var's value, and return a tuple with the old and the new values\.
+(update function var)
+### var
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Var _0)))
+Creates a new STM var, with a default value\.
+(var value)
+### write
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Var _0) (STM .Any)))
+# library/lux/control/concurrency/thread
+## Definitions
+### parallelism
+How many processes can run in parallel\.
+### schedule\!
+(-> .Nat (library/lux/control/io.IO .Any) (library/lux/control/io.IO .Any))
+Executes an I/O procedure after some milli\-seconds\.
+(schedule! milli_seconds action)
+## Missing documentation
+1. `` cannot_continue_running_threads ``
+1. `` run! ``
+# library/lux/control/continuation
+## Definitions
+### \(Cont input output\)
+... .Type
+(-> (-> input output) output)
+### apply
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply (All (_ _1) (Cont _1 _0))))
+### continued
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1) (Cont _0 _1) _1))
+Continues a continuation thunk\.
+(continued next cont)
+### functor
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor (All (_ _1) (Cont _1 _0))))
+### monad
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (All (_ _1) (Cont _1 _0))))
+### pending
+Turns any expression into a function that is pending a continuation\.
+(pending (some_function some_input))
+### portal
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> _0 (Cont [(-> _0 (Cont _1 _2)) _0] _2)))
+### reset
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Cont _0 _0) (Cont _0 _1)))
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Cont _0 _0) _0))
+Forces a continuation thunk to be evaluated\.
+(result cont)
+### shift
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> (-> _0 (Cont _0 _0)) (Cont _0 _0)) (Cont _0 _0)))
+### with\_current
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (-> (-> _0 (Cont _1 _2)) (Cont _0 _2)) (Cont _0 _2)))
+Call with current continuation\.
+ (function (_ go)
+ (do monad
+ [.let [nexus (function (nexus val)
+ (go [nexus val]))]
+ _ (go [nexus init])]
+ (in (undefined)))))
+# library/lux/control/exception
+Pure\-Lux exception\-handling functionality\.
+## Definitions
+### \(Exception it\)
+... .Type
+ [#label .Text
+ #constructor (-> it .Text)])
+An exception provides a way to decorate error messages\.
+### assertion
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Exception _0) _0 .Bit (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any)))
+### error
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Exception _0) _0 .Text))
+Constructs an error message from an exception\.
+(error exception message)
+### except
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Exception _0) _0 (library/lux/control/try.Try _1)))
+Decorate an error message with an Exception and lift it into the error\-handling context\.
+(except exception message)
+### exception:
+Define a new exception type\.
+It mostly just serves as a way to tag error messages for later catching\.
+... Simple case:
+(exception: .public some_exception)
+... Complex case:
+(exception: .public [arbitrary type variables] (some_exception [optional Text
+ arguments Int])
+ optional_body)
+### listing
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 .Text) (.List _0) .Text))
+A numbered report of the entries on a list\.
+NOTE: 0\-based numbering\.
+(listing format entries)
+### match?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Exception _0) .Text .Bit))
+Is this exception the cause of the error message?
+(match? exception error)
+### otherwise
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> .Text _0) (library/lux/control/try.Try _0) _0))
+If no handler could be found to catch the exception, then run a function as a last\-resort measure\.
+(otherwise else try)
+### report
+An error report\.
+(: Text
+ (report ["Row 0" value/0]
+ ["Row 1" value/1]
+ ,,,
+ ["Row N" value/N]))
+### when
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Exception _0) (-> .Text _1) (library/lux/control/try.Try _1) (library/lux/control/try.Try _1)))
+If a particular exception is detected on a possibly\-erroneous value, handle it\.
+If no exception was detected, or a different one from the one being checked, then pass along the original value\.
+(when exception then try)
+### with
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Exception _0) _0 (library/lux/control/try.Try _1) (library/lux/control/try.Try _1)))
+If a computation fails, prepends the exception to the error\.
+(with exception message computation)
+# library/lux/control/function
+## Definitions
+### composite
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (-> _1 _2) (-> _0 _1) _0 _2))
+Function composition\.
+(= ((composite f g) "foo")
+ (f (g "foo")))
+### constant
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (All (_ _1) (-> _1 _0))))
+Create constant functions\.
+(= ((constant "foo") "bar")
+ "foo")
+### flipped
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1 _2) _1 _0 _2))
+Flips the order of the arguments of a function\.
+(= ((flipped f) "foo" "bar")
+ (f "bar" "foo"))
+### identity
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 _0))
+Identity function\.
+Does nothing to its argument and just returns it\.
+(same? (identity value)
+ value)
+### monoid
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid (-> _0 _0)))
+### on
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 (-> _0 _1) _1))
+Simple 1\-argument function application\.
+(on input function)
+# library/lux/control/function/contract
+## Definitions
+### post
+Given a predicate and an expression to run, evaluates the expression and then tests the output with the predicate\.
+If the predicate returns \#1, returns the value of the expression\.
+Otherwise, an error is raised\.
+(post i.even?
+ (i.+ +2 +2))
+### post\_condition\_failed
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Code)
+### pre
+Given a test and an expression to run, only runs the expression if the test passes\.
+Otherwise, an error is raised\.
+(pre (i.= +4 (i.+ +2 +2))
+ (foo +123 +456 +789))
+### pre\_condition\_failed
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Code)
+# library/lux/control/function/memo
+## Definitions
+### \(Memo input output\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/function/mixin.Recursive input (library/lux/control/state.State (library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary input output) output))
+### closed
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (Memo _0 _1) _0 _1))
+Memoization confined to a single invocation to the function \(not counting any subsequent recursive invocations\)\.
+Memoized results will be re\-used during recursive invocations, but cannot be accessed after the main invocation has ended\.
+(closed hash memo)
+### memoization
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (library/lux/control/function/mixin.Mixin _0 (library/lux/control/state.State (library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary _0 _1) _1)))
+### none
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (Memo _0 _1) _0 _1))
+No memoization at all\.
+This is useful as a test control when measuring the effect of using memoization\.
+(none hash memo)
+### open
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Memo _0 _1) [(library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary _0 _1) _0] [(library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary _0 _1) _1]))
+Memoization where the memoized results can be re\-used accross invocations\.
+(open memo)
+# library/lux/control/function/mixin
+## Definitions
+### \(Mixin input output\)
+... .Type
+(-> (-> input output) (-> input output) input output)
+A partially\-defined function which can be mixed with others to inherit their behavior\.
+### \(Recursive input output\)
+... .Type
+(-> (-> input output) input output)
+An indirectly recursive function\.
+### advice
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (Mixin _0 _1) (Mixin _0 _1)))
+Only apply then mixin when the input meets some criterion\.
+(advice when then)
+### after
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (-> _1 _2 (_0 .Any)) (Mixin _1 (_0 _2))))
+Executes an action after doing the main work\.
+(after monad action)
+### before
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (-> _1 (_0 .Any)) (Mixin _1 (_0 _2))))
+Executes an action before doing the main work\.
+(before monad action)
+### fixed
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Mixin _0 _1) _0 _1))
+Given a mixin, produces a normal function\.
+(fixed f)
+### mixed
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Mixin _0 _1) (Mixin _0 _1) (Mixin _0 _1)))
+Produces a new mixin, where the behavior of the child can make use of the behavior of the parent\.
+(mixed parent child)
+### monoid
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid (Mixin _0 _1)))
+### nothing
+A mixin that does nothing and just delegates work to the next mixin\.
+### of\_recursive
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Recursive _0 _1) (Mixin _0 _1)))
+Transform an indirectly recursive function into a mixin\.
+(of_recursive recursive)
+# library/lux/control/function/mutual
+## Definitions
+### def:
+Globally\-defined mutually\-recursive functions\.
+ [.public (even? number)
+ (-> Nat Bit)
+ (case number
+ 0 true
+ _ (odd? (-- number)))]
+ [.public (odd? number)
+ (-> Nat Bit)
+ (case number
+ 0 false
+ _ (even? (-- number)))])
+### let
+Locally\-defined mutually\-recursive functions\.
+(let [(even? number)
+ (-> Nat Bit)
+ (case number
+ 0 true
+ _ (odd? (-- number)))
+ (odd? number)
+ (-> Nat Bit)
+ (case number
+ 0 false
+ _ (even? (-- number)))]
+ (and (even? 4)
+ (odd? 5)))
+# library/lux/control/io
+A method for abstracting I/O and effectful computations to make it safe while writing pure functional code\.
+## Definitions
+### \(IO it\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/io.IO" it)
+A type that represents synchronous, effectful computations that may interact with the outside world\.
+### apply
+(library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply IO)
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor IO)
+### io
+Delays the evaluation of an expression, by wrapping it in an IO 'thunk'\.
+Great for wrapping effectful computations \(which will not be performed until the IO is 'run\!'\)\.
+(io (exec
+ (log! msg)
+ "Some value..."))
+### monad
+(library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad IO)
+### run\!
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (IO _1) _1))
+A way to execute IO computations and perform their side\-effects\.
+# library/lux/control/lazy
+## Definitions
+### \(Lazy it\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/lazy.Lazy" it)
+A value specified by an expression that is calculated only at the last moment possible\.
+Afterwards, the value is cached for future reference\.
+### apply
+(library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply Lazy)
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Lazy _0))))
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Lazy)
+### lazy
+Specifies a lazy value by providing the expression that computes it\.
+(lazy eager_computation)
+### monad
+(library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad Lazy)
+### value
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Lazy _0) _0))
+# library/lux/control/maybe
+## Definitions
+### apply
+(library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply .Maybe)
+### else
+Allows you to provide a default value that will be used
+if a \(Maybe x\) value turns out to be \.\#None\.
+Note: the expression for the default value will not be computed if the base computation succeeds\.
+(else +20 {.#Some +10})
+... =>
+(else +20 {.#None})
+... =>
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (.Maybe _0))))
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor .Maybe)
+### hash
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash (.Maybe _0))))
+### lifted
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (_0 _1) (_0 (.Maybe _1))))
+Wraps a monadic value with Maybe machinery\.
+(lifted monad)
+### list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.Maybe _0) (.List _0)))
+### monad
+(library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad .Maybe)
+### monoid
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid (.Maybe _0)))
+### trusted
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.Maybe _0) _0))
+Assumes that a Maybe value is a \.\#Some and yields its value\.
+Raises/throws a runtime error otherwise\.
+WARNING: Use with caution\.
+(trusted trusted_computation)
+### when
+Can be used as a guard in \(co\)monadic be/do expressions\.
+(do monad
+ [value (do_something 1 2 3)
+ .when (passes_test? value)]
+ (do_something_else 4 5 6))
+### with
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (All (_ _1) (_0 (.Maybe _1))))))
+# library/lux/control/parser
+## Definitions
+### \(Parser state it\)
+... .Type
+(-> state (library/lux/control/try.Try [state it]))
+A generic parser\.
+### after
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 _2) (Parser _0 _2)))
+Run the parser after another one \(whose output is ignored\)\.
+(after param subject)
+### and
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 _2) (Parser _0 [_1 _2])))
+Sequencing combinator\.
+(and first second)
+### apply
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply (Parser _0)))
+### assertion
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text .Bit (Parser _0 .Any)))
+Fails with the given message if the test is \#0\.
+(assertion message test)
+### at\_least
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> .Nat (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 (.List _1))))
+Parse at least N times\.
+(at_least amount parser)
+### at\_most
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> .Nat (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 (.List _1))))
+Parse at most N times\.
+(at_most amount parser)
+### before
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 _2) (Parser _0 _2)))
+Run the parser before another one \(whose output is ignored\)\.
+(before param subject)
+### between
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> .Nat .Nat (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 (.List _1))))
+(between minimum additional parser)
+### codec
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec _1 _2) (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 _2)))
+Decode the output of a parser using a codec\.
+(codec codec parser)
+### either
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 _1)))
+Homogeneous alternative combinator\.
+(either this that)
+### else
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _1 (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 _1)))
+If the given parser fails, returns the default value\.
+(else value parser)
+### exactly
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> .Nat (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 (.List _1))))
+Parse exactly N times\.
+(exactly amount parser)
+### failure
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> .Text (Parser _0 _1)))
+Always fail with this 'message'\.
+(failure message)
+### functor
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor (Parser _0)))
+### lifted
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/control/try.Try _1) (Parser _0 _1)))
+Lift a potentially failed computation into a parser\.
+(lifted operation)
+### many
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 (.List _1))))
+1\-or\-more combinator\.
+(many parser)
+### maybe
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 (.Maybe _1))))
+Optionality combinator\.
+(maybe parser)
+### monad
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (Parser _0)))
+### not
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 .Any)))
+Only succeeds when the underlying parser fails\.
+(not parser)
+### only
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _1 .Bit) (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 _1)))
+Only succeed when the parser's output passes a test\.
+(only test parser)
+### or
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 _2) (Parser _0 (Or _1 _2))))
+Heterogeneous alternative combinator\.
+(or left right)
+### parses
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 .Any)))
+Ignore a parser's output and just execute it\.
+(parses parser)
+### parses?
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 .Bit)))
+Ignore a parser's output and just verify that it succeeds\.
+(parses? parser)
+### rec
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 _1)) (Parser _0 _1)))
+Combinator for recursive parsers\.
+(rec parser)
+### remaining
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Parser _0 _0))
+Yield the remaining input \(without consuming it\)\.
+### result
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) _0 (library/lux/control/try.Try [_0 _1])))
+Executes the parser on the input\.
+Does not verify that all of the input has been consumed by the parser\.
+Returns both the parser's output, and a value that represents the remaining input\.
+(result parser input)
+### separated\_by
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _2) (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 (.List _1))))
+Parses instances of 'parser' that are separated by instances of 'separator'\.
+(separated_by separator parser)
+### some
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 (.List _1))))
+0\-or\-more combinator\.
+(some parser)
+### speculative
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 _1)))
+Executes a parser, without actually consuming the input\.
+That way, the same input can be consumed again by another parser\.
+(speculative parser)
+# library/lux/control/parser/analysis
+## Definitions
+### \(Parser it\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/parser.Parser (.List library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Analysis))
+A parser for Lux code analysis nodes\.
+### any
+(Parser library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Analysis)
+Matches any value, without discrimination\.
+### bit
+(Parser .Bit)
+Queries for a bit value\.
+### bit\!
+(-> .Bit (Parser .Any))
+Assert a specific bit value\.
+### cannot\_parse
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception (.List library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Analysis))
+### constant
+(Parser .Symbol)
+Queries for a constant value\.
+### constant\!
+(-> .Symbol (Parser .Any))
+Assert a specific constant value\.
+### end\!
+(Parser .Any)
+Ensures there are no more inputs\.
+### end?
+(Parser .Bit)
+Checks whether there are no more inputs\.
+### foreign
+(Parser .Nat)
+Queries for a foreign value\.
+### foreign\!
+(-> .Nat (Parser .Any))
+Assert a specific foreign value\.
+### frac
+(Parser .Frac)
+Queries for a frac value\.
+### frac\!
+(-> .Frac (Parser .Any))
+Assert a specific frac value\.
+### int
+(Parser .Int)
+Queries for a int value\.
+### int\!
+(-> .Int (Parser .Any))
+Assert a specific int value\.
+### local
+(Parser .Nat)
+Queries for a local value\.
+### local\!
+(-> .Nat (Parser .Any))
+Assert a specific local value\.
+### nat
+(Parser .Nat)
+Queries for a nat value\.
+### nat\!
+(-> .Nat (Parser .Any))
+Assert a specific nat value\.
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (.List library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Analysis) (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)))
+Executes a parser and makes sure no inputs go unconsumed\.
+(result parser input)
+### rev
+(Parser .Rev)
+Queries for a rev value\.
+### rev\!
+(-> .Rev (Parser .Any))
+Assert a specific rev value\.
+### text
+(Parser .Text)
+Queries for a text value\.
+### text\!
+(-> .Text (Parser .Any))
+Assert a specific text value\.
+### tuple
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses only within the context of a tuple's contents\.
+(tuple parser)
+### unconsumed\_input
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception (.List library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Analysis))
+# library/lux/control/parser/binary
+## Definitions
+### Offset
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+An offset for reading within binary data\.
+### \(Parser it\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/parser.Parser [Offset library/lux/data/binary.Binary])
+A parser for raw binary data\.
+### Size
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+The size of a chunk of data within a binary array\.
+### any
+(Parser .Any)
+Does no parsing, and just returns a dummy value\.
+### binary/16
+(Parser library/lux/data/binary.Binary)
+Parses a block of data prefixed with a size that is 16 bytes long\.
+### binary/32
+(Parser library/lux/data/binary.Binary)
+Parses a block of data prefixed with a size that is 32 bytes long\.
+### binary/64
+(Parser library/lux/data/binary.Binary)
+Parses a block of data prefixed with a size that is 64 bytes long\.
+### binary/8
+(Parser library/lux/data/binary.Binary)
+Parses a block of data prefixed with a size that is 8 bytes long\.
+### binary\_was\_not\_fully\_read
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Nat .Nat])
+### bit
+(Parser .Bit)
+### bits/16
+(Parser .I64)
+### bits/32
+(Parser .I64)
+### bits/64
+(Parser .I64)
+### bits/8
+(Parser .I64)
+### code
+(Parser .Code)
+### end?
+(Parser .Bit)
+Checks whether there is no more data to read\.
+### frac
+(Parser .Frac)
+### int
+(Parser .Int)
+### invalid\_tag
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Nat .Nat])
+### list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser (.List _0))))
+Parses an arbitrarily long list of values\.
+(list value)
+### location
+(Parser .Location)
+### maybe
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser (.Maybe _0))))
+### nat
+(Parser .Nat)
+### not\_a\_bit
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### offset
+(Parser Offset)
+The current offset \(i\.e\. how much data has been read\)\.
+### or
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _1) (Parser (Or _0 _1))))
+### rec
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _0)) (Parser _0)))
+Tie the knot for a recursive parser\.
+### remaining
+(Parser .Nat)
+How much of the data remains to be read\.
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) library/lux/data/binary.Binary (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)))
+Runs a parser and checks that all the binary data was read by it\.
+(result parser input)
+### rev
+(Parser .Rev)
+### segment
+(-> .Nat (Parser library/lux/data/binary.Binary))
+Parses a chunk of data of a given size\.
+(segment size)
+### sequence/16
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser (library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence _0))))
+Parses a sequence of values prefixed with a size that is 16 bytes long\.
+### sequence/32
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser (library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence _0))))
+Parses a sequence of values prefixed with a size that is 32 bytes long\.
+### sequence/64
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser (library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence _0))))
+Parses a sequence of values prefixed with a size that is 64 bytes long\.
+### sequence/8
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser (library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence _0))))
+Parses a sequence of values prefixed with a size that is 8 bytes long\.
+### set
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (Parser _0) (Parser (library/lux/data/collection/set.Set _0))))
+(set hash value)
+### set\_elements\_are\_not\_unique
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### size/16
+### size/32
+### size/64
+### size/8
+### symbol
+(Parser .Symbol)
+### text
+(Parser .Text)
+### type
+(Parser .Type)
+### utf8/16
+(Parser .Text)
+Parses a block of \(UTF\-8 encoded\) text prefixed with a size that is 16 bytes long\.
+### utf8/32
+(Parser .Text)
+Parses a block of \(UTF\-8 encoded\) text prefixed with a size that is 32 bytes long\.
+### utf8/64
+(Parser .Text)
+Parses a block of \(UTF\-8 encoded\) text prefixed with a size that is 64 bytes long\.
+### utf8/8
+(Parser .Text)
+Parses a block of \(UTF\-8 encoded\) text prefixed with a size that is 8 bytes long\.
+# library/lux/control/parser/cli
+## Definitions
+### \(Parser it\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/parser.Parser (.List .Text) it)
+A command\-line interface parser\.
+### any
+(Parser .Text)
+Just returns the next input without applying any logic\.
+### end
+(Parser .Any)
+Ensures there are no more inputs\.
+### named
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses a named parameter and yields its value\.
+(named name value)
+### parameter
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [.Text .Text] (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses a parameter that can have either a short or a long name\.
+(parameter [short long] value)
+### parse
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> .Text (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)) (Parser _0)))
+Parses the next input with a parsing function\.
+(parse parser)
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (.List .Text) (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)))
+Executes the parser and verifies that all inputs are processed\.
+(result parser inputs)
+### somewhere
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Given a parser, tries to parse it somewhere in the inputs \(i\.e\. not necessarily parsing the immediate inputs\)\.
+(somewhere cli)
+### this
+(-> .Text (Parser .Any))
+Checks that a token is in the inputs\.
+(this reference)
+# library/lux/control/parser/code
+## Definitions
+### \(Parser it\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/parser.Parser (.List .Code))
+A Lux code parser\.
+### any
+(Parser .Code)
+Yields the next input without applying any logic\.
+### bit
+(Parser .Bit)
+Parses the next bit input\.
+### bit\!
+(-> .Bit (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific bit input\.
+### end\!
+(Parser .Any)
+Verifies there are no more inputs\.
+### end?
+(Parser .Bit)
+Checks whether there are no more inputs\.
+### form
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses the contents of a form\.
+### frac
+(Parser .Frac)
+Parses the next frac input\.
+### frac\!
+(-> .Frac (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific frac input\.
+### int
+(Parser .Int)
+Parses the next int input\.
+### int\!
+(-> .Int (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific int input\.
+### local
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List .Code) (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Runs parser against the given list of inputs\.
+(local inputs parser)
+### local\_symbol
+(Parser .Text)
+Parse a local local symbol \(a local symbol that has no module prefix\)\.
+### local\_symbol\!
+(-> .Text (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific local local symbol \(a local symbol that has no module prefix\)\.
+### nat
+(Parser .Nat)
+Parses the next nat input\.
+### nat\!
+(-> .Nat (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific nat input\.
+### next
+(Parser .Code)
+Yields the next Code token without consuming it from the input stream\.
+### not
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser .Code)))
+Yields the next Code token if the parser fails\.
+(not expected_to_fail)
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (.List .Code) (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)))
+Executes a parser against a stream of code, and verifies all the inputs are consumed\.
+(result parser inputs)
+### rev
+(Parser .Rev)
+Parses the next rev input\.
+### rev\!
+(-> .Rev (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific rev input\.
+### symbol
+(Parser .Symbol)
+Parses the next symbol input\.
+### symbol\!
+(-> .Symbol (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific symbol input\.
+### text
+(Parser .Text)
+Parses the next text input\.
+### text\!
+(-> .Text (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific text input\.
+### this\!
+(-> .Code (Parser .Any))
+Ensures the given Code is the next input\.
+(this! code)
+### tuple
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses the contents of a tuple\.
+### variant
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses the contents of a variant\.
+# library/lux/control/parser/environment
+## Definitions
+### Environment
+... .Type
+(library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary Property .Text)
+An abstraction for environment variables of a program\.
+### \(Parser it\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/parser.Parser Environment it)
+A parser of environment variables of a program\.
+### Property
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Text")
+A property in the environment\.
+### empty
+An empty environment\.
+### property
+(-> Property (Parser .Text))
+(property name)
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) Environment (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)))
+Executes a parser against the given environment variables\.
+Does not check whether all environment variables were parsed, since they're usually an open set\.
+(result parser environment)
+### unknown\_property
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception Property)
+# library/lux/control/parser/json
+## Definitions
+### \(Parser it\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/parser.Parser (.List library/lux/data/format/json.JSON) it)
+A JSON parser\.
+### any
+(Parser library/lux/data/format/json.JSON)
+Just returns the JSON input without applying any logic\.
+### array
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses the contents of a JSON array\.
+(array parser)
+### boolean
+(Parser library/lux/data/format/json.Boolean)
+Reads a JSON value as boolean\.
+### boolean\!
+(-> library/lux/data/format/json.Boolean (Parser .Any))
+Ensures a JSON value is a boolean\.
+### boolean?
+(-> library/lux/data/format/json.Boolean (Parser .Bit))
+Asks whether a JSON value is a boolean\.
+### dictionary
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser (library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary .Text _0))))
+Parses a dictionary\-like JSON object\.
+### empty\_input
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### field
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses a field inside a JSON object\.
+Use this inside the 'object' combinator\.
+(field field_name parser)
+### null
+(Parser library/lux/data/format/json.Null)
+Reads a JSON value as null\.
+### nullable
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser (.Maybe _0))))
+Enhances parser by adding NULL\-handling\.
+(nullable parser)
+### number
+(Parser library/lux/data/format/json.Number)
+Reads a JSON value as number\.
+### number\!
+(-> library/lux/data/format/json.Number (Parser .Any))
+Ensures a JSON value is a number\.
+### number?
+(-> library/lux/data/format/json.Number (Parser .Bit))
+Asks whether a JSON value is a number\.
+### object
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses the contents of a JSON object\.
+Use this with the 'field' combinator\.
+(object parser)
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) library/lux/data/format/json.JSON (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)))
+Executes the parser against a JSON object\.
+Verifies that all of the JSON was consumed by the parser\.
+(result parser json)
+### string
+(Parser library/lux/data/format/json.String)
+Reads a JSON value as string\.
+### string\!
+(-> library/lux/data/format/json.String (Parser .Any))
+Ensures a JSON value is a string\.
+### string?
+(-> library/lux/data/format/json.String (Parser .Bit))
+Asks whether a JSON value is a string\.
+### unconsumed\_input
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception (.List library/lux/data/format/json.JSON))
+### unexpected\_value
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception library/lux/data/format/json.JSON)
+### value\_mismatch
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/control/exception.Exception [library/lux/data/format/json.JSON library/lux/data/format/json.JSON]))
+# library/lux/control/parser/synthesis
+## Definitions
+### \(Parser it\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/parser.Parser (.List library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Synthesis))
+A parser for the Lux compiler's synthesis nodes using during optimization\.
+### any
+(Parser library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Synthesis)
+Yields a synthesis node without subjecting it to any analysis\.
+### bit
+(Parser .Bit)
+Queries for a bit synthesis node\.
+### bit\!
+(-> .Bit (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific bit synthesis node\.
+### cannot\_parse
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception (.List library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Synthesis))
+### constant
+(Parser .Symbol)
+Queries for a constant synthesis node\.
+### constant\!
+(-> .Symbol (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific constant synthesis node\.
+### empty\_input
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### end\!
+(Parser .Any)
+Ensures there are no more inputs\.
+### end?
+(Parser .Bit)
+Checks whether there are no more inputs\.
+### expected\_empty\_input
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception (.List library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Synthesis))
+### f64
+(Parser .Frac)
+Queries for a f64 synthesis node\.
+### f64\!
+(-> .Frac (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific f64 synthesis node\.
+### foreign
+(Parser .Nat)
+Queries for a foreign synthesis node\.
+### foreign\!
+(-> .Nat (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific foreign synthesis node\.
+### function
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> library/lux/tool/compiler/arity.Arity (Parser _0) (Parser [(library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Environment library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Synthesis) _0])))
+Parses the body of a function with the 'expected' arity\.
+(function expected parser)
+### i64
+(Parser (.I64 .Any))
+Queries for a i64 synthesis node\.
+### i64\!
+(-> (.I64 .Any) (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific i64 synthesis node\.
+### local
+(Parser .Nat)
+Queries for a local synthesis node\.
+### local\!
+(-> .Nat (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific local synthesis node\.
+### loop
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _1) (Parser [library/lux/tool/compiler/reference/variable.Register _0 _1])))
+Parses the initial values and the body of a loop\.
+(loop init_parsers iteration_parser)
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (.List library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Synthesis) (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)))
+Executes the parser against the inputs\.
+Ensures all inputs are consumed by the parser\.
+(result parser input)
+### text
+(Parser .Text)
+Queries for a text synthesis node\.
+### text\!
+(-> .Text (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific text synthesis node\.
+### tuple
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses the contents of a tuple\.
+(tuple parser)
+### unconsumed\_input
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception (.List library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Synthesis))
+### wrong\_arity
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [library/lux/tool/compiler/arity.Arity library/lux/tool/compiler/arity.Arity])
+# library/lux/control/parser/text
+## Definitions
+### Offset
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+An offset into a block of text\.
+### \(Parser it\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/parser.Parser [Offset .Text])
+A parser for text\.
+### Slice
+... .Type
+ [#basis Offset
+ #distance Offset])
+A slice of a block of text\.
+### alpha
+(Parser .Text)
+Yields alphabetic characters\.
+### alpha\_num
+(Parser .Text)
+Yields alphanumeric characters\.
+### and
+(-> (Parser .Text) (Parser .Text) (Parser .Text))
+Yields the outputs of both parsers composed together\.
+(and left right)
+### and\!
+(-> (Parser Slice) (Parser Slice) (Parser Slice))
+Yields the outputs of both parsers composed together \(as a slice\)\.
+(and! left right)
+### any
+(Parser .Text)
+Yields the next character without applying any logic\.
+### any\!
+(Parser Slice)
+Yields the next character \(as a slice\) without applying any logic\.
+### at\_least
+(-> .Nat (Parser .Text) (Parser .Text))
+Yields at least N characters\.
+### at\_least\!
+(-> .Nat (Parser Slice) (Parser Slice))
+Yields at least N characters \(as a slice\)\.
+### at\_most
+(-> .Nat (Parser .Text) (Parser .Text))
+Yields at most N characters\.
+### at\_most\!
+(-> .Nat (Parser Slice) (Parser Slice))
+Yields at most N characters \(as a slice\)\.
+### between
+(-> .Nat .Nat (Parser .Text) (Parser .Text))
+(between minimum additional parser)
+### between\!
+(-> .Nat .Nat (Parser Slice) (Parser Slice))
+(between! minimum additional parser)
+### cannot\_match
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Text)
+### cannot\_parse
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### cannot\_slice
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### character\_does\_not\_satisfy\_predicate
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception library/lux/data/text.Char)
+### character\_should\_be
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Text library/lux/data/text.Char])
+### character\_should\_not\_be
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Text library/lux/data/text.Char])
+### decimal
+(Parser .Text)
+Only yields decimal characters\.
+### enclosed
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [.Text .Text] (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+(enclosed [start end] parser)
+### end\!
+(Parser .Any)
+Ensure the parser's input is empty\.
+### exactly
+(-> .Nat (Parser .Text) (Parser .Text))
+Yields exactly N characters\.
+### exactly\!
+(-> .Nat (Parser Slice) (Parser Slice))
+Yields exactly N characters \(as a slice\)\.
+### expected\_to\_fail
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [Offset .Text])
+### hexadecimal
+(Parser .Text)
+Yields hexadecimal digits\.
+### local
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Applies a parser against the given input\.
+(local local_input parser)
+### lower
+(Parser .Text)
+Only yields lowercase characters\.
+### many
+(-> (Parser .Text) (Parser .Text))
+Yields <name> characters as a single continuous text\.
+### many\!
+(-> (Parser Slice) (Parser Slice))
+Yields <name> characters as a single continuous text \(as a slice\)\.
+### next
+(Parser .Text)
+Yields the next character \(without consuming it from the input\)\.
+### none\_of
+(-> .Text (Parser .Text))
+Yields characters that are not part of a piece of text\.
+### none\_of\!
+(-> .Text (Parser Slice))
+Yields characters \(as a slice\) that are not part of a piece of text\.
+### not
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser .Text)))
+Produce a character if the parser fails\.
+### not\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser Slice)))
+Produce a character \(as a slice\) if the parser fails\.
+### octal
+(Parser .Text)
+Only yields octal characters\.
+### offset
+(Parser Offset)
+Yields the current offset into the input\.
+### one\_of
+(-> .Text (Parser .Text))
+Yields characters that are part of a piece of text\.
+### one\_of\!
+(-> .Text (Parser Slice))
+Yields characters \(as a slice\) that are part of a piece of text\.
+### range
+(-> .Nat .Nat (Parser .Text))
+Only yields characters within a range\.
+(range bottom top)
+### remaining
+(Parser .Text)
+Get all of the remaining input \(without consuming it\)\.
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) .Text (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)))
+Executes a parser against a block of text\.
+Verifies that the entire input has been processed\.
+(result parser input)
+### satisfies
+(-> (-> library/lux/data/text.Char .Bit) (Parser .Text))
+Yields characters that satisfy a predicate\.
+(satisfies parser)
+### slice
+(-> (Parser Slice) (Parser .Text))
+Converts a slice to a block of text\.
+(slice parser)
+### some
+(-> (Parser .Text) (Parser .Text))
+Yields <name> characters as a single continuous text\.
+### some\!
+(-> (Parser Slice) (Parser Slice))
+Yields <name> characters as a single continuous text \(as a slice\)\.
+### space
+(Parser .Text)
+Yields white\-space\.
+### then
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _1) (library/lux/control/parser.Parser _0 .Text) (library/lux/control/parser.Parser _0 _1)))
+Embeds a text parser into an arbitrary parser that yields text\.
+(then structured text)
+### this
+(-> .Text (Parser .Any))
+Checks that a specific text shows up in the input\.
+(this reference)
+### unconsumed\_input
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [Offset .Text])
+### upper
+(Parser .Text)
+Only yields uppercase characters\.
+# library/lux/control/parser/tree
+## Definitions
+### \(Parser it\)
+... .Type
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/control/parser.Parser (library/lux/data/collection/tree/zipper.Zipper it) _0))
+A parser of arbitrary trees\.
+### cannot\_move\_further
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### down
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Parser _0 .Any))
+Move down\.
+### end
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Parser _0 .Any))
+Move to the last node\.
+### left
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Parser _0 .Any))
+Move to the left\.
+### leftmost
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Parser _0 .Any))
+Move to the leftmost node\.
+### next
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Parser _0 .Any))
+Move to the next node\.
+### previous
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Parser _0 .Any))
+Move to the previous node\.
+### result
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (library/lux/data/collection/tree.Tree _0) (library/lux/control/try.Try _1)))
+Applies the parser against a tree\.
+(result parser tree)
+### result'
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (library/lux/data/collection/tree/zipper.Zipper _0) (library/lux/control/try.Try _1)))
+Applies the parser against a tree zipper\.
+(result' parser zipper)
+### right
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Parser _0 .Any))
+Move to the right\.
+### rightmost
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Parser _0 .Any))
+Move to the rightmost node\.
+### start
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Parser _0 .Any))
+Move to the root node\.
+### up
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Parser _0 .Any))
+Move up\.
+### value
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Parser _0 _0))
+Yields the value inside the current tree node\.
+# library/lux/control/parser/type
+Parsing of Lux types\.
+Used mostly for polytypic programming\.
+## Definitions
+### Env
+... .Type
+(library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary .Nat [.Type .Code])
+An environment for type parsing\.
+### \(Parser it\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/parser.Parser [Env (.List .Type)] it)
+A parser of Lux types\.
+### adjusted\_idx
+(-> Env .Nat .Nat)
+(adjusted_idx env idx)
+### any
+(Parser .Type)
+Yields a type, without examination\.
+### applied
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses a type application\.
+(applied poly)
+### empty\_input
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### env
+(Parser Env)
+Yields the current parsing environment\.
+### exactly
+(-> .Type (Parser .Any))
+Parses a type exactly\.
+### existential
+(Parser .Nat)
+Yields an existential type\.
+### fresh
+An empty parsing environment\.
+### function
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _1) (Parser [_0 _1])))
+Parses a function's inputs and output\.
+(function in_poly out_poly)
+### local
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List .Type) (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Apply a parser to the given inputs\.
+(local types poly)
+### named
+(Parser [.Symbol .Type])
+Yields a named type\.
+### next
+(Parser .Type)
+Inspect a type in the input stream without consuming it\.
+### not\_application
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Type)
+### not\_existential
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Type)
+### not\_function
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Type)
+### not\_named
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Type)
+### not\_parameter
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Type)
+### not\_polymorphic
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Type)
+### not\_recursive
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Type)
+### not\_tuple
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Type)
+### not\_variant
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Type)
+### parameter
+(Parser .Code)
+### parameter\!
+(-> .Nat (Parser .Any))
+(parameter! id)
+### polymorphic
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser [.Code (.List .Code) _0])))
+(polymorphic poly)
+### recursive
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser [.Code _0])))
+(recursive poly)
+### recursive\_call
+(Parser .Code)
+### recursive\_self
+(Parser .Code)
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) .Type (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)))
+Applies a parser against a type\.
+Verifies that the parser fully consumes the type's information\.
+(result poly type)
+### sub
+(-> .Type (Parser .Any))
+Parses a sub type\.
+### super
+(-> .Type (Parser .Any))
+Parses a super type\.
+### tuple
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses the contents of a tuple type\.
+### types\_do\_not\_match
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Type .Type])
+### unconsumed\_input
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception (.List .Type))
+### unknown\_parameter
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Type)
+### variant
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses the contents of a variant type\.
+### with\_extension
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Type (Parser _0) (Parser [.Code _0])))
+(with_extension type poly)
+### wrong\_parameter
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Type .Type])
+# library/lux/control/parser/xml
+## Definitions
+### \(Parser it\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/parser.Parser [library/lux/data/format/xml.Attrs (.List library/lux/data/format/xml.XML)] it)
+A parser of XML\-encoded data\.
+### any
+(Parser library/lux/data/format/xml.XML)
+Yields the next node\.
+### attribute
+(-> library/lux/data/format/xml.Attribute (Parser .Text))
+Yields the value of an attribute in the current node\.
+(attribute name)
+### empty\_input
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### node
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> library/lux/data/format/xml.Tag (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses the contents of the next node if the tag matches\.
+(node expected parser)
+### nowhere
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (.List library/lux/data/format/xml.XML) (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)))
+Applies a parser against a stream of XML documents\.
+Verifies that all of the inputs are consumed by the parser\.
+(result parser documents)
+### somewhere
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Applies the parser somewhere among the remaining inputs; instead of demanding that the parser succeeds against the immediate inputs\.
+(somewhere parser)
+### tag
+(Parser library/lux/data/format/xml.Tag)
+Yields the tag from the next node\.
+### text
+(Parser .Text)
+Yields text from a text node\.
+### unconsumed\_inputs
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception (.List library/lux/data/format/xml.XML))
+### unexpected\_input
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### unknown\_attribute
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [library/lux/data/format/xml.Attribute (.List library/lux/data/format/xml.Attribute)])
+### wrong\_tag
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [library/lux/data/format/xml.Tag library/lux/data/format/xml.Tag])
+# library/lux/control/pipe
+Composable extensions to the piping macros \(|> and <|\) that enhance them with various abilities\.
+## Definitions
+### case>
+Pattern\-matching for pipes\.
+The bodies of each branch are NOT pipes; just regular values\.
+(|> +5
+ (case> +0 "zero"
+ +1 "one"
+ +2 "two"
+ +3 "three"
+ +4 "four"
+ +5 "five"
+ +6 "six"
+ +7 "seven"
+ +8 "eight"
+ +9 "nine"
+ _ "???"))
+### cond>
+Branching for pipes\.
+Both the tests and the bodies are piped\-code, and must be given inside a tuple\.
+(|> +5
+ (cond> [i.even?] [(i.* +2)]
+ [i.odd?] [(i.* +3)]
+ [(new> -1 [])]))
+### do>
+Monadic pipes\.
+Each steps in the monadic computation is a pipe and must be given inside a tuple\.
+(|> +5
+ (do> identity.monad
+ [(i.* +3)]
+ [(i.+ +4)]
+ [++]))
+### exec>
+Non\-updating pipes\.
+Will generate piped computations, but their results will not be used in the larger scope\.
+(|> +5
+ (exec> [.nat %n log!])
+ (i.* +10))
+### if>
+(same? (if (n.even? sample)
+ "even"
+ "odd")
+ (|> sample
+ (if> [n.even?]
+ [(new> "even" [])]
+ [(new> "odd" [])])))
+### let>
+Gives a name to the piped\-argument, within the given expression\.
+(n.= 10
+ (|> 5
+ (let> x (n.+ x x))))
+### loop>
+Loops for pipes\.
+Both the testing and calculating steps are pipes and must be given inside tuples\.
+(|> +1
+ (loop> [(i.< +10)]
+ [++]))
+### new>
+Ignores the piped argument, and begins a new pipe\.
+(n.= 1
+ (|> 20
+ (n.* 3)
+ (n.+ 4)
+ (new> 0 [++])))
+### tuple>
+Parallel branching for pipes\.
+Allows to run multiple pipelines for a value and gives you a tuple of the outputs\.
+(|> +5
+ (tuple> [(i.* +10)]
+ [-- (i./ +2)]
+ [i#encoded]))
+... =>
+[+50 +2 "+5"]
+### when>
+Only execute the body when the test passes\.
+(same? (if (n.even? sample)
+ (n.* 2 sample)
+ sample)
+ (|> sample
+ (when> [n.even?]
+ [(n.* 2)])))
+# library/lux/control/reader
+## Definitions
+### \(Reader environment it\)
+... .Type
+(-> environment it)
+Computations that have access to some environmental value\.
+### apply
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply (Reader _0)))
+### functor
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor (Reader _0)))
+### lifted
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (_0 _2) (Reader _1 (_0 _2))))
+Lift monadic values to the Reader wrapper\.
+### local
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 _0) (Reader _0 _1) (Reader _0 _1)))
+Run computation with a locally\-modified environment\.
+(local change proc)
+### monad
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (Reader _0)))
+### read
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Reader _0 _0))
+Get the environment\.
+### result
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 (Reader _0 _1) _1))
+Executes the reader against the given environment\.
+(result env proc)
+### with
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (All (_ _1) (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (All (_ _2) (Reader _1 (_0 _2)))))))
+Monad transformer for Reader\.
+(with monad)
+# library/lux/control/region
+## Definitions
+### \(Region r \! it\)
+... .Type
+(-> [r (.List (Cleaner r !))] (! [(.List (Cleaner r !)) (library/lux/control/try.Try it)]))
+A region where resources may be be claimed and where a side\-effecting computation may be performed\.
+Every resource is paired with a function that knows how to clean/reclaim it, to make sure there are no leaks\.
+### acquire\!
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (-> _1 (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any))) _1 (All (_ _2) (Region _2 _0 _1))))
+Acquire a resource while pairing it a function that knows how to reclaim it\.
+(acquire! monad cleaner value)
+### apply
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (All (_ _1) (library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply (Region _1 _0)))))
+### clean\_up\_error
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Text (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)]))
+### except
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (library/lux/control/exception.Exception _1) _1 (All (_ _3) (Region _3 _0 _2))))
+Fail by throwing/raising an exception\.
+(except monad exception message)
+### failure
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) .Text (All (_ _2) (Region _2 _0 _1))))
+Immediately fail with this 'message'\.
+(failure monad error)
+### functor
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor _0) (All (_ _1) (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor (Region _1 _0)))))
+### lifted
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (_0 _1) (All (_ _2) (Region _2 _0 _1))))
+Lift an effectful computation into a region\-based computation\.
+(lifted monad operation)
+### monad
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (All (_ _1) (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (Region _1 _0)))))
+### run\!
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (All (_ _2) (Region _2 _0 _1)) (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try _1))))
+Executes a region\-based computation, with a side\-effect determined by the monad\.
+(run! monad computation)
+# library/lux/control/remember
+## Definitions
+### fix\_me
+A FIXME message with an expiration date\.
+Can have an optional piece of code to focus on\.
+(fix_me "2022-04-01"
+ "Do this, that and the other.")
+(fix_me "2022-04-01"
+ "Improve the performace."
+ (some (complicated (computation 123))))
+### must\_remember
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [library/lux/time/date.Date library/lux/time/date.Date .Text (.Maybe .Code)])
+### remember
+A message with an expiration date\.
+Can have an optional piece of code to focus on\.
+(remember "2022-04-01"
+ "Do this, that and the other.")
+(remember "2022-04-01"
+ "Improve the performace."
+ (some (complicated (computation 123))))
+### to\_do
+A TODO message with an expiration date\.
+Can have an optional piece of code to focus on\.
+(to_do "2022-04-01"
+ "Do this, that and the other.")
+(to_do "2022-04-01"
+ "Improve the performace."
+ (some (complicated (computation 123))))
+# library/lux/control/security/capability
+## Definitions
+### \(Capability brand input output\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/security/capability.Capability" brand input output)
+Represents the capability to perform an operation\.
+This operation is assumed to have security implications\.
+### async
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Capability _0 _1 (library/lux/control/io.IO _2)) (Capability _0 _1 (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async _2))))
+Converts a synchronous I/O\-based capability into an asynchronous capability\.
+(async capability)
+### capability:
+Defines a capability as a unique type, and a constructor for instances\.
+(capability: (Can_Duplicate a)
+ (can_duplicate a [a a]))
+(let [capability (can_duplicate
+ (function (_ value)
+ [value value]))
+ [left right] (documentation/lux/control/security/capability.usecapability 123)]
+ (same? left right))
+### use
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Capability _0 _1 _2) _1 _2))
+Applies a capability against its required input\.
+(use capability input)
+# library/lux/control/security/policy
+## Definitions
+### Can\_Conceal
+... .Type
+(Can_Upgrade Privacy)
+### Can\_Distrust
+... .Type
+(Can_Downgrade Safety)
+### \(Can\_Downgrade brand % value\)
+... .Type
+(-> (Policy brand value %) value)
+Represents the capacity to 'downgrade' a value\.
+### Can\_Reveal
+... .Type
+(Can_Downgrade Privacy)
+### Can\_Trust
+... .Type
+(Can_Upgrade Safety)
+### \(Can\_Upgrade brand % value\)
+... .Type
+(-> value (Policy brand value %))
+Represents the capacity to 'upgrade' a value\.
+### \(Context brand scope %\)
+... .Type
+(-> (Privilege brand %) (scope %))
+A computational context with an associated policy privilege\.
+### \(Delegation brand %from %to\)
+... .Type
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Policy brand _0 %from) (Policy brand _0 %to)))
+Represents the act of delegating policy capacities\.
+### \(Policy brand value %\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/security/policy.Policy" brand value %)
+A security policy encoded as the means to 'upgrade' or 'downgrade' in a secure context\.
+### Privacy
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/security/policy.Privacy")
+A security context for privacy\.
+Private data is data which cannot be allowed to leak outside of the programmed\.
+### Private
+... .Type
+(Policy Privacy)
+### \(Privilege brand %\)
+... .Type
+ [#can_upgrade (Can_Upgrade brand %)
+ #can_downgrade (Can_Downgrade brand %)])
+Represents the privilege to both 'upgrade' and 'downgrade' a value\.
+### Safe
+... .Type
+(Policy Safety)
+### Safety
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/security/policy.Safety")
+A security context for safety\.
+Safe data is data coming from outside the program which can be trusted to be properly formatted and lacking injections\.
+### apply
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply (All (_ _2) (Policy _0 _2 _1))))
+### delegation
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Can_Downgrade _0 _1) (Can_Upgrade _0 _2) (Delegation _0 _1 _2)))
+Delegating policy capacities\.
+(delegation downgrade upgrade)
+### functor
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor (All (_ _2) (Policy _0 _2 _1))))
+### monad
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (All (_ _2) (Policy _0 _2 _1))))
+### with\_policy
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (Ex (_ _2)
+ (-> (Context _0 _1 _2) (_1 _2))))
+Activates a security context with the priviledge to enforce it's policy\.
+(type: Password
+ (Private Text))
+(type: (Policy %)
+ (Interface
+ (: (-> Text (Password %))
+ password)
+ (: (-> (Password %) Text)
+ unsafe)))
+(def: (policy _)
+ (Ex (_ %) (-> Any (Policy %)))
+ (with_policy
+ (: (Context Privacy Policy)
+ (function (_ (^open "%::."))
+ (implementation
+ (def: (password value)
+ (%::can_upgrade value))
+ (def: (unsafe password)
+ (%::can_downgrade password)))))))
+(with_policy context)
+# library/lux/control/state
+## Definitions
+### State
+... .Type
+(All (+State _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> _1 (_0 [_1 _2])))
+Stateful computations decorated by a monad\.
+### \(State state it\)
+... .Type
+(-> state [state it])
+Stateful computations\.
+### apply
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply (State _0)))
+### do\_while
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (State _0 .Bit) (State _0 .Any) (State _0 .Any)))
+A stateful do\-while loop\.
+(do_while condition body)
+### functor
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor (State _0)))
+### get
+(All (_ _0)
+ (State _0 _0))
+Read the current state\.
+### lifted
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (_0 _2) (+State _0 _1 _2)))
+Lift monadic values to the State wrapper\.
+(lifted monad ma)
+### local
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 _0) (State _0 _1) (State _0 _1)))
+Run the computation with a locally\-modified state\.
+(local change action)
+### monad
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (State _0)))
+### put
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (State _0 .Any)))
+Set the new state\.
+(put new_state)
+### result
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 (State _0 _1) [_0 _1]))
+Run a stateful computation\.
+(result state action)
+### result'
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> _1 (+State _0 _1 _2) (_0 [_1 _2])))
+Execute a stateful computation decorated by a monad\.
+(result' state action)
+### update
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 _0) (State _0 .Any)))
+Compute the new state\.
+(update change)
+### use
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1) (State _0 _1)))
+Run a function on the current state\.
+(use user)
+### while
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (State _0 .Bit) (State _0 .Any) (State _0 .Any)))
+A stateful while loop\.
+(while condition body)
+### with
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (+State _0 _1))))
+A monad transformer to create composite stateful computations\.
+(with monad)
+# library/lux/control/thread
+## Definitions
+### \(Box \! it\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/thread.Box" ! it)
+A mutable box holding a value\.
+### \(Thread \! it\)
+... .Type
+(-> ! it)
+An imperative process with access to mutable values\.
+### apply
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply (Thread _0)))
+### box
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (All (_ _1) (Thread _1 (Box _1 _0)))))
+A brand\-new box initialized to the given value\.
+(box init)
+### functor
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor (Thread _0)))
+### io
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (All (_ _1) (Thread _1 _0)) (library/lux/control/io.IO _0)))
+Transforms the imperative thread into an I/O computation\.
+### monad
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (Thread _0)))
+### read\!
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Box _0 _1) (Thread _0 _1)))
+Reads the current value in the box\.
+(read! box)
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (All (_ _1) (Thread _1 _0)) _0))
+Executes the imperative thread in a self\-contained way\.
+(result thread)
+### update\!
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 _0) (Box _1 _0) (Thread _1 _0)))
+Update a box's value by applying a function to it\.
+(update! f box)
+### write\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (All (_ _1) (-> (Box _1 _0) (Thread _1 .Any)))))
+Mutates the value in the box\.
+(write! value box)
+# library/lux/control/try
+## Definitions
+### \(Try it\)
+... .Type
+ {#Failure .Text}
+ {#Success it})
+A computation that can fail with an error message\.
+### apply
+(library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply Try)
+### else
+Allows you to provide a default value that will be used
+if a \(Try x\) value turns out to be \#Failure\.
+Note: the expression for the default value will not be computed if the base computation succeeds\.
+(= "bar"
+ (else "foo" {#Success "bar"}))
+(= "foo"
+ (else "foo" {#Failure "KABOOM!"}))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Try _0))))
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Try)
+### lifted
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (_0 _1) (_0 (Try _1))))
+Wraps a monadic value with error\-handling machinery\.
+(lifted monad)
+### maybe
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Try _0) (.Maybe _0)))
+(maybe try)
+### monad
+(library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad Try)
+### of\_maybe
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.Maybe _0) (Try _0)))
+(of_maybe maybe)
+### trusted
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Try _0) _0))
+Assumes a Try value succeeded, and yields its value\.
+If it didn't, raises the error as a runtime error\.
+WARNING: Use with caution\.
+(trusted try)
+### with
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (All (_ _1) (_0 (Try _1))))))
+Enhances a monad with error\-handling functionality\.
+(with monad)
+# library/lux/control/writer
+## Definitions
+### \(Writer log value\)
+... .Type
+ [#log log
+ #value value])
+Represents a value with an associated 'log' to record arbitrary information\.
+### apply
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid _0) (library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply (Writer _0))))
+### functor
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor (Writer _0)))
+### lifted
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid _0) (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _1) (_1 _2) (_1 (Writer _0 _2))))
+Wraps a monadic value with Writer machinery\.
+(lifted monoid monad)
+### monad
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid _0) (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (Writer _0))))
+### with
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid _0) (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _1) (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (All (_ _2) (_1 (Writer _0 _2))))))
+Enhances a monad with Writer functionality\.
+(with monoid monad)
+### write
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Writer _0 .Any)))
+Write a value to the log\.
+(write message)
+# library/lux/data/binary
+## Definitions
+### Binary
+... .Type
+(library/lux/data/collection/array.Array (.I64 .Any))
+A binary BLOB of data\.
+### after
+(-> .Nat Binary Binary)
+Yields a binary BLOB with at most the specified number of bytes removed\.
+(after bytes binary)
+### aggregate
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> .I64 _0 _0) _0 Binary _0))
+(aggregate f init binary)
+### copy
+(-> .Nat .Nat Binary .Nat Binary (library/lux/control/try.Try Binary))
+Mutates the target binary BLOB by copying bytes from the source BLOB to it\.
+(copy bytes source_offset source target_offset target)
+### empty
+(-> .Nat Binary)
+A fresh/empty binary BLOB of the specified size\.
+(empty size)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Binary)
+### index\_out\_of\_bounds
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Nat .Nat])
+### monoid
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid Binary)
+### read/16\!
+(-> .Nat Binary (library/lux/control/try.Try .I64))
+Read 2 bytes \(16 bits\) at the given index\.
+(read/16! index binary)
+### read/32\!
+(-> .Nat Binary (library/lux/control/try.Try .I64))
+Read 4 bytes \(32 bits\) at the given index\.
+(read/32! index binary)
+### read/64\!
+(-> .Nat Binary (library/lux/control/try.Try .I64))
+Read 8 bytes \(64 bits\) at the given index\.
+(read/64! index binary)
+### read/8\!
+(-> .Nat Binary (library/lux/control/try.Try .I64))
+Read 1 byte \(8 bits\) at the given index\.
+(read/8! index binary)
+### size
+(-> Binary .Nat)
+### slice
+(-> .Nat .Nat Binary (library/lux/control/try.Try Binary))
+Yields a subset of the binary BLOB, so long as the specified range is valid\.
+(slice offset length binary)
+### slice\_out\_of\_bounds
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Nat .Nat .Nat])
+### write/16\!
+(-> .Nat (.I64 .Any) Binary (library/lux/control/try.Try Binary))
+Write 2 bytes \(16 bits\) at the given index\.
+(write/16! index value binary)
+### write/32\!
+(-> .Nat (.I64 .Any) Binary (library/lux/control/try.Try Binary))
+Write 4 bytes \(32 bits\) at the given index\.
+(write/32! index value binary)
+### write/64\!
+(-> .Nat (.I64 .Any) Binary (library/lux/control/try.Try Binary))
+Write 8 bytes \(64 bits\) at the given index\.
+(write/64! index value binary)
+### write/8\!
+(-> .Nat (.I64 .Any) Binary (library/lux/control/try.Try Binary))
+Write 1 byte \(8 bits\) at the given index\.
+(write/8! index value binary)
+## Missing documentation
+1. `` cannot_copy_bytes ``
+# library/lux/data/bit
+## Definitions
+### codec
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Bit)
+### complement
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 .Bit) _0 .Bit))
+Generates the complement of a predicate\.
+That is a predicate that returns the oposite of the original predicate\.
+### conjunction
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Bit)
+### disjunction
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Bit)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence .Bit)
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash .Bit)
+### no
+### off
+### on
+### yes
+# library/lux/data/collection/array
+## Definitions
+### \(Array it\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Array" it)
+Mutable arrays\.
+### any?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate (Array _0))))
+### clone
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Array _0) (Array _0)))
+Yields a shallow clone of the array\.
+(clone xs)
+### contains?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Array _0) .Bit))
+(contains? index array)
+### copy\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat .Nat (Array _0) .Nat (Array _0) (Array _0)))
+Writes the contents of one array into the other\.
+(copy! length src_start src_array dest_start dest_array)
+### delete\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Array _0) (Array _0)))
+Mutate the array by deleting the value at the specified index\.
+(delete! index array)
+### empty
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Array _0)))
+An empty array of the specified size\.
+(empty size)
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Array _0))))
+### every?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate (Array _0))))
+### example
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (Array _0) (.Maybe _0)))
+Yields the first item in the array that satisfies the predicate\.
+(example p xs)
+### example
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> .Nat _0 .Bit) (Array _0) (.Maybe [.Nat _0])))
+Just like 'example', but with access to the index of each value\.
+(example+ p xs)
+### filter\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (Array _0) (Array _0)))
+Delete every item of the array that fails to satisfy the predicate\.
+(filter! p xs)
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Array)
+### list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.Maybe _0) (Array _0) (.List _0)))
+Yields a list with every non\-empty item in the array\.
+Can use the optional default value when encountering an empty cell in the array\.
+(list {.#None} array)
+(list {.#Some default} array)
+### mix
+(library/lux/abstract/mix.Mix Array)
+### monoid
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid (Array _0)))
+### occupancy
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Array _0) .Nat))
+Finds out how many cells in an array are occupied\.
+(occupancy array)
+### of\_list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List _0) (Array _0)))
+(of_list xs)
+### read\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Array _0) (.Maybe _0)))
+(read! index array)
+### size
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Array _0) .Nat))
+(size array)
+### type\_name
+### update\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (-> _0 _0) (Array _0) (Array _0)))
+Mutate the array by updating the value at the specified index\.
+(update! index transform array)
+### upsert\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat _0 (-> _0 _0) (Array _0) (Array _0)))
+Mutate the array by updating the value at the specified index\.
+If there is no value, update and write the default value given\.
+(upsert! index default transform array)
+### vacancy
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Array _0) .Nat))
+Finds out how many cells in an array are vacant\.
+(vacancy array)
+### write\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat _0 (Array _0) (Array _0)))
+Mutate the array by writing a value to the specified index\.
+(write! index value array)
+# library/lux/data/collection/bits
+## Definitions
+### Bits
+... .Type
+(library/lux/data/collection/array.Array Chunk)
+A bit\-map\.
+### Chunk
+... .Type
+(All (Chunk _0)
+ (Primitive "#I64" _0))
+### and
+(-> Bits Bits Bits)
+### bit
+(-> .Nat Bits .Bit)
+(bit index bits)
+### capacity
+(-> Bits .Nat)
+(capacity bits)
+### chunk\_size
+### empty
+### empty?
+(-> Bits .Bit)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Bits)
+### flipped
+(-> .Nat Bits Bits)
+### intersects?
+(-> Bits Bits .Bit)
+(intersects? reference sample)
+### not
+(-> Bits Bits)
+(not input)
+### one
+(-> .Nat Bits Bits)
+### or
+(-> Bits Bits Bits)
+### size
+(-> Bits .Nat)
+Measures the size of a bit\-map by counting all the 1s in the bit\-map\.
+(size bits)
+### xor
+(-> Bits Bits Bits)
+### zero
+(-> .Nat Bits Bits)
+# library/lux/data/collection/dictionary
+## Definitions
+### \(Dictionary key value\)
+... .Type
+ [#hash (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash key)
+ #root (Node key value)])
+A dictionary implemented as a Hash\-Array Mapped Trie \(HAMT\)\.
+### empty
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+An empty dictionary\.
+(empty key_hash)
+### empty?
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) .Bit))
+### entries
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) (.List [_0 _1])))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _1) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Dictionary _0 _1))))
+### functor
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor (Dictionary _0)))
+### has
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 _1 (Dictionary _0 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+(has key val dict)
+### has'
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 _1 (Dictionary _0 _1) (library/lux/control/try.Try (Dictionary _0 _1))))
+Only puts the KV\-pair if the key is not already present\.
+(has' key val dict)
+### key?
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) _0 .Bit))
+(key? dict key)
+### key\_already\_exists
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### key\_hash
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0)))
+### keys
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) (.List _0)))
+### lacks
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 (Dictionary _0 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+(lacks key dict)
+### merged
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+Merges 2 dictionaries\.
+If any collisions with keys occur, the values of dict2 will overwrite those of dict1\.
+(merged dict2 dict1)
+### merged\_with
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _1 _1 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+Merges 2 dictionaries\.
+If any collisions with keys occur, a new value will be computed by applying 'f' to the values of dict2 and dict1\.
+(merged_with f dict2 dict1)
+### of\_list
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (.List [_0 _1]) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+(of_list key_hash kvs)
+### re\_bound
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 _0 (Dictionary _0 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+If there is a value under 'from\_key', remove 'from\_key' and store the value under 'to\_key'\.
+(re_bound from_key to_key dict)
+### revised
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 (-> _1 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+Transforms the value located at key \(if available\), using the given function\.
+(revised key f dict)
+### revised'
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 _1 (-> _1 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+Updates the value at the key; if it exists\.
+Otherwise, puts a value by applying the function to a default\.
+(revised' key default f dict)
+### size
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) .Nat))
+### sub
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (.List _0) (Dictionary _0 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+A sub\-dictionary, with only the specified keys\.
+(sub keys dict)
+### value
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 (Dictionary _0 _1) (.Maybe _1)))
+(value key dict)
+### values
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) (.List _1)))
+# library/lux/data/collection/dictionary/ordered
+## Definitions
+### \(Dictionary key value\)
+... .Type
+ [#&order (library/lux/abstract/order.Order key)
+ #root (.Maybe (Node key value))])
+A dictionary data\-structure with ordered entries\.
+### empty
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/order.Order _0) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+An empty dictionary, employing the given order\.
+(empty order)
+### empty?
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) .Bit))
+### entries
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) (.List [_0 _1])))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _1) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Dictionary _0 _1))))
+### has
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 _1 (Dictionary _0 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+(has key value dict)
+### key?
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) _0 .Bit))
+(key? dict key)
+### keys
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) (.List _0)))
+### lacks
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 (Dictionary _0 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+(lacks key dict)
+### max
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) (.Maybe _1)))
+Yields value under the maximum key\.
+### min
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) (.Maybe _1)))
+Yields value under the minimum key\.
+### of\_list
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/order.Order _0) (.List [_0 _1]) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+(of_list order list)
+### revised
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 (-> _1 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+(revised key transform dict)
+### size
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) .Nat))
+(size dict)
+### value
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 (Dictionary _0 _1) (.Maybe _1)))
+(value key dict)
+### values
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) (.List _1)))
+# library/lux/data/collection/dictionary/plist
+## Definitions
+### \(PList it\)
+... .Type
+(.List [.Text it])
+A property list\.
+It's a simple dictionary\-like structure with Text keys\.
+### contains?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (PList _0) .Bit))
+(contains? key properties)
+### empty
+### empty?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (PList _0) .Bit))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (PList _0))))
+### has
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text _0 (PList _0) (PList _0)))
+(has key val properties)
+### keys
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (PList _0) (.List .Text)))
+### lacks
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (PList _0) (PList _0)))
+(lacks key properties)
+### revised
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (-> _0 _0) (PList _0) (PList _0)))
+(revised key f properties)
+### size
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (PList _0) .Nat))
+### value
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (PList _0) (.Maybe _0)))
+(value key properties)
+### values
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (PList _0) (.List _0)))
+# library/lux/data/collection/list
+## Definitions
+### after
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.List _0) (.List _0)))
+### all
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 (.Maybe _1)) (.List _0) (.List _1)))
+(all check xs)
+### any?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (.List _0) .Bit))
+### apply
+(library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply .List)
+### empty?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate (.List _0)))
+(empty? xs)
+### enumeration
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List _0) (.List [.Nat _0])))
+Pairs every element in the list with its index, starting at 0\.
+(enumeration xs)
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (.List _0))))
+### every?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (.List _0) .Bit))
+### example
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (.List _0) (.Maybe _0)))
+Yields the first value in the list that satisfies the predicate\.
+(example predicate xs)
+### first
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.List _0) (.List _0)))
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor .List)
+### hash
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash (.List _0))))
+### head
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List _0) (.Maybe _0)))
+Yields the first element of a list\.
+### indices
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.List .Nat)))
+Produces all the valid indices for a given size\.
+(indices size)
+### inits
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List _0) (.Maybe (.List _0))))
+For a list of size N, yields the first N\-1 elements\.
+Will yield a \.\#None for empty lists\.
+(inits xs)
+### interposed
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (.List _0) (.List _0)))
+Puts a value between every two elements in the list\.
+(interposed sep xs)
+### item
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.List _0) (.Maybe _0)))
+Fetches the element at the specified index\.
+(item i xs)
+### iterations
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 (.Maybe _0)) _0 (.List _0)))
+Generates a list element by element until the function returns \.\#None\.
+(iterations f x)
+### last
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List _0) (.Maybe _0)))
+(last xs)
+### lifted
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (_0 _1) (_0 (.List _1))))
+Wraps a monadic value with List machinery\.
+(lifted monad)
+### member?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (.List _0) _0 .Bit))
+(member? eq xs x)
+### mix
+(library/lux/abstract/mix.Mix .List)
+### mixes
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1 _1) _1 (.List _0) (.List _1)))
+(mixes f init inputs)
+### monad
+(library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad .List)
+### monoid
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid (.List _0)))
+### one
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 (.Maybe _1)) (.List _0) (.Maybe _1)))
+(one check xs)
+### only
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (.List _0) (.List _0)))
+A list with only values that satisfy the predicate\.
+(only keep? xs)
+### pairs
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List _0) (.Maybe (.List [_0 _0]))))
+Cut the list into pairs of 2\.
+(pairs list)
+### partition
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (.List _0) [(.List _0) (.List _0)]))
+Divide the list into all elements that satisfy a predicate, and all elements that do not\.
+(partition satisfies? list)
+### repeated
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat _0 (.List _0)))
+A list of the value x, repeated n times\.
+(repeated n x)
+### reversed
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List _0) (.List _0)))
+(reversed xs)
+### size
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List _0) .Nat))
+(size list)
+### sorted
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 _0 .Bit) (.List _0) (.List _0)))
+A list ordered by a comparison function\.
+(sorted < xs)
+### split\_at
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.List _0) [(.List _0) (.List _0)]))
+(split_at n xs)
+### split\_when
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (.List _0) [(.List _0) (.List _0)]))
+Segment the list by using a predicate to tell when to cut\.
+(split_when predicate xs)
+### sub
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.List _0) (.List (.List _0))))
+Segment the list into sub\-lists of \(at most\) the given size\.
+(sub size list)
+### tail
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List _0) (.Maybe (.List _0))))
+For a list of size N, yields the N\-1 elements after the first one\.
+### together
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List (.List _0)) (.List _0)))
+The sequential combination of all the lists\.
+### until
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (.List _0) (.List _0)))
+### when
+Can be used as a guard in \(co\)monadic be/do expressions\.
+(do monad
+ [value (do_something 1 2 3)
+ .when (passes_test? value)]
+ (do_something_else 4 5 6))
+### while
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (.List _0) (.List _0)))
+### with
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (All (_ _1) (_0 (.List _1))))))
+Enhances a monad with List functionality\.
+(with monad)
+### zipped
+Create list zippers with the specified number of input lists\.
+(def: zipped/2 (zipped 2))
+(def: zipped/3 (zipped 3))
+(zipped/3 xs ys zs)
+((zipped 3) xs ys zs)
+### zipped/2
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (.List _0) (.List _1) (.List [_0 _1])))
+### zipped/3
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (.List _0) (.List _1) (.List _2) (.List [_0 _1 _2])))
+### zipped\_with
+Create list zippers with the specified number of input lists\.
+(def: zipped_with/2 (zipped_with 2))
+(def: zipped_with/3 (zipped_with 3))
+(zipped_with/2 + xs ys)
+((zipped_with 2) + xs ys)
+### zipped\_with/2
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1 _2) (.List _0) (.List _1) (.List _2)))
+### zipped\_with/3
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1 _2 _3) (.List _0) (.List _1) (.List _2) (.List _3)))
+# library/lux/data/collection/queue
+## Definitions
+### \(Queue it\)
+... .Type
+ [#front (.List it)
+ #rear (.List it)])
+A first\-in, first\-out sequential data\-structure\.
+### empty
+### empty?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Queue _0) .Bit))
+### end
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Queue _0) (Queue _0)))
+(end val queue)
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Queue _0))))
+### front
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Queue _0) (.Maybe _0)))
+Yields the first value in the queue, if any\.
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Queue)
+### list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Queue _0) (.List _0)))
+(list queue)
+### member?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (Queue _0) _0 .Bit))
+(member? equivalence queue member)
+### next
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Queue _0) (Queue _0)))
+(next queue)
+### of\_list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List _0) (Queue _0)))
+(of_list entries)
+### size
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Queue _0) .Nat))
+# library/lux/data/collection/queue/priority
+## Definitions
+### Priority
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+### \(Queue it\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/collection/queue/priority.Queue" it)
+### empty
+### empty?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Queue _0) .Bit))
+### end
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> Priority _0 (Queue _0) (Queue _0)))
+(end priority value queue)
+### front
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Queue _0) (.Maybe _0)))
+### max
+### member?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (Queue _0) _0 .Bit))
+(member? equivalence queue member)
+### min
+### next
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Queue _0) (Queue _0)))
+### size
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Queue _0) .Nat))
+# library/lux/data/collection/sequence
+## Definitions
+### \(Sequence it\)
+... .Type
+ [#level Level
+ #size .Nat
+ #root (Hierarchy it)
+ #tail (Base it)])
+A sequential data\-structure with fast random access\.
+### any?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (Sequence _0) .Bit))
+### apply
+(library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply Sequence)
+### empty
+### empty?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Sequence _0) .Bit))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Sequence _0))))
+### every?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (Sequence _0) .Bit))
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Sequence)
+### has
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat _0 (Sequence _0) (library/lux/control/try.Try (Sequence _0))))
+(has idx val sequence)
+### index\_out\_of\_bounds
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/control/exception.Exception [(Sequence _0) .Nat]))
+### item
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Sequence _0) (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)))
+(item idx sequence)
+### list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Sequence _0) (.List _0)))
+(list sequence)
+### member?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (Sequence _0) _0 .Bit))
+(member? equivalence sequence val)
+### mix
+(library/lux/abstract/mix.Mix Sequence)
+### monad
+(library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad Sequence)
+### monoid
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid (Sequence _0)))
+### of\_list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List _0) (Sequence _0)))
+### prefix
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Sequence _0) (Sequence _0)))
+(prefix sequence)
+### reversed
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Sequence _0) (Sequence _0)))
+### revised
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (-> _0 _0) (Sequence _0) (library/lux/control/try.Try (Sequence _0))))
+(revised idx f sequence)
+### sequence
+Sequence literals\.
+(: (Sequence Nat)
+ (sequence 12 34 56 78 90))
+### size
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Sequence _0) .Nat))
+### suffix
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Sequence _0) (Sequence _0)))
+(suffix val sequence)
+### within\_bounds?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Sequence _0) .Nat .Bit))
+Determines whether the index is within the bounds of the sequence\.
+(within_bounds? sequence idx)
+# library/lux/data/collection/set
+## Definitions
+### \(Set it\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary it .Any)
+### difference
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+(difference sub base)
+### empty
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (Set _0)))
+### empty?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) .Bit))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Set _0)))
+### has
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+(has elem set)
+### hash
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash (Set _0)))
+### intersection
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+(intersection filter base)
+### lacks
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+### list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (.List _0)))
+### member?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) _0 .Bit))
+### member\_hash
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0)))
+### monoid
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid (Set _0))))
+### of\_list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (.List _0) (Set _0)))
+### predicate
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0)))
+### size
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) .Nat))
+### sub?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) .Bit))
+(sub? super sub)
+### super?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) .Bit))
+(super? sub super)
+### union
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+# library/lux/data/collection/set/multi
+## Definitions
+### \(Set it\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/collection/set/multi.Set" it)
+A set that keeps track of repetition in its entries\.
+### difference
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+### empty
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (Set _0)))
+### empty?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) .Bit))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Set _0)))
+### has
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat _0 (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+(has multiplicity elem set)
+### hash
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash (Set _0)))
+### intersection
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+### lacks
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat _0 (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+(lacks multiplicity elem set)
+### list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (.List _0)))
+### member?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) _0 .Bit))
+(member? set elem)
+### multiplicity
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) _0 .Nat))
+(multiplicity set elem)
+### of\_list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (.List _0) (Set _0)))
+### of\_set
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/data/collection/set.Set _0) (Set _0)))
+### size
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) .Nat))
+### sub?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) .Bit))
+Is 'subject' a sub\-set of 'reference'?
+(sub? reference subject)
+### sum
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+### super?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) .Bit))
+Is 'subject' a super\-set of 'reference'?
+### support
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (library/lux/data/collection/set.Set _0)))
+A set of the unique \(non repeated\) members\.
+(support set)
+### union
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+# library/lux/data/collection/set/ordered
+## Definitions
+### \(Set it\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/collection/set/ordered.Set" it)
+A set with ordered entries\.
+### difference
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+(difference param subject)
+### empty
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/order.Order _0) (Set _0)))
+### empty?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) .Bit))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Set _0)))
+### has
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+(has elem set)
+### intersection
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+### lacks
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+(lacks elem set)
+### list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (.List _0)))
+### max
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (.Maybe _0)))
+### member?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) _0 .Bit))
+(member? set elem)
+### min
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (.Maybe _0)))
+### of\_list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/order.Order _0) (.List _0) (Set _0)))
+### size
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) .Nat))
+### sub?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) .Bit))
+Is 'sub' a sub\-set of 'super'?
+(sub? super sub)
+### super?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) .Bit))
+Is 'super' a super\-set of 'sub'?
+(super? sub super)
+### union
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+# library/lux/data/collection/stack
+## Definitions
+### \(Stack it\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/collection/stack.Stack" it)
+A first\-in, last\-out sequential data\-structure\.
+### empty
+### empty?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Stack _0) .Bit))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Stack _0))))
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Stack)
+### next
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Stack _0) (.Maybe [_0 (Stack _0)])))
+(next stack)
+### size
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Stack _0) .Nat))
+### top
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Stack _0) (Stack _0)))
+(top value stack)
+### value
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Stack _0) (.Maybe _0)))
+Yields the top value in the stack, if any\.
+(value stack)
+# library/lux/data/collection/stream
+## Definitions
+### \(Stream it\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/continuation.Cont [it (Stream it)])
+An infinite sequence of values\.
+### ^stream&
+Allows destructuring of streams in pattern\-matching expressions\.
+Caveat emptor: Only use it for destructuring, and not for testing values within the streams\.
+(let [(^stream& x y z _tail) (some_stream_func +1 +2 +3)]
+ (func x y z))
+### after
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Stream _0) (Stream _0)))
+### comonad
+(library/lux/abstract/comonad.CoMonad Stream)
+### cycle
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [_0 (.List _0)] (Stream _0)))
+Go over the elements of a list forever\.
+(cycle [start next])
+### first
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Stream _0) (.List _0)))
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Stream)
+### head
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Stream _0) _0))
+### item
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Stream _0) _0))
+(item idx stream)
+### iterations
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 [_0 _1]) _0 (Stream _1)))
+A stateful way of infinitely calculating the values of a stream\.
+(iterations step init)
+### only
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 .Bit) (Stream _0) (Stream _0)))
+A new stream only with items that satisfy the predicate\.
+(only predicate stream)
+### partition
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 .Bit) (Stream _0) [(Stream _0) (Stream _0)]))
+Split a stream in two based on a predicate\.
+The left side contains all entries for which the predicate is \#1\.
+The right side contains all entries for which the predicate is \#0\.
+(partition left? xs)
+### repeated
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Stream _0)))
+Repeat a value forever\.
+(repeated x)
+### split\_at
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Stream _0) [(.List _0) (Stream _0)]))
+### split\_when
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 .Bit) (Stream _0) [(.List _0) (Stream _0)]))
+### tail
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Stream _0) (Stream _0)))
+### until
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 .Bit) (Stream _0) (Stream _0)))
+### while
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 .Bit) (Stream _0) (.List _0)))
+# library/lux/data/collection/tree
+## Definitions
+### \(Tree it\)
+... .Type
+ [#value it
+ #children (.List (Tree it))])
+A generic tree data\-structure\.
+### branch
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (.List (Tree _0)) (Tree _0)))
+(branch value children)
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Tree _0))))
+### flat
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Tree _0) (.List _0)))
+All the leaf values of the tree, in order\.
+(flat tree)
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Tree)
+### leaf
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Tree _0)))
+(leaf value)
+### mix
+(library/lux/abstract/mix.Mix Tree)
+### tree
+Tree literals\.
+(: (Tree Nat)
+ (tree 12
+ {34 {}
+ 56 {}
+ 78 {90 {}}}))
+# library/lux/data/collection/tree/finger
+## Definitions
+### \(Builder @ tag\)
+... .Type
+ [leaf (All (_ _0) (-> tag _0 (Tree @ tag _0)))
+ branch (All (_ _0) (-> (Tree @ tag _0) (Tree @ tag _0) (Tree @ tag _0)))])
+A builder for finter tree structures\.
+### \(Tree @ tag value\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/collection/tree/finger.Tree" @ tag value)
+A finger tree\.
+### builder
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Ex (_ _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid _0) (Builder _1 _0))))
+A new builder using the given monoid\.
+(builder monoid)
+### exists?
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _1) (Tree _0 _1 _2) .Bit))
+Verifies that a value exists which meets the predicate\.
+(exists? predicate tree)
+### one
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _1) (Tree _0 _1 _2) (.Maybe _2)))
+Finds one value that meets the predicate\.
+(one predicate tree)
+### root
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Tree _0 _1 _2) (.Either _2 [(Tree _0 _1 _2) (Tree _0 _1 _2)])))
+### tag
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Tree _0 _1 _2) _1))
+### tags
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Tree _0 _1 _2) (.List _1)))
+(tags tree)
+### value
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Tree _0 _1 _2) _2))
+(value tree)
+### values
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Tree _0 _1 _2) (.List _2)))
+(values tree)
+# library/lux/data/collection/tree/zipper
+## Definitions
+### \(Zipper it\)
+... .Type
+ [#family (.Maybe (Family Zipper it))
+ #node (library/lux/data/collection/tree.Tree it)])
+Tree zippers, for easy navigation and editing of trees\.
+### adopt
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Zipper _0) (Zipper _0)))
+(adopt value zipper)
+### branch?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) .Bit))
+### comonad
+(library/lux/abstract/comonad.CoMonad Zipper)
+### down
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) (.Maybe (Zipper _0))))
+### end
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) (.Maybe (Zipper _0))))
+### end?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) .Bit))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Zipper _0))))
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Zipper)
+### insert\_left
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Zipper _0) (.Maybe (Zipper _0))))
+### insert\_right
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Zipper _0) (.Maybe (Zipper _0))))
+### interpose
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Zipper _0) (Zipper _0)))
+(interpose value zipper)
+### leaf?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) .Bit))
+### left
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) (.Maybe (Zipper _0))))
+### leftmost
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) (.Maybe (Zipper _0))))
+### next
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) (.Maybe (Zipper _0))))
+### previous
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) (.Maybe (Zipper _0))))
+### remove
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) (.Maybe (Zipper _0))))
+### right
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) (.Maybe (Zipper _0))))
+### rightmost
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) (.Maybe (Zipper _0))))
+### set
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Zipper _0) (Zipper _0)))
+(set value zipper)
+### start
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) (.Maybe (Zipper _0))))
+### start?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) .Bit))
+### tree
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) (library/lux/data/collection/tree.Tree _0)))
+### up
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) (.Maybe (Zipper _0))))
+### update
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 _0) (Zipper _0) (Zipper _0)))
+(update transform zipper)
+### value
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) _0))
+### zipper
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/data/collection/tree.Tree _0) (Zipper _0)))
+# library/lux/data/color
+## Definitions
+### Alpha
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Rev"))
+The degree of transparency of a pigment\.
+### CMYK
+... .Type
+ [#cyan .Frac
+ #magenta .Frac
+ #yellow .Frac
+ #key .Frac])
+Cyan\-Magenta\-Yellow\-Key color format\.
+### Color
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/color.Color")
+A color value, independent of color format\.
+### HSB
+... .Type
+[.Frac .Frac .Frac]
+Hue\-Saturation\-Brightness color format\.
+### HSL
+... .Type
+[.Frac .Frac .Frac]
+Hue\-Saturation\-Lightness color format\.
+### Palette
+... .Type
+(-> Spread .Nat Color (.List Color))
+### Pigment
+... .Type
+ [#color Color
+ #alpha Alpha])
+A color with some degree of transparency\.
+### RGB
+... .Type
+ [#red .Nat
+ #green .Nat
+ #blue .Nat])
+Red\-Green\-Blue color format\.
+### Spread
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Frac")
+### addition
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid Color)
+### analogous
+A analogous palette\.
+(analogous spread variations color)
+### black
+### brighter
+(-> .Frac Color Color)
+### clash
+(-> Color [Color Color Color])
+A clash color scheme\.
+### cmyk
+(-> Color CMYK)
+### complement
+(-> Color Color)
+The opposite color\.
+(complement color)
+### darker
+(-> .Frac Color Color)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Color)
+### gray\_scale
+(-> Color Color)
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash Color)
+### hsb
+(-> Color HSB)
+### hsl
+(-> Color HSL)
+### interpolated
+(-> .Frac Color Color Color)
+(interpolated ratio end start)
+### monochromatic
+A monochromatic palette\.
+(monochromatic spread variations color)
+### of\_cmyk
+(-> CMYK Color)
+### of\_hsb
+(-> HSB Color)
+### of\_hsl
+(-> HSL Color)
+### of\_rgb
+(-> RGB Color)
+### opaque
+The minimum degree of transparency\.
+### rgb
+(-> Color RGB)
+### saturated
+(-> .Frac Color Color)
+### split\_complement
+(-> Color [Color Color Color])
+A split\-complement color scheme\.
+### square
+(-> Color [Color Color Color Color])
+A square color scheme\.
+### subtraction
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid Color)
+### tetradic
+(-> Color [Color Color Color Color])
+A tetradic color scheme\.
+### translucent
+The average degree of transparency\.
+### transparent
+The maximum degree of transparency\.
+### triad
+(-> Color [Color Color Color])
+A triad color scheme\.
+### un\_saturated
+(-> .Frac Color Color)
+### white
+# library/lux/data/color/named
+## Definitions
+### alice\_blue
+R:F0 G:F8 B:FF | alice blue
+### antique\_white
+R:FA G:EB B:D7 | antique white
+### aqua
+R:0 G:FF B:FF | aqua
+### aquamarine
+R:7F G:FF B:D4 | aquamarine
+### azure
+R:F0 G:FF B:FF | azure
+### beige
+R:F5 G:F5 B:DC | beige
+### bisque
+R:FF G:E4 B:C4 | bisque
+### black
+R:0 G:0 B:0 | black
+### blanched\_almond
+R:FF G:EB B:CD | blanched almond
+### blue
+R:0 G:0 B:FF | blue
+### blue\_violet
+R:8A G:2B B:E2 | blue violet
+### brown
+R:A5 G:2A B:2A | brown
+### burly\_wood
+R:DE G:B8 B:87 | burly wood
+### cadet\_blue
+R:5F G:9E B:A0 | cadet blue
+### chartreuse
+R:7F G:FF B:0 | chartreuse
+### chocolate
+R:D2 G:69 B:1E | chocolate
+### coral
+R:FF G:7F B:50 | coral
+### cornflower\_blue
+R:64 G:95 B:ED | cornflower blue
+### cornsilk
+R:FF G:F8 B:DC | cornsilk
+### crimson
+R:DC G:14 B:3C | crimson
+### cyan
+R:0 G:FF B:FF | cyan
+### dark\_blue
+R:0 G:0 B:8B | dark blue
+### dark\_cyan
+R:0 G:8B B:8B | dark cyan
+### dark\_goldenrod
+R:B8 G:86 B:B | dark goldenrod
+### dark\_gray
+R:A9 G:A9 B:A9 | dark gray
+### dark\_green
+R:0 G:64 B:0 | dark green
+### dark\_khaki
+R:BD G:B7 B:6B | dark khaki
+### dark\_magenta
+R:8B G:0 B:8B | dark magenta
+### dark\_olive\_green
+R:55 G:6B B:2F | dark olive green
+### dark\_orange
+R:FF G:8C B:0 | dark orange
+### dark\_orchid
+R:99 G:32 B:CC | dark orchid
+### dark\_red
+R:8B G:0 B:0 | dark red
+### dark\_salmon
+R:E9 G:96 B:7A | dark salmon
+### dark\_sea\_green
+R:8F G:BC B:8F | dark sea green
+### dark\_slate\_blue
+R:48 G:3D B:8B | dark slate blue
+### dark\_slate\_gray
+R:2F G:4F B:4F | dark slate gray
+### dark\_turquoise
+R:0 G:CE B:D1 | dark turquoise
+### dark\_violet
+R:94 G:0 B:D3 | dark violet
+### deep\_pink
+R:FF G:14 B:93 | deep pink
+### deep\_sky\_blue
+R:0 G:BF B:FF | deep sky blue
+### dim\_gray
+R:69 G:69 B:69 | dim gray
+### dodger\_blue
+R:1E G:90 B:FF | dodger blue
+### fire\_brick
+R:B2 G:22 B:22 | fire brick
+### floral\_white
+R:FF G:FA B:F0 | floral white
+### forest\_green
+R:22 G:8B B:22 | forest green
+### fuchsia
+R:FF G:0 B:FF | fuchsia
+### gainsboro
+R:DC G:DC B:DC | gainsboro
+### ghost\_white
+R:F8 G:F8 B:FF | ghost white
+### gold
+R:FF G:D7 B:0 | gold
+### goldenrod
+R:DA G:A5 B:20 | goldenrod
+### gray
+R:80 G:80 B:80 | gray
+### green
+R:0 G:80 B:0 | green
+### green\_yellow
+R:AD G:FF B:2F | green yellow
+### honey\_dew
+R:F0 G:FF B:F0 | honey dew
+### hot\_pink
+R:FF G:69 B:B4 | hot pink
+### indian\_red
+R:CD G:5C B:5C | indian red
+### indigo
+R:4B G:0 B:82 | indigo
+### ivory
+R:FF G:FF B:F0 | ivory
+### khaki
+R:F0 G:E6 B:8C | khaki
+### lavender
+R:E6 G:E6 B:FA | lavender
+### lavender\_blush
+R:FF G:F0 B:F5 | lavender blush
+### lawn\_green
+R:7C G:FC B:0 | lawn green
+### lemon\_chiffon
+R:FF G:FA B:CD | lemon chiffon
+### light\_blue
+R:AD G:D8 B:E6 | light blue
+### light\_coral
+R:F0 G:80 B:80 | light coral
+### light\_cyan
+R:E0 G:FF B:FF | light cyan
+### light\_goldenrod\_yellow
+R:FA G:FA B:D2 | light goldenrod yellow
+### light\_gray
+R:D3 G:D3 B:D3 | light gray
+### light\_green
+R:90 G:EE B:90 | light green
+### light\_pink
+R:FF G:B6 B:C1 | light pink
+### light\_salmon
+R:FF G:A0 B:7A | light salmon
+### light\_sea\_green
+R:20 G:B2 B:AA | light sea green
+### light\_sky\_blue
+R:87 G:CE B:FA | light sky blue
+### light\_slate\_gray
+R:77 G:88 B:99 | light slate gray
+### light\_steel\_blue
+R:B0 G:C4 B:DE | light steel blue
+### light\_yellow
+R:FF G:FF B:E0 | light yellow
+### lime
+R:0 G:FF B:0 | lime
+### lime\_green
+R:32 G:CD B:32 | lime green
+### linen
+R:FA G:F0 B:E6 | linen
+### magenta
+R:FF G:0 B:FF | magenta
+### maroon
+R:80 G:0 B:0 | maroon
+### medium\_aquamarine
+R:66 G:CD B:AA | medium aquamarine
+### medium\_blue
+R:0 G:0 B:CD | medium blue
+### medium\_orchid
+R:BA G:55 B:D3 | medium orchid
+### medium\_purple
+R:93 G:70 B:DB | medium purple
+### medium\_sea\_green
+R:3C G:B3 B:71 | medium sea green
+### medium\_slate\_blue
+R:7B G:68 B:EE | medium slate blue
+### medium\_spring\_green
+R:0 G:FA B:9A | medium spring green
+### medium\_turquoise
+R:48 G:D1 B:CC | medium turquoise
+### medium\_violet\_red
+R:C7 G:15 B:85 | medium violet red
+### midnight\_blue
+R:19 G:19 B:70 | midnight blue
+### mint\_cream
+R:F5 G:FF B:FA | mint cream
+### misty\_rose
+R:FF G:E4 B:E1 | misty rose
+### moccasin
+R:FF G:E4 B:B5 | moccasin
+### navajo\_white
+R:FF G:DE B:AD | navajo white
+### navy
+R:0 G:0 B:80 | navy
+### old\_lace
+R:FD G:F5 B:E6 | old lace
+### olive
+R:80 G:80 B:0 | olive
+### olive\_drab
+R:6B G:8E B:23 | olive drab
+### orange
+R:FF G:A5 B:0 | orange
+### orange\_red
+R:FF G:45 B:0 | orange red
+### orchid
+R:DA G:70 B:D6 | orchid
+### pale\_goldenrod
+R:EE G:E8 B:AA | pale goldenrod
+### pale\_green
+R:98 G:FB B:98 | pale green
+### pale\_turquoise
+R:AF G:EE B:EE | pale turquoise
+### pale\_violet\_red
+R:DB G:70 B:93 | pale violet red
+### papaya\_whip
+R:FF G:EF B:D5 | papaya whip
+### peach\_puff
+R:FF G:DA B:B9 | peach puff
+### peru
+R:CD G:85 B:3F | peru
+### pink
+R:FF G:C0 B:CB | pink
+### plum
+R:DD G:A0 B:DD | plum
+### powder\_blue
+R:B0 G:E0 B:E6 | powder blue
+### purple
+R:80 G:0 B:80 | purple
+### rebecca\_purple
+R:66 G:33 B:99 | rebecca purple
+### red
+R:FF G:0 B:0 | red
+### rosy\_brown
+R:BC G:8F B:8F | rosy brown
+### royal\_blue
+R:41 G:69 B:E1 | royal blue
+### saddle\_brown
+R:8B G:45 B:13 | saddle brown
+### salmon
+R:FA G:80 B:72 | salmon
+### sandy\_brown
+R:F4 G:A4 B:60 | sandy brown
+### sea\_green
+R:2E G:8B B:57 | sea green
+### sea\_shell
+R:FF G:F5 B:EE | sea shell
+### sienna
+R:A0 G:52 B:2D | sienna
+### silver
+R:C0 G:C0 B:C0 | silver
+### sky\_blue
+R:87 G:CE B:EB | sky blue
+### slate\_blue
+R:6A G:5A B:CD | slate blue
+### slate\_gray
+R:70 G:80 B:90 | slate gray
+### snow
+R:FF G:FA B:FA | snow
+### spring\_green
+R:0 G:FF B:7F | spring green
+### steel\_blue
+R:46 G:82 B:B4 | steel blue
+### tan
+R:D2 G:B4 B:8C | tan
+### teal
+R:0 G:80 B:80 | teal
+### thistle
+R:D8 G:BF B:D8 | thistle
+### tomato
+R:FF G:63 B:47 | tomato
+### turquoise
+R:40 G:E0 B:D0 | turquoise
+### violet
+R:EE G:82 B:EE | violet
+### wheat
+R:F5 G:DE B:B3 | wheat
+### white
+R:FF G:FF B:FF | white
+### white\_smoke
+R:F5 G:F5 B:F5 | white smoke
+### yellow
+R:FF G:FF B:0 | yellow
+### yellow\_green
+R:9A G:CD B:32 | yellow green
+# library/lux/data/format/binary
+## Definitions
+### Mutation
+... .Type
+(-> [library/lux/control/parser/binary.Offset library/lux/data/binary.Binary] [library/lux/control/parser/binary.Offset library/lux/data/binary.Binary])
+A mutation of binary data, tracking where in the data to transform\.
+### Specification
+... .Type
+[library/lux/control/parser/binary.Size Mutation]
+A description of how to transform binary data\.
+### \(Writer it\)
+... .Type
+(-> it Specification)
+An operation that knows how to write information into a binary blob\.
+### and
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Writer _0) (Writer _1) (Writer [_0 _1])))
+(and pre post)
+### any
+(Writer .Any)
+### binary/16
+(Writer library/lux/data/binary.Binary)
+### binary/32
+(Writer library/lux/data/binary.Binary)
+### binary/64
+(Writer library/lux/data/binary.Binary)
+### binary/8
+(Writer library/lux/data/binary.Binary)
+### bit
+(Writer .Bit)
+### bits/16
+(Writer (.I64 .Any))
+### bits/32
+(Writer (.I64 .Any))
+### bits/64
+(Writer (.I64 .Any))
+### bits/8
+(Writer (.I64 .Any))
+### code
+(Writer .Code)
+### frac
+(Writer .Frac)
+### instance
+(-> Specification library/lux/data/binary.Binary)
+Given a specification of how to construct binary data, yields a binary blob that matches it\.
+### int
+(Writer .Int)
+### list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Writer _0) (Writer (.List _0))))
+### location
+(Writer .Location)
+### maybe
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Writer _0) (Writer (.Maybe _0))))
+### monoid
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid Specification)
+### nat
+(Writer .Nat)
+### no\_op
+A specification for empty binary data\.
+### or
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Writer _0) (Writer _1) (Writer (Or _0 _1))))
+(or left right)
+### rec
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> (Writer _0) (Writer _0)) (Writer _0)))
+A combinator for recursive writers\.
+(rec body)
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Writer _0) _0 library/lux/data/binary.Binary))
+Yields a binary blob with all the information written to it\.
+(result writer value)
+### rev
+(Writer .Rev)
+### segment
+(-> .Nat (Writer library/lux/data/binary.Binary))
+Writes at most 'size' bytes of an input binary blob\.
+(segment size)
+### sequence/16
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Writer _0) (Writer (library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence _0))))
+### sequence/32
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Writer _0) (Writer (library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence _0))))
+### sequence/64
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Writer _0) (Writer (library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence _0))))
+### sequence/8
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Writer _0) (Writer (library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence _0))))
+### set
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Writer _0) (Writer (library/lux/data/collection/set.Set _0))))
+### symbol
+(Writer .Symbol)
+### text
+(Writer .Text)
+### type
+(Writer .Type)
+### utf8/16
+(Writer .Text)
+### utf8/32
+(Writer .Text)
+### utf8/64
+(Writer .Text)
+### utf8/8
+(Writer .Text)
+# library/lux/data/format/json
+Functionality for reading and writing values in the JSON format\.
+For more information, please see: http://www\.json\.org/
+## Definitions
+### Array
+... .Type
+(library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence JSON)
+### Boolean
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Bit")
+### JSON
+... .Type
+(Rec JSON
+ (Variant
+ {#Null Null}
+ {#Boolean Boolean}
+ {#Number Number}
+ {#String String}
+ {#Array (library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence JSON)}
+ {#Object (library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary String JSON)}))
+### Null
+... .Type
+(Ex (Null _0)
+ _0)
+### Number
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Frac")
+### Object
+... .Type
+(library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary String JSON)
+### String
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Text")
+### array\_field
+(-> .Text JSON (library/lux/control/try.Try Array))
+A JSON object field getter for arrays\.
+### boolean\_field
+(-> .Text JSON (library/lux/control/try.Try Boolean))
+A JSON object field getter for booleans\.
+### codec
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text JSON)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence JSON)
+### field
+(-> String JSON (library/lux/control/try.Try JSON))
+A JSON object field getter\.
+(field key json)
+### fields
+(-> JSON (library/lux/control/try.Try (.List String)))
+Get all the fields in a JSON object\.
+(fields json)
+### format
+(-> JSON .Text)
+### has
+(-> String JSON JSON (library/lux/control/try.Try JSON))
+A JSON object field setter\.
+(has key value json)
+### json
+A simple way to produce JSON literals\.
+... null
+(json #null)
+... true
+(json #1)
+... 123.456
+(json +123.456)
+... 'this is a string'
+(json "this is a string")
+... ['this' 'is' 'an' 'array']
+(json ["this" "is" "an" "array"])
+... {'this' 'is', 'an' 'object'}
+(json {"this" "is" "an" "object"})
+### null?
+(library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate JSON)
+### number\_field
+(-> .Text JSON (library/lux/control/try.Try Number))
+A JSON object field getter for numbers\.
+### object
+(-> (.List [String JSON]) JSON)
+### object\_field
+(-> .Text JSON (library/lux/control/try.Try Object))
+A JSON object field getter for objects\.
+### string\_field
+(-> .Text JSON (library/lux/control/try.Try String))
+A JSON object field getter for strings\.
+# library/lux/data/format/tar
+## Definitions
+### Big
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/format/tar.Big")
+### Content
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/format/tar.Content")
+### Contiguous
+... .Type
+[Path library/lux/time/instant.Instant Mode Ownership Content]
+### Directory
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/format/tar.Path")
+### Entry
+... .Type
+ {#Normal Normal}
+ {#Symbolic_Link Symbolic_Link}
+ {#Directory Directory}
+ {#Contiguous Contiguous})
+### File
+... .Type
+[Path library/lux/time/instant.Instant Mode Ownership Content]
+### ID
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/format/tar.Small")
+### Mode
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/format/tar.Mode")
+### Name
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/format/tar.Name")
+### Normal
+... .Type
+[Path library/lux/time/instant.Instant Mode Ownership Content]
+### Owner
+... .Type
+ [#name Name
+ #id ID])
+### Ownership
+... .Type
+ [#user Owner
+ #group Owner])
+### Path
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/format/tar.Path")
+### Small
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/format/tar.Small")
+### Symbolic\_Link
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/format/tar.Path")
+### Tar
+... .Type
+(library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence Entry)
+### and
+(-> Mode Mode Mode)
+### anonymous
+### big
+(-> .Nat (library/lux/control/try.Try Big))
+### big\_limit
+### content
+(-> library/lux/data/binary.Binary (library/lux/control/try.Try Content))
+### data
+(-> Content library/lux/data/binary.Binary)
+### execute\_by\_group
+### execute\_by\_other
+### execute\_by\_owner
+### from\_big
+(-> Big .Nat)
+### from\_name
+(-> Name .Text)
+### from\_path
+(-> Path library/lux/world/file.Path)
+### from\_small
+(-> Small .Nat)
+### invalid\_end\_of\_archive
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### invalid\_link\_flag
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### invalid\_mode
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### mode
+(-> Mode .Nat)
+### name
+(-> .Text (library/lux/control/try.Try Name))
+### name\_is\_too\_long
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Text)
+### name\_size
+### no\_id
+### no\_path
+### none
+### not\_a\_big\_number
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### not\_a\_small\_number
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### not\_ascii
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Text)
+### parser
+(library/lux/control/parser/binary.Parser Tar)
+### path
+(-> library/lux/world/file.Path (library/lux/control/try.Try Path))
+### path\_is\_too\_long
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Text)
+### path\_size
+### read\_by\_group
+### read\_by\_other
+### read\_by\_owner
+### save\_text
+### set\_group\_id\_on\_execution
+### set\_user\_id\_on\_execution
+### small
+(-> .Nat (library/lux/control/try.Try Small))
+### small\_limit
+### write\_by\_group
+### write\_by\_other
+### write\_by\_owner
+### writer
+(library/lux/data/format/binary.Writer Tar)
+### wrong\_character
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [library/lux/data/text.Char library/lux/data/text.Char])
+### wrong\_checksum
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Nat .Nat])
+### wrong\_link\_flag
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [Link_Flag Link_Flag])
+# library/lux/data/format/xml
+## Definitions
+### Attribute
+... .Type
+[.Text .Text]
+### Attrs
+... .Type
+(library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary Attribute .Text)
+### Tag
+... .Type
+[.Text .Text]
+### XML
+... .Type
+(Rec XML
+ (Variant
+ {#Text .Text}
+ {#Node Tag Attrs (.List XML)}))
+### attribute
+(-> Attribute .Text)
+The text format of a XML attribute\.
+### attributes
+An empty set of XML attributes\.
+### codec
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text XML)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence XML)
+### tag
+(-> Tag .Text)
+The text format of a XML tag\.
+(tag name)
+# library/lux/data/identity
+## Definitions
+### \(Identity it\)
+... .Type
+A value, as is, without any extra structure super\-imposed on it\.
+### apply
+(library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply Identity)
+### comonad
+(library/lux/abstract/comonad.CoMonad Identity)
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Identity)
+### monad
+(library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad Identity)
+# library/lux/data/product
+Functionality for working with tuples \(particularly 2\-tuples/pairs\)\.
+## Definitions
+### curried
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (-> [_0 _1] _2) _0 _1 _2))
+Converts a 2\-argument function into nested single\-argument functions\.
+(curried f)
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _1) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence [_0 _1])))
+### forked
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1) (-> _0 _2) _0 [_1 _2]))
+Yields a pair by applying both functions to a single value\.
+(forked f g)
+### hash
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _1) (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash [_0 _1])))
+### left
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> [_0 _1] _0))
+The left side of a pair\.
+### right
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> [_0 _1] _1))
+The right side of a pair\.
+### swapped
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> [_0 _1] [_1 _0]))
+(swapped [left right])
+### then
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> (-> _0 _2) (-> _1 _3) [_0 _1] [_2 _3]))
+Apply functions to both sides of a pair\.
+(then f g)
+### uncurried
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1 _2) [_0 _1] _2))
+Converts nested single\-argument functions into a 2\-argument function\.
+(uncurried f)
+# library/lux/data/sum
+Functionality for working with variants \(particularly 2\-variants\)\.
+## Definitions
+### either
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (-> _0 _2) (-> _1 _2) (Or _0 _1) _2))
+Applies a function to either side of a 2\-variant\.
+(either on_left on_right)
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _1) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Or _0 _1))))
+### hash
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _1) (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash (Or _0 _1))))
+### left
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 (Or _0 _1)))
+Lifts value to the left side of a 2\-variant\.
+### lefts
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (.List (Or _0 _1)) (.List _0)))
+### partition
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (.List (Or _0 _1)) [(.List _0) (.List _1)]))
+### right
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _1 (Or _0 _1)))
+Lifts value to the right side of a 2\-variant\.
+### rights
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (.List (Or _0 _1)) (.List _1)))
+### then
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1) (-> _2 _3) (Or _0 _2) (Or _1 _3)))
+Applies functions to both sides of a 2\-variant\.
+(then on_left on_right)
+# library/lux/data/text
+## Definitions
+### Char
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+A character code number\.
+### \''
+### \0
+### \a
+### \b
+### \f
+### \n
+### \r
+### \t
+### \v
+### alarm
+### all\_split\_by
+(-> .Text .Text (.List .Text))
+(all_split_by token sample)
+### back\_space
+### carriage\_return
+### char
+(-> .Nat .Text (.Maybe Char))
+Yields the character at the specified index\.
+(char index input)
+### clip
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Text (.Maybe .Text))
+Clips a chunk of text from the input at the specified offset and of the specified size\.
+(clip offset size input)
+### clip\_since
+(-> .Nat .Text (.Maybe .Text))
+Clips the remaining text from the input at the specified offset\.
+(clip_since offset input)
+### contains?
+(-> .Text .Text .Bit)
+(contains? sub text)
+### double\_quote
+### empty?
+(-> .Text .Bit)
+### enclosed
+(-> [.Text .Text] .Text .Text)
+Surrounds the given content text with left and right side additions\.
+(enclosed [left right] content)
+### enclosed'
+(-> .Text .Text .Text)
+Surrounds the given content text with the same boundary text\.
+(enclosed' boundary content)
+### enclosed\_by?
+(-> .Text .Text .Bit)
+(enclosed_by? boundary value)
+### ends\_with?
+(-> .Text .Text .Bit)
+(ends_with? postfix x)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence .Text)
+### form\_feed
+### format
+(-> .Text .Text)
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash .Text)
+### index
+(-> .Text .Text (.Maybe .Nat))
+(index pattern input)
+### index\_since
+(-> .Nat .Text .Text (.Maybe .Nat))
+(index_since from pattern input)
+### interposed
+(-> .Text (.List .Text) .Text)
+(interposed separator texts)
+### last\_index
+(-> .Text .Text (.Maybe .Nat))
+(last_index part text)
+### line\_feed
+Same as 'new\_line'\.
+### lower\_cased
+(-> .Text .Text)
+### monoid
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Text)
+### new\_line
+### null
+### of\_char
+(-> Char .Text)
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order .Text)
+### prefix
+(-> .Text .Text .Text)
+(prefix param subject)
+### replaced
+(-> .Text .Text .Text .Text)
+(replaced pattern replacement template)
+### replaced/1
+(-> .Text .Text .Text .Text)
+(replaced/1 pattern replacement template)
+### size
+(-> .Text .Nat)
+### space
+### space?
+(-> Char .Bit)
+Checks whether the character is white\-space\.
+(space? char)
+### split\_at
+(-> .Nat .Text (.Maybe [.Text .Text]))
+(split_at at x)
+### split\_by
+(-> .Text .Text (.Maybe [.Text .Text]))
+(split_by token sample)
+### starts\_with?
+(-> .Text .Text .Bit)
+(starts_with? prefix x)
+### suffix
+(-> .Text .Text .Text)
+(suffix param subject)
+### tab
+### together
+(-> (.List .Text) .Text)
+### upper\_cased
+(-> .Text .Text)
+### vertical\_tab
+# library/lux/data/text/buffer
+## Definitions
+### Buffer
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/text/buffer.Buffer")
+Immutable text buffer for efficient text concatenation\.
+### empty
+### size
+(-> Buffer .Nat)
+### text
+(-> Buffer .Text)
+### then
+(-> .Text Buffer Buffer)
+# library/lux/data/text/encoding
+## Definitions
+### Encoding
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/text/encoding.Encoding")
+Encoding formats for text\.
+### ascii
+'ASCII' text encoding\.
+### cesu\_8
+'CESU\-8' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_037
+'IBM037' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1006
+'IBM1006' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1025
+'IBM1025' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1026
+'IBM1026' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1046
+'IBM1046' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1047
+'IBM1047' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1097
+'IBM1097' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1098
+'IBM1098' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1112
+'IBM1112' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1122
+'IBM1122' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1123
+'IBM1123' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1124
+'IBM1124' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1140
+'IBM01140' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1141
+'IBM01141' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1142
+'IBM01142' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1143
+'IBM01143' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1144
+'IBM01144' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1145
+'IBM01145' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1146
+'IBM01146' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1147
+'IBM01147' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1148
+'IBM01148' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1149
+'IBM01149' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1166
+'IBM1166' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1364
+'IBM1364' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1381
+'IBM1381' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1383
+'IBM1383' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_273
+'IBM273' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_277
+'IBM277' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_278
+'IBM278' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_280
+'IBM280' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_284
+'IBM284' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_285
+'IBM285' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_290
+'IBM290' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_297
+'IBM297' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_300
+'IBM300' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_33722
+'IBM33722' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_420
+'IBM420' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_424
+'IBM424' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_437
+'IBM437' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_500
+'IBM500' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_737
+'IBM737' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_775
+'IBM775' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_833
+'IBM833' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_834
+'IBM834' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_838
+'IBM\-Thai' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_850
+'IBM850' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_852
+'IBM852' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_855
+'IBM855' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_856
+'IBM856' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_857
+'IBM857' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_858
+'IBM00858' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_860
+'IBM860' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_861
+'IBM861' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_862
+'IBM862' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_863
+'IBM863' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_864
+'IBM864' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_865
+'IBM865' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_866
+'IBM866' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_868
+'IBM868' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_869
+'IBM869' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_870
+'IBM870' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_871
+'IBM871' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_874
+'IBM874' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_875
+'IBM875' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_918
+'IBM918' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_921
+'IBM921' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_922
+'IBM922' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_930
+'IBM930' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_933
+'IBM933' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_935
+'IBM935' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_937
+'IBM937' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_939
+'IBM939' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_942
+'IBM942' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_942c
+'IBM942C' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_943
+'IBM943' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_943c
+'IBM943C' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_948
+'IBM948' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_949
+'IBM949' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_949c
+'IBM949C' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_950
+'IBM950' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_964
+'IBM964' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_970
+'IBM970' text encoding\.
+### iso2022\_cn\_cns
+'ISO2022\-CN\-CNS' text encoding\.
+### iso2022\_cn\_gb
+'ISO2022\-CN\-GB' text encoding\.
+### iso\_2022\_cn
+'ISO\-2022\-CN' text encoding\.
+### iso\_2022\_jp
+'ISO\-2022\-JP' text encoding\.
+### iso\_2022\_jp\_2
+'ISO\-2022\-JP\-2' text encoding\.
+### iso\_2022\_kr
+'ISO\-2022\-KR' text encoding\.
+### iso\_8859\_1
+'ISO\-8859\-1' text encoding\.
+### iso\_8859\_11
+'iso\-8859\-11' text encoding\.
+### iso\_8859\_13
+'ISO\-8859\-13' text encoding\.
+### iso\_8859\_15
+'ISO\-8859\-15' text encoding\.
+### iso\_8859\_2
+'ISO\-8859\-2' text encoding\.
+### iso\_8859\_3
+'ISO\-8859\-3' text encoding\.
+### iso\_8859\_4
+'ISO\-8859\-4' text encoding\.
+### iso\_8859\_5
+'ISO\-8859\-5' text encoding\.
+### iso\_8859\_6
+'ISO\-8859\-6' text encoding\.
+### iso\_8859\_7
+'ISO\-8859\-7' text encoding\.
+### iso\_8859\_8
+'ISO\-8859\-8' text encoding\.
+### iso\_8859\_9
+'ISO\-8859\-9' text encoding\.
+### koi8\_r
+'KOI8\-R' text encoding\.
+### koi8\_u
+'KOI8\-U' text encoding\.
+### mac\_arabic
+'MacArabic' text encoding\.
+### mac\_central\_europe
+'MacCentralEurope' text encoding\.
+### mac\_croatian
+'MacCroatian' text encoding\.
+### mac\_cyrillic
+'MacCyrillic' text encoding\.
+### mac\_dingbat
+'MacDingbat' text encoding\.
+### mac\_greek
+'MacGreek' text encoding\.
+### mac\_hebrew
+'MacHebrew' text encoding\.
+### mac\_iceland
+'MacIceland' text encoding\.
+### mac\_roman
+'MacRoman' text encoding\.
+### mac\_romania
+'MacRomania' text encoding\.
+### mac\_symbol
+'MacSymbol' text encoding\.
+### mac\_thai
+'MacThai' text encoding\.
+### mac\_turkish
+'MacTurkish' text encoding\.
+### mac\_ukraine
+'MacUkraine' text encoding\.
+### name
+(-> Encoding .Text)
+### utf\_16
+'UTF\-16' text encoding\.
+### utf\_32
+'UTF\-32' text encoding\.
+### utf\_8
+'UTF\-8' text encoding\.
+### windows\_1250
+'windows\-1250' text encoding\.
+### windows\_1251
+'windows\-1251' text encoding\.
+### windows\_1252
+'windows\-1252' text encoding\.
+### windows\_1253
+'windows\-1253' text encoding\.
+### windows\_1254
+'windows\-1254' text encoding\.
+### windows\_1255
+'windows\-1255' text encoding\.
+### windows\_1256
+'windows\-1256' text encoding\.
+### windows\_1257
+'windows\-1257' text encoding\.
+### windows\_1258
+'windows\-1258' text encoding\.
+### windows\_31j
+'windows\-31j' text encoding\.
+### windows\_50220
+'windows\-50220' text encoding\.
+### windows\_50221
+'windows\-50221' text encoding\.
+### windows\_874
+'windows\-874' text encoding\.
+### windows\_949
+'windows\-949' text encoding\.
+### windows\_950
+'windows\-950' text encoding\.
+### windows\_iso2022jp
+'windows\-iso2022jp' text encoding\.
+# library/lux/data/text/encoding/utf8
+## Definitions
+### codec
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec library/lux/data/binary.Binary .Text)
+A codec for binary encoding of text as UTF\-8\.
+# library/lux/data/text/escape
+## Definitions
+### dangling\_escape
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Text)
+### escapable?
+(-> library/lux/data/text.Char .Bit)
+### escaped
+(-> .Text .Text)
+Yields a escaped version of the text\.
+(escaped text)
+### invalid\_escape
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Text .Nat library/lux/data/text.Char])
+### invalid\_unicode\_escape
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Text .Nat])
+### literal
+If given a escaped text literal, expands to an un\-escaped version\.
+(literal "Line 1\nLine 2")
+... =>
+(format "Line 1" \n
+ "Line 2")
+### un\_escaped
+(-> .Text (library/lux/control/try.Try .Text))
+Yields an un\-escaped text\.
+Fails if it was improperly escaped\.
+(un_escaped text)
+# library/lux/data/text/format
+## Definitions
+### \(Format it\)
+... .Type
+(-> it .Text)
+A way to produce readable text from values\.
+### bit
+(Format .Bit)
+### code
+(Format .Code)
+### date
+(Format library/lux/time/date.Date)
+### day
+(Format library/lux/time/day.Day)
+### duration
+(Format library/lux/time/duration.Duration)
+### format
+Text interpolation\.
+(format "Static part " (text static) " does not match URI: " uri)
+### frac
+(Format .Frac)
+### frac/10
+(Format .Frac)
+### frac/16
+(Format .Frac)
+### frac/2
+(Format .Frac)
+### frac/8
+(Format .Frac)
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor/contravariant.Functor Format)
+### instant
+(Format library/lux/time/instant.Instant)
+### int
+(Format .Int)
+### int/10
+(Format .Int)
+### int/16
+(Format .Int)
+### int/2
+(Format .Int)
+### int/8
+(Format .Int)
+### json
+(Format library/lux/data/format/json.JSON)
+### list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Format _0) (Format (.List _0))))
+### location
+(Format .Location)
+### maybe
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Format _0) (Format (.Maybe _0))))
+### mod
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Format (library/lux/math/modular.Mod _0)))
+### month
+(Format library/lux/time/month.Month)
+### nat
+(Format .Nat)
+### nat/10
+(Format .Nat)
+### nat/16
+(Format .Nat)
+### nat/2
+(Format .Nat)
+### nat/8
+(Format .Nat)
+### ratio
+(Format library/lux/math/number/ratio.Ratio)
+### rev
+(Format .Rev)
+### rev/10
+(Format .Rev)
+### rev/16
+(Format .Rev)
+### rev/2
+(Format .Rev)
+### rev/8
+(Format .Rev)
+### symbol
+(Format .Symbol)
+### text
+(Format .Text)
+### time
+(Format library/lux/time.Time)
+### type
+(Format .Type)
+### xml
+(Format library/lux/data/format/xml.XML)
+# library/lux/data/text/regex
+## Definitions
+### ^regex
+Allows you to test text against regular expressions\.
+(case some_text
+ (^regex "(\d{3})-(\d{3})-(\d{4})"
+ [_ country_code area_code place_code])
+ do_some_thing_when_number
+ (^regex "\w+")
+ do_some_thing_when_word
+ _
+ do_something_else)
+### incorrect\_quantification
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Nat .Nat])
+### regex
+Create lexers using regular\-expression syntax\.
+... Literals
+(regex "a")
+... Wildcards
+(regex ".")
+... Escaping
+(regex "\.")
+... Character classes
+(regex "\d")
+(regex "\p{Lower}")
+(regex "[abc]")
+(regex "[a-z]")
+(regex "[a-zA-Z]")
+(regex "[a-z&&[def]]")
+... Negation
+(regex "[^abc]")
+(regex "[^a-z]")
+(regex "[^a-zA-Z]")
+(regex "[a-z&&[^bc]]")
+(regex "[a-z&&[^m-p]]")
+... Combinations
+(regex "aa")
+(regex "a?")
+(regex "a*")
+(regex "a+")
+... Specific amounts
+(regex "a{2}")
+... At least
+(regex "a{1,}")
+... At most
+(regex "a{,1}")
+... Between
+(regex "a{1,2}")
+... Groups
+(regex "a(.)c")
+(regex "a(b+)c")
+(regex "(\d{3})-(\d{3})-(\d{4})")
+(regex "(\d{3})-(?:\d{3})-(\d{4})")
+(regex "(?<code>\d{3})-\k<code>-(\d{4})")
+(regex "(?<code>\d{3})-\k<code>-(\d{4})-\0")
+(regex "(\d{3})-((\d{3})-(\d{4}))")
+... Alternation
+(regex "a|b")
+(regex "a(.)(.)|b(.)(.)")
+# library/lux/data/text/unicode/block
+## Definitions
+### Block
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/text/unicode/block.Block")
+A block of valid unicode characters\.
+### alphabetic\_presentation\_forms
+FB00\-FB4F | alphabetic presentation forms
+### arabic
+600\-6FF | arabic
+### arabic\_presentation\_forms\_a
+FB50\-FDFF | arabic presentation forms a
+### arabic\_presentation\_forms\_b
+FE70\-FEFF | arabic presentation forms b
+### armenian
+530\-58F | armenian
+### arrows
+2190\-21FF | arrows
+### basic\_latin
+0\-7F | basic latin
+### basic\_latin/decimal
+30\-39 | basic latin/decimal
+### basic\_latin/lower
+61\-7A | basic latin/lower
+### basic\_latin/upper
+41\-5A | basic latin/upper
+### bengali
+980\-9FF | bengali
+### block
+(-> library/lux/data/text.Char .Nat Block)
+(block start additional)
+### block\_elements
+2580\-259F | block elements
+### bopomofo
+3100\-312F | bopomofo
+### bopomofo\_extended
+31A0\-31BF | bopomofo extended
+### box\_drawing
+2500\-257F | box drawing
+### braille\_patterns
+2800\-28FF | braille patterns
+### buhid
+1740\-175F | buhid
+### cherokee
+13A0\-13FF | cherokee
+### cjk\_compatibility
+3300\-33FF | cjk compatibility
+### cjk\_compatibility\_forms
+FE30\-FE4F | cjk compatibility forms
+### cjk\_compatibility\_ideographs
+F900\-FAFF | cjk compatibility ideographs
+### cjk\_radicals\_supplement
+2E80\-2EFF | cjk radicals supplement
+### cjk\_symbols\_and\_punctuation
+3000\-303F | cjk symbols and punctuation
+### cjk\_unified\_ideographs
+4E00\-9FFF | cjk unified ideographs
+### cjk\_unified\_ideographs\_extension\_a
+3400\-4DBF | cjk unified ideographs extension a
+### combining\_diacritical\_marks
+300\-36F | combining diacritical marks
+### combining\_diacritical\_marks\_for\_symbols
+20D0\-20FF | combining diacritical marks for symbols
+### combining\_half\_marks
+FE20\-FE2F | combining half marks
+### control\_pictures
+2400\-243F | control pictures
+### currency\_symbols
+20A0\-20CF | currency symbols
+### cyrillic
+400\-4FF | cyrillic
+### cyrillic\_supplementary
+500\-52F | cyrillic supplementary
+### devanagari
+900\-97F | devanagari
+### dingbats
+2700\-27BF | dingbats
+### enclosed\_alphanumerics
+2460\-24FF | enclosed alphanumerics
+### enclosed\_cjk\_letters\_and\_months
+3200\-32FF | enclosed cjk letters and months
+### end
+(-> Block library/lux/data/text.Char)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Block)
+### ethiopic
+1200\-137F | ethiopic
+### general\_punctuation
+2000\-206F | general punctuation
+### geometric\_shapes
+25A0\-25FF | geometric shapes
+### georgian
+10A0\-10FF | georgian
+### greek\_and\_coptic
+370\-3FF | greek and coptic
+### greek\_extended
+1F00\-1FFF | greek extended
+### gujarati
+A80\-AFF | gujarati
+### gurmukhi
+A00\-A7F | gurmukhi
+### halfwidth\_and\_fullwidth\_forms
+FF00\-FFEF | halfwidth and fullwidth forms
+### hangul\_compatibility\_jamo
+3130\-318F | hangul compatibility jamo
+### hangul\_jamo
+1100\-11FF | hangul jamo
+### hangul\_syllables
+AC00\-D7AF | hangul syllables
+### hanunoo
+1720\-173F | hanunoo
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash Block)
+### hebrew
+590\-5FF | hebrew
+### high\_private\_use\_surrogates
+DB80\-DBFF | high private use surrogates
+### high\_surrogates
+D800\-DB7F | high surrogates
+### hiragana
+3040\-309F | hiragana
+### ideographic\_description\_characters
+2FF0\-2FFF | ideographic description characters
+### ipa\_extensions
+250\-2AF | ipa extensions
+### kanbun
+3190\-319F | kanbun
+### kangxi\_radicals
+2F00\-2FDF | kangxi radicals
+### kannada
+C80\-CFF | kannada
+### katakana
+30A0\-30FF | katakana
+### katakana\_phonetic\_extensions
+31F0\-31FF | katakana phonetic extensions
+### khmer
+1780\-17FF | khmer
+### khmer\_symbols
+19E0\-19FF | khmer symbols
+### lao
+E80\-EFF | lao
+### latin\_1\_supplement
+A0\-FF | latin 1 supplement
+### latin\_extended\_a
+100\-17F | latin extended a
+### latin\_extended\_additional
+1E00\-1EFF | latin extended additional
+### latin\_extended\_b
+180\-24F | latin extended b
+### letterlike\_symbols
+2100\-214F | letterlike symbols
+### limbu
+1900\-194F | limbu
+### low\_surrogates
+DC00\-DFFF | low surrogates
+### malayalam
+D00\-D7F | malayalam
+### mathematical\_operators
+2200\-22FF | mathematical operators
+### miscellaneous\_mathematical\_symbols\_a
+27C0\-27EF | miscellaneous mathematical symbols a
+### miscellaneous\_mathematical\_symbols\_b
+2980\-29FF | miscellaneous mathematical symbols b
+### miscellaneous\_symbols
+2600\-26FF | miscellaneous symbols
+### miscellaneous\_symbols\_and\_arrows
+2B00\-2BFF | miscellaneous symbols and arrows
+### miscellaneous\_technical
+2300\-23FF | miscellaneous technical
+### mongolian
+1800\-18AF | mongolian
+### monoid
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid Block)
+### myanmar
+1000\-109F | myanmar
+### number\_forms
+2150\-218F | number forms
+### ogham
+1680\-169F | ogham
+### optical\_character\_recognition
+2440\-245F | optical character recognition
+### oriya
+B00\-B7F | oriya
+### phonetic\_extensions
+1D00\-1D7F | phonetic extensions
+### private\_use\_area
+E000\-F8FF | private use area
+### runic
+16A0\-16FF | runic
+### sinhala
+D80\-DFF | sinhala
+### size
+(-> Block .Nat)
+### small\_form\_variants
+FE50\-FE6F | small form variants
+### spacing\_modifier\_letters
+2B0\-2FF | spacing modifier letters
+### specials
+FFF0\-FFFF | specials
+### start
+(-> Block library/lux/data/text.Char)
+### superscripts\_and\_subscripts
+2070\-209F | superscripts and subscripts
+### supplemental\_arrows\_a
+27F0\-27FF | supplemental arrows a
+### supplemental\_arrows\_b
+2900\-297F | supplemental arrows b
+### supplemental\_mathematical\_operators
+2A00\-2AFF | supplemental mathematical operators
+### syriac
+700\-74F | syriac
+### tagalog
+1700\-171F | tagalog
+### tagbanwa
+1760\-177F | tagbanwa
+### tai\_le
+1950\-197F | tai le
+### tamil
+B80\-BFF | tamil
+### telugu
+C00\-C7F | telugu
+### thaana
+780\-7BF | thaana
+### thai
+E00\-E7F | thai
+### tibetan
+F00\-FFF | tibetan
+### unified\_canadian\_aboriginal\_syllabics
+1400\-167F | unified canadian aboriginal syllabics
+### variation\_selectors
+FE00\-FE0F | variation selectors
+### within?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> Block library/lux/data/text.Char .Bit))
+(within? block char)
+### yi\_radicals
+A490\-A4CF | yi radicals
+### yi\_syllables
+A000\-A48F | yi syllables
+### yijing\_hexagram\_symbols
+4DC0\-4DFF | yijing hexagram symbols
+# library/lux/data/text/unicode/set
+## Definitions
+### Set
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/text/unicode/set.Set")
+### ascii
+### ascii/alpha
+### ascii/alpha\_num
+### ascii/lower
+### ascii/numeric
+### ascii/upper
+### character
+### composite
+(-> Set Set Set)
+### end
+(-> Set library/lux/data/text.Char)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Set)
+### full
+### member?
+(-> Set library/lux/data/text.Char .Bit)
+(member? set character)
+### non\_character
+### set
+(-> [library/lux/data/text/unicode/block.Block (.List library/lux/data/text/unicode/block.Block)] Set)
+(set [head tail])
+### start
+(-> Set library/lux/data/text.Char)
+# library/lux/debug
+## Definitions
+### :hole
+A typed 'hole'\.
+Reveals the type expected of the expression that should go in the hole\.
+(: (-> Nat Text)
+ (function (_ number)
+ (:hole)))
+... =>
+### cannot\_represent\_value
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Type)
+### here
+Shows the names and values of local bindings available around the call to 'here'\.
+(let [foo 123
+ bar +456
+ baz +789.0]
+ (: Any
+ (here)))
+... =>
+... foo: +123
+... bar: +456
+... baz: +789.0
+... Can optionally be given a list of definitions to focus on.
+... These definitions to focus on can include custom format to represent the values.
+(let [foo 123
+ bar +456
+ baz +789.0]
+ (: Any
+ (here [foo library/lux/data/text/format.nat]baz)))
+... =>
+... foo: 123
+... baz: +789.0
+### inspection
+(library/lux/data/text/format.Format .Any)
+A best\-effort attempt to generate a textual representation of a value, without knowing its type\.
+(inspection value)
+### log\!
+(-> .Text .Any)
+Prints/writes a message to standard output\.
+(log! message)
+### private
+Allows access to un\-exported definitions in other modules\.
+... Module A
+(def: .private (secret_definition input)
+ (-> ??? ???)
+ (foo (bar (baz input))))
+... Module B
+((private secret_definition) my_input)
+### representation
+(-> .Type .Any (library/lux/control/try.Try .Text))
+A best\-effort attempt to generate a textual representation of a value, while knowing its type\.
+(representation type value)
+### type\_hole
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Location .Type])
+### unknown\_local\_binding
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Text)
+# library/lux/documentation
+## Definitions
+### Definition
+... .Type
+ [#definition .Text
+ #documentation (library/lux/data/format/markdown.Markdown library/lux/data/format/markdown.Block)])
+### Module
+... .Type
+ [#module .Text
+ #description .Text
+ #expected (library/lux/data/collection/set.Set .Text)
+ #definitions (.List Definition)])
+### default
+(: Definition
+ (default documentation/lux/documentation.definition))
+### documentation
+(-> (.List Module) .Text)
+### documentation:
+(documentation: default
+ ""
+ [(: Definition
+ (default documentation/lux/documentation.definition))])
+### module
+(: (.List Module)
+ (module _
+ ""
+ [documentation/lux/documentation.default
+ documentation/lux/documentation.documentation:
+ documentation/lux/documentation.module
+ (default unqualified_symbol)
+ (default Definition)
+ (default Module)
+ (default documentation)]
+ []))
+### unqualified\_symbol
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Symbol)
+# library/lux/extension
+## Definitions
+### analysis:
+Mechanism for defining extensions to Lux's analysis/type\-checking infrastructure\.
+(analysis: ("my analysis" self phase archive [pass_through library/lux/control/parser/code.any])
+ (phase archive pass_through))
+### directive:
+(directive: ("my directive" self phase archive [parameters (library/lux/control/parser.somelibrary/lux/control/parser/code.any)])
+ (do library/lux/tool/compiler/phase.monad
+ [.let [_ (library/lux/debug.log!(format "Successfully installed directive " (library/lux/data/text/format.textself) "!"))]]
+ (in library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/directive.no_requirements)))
+### generation:
+(generation: ("my generation" self phase archive [pass_through <synthesis>.any])
+ (for [library/lux/target.jvm
+ (# library/lux/tool/compiler/phase.monadeach (|>> {library/lux/target/jvm.#Embedded}
+ library/lux/data/collection/sequence.sequence)
+ (phase archive pass_through))]
+ (phase archive pass_through)))
+### synthesis:
+Mechanism for defining extensions to Lux's synthesis/optimization infrastructure\.
+(synthesis: ("my synthesis" self phase archive [pass_through <analysis>.any])
+ (phase archive pass_through))
+# library/lux/ffi
+## Definitions
+### Float
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Frac")
+### Function
+... .Type
+(Object Function')
+### Function
+... .Type
+(Object Function')
+### Integer
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Int"))
+### Nil
+... .Type
+(Object Nil')
+### \(Object brand\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/ffi.Object" brand)
+### String
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Text")
+### import:
+Easily import types, methods, functions and constants\.
+(import: Stat
+ ["[1]::[0]"
+ (executable? [] Bit)
+ (size Int)])
+(import: File "as" RubyFile
+ ["[1]::[0]"
+ ("static" SEPARATOR documentation/lux/ffi.String)
+ ("static" open [Path documentation/lux/ffi.String]"io" "try" RubyFile)
+ ("static" stat [Path] "io" "try" Stat)
+ ("static" delete [Path] "io" "try" Int)
+ ("static" file? [Path] "io" "try" Bit)
+ ("static" directory? [Path] "io" "try" Bit)
+ (read [] "io" "try" Binary)
+ (write [Binary] "io" "try" Int)
+ (flush [] "io" "try" "?" Any)
+ (close [] "io" "try" "?" Any)])
+## Missing documentation
+1. `` Boolean ``
+# library/lux/locale
+## Definitions
+### Locale
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/locale.Locale")
+A description of a locale; with territory, \(optional\) language, and \(optional\) text\-encoding\.
+### code
+(-> Locale .Text)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Locale)
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash Locale)
+### locale
+(-> library/lux/locale/language.Language (.Maybe library/lux/locale/territory.Territory) (.Maybe library/lux/data/text/encoding.Encoding) Locale)
+(locale language territory encoding)
+# library/lux/locale/language
+## Definitions
+### Language
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/locale/language.Language")
+An ISO 639 language\.
+### abkhazian
+### achinese
+### acoli
+### adangme
+### adyghe
+### afar
+### afrihili
+### afrikaans
+### afro\_asiatic
+### ainu
+### akan
+### akkadian
+### albanian
+### alemannic
+### aleut
+### algonquian
+### alsatian
+### altaic
+### amharic
+### ancient\_greek
+### angika
+### apache
+### arabic
+### aragonese
+### arapaho
+### arawak
+### armenian
+### aromanian
+### artificial
+### arumanian
+### assamese
+### asturian
+### asturleonese
+### athapascan
+### australian
+### austronesian
+### avaric
+### avestan
+### awadhi
+### aymara
+### azerbaijani
+### bable
+### balinese
+### baltic
+### baluchi
+### bambara
+### bamileke
+### banda
+### bantu
+### basa
+### bashkir
+### basque
+### batak
+### beja
+### belarusian
+### bemba
+### bengali
+### berber
+### bhojpuri
+### bihari
+### bikol
+### bilin
+### bini
+### bislama
+### blin
+### blissymbols
+### bokmal
+### bosnian
+### braj
+### breton
+### buginese
+### bulgarian
+### buriat
+### burmese
+### caddo
+### castilian
+### catalan
+### caucasian
+### cebuano
+### celtic
+### central\_american\_indian
+### central\_khmer
+### chagatai
+### chamic
+### chamorro
+### chechen
+### cherokee
+### chewa
+### cheyenne
+### chibcha
+### chichewa
+### chinese
+### chinook
+### chipewyan
+### choctaw
+### church\_slavic
+### church\_slavonic
+### chuukese
+### chuvash
+### classical\_nepal\_bhasa
+### classical\_newari
+### classical\_syriac
+### code
+(-> Language .Text)
+### cook\_islands\_maori
+### coptic
+### cornish
+### corsican
+### cree
+### creek
+### creoles\_and\_pidgins
+### creoles\_and\_pidgins/english
+### creoles\_and\_pidgins/french
+### creoles\_and\_pidgins/portuguese
+### crimean
+### croatian
+### cushitic
+### czech
+### dakota
+### danish
+### dargwa
+### delaware
+### dhivehi
+### dimili
+### dimli
+### dinka
+### dogri
+### dogrib
+### dravidian
+### duala
+### dutch
+### dyula
+### dzongkha
+### eastern\_frisian
+### edo
+### efik
+### egyptian
+### ekajuk
+### elamite
+### english
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Language)
+### erzya
+### esperanto
+### estonian
+### ewe
+### ewondo
+### fang
+### fanti
+### faroese
+### fijian
+### filipino
+### finnish
+### finno\_ugrian
+### flemish
+### fon
+### french
+### friulian
+### fulah
+### ga
+### gaelic
+### galibi\_carib
+### galician
+### ganda
+### gayo
+### gbaya
+### geez
+### georgian
+### german
+### germanic
+### gikuyu
+### gilbertese
+### gondi
+### gorontalo
+### gothic
+### grebo
+### greek
+### greenlandic
+### guarani
+### gujarati
+### gwich'in
+### haida
+### haitian
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash Language)
+### hausa
+### hawaiian
+### hebrew
+### herero
+### hiligaynon
+### himachali
+### hindi
+### hiri\_motu
+### hittite
+### hmong
+### hungarian
+### hupa
+### iban
+### icelandic
+### ido
+### igbo
+### ijo
+### iloko
+### imperial\_aramaic
+### inari
+### indic
+### indo\_european
+### indonesian
+### ingush
+### interlingua
+### interlingue
+### inuktitut
+### inupiaq
+### iranian
+### irish
+### iroquoian
+### italian
+### japanese
+### javanese
+### jingpho
+### judeo\_arabic
+### judeo\_persian
+### kabardian
+### kabyle
+### kachin
+### kalaallisut
+### kalmyk
+### kamba
+### kannada
+### kanuri
+### kapampangan
+### kara\_kalpak
+### karachay\_balkar
+### karelian
+### karen
+### kashmiri
+### kashubian
+### kawi
+### kazakh
+### khasi
+### khoisan
+### khotanese
+### kimbundu
+### kinyarwanda
+### kirdki
+### kirmanjki
+### klingon
+### komi
+### kongo
+### konkani
+### korean
+### kosraean
+### kpelle
+### kru
+### kumyk
+### kurdish
+### kurukh
+### kutenai
+### kwanyama
+### kyrgyz
+### ladino
+### lahnda
+### lamba
+### land\_dayak
+### lao
+### latin
+### latvian
+### leonese
+### lezghian
+### limburgan
+### lingala
+### lithuanian
+### lojban
+### low\_german
+### lower\_sorbian
+### lozi
+### luba\_katanga
+### luba\_lulua
+### luiseno
+### lule
+### lunda
+### luo
+### lushai
+### luxembourgish
+### macedo\_romanian
+### macedonian
+### madurese
+### magahi
+### maithili
+### makasar
+### malagasy
+### malay
+### malayalam
+### maldivian
+### maltese
+### manchu
+### mandar
+### mandingo
+### manipuri
+### manobo
+### manx
+### maori
+### mapudungun
+### marathi
+### mari
+### marshallese
+### marwari
+### masai
+### mayan
+### mende
+### mi'kmaq
+### micmac
+### middle\_dutch
+### middle\_english
+### middle\_french
+### middle\_high\_german
+### middle\_irish
+### minangkabau
+### mirandese
+### mohawk
+### moksha
+### moldavian
+### moldovan
+### mon\_khmer
+### mongo
+### mongolian
+### montenegrin
+### mossi
+### multiple
+### munda
+### n'ko
+### nahuatl
+### name
+(-> Language .Text)
+### nauru
+### navajo
+### ndonga
+### neapolitan
+### nepal\_bhasa
+### nepali
+### newari
+### nias
+### niger\_kordofanian
+### nilo\_saharan
+### niuean
+### nogai
+### north\_american\_indian
+### north\_ndebele
+### northern\_frisian
+### northern\_sami
+### northern\_sotho
+### norwegian
+### not\_applicable
+### nubian
+### nuosu
+### nyamwezi
+### nyanja
+### nyankole
+### nynorsk
+### nyoro
+### nzima
+### occitan
+### official\_aramaic
+### oirat
+### ojibwa
+### old\_bulgarian
+### old\_church\_slavonic
+### old\_english
+### old\_french
+### old\_high\_german
+### old\_irish
+### old\_newari
+### old\_norse
+### old\_persian
+### old\_provencal
+### old\_slavonic
+### oriya
+### oromo
+### osage
+### ossetic
+### otomian
+### ottoman\_turkish
+### pahlavi
+### palauan
+### pali
+### pampanga
+### pangasinan
+### papiamento
+### papuan
+### pashto
+### pedi
+### persian
+### philippine
+### phoenician
+### pohnpeian
+### polish
+### portuguese
+### prakrit
+### provencal
+### punjabi
+### quechua
+### rajasthani
+### rapanui
+### rarotongan
+### romance
+### romanian
+### romansh
+### romany
+### rundi
+### russian
+### sakan
+### salishan
+### samaritan\_aramaic
+### sami
+### samoan
+### sandawe
+### sango
+### sanskrit
+### santali
+### sardinian
+### sasak
+### scots
+### selkup
+### semitic
+### sepedi
+### serbian
+### serer
+### shan
+### shona
+### sichuan\_yi
+### sicilian
+### sidamo
+### sign
+### siksika
+### sindhi
+### sinhalese
+### sino\_tibetan
+### siouan
+### skolt\_sami
+### slavey
+### slavic
+### slovak
+### slovenian
+### sogdian
+### somali
+### songhai
+### soninke
+### sorbian
+### south\_american\_indian
+### south\_ndebele
+### southern\_altai
+### southern\_sami
+### southern\_sotho
+### spanish
+### sranan\_tongo
+### standard\_moroccan\_tamazight
+### sukuma
+### sumerian
+### sundanese
+### susu
+### swahili
+### swati
+### swedish
+### swiss\_german
+### syriac
+### tagalog
+### tahitian
+### tai
+### tajik
+### tamashek
+### tamil
+### tatar
+### telugu
+### tereno
+### tetum
+### thai
+### tibetan
+### tigre
+### tigrinya
+### timne
+### tiv
+### tlingit
+### tok\_pisin
+### tokelau
+### tonga
+### tongan
+### tsimshian
+### tsonga
+### tswana
+### tumbuka
+### tupi
+### turkish
+### turkmen
+### tuvalu
+### tuvinian
+### twi
+### udmurt
+### ugaritic
+### ukrainian
+### umbundu
+### uncoded
+### undetermined
+### upper\_sorbian
+### urdu
+### uyghur
+### uzbek
+### vai
+### valencian
+### venda
+### vietnamese
+### volapük
+### votic
+### wakashan
+### walamo
+### walloon
+### waray
+### washo
+### welsh
+### western\_frisian
+### wolof
+### xhosa
+### yakut
+### yao
+### yapese
+### yiddish
+### yoruba
+### yupik
+### zande
+### zapotec
+### zaza
+### zazaki
+### zenaga
+### zhuang
+### zulu
+### zuni
+# library/lux/locale/territory
+## Definitions
+### Territory
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/locale/territory.Territory")
+An ISO 3166 territory\.
+### afghanistan
+### aland\_islands
+### albania
+### algeria
+### american\_samoa
+### andorra
+### angola
+### anguilla
+### antarctica
+### antigua
+### argentina
+### armenia
+### aruba
+### ascension
+### australia
+### austria
+### azerbaijan
+### bahrain
+### bangladesh
+### barbados
+### barbuda
+### belarus
+### belgium
+### belize
+### benin
+### bermuda
+### bhutan
+### bolivia
+### bonaire
+### bosnia
+### botswana
+### bouvet\_island
+### brazil
+### british\_indian\_ocean\_territory
+### british\_virgin\_islands
+### brunei\_darussalam
+### bulgaria
+### burkina\_faso
+### burundi
+### caicos\_islands
+### cambodia
+### cameroon
+### canada
+### cape\_verde
+### cayman\_islands
+### central\_african\_republic
+### chad
+### chile
+### china
+### christmas\_island
+### cocos\_islands
+### colombia
+### comoros
+### congo
+### cook\_islands
+### costa\_rica
+### croatia
+### cuba
+### curacao
+### cyprus
+### czech\_republic
+### democratic\_republic\_of\_the\_congo
+### denmark
+### djibouti
+### dominica
+### dominican\_republic
+### east\_timor
+### ecuador
+### egypt
+### el\_salvador
+### equatorial\_guinea
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Territory)
+### eritrea
+### estonia
+### eswatini
+### ethiopia
+### falkland\_islands
+### faroe\_islands
+### fiji
+### finland
+### france
+### french\_guiana
+### french\_polynesia
+### french\_southern\_territories
+### futuna
+### gabon
+### georgia
+### germany
+### ghana
+### gibraltar
+### greece
+### greenland
+### grenada
+### guadeloupe
+### guam
+### guatemala
+### guernsey
+### guinea
+### guinea\_bissau
+### guyana
+### haiti
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash Territory)
+### heard\_island
+### herzegovina
+### honduras
+### hong\_kong
+### hungary
+### iceland
+### india
+### indonesia
+### iran
+### iraq
+### ireland
+### isle\_of\_man
+### israel
+### italy
+### ivory\_coast
+### jamaica
+### jan\_mayen
+### japan
+### jersey
+### jordan
+### kazakhstan
+### kenya
+### kiribati
+### kuwait
+### kyrgyzstan
+### laos
+### latvia
+### lebanon
+### lesotho
+### liberia
+### libya
+### liechtenstein
+### lithuania
+### long\_code
+(-> Territory .Text)
+### luxembourg
+### macau
+### macedonia
+### madagascar
+### malawi
+### malaysia
+### maldives
+### mali
+### malta
+### marshall\_islands
+### martinique
+### mauritania
+### mauritius
+### mayotte
+### mcdonald\_islands
+### mexico
+### micronesia
+### miquelon
+### moldova
+### monaco
+### mongolia
+### montenegro
+### montserrat
+### morocco
+### mozambique
+### myanmar
+### name
+(-> Territory .Text)
+### namibia
+### nauru
+### nepal
+### netherlands
+### nevis
+### new\_caledonia
+### new\_zealand
+### nicaragua
+### niger
+### nigeria
+### niue
+### norfolk\_island
+### north\_korea
+### northern\_ireland
+### northern\_mariana\_islands
+### norway
+### numeric\_code
+(-> Territory .Nat)
+### oman
+### pakistan
+### palau
+### palestine
+### panama
+### papua\_new\_guinea
+### paraguay
+### peru
+### philippines
+### pitcairn\_islands
+### poland
+### portugal
+### principe
+### puerto\_rico
+### qatar
+### reunion
+### romania
+### russia
+### rwanda
+### saba
+### saint\_barthelemy
+### saint\_helena
+### saint\_kitts
+### saint\_lucia
+### saint\_martin
+### saint\_pierre
+### saint\_vincent
+### samoa
+### san\_marino
+### sao\_tome
+### saudi\_arabia
+### senegal
+### serbia
+### seychelles
+### short\_code
+(-> Territory .Text)
+### sierra\_leone
+### singapore
+### sint\_eustatius
+### sint\_maarten
+### slovakia
+### slovenia
+### solomon\_islands
+### somalia
+### south\_africa
+### south\_georgia
+### south\_korea
+### south\_sandwich\_islands
+### south\_sudan
+### spain
+### sri\_lanka
+### sudan
+### suriname
+### svalbard
+### sweden
+### switzerland
+### syria
+### taiwan
+### tajikistan
+### tanzania
+### thailand
+### the\_bahamas
+### the\_gambia
+### the\_grenadines
+### tobago
+### togo
+### tokelau
+### tonga
+### trinidad
+### tristan\_da\_cunha
+### tunisia
+### turkey
+### turkmenistan
+### turks
+### tuvalu
+### uganda
+### ukraine
+### united\_arab\_emirates
+### united\_kingdom
+### united\_states\_minor\_outlying\_islands
+### united\_states\_of\_america
+### united\_states\_virgin\_islands
+### uruguay
+### uzbekistan
+### vanuatu
+### vatican\_city
+### venezuela
+### vietnam
+### wallis
+### western\_sahara
+### yemen
+### zambia
+### zimbabwe
+# library/lux/macro
+## Definitions
+### expansion
+(-> .Code (.Meta (.List .Code)))
+Given code that requires applying a macro, expands repeatedly until no more direct macro\-calls are left\.
+Otherwise, returns the code as\-is\.
+(expansion syntax)
+### full\_expansion
+(-> .Code (.Meta (.List .Code)))
+Expands all macro\-calls everywhere recursively, until only primitive/base code remains\.
+(full_expansion syntax)
+### log\_expansion\!
+Performs a macro\-expansion and logs the resulting code\.
+You can either use the resulting code, or omit them\.
+By omitting them, this macro produces nothing \(just like the lux\.comment macro\)\.
+ (def: (foo bar baz)
+ (-> Int Int Int)
+ (int.+ bar baz)))
+(log_expansion! "omit"
+ (def: (foo bar baz)
+ (-> Int Int Int)
+ (int.+ bar baz)))
+### log\_full\_expansion\!
+Performs a macro\-expansion and logs the resulting code\.
+You can either use the resulting code, or omit them\.
+By omitting them, this macro produces nothing \(just like the lux\.comment macro\)\.
+ (def: (foo bar baz)
+ (-> Int Int Int)
+ (int.+ bar baz)))
+(log_full_expansion! "omit"
+ (def: (foo bar baz)
+ (-> Int Int Int)
+ (int.+ bar baz)))
+### log\_single\_expansion\!
+Performs a macro\-expansion and logs the resulting code\.
+You can either use the resulting code, or omit them\.
+By omitting them, this macro produces nothing \(just like the lux\.comment macro\)\.
+ (def: (foo bar baz)
+ (-> Int Int Int)
+ (int.+ bar baz)))
+(log_single_expansion! "omit"
+ (def: (foo bar baz)
+ (-> Int Int Int)
+ (int.+ bar baz)))
+### one\_expansion
+(-> .Code (.Meta .Code))
+Works just like expand, except that it ensures that the output is a single Code token\.
+(one_expansion token)
+### single\_expansion
+(-> .Code (.Meta (.List .Code)))
+Given code that requires applying a macro, does it once and returns the result\.
+Otherwise, returns the code as\-is\.
+(single_expansion syntax)
+### symbol
+(-> .Text (.Meta .Code))
+Generates a unique name as a Code node \(ready to be used in code templates\)\.
+A prefix can be given \(or just be empty text\) to better identify the code for debugging purposes\.
+(symbol prefix)
+### with\_symbols
+Creates new symbols and offers them to the body expression\.
+(syntax: (synchronized [lock any
+ body any])
+ (with_symbols [g!lock g!body g!_]
+ (in (list (` (let [(~ g!lock) (~ lock)
+ (~ g!_) ("jvm monitorenter" (~ g!lock))
+ (~ g!body) (~ body)
+ (~ g!_) ("jvm monitorexit" (~ g!lock))]
+ (~ g!body)))))))
+### wrong\_syntax\_error
+(-> .Symbol .Text)
+A generic error message for macro syntax failures\.
+# library/lux/macro/code
+## Definitions
+### bit
+(-> .Bit .Code)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence .Code)
+### form
+(-> (.List .Code) .Code)
+### format
+(-> .Code .Text)
+### frac
+(-> .Frac .Code)
+### int
+(-> .Int .Code)
+### local\_symbol
+(-> .Text .Code)
+Produces a local symbol \(an symbol with no module prefix\)\.
+### nat
+(-> .Nat .Code)
+### replaced
+(-> .Code .Code .Code .Code)
+(replaced original substitute ast)
+### rev
+(-> .Rev .Code)
+### symbol
+(-> .Symbol .Code)
+### text
+(-> .Text .Code)
+### tuple
+(-> (.List .Code) .Code)
+### variant
+(-> (.List .Code) .Code)
+# library/lux/macro/local
+## Definitions
+### cannot\_shadow\_definition
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Text .Text])
+### push
+(-> (.List [.Symbol .Macro]) (.Meta .Code))
+Installs macros in the compiler\-state, with the given names\.
+Yields code that can be placed either as expression or as directives\.
+This code un\-installs the macros\.
+NOTE: Always use this code once to clean\-up\.\.
+(push macros)
+### unknown\_definition
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Text .Text])
+### unknown\_module
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Text)
+# library/lux/macro/syntax
+## Definitions
+### syntax:
+A more advanced way to define macros than 'macro:'\.
+The inputs to the macro can be parsed in complex ways through the use of syntax parsers\.
+The macro body is also \(implicitly\) run in the Meta monad, to save some typing\.
+Also, the compiler state can be accessed through the \*lux\* binding\.
+(syntax: .public (object [.let [imports (class_imports *lux*)]
+ .let [class_vars (list)]
+ super (opt (super_class_decl^ imports class_vars))
+ interfaces (tuple (some (super_class_decl^ imports class_vars)))
+ constructor_args (constructor_args^ imports class_vars)
+ methods (some (overriden_method_def^ imports))])
+ (let [def_code ($_ text#composite "anon-class:"
+ (spaced (list (super_class_decl$ (maybe.else object_super_class super))
+ (with_brackets (spaced (list#each super_class_decl$ interfaces)))
+ (with_brackets (spaced (list#each constructor_arg$ constructor_args)))
+ (with_brackets (spaced (list#each (method_def$ id) methods))))))]
+ (in (list (` ((~ (code.text def_code))))))))
+# library/lux/macro/syntax/check
+## Definitions
+### Check
+... .Type
+ [#type .Code
+ #value .Code])
+A type annotation for an expression\.
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Check)
+### format
+(-> Check .Code)
+### parser
+(library/lux/control/parser/code.Parser Check)
+# library/lux/macro/syntax/declaration
+## Definitions
+### Declaration
+... .Type
+ [#name .Text
+ #arguments (.List .Text)])
+A declaration for either a constant or a function\.
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Declaration)
+### format
+(-> Declaration .Code)
+### parser
+(library/lux/control/parser/code.Parser Declaration)
+A parser for declaration syntax\.
+... Such as:
+(foo bar baz)
+# library/lux/macro/syntax/definition
+## Definitions
+### Definition
+... .Type
+ [#name .Text
+ #value (.Either library/lux/macro/syntax/check.Check .Code)
+ #export? .Bit])
+Syntax for a constant definition\.
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Definition)
+### format
+(-> Definition .Code)
+### lacks\_type
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception Definition)
+### parser
+(-> .Lux (library/lux/control/parser/code.Parser Definition))
+A reader that first macro\-expands and then analyses the input Code, to ensure it is a definition\.
+(parser compiler)
+### typed
+(-> .Lux (library/lux/control/parser/code.Parser Definition))
+Only works for typed definitions\.
+(typed compiler)
+# library/lux/macro/syntax/export
+Syntax for marking a definition as an export\.
+## Definitions
+### default\_policy
+### parser
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/control/parser/code.Parser _0) (library/lux/control/parser/code.Parser [.Code _0])))
+(parser un_exported)
+# library/lux/macro/syntax/input
+## Definitions
+### Input
+... .Type
+ [#binding .Code
+ #type .Code])
+The common typed\-argument syntax used by many macros\.
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Input)
+### format
+(-> (.List Input) .Code)
+### parser
+(library/lux/control/parser/code.Parser (.List Input))
+Parser for the common typed\-argument syntax used by many macros\.
+# library/lux/macro/syntax/type/variable
+## Definitions
+### Variable
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Text")
+A variable's name\.
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Variable)
+### format
+(-> Variable .Code)
+### parser
+(library/lux/control/parser/code.Parser Variable)
+Parser for the common type variable/parameter used by many macros\.
+# library/lux/macro/template
+Utilities commonly used while templating\.
+## Definitions
+### amount
+(amount [a b c d])
+... =>
+### irregular\_arguments
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Nat .Nat])
+### let
+Lexically\-bound templates\.
+(let [(!square <root>)
+ [(* <root> <root>)]]
+ (def: (square root)
+ (-> Nat Nat)
+ (!square root)))
+### spliced
+(spliced [a b c d])
+... =>
+### symbol
+An symbol made by concatenating pieces of code\.
+The \(optional\) module part and the short part are specified independently\.
+(symbol ["abc" .def documentation/lux/macro/template.ghi])
+... =>
+(symbol [.def] ["abc" .def documentation/lux/macro/template.ghi])
+... =>
+### text
+A text literal made by concatenating pieces of code\.
+(text [#0 123 +456 +789.0 "abc" .def documentation/lux/macro/template.ghi])
+... =>
+... #0123+456+789.0abcdefghi
+### with\_locals
+Creates names for local bindings aliased by the names you choose\.
+(with_locals [my_var]
+ (let [my_var 123]
+ (text [my_var])))
+... =>
+... __gensym__my_var506
+# library/lux/math
+Common mathematical constants and functions\.
+## Definitions
+### acos
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### acosh
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### acoth
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### acsch
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### asech
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### asin
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### asinh
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### atan
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### atan/2
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Frac)
+(atan/2 x y)
+### atanh
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### ceil
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### cos
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### cosh
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### coth
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### csch
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### e
+The base of the natural logarithm\.
+### exp
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### factorial
+(-> .Nat .Nat)
+### floor
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### hypotenuse
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Frac)
+### log
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### log\_by
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Frac)
+(log_by base it)
+### pi
+The ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter\.
+### pow
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Frac)
+(pow param subject)
+### root/2
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### root/3
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### round
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### sech
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### sin
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### sinh
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### tan
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### tanh
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### tau
+The ratio of a circle's circumference to its radius\.
+# library/lux/math/infix
+## Definitions
+### infix
+Infix math syntax\.
+The rules for infix syntax are simple\.
+If you want your binary function to work well with it\.
+Then take the argument to the right \(y\) as your first argument,
+and take the argument to the left \(x\) as your second argument\.
+... Binary functions
+(infix [x * +10])
+... =>
+(* +10 x)
+... Nested infix
+(infix [[x + y] * [x - y]])
+... =>
+(* (- y x) (+ y x))
+... Unary functions
+(infix [sin [x + y]])
+... =>
+(sin (+ y x))
+... Also works with logic
+(infix [[x < y] and [y < z]])
+... =>
+(and (< z y)
+ (< y x))
+... Forms are left as-is
+(infix [(* 3 9) gcd 450])
+... =>
+(gcd 450 (* 3 9))
+# library/lux/math/logic/continuous
+Continuous logic using Rev values\.
+Continuous logic is logic in the interval \[0,1\] instead of just the binary \#0 and \#1 options\.
+Because Rev is being used, the interval is actual \[0,1\)\.
+## Definitions
+### =
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Rev)
+### and
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Rev)
+### conjunction
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Rev)
+### disjunction
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Rev)
+### false
+### implies
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Rev)
+(implies consequent antecedent)
+### not
+(-> .Rev .Rev)
+### or
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Rev)
+### true
+# library/lux/math/logic/fuzzy
+Fuzzy logic, implemented on top of the Rev type\.
+## Definitions
+### \(Fuzzy it\)
+... .Type
+(-> it .Rev)
+A fuzzy set\.
+### complement
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Fuzzy _0) (Fuzzy _0)))
+### cut
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Rev (Fuzzy _0) (Fuzzy _0)))
+(cut treshold set)
+### difference
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Fuzzy _0) (Fuzzy _0) (Fuzzy _0)))
+(difference sub base)
+### empty
+### full
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor/contravariant.Functor Fuzzy)
+### gradient
+(-> .Rev .Rev (Fuzzy .Rev))
+(gradient from to)
+### intersection
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Fuzzy _0) (Fuzzy _0) (Fuzzy _0)))
+### membership
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Fuzzy _0) _0 .Rev))
+(membership set elem)
+### of\_predicate
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (Fuzzy _0)))
+(of_predicate predicate)
+### of\_set
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/data/collection/set.Set _0) (Fuzzy _0)))
+### predicate
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Rev (Fuzzy _0) (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0)))
+(predicate treshold set)
+### trapezoid
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Rev .Rev (Fuzzy .Rev))
+(trapezoid bottom middle_bottom middle_top top)
+### triangle
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Rev (Fuzzy .Rev))
+(triangle bottom middle top)
+### union
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Fuzzy _0) (Fuzzy _0) (Fuzzy _0)))
+# library/lux/math/modular
+## Definitions
+### \*
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Mod _0) (Mod _0) (Mod _0)))
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Mod _0) (Mod _0) (Mod _0)))
+### \-
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Mod _0) (Mod _0) (Mod _0)))
+### <
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Mod _0) (Mod _0) .Bit))
+### <=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Mod _0) (Mod _0) .Bit))
+### =
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Mod _0) (Mod _0) .Bit))
+### >
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Mod _0) (Mod _0) .Bit))
+### >=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Mod _0) (Mod _0) .Bit))
+### \(Mod %\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/math/modular.Mod" %)
+A number under a modulus\.
+### adapter
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/math/modulus.Modulus _0) (library/lux/math/modulus.Modulus _1) (library/lux/control/try.Try (-> (Mod _1) (Mod _0)))))
+(adapter reference subject)
+### addition
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/math/modulus.Modulus _0) (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid (Mod _0))))
+### codec
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/math/modulus.Modulus _0) (library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text (Mod _0))))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Mod _0)))
+### incorrect\_modulus
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/control/exception.Exception [(library/lux/math/modulus.Modulus _0) .Int]))
+### inverse
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Mod _0) (.Maybe (Mod _0))))
+### modular
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/math/modulus.Modulus _0) .Int (Mod _0)))
+(modular modulus value)
+### moduli\_are\_not\_equal
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (library/lux/control/exception.Exception [(library/lux/math/modulus.Modulus _0) (library/lux/math/modulus.Modulus _1)]))
+### modulus
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Mod _0) (library/lux/math/modulus.Modulus _0)))
+### multiplication
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/math/modulus.Modulus _0) (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid (Mod _0))))
+### order
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/order.Order (Mod _0)))
+### value
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Mod _0) .Int))
+# library/lux/math/modulus
+## Definitions
+### =
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Modulus _0) (Modulus _1) .Bit))
+### \(Modulus %\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/math/modulus.Modulus" %)
+A number used as a modulus in modular arithmetic\.
+It cannot be 0\.
+### congruent?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Modulus _0) .Int .Int .Bit))
+(congruent? modulus reference subject)
+### divisor
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Modulus _0) .Int))
+### literal
+... Success!
+(literal 123)
+... Failure!
+(literal 0)
+### modulus
+(Ex (_ _0)
+ (-> .Int (library/lux/control/try.Try (Modulus _0))))
+### zero\_cannot\_be\_a\_modulus
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+# library/lux/math/number
+## Definitions
+### bin
+Given syntax for a binary number, generates a Nat, an Int, a Rev or a Frac\.
+(bin "11001001")
+... Allows for the presence of commas (,) among the digits.
+(bin "11,00,10,01")
+### hex
+Given syntax for a hexadecimal number, generates a Nat, an Int, a Rev or a Frac\.
+(hex "deadBEEF")
+... Allows for the presence of commas (,) among the digits.
+(hex "dead,BEEF")
+### oct
+Given syntax for a octal number, generates a Nat, an Int, a Rev or a Frac\.
+(oct "615243")
+... Allows for the presence of commas (,) among the digits.
+(oct "615,243")
+# library/lux/math/number/complex
+Complex arithmetic\.
+## Definitions
+### %
+(-> Complex Complex Complex)
+### \*
+(-> Complex Complex Complex)
+### \*'
+(-> .Frac Complex Complex)
+(-> Complex Complex Complex)
+### one
+### \-
+(-> Complex Complex Complex)
+### \-one
+### /
+(-> Complex Complex Complex)
+### /'
+(-> .Frac Complex Complex)
+### =
+(-> Complex Complex .Bit)
+### Complex
+... .Type
+ [#real .Frac
+ #imaginary .Frac])
+A complex number\.
+### abs
+(-> Complex .Frac)
+### acos
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### approximately?
+(-> .Frac Complex Complex .Bit)
+### argument
+(-> Complex .Frac)
+### asin
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### atan
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### complex
+Complex literals\.
+(complex real imaginary)
+... The imaginary part can be omitted if it's +0.0.
+(complex real)
+### conjugate
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### cos
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### cosh
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Complex)
+### exp
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### i
+### log
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### not\_a\_number?
+(-> Complex .Bit)
+### opposite
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### pow
+(-> Complex Complex Complex)
+### pow'
+(-> .Frac Complex Complex)
+### reciprocal
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### root/2
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### roots
+(-> .Nat Complex (.List Complex))
+### signum
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### sin
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### sinh
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### tan
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### tanh
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### zero
+# library/lux/math/number/frac
+## Definitions
+### %
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Frac)
+Frac\(tion\) remainder\.
+### \*
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Frac)
+Frac\(tion\) multiplication\.
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Frac)
+Frac\(tion\) addition\.
+### \-
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Frac)
+Frac\(tion\) substraction\.
+### /
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Frac)
+Frac\(tion\) division\.
+### /%
+(-> .Frac .Frac [.Frac .Frac])
+(/% param subject)
+### <
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Bit)
+Frac\(tion\) less\-than\.
+(< reference sample)
+### <=
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Bit)
+Frac\(tion\) less\-than or equal\.
+(<= reference sample)
+### =
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Bit)
+Frac\(tion\) equivalence\.
+(= reference sample)
+### >
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Bit)
+Frac\(tion\) greater\-than\.
+(> reference sample)
+### >=
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Bit)
+Frac\(tion\) greater\-than or equal\.
+(>= reference sample)
+### abs
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### addition
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Frac)
+### approximately?
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Frac .Bit)
+(approximately? margin_of_error standard value)
+### biggest
+### binary
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Frac)
+### bits
+(-> .Frac .I64)
+### decimal
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Frac)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence .Frac)
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash .Frac)
+### hex
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Frac)
+### int
+(-> .Frac .Int)
+### max
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Frac)
+Frac\(tion\) minimum\.
+### maximum
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Frac)
+### min
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Frac)
+Frac\(tion\) minimum\.
+### minimum
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Frac)
+### mod
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Frac .Frac .Frac))
+(mod divisor dividend)
+### multiplication
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Frac)
+### nat
+(-> .Frac .Nat)
+### negative?
+(library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate .Frac)
+### negative\_infinity
+Negative infinity\.
+### not\_a\_number
+Not a number\.
+### not\_a\_number?
+(-> .Frac .Bit)
+Tests whether a frac is actually not\-a\-number\.
+(not_a_number? it)
+### number?
+(-> .Frac .Bit)
+### octal
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Frac)
+### of\_bits
+(-> .I64 .Frac)
+### opposite
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order .Frac)
+### positive?
+(library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate .Frac)
+### positive\_infinity
+Positive infinity\.
+### rev
+(-> .Frac .Rev)
+### signum
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### smallest
+### zero?
+(library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate .Frac)
+# library/lux/math/number/i16
+## Definitions
+### I16
+... .Type
+(.I64 (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/math/number/i16",13,17 0}"))
+A 16\-bit integer\.
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (.I64 (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/math/number/i16",13,17 0}")))
+### i16
+(-> .I64 (.I64 (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/math/number/i16",13,17 0}")))
+### i64
+(-> (.I64 (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/math/number/i16",13,17 0}")) .I64)
+### width
+# library/lux/math/number/i32
+## Definitions
+### I32
+... .Type
+(.I64 (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/math/number/i32",13,17 0}"))
+A 32\-bit integer\.
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (.I64 (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/math/number/i32",13,17 0}")))
+### i32
+(-> .I64 (.I64 (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/math/number/i32",13,17 0}")))
+### i64
+(-> (.I64 (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/math/number/i32",13,17 0}")) .I64)
+### width
+# library/lux/math/number/i64
+## Definitions
+### Mask
+... .Type
+(All (Mask _0)
+ (Primitive "#I64" _0))
+A pattern of bits that can be imposed on I64 values\.
+### \(Sub width\)
+... .Type
+ [&equivalence (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (.I64 width))
+ bits .Nat
+ narrow (-> .I64 (.I64 width))
+ wide (-> (.I64 width) .I64)])
+A sub\-space of I64 with a reduce amount of bits\.
+### and
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.I64 .Any) (.I64 _0) (.I64 _0)))
+Bitwise and\.
+### bit
+(-> .Nat Mask)
+A mask with only a specific bit set\.
+(bit position)
+### bits\_per\_byte
+### bytes\_per\_i64
+### conjunction
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid (.I64 _0)))
+### disjunction
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid (.I64 _0)))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (.I64 _0)))
+### false
+### flipped
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.I64 _0) (.I64 _0)))
+Flip bit at given index\.
+### hash
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash (.I64 _0)))
+### left\_rotated
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.I64 _0) (.I64 _0)))
+### left\_shifted
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.I64 _0) (.I64 _0)))
+Bitwise left\-shift\.
+### mask
+(-> .Nat Mask)
+Mask a block of bits of the specified size\.
+(mask amount_of_bits)
+### not
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.I64 _0) (.I64 _0)))
+Bitwise negation\.
+### one
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.I64 _0) (.I64 _0)))
+Set bit at given index\.
+### one?
+(-> .Nat (.I64 .Any) .Bit)
+(one? index input)
+### ones
+(-> (.I64 .Any) .Nat)
+Count the number of 1s in a bit\-map\.
+(ones it)
+### or
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.I64 .Any) (.I64 _0) (.I64 _0)))
+Bitwise or\.
+### region
+(-> .Nat .Nat Mask)
+A mask for a block of bits of the given size, starting at the given offset\.
+(region offset size)
+### reversed
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.I64 _0) (.I64 _0)))
+### right\_rotated
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.I64 _0) (.I64 _0)))
+### right\_shifted
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.I64 _0) (.I64 _0)))
+Unsigned/logic bitwise right\-shift\.
+### sign
+A mask for the sign bit of ints\.
+### sub
+(Ex (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.Maybe (Sub _0))))
+Given a width in the interval \(0,64\), yields an implementation for integers of that width\.
+(sub width)
+### true
+### width
+### xor
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.I64 .Any) (.I64 _0) (.I64 _0)))
+Bitwise xor\.
+### zero
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.I64 _0) (.I64 _0)))
+Clear bit at the given index\.
+### zero?
+(-> .Nat (.I64 .Any) .Bit)
+(zero? index input)
+# library/lux/math/number/i8
+## Definitions
+### I8
+... .Type
+(.I64 (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/math/number/i8",13,17 0}"))
+A 8\-bit integer\.
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (.I64 (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/math/number/i8",13,17 0}")))
+### i64
+(-> (.I64 (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/math/number/i8",13,17 0}")) .I64)
+### i8
+(-> .I64 (.I64 (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/math/number/i8",13,17 0}")))
+### width
+# library/lux/math/number/int
+## Definitions
+### %
+(-> .Int .Int .Int)
+Int\(eger\) remainder\.
+### \*
+(-> .Int .Int .Int)
+Int\(eger\) multiplication\.
+(-> .Int .Int .Int)
+Int\(eger\) addition\.
+### \-
+(-> .Int .Int .Int)
+Int\(eger\) substraction\.
+### /
+(-> .Int .Int .Int)
+Int\(eger\) division\.
+### /%
+(-> .Int .Int [.Int .Int])
+Int\(eger\) \[division remainder\]\.
+### <
+(-> .Int .Int .Bit)
+Int\(eger\) less\-than\.
+(< reference sample)
+### <=
+(-> .Int .Int .Bit)
+Int\(eger\) less\-than or equal\.
+(<= reference sample)
+### =
+(-> .Int .Int .Bit)
+Int\(eger\) equivalence\.
+(= reference sample)
+### >
+(-> .Int .Int .Bit)
+Int\(eger\) greater\-than\.
+(> reference sample)
+### >=
+(-> .Int .Int .Bit)
+Int\(eger\) greater\-than or equal\.
+(>= reference sample)
+### abs
+(-> .Int .Int)
+A value of equal magnitude and positive sign\.
+### addition
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Int)
+### binary
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Int)
+### co\_prime?
+(-> .Int .Int .Bit)
+### decimal
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Int)
+### enum
+(library/lux/abstract/enum.Enum .Int)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence .Int)
+### even?
+(-> .Int .Bit)
+### extended\_gcd
+(-> .Int .Int [[.Int .Int] .Int])
+Extended euclidean algorithm\.
+### frac
+(-> .Int .Frac)
+### gcd
+(-> .Int .Int .Int)
+Greatest Common Divisor\.
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash .Int)
+### hex
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Int)
+### interval
+(library/lux/abstract/interval.Interval .Int)
+### lcm
+(-> .Int .Int .Int)
+Least Common Multiple\.
+### max
+(-> .Int .Int .Int)
+Int\(eger\) maximum\.
+### maximum
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Int)
+### min
+(-> .Int .Int .Int)
+Int\(eger\) minimum\.
+### minimum
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Int)
+### mod
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Int .Int .Int))
+Integer modulo\.
+Note: The modulo and the remainder are not the same\.
+(mod divisor dividend)
+### multiplication
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Int)
+### negative?
+(library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate .Int)
+### octal
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Int)
+### odd?
+(-> .Int .Bit)
+### opposite
+(-> .Int .Int)
+A value of equal magnitude and opposite sign\.
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order .Int)
+### positive?
+(library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate .Int)
+### right\_shifted
+(-> .Nat .Int .Int)
+Signed/arithmetic bitwise right\-shift\.
+(right_shifted parameter subject)
+### signum
+(-> .Int .Int)
+A value \(either \-1, 0 or 0\) which represents the sign\.
+### zero?
+(library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate .Int)
+# library/lux/math/number/nat
+## Definitions
+### %
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Nat)
+Nat\(ural\) remainder\.
+### \*
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Nat)
+Nat\(ural\) multiplication\.
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Nat)
+Nat\(ural\) addition\.
+### \-
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Nat)
+Nat\(ural\) substraction\.
+### /
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Nat)
+Nat\(ural\) division\.
+### /%
+(-> .Nat .Nat [.Nat .Nat])
+Nat\(ural\) \[division remainder\]\.
+### <
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Bit)
+Nat\(ural\) less\-than\.
+### <=
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Bit)
+Nat\(ural\) less\-than or equal\.
+### =
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Bit)
+Nat\(ural\) equivalence\.
+### >
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Bit)
+Nat\(ural\) greater\-than\.
+### >=
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Bit)
+Nat\(ural\) greater\-than or equal\.
+### addition
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Nat)
+### binary
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Nat)
+### co\_prime?
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Bit)
+### decimal
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Nat)
+### enum
+(library/lux/abstract/enum.Enum .Nat)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence .Nat)
+### even?
+(-> .Nat .Bit)
+### frac
+(-> .Nat .Frac)
+### gcd
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Nat)
+Greatest Common Divisor\.
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash .Nat)
+### hex
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Nat)
+### interval
+(library/lux/abstract/interval.Interval .Nat)
+### lcm
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Nat)
+Least Common Multiple\.
+### max
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Nat)
+Nat\(ural\) maximum\.
+### maximum
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Nat)
+### min
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Nat)
+Nat\(ural\) minimum\.
+### minimum
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Nat)
+### multiplication
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Nat)
+### octal
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Nat)
+### odd?
+(-> .Nat .Bit)
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order .Nat)
+# library/lux/math/number/ratio
+Rational numbers\.
+## Definitions
+### %
+(-> Ratio Ratio Ratio)
+### \*
+(-> Ratio Ratio Ratio)
+(-> Ratio Ratio Ratio)
+### \-
+(-> Ratio Ratio Ratio)
+### /
+(-> Ratio Ratio Ratio)
+### <
+(-> Ratio Ratio .Bit)
+### <=
+(-> Ratio Ratio .Bit)
+### =
+(-> Ratio Ratio .Bit)
+### >
+(-> Ratio Ratio .Bit)
+### >=
+(-> Ratio Ratio .Bit)
+### Ratio
+... .Type
+ [#numerator .Nat
+ #denominator .Nat])
+An unsigned ratio of numbers\.
+### addition
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid Ratio)
+### codec
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text Ratio)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Ratio)
+### multiplication
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid Ratio)
+### nat
+(-> Ratio (.Maybe .Nat))
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order Ratio)
+### ratio
+Rational literals\.
+(ratio numerator denominator)
+... The denominator can be omitted if it is 1.
+(ratio numerator)
+### reciprocal
+(-> Ratio Ratio)
+# library/lux/math/number/rev
+## Definitions
+### %
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Rev)
+Rev\(olution\) remainder\.
+### \*
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Rev)
+Rev\(olution\) multiplication\.
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Rev)
+Rev\(olution\) addition\.
+### \-
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Rev)
+Rev\(olution\) substraction\.
+### /
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Rev)
+Rev\(olution\) division\.
+### /%
+(-> .Rev .Rev [.Rev .Rev])
+### /1
+### /1024
+### /128
+### /16
+### /2
+### /2048
+### /256
+### /32
+### /4
+### /4096
+### /512
+### /64
+### /8
+### <
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Bit)
+Rev\(olution\) less\-than\.
+(< reference sample)
+### <=
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Bit)
+Rev\(olution\) less\-than or equal\.
+(<= reference sample)
+### =
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Bit)
+Rev\(olution\) equivalence\.
+(= reference sample)
+### >
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Bit)
+Rev\(olution\) greater\-than\.
+(> reference sample)
+### >=
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Bit)
+Rev\(olution\) greater\-than or equal\.
+(>= reference sample)
+### addition
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Rev)
+### binary
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Rev)
+### decimal
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Rev)
+### down
+(-> .Nat .Rev .Rev)
+(down scale subject)
+### enum
+(library/lux/abstract/enum.Enum .Rev)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence .Rev)
+### frac
+(-> .Rev .Frac)
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash .Rev)
+### hex
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Rev)
+### interval
+(library/lux/abstract/interval.Interval .Rev)
+### max
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Rev)
+Rev\(olution\) maximum\.
+### maximum
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Rev)
+### min
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Rev)
+Rev\(olution\) minimum\.
+### minimum
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Rev)
+### octal
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Rev)
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order .Rev)
+### ratio
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Nat)
+Ratio between two rev\(olution\)s\.
+### reciprocal
+(-> .Nat .Rev)
+Rev\(olution\) reciprocal of a Nat\(ural\)\.
+(reciprocal numerator)
+### up
+(-> .Nat .Rev .Rev)
+(up scale subject)
+# library/lux/math/random
+Pseudo\-random number generation \(PRNG\) algorithms\.
+## Definitions
+### PRNG
+... .Type
+(Rec PRNG
+ (-> .Any [PRNG .I64]))
+An abstract way to represent any PRNG\.
+### \(Random it\)
+... .Type
+(-> PRNG [PRNG it])
+A producer of random values based on a PRNG\.
+### and
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Random _0) (Random _1) (Random [_0 _1])))
+Sequencing combinator\.
+(and left right)
+### apply
+(library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply Random)
+### array
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Random _0) (Random (library/lux/data/collection/array.Array _0))))
+### ascii
+(-> .Nat (Random .Text))
+### ascii/alpha
+(-> .Nat (Random .Text))
+### ascii/alpha\_num
+(-> .Nat (Random .Text))
+### ascii/lower
+(-> .Nat (Random .Text))
+### ascii/numeric
+(-> .Nat (Random .Text))
+### ascii/upper
+(-> .Nat (Random .Text))
+### bit
+(Random .Bit)
+### char
+(-> library/lux/data/text/unicode/set.Set (Random library/lux/data/text.Char))
+### complex
+(Random library/lux/math/number/complex.Complex)
+### date
+(Random library/lux/time/date.Date)
+### day
+(Random library/lux/time/day.Day)
+### dictionary
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) .Nat (Random _0) (Random _1) (Random (library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary _0 _1))))
+(dictionary hash size key_gen value_gen)
+### duration
+(Random library/lux/time/duration.Duration)
+### either
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Random _0) (Random _0) (Random _0)))
+Homogeneous alternative combinator\.
+(either left right)
+### frac
+(Random .Frac)
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Random)
+### i64
+(Random .I64)
+### instant
+(Random library/lux/time/instant.Instant)
+### int
+(Random .Int)
+### list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Random _0) (Random (.List _0))))
+### maybe
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Random _0) (Random (.Maybe _0))))
+### monad
+(library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad Random)
+### month
+(Random library/lux/time/month.Month)
+### nat
+(Random .Nat)
+### one
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 (.Maybe _1)) (Random _0) (Random _1)))
+(one check random)
+### only
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 .Bit) (Random _0) (Random _0)))
+Retries the generator until the output satisfies a predicate\.
+(only pred gen)
+### or
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Random _0) (Random _1) (Random (Or _0 _1))))
+Heterogeneous alternative combinator\.
+(or left right)
+### pcg\_32
+(-> [(.I64 .Any) (.I64 .Any)] PRNG)
+An implementation of the PCG32 algorithm\.
+For more information, please see: http://www\.pcg\-random\.org/
+### prng
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 _0) (-> _0 .I64) _0 PRNG))
+(prng update return)
+### queue
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Random _0) (Random (library/lux/data/collection/queue.Queue _0))))
+### ratio
+(Random library/lux/math/number/ratio.Ratio)
+### rec
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> (Random _0) (Random _0)) (Random _0)))
+A combinator for producing recursive random generators\.
+(rec gen)
+### refined
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/type/refinement.Refiner _0 _1) (Random _0) (Random (library/lux/type/refinement.Refined _0 _1))))
+Retries the generator until the output can be refined\.
+(refined refiner gen)
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> PRNG (Random _0) [PRNG _0]))
+(result prng calc)
+### rev
+(Random .Rev)
+### safe\_frac
+(Random .Frac)
+A number in the interval \[0\.0,1\.0\]\.
+### sequence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Random _0) (Random (library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence _0))))
+### set
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) .Nat (Random _0) (Random (library/lux/data/collection/set.Set _0))))
+(set hash size value_gen)
+### split\_mix\_64
+(-> .Nat PRNG)
+An implementation of the SplitMix64 algorithm\.
+### stack
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Random _0) (Random (library/lux/data/collection/stack.Stack _0))))
+### text
+(-> (Random library/lux/data/text.Char) .Nat (Random .Text))
+(text char_gen size)
+### time
+(Random library/lux/time.Time)
+### unicode
+(-> .Nat (Random .Text))
+### xoroshiro\_128
+(-> [(.I64 .Any) (.I64 .Any)] PRNG)
+An implementation of the Xoroshiro128 algorithm\.
+For more information, please see: http://xoroshiro\.di\.unimi\.it/
+# library/lux/meta
+Functions for extracting information from the state of the compiler\.
+## Definitions
+### apply
+(library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply .Meta)
+### assertion
+(-> .Text .Bit (.Meta .Any))
+Fails with the given message if the test is \#0\.
+(assertion message test)
+### compiler\_state
+(.Meta .Lux)
+Obtains the current state of the compiler\.
+### current\_module
+(.Meta .Module)
+The module currently being compiled, if any\.
+### current\_module\_name
+(.Meta .Text)
+The name of the module currently being compiled, if any\.
+### de\_aliased
+(-> .Symbol (.Meta .Symbol))
+Given an aliased definition's name, returns the original definition being referenced\.
+(de_aliased def_name)
+### definition
+(-> .Symbol (.Meta .Global))
+Looks\-up a definition's whole data in the available modules \(including the current one\)\.
+(definition name)
+### definition\_type
+(-> .Symbol (.Meta .Type))
+Looks\-up a definition's type in the available modules \(including the current one\)\.
+(definition_type name)
+### definitions
+(-> .Text (.Meta (.List [.Text .Definition])))
+The entire list of definitions in a module \(including the non\-exported/private ones\)\.
+(definitions module)
+### either
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.Meta _0) (.Meta _0) (.Meta _0)))
+Pick whichever computation succeeds\.
+(either left right)
+### eval
+(-> .Type .Code (.Meta .Any))
+(eval type code)
+### expected\_type
+(.Meta .Type)
+The expected type of the current expression being analyzed\.
+### export
+(-> .Symbol (.Meta .Definition))
+Looks\-up a definition in the available modules \(including the current one\)\.
+The look\-up only succeeds if the definition has been exported\.
+(export name)
+### exports
+(-> .Text (.Meta (.List [.Text .Definition])))
+All the exported definitions in a module\.
+(exports module_name)
+### failure
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (.Meta _0)))
+Fails with the given error message\.
+(failure error)
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor .Meta)
+### globals
+(-> .Text (.Meta (.List [.Text .Global])))
+The entire list of globals in a module \(including the non\-exported/private ones\)\.
+(globals module)
+### imported?
+(-> .Text (.Meta .Bit))
+Checks if the given module has been imported by the current module\.
+(imported? import)
+### imported\_by?
+(-> .Text .Text (.Meta .Bit))
+(imported_by? import module)
+### imported\_modules
+(-> .Text (.Meta (.List .Text)))
+All the modules imported by a specified module\.
+(imported_modules module_name)
+### lifted
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/control/try.Try _0) (.Meta _0)))
+### locals
+(.Meta (.List (.List [.Text .Type])))
+All the local variables currently in scope, separated in different scopes\.
+### location
+(.Meta .Location)
+The location of the current expression being analyzed\.
+### macro
+(-> .Symbol (.Meta (.Maybe .Macro)))
+Looks\-up a macro known by the given name\.
+(macro full_name)
+### module
+(-> .Text (.Meta .Module))
+Looks\-up a module with the given name\.
+(module name)
+### module\_exists?
+(-> .Text (.Meta .Bit))
+(module_exists? module)
+### modules
+(.Meta (.List [.Text .Module]))
+All the available modules \(including the current one\)\.
+### monad
+(library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad .Meta)
+### normal
+(-> .Symbol (.Meta .Symbol))
+If given a name without a module prefix, gives it the current module's name as prefix\.
+Otherwise, returns the name as\-is\.
+(normal name)
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Lux (.Meta _0) (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)))
+Evaluates a computation that depends on Lux's compiler state\.
+(result lux action)
+### result'
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Lux (.Meta _0) (library/lux/control/try.Try [.Lux _0])))
+Evaluates a computation that depends on Lux's compiler state\.
+Also returns a \(potentially modified\) compiler state\.
+(result' lux action)
+### seed
+(.Meta .Nat)
+The current value of a number tracked by the compiler\.
+Also increases the value, so it's different next time it is seen\.
+This number can be used for generating data 'randomly' during compilation\.
+### slot
+(-> .Symbol (.Meta [.Nat (.List .Symbol) .Type]))
+Given a slot, finds out what is its index, its related slot\-list and its associated type\.
+(slot slot_name)
+### tag
+(-> .Symbol (.Meta [.Nat (.List .Symbol) .Type]))
+Given a tag, finds out what is its index, its related tag\-list and its associated type\.
+(tag tag_name)
+### tag\_lists
+(-> .Text (.Meta (.List [(.List .Symbol) .Type])))
+All the tag\-lists defined in a module, with their associated types\.
+(tag_lists module)
+### tags\_of
+(-> .Symbol (.Meta (.Maybe (.List .Symbol))))
+All the tags associated with a type definition\.
+(tags_of type_name)
+### try
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.Meta _0) (.Meta (library/lux/control/try.Try _0))))
+### type
+(-> .Symbol (.Meta .Type))
+Looks\-up the type of either a local variable or a definition\.
+(type name)
+### type\_context
+(.Meta .Type_Context)
+The current type\-checking context\.
+### type\_definition
+(-> .Symbol (.Meta .Type))
+Finds the value of a type definition \(such as Int, Any or Lux\)\.
+(type_definition name)
+### var\_type
+(-> .Text (.Meta .Type))
+Looks\-up the type of a local variable somewhere in the environment\.
+(var_type name)
+# library/lux/meta/location
+## Definitions
+### dummy
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence .Location)
+### format
+(-> .Location .Text)
+### here
+The Location of the current form\.
+### with
+(-> .Location .Text .Text)
+(with location error)
+# library/lux/meta/symbol
+## Definitions
+### codec
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Symbol)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence .Symbol)
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash .Symbol)
+### module
+(-> .Symbol .Text)
+The module part of a symbol\.
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order .Symbol)
+### short
+(-> .Symbol .Text)
+The short part of a symbol\.
+# library/lux/program
+## Definitions
+### program:
+Defines the entry\-point to a program \(similar to the 'main' function/method in other programming languages\)\.
+... Can take a list of all the input parameters to the program.
+(program: all_arguments
+ (do library/lux/control/io.monad
+ [foo (initialize program)]
+ (do_something_with all_arguments)))
+... Can also parse them using CLI parsers from the library/lux/control/parser/cli module.
+(program: [config configuration_parser]
+ (do library/lux/control/io.monad
+ [data (initialize program with config)]
+ (do_something_with data)))
+# library/lux/static
+## Definitions
+### frac
+\(library/lux/static\.frac \(: library/lux\.Frac \(value generating expression\)\)\)
+### int
+\(library/lux/static\.int \(: library/lux\.Int \(value generating expression\)\)\)
+### literal
+ (: (-> ??? Code)
+ format)
+ (: ???
+ (value generating expression)))
+### nat
+\(library/lux/static\.nat \(: library/lux\.Nat \(value generating expression\)\)\)
+### random
+ (: (-> ??? Code)
+ format)
+ (: (Random ???)
+ (random data generator)))
+### random\_frac
+\(: library/lux\.Frac \(library/lux/static\.random\_frac\)\)
+### random\_int
+\(: library/lux\.Int \(library/lux/static\.random\_int\)\)
+### random\_nat
+\(: library/lux\.Nat \(library/lux/static\.random\_nat\)\)
+### random\_rev
+\(: library/lux\.Rev \(library/lux/static\.random\_rev\)\)
+### rev
+\(library/lux/static\.rev \(: library/lux\.Rev \(value generating expression\)\)\)
+### text
+\(library/lux/static\.text \(: library/lux\.Text \(value generating expression\)\)\)
+# library/lux/target
+## Definitions
+### Target
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Text")
+The name/ID of a platform targetted by a Lux compiler\.
+This information can be used to generate code targetting specific platforms, and to make programs cross\-platform\.
+### common\_lisp
+### js
+### jvm
+### lua
+### old
+### php
+### python
+### r
+### ruby
+### scheme
+# library/lux/target/js
+## Definitions
+### %
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### \*
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+(-> Location Expression)
+### ,
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### \-
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### \-\-
+(-> Location Expression)
+### /
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### <
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### <=
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### =
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### >
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### >=
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### ?
+(-> Expression Expression Expression Computation)
+### Access
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' Access'))))
+### Code
+... .Type
+(All (Code _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/target/js.Code" _0))
+### Computation
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' .Any)))
+### Expression
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' .Any))
+### Label
+... .Type
+(Code Label')
+### Literal
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' Literal')))
+### Location
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' .Any))))
+### Loop
+... .Type
+(Code (Statement' Loop'))
+### Statement
+... .Type
+(Code (Statement' .Any))
+### Var
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' Var'))))
+### and
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### apply/\*
+(-> Expression (.List Expression) Computation)
+### apply/1
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### apply/2
+(-> Expression Expression Expression Computation)
+### apply/3
+(-> Expression Expression Expression Expression Computation)
+### arithmetic\_right\_shift
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### array
+(-> (.List Expression) Computation)
+### at
+(-> Expression Expression Access)
+### bit\_and
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### bit\_not
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### bit\_or
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### bit\_xor
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### boolean
+(-> .Bit Literal)
+### break
+### break\_at
+(-> Label Statement)
+### closure
+(-> (.List Var) Statement Computation)
+### code
+(-> (Code .Any) .Text)
+### comment
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (Code _0) (Code _0)))
+### cond
+(-> (.List [Expression Statement]) Statement Statement)
+### continue
+### continue\_at
+(-> Label Statement)
+### declare
+(-> Var Statement)
+### define
+(-> Var Expression Statement)
+### delete
+(-> Location Statement)
+### do
+(-> .Text (.List Expression) Expression Computation)
+### do\_while
+(-> Expression Statement Loop)
+### for
+(-> Var Expression Expression Expression Statement Loop)
+### function
+(-> Var (.List Var) Statement Computation)
+### function\!
+(-> Var (.List Var) Statement Statement)
+### i32
+(-> .Int Computation)
+### if
+(-> Expression Statement Statement Statement)
+### int
+(-> .Int Literal)
+### label
+(-> .Text Label)
+### left\_shift
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### logic\_right\_shift
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### new
+(-> Expression (.List Expression) Computation)
+### not
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### not\_a\_number?
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### null
+### number
+(-> .Frac Literal)
+### object
+(-> (.List [.Text Expression]) Computation)
+### opposite
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### or
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### return
+(-> Expression Statement)
+### set
+(-> Location Expression Statement)
+### statement
+(-> Expression Statement)
+### string
+(-> .Text Literal)
+### switch
+(-> Expression (.List [(.List Literal) Statement]) (.Maybe Statement) Statement)
+### the
+(-> .Text Expression Access)
+### then
+(-> Statement Statement Statement)
+### throw
+(-> Expression Statement)
+### to\_i32
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### try
+(-> Statement [Var Statement] Statement)
+### type\_of
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### undefined
+### use\_strict
+### var
+(-> .Text Var)
+### when
+(-> Expression Statement Statement)
+### while
+(-> Expression Statement Loop)
+### with\_label
+(-> Label Loop Statement)
+# library/lux/target/jvm
+## Definitions
+### Arithmetic
+... .Type
+ {#Int_Arithmetic Int_Arithmetic}
+ {#Long_Arithmetic Long_Arithmetic}
+ {#Float_Arithmetic Float_Arithmetic}
+ {#Double_Arithmetic Double_Arithmetic})
+### Array
+... .Type
+ {#NEWARRAY (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)}
+ {#ANEWARRAY (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Object)}
+ {#BALOAD .Any}
+ {#BASTORE .Any}
+ {#SALOAD .Any}
+ {#SASTORE .Any}
+ {#IALOAD .Any}
+ {#IASTORE .Any}
+ {#LALOAD .Any}
+ {#LASTORE .Any}
+ {#FALOAD .Any}
+ {#FASTORE .Any}
+ {#DALOAD .Any}
+ {#DASTORE .Any}
+ {#CALOAD .Any}
+ {#CASTORE .Any}
+ {#AALOAD .Any}
+ {#AASTORE .Any})
+### Bitwise
+... .Type
+ {#Int_Bitwise Int_Bitwise}
+ {#Long_Bitwise Long_Bitwise})
+### Branching
+... .Type
+(All (Branching _0)
+ (Variant
+ {#IF_ICMPEQ _0}
+ {#IF_ICMPGE _0}
+ {#IF_ICMPGT _0}
+ {#IF_ICMPLE _0}
+ {#IF_ICMPLT _0}
+ {#IF_ICMPNE _0}
+ {#IFEQ _0}
+ {#IFNE _0}
+ {#IFGE _0}
+ {#IFGT _0}
+ {#IFLE _0}
+ {#IFLT _0}
+ {#TABLESWITCH .Int .Int _0 (.List _0)}
+ {#LOOKUPSWITCH _0 (.List [.Int _0])}
+ {#IF_ACMPEQ _0}
+ {#IF_ACMPNE _0}
+ {#IFNULL _0}))
+### Bytecode
+... .Type
+(All (Bytecode _0 _1)
+ (library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence (Instruction _0 _1)))
+### Comparison
+... .Type
+ {#LCMP .Any}
+ {#FCMPG .Any}
+ {#FCMPL .Any}
+ {#DCMPG .Any}
+ {#DCMPL .Any})
+### Concurrency
+... .Type
+### Constant
+... .Type
+ {#BIPUSH .Int}
+ {#SIPUSH .Int}
+ {#ICONST_M1 .Any}
+ {#ICONST_0 .Any}
+ {#ICONST_1 .Any}
+ {#ICONST_2 .Any}
+ {#ICONST_3 .Any}
+ {#ICONST_4 .Any}
+ {#ICONST_5 .Any}
+ {#LCONST_0 .Any}
+ {#LCONST_1 .Any}
+ {#FCONST_0 .Any}
+ {#FCONST_1 .Any}
+ {#FCONST_2 .Any}
+ {#DCONST_0 .Any}
+ {#DCONST_1 .Any}
+ {#LDC Literal})
+### Control
+... .Type
+(All (Control _0)
+ (Variant
+ {#GOTO _0}
+ {#Branching (Branching _0)}
+ {#Exception (Exception _0)}
+ {#Concurrency Concurrency}
+ {#Return Return}))
+### Conversion
+... .Type
+ {#I2B .Any}
+ {#I2S .Any}
+ {#I2L .Any}
+ {#I2F .Any}
+ {#I2D .Any}
+ {#I2C .Any}
+ {#L2I .Any}
+ {#L2F .Any}
+ {#L2D .Any}
+ {#F2I .Any}
+ {#F2L .Any}
+ {#F2D .Any}
+ {#D2I .Any}
+ {#D2L .Any}
+ {#D2F .Any})
+### Double\_Arithmetic
+... .Type
+ {#DADD .Any}
+ {#DSUB .Any}
+ {#DMUL .Any}
+ {#DDIV .Any}
+ {#DREM .Any}
+ {#DNEG .Any})
+### Exception
+... .Type
+(All (Exception _0)
+ (Variant
+ {#Try _0 _0 _0 (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class)}
+ {#ATHROW .Any}))
+### Float\_Arithmetic
+... .Type
+ {#FADD .Any}
+ {#FSUB .Any}
+ {#FMUL .Any}
+ {#FDIV .Any}
+ {#FREM .Any}
+ {#FNEG .Any})
+### Instruction
+... .Type
+(All (Instruction _0 _1)
+ (Variant
+ {#NOP .Any}
+ {#Constant Constant}
+ {#Arithmetic Arithmetic}
+ {#Bitwise Bitwise}
+ {#Conversion Conversion}
+ {#Array Array}
+ {#Object Object}
+ {#Local Local}
+ {#Stack Stack}
+ {#Comparison Comparison}
+ {#Control (Control _1)}
+ {#Embedded _0}))
+### Int\_Arithmetic
+... .Type
+ {#IADD .Any}
+ {#ISUB .Any}
+ {#IMUL .Any}
+ {#IDIV .Any}
+ {#IREM .Any}
+ {#INEG .Any})
+### Int\_Bitwise
+... .Type
+ {#IOR .Any}
+ {#IXOR .Any}
+ {#IAND .Any}
+ {#ISHL .Any}
+ {#ISHR .Any}
+ {#IUSHR .Any})
+### Label
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+### Literal
+... .Type
+ {#Boolean .Bit}
+ {#Int .Int}
+ {#Long .Int}
+ {#Double .Frac}
+ {#Char .Nat}
+ {#String .Text})
+### Local
+... .Type
+ {#Local_Int Local_Int}
+ {#IINC Register}
+ {#Local_Long Local_Long}
+ {#Local_Float Local_Float}
+ {#Local_Double Local_Double}
+ {#Local_Object Local_Object})
+### Local\_Double
+... .Type
+ {#DLOAD Register}
+ {#DSTORE Register})
+### Local\_Float
+... .Type
+ {#FLOAD Register}
+ {#FSTORE Register})
+### Local\_Int
+... .Type
+ {#ILOAD Register}
+ {#ISTORE Register})
+### Local\_Long
+... .Type
+ {#LLOAD Register}
+ {#LSTORE Register})
+### Local\_Object
+... .Type
+ {#ALOAD Register}
+ {#ASTORE Register})
+### Long\_Arithmetic
+... .Type
+ {#LADD .Any}
+ {#LSUB .Any}
+ {#LMUL .Any}
+ {#LDIV .Any}
+ {#LREM .Any}
+ {#LNEG .Any})
+### Long\_Bitwise
+... .Type
+ {#LOR .Any}
+ {#LXOR .Any}
+ {#LAND .Any}
+ {#LSHL .Any}
+ {#LSHR .Any}
+ {#LUSHR .Any})
+### Object
+... .Type
+ {#GETSTATIC (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) .Text (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value)}
+ {#PUTSTATIC (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) .Text (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value)}
+ {#NEW (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class)}
+ {#INSTANCEOF (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class)}
+ {#CHECKCAST (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Object)}
+ {#GETFIELD (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) .Text (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value)}
+ {#PUTFIELD (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) .Text (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value)}
+ {#INVOKEINTERFACE (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) .Text (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Method)}
+ {#INVOKESPECIAL (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) .Text (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Method)}
+ {#INVOKESTATIC (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) .Text (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Method)}
+ {#INVOKEVIRTUAL (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) .Text (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Method)})
+### Register
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+### Return
+... .Type
+ {#RETURN .Any}
+ {#IRETURN .Any}
+ {#LRETURN .Any}
+ {#FRETURN .Any}
+ {#DRETURN .Any}
+ {#ARETURN .Any})
+### Stack
+... .Type
+ {#DUP .Any}
+ {#DUP_X1 .Any}
+ {#DUP_X2 .Any}
+ {#DUP2 .Any}
+ {#DUP2_X1 .Any}
+ {#DUP2_X2 .Any}
+ {#SWAP .Any}
+ {#POP .Any}
+ {#POP2 .Any})
+# library/lux/target/jvm/type
+## Definitions
+### Argument
+... .Type
+[.Text (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value)]
+### Constraint
+... .Type
+ [#name .Text
+ #super_class (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class)
+ #super_interfaces (.List (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class))])
+### Type
+... .Type
+(All (Type _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type" _0))
+### Typed
+... .Type
+(All (Typed _0)
+ [(Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) _0])
+### array
+(-> (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Array))
+### as\_class
+(-> (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Declaration) (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class))
+### boolean
+(Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### byte
+(Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### char
+(Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### class
+(-> library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External (.List (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter)) (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class))
+### class?
+(-> (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (.Maybe library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External))
+### declaration
+(-> library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External (.List (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var)) (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Declaration))
+### descriptor
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Type _0) (library/lux/target/jvm/type/descriptor.Descriptor _0)))
+### double
+(Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Type _0)))
+### float
+(Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### format
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/data/text/format.Format (Type _0)))
+### hash
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash (Type _0)))
+### int
+(Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### long
+(Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### lower
+(-> (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter))
+### method
+(-> [(.List (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var)) (.List (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value)) (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Return) (.List (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class))] (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Method))
+### primitive?
+(-> (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (.Either (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Object) (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)))
+### reflection
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Type (library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Return' (library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value' _0))) (library/lux/target/jvm/type/reflection.Reflection (library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Return' (library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value' _0)))))
+### short
+(Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### signature
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Type _0) (library/lux/target/jvm/type/signature.Signature _0)))
+### upper
+(-> (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter))
+### var
+(-> .Text (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var))
+### void
+(Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Void)
+### void?
+(-> (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Return) (.Either (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Void)))
+### wildcard
+(Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter)
+# library/lux/target/jvm/type/alias
+## Definitions
+### Aliasing
+... .Type
+(library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary .Text .Text)
+### fresh
+### method
+(-> Aliasing (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Method) (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Method))
+# library/lux/target/jvm/type/box
+## Definitions
+### boolean
+### byte
+### char
+### double
+### float
+### int
+### long
+### short
+# library/lux/target/jvm/type/category
+## Definitions
+### Array
+... .Type
+(Return' (Value' (Object' Array')))
+### Class
+... .Type
+(Return' (Value' (Object' (Parameter' Class'))))
+### Declaration
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Declaration")
+### Method
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Method")
+### Object
+... .Type
+(Return' (Value' (Object' .Any)))
+### Parameter
+... .Type
+(Return' (Value' (Object' (Parameter' .Any))))
+### Primitive
+... .Type
+(Return' (Value' Primitive'))
+### Return
+... .Type
+(Return' .Any)
+### Return'
+... .Type
+(All (Return' _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Return'" _0))
+### Value
+... .Type
+(Return' (Value' .Any))
+### Value'
+... .Type
+(All (Value' _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value'" _0))
+### Var
+... .Type
+(Return' (Value' (Object' (Parameter' Var'))))
+### Void
+... .Type
+(Return' Void')
+# library/lux/target/jvm/type/descriptor
+## Definitions
+### Descriptor
+... .Type
+(All (Descriptor _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/target/jvm/type/descriptor.Descriptor" _0))
+### array
+(-> (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Array))
+### array\_prefix
+### as\_class
+(-> (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Declaration) (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class))
+### boolean
+(Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### byte
+(Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### char
+(Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### class
+(-> library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class))
+### class\_name
+(-> (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Object) library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.Internal)
+### class\_prefix
+### class\_suffix
+### declaration
+(-> library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Declaration))
+### descriptor
+(-> (Descriptor .Any) .Text)
+### double
+(Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Descriptor _0)))
+### float
+(Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### int
+(Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### long
+(Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### lower
+(-> (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter))
+### method
+(-> [(.List (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value)) (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Return)] (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Method))
+### short
+(Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### upper
+(-> (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter))
+### var
+(Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var)
+### void
+(Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Void)
+### wildcard
+(Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter)
+# library/lux/target/jvm/type/lux
+## Definitions
+### Lower
+... .Type
+(All (Lower _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/target/jvm/type/lux.Lower" _0))
+### Mapping
+... .Type
+(library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary .Text .Type)
+### Upper
+... .Type
+(All (Upper _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/target/jvm/type/lux.Upper" _0))
+### boxed\_return
+(-> Mapping (library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/type/check.Check .Type)))
+### boxed\_type
+(-> Mapping (library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/type/check.Check .Type)))
+### check
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/type/check.Check _0)) .Text (library/lux/type/check.Check _0)))
+### class
+(-> Mapping (library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/type/check.Check .Type)))
+### fresh
+### return
+(-> Mapping (library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/type/check.Check .Type)))
+### type
+(-> Mapping (library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/type/check.Check .Type)))
+### unknown\_var
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Text)
+# library/lux/target/jvm/type/parser
+## Definitions
+### array
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Array))
+### array'
+(-> (library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value)) (library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Array)))
+### array?
+(-> (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (.Maybe (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value)))
+### boolean
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive))
+### byte
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive))
+### char
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive))
+### class
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class))
+### class?
+(-> (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (.Maybe [library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External (.List (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter))]))
+### class\_name
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External)
+### declaration
+(-> (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Declaration) [library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External (.List (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var))])
+### declaration'
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser [library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External (.List (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var))])
+### double
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive))
+### float
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive))
+### int
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive))
+### long
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive))
+### lower?
+(-> (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (.Maybe (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class)))
+### method
+(-> (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Method) [(.List (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var)) (.List (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value)) (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Return) (.List (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class))])
+### name
+(-> (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var) .Text)
+### object
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Object))
+### object?
+(-> (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (.Maybe (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Object)))
+### parameter
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter))
+### parameter?
+(-> (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (.Maybe (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter)))
+### primitive
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive))
+### primitive?
+(-> (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (.Maybe (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)))
+### read\_class
+(-> (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) [library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External (.List (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter))])
+### return
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Return))
+### short
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive))
+### upper?
+(-> (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (.Maybe (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class)))
+### value
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value))
+### var
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var))
+### var'
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser .Text)
+### var?
+(-> (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (.Maybe .Text))
+### var\_name
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser .Text)
+### void
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Void))
+### wildcard
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter))
+### wildcard?
+(-> (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (.Maybe (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter)))
+# library/lux/target/jvm/type/reflection
+## Definitions
+### Reflection
+... .Type
+(All (Reflection _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/target/jvm/type/reflection.Reflection" _0))
+### array
+(-> (Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Array))
+### as\_class
+(-> (Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Declaration) (Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class))
+### boolean
+(Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### byte
+(Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### char
+(Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### class
+(-> library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External (Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class))
+### declaration
+(-> library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External (Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Declaration))
+### double
+(Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Reflection _0)))
+### float
+(Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### int
+(Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### long
+(Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### lower
+(-> (Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) (Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter))
+### reflection
+(-> (Reflection .Any) .Text)
+### short
+(Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### upper
+(-> (Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) (Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter))
+### var
+(Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var)
+### void
+(Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Void)
+### wildcard
+(Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter)
+# library/lux/target/jvm/type/signature
+## Definitions
+### Signature
+... .Type
+(All (Signature _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/target/jvm/type/signature.Signature" _0))
+### arguments\_end
+### arguments\_start
+### array
+(-> (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Array))
+### as\_class
+(-> (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Declaration) (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class))
+### boolean
+(Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### byte
+(Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### char
+(Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### class
+(-> library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External (.List (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter)) (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class))
+### declaration
+(-> library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External (.List (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var)) (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Declaration))
+### double
+(Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Signature _0)))
+### exception\_prefix
+### float
+(Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### hash
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash (Signature _0)))
+### int
+(Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### long
+(Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### lower
+(-> (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter))
+### lower\_prefix
+### method
+(-> [(.List (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var)) (.List (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value)) (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Return) (.List (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class))] (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Method))
+### parameters\_end
+### parameters\_start
+### short
+(Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### signature
+(-> (Signature .Any) .Text)
+### upper
+(-> (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter))
+### upper\_prefix
+### var
+(-> .Text (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var))
+### var\_name
+(-> (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var) .Text)
+### var\_prefix
+### void
+(Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Void)
+### wildcard
+(Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter)
+# library/lux/target/lua
+## Definitions
+### %
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### \*
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### \-
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### /
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### //
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### <
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### <=
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### =
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### >
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### >=
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### Access
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' Access'))))
+### Code
+... .Type
+(All (Code _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/target/lua.Code" _0))
+### Computation
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' .Any)))
+### Expression
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' .Any))
+### Label
+... .Type
+(Code Label')
+### Literal
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' Literal')))
+### Location
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' .Any))))
+### Statement
+... .Type
+(Code (Statement' .Any))
+### Var
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' Var'))))
+### ^
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### and
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### apply/\*
+(-> (.List Expression) Expression Computation)
+### apply/1
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### apply/2
+(-> Expression Expression Expression Computation)
+### apply/3
+(-> Expression Expression Expression Expression Computation)
+### apply/4
+(-> Expression Expression Expression Expression Expression Computation)
+### apply/5
+(-> Expression Expression Expression Expression Expression Expression Computation)
+### array
+(-> (.List Expression) Literal)
+### bit\_and
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### bit\_or
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### bit\_shl
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### bit\_shr
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### bit\_xor
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### bool
+(-> .Bit Literal)
+### break
+### closure
+(-> (.List Var) Statement Expression)
+### code
+(-> (Code .Any) .Text)
+### concat
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### cond
+(-> (.List [Expression Statement]) Statement Statement)
+### do
+(-> .Text (.List Expression) Expression Computation)
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Code _0)))
+### error/1
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### error/2
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### float
+(-> .Frac Literal)
+### for\_in
+(-> (.List Var) Expression Statement Statement)
+### for\_step
+(-> Var Expression Expression Expression Statement Statement)
+### function
+(-> Var (.List Var) Statement Statement)
+### go\_to
+(-> Label Statement)
+### hash
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash (Code _0)))
+### if
+(-> Expression Statement Statement Statement)
+### int
+(-> .Int Literal)
+### ipairs/1
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### item
+(-> Expression Expression Access)
+### label
+(-> .Text Label)
+### length
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### let
+(-> (.List Var) Expression Statement)
+### local
+(-> (.List Var) Statement)
+### local/1
+(-> Var Expression Statement)
+### local\_function
+(-> Var (.List Var) Statement Statement)
+### manual
+(-> .Text Code)
+### multi
+(-> (.List Expression) Literal)
+### nil
+### not
+(-> Expression Expression)
+### opposite
+(-> Expression Expression)
+### or
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### print/1
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### print/2
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### print/3
+(-> Expression Expression Expression Computation)
+### repeat
+(-> Expression Statement Statement)
+### require/1
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### return
+(-> Expression Statement)
+### set
+(-> (.List Location) Expression Statement)
+### set\_label
+(-> Label Statement)
+### statement
+(-> Expression Statement)
+### string
+(-> .Text Literal)
+### table
+(-> (.List [.Text Expression]) Literal)
+### the
+(-> .Text Expression Computation)
+### then
+(-> Statement Statement Statement)
+### type/1
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### var
+(-> .Text Var)
+### when
+(-> Expression Statement Statement)
+### while
+(-> Expression Statement Statement)
+# library/lux/target/python
+## Definitions
+### %
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### \*
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### \*\*
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### \-
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### /
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### //
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### <
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### <=
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### =
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### >
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### >=
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### ?
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### Access
+... .Type
+(Location Access')
+### Code
+... .Type
+(All (Code _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/target/python.Code" _0))
+### Computation
+... .Type
+(All (Computation _0)
+ (Expression (Computation' _0)))
+### Except
+... .Type
+ [#classes (.List SVar)
+ #exception SVar
+ #handler (Statement .Any)])
+### Exception/1
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### Expression
+... .Type
+(All (Expression _0)
+ (Code (Expression' _0)))
+### KVar
+... .Type
+(Var Keyword)
+### Keyword
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/target/python.Keyword")
+### Label
+... .Type
+(Code Label')
+### Literal
+... .Type
+(Computation Literal')
+### Location
+... .Type
+(All (Location _0)
+ (Computation (Location' _0)))
+### Loop
+... .Type
+(Statement Loop')
+### PVar
+... .Type
+(Var Poly)
+### Poly
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/target/python.Poly")
+### SVar
+... .Type
+(Var Single)
+### Single
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/target/python.Single")
+### Statement
+... .Type
+(All (Statement _0)
+ (Code (Statement' _0)))
+### Var
+... .Type
+(All (Var _0)
+ (Location (Var' _0)))
+### \_\_import\_\_/1
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### and
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### apply/\*
+(-> (Expression .Any) (.List (Expression .Any)) (Computation .Any))
+### apply/1
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### apply/2
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### apply/3
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### apply\_keyword
+(-> (.List (Expression .Any)) (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### apply\_poly
+(-> (.List (Expression .Any)) (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### bit\_and
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### bit\_or
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### bit\_shl
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### bit\_shr
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### bit\_xor
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### bool
+(-> .Bit Literal)
+### break
+(Statement .Any)
+### chr/1
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### code
+(-> (Code .Any) .Text)
+### comment
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (Code _0) (Code _0)))
+### cond
+(-> (.List [(Expression .Any) (Statement .Any)]) (Statement .Any) (Statement .Any))
+### continue
+(Statement .Any)
+### def
+(-> SVar (.List (Ex (_ _0) (Var _0))) (Statement .Any) (Statement .Any))
+### delete
+(-> (Location .Any) (Statement .Any))
+### dict
+(-> (.List [(Expression .Any) (Expression .Any)]) (Computation .Any))
+### do
+(-> .Text (.List (Expression .Any)) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### do\_keyword
+(-> (.List (Expression .Any)) (Expression .Any) .Text (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### do\_poly
+(-> (.List (Expression .Any)) (Expression .Any) .Text (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Code _0)))
+### exec
+(-> (Expression .Any) (.Maybe (Expression .Any)) (Statement .Any))
+### float
+(-> .Frac Literal)
+### float/1
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### for\_in
+(-> SVar (Expression .Any) (Statement .Any) Loop)
+### hash
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash (Code _0)))
+### if
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Statement .Any) (Statement .Any) (Statement .Any))
+### import
+(-> .Text (Statement .Any))
+### int
+(-> .Int Literal)
+### int/1
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### is
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### item
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) Location)
+### keyword
+(-> SVar (Var Keyword))
+### lambda
+(-> (.List (Var .Any)) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### len/1
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### list
+(-> (.List (Expression .Any)) Literal)
+### long
+(-> .Int Literal)
+### manual
+(-> .Text Code)
+### none
+### not
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### opposite
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### or
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### ord/1
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### pass
+(Statement .Any)
+### poly
+(-> SVar (Var Poly))
+### print
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Statement .Any))
+### raise
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Statement .Any))
+### repr/1
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### return
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Statement .Any))
+### set
+(-> (.List (Location .Any)) (Expression .Any) (Statement .Any))
+### slice
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) Access)
+### slice\_from
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) Access)
+### statement
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Statement .Any))
+### str/1
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### string
+(-> .Text Literal)
+### the
+(-> .Text (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### then
+(-> (Statement .Any) (Statement .Any) (Statement .Any))
+### try
+(-> (Statement .Any) (.List Except) (Statement .Any))
+### tuple
+(-> (.List (Expression .Any)) Literal)
+### unichr/1
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### unicode
+(-> .Text Literal)
+### unicode/1
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### var
+(-> .Text SVar)
+### when
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Statement .Any) (Statement .Any))
+### while
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Statement .Any) (.Maybe (Statement .Any)) Loop)
+# library/lux/target/ruby
+## Definitions
+### %
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### \*
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### \-
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### /
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### <
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### <=
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### =
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### >
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### >=
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### ?
+(-> Expression Expression Expression Computation)
+### Access
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' Access'))))
+### Code
+... .Type
+(All (Code _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/target/ruby.Code" _0))
+### Computation
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' .Any)))
+### Expression
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' .Any))
+### GVar
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' (Var' GVar')))))
+### IVar
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' (Var' IVar')))))
+### LVar
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' (Var' (LVar' .Any))))))
+### LVar\*
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' (Var' (LVar' LVar*'))))))
+### LVar\*\*
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' (Var' (LVar' LVar**'))))))
+### Literal
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' Literal')))
+### Location
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' .Any))))
+### Rescue
+... .Type
+ [#classes (.List .Text)
+ #exception LVar
+ #rescue Statement])
+### SVar
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' (Var' SVar')))))
+### Statement
+... .Type
+(Code (Statement' .Any))
+### Var
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' (Var' .Any)))))
+### and
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### apply/\*
+(-> (.List Expression) Expression Computation)
+### apply/1
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### apply/2
+(-> Expression Expression Expression Computation)
+### apply/3
+(-> Expression Expression Expression Expression Computation)
+### apply\_lambda/\*
+(-> (.List Expression) Expression Computation)
+### array
+(-> (.List Expression) Literal)
+### array\_range
+(-> Expression Expression Expression Computation)
+### begin
+(-> Statement (.List Rescue) Statement)
+### bit\_and
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### bit\_or
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### bit\_shl
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### bit\_shr
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### bit\_xor
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### bool
+(-> .Bit Literal)
+### break
+### case\_insensitivity\_flag
+### catch
+(-> Expression Statement Statement)
+### code
+(-> (Code .Any) .Text)
+### code\_equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Code _0)))
+### code\_hash
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash (Code _0)))
+### command\_line\_arguments
+### comment
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (Code _0) (Code _0)))
+### cond
+(-> (.List [Expression Statement]) Statement Statement)
+### do
+(-> .Text (.List Expression) Expression Computation)
+### double\_splat
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### exit\_status
+### float
+(-> .Frac Literal)
+### for\_in
+(-> LVar Expression Statement Statement)
+### function
+(-> LVar (.List LVar) Statement Statement)
+### global
+(-> .Text GVar)
+### hash
+(-> (.List [Expression Expression]) Literal)
+### if
+(-> Expression Statement Statement Statement)
+### input\_record\_separator
+### instance
+(-> .Text IVar)
+### int
+(-> .Int Literal)
+### item
+(-> Expression Expression Access)
+### lambda
+(-> (.Maybe LVar) (.List Var) Statement Literal)
+### last\_line\_number\_read
+### last\_regexp\_match
+### last\_string\_matched
+### last\_string\_read
+### latest\_error
+### local
+(-> .Text LVar)
+### manual
+(-> .Text Code)
+### next
+### nil
+### not
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### opposite
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### or
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### output\_record\_separator
+### pow
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### print/1
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### print/2
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### print/3
+(-> Expression Expression Expression Computation)
+### process\_id
+### raise
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### redo
+### require/1
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### return
+(-> Expression Statement)
+### script\_name
+### set
+(-> (.List Location) Expression Statement)
+### splat
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### statement
+(-> Expression Statement)
+### static
+(-> .Text SVar)
+### string
+(-> .Text Literal)
+### symbol
+(-> .Text Literal)
+### the
+(-> .Text Expression Access)
+### then
+(-> Statement Statement Statement)
+### throw/1
+(-> Expression Statement)
+### variadic
+(-> LVar LVar*)
+### variadic\_kv
+(-> LVar LVar**)
+### when
+(-> Expression Statement Statement)
+### while
+(-> Expression Statement Statement)
+# library/lux/test
+Tools for unit & property\-based/generative testing\.
+## Definitions
+### Assertion
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async [Tally .Text])
+An asynchronous operation that yields test results\.
+### Seed
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+The seed value used for random testing \(if that feature is used\)\.
+### Tally
+... .Type
+ [#successes .Nat
+ #failures .Nat
+ #expected_coverage (library/lux/data/collection/set.Set .Symbol)
+ #actual_coverage (library/lux/data/collection/set.Set .Symbol)])
+A record of successes and failures while executing tests\.
+### Test
+... .Type
+(library/lux/math/random.Random Assertion)
+A test that relies on random data generation to thoroughly cover different scenarios\.
+### and
+(-> Test Test Test)
+Sequencing combinator\.
+(and left right)
+### and'
+(-> Assertion Assertion Assertion)
+Sequencing combinator \(for assertions\)\.
+(and' left right)
+### assertion
+(-> .Text .Bit Assertion)
+Check that a condition is \#1, and fail with the given message otherwise\.
+(assertion message condition)
+### context
+(-> .Text Test Test)
+Adds a contextual description to a test's documentation\.
+(context description)
+### cover
+Specifies a test as covering one or more definitions\.
+Adds to the test tally information to track which definitions have been tested\.
+(cover [definition/0 definition/1 ,,, definition/N]
+ (: Bit
+ (some "computation")))
+### cover'
+Specifies a test as covering one or more definitions\.
+Adds to the test tally information to track which definitions have been tested\.
+(cover' [definition/0 definition/1 ,,, definition/N]
+ (: Bit
+ (some "computation")))
+### covering
+Specifies the module being covered by a test\.
+Adds tracking information to the tally to know which exported definitions in the module need to be covered\.
+(covering documentation/lux/test._
+ (: Test
+ some_test))
+### error\_during\_execution
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Text)
+### failure
+(-> .Text Test)
+A failing test, with a given error message\.
+### for
+Specifies a context for tests as covering one or more definitions\.
+Adds to the test tally information to track which definitions have been tested\.
+(for [definition/0 definition/1 ,,, definition/N]
+ (: Test
+ some_test))
+### in\_parallel
+(-> (.List Test) Test)
+Executes multiple tests in parallel \(if the host platform supports it\) to take advantage of multiple cores\.
+(in_parallel tests)
+### lifted
+(-> .Text (library/lux/math/random.Random .Bit) Test)
+(lifted message random)
+### must\_try\_test\_at\_least\_once
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### run\!
+(-> Test (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async .Nothing))
+Executes a test, and exits the program with either a successful or a failing exit code\.
+WARNING: This procedure is only meant to be used in \(program: \.\.\.\) forms\.
+(run! test)
+### seed
+(-> Seed Test Test)
+Execute the given test with a specific seed value\.
+This allows you to reproduce a failing test case as many times as you want while debugging\.
+(seed value test)
+### test
+(-> .Text .Bit Test)
+Check that a condition is \#1, and fail with the given message otherwise\.
+(test message condition)
+### times
+(-> .Nat Test Test)
+Allows executing a test several times\.
+By doing this, it's possible to thoroughly test code with many different scenarios\.
+This assumes that random data generation is being used in tests instead of fixed/constant inputs\.
+(times amount test)
+# library/lux/time
+## Definitions
+### Clock
+... .Type
+ [#hour .Nat
+ #minute .Nat
+ #second .Nat
+ #milli_second .Nat])
+A clock marking the specific hour, minute, second, and milli\-second in a day\.
+### Time
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/time.Time")
+Time is defined as milliseconds since the start of the day \(00:00:00\.000\)\.
+### clock
+(-> Time Clock)
+(clock time)
+### codec
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text Time)
+Based on ISO 8601\.
+For example: 21:14:51\.827
+### enum
+(library/lux/abstract/enum.Enum Time)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Time)
+### hours
+Number of hours in an day\.
+### invalid\_hour
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### invalid\_minute
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### invalid\_second
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### midnight
+The instant corresponding to the start of the day: 00:00:00\.000
+### milli\_seconds
+Number of milli\-seconds in a second\.
+### millis
+(-> Time .Nat)
+### minutes
+Number of minutes in an hour\.
+### of\_millis
+(-> .Nat (library/lux/control/try.Try Time))
+(of_millis milli_seconds)
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order Time)
+### parser
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser Time)
+### seconds
+Number of seconds in a minute\.
+### time
+(-> Clock (library/lux/control/try.Try Time))
+(time clock)
+### time\_exceeds\_a\_day
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+# library/lux/time/date
+## Definitions
+### Date
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/time/date.Date")
+A date specified as a year/month/day triplet\.
+### codec
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text Date)
+Based on ISO 8601\.
+For example: 2017\-01\-15
+### date
+(-> library/lux/time/year.Year library/lux/time/month.Month .Nat (library/lux/control/try.Try Date))
+A date, within the allowed limits\.
+(date year month day_of_month)
+### day\_of\_month
+(-> Date .Nat)
+### days
+(-> Date .Int)
+### enum
+(library/lux/abstract/enum.Enum Date)
+### epoch
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Date)
+### invalid\_day
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [library/lux/time/year.Year library/lux/time/month.Month .Nat])
+### invalid\_month
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### month
+(-> Date library/lux/time/month.Month)
+### of\_days
+(-> .Int Date)
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order Date)
+### parser
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser Date)
+### year
+(-> Date library/lux/time/year.Year)
+# library/lux/time/day
+## Definitions
+### Day
+... .Type
+ {#Sunday .Any}
+ {#Monday .Any}
+ {#Tuesday .Any}
+ {#Wednesday .Any}
+ {#Thursday .Any}
+ {#Friday .Any}
+ {#Saturday .Any})
+A day of the week\.
+### by\_number
+(-> .Nat (library/lux/control/try.Try Day))
+### codec
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text Day)
+### enum
+(library/lux/abstract/enum.Enum Day)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Day)
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash Day)
+### invalid\_day
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### not\_a\_day\_of\_the\_week
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Text)
+### number
+(-> Day .Nat)
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order Day)
+### week
+(.List Day)
+All the days, ordered by when they come in a week\.
+# library/lux/time/duration
+## Definitions
+### Duration
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/time/duration.Duration")
+Durations have a resolution of milli\-seconds\.
+### codec
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text Duration)
+### day
+### difference
+(-> Duration Duration Duration)
+(difference from to)
+### down
+(-> .Nat Duration Duration)
+### empty
+### enum
+(library/lux/abstract/enum.Enum Duration)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Duration)
+### framed
+(-> Duration Duration Duration)
+### hour
+### inverse
+(-> Duration Duration)
+### leap\_year
+### merged
+(-> Duration Duration Duration)
+### milli\_second
+### millis
+(-> Duration .Int)
+### minute
+### monoid
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid Duration)
+### negative?
+(-> Duration .Bit)
+### neutral?
+(-> Duration .Bit)
+### normal\_year
+### of\_millis
+(-> .Int Duration)
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order Duration)
+### positive?
+(-> Duration .Bit)
+### second
+### ticks
+(-> Duration Duration .Int)
+### up
+(-> .Nat Duration Duration)
+### week
+# library/lux/time/instant
+## Definitions
+### Instant
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/time/instant.Instant")
+Instant is defined as milli\-seconds since the epoch\.
+### absolute
+(-> library/lux/time/duration.Duration Instant)
+(absolute offset)
+### after
+(-> library/lux/time/duration.Duration Instant Instant)
+(after duration instant)
+### codec
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text Instant)
+Based on ISO 8601\.
+For example: 2017\-01\-15T21:14:51\.827Z
+### date
+(-> Instant library/lux/time/date.Date)
+### day\_of\_week
+(-> Instant library/lux/time/day.Day)
+### enum
+(library/lux/abstract/enum.Enum Instant)
+### epoch
+The instant corresponding to 1970\-01\-01T00:00:00Z\.
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Instant)
+### millis
+(-> Instant .Int)
+### now
+(library/lux/control/io.IO Instant)
+Yields the current instant, as measured from the operating\-system's clock\.
+### of\_date\_time
+(-> library/lux/time/date.Date library/lux/time.Time Instant)
+(of_date_time date time)
+### of\_millis
+(-> .Int Instant)
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order Instant)
+### relative
+(-> Instant library/lux/time/duration.Duration)
+(relative instant)
+### span
+(-> Instant Instant library/lux/time/duration.Duration)
+(span from to)
+### time
+(-> Instant library/lux/time.Time)
+# library/lux/time/month
+## Definitions
+### Month
+... .Type
+ {#January .Any}
+ {#February .Any}
+ {#March .Any}
+ {#April .Any}
+ {#May .Any}
+ {#June .Any}
+ {#July .Any}
+ {#August .Any}
+ {#September .Any}
+ {#October .Any}
+ {#November .Any}
+ {#December .Any})
+A month of the year\.
+### by\_number
+(-> .Nat (library/lux/control/try.Try Month))
+### codec
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text Month)
+### days
+(-> Month .Nat)
+The amount of days of a month\.
+(days month)
+### enum
+(library/lux/abstract/enum.Enum Month)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Month)
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash Month)
+### invalid\_month
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### leap\_year\_days
+(-> Month .Nat)
+The amount of days of a month \(in a leap year\)\.
+(leap_year_days month)
+### not\_a\_month\_of\_the\_year
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Text)
+### number
+(-> Month .Nat)
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order Month)
+### year
+(.List Month)
+All the months, ordered by when they come in a year\.
+# library/lux/time/year
+## Definitions
+### Period
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+An amount of years\.
+### Year
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/time/year.Year")
+A year in the gregorian calendar\.
+Both negative \(< 0\) and positive \(> 0\) values are valid, but not 0\.
+This is because the first year of the gregorian calendar was year 1\.
+### century
+### codec
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text Year)
+Based on ISO 8601\.
+For example: 2017
+### days
+The amount of days in a typical year\.
+### epoch
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Year)
+### era
+### leap
+### leap?
+(-> Year .Bit)
+### leaps
+(-> Year .Int)
+The number of leap years in a period of years\.
+(leaps year)
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order Year)
+### parser
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser Year)
+### there\_is\_no\_year\_0
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### value
+(-> Year .Int)
+### year
+(-> .Int (library/lux/control/try.Try Year))
+A valid year in the gregorian calendar, if possible\.
+(year value)
+# library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis
+## Definitions
+### %analysis
+(library/lux/data/text/format.Format Analysis)
+### Abstraction
+... .Type
+(All (Abstraction _0)
+ [(Environment _0) library/lux/tool/compiler/arity.Arity _0])
+### Analysis
+... .Type
+(Rec Analysis
+ (Variant
+ {#Primitive Primitive}
+ {#Structure (Composite Analysis)}
+ {#Reference library/lux/tool/compiler/reference.Reference}
+ {#Case Analysis (Match' Analysis)}
+ {#Function (Environment Analysis) Analysis}
+ {#Apply Analysis Analysis}
+ {#Extension (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Extension Analysis)}))
+### Application
+... .Type
+(All (Application _0)
+ [_0 (.List _0)])
+### Branch
+... .Type
+(Branch' Analysis)
+### Branch'
+... .Type
+(All (Branch' _0)
+ (Record
+ [#when Pattern
+ #then _0]))
+### Bundle
+... .Type
+(library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Bundle .Lux .Code Analysis)
+### Composite
+... .Type
+(All (Composite _0)
+ (Variant
+ {#Variant (Variant _0)}
+ {#Tuple (Tuple _0)}))
+### Environment
+... .Type
+(All (Environment _0)
+ (.List _0))
+### Handler
+... .Type
+(library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Handler .Lux .Code Analysis)
+### Match
+... .Type
+(Match' Analysis)
+### Match'
+... .Type
+(All (Match' _0)
+ [(Branch' _0) (.List (Branch' _0))])
+### Operation
+... .Type
+(library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Operation .Lux .Code Analysis)
+### Pattern
+... .Type
+(Rec Pattern
+ (Variant
+ {#Simple Primitive}
+ {#Complex (Composite Pattern)}
+ {#Bind library/lux/tool/compiler/reference/variable.Register}))
+### Phase
+... .Type
+(library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Phase .Lux .Code Analysis)
+### Primitive
+... .Type
+ {#Unit .Any}
+ {#Bit .Bit}
+ {#Nat .Nat}
+ {#Int .Int}
+ {#Rev .Rev}
+ {#Frac .Frac}
+ {#Text .Text})
+### State
+... .Type
+(library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.State .Lux .Code Analysis)
+### Tag
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+### Tuple
+... .Type
+(All (Tuple _0)
+ (.List _0))
+### Variant
+... .Type
+(All (Variant _0)
+ (Record
+ [#lefts .Nat
+ #right? .Bit
+ #value _0]))
+### application
+(-> Analysis (Application Analysis))
+### apply
+(-> (Application Analysis) Analysis)
+### assertion
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/control/exception.Exception _0) _0 .Bit (Operation .Any)))
+### bit
+### choice
+(-> .Nat .Nat [.Nat .Bit])
+### composite\_equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Composite _0))))
+### composite\_hash
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash (Composite _0))))
+### constant
+### control/case
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Analysis)
+### except
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/control/exception.Exception _0) _0 Operation))
+### except'
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/control/exception.Exception _0) _0 (library/lux/tool/compiler/phase.Operation .Lux)))
+### failure
+(-> .Text Operation)
+### failure'
+(-> .Text (library/lux/tool/compiler/phase.Operation .Lux))
+### frac
+### info
+(-> library/lux/tool/compiler/version.Version .Text .Info)
+### install
+(-> .Lux (Operation .Any))
+### int
+### location
+(-> .Text .Location)
+### nat
+### no\_op
+### pattern/bind
+### pattern/bit
+### pattern/frac
+### pattern/int
+### pattern/nat
+### pattern/rev
+### pattern/text
+### pattern/tuple
+### pattern/unit
+### pattern/variant
+### rev
+### set\_current\_module
+(-> .Text (Operation .Any))
+### set\_location
+(-> .Location (Operation .Any))
+### set\_source\_code
+(-> .Source (Operation .Any))
+### source
+(-> .Text .Text .Source)
+### state
+(-> .Info .Lux)
+### tag
+(-> .Nat .Bit .Nat)
+### text
+### tuple
+### unit
+### variable
+### variable/foreign
+### variable/local
+### variant
+### with\_current\_module
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (Operation _0) (Operation _0)))
+### with\_location
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Location (Operation _0) (Operation _0)))
+### with\_scope
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Operation _0) (Operation [.Scope _0])))
+### with\_source\_code
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Source (Operation _0) (Operation _0)))
+### with\_stack
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/control/exception.Exception _0) _0 (Operation _1) (Operation _1)))
+### without\_scopes
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Operation _0) (Operation _0)))
+# library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/directive
+## Definitions
+### Bundle
+... .Type
+(All (Bundle _0 _1 _2)
+ (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Bundle (State _0 _1 _2) .Code Requirements))
+### Component
+... .Type
+(All (Component _0 _1)
+ (Record
+ [#state _0
+ #phase _1]))
+### Handler
+... .Type
+(All (Handler _0 _1 _2)
+ (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Handler (State _0 _1 _2) .Code Requirements))
+### Import
+... .Type
+ [#module library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/descriptor.Module
+ #alias .Text])
+### Operation
+... .Type
+(All (Operation _0 _1 _2)
+ (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Operation (State _0 _1 _2) .Code Requirements))
+### Phase
+... .Type
+(All (Phase _0 _1 _2)
+ (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Phase (State _0 _1 _2) .Code Requirements))
+### Requirements
+... .Type
+ [#imports (.List Import)
+ #referrals (.List .Code)])
+### State
+... .Type
+(All (State _0 _1 _2)
+ (Record
+ [#analysis (Component library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.State+ library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Phase)
+ #synthesis (Component library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.State+ library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Phase)
+ #generation (Component (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/generation.State+ _0 _1 _2) (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/generation.Phase _0 _1 _2))]))
+### State
+... .Type
+(All (State+ _0 _1 _2)
+ (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.State (State _0 _1 _2) .Code Requirements))
+### analysis
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (Operation _0 _1 _2 library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Phase))
+### generation
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (Operation _0 _1 _2 (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/generation.Phase _0 _1 _2)))
+### lifted\_analysis
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Operation _3) (Operation _0 _1 _2 _3)))
+### lifted\_generation
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/generation.Operation _0 _1 _2 _3) (Operation _0 _1 _2 _3)))
+### lifted\_synthesis
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Operation _3) (Operation _0 _1 _2 _3)))
+### merge\_requirements
+(-> Requirements Requirements Requirements)
+### no\_requirements
+### set\_current\_module
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/descriptor.Module (Operation _0 _1 _2 .Any)))
+### synthesis
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (Operation _0 _1 _2 library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Phase))
+# library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/generation
+## Definitions
+### Buffer
+... .Type
+(All (Buffer _0)
+ (library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence [library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.ID (.Maybe .Text) _0]))
+### Bundle
+... .Type
+(All (Bundle _0 _1 _2)
+ (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Bundle (State _0 _1 _2) library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Synthesis _1))
+### Context
+... .Type
+[library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive.ID library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.ID]
+### Extender
+... .Type
+(All (Extender _0 _1 _2)
+ (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Extender (State _0 _1 _2) library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Synthesis _1))
+### Handler
+... .Type
+(All (Handler _0 _1 _2)
+ (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Handler (State _0 _1 _2) library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Synthesis _1))
+### Host
+... .Type
+(All (Host _0 _1)
+ (Record
+ [evaluate (-> Context _0 (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any))
+ execute (-> _1 (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any))
+ define (-> Context (.Maybe .Text) _0 (library/lux/control/try.Try [.Text .Any _1]))
+ ingest (-> Context library/lux/data/binary.Binary _1)
+ re_learn (-> Context (.Maybe .Text) _1 (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any))
+ re_load (-> Context (.Maybe .Text) _1 (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any))]))
+### Operation
+... .Type
+(All (Operation _0 _1 _2)
+ (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Operation (State _0 _1 _2) library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Synthesis _1))
+### Phase
+... .Type
+(All (Phase _0 _1 _2)
+ (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Phase (State _0 _1 _2) library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Synthesis _1))
+### State
+... .Type
+(All (State _0 _1 _2)
+ (Record
+ [#module library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/descriptor.Module
+ #anchor (.Maybe _0)
+ #host (Host _1 _2)
+ #buffer (.Maybe (Buffer _2))
+ #registry library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.Registry
+ #counter .Nat
+ #context (.Maybe library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.ID)
+ #log (library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence .Text)]))
+### State
+... .Type
+(All (State+ _0 _1 _2)
+ (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.State (State _0 _1 _2) library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Synthesis _1))
+### anchor
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (Operation _0 _1 _2 _0))
+### buffer
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (Operation _0 _1 _2 (Buffer _2)))
+### cannot\_interpret
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Text)
+### cannot\_overwrite\_output
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.ID)
+### context
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive.Archive (Operation _0 _1 _2 Context)))
+### define\!
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> Context (.Maybe .Text) _1 (Operation _0 _1 _2 [.Text .Any _2])))
+### empty\_buffer
+### enter\_module
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/descriptor.Module (Operation _0 _1 _2 .Any)))
+### evaluate\!
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> Context _1 (Operation _0 _1 _2 .Any)))
+### execute\!
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> _2 (Operation _0 _1 _2 .Any)))
+### get\_registry
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (Operation _0 _1 _2 library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.Registry))
+### learn
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> .Text (Operation _0 _1 _2 library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.ID)))
+### learn\_analyser
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> .Text (Operation _0 _1 _2 library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.ID)))
+### learn\_custom
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> .Text (Operation _0 _1 _2 library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.ID)))
+### learn\_directive
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> .Text (Operation _0 _1 _2 library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.ID)))
+### learn\_generator
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> .Text (Operation _0 _1 _2 library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.ID)))
+### learn\_synthesizer
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> .Text (Operation _0 _1 _2 library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.ID)))
+### log\!
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> .Text (Operation _0 _1 _2 .Any)))
+### module
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (Operation _0 _1 _2 library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/descriptor.Module))
+### module\_id
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/descriptor.Module library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive.Archive (Operation _0 _1 _2 library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive.ID)))
+### next
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (Operation _0 _1 _2 .Nat))
+### no\_active\_buffer
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### no\_anchor
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### no\_buffer\_for\_saving\_code
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.ID)
+### no\_context
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### remember
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive.Archive .Symbol (Operation _0 _1 _2 Context)))
+### save\!
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.ID (.Maybe .Text) _2 (Operation _0 _1 _2 .Any)))
+### set\_anchor
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> _0 (Operation _0 _1 _2 .Any)))
+### set\_buffer
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Buffer _2) (Operation _0 _1 _2 .Any)))
+### set\_registry
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.Registry (Operation _0 _1 _2 .Any)))
+### state
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Host _1 _2) library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/descriptor.Module (State _0 _1 _2)))
+### symbol
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> .Text (Operation _0 _1 _2 .Text)))
+### unknown\_definition
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Symbol (.List .Text)])
+### with\_anchor
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> _0 (Operation _0 _1 _2 _3) (Operation _0 _1 _2 _3)))
+### with\_buffer
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> (Operation _0 _1 _2 _3) (Operation _0 _1 _2 _3)))
+### with\_context
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.ID (Operation _0 _1 _2 _3) (Operation _0 _1 _2 _3)))
+### with\_new\_context
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive.Archive (Operation _0 _1 _2 _3) (Operation _0 _1 _2 [Context _3])))
+# library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis
+## Definitions
+### \!bind\_top
+### \!multi\_pop
+### %path
+(library/lux/data/text/format.Format Path)
+### %path'
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/data/text/format.Format _0) (library/lux/data/text/format.Format (Path' _0))))
+### %synthesis
+(library/lux/data/text/format.Format Synthesis)
+### Abstraction
+... .Type
+(Abstraction' Synthesis)
+### Abstraction'
+... .Type
+(All (Abstraction' _0)
+ (Record
+ [#environment (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Environment _0)
+ #arity library/lux/tool/compiler/arity.Arity
+ #body _0]))
+### Access
+... .Type
+ {#Side Side}
+ {#Member Member})
+### Apply
+... .Type
+(Apply' Synthesis)
+### Apply'
+... .Type
+(All (Apply' _0)
+ (Record
+ [#function _0
+ #arguments (.List _0)]))
+### Branch
+... .Type
+(All (Branch _0)
+ (Variant
+ {#Let _0 library/lux/tool/compiler/reference/variable.Register _0}
+ {#If _0 _0 _0}
+ {#Get (.List Member) _0}
+ {#Case _0 (Path' _0)}))
+### Bundle
+... .Type
+(library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Bundle State library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Analysis Synthesis)
+### Control
+... .Type
+(All (Control _0)
+ (Variant
+ {#Branch (Branch _0)}
+ {#Loop (Loop _0)}
+ {#Function (Function _0)}))
+### Fork
+... .Type
+(All (Fork _0 _1)
+ [[_0 _1] (.List [_0 _1])])
+### Function
+... .Type
+(All (Function _0)
+ (Variant
+ {#Abstraction (Abstraction' _0)}
+ {#Apply _0 (.List _0)}))
+### Handler
+... .Type
+(library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Handler State library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Analysis Synthesis)
+### Loop
+... .Type
+(All (Loop _0)
+ (Variant
+ {#Scope (Scope _0)}
+ {#Again (.List _0)}))
+### Member
+... .Type
+(.Either .Nat .Nat)
+### Operation
+... .Type
+(library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Operation State library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Analysis Synthesis)
+### Path
+... .Type
+(Path' Synthesis)
+### Path'
+... .Type
+(All (Path' _0)
+ (Variant
+ {#Pop .Any}
+ {#Access Access}
+ {#Bind library/lux/tool/compiler/reference/variable.Register}
+ {#Bit_Fork .Bit (Path' _0) (.Maybe (Path' _0))}
+ {#I64_Fork (Fork (.I64 .Any) (Path' _0))}
+ {#F64_Fork (Fork .Frac (Path' _0))}
+ {#Text_Fork (Fork .Text (Path' _0))}
+ {#Alt (Path' _0) (Path' _0)}
+ {#Seq (Path' _0) (Path' _0)}
+ {#Then _0}))
+### Phase
+... .Type
+(library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Phase State library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Analysis Synthesis)
+### Primitive
+... .Type
+ {#Bit .Bit}
+ {#I64 (.I64 .Any)}
+ {#F64 .Frac}
+ {#Text .Text})
+### Resolver
+... .Type
+(library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary library/lux/tool/compiler/reference/variable.Variable library/lux/tool/compiler/reference/variable.Variable)
+### Scope
+... .Type
+(All (Scope _0)
+ (Record
+ [#start library/lux/tool/compiler/reference/variable.Register
+ #inits (.List _0)
+ #iteration _0]))
+### Side
+... .Type
+(.Either .Nat .Nat)
+### State
+... .Type
+ [#locals .Nat
+ #currying? .Bit])
+### State
+... .Type
+(library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.State State library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Analysis Synthesis)
+### Synthesis
+... .Type
+(Rec Synthesis
+ (Variant
+ {#Primitive Primitive}
+ {#Structure (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Composite Synthesis)}
+ {#Reference library/lux/tool/compiler/reference.Reference}
+ {#Control (Control Synthesis)}
+ {#Extension (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Extension Synthesis)}))
+### access\_equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Access)
+### bit
+### branch/case
+### branch/get
+### branch/if
+### branch/let
+### constant
+### currying?
+(Operation .Bit)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Synthesis)
+### f64
+### fresh\_resolver
+### function/abstraction
+### function/apply
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash Synthesis)
+### i64
+### init
+### locals
+(Operation .Nat)
+### loop/again
+### loop/scope
+### member/left
+### member/right
+### path'\_equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Path' _0))))
+### path/alt
+### path/bind
+### path/member
+### path/pop
+### path/seq
+### path/side
+### path/then
+### path\_equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Path)
+### primitive\_equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Primitive)
+### side/left
+### side/right
+### simple\_left\_side
+### simple\_right\_side
+### text
+### tuple
+### unit
+### variable
+### variable/foreign
+### variable/local
+### variant
+### with\_currying?
+(-> .Bit (All (_ _0) (-> (Operation _0) (Operation _0))))
+### with\_locals
+(-> .Nat (All (_ _0) (-> (Operation _0) (Operation _0))))
+### with\_new\_local
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Operation _0) (Operation _0)))
+# library/lux/tool/compiler/phase
+## Definitions
+### Operation
+... .Type
+(All (Operation _0 _1)
+ (library/lux/control/state.+State library/lux/control/try.Try _0 _1))
+### Phase
+... .Type
+(All (Phase _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive.Archive _1 (Operation _0 _2)))
+### Wrapper
+... .Type
+(All (Wrapper _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Phase _0 _1 _2) .Any))
+### assertion
+### composite
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3 _4)
+ (-> (Phase _0 _2 _3) (Phase _1 _3 _4) (Phase [_0 _1] _2 _4)))
+### except
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/control/exception.Exception _0) _0 Operation))
+### failure
+(-> .Text Operation)
+### get\_state
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (Operation _0 _0))
+### identity
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (Phase _0 _1 _1))
+### lifted
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/control/try.Try _1) (Operation _0 _1)))
+### monad
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (Operation _0)))
+### result
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 (Operation _0 _1) (library/lux/control/try.Try _1)))
+### result'
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 (Operation _0 _1) (library/lux/control/try.Try [_0 _1])))
+### set\_state
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 (Operation _0 .Any)))
+### sub
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> [(-> _0 _1) (-> _1 _0 _0)] (Operation _1 _2) (Operation _0 _2)))
+### timed
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> .Symbol .Text (Operation _0 _1) (Operation _0 _1)))
+# library/lux/type
+Basic functionality for working with types\.
+## Definitions
+### :as
+Casts a value to a specific type\.
+The specified type can depend on type variables of the original type of the value\.
+NOTE: Careless use of type\-casts is an easy way to introduce bugs\. USE WITH CAUTION\.
+(: (Bar Bit Nat Text)
+ (:as [a b c]
+ (Foo a [b c])
+ (Bar a b c)
+ (: (Foo Bit [Nat Text])
+ (foo expression))))
+### :by\_example
+Constructs a type that shares type\-variables with an expression of some other type\.
+(: Type
+ (:by_example [a b c]
+ (Foo a [b c])
+ (: (Foo Bit [Nat Text])
+ (foo expression))
+ (Bar a b c)))
+... =>
+(.type (Bar Bit Nat Text))
+### :log\!
+Logs to the console/terminal the type of an expression\.
+(:log! (: Foo (foo expression)))
+... =>
+... Expression: (foo expression)
+... Type: Foo
+(foo expression)
+### :sharing
+Allows specifing the type of an expression as sharing type\-variables with the type of another expression\.
+(: (Bar Bit Nat Text)
+ (:sharing [a b c]
+ (Foo a [b c])
+ (: (Foo Bit [Nat Text])
+ (foo expression))
+ (Bar a b c)
+ (bar expression)))
+### anonymous
+(-> .Type .Type)
+A type without any names covering it\.
+(anonymous type)
+### application
+(-> (.List .Type) .Type .Type)
+An un\-evaluated type application, with the given quantified type, and parameters\.
+(application params quant)
+### applied
+(-> (.List .Type) .Type (.Maybe .Type))
+To the extend possible, applies a quantified type to the given parameters\.
+(applied params func)
+### array
+(-> .Nat .Type .Type)
+An array type, with the given level of nesting/depth, and the given element type\.
+(array depth element_type)
+### array?
+(-> .Type .Bit)
+Is a type an array type?
+### code
+(-> .Type .Code)
+A representation of a type as code\.
+The code is such that evaluating it would yield the type value\.
+(code type)
+### de\_aliased
+(-> .Type .Type)
+A \(potentially named\) type that does not have its name shadowed by other names\.
+(de_aliased type)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence .Type)
+### ex\_q
+(-> .Nat .Type .Type)
+A quantified type, with the given number of parameters, and body\.
+### flat\_application
+(-> .Type [.Type (.List .Type)])
+The quantified type, and its parameters, for a type\-application\.
+(flat_application type)
+### flat\_array
+(-> .Type [.Nat .Type])
+The level of nesting/depth and element type for an array type\.
+(flat_array type)
+### flat\_ex\_q
+(-> .Type [.Nat .Type])
+The number of parameters, and the body, of a quantified type\.
+### flat\_function
+(-> .Type [(.List .Type) .Type])
+The input, and the output of a function type\.
+(flat_function type)
+### flat\_tuple
+(-> .Type (.List .Type))
+The members of a composite type\.
+### flat\_univ\_q
+(-> .Type [.Nat .Type])
+The number of parameters, and the body, of a quantified type\.
+### flat\_variant
+(-> .Type (.List .Type))
+The members of a composite type\.
+### format
+(-> .Type .Text)
+A \(readable\) textual representable of a type\.
+(format type)
+### function
+(-> (.List .Type) .Type .Type)
+A function type, with the given inputs and output\.
+(function inputs output)
+### quantified?
+(-> .Type .Bit)
+Only yields \#1 for universally or existentially quantified types\.
+(quantified? type)
+### tuple
+(-> (.List .Type) .Type)
+A composite type, constituted by the given member types\.
+### univ\_q
+(-> .Nat .Type .Type)
+A quantified type, with the given number of parameters, and body\.
+### variant
+(-> (.List .Type) .Type)
+A composite type, constituted by the given member types\.
+# library/lux/type/abstract
+## Definitions
+### :abstraction
+Type\-casting macro for abstract/nominal types\.
+(|> value
+ (: Representation)
+ :abstraction
+ (: Abstraction)
+ :representation
+ (: Representation))
+### :representation
+Type\-casting macro for abstract/nominal types\.
+(|> value
+ (: Representation)
+ :abstraction
+ (: Abstraction)
+ :representation
+ (: Representation))
+### :transmutation
+Transmutes an abstract/nominal type's phantom types\.
+(abstract: (JavaScript a)
+ Text
+ (abstract: Expression Any)
+ (abstract: Statement Any)
+ (def: (statement expression)
+ (-> (JavaScript Expression) (JavaScript Statement))
+ (:transmutation expression))
+ (def: (statement' expression)
+ (-> (JavaScript Expression) (JavaScript Statement))
+ (:transmutation JavaScript expression)))
+### Frame
+... .Type
+ [#name .Text
+ #type_vars (.List .Code)
+ #abstraction .Code
+ #representation .Code])
+Meta\-data about an abstract/nominal type in a stack of them\.
+### ^:representation
+Pattern\-matching macro to easily extract a representation\.
+(def: (computation abstraction)
+ (All (_ a) (-> (Abstract a) ???))
+ (let [(^:representation value) abstraction]
+ (foo (bar (baz value)))))
+### abstract:
+Define abstract/nominal types which hide their representation details\.
+You can convert between the abstraction and its representation selectively to access the value, while hiding it from others\.
+(abstract: String
+ Text
+ (def: (string value)
+ (-> Text String)
+ (:abstraction value))
+ (def: (text value)
+ (-> String Text)
+ (:representation value)))
+... Type-parameters are optional.
+(abstract: (Duplicate a)
+ [a a]
+ (def: (duplicate value)
+ (All (_ a) (-> a (Duplicate a)))
+ (:abstraction [value value])))
+... Definitions can be nested.
+(abstract: (Single a)
+ a
+ (def: (single value)
+ (All (_ a) (-> a (Single a)))
+ (:abstraction value))
+ (abstract: (Double a)
+ [a a]
+ (def: (double value)
+ (All (_ a) (-> a (Double a)))
+ (:abstraction [value value]))
+ (def: (single' value)
+ (All (_ a) (-> a (Single a)))
+ (:abstraction Single [value value]))
+ (let [value 123]
+ (same? value
+ (|> value
+ single'
+ (:representation Single)
+ double
+ :representation)))))
+... Type-parameters do not necessarily have to be used in the representation type.
+... If they are not used, they become phantom types and can be used to customize types without changing the representation.
+(abstract: (JavaScript a)
+ Text
+ (abstract: Expression Any)
+ (abstract: Statement Any)
+ (def: (+ x y)
+ (-> (JavaScript Expression) (JavaScript Expression) (JavaScript Expression))
+ (:abstraction
+ (format "(" (:representation x) "+" (:representation y) ")")))
+ (def: (while test body)
+ (-> (JavaScript Expression) (JavaScript Statement) (JavaScript Statement))
+ (:abstraction
+ (format "while(" (:representation test) ") {"
+ (:representation body)
+ "}"))))
+### current
+(.Meta Frame)
+The currently\-being\-defined abstract/nominal type\.
+### no\_active\_frames
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### specific
+(-> .Text (.Meta Frame))
+A specific abstract/nominal type still being defined somewhere in the scope\.
+(specific name)
+# library/lux/type/check
+Type\-checking functionality\.
+## Definitions
+### \(Check it\)
+... .Type
+(-> .Type_Context (library/lux/control/try.Try [.Type_Context it]))
+A type\-checking computation which may fail or yield a value\.
+### Var
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+The ID for a type\-variable in a type\-checking context\.
+### apply
+(library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply Check)
+### assertion
+(-> .Text .Bit (Check .Any))
+(assertion message test)
+### bind
+(-> .Type Var (Check .Any))
+Attemmpts to buy a type\-variable\.
+Fails if the variable has been bound already\.
+(bind type id)
+### bound?
+(-> Var (Check .Bit))
+### cannot\_rebind\_var
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Nat .Type .Type])
+### check
+(-> .Type .Type (Check .Any))
+Type\-check to ensure that the 'expected' type subsumes the 'actual' type\.
+(check expected actual)
+### clean
+(-> .Type (Check .Type))
+Resolves every bound type\-variable to yield a new type that is as resolved as possible\.
+(clean inputT)
+### context
+(Check .Type_Context)
+The current state of the type\-checking context\.
+### except
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/control/exception.Exception _0) _0 (Check _1)))
+(except exception message)
+### existential
+(Check [.Nat .Type])
+A brand\-new existential type\.
+### failure
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (Check _0)))
+(failure message)
+### fresh\_context
+An empty/un\-used type\-checking context\.
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Check)
+### invalid\_type\_application
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Type .Type])
+### monad
+(library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad Check)
+### peek
+(-> Var (Check (.Maybe .Type)))
+### read
+(-> Var (Check .Type))
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Type_Context (Check _0) (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)))
+(result context proc)
+### subsumes?
+(-> .Type .Type .Bit)
+A simple type\-checking function that just returns a yes/no answer\.
+(subsumes? expected actual)
+### type\_check\_failed
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Type .Type])
+### unbound\_type\_var
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### unknown\_type\_var
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### var
+(Check [Var .Type])
+A brand\-new \(unbound\) type\-variable\.
+# library/lux/type/dynamic
+## Definitions
+### :dynamic
+(: Dynamic
+ (:dynamic 123))
+### :static
+(: (try.Try Nat)
+ (:static Nat (:dynamic 123)))
+### Dynamic
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/type/dynamic.Dynamic")
+A value coupled with its type, so it can be checked later\.
+### format
+(-> Dynamic (library/lux/control/try.Try .Text))
+### wrong\_type
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Type .Type])
+# library/lux/type/implicit
+## Definitions
+### \#\#
+Automatic implementation selection \(for type\-class style polymorphism\)\.
+This feature layers type\-class style polymorphism on top of Lux's signatures and implementations\.
+When calling a polymorphic function, or using a polymorphic constant,
+this macro will check the types of the arguments, and the expected type for the whole expression
+and it will search in the local scope, the module's scope and the imports' scope
+in order to find suitable implementations to satisfy those requirements\.
+If a single alternative is found, that one will be used automatically\.
+If no alternative is found, or if more than one alternative is found \(ambiguity\)
+a compile\-time error will be raised, to alert the user\.
+Caveat emptor: You need to make sure to import the module of any implementation you want to use\.
+Otherwise, this macro will not find it\.
+... Nat equivalence
+(# number.equivalence = x y)
+(## = x y)
+... Can optionally add the prefix of the module where the signature was defined.
+(## equivalence.= x y)
+... (List Nat) equivalence
+(## =
+ (list.indices 10)
+ (list.indices 10))
+... (Functor List) each
+(## each ++ (list.indices 10))
+### implicit:
+Establish local definitions for implementations that will be prioritized over foreign definitions\.
+(implicit: [n.multiplication])
+(n.= (# n.multiplication composite left right)
+ (## composite left right))
+### with
+Establish lexical bindings for implementations that will be prioritized over non\-lexically\-bound implementations\.
+(with [n.addition]
+ (n.= (# n.addition composite left right)
+ (## composite left right)))
+## Missing documentation
+1. `` compatible_type? ``
+# library/lux/type/poly
+## Definitions
+### code
+(-> library/lux/control/parser/type.Env .Type .Code)
+(code env type)
+### poly:
+# library/lux/type/quotient
+## Definitions
+### \(Class value label\)
+... .Type
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/type/quotient.Class" value label _0))
+The class knows how to classify/label values that are meant to be equivalent to one another\.
+### \(Quotient value label\)
+... .Type
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/type/quotient.Quotient" value label _0))
+A quotient value has been labeled with a class\.
+All equivalent values will belong to the same class\.
+This means all equivalent values possess the same label\.
+### class
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (Ex (_ _2)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1) (Class _0 _1 _2))))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _1) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Quotient _0 _1 _2))))
+### label
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Quotient _0 _1 _2) _1))
+### quotient
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Class _0 _1 _2) _0 (Quotient _0 _1 _2)))
+(quotient class value)
+### type
+The Quotient type associated with a Class type\.
+(def: even
+ (class even?))
+(def: Even
+ Type
+ (type even))
+(: Even
+ (quotient even 123))
+### value
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Quotient _0 _1 _2) _0))
+# library/lux/type/refinement
+## Definitions
+### \(Refined it\)
+... .Type
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/type/refinement.Refined" it _0))
+A refined version of another type, using a predicate to select valid instances\.
+### \(Refiner it\)
+... .Type
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> it (.Maybe (Refined it _0))))
+A selection mechanism for refined instances of a type\.
+### lifted
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 _0) (Refined _0 _1) (.Maybe (Refined _0 _1))))
+Yields a function that can work on refined values\.
+Respects the constraints of the refinement\.
+(lifted transform)
+### only
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Refiner _0 _1) (.List _0) (.List (Refined _0 _1))))
+(only refiner values)
+### partition
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Refiner _0 _1) (.List _0) [(.List (Refined _0 _1)) (.List _0)]))
+Separates refined values from the un\-refined ones\.
+(partition refiner values)
+### predicate
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Refined _0 _1) (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0)))
+### refiner
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Ex (_ _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (Refiner _0 _1))))
+(refiner predicate)
+### type
+The Refined type associated with a Refiner type\.
+(def: even
+ (refiner even?))
+(def: Even
+ Type
+ (type even))
+(: (Maybe Even)
+ (even 123))
+### value
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Refined _0 _1) _0))
+# library/lux/type/resource
+## Definitions
+### \(Affine monad permissions value\)
+... .Type
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Procedure monad _0 [permissions _0] value))
+A procedure which expands the number of available resources\.
+### Commutative
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/type/resource.Commutative")
+The mode of keys which CAN be swapped, and for whom order of release/consumption DOES NOT matters\.
+### \(Key mode key\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/type/resource.Key" mode key)
+The access right for a resource\.
+Without the key for a resource existing somewhere among the available ambient rights, one cannot use a resource\.
+### \(Linear monad value\)
+... .Type
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Procedure monad _0 _0 value))
+A procedure that is constant with regards to resource access rights\.
+This means no additional resources will be available after the computation is over\.
+This also means no previously available resources will have been consumed\.
+### Ordered
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/type/resource.Ordered")
+The mode of keys which CANNOT be swapped, and for whom order of release/consumption matters\.
+### \(Procedure monad input output value\)
+... .Type
+(-> input (monad [output value]))
+A computation that takes a sequence of resource access rights as inputs and yields a different sequence as outputs\.
+A procedure yields a result value\.
+A procedure can make use of monadic effects\.
+### \(Relevant monad permissions value\)
+... .Type
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Procedure monad [permissions _0] _0 value))
+A procedure which reduces the number of available resources\.
+### \(Res key value\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/type/resource.Res" key value)
+A resource locked by a key\.
+The 'key' represents the right to access/consume a resource\.
+### amount\_cannot\_be\_zero
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### commutative
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (Ex (_ _2)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) _1 (Affine _0 (Key Commutative _2) (Res _2 _1)))))
+Makes a value into a resource and adds the key/access\-right to it to the ambient keyring for future use\.
+### exchange
+A function that can exchange the keys for resource, so long as they are commutative\.
+This keys will be placed at the front of the keyring in the order they are specified\.
+The specific keys must be specified based of their index into the current keyring\.
+(do (monad !)
+ [res|left (commutative ! pre)
+ res|right (commutative ! post)
+ _ ((exchange [1 0]) !)
+ left (read ! res|left)
+ right (read ! res|right)]
+ (in (format left right)))
+### group
+Group/un\-group keys in the keyring into/out\-of tuples\.
+(do (monad !)
+ [res|left (commutative ! pre)
+ res|right (commutative ! post)
+ _ ((group 2) !)
+ _ ((un_group 2) !)
+ right (read ! res|right)
+ left (read ! res|left)]
+ (in (format left right)))
+### index\_cannot\_be\_repeated
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### lifted
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (_0 _1) (Linear _0 _1)))
+(lifted monad procedure)
+### monad
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (library/lux/abstract/monad/indexed.IxMonad (Procedure _0))))
+### ordered
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (Ex (_ _2)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) _1 (Affine _0 (Key Ordered _2) (Res _2 _1)))))
+Makes a value into a resource and adds the key/access\-right to it to the ambient keyring for future use\.
+### read
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (Res _2 _1) (Relevant _0 (Key _3 _2) _1)))
+Access the value of a resource, so long as its key is available\.
+(read monad resource)
+### run\!
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (Linear _0 _1) (_0 _1)))
+(run! monad procedure)
+### un\_group
+Group/un\-group keys in the keyring into/out\-of tuples\.
+(do (monad !)
+ [res|left (commutative ! pre)
+ res|right (commutative ! post)
+ _ ((group 2) !)
+ _ ((un_group 2) !)
+ right (read ! res|right)
+ left (read ! res|left)]
+ (in (format left right)))
+# library/lux/type/unit
+## Definitions
+### \*
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Qty _0) (Qty _1) (Qty [_0 _1])))
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Qty _0) (Qty _0) (Qty _0)))
+### \-
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Qty _0) (Qty _0) (Qty _0)))
+### /
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Qty _0) (Qty [_0 _1]) (Qty _1)))
+### Giga
+... .Type
+(All (Giga _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/type/unit.Giga" _0))
+### Gram
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/type/unit.Gram")
+### Kilo
+... .Type
+(All (Kilo _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/type/unit.Kilo" _0))
+### Litre
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/type/unit.Litre")
+### Mega
+... .Type
+(All (Mega _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/type/unit.Mega" _0))
+### Meter
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/type/unit.Meter")
+### Micro
+... .Type
+(All (Micro _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/type/unit.Micro" _0))
+### Milli
+... .Type
+(All (Milli _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/type/unit.Milli" _0))
+### Nano
+... .Type
+(All (Nano _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/type/unit.Nano" _0))
+### Pure
+... .Type
+(Qty .Any)
+A pure, unit\-less quantity\.
+### \(Qty unit\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/type/unit.Qty" unit)
+A quantity with an associated unit of measurement\.
+### \(Scale scale\)
+... .Type
+ [scale (All (_ _0) (-> (Qty _0) (Qty (scale _0))))
+ de_scale (All (_ _0) (-> (Qty (scale _0)) (Qty _0)))
+ ratio library/lux/math/number/ratio.Ratio])
+A scale of magnitude\.
+### Second
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/type/unit.Second")
+### \(Unit unit\)
+... .Type
+ [in (-> .Int (Qty unit))
+ out (-> (Qty unit) .Int)])
+A unit of measurement, to qualify numbers with\.
+### enum
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/enum.Enum (Qty _0)))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Qty _0)))
+### giga
+(Scale Giga)
+The 'giga' scale, from 1 to 1000000000\.
+### gram
+(Unit Gram)
+The 'gram' unit of meaurement\.
+### kilo
+(Scale Kilo)
+The 'kilo' scale, from 1 to 1000\.
+### litre
+(Unit Litre)
+The 'litre' unit of meaurement\.
+### mega
+(Scale Mega)
+The 'mega' scale, from 1 to 1000000\.
+### meter
+(Unit Meter)
+The 'meter' unit of meaurement\.
+### micro
+(Scale Micro)
+The 'micro' scale, from 1000000 to 1\.
+### milli
+(Scale Milli)
+The 'milli' scale, from 1000 to 1\.
+### nano
+(Scale Nano)
+The 'nano' scale, from 1000000000 to 1\.
+### number
+(-> Pure .Int)
+### order
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/order.Order (Qty _0)))
+### pure
+(-> .Int Pure)
+### re\_scaled
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Scale _0) (Scale _1) (Qty (_0 _2)) (Qty (_1 _2))))
+(re_scaled from to quantity)
+### scale:
+Define a scale of magnitude\.
+(scale: .public Bajillion bajillion
+ [1 1234567890])
+### second
+(Unit Second)
+The 'second' unit of meaurement\.
+### unit:
+Define a unit of measurement\.
+Both the name of the type, and the name of the Unit implementation must be specified\.
+(unit: .public Feet feet)
+# library/lux/type/variance
+## Definitions
+### \(Co it\)
+... .Type
+(-> .Any it)
+A constraint for covariant types\.
+### \(Contra it\)
+... .Type
+(-> it .Any)
+A constraint for contravariant types\.
+### \(In it\)
+... .Type
+(-> it it)
+A constraint for invariant types\.
+# library/lux/world/console
+## Definitions
+### \(Console \!\)
+... .Type
+ [read (-> .Any (! (library/lux/control/try.Try library/lux/data/text.Char)))
+ read_line (-> .Any (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Text)))
+ write (-> .Text (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any)))
+ close (-> .Any (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any)))])
+An interface to console/terminal I/O\.
+### \(Mock s\)
+... .Type
+ [on_read (-> s (library/lux/control/try.Try [s library/lux/data/text.Char]))
+ on_read_line (-> s (library/lux/control/try.Try [s .Text]))
+ on_write (-> .Text s (library/lux/control/try.Try s))
+ on_close (-> s (library/lux/control/try.Try s))])
+A mock/simulation of a console\.
+Useful for testing\.
+### async
+(-> (Console library/lux/control/io.IO) (Console library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async))
+### mock
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Mock _0) _0 (Console library/lux/control/io.IO)))
+(mock mock init)
+### write\_line
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (Console _0) (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any))))
+Writes the message on the console and appends a new\-line/line\-feed at the end\.
+(write_line message console)
+# library/lux/world/file
+## Definitions
+### Path
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Text")
+A path to a file or a directory in a file\-system\.
+### \(System \!\)
+... .Type
+ [separator .Text
+ file? (-> Path (! .Bit))
+ directory? (-> Path (! .Bit))
+ make_directory (-> Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any)))
+ directory_files (-> Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try (.List Path))))
+ sub_directories (-> Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try (.List Path))))
+ file_size (-> Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Nat)))
+ last_modified (-> Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try library/lux/time/instant.Instant)))
+ can_execute? (-> Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Bit)))
+ read (-> Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try library/lux/data/binary.Binary)))
+ delete (-> Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any)))
+ modify (-> library/lux/time/instant.Instant Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any)))
+ write (-> library/lux/data/binary.Binary Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any)))
+ append (-> library/lux/data/binary.Binary Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any)))
+ move (-> Path Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any)))])
+An interface to a file\-system\.
+### async
+(-> (System library/lux/control/io.IO) (System library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async))
+### cannot\_delete
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception Path)
+### cannot\_find\_directory
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception Path)
+### cannot\_find\_file
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception Path)
+### cannot\_make\_directory
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception Path)
+### cannot\_make\_file
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception Path)
+### cannot\_read\_all\_data
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception Path)
+### default
+(System library/lux/control/io.IO)
+### exists?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (System _0) Path (_0 .Bit)))
+Checks if either a file or a directory exists at the given path\.
+(exists? monad fs path)
+### make\_directories
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (System _0) Path (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any))))
+Creates the directory specified by the given path\.
+Also, creates every super\-directory necessary to make the given path valid\.
+(make_directories monad fs path)
+### make\_file
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (System _0) library/lux/data/binary.Binary Path (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any))))
+Creates a new file with the given content if\-and\-only\-if the file does not already exist\.
+(make_file monad fs content path)
+### mock
+(-> .Text (System library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async))
+A purely in\-memory simulation of a file\-system\.
+Useful for testing\.
+(mock separator)
+### name
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (System _0) Path .Text))
+The un\-nested name of a file/directory\.
+(name fs path)
+### parent
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (System _0) Path (.Maybe Path)))
+If a path represents a nested file/directory, extracts its parent directory\.
+(parent fs path)
+### rooted
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (System _0) Path .Text Path))
+A nested path for a file/directory, given a root/parent path and a file/directory name within it\.
+(rooted fs parent child)
+# library/lux/world/file/watch
+## Definitions
+### Concern
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/world/file/watch.Concern")
+A particular concern to watch\-out for\.
+### \(Watcher \!\)
+... .Type
+ [start (-> Concern library/lux/world/file.Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any)))
+ concern (-> library/lux/world/file.Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try Concern)))
+ stop (-> library/lux/world/file.Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try Concern)))
+ poll (-> .Any (! (library/lux/control/try.Try (.List [Concern library/lux/world/file.Path]))))])
+Machinery for watching a file\-system for changes to files and directories\.
+### all
+### also
+(-> Concern Concern Concern)
+(also left right)
+### cannot\_poll\_a\_non\_existent\_directory
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception library/lux/world/file.Path)
+### creation
+### creation?
+(library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate Concern)
+### deletion
+### deletion?
+(library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate Concern)
+### mock
+(-> .Text [(library/lux/world/file.System library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async) (Watcher library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async)])
+A fake/emulated watcher\.
+Must be given a path separator for the file\-system\.
+(mock separator)
+### modification
+### modification?
+(library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate Concern)
+### not\_being\_watched
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception library/lux/world/file.Path)
+### polling
+(-> (library/lux/world/file.System library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async) (Watcher library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async))
+A simple watcher that works for any file\-system\.Polls files and directories to detect changes\.
+(polling fs)
+# library/lux/world/input/keyboard
+## Definitions
+### Key
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+A key from a keyboard, identify by a numeric ID\.
+### Press
+... .Type
+ [#pressed? .Bit
+ #input Key])
+A key\-press for a key\.
+### a
+### alt
+### b
+### back\_space
+### c
+### caps\_lock
+### control
+### d
+### delete
+### down
+### e
+### end
+### enter
+### escape
+### f
+### f1
+### f10
+### f11
+### f12
+### f13
+### f14
+### f15
+### f16
+### f17
+### f18
+### f19
+### f2
+### f20
+### f21
+### f22
+### f23
+### f24
+### f3
+### f4
+### f5
+### f6
+### f7
+### f8
+### f9
+### g
+### h
+### home
+### i
+### insert
+### j
+### k
+### l
+### left
+### m
+### n
+### num\_lock
+### num\_pad\_0
+### num\_pad\_1
+### num\_pad\_2
+### num\_pad\_3
+### num\_pad\_4
+### num\_pad\_5
+### num\_pad\_6
+### num\_pad\_7
+### num\_pad\_8
+### num\_pad\_9
+### o
+### p
+### page\_down
+### page\_up
+### press
+(-> Key Press)
+### print\_screen
+### q
+### r
+### release
+(-> Key Press)
+### right
+### s
+### scroll\_lock
+### shift
+### space
+### t
+### u
+### up
+### v
+### w
+### windows
+### x
+### y
+### z
+# library/lux/world/net
+## Definitions
+### Address
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Text")
+A TCP/IP address\.
+### Location
+... .Type
+ [#address Address
+ #port Port])
+### Port
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+A TCP/IP port\.
+### URL
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Text")
+A Uniform Resource Locator\.
+# library/lux/world/net/http/client
+## Definitions
+### \(Client \!\)
+... .Type
+ [#request (-> library/lux/world/net/http.Method library/lux/world/net.URL library/lux/world/net/http.Headers (.Maybe library/lux/data/binary.Binary) (! (library/lux/control/try.Try (library/lux/world/net/http.Response !))))])
+A HTTP client capable of issuing requests to a HTTP server\.
+### async
+(-> (Client library/lux/control/io.IO) (Client library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async))
+### connect
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> library/lux/world/net.URL library/lux/world/net/http.Headers (.Maybe library/lux/data/binary.Binary) (Client _0) (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try (library/lux/world/net/http.Response _0)))))
+A CONNECT request\.
+### delete
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> library/lux/world/net.URL library/lux/world/net/http.Headers (.Maybe library/lux/data/binary.Binary) (Client _0) (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try (library/lux/world/net/http.Response _0)))))
+A DELETE request\.
+### get
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> library/lux/world/net.URL library/lux/world/net/http.Headers (.Maybe library/lux/data/binary.Binary) (Client _0) (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try (library/lux/world/net/http.Response _0)))))
+A GET request\.
+### head
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> library/lux/world/net.URL library/lux/world/net/http.Headers (.Maybe library/lux/data/binary.Binary) (Client _0) (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try (library/lux/world/net/http.Response _0)))))
+A HEAD request\.
+### headers
+(-> (.List [.Text .Text]) library/lux/world/net/http.Headers)
+### options
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> library/lux/world/net.URL library/lux/world/net/http.Headers (.Maybe library/lux/data/binary.Binary) (Client _0) (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try (library/lux/world/net/http.Response _0)))))
+A OPTIONS request\.
+### patch
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> library/lux/world/net.URL library/lux/world/net/http.Headers (.Maybe library/lux/data/binary.Binary) (Client _0) (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try (library/lux/world/net/http.Response _0)))))
+A PATCH request\.
+### post
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> library/lux/world/net.URL library/lux/world/net/http.Headers (.Maybe library/lux/data/binary.Binary) (Client _0) (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try (library/lux/world/net/http.Response _0)))))
+A POST request\.
+### put
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> library/lux/world/net.URL library/lux/world/net/http.Headers (.Maybe library/lux/data/binary.Binary) (Client _0) (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try (library/lux/world/net/http.Response _0)))))
+A PUT request\.
+### trace
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> library/lux/world/net.URL library/lux/world/net/http.Headers (.Maybe library/lux/data/binary.Binary) (Client _0) (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try (library/lux/world/net/http.Response _0)))))
+A TRACE request\.
+# library/lux/world/net/http/status
+## Definitions
+### accepted
+### already\_reported
+### bad\_gateway
+### bad\_request
+### conflict
+### continue
+### created
+### early\_hints
+### expectation\_failed
+### failed\_dependency
+### forbidden
+### found
+302: FOUND
+### gateway\_timeout
+### gone
+410: GONE
+### http\_version\_not\_supported
+### im\_a\_teapot
+### im\_used
+226: IM USED
+### insufficient\_storage
+### internal\_server\_error
+### length\_required
+### locked
+423: LOCKED
+### loop\_detected
+### method\_not\_allowed
+### misdirected\_request
+### moved\_permanently
+### multi\_status
+### multiple\_choices
+### network\_authentication\_required
+### no\_content
+### non\_authoritative\_information
+### not\_acceptable
+### not\_extended
+### not\_found
+### not\_implemented
+### not\_modified
+### ok
+200: OK
+### partial\_content
+### payload\_too\_large
+### payment\_required
+### permanent\_redirect
+### precondition\_failed
+### precondition\_required
+### processing
+### proxy\_authentication\_required
+### range\_not\_satisfiable
+### request\_header\_fields\_too\_large
+### request\_timeout
+### reset\_content
+### see\_other
+### service\_unavailable
+### switch\_proxy
+### switching\_protocols
+### temporary\_redirect
+### too\_many\_requests
+### unauthorized
+### unavailable\_for\_legal\_reasons
+### unprocessable\_entity
+### unsupported\_media\_type
+### upgrade\_required
+### uri\_too\_long
+### use\_proxy
+### variant\_also\_negotiates
+# library/lux/world/net/uri
+## Definitions
+### URI
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Text")
+A Uniform Resource Identifier\.
+### separator
+A separator for the pieces of a URI\.
+# library/lux/world/output/video/resolution
+## Definitions
+### Resolution
+... .Type
+ [#width .Nat
+ #height .Nat])
+A screen resolution\.
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Resolution)
+### fhd
+FHD resolution: 1920x1080\.
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash Resolution)
+### hd
+HD resolution: 1600x900\.
+### svga
+SVGA resolution: 800x600\.
+### sxga
+SXGA resolution: 1280x1024\.
+### uhd\_4k
+UHD 4K resolution: 3840x2160\.
+### wqhd
+WQHD resolution: 2560x1440\.
+### wsvga
+WSVGA resolution: 1024x600\.
+### wsxga
+WSXGA resolution: 1680x1050\.
+### wuxga
+WUXGA resolution: 1920x1200\.
+### wxga
+WXGA resolution: 1440x900\.
+### wxga/16:10
+WXGA 16:10 resolution: 1280x800\.
+### wxga/16:9
+WXGA 16:9 resolution: 1280x720\.
+### wxga/5:3
+WXGA 5:3 resolution: 1280x768\.
+### xga
+XGA resolution: 1024x768\.
+### xga
+XGA resolution: 1152x864\.
+# library/lux/world/program
+## Definitions
+### \(Program \!\)
+... .Type
+ [available_variables (-> .Any (! (.List .Text)))
+ variable (-> .Text (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Text)))
+ home library/lux/world/file.Path
+ directory library/lux/world/file.Path
+ exit (-> library/lux/world/shell.Exit (! .Nothing))])
+Access to ambient program data and the capacity to exit the program\.
+### async
+(-> (Program library/lux/control/io.IO) (Program library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async))
+### default
+(Program library/lux/control/io.IO)
+### environment
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (Program _0) (_0 library/lux/control/parser/environment.Environment)))
+Assembles the environment variables available to the program\.
+(environment monad program)
+### mock
+(-> library/lux/control/parser/environment.Environment library/lux/world/file.Path library/lux/world/file.Path (Program library/lux/control/io.IO))
+(mock environment home directory)
+### unknown\_environment\_variable
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Text)
+# library/lux/world/shell
+## Definitions
+### Argument
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Text")
+A parameter for a command\.
+### Command
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Text")
+A command that can be executed by the operating system\.
+### Exit
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Int"))
+A program exit code\.
+### \(Mock s\)
+... .Type
+ [on_read (-> s (library/lux/control/try.Try [s .Text]))
+ on_fail (-> s (library/lux/control/try.Try [s .Text]))
+ on_write (-> .Text s (library/lux/control/try.Try s))
+ on_destroy (-> s (library/lux/control/try.Try s))
+ on_await (-> s (library/lux/control/try.Try [s Exit]))])
+A simulated process\.
+### \(Process \!\)
+... .Type
+ [read (-> .Any (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Text)))
+ fail (-> .Any (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Text)))
+ write (-> .Text (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any)))
+ destroy (-> .Any (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any)))
+ await (-> .Any (! (library/lux/control/try.Try Exit)))])
+The means for communicating with a program/process being executed by the operating system\.
+### \(Shell \!\)
+... .Type
+ [#execute (-> [library/lux/control/parser/environment.Environment library/lux/world/file.Path Command (.List Argument)] (! (library/lux/control/try.Try (Process !))))])
+The means for issuing commands to the operating system\.
+### async
+(-> (Shell library/lux/control/io.IO) (Shell library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async))
+### error
+### mock
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> [library/lux/control/parser/environment.Environment library/lux/world/file.Path Command (.List Argument)] (library/lux/control/try.Try (Mock _0))) _0 (Shell library/lux/control/io.IO)))
+(mock mock init)
+### normal
diff --git a/documentation/library/standard/python.md b/documentation/library/standard/python.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9e32934bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/library/standard/python.md
@@ -0,0 +1,38895 @@
+# library/lux
+## Definitions
+### \#
+Allows accessing the value of a implementation's member\.
+(# codec encoded)
+... Also allows using that value as a function.
+(# codec encoded +123)
+### $\_
+Right\-association for the application of binary functions over variadic arguments\.
+($_ text#composite "Hello, " name ". How are you?")
+... =>
+(text#composite "Hello, " (text#composite name ". How are you?"))
+### '
+Quotation as a macro\.
+(' YOLO)
+### \+\+
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (I64 _0) (I64 _0)))
+Increment function\.
+### \-\-
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (I64 _0) (I64 _0)))
+Decrement function\.
+### \->
+Function types\.
+... This is the type of a function that takes 2 Ints and returns an Int.
+(-> Int Int Int)
+### :
+The type\-annotation macro\.
+(: (List Int)
+ (list +1 +2 +3))
+### :as
+The type\-coercion macro\.
+(:as Dinosaur
+ (list +1 +2 +3))
+### :expected
+Coerces the given expression to the type of whatever is expected\.
+(: Dinosaur
+ (:expected (: (List Nat)
+ (list 1 2 3))))
+### :let
+Local bindings for types\.
+(:let [side (Either Int Frac)]
+ (List [side side]))
+### :of
+Generates the type corresponding to a given expression\.
+(let [my_num +123]
+ (:of my_num))
+... ==
+(:of +123)
+... ==
+### :parameter
+WARNING: Please stay away from this macro; it's very likely to be removed in a future version of Lux\.Allows you to refer to the type\-variables in a polymorphic function's type, by their index\.
+... In the example below, 0 corresponds to the 'a' variable.
+(def: public (of_list list)
+ (All (_ a) (-> (List a) (Sequence a)))
+ (list#mix add
+ (: (Sequence (:parameter 0))
+ empty)
+ list))
+### <<|
+Similar to the reverse piping macro, but rather than taking an initial object to work on, creates a function for taking it\.
+(<<| (mix text#composite "")
+ (interposed " ")
+ (list#each int#encoded))
+... =>
+(function (_ <it>)
+ (mix text#composite ""
+ (interposed " "
+ (list#each int#encoded
+ <it>))))
+### <|
+Reverse piping macro\.
+(<| (mix text#composite "")
+ (interposed " ")
+ (list#each int#encoded)
+ elems)
+... =>
+(mix text#composite ""
+ (interposed " "
+ (list#each int#encoded
+ elems)))
+### Alias
+... Type
+[Text Text]
+### All
+Universal quantification\.
+(All (_ a)
+ (-> a a))
+... A name can be provided, to specify a recursive type.
+(All (List a)
+ (Or Any
+ [a (List a)]))
+### And
+An alias for the Tuple type constructor\.
+(= (Tuple Bit Nat Text)
+ (And Bit Nat Text))
+(= (Tuple)
+ (And))
+### \(Ann meta\_data datum\)
+... Type
+ [#meta meta_data
+ #datum datum])
+The type of things that can be annotated with meta\-data of arbitrary types\.
+### Any
+... Type
+(Ex (Any _0)
+ _0)
+The type of things whose type is irrelevant\.
+It can be used to write functions or data\-structures that can take, or return, anything\.
+### \(Bindings key value\)
+... Type
+ [#counter Nat
+ #mappings (List [key value])])
+### Bit
+... Type
+(Primitive "#Bit")
+Your standard, run\-of\-the\-mill boolean values \(as \#0 or \#1 bits\)\.
+### Code
+... Type
+(Ann Location (Code' (Ann Location)))
+The type of Code nodes for Lux syntax\.
+### \(Code' w\)
+... Type
+ {#Bit Bit}
+ {#Nat Nat}
+ {#Int Int}
+ {#Rev Rev}
+ {#Frac Frac}
+ {#Text Text}
+ {#Symbol Symbol}
+ {#Form (List (w (Code' w)))}
+ {#Variant (List (w (Code' w)))}
+ {#Tuple (List (w (Code' w)))})
+### Definition
+... Type
+[Bit Type Any]
+Represents all the data associated with a definition: its type, its annotations, and its value\.
+### \(Either left right\)
+... Type
+ {#Left left}
+ {#Right right})
+A choice between two values of different types\.
+### Ex
+Existential quantification\.
+(Ex (_ a)
+ [(Codec Text a) a])
+... A name can be provided, to specify a recursive type.
+(Ex (Self a)
+ [(Codec Text a)
+ a
+ (List (Self a))])
+### Frac
+... Type
+(Primitive "#Frac")
+Your standard, run\-of\-the\-mill floating\-point \(fractional\) numbers\.
+### Global
+... Type
+ {#Definition Definition}
+ {#Type Bit Type (Or [Text (List Text)] [Text (List Text)])}
+ {#Tag Label}
+ {#Slot Label}
+ {#Alias Alias})
+Represents all the data associated with a global constant\.
+### \(I64 kind\)
+... Type
+(Primitive "#I64" kind)
+64\-bit integers without any semantics\.
+### Info
+... Type
+ [#target Text
+ #version Text
+ #mode Mode])
+Information about the current version and type of compiler that is running\.
+### Int
+... Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Int"))
+Your standard, run\-of\-the\-mill integer numbers\.
+### Interface
+Interface definition\.
+(type: public (Order a)
+ (Interface
+ (: (Equivalence a)
+ &equivalence)
+ (: (-> a a Bit)
+ <)))
+### Label
+... Type
+[Bit Type (List Text) Nat]
+### \(List item\)
+... Type
+ {#End Any}
+ {#Item item (List item)})
+A potentially empty list of values\.
+### Location
+... Type
+ [#module Text
+ #line Nat
+ #column Nat])
+Locations are for specifying the location of Code nodes in Lux files during compilation\.
+### Lux
+... Type
+(Rec Lux
+ (Record
+ [#info Info
+ #source Source
+ #location Location
+ #current_module (Maybe Text)
+ #modules (List [Text Module])
+ #scopes (List Scope)
+ #type_context Type_Context
+ #expected (Maybe Type)
+ #seed Nat
+ #scope_type_vars (List Nat)
+ #extensions Any
+ #eval (-> Type Code Lux (Or Text [Lux Any]))
+ #host Any]))
+Represents the state of the Lux compiler during a run\.
+It is provided to macros during their invocation, so they can access compiler data\.
+Caveat emptor: Avoid fiddling with it, unless you know what you're doing\.
+### Macro
+... Type
+(Primitive "#Macro")
+Functions that run at compile\-time and allow you to transform and extend the language in powerful ways\.
+### Macro'
+... Type
+(-> (List Code) (Meta (List Code)))
+### \(Maybe value\)
+... Type
+ {#None Any}
+ {#Some value})
+A potentially missing value\.
+### \(Meta it\)
+... Type
+(-> Lux (Either Text [Lux it]))
+Computations that can have access to the state of the compiler\.
+These computations may fail, or modify the state of the compiler\.
+### Mode
+... Type
+ {#Build Any}
+ {#Eval Any}
+ {#Interpreter Any})
+A sign that shows the conditions under which the compiler is running\.
+### Module
+... Type
+ [#module_hash Nat
+ #module_aliases (List [Text Text])
+ #definitions (List [Text Global])
+ #imports (List Text)
+ #module_state Module_State])
+All the information contained within a Lux module\.
+### Module\_State
+... Type
+ {#Active Any}
+ {#Compiled Any}
+ {#Cached Any})
+### Nat
+... Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+Natural numbers \(unsigned integers\)\.
+They start at zero \(0\) and extend in the positive direction\.
+### Nothing
+... Type
+(All (Nothing _0)
+ _0)
+The type of things whose type is undefined\.
+Useful for expressions that cause errors or other 'extraordinary' conditions\.
+### Or
+An alias for the Union type constructor\.
+(= (Union Bit Nat Text)
+ (Or Bit Nat Text))
+(= (Union)
+ (Or))
+### Primitive
+Macro to treat define new primitive types\.
+(Primitive "java.lang.Object")
+(Primitive "java.util.List" [(Primitive "java.lang.Long")])
+### Rec
+Parameter\-less recursive types\.
+... A name has to be given to the whole type, to use it within its body.
+(Rec Int_List
+ (Or Any
+ [Int Int_List]))
+... Can also be used with type: and labelled-type definitions.
+(type: Type
+ (Rec @
+ (Variant
+ {#Primitive Text (List @)}
+ {#Sum @ @}
+ {#Product @ @}
+ {#Function @ @}
+ {#Parameter Nat}
+ {#Var Nat}
+ {#Ex Nat}
+ {#UnivQ (List @) @}
+ {#ExQ (List @) @}
+ {#Apply @ @}
+ {#Named Symbol @})))
+### Record
+Syntax for defining labelled/slotted product/tuple types\.
+WARNING: Only use it within the type: macro\.
+(type: Refer
+ (Record
+ [#refer_defs Referrals
+ #refer_open (List Openings)]))
+### Ref
+... Type
+ {#Local Nat}
+ {#Captured Nat})
+### Rev
+... Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Rev"))
+Fractional numbers that live in the interval \[0,1\)\.
+Useful for probability, and other domains that work within that interval\.
+### Scope
+... Type
+ [#name (List Text)
+ #inner Nat
+ #locals (Bindings Text [Type Nat])
+ #captured (Bindings Text [Type Ref])])
+### Source
+... Type
+[Location Nat Text]
+### Symbol
+... Type
+[Text Text]
+A name for a Lux definition\.
+It includes the module of provenance\.
+### Text
+... Type
+(Primitive "#Text")
+Your standard, run\-of\-the\-mill string values\.
+### Tuple
+Tuple types\.
+(Tuple Bit Nat Text)
+(= Any
+ (Tuple))
+### Type
+... Type
+(Rec Type
+ (Variant
+ {#Primitive Text (List Type)}
+ {#Sum Type Type}
+ {#Product Type Type}
+ {#Function Type Type}
+ {#Parameter Nat}
+ {#Var Nat}
+ {#Ex Nat}
+ {#UnivQ (List Type) Type}
+ {#ExQ (List Type) Type}
+ {#Apply Type Type}
+ {#Named Symbol Type}))
+This type represents the data\-structures that are used to specify types themselves\.
+### Type\_Context
+... Type
+ [#ex_counter Nat
+ #var_counter Nat
+ #var_bindings (List [Nat (Maybe Type)])])
+### Union
+Union types\.
+(Union Bit Nat Text)
+(= Nothing
+ (Union))
+### Variant
+Syntax for defining labelled/tagged sum/union types\.
+WARNING: Only use it within the type: macro\.
+(type: Referrals
+ (Variant
+ {#All}
+ {#Only (List Text)}
+ {#Exclude (List Text)}
+ {#Ignore}
+ {#Nothing}))
+### ^
+Macro\-expanding patterns\.
+It's a special macro meant to be used with 'case'\.
+(case (: (List Int)
+ (list +1 +2 +3))
+ (^ (list x y z))
+ {#Some ($_ * x y z)}
+ _
+ {#None})
+### ^@
+Allows you to simultaneously bind and de\-structure a value\.
+(def: (hash (^@ set [member_hash _]))
+ (list#mix (function (_ elem acc)
+ (+ acc
+ (# member_hash hash elem)))
+ 0
+ (library/lux/data/collection/set.listset)))
+### ^code
+Generates pattern\-matching code for Code values in a way that looks like code\-templating\.
+(: (Maybe Nat)
+ (case (` (#0 123 +456.789))
+ (^code (#0 (~ [_ {#Nat number}]) +456.789))
+ {#Some number}
+ _
+ {#None}))
+### ^multi
+Multi\-level pattern matching\.
+Useful in situations where the result of a branch depends on further refinements on the values being matched\.
+(case (split (size static) uri)
+ (^multi {#Some [chunk uri']}
+ [(text#= static chunk) #1])
+ (match_uri endpoint? parts' uri')
+ _
+ {#Left (format "Static part " (%t static) " does not match URI: " uri)})
+... Short-cuts can be taken when using bit tests.
+... The example above can be rewritten as...
+(case (split (size static) uri)
+ (^multi {#Some [chunk uri']}
+ (text#= static chunk))
+ (match_uri endpoint? parts' uri')
+ _
+ {#Left (format "Static part " (%t static) " does not match URI: " uri)})
+### ^open
+Same as the 'open' macro, but meant to be used as a pattern\-matching macro for generating local bindings\.
+Takes an 'alias' text for the generated local bindings\.
+(def: public (range enum from to)
+ (All (_ a) (-> (Enum a) a a (List a)))
+ (let [(^open "[0]") enum]
+ (loop [end to
+ output {#End}]
+ (cond (< end from)
+ (again (pred end) {#Item end output})
+ (< from end)
+ (again (succ end) {#Item end output})
+ {#Item end output}))))
+### ^or
+It's a special macro meant to be used with 'case'\.
+(type: Weekday
+ (Variant
+ {#Monday}
+ {#Tuesday}
+ {#Wednesday}
+ {#Thursday}
+ {#Friday}
+ {#Saturday}
+ {#Sunday}))
+(def: (weekend? day)
+ (-> Weekday Bit)
+ (case day
+ (^or {#Saturday} {#Sunday})
+ #1
+ _
+ #0))
+### ^template
+It's similar to template, but meant to be used during pattern\-matching\.
+(def: (reduced env type)
+ (-> (List Type) Type Type)
+ (case type
+ {#Primitive name params}
+ {#Primitive name (list#each (reduced env) params)}
+ (^template [<tag>]
+ [{<tag> left right}
+ {<tag> (reduced env left) (reduced env right)}])
+ ([#Sum] [#Product])
+ (^template [<tag>]
+ [{<tag> left right}
+ {<tag> (reduced env left) (reduced env right)}])
+ ([#Function] [#Apply])
+ (^template [<tag>]
+ [{<tag> old_env def}
+ (case old_env
+ {#End}
+ {<tag> env def}
+ _
+ type)])
+ ([#UnivQ] [#ExQ])
+ {#Parameter idx}
+ (else type (library/lux/data/collection/list.itemidx env))
+ _
+ type))
+### ^|>
+Pipes the value being pattern\-matched against prior to binding it to a variable\.
+(case input
+ (^|> value [++ (% 10) (max 1)])
+ (foo value))
+### \_$
+Left\-association for the application of binary functions over variadic arguments\.
+(_$ text#composite "Hello, " name ". How are you?")
+... =>
+(text#composite (text#composite "Hello, " name) ". How are you?")
+### \`
+Hygienic quasi\-quotation as a macro\.
+Unquote \(~\) and unquote\-splice \(~\+\) must also be used as forms\.
+All unprefixed macros will receive their parent module's prefix if imported; otherwise will receive the prefix of the module on which the quasi\-quote is being used\.
+(` (def: (~ name)
+ (function ((~' _) (~+ args))
+ (~ body))))
+### \`'
+Unhygienic quasi\-quotation as a macro\.
+Unquote \(~\) and unquote\-splice \(~\+\) must also be used as forms\.
+(`' (def: (~ name)
+ (function (_ (~+ args))
+ (~ body))))
+### \`\`
+Delimits a controlled \(spliced\) macro\-expansion\.
+Uses a \(~~\) special form to specify where to expand\.
+(`` (some expression
+ (~~ (some macro which may yield 0 or more results))))
+### and
+Short\-circuiting 'and'\.
+(and #1 #0)
+... =>
+(and #1 #1)
+... =>
+### as\_is
+Given a \(potentially empty\) list of codes, just returns them immediately, without any work done\.
+This may seen useless, but it has its utility when dealing with controlled\-macro\-expansion macros\.
+(with_expansions [<operands> (as_is 1
+ 2
+ 3
+ 4)]
+ ($_ + <operands>))
+### case
+The pattern\-matching macro\.
+Allows the usage of macros within the patterns to provide custom syntax\.
+(case (: (List Int)
+ (list +1 +2 +3))
+ {#Item x {#Item y {#Item z {#End}}}}
+ {#Some ($_ * x y z)}
+ _
+ {#None})
+### char
+If given a 1\-character text literal, yields the char\-code of the sole character\.
+(: Nat
+ (char "A"))
+... =>
+### comment
+Throws away any code given to it\.
+Great for commenting\-out code, while retaining syntax high\-lighting and formatting in your text editor\.
+ (def: (this will not)
+ (Be Defined)
+ (because it will be (commented out))))
+### cond
+Conditional branching with multiple test conditions\.
+(cond (even? num) "WHEN even"
+ (odd? num) "WHEN odd"
+ "ELSE")
+### def:
+Defines global constants/functions\.
+(def: branching_exponent
+ Int
+ +5)
+... The type is optional.
+(def: branching_exponent
+ +5)
+(def: (pair_list pair)
+ (-> [Code Code] (List Code))
+ (let [[left right] pair]
+ (list left right)))
+... Can pattern-match on the inputs to functions.
+(def: (pair_list [left right])
+ (-> [Code Code] (List Code))
+ (list left right))
+### exec
+Sequential execution of expressions \(great for side\-effects\)\.
+ (log! "#1")
+ (log! "#2")
+ (log! "#3")
+ "YOLO")
+### false
+The boolean FALSE value\.
+### for
+Selects the appropriate code for a given target\-platform when compiling Lux to it\.
+Look\-up the available targets in library/lux/target\.
+(def: js
+ "JavaScript")
+(for ["JVM" (do jvm stuff)
+ js (do js stuff)]
+ (do default stuff))
+### function
+Syntax for creating functions\.
+(: (All (_ a b)
+ (-> a b a))
+ (function (_ x y)
+ x))
+... Allows for giving the function itself a name, for the sake of recursion.
+(: (-> Nat Nat)
+ (function (factorial n)
+ (case n
+ 0 1
+ _ (* n (factorial (-- n))))))
+### global
+The export policy for public/global definitions\.
+### i64
+(-> (I64 Any) I64)
+Safe type\-casting for I64 values\.
+### if
+Picks which expression to evaluate based on a bit test value\.
+(if #1
+ "Oh, yeah!"
+ "Aw hell naw!")
+... =>
+... Oh, yeah!
+(if #0
+ "Oh, yeah!"
+ "Aw hell naw!")
+... =>
+... Aw hell naw!
+### implementation
+Express a value that implements an interface\.
+(: (Order Int)
+ (implementation
+ (def: &equivalence
+ equivalence)
+ (def: (< reference subject)
+ (< reference subject))))
+### implementation:
+Interface implementation\.
+(implementation: public order
+ (Order Int)
+ (def: &equivalence
+ equivalence)
+ (def: (< test subject)
+ (< test subject)))
+### int
+(-> (I64 Any) Int)
+Safe type\-casting for I64 values\.
+### let
+Creates local bindings\.
+Can \(optionally\) use pattern\-matching macros when binding\.
+(let [x (foo bar)
+ y (baz quux)]
+ (op x y))
+### list
+List literals\.
+(: (List Nat)
+ (list 0 1 2 3))
+### list&
+List literals, with the last element being a tail\-list\.
+(: (List Nat)
+ (list& 0 1 2 3
+ (: (List Nat)
+ (list 4 5 6))))
+### local
+The export policy for private/local definitions\.
+### loop
+Allows arbitrary looping, using the 'again' form to re\-start the loop\.
+Can be used in monadic code to create monadic loops\.
+(loop [count +0
+ x init]
+ (if (< +10 count)
+ (again (++ count) (f x))
+ x))
+... Loops can also be given custom names.
+(loop my_loop
+ [count +0
+ x init]
+ (if (< +10 count)
+ (my_loop (++ count) (f x))
+ x))
+### macro
+(-> Macro Macro')
+### macro:
+Macro\-definition macro\.
+(macro: public (symbol tokens)
+ (case tokens
+ (^template [<tag>]
+ [(^ (list [_ {<tag> [module name]}]))
+ (in (list (` [(~ (text$ module)) (~ (text$ name))])))])
+ ([#Symbol])
+ _
+ (failure "Wrong syntax for symbol")))
+### module\_separator
+Character used to separate the parts of module names\.
+Value: "/"
+### nat
+(-> (I64 Any) Nat)
+Safe type\-casting for I64 values\.
+### not
+(-> Bit Bit)
+Bit negation\.
+(not #1)
+... =>
+(not #0)
+... =>
+### open:
+Opens a implementation and generates a definition for each of its members \(including nested members\)\.
+(open: "i:[0]" order)
+... =>
+(def: i:= (# order =))
+(def: i:< (# order <))
+### or
+Short\-circuiting 'or'\.
+(or #1 #0)
+... =>
+(or #0 #0)
+... =>
+### panic\!
+(-> Text Nothing)
+Causes an error, with the given error message\.
+(panic! "OH NO!")
+### prelude\_module
+The name of the prelude module
+Value: "library/lux"
+### private
+The export policy for private/local definitions\.
+### public
+The export policy for public/global definitions\.
+### rev
+(-> (I64 Any) Rev)
+Safe type\-casting for I64 values\.
+### revised@
+Modifies the value of a record at a given tag, based on some function\.
+(revised@ #age ++ person)
+... Can also work with multiple levels of nesting.
+(revised@ [#foo #bar #baz] func my_record)
+... And, if only the slot/path and (optionally) the value are given, generates a mutator function.
+(let [updater (revised@ [#foo #bar #baz] func)]
+ (updater my_record))
+(let [updater (revised@ [#foo #bar #baz])]
+ (updater func my_record))
+### same?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 _0 Bit))
+Tests whether the 2 values are identical \(not just 'equal'\)\.
+... This one should succeed:
+(let [value +5]
+ (same? value
+ value))
+... This one should fail:
+(same? +5
+ (+ +2 +3))
+### static
+Resolves the names of definitions to their values at compile\-time, assuming their values are either:
+\* Bit
+\* Nat
+\* Int
+\* Rev
+\* Frac
+\* Text
+(def: my_nat 123)
+(def: my_text "456")
+(and (case [my_nat my_text]
+ (^ (static [documentation/lux.my_natdocumentation/lux.my_text]))
+ true
+ _
+ false)
+ (case [my_nat my_text]
+ (^ [(static documentation/lux.my_nat)(static documentation/lux.my_text)])
+ true
+ _
+ false))
+### symbol
+Gives back a 2 tuple with the module and name parts, both as Text\.
+(symbol documentation/lux.#doc)
+... =>
+["documentation/lux" "#doc"]
+### template
+... By specifying a pattern (with holes), and the input data to fill those holes, repeats the pattern as many times as necessary.
+(template [<name> <diff>]
+ [(def: public <name>
+ (-> Int Int)
+ (+ <diff>))]
+ [++ +1]
+ [-- -1])
+### template:
+Define macros in the style of template and ^template\.
+For simple macros that do not need any fancy features\.
+(template: (square x)
+ (* x x))
+### true
+The boolean TRUE value\.
+### try
+(: Foo
+ (case (: (Either Text Bar)
+ (try (: Bar
+ (risky computation which may panic))))
+ {#Right success}
+ (: Foo
+ (do something after success))
+ {#Left error}
+ (: Foo
+ (recover from error))))
+### type
+Takes a type expression and returns its representation as data\-structure\.
+(type (All (_ a)
+ (Maybe (List a))))
+### type:
+The type\-definition macro\.
+(type: (List a)
+ {#End}
+ {#Item a (List a)})
+### undefined
+Meant to be used as a stand\-in for functions with undefined implementations\.
+Undefined expressions will type\-check against everything, so they make good dummy implementations\.
+However, if an undefined expression is ever evaluated, it will raise a runtime error\.
+(def: (square x)
+ (-> Int Int)
+ (undefined))
+### using
+Module\-definition macro\.
+ [lux "*"
+ [control
+ ["M" monad "*"]]
+ [data
+ maybe
+ ["[0]" name ("[1]#[0]" codec)]]
+ [macro
+ code]]
+ [//
+ [type ("[0]" equivalence)]])
+### value@
+Accesses the value of a record at a given tag\.
+(value@ #field my_record)
+... Can also work with multiple levels of nesting.
+(value@ [#foo #bar #baz] my_record)
+... And, if only the slot/path is given, generates an accessor function.
+(let [getter (value@ [#foo #bar #baz])]
+ (getter my_record))
+### with@
+Sets the value of a record at a given tag\.
+(with@ #name "Lux" lang)
+... Can also work with multiple levels of nesting.
+(with@ [#foo #bar #baz] value my_record)
+... And, if only the slot/path and (optionally) the value are given, generates a mutator function.
+(let [setter (with@ [#foo #bar #baz] value)]
+ (setter my_record))
+(let [setter (with@ [#foo #bar #baz])]
+ (setter value my_record))
+### with\_expansions
+Controlled macro\-expansion\.
+Bind an arbitraty number of Code nodes resulting from macro\-expansion to local bindings\.
+Wherever a binding appears, the bound Code nodes will be spliced in there\.
+(def: test
+ Test
+ (with_expansions
+ [<tests> (template [<function> <parameter> <expected>]
+ [(cover [<function>]
+ (compare <text>
+ (# codec encoded <function> <parameter>)))]
+ [bit #1 "#1"]
+ [int +123 "+123"]
+ [frac +123 "+123.0"]
+ [text "123" "'123'"]
+ [symbol ["yolo" "lol"] "yolo.lol"]
+ [form (list (bit #1)) "(#1)"]
+ [tuple (list (bit #1)) "[#1]"])]
+ ($_ and
+ <tests>)))
+### |>
+Piping macro\.
+(|> elems
+ (list#each int#encoded)
+ (interposed " ")
+ (mix text#composite ""))
+... =>
+(mix text#composite ""
+ (interposed " "
+ (list#each int#encoded
+ elems)))
+### |>>
+Similar to the piping macro, but rather than taking an initial object to work on, creates a function for taking it\.
+(|>> (list#each int#encoded)
+ (interposed " ")
+ (mix text#composite ""))
+... =>
+(function (_ <it>)
+ (mix text#composite ""
+ (interposed " "
+ (list#each int#encoded <it>))))
+## Missing documentation
+1. `` __adjusted_quantified_type__ ``
+# library/lux/abstract/apply
+## Definitions
+### \(Apply f\)
+... .Type
+ [&functor (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor f)
+ on (All (_ _0 _1) (-> (f _0) (f (-> _0 _1)) (f _1)))])
+Applicative functors\.
+### composite
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (Apply _0) (Apply _1) (Apply (All (_ _2) (_0 (_1 _2))))))
+Applicative functor composition\.
+# library/lux/abstract/codec
+## Definitions
+### \(Codec medium value\)
+... .Type
+ [encoded (-> value medium)
+ decoded (-> medium (library/lux/control/try.Try value))])
+A way to move back\-and\-forth between a type and an alternative representation for it\.
+### composite
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Codec _2 _1) (Codec _1 _0) (Codec _2 _0)))
+Codec composition\.
+(: (Codec c a)
+ (composite (: (Codec c b)
+ cb_codec)
+ (: (Codec b a)
+ ba_codec)))
+# library/lux/abstract/comonad
+## Definitions
+### \(CoMonad \!\)
+... .Type
+ [&functor (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor !)
+ out (All (_ _0) (-> (! _0) _0))
+ disjoint (All (_ _0) (-> (! _0) (! (! _0))))])
+Co\-monads are the opposite/complement to monads\.
+Co\-monadic structures are often infinite in size and built upon lazily\-evaluated functions\.
+### be
+A co\-monadic parallel to the 'do' macro\.
+(let [square (function (_ n) (* n n))]
+ (be comonad
+ [inputs (iterate ++ +2)]
+ (square (out inputs))))
+# library/lux/abstract/comonad/cofree
+## Definitions
+### \(CoFree \! it\)
+... .Type
+[it (! (CoFree ! it))]
+The CoFree CoMonad\.
+### comonad
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor _0) (library/lux/abstract/comonad.CoMonad (CoFree _0))))
+### functor
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor _0) (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor (CoFree _0))))
+# library/lux/abstract/enum
+## Definitions
+### \(Enum it\)
+... .Type
+ [&order (library/lux/abstract/order.Order it)
+ succ (-> it it)
+ pred (-> it it)])
+Enumerable types, with a notion of moving forward and backwards through a type's instances\.
+### range
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Enum _0) _0 _0 (.List _0)))
+An inclusive \[from, to\] range of values\.
+(range enum from to)
+# library/lux/abstract/equivalence
+## Definitions
+### \(Equivalence it\)
+... .Type
+ [#= (-> it it .Bit)])
+Equivalence for a type's instances\.
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor/contravariant.Functor Equivalence)
+### rec
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> (Equivalence _0) (Equivalence _0)) (Equivalence _0)))
+A recursive equivalence combinator\.
+(rec recursive_equivalence)
+# library/lux/abstract/functor
+## Definitions
+### \(And left right\)
+... .Type
+(All (_ _0)
+ [(left _0) (right _0)])
+### \(Fix \!\)
+... .Type
+(! (Fix !))
+### \(Functor \!\)
+... .Type
+ [#each (All (_ _0 _1) (-> (-> _0 _1) (! _0) (! _1)))])
+### \(Or left right\)
+... .Type
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Or (left _0) (right _0)))
+### \(Then outer inner\)
+... .Type
+(All (_ _0)
+ (outer (inner _0)))
+### composite
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Functor _0) (Functor _1) (Functor (Then _0 _1))))
+Functor composition\.
+### product
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Functor _0) (Functor _1) (Functor (And _0 _1))))
+Product composition for functors\.
+### sum
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Functor _0) (Functor _1) (Functor (Or _0 _1))))
+Co\-product \(sum\) composition for functors\.
+# library/lux/abstract/functor/contravariant
+## Definitions
+### \(Functor \!\)
+... .Type
+ [#each (All (_ _0 _1) (-> (-> _1 _0) (! _0) (! _1)))])
+The contravariant functor\.
+# library/lux/abstract/hash
+## Definitions
+### \(Hash it\)
+... .Type
+ [&equivalence (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence it)
+ hash (-> it .Nat)])
+A way to produce hash\-codes for a type's instances\.
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor/contravariant.Functor Hash)
+# library/lux/abstract/interval
+## Definitions
+### \(Interval it\)
+... .Type
+ [&enum (library/lux/abstract/enum.Enum it)
+ bottom it
+ top it])
+A representation of top and bottom boundaries for an ordered type\.
+### after?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### before?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### between
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/enum.Enum _0) _0 _0 (Interval _0)))
+### borders?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) _0 .Bit))
+Where a value is at the border of an interval\.
+### complement
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) (Interval _0)))
+The inverse of an interval\.
+### ends\_with?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Interval _0)))
+### finishes?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### inner?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### intersection
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) (Interval _0) (Interval _0)))
+An interval spanned by both predecessors\.
+### meets?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) (Interval _0) .Bit))
+Whether an interval meets another one on its bottom/lower side\.
+### nested?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### outer?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### overlaps?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### precedes?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### singleton
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/enum.Enum _0) _0 (Interval _0)))
+An interval where both top and bottom are the same value\.
+(singleton enum elem)
+### singleton?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### starts?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### starts\_with?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### succeeds?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### touches?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### union
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) (Interval _0) (Interval _0)))
+An interval that spans both predecessors\.
+### within?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) _0 .Bit))
+# library/lux/abstract/mix
+## Definitions
+### \(Mix structure\)
+... .Type
+ [#mix (All (_ _0 _1) (-> (-> _1 _0 _0) _0 (structure _1) _0))])
+Iterate over a structure's values to build a summary value\.
+### with\_monoid
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid _1) (Mix _0) (_0 _1) _1))
+Mix a mixable structure using the monoid's identity as the initial value\.
+(with_monoid monoid mix value)
+# library/lux/abstract/monad
+## Definitions
+### \(Monad it\)
+... .Type
+ [&functor (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor it)
+ in (All (_ _0) (-> _0 (it _0)))
+ conjoint (All (_ _0) (-> (it (it _0)) (it _0)))])
+A monad is a monoid in the category of endofunctors\.
+What's the problem?
+### all
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Monad _0) (.List (_0 _1)) (_0 (.List _1))))
+Run all the monadic values in the list and produce a list of the base values\.
+(all monad)
+### do
+Macro for easy concatenation of monadic operations\.
+(do monad
+ [y (f1 x)
+ z (f2 z)]
+ (in (f3 z)))
+### each
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Monad _0) (-> _1 (_0 _2)) (.List _1) (_0 (.List _2))))
+Apply a monadic function to all values in a list\.
+(each monad function items)
+### mix
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Monad _0) (-> _2 _1 (_0 _1)) _1 (.List _2) (_0 _1)))
+Mix a list with a monadic function\.
+(mix monad function initial_value items)
+### only
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Monad _0) (-> _1 (_0 .Bit)) (.List _1) (_0 (.List _1))))
+Filter the values in a list with a monadic function\.
+(only monad predicate items)
+### then
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Monad _0) (-> _1 (_0 _2)) (_0 _1) (_0 _2)))
+Apply a function with monadic effects to a monadic value and yield a new monadic value\.
+(then monad function)
+# library/lux/abstract/monad/free
+## Definitions
+### \(Free \! it\)
+... .Type
+ {#Pure it}
+ {#Effect (! (Free ! it))})
+The Free Monad\.
+### apply
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor _0) (library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply (Free _0))))
+### functor
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor _0) (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor (Free _0))))
+### monad
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor _0) (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (Free _0))))
+# library/lux/abstract/monoid
+## Definitions
+### \(Monoid it\)
+... .Type
+ [identity it
+ composite (-> it it it)])
+A way to compose values\.
+Includes an identity value which does not alter any other value when combined with\.
+### and
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Monoid _0) (Monoid _1) (Monoid [_0 _1])))
+# library/lux/abstract/order
+## Definitions
+### <=
+Less than or equal\.
+### >
+Greater than\.
+### >=
+Greater than or equal\.
+### \(Choice it\)
+... .Type
+(-> (Order it) it it it)
+A choice comparison between two values, with the knowledge of how to order them\.
+### \(Comparison it\)
+... .Type
+(-> (Order it) it it .Bit)
+An arbitrary comparison between two values, with the knowledge of how to order them\.
+### \(Order it\)
+... .Type
+ [&equivalence (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence it)
+ < (-> it it .Bit)])
+A signature for types that possess some sense of ordering among their elements\.
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor/contravariant.Functor Order)
+### max
+### min
+# library/lux/abstract/predicate
+## Definitions
+### \(Predicate it\)
+... .Type
+(-> it .Bit)
+A question that can be asked of a value, yield either false \(\#0\) or true \(\#1\)\.
+### all
+A predicate that always succeeds\.
+### and
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Predicate _0) (Predicate _0) (Predicate _0)))
+A predicate that meets both predecessors\.
+### complement
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Predicate _0) (Predicate _0)))
+The opposite of a predicate\.
+### difference
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Predicate _0) (Predicate _0) (Predicate _0)))
+A predicate that meeds 'base', but not 'sub'\.
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor/contravariant.Functor Predicate)
+### intersection
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid (Predicate _0)))
+### none
+A predicate that always fails\.
+### or
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Predicate _0) (Predicate _0) (Predicate _0)))
+A predicate that meets either predecessor\.
+### rec
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> (Predicate _0) (Predicate _0)) (Predicate _0)))
+Ties the knot for a recursive predicate\.
+### union
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid (Predicate _0)))
+# library/lux/control/concatenative
+## Definitions
+### &&
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> [[_2 _0] _1] [_2 _0 _1]))
+Groups the 2 topmost stack values as a 2\-tuple\.
+### =>
+Concatenative function types\.
+(=> [Nat] [Nat])
+(All (_ a)
+ (-> a (=> [] [a])))
+(All (_ t)
+ (=> [t] []))
+(All (_ a b c)
+ (=> [a b c] [b c a]))
+(All (_ ,,,0 ,,,1)
+ (=> [then (=> ,,,0 ,,,1)
+ else (=> ,,,0 ,,,1)]
+ ,,,0 [Bit then else] ,,,1))
+### ?
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> [[[_1 .Bit] _0] _0] [_1 _0]))
+Choose the top value when \#0 and the second\-to\-top when \#1\.
+### apply
+A generator for functions that turn arity N functions into arity N concatenative functions\.
+(: (=> [Nat] [Nat])
+ ((apply 1) ++))
+### apply/1
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1) (All (_ _2) (-> [_2 _0] [_2 _1]))))
+Lift a function of arity 1 into a concatenative function of arity 1\.
+### apply/2
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1 _2) (All (_ _3) (-> [[_3 _0] _1] [_3 _2]))))
+Lift a function of arity 2 into a concatenative function of arity 2\.
+### apply/3
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1 _2 _3) (All (_ _4) (-> [[[_4 _0] _1] _2] [_4 _3]))))
+Lift a function of arity 3 into a concatenative function of arity 3\.
+### apply/4
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3 _4)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1 _2 _3 _4) (All (_ _5) (-> [[[[_5 _0] _1] _2] _3] [_5 _4]))))
+Lift a function of arity 4 into a concatenative function of arity 4\.
+### apply/5
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3 _4 _5)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1 _2 _3 _4 _5) (All (_ _6) (-> [[[[[_6 _0] _1] _2] _3] _4] [_6 _5]))))
+Lift a function of arity 5 into a concatenative function of arity 5\.
+### apply/6
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3 _4 _5 _6)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1 _2 _3 _4 _5 _6) (All (_ _7) (-> [[[[[[_7 _0] _1] _2] _3] _4] _5] [_7 _6]))))
+Lift a function of arity 6 into a concatenative function of arity 6\.
+### apply/7
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3 _4 _5 _6 _7)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1 _2 _3 _4 _5 _6 _7) (All (_ _8) (-> [[[[[[[_8 _0] _1] _2] _3] _4] _5] _6] [_8 _7]))))
+Lift a function of arity 7 into a concatenative function of arity 7\.
+### apply/8
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3 _4 _5 _6 _7 _8)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1 _2 _3 _4 _5 _6 _7 _8) (All (_ _9) (-> [[[[[[[[_9 _0] _1] _2] _3] _4] _5] _6] _7] [_9 _8]))))
+Lift a function of arity 8 into a concatenative function of arity 8\.
+### call
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> [_0 (-> _0 _1)] _1))
+Executes an anonymous block on the stack\.
+### compose
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> [[_3 (-> _0 _1)] (-> _1 _2)] [_3 (-> _0 _2)]))
+Function composition\.
+(library/lux/math/number/nat.=(library/lux/math/number/nat.+2 sample)
+ (||> (push sample)
+ (push (|>> (push 1) n/+))
+ (push (|>> (push 1) n/+))
+ compose
+ call))
+### dip
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> [[_0 _1] (-> _0 _0)] [_0 _1]))
+Executes a block on the stack, save for the topmost value\.
+### dip/2
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> [[[_0 _1] _2] (-> _0 _0)] [[_0 _1] _2]))
+Executes a block on the stack, save for the 2 topmost values\.
+### do
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> [[_0 (-> _1 [_0 .Bit])] (-> _0 _1)] [[_1 (-> _1 [_0 .Bit])] (-> _0 _1)]))
+Do\-while loop expression\.
+(library/lux/math/number/nat.=(++ sample)
+ (||> (push sample)
+ (push (push false))
+ (push (|>> (push 1) n/+))
+ do while))
+### drop
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> [_1 _0] _1))
+Drop/pop a value from the top of the stack\.
+### dup
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> [_1 _0] [[_1 _0] _0]))
+Duplicate the top of the stack\.
+### f/%
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Frac] .Frac] [_0 .Frac]))
+% for Frac arithmetic\.
+### f/\*
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Frac] .Frac] [_0 .Frac]))
+\* for Frac arithmetic\.
+### f/\+
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Frac] .Frac] [_0 .Frac]))
+\+ for Frac arithmetic\.
+### f/\-
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Frac] .Frac] [_0 .Frac]))
+\- for Frac arithmetic\.
+### f//
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Frac] .Frac] [_0 .Frac]))
+/ for Frac arithmetic\.
+### f/<
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Frac] .Frac] [_0 .Bit]))
+< for Frac arithmetic\.
+### f/<=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Frac] .Frac] [_0 .Bit]))
+<= for Frac arithmetic\.
+### f/=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Frac] .Frac] [_0 .Bit]))
+= for Frac arithmetic\.
+### f/>
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Frac] .Frac] [_0 .Bit]))
+> for Frac arithmetic\.
+### f/>=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Frac] .Frac] [_0 .Bit]))
+>= for Frac arithmetic\.
+### i/%
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Int] .Int] [_0 .Int]))
+% for Int arithmetic\.
+### i/\*
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Int] .Int] [_0 .Int]))
+\* for Int arithmetic\.
+### i/\+
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Int] .Int] [_0 .Int]))
+\+ for Int arithmetic\.
+### i/\-
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Int] .Int] [_0 .Int]))
+\- for Int arithmetic\.
+### i//
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Int] .Int] [_0 .Int]))
+/ for Int arithmetic\.
+### i/<
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Int] .Int] [_0 .Bit]))
+< for Int arithmetic\.
+### i/<=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Int] .Int] [_0 .Bit]))
+<= for Int arithmetic\.
+### i/=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Int] .Int] [_0 .Bit]))
+= for Int arithmetic\.
+### i/>
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Int] .Int] [_0 .Bit]))
+> for Int arithmetic\.
+### i/>=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Int] .Int] [_0 .Bit]))
+>= for Int arithmetic\.
+### if
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> [[[_0 .Bit] (-> _0 _1)] (-> _0 _1)] _1))
+If expression\.
+(same? "then"
+ (||> (push true)
+ (push "then")
+ (push "else")
+ if))
+### loop
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [_0 (-> _0 [_0 .Bit])] _0))
+Executes a block as a loop until it yields \#0 to stop\.
+### n/%
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Nat] .Nat] [_0 .Nat]))
+% for Nat arithmetic\.
+### n/\*
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Nat] .Nat] [_0 .Nat]))
+\* for Nat arithmetic\.
+### n/\+
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Nat] .Nat] [_0 .Nat]))
+\+ for Nat arithmetic\.
+### n/\-
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Nat] .Nat] [_0 .Nat]))
+\- for Nat arithmetic\.
+### n//
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Nat] .Nat] [_0 .Nat]))
+/ for Nat arithmetic\.
+### n/<
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Nat] .Nat] [_0 .Bit]))
+< for Nat arithmetic\.
+### n/<=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Nat] .Nat] [_0 .Bit]))
+<= for Nat arithmetic\.
+### n/=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Nat] .Nat] [_0 .Bit]))
+= for Nat arithmetic\.
+### n/>
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Nat] .Nat] [_0 .Bit]))
+> for Nat arithmetic\.
+### n/>=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Nat] .Nat] [_0 .Bit]))
+>= for Nat arithmetic\.
+### nip
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> [[_2 _0] _1] [_2 _1]))
+Drop the second\-to\-last value from the top of the stack\.
+### partial
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> [[_0 _2] (-> [_0 _2] _1)] [_0 (-> _0 _1)]))
+Partial application\.
+(library/lux/math/number/nat.=(library/lux/math/number/nat.+sample sample)
+ (||> (push sample)
+ (push sample)
+ (push n/+)
+ partial
+ call))
+### push
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (All (_ _1) (-> _1 [_1 _0]))))
+Push a value onto the stack\.
+### r/%
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Rev] .Rev] [_0 .Rev]))
+% for Rev arithmetic\.
+### r/\*
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Rev] .Rev] [_0 .Rev]))
+\* for Rev arithmetic\.
+### r/\+
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Rev] .Rev] [_0 .Rev]))
+\+ for Rev arithmetic\.
+### r/\-
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Rev] .Rev] [_0 .Rev]))
+\- for Rev arithmetic\.
+### r//
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Rev] .Rev] [_0 .Rev]))
+/ for Rev arithmetic\.
+### r/<
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Rev] .Rev] [_0 .Bit]))
+< for Rev arithmetic\.
+### r/<=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Rev] .Rev] [_0 .Bit]))
+<= for Rev arithmetic\.
+### r/=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Rev] .Rev] [_0 .Bit]))
+= for Rev arithmetic\.
+### r/>
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Rev] .Rev] [_0 .Bit]))
+> for Rev arithmetic\.
+### r/>=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Rev] .Rev] [_0 .Bit]))
+>= for Rev arithmetic\.
+### rotL
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> [[[_3 _0] _1] _2] [[[_3 _1] _2] _0]))
+Rotes the 3 topmost stack values to the left\.
+### rotR
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> [[[_3 _0] _1] _2] [[[_3 _2] _0] _1]))
+Rotes the 3 topmost stack values to the right\.
+### swap
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> [[_2 _0] _1] [[_2 _1] _0]))
+Swaps the 2 topmost stack values\.
+### when
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Bit] (-> _0 _0)] _0))
+Only execute the block when \#1\.
+### while
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> [[_0 (-> _0 [_1 .Bit])] (-> _1 _0)] _1))
+While loop expression\.
+(library/lux/math/number/nat.=(library/lux/math/number/nat.+distance start)
+ (||> (push start)
+ (push (|>> dup
+ (push start) n/-
+ (push distance) n/<))
+ (push (|>> (push 1) n/+))
+ while))
+### word:
+A named concatenative function\.
+(word: square
+ (=> [Nat] [Nat])
+ dup
+ (apply/2 library/lux/math/number/nat.*))
+### ||>
+A self\-contained sequence of concatenative instructions\.
+(same? value
+ (||> (push sample)))
+(||> (push 123)
+ dup
+ n/=)
+### ||L
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> [_2 _0] [_2 (Or _0 _1)]))
+Left\-injects the top into sum\.
+### ||R
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> [_2 _1] [_2 (Or _0 _1)]))
+Right\-injects the top into sum\.
+# library/lux/control/concurrency/actor
+The actor model of concurrency\.
+## Definitions
+### \(Actor state\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/concurrency/actor.Actor" state)
+An entity that can react to messages \(mail\) sent to it concurrently\.
+### \(Behavior input state\)
+... .Type
+ [#on_init (-> input state)
+ #on_mail (-> (Mail state) state (Actor state) (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async (library/lux/control/try.Try state)))])
+An actor's behavior when mail is received and when a fatal error occurs\.
+### \(Mail state\)
+... .Type
+(-> state (Actor state) (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async (library/lux/control/try.Try state)))
+A one\-way message sent to an actor, without expecting a reply\.
+### \(Message state output\)
+... .Type
+(-> state (Actor state) (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async (library/lux/control/try.Try [state output])))
+A two\-way message sent to an actor, expecting a reply\.
+### \(Obituary state\)
+... .Type
+[.Text state (.List (-> state (Actor state) (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async (library/lux/control/try.Try state))))]
+Details on the death of an actor\.
+### Stop
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/io.IO .Any)
+A signal to stop an actor from observing a channel\.
+### actor
+Defines an anonymous actor, with its behavior and internal state\.
+Messages for the actor must be defined after the on\_mail handler\.
+(actor [Nat
+ 123]
+ ((on_mail message state self)
+ (message (++ state) self)))
+### actor:
+Defines a named actor, with its behavior and internal state\.
+Messages for the actor must be defined after the on\_mail handler\.
+(actor: .public (stack a)
+ (List a)
+ ((on_mail mail state self)
+ (do (try.with async.monad)
+ [.let [_ (debug.log! "BEFORE")]
+ output (mail state self)
+ .let [_ (debug.log! "AFTER")]]
+ (in output)))
+ (message: .public (push [value a] state self)
+ (List a)
+ (let [state' {.#Item value state}]
+ (async.resolved {try.#Success [state' state']}))))
+(actor: .public counter
+ Nat
+ (message: .public (count! [increment Nat] state self)
+ Any
+ (let [state' (n.+ increment state)]
+ (async.resolved {try.#Success [state' state']})))
+ (message: .public (read! state self)
+ Nat
+ (async.resolved {try.#Success [state state]})))
+### alive?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Actor _0) (library/lux/control/io.IO .Bit)))
+### dead
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### default
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Behavior _0 _0))
+Default actor behavior\.
+### mail\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Mail _0) (Actor _0) (library/lux/control/io.IO (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any))))
+Send mail to an actor\.
+### message:
+A message can access the actor's state through the state parameter\.
+A message can also access the actor itself through the self parameter\.
+A message's output must be an async containing a 2\-tuple with the updated state and a return value\.
+A message may succeed or fail \(in case of failure, the actor dies\)\.
+(actor: .public (stack a)
+ (List a)
+ ((on_mail mail state self)
+ (do (try.with async.monad)
+ [.let [_ (debug.log! "BEFORE")]
+ output (mail state self)
+ .let [_ (debug.log! "AFTER")]]
+ (in output)))
+ (message: .public (push [value a] state self)
+ (List a)
+ (let [state' {.#Item value state}]
+ (async.resolved {try.#Success [state' state']}))))
+(actor: .public counter
+ Nat
+ (message: .public (count! [increment Nat] state self)
+ Any
+ (let [state' (n.+ increment state)]
+ (async.resolved {try.#Success [state' state']})))
+ (message: .public (read! state self)
+ Nat
+ (async.resolved {try.#Success [state state]})))
+### obituary
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Actor _0) (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async (Obituary _0))))
+Await for an actor to stop working\.
+### obituary'
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Actor _0) (library/lux/control/io.IO (.Maybe (Obituary _0)))))
+### observe\!
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 Stop (Mail _1)) (library/lux/control/concurrency/frp.Channel _0) (Actor _1) (library/lux/control/io.IO .Any)))
+Use an actor to observe a channel by transforming each datum
+flowing through the channel into mail the actor can process\.
+Can stop observing the channel by executing the Stop value\.
+### poison\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Actor _0) (library/lux/control/io.IO (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any))))
+Kills the actor by sending mail that will kill it upon processing,
+but allows the actor to handle previous mail\.
+### poisoned
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### spawn\!
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Behavior _0 _1) _0 (library/lux/control/io.IO (Actor _1))))
+Given a behavior and initial state, spawns an actor and returns it\.
+### tell\!
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Message _0 _1) (Actor _0) (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async (library/lux/control/try.Try _1))))
+Communicate with an actor through message\-passing\.
+# library/lux/control/concurrency/async
+## Definitions
+### \(Async it\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async" it)
+Represents values produced by asynchronous computations \(unlike IO, which is synchronous\)\.
+### \(Resolver it\)
+... .Type
+(-> it (library/lux/control/io.IO .Bit))
+The function used to give a value to an async\.
+Will signal 'true' if the async has been resolved for the 1st time, 'false' otherwise\.
+### after
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat _0 (Async _0)))
+Delivers a value after a certain period has passed\.
+(after milli_seconds value)
+### and
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Async _0) (Async _1) (Async [_0 _1])))
+Combines the results of both asyncs, in\-order\.
+(and left right)
+### apply
+(library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply Async)
+### async
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Any [(Async _0) (Resolver _0)]))
+Creates a fresh async that has not been resolved yet\.
+(async _)
+### delay
+(-> .Nat (Async .Any))
+An async that will be resolved after the specified amount of milli\-seconds\.
+(delay milli_seconds)
+### either
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Async _0) (Async _0) (Async _0)))
+Yields the results of whichever async gets resolved first\.
+You cannot tell which one was resolved first\.
+(either left right)
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Async)
+### future
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/control/io.IO _0) (Async _0)))
+Runs an I/O computation on its own thread\.
+Returns an async that will eventually host its result\.
+(future computation)
+### monad
+(library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad Async)
+### or
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Async _0) (Async _1) (Async (Or _0 _1))))
+Yields the results of whichever async gets resolved first\.
+You can tell which one was resolved first through pattern\-matching\.
+(or left right)
+### resolved
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Async _0)))
+Produces an async that has already been resolved to the given value\.
+(resolved value)
+### resolved?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Async _0) (library/lux/control/io.IO .Bit)))
+Checks whether an async's value has already been resolved\.
+### schedule\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (library/lux/control/io.IO _0) (Async _0)))
+Runs an I/O computation on its own thread \(after a specified delay\)\.
+Returns an async that will eventually host its result\.
+(schedule! milli_seconds computation)
+### upon\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 (library/lux/control/io.IO .Any)) (Async _0) (library/lux/control/io.IO .Any)))
+Executes the given function as soon as the async has been resolved\.
+(upon! function async)
+### value
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Async _0) (library/lux/control/io.IO (.Maybe _0))))
+Polls an async for its value\.
+### within
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Async _0) (Async (.Maybe _0))))
+Wait for an async to be resolved within the specified amount of milli\-seconds\.
+(within milli_seconds async)
+# library/lux/control/concurrency/atom
+## Definitions
+### \(Atom it\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/concurrency/atom.Atom" it)
+Atomic references that are safe to mutate concurrently\.
+### atom
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Atom _0)))
+### compare\_and\_swap\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 _0 (Atom _0) (library/lux/control/io.IO .Bit)))
+Only mutates an atom if you can present its current value\.
+That guarantees that atom was not updated since you last read from it\.
+### read\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Atom _0) (library/lux/control/io.IO _0)))
+### update\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 _0) (Atom _0) (library/lux/control/io.IO [_0 _0])))
+Updates an atom by applying a function to its current value\.
+If it fails to update it \(because some other process wrote to it first\), it will retry until it succeeds\.
+The retries will be done with the new values of the atom, as they show up\.
+### write\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Atom _0) (library/lux/control/io.IO _0)))
+Writes the given value to an atom\.
+If it fails to write it \(because some other process wrote to it first\), it will retry until it succeeds\.
+# library/lux/control/concurrency/frp
+## Definitions
+### \(Channel it\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async (.Maybe [it (Channel it)]))
+An asynchronous channel to distribute values\.
+### \(Sink it\)
+... .Type
+ [close (library/lux/control/io.IO (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any))
+ feed (-> it (library/lux/control/io.IO (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any)))])
+The tail\-end of a channel, which can be written\-to to fee the channel\.
+### \(Subscriber it\)
+... .Type
+(-> it (library/lux/control/io.IO (.Maybe .Any)))
+A function that can receive every value fed into a channel\.
+### apply
+(library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply Channel)
+### channel
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Any [(Channel _0) (Sink _0)]))
+Creates a brand\-new channel and hands it over, along with the sink to write to it\.
+(channel _)
+### channel\_is\_already\_closed
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### distinct
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (Channel _0) (Channel _0)))
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Channel)
+### iterations
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async (.Maybe [_0 _1]))) _0 (Channel _1)))
+### list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Channel _0) (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async (.List _0))))
+### mix
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _1 _0 (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async _0)) _0 (Channel _1) (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async _0)))
+Asynchronous mix over channels\.
+(mix f init channel)
+### mixes
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _1 _0 (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async _0)) _0 (Channel _1) (Channel _0)))
+### monad
+(library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad Channel)
+### of\_async
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async _0) (Channel _0)))
+A one\-element channel containing the output from an async\.
+(of_async async)
+### only
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 .Bit) (Channel _0) (Channel _0)))
+Produces a new channel based on the old one, only with values
+that pass the test\.
+(only pass? channel)
+### periodic
+(-> .Nat [(Channel .Any) (Sink .Any)])
+### poll
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (library/lux/control/io.IO _0) [(Channel _0) (Sink _0)]))
+### sequential
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.List _0) (Channel _0)))
+Transforms the given list into a channel with the same elements\.
+(sequential milli_seconds values)
+### subscribe\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Subscriber _0) (Channel _0) (library/lux/control/io.IO .Any)))
+# library/lux/control/concurrency/semaphore
+## Definitions
+### Barrier
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/concurrency/semaphore.Barrier")
+A barrier that blocks all processes from proceeding until a given number of processes are parked at the barrier\.
+### Limit
+... .Type
+(library/lux/type/refinement.Refined .Nat (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/control/concurrency/semaphore",122,2 0}"))
+A limit for barriers\.
+### Mutex
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/concurrency/semaphore.Mutex")
+A mutual\-exclusion lock that can only be acquired by one process at a time\.
+### Semaphore
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/concurrency/semaphore.Semaphore")
+A tool for controlling access to resources by multiple concurrent processes\.
+### barrier
+(-> Limit Barrier)
+### block\!
+(-> Barrier (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async .Any))
+Wait on a barrier until all processes have arrived and met the barrier's limit\.
+### limit
+(library/lux/type/refinement.Refiner .Nat (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/control/concurrency/semaphore",122,2 0}"))
+Produce a limit for a barrier\.
+### mutex
+(-> .Any Mutex)
+Creates a brand\-new mutex\.
+(mutex _)
+### semaphore
+(-> .Nat Semaphore)
+(semaphore initial_open_positions)
+### semaphore\_is\_maxed\_out
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### signal\!
+(Ex (_ _0)
+ (-> Semaphore (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async (library/lux/control/try.Try .Int))))
+Signal to a semaphore that you're done with your work, and that there is a new open position\.
+(signal! semaphore)
+### synchronize\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> Mutex (library/lux/control/io.IO (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async _0)) (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async _0)))
+Runs the procedure with exclusive control of the mutex\.
+(synchronize! mutex procedure)
+### wait\!
+(Ex (_ _0)
+ (-> Semaphore (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async .Any)))
+Wait on a semaphore until there are open positions\.
+After finishing your work, you must 'signal' to the semaphore that you're done\.
+(wait! semaphore)
+# library/lux/control/concurrency/stm
+## Definitions
+### \(STM it\)
+... .Type
+(-> Tx [Tx it])
+A computation which updates a transaction and produces a value\.
+### \(Var it\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/concurrency/stm.Var" it)
+A mutable cell containing a value, and observers that will be alerted of any change to it\.
+### apply
+(library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply STM)
+### commit\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (STM _0) (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async _0)))
+Commits a transaction and returns its result \(asynchronously\)\.
+Note that a transaction may be re\-run an indeterminate number of times if other transactions involving the same variables successfully commit first\.
+For this reason, it's important to note that transactions must be free from side\-effects, such as I/O\.
+(commit! procedure)
+### follow\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Var _0) (library/lux/control/io.IO [(library/lux/control/concurrency/frp.Channel _0) (library/lux/control/concurrency/frp.Sink _0)])))
+Creates a channel that will receive all changes to the value of the given var\.
+(follow! target)
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor STM)
+### monad
+(library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad STM)
+### read
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Var _0) (STM _0)))
+### update
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 _0) (Var _0) (STM [_0 _0])))
+Update a var's value, and return a tuple with the old and the new values\.
+(update function var)
+### var
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Var _0)))
+Creates a new STM var, with a default value\.
+(var value)
+### write
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Var _0) (STM .Any)))
+# library/lux/control/concurrency/thread
+## Definitions
+### parallelism
+How many processes can run in parallel\.
+### schedule\!
+(-> .Nat (library/lux/control/io.IO .Any) (library/lux/control/io.IO .Any))
+Executes an I/O procedure after some milli\-seconds\.
+(schedule! milli_seconds action)
+# library/lux/control/continuation
+## Definitions
+### \(Cont input output\)
+... .Type
+(-> (-> input output) output)
+### apply
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply (All (_ _1) (Cont _1 _0))))
+### continued
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1) (Cont _0 _1) _1))
+Continues a continuation thunk\.
+(continued next cont)
+### functor
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor (All (_ _1) (Cont _1 _0))))
+### monad
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (All (_ _1) (Cont _1 _0))))
+### pending
+Turns any expression into a function that is pending a continuation\.
+(pending (some_function some_input))
+### portal
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> _0 (Cont [(-> _0 (Cont _1 _2)) _0] _2)))
+### reset
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Cont _0 _0) (Cont _0 _1)))
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Cont _0 _0) _0))
+Forces a continuation thunk to be evaluated\.
+(result cont)
+### shift
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> (-> _0 (Cont _0 _0)) (Cont _0 _0)) (Cont _0 _0)))
+### with\_current
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (-> (-> _0 (Cont _1 _2)) (Cont _0 _2)) (Cont _0 _2)))
+Call with current continuation\.
+ (function (_ go)
+ (do monad
+ [.let [nexus (function (nexus val)
+ (go [nexus val]))]
+ _ (go [nexus init])]
+ (in (undefined)))))
+# library/lux/control/exception
+Pure\-Lux exception\-handling functionality\.
+## Definitions
+### \(Exception it\)
+... .Type
+ [#label .Text
+ #constructor (-> it .Text)])
+An exception provides a way to decorate error messages\.
+### assertion
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Exception _0) _0 .Bit (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any)))
+### error
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Exception _0) _0 .Text))
+Constructs an error message from an exception\.
+(error exception message)
+### except
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Exception _0) _0 (library/lux/control/try.Try _1)))
+Decorate an error message with an Exception and lift it into the error\-handling context\.
+(except exception message)
+### exception:
+Define a new exception type\.
+It mostly just serves as a way to tag error messages for later catching\.
+... Simple case:
+(exception: .public some_exception)
+... Complex case:
+(exception: .public [arbitrary type variables] (some_exception [optional Text
+ arguments Int])
+ optional_body)
+### listing
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 .Text) (.List _0) .Text))
+A numbered report of the entries on a list\.
+NOTE: 0\-based numbering\.
+(listing format entries)
+### match?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Exception _0) .Text .Bit))
+Is this exception the cause of the error message?
+(match? exception error)
+### otherwise
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> .Text _0) (library/lux/control/try.Try _0) _0))
+If no handler could be found to catch the exception, then run a function as a last\-resort measure\.
+(otherwise else try)
+### report
+An error report\.
+(: Text
+ (report ["Row 0" value/0]
+ ["Row 1" value/1]
+ ,,,
+ ["Row N" value/N]))
+### when
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Exception _0) (-> .Text _1) (library/lux/control/try.Try _1) (library/lux/control/try.Try _1)))
+If a particular exception is detected on a possibly\-erroneous value, handle it\.
+If no exception was detected, or a different one from the one being checked, then pass along the original value\.
+(when exception then try)
+### with
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Exception _0) _0 (library/lux/control/try.Try _1) (library/lux/control/try.Try _1)))
+If a computation fails, prepends the exception to the error\.
+(with exception message computation)
+# library/lux/control/function
+## Definitions
+### composite
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (-> _1 _2) (-> _0 _1) _0 _2))
+Function composition\.
+(= ((composite f g) "foo")
+ (f (g "foo")))
+### constant
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (All (_ _1) (-> _1 _0))))
+Create constant functions\.
+(= ((constant "foo") "bar")
+ "foo")
+### flipped
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1 _2) _1 _0 _2))
+Flips the order of the arguments of a function\.
+(= ((flipped f) "foo" "bar")
+ (f "bar" "foo"))
+### identity
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 _0))
+Identity function\.
+Does nothing to its argument and just returns it\.
+(same? (identity value)
+ value)
+### monoid
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid (-> _0 _0)))
+### on
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 (-> _0 _1) _1))
+Simple 1\-argument function application\.
+(on input function)
+# library/lux/control/function/contract
+## Definitions
+### post
+Given a predicate and an expression to run, evaluates the expression and then tests the output with the predicate\.
+If the predicate returns \#1, returns the value of the expression\.
+Otherwise, an error is raised\.
+(post i.even?
+ (i.+ +2 +2))
+### post\_condition\_failed
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Code)
+### pre
+Given a test and an expression to run, only runs the expression if the test passes\.
+Otherwise, an error is raised\.
+(pre (i.= +4 (i.+ +2 +2))
+ (foo +123 +456 +789))
+### pre\_condition\_failed
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Code)
+# library/lux/control/function/memo
+## Definitions
+### \(Memo input output\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/function/mixin.Recursive input (library/lux/control/state.State (library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary input output) output))
+### closed
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (Memo _0 _1) _0 _1))
+Memoization confined to a single invocation to the function \(not counting any subsequent recursive invocations\)\.
+Memoized results will be re\-used during recursive invocations, but cannot be accessed after the main invocation has ended\.
+(closed hash memo)
+### memoization
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (library/lux/control/function/mixin.Mixin _0 (library/lux/control/state.State (library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary _0 _1) _1)))
+### none
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (Memo _0 _1) _0 _1))
+No memoization at all\.
+This is useful as a test control when measuring the effect of using memoization\.
+(none hash memo)
+### open
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Memo _0 _1) [(library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary _0 _1) _0] [(library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary _0 _1) _1]))
+Memoization where the memoized results can be re\-used accross invocations\.
+(open memo)
+# library/lux/control/function/mixin
+## Definitions
+### \(Mixin input output\)
+... .Type
+(-> (-> input output) (-> input output) input output)
+A partially\-defined function which can be mixed with others to inherit their behavior\.
+### \(Recursive input output\)
+... .Type
+(-> (-> input output) input output)
+An indirectly recursive function\.
+### advice
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (Mixin _0 _1) (Mixin _0 _1)))
+Only apply then mixin when the input meets some criterion\.
+(advice when then)
+### after
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (-> _1 _2 (_0 .Any)) (Mixin _1 (_0 _2))))
+Executes an action after doing the main work\.
+(after monad action)
+### before
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (-> _1 (_0 .Any)) (Mixin _1 (_0 _2))))
+Executes an action before doing the main work\.
+(before monad action)
+### fixed
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Mixin _0 _1) _0 _1))
+Given a mixin, produces a normal function\.
+(fixed f)
+### mixed
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Mixin _0 _1) (Mixin _0 _1) (Mixin _0 _1)))
+Produces a new mixin, where the behavior of the child can make use of the behavior of the parent\.
+(mixed parent child)
+### monoid
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid (Mixin _0 _1)))
+### nothing
+A mixin that does nothing and just delegates work to the next mixin\.
+### of\_recursive
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Recursive _0 _1) (Mixin _0 _1)))
+Transform an indirectly recursive function into a mixin\.
+(of_recursive recursive)
+# library/lux/control/function/mutual
+## Definitions
+### def:
+Globally\-defined mutually\-recursive functions\.
+ [.public (even? number)
+ (-> Nat Bit)
+ (case number
+ 0 true
+ _ (odd? (-- number)))]
+ [.public (odd? number)
+ (-> Nat Bit)
+ (case number
+ 0 false
+ _ (even? (-- number)))])
+### let
+Locally\-defined mutually\-recursive functions\.
+(let [(even? number)
+ (-> Nat Bit)
+ (case number
+ 0 true
+ _ (odd? (-- number)))
+ (odd? number)
+ (-> Nat Bit)
+ (case number
+ 0 false
+ _ (even? (-- number)))]
+ (and (even? 4)
+ (odd? 5)))
+# library/lux/control/io
+A method for abstracting I/O and effectful computations to make it safe while writing pure functional code\.
+## Definitions
+### \(IO it\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/io.IO" it)
+A type that represents synchronous, effectful computations that may interact with the outside world\.
+### apply
+(library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply IO)
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor IO)
+### io
+Delays the evaluation of an expression, by wrapping it in an IO 'thunk'\.
+Great for wrapping effectful computations \(which will not be performed until the IO is 'run\!'\)\.
+(io (exec
+ (log! msg)
+ "Some value..."))
+### monad
+(library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad IO)
+### run\!
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (IO _1) _1))
+A way to execute IO computations and perform their side\-effects\.
+# library/lux/control/lazy
+## Definitions
+### \(Lazy it\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/lazy.Lazy" it)
+A value specified by an expression that is calculated only at the last moment possible\.
+Afterwards, the value is cached for future reference\.
+### apply
+(library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply Lazy)
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Lazy _0))))
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Lazy)
+### lazy
+Specifies a lazy value by providing the expression that computes it\.
+(lazy eager_computation)
+### monad
+(library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad Lazy)
+### value
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Lazy _0) _0))
+# library/lux/control/maybe
+## Definitions
+### apply
+(library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply .Maybe)
+### else
+Allows you to provide a default value that will be used
+if a \(Maybe x\) value turns out to be \.\#None\.
+Note: the expression for the default value will not be computed if the base computation succeeds\.
+(else +20 {.#Some +10})
+... =>
+(else +20 {.#None})
+... =>
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (.Maybe _0))))
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor .Maybe)
+### hash
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash (.Maybe _0))))
+### lifted
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (_0 _1) (_0 (.Maybe _1))))
+Wraps a monadic value with Maybe machinery\.
+(lifted monad)
+### list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.Maybe _0) (.List _0)))
+### monad
+(library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad .Maybe)
+### monoid
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid (.Maybe _0)))
+### trusted
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.Maybe _0) _0))
+Assumes that a Maybe value is a \.\#Some and yields its value\.
+Raises/throws a runtime error otherwise\.
+WARNING: Use with caution\.
+(trusted trusted_computation)
+### when
+Can be used as a guard in \(co\)monadic be/do expressions\.
+(do monad
+ [value (do_something 1 2 3)
+ .when (passes_test? value)]
+ (do_something_else 4 5 6))
+### with
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (All (_ _1) (_0 (.Maybe _1))))))
+# library/lux/control/parser
+## Definitions
+### \(Parser state it\)
+... .Type
+(-> state (library/lux/control/try.Try [state it]))
+A generic parser\.
+### after
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 _2) (Parser _0 _2)))
+Run the parser after another one \(whose output is ignored\)\.
+(after param subject)
+### and
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 _2) (Parser _0 [_1 _2])))
+Sequencing combinator\.
+(and first second)
+### apply
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply (Parser _0)))
+### assertion
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text .Bit (Parser _0 .Any)))
+Fails with the given message if the test is \#0\.
+(assertion message test)
+### at\_least
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> .Nat (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 (.List _1))))
+Parse at least N times\.
+(at_least amount parser)
+### at\_most
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> .Nat (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 (.List _1))))
+Parse at most N times\.
+(at_most amount parser)
+### before
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 _2) (Parser _0 _2)))
+Run the parser before another one \(whose output is ignored\)\.
+(before param subject)
+### between
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> .Nat .Nat (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 (.List _1))))
+(between minimum additional parser)
+### codec
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec _1 _2) (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 _2)))
+Decode the output of a parser using a codec\.
+(codec codec parser)
+### either
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 _1)))
+Homogeneous alternative combinator\.
+(either this that)
+### else
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _1 (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 _1)))
+If the given parser fails, returns the default value\.
+(else value parser)
+### exactly
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> .Nat (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 (.List _1))))
+Parse exactly N times\.
+(exactly amount parser)
+### failure
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> .Text (Parser _0 _1)))
+Always fail with this 'message'\.
+(failure message)
+### functor
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor (Parser _0)))
+### lifted
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/control/try.Try _1) (Parser _0 _1)))
+Lift a potentially failed computation into a parser\.
+(lifted operation)
+### many
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 (.List _1))))
+1\-or\-more combinator\.
+(many parser)
+### maybe
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 (.Maybe _1))))
+Optionality combinator\.
+(maybe parser)
+### monad
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (Parser _0)))
+### not
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 .Any)))
+Only succeeds when the underlying parser fails\.
+(not parser)
+### only
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _1 .Bit) (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 _1)))
+Only succeed when the parser's output passes a test\.
+(only test parser)
+### or
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 _2) (Parser _0 (Or _1 _2))))
+Heterogeneous alternative combinator\.
+(or left right)
+### parses
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 .Any)))
+Ignore a parser's output and just execute it\.
+(parses parser)
+### parses?
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 .Bit)))
+Ignore a parser's output and just verify that it succeeds\.
+(parses? parser)
+### rec
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 _1)) (Parser _0 _1)))
+Combinator for recursive parsers\.
+(rec parser)
+### remaining
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Parser _0 _0))
+Yield the remaining input \(without consuming it\)\.
+### result
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) _0 (library/lux/control/try.Try [_0 _1])))
+Executes the parser on the input\.
+Does not verify that all of the input has been consumed by the parser\.
+Returns both the parser's output, and a value that represents the remaining input\.
+(result parser input)
+### separated\_by
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _2) (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 (.List _1))))
+Parses instances of 'parser' that are separated by instances of 'separator'\.
+(separated_by separator parser)
+### some
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 (.List _1))))
+0\-or\-more combinator\.
+(some parser)
+### speculative
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 _1)))
+Executes a parser, without actually consuming the input\.
+That way, the same input can be consumed again by another parser\.
+(speculative parser)
+# library/lux/control/parser/analysis
+## Definitions
+### \(Parser it\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/parser.Parser (.List library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Analysis))
+A parser for Lux code analysis nodes\.
+### any
+(Parser library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Analysis)
+Matches any value, without discrimination\.
+### bit
+(Parser .Bit)
+Queries for a bit value\.
+### bit\!
+(-> .Bit (Parser .Any))
+Assert a specific bit value\.
+### cannot\_parse
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception (.List library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Analysis))
+### constant
+(Parser .Symbol)
+Queries for a constant value\.
+### constant\!
+(-> .Symbol (Parser .Any))
+Assert a specific constant value\.
+### end\!
+(Parser .Any)
+Ensures there are no more inputs\.
+### end?
+(Parser .Bit)
+Checks whether there are no more inputs\.
+### foreign
+(Parser .Nat)
+Queries for a foreign value\.
+### foreign\!
+(-> .Nat (Parser .Any))
+Assert a specific foreign value\.
+### frac
+(Parser .Frac)
+Queries for a frac value\.
+### frac\!
+(-> .Frac (Parser .Any))
+Assert a specific frac value\.
+### int
+(Parser .Int)
+Queries for a int value\.
+### int\!
+(-> .Int (Parser .Any))
+Assert a specific int value\.
+### local
+(Parser .Nat)
+Queries for a local value\.
+### local\!
+(-> .Nat (Parser .Any))
+Assert a specific local value\.
+### nat
+(Parser .Nat)
+Queries for a nat value\.
+### nat\!
+(-> .Nat (Parser .Any))
+Assert a specific nat value\.
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (.List library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Analysis) (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)))
+Executes a parser and makes sure no inputs go unconsumed\.
+(result parser input)
+### rev
+(Parser .Rev)
+Queries for a rev value\.
+### rev\!
+(-> .Rev (Parser .Any))
+Assert a specific rev value\.
+### text
+(Parser .Text)
+Queries for a text value\.
+### text\!
+(-> .Text (Parser .Any))
+Assert a specific text value\.
+### tuple
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses only within the context of a tuple's contents\.
+(tuple parser)
+### unconsumed\_input
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception (.List library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Analysis))
+# library/lux/control/parser/binary
+## Definitions
+### Offset
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+An offset for reading within binary data\.
+### \(Parser it\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/parser.Parser [Offset library/lux/data/binary.Binary])
+A parser for raw binary data\.
+### Size
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+The size of a chunk of data within a binary array\.
+### any
+(Parser .Any)
+Does no parsing, and just returns a dummy value\.
+### binary/16
+(Parser library/lux/data/binary.Binary)
+Parses a block of data prefixed with a size that is 16 bytes long\.
+### binary/32
+(Parser library/lux/data/binary.Binary)
+Parses a block of data prefixed with a size that is 32 bytes long\.
+### binary/64
+(Parser library/lux/data/binary.Binary)
+Parses a block of data prefixed with a size that is 64 bytes long\.
+### binary/8
+(Parser library/lux/data/binary.Binary)
+Parses a block of data prefixed with a size that is 8 bytes long\.
+### binary\_was\_not\_fully\_read
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Nat .Nat])
+### bit
+(Parser .Bit)
+### bits/16
+(Parser .I64)
+### bits/32
+(Parser .I64)
+### bits/64
+(Parser .I64)
+### bits/8
+(Parser .I64)
+### code
+(Parser .Code)
+### end?
+(Parser .Bit)
+Checks whether there is no more data to read\.
+### frac
+(Parser .Frac)
+### int
+(Parser .Int)
+### invalid\_tag
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Nat .Nat])
+### list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser (.List _0))))
+Parses an arbitrarily long list of values\.
+(list value)
+### location
+(Parser .Location)
+### maybe
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser (.Maybe _0))))
+### nat
+(Parser .Nat)
+### not\_a\_bit
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### offset
+(Parser Offset)
+The current offset \(i\.e\. how much data has been read\)\.
+### or
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _1) (Parser (Or _0 _1))))
+### rec
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _0)) (Parser _0)))
+Tie the knot for a recursive parser\.
+### remaining
+(Parser .Nat)
+How much of the data remains to be read\.
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) library/lux/data/binary.Binary (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)))
+Runs a parser and checks that all the binary data was read by it\.
+(result parser input)
+### rev
+(Parser .Rev)
+### segment
+(-> .Nat (Parser library/lux/data/binary.Binary))
+Parses a chunk of data of a given size\.
+(segment size)
+### sequence/16
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser (library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence _0))))
+Parses a sequence of values prefixed with a size that is 16 bytes long\.
+### sequence/32
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser (library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence _0))))
+Parses a sequence of values prefixed with a size that is 32 bytes long\.
+### sequence/64
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser (library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence _0))))
+Parses a sequence of values prefixed with a size that is 64 bytes long\.
+### sequence/8
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser (library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence _0))))
+Parses a sequence of values prefixed with a size that is 8 bytes long\.
+### set
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (Parser _0) (Parser (library/lux/data/collection/set.Set _0))))
+(set hash value)
+### set\_elements\_are\_not\_unique
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### size/16
+### size/32
+### size/64
+### size/8
+### symbol
+(Parser .Symbol)
+### text
+(Parser .Text)
+### type
+(Parser .Type)
+### utf8/16
+(Parser .Text)
+Parses a block of \(UTF\-8 encoded\) text prefixed with a size that is 16 bytes long\.
+### utf8/32
+(Parser .Text)
+Parses a block of \(UTF\-8 encoded\) text prefixed with a size that is 32 bytes long\.
+### utf8/64
+(Parser .Text)
+Parses a block of \(UTF\-8 encoded\) text prefixed with a size that is 64 bytes long\.
+### utf8/8
+(Parser .Text)
+Parses a block of \(UTF\-8 encoded\) text prefixed with a size that is 8 bytes long\.
+# library/lux/control/parser/cli
+## Definitions
+### \(Parser it\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/parser.Parser (.List .Text) it)
+A command\-line interface parser\.
+### any
+(Parser .Text)
+Just returns the next input without applying any logic\.
+### end
+(Parser .Any)
+Ensures there are no more inputs\.
+### named
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses a named parameter and yields its value\.
+(named name value)
+### parameter
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [.Text .Text] (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses a parameter that can have either a short or a long name\.
+(parameter [short long] value)
+### parse
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> .Text (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)) (Parser _0)))
+Parses the next input with a parsing function\.
+(parse parser)
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (.List .Text) (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)))
+Executes the parser and verifies that all inputs are processed\.
+(result parser inputs)
+### somewhere
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Given a parser, tries to parse it somewhere in the inputs \(i\.e\. not necessarily parsing the immediate inputs\)\.
+(somewhere cli)
+### this
+(-> .Text (Parser .Any))
+Checks that a token is in the inputs\.
+(this reference)
+# library/lux/control/parser/code
+## Definitions
+### \(Parser it\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/parser.Parser (.List .Code))
+A Lux code parser\.
+### any
+(Parser .Code)
+Yields the next input without applying any logic\.
+### bit
+(Parser .Bit)
+Parses the next bit input\.
+### bit\!
+(-> .Bit (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific bit input\.
+### end\!
+(Parser .Any)
+Verifies there are no more inputs\.
+### end?
+(Parser .Bit)
+Checks whether there are no more inputs\.
+### form
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses the contents of a form\.
+### frac
+(Parser .Frac)
+Parses the next frac input\.
+### frac\!
+(-> .Frac (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific frac input\.
+### int
+(Parser .Int)
+Parses the next int input\.
+### int\!
+(-> .Int (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific int input\.
+### local
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List .Code) (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Runs parser against the given list of inputs\.
+(local inputs parser)
+### local\_symbol
+(Parser .Text)
+Parse a local local symbol \(a local symbol that has no module prefix\)\.
+### local\_symbol\!
+(-> .Text (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific local local symbol \(a local symbol that has no module prefix\)\.
+### nat
+(Parser .Nat)
+Parses the next nat input\.
+### nat\!
+(-> .Nat (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific nat input\.
+### next
+(Parser .Code)
+Yields the next Code token without consuming it from the input stream\.
+### not
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser .Code)))
+Yields the next Code token if the parser fails\.
+(not expected_to_fail)
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (.List .Code) (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)))
+Executes a parser against a stream of code, and verifies all the inputs are consumed\.
+(result parser inputs)
+### rev
+(Parser .Rev)
+Parses the next rev input\.
+### rev\!
+(-> .Rev (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific rev input\.
+### symbol
+(Parser .Symbol)
+Parses the next symbol input\.
+### symbol\!
+(-> .Symbol (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific symbol input\.
+### text
+(Parser .Text)
+Parses the next text input\.
+### text\!
+(-> .Text (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific text input\.
+### this\!
+(-> .Code (Parser .Any))
+Ensures the given Code is the next input\.
+(this! code)
+### tuple
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses the contents of a tuple\.
+### variant
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses the contents of a variant\.
+# library/lux/control/parser/environment
+## Definitions
+### Environment
+... .Type
+(library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary Property .Text)
+An abstraction for environment variables of a program\.
+### \(Parser it\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/parser.Parser Environment it)
+A parser of environment variables of a program\.
+### Property
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Text")
+A property in the environment\.
+### empty
+An empty environment\.
+### property
+(-> Property (Parser .Text))
+(property name)
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) Environment (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)))
+Executes a parser against the given environment variables\.
+Does not check whether all environment variables were parsed, since they're usually an open set\.
+(result parser environment)
+### unknown\_property
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception Property)
+# library/lux/control/parser/json
+## Definitions
+### \(Parser it\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/parser.Parser (.List library/lux/data/format/json.JSON) it)
+A JSON parser\.
+### any
+(Parser library/lux/data/format/json.JSON)
+Just returns the JSON input without applying any logic\.
+### array
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses the contents of a JSON array\.
+(array parser)
+### boolean
+(Parser library/lux/data/format/json.Boolean)
+Reads a JSON value as boolean\.
+### boolean\!
+(-> library/lux/data/format/json.Boolean (Parser .Any))
+Ensures a JSON value is a boolean\.
+### boolean?
+(-> library/lux/data/format/json.Boolean (Parser .Bit))
+Asks whether a JSON value is a boolean\.
+### dictionary
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser (library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary .Text _0))))
+Parses a dictionary\-like JSON object\.
+### empty\_input
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### field
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses a field inside a JSON object\.
+Use this inside the 'object' combinator\.
+(field field_name parser)
+### null
+(Parser library/lux/data/format/json.Null)
+Reads a JSON value as null\.
+### nullable
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser (.Maybe _0))))
+Enhances parser by adding NULL\-handling\.
+(nullable parser)
+### number
+(Parser library/lux/data/format/json.Number)
+Reads a JSON value as number\.
+### number\!
+(-> library/lux/data/format/json.Number (Parser .Any))
+Ensures a JSON value is a number\.
+### number?
+(-> library/lux/data/format/json.Number (Parser .Bit))
+Asks whether a JSON value is a number\.
+### object
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses the contents of a JSON object\.
+Use this with the 'field' combinator\.
+(object parser)
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) library/lux/data/format/json.JSON (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)))
+Executes the parser against a JSON object\.
+Verifies that all of the JSON was consumed by the parser\.
+(result parser json)
+### string
+(Parser library/lux/data/format/json.String)
+Reads a JSON value as string\.
+### string\!
+(-> library/lux/data/format/json.String (Parser .Any))
+Ensures a JSON value is a string\.
+### string?
+(-> library/lux/data/format/json.String (Parser .Bit))
+Asks whether a JSON value is a string\.
+### unconsumed\_input
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception (.List library/lux/data/format/json.JSON))
+### unexpected\_value
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception library/lux/data/format/json.JSON)
+### value\_mismatch
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/control/exception.Exception [library/lux/data/format/json.JSON library/lux/data/format/json.JSON]))
+# library/lux/control/parser/synthesis
+## Definitions
+### \(Parser it\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/parser.Parser (.List library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Synthesis))
+A parser for the Lux compiler's synthesis nodes using during optimization\.
+### any
+(Parser library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Synthesis)
+Yields a synthesis node without subjecting it to any analysis\.
+### bit
+(Parser .Bit)
+Queries for a bit synthesis node\.
+### bit\!
+(-> .Bit (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific bit synthesis node\.
+### cannot\_parse
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception (.List library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Synthesis))
+### constant
+(Parser .Symbol)
+Queries for a constant synthesis node\.
+### constant\!
+(-> .Symbol (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific constant synthesis node\.
+### empty\_input
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### end\!
+(Parser .Any)
+Ensures there are no more inputs\.
+### end?
+(Parser .Bit)
+Checks whether there are no more inputs\.
+### expected\_empty\_input
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception (.List library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Synthesis))
+### f64
+(Parser .Frac)
+Queries for a f64 synthesis node\.
+### f64\!
+(-> .Frac (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific f64 synthesis node\.
+### foreign
+(Parser .Nat)
+Queries for a foreign synthesis node\.
+### foreign\!
+(-> .Nat (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific foreign synthesis node\.
+### function
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> library/lux/tool/compiler/arity.Arity (Parser _0) (Parser [(library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Environment library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Synthesis) _0])))
+Parses the body of a function with the 'expected' arity\.
+(function expected parser)
+### i64
+(Parser (.I64 .Any))
+Queries for a i64 synthesis node\.
+### i64\!
+(-> (.I64 .Any) (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific i64 synthesis node\.
+### local
+(Parser .Nat)
+Queries for a local synthesis node\.
+### local\!
+(-> .Nat (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific local synthesis node\.
+### loop
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _1) (Parser [library/lux/tool/compiler/reference/variable.Register _0 _1])))
+Parses the initial values and the body of a loop\.
+(loop init_parsers iteration_parser)
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (.List library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Synthesis) (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)))
+Executes the parser against the inputs\.
+Ensures all inputs are consumed by the parser\.
+(result parser input)
+### text
+(Parser .Text)
+Queries for a text synthesis node\.
+### text\!
+(-> .Text (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific text synthesis node\.
+### tuple
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses the contents of a tuple\.
+(tuple parser)
+### unconsumed\_input
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception (.List library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Synthesis))
+### wrong\_arity
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [library/lux/tool/compiler/arity.Arity library/lux/tool/compiler/arity.Arity])
+# library/lux/control/parser/text
+## Definitions
+### Offset
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+An offset into a block of text\.
+### \(Parser it\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/parser.Parser [Offset .Text])
+A parser for text\.
+### Slice
+... .Type
+ [#basis Offset
+ #distance Offset])
+A slice of a block of text\.
+### alpha
+(Parser .Text)
+Yields alphabetic characters\.
+### alpha\_num
+(Parser .Text)
+Yields alphanumeric characters\.
+### and
+(-> (Parser .Text) (Parser .Text) (Parser .Text))
+Yields the outputs of both parsers composed together\.
+(and left right)
+### and\!
+(-> (Parser Slice) (Parser Slice) (Parser Slice))
+Yields the outputs of both parsers composed together \(as a slice\)\.
+(and! left right)
+### any
+(Parser .Text)
+Yields the next character without applying any logic\.
+### any\!
+(Parser Slice)
+Yields the next character \(as a slice\) without applying any logic\.
+### at\_least
+(-> .Nat (Parser .Text) (Parser .Text))
+Yields at least N characters\.
+### at\_least\!
+(-> .Nat (Parser Slice) (Parser Slice))
+Yields at least N characters \(as a slice\)\.
+### at\_most
+(-> .Nat (Parser .Text) (Parser .Text))
+Yields at most N characters\.
+### at\_most\!
+(-> .Nat (Parser Slice) (Parser Slice))
+Yields at most N characters \(as a slice\)\.
+### between
+(-> .Nat .Nat (Parser .Text) (Parser .Text))
+(between minimum additional parser)
+### between\!
+(-> .Nat .Nat (Parser Slice) (Parser Slice))
+(between! minimum additional parser)
+### cannot\_match
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Text)
+### cannot\_parse
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### cannot\_slice
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### character\_does\_not\_satisfy\_predicate
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception library/lux/data/text.Char)
+### character\_should\_be
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Text library/lux/data/text.Char])
+### character\_should\_not\_be
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Text library/lux/data/text.Char])
+### decimal
+(Parser .Text)
+Only yields decimal characters\.
+### enclosed
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [.Text .Text] (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+(enclosed [start end] parser)
+### end\!
+(Parser .Any)
+Ensure the parser's input is empty\.
+### exactly
+(-> .Nat (Parser .Text) (Parser .Text))
+Yields exactly N characters\.
+### exactly\!
+(-> .Nat (Parser Slice) (Parser Slice))
+Yields exactly N characters \(as a slice\)\.
+### expected\_to\_fail
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [Offset .Text])
+### hexadecimal
+(Parser .Text)
+Yields hexadecimal digits\.
+### local
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Applies a parser against the given input\.
+(local local_input parser)
+### lower
+(Parser .Text)
+Only yields lowercase characters\.
+### many
+(-> (Parser .Text) (Parser .Text))
+Yields <name> characters as a single continuous text\.
+### many\!
+(-> (Parser Slice) (Parser Slice))
+Yields <name> characters as a single continuous text \(as a slice\)\.
+### next
+(Parser .Text)
+Yields the next character \(without consuming it from the input\)\.
+### none\_of
+(-> .Text (Parser .Text))
+Yields characters that are not part of a piece of text\.
+### none\_of\!
+(-> .Text (Parser Slice))
+Yields characters \(as a slice\) that are not part of a piece of text\.
+### not
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser .Text)))
+Produce a character if the parser fails\.
+### not\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser Slice)))
+Produce a character \(as a slice\) if the parser fails\.
+### octal
+(Parser .Text)
+Only yields octal characters\.
+### offset
+(Parser Offset)
+Yields the current offset into the input\.
+### one\_of
+(-> .Text (Parser .Text))
+Yields characters that are part of a piece of text\.
+### one\_of\!
+(-> .Text (Parser Slice))
+Yields characters \(as a slice\) that are part of a piece of text\.
+### range
+(-> .Nat .Nat (Parser .Text))
+Only yields characters within a range\.
+(range bottom top)
+### remaining
+(Parser .Text)
+Get all of the remaining input \(without consuming it\)\.
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) .Text (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)))
+Executes a parser against a block of text\.
+Verifies that the entire input has been processed\.
+(result parser input)
+### satisfies
+(-> (-> library/lux/data/text.Char .Bit) (Parser .Text))
+Yields characters that satisfy a predicate\.
+(satisfies parser)
+### slice
+(-> (Parser Slice) (Parser .Text))
+Converts a slice to a block of text\.
+(slice parser)
+### some
+(-> (Parser .Text) (Parser .Text))
+Yields <name> characters as a single continuous text\.
+### some\!
+(-> (Parser Slice) (Parser Slice))
+Yields <name> characters as a single continuous text \(as a slice\)\.
+### space
+(Parser .Text)
+Yields white\-space\.
+### then
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _1) (library/lux/control/parser.Parser _0 .Text) (library/lux/control/parser.Parser _0 _1)))
+Embeds a text parser into an arbitrary parser that yields text\.
+(then structured text)
+### this
+(-> .Text (Parser .Any))
+Checks that a specific text shows up in the input\.
+(this reference)
+### unconsumed\_input
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [Offset .Text])
+### upper
+(Parser .Text)
+Only yields uppercase characters\.
+# library/lux/control/parser/tree
+## Definitions
+### \(Parser it\)
+... .Type
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/control/parser.Parser (library/lux/data/collection/tree/zipper.Zipper it) _0))
+A parser of arbitrary trees\.
+### cannot\_move\_further
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### down
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Parser _0 .Any))
+Move down\.
+### end
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Parser _0 .Any))
+Move to the last node\.
+### left
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Parser _0 .Any))
+Move to the left\.
+### leftmost
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Parser _0 .Any))
+Move to the leftmost node\.
+### next
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Parser _0 .Any))
+Move to the next node\.
+### previous
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Parser _0 .Any))
+Move to the previous node\.
+### result
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (library/lux/data/collection/tree.Tree _0) (library/lux/control/try.Try _1)))
+Applies the parser against a tree\.
+(result parser tree)
+### result'
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (library/lux/data/collection/tree/zipper.Zipper _0) (library/lux/control/try.Try _1)))
+Applies the parser against a tree zipper\.
+(result' parser zipper)
+### right
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Parser _0 .Any))
+Move to the right\.
+### rightmost
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Parser _0 .Any))
+Move to the rightmost node\.
+### start
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Parser _0 .Any))
+Move to the root node\.
+### up
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Parser _0 .Any))
+Move up\.
+### value
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Parser _0 _0))
+Yields the value inside the current tree node\.
+# library/lux/control/parser/type
+Parsing of Lux types\.
+Used mostly for polytypic programming\.
+## Definitions
+### Env
+... .Type
+(library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary .Nat [.Type .Code])
+An environment for type parsing\.
+### \(Parser it\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/parser.Parser [Env (.List .Type)] it)
+A parser of Lux types\.
+### adjusted\_idx
+(-> Env .Nat .Nat)
+(adjusted_idx env idx)
+### any
+(Parser .Type)
+Yields a type, without examination\.
+### applied
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses a type application\.
+(applied poly)
+### empty\_input
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### env
+(Parser Env)
+Yields the current parsing environment\.
+### exactly
+(-> .Type (Parser .Any))
+Parses a type exactly\.
+### existential
+(Parser .Nat)
+Yields an existential type\.
+### fresh
+An empty parsing environment\.
+### function
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _1) (Parser [_0 _1])))
+Parses a function's inputs and output\.
+(function in_poly out_poly)
+### local
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List .Type) (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Apply a parser to the given inputs\.
+(local types poly)
+### named
+(Parser [.Symbol .Type])
+Yields a named type\.
+### next
+(Parser .Type)
+Inspect a type in the input stream without consuming it\.
+### not\_application
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Type)
+### not\_existential
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Type)
+### not\_function
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Type)
+### not\_named
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Type)
+### not\_parameter
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Type)
+### not\_polymorphic
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Type)
+### not\_recursive
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Type)
+### not\_tuple
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Type)
+### not\_variant
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Type)
+### parameter
+(Parser .Code)
+### parameter\!
+(-> .Nat (Parser .Any))
+(parameter! id)
+### polymorphic
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser [.Code (.List .Code) _0])))
+(polymorphic poly)
+### recursive
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser [.Code _0])))
+(recursive poly)
+### recursive\_call
+(Parser .Code)
+### recursive\_self
+(Parser .Code)
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) .Type (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)))
+Applies a parser against a type\.
+Verifies that the parser fully consumes the type's information\.
+(result poly type)
+### sub
+(-> .Type (Parser .Any))
+Parses a sub type\.
+### super
+(-> .Type (Parser .Any))
+Parses a super type\.
+### tuple
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses the contents of a tuple type\.
+### types\_do\_not\_match
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Type .Type])
+### unconsumed\_input
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception (.List .Type))
+### unknown\_parameter
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Type)
+### variant
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses the contents of a variant type\.
+### with\_extension
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Type (Parser _0) (Parser [.Code _0])))
+(with_extension type poly)
+### wrong\_parameter
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Type .Type])
+# library/lux/control/parser/xml
+## Definitions
+### \(Parser it\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/parser.Parser [library/lux/data/format/xml.Attrs (.List library/lux/data/format/xml.XML)] it)
+A parser of XML\-encoded data\.
+### any
+(Parser library/lux/data/format/xml.XML)
+Yields the next node\.
+### attribute
+(-> library/lux/data/format/xml.Attribute (Parser .Text))
+Yields the value of an attribute in the current node\.
+(attribute name)
+### empty\_input
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### node
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> library/lux/data/format/xml.Tag (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses the contents of the next node if the tag matches\.
+(node expected parser)
+### nowhere
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (.List library/lux/data/format/xml.XML) (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)))
+Applies a parser against a stream of XML documents\.
+Verifies that all of the inputs are consumed by the parser\.
+(result parser documents)
+### somewhere
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Applies the parser somewhere among the remaining inputs; instead of demanding that the parser succeeds against the immediate inputs\.
+(somewhere parser)
+### tag
+(Parser library/lux/data/format/xml.Tag)
+Yields the tag from the next node\.
+### text
+(Parser .Text)
+Yields text from a text node\.
+### unconsumed\_inputs
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception (.List library/lux/data/format/xml.XML))
+### unexpected\_input
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### unknown\_attribute
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [library/lux/data/format/xml.Attribute (.List library/lux/data/format/xml.Attribute)])
+### wrong\_tag
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [library/lux/data/format/xml.Tag library/lux/data/format/xml.Tag])
+# library/lux/control/pipe
+Composable extensions to the piping macros \(|> and <|\) that enhance them with various abilities\.
+## Definitions
+### case>
+Pattern\-matching for pipes\.
+The bodies of each branch are NOT pipes; just regular values\.
+(|> +5
+ (case> +0 "zero"
+ +1 "one"
+ +2 "two"
+ +3 "three"
+ +4 "four"
+ +5 "five"
+ +6 "six"
+ +7 "seven"
+ +8 "eight"
+ +9 "nine"
+ _ "???"))
+### cond>
+Branching for pipes\.
+Both the tests and the bodies are piped\-code, and must be given inside a tuple\.
+(|> +5
+ (cond> [i.even?] [(i.* +2)]
+ [i.odd?] [(i.* +3)]
+ [(new> -1 [])]))
+### do>
+Monadic pipes\.
+Each steps in the monadic computation is a pipe and must be given inside a tuple\.
+(|> +5
+ (do> identity.monad
+ [(i.* +3)]
+ [(i.+ +4)]
+ [++]))
+### exec>
+Non\-updating pipes\.
+Will generate piped computations, but their results will not be used in the larger scope\.
+(|> +5
+ (exec> [.nat %n log!])
+ (i.* +10))
+### if>
+(same? (if (n.even? sample)
+ "even"
+ "odd")
+ (|> sample
+ (if> [n.even?]
+ [(new> "even" [])]
+ [(new> "odd" [])])))
+### let>
+Gives a name to the piped\-argument, within the given expression\.
+(n.= 10
+ (|> 5
+ (let> x (n.+ x x))))
+### loop>
+Loops for pipes\.
+Both the testing and calculating steps are pipes and must be given inside tuples\.
+(|> +1
+ (loop> [(i.< +10)]
+ [++]))
+### new>
+Ignores the piped argument, and begins a new pipe\.
+(n.= 1
+ (|> 20
+ (n.* 3)
+ (n.+ 4)
+ (new> 0 [++])))
+### tuple>
+Parallel branching for pipes\.
+Allows to run multiple pipelines for a value and gives you a tuple of the outputs\.
+(|> +5
+ (tuple> [(i.* +10)]
+ [-- (i./ +2)]
+ [i#encoded]))
+... =>
+[+50 +2 "+5"]
+### when>
+Only execute the body when the test passes\.
+(same? (if (n.even? sample)
+ (n.* 2 sample)
+ sample)
+ (|> sample
+ (when> [n.even?]
+ [(n.* 2)])))
+# library/lux/control/reader
+## Definitions
+### \(Reader environment it\)
+... .Type
+(-> environment it)
+Computations that have access to some environmental value\.
+### apply
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply (Reader _0)))
+### functor
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor (Reader _0)))
+### lifted
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (_0 _2) (Reader _1 (_0 _2))))
+Lift monadic values to the Reader wrapper\.
+### local
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 _0) (Reader _0 _1) (Reader _0 _1)))
+Run computation with a locally\-modified environment\.
+(local change proc)
+### monad
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (Reader _0)))
+### read
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Reader _0 _0))
+Get the environment\.
+### result
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 (Reader _0 _1) _1))
+Executes the reader against the given environment\.
+(result env proc)
+### with
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (All (_ _1) (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (All (_ _2) (Reader _1 (_0 _2)))))))
+Monad transformer for Reader\.
+(with monad)
+# library/lux/control/region
+## Definitions
+### \(Region r \! it\)
+... .Type
+(-> [r (.List (Cleaner r !))] (! [(.List (Cleaner r !)) (library/lux/control/try.Try it)]))
+A region where resources may be be claimed and where a side\-effecting computation may be performed\.
+Every resource is paired with a function that knows how to clean/reclaim it, to make sure there are no leaks\.
+### acquire\!
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (-> _1 (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any))) _1 (All (_ _2) (Region _2 _0 _1))))
+Acquire a resource while pairing it a function that knows how to reclaim it\.
+(acquire! monad cleaner value)
+### apply
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (All (_ _1) (library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply (Region _1 _0)))))
+### clean\_up\_error
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Text (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)]))
+### except
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (library/lux/control/exception.Exception _1) _1 (All (_ _3) (Region _3 _0 _2))))
+Fail by throwing/raising an exception\.
+(except monad exception message)
+### failure
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) .Text (All (_ _2) (Region _2 _0 _1))))
+Immediately fail with this 'message'\.
+(failure monad error)
+### functor
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor _0) (All (_ _1) (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor (Region _1 _0)))))
+### lifted
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (_0 _1) (All (_ _2) (Region _2 _0 _1))))
+Lift an effectful computation into a region\-based computation\.
+(lifted monad operation)
+### monad
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (All (_ _1) (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (Region _1 _0)))))
+### run\!
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (All (_ _2) (Region _2 _0 _1)) (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try _1))))
+Executes a region\-based computation, with a side\-effect determined by the monad\.
+(run! monad computation)
+# library/lux/control/remember
+## Definitions
+### fix\_me
+A FIXME message with an expiration date\.
+Can have an optional piece of code to focus on\.
+(fix_me "2022-04-01"
+ "Do this, that and the other.")
+(fix_me "2022-04-01"
+ "Improve the performace."
+ (some (complicated (computation 123))))
+### must\_remember
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [library/lux/time/date.Date library/lux/time/date.Date .Text (.Maybe .Code)])
+### remember
+A message with an expiration date\.
+Can have an optional piece of code to focus on\.
+(remember "2022-04-01"
+ "Do this, that and the other.")
+(remember "2022-04-01"
+ "Improve the performace."
+ (some (complicated (computation 123))))
+### to\_do
+A TODO message with an expiration date\.
+Can have an optional piece of code to focus on\.
+(to_do "2022-04-01"
+ "Do this, that and the other.")
+(to_do "2022-04-01"
+ "Improve the performace."
+ (some (complicated (computation 123))))
+# library/lux/control/security/capability
+## Definitions
+### \(Capability brand input output\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/security/capability.Capability" brand input output)
+Represents the capability to perform an operation\.
+This operation is assumed to have security implications\.
+### async
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Capability _0 _1 (library/lux/control/io.IO _2)) (Capability _0 _1 (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async _2))))
+Converts a synchronous I/O\-based capability into an asynchronous capability\.
+(async capability)
+### capability:
+Defines a capability as a unique type, and a constructor for instances\.
+(capability: (Can_Duplicate a)
+ (can_duplicate a [a a]))
+(let [capability (can_duplicate
+ (function (_ value)
+ [value value]))
+ [left right] (documentation/lux/control/security/capability.usecapability 123)]
+ (same? left right))
+### use
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Capability _0 _1 _2) _1 _2))
+Applies a capability against its required input\.
+(use capability input)
+# library/lux/control/security/policy
+## Definitions
+### Can\_Conceal
+... .Type
+(Can_Upgrade Privacy)
+### Can\_Distrust
+... .Type
+(Can_Downgrade Safety)
+### \(Can\_Downgrade brand % value\)
+... .Type
+(-> (Policy brand value %) value)
+Represents the capacity to 'downgrade' a value\.
+### Can\_Reveal
+... .Type
+(Can_Downgrade Privacy)
+### Can\_Trust
+... .Type
+(Can_Upgrade Safety)
+### \(Can\_Upgrade brand % value\)
+... .Type
+(-> value (Policy brand value %))
+Represents the capacity to 'upgrade' a value\.
+### \(Context brand scope %\)
+... .Type
+(-> (Privilege brand %) (scope %))
+A computational context with an associated policy privilege\.
+### \(Delegation brand %from %to\)
+... .Type
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Policy brand _0 %from) (Policy brand _0 %to)))
+Represents the act of delegating policy capacities\.
+### \(Policy brand value %\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/security/policy.Policy" brand value %)
+A security policy encoded as the means to 'upgrade' or 'downgrade' in a secure context\.
+### Privacy
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/security/policy.Privacy")
+A security context for privacy\.
+Private data is data which cannot be allowed to leak outside of the programmed\.
+### Private
+... .Type
+(Policy Privacy)
+### \(Privilege brand %\)
+... .Type
+ [#can_upgrade (Can_Upgrade brand %)
+ #can_downgrade (Can_Downgrade brand %)])
+Represents the privilege to both 'upgrade' and 'downgrade' a value\.
+### Safe
+... .Type
+(Policy Safety)
+### Safety
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/security/policy.Safety")
+A security context for safety\.
+Safe data is data coming from outside the program which can be trusted to be properly formatted and lacking injections\.
+### apply
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply (All (_ _2) (Policy _0 _2 _1))))
+### delegation
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Can_Downgrade _0 _1) (Can_Upgrade _0 _2) (Delegation _0 _1 _2)))
+Delegating policy capacities\.
+(delegation downgrade upgrade)
+### functor
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor (All (_ _2) (Policy _0 _2 _1))))
+### monad
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (All (_ _2) (Policy _0 _2 _1))))
+### with\_policy
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (Ex (_ _2)
+ (-> (Context _0 _1 _2) (_1 _2))))
+Activates a security context with the priviledge to enforce it's policy\.
+(type: Password
+ (Private Text))
+(type: (Policy %)
+ (Interface
+ (: (-> Text (Password %))
+ password)
+ (: (-> (Password %) Text)
+ unsafe)))
+(def: (policy _)
+ (Ex (_ %) (-> Any (Policy %)))
+ (with_policy
+ (: (Context Privacy Policy)
+ (function (_ (^open "%::."))
+ (implementation
+ (def: (password value)
+ (%::can_upgrade value))
+ (def: (unsafe password)
+ (%::can_downgrade password)))))))
+(with_policy context)
+# library/lux/control/state
+## Definitions
+### \+State
+... .Type
+(All (+State _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> _1 (_0 [_1 _2])))
+Stateful computations decorated by a monad\.
+### \(State state it\)
+... .Type
+(-> state [state it])
+Stateful computations\.
+### apply
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply (State _0)))
+### do\_while
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (State _0 .Bit) (State _0 .Any) (State _0 .Any)))
+A stateful do\-while loop\.
+(do_while condition body)
+### functor
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor (State _0)))
+### get
+(All (_ _0)
+ (State _0 _0))
+Read the current state\.
+### lifted
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (_0 _2) (+State _0 _1 _2)))
+Lift monadic values to the \+State wrapper\.
+(lifted monad ma)
+### local
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 _0) (State _0 _1) (State _0 _1)))
+Run the computation with a locally\-modified state\.
+(local change action)
+### monad
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (State _0)))
+### put
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (State _0 .Any)))
+Set the new state\.
+(put new_state)
+### result
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 (State _0 _1) [_0 _1]))
+Run a stateful computation\.
+(result state action)
+### result'
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> _1 (+State _0 _1 _2) (_0 [_1 _2])))
+Execute a stateful computation decorated by a monad\.
+(result' state action)
+### update
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 _0) (State _0 .Any)))
+Compute the new state\.
+(update change)
+### use
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1) (State _0 _1)))
+Run a function on the current state\.
+(use user)
+### while
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (State _0 .Bit) (State _0 .Any) (State _0 .Any)))
+A stateful while loop\.
+(while condition body)
+### with
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (+State _0 _1))))
+A monad transformer to create composite stateful computations\.
+(with monad)
+# library/lux/control/thread
+## Definitions
+### \(Box \! it\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/thread.Box" ! it)
+A mutable box holding a value\.
+### \(Thread \! it\)
+... .Type
+(-> ! it)
+An imperative process with access to mutable values\.
+### apply
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply (Thread _0)))
+### box
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (All (_ _1) (Thread _1 (Box _1 _0)))))
+A brand\-new box initialized to the given value\.
+(box init)
+### functor
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor (Thread _0)))
+### io
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (All (_ _1) (Thread _1 _0)) (library/lux/control/io.IO _0)))
+Transforms the imperative thread into an I/O computation\.
+### monad
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (Thread _0)))
+### read\!
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Box _0 _1) (Thread _0 _1)))
+Reads the current value in the box\.
+(read! box)
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (All (_ _1) (Thread _1 _0)) _0))
+Executes the imperative thread in a self\-contained way\.
+(result thread)
+### update\!
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 _0) (Box _1 _0) (Thread _1 _0)))
+Update a box's value by applying a function to it\.
+(update! f box)
+### write\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (All (_ _1) (-> (Box _1 _0) (Thread _1 .Any)))))
+Mutates the value in the box\.
+(write! value box)
+# library/lux/control/try
+## Definitions
+### \(Try it\)
+... .Type
+ {#Failure .Text}
+ {#Success it})
+A computation that can fail with an error message\.
+### apply
+(library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply Try)
+### else
+Allows you to provide a default value that will be used
+if a \(Try x\) value turns out to be \#Failure\.
+Note: the expression for the default value will not be computed if the base computation succeeds\.
+(= "bar"
+ (else "foo" {#Success "bar"}))
+(= "foo"
+ (else "foo" {#Failure "KABOOM!"}))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Try _0))))
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Try)
+### lifted
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (_0 _1) (_0 (Try _1))))
+Wraps a monadic value with error\-handling machinery\.
+(lifted monad)
+### maybe
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Try _0) (.Maybe _0)))
+(maybe try)
+### monad
+(library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad Try)
+### of\_maybe
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.Maybe _0) (Try _0)))
+(of_maybe maybe)
+### trusted
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Try _0) _0))
+Assumes a Try value succeeded, and yields its value\.
+If it didn't, raises the error as a runtime error\.
+WARNING: Use with caution\.
+(trusted try)
+### with
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (All (_ _1) (_0 (Try _1))))))
+Enhances a monad with error\-handling functionality\.
+(with monad)
+# library/lux/control/writer
+## Definitions
+### \(Writer log value\)
+... .Type
+ [#log log
+ #value value])
+Represents a value with an associated 'log' to record arbitrary information\.
+### apply
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid _0) (library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply (Writer _0))))
+### functor
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor (Writer _0)))
+### lifted
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid _0) (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _1) (_1 _2) (_1 (Writer _0 _2))))
+Wraps a monadic value with Writer machinery\.
+(lifted monoid monad)
+### monad
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid _0) (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (Writer _0))))
+### with
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid _0) (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _1) (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (All (_ _2) (_1 (Writer _0 _2))))))
+Enhances a monad with Writer functionality\.
+(with monoid monad)
+### write
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Writer _0 .Any)))
+Write a value to the log\.
+(write message)
+# library/lux/data/binary
+## Definitions
+### Binary
+... .Type
+(library/lux/ffi.Object (Primitive "Uint8Array"))
+A binary BLOB of data\.
+### after
+(-> .Nat Binary Binary)
+Yields a binary BLOB with at most the specified number of bytes removed\.
+(after bytes binary)
+### aggregate
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> .I64 _0 _0) _0 Binary _0))
+(aggregate f init binary)
+### copy
+(-> .Nat .Nat Binary .Nat Binary (library/lux/control/try.Try Binary))
+Mutates the target binary BLOB by copying bytes from the source BLOB to it\.
+(copy bytes source_offset source target_offset target)
+### empty
+(-> .Nat Binary)
+A fresh/empty binary BLOB of the specified size\.
+(empty size)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Binary)
+### index\_out\_of\_bounds
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Nat .Nat])
+### monoid
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid Binary)
+### read/16\!
+(-> .Nat Binary (library/lux/control/try.Try .I64))
+Read 2 bytes \(16 bits\) at the given index\.
+(read/16! index binary)
+### read/32\!
+(-> .Nat Binary (library/lux/control/try.Try .I64))
+Read 4 bytes \(32 bits\) at the given index\.
+(read/32! index binary)
+### read/64\!
+(-> .Nat Binary (library/lux/control/try.Try .I64))
+Read 8 bytes \(64 bits\) at the given index\.
+(read/64! index binary)
+### read/8\!
+(-> .Nat Binary (library/lux/control/try.Try .I64))
+Read 1 byte \(8 bits\) at the given index\.
+(read/8! index binary)
+### size
+(-> Binary .Nat)
+### slice
+(-> .Nat .Nat Binary (library/lux/control/try.Try Binary))
+Yields a subset of the binary BLOB, so long as the specified range is valid\.
+(slice offset length binary)
+### slice\_out\_of\_bounds
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Nat .Nat .Nat])
+### write/16\!
+(-> .Nat (.I64 .Any) Binary (library/lux/control/try.Try Binary))
+Write 2 bytes \(16 bits\) at the given index\.
+(write/16! index value binary)
+### write/32\!
+(-> .Nat (.I64 .Any) Binary (library/lux/control/try.Try Binary))
+Write 4 bytes \(32 bits\) at the given index\.
+(write/32! index value binary)
+### write/64\!
+(-> .Nat (.I64 .Any) Binary (library/lux/control/try.Try Binary))
+Write 8 bytes \(64 bits\) at the given index\.
+(write/64! index value binary)
+### write/8\!
+(-> .Nat (.I64 .Any) Binary (library/lux/control/try.Try Binary))
+Write 1 byte \(8 bits\) at the given index\.
+(write/8! index value binary)
+## Missing documentation
+1. `` cannot_copy_bytes ``
+# library/lux/data/bit
+## Definitions
+### codec
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Bit)
+### complement
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 .Bit) _0 .Bit))
+Generates the complement of a predicate\.
+That is a predicate that returns the oposite of the original predicate\.
+### conjunction
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Bit)
+### disjunction
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Bit)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence .Bit)
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash .Bit)
+### no
+### off
+### on
+### yes
+# library/lux/data/collection/array
+## Definitions
+### \(Array it\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Array" it)
+Mutable arrays\.
+### any?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate (Array _0))))
+### clone
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Array _0) (Array _0)))
+Yields a shallow clone of the array\.
+(clone xs)
+### contains?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Array _0) .Bit))
+(contains? index array)
+### copy\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat .Nat (Array _0) .Nat (Array _0) (Array _0)))
+Writes the contents of one array into the other\.
+(copy! length src_start src_array dest_start dest_array)
+### delete\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Array _0) (Array _0)))
+Mutate the array by deleting the value at the specified index\.
+(delete! index array)
+### empty
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Array _0)))
+An empty array of the specified size\.
+(empty size)
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Array _0))))
+### every?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate (Array _0))))
+### example
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (Array _0) (.Maybe _0)))
+Yields the first item in the array that satisfies the predicate\.
+(example p xs)
+### example\+
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> .Nat _0 .Bit) (Array _0) (.Maybe [.Nat _0])))
+Just like 'example', but with access to the index of each value\.
+(example+ p xs)
+### filter\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (Array _0) (Array _0)))
+Delete every item of the array that fails to satisfy the predicate\.
+(filter! p xs)
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Array)
+### list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.Maybe _0) (Array _0) (.List _0)))
+Yields a list with every non\-empty item in the array\.
+Can use the optional default value when encountering an empty cell in the array\.
+(list {.#None} array)
+(list {.#Some default} array)
+### mix
+(library/lux/abstract/mix.Mix Array)
+### monoid
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid (Array _0)))
+### occupancy
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Array _0) .Nat))
+Finds out how many cells in an array are occupied\.
+(occupancy array)
+### of\_list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List _0) (Array _0)))
+(of_list xs)
+### read\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Array _0) (.Maybe _0)))
+(read! index array)
+### size
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Array _0) .Nat))
+(size array)
+### type\_name
+### update\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (-> _0 _0) (Array _0) (Array _0)))
+Mutate the array by updating the value at the specified index\.
+(update! index transform array)
+### upsert\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat _0 (-> _0 _0) (Array _0) (Array _0)))
+Mutate the array by updating the value at the specified index\.
+If there is no value, update and write the default value given\.
+(upsert! index default transform array)
+### vacancy
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Array _0) .Nat))
+Finds out how many cells in an array are vacant\.
+(vacancy array)
+### write\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat _0 (Array _0) (Array _0)))
+Mutate the array by writing a value to the specified index\.
+(write! index value array)
+# library/lux/data/collection/bits
+## Definitions
+### Bits
+... .Type
+(library/lux/data/collection/array.Array Chunk)
+A bit\-map\.
+### Chunk
+... .Type
+(All (Chunk _0)
+ (Primitive "#I64" _0))
+### and
+(-> Bits Bits Bits)
+### bit
+(-> .Nat Bits .Bit)
+(bit index bits)
+### capacity
+(-> Bits .Nat)
+(capacity bits)
+### chunk\_size
+### empty
+### empty?
+(-> Bits .Bit)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Bits)
+### flipped
+(-> .Nat Bits Bits)
+### intersects?
+(-> Bits Bits .Bit)
+(intersects? reference sample)
+### not
+(-> Bits Bits)
+(not input)
+### one
+(-> .Nat Bits Bits)
+### or
+(-> Bits Bits Bits)
+### size
+(-> Bits .Nat)
+Measures the size of a bit\-map by counting all the 1s in the bit\-map\.
+(size bits)
+### xor
+(-> Bits Bits Bits)
+### zero
+(-> .Nat Bits Bits)
+# library/lux/data/collection/dictionary
+## Definitions
+### \(Dictionary key value\)
+... .Type
+ [#hash (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash key)
+ #root (Node key value)])
+A dictionary implemented as a Hash\-Array Mapped Trie \(HAMT\)\.
+### empty
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+An empty dictionary\.
+(empty key_hash)
+### empty?
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) .Bit))
+### entries
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) (.List [_0 _1])))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _1) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Dictionary _0 _1))))
+### functor
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor (Dictionary _0)))
+### has
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 _1 (Dictionary _0 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+(has key val dict)
+### has'
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 _1 (Dictionary _0 _1) (library/lux/control/try.Try (Dictionary _0 _1))))
+Only puts the KV\-pair if the key is not already present\.
+(has' key val dict)
+### key?
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) _0 .Bit))
+(key? dict key)
+### key\_already\_exists
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### key\_hash
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0)))
+### keys
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) (.List _0)))
+### lacks
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 (Dictionary _0 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+(lacks key dict)
+### merged
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+Merges 2 dictionaries\.
+If any collisions with keys occur, the values of dict2 will overwrite those of dict1\.
+(merged dict2 dict1)
+### merged\_with
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _1 _1 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+Merges 2 dictionaries\.
+If any collisions with keys occur, a new value will be computed by applying 'f' to the values of dict2 and dict1\.
+(merged_with f dict2 dict1)
+### of\_list
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (.List [_0 _1]) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+(of_list key_hash kvs)
+### re\_bound
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 _0 (Dictionary _0 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+If there is a value under 'from\_key', remove 'from\_key' and store the value under 'to\_key'\.
+(re_bound from_key to_key dict)
+### revised
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 (-> _1 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+Transforms the value located at key \(if available\), using the given function\.
+(revised key f dict)
+### revised'
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 _1 (-> _1 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+Updates the value at the key; if it exists\.
+Otherwise, puts a value by applying the function to a default\.
+(revised' key default f dict)
+### size
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) .Nat))
+### sub
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (.List _0) (Dictionary _0 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+A sub\-dictionary, with only the specified keys\.
+(sub keys dict)
+### value
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 (Dictionary _0 _1) (.Maybe _1)))
+(value key dict)
+### values
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) (.List _1)))
+# library/lux/data/collection/dictionary/ordered
+## Definitions
+### \(Dictionary key value\)
+... .Type
+ [#&order (library/lux/abstract/order.Order key)
+ #root (.Maybe (Node key value))])
+A dictionary data\-structure with ordered entries\.
+### empty
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/order.Order _0) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+An empty dictionary, employing the given order\.
+(empty order)
+### empty?
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) .Bit))
+### entries
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) (.List [_0 _1])))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _1) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Dictionary _0 _1))))
+### has
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 _1 (Dictionary _0 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+(has key value dict)
+### key?
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) _0 .Bit))
+(key? dict key)
+### keys
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) (.List _0)))
+### lacks
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 (Dictionary _0 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+(lacks key dict)
+### max
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) (.Maybe _1)))
+Yields value under the maximum key\.
+### min
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) (.Maybe _1)))
+Yields value under the minimum key\.
+### of\_list
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/order.Order _0) (.List [_0 _1]) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+(of_list order list)
+### revised
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 (-> _1 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+(revised key transform dict)
+### size
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) .Nat))
+(size dict)
+### value
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 (Dictionary _0 _1) (.Maybe _1)))
+(value key dict)
+### values
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) (.List _1)))
+# library/lux/data/collection/dictionary/plist
+## Definitions
+### \(PList it\)
+... .Type
+(.List [.Text it])
+A property list\.
+It's a simple dictionary\-like structure with Text keys\.
+### contains?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (PList _0) .Bit))
+(contains? key properties)
+### empty
+### empty?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (PList _0) .Bit))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (PList _0))))
+### has
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text _0 (PList _0) (PList _0)))
+(has key val properties)
+### keys
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (PList _0) (.List .Text)))
+### lacks
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (PList _0) (PList _0)))
+(lacks key properties)
+### revised
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (-> _0 _0) (PList _0) (PList _0)))
+(revised key f properties)
+### size
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (PList _0) .Nat))
+### value
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (PList _0) (.Maybe _0)))
+(value key properties)
+### values
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (PList _0) (.List _0)))
+# library/lux/data/collection/list
+## Definitions
+### after
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.List _0) (.List _0)))
+### all
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 (.Maybe _1)) (.List _0) (.List _1)))
+(all check xs)
+### any?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (.List _0) .Bit))
+### apply
+(library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply .List)
+### empty?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate (.List _0)))
+(empty? xs)
+### enumeration
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List _0) (.List [.Nat _0])))
+Pairs every element in the list with its index, starting at 0\.
+(enumeration xs)
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (.List _0))))
+### every?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (.List _0) .Bit))
+### example
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (.List _0) (.Maybe _0)))
+Yields the first value in the list that satisfies the predicate\.
+(example predicate xs)
+### first
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.List _0) (.List _0)))
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor .List)
+### hash
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash (.List _0))))
+### head
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List _0) (.Maybe _0)))
+Yields the first element of a list\.
+### indices
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.List .Nat)))
+Produces all the valid indices for a given size\.
+(indices size)
+### inits
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List _0) (.Maybe (.List _0))))
+For a list of size N, yields the first N\-1 elements\.
+Will yield a \.\#None for empty lists\.
+(inits xs)
+### interposed
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (.List _0) (.List _0)))
+Puts a value between every two elements in the list\.
+(interposed sep xs)
+### item
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.List _0) (.Maybe _0)))
+Fetches the element at the specified index\.
+(item i xs)
+### iterations
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 (.Maybe _0)) _0 (.List _0)))
+Generates a list element by element until the function returns \.\#None\.
+(iterations f x)
+### last
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List _0) (.Maybe _0)))
+(last xs)
+### lifted
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (_0 _1) (_0 (.List _1))))
+Wraps a monadic value with List machinery\.
+(lifted monad)
+### member?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (.List _0) _0 .Bit))
+(member? eq xs x)
+### mix
+(library/lux/abstract/mix.Mix .List)
+### mixes
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1 _1) _1 (.List _0) (.List _1)))
+(mixes f init inputs)
+### monad
+(library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad .List)
+### monoid
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid (.List _0)))
+### one
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 (.Maybe _1)) (.List _0) (.Maybe _1)))
+(one check xs)
+### only
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (.List _0) (.List _0)))
+A list with only values that satisfy the predicate\.
+(only keep? xs)
+### pairs
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List _0) (.Maybe (.List [_0 _0]))))
+Cut the list into pairs of 2\.
+(pairs list)
+### partition
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (.List _0) [(.List _0) (.List _0)]))
+Divide the list into all elements that satisfy a predicate, and all elements that do not\.
+(partition satisfies? list)
+### repeated
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat _0 (.List _0)))
+A list of the value x, repeated n times\.
+(repeated n x)
+### reversed
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List _0) (.List _0)))
+(reversed xs)
+### size
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List _0) .Nat))
+(size list)
+### sorted
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 _0 .Bit) (.List _0) (.List _0)))
+A list ordered by a comparison function\.
+(sorted < xs)
+### split\_at
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.List _0) [(.List _0) (.List _0)]))
+(split_at n xs)
+### split\_when
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (.List _0) [(.List _0) (.List _0)]))
+Segment the list by using a predicate to tell when to cut\.
+(split_when predicate xs)
+### sub
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.List _0) (.List (.List _0))))
+Segment the list into sub\-lists of \(at most\) the given size\.
+(sub size list)
+### tail
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List _0) (.Maybe (.List _0))))
+For a list of size N, yields the N\-1 elements after the first one\.
+### together
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List (.List _0)) (.List _0)))
+The sequential combination of all the lists\.
+### until
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (.List _0) (.List _0)))
+### when
+Can be used as a guard in \(co\)monadic be/do expressions\.
+(do monad
+ [value (do_something 1 2 3)
+ .when (passes_test? value)]
+ (do_something_else 4 5 6))
+### while
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (.List _0) (.List _0)))
+### with
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (All (_ _1) (_0 (.List _1))))))
+Enhances a monad with List functionality\.
+(with monad)
+### zipped
+Create list zippers with the specified number of input lists\.
+(def: zipped/2 (zipped 2))
+(def: zipped/3 (zipped 3))
+(zipped/3 xs ys zs)
+((zipped 3) xs ys zs)
+### zipped/2
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (.List _0) (.List _1) (.List [_0 _1])))
+### zipped/3
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (.List _0) (.List _1) (.List _2) (.List [_0 _1 _2])))
+### zipped\_with
+Create list zippers with the specified number of input lists\.
+(def: zipped_with/2 (zipped_with 2))
+(def: zipped_with/3 (zipped_with 3))
+(zipped_with/2 + xs ys)
+((zipped_with 2) + xs ys)
+### zipped\_with/2
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1 _2) (.List _0) (.List _1) (.List _2)))
+### zipped\_with/3
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1 _2 _3) (.List _0) (.List _1) (.List _2) (.List _3)))
+# library/lux/data/collection/queue
+## Definitions
+### \(Queue it\)
+... .Type
+ [#front (.List it)
+ #rear (.List it)])
+A first\-in, first\-out sequential data\-structure\.
+### empty
+### empty?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Queue _0) .Bit))
+### end
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Queue _0) (Queue _0)))
+(end val queue)
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Queue _0))))
+### front
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Queue _0) (.Maybe _0)))
+Yields the first value in the queue, if any\.
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Queue)
+### list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Queue _0) (.List _0)))
+(list queue)
+### member?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (Queue _0) _0 .Bit))
+(member? equivalence queue member)
+### next
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Queue _0) (Queue _0)))
+(next queue)
+### of\_list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List _0) (Queue _0)))
+(of_list entries)
+### size
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Queue _0) .Nat))
+# library/lux/data/collection/queue/priority
+## Definitions
+### Priority
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+### \(Queue it\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/collection/queue/priority.Queue" it)
+### empty
+### empty?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Queue _0) .Bit))
+### end
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> Priority _0 (Queue _0) (Queue _0)))
+(end priority value queue)
+### front
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Queue _0) (.Maybe _0)))
+### max
+### member?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (Queue _0) _0 .Bit))
+(member? equivalence queue member)
+### min
+### next
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Queue _0) (Queue _0)))
+### size
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Queue _0) .Nat))
+# library/lux/data/collection/sequence
+## Definitions
+### \(Sequence it\)
+... .Type
+ [#level Level
+ #size .Nat
+ #root (Hierarchy it)
+ #tail (Base it)])
+A sequential data\-structure with fast random access\.
+### any?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (Sequence _0) .Bit))
+### apply
+(library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply Sequence)
+### empty
+### empty?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Sequence _0) .Bit))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Sequence _0))))
+### every?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (Sequence _0) .Bit))
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Sequence)
+### has
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat _0 (Sequence _0) (library/lux/control/try.Try (Sequence _0))))
+(has idx val sequence)
+### index\_out\_of\_bounds
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/control/exception.Exception [(Sequence _0) .Nat]))
+### item
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Sequence _0) (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)))
+(item idx sequence)
+### list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Sequence _0) (.List _0)))
+(list sequence)
+### member?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (Sequence _0) _0 .Bit))
+(member? equivalence sequence val)
+### mix
+(library/lux/abstract/mix.Mix Sequence)
+### monad
+(library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad Sequence)
+### monoid
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid (Sequence _0)))
+### of\_list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List _0) (Sequence _0)))
+### prefix
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Sequence _0) (Sequence _0)))
+(prefix sequence)
+### reversed
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Sequence _0) (Sequence _0)))
+### revised
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (-> _0 _0) (Sequence _0) (library/lux/control/try.Try (Sequence _0))))
+(revised idx f sequence)
+### sequence
+Sequence literals\.
+(: (Sequence Nat)
+ (sequence 12 34 56 78 90))
+### size
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Sequence _0) .Nat))
+### suffix
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Sequence _0) (Sequence _0)))
+(suffix val sequence)
+### within\_bounds?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Sequence _0) .Nat .Bit))
+Determines whether the index is within the bounds of the sequence\.
+(within_bounds? sequence idx)
+# library/lux/data/collection/set
+## Definitions
+### \(Set it\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary it .Any)
+### difference
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+(difference sub base)
+### empty
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (Set _0)))
+### empty?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) .Bit))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Set _0)))
+### has
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+(has elem set)
+### hash
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash (Set _0)))
+### intersection
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+(intersection filter base)
+### lacks
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+### list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (.List _0)))
+### member?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) _0 .Bit))
+### member\_hash
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0)))
+### monoid
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid (Set _0))))
+### of\_list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (.List _0) (Set _0)))
+### predicate
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0)))
+### size
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) .Nat))
+### sub?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) .Bit))
+(sub? super sub)
+### super?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) .Bit))
+(super? sub super)
+### union
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+# library/lux/data/collection/set/multi
+## Definitions
+### \(Set it\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/collection/set/multi.Set" it)
+A set that keeps track of repetition in its entries\.
+### difference
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+### empty
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (Set _0)))
+### empty?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) .Bit))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Set _0)))
+### has
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat _0 (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+(has multiplicity elem set)
+### hash
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash (Set _0)))
+### intersection
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+### lacks
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat _0 (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+(lacks multiplicity elem set)
+### list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (.List _0)))
+### member?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) _0 .Bit))
+(member? set elem)
+### multiplicity
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) _0 .Nat))
+(multiplicity set elem)
+### of\_list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (.List _0) (Set _0)))
+### of\_set
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/data/collection/set.Set _0) (Set _0)))
+### size
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) .Nat))
+### sub?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) .Bit))
+Is 'subject' a sub\-set of 'reference'?
+(sub? reference subject)
+### sum
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+### super?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) .Bit))
+Is 'subject' a super\-set of 'reference'?
+### support
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (library/lux/data/collection/set.Set _0)))
+A set of the unique \(non repeated\) members\.
+(support set)
+### union
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+# library/lux/data/collection/set/ordered
+## Definitions
+### \(Set it\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/collection/set/ordered.Set" it)
+A set with ordered entries\.
+### difference
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+(difference param subject)
+### empty
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/order.Order _0) (Set _0)))
+### empty?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) .Bit))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Set _0)))
+### has
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+(has elem set)
+### intersection
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+### lacks
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+(lacks elem set)
+### list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (.List _0)))
+### max
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (.Maybe _0)))
+### member?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) _0 .Bit))
+(member? set elem)
+### min
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (.Maybe _0)))
+### of\_list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/order.Order _0) (.List _0) (Set _0)))
+### size
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) .Nat))
+### sub?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) .Bit))
+Is 'sub' a sub\-set of 'super'?
+(sub? super sub)
+### super?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) .Bit))
+Is 'super' a super\-set of 'sub'?
+(super? sub super)
+### union
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+# library/lux/data/collection/stack
+## Definitions
+### \(Stack it\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/collection/stack.Stack" it)
+A first\-in, last\-out sequential data\-structure\.
+### empty
+### empty?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Stack _0) .Bit))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Stack _0))))
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Stack)
+### next
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Stack _0) (.Maybe [_0 (Stack _0)])))
+(next stack)
+### size
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Stack _0) .Nat))
+### top
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Stack _0) (Stack _0)))
+(top value stack)
+### value
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Stack _0) (.Maybe _0)))
+Yields the top value in the stack, if any\.
+(value stack)
+# library/lux/data/collection/stream
+## Definitions
+### \(Stream it\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/continuation.Cont [it (Stream it)])
+An infinite sequence of values\.
+### ^stream&
+Allows destructuring of streams in pattern\-matching expressions\.
+Caveat emptor: Only use it for destructuring, and not for testing values within the streams\.
+(let [(^stream& x y z _tail) (some_stream_func +1 +2 +3)]
+ (func x y z))
+### after
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Stream _0) (Stream _0)))
+### comonad
+(library/lux/abstract/comonad.CoMonad Stream)
+### cycle
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [_0 (.List _0)] (Stream _0)))
+Go over the elements of a list forever\.
+(cycle [start next])
+### first
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Stream _0) (.List _0)))
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Stream)
+### head
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Stream _0) _0))
+### item
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Stream _0) _0))
+(item idx stream)
+### iterations
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 [_0 _1]) _0 (Stream _1)))
+A stateful way of infinitely calculating the values of a stream\.
+(iterations step init)
+### only
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 .Bit) (Stream _0) (Stream _0)))
+A new stream only with items that satisfy the predicate\.
+(only predicate stream)
+### partition
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 .Bit) (Stream _0) [(Stream _0) (Stream _0)]))
+Split a stream in two based on a predicate\.
+The left side contains all entries for which the predicate is \#1\.
+The right side contains all entries for which the predicate is \#0\.
+(partition left? xs)
+### repeated
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Stream _0)))
+Repeat a value forever\.
+(repeated x)
+### split\_at
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Stream _0) [(.List _0) (Stream _0)]))
+### split\_when
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 .Bit) (Stream _0) [(.List _0) (Stream _0)]))
+### tail
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Stream _0) (Stream _0)))
+### until
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 .Bit) (Stream _0) (Stream _0)))
+### while
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 .Bit) (Stream _0) (.List _0)))
+# library/lux/data/collection/tree
+## Definitions
+### \(Tree it\)
+... .Type
+ [#value it
+ #children (.List (Tree it))])
+A generic tree data\-structure\.
+### branch
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (.List (Tree _0)) (Tree _0)))
+(branch value children)
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Tree _0))))
+### flat
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Tree _0) (.List _0)))
+All the leaf values of the tree, in order\.
+(flat tree)
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Tree)
+### leaf
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Tree _0)))
+(leaf value)
+### mix
+(library/lux/abstract/mix.Mix Tree)
+### tree
+Tree literals\.
+(: (Tree Nat)
+ (tree 12
+ {34 {}
+ 56 {}
+ 78 {90 {}}}))
+# library/lux/data/collection/tree/finger
+## Definitions
+### \(Builder @ tag\)
+... .Type
+ [leaf (All (_ _0) (-> tag _0 (Tree @ tag _0)))
+ branch (All (_ _0) (-> (Tree @ tag _0) (Tree @ tag _0) (Tree @ tag _0)))])
+A builder for finter tree structures\.
+### \(Tree @ tag value\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/collection/tree/finger.Tree" @ tag value)
+A finger tree\.
+### builder
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Ex (_ _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid _0) (Builder _1 _0))))
+A new builder using the given monoid\.
+(builder monoid)
+### exists?
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _1) (Tree _0 _1 _2) .Bit))
+Verifies that a value exists which meets the predicate\.
+(exists? predicate tree)
+### one
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _1) (Tree _0 _1 _2) (.Maybe _2)))
+Finds one value that meets the predicate\.
+(one predicate tree)
+### root
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Tree _0 _1 _2) (.Either _2 [(Tree _0 _1 _2) (Tree _0 _1 _2)])))
+### tag
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Tree _0 _1 _2) _1))
+### tags
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Tree _0 _1 _2) (.List _1)))
+(tags tree)
+### value
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Tree _0 _1 _2) _2))
+(value tree)
+### values
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Tree _0 _1 _2) (.List _2)))
+(values tree)
+# library/lux/data/collection/tree/zipper
+## Definitions
+### \(Zipper it\)
+... .Type
+ [#family (.Maybe (Family Zipper it))
+ #node (library/lux/data/collection/tree.Tree it)])
+Tree zippers, for easy navigation and editing of trees\.
+### adopt
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Zipper _0) (Zipper _0)))
+(adopt value zipper)
+### branch?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) .Bit))
+### comonad
+(library/lux/abstract/comonad.CoMonad Zipper)
+### down
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) (.Maybe (Zipper _0))))
+### end
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) (.Maybe (Zipper _0))))
+### end?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) .Bit))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Zipper _0))))
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Zipper)
+### insert\_left
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Zipper _0) (.Maybe (Zipper _0))))
+### insert\_right
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Zipper _0) (.Maybe (Zipper _0))))
+### interpose
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Zipper _0) (Zipper _0)))
+(interpose value zipper)
+### leaf?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) .Bit))
+### left
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) (.Maybe (Zipper _0))))
+### leftmost
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) (.Maybe (Zipper _0))))
+### next
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) (.Maybe (Zipper _0))))
+### previous
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) (.Maybe (Zipper _0))))
+### remove
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) (.Maybe (Zipper _0))))
+### right
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) (.Maybe (Zipper _0))))
+### rightmost
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) (.Maybe (Zipper _0))))
+### set
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Zipper _0) (Zipper _0)))
+(set value zipper)
+### start
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) (.Maybe (Zipper _0))))
+### start?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) .Bit))
+### tree
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) (library/lux/data/collection/tree.Tree _0)))
+### up
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) (.Maybe (Zipper _0))))
+### update
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 _0) (Zipper _0) (Zipper _0)))
+(update transform zipper)
+### value
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) _0))
+### zipper
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/data/collection/tree.Tree _0) (Zipper _0)))
+# library/lux/data/color
+## Definitions
+### Alpha
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Rev"))
+The degree of transparency of a pigment\.
+### CMYK
+... .Type
+ [#cyan .Frac
+ #magenta .Frac
+ #yellow .Frac
+ #key .Frac])
+Cyan\-Magenta\-Yellow\-Key color format\.
+### Color
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/color.Color")
+A color value, independent of color format\.
+### HSB
+... .Type
+[.Frac .Frac .Frac]
+Hue\-Saturation\-Brightness color format\.
+### HSL
+... .Type
+[.Frac .Frac .Frac]
+Hue\-Saturation\-Lightness color format\.
+### Palette
+... .Type
+(-> Spread .Nat Color (.List Color))
+### Pigment
+... .Type
+ [#color Color
+ #alpha Alpha])
+A color with some degree of transparency\.
+### RGB
+... .Type
+ [#red .Nat
+ #green .Nat
+ #blue .Nat])
+Red\-Green\-Blue color format\.
+### Spread
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Frac")
+### addition
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid Color)
+### analogous
+A analogous palette\.
+(analogous spread variations color)
+### black
+### brighter
+(-> .Frac Color Color)
+### clash
+(-> Color [Color Color Color])
+A clash color scheme\.
+### cmyk
+(-> Color CMYK)
+### complement
+(-> Color Color)
+The opposite color\.
+(complement color)
+### darker
+(-> .Frac Color Color)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Color)
+### gray\_scale
+(-> Color Color)
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash Color)
+### hsb
+(-> Color HSB)
+### hsl
+(-> Color HSL)
+### interpolated
+(-> .Frac Color Color Color)
+(interpolated ratio end start)
+### monochromatic
+A monochromatic palette\.
+(monochromatic spread variations color)
+### of\_cmyk
+(-> CMYK Color)
+### of\_hsb
+(-> HSB Color)
+### of\_hsl
+(-> HSL Color)
+### of\_rgb
+(-> RGB Color)
+### opaque
+The minimum degree of transparency\.
+### rgb
+(-> Color RGB)
+### saturated
+(-> .Frac Color Color)
+### split\_complement
+(-> Color [Color Color Color])
+A split\-complement color scheme\.
+### square
+(-> Color [Color Color Color Color])
+A square color scheme\.
+### subtraction
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid Color)
+### tetradic
+(-> Color [Color Color Color Color])
+A tetradic color scheme\.
+### translucent
+The average degree of transparency\.
+### transparent
+The maximum degree of transparency\.
+### triad
+(-> Color [Color Color Color])
+A triad color scheme\.
+### un\_saturated
+(-> .Frac Color Color)
+### white
+# library/lux/data/color/named
+## Definitions
+### alice\_blue
+R:F0 G:F8 B:FF | alice blue
+### antique\_white
+R:FA G:EB B:D7 | antique white
+### aqua
+R:0 G:FF B:FF | aqua
+### aquamarine
+R:7F G:FF B:D4 | aquamarine
+### azure
+R:F0 G:FF B:FF | azure
+### beige
+R:F5 G:F5 B:DC | beige
+### bisque
+R:FF G:E4 B:C4 | bisque
+### black
+R:0 G:0 B:0 | black
+### blanched\_almond
+R:FF G:EB B:CD | blanched almond
+### blue
+R:0 G:0 B:FF | blue
+### blue\_violet
+R:8A G:2B B:E2 | blue violet
+### brown
+R:A5 G:2A B:2A | brown
+### burly\_wood
+R:DE G:B8 B:87 | burly wood
+### cadet\_blue
+R:5F G:9E B:A0 | cadet blue
+### chartreuse
+R:7F G:FF B:0 | chartreuse
+### chocolate
+R:D2 G:69 B:1E | chocolate
+### coral
+R:FF G:7F B:50 | coral
+### cornflower\_blue
+R:64 G:95 B:ED | cornflower blue
+### cornsilk
+R:FF G:F8 B:DC | cornsilk
+### crimson
+R:DC G:14 B:3C | crimson
+### cyan
+R:0 G:FF B:FF | cyan
+### dark\_blue
+R:0 G:0 B:8B | dark blue
+### dark\_cyan
+R:0 G:8B B:8B | dark cyan
+### dark\_goldenrod
+R:B8 G:86 B:B | dark goldenrod
+### dark\_gray
+R:A9 G:A9 B:A9 | dark gray
+### dark\_green
+R:0 G:64 B:0 | dark green
+### dark\_khaki
+R:BD G:B7 B:6B | dark khaki
+### dark\_magenta
+R:8B G:0 B:8B | dark magenta
+### dark\_olive\_green
+R:55 G:6B B:2F | dark olive green
+### dark\_orange
+R:FF G:8C B:0 | dark orange
+### dark\_orchid
+R:99 G:32 B:CC | dark orchid
+### dark\_red
+R:8B G:0 B:0 | dark red
+### dark\_salmon
+R:E9 G:96 B:7A | dark salmon
+### dark\_sea\_green
+R:8F G:BC B:8F | dark sea green
+### dark\_slate\_blue
+R:48 G:3D B:8B | dark slate blue
+### dark\_slate\_gray
+R:2F G:4F B:4F | dark slate gray
+### dark\_turquoise
+R:0 G:CE B:D1 | dark turquoise
+### dark\_violet
+R:94 G:0 B:D3 | dark violet
+### deep\_pink
+R:FF G:14 B:93 | deep pink
+### deep\_sky\_blue
+R:0 G:BF B:FF | deep sky blue
+### dim\_gray
+R:69 G:69 B:69 | dim gray
+### dodger\_blue
+R:1E G:90 B:FF | dodger blue
+### fire\_brick
+R:B2 G:22 B:22 | fire brick
+### floral\_white
+R:FF G:FA B:F0 | floral white
+### forest\_green
+R:22 G:8B B:22 | forest green
+### fuchsia
+R:FF G:0 B:FF | fuchsia
+### gainsboro
+R:DC G:DC B:DC | gainsboro
+### ghost\_white
+R:F8 G:F8 B:FF | ghost white
+### gold
+R:FF G:D7 B:0 | gold
+### goldenrod
+R:DA G:A5 B:20 | goldenrod
+### gray
+R:80 G:80 B:80 | gray
+### green
+R:0 G:80 B:0 | green
+### green\_yellow
+R:AD G:FF B:2F | green yellow
+### honey\_dew
+R:F0 G:FF B:F0 | honey dew
+### hot\_pink
+R:FF G:69 B:B4 | hot pink
+### indian\_red
+R:CD G:5C B:5C | indian red
+### indigo
+R:4B G:0 B:82 | indigo
+### ivory
+R:FF G:FF B:F0 | ivory
+### khaki
+R:F0 G:E6 B:8C | khaki
+### lavender
+R:E6 G:E6 B:FA | lavender
+### lavender\_blush
+R:FF G:F0 B:F5 | lavender blush
+### lawn\_green
+R:7C G:FC B:0 | lawn green
+### lemon\_chiffon
+R:FF G:FA B:CD | lemon chiffon
+### light\_blue
+R:AD G:D8 B:E6 | light blue
+### light\_coral
+R:F0 G:80 B:80 | light coral
+### light\_cyan
+R:E0 G:FF B:FF | light cyan
+### light\_goldenrod\_yellow
+R:FA G:FA B:D2 | light goldenrod yellow
+### light\_gray
+R:D3 G:D3 B:D3 | light gray
+### light\_green
+R:90 G:EE B:90 | light green
+### light\_pink
+R:FF G:B6 B:C1 | light pink
+### light\_salmon
+R:FF G:A0 B:7A | light salmon
+### light\_sea\_green
+R:20 G:B2 B:AA | light sea green
+### light\_sky\_blue
+R:87 G:CE B:FA | light sky blue
+### light\_slate\_gray
+R:77 G:88 B:99 | light slate gray
+### light\_steel\_blue
+R:B0 G:C4 B:DE | light steel blue
+### light\_yellow
+R:FF G:FF B:E0 | light yellow
+### lime
+R:0 G:FF B:0 | lime
+### lime\_green
+R:32 G:CD B:32 | lime green
+### linen
+R:FA G:F0 B:E6 | linen
+### magenta
+R:FF G:0 B:FF | magenta
+### maroon
+R:80 G:0 B:0 | maroon
+### medium\_aquamarine
+R:66 G:CD B:AA | medium aquamarine
+### medium\_blue
+R:0 G:0 B:CD | medium blue
+### medium\_orchid
+R:BA G:55 B:D3 | medium orchid
+### medium\_purple
+R:93 G:70 B:DB | medium purple
+### medium\_sea\_green
+R:3C G:B3 B:71 | medium sea green
+### medium\_slate\_blue
+R:7B G:68 B:EE | medium slate blue
+### medium\_spring\_green
+R:0 G:FA B:9A | medium spring green
+### medium\_turquoise
+R:48 G:D1 B:CC | medium turquoise
+### medium\_violet\_red
+R:C7 G:15 B:85 | medium violet red
+### midnight\_blue
+R:19 G:19 B:70 | midnight blue
+### mint\_cream
+R:F5 G:FF B:FA | mint cream
+### misty\_rose
+R:FF G:E4 B:E1 | misty rose
+### moccasin
+R:FF G:E4 B:B5 | moccasin
+### navajo\_white
+R:FF G:DE B:AD | navajo white
+### navy
+R:0 G:0 B:80 | navy
+### old\_lace
+R:FD G:F5 B:E6 | old lace
+### olive
+R:80 G:80 B:0 | olive
+### olive\_drab
+R:6B G:8E B:23 | olive drab
+### orange
+R:FF G:A5 B:0 | orange
+### orange\_red
+R:FF G:45 B:0 | orange red
+### orchid
+R:DA G:70 B:D6 | orchid
+### pale\_goldenrod
+R:EE G:E8 B:AA | pale goldenrod
+### pale\_green
+R:98 G:FB B:98 | pale green
+### pale\_turquoise
+R:AF G:EE B:EE | pale turquoise
+### pale\_violet\_red
+R:DB G:70 B:93 | pale violet red
+### papaya\_whip
+R:FF G:EF B:D5 | papaya whip
+### peach\_puff
+R:FF G:DA B:B9 | peach puff
+### peru
+R:CD G:85 B:3F | peru
+### pink
+R:FF G:C0 B:CB | pink
+### plum
+R:DD G:A0 B:DD | plum
+### powder\_blue
+R:B0 G:E0 B:E6 | powder blue
+### purple
+R:80 G:0 B:80 | purple
+### rebecca\_purple
+R:66 G:33 B:99 | rebecca purple
+### red
+R:FF G:0 B:0 | red
+### rosy\_brown
+R:BC G:8F B:8F | rosy brown
+### royal\_blue
+R:41 G:69 B:E1 | royal blue
+### saddle\_brown
+R:8B G:45 B:13 | saddle brown
+### salmon
+R:FA G:80 B:72 | salmon
+### sandy\_brown
+R:F4 G:A4 B:60 | sandy brown
+### sea\_green
+R:2E G:8B B:57 | sea green
+### sea\_shell
+R:FF G:F5 B:EE | sea shell
+### sienna
+R:A0 G:52 B:2D | sienna
+### silver
+R:C0 G:C0 B:C0 | silver
+### sky\_blue
+R:87 G:CE B:EB | sky blue
+### slate\_blue
+R:6A G:5A B:CD | slate blue
+### slate\_gray
+R:70 G:80 B:90 | slate gray
+### snow
+R:FF G:FA B:FA | snow
+### spring\_green
+R:0 G:FF B:7F | spring green
+### steel\_blue
+R:46 G:82 B:B4 | steel blue
+### tan
+R:D2 G:B4 B:8C | tan
+### teal
+R:0 G:80 B:80 | teal
+### thistle
+R:D8 G:BF B:D8 | thistle
+### tomato
+R:FF G:63 B:47 | tomato
+### turquoise
+R:40 G:E0 B:D0 | turquoise
+### violet
+R:EE G:82 B:EE | violet
+### wheat
+R:F5 G:DE B:B3 | wheat
+### white
+R:FF G:FF B:FF | white
+### white\_smoke
+R:F5 G:F5 B:F5 | white smoke
+### yellow
+R:FF G:FF B:0 | yellow
+### yellow\_green
+R:9A G:CD B:32 | yellow green
+# library/lux/data/format/binary
+## Definitions
+### Mutation
+... .Type
+(-> [library/lux/control/parser/binary.Offset library/lux/data/binary.Binary] [library/lux/control/parser/binary.Offset library/lux/data/binary.Binary])
+A mutation of binary data, tracking where in the data to transform\.
+### Specification
+... .Type
+[library/lux/control/parser/binary.Size Mutation]
+A description of how to transform binary data\.
+### \(Writer it\)
+... .Type
+(-> it Specification)
+An operation that knows how to write information into a binary blob\.
+### and
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Writer _0) (Writer _1) (Writer [_0 _1])))
+(and pre post)
+### any
+(Writer .Any)
+### binary/16
+(Writer library/lux/data/binary.Binary)
+### binary/32
+(Writer library/lux/data/binary.Binary)
+### binary/64
+(Writer library/lux/data/binary.Binary)
+### binary/8
+(Writer library/lux/data/binary.Binary)
+### bit
+(Writer .Bit)
+### bits/16
+(Writer (.I64 .Any))
+### bits/32
+(Writer (.I64 .Any))
+### bits/64
+(Writer (.I64 .Any))
+### bits/8
+(Writer (.I64 .Any))
+### code
+(Writer .Code)
+### frac
+(Writer .Frac)
+### instance
+(-> Specification library/lux/data/binary.Binary)
+Given a specification of how to construct binary data, yields a binary blob that matches it\.
+### int
+(Writer .Int)
+### list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Writer _0) (Writer (.List _0))))
+### location
+(Writer .Location)
+### maybe
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Writer _0) (Writer (.Maybe _0))))
+### monoid
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid Specification)
+### nat
+(Writer .Nat)
+### no\_op
+A specification for empty binary data\.
+### or
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Writer _0) (Writer _1) (Writer (Or _0 _1))))
+(or left right)
+### rec
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> (Writer _0) (Writer _0)) (Writer _0)))
+A combinator for recursive writers\.
+(rec body)
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Writer _0) _0 library/lux/data/binary.Binary))
+Yields a binary blob with all the information written to it\.
+(result writer value)
+### rev
+(Writer .Rev)
+### segment
+(-> .Nat (Writer library/lux/data/binary.Binary))
+Writes at most 'size' bytes of an input binary blob\.
+(segment size)
+### sequence/16
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Writer _0) (Writer (library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence _0))))
+### sequence/32
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Writer _0) (Writer (library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence _0))))
+### sequence/64
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Writer _0) (Writer (library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence _0))))
+### sequence/8
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Writer _0) (Writer (library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence _0))))
+### set
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Writer _0) (Writer (library/lux/data/collection/set.Set _0))))
+### symbol
+(Writer .Symbol)
+### text
+(Writer .Text)
+### type
+(Writer .Type)
+### utf8/16
+(Writer .Text)
+### utf8/32
+(Writer .Text)
+### utf8/64
+(Writer .Text)
+### utf8/8
+(Writer .Text)
+# library/lux/data/format/json
+Functionality for reading and writing values in the JSON format\.
+For more information, please see: http://www\.json\.org/
+## Definitions
+### Array
+... .Type
+(library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence JSON)
+### Boolean
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Bit")
+### JSON
+... .Type
+(Rec JSON
+ (Variant
+ {#Null Null}
+ {#Boolean Boolean}
+ {#Number Number}
+ {#String String}
+ {#Array (library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence JSON)}
+ {#Object (library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary String JSON)}))
+### Null
+... .Type
+(Ex (Null _0)
+ _0)
+### Number
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Frac")
+### Object
+... .Type
+(library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary String JSON)
+### String
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Text")
+### array\_field
+(-> .Text JSON (library/lux/control/try.Try Array))
+A JSON object field getter for arrays\.
+### boolean\_field
+(-> .Text JSON (library/lux/control/try.Try Boolean))
+A JSON object field getter for booleans\.
+### codec
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text JSON)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence JSON)
+### field
+(-> String JSON (library/lux/control/try.Try JSON))
+A JSON object field getter\.
+(field key json)
+### fields
+(-> JSON (library/lux/control/try.Try (.List String)))
+Get all the fields in a JSON object\.
+(fields json)
+### format
+(-> JSON .Text)
+### has
+(-> String JSON JSON (library/lux/control/try.Try JSON))
+A JSON object field setter\.
+(has key value json)
+### json
+A simple way to produce JSON literals\.
+... null
+(json #null)
+... true
+(json #1)
+... 123.456
+(json +123.456)
+... 'this is a string'
+(json "this is a string")
+... ['this' 'is' 'an' 'array']
+(json ["this" "is" "an" "array"])
+... {'this' 'is', 'an' 'object'}
+(json {"this" "is" "an" "object"})
+### null?
+(library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate JSON)
+### number\_field
+(-> .Text JSON (library/lux/control/try.Try Number))
+A JSON object field getter for numbers\.
+### object
+(-> (.List [String JSON]) JSON)
+### object\_field
+(-> .Text JSON (library/lux/control/try.Try Object))
+A JSON object field getter for objects\.
+### string\_field
+(-> .Text JSON (library/lux/control/try.Try String))
+A JSON object field getter for strings\.
+# library/lux/data/format/tar
+## Definitions
+### Big
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/format/tar.Big")
+### Content
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/format/tar.Content")
+### Contiguous
+... .Type
+[Path library/lux/time/instant.Instant Mode Ownership Content]
+### Directory
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/format/tar.Path")
+### Entry
+... .Type
+ {#Normal Normal}
+ {#Symbolic_Link Symbolic_Link}
+ {#Directory Directory}
+ {#Contiguous Contiguous})
+### File
+... .Type
+[Path library/lux/time/instant.Instant Mode Ownership Content]
+### ID
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/format/tar.Small")
+### Mode
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/format/tar.Mode")
+### Name
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/format/tar.Name")
+### Normal
+... .Type
+[Path library/lux/time/instant.Instant Mode Ownership Content]
+### Owner
+... .Type
+ [#name Name
+ #id ID])
+### Ownership
+... .Type
+ [#user Owner
+ #group Owner])
+### Path
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/format/tar.Path")
+### Small
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/format/tar.Small")
+### Symbolic\_Link
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/format/tar.Path")
+### Tar
+... .Type
+(library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence Entry)
+### and
+(-> Mode Mode Mode)
+### anonymous
+### big
+(-> .Nat (library/lux/control/try.Try Big))
+### big\_limit
+### content
+(-> library/lux/data/binary.Binary (library/lux/control/try.Try Content))
+### data
+(-> Content library/lux/data/binary.Binary)
+### execute\_by\_group
+### execute\_by\_other
+### execute\_by\_owner
+### from\_big
+(-> Big .Nat)
+### from\_name
+(-> Name .Text)
+### from\_path
+(-> Path library/lux/world/file.Path)
+### from\_small
+(-> Small .Nat)
+### invalid\_end\_of\_archive
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### invalid\_link\_flag
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### invalid\_mode
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### mode
+(-> Mode .Nat)
+### name
+(-> .Text (library/lux/control/try.Try Name))
+### name\_is\_too\_long
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Text)
+### name\_size
+### no\_id
+### no\_path
+### none
+### not\_a\_big\_number
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### not\_a\_small\_number
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### not\_ascii
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Text)
+### parser
+(library/lux/control/parser/binary.Parser Tar)
+### path
+(-> library/lux/world/file.Path (library/lux/control/try.Try Path))
+### path\_is\_too\_long
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Text)
+### path\_size
+### read\_by\_group
+### read\_by\_other
+### read\_by\_owner
+### save\_text
+### set\_group\_id\_on\_execution
+### set\_user\_id\_on\_execution
+### small
+(-> .Nat (library/lux/control/try.Try Small))
+### small\_limit
+### write\_by\_group
+### write\_by\_other
+### write\_by\_owner
+### writer
+(library/lux/data/format/binary.Writer Tar)
+### wrong\_character
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [library/lux/data/text.Char library/lux/data/text.Char])
+### wrong\_checksum
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Nat .Nat])
+### wrong\_link\_flag
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [Link_Flag Link_Flag])
+# library/lux/data/format/xml
+## Definitions
+### Attribute
+... .Type
+[.Text .Text]
+### Attrs
+... .Type
+(library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary Attribute .Text)
+### Tag
+... .Type
+[.Text .Text]
+### XML
+... .Type
+(Rec XML
+ (Variant
+ {#Text .Text}
+ {#Node Tag Attrs (.List XML)}))
+### attribute
+(-> Attribute .Text)
+The text format of a XML attribute\.
+### attributes
+An empty set of XML attributes\.
+### codec
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text XML)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence XML)
+### tag
+(-> Tag .Text)
+The text format of a XML tag\.
+(tag name)
+# library/lux/data/identity
+## Definitions
+### \(Identity it\)
+... .Type
+A value, as is, without any extra structure super\-imposed on it\.
+### apply
+(library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply Identity)
+### comonad
+(library/lux/abstract/comonad.CoMonad Identity)
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Identity)
+### monad
+(library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad Identity)
+# library/lux/data/product
+Functionality for working with tuples \(particularly 2\-tuples/pairs\)\.
+## Definitions
+### curried
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (-> [_0 _1] _2) _0 _1 _2))
+Converts a 2\-argument function into nested single\-argument functions\.
+(curried f)
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _1) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence [_0 _1])))
+### forked
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1) (-> _0 _2) _0 [_1 _2]))
+Yields a pair by applying both functions to a single value\.
+(forked f g)
+### hash
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _1) (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash [_0 _1])))
+### left
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> [_0 _1] _0))
+The left side of a pair\.
+### right
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> [_0 _1] _1))
+The right side of a pair\.
+### swapped
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> [_0 _1] [_1 _0]))
+(swapped [left right])
+### then
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> (-> _0 _2) (-> _1 _3) [_0 _1] [_2 _3]))
+Apply functions to both sides of a pair\.
+(then f g)
+### uncurried
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1 _2) [_0 _1] _2))
+Converts nested single\-argument functions into a 2\-argument function\.
+(uncurried f)
+# library/lux/data/sum
+Functionality for working with variants \(particularly 2\-variants\)\.
+## Definitions
+### either
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (-> _0 _2) (-> _1 _2) (Or _0 _1) _2))
+Applies a function to either side of a 2\-variant\.
+(either on_left on_right)
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _1) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Or _0 _1))))
+### hash
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _1) (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash (Or _0 _1))))
+### left
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 (Or _0 _1)))
+Lifts value to the left side of a 2\-variant\.
+### lefts
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (.List (Or _0 _1)) (.List _0)))
+### partition
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (.List (Or _0 _1)) [(.List _0) (.List _1)]))
+### right
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _1 (Or _0 _1)))
+Lifts value to the right side of a 2\-variant\.
+### rights
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (.List (Or _0 _1)) (.List _1)))
+### then
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1) (-> _2 _3) (Or _0 _2) (Or _1 _3)))
+Applies functions to both sides of a 2\-variant\.
+(then on_left on_right)
+# library/lux/data/text
+## Definitions
+### Char
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+A character code number\.
+### \\''
+### \\0
+### \\a
+### \\b
+### \\f
+### \\n
+### \\r
+### \\t
+### \\v
+### alarm
+### all\_split\_by
+(-> .Text .Text (.List .Text))
+(all_split_by token sample)
+### back\_space
+### carriage\_return
+### char
+(-> .Nat .Text (.Maybe Char))
+Yields the character at the specified index\.
+(char index input)
+### clip
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Text (.Maybe .Text))
+Clips a chunk of text from the input at the specified offset and of the specified size\.
+(clip offset size input)
+### clip\_since
+(-> .Nat .Text (.Maybe .Text))
+Clips the remaining text from the input at the specified offset\.
+(clip_since offset input)
+### contains?
+(-> .Text .Text .Bit)
+(contains? sub text)
+### double\_quote
+### empty?
+(-> .Text .Bit)
+### enclosed
+(-> [.Text .Text] .Text .Text)
+Surrounds the given content text with left and right side additions\.
+(enclosed [left right] content)
+### enclosed'
+(-> .Text .Text .Text)
+Surrounds the given content text with the same boundary text\.
+(enclosed' boundary content)
+### enclosed\_by?
+(-> .Text .Text .Bit)
+(enclosed_by? boundary value)
+### ends\_with?
+(-> .Text .Text .Bit)
+(ends_with? postfix x)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence .Text)
+### form\_feed
+### format
+(-> .Text .Text)
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash .Text)
+### index
+(-> .Text .Text (.Maybe .Nat))
+(index pattern input)
+### index\_since
+(-> .Nat .Text .Text (.Maybe .Nat))
+(index_since from pattern input)
+### interposed
+(-> .Text (.List .Text) .Text)
+(interposed separator texts)
+### last\_index
+(-> .Text .Text (.Maybe .Nat))
+(last_index part text)
+### line\_feed
+Same as 'new\_line'\.
+### lower\_cased
+(-> .Text .Text)
+### monoid
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Text)
+### new\_line
+### null
+### of\_char
+(-> Char .Text)
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order .Text)
+### prefix
+(-> .Text .Text .Text)
+(prefix param subject)
+### replaced
+(-> .Text .Text .Text .Text)
+(replaced pattern replacement template)
+### replaced/1
+(-> .Text .Text .Text .Text)
+(replaced/1 pattern replacement template)
+### size
+(-> .Text .Nat)
+### space
+### space?
+(-> Char .Bit)
+Checks whether the character is white\-space\.
+(space? char)
+### split\_at
+(-> .Nat .Text (.Maybe [.Text .Text]))
+(split_at at x)
+### split\_by
+(-> .Text .Text (.Maybe [.Text .Text]))
+(split_by token sample)
+### starts\_with?
+(-> .Text .Text .Bit)
+(starts_with? prefix x)
+### suffix
+(-> .Text .Text .Text)
+(suffix param subject)
+### tab
+### together
+(-> (.List .Text) .Text)
+### upper\_cased
+(-> .Text .Text)
+### vertical\_tab
+# library/lux/data/text/buffer
+## Definitions
+### Buffer
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/text/buffer.Buffer")
+Immutable text buffer for efficient text concatenation\.
+### empty
+### size
+(-> Buffer .Nat)
+### text
+(-> Buffer .Text)
+### then
+(-> .Text Buffer Buffer)
+# library/lux/data/text/encoding
+## Definitions
+### Encoding
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/text/encoding.Encoding")
+Encoding formats for text\.
+### ascii
+'ASCII' text encoding\.
+### cesu\_8
+'CESU\-8' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_037
+'IBM037' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1006
+'IBM1006' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1025
+'IBM1025' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1026
+'IBM1026' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1046
+'IBM1046' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1047
+'IBM1047' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1097
+'IBM1097' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1098
+'IBM1098' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1112
+'IBM1112' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1122
+'IBM1122' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1123
+'IBM1123' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1124
+'IBM1124' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1140
+'IBM01140' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1141
+'IBM01141' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1142
+'IBM01142' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1143
+'IBM01143' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1144
+'IBM01144' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1145
+'IBM01145' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1146
+'IBM01146' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1147
+'IBM01147' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1148
+'IBM01148' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1149
+'IBM01149' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1166
+'IBM1166' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1364
+'IBM1364' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1381
+'IBM1381' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1383
+'IBM1383' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_273
+'IBM273' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_277
+'IBM277' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_278
+'IBM278' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_280
+'IBM280' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_284
+'IBM284' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_285
+'IBM285' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_290
+'IBM290' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_297
+'IBM297' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_300
+'IBM300' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_33722
+'IBM33722' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_420
+'IBM420' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_424
+'IBM424' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_437
+'IBM437' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_500
+'IBM500' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_737
+'IBM737' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_775
+'IBM775' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_833
+'IBM833' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_834
+'IBM834' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_838
+'IBM\-Thai' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_850
+'IBM850' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_852
+'IBM852' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_855
+'IBM855' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_856
+'IBM856' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_857
+'IBM857' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_858
+'IBM00858' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_860
+'IBM860' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_861
+'IBM861' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_862
+'IBM862' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_863
+'IBM863' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_864
+'IBM864' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_865
+'IBM865' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_866
+'IBM866' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_868
+'IBM868' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_869
+'IBM869' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_870
+'IBM870' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_871
+'IBM871' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_874
+'IBM874' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_875
+'IBM875' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_918
+'IBM918' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_921
+'IBM921' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_922
+'IBM922' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_930
+'IBM930' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_933
+'IBM933' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_935
+'IBM935' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_937
+'IBM937' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_939
+'IBM939' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_942
+'IBM942' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_942c
+'IBM942C' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_943
+'IBM943' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_943c
+'IBM943C' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_948
+'IBM948' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_949
+'IBM949' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_949c
+'IBM949C' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_950
+'IBM950' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_964
+'IBM964' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_970
+'IBM970' text encoding\.
+### iso2022\_cn\_cns
+'ISO2022\-CN\-CNS' text encoding\.
+### iso2022\_cn\_gb
+'ISO2022\-CN\-GB' text encoding\.
+### iso\_2022\_cn
+'ISO\-2022\-CN' text encoding\.
+### iso\_2022\_jp
+'ISO\-2022\-JP' text encoding\.
+### iso\_2022\_jp\_2
+'ISO\-2022\-JP\-2' text encoding\.
+### iso\_2022\_kr
+'ISO\-2022\-KR' text encoding\.
+### iso\_8859\_1
+'ISO\-8859\-1' text encoding\.
+### iso\_8859\_11
+'iso\-8859\-11' text encoding\.
+### iso\_8859\_13
+'ISO\-8859\-13' text encoding\.
+### iso\_8859\_15
+'ISO\-8859\-15' text encoding\.
+### iso\_8859\_2
+'ISO\-8859\-2' text encoding\.
+### iso\_8859\_3
+'ISO\-8859\-3' text encoding\.
+### iso\_8859\_4
+'ISO\-8859\-4' text encoding\.
+### iso\_8859\_5
+'ISO\-8859\-5' text encoding\.
+### iso\_8859\_6
+'ISO\-8859\-6' text encoding\.
+### iso\_8859\_7
+'ISO\-8859\-7' text encoding\.
+### iso\_8859\_8
+'ISO\-8859\-8' text encoding\.
+### iso\_8859\_9
+'ISO\-8859\-9' text encoding\.
+### koi8\_r
+'KOI8\-R' text encoding\.
+### koi8\_u
+'KOI8\-U' text encoding\.
+### mac\_arabic
+'MacArabic' text encoding\.
+### mac\_central\_europe
+'MacCentralEurope' text encoding\.
+### mac\_croatian
+'MacCroatian' text encoding\.
+### mac\_cyrillic
+'MacCyrillic' text encoding\.
+### mac\_dingbat
+'MacDingbat' text encoding\.
+### mac\_greek
+'MacGreek' text encoding\.
+### mac\_hebrew
+'MacHebrew' text encoding\.
+### mac\_iceland
+'MacIceland' text encoding\.
+### mac\_roman
+'MacRoman' text encoding\.
+### mac\_romania
+'MacRomania' text encoding\.
+### mac\_symbol
+'MacSymbol' text encoding\.
+### mac\_thai
+'MacThai' text encoding\.
+### mac\_turkish
+'MacTurkish' text encoding\.
+### mac\_ukraine
+'MacUkraine' text encoding\.
+### name
+(-> Encoding .Text)
+### utf\_16
+'UTF\-16' text encoding\.
+### utf\_32
+'UTF\-32' text encoding\.
+### utf\_8
+'UTF\-8' text encoding\.
+### windows\_1250
+'windows\-1250' text encoding\.
+### windows\_1251
+'windows\-1251' text encoding\.
+### windows\_1252
+'windows\-1252' text encoding\.
+### windows\_1253
+'windows\-1253' text encoding\.
+### windows\_1254
+'windows\-1254' text encoding\.
+### windows\_1255
+'windows\-1255' text encoding\.
+### windows\_1256
+'windows\-1256' text encoding\.
+### windows\_1257
+'windows\-1257' text encoding\.
+### windows\_1258
+'windows\-1258' text encoding\.
+### windows\_31j
+'windows\-31j' text encoding\.
+### windows\_50220
+'windows\-50220' text encoding\.
+### windows\_50221
+'windows\-50221' text encoding\.
+### windows\_874
+'windows\-874' text encoding\.
+### windows\_949
+'windows\-949' text encoding\.
+### windows\_950
+'windows\-950' text encoding\.
+### windows\_iso2022jp
+'windows\-iso2022jp' text encoding\.
+# library/lux/data/text/encoding/utf8
+## Definitions
+### codec
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec library/lux/data/binary.Binary .Text)
+A codec for binary encoding of text as UTF\-8\.
+# library/lux/data/text/escape
+## Definitions
+### dangling\_escape
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Text)
+### escapable?
+(-> library/lux/data/text.Char .Bit)
+### escaped
+(-> .Text .Text)
+Yields a escaped version of the text\.
+(escaped text)
+### invalid\_escape
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Text .Nat library/lux/data/text.Char])
+### invalid\_unicode\_escape
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Text .Nat])
+### literal
+If given a escaped text literal, expands to an un\-escaped version\.
+(literal "Line 1\nLine 2")
+... =>
+(format "Line 1" \n
+ "Line 2")
+### un\_escaped
+(-> .Text (library/lux/control/try.Try .Text))
+Yields an un\-escaped text\.
+Fails if it was improperly escaped\.
+(un_escaped text)
+# library/lux/data/text/format
+## Definitions
+### \(Format it\)
+... .Type
+(-> it .Text)
+A way to produce readable text from values\.
+### bit
+(Format .Bit)
+### code
+(Format .Code)
+### date
+(Format library/lux/time/date.Date)
+### day
+(Format library/lux/time/day.Day)
+### duration
+(Format library/lux/time/duration.Duration)
+### format
+Text interpolation\.
+(format "Static part " (text static) " does not match URI: " uri)
+### frac
+(Format .Frac)
+### frac/10
+(Format .Frac)
+### frac/16
+(Format .Frac)
+### frac/2
+(Format .Frac)
+### frac/8
+(Format .Frac)
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor/contravariant.Functor Format)
+### instant
+(Format library/lux/time/instant.Instant)
+### int
+(Format .Int)
+### int/10
+(Format .Int)
+### int/16
+(Format .Int)
+### int/2
+(Format .Int)
+### int/8
+(Format .Int)
+### json
+(Format library/lux/data/format/json.JSON)
+### list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Format _0) (Format (.List _0))))
+### location
+(Format .Location)
+### maybe
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Format _0) (Format (.Maybe _0))))
+### mod
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Format (library/lux/math/modular.Mod _0)))
+### month
+(Format library/lux/time/month.Month)
+### nat
+(Format .Nat)
+### nat/10
+(Format .Nat)
+### nat/16
+(Format .Nat)
+### nat/2
+(Format .Nat)
+### nat/8
+(Format .Nat)
+### ratio
+(Format library/lux/math/number/ratio.Ratio)
+### rev
+(Format .Rev)
+### rev/10
+(Format .Rev)
+### rev/16
+(Format .Rev)
+### rev/2
+(Format .Rev)
+### rev/8
+(Format .Rev)
+### symbol
+(Format .Symbol)
+### text
+(Format .Text)
+### time
+(Format library/lux/time.Time)
+### type
+(Format .Type)
+### xml
+(Format library/lux/data/format/xml.XML)
+# library/lux/data/text/regex
+## Definitions
+### ^regex
+Allows you to test text against regular expressions\.
+(case some_text
+ (^regex "(\d{3})-(\d{3})-(\d{4})"
+ [_ country_code area_code place_code])
+ do_some_thing_when_number
+ (^regex "\w+")
+ do_some_thing_when_word
+ _
+ do_something_else)
+### incorrect\_quantification
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Nat .Nat])
+### regex
+Create lexers using regular\-expression syntax\.
+... Literals
+(regex "a")
+... Wildcards
+(regex ".")
+... Escaping
+(regex "\.")
+... Character classes
+(regex "\d")
+(regex "\p{Lower}")
+(regex "[abc]")
+(regex "[a-z]")
+(regex "[a-zA-Z]")
+(regex "[a-z&&[def]]")
+... Negation
+(regex "[^abc]")
+(regex "[^a-z]")
+(regex "[^a-zA-Z]")
+(regex "[a-z&&[^bc]]")
+(regex "[a-z&&[^m-p]]")
+... Combinations
+(regex "aa")
+(regex "a?")
+(regex "a*")
+(regex "a+")
+... Specific amounts
+(regex "a{2}")
+... At least
+(regex "a{1,}")
+... At most
+(regex "a{,1}")
+... Between
+(regex "a{1,2}")
+... Groups
+(regex "a(.)c")
+(regex "a(b+)c")
+(regex "(\d{3})-(\d{3})-(\d{4})")
+(regex "(\d{3})-(?:\d{3})-(\d{4})")
+(regex "(?<code>\d{3})-\k<code>-(\d{4})")
+(regex "(?<code>\d{3})-\k<code>-(\d{4})-\0")
+(regex "(\d{3})-((\d{3})-(\d{4}))")
+... Alternation
+(regex "a|b")
+(regex "a(.)(.)|b(.)(.)")
+# library/lux/data/text/unicode/block
+## Definitions
+### Block
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/text/unicode/block.Block")
+A block of valid unicode characters\.
+### alphabetic\_presentation\_forms
+FB00\-FB4F | alphabetic presentation forms
+### arabic
+600\-6FF | arabic
+### arabic\_presentation\_forms\_a
+FB50\-FDFF | arabic presentation forms a
+### arabic\_presentation\_forms\_b
+FE70\-FEFF | arabic presentation forms b
+### armenian
+530\-58F | armenian
+### arrows
+2190\-21FF | arrows
+### basic\_latin
+0\-7F | basic latin
+### basic\_latin/decimal
+30\-39 | basic latin/decimal
+### basic\_latin/lower
+61\-7A | basic latin/lower
+### basic\_latin/upper
+41\-5A | basic latin/upper
+### bengali
+980\-9FF | bengali
+### block
+(-> library/lux/data/text.Char .Nat Block)
+(block start additional)
+### block\_elements
+2580\-259F | block elements
+### bopomofo
+3100\-312F | bopomofo
+### bopomofo\_extended
+31A0\-31BF | bopomofo extended
+### box\_drawing
+2500\-257F | box drawing
+### braille\_patterns
+2800\-28FF | braille patterns
+### buhid
+1740\-175F | buhid
+### cherokee
+13A0\-13FF | cherokee
+### cjk\_compatibility
+3300\-33FF | cjk compatibility
+### cjk\_compatibility\_forms
+FE30\-FE4F | cjk compatibility forms
+### cjk\_compatibility\_ideographs
+F900\-FAFF | cjk compatibility ideographs
+### cjk\_radicals\_supplement
+2E80\-2EFF | cjk radicals supplement
+### cjk\_symbols\_and\_punctuation
+3000\-303F | cjk symbols and punctuation
+### cjk\_unified\_ideographs
+4E00\-9FFF | cjk unified ideographs
+### cjk\_unified\_ideographs\_extension\_a
+3400\-4DBF | cjk unified ideographs extension a
+### combining\_diacritical\_marks
+300\-36F | combining diacritical marks
+### combining\_diacritical\_marks\_for\_symbols
+20D0\-20FF | combining diacritical marks for symbols
+### combining\_half\_marks
+FE20\-FE2F | combining half marks
+### control\_pictures
+2400\-243F | control pictures
+### currency\_symbols
+20A0\-20CF | currency symbols
+### cyrillic
+400\-4FF | cyrillic
+### cyrillic\_supplementary
+500\-52F | cyrillic supplementary
+### devanagari
+900\-97F | devanagari
+### dingbats
+2700\-27BF | dingbats
+### enclosed\_alphanumerics
+2460\-24FF | enclosed alphanumerics
+### enclosed\_cjk\_letters\_and\_months
+3200\-32FF | enclosed cjk letters and months
+### end
+(-> Block library/lux/data/text.Char)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Block)
+### ethiopic
+1200\-137F | ethiopic
+### general\_punctuation
+2000\-206F | general punctuation
+### geometric\_shapes
+25A0\-25FF | geometric shapes
+### georgian
+10A0\-10FF | georgian
+### greek\_and\_coptic
+370\-3FF | greek and coptic
+### greek\_extended
+1F00\-1FFF | greek extended
+### gujarati
+A80\-AFF | gujarati
+### gurmukhi
+A00\-A7F | gurmukhi
+### halfwidth\_and\_fullwidth\_forms
+FF00\-FFEF | halfwidth and fullwidth forms
+### hangul\_compatibility\_jamo
+3130\-318F | hangul compatibility jamo
+### hangul\_jamo
+1100\-11FF | hangul jamo
+### hangul\_syllables
+AC00\-D7AF | hangul syllables
+### hanunoo
+1720\-173F | hanunoo
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash Block)
+### hebrew
+590\-5FF | hebrew
+### high\_private\_use\_surrogates
+DB80\-DBFF | high private use surrogates
+### high\_surrogates
+D800\-DB7F | high surrogates
+### hiragana
+3040\-309F | hiragana
+### ideographic\_description\_characters
+2FF0\-2FFF | ideographic description characters
+### ipa\_extensions
+250\-2AF | ipa extensions
+### kanbun
+3190\-319F | kanbun
+### kangxi\_radicals
+2F00\-2FDF | kangxi radicals
+### kannada
+C80\-CFF | kannada
+### katakana
+30A0\-30FF | katakana
+### katakana\_phonetic\_extensions
+31F0\-31FF | katakana phonetic extensions
+### khmer
+1780\-17FF | khmer
+### khmer\_symbols
+19E0\-19FF | khmer symbols
+### lao
+E80\-EFF | lao
+### latin\_1\_supplement
+A0\-FF | latin 1 supplement
+### latin\_extended\_a
+100\-17F | latin extended a
+### latin\_extended\_additional
+1E00\-1EFF | latin extended additional
+### latin\_extended\_b
+180\-24F | latin extended b
+### letterlike\_symbols
+2100\-214F | letterlike symbols
+### limbu
+1900\-194F | limbu
+### low\_surrogates
+DC00\-DFFF | low surrogates
+### malayalam
+D00\-D7F | malayalam
+### mathematical\_operators
+2200\-22FF | mathematical operators
+### miscellaneous\_mathematical\_symbols\_a
+27C0\-27EF | miscellaneous mathematical symbols a
+### miscellaneous\_mathematical\_symbols\_b
+2980\-29FF | miscellaneous mathematical symbols b
+### miscellaneous\_symbols
+2600\-26FF | miscellaneous symbols
+### miscellaneous\_symbols\_and\_arrows
+2B00\-2BFF | miscellaneous symbols and arrows
+### miscellaneous\_technical
+2300\-23FF | miscellaneous technical
+### mongolian
+1800\-18AF | mongolian
+### monoid
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid Block)
+### myanmar
+1000\-109F | myanmar
+### number\_forms
+2150\-218F | number forms
+### ogham
+1680\-169F | ogham
+### optical\_character\_recognition
+2440\-245F | optical character recognition
+### oriya
+B00\-B7F | oriya
+### phonetic\_extensions
+1D00\-1D7F | phonetic extensions
+### private\_use\_area
+E000\-F8FF | private use area
+### runic
+16A0\-16FF | runic
+### sinhala
+D80\-DFF | sinhala
+### size
+(-> Block .Nat)
+### small\_form\_variants
+FE50\-FE6F | small form variants
+### spacing\_modifier\_letters
+2B0\-2FF | spacing modifier letters
+### specials
+FFF0\-FFFF | specials
+### start
+(-> Block library/lux/data/text.Char)
+### superscripts\_and\_subscripts
+2070\-209F | superscripts and subscripts
+### supplemental\_arrows\_a
+27F0\-27FF | supplemental arrows a
+### supplemental\_arrows\_b
+2900\-297F | supplemental arrows b
+### supplemental\_mathematical\_operators
+2A00\-2AFF | supplemental mathematical operators
+### syriac
+700\-74F | syriac
+### tagalog
+1700\-171F | tagalog
+### tagbanwa
+1760\-177F | tagbanwa
+### tai\_le
+1950\-197F | tai le
+### tamil
+B80\-BFF | tamil
+### telugu
+C00\-C7F | telugu
+### thaana
+780\-7BF | thaana
+### thai
+E00\-E7F | thai
+### tibetan
+F00\-FFF | tibetan
+### unified\_canadian\_aboriginal\_syllabics
+1400\-167F | unified canadian aboriginal syllabics
+### variation\_selectors
+FE00\-FE0F | variation selectors
+### within?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> Block library/lux/data/text.Char .Bit))
+(within? block char)
+### yi\_radicals
+A490\-A4CF | yi radicals
+### yi\_syllables
+A000\-A48F | yi syllables
+### yijing\_hexagram\_symbols
+4DC0\-4DFF | yijing hexagram symbols
+# library/lux/data/text/unicode/set
+## Definitions
+### Set
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/text/unicode/set.Set")
+### ascii
+### ascii/alpha
+### ascii/alpha\_num
+### ascii/lower
+### ascii/numeric
+### ascii/upper
+### character
+### composite
+(-> Set Set Set)
+### end
+(-> Set library/lux/data/text.Char)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Set)
+### full
+### member?
+(-> Set library/lux/data/text.Char .Bit)
+(member? set character)
+### non\_character
+### set
+(-> [library/lux/data/text/unicode/block.Block (.List library/lux/data/text/unicode/block.Block)] Set)
+(set [head tail])
+### start
+(-> Set library/lux/data/text.Char)
+# library/lux/debug
+## Definitions
+### :hole
+A typed 'hole'\.
+Reveals the type expected of the expression that should go in the hole\.
+(: (-> Nat Text)
+ (function (_ number)
+ (:hole)))
+... =>
+### cannot\_represent\_value
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Type)
+### here
+Shows the names and values of local bindings available around the call to 'here'\.
+(let [foo 123
+ bar +456
+ baz +789]
+ (: Any
+ (here)))
+... =>
+... foo: +123
+... bar: +456
+... baz: +789.0
+... Can optionally be given a list of definitions to focus on.
+... These definitions to focus on can include custom format to represent the values.
+(let [foo 123
+ bar +456
+ baz +789]
+ (: Any
+ (here [foo library/lux/data/text/format.nat]baz)))
+... =>
+... foo: 123
+... baz: +789.0
+### inspection
+(library/lux/data/text/format.Format .Any)
+A best\-effort attempt to generate a textual representation of a value, without knowing its type\.
+(inspection value)
+### log\!
+(-> .Text .Any)
+Prints/writes a message to standard output\.
+(log! message)
+### private
+Allows access to un\-exported definitions in other modules\.
+... Module A
+(def: .private (secret_definition input)
+ (-> ??? ???)
+ (foo (bar (baz input))))
+... Module B
+((private secret_definition) my_input)
+### representation
+(-> .Type .Any (library/lux/control/try.Try .Text))
+A best\-effort attempt to generate a textual representation of a value, while knowing its type\.
+(representation type value)
+### type\_hole
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Location .Type])
+### unknown\_local\_binding
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Text)
+# library/lux/documentation
+## Definitions
+### Definition
+... .Type
+ [#definition .Text
+ #documentation (library/lux/data/format/markdown.Markdown library/lux/data/format/markdown.Block)])
+### Module
+... .Type
+ [#module .Text
+ #description .Text
+ #expected (library/lux/data/collection/set.Set .Text)
+ #definitions (.List Definition)])
+### default
+(: Definition
+ (default documentation/lux/documentation.definition))
+### documentation
+(-> (.List Module) .Text)
+### documentation:
+(documentation: default
+ ""
+ [(: Definition
+ (default documentation/lux/documentation.definition))])
+### module
+(: (.List Module)
+ (module _
+ ""
+ [documentation/lux/documentation.default
+ documentation/lux/documentation.documentation:
+ documentation/lux/documentation.module
+ (default unqualified_symbol)
+ (default Definition)
+ (default Module)
+ (default documentation)]
+ []))
+### unqualified\_symbol
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Symbol)
+# library/lux/extension
+## Definitions
+### analysis:
+Mechanism for defining extensions to Lux's analysis/type\-checking infrastructure\.
+(analysis: ("my analysis" self phase archive [pass_through library/lux/control/parser/code.any])
+ (phase archive pass_through))
+### directive:
+(directive: ("my directive" self phase archive [parameters (library/lux/control/parser.somelibrary/lux/control/parser/code.any)])
+ (do library/lux/tool/compiler/phase.monad
+ [.let [_ (library/lux/debug.log!(format "Successfully installed directive " (library/lux/data/text/format.textself) "!"))]]
+ (in library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/directive.no_requirements)))
+### generation:
+(generation: ("my generation" self phase archive [pass_through <synthesis>.any])
+ (for [library/lux/target.jvm
+ (# library/lux/tool/compiler/phase.monadeach (|>> {library/lux/target/jvm.#Embedded}
+ library/lux/data/collection/sequence.sequence)
+ (phase archive pass_through))]
+ (phase archive pass_through)))
+### synthesis:
+Mechanism for defining extensions to Lux's synthesis/optimization infrastructure\.
+(synthesis: ("my synthesis" self phase archive [pass_through <analysis>.any])
+ (phase archive pass_through))
+# library/lux/ffi
+## Definitions
+### Boolean
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Bit")
+### Function
+... .Type
+(Object Function')
+### Null
+... .Type
+(Object Null')
+### Number
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Frac")
+### \(Object brand\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/ffi.Object" brand)
+### String
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Text")
+### Symbol
+... .Type
+(Object Symbol')
+### Undefined
+... .Type
+(Object Undefined')
+### closure
+Allows defining closures/anonymous\-functions in the form that JavaScript expects\.
+This is useful for adapting Lux functions for usage by JavaScript code\.
+(: Function
+ (closure [left right]
+ (do_something (:as Foo left) (:as Bar right))))
+### constant
+Allows using definitions from the JavaScript host platform\.
+(constant .Frac [Math PI])
+### import:
+Easily import types, methods, functions and constants\.
+(import: Uint8Array)
+(import: TextEncoder
+ ["[1]::[0]"
+ (new [String])
+ (encode [String] Uint8Array)])
+(import: TextDecoder
+ ["[1]::[0]"
+ (new [String])
+ (decode [String] String)])
+### null
+(-> .Any .Nothing)
+The null pointer\.
+### null?
+(-> .Any .Bit)
+### on\_browser?
+### on\_nashorn?
+### on\_node\_js?
+### type\_of
+The type of an object, as text\.
+(= "boolean"
+ (type_of #1))
+(= "number"
+ (type_of +123.456))
+(= "string"
+ (type_of "789"))
+(= "function"
+ (type_of (function (_ value) value)))
+# library/lux/locale
+## Definitions
+### Locale
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/locale.Locale")
+A description of a locale; with territory, \(optional\) language, and \(optional\) text\-encoding\.
+### code
+(-> Locale .Text)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Locale)
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash Locale)
+### locale
+(-> library/lux/locale/language.Language (.Maybe library/lux/locale/territory.Territory) (.Maybe library/lux/data/text/encoding.Encoding) Locale)
+(locale language territory encoding)
+# library/lux/locale/language
+## Definitions
+### Language
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/locale/language.Language")
+An ISO 639 language\.
+### abkhazian
+### achinese
+### acoli
+### adangme
+### adyghe
+### afar
+### afrihili
+### afrikaans
+### afro\_asiatic
+### ainu
+### akan
+### akkadian
+### albanian
+### alemannic
+### aleut
+### algonquian
+### alsatian
+### altaic
+### amharic
+### ancient\_greek
+### angika
+### apache
+### arabic
+### aragonese
+### arapaho
+### arawak
+### armenian
+### aromanian
+### artificial
+### arumanian
+### assamese
+### asturian
+### asturleonese
+### athapascan
+### australian
+### austronesian
+### avaric
+### avestan
+### awadhi
+### aymara
+### azerbaijani
+### bable
+### balinese
+### baltic
+### baluchi
+### bambara
+### bamileke
+### banda
+### bantu
+### basa
+### bashkir
+### basque
+### batak
+### beja
+### belarusian
+### bemba
+### bengali
+### berber
+### bhojpuri
+### bihari
+### bikol
+### bilin
+### bini
+### bislama
+### blin
+### blissymbols
+### bokmal
+### bosnian
+### braj
+### breton
+### buginese
+### bulgarian
+### buriat
+### burmese
+### caddo
+### castilian
+### catalan
+### caucasian
+### cebuano
+### celtic
+### central\_american\_indian
+### central\_khmer
+### chagatai
+### chamic
+### chamorro
+### chechen
+### cherokee
+### chewa
+### cheyenne
+### chibcha
+### chichewa
+### chinese
+### chinook
+### chipewyan
+### choctaw
+### church\_slavic
+### church\_slavonic
+### chuukese
+### chuvash
+### classical\_nepal\_bhasa
+### classical\_newari
+### classical\_syriac
+### code
+(-> Language .Text)
+### cook\_islands\_maori
+### coptic
+### cornish
+### corsican
+### cree
+### creek
+### creoles\_and\_pidgins
+### creoles\_and\_pidgins/english
+### creoles\_and\_pidgins/french
+### creoles\_and\_pidgins/portuguese
+### crimean
+### croatian
+### cushitic
+### czech
+### dakota
+### danish
+### dargwa
+### delaware
+### dhivehi
+### dimili
+### dimli
+### dinka
+### dogri
+### dogrib
+### dravidian
+### duala
+### dutch
+### dyula
+### dzongkha
+### eastern\_frisian
+### edo
+### efik
+### egyptian
+### ekajuk
+### elamite
+### english
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Language)
+### erzya
+### esperanto
+### estonian
+### ewe
+### ewondo
+### fang
+### fanti
+### faroese
+### fijian
+### filipino
+### finnish
+### finno\_ugrian
+### flemish
+### fon
+### french
+### friulian
+### fulah
+### ga
+### gaelic
+### galibi\_carib
+### galician
+### ganda
+### gayo
+### gbaya
+### geez
+### georgian
+### german
+### germanic
+### gikuyu
+### gilbertese
+### gondi
+### gorontalo
+### gothic
+### grebo
+### greek
+### greenlandic
+### guarani
+### gujarati
+### gwich'in
+### haida
+### haitian
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash Language)
+### hausa
+### hawaiian
+### hebrew
+### herero
+### hiligaynon
+### himachali
+### hindi
+### hiri\_motu
+### hittite
+### hmong
+### hungarian
+### hupa
+### iban
+### icelandic
+### ido
+### igbo
+### ijo
+### iloko
+### imperial\_aramaic
+### inari
+### indic
+### indo\_european
+### indonesian
+### ingush
+### interlingua
+### interlingue
+### inuktitut
+### inupiaq
+### iranian
+### irish
+### iroquoian
+### italian
+### japanese
+### javanese
+### jingpho
+### judeo\_arabic
+### judeo\_persian
+### kabardian
+### kabyle
+### kachin
+### kalaallisut
+### kalmyk
+### kamba
+### kannada
+### kanuri
+### kapampangan
+### kara\_kalpak
+### karachay\_balkar
+### karelian
+### karen
+### kashmiri
+### kashubian
+### kawi
+### kazakh
+### khasi
+### khoisan
+### khotanese
+### kimbundu
+### kinyarwanda
+### kirdki
+### kirmanjki
+### klingon
+### komi
+### kongo
+### konkani
+### korean
+### kosraean
+### kpelle
+### kru
+### kumyk
+### kurdish
+### kurukh
+### kutenai
+### kwanyama
+### kyrgyz
+### ladino
+### lahnda
+### lamba
+### land\_dayak
+### lao
+### latin
+### latvian
+### leonese
+### lezghian
+### limburgan
+### lingala
+### lithuanian
+### lojban
+### low\_german
+### lower\_sorbian
+### lozi
+### luba\_katanga
+### luba\_lulua
+### luiseno
+### lule
+### lunda
+### luo
+### lushai
+### luxembourgish
+### macedo\_romanian
+### macedonian
+### madurese
+### magahi
+### maithili
+### makasar
+### malagasy
+### malay
+### malayalam
+### maldivian
+### maltese
+### manchu
+### mandar
+### mandingo
+### manipuri
+### manobo
+### manx
+### maori
+### mapudungun
+### marathi
+### mari
+### marshallese
+### marwari
+### masai
+### mayan
+### mende
+### mi'kmaq
+### micmac
+### middle\_dutch
+### middle\_english
+### middle\_french
+### middle\_high\_german
+### middle\_irish
+### minangkabau
+### mirandese
+### mohawk
+### moksha
+### moldavian
+### moldovan
+### mon\_khmer
+### mongo
+### mongolian
+### montenegrin
+### mossi
+### multiple
+### munda
+### n'ko
+### nahuatl
+### name
+(-> Language .Text)
+### nauru
+### navajo
+### ndonga
+### neapolitan
+### nepal\_bhasa
+### nepali
+### newari
+### nias
+### niger\_kordofanian
+### nilo\_saharan
+### niuean
+### nogai
+### north\_american\_indian
+### north\_ndebele
+### northern\_frisian
+### northern\_sami
+### northern\_sotho
+### norwegian
+### not\_applicable
+### nubian
+### nuosu
+### nyamwezi
+### nyanja
+### nyankole
+### nynorsk
+### nyoro
+### nzima
+### occitan
+### official\_aramaic
+### oirat
+### ojibwa
+### old\_bulgarian
+### old\_church\_slavonic
+### old\_english
+### old\_french
+### old\_high\_german
+### old\_irish
+### old\_newari
+### old\_norse
+### old\_persian
+### old\_provencal
+### old\_slavonic
+### oriya
+### oromo
+### osage
+### ossetic
+### otomian
+### ottoman\_turkish
+### pahlavi
+### palauan
+### pali
+### pampanga
+### pangasinan
+### papiamento
+### papuan
+### pashto
+### pedi
+### persian
+### philippine
+### phoenician
+### pohnpeian
+### polish
+### portuguese
+### prakrit
+### provencal
+### punjabi
+### quechua
+### rajasthani
+### rapanui
+### rarotongan
+### romance
+### romanian
+### romansh
+### romany
+### rundi
+### russian
+### sakan
+### salishan
+### samaritan\_aramaic
+### sami
+### samoan
+### sandawe
+### sango
+### sanskrit
+### santali
+### sardinian
+### sasak
+### scots
+### selkup
+### semitic
+### sepedi
+### serbian
+### serer
+### shan
+### shona
+### sichuan\_yi
+### sicilian
+### sidamo
+### sign
+### siksika
+### sindhi
+### sinhalese
+### sino\_tibetan
+### siouan
+### skolt\_sami
+### slavey
+### slavic
+### slovak
+### slovenian
+### sogdian
+### somali
+### songhai
+### soninke
+### sorbian
+### south\_american\_indian
+### south\_ndebele
+### southern\_altai
+### southern\_sami
+### southern\_sotho
+### spanish
+### sranan\_tongo
+### standard\_moroccan\_tamazight
+### sukuma
+### sumerian
+### sundanese
+### susu
+### swahili
+### swati
+### swedish
+### swiss\_german
+### syriac
+### tagalog
+### tahitian
+### tai
+### tajik
+### tamashek
+### tamil
+### tatar
+### telugu
+### tereno
+### tetum
+### thai
+### tibetan
+### tigre
+### tigrinya
+### timne
+### tiv
+### tlingit
+### tok\_pisin
+### tokelau
+### tonga
+### tongan
+### tsimshian
+### tsonga
+### tswana
+### tumbuka
+### tupi
+### turkish
+### turkmen
+### tuvalu
+### tuvinian
+### twi
+### udmurt
+### ugaritic
+### ukrainian
+### umbundu
+### uncoded
+### undetermined
+### upper\_sorbian
+### urdu
+### uyghur
+### uzbek
+### vai
+### valencian
+### venda
+### vietnamese
+### volapük
+### votic
+### wakashan
+### walamo
+### walloon
+### waray
+### washo
+### welsh
+### western\_frisian
+### wolof
+### xhosa
+### yakut
+### yao
+### yapese
+### yiddish
+### yoruba
+### yupik
+### zande
+### zapotec
+### zaza
+### zazaki
+### zenaga
+### zhuang
+### zulu
+### zuni
+# library/lux/locale/territory
+## Definitions
+### Territory
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/locale/territory.Territory")
+An ISO 3166 territory\.
+### afghanistan
+### aland\_islands
+### albania
+### algeria
+### american\_samoa
+### andorra
+### angola
+### anguilla
+### antarctica
+### antigua
+### argentina
+### armenia
+### aruba
+### ascension
+### australia
+### austria
+### azerbaijan
+### bahrain
+### bangladesh
+### barbados
+### barbuda
+### belarus
+### belgium
+### belize
+### benin
+### bermuda
+### bhutan
+### bolivia
+### bonaire
+### bosnia
+### botswana
+### bouvet\_island
+### brazil
+### british\_indian\_ocean\_territory
+### british\_virgin\_islands
+### brunei\_darussalam
+### bulgaria
+### burkina\_faso
+### burundi
+### caicos\_islands
+### cambodia
+### cameroon
+### canada
+### cape\_verde
+### cayman\_islands
+### central\_african\_republic
+### chad
+### chile
+### china
+### christmas\_island
+### cocos\_islands
+### colombia
+### comoros
+### congo
+### cook\_islands
+### costa\_rica
+### croatia
+### cuba
+### curacao
+### cyprus
+### czech\_republic
+### democratic\_republic\_of\_the\_congo
+### denmark
+### djibouti
+### dominica
+### dominican\_republic
+### east\_timor
+### ecuador
+### egypt
+### el\_salvador
+### equatorial\_guinea
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Territory)
+### eritrea
+### estonia
+### eswatini
+### ethiopia
+### falkland\_islands
+### faroe\_islands
+### fiji
+### finland
+### france
+### french\_guiana
+### french\_polynesia
+### french\_southern\_territories
+### futuna
+### gabon
+### georgia
+### germany
+### ghana
+### gibraltar
+### greece
+### greenland
+### grenada
+### guadeloupe
+### guam
+### guatemala
+### guernsey
+### guinea
+### guinea\_bissau
+### guyana
+### haiti
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash Territory)
+### heard\_island
+### herzegovina
+### honduras
+### hong\_kong
+### hungary
+### iceland
+### india
+### indonesia
+### iran
+### iraq
+### ireland
+### isle\_of\_man
+### israel
+### italy
+### ivory\_coast
+### jamaica
+### jan\_mayen
+### japan
+### jersey
+### jordan
+### kazakhstan
+### kenya
+### kiribati
+### kuwait
+### kyrgyzstan
+### laos
+### latvia
+### lebanon
+### lesotho
+### liberia
+### libya
+### liechtenstein
+### lithuania
+### long\_code
+(-> Territory .Text)
+### luxembourg
+### macau
+### macedonia
+### madagascar
+### malawi
+### malaysia
+### maldives
+### mali
+### malta
+### marshall\_islands
+### martinique
+### mauritania
+### mauritius
+### mayotte
+### mcdonald\_islands
+### mexico
+### micronesia
+### miquelon
+### moldova
+### monaco
+### mongolia
+### montenegro
+### montserrat
+### morocco
+### mozambique
+### myanmar
+### name
+(-> Territory .Text)
+### namibia
+### nauru
+### nepal
+### netherlands
+### nevis
+### new\_caledonia
+### new\_zealand
+### nicaragua
+### niger
+### nigeria
+### niue
+### norfolk\_island
+### north\_korea
+### northern\_ireland
+### northern\_mariana\_islands
+### norway
+### numeric\_code
+(-> Territory .Nat)
+### oman
+### pakistan
+### palau
+### palestine
+### panama
+### papua\_new\_guinea
+### paraguay
+### peru
+### philippines
+### pitcairn\_islands
+### poland
+### portugal
+### principe
+### puerto\_rico
+### qatar
+### reunion
+### romania
+### russia
+### rwanda
+### saba
+### saint\_barthelemy
+### saint\_helena
+### saint\_kitts
+### saint\_lucia
+### saint\_martin
+### saint\_pierre
+### saint\_vincent
+### samoa
+### san\_marino
+### sao\_tome
+### saudi\_arabia
+### senegal
+### serbia
+### seychelles
+### short\_code
+(-> Territory .Text)
+### sierra\_leone
+### singapore
+### sint\_eustatius
+### sint\_maarten
+### slovakia
+### slovenia
+### solomon\_islands
+### somalia
+### south\_africa
+### south\_georgia
+### south\_korea
+### south\_sandwich\_islands
+### south\_sudan
+### spain
+### sri\_lanka
+### sudan
+### suriname
+### svalbard
+### sweden
+### switzerland
+### syria
+### taiwan
+### tajikistan
+### tanzania
+### thailand
+### the\_bahamas
+### the\_gambia
+### the\_grenadines
+### tobago
+### togo
+### tokelau
+### tonga
+### trinidad
+### tristan\_da\_cunha
+### tunisia
+### turkey
+### turkmenistan
+### turks
+### tuvalu
+### uganda
+### ukraine
+### united\_arab\_emirates
+### united\_kingdom
+### united\_states\_minor\_outlying\_islands
+### united\_states\_of\_america
+### united\_states\_virgin\_islands
+### uruguay
+### uzbekistan
+### vanuatu
+### vatican\_city
+### venezuela
+### vietnam
+### wallis
+### western\_sahara
+### yemen
+### zambia
+### zimbabwe
+# library/lux/macro
+## Definitions
+### expansion
+(-> .Code (.Meta (.List .Code)))
+Given code that requires applying a macro, expands repeatedly until no more direct macro\-calls are left\.
+Otherwise, returns the code as\-is\.
+(expansion syntax)
+### full\_expansion
+(-> .Code (.Meta (.List .Code)))
+Expands all macro\-calls everywhere recursively, until only primitive/base code remains\.
+(full_expansion syntax)
+### log\_expansion\!
+Performs a macro\-expansion and logs the resulting code\.
+You can either use the resulting code, or omit them\.
+By omitting them, this macro produces nothing \(just like the lux\.comment macro\)\.
+ (def: (foo bar baz)
+ (-> Int Int Int)
+ (int.+ bar baz)))
+(log_expansion! "omit"
+ (def: (foo bar baz)
+ (-> Int Int Int)
+ (int.+ bar baz)))
+### log\_full\_expansion\!
+Performs a macro\-expansion and logs the resulting code\.
+You can either use the resulting code, or omit them\.
+By omitting them, this macro produces nothing \(just like the lux\.comment macro\)\.
+ (def: (foo bar baz)
+ (-> Int Int Int)
+ (int.+ bar baz)))
+(log_full_expansion! "omit"
+ (def: (foo bar baz)
+ (-> Int Int Int)
+ (int.+ bar baz)))
+### log\_single\_expansion\!
+Performs a macro\-expansion and logs the resulting code\.
+You can either use the resulting code, or omit them\.
+By omitting them, this macro produces nothing \(just like the lux\.comment macro\)\.
+ (def: (foo bar baz)
+ (-> Int Int Int)
+ (int.+ bar baz)))
+(log_single_expansion! "omit"
+ (def: (foo bar baz)
+ (-> Int Int Int)
+ (int.+ bar baz)))
+### one\_expansion
+(-> .Code (.Meta .Code))
+Works just like expand, except that it ensures that the output is a single Code token\.
+(one_expansion token)
+### single\_expansion
+(-> .Code (.Meta (.List .Code)))
+Given code that requires applying a macro, does it once and returns the result\.
+Otherwise, returns the code as\-is\.
+(single_expansion syntax)
+### symbol
+(-> .Text (.Meta .Code))
+Generates a unique name as a Code node \(ready to be used in code templates\)\.
+A prefix can be given \(or just be empty text\) to better identify the code for debugging purposes\.
+(symbol prefix)
+### with\_symbols
+Creates new symbols and offers them to the body expression\.
+(syntax: (synchronized [lock any
+ body any])
+ (with_symbols [g!lock g!body g!_]
+ (in (list (` (let [(~ g!lock) (~ lock)
+ (~ g!_) ("jvm monitorenter" (~ g!lock))
+ (~ g!body) (~ body)
+ (~ g!_) ("jvm monitorexit" (~ g!lock))]
+ (~ g!body)))))))
+### wrong\_syntax\_error
+(-> .Symbol .Text)
+A generic error message for macro syntax failures\.
+# library/lux/macro/code
+## Definitions
+### bit
+(-> .Bit .Code)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence .Code)
+### form
+(-> (.List .Code) .Code)
+### format
+(-> .Code .Text)
+### frac
+(-> .Frac .Code)
+### int
+(-> .Int .Code)
+### local\_symbol
+(-> .Text .Code)
+Produces a local symbol \(an symbol with no module prefix\)\.
+### nat
+(-> .Nat .Code)
+### replaced
+(-> .Code .Code .Code .Code)
+(replaced original substitute ast)
+### rev
+(-> .Rev .Code)
+### symbol
+(-> .Symbol .Code)
+### text
+(-> .Text .Code)
+### tuple
+(-> (.List .Code) .Code)
+### variant
+(-> (.List .Code) .Code)
+# library/lux/macro/local
+## Definitions
+### cannot\_shadow\_definition
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Text .Text])
+### push
+(-> (.List [.Symbol .Macro]) (.Meta .Code))
+Installs macros in the compiler\-state, with the given names\.
+Yields code that can be placed either as expression or as directives\.
+This code un\-installs the macros\.
+NOTE: Always use this code once to clean\-up\.\.
+(push macros)
+### unknown\_definition
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Text .Text])
+### unknown\_module
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Text)
+# library/lux/macro/syntax
+## Definitions
+### syntax:
+A more advanced way to define macros than 'macro:'\.
+The inputs to the macro can be parsed in complex ways through the use of syntax parsers\.
+The macro body is also \(implicitly\) run in the Meta monad, to save some typing\.
+Also, the compiler state can be accessed through the \*lux\* binding\.
+(syntax: .public (object [.let [imports (class_imports *lux*)]
+ .let [class_vars (list)]
+ super (opt (super_class_decl^ imports class_vars))
+ interfaces (tuple (some (super_class_decl^ imports class_vars)))
+ constructor_args (constructor_args^ imports class_vars)
+ methods (some (overriden_method_def^ imports))])
+ (let [def_code ($_ text#composite "anon-class:"
+ (spaced (list (super_class_decl$ (maybe.else object_super_class super))
+ (with_brackets (spaced (list#each super_class_decl$ interfaces)))
+ (with_brackets (spaced (list#each constructor_arg$ constructor_args)))
+ (with_brackets (spaced (list#each (method_def$ id) methods))))))]
+ (in (list (` ((~ (code.text def_code))))))))
+# library/lux/macro/syntax/check
+## Definitions
+### Check
+... .Type
+ [#type .Code
+ #value .Code])
+A type annotation for an expression\.
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Check)
+### format
+(-> Check .Code)
+### parser
+(library/lux/control/parser/code.Parser Check)
+# library/lux/macro/syntax/declaration
+## Definitions
+### Declaration
+... .Type
+ [#name .Text
+ #arguments (.List .Text)])
+A declaration for either a constant or a function\.
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Declaration)
+### format
+(-> Declaration .Code)
+### parser
+(library/lux/control/parser/code.Parser Declaration)
+A parser for declaration syntax\.
+... Such as:
+(foo bar baz)
+# library/lux/macro/syntax/definition
+## Definitions
+### Definition
+... .Type
+ [#name .Text
+ #value (.Either library/lux/macro/syntax/check.Check .Code)
+ #export? .Bit])
+Syntax for a constant definition\.
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Definition)
+### format
+(-> Definition .Code)
+### lacks\_type
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception Definition)
+### parser
+(-> .Lux (library/lux/control/parser/code.Parser Definition))
+A reader that first macro\-expands and then analyses the input Code, to ensure it is a definition\.
+(parser compiler)
+### typed
+(-> .Lux (library/lux/control/parser/code.Parser Definition))
+Only works for typed definitions\.
+(typed compiler)
+# library/lux/macro/syntax/export
+Syntax for marking a definition as an export\.
+## Definitions
+### default\_policy
+### parser
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/control/parser/code.Parser _0) (library/lux/control/parser/code.Parser [.Code _0])))
+(parser un_exported)
+# library/lux/macro/syntax/input
+## Definitions
+### Input
+... .Type
+ [#binding .Code
+ #type .Code])
+The common typed\-argument syntax used by many macros\.
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Input)
+### format
+(-> (.List Input) .Code)
+### parser
+(library/lux/control/parser/code.Parser (.List Input))
+Parser for the common typed\-argument syntax used by many macros\.
+# library/lux/macro/syntax/type/variable
+## Definitions
+### Variable
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Text")
+A variable's name\.
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Variable)
+### format
+(-> Variable .Code)
+### parser
+(library/lux/control/parser/code.Parser Variable)
+Parser for the common type variable/parameter used by many macros\.
+# library/lux/macro/template
+Utilities commonly used while templating\.
+## Definitions
+### amount
+(amount [a b c d])
+... =>
+### irregular\_arguments
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Nat .Nat])
+### let
+Lexically\-bound templates\.
+(let [(!square <root>)
+ [(* <root> <root>)]]
+ (def: (square root)
+ (-> Nat Nat)
+ (!square root)))
+### spliced
+(spliced [a b c d])
+... =>
+### symbol
+An symbol made by concatenating pieces of code\.
+The \(optional\) module part and the short part are specified independently\.
+(symbol ["abc" .def documentation/lux/macro/template.ghi])
+... =>
+(symbol [.def] ["abc" .def documentation/lux/macro/template.ghi])
+... =>
+### text
+A text literal made by concatenating pieces of code\.
+(text [#0 123 +456 +789 "abc" .def documentation/lux/macro/template.ghi])
+... =>
+... #0123+456+789.0abcdefghi
+### with\_locals
+Creates names for local bindings aliased by the names you choose\.
+(with_locals [my_var]
+ (let [my_var 123]
+ (text [my_var])))
+... =>
+... __gensym__my_var506
+# library/lux/math
+Common mathematical constants and functions\.
+## Definitions
+### acos
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### acosh
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### acoth
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### acsch
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### asech
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### asin
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### asinh
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### atan
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### atan/2
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Frac)
+(atan/2 x y)
+### atanh
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### ceil
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### cos
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### cosh
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### coth
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### csch
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### e
+The base of the natural logarithm\.
+### exp
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### factorial
+(-> .Nat .Nat)
+### floor
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### hypotenuse
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Frac)
+### log
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### log\_by
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Frac)
+(log_by base it)
+### pi
+The ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter\.
+### pow
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Frac)
+(pow param subject)
+### root/2
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### root/3
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### round
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### sech
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### sin
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### sinh
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### tan
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### tanh
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### tau
+The ratio of a circle's circumference to its radius\.
+# library/lux/math/infix
+## Definitions
+### infix
+Infix math syntax\.
+The rules for infix syntax are simple\.
+If you want your binary function to work well with it\.
+Then take the argument to the right \(y\) as your first argument,
+and take the argument to the left \(x\) as your second argument\.
+... Binary functions
+(infix [x * +10])
+... =>
+(* +10 x)
+... Nested infix
+(infix [[x + y] * [x - y]])
+... =>
+(* (- y x) (+ y x))
+... Unary functions
+(infix [sin [x + y]])
+... =>
+(sin (+ y x))
+... Also works with logic
+(infix [[x < y] and [y < z]])
+... =>
+(and (< z y)
+ (< y x))
+... Forms are left as-is
+(infix [(* 3 9) gcd 450])
+... =>
+(gcd 450 (* 3 9))
+# library/lux/math/logic/continuous
+Continuous logic using Rev values\.
+Continuous logic is logic in the interval \[0,1\] instead of just the binary \#0 and \#1 options\.
+Because Rev is being used, the interval is actual \[0,1\)\.
+## Definitions
+### =
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Rev)
+### and
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Rev)
+### conjunction
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Rev)
+### disjunction
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Rev)
+### false
+### implies
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Rev)
+(implies consequent antecedent)
+### not
+(-> .Rev .Rev)
+### or
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Rev)
+### true
+# library/lux/math/logic/fuzzy
+Fuzzy logic, implemented on top of the Rev type\.
+## Definitions
+### \(Fuzzy it\)
+... .Type
+(-> it .Rev)
+A fuzzy set\.
+### complement
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Fuzzy _0) (Fuzzy _0)))
+### cut
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Rev (Fuzzy _0) (Fuzzy _0)))
+(cut treshold set)
+### difference
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Fuzzy _0) (Fuzzy _0) (Fuzzy _0)))
+(difference sub base)
+### empty
+### full
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor/contravariant.Functor Fuzzy)
+### gradient
+(-> .Rev .Rev (Fuzzy .Rev))
+(gradient from to)
+### intersection
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Fuzzy _0) (Fuzzy _0) (Fuzzy _0)))
+### membership
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Fuzzy _0) _0 .Rev))
+(membership set elem)
+### of\_predicate
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (Fuzzy _0)))
+(of_predicate predicate)
+### of\_set
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/data/collection/set.Set _0) (Fuzzy _0)))
+### predicate
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Rev (Fuzzy _0) (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0)))
+(predicate treshold set)
+### trapezoid
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Rev .Rev (Fuzzy .Rev))
+(trapezoid bottom middle_bottom middle_top top)
+### triangle
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Rev (Fuzzy .Rev))
+(triangle bottom middle top)
+### union
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Fuzzy _0) (Fuzzy _0) (Fuzzy _0)))
+# library/lux/math/modular
+## Definitions
+### \*
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Mod _0) (Mod _0) (Mod _0)))
+### \+
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Mod _0) (Mod _0) (Mod _0)))
+### \-
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Mod _0) (Mod _0) (Mod _0)))
+### <
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Mod _0) (Mod _0) .Bit))
+### <=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Mod _0) (Mod _0) .Bit))
+### =
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Mod _0) (Mod _0) .Bit))
+### >
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Mod _0) (Mod _0) .Bit))
+### >=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Mod _0) (Mod _0) .Bit))
+### \(Mod %\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/math/modular.Mod" %)
+A number under a modulus\.
+### adapter
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/math/modulus.Modulus _0) (library/lux/math/modulus.Modulus _1) (library/lux/control/try.Try (-> (Mod _1) (Mod _0)))))
+(adapter reference subject)
+### addition
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/math/modulus.Modulus _0) (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid (Mod _0))))
+### codec
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/math/modulus.Modulus _0) (library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text (Mod _0))))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Mod _0)))
+### incorrect\_modulus
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/control/exception.Exception [(library/lux/math/modulus.Modulus _0) .Int]))
+### inverse
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Mod _0) (.Maybe (Mod _0))))
+### modular
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/math/modulus.Modulus _0) .Int (Mod _0)))
+(modular modulus value)
+### moduli\_are\_not\_equal
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (library/lux/control/exception.Exception [(library/lux/math/modulus.Modulus _0) (library/lux/math/modulus.Modulus _1)]))
+### modulus
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Mod _0) (library/lux/math/modulus.Modulus _0)))
+### multiplication
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/math/modulus.Modulus _0) (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid (Mod _0))))
+### order
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/order.Order (Mod _0)))
+### value
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Mod _0) .Int))
+# library/lux/math/modulus
+## Definitions
+### =
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Modulus _0) (Modulus _1) .Bit))
+### \(Modulus %\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/math/modulus.Modulus" %)
+A number used as a modulus in modular arithmetic\.
+It cannot be 0\.
+### congruent?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Modulus _0) .Int .Int .Bit))
+(congruent? modulus reference subject)
+### divisor
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Modulus _0) .Int))
+### literal
+... Success!
+(literal 123)
+... Failure!
+(literal 0)
+### modulus
+(Ex (_ _0)
+ (-> .Int (library/lux/control/try.Try (Modulus _0))))
+### zero\_cannot\_be\_a\_modulus
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+# library/lux/math/number
+## Definitions
+### bin
+Given syntax for a binary number, generates a Nat, an Int, a Rev or a Frac\.
+(bin "11001001")
+... Allows for the presence of commas (,) among the digits.
+(bin "11,00,10,01")
+### hex
+Given syntax for a hexadecimal number, generates a Nat, an Int, a Rev or a Frac\.
+(hex "deadBEEF")
+... Allows for the presence of commas (,) among the digits.
+(hex "dead,BEEF")
+### oct
+Given syntax for a octal number, generates a Nat, an Int, a Rev or a Frac\.
+(oct "615243")
+... Allows for the presence of commas (,) among the digits.
+(oct "615,243")
+# library/lux/math/number/complex
+Complex arithmetic\.
+## Definitions
+### %
+(-> Complex Complex Complex)
+### \*
+(-> Complex Complex Complex)
+### \*'
+(-> .Frac Complex Complex)
+### \+
+(-> Complex Complex Complex)
+### \+one
+### \-
+(-> Complex Complex Complex)
+### \-one
+### /
+(-> Complex Complex Complex)
+### /'
+(-> .Frac Complex Complex)
+### =
+(-> Complex Complex .Bit)
+### Complex
+... .Type
+ [#real .Frac
+ #imaginary .Frac])
+A complex number\.
+### abs
+(-> Complex .Frac)
+### acos
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### approximately?
+(-> .Frac Complex Complex .Bit)
+### argument
+(-> Complex .Frac)
+### asin
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### atan
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### complex
+Complex literals\.
+(complex real imaginary)
+... The imaginary part can be omitted if it's +0.0.
+(complex real)
+### conjugate
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### cos
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### cosh
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Complex)
+### exp
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### i
+### log
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### not\_a\_number?
+(-> Complex .Bit)
+### opposite
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### pow
+(-> Complex Complex Complex)
+### pow'
+(-> .Frac Complex Complex)
+### reciprocal
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### root/2
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### roots
+(-> .Nat Complex (.List Complex))
+### signum
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### sin
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### sinh
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### tan
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### tanh
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### zero
+# library/lux/math/number/frac
+## Definitions
+### %
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Frac)
+Frac\(tion\) remainder\.
+### \*
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Frac)
+Frac\(tion\) multiplication\.
+### \+
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Frac)
+Frac\(tion\) addition\.
+### \-
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Frac)
+Frac\(tion\) substraction\.
+### /
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Frac)
+Frac\(tion\) division\.
+### /%
+(-> .Frac .Frac [.Frac .Frac])
+(/% param subject)
+### <
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Bit)
+Frac\(tion\) less\-than\.
+(< reference sample)
+### <=
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Bit)
+Frac\(tion\) less\-than or equal\.
+(<= reference sample)
+### =
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Bit)
+Frac\(tion\) equivalence\.
+(= reference sample)
+### >
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Bit)
+Frac\(tion\) greater\-than\.
+(> reference sample)
+### >=
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Bit)
+Frac\(tion\) greater\-than or equal\.
+(>= reference sample)
+### abs
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### addition
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Frac)
+### approximately?
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Frac .Bit)
+(approximately? margin_of_error standard value)
+### biggest
+### binary
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Frac)
+### bits
+(-> .Frac .I64)
+### decimal
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Frac)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence .Frac)
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash .Frac)
+### hex
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Frac)
+### int
+(-> .Frac .Int)
+### max
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Frac)
+Frac\(tion\) minimum\.
+### maximum
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Frac)
+### min
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Frac)
+Frac\(tion\) minimum\.
+### minimum
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Frac)
+### mod
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Frac .Frac .Frac))
+(mod divisor dividend)
+### multiplication
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Frac)
+### nat
+(-> .Frac .Nat)
+### negative?
+(library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate .Frac)
+### negative\_infinity
+Negative infinity\.
+### not\_a\_number
+Not a number\.
+### not\_a\_number?
+(-> .Frac .Bit)
+Tests whether a frac is actually not\-a\-number\.
+(not_a_number? it)
+### number?
+(-> .Frac .Bit)
+### octal
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Frac)
+### of\_bits
+(-> .I64 .Frac)
+### opposite
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order .Frac)
+### positive?
+(library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate .Frac)
+### positive\_infinity
+Positive infinity\.
+### rev
+(-> .Frac .Rev)
+### signum
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### smallest
+### zero?
+(library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate .Frac)
+# library/lux/math/number/i16
+## Definitions
+### I16
+... .Type
+(.I64 (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/math/number/i16",13,17 0}"))
+A 16\-bit integer\.
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (.I64 (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/math/number/i16",13,17 0}")))
+### i16
+(-> .I64 (.I64 (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/math/number/i16",13,17 0}")))
+### i64
+(-> (.I64 (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/math/number/i16",13,17 0}")) .I64)
+### width
+# library/lux/math/number/i32
+## Definitions
+### I32
+... .Type
+(.I64 (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/math/number/i32",13,17 0}"))
+A 32\-bit integer\.
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (.I64 (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/math/number/i32",13,17 0}")))
+### i32
+(-> .I64 (.I64 (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/math/number/i32",13,17 0}")))
+### i64
+(-> (.I64 (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/math/number/i32",13,17 0}")) .I64)
+### width
+# library/lux/math/number/i64
+## Definitions
+### Mask
+... .Type
+(All (Mask _0)
+ (Primitive "#I64" _0))
+A pattern of bits that can be imposed on I64 values\.
+### \(Sub width\)
+... .Type
+ [&equivalence (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (.I64 width))
+ bits .Nat
+ narrow (-> .I64 (.I64 width))
+ wide (-> (.I64 width) .I64)])
+A sub\-space of I64 with a reduce amount of bits\.
+### and
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.I64 .Any) (.I64 _0) (.I64 _0)))
+Bitwise and\.
+### bit
+(-> .Nat Mask)
+A mask with only a specific bit set\.
+(bit position)
+### bits\_per\_byte
+### bytes\_per\_i64
+### conjunction
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid (.I64 _0)))
+### disjunction
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid (.I64 _0)))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (.I64 _0)))
+### false
+### flipped
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.I64 _0) (.I64 _0)))
+Flip bit at given index\.
+### hash
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash (.I64 _0)))
+### left\_rotated
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.I64 _0) (.I64 _0)))
+### left\_shifted
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.I64 _0) (.I64 _0)))
+Bitwise left\-shift\.
+### mask
+(-> .Nat Mask)
+Mask a block of bits of the specified size\.
+(mask amount_of_bits)
+### not
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.I64 _0) (.I64 _0)))
+Bitwise negation\.
+### one
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.I64 _0) (.I64 _0)))
+Set bit at given index\.
+### one?
+(-> .Nat (.I64 .Any) .Bit)
+(one? index input)
+### ones
+(-> (.I64 .Any) .Nat)
+Count the number of 1s in a bit\-map\.
+(ones it)
+### or
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.I64 .Any) (.I64 _0) (.I64 _0)))
+Bitwise or\.
+### region
+(-> .Nat .Nat Mask)
+A mask for a block of bits of the given size, starting at the given offset\.
+(region offset size)
+### reversed
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.I64 _0) (.I64 _0)))
+### right\_rotated
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.I64 _0) (.I64 _0)))
+### right\_shifted
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.I64 _0) (.I64 _0)))
+Unsigned/logic bitwise right\-shift\.
+### sign
+A mask for the sign bit of ints\.
+### sub
+(Ex (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.Maybe (Sub _0))))
+Given a width in the interval \(0,64\), yields an implementation for integers of that width\.
+(sub width)
+### true
+### width
+### xor
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.I64 .Any) (.I64 _0) (.I64 _0)))
+Bitwise xor\.
+### zero
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.I64 _0) (.I64 _0)))
+Clear bit at the given index\.
+### zero?
+(-> .Nat (.I64 .Any) .Bit)
+(zero? index input)
+# library/lux/math/number/i8
+## Definitions
+### I8
+... .Type
+(.I64 (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/math/number/i8",13,17 0}"))
+A 8\-bit integer\.
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (.I64 (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/math/number/i8",13,17 0}")))
+### i64
+(-> (.I64 (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/math/number/i8",13,17 0}")) .I64)
+### i8
+(-> .I64 (.I64 (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/math/number/i8",13,17 0}")))
+### width
+# library/lux/math/number/int
+## Definitions
+### %
+(-> .Int .Int .Int)
+Int\(eger\) remainder\.
+### \*
+(-> .Int .Int .Int)
+Int\(eger\) multiplication\.
+### \+
+(-> .Int .Int .Int)
+Int\(eger\) addition\.
+### \-
+(-> .Int .Int .Int)
+Int\(eger\) substraction\.
+### /
+(-> .Int .Int .Int)
+Int\(eger\) division\.
+### /%
+(-> .Int .Int [.Int .Int])
+Int\(eger\) \[division remainder\]\.
+### <
+(-> .Int .Int .Bit)
+Int\(eger\) less\-than\.
+(< reference sample)
+### <=
+(-> .Int .Int .Bit)
+Int\(eger\) less\-than or equal\.
+(<= reference sample)
+### =
+(-> .Int .Int .Bit)
+Int\(eger\) equivalence\.
+(= reference sample)
+### >
+(-> .Int .Int .Bit)
+Int\(eger\) greater\-than\.
+(> reference sample)
+### >=
+(-> .Int .Int .Bit)
+Int\(eger\) greater\-than or equal\.
+(>= reference sample)
+### abs
+(-> .Int .Int)
+A value of equal magnitude and positive sign\.
+### addition
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Int)
+### binary
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Int)
+### co\_prime?
+(-> .Int .Int .Bit)
+### decimal
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Int)
+### enum
+(library/lux/abstract/enum.Enum .Int)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence .Int)
+### even?
+(-> .Int .Bit)
+### extended\_gcd
+(-> .Int .Int [[.Int .Int] .Int])
+Extended euclidean algorithm\.
+### frac
+(-> .Int .Frac)
+### gcd
+(-> .Int .Int .Int)
+Greatest Common Divisor\.
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash .Int)
+### hex
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Int)
+### interval
+(library/lux/abstract/interval.Interval .Int)
+### lcm
+(-> .Int .Int .Int)
+Least Common Multiple\.
+### max
+(-> .Int .Int .Int)
+Int\(eger\) maximum\.
+### maximum
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Int)
+### min
+(-> .Int .Int .Int)
+Int\(eger\) minimum\.
+### minimum
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Int)
+### mod
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Int .Int .Int))
+Integer modulo\.
+Note: The modulo and the remainder are not the same\.
+(mod divisor dividend)
+### multiplication
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Int)
+### negative?
+(library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate .Int)
+### octal
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Int)
+### odd?
+(-> .Int .Bit)
+### opposite
+(-> .Int .Int)
+A value of equal magnitude and opposite sign\.
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order .Int)
+### positive?
+(library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate .Int)
+### right\_shifted
+(-> .Nat .Int .Int)
+Signed/arithmetic bitwise right\-shift\.
+(right_shifted parameter subject)
+### signum
+(-> .Int .Int)
+A value \(either \-1, 0 or \+0\) which represents the sign\.
+### zero?
+(library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate .Int)
+# library/lux/math/number/nat
+## Definitions
+### %
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Nat)
+Nat\(ural\) remainder\.
+### \*
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Nat)
+Nat\(ural\) multiplication\.
+### \+
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Nat)
+Nat\(ural\) addition\.
+### \-
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Nat)
+Nat\(ural\) substraction\.
+### /
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Nat)
+Nat\(ural\) division\.
+### /%
+(-> .Nat .Nat [.Nat .Nat])
+Nat\(ural\) \[division remainder\]\.
+### <
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Bit)
+Nat\(ural\) less\-than\.
+### <=
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Bit)
+Nat\(ural\) less\-than or equal\.
+### =
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Bit)
+Nat\(ural\) equivalence\.
+### >
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Bit)
+Nat\(ural\) greater\-than\.
+### >=
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Bit)
+Nat\(ural\) greater\-than or equal\.
+### addition
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Nat)
+### binary
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Nat)
+### co\_prime?
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Bit)
+### decimal
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Nat)
+### enum
+(library/lux/abstract/enum.Enum .Nat)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence .Nat)
+### even?
+(-> .Nat .Bit)
+### frac
+(-> .Nat .Frac)
+### gcd
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Nat)
+Greatest Common Divisor\.
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash .Nat)
+### hex
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Nat)
+### interval
+(library/lux/abstract/interval.Interval .Nat)
+### lcm
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Nat)
+Least Common Multiple\.
+### max
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Nat)
+Nat\(ural\) maximum\.
+### maximum
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Nat)
+### min
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Nat)
+Nat\(ural\) minimum\.
+### minimum
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Nat)
+### multiplication
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Nat)
+### octal
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Nat)
+### odd?
+(-> .Nat .Bit)
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order .Nat)
+# library/lux/math/number/ratio
+Rational numbers\.
+## Definitions
+### %
+(-> Ratio Ratio Ratio)
+### \*
+(-> Ratio Ratio Ratio)
+### \+
+(-> Ratio Ratio Ratio)
+### \-
+(-> Ratio Ratio Ratio)
+### /
+(-> Ratio Ratio Ratio)
+### <
+(-> Ratio Ratio .Bit)
+### <=
+(-> Ratio Ratio .Bit)
+### =
+(-> Ratio Ratio .Bit)
+### >
+(-> Ratio Ratio .Bit)
+### >=
+(-> Ratio Ratio .Bit)
+### Ratio
+... .Type
+ [#numerator .Nat
+ #denominator .Nat])
+An unsigned ratio of numbers\.
+### addition
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid Ratio)
+### codec
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text Ratio)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Ratio)
+### multiplication
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid Ratio)
+### nat
+(-> Ratio (.Maybe .Nat))
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order Ratio)
+### ratio
+Rational literals\.
+(ratio numerator denominator)
+... The denominator can be omitted if it is 1.
+(ratio numerator)
+### reciprocal
+(-> Ratio Ratio)
+# library/lux/math/number/rev
+## Definitions
+### %
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Rev)
+Rev\(olution\) remainder\.
+### \*
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Rev)
+Rev\(olution\) multiplication\.
+### \+
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Rev)
+Rev\(olution\) addition\.
+### \-
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Rev)
+Rev\(olution\) substraction\.
+### /
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Rev)
+Rev\(olution\) division\.
+### /%
+(-> .Rev .Rev [.Rev .Rev])
+### /1
+### /1024
+### /128
+### /16
+### /2
+### /2048
+### /256
+### /32
+### /4
+### /4096
+### /512
+### /64
+### /8
+### <
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Bit)
+Rev\(olution\) less\-than\.
+(< reference sample)
+### <=
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Bit)
+Rev\(olution\) less\-than or equal\.
+(<= reference sample)
+### =
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Bit)
+Rev\(olution\) equivalence\.
+(= reference sample)
+### >
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Bit)
+Rev\(olution\) greater\-than\.
+(> reference sample)
+### >=
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Bit)
+Rev\(olution\) greater\-than or equal\.
+(>= reference sample)
+### addition
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Rev)
+### binary
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Rev)
+### decimal
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Rev)
+### down
+(-> .Nat .Rev .Rev)
+(down scale subject)
+### enum
+(library/lux/abstract/enum.Enum .Rev)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence .Rev)
+### frac
+(-> .Rev .Frac)
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash .Rev)
+### hex
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Rev)
+### interval
+(library/lux/abstract/interval.Interval .Rev)
+### max
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Rev)
+Rev\(olution\) maximum\.
+### maximum
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Rev)
+### min
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Rev)
+Rev\(olution\) minimum\.
+### minimum
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Rev)
+### octal
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Rev)
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order .Rev)
+### ratio
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Nat)
+Ratio between two rev\(olution\)s\.
+### reciprocal
+(-> .Nat .Rev)
+Rev\(olution\) reciprocal of a Nat\(ural\)\.
+(reciprocal numerator)
+### up
+(-> .Nat .Rev .Rev)
+(up scale subject)
+# library/lux/math/random
+Pseudo\-random number generation \(PRNG\) algorithms\.
+## Definitions
+### PRNG
+... .Type
+(Rec PRNG
+ (-> .Any [PRNG .I64]))
+An abstract way to represent any PRNG\.
+### \(Random it\)
+... .Type
+(-> PRNG [PRNG it])
+A producer of random values based on a PRNG\.
+### and
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Random _0) (Random _1) (Random [_0 _1])))
+Sequencing combinator\.
+(and left right)
+### apply
+(library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply Random)
+### array
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Random _0) (Random (library/lux/data/collection/array.Array _0))))
+### ascii
+(-> .Nat (Random .Text))
+### ascii/alpha
+(-> .Nat (Random .Text))
+### ascii/alpha\_num
+(-> .Nat (Random .Text))
+### ascii/lower
+(-> .Nat (Random .Text))
+### ascii/numeric
+(-> .Nat (Random .Text))
+### ascii/upper
+(-> .Nat (Random .Text))
+### bit
+(Random .Bit)
+### char
+(-> library/lux/data/text/unicode/set.Set (Random library/lux/data/text.Char))
+### complex
+(Random library/lux/math/number/complex.Complex)
+### date
+(Random library/lux/time/date.Date)
+### day
+(Random library/lux/time/day.Day)
+### dictionary
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) .Nat (Random _0) (Random _1) (Random (library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary _0 _1))))
+(dictionary hash size key_gen value_gen)
+### duration
+(Random library/lux/time/duration.Duration)
+### either
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Random _0) (Random _0) (Random _0)))
+Homogeneous alternative combinator\.
+(either left right)
+### frac
+(Random .Frac)
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Random)
+### i64
+(Random .I64)
+### instant
+(Random library/lux/time/instant.Instant)
+### int
+(Random .Int)
+### list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Random _0) (Random (.List _0))))
+### maybe
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Random _0) (Random (.Maybe _0))))
+### monad
+(library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad Random)
+### month
+(Random library/lux/time/month.Month)
+### nat
+(Random .Nat)
+### one
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 (.Maybe _1)) (Random _0) (Random _1)))
+(one check random)
+### only
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 .Bit) (Random _0) (Random _0)))
+Retries the generator until the output satisfies a predicate\.
+(only pred gen)
+### or
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Random _0) (Random _1) (Random (Or _0 _1))))
+Heterogeneous alternative combinator\.
+(or left right)
+### pcg\_32
+(-> [(.I64 .Any) (.I64 .Any)] PRNG)
+An implementation of the PCG32 algorithm\.
+For more information, please see: http://www\.pcg\-random\.org/
+### prng
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 _0) (-> _0 .I64) _0 PRNG))
+(prng update return)
+### queue
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Random _0) (Random (library/lux/data/collection/queue.Queue _0))))
+### ratio
+(Random library/lux/math/number/ratio.Ratio)
+### rec
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> (Random _0) (Random _0)) (Random _0)))
+A combinator for producing recursive random generators\.
+(rec gen)
+### refined
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/type/refinement.Refiner _0 _1) (Random _0) (Random (library/lux/type/refinement.Refined _0 _1))))
+Retries the generator until the output can be refined\.
+(refined refiner gen)
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> PRNG (Random _0) [PRNG _0]))
+(result prng calc)
+### rev
+(Random .Rev)
+### safe\_frac
+(Random .Frac)
+A number in the interval \[0\.0,1\.0\]\.
+### sequence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Random _0) (Random (library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence _0))))
+### set
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) .Nat (Random _0) (Random (library/lux/data/collection/set.Set _0))))
+(set hash size value_gen)
+### split\_mix\_64
+(-> .Nat PRNG)
+An implementation of the SplitMix64 algorithm\.
+### stack
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Random _0) (Random (library/lux/data/collection/stack.Stack _0))))
+### text
+(-> (Random library/lux/data/text.Char) .Nat (Random .Text))
+(text char_gen size)
+### time
+(Random library/lux/time.Time)
+### unicode
+(-> .Nat (Random .Text))
+### xoroshiro\_128\+
+(-> [(.I64 .Any) (.I64 .Any)] PRNG)
+An implementation of the Xoroshiro128\+ algorithm\.
+For more information, please see: http://xoroshiro\.di\.unimi\.it/
+# library/lux/meta
+Functions for extracting information from the state of the compiler\.
+## Definitions
+### apply
+(library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply .Meta)
+### assertion
+(-> .Text .Bit (.Meta .Any))
+Fails with the given message if the test is \#0\.
+(assertion message test)
+### compiler\_state
+(.Meta .Lux)
+Obtains the current state of the compiler\.
+### current\_module
+(.Meta .Module)
+The module currently being compiled, if any\.
+### current\_module\_name
+(.Meta .Text)
+The name of the module currently being compiled, if any\.
+### de\_aliased
+(-> .Symbol (.Meta .Symbol))
+Given an aliased definition's name, returns the original definition being referenced\.
+(de_aliased def_name)
+### definition
+(-> .Symbol (.Meta .Global))
+Looks\-up a definition's whole data in the available modules \(including the current one\)\.
+(definition name)
+### definition\_type
+(-> .Symbol (.Meta .Type))
+Looks\-up a definition's type in the available modules \(including the current one\)\.
+(definition_type name)
+### definitions
+(-> .Text (.Meta (.List [.Text .Definition])))
+The entire list of definitions in a module \(including the non\-exported/private ones\)\.
+(definitions module)
+### either
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.Meta _0) (.Meta _0) (.Meta _0)))
+Pick whichever computation succeeds\.
+(either left right)
+### eval
+(-> .Type .Code (.Meta .Any))
+(eval type code)
+### expected\_type
+(.Meta .Type)
+The expected type of the current expression being analyzed\.
+### export
+(-> .Symbol (.Meta .Definition))
+Looks\-up a definition in the available modules \(including the current one\)\.
+The look\-up only succeeds if the definition has been exported\.
+(export name)
+### exports
+(-> .Text (.Meta (.List [.Text .Definition])))
+All the exported definitions in a module\.
+(exports module_name)
+### failure
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (.Meta _0)))
+Fails with the given error message\.
+(failure error)
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor .Meta)
+### globals
+(-> .Text (.Meta (.List [.Text .Global])))
+The entire list of globals in a module \(including the non\-exported/private ones\)\.
+(globals module)
+### imported?
+(-> .Text (.Meta .Bit))
+Checks if the given module has been imported by the current module\.
+(imported? import)
+### imported\_by?
+(-> .Text .Text (.Meta .Bit))
+(imported_by? import module)
+### imported\_modules
+(-> .Text (.Meta (.List .Text)))
+All the modules imported by a specified module\.
+(imported_modules module_name)
+### lifted
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/control/try.Try _0) (.Meta _0)))
+### locals
+(.Meta (.List (.List [.Text .Type])))
+All the local variables currently in scope, separated in different scopes\.
+### location
+(.Meta .Location)
+The location of the current expression being analyzed\.
+### macro
+(-> .Symbol (.Meta (.Maybe .Macro)))
+Looks\-up a macro known by the given name\.
+(macro full_name)
+### module
+(-> .Text (.Meta .Module))
+Looks\-up a module with the given name\.
+(module name)
+### module\_exists?
+(-> .Text (.Meta .Bit))
+(module_exists? module)
+### modules
+(.Meta (.List [.Text .Module]))
+All the available modules \(including the current one\)\.
+### monad
+(library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad .Meta)
+### normal
+(-> .Symbol (.Meta .Symbol))
+If given a name without a module prefix, gives it the current module's name as prefix\.
+Otherwise, returns the name as\-is\.
+(normal name)
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Lux (.Meta _0) (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)))
+Evaluates a computation that depends on Lux's compiler state\.
+(result lux action)
+### result'
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Lux (.Meta _0) (library/lux/control/try.Try [.Lux _0])))
+Evaluates a computation that depends on Lux's compiler state\.
+Also returns a \(potentially modified\) compiler state\.
+(result' lux action)
+### seed
+(.Meta .Nat)
+The current value of a number tracked by the compiler\.
+Also increases the value, so it's different next time it is seen\.
+This number can be used for generating data 'randomly' during compilation\.
+### slot
+(-> .Symbol (.Meta [.Nat (.List .Symbol) .Type]))
+Given a slot, finds out what is its index, its related slot\-list and its associated type\.
+(slot slot_name)
+### tag
+(-> .Symbol (.Meta [.Nat (.List .Symbol) .Type]))
+Given a tag, finds out what is its index, its related tag\-list and its associated type\.
+(tag tag_name)
+### tag\_lists
+(-> .Text (.Meta (.List [(.List .Symbol) .Type])))
+All the tag\-lists defined in a module, with their associated types\.
+(tag_lists module)
+### tags\_of
+(-> .Symbol (.Meta (.Maybe (.List .Symbol))))
+All the tags associated with a type definition\.
+(tags_of type_name)
+### try
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.Meta _0) (.Meta (library/lux/control/try.Try _0))))
+### type
+(-> .Symbol (.Meta .Type))
+Looks\-up the type of either a local variable or a definition\.
+(type name)
+### type\_context
+(.Meta .Type_Context)
+The current type\-checking context\.
+### type\_definition
+(-> .Symbol (.Meta .Type))
+Finds the value of a type definition \(such as Int, Any or Lux\)\.
+(type_definition name)
+### var\_type
+(-> .Text (.Meta .Type))
+Looks\-up the type of a local variable somewhere in the environment\.
+(var_type name)
+# library/lux/meta/location
+## Definitions
+### dummy
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence .Location)
+### format
+(-> .Location .Text)
+### here
+The Location of the current form\.
+### with
+(-> .Location .Text .Text)
+(with location error)
+# library/lux/meta/symbol
+## Definitions
+### codec
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Symbol)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence .Symbol)
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash .Symbol)
+### module
+(-> .Symbol .Text)
+The module part of a symbol\.
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order .Symbol)
+### short
+(-> .Symbol .Text)
+The short part of a symbol\.
+# library/lux/program
+## Definitions
+### program:
+Defines the entry\-point to a program \(similar to the 'main' function/method in other programming languages\)\.
+... Can take a list of all the input parameters to the program.
+(program: all_arguments
+ (do library/lux/control/io.monad
+ [foo (initialize program)]
+ (do_something_with all_arguments)))
+... Can also parse them using CLI parsers from the library/lux/control/parser/cli module.
+(program: [config configuration_parser]
+ (do library/lux/control/io.monad
+ [data (initialize program with config)]
+ (do_something_with data)))
+# library/lux/static
+## Definitions
+### frac
+\(library/lux/static\.frac \(: library/lux\.Frac \(value generating expression\)\)\)
+### int
+\(library/lux/static\.int \(: library/lux\.Int \(value generating expression\)\)\)
+### literal
+ (: (-> ??? Code)
+ format)
+ (: ???
+ (value generating expression)))
+### nat
+\(library/lux/static\.nat \(: library/lux\.Nat \(value generating expression\)\)\)
+### random
+ (: (-> ??? Code)
+ format)
+ (: (Random ???)
+ (random data generator)))
+### random\_frac
+\(: library/lux\.Frac \(library/lux/static\.random\_frac\)\)
+### random\_int
+\(: library/lux\.Int \(library/lux/static\.random\_int\)\)
+### random\_nat
+\(: library/lux\.Nat \(library/lux/static\.random\_nat\)\)
+### random\_rev
+\(: library/lux\.Rev \(library/lux/static\.random\_rev\)\)
+### rev
+\(library/lux/static\.rev \(: library/lux\.Rev \(value generating expression\)\)\)
+### text
+\(library/lux/static\.text \(: library/lux\.Text \(value generating expression\)\)\)
+# library/lux/target
+## Definitions
+### Target
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Text")
+The name/ID of a platform targetted by a Lux compiler\.
+This information can be used to generate code targetting specific platforms, and to make programs cross\-platform\.
+### common\_lisp
+### js
+### jvm
+### lua
+### old
+### php
+### python
+### r
+### ruby
+### scheme
+# library/lux/target/js
+## Definitions
+### %
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### \*
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### \+
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### \+\+
+(-> Location Expression)
+### ,
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### \-
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### \-\-
+(-> Location Expression)
+### /
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### <
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### <=
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### =
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### >
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### >=
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### ?
+(-> Expression Expression Expression Computation)
+### Access
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' Access'))))
+### Code
+... .Type
+(All (Code _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/target/js.Code" _0))
+### Computation
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' .Any)))
+### Expression
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' .Any))
+### Label
+... .Type
+(Code Label')
+### Literal
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' Literal')))
+### Location
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' .Any))))
+### Loop
+... .Type
+(Code (Statement' Loop'))
+### Statement
+... .Type
+(Code (Statement' .Any))
+### Var
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' Var'))))
+### and
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### apply/\*
+(-> Expression (.List Expression) Computation)
+### apply/1
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### apply/2
+(-> Expression Expression Expression Computation)
+### apply/3
+(-> Expression Expression Expression Expression Computation)
+### arithmetic\_right\_shift
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### array
+(-> (.List Expression) Computation)
+### at
+(-> Expression Expression Access)
+### bit\_and
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### bit\_not
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### bit\_or
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### bit\_xor
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### boolean
+(-> .Bit Literal)
+### break
+### break\_at
+(-> Label Statement)
+### closure
+(-> (.List Var) Statement Computation)
+### code
+(-> (Code .Any) .Text)
+### comment
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (Code _0) (Code _0)))
+### cond
+(-> (.List [Expression Statement]) Statement Statement)
+### continue
+### continue\_at
+(-> Label Statement)
+### declare
+(-> Var Statement)
+### define
+(-> Var Expression Statement)
+### delete
+(-> Location Statement)
+### do
+(-> .Text (.List Expression) Expression Computation)
+### do\_while
+(-> Expression Statement Loop)
+### for
+(-> Var Expression Expression Expression Statement Loop)
+### function
+(-> Var (.List Var) Statement Computation)
+### function\!
+(-> Var (.List Var) Statement Statement)
+### i32
+(-> .Int Computation)
+### if
+(-> Expression Statement Statement Statement)
+### int
+(-> .Int Literal)
+### label
+(-> .Text Label)
+### left\_shift
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### logic\_right\_shift
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### new
+(-> Expression (.List Expression) Computation)
+### not
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### not\_a\_number?
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### null
+### number
+(-> .Frac Literal)
+### object
+(-> (.List [.Text Expression]) Computation)
+### opposite
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### or
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### return
+(-> Expression Statement)
+### set
+(-> Location Expression Statement)
+### statement
+(-> Expression Statement)
+### string
+(-> .Text Literal)
+### switch
+(-> Expression (.List [(.List Literal) Statement]) (.Maybe Statement) Statement)
+### the
+(-> .Text Expression Access)
+### then
+(-> Statement Statement Statement)
+### throw
+(-> Expression Statement)
+### to\_i32
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### try
+(-> Statement [Var Statement] Statement)
+### type\_of
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### undefined
+### use\_strict
+### var
+(-> .Text Var)
+### when
+(-> Expression Statement Statement)
+### while
+(-> Expression Statement Loop)
+### with\_label
+(-> Label Loop Statement)
+# library/lux/target/jvm
+## Definitions
+### Arithmetic
+... .Type
+ {#Int_Arithmetic Int_Arithmetic}
+ {#Long_Arithmetic Long_Arithmetic}
+ {#Float_Arithmetic Float_Arithmetic}
+ {#Double_Arithmetic Double_Arithmetic})
+### Array
+... .Type
+ {#NEWARRAY (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)}
+ {#ANEWARRAY (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Object)}
+ {#BALOAD .Any}
+ {#BASTORE .Any}
+ {#SALOAD .Any}
+ {#SASTORE .Any}
+ {#IALOAD .Any}
+ {#IASTORE .Any}
+ {#LALOAD .Any}
+ {#LASTORE .Any}
+ {#FALOAD .Any}
+ {#FASTORE .Any}
+ {#DALOAD .Any}
+ {#DASTORE .Any}
+ {#CALOAD .Any}
+ {#CASTORE .Any}
+ {#AALOAD .Any}
+ {#AASTORE .Any})
+### Bitwise
+... .Type
+ {#Int_Bitwise Int_Bitwise}
+ {#Long_Bitwise Long_Bitwise})
+### Branching
+... .Type
+(All (Branching _0)
+ (Variant
+ {#IF_ICMPEQ _0}
+ {#IF_ICMPGE _0}
+ {#IF_ICMPGT _0}
+ {#IF_ICMPLE _0}
+ {#IF_ICMPLT _0}
+ {#IF_ICMPNE _0}
+ {#IFEQ _0}
+ {#IFNE _0}
+ {#IFGE _0}
+ {#IFGT _0}
+ {#IFLE _0}
+ {#IFLT _0}
+ {#TABLESWITCH .Int .Int _0 (.List _0)}
+ {#LOOKUPSWITCH _0 (.List [.Int _0])}
+ {#IF_ACMPEQ _0}
+ {#IF_ACMPNE _0}
+ {#IFNULL _0}))
+### Bytecode
+... .Type
+(All (Bytecode _0 _1)
+ (library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence (Instruction _0 _1)))
+### Comparison
+... .Type
+ {#LCMP .Any}
+ {#FCMPG .Any}
+ {#FCMPL .Any}
+ {#DCMPG .Any}
+ {#DCMPL .Any})
+### Concurrency
+... .Type
+### Constant
+... .Type
+ {#BIPUSH .Int}
+ {#SIPUSH .Int}
+ {#ICONST_M1 .Any}
+ {#ICONST_0 .Any}
+ {#ICONST_1 .Any}
+ {#ICONST_2 .Any}
+ {#ICONST_3 .Any}
+ {#ICONST_4 .Any}
+ {#ICONST_5 .Any}
+ {#LCONST_0 .Any}
+ {#LCONST_1 .Any}
+ {#FCONST_0 .Any}
+ {#FCONST_1 .Any}
+ {#FCONST_2 .Any}
+ {#DCONST_0 .Any}
+ {#DCONST_1 .Any}
+ {#LDC Literal})
+### Control
+... .Type
+(All (Control _0)
+ (Variant
+ {#GOTO _0}
+ {#Branching (Branching _0)}
+ {#Exception (Exception _0)}
+ {#Concurrency Concurrency}
+ {#Return Return}))
+### Conversion
+... .Type
+ {#I2B .Any}
+ {#I2S .Any}
+ {#I2L .Any}
+ {#I2F .Any}
+ {#I2D .Any}
+ {#I2C .Any}
+ {#L2I .Any}
+ {#L2F .Any}
+ {#L2D .Any}
+ {#F2I .Any}
+ {#F2L .Any}
+ {#F2D .Any}
+ {#D2I .Any}
+ {#D2L .Any}
+ {#D2F .Any})
+### Double\_Arithmetic
+... .Type
+ {#DADD .Any}
+ {#DSUB .Any}
+ {#DMUL .Any}
+ {#DDIV .Any}
+ {#DREM .Any}
+ {#DNEG .Any})
+### Exception
+... .Type
+(All (Exception _0)
+ (Variant
+ {#Try _0 _0 _0 (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class)}
+ {#ATHROW .Any}))
+### Float\_Arithmetic
+... .Type
+ {#FADD .Any}
+ {#FSUB .Any}
+ {#FMUL .Any}
+ {#FDIV .Any}
+ {#FREM .Any}
+ {#FNEG .Any})
+### Instruction
+... .Type
+(All (Instruction _0 _1)
+ (Variant
+ {#NOP .Any}
+ {#Constant Constant}
+ {#Arithmetic Arithmetic}
+ {#Bitwise Bitwise}
+ {#Conversion Conversion}
+ {#Array Array}
+ {#Object Object}
+ {#Local Local}
+ {#Stack Stack}
+ {#Comparison Comparison}
+ {#Control (Control _1)}
+ {#Embedded _0}))
+### Int\_Arithmetic
+... .Type
+ {#IADD .Any}
+ {#ISUB .Any}
+ {#IMUL .Any}
+ {#IDIV .Any}
+ {#IREM .Any}
+ {#INEG .Any})
+### Int\_Bitwise
+... .Type
+ {#IOR .Any}
+ {#IXOR .Any}
+ {#IAND .Any}
+ {#ISHL .Any}
+ {#ISHR .Any}
+ {#IUSHR .Any})
+### Label
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+### Literal
+... .Type
+ {#Boolean .Bit}
+ {#Int .Int}
+ {#Long .Int}
+ {#Double .Frac}
+ {#Char .Nat}
+ {#String .Text})
+### Local
+... .Type
+ {#Local_Int Local_Int}
+ {#IINC Register}
+ {#Local_Long Local_Long}
+ {#Local_Float Local_Float}
+ {#Local_Double Local_Double}
+ {#Local_Object Local_Object})
+### Local\_Double
+... .Type
+ {#DLOAD Register}
+ {#DSTORE Register})
+### Local\_Float
+... .Type
+ {#FLOAD Register}
+ {#FSTORE Register})
+### Local\_Int
+... .Type
+ {#ILOAD Register}
+ {#ISTORE Register})
+### Local\_Long
+... .Type
+ {#LLOAD Register}
+ {#LSTORE Register})
+### Local\_Object
+... .Type
+ {#ALOAD Register}
+ {#ASTORE Register})
+### Long\_Arithmetic
+... .Type
+ {#LADD .Any}
+ {#LSUB .Any}
+ {#LMUL .Any}
+ {#LDIV .Any}
+ {#LREM .Any}
+ {#LNEG .Any})
+### Long\_Bitwise
+... .Type
+ {#LOR .Any}
+ {#LXOR .Any}
+ {#LAND .Any}
+ {#LSHL .Any}
+ {#LSHR .Any}
+ {#LUSHR .Any})
+### Object
+... .Type
+ {#GETSTATIC (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) .Text (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value)}
+ {#PUTSTATIC (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) .Text (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value)}
+ {#NEW (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class)}
+ {#INSTANCEOF (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class)}
+ {#CHECKCAST (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Object)}
+ {#GETFIELD (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) .Text (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value)}
+ {#PUTFIELD (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) .Text (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value)}
+ {#INVOKEINTERFACE (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) .Text (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Method)}
+ {#INVOKESPECIAL (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) .Text (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Method)}
+ {#INVOKESTATIC (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) .Text (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Method)}
+ {#INVOKEVIRTUAL (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) .Text (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Method)})
+### Register
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+### Return
+... .Type
+ {#RETURN .Any}
+ {#IRETURN .Any}
+ {#LRETURN .Any}
+ {#FRETURN .Any}
+ {#DRETURN .Any}
+ {#ARETURN .Any})
+### Stack
+... .Type
+ {#DUP .Any}
+ {#DUP_X1 .Any}
+ {#DUP_X2 .Any}
+ {#DUP2 .Any}
+ {#DUP2_X1 .Any}
+ {#DUP2_X2 .Any}
+ {#SWAP .Any}
+ {#POP .Any}
+ {#POP2 .Any})
+# library/lux/target/jvm/type
+## Definitions
+### Argument
+... .Type
+[.Text (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value)]
+### Constraint
+... .Type
+ [#name .Text
+ #super_class (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class)
+ #super_interfaces (.List (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class))])
+### Type
+... .Type
+(All (Type _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type" _0))
+### Typed
+... .Type
+(All (Typed _0)
+ [(Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) _0])
+### array
+(-> (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Array))
+### as\_class
+(-> (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Declaration) (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class))
+### boolean
+(Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### byte
+(Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### char
+(Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### class
+(-> library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External (.List (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter)) (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class))
+### class?
+(-> (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (.Maybe library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External))
+### declaration
+(-> library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External (.List (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var)) (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Declaration))
+### descriptor
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Type _0) (library/lux/target/jvm/type/descriptor.Descriptor _0)))
+### double
+(Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Type _0)))
+### float
+(Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### format
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/data/text/format.Format (Type _0)))
+### hash
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash (Type _0)))
+### int
+(Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### long
+(Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### lower
+(-> (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter))
+### method
+(-> [(.List (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var)) (.List (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value)) (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Return) (.List (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class))] (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Method))
+### primitive?
+(-> (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (.Either (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Object) (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)))
+### reflection
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Type (library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Return' (library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value' _0))) (library/lux/target/jvm/type/reflection.Reflection (library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Return' (library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value' _0)))))
+### short
+(Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### signature
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Type _0) (library/lux/target/jvm/type/signature.Signature _0)))
+### upper
+(-> (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter))
+### var
+(-> .Text (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var))
+### void
+(Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Void)
+### void?
+(-> (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Return) (.Either (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Void)))
+### wildcard
+(Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter)
+# library/lux/target/jvm/type/alias
+## Definitions
+### Aliasing
+... .Type
+(library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary .Text .Text)
+### fresh
+### method
+(-> Aliasing (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Method) (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Method))
+# library/lux/target/jvm/type/box
+## Definitions
+### boolean
+### byte
+### char
+### double
+### float
+### int
+### long
+### short
+# library/lux/target/jvm/type/category
+## Definitions
+### Array
+... .Type
+(Return' (Value' (Object' Array')))
+### Class
+... .Type
+(Return' (Value' (Object' (Parameter' Class'))))
+### Declaration
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Declaration")
+### Method
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Method")
+### Object
+... .Type
+(Return' (Value' (Object' .Any)))
+### Parameter
+... .Type
+(Return' (Value' (Object' (Parameter' .Any))))
+### Primitive
+... .Type
+(Return' (Value' Primitive'))
+### Return
+... .Type
+(Return' .Any)
+### Return'
+... .Type
+(All (Return' _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Return'" _0))
+### Value
+... .Type
+(Return' (Value' .Any))
+### Value'
+... .Type
+(All (Value' _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value'" _0))
+### Var
+... .Type
+(Return' (Value' (Object' (Parameter' Var'))))
+### Void
+... .Type
+(Return' Void')
+# library/lux/target/jvm/type/descriptor
+## Definitions
+### Descriptor
+... .Type
+(All (Descriptor _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/target/jvm/type/descriptor.Descriptor" _0))
+### array
+(-> (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Array))
+### array\_prefix
+### as\_class
+(-> (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Declaration) (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class))
+### boolean
+(Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### byte
+(Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### char
+(Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### class
+(-> library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class))
+### class\_name
+(-> (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Object) library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.Internal)
+### class\_prefix
+### class\_suffix
+### declaration
+(-> library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Declaration))
+### descriptor
+(-> (Descriptor .Any) .Text)
+### double
+(Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Descriptor _0)))
+### float
+(Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### int
+(Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### long
+(Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### lower
+(-> (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter))
+### method
+(-> [(.List (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value)) (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Return)] (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Method))
+### short
+(Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### upper
+(-> (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter))
+### var
+(Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var)
+### void
+(Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Void)
+### wildcard
+(Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter)
+# library/lux/target/jvm/type/lux
+## Definitions
+### Lower
+... .Type
+(All (Lower _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/target/jvm/type/lux.Lower" _0))
+### Mapping
+... .Type
+(library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary .Text .Type)
+### Upper
+... .Type
+(All (Upper _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/target/jvm/type/lux.Upper" _0))
+### boxed\_return
+(-> Mapping (library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/type/check.Check .Type)))
+### boxed\_type
+(-> Mapping (library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/type/check.Check .Type)))
+### check
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/type/check.Check _0)) .Text (library/lux/type/check.Check _0)))
+### class
+(-> Mapping (library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/type/check.Check .Type)))
+### fresh
+### return
+(-> Mapping (library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/type/check.Check .Type)))
+### type
+(-> Mapping (library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/type/check.Check .Type)))
+### unknown\_var
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Text)
+# library/lux/target/jvm/type/parser
+## Definitions
+### array
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Array))
+### array'
+(-> (library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value)) (library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Array)))
+### array?
+(-> (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (.Maybe (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value)))
+### boolean
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive))
+### byte
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive))
+### char
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive))
+### class
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class))
+### class?
+(-> (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (.Maybe [library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External (.List (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter))]))
+### class\_name
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External)
+### declaration
+(-> (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Declaration) [library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External (.List (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var))])
+### declaration'
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser [library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External (.List (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var))])
+### double
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive))
+### float
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive))
+### int
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive))
+### long
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive))
+### lower?
+(-> (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (.Maybe (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class)))
+### method
+(-> (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Method) [(.List (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var)) (.List (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value)) (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Return) (.List (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class))])
+### name
+(-> (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var) .Text)
+### object
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Object))
+### object?
+(-> (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (.Maybe (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Object)))
+### parameter
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter))
+### parameter?
+(-> (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (.Maybe (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter)))
+### primitive
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive))
+### primitive?
+(-> (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (.Maybe (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)))
+### read\_class
+(-> (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) [library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External (.List (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter))])
+### return
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Return))
+### short
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive))
+### upper?
+(-> (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (.Maybe (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class)))
+### value
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value))
+### var
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var))
+### var'
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser .Text)
+### var?
+(-> (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (.Maybe .Text))
+### var\_name
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser .Text)
+### void
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Void))
+### wildcard
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter))
+### wildcard?
+(-> (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (.Maybe (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter)))
+# library/lux/target/jvm/type/reflection
+## Definitions
+### Reflection
+... .Type
+(All (Reflection _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/target/jvm/type/reflection.Reflection" _0))
+### array
+(-> (Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Array))
+### as\_class
+(-> (Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Declaration) (Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class))
+### boolean
+(Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### byte
+(Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### char
+(Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### class
+(-> library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External (Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class))
+### declaration
+(-> library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External (Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Declaration))
+### double
+(Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Reflection _0)))
+### float
+(Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### int
+(Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### long
+(Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### lower
+(-> (Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) (Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter))
+### reflection
+(-> (Reflection .Any) .Text)
+### short
+(Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### upper
+(-> (Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) (Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter))
+### var
+(Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var)
+### void
+(Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Void)
+### wildcard
+(Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter)
+# library/lux/target/jvm/type/signature
+## Definitions
+### Signature
+... .Type
+(All (Signature _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/target/jvm/type/signature.Signature" _0))
+### arguments\_end
+### arguments\_start
+### array
+(-> (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Array))
+### as\_class
+(-> (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Declaration) (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class))
+### boolean
+(Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### byte
+(Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### char
+(Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### class
+(-> library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External (.List (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter)) (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class))
+### declaration
+(-> library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External (.List (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var)) (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Declaration))
+### double
+(Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Signature _0)))
+### exception\_prefix
+### float
+(Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### hash
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash (Signature _0)))
+### int
+(Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### long
+(Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### lower
+(-> (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter))
+### lower\_prefix
+### method
+(-> [(.List (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var)) (.List (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value)) (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Return) (.List (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class))] (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Method))
+### parameters\_end
+### parameters\_start
+### short
+(Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### signature
+(-> (Signature .Any) .Text)
+### upper
+(-> (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter))
+### upper\_prefix
+### var
+(-> .Text (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var))
+### var\_name
+(-> (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var) .Text)
+### var\_prefix
+### void
+(Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Void)
+### wildcard
+(Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter)
+# library/lux/target/lua
+## Definitions
+### %
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### \*
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### \+
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### \-
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### /
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### //
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### <
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### <=
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### =
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### >
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### >=
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### Access
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' Access'))))
+### Code
+... .Type
+(All (Code _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/target/lua.Code" _0))
+### Computation
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' .Any)))
+### Expression
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' .Any))
+### Label
+... .Type
+(Code Label')
+### Literal
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' Literal')))
+### Location
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' .Any))))
+### Statement
+... .Type
+(Code (Statement' .Any))
+### Var
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' Var'))))
+### ^
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### and
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### apply/\*
+(-> (.List Expression) Expression Computation)
+### apply/1
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### apply/2
+(-> Expression Expression Expression Computation)
+### apply/3
+(-> Expression Expression Expression Expression Computation)
+### apply/4
+(-> Expression Expression Expression Expression Expression Computation)
+### apply/5
+(-> Expression Expression Expression Expression Expression Expression Computation)
+### array
+(-> (.List Expression) Literal)
+### bit\_and
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### bit\_or
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### bit\_shl
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### bit\_shr
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### bit\_xor
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### bool
+(-> .Bit Literal)
+### break
+### closure
+(-> (.List Var) Statement Expression)
+### code
+(-> (Code .Any) .Text)
+### concat
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### cond
+(-> (.List [Expression Statement]) Statement Statement)
+### do
+(-> .Text (.List Expression) Expression Computation)
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Code _0)))
+### error/1
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### error/2
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### float
+(-> .Frac Literal)
+### for\_in
+(-> (.List Var) Expression Statement Statement)
+### for\_step
+(-> Var Expression Expression Expression Statement Statement)
+### function
+(-> Var (.List Var) Statement Statement)
+### go\_to
+(-> Label Statement)
+### hash
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash (Code _0)))
+### if
+(-> Expression Statement Statement Statement)
+### int
+(-> .Int Literal)
+### ipairs/1
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### item
+(-> Expression Expression Access)
+### label
+(-> .Text Label)
+### length
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### let
+(-> (.List Var) Expression Statement)
+### local
+(-> (.List Var) Statement)
+### local/1
+(-> Var Expression Statement)
+### local\_function
+(-> Var (.List Var) Statement Statement)
+### manual
+(-> .Text Code)
+### multi
+(-> (.List Expression) Literal)
+### nil
+### not
+(-> Expression Expression)
+### opposite
+(-> Expression Expression)
+### or
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### print/1
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### print/2
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### print/3
+(-> Expression Expression Expression Computation)
+### repeat
+(-> Expression Statement Statement)
+### require/1
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### return
+(-> Expression Statement)
+### set
+(-> (.List Location) Expression Statement)
+### set\_label
+(-> Label Statement)
+### statement
+(-> Expression Statement)
+### string
+(-> .Text Literal)
+### table
+(-> (.List [.Text Expression]) Literal)
+### the
+(-> .Text Expression Computation)
+### then
+(-> Statement Statement Statement)
+### type/1
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### var
+(-> .Text Var)
+### when
+(-> Expression Statement Statement)
+### while
+(-> Expression Statement Statement)
+# library/lux/target/python
+## Definitions
+### %
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### \*
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### \*\*
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### \+
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### \-
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### /
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### //
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### <
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### <=
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### =
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### >
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### >=
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### ?
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### Access
+... .Type
+(Location Access')
+### Code
+... .Type
+(All (Code _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/target/python.Code" _0))
+### Computation
+... .Type
+(All (Computation _0)
+ (Expression (Computation' _0)))
+### Except
+... .Type
+ [#classes (.List SVar)
+ #exception SVar
+ #handler (Statement .Any)])
+### Exception/1
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### Expression
+... .Type
+(All (Expression _0)
+ (Code (Expression' _0)))
+### KVar
+... .Type
+(Var Keyword)
+### Keyword
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/target/python.Keyword")
+### Label
+... .Type
+(Code Label')
+### Literal
+... .Type
+(Computation Literal')
+### Location
+... .Type
+(All (Location _0)
+ (Computation (Location' _0)))
+### Loop
+... .Type
+(Statement Loop')
+### PVar
+... .Type
+(Var Poly)
+### Poly
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/target/python.Poly")
+### SVar
+... .Type
+(Var Single)
+### Single
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/target/python.Single")
+### Statement
+... .Type
+(All (Statement _0)
+ (Code (Statement' _0)))
+### Var
+... .Type
+(All (Var _0)
+ (Location (Var' _0)))
+### \_\_import\_\_/1
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### and
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### apply/\*
+(-> (Expression .Any) (.List (Expression .Any)) (Computation .Any))
+### apply/1
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### apply/2
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### apply/3
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### apply\_keyword
+(-> (.List (Expression .Any)) (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### apply\_poly
+(-> (.List (Expression .Any)) (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### bit\_and
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### bit\_or
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### bit\_shl
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### bit\_shr
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### bit\_xor
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### bool
+(-> .Bit Literal)
+### break
+(Statement .Any)
+### chr/1
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### code
+(-> (Code .Any) .Text)
+### comment
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (Code _0) (Code _0)))
+### cond
+(-> (.List [(Expression .Any) (Statement .Any)]) (Statement .Any) (Statement .Any))
+### continue
+(Statement .Any)
+### def
+(-> SVar (.List (Ex (_ _0) (Var _0))) (Statement .Any) (Statement .Any))
+### delete
+(-> (Location .Any) (Statement .Any))
+### dict
+(-> (.List [(Expression .Any) (Expression .Any)]) (Computation .Any))
+### do
+(-> .Text (.List (Expression .Any)) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### do\_keyword
+(-> (.List (Expression .Any)) (Expression .Any) .Text (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### do\_poly
+(-> (.List (Expression .Any)) (Expression .Any) .Text (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Code _0)))
+### exec
+(-> (Expression .Any) (.Maybe (Expression .Any)) (Statement .Any))
+### float
+(-> .Frac Literal)
+### float/1
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### for\_in
+(-> SVar (Expression .Any) (Statement .Any) Loop)
+### hash
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash (Code _0)))
+### if
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Statement .Any) (Statement .Any) (Statement .Any))
+### import
+(-> .Text (Statement .Any))
+### int
+(-> .Int Literal)
+### int/1
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### is
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### item
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) Location)
+### keyword
+(-> SVar (Var Keyword))
+### lambda
+(-> (.List (Var .Any)) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### len/1
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### list
+(-> (.List (Expression .Any)) Literal)
+### long
+(-> .Int Literal)
+### manual
+(-> .Text Code)
+### none
+### not
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### opposite
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### or
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### ord/1
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### pass
+(Statement .Any)
+### poly
+(-> SVar (Var Poly))
+### print
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Statement .Any))
+### raise
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Statement .Any))
+### repr/1
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### return
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Statement .Any))
+### set
+(-> (.List (Location .Any)) (Expression .Any) (Statement .Any))
+### slice
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) Access)
+### slice\_from
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) Access)
+### statement
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Statement .Any))
+### str/1
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### string
+(-> .Text Literal)
+### the
+(-> .Text (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### then
+(-> (Statement .Any) (Statement .Any) (Statement .Any))
+### try
+(-> (Statement .Any) (.List Except) (Statement .Any))
+### tuple
+(-> (.List (Expression .Any)) Literal)
+### unichr/1
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### unicode
+(-> .Text Literal)
+### unicode/1
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### var
+(-> .Text SVar)
+### when
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Statement .Any) (Statement .Any))
+### while
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Statement .Any) (.Maybe (Statement .Any)) Loop)
+# library/lux/target/ruby
+## Definitions
+### %
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### \*
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### \+
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### \-
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### /
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### <
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### <=
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### =
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### >
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### >=
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### ?
+(-> Expression Expression Expression Computation)
+### Access
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' Access'))))
+### Code
+... .Type
+(All (Code _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/target/ruby.Code" _0))
+### Computation
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' .Any)))
+### Expression
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' .Any))
+### GVar
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' (Var' GVar')))))
+### IVar
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' (Var' IVar')))))
+### LVar
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' (Var' (LVar' .Any))))))
+### LVar\*
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' (Var' (LVar' LVar*'))))))
+### LVar\*\*
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' (Var' (LVar' LVar**'))))))
+### Literal
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' Literal')))
+### Location
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' .Any))))
+### Rescue
+... .Type
+ [#classes (.List .Text)
+ #exception LVar
+ #rescue Statement])
+### SVar
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' (Var' SVar')))))
+### Statement
+... .Type
+(Code (Statement' .Any))
+### Var
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' (Var' .Any)))))
+### and
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### apply/\*
+(-> (.List Expression) Expression Computation)
+### apply/1
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### apply/2
+(-> Expression Expression Expression Computation)
+### apply/3
+(-> Expression Expression Expression Expression Computation)
+### apply\_lambda/\*
+(-> (.List Expression) Expression Computation)
+### array
+(-> (.List Expression) Literal)
+### array\_range
+(-> Expression Expression Expression Computation)
+### begin
+(-> Statement (.List Rescue) Statement)
+### bit\_and
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### bit\_or
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### bit\_shl
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### bit\_shr
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### bit\_xor
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### bool
+(-> .Bit Literal)
+### break
+### case\_insensitivity\_flag
+### catch
+(-> Expression Statement Statement)
+### code
+(-> (Code .Any) .Text)
+### code\_equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Code _0)))
+### code\_hash
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash (Code _0)))
+### command\_line\_arguments
+### comment
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (Code _0) (Code _0)))
+### cond
+(-> (.List [Expression Statement]) Statement Statement)
+### do
+(-> .Text (.List Expression) Expression Computation)
+### double\_splat
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### exit\_status
+### float
+(-> .Frac Literal)
+### for\_in
+(-> LVar Expression Statement Statement)
+### function
+(-> LVar (.List LVar) Statement Statement)
+### global
+(-> .Text GVar)
+### hash
+(-> (.List [Expression Expression]) Literal)
+### if
+(-> Expression Statement Statement Statement)
+### input\_record\_separator
+### instance
+(-> .Text IVar)
+### int
+(-> .Int Literal)
+### item
+(-> Expression Expression Access)
+### lambda
+(-> (.Maybe LVar) (.List Var) Statement Literal)
+### last\_line\_number\_read
+### last\_regexp\_match
+### last\_string\_matched
+### last\_string\_read
+### latest\_error
+### local
+(-> .Text LVar)
+### manual
+(-> .Text Code)
+### next
+### nil
+### not
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### opposite
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### or
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### output\_record\_separator
+### pow
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### print/1
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### print/2
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### print/3
+(-> Expression Expression Expression Computation)
+### process\_id
+### raise
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### redo
+### require/1
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### return
+(-> Expression Statement)
+### script\_name
+### set
+(-> (.List Location) Expression Statement)
+### splat
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### statement
+(-> Expression Statement)
+### static
+(-> .Text SVar)
+### string
+(-> .Text Literal)
+### symbol
+(-> .Text Literal)
+### the
+(-> .Text Expression Access)
+### then
+(-> Statement Statement Statement)
+### throw/1
+(-> Expression Statement)
+### variadic
+(-> LVar LVar*)
+### variadic\_kv
+(-> LVar LVar**)
+### when
+(-> Expression Statement Statement)
+### while
+(-> Expression Statement Statement)
+# library/lux/test
+Tools for unit & property\-based/generative testing\.
+## Definitions
+### Assertion
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async [Tally .Text])
+An asynchronous operation that yields test results\.
+### Seed
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+The seed value used for random testing \(if that feature is used\)\.
+### Tally
+... .Type
+ [#successes .Nat
+ #failures .Nat
+ #expected_coverage (library/lux/data/collection/set.Set .Symbol)
+ #actual_coverage (library/lux/data/collection/set.Set .Symbol)])
+A record of successes and failures while executing tests\.
+### Test
+... .Type
+(library/lux/math/random.Random Assertion)
+A test that relies on random data generation to thoroughly cover different scenarios\.
+### and
+(-> Test Test Test)
+Sequencing combinator\.
+(and left right)
+### and'
+(-> Assertion Assertion Assertion)
+Sequencing combinator \(for assertions\)\.
+(and' left right)
+### assertion
+(-> .Text .Bit Assertion)
+Check that a condition is \#1, and fail with the given message otherwise\.
+(assertion message condition)
+### context
+(-> .Text Test Test)
+Adds a contextual description to a test's documentation\.
+(context description)
+### cover
+Specifies a test as covering one or more definitions\.
+Adds to the test tally information to track which definitions have been tested\.
+(cover [definition/0 definition/1 ,,, definition/N]
+ (: Bit
+ (some "computation")))
+### cover'
+Specifies a test as covering one or more definitions\.
+Adds to the test tally information to track which definitions have been tested\.
+(cover' [definition/0 definition/1 ,,, definition/N]
+ (: Bit
+ (some "computation")))
+### covering
+Specifies the module being covered by a test\.
+Adds tracking information to the tally to know which exported definitions in the module need to be covered\.
+(covering documentation/lux/test._
+ (: Test
+ some_test))
+### error\_during\_execution
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Text)
+### failure
+(-> .Text Test)
+A failing test, with a given error message\.
+### for
+Specifies a context for tests as covering one or more definitions\.
+Adds to the test tally information to track which definitions have been tested\.
+(for [definition/0 definition/1 ,,, definition/N]
+ (: Test
+ some_test))
+### in\_parallel
+(-> (.List Test) Test)
+Executes multiple tests in parallel \(if the host platform supports it\) to take advantage of multiple cores\.
+(in_parallel tests)
+### lifted
+(-> .Text (library/lux/math/random.Random .Bit) Test)
+(lifted message random)
+### must\_try\_test\_at\_least\_once
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### run\!
+(-> Test (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async .Nothing))
+Executes a test, and exits the program with either a successful or a failing exit code\.
+WARNING: This procedure is only meant to be used in \(program: \.\.\.\) forms\.
+(run! test)
+### seed
+(-> Seed Test Test)
+Execute the given test with a specific seed value\.
+This allows you to reproduce a failing test case as many times as you want while debugging\.
+(seed value test)
+### test
+(-> .Text .Bit Test)
+Check that a condition is \#1, and fail with the given message otherwise\.
+(test message condition)
+### times
+(-> .Nat Test Test)
+Allows executing a test several times\.
+By doing this, it's possible to thoroughly test code with many different scenarios\.
+This assumes that random data generation is being used in tests instead of fixed/constant inputs\.
+(times amount test)
+# library/lux/time
+## Definitions
+### Clock
+... .Type
+ [#hour .Nat
+ #minute .Nat
+ #second .Nat
+ #milli_second .Nat])
+A clock marking the specific hour, minute, second, and milli\-second in a day\.
+### Time
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/time.Time")
+Time is defined as milliseconds since the start of the day \(00:00:00\.000\)\.
+### clock
+(-> Time Clock)
+(clock time)
+### codec
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text Time)
+Based on ISO 8601\.
+For example: 21:14:51\.827
+### enum
+(library/lux/abstract/enum.Enum Time)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Time)
+### hours
+Number of hours in an day\.
+### invalid\_hour
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### invalid\_minute
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### invalid\_second
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### midnight
+The instant corresponding to the start of the day: 00:00:00\.000
+### milli\_seconds
+Number of milli\-seconds in a second\.
+### millis
+(-> Time .Nat)
+### minutes
+Number of minutes in an hour\.
+### of\_millis
+(-> .Nat (library/lux/control/try.Try Time))
+(of_millis milli_seconds)
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order Time)
+### parser
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser Time)
+### seconds
+Number of seconds in a minute\.
+### time
+(-> Clock (library/lux/control/try.Try Time))
+(time clock)
+### time\_exceeds\_a\_day
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+# library/lux/time/date
+## Definitions
+### Date
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/time/date.Date")
+A date specified as a year/month/day triplet\.
+### codec
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text Date)
+Based on ISO 8601\.
+For example: 2017\-01\-15
+### date
+(-> library/lux/time/year.Year library/lux/time/month.Month .Nat (library/lux/control/try.Try Date))
+A date, within the allowed limits\.
+(date year month day_of_month)
+### day\_of\_month
+(-> Date .Nat)
+### days
+(-> Date .Int)
+### enum
+(library/lux/abstract/enum.Enum Date)
+### epoch
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Date)
+### invalid\_day
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [library/lux/time/year.Year library/lux/time/month.Month .Nat])
+### invalid\_month
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### month
+(-> Date library/lux/time/month.Month)
+### of\_days
+(-> .Int Date)
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order Date)
+### parser
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser Date)
+### year
+(-> Date library/lux/time/year.Year)
+# library/lux/time/day
+## Definitions
+### Day
+... .Type
+ {#Sunday .Any}
+ {#Monday .Any}
+ {#Tuesday .Any}
+ {#Wednesday .Any}
+ {#Thursday .Any}
+ {#Friday .Any}
+ {#Saturday .Any})
+A day of the week\.
+### by\_number
+(-> .Nat (library/lux/control/try.Try Day))
+### codec
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text Day)
+### enum
+(library/lux/abstract/enum.Enum Day)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Day)
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash Day)
+### invalid\_day
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### not\_a\_day\_of\_the\_week
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Text)
+### number
+(-> Day .Nat)
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order Day)
+### week
+(.List Day)
+All the days, ordered by when they come in a week\.
+# library/lux/time/duration
+## Definitions
+### Duration
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/time/duration.Duration")
+Durations have a resolution of milli\-seconds\.
+### codec
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text Duration)
+### day
+### difference
+(-> Duration Duration Duration)
+(difference from to)
+### down
+(-> .Nat Duration Duration)
+### empty
+### enum
+(library/lux/abstract/enum.Enum Duration)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Duration)
+### framed
+(-> Duration Duration Duration)
+### hour
+### inverse
+(-> Duration Duration)
+### leap\_year
+### merged
+(-> Duration Duration Duration)
+### milli\_second
+### millis
+(-> Duration .Int)
+### minute
+### monoid
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid Duration)
+### negative?
+(-> Duration .Bit)
+### neutral?
+(-> Duration .Bit)
+### normal\_year
+### of\_millis
+(-> .Int Duration)
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order Duration)
+### positive?
+(-> Duration .Bit)
+### second
+### ticks
+(-> Duration Duration .Int)
+### up
+(-> .Nat Duration Duration)
+### week
+# library/lux/time/instant
+## Definitions
+### Instant
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/time/instant.Instant")
+Instant is defined as milli\-seconds since the epoch\.
+### absolute
+(-> library/lux/time/duration.Duration Instant)
+(absolute offset)
+### after
+(-> library/lux/time/duration.Duration Instant Instant)
+(after duration instant)
+### codec
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text Instant)
+Based on ISO 8601\.
+For example: 2017\-01\-15T21:14:51\.827Z
+### date
+(-> Instant library/lux/time/date.Date)
+### day\_of\_week
+(-> Instant library/lux/time/day.Day)
+### enum
+(library/lux/abstract/enum.Enum Instant)
+### epoch
+The instant corresponding to 1970\-01\-01T00:00:00Z\.
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Instant)
+### millis
+(-> Instant .Int)
+### now
+(library/lux/control/io.IO Instant)
+Yields the current instant, as measured from the operating\-system's clock\.
+### of\_date\_time
+(-> library/lux/time/date.Date library/lux/time.Time Instant)
+(of_date_time date time)
+### of\_millis
+(-> .Int Instant)
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order Instant)
+### relative
+(-> Instant library/lux/time/duration.Duration)
+(relative instant)
+### span
+(-> Instant Instant library/lux/time/duration.Duration)
+(span from to)
+### time
+(-> Instant library/lux/time.Time)
+# library/lux/time/month
+## Definitions
+### Month
+... .Type
+ {#January .Any}
+ {#February .Any}
+ {#March .Any}
+ {#April .Any}
+ {#May .Any}
+ {#June .Any}
+ {#July .Any}
+ {#August .Any}
+ {#September .Any}
+ {#October .Any}
+ {#November .Any}
+ {#December .Any})
+A month of the year\.
+### by\_number
+(-> .Nat (library/lux/control/try.Try Month))
+### codec
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text Month)
+### days
+(-> Month .Nat)
+The amount of days of a month\.
+(days month)
+### enum
+(library/lux/abstract/enum.Enum Month)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Month)
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash Month)
+### invalid\_month
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### leap\_year\_days
+(-> Month .Nat)
+The amount of days of a month \(in a leap year\)\.
+(leap_year_days month)
+### not\_a\_month\_of\_the\_year
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Text)
+### number
+(-> Month .Nat)
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order Month)
+### year
+(.List Month)
+All the months, ordered by when they come in a year\.
+# library/lux/time/year
+## Definitions
+### Period
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+An amount of years\.
+### Year
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/time/year.Year")
+A year in the gregorian calendar\.
+Both negative \(< 0\) and positive \(> 0\) values are valid, but not 0\.
+This is because the first year of the gregorian calendar was year 1\.
+### century
+### codec
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text Year)
+Based on ISO 8601\.
+For example: 2017
+### days
+The amount of days in a typical year\.
+### epoch
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Year)
+### era
+### leap
+### leap?
+(-> Year .Bit)
+### leaps
+(-> Year .Int)
+The number of leap years in a period of years\.
+(leaps year)
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order Year)
+### parser
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser Year)
+### there\_is\_no\_year\_0
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### value
+(-> Year .Int)
+### year
+(-> .Int (library/lux/control/try.Try Year))
+A valid year in the gregorian calendar, if possible\.
+(year value)
+# library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis
+## Definitions
+### %analysis
+(library/lux/data/text/format.Format Analysis)
+### Abstraction
+... .Type
+(All (Abstraction _0)
+ [(Environment _0) library/lux/tool/compiler/arity.Arity _0])
+### Analysis
+... .Type
+(Rec Analysis
+ (Variant
+ {#Primitive Primitive}
+ {#Structure (Composite Analysis)}
+ {#Reference library/lux/tool/compiler/reference.Reference}
+ {#Case Analysis (Match' Analysis)}
+ {#Function (Environment Analysis) Analysis}
+ {#Apply Analysis Analysis}
+ {#Extension (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Extension Analysis)}))
+### Application
+... .Type
+(All (Application _0)
+ [_0 (.List _0)])
+### Branch
+... .Type
+(Branch' Analysis)
+### Branch'
+... .Type
+(All (Branch' _0)
+ (Record
+ [#when Pattern
+ #then _0]))
+### Bundle
+... .Type
+(library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Bundle .Lux .Code Analysis)
+### Composite
+... .Type
+(All (Composite _0)
+ (Variant
+ {#Variant (Variant _0)}
+ {#Tuple (Tuple _0)}))
+### Environment
+... .Type
+(All (Environment _0)
+ (.List _0))
+### Handler
+... .Type
+(library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Handler .Lux .Code Analysis)
+### Match
+... .Type
+(Match' Analysis)
+### Match'
+... .Type
+(All (Match' _0)
+ [(Branch' _0) (.List (Branch' _0))])
+### Operation
+... .Type
+(library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Operation .Lux .Code Analysis)
+### Pattern
+... .Type
+(Rec Pattern
+ (Variant
+ {#Simple Primitive}
+ {#Complex (Composite Pattern)}
+ {#Bind library/lux/tool/compiler/reference/variable.Register}))
+### Phase
+... .Type
+(library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Phase .Lux .Code Analysis)
+### Primitive
+... .Type
+ {#Unit .Any}
+ {#Bit .Bit}
+ {#Nat .Nat}
+ {#Int .Int}
+ {#Rev .Rev}
+ {#Frac .Frac}
+ {#Text .Text})
+### State\+
+... .Type
+(library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.State .Lux .Code Analysis)
+### Tag
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+### Tuple
+... .Type
+(All (Tuple _0)
+ (.List _0))
+### Variant
+... .Type
+(All (Variant _0)
+ (Record
+ [#lefts .Nat
+ #right? .Bit
+ #value _0]))
+### application
+(-> Analysis (Application Analysis))
+### apply
+(-> (Application Analysis) Analysis)
+### assertion
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/control/exception.Exception _0) _0 .Bit (Operation .Any)))
+### bit
+### choice
+(-> .Nat .Nat [.Nat .Bit])
+### composite\_equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Composite _0))))
+### composite\_hash
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash (Composite _0))))
+### constant
+### control/case
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Analysis)
+### except
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/control/exception.Exception _0) _0 Operation))
+### except'
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/control/exception.Exception _0) _0 (library/lux/tool/compiler/phase.Operation .Lux)))
+### failure
+(-> .Text Operation)
+### failure'
+(-> .Text (library/lux/tool/compiler/phase.Operation .Lux))
+### frac
+### info
+(-> library/lux/tool/compiler/version.Version .Text .Info)
+### install
+(-> .Lux (Operation .Any))
+### int
+### location
+(-> .Text .Location)
+### nat
+### no\_op
+### pattern/bind
+### pattern/bit
+### pattern/frac
+### pattern/int
+### pattern/nat
+### pattern/rev
+### pattern/text
+### pattern/tuple
+### pattern/unit
+### pattern/variant
+### rev
+### set\_current\_module
+(-> .Text (Operation .Any))
+### set\_location
+(-> .Location (Operation .Any))
+### set\_source\_code
+(-> .Source (Operation .Any))
+### source
+(-> .Text .Text .Source)
+### state
+(-> .Info .Lux)
+### tag
+(-> .Nat .Bit .Nat)
+### text
+### tuple
+### unit
+### variable
+### variable/foreign
+### variable/local
+### variant
+### with\_current\_module
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (Operation _0) (Operation _0)))
+### with\_location
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Location (Operation _0) (Operation _0)))
+### with\_scope
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Operation _0) (Operation [.Scope _0])))
+### with\_source\_code
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Source (Operation _0) (Operation _0)))
+### with\_stack
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/control/exception.Exception _0) _0 (Operation _1) (Operation _1)))
+### without\_scopes
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Operation _0) (Operation _0)))
+# library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/directive
+## Definitions
+### Bundle
+... .Type
+(All (Bundle _0 _1 _2)
+ (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Bundle (State _0 _1 _2) .Code Requirements))
+### Component
+... .Type
+(All (Component _0 _1)
+ (Record
+ [#state _0
+ #phase _1]))
+### Handler
+... .Type
+(All (Handler _0 _1 _2)
+ (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Handler (State _0 _1 _2) .Code Requirements))
+### Import
+... .Type
+ [#module library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/descriptor.Module
+ #alias .Text])
+### Operation
+... .Type
+(All (Operation _0 _1 _2)
+ (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Operation (State _0 _1 _2) .Code Requirements))
+### Phase
+... .Type
+(All (Phase _0 _1 _2)
+ (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Phase (State _0 _1 _2) .Code Requirements))
+### Requirements
+... .Type
+ [#imports (.List Import)
+ #referrals (.List .Code)])
+### State
+... .Type
+(All (State _0 _1 _2)
+ (Record
+ [#analysis (Component library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.State+ library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Phase)
+ #synthesis (Component library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.State+ library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Phase)
+ #generation (Component (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/generation.State+ _0 _1 _2) (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/generation.Phase _0 _1 _2))]))
+### State\+
+... .Type
+(All (State+ _0 _1 _2)
+ (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.State (State _0 _1 _2) .Code Requirements))
+### analysis
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (Operation _0 _1 _2 library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Phase))
+### generation
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (Operation _0 _1 _2 (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/generation.Phase _0 _1 _2)))
+### lifted\_analysis
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Operation _3) (Operation _0 _1 _2 _3)))
+### lifted\_generation
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/generation.Operation _0 _1 _2 _3) (Operation _0 _1 _2 _3)))
+### lifted\_synthesis
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Operation _3) (Operation _0 _1 _2 _3)))
+### merge\_requirements
+(-> Requirements Requirements Requirements)
+### no\_requirements
+### set\_current\_module
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/descriptor.Module (Operation _0 _1 _2 .Any)))
+### synthesis
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (Operation _0 _1 _2 library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Phase))
+# library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/generation
+## Definitions
+### Buffer
+... .Type
+(All (Buffer _0)
+ (library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence [library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.ID (.Maybe .Text) _0]))
+### Bundle
+... .Type
+(All (Bundle _0 _1 _2)
+ (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Bundle (State _0 _1 _2) library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Synthesis _1))
+### Context
+... .Type
+[library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive.ID library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.ID]
+### Extender
+... .Type
+(All (Extender _0 _1 _2)
+ (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Extender (State _0 _1 _2) library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Synthesis _1))
+### Handler
+... .Type
+(All (Handler _0 _1 _2)
+ (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Handler (State _0 _1 _2) library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Synthesis _1))
+### Host
+... .Type
+(All (Host _0 _1)
+ (Record
+ [evaluate (-> Context _0 (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any))
+ execute (-> _1 (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any))
+ define (-> Context (.Maybe .Text) _0 (library/lux/control/try.Try [.Text .Any _1]))
+ ingest (-> Context library/lux/data/binary.Binary _1)
+ re_learn (-> Context (.Maybe .Text) _1 (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any))
+ re_load (-> Context (.Maybe .Text) _1 (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any))]))
+### Operation
+... .Type
+(All (Operation _0 _1 _2)
+ (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Operation (State _0 _1 _2) library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Synthesis _1))
+### Phase
+... .Type
+(All (Phase _0 _1 _2)
+ (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Phase (State _0 _1 _2) library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Synthesis _1))
+### State
+... .Type
+(All (State _0 _1 _2)
+ (Record
+ [#module library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/descriptor.Module
+ #anchor (.Maybe _0)
+ #host (Host _1 _2)
+ #buffer (.Maybe (Buffer _2))
+ #registry library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.Registry
+ #counter .Nat
+ #context (.Maybe library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.ID)
+ #log (library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence .Text)]))
+### State\+
+... .Type
+(All (State+ _0 _1 _2)
+ (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.State (State _0 _1 _2) library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Synthesis _1))
+### anchor
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (Operation _0 _1 _2 _0))
+### buffer
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (Operation _0 _1 _2 (Buffer _2)))
+### cannot\_interpret
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Text)
+### cannot\_overwrite\_output
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.ID)
+### context
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive.Archive (Operation _0 _1 _2 Context)))
+### define\!
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> Context (.Maybe .Text) _1 (Operation _0 _1 _2 [.Text .Any _2])))
+### empty\_buffer
+### enter\_module
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/descriptor.Module (Operation _0 _1 _2 .Any)))
+### evaluate\!
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> Context _1 (Operation _0 _1 _2 .Any)))
+### execute\!
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> _2 (Operation _0 _1 _2 .Any)))
+### get\_registry
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (Operation _0 _1 _2 library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.Registry))
+### learn
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> .Text (Operation _0 _1 _2 library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.ID)))
+### learn\_analyser
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> .Text (Operation _0 _1 _2 library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.ID)))
+### learn\_custom
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> .Text (Operation _0 _1 _2 library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.ID)))
+### learn\_directive
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> .Text (Operation _0 _1 _2 library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.ID)))
+### learn\_generator
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> .Text (Operation _0 _1 _2 library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.ID)))
+### learn\_synthesizer
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> .Text (Operation _0 _1 _2 library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.ID)))
+### log\!
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> .Text (Operation _0 _1 _2 .Any)))
+### module
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (Operation _0 _1 _2 library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/descriptor.Module))
+### module\_id
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/descriptor.Module library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive.Archive (Operation _0 _1 _2 library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive.ID)))
+### next
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (Operation _0 _1 _2 .Nat))
+### no\_active\_buffer
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### no\_anchor
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### no\_buffer\_for\_saving\_code
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.ID)
+### no\_context
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### remember
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive.Archive .Symbol (Operation _0 _1 _2 Context)))
+### save\!
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.ID (.Maybe .Text) _2 (Operation _0 _1 _2 .Any)))
+### set\_anchor
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> _0 (Operation _0 _1 _2 .Any)))
+### set\_buffer
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Buffer _2) (Operation _0 _1 _2 .Any)))
+### set\_registry
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.Registry (Operation _0 _1 _2 .Any)))
+### state
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Host _1 _2) library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/descriptor.Module (State _0 _1 _2)))
+### symbol
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> .Text (Operation _0 _1 _2 .Text)))
+### unknown\_definition
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Symbol (.List .Text)])
+### with\_anchor
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> _0 (Operation _0 _1 _2 _3) (Operation _0 _1 _2 _3)))
+### with\_buffer
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> (Operation _0 _1 _2 _3) (Operation _0 _1 _2 _3)))
+### with\_context
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.ID (Operation _0 _1 _2 _3) (Operation _0 _1 _2 _3)))
+### with\_new\_context
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive.Archive (Operation _0 _1 _2 _3) (Operation _0 _1 _2 [Context _3])))
+# library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis
+## Definitions
+### \!bind\_top
+### \!multi\_pop
+### %path
+(library/lux/data/text/format.Format Path)
+### %path'
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/data/text/format.Format _0) (library/lux/data/text/format.Format (Path' _0))))
+### %synthesis
+(library/lux/data/text/format.Format Synthesis)
+### Abstraction
+... .Type
+(Abstraction' Synthesis)
+### Abstraction'
+... .Type
+(All (Abstraction' _0)
+ (Record
+ [#environment (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Environment _0)
+ #arity library/lux/tool/compiler/arity.Arity
+ #body _0]))
+### Access
+... .Type
+ {#Side Side}
+ {#Member Member})
+### Apply
+... .Type
+(Apply' Synthesis)
+### Apply'
+... .Type
+(All (Apply' _0)
+ (Record
+ [#function _0
+ #arguments (.List _0)]))
+### Branch
+... .Type
+(All (Branch _0)
+ (Variant
+ {#Let _0 library/lux/tool/compiler/reference/variable.Register _0}
+ {#If _0 _0 _0}
+ {#Get (.List Member) _0}
+ {#Case _0 (Path' _0)}))
+### Bundle
+... .Type
+(library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Bundle State library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Analysis Synthesis)
+### Control
+... .Type
+(All (Control _0)
+ (Variant
+ {#Branch (Branch _0)}
+ {#Loop (Loop _0)}
+ {#Function (Function _0)}))
+### Fork
+... .Type
+(All (Fork _0 _1)
+ [[_0 _1] (.List [_0 _1])])
+### Function
+... .Type
+(All (Function _0)
+ (Variant
+ {#Abstraction (Abstraction' _0)}
+ {#Apply _0 (.List _0)}))
+### Handler
+... .Type
+(library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Handler State library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Analysis Synthesis)
+### Loop
+... .Type
+(All (Loop _0)
+ (Variant
+ {#Scope (Scope _0)}
+ {#Again (.List _0)}))
+### Member
+... .Type
+(.Either .Nat .Nat)
+### Operation
+... .Type
+(library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Operation State library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Analysis Synthesis)
+### Path
+... .Type
+(Path' Synthesis)
+### Path'
+... .Type
+(All (Path' _0)
+ (Variant
+ {#Pop .Any}
+ {#Access Access}
+ {#Bind library/lux/tool/compiler/reference/variable.Register}
+ {#Bit_Fork .Bit (Path' _0) (.Maybe (Path' _0))}
+ {#I64_Fork (Fork (.I64 .Any) (Path' _0))}
+ {#F64_Fork (Fork .Frac (Path' _0))}
+ {#Text_Fork (Fork .Text (Path' _0))}
+ {#Alt (Path' _0) (Path' _0)}
+ {#Seq (Path' _0) (Path' _0)}
+ {#Then _0}))
+### Phase
+... .Type
+(library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Phase State library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Analysis Synthesis)
+### Primitive
+... .Type
+ {#Bit .Bit}
+ {#I64 (.I64 .Any)}
+ {#F64 .Frac}
+ {#Text .Text})
+### Resolver
+... .Type
+(library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary library/lux/tool/compiler/reference/variable.Variable library/lux/tool/compiler/reference/variable.Variable)
+### Scope
+... .Type
+(All (Scope _0)
+ (Record
+ [#start library/lux/tool/compiler/reference/variable.Register
+ #inits (.List _0)
+ #iteration _0]))
+### Side
+... .Type
+(.Either .Nat .Nat)
+### State
+... .Type
+ [#locals .Nat
+ #currying? .Bit])
+### State\+
+... .Type
+(library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.State State library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Analysis Synthesis)
+### Synthesis
+... .Type
+(Rec Synthesis
+ (Variant
+ {#Primitive Primitive}
+ {#Structure (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Composite Synthesis)}
+ {#Reference library/lux/tool/compiler/reference.Reference}
+ {#Control (Control Synthesis)}
+ {#Extension (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Extension Synthesis)}))
+### access\_equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Access)
+### bit
+### branch/case
+### branch/get
+### branch/if
+### branch/let
+### constant
+### currying?
+(Operation .Bit)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Synthesis)
+### f64
+### fresh\_resolver
+### function/abstraction
+### function/apply
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash Synthesis)
+### i64
+### init
+### locals
+(Operation .Nat)
+### loop/again
+### loop/scope
+### member/left
+### member/right
+### path'\_equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Path' _0))))
+### path/alt
+### path/bind
+### path/member
+### path/pop
+### path/seq
+### path/side
+### path/then
+### path\_equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Path)
+### primitive\_equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Primitive)
+### side/left
+### side/right
+### simple\_left\_side
+### simple\_right\_side
+### text
+### tuple
+### unit
+### variable
+### variable/foreign
+### variable/local
+### variant
+### with\_currying?
+(-> .Bit (All (_ _0) (-> (Operation _0) (Operation _0))))
+### with\_locals
+(-> .Nat (All (_ _0) (-> (Operation _0) (Operation _0))))
+### with\_new\_local
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Operation _0) (Operation _0)))
+# library/lux/tool/compiler/phase
+## Definitions
+### Operation
+... .Type
+(All (Operation _0 _1)
+ (library/lux/control/state.+State library/lux/control/try.Try _0 _1))
+### Phase
+... .Type
+(All (Phase _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive.Archive _1 (Operation _0 _2)))
+### Wrapper
+... .Type
+(All (Wrapper _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Phase _0 _1 _2) .Any))
+### assertion
+### composite
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3 _4)
+ (-> (Phase _0 _2 _3) (Phase _1 _3 _4) (Phase [_0 _1] _2 _4)))
+### except
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/control/exception.Exception _0) _0 Operation))
+### failure
+(-> .Text Operation)
+### get\_state
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (Operation _0 _0))
+### identity
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (Phase _0 _1 _1))
+### lifted
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/control/try.Try _1) (Operation _0 _1)))
+### monad
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (Operation _0)))
+### result
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 (Operation _0 _1) (library/lux/control/try.Try _1)))
+### result'
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 (Operation _0 _1) (library/lux/control/try.Try [_0 _1])))
+### set\_state
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 (Operation _0 .Any)))
+### sub
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> [(-> _0 _1) (-> _1 _0 _0)] (Operation _1 _2) (Operation _0 _2)))
+### timed
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> .Symbol .Text (Operation _0 _1) (Operation _0 _1)))
+# library/lux/type
+Basic functionality for working with types\.
+## Definitions
+### :as
+Casts a value to a specific type\.
+The specified type can depend on type variables of the original type of the value\.
+NOTE: Careless use of type\-casts is an easy way to introduce bugs\. USE WITH CAUTION\.
+(: (Bar Bit Nat Text)
+ (:as [a b c]
+ (Foo a [b c])
+ (Bar a b c)
+ (: (Foo Bit [Nat Text])
+ (foo expression))))
+### :by\_example
+Constructs a type that shares type\-variables with an expression of some other type\.
+(: Type
+ (:by_example [a b c]
+ (Foo a [b c])
+ (: (Foo Bit [Nat Text])
+ (foo expression))
+ (Bar a b c)))
+... =>
+(.type (Bar Bit Nat Text))
+### :log\!
+Logs to the console/terminal the type of an expression\.
+(:log! (: Foo (foo expression)))
+... =>
+... Expression: (foo expression)
+... Type: Foo
+(foo expression)
+### :sharing
+Allows specifing the type of an expression as sharing type\-variables with the type of another expression\.
+(: (Bar Bit Nat Text)
+ (:sharing [a b c]
+ (Foo a [b c])
+ (: (Foo Bit [Nat Text])
+ (foo expression))
+ (Bar a b c)
+ (bar expression)))
+### anonymous
+(-> .Type .Type)
+A type without any names covering it\.
+(anonymous type)
+### application
+(-> (.List .Type) .Type .Type)
+An un\-evaluated type application, with the given quantified type, and parameters\.
+(application params quant)
+### applied
+(-> (.List .Type) .Type (.Maybe .Type))
+To the extend possible, applies a quantified type to the given parameters\.
+(applied params func)
+### array
+(-> .Nat .Type .Type)
+An array type, with the given level of nesting/depth, and the given element type\.
+(array depth element_type)
+### array?
+(-> .Type .Bit)
+Is a type an array type?
+### code
+(-> .Type .Code)
+A representation of a type as code\.
+The code is such that evaluating it would yield the type value\.
+(code type)
+### de\_aliased
+(-> .Type .Type)
+A \(potentially named\) type that does not have its name shadowed by other names\.
+(de_aliased type)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence .Type)
+### ex\_q
+(-> .Nat .Type .Type)
+A quantified type, with the given number of parameters, and body\.
+### flat\_application
+(-> .Type [.Type (.List .Type)])
+The quantified type, and its parameters, for a type\-application\.
+(flat_application type)
+### flat\_array
+(-> .Type [.Nat .Type])
+The level of nesting/depth and element type for an array type\.
+(flat_array type)
+### flat\_ex\_q
+(-> .Type [.Nat .Type])
+The number of parameters, and the body, of a quantified type\.
+### flat\_function
+(-> .Type [(.List .Type) .Type])
+The input, and the output of a function type\.
+(flat_function type)
+### flat\_tuple
+(-> .Type (.List .Type))
+The members of a composite type\.
+### flat\_univ\_q
+(-> .Type [.Nat .Type])
+The number of parameters, and the body, of a quantified type\.
+### flat\_variant
+(-> .Type (.List .Type))
+The members of a composite type\.
+### format
+(-> .Type .Text)
+A \(readable\) textual representable of a type\.
+(format type)
+### function
+(-> (.List .Type) .Type .Type)
+A function type, with the given inputs and output\.
+(function inputs output)
+### quantified?
+(-> .Type .Bit)
+Only yields \#1 for universally or existentially quantified types\.
+(quantified? type)
+### tuple
+(-> (.List .Type) .Type)
+A composite type, constituted by the given member types\.
+### univ\_q
+(-> .Nat .Type .Type)
+A quantified type, with the given number of parameters, and body\.
+### variant
+(-> (.List .Type) .Type)
+A composite type, constituted by the given member types\.
+# library/lux/type/abstract
+## Definitions
+### :abstraction
+Type\-casting macro for abstract/nominal types\.
+(|> value
+ (: Representation)
+ :abstraction
+ (: Abstraction)
+ :representation
+ (: Representation))
+### :representation
+Type\-casting macro for abstract/nominal types\.
+(|> value
+ (: Representation)
+ :abstraction
+ (: Abstraction)
+ :representation
+ (: Representation))
+### :transmutation
+Transmutes an abstract/nominal type's phantom types\.
+(abstract: (JavaScript a)
+ Text
+ (abstract: Expression Any)
+ (abstract: Statement Any)
+ (def: (statement expression)
+ (-> (JavaScript Expression) (JavaScript Statement))
+ (:transmutation expression))
+ (def: (statement' expression)
+ (-> (JavaScript Expression) (JavaScript Statement))
+ (:transmutation JavaScript expression)))
+### Frame
+... .Type
+ [#name .Text
+ #type_vars (.List .Code)
+ #abstraction .Code
+ #representation .Code])
+Meta\-data about an abstract/nominal type in a stack of them\.
+### ^:representation
+Pattern\-matching macro to easily extract a representation\.
+(def: (computation abstraction)
+ (All (_ a) (-> (Abstract a) ???))
+ (let [(^:representation value) abstraction]
+ (foo (bar (baz value)))))
+### abstract:
+Define abstract/nominal types which hide their representation details\.
+You can convert between the abstraction and its representation selectively to access the value, while hiding it from others\.
+(abstract: String
+ Text
+ (def: (string value)
+ (-> Text String)
+ (:abstraction value))
+ (def: (text value)
+ (-> String Text)
+ (:representation value)))
+... Type-parameters are optional.
+(abstract: (Duplicate a)
+ [a a]
+ (def: (duplicate value)
+ (All (_ a) (-> a (Duplicate a)))
+ (:abstraction [value value])))
+... Definitions can be nested.
+(abstract: (Single a)
+ a
+ (def: (single value)
+ (All (_ a) (-> a (Single a)))
+ (:abstraction value))
+ (abstract: (Double a)
+ [a a]
+ (def: (double value)
+ (All (_ a) (-> a (Double a)))
+ (:abstraction [value value]))
+ (def: (single' value)
+ (All (_ a) (-> a (Single a)))
+ (:abstraction Single [value value]))
+ (let [value 123]
+ (same? value
+ (|> value
+ single'
+ (:representation Single)
+ double
+ :representation)))))
+... Type-parameters do not necessarily have to be used in the representation type.
+... If they are not used, they become phantom types and can be used to customize types without changing the representation.
+(abstract: (JavaScript a)
+ Text
+ (abstract: Expression Any)
+ (abstract: Statement Any)
+ (def: (+ x y)
+ (-> (JavaScript Expression) (JavaScript Expression) (JavaScript Expression))
+ (:abstraction
+ (format "(" (:representation x) "+" (:representation y) ")")))
+ (def: (while test body)
+ (-> (JavaScript Expression) (JavaScript Statement) (JavaScript Statement))
+ (:abstraction
+ (format "while(" (:representation test) ") {"
+ (:representation body)
+ "}"))))
+### current
+(.Meta Frame)
+The currently\-being\-defined abstract/nominal type\.
+### no\_active\_frames
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### specific
+(-> .Text (.Meta Frame))
+A specific abstract/nominal type still being defined somewhere in the scope\.
+(specific name)
+# library/lux/type/check
+Type\-checking functionality\.
+## Definitions
+### \(Check it\)
+... .Type
+(-> .Type_Context (library/lux/control/try.Try [.Type_Context it]))
+A type\-checking computation which may fail or yield a value\.
+### Var
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+The ID for a type\-variable in a type\-checking context\.
+### apply
+(library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply Check)
+### assertion
+(-> .Text .Bit (Check .Any))
+(assertion message test)
+### bind
+(-> .Type Var (Check .Any))
+Attemmpts to buy a type\-variable\.
+Fails if the variable has been bound already\.
+(bind type id)
+### bound?
+(-> Var (Check .Bit))
+### cannot\_rebind\_var
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Nat .Type .Type])
+### check
+(-> .Type .Type (Check .Any))
+Type\-check to ensure that the 'expected' type subsumes the 'actual' type\.
+(check expected actual)
+### clean
+(-> .Type (Check .Type))
+Resolves every bound type\-variable to yield a new type that is as resolved as possible\.
+(clean inputT)
+### context
+(Check .Type_Context)
+The current state of the type\-checking context\.
+### except
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/control/exception.Exception _0) _0 (Check _1)))
+(except exception message)
+### existential
+(Check [.Nat .Type])
+A brand\-new existential type\.
+### failure
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (Check _0)))
+(failure message)
+### fresh\_context
+An empty/un\-used type\-checking context\.
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Check)
+### invalid\_type\_application
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Type .Type])
+### monad
+(library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad Check)
+### peek
+(-> Var (Check (.Maybe .Type)))
+### read
+(-> Var (Check .Type))
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Type_Context (Check _0) (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)))
+(result context proc)
+### subsumes?
+(-> .Type .Type .Bit)
+A simple type\-checking function that just returns a yes/no answer\.
+(subsumes? expected actual)
+### type\_check\_failed
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Type .Type])
+### unbound\_type\_var
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### unknown\_type\_var
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### var
+(Check [Var .Type])
+A brand\-new \(unbound\) type\-variable\.
+# library/lux/type/dynamic
+## Definitions
+### :dynamic
+(: Dynamic
+ (:dynamic 123))
+### :static
+(: (try.Try Nat)
+ (:static Nat (:dynamic 123)))
+### Dynamic
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/type/dynamic.Dynamic")
+A value coupled with its type, so it can be checked later\.
+### format
+(-> Dynamic (library/lux/control/try.Try .Text))
+### wrong\_type
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Type .Type])
+# library/lux/type/implicit
+## Definitions
+### \#\#
+Automatic implementation selection \(for type\-class style polymorphism\)\.
+This feature layers type\-class style polymorphism on top of Lux's signatures and implementations\.
+When calling a polymorphic function, or using a polymorphic constant,
+this macro will check the types of the arguments, and the expected type for the whole expression
+and it will search in the local scope, the module's scope and the imports' scope
+in order to find suitable implementations to satisfy those requirements\.
+If a single alternative is found, that one will be used automatically\.
+If no alternative is found, or if more than one alternative is found \(ambiguity\)
+a compile\-time error will be raised, to alert the user\.
+Caveat emptor: You need to make sure to import the module of any implementation you want to use\.
+Otherwise, this macro will not find it\.
+... Nat equivalence
+(# number.equivalence = x y)
+(## = x y)
+... Can optionally add the prefix of the module where the signature was defined.
+(## equivalence.= x y)
+... (List Nat) equivalence
+(## =
+ (list.indices 10)
+ (list.indices 10))
+... (Functor List) each
+(## each ++ (list.indices 10))
+### implicit:
+Establish local definitions for implementations that will be prioritized over foreign definitions\.
+(implicit: [n.multiplication])
+(n.= (# n.multiplication composite left right)
+ (## composite left right))
+### with
+Establish lexical bindings for implementations that will be prioritized over non\-lexically\-bound implementations\.
+(with [n.addition]
+ (n.= (# n.addition composite left right)
+ (## composite left right)))
+## Missing documentation
+1. `` compatible_type? ``
+# library/lux/type/poly
+## Definitions
+### code
+(-> library/lux/control/parser/type.Env .Type .Code)
+(code env type)
+### poly:
+# library/lux/type/quotient
+## Definitions
+### \(Class value label\)
+... .Type
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/type/quotient.Class" value label _0))
+The class knows how to classify/label values that are meant to be equivalent to one another\.
+### \(Quotient value label\)
+... .Type
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/type/quotient.Quotient" value label _0))
+A quotient value has been labeled with a class\.
+All equivalent values will belong to the same class\.
+This means all equivalent values possess the same label\.
+### class
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (Ex (_ _2)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1) (Class _0 _1 _2))))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _1) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Quotient _0 _1 _2))))
+### label
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Quotient _0 _1 _2) _1))
+### quotient
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Class _0 _1 _2) _0 (Quotient _0 _1 _2)))
+(quotient class value)
+### type
+The Quotient type associated with a Class type\.
+(def: even
+ (class even?))
+(def: Even
+ Type
+ (type even))
+(: Even
+ (quotient even 123))
+### value
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Quotient _0 _1 _2) _0))
+# library/lux/type/refinement
+## Definitions
+### \(Refined it\)
+... .Type
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/type/refinement.Refined" it _0))
+A refined version of another type, using a predicate to select valid instances\.
+### \(Refiner it\)
+... .Type
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> it (.Maybe (Refined it _0))))
+A selection mechanism for refined instances of a type\.
+### lifted
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 _0) (Refined _0 _1) (.Maybe (Refined _0 _1))))
+Yields a function that can work on refined values\.
+Respects the constraints of the refinement\.
+(lifted transform)
+### only
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Refiner _0 _1) (.List _0) (.List (Refined _0 _1))))
+(only refiner values)
+### partition
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Refiner _0 _1) (.List _0) [(.List (Refined _0 _1)) (.List _0)]))
+Separates refined values from the un\-refined ones\.
+(partition refiner values)
+### predicate
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Refined _0 _1) (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0)))
+### refiner
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Ex (_ _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (Refiner _0 _1))))
+(refiner predicate)
+### type
+The Refined type associated with a Refiner type\.
+(def: even
+ (refiner even?))
+(def: Even
+ Type
+ (type even))
+(: (Maybe Even)
+ (even 123))
+### value
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Refined _0 _1) _0))
+# library/lux/type/resource
+## Definitions
+### \(Affine monad permissions value\)
+... .Type
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Procedure monad _0 [permissions _0] value))
+A procedure which expands the number of available resources\.
+### Commutative
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/type/resource.Commutative")
+The mode of keys which CAN be swapped, and for whom order of release/consumption DOES NOT matters\.
+### \(Key mode key\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/type/resource.Key" mode key)
+The access right for a resource\.
+Without the key for a resource existing somewhere among the available ambient rights, one cannot use a resource\.
+### \(Linear monad value\)
+... .Type
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Procedure monad _0 _0 value))
+A procedure that is constant with regards to resource access rights\.
+This means no additional resources will be available after the computation is over\.
+This also means no previously available resources will have been consumed\.
+### Ordered
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/type/resource.Ordered")
+The mode of keys which CANNOT be swapped, and for whom order of release/consumption matters\.
+### \(Procedure monad input output value\)
+... .Type
+(-> input (monad [output value]))
+A computation that takes a sequence of resource access rights as inputs and yields a different sequence as outputs\.
+A procedure yields a result value\.
+A procedure can make use of monadic effects\.
+### \(Relevant monad permissions value\)
+... .Type
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Procedure monad [permissions _0] _0 value))
+A procedure which reduces the number of available resources\.
+### \(Res key value\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/type/resource.Res" key value)
+A resource locked by a key\.
+The 'key' represents the right to access/consume a resource\.
+### amount\_cannot\_be\_zero
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### commutative
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (Ex (_ _2)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) _1 (Affine _0 (Key Commutative _2) (Res _2 _1)))))
+Makes a value into a resource and adds the key/access\-right to it to the ambient keyring for future use\.
+### exchange
+A function that can exchange the keys for resource, so long as they are commutative\.
+This keys will be placed at the front of the keyring in the order they are specified\.
+The specific keys must be specified based of their index into the current keyring\.
+(do (monad !)
+ [res|left (commutative ! pre)
+ res|right (commutative ! post)
+ _ ((exchange [1 0]) !)
+ left (read ! res|left)
+ right (read ! res|right)]
+ (in (format left right)))
+### group
+Group/un\-group keys in the keyring into/out\-of tuples\.
+(do (monad !)
+ [res|left (commutative ! pre)
+ res|right (commutative ! post)
+ _ ((group 2) !)
+ _ ((un_group 2) !)
+ right (read ! res|right)
+ left (read ! res|left)]
+ (in (format left right)))
+### index\_cannot\_be\_repeated
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### lifted
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (_0 _1) (Linear _0 _1)))
+(lifted monad procedure)
+### monad
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (library/lux/abstract/monad/indexed.IxMonad (Procedure _0))))
+### ordered
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (Ex (_ _2)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) _1 (Affine _0 (Key Ordered _2) (Res _2 _1)))))
+Makes a value into a resource and adds the key/access\-right to it to the ambient keyring for future use\.
+### read
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (Res _2 _1) (Relevant _0 (Key _3 _2) _1)))
+Access the value of a resource, so long as its key is available\.
+(read monad resource)
+### run\!
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (Linear _0 _1) (_0 _1)))
+(run! monad procedure)
+### un\_group
+Group/un\-group keys in the keyring into/out\-of tuples\.
+(do (monad !)
+ [res|left (commutative ! pre)
+ res|right (commutative ! post)
+ _ ((group 2) !)
+ _ ((un_group 2) !)
+ right (read ! res|right)
+ left (read ! res|left)]
+ (in (format left right)))
+# library/lux/type/unit
+## Definitions
+### \*
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Qty _0) (Qty _1) (Qty [_0 _1])))
+### \+
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Qty _0) (Qty _0) (Qty _0)))
+### \-
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Qty _0) (Qty _0) (Qty _0)))
+### /
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Qty _0) (Qty [_0 _1]) (Qty _1)))
+### Giga
+... .Type
+(All (Giga _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/type/unit.Giga" _0))
+### Gram
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/type/unit.Gram")
+### Kilo
+... .Type
+(All (Kilo _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/type/unit.Kilo" _0))
+### Litre
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/type/unit.Litre")
+### Mega
+... .Type
+(All (Mega _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/type/unit.Mega" _0))
+### Meter
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/type/unit.Meter")
+### Micro
+... .Type
+(All (Micro _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/type/unit.Micro" _0))
+### Milli
+... .Type
+(All (Milli _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/type/unit.Milli" _0))
+### Nano
+... .Type
+(All (Nano _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/type/unit.Nano" _0))
+### Pure
+... .Type
+(Qty .Any)
+A pure, unit\-less quantity\.
+### \(Qty unit\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/type/unit.Qty" unit)
+A quantity with an associated unit of measurement\.
+### \(Scale scale\)
+... .Type
+ [scale (All (_ _0) (-> (Qty _0) (Qty (scale _0))))
+ de_scale (All (_ _0) (-> (Qty (scale _0)) (Qty _0)))
+ ratio library/lux/math/number/ratio.Ratio])
+A scale of magnitude\.
+### Second
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/type/unit.Second")
+### \(Unit unit\)
+... .Type
+ [in (-> .Int (Qty unit))
+ out (-> (Qty unit) .Int)])
+A unit of measurement, to qualify numbers with\.
+### enum
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/enum.Enum (Qty _0)))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Qty _0)))
+### giga
+(Scale Giga)
+The 'giga' scale, from 1 to 1000000000\.
+### gram
+(Unit Gram)
+The 'gram' unit of meaurement\.
+### kilo
+(Scale Kilo)
+The 'kilo' scale, from 1 to 1000\.
+### litre
+(Unit Litre)
+The 'litre' unit of meaurement\.
+### mega
+(Scale Mega)
+The 'mega' scale, from 1 to 1000000\.
+### meter
+(Unit Meter)
+The 'meter' unit of meaurement\.
+### micro
+(Scale Micro)
+The 'micro' scale, from 1000000 to 1\.
+### milli
+(Scale Milli)
+The 'milli' scale, from 1000 to 1\.
+### nano
+(Scale Nano)
+The 'nano' scale, from 1000000000 to 1\.
+### number
+(-> Pure .Int)
+### order
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/order.Order (Qty _0)))
+### pure
+(-> .Int Pure)
+### re\_scaled
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Scale _0) (Scale _1) (Qty (_0 _2)) (Qty (_1 _2))))
+(re_scaled from to quantity)
+### scale:
+Define a scale of magnitude\.
+(scale: .public Bajillion bajillion
+ [1 1234567890])
+### second
+(Unit Second)
+The 'second' unit of meaurement\.
+### unit:
+Define a unit of measurement\.
+Both the name of the type, and the name of the Unit implementation must be specified\.
+(unit: .public Feet feet)
+# library/lux/type/variance
+## Definitions
+### \(Co it\)
+... .Type
+(-> .Any it)
+A constraint for covariant types\.
+### \(Contra it\)
+... .Type
+(-> it .Any)
+A constraint for contravariant types\.
+### \(In it\)
+... .Type
+(-> it it)
+A constraint for invariant types\.
+# library/lux/world/console
+## Definitions
+### \(Console \!\)
+... .Type
+ [read (-> .Any (! (library/lux/control/try.Try library/lux/data/text.Char)))
+ read_line (-> .Any (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Text)))
+ write (-> .Text (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any)))
+ close (-> .Any (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any)))])
+An interface to console/terminal I/O\.
+### \(Mock s\)
+... .Type
+ [on_read (-> s (library/lux/control/try.Try [s library/lux/data/text.Char]))
+ on_read_line (-> s (library/lux/control/try.Try [s .Text]))
+ on_write (-> .Text s (library/lux/control/try.Try s))
+ on_close (-> s (library/lux/control/try.Try s))])
+A mock/simulation of a console\.
+Useful for testing\.
+### async
+(-> (Console library/lux/control/io.IO) (Console library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async))
+### mock
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Mock _0) _0 (Console library/lux/control/io.IO)))
+(mock mock init)
+### write\_line
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (Console _0) (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any))))
+Writes the message on the console and appends a new\-line/line\-feed at the end\.
+(write_line message console)
+# library/lux/world/file
+## Definitions
+### Path
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Text")
+A path to a file or a directory in a file\-system\.
+### \(System \!\)
+... .Type
+ [separator .Text
+ file? (-> Path (! .Bit))
+ directory? (-> Path (! .Bit))
+ make_directory (-> Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any)))
+ directory_files (-> Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try (.List Path))))
+ sub_directories (-> Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try (.List Path))))
+ file_size (-> Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Nat)))
+ last_modified (-> Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try library/lux/time/instant.Instant)))
+ can_execute? (-> Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Bit)))
+ read (-> Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try library/lux/data/binary.Binary)))
+ delete (-> Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any)))
+ modify (-> library/lux/time/instant.Instant Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any)))
+ write (-> library/lux/data/binary.Binary Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any)))
+ append (-> library/lux/data/binary.Binary Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any)))
+ move (-> Path Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any)))])
+An interface to a file\-system\.
+### async
+(-> (System library/lux/control/io.IO) (System library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async))
+### cannot\_delete
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception Path)
+### cannot\_find\_directory
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception Path)
+### cannot\_find\_file
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception Path)
+### cannot\_make\_directory
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception Path)
+### cannot\_make\_file
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception Path)
+### cannot\_read\_all\_data
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception Path)
+### default
+(System library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async)
+### exists?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (System _0) Path (_0 .Bit)))
+Checks if either a file or a directory exists at the given path\.
+(exists? monad fs path)
+### make\_directories
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (System _0) Path (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any))))
+Creates the directory specified by the given path\.
+Also, creates every super\-directory necessary to make the given path valid\.
+(make_directories monad fs path)
+### make\_file
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (System _0) library/lux/data/binary.Binary Path (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any))))
+Creates a new file with the given content if\-and\-only\-if the file does not already exist\.
+(make_file monad fs content path)
+### mock
+(-> .Text (System library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async))
+A purely in\-memory simulation of a file\-system\.
+Useful for testing\.
+(mock separator)
+### name
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (System _0) Path .Text))
+The un\-nested name of a file/directory\.
+(name fs path)
+### parent
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (System _0) Path (.Maybe Path)))
+If a path represents a nested file/directory, extracts its parent directory\.
+(parent fs path)
+### rooted
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (System _0) Path .Text Path))
+A nested path for a file/directory, given a root/parent path and a file/directory name within it\.
+(rooted fs parent child)
+# library/lux/world/file/watch
+## Definitions
+### Concern
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/world/file/watch.Concern")
+A particular concern to watch\-out for\.
+### \(Watcher \!\)
+... .Type
+ [start (-> Concern library/lux/world/file.Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any)))
+ concern (-> library/lux/world/file.Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try Concern)))
+ stop (-> library/lux/world/file.Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try Concern)))
+ poll (-> .Any (! (library/lux/control/try.Try (.List [Concern library/lux/world/file.Path]))))])
+Machinery for watching a file\-system for changes to files and directories\.
+### all
+### also
+(-> Concern Concern Concern)
+(also left right)
+### cannot\_poll\_a\_non\_existent\_directory
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception library/lux/world/file.Path)
+### creation
+### creation?
+(library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate Concern)
+### deletion
+### deletion?
+(library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate Concern)
+### mock
+(-> .Text [(library/lux/world/file.System library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async) (Watcher library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async)])
+A fake/emulated watcher\.
+Must be given a path separator for the file\-system\.
+(mock separator)
+### modification
+### modification?
+(library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate Concern)
+### not\_being\_watched
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception library/lux/world/file.Path)
+### polling
+(-> (library/lux/world/file.System library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async) (Watcher library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async))
+A simple watcher that works for any file\-system\.Polls files and directories to detect changes\.
+(polling fs)
+# library/lux/world/input/keyboard
+## Definitions
+### Key
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+A key from a keyboard, identify by a numeric ID\.
+### Press
+... .Type
+ [#pressed? .Bit
+ #input Key])
+A key\-press for a key\.
+### a
+### alt
+### b
+### back\_space
+### c
+### caps\_lock
+### control
+### d
+### delete
+### down
+### e
+### end
+### enter
+### escape
+### f
+### f1
+### f10
+### f11
+### f12
+### f13
+### f14
+### f15
+### f16
+### f17
+### f18
+### f19
+### f2
+### f20
+### f21
+### f22
+### f23
+### f24
+### f3
+### f4
+### f5
+### f6
+### f7
+### f8
+### f9
+### g
+### h
+### home
+### i
+### insert
+### j
+### k
+### l
+### left
+### m
+### n
+### num\_lock
+### num\_pad\_0
+### num\_pad\_1
+### num\_pad\_2
+### num\_pad\_3
+### num\_pad\_4
+### num\_pad\_5
+### num\_pad\_6
+### num\_pad\_7
+### num\_pad\_8
+### num\_pad\_9
+### o
+### p
+### page\_down
+### page\_up
+### press
+(-> Key Press)
+### print\_screen
+### q
+### r
+### release
+(-> Key Press)
+### right
+### s
+### scroll\_lock
+### shift
+### space
+### t
+### u
+### up
+### v
+### w
+### windows
+### x
+### y
+### z
+# library/lux/world/net
+## Definitions
+### Address
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Text")
+A TCP/IP address\.
+### Location
+... .Type
+ [#address Address
+ #port Port])
+### Port
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+A TCP/IP port\.
+### URL
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Text")
+A Uniform Resource Locator\.
+# library/lux/world/net/http/client
+## Definitions
+### \(Client \!\)
+... .Type
+ [#request (-> library/lux/world/net/http.Method library/lux/world/net.URL library/lux/world/net/http.Headers (.Maybe library/lux/data/binary.Binary) (! (library/lux/control/try.Try (library/lux/world/net/http.Response !))))])
+A HTTP client capable of issuing requests to a HTTP server\.
+### async
+(-> (Client library/lux/control/io.IO) (Client library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async))
+### connect
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> library/lux/world/net.URL library/lux/world/net/http.Headers (.Maybe library/lux/data/binary.Binary) (Client _0) (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try (library/lux/world/net/http.Response _0)))))
+A CONNECT request\.
+### delete
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> library/lux/world/net.URL library/lux/world/net/http.Headers (.Maybe library/lux/data/binary.Binary) (Client _0) (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try (library/lux/world/net/http.Response _0)))))
+A DELETE request\.
+### get
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> library/lux/world/net.URL library/lux/world/net/http.Headers (.Maybe library/lux/data/binary.Binary) (Client _0) (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try (library/lux/world/net/http.Response _0)))))
+A GET request\.
+### head
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> library/lux/world/net.URL library/lux/world/net/http.Headers (.Maybe library/lux/data/binary.Binary) (Client _0) (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try (library/lux/world/net/http.Response _0)))))
+A HEAD request\.
+### headers
+(-> (.List [.Text .Text]) library/lux/world/net/http.Headers)
+### options
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> library/lux/world/net.URL library/lux/world/net/http.Headers (.Maybe library/lux/data/binary.Binary) (Client _0) (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try (library/lux/world/net/http.Response _0)))))
+A OPTIONS request\.
+### patch
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> library/lux/world/net.URL library/lux/world/net/http.Headers (.Maybe library/lux/data/binary.Binary) (Client _0) (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try (library/lux/world/net/http.Response _0)))))
+A PATCH request\.
+### post
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> library/lux/world/net.URL library/lux/world/net/http.Headers (.Maybe library/lux/data/binary.Binary) (Client _0) (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try (library/lux/world/net/http.Response _0)))))
+A POST request\.
+### put
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> library/lux/world/net.URL library/lux/world/net/http.Headers (.Maybe library/lux/data/binary.Binary) (Client _0) (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try (library/lux/world/net/http.Response _0)))))
+A PUT request\.
+### trace
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> library/lux/world/net.URL library/lux/world/net/http.Headers (.Maybe library/lux/data/binary.Binary) (Client _0) (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try (library/lux/world/net/http.Response _0)))))
+A TRACE request\.
+# library/lux/world/net/http/status
+## Definitions
+### accepted
+### already\_reported
+### bad\_gateway
+### bad\_request
+### conflict
+### continue
+### created
+### early\_hints
+### expectation\_failed
+### failed\_dependency
+### forbidden
+### found
+302: FOUND
+### gateway\_timeout
+### gone
+410: GONE
+### http\_version\_not\_supported
+### im\_a\_teapot
+### im\_used
+226: IM USED
+### insufficient\_storage
+### internal\_server\_error
+### length\_required
+### locked
+423: LOCKED
+### loop\_detected
+### method\_not\_allowed
+### misdirected\_request
+### moved\_permanently
+### multi\_status
+### multiple\_choices
+### network\_authentication\_required
+### no\_content
+### non\_authoritative\_information
+### not\_acceptable
+### not\_extended
+### not\_found
+### not\_implemented
+### not\_modified
+### ok
+200: OK
+### partial\_content
+### payload\_too\_large
+### payment\_required
+### permanent\_redirect
+### precondition\_failed
+### precondition\_required
+### processing
+### proxy\_authentication\_required
+### range\_not\_satisfiable
+### request\_header\_fields\_too\_large
+### request\_timeout
+### reset\_content
+### see\_other
+### service\_unavailable
+### switch\_proxy
+### switching\_protocols
+### temporary\_redirect
+### too\_many\_requests
+### unauthorized
+### unavailable\_for\_legal\_reasons
+### unprocessable\_entity
+### unsupported\_media\_type
+### upgrade\_required
+### uri\_too\_long
+### use\_proxy
+### variant\_also\_negotiates
+# library/lux/world/net/uri
+## Definitions
+### URI
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Text")
+A Uniform Resource Identifier\.
+### separator
+A separator for the pieces of a URI\.
+# library/lux/world/output/video/resolution
+## Definitions
+### Resolution
+... .Type
+ [#width .Nat
+ #height .Nat])
+A screen resolution\.
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Resolution)
+### fhd
+FHD resolution: 1920x1080\.
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash Resolution)
+### hd\+
+HD\+ resolution: 1600x900\.
+### svga
+SVGA resolution: 800x600\.
+### sxga
+SXGA resolution: 1280x1024\.
+### uhd\_4k
+UHD 4K resolution: 3840x2160\.
+### wqhd
+WQHD resolution: 2560x1440\.
+### wsvga
+WSVGA resolution: 1024x600\.
+### wsxga\+
+WSXGA\+ resolution: 1680x1050\.
+### wuxga
+WUXGA resolution: 1920x1200\.
+### wxga\+
+WXGA\+ resolution: 1440x900\.
+### wxga/16:10
+WXGA 16:10 resolution: 1280x800\.
+### wxga/16:9
+WXGA 16:9 resolution: 1280x720\.
+### wxga/5:3
+WXGA 5:3 resolution: 1280x768\.
+### xga
+XGA resolution: 1024x768\.
+### xga\+
+XGA\+ resolution: 1152x864\.
+# library/lux/world/program
+## Definitions
+### \(Program \!\)
+... .Type
+ [available_variables (-> .Any (! (.List .Text)))
+ variable (-> .Text (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Text)))
+ home library/lux/world/file.Path
+ directory library/lux/world/file.Path
+ exit (-> library/lux/world/shell.Exit (! .Nothing))])
+Access to ambient program data and the capacity to exit the program\.
+### async
+(-> (Program library/lux/control/io.IO) (Program library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async))
+### default
+(Program library/lux/control/io.IO)
+### environment
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (Program _0) (_0 library/lux/control/parser/environment.Environment)))
+Assembles the environment variables available to the program\.
+(environment monad program)
+### mock
+(-> library/lux/control/parser/environment.Environment library/lux/world/file.Path library/lux/world/file.Path (Program library/lux/control/io.IO))
+(mock environment home directory)
+### unknown\_environment\_variable
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Text)
+# library/lux/world/shell
+## Definitions
+### Argument
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Text")
+A parameter for a command\.
+### Command
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Text")
+A command that can be executed by the operating system\.
+### Exit
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Int"))
+A program exit code\.
+### \(Mock s\)
+... .Type
+ [on_read (-> s (library/lux/control/try.Try [s .Text]))
+ on_fail (-> s (library/lux/control/try.Try [s .Text]))
+ on_write (-> .Text s (library/lux/control/try.Try s))
+ on_destroy (-> s (library/lux/control/try.Try s))
+ on_await (-> s (library/lux/control/try.Try [s Exit]))])
+A simulated process\.
+### \(Process \!\)
+... .Type
+ [read (-> .Any (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Text)))
+ fail (-> .Any (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Text)))
+ write (-> .Text (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any)))
+ destroy (-> .Any (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any)))
+ await (-> .Any (! (library/lux/control/try.Try Exit)))])
+The means for communicating with a program/process being executed by the operating system\.
+### \(Shell \!\)
+... .Type
+ [#execute (-> [library/lux/control/parser/environment.Environment library/lux/world/file.Path Command (.List Argument)] (! (library/lux/control/try.Try (Process !))))])
+The means for issuing commands to the operating system\.
+### async
+(-> (Shell library/lux/control/io.IO) (Shell library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async))
+### error
+### mock
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> [library/lux/control/parser/environment.Environment library/lux/world/file.Path Command (.List Argument)] (library/lux/control/try.Try (Mock _0))) _0 (Shell library/lux/control/io.IO)))
+(mock mock init)
+### normal
diff --git a/documentation/library/standard/ruby.md b/documentation/library/standard/ruby.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0b0dad263
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/library/standard/ruby.md
@@ -0,0 +1,38814 @@
+# library/lux
+## Definitions
+### \#
+Allows accessing the value of a implementation's member\.
+(# codec encoded)
+... Also allows using that value as a function.
+(# codec encoded +123)
+### $\_
+Right\-association for the application of binary functions over variadic arguments\.
+($_ text#composite "Hello, " name ". How are you?")
+... =>
+(text#composite "Hello, " (text#composite name ". How are you?"))
+### '
+Quotation as a macro\.
+(' YOLO)
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (I64 _0) (I64 _0)))
+Increment function\.
+### \-\-
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (I64 _0) (I64 _0)))
+Decrement function\.
+### \->
+Function types\.
+... This is the type of a function that takes 2 Ints and returns an Int.
+(-> Int Int Int)
+### :
+The type\-annotation macro\.
+(: (List Int)
+ (list +1 +2 +3))
+### :as
+The type\-coercion macro\.
+(:as Dinosaur
+ (list +1 +2 +3))
+### :expected
+Coerces the given expression to the type of whatever is expected\.
+(: Dinosaur
+ (:expected (: (List Nat)
+ (list 1 2 3))))
+### :let
+Local bindings for types\.
+(:let [side (Either Int Frac)]
+ (List [side side]))
+### :of
+Generates the type corresponding to a given expression\.
+(let [my_num +123]
+ (:of my_num))
+... ==
+(:of +123)
+... ==
+### :parameter
+WARNING: Please stay away from this macro; it's very likely to be removed in a future version of Lux\.Allows you to refer to the type\-variables in a polymorphic function's type, by their index\.
+... In the example below, 0 corresponds to the 'a' variable.
+(def: public (of_list list)
+ (All (_ a) (-> (List a) (Sequence a)))
+ (list#mix add
+ (: (Sequence (:parameter 0))
+ empty)
+ list))
+### <<|
+Similar to the reverse piping macro, but rather than taking an initial object to work on, creates a function for taking it\.
+(<<| (mix text#composite "")
+ (interposed " ")
+ (list#each int#encoded))
+... =>
+(function (_ <it>)
+ (mix text#composite ""
+ (interposed " "
+ (list#each int#encoded
+ <it>))))
+### <|
+Reverse piping macro\.
+(<| (mix text#composite "")
+ (interposed " ")
+ (list#each int#encoded)
+ elems)
+... =>
+(mix text#composite ""
+ (interposed " "
+ (list#each int#encoded
+ elems)))
+### Alias
+... Type
+[Text Text]
+### All
+Universal quantification\.
+(All (_ a)
+ (-> a a))
+... A name can be provided, to specify a recursive type.
+(All (List a)
+ (Or Any
+ [a (List a)]))
+### And
+An alias for the Tuple type constructor\.
+(= (Tuple Bit Nat Text)
+ (And Bit Nat Text))
+(= (Tuple)
+ (And))
+### \(Ann meta\_data datum\)
+... Type
+ [#meta meta_data
+ #datum datum])
+The type of things that can be annotated with meta\-data of arbitrary types\.
+### Any
+... Type
+(Ex (Any _0)
+ _0)
+The type of things whose type is irrelevant\.
+It can be used to write functions or data\-structures that can take, or return, anything\.
+### \(Bindings key value\)
+... Type
+ [#counter Nat
+ #mappings (List [key value])])
+### Bit
+... Type
+(Primitive "#Bit")
+Your standard, run\-of\-the\-mill boolean values \(as \#0 or \#1 bits\)\.
+### Code
+... Type
+(Ann Location (Code' (Ann Location)))
+The type of Code nodes for Lux syntax\.
+### \(Code' w\)
+... Type
+ {#Bit Bit}
+ {#Nat Nat}
+ {#Int Int}
+ {#Rev Rev}
+ {#Frac Frac}
+ {#Text Text}
+ {#Symbol Symbol}
+ {#Form (List (w (Code' w)))}
+ {#Variant (List (w (Code' w)))}
+ {#Tuple (List (w (Code' w)))})
+### Definition
+... Type
+[Bit Type Any]
+Represents all the data associated with a definition: its type, its annotations, and its value\.
+### \(Either left right\)
+... Type
+ {#Left left}
+ {#Right right})
+A choice between two values of different types\.
+### Ex
+Existential quantification\.
+(Ex (_ a)
+ [(Codec Text a) a])
+... A name can be provided, to specify a recursive type.
+(Ex (Self a)
+ [(Codec Text a)
+ a
+ (List (Self a))])
+### Frac
+... Type
+(Primitive "#Frac")
+Your standard, run\-of\-the\-mill floating\-point \(fractional\) numbers\.
+### Global
+... Type
+ {#Definition Definition}
+ {#Type Bit Type (Or [Text (List Text)] [Text (List Text)])}
+ {#Tag Label}
+ {#Slot Label}
+ {#Alias Alias})
+Represents all the data associated with a global constant\.
+### \(I64 kind\)
+... Type
+(Primitive "#I64" kind)
+64\-bit integers without any semantics\.
+### Info
+... Type
+ [#target Text
+ #version Text
+ #mode Mode])
+Information about the current version and type of compiler that is running\.
+### Int
+... Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Int"))
+Your standard, run\-of\-the\-mill integer numbers\.
+### Interface
+Interface definition\.
+(type: public (Order a)
+ (Interface
+ (: (Equivalence a)
+ &equivalence)
+ (: (-> a a Bit)
+ <)))
+### Label
+... Type
+[Bit Type (List Text) Nat]
+### \(List item\)
+... Type
+ {#End Any}
+ {#Item item (List item)})
+A potentially empty list of values\.
+### Location
+... Type
+ [#module Text
+ #line Nat
+ #column Nat])
+Locations are for specifying the location of Code nodes in Lux files during compilation\.
+### Lux
+... Type
+(Rec Lux
+ (Record
+ [#info Info
+ #source Source
+ #location Location
+ #current_module (Maybe Text)
+ #modules (List [Text Module])
+ #scopes (List Scope)
+ #type_context Type_Context
+ #expected (Maybe Type)
+ #seed Nat
+ #scope_type_vars (List Nat)
+ #extensions Any
+ #eval (-> Type Code Lux (Or Text [Lux Any]))
+ #host Any]))
+Represents the state of the Lux compiler during a run\.
+It is provided to macros during their invocation, so they can access compiler data\.
+Caveat emptor: Avoid fiddling with it, unless you know what you're doing\.
+### Macro
+... Type
+(Primitive "#Macro")
+Functions that run at compile\-time and allow you to transform and extend the language in powerful ways\.
+### Macro'
+... Type
+(-> (List Code) (Meta (List Code)))
+### \(Maybe value\)
+... Type
+ {#None Any}
+ {#Some value})
+A potentially missing value\.
+### \(Meta it\)
+... Type
+(-> Lux (Either Text [Lux it]))
+Computations that can have access to the state of the compiler\.
+These computations may fail, or modify the state of the compiler\.
+### Mode
+... Type
+ {#Build Any}
+ {#Eval Any}
+ {#Interpreter Any})
+A sign that shows the conditions under which the compiler is running\.
+### Module
+... Type
+ [#module_hash Nat
+ #module_aliases (List [Text Text])
+ #definitions (List [Text Global])
+ #imports (List Text)
+ #module_state Module_State])
+All the information contained within a Lux module\.
+### Module\_State
+... Type
+ {#Active Any}
+ {#Compiled Any}
+ {#Cached Any})
+### Nat
+... Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+Natural numbers \(unsigned integers\)\.
+They start at zero \(0\) and extend in the positive direction\.
+### Nothing
+... Type
+(All (Nothing _0)
+ _0)
+The type of things whose type is undefined\.
+Useful for expressions that cause errors or other 'extraordinary' conditions\.
+### Or
+An alias for the Union type constructor\.
+(= (Union Bit Nat Text)
+ (Or Bit Nat Text))
+(= (Union)
+ (Or))
+### Primitive
+Macro to treat define new primitive types\.
+(Primitive "java.lang.Object")
+(Primitive "java.util.List" [(Primitive "java.lang.Long")])
+### Rec
+Parameter\-less recursive types\.
+... A name has to be given to the whole type, to use it within its body.
+(Rec Int_List
+ (Or Any
+ [Int Int_List]))
+... Can also be used with type: and labelled-type definitions.
+(type: Type
+ (Rec @
+ (Variant
+ {#Primitive Text (List @)}
+ {#Sum @ @}
+ {#Product @ @}
+ {#Function @ @}
+ {#Parameter Nat}
+ {#Var Nat}
+ {#Ex Nat}
+ {#UnivQ (List @) @}
+ {#ExQ (List @) @}
+ {#Apply @ @}
+ {#Named Symbol @})))
+### Record
+Syntax for defining labelled/slotted product/tuple types\.
+WARNING: Only use it within the type: macro\.
+(type: Refer
+ (Record
+ [#refer_defs Referrals
+ #refer_open (List Openings)]))
+### Ref
+... Type
+ {#Local Nat}
+ {#Captured Nat})
+### Rev
+... Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Rev"))
+Fractional numbers that live in the interval \[0,1\)\.
+Useful for probability, and other domains that work within that interval\.
+### Scope
+... Type
+ [#name (List Text)
+ #inner Nat
+ #locals (Bindings Text [Type Nat])
+ #captured (Bindings Text [Type Ref])])
+### Source
+... Type
+[Location Nat Text]
+### Symbol
+... Type
+[Text Text]
+A name for a Lux definition\.
+It includes the module of provenance\.
+### Text
+... Type
+(Primitive "#Text")
+Your standard, run\-of\-the\-mill string values\.
+### Tuple
+Tuple types\.
+(Tuple Bit Nat Text)
+(= Any
+ (Tuple))
+### Type
+... Type
+(Rec Type
+ (Variant
+ {#Primitive Text (List Type)}
+ {#Sum Type Type}
+ {#Product Type Type}
+ {#Function Type Type}
+ {#Parameter Nat}
+ {#Var Nat}
+ {#Ex Nat}
+ {#UnivQ (List Type) Type}
+ {#ExQ (List Type) Type}
+ {#Apply Type Type}
+ {#Named Symbol Type}))
+This type represents the data\-structures that are used to specify types themselves\.
+### Type\_Context
+... Type
+ [#ex_counter Nat
+ #var_counter Nat
+ #var_bindings (List [Nat (Maybe Type)])])
+### Union
+Union types\.
+(Union Bit Nat Text)
+(= Nothing
+ (Union))
+### Variant
+Syntax for defining labelled/tagged sum/union types\.
+WARNING: Only use it within the type: macro\.
+(type: Referrals
+ (Variant
+ {#All}
+ {#Only (List Text)}
+ {#Exclude (List Text)}
+ {#Ignore}
+ {#Nothing}))
+### ^
+Macro\-expanding patterns\.
+It's a special macro meant to be used with 'case'\.
+(case (: (List Int)
+ (list +1 +2 +3))
+ (^ (list x y z))
+ {#Some ($_ * x y z)}
+ _
+ {#None})
+### ^@
+Allows you to simultaneously bind and de\-structure a value\.
+(def: (hash (^@ set [member_hash _]))
+ (list#mix (function (_ elem acc)
+ (+ acc
+ (# member_hash hash elem)))
+ 0
+ (library/lux/data/collection/set.listset)))
+### ^code
+Generates pattern\-matching code for Code values in a way that looks like code\-templating\.
+(: (Maybe Nat)
+ (case (` (#0 123 +456.789))
+ (^code (#0 (~ [_ {#Nat number}]) +456.789))
+ {#Some number}
+ _
+ {#None}))
+### ^multi
+Multi\-level pattern matching\.
+Useful in situations where the result of a branch depends on further refinements on the values being matched\.
+(case (split (size static) uri)
+ (^multi {#Some [chunk uri']}
+ [(text#= static chunk) #1])
+ (match_uri endpoint? parts' uri')
+ _
+ {#Left (format "Static part " (%t static) " does not match URI: " uri)})
+... Short-cuts can be taken when using bit tests.
+... The example above can be rewritten as...
+(case (split (size static) uri)
+ (^multi {#Some [chunk uri']}
+ (text#= static chunk))
+ (match_uri endpoint? parts' uri')
+ _
+ {#Left (format "Static part " (%t static) " does not match URI: " uri)})
+### ^open
+Same as the 'open' macro, but meant to be used as a pattern\-matching macro for generating local bindings\.
+Takes an 'alias' text for the generated local bindings\.
+(def: public (range enum from to)
+ (All (_ a) (-> (Enum a) a a (List a)))
+ (let [(^open "[0]") enum]
+ (loop [end to
+ output {#End}]
+ (cond (< end from)
+ (again (pred end) {#Item end output})
+ (< from end)
+ (again (succ end) {#Item end output})
+ {#Item end output}))))
+### ^or
+It's a special macro meant to be used with 'case'\.
+(type: Weekday
+ (Variant
+ {#Monday}
+ {#Tuesday}
+ {#Wednesday}
+ {#Thursday}
+ {#Friday}
+ {#Saturday}
+ {#Sunday}))
+(def: (weekend? day)
+ (-> Weekday Bit)
+ (case day
+ (^or {#Saturday} {#Sunday})
+ #1
+ _
+ #0))
+### ^template
+It's similar to template, but meant to be used during pattern\-matching\.
+(def: (reduced env type)
+ (-> (List Type) Type Type)
+ (case type
+ {#Primitive name params}
+ {#Primitive name (list#each (reduced env) params)}
+ (^template [<tag>]
+ [{<tag> left right}
+ {<tag> (reduced env left) (reduced env right)}])
+ ([#Sum] [#Product])
+ (^template [<tag>]
+ [{<tag> left right}
+ {<tag> (reduced env left) (reduced env right)}])
+ ([#Function] [#Apply])
+ (^template [<tag>]
+ [{<tag> old_env def}
+ (case old_env
+ {#End}
+ {<tag> env def}
+ _
+ type)])
+ ([#UnivQ] [#ExQ])
+ {#Parameter idx}
+ (else type (library/lux/data/collection/list.itemidx env))
+ _
+ type))
+### ^|>
+Pipes the value being pattern\-matched against prior to binding it to a variable\.
+(case input
+ (^|> value [++ (% 10) (max 1)])
+ (foo value))
+### \_$
+Left\-association for the application of binary functions over variadic arguments\.
+(_$ text#composite "Hello, " name ". How are you?")
+... =>
+(text#composite (text#composite "Hello, " name) ". How are you?")
+Hygienic quasi\-quotation as a macro\.
+Unquote \(~\) and unquote\-splice \(~\) must also be used as forms\.
+All unprefixed macros will receive their parent module's prefix if imported; otherwise will receive the prefix of the module on which the quasi\-quote is being used\.
+(` (def: (~ name)
+ (function ((~' _) (~+ args))
+ (~ body))))
+### '
+Unhygienic quasi\-quotation as a macro\.
+Unquote \(~\) and unquote\-splice \(~\) must also be used as forms\.
+(`' (def: (~ name)
+ (function (_ (~+ args))
+ (~ body))))
+### `
+Delimits a controlled \(spliced\) macro\-expansion\.
+Uses a \(~~\) special form to specify where to expand\.
+(`` (some expression
+ (~~ (some macro which may yield 0 or more results))))
+### and
+Short\-circuiting 'and'\.
+(and #1 #0)
+... =>
+(and #1 #1)
+... =>
+### as\_is
+Given a \(potentially empty\) list of codes, just returns them immediately, without any work done\.
+This may seen useless, but it has its utility when dealing with controlled\-macro\-expansion macros\.
+(with_expansions [<operands> (as_is 1
+ 2
+ 3
+ 4)]
+ ($_ + <operands>))
+### case
+The pattern\-matching macro\.
+Allows the usage of macros within the patterns to provide custom syntax\.
+(case (: (List Int)
+ (list +1 +2 +3))
+ {#Item x {#Item y {#Item z {#End}}}}
+ {#Some ($_ * x y z)}
+ _
+ {#None})
+### char
+If given a 1\-character text literal, yields the char\-code of the sole character\.
+(: Nat
+ (char "A"))
+... =>
+### comment
+Throws away any code given to it\.
+Great for commenting\-out code, while retaining syntax high\-lighting and formatting in your text editor\.
+ (def: (this will not)
+ (Be Defined)
+ (because it will be (commented out))))
+### cond
+Conditional branching with multiple test conditions\.
+(cond (even? num) "WHEN even"
+ (odd? num) "WHEN odd"
+ "ELSE")
+### def:
+Defines global constants/functions\.
+(def: branching_exponent
+ Int
+ +5)
+... The type is optional.
+(def: branching_exponent
+ +5)
+(def: (pair_list pair)
+ (-> [Code Code] (List Code))
+ (let [[left right] pair]
+ (list left right)))
+... Can pattern-match on the inputs to functions.
+(def: (pair_list [left right])
+ (-> [Code Code] (List Code))
+ (list left right))
+### exec
+Sequential execution of expressions \(great for side\-effects\)\.
+ (log! "#1")
+ (log! "#2")
+ (log! "#3")
+ "YOLO")
+### false
+The boolean FALSE value\.
+### for
+Selects the appropriate code for a given target\-platform when compiling Lux to it\.
+Look\-up the available targets in library/lux/target\.
+(def: js
+ "JavaScript")
+(for ["JVM" (do jvm stuff)
+ js (do js stuff)]
+ (do default stuff))
+### function
+Syntax for creating functions\.
+(: (All (_ a b)
+ (-> a b a))
+ (function (_ x y)
+ x))
+... Allows for giving the function itself a name, for the sake of recursion.
+(: (-> Nat Nat)
+ (function (factorial n)
+ (case n
+ 0 1
+ _ (* n (factorial (-- n))))))
+### global
+The export policy for public/global definitions\.
+### i64
+(-> (I64 Any) I64)
+Safe type\-casting for I64 values\.
+### if
+Picks which expression to evaluate based on a bit test value\.
+(if #1
+ "Oh, yeah!"
+ "Aw hell naw!")
+... =>
+... Oh, yeah!
+(if #0
+ "Oh, yeah!"
+ "Aw hell naw!")
+... =>
+... Aw hell naw!
+### implementation
+Express a value that implements an interface\.
+(: (Order Int)
+ (implementation
+ (def: &equivalence
+ equivalence)
+ (def: (< reference subject)
+ (< reference subject))))
+### implementation:
+Interface implementation\.
+(implementation: public order
+ (Order Int)
+ (def: &equivalence
+ equivalence)
+ (def: (< test subject)
+ (< test subject)))
+### int
+(-> (I64 Any) Int)
+Safe type\-casting for I64 values\.
+### let
+Creates local bindings\.
+Can \(optionally\) use pattern\-matching macros when binding\.
+(let [x (foo bar)
+ y (baz quux)]
+ (op x y))
+### list
+List literals\.
+(: (List Nat)
+ (list 0 1 2 3))
+### list&
+List literals, with the last element being a tail\-list\.
+(: (List Nat)
+ (list& 0 1 2 3
+ (: (List Nat)
+ (list 4 5 6))))
+### local
+The export policy for private/local definitions\.
+### loop
+Allows arbitrary looping, using the 'again' form to re\-start the loop\.
+Can be used in monadic code to create monadic loops\.
+(loop [count +0
+ x init]
+ (if (< +10 count)
+ (again (++ count) (f x))
+ x))
+... Loops can also be given custom names.
+(loop my_loop
+ [count +0
+ x init]
+ (if (< +10 count)
+ (my_loop (++ count) (f x))
+ x))
+### macro
+(-> Macro Macro')
+### macro:
+Macro\-definition macro\.
+(macro: public (symbol tokens)
+ (case tokens
+ (^template [<tag>]
+ [(^ (list [_ {<tag> [module name]}]))
+ (in (list (` [(~ (text$ module)) (~ (text$ name))])))])
+ ([#Symbol])
+ _
+ (failure "Wrong syntax for symbol")))
+### module\_separator
+Character used to separate the parts of module names\.
+Value: "/"
+### nat
+(-> (I64 Any) Nat)
+Safe type\-casting for I64 values\.
+### not
+(-> Bit Bit)
+Bit negation\.
+(not #1)
+... =>
+(not #0)
+... =>
+### open:
+Opens a implementation and generates a definition for each of its members \(including nested members\)\.
+(open: "i:[0]" order)
+... =>
+(def: i:= (# order =))
+(def: i:< (# order <))
+### or
+Short\-circuiting 'or'\.
+(or #1 #0)
+... =>
+(or #0 #0)
+... =>
+### panic\!
+(-> Text Nothing)
+Causes an error, with the given error message\.
+(panic! "OH NO!")
+### prelude\_module
+The name of the prelude module
+Value: "library/lux"
+### private
+The export policy for private/local definitions\.
+### public
+The export policy for public/global definitions\.
+### rev
+(-> (I64 Any) Rev)
+Safe type\-casting for I64 values\.
+### revised@
+Modifies the value of a record at a given tag, based on some function\.
+(revised@ #age ++ person)
+... Can also work with multiple levels of nesting.
+(revised@ [#foo #bar #baz] func my_record)
+... And, if only the slot/path and (optionally) the value are given, generates a mutator function.
+(let [updater (revised@ [#foo #bar #baz] func)]
+ (updater my_record))
+(let [updater (revised@ [#foo #bar #baz])]
+ (updater func my_record))
+### same?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 _0 Bit))
+Tests whether the 2 values are identical \(not just 'equal'\)\.
+... This one should succeed:
+(let [value +5]
+ (same? value
+ value))
+... This one should fail:
+(same? +5
+ (+ +2 +3))
+### static
+Resolves the names of definitions to their values at compile\-time, assuming their values are either:
+\* Bit
+\* Nat
+\* Int
+\* Rev
+\* Frac
+\* Text
+(def: my_nat 123)
+(def: my_text "456")
+(and (case [my_nat my_text]
+ (^ (static [documentation/lux.my_natdocumentation/lux.my_text]))
+ true
+ _
+ false)
+ (case [my_nat my_text]
+ (^ [(static documentation/lux.my_nat)(static documentation/lux.my_text)])
+ true
+ _
+ false))
+### symbol
+Gives back a 2 tuple with the module and name parts, both as Text\.
+(symbol documentation/lux.#doc)
+... =>
+["documentation/lux" "#doc"]
+### template
+... By specifying a pattern (with holes), and the input data to fill those holes, repeats the pattern as many times as necessary.
+(template [<name> <diff>]
+ [(def: public <name>
+ (-> Int Int)
+ (+ <diff>))]
+ [++ +1]
+ [-- -1])
+### template:
+Define macros in the style of template and ^template\.
+For simple macros that do not need any fancy features\.
+(template: (square x)
+ (* x x))
+### true
+The boolean TRUE value\.
+### try
+(: Foo
+ (case (: (Either Text Bar)
+ (try (: Bar
+ (risky computation which may panic))))
+ {#Right success}
+ (: Foo
+ (do something after success))
+ {#Left error}
+ (: Foo
+ (recover from error))))
+### type
+Takes a type expression and returns its representation as data\-structure\.
+(type (All (_ a)
+ (Maybe (List a))))
+### type:
+The type\-definition macro\.
+(type: (List a)
+ {#End}
+ {#Item a (List a)})
+### undefined
+Meant to be used as a stand\-in for functions with undefined implementations\.
+Undefined expressions will type\-check against everything, so they make good dummy implementations\.
+However, if an undefined expression is ever evaluated, it will raise a runtime error\.
+(def: (square x)
+ (-> Int Int)
+ (undefined))
+### using
+Module\-definition macro\.
+ [lux "*"
+ [control
+ ["M" monad "*"]]
+ [data
+ maybe
+ ["[0]" name ("[1]#[0]" codec)]]
+ [macro
+ code]]
+ [//
+ [type ("[0]" equivalence)]])
+### value@
+Accesses the value of a record at a given tag\.
+(value@ #field my_record)
+... Can also work with multiple levels of nesting.
+(value@ [#foo #bar #baz] my_record)
+... And, if only the slot/path is given, generates an accessor function.
+(let [getter (value@ [#foo #bar #baz])]
+ (getter my_record))
+### with@
+Sets the value of a record at a given tag\.
+(with@ #name "Lux" lang)
+... Can also work with multiple levels of nesting.
+(with@ [#foo #bar #baz] value my_record)
+... And, if only the slot/path and (optionally) the value are given, generates a mutator function.
+(let [setter (with@ [#foo #bar #baz] value)]
+ (setter my_record))
+(let [setter (with@ [#foo #bar #baz])]
+ (setter value my_record))
+### with\_expansions
+Controlled macro\-expansion\.
+Bind an arbitraty number of Code nodes resulting from macro\-expansion to local bindings\.
+Wherever a binding appears, the bound Code nodes will be spliced in there\.
+(def: test
+ Test
+ (with_expansions
+ [<tests> (template [<function> <parameter> <expected>]
+ [(cover [<function>]
+ (compare <text>
+ (# codec encoded <function> <parameter>)))]
+ [bit #1 "#1"]
+ [int +123 "+123"]
+ [frac +123.0 "+123.0"]
+ [text "123" "'123'"]
+ [symbol ["yolo" "lol"] "yolo.lol"]
+ [form (list (bit #1)) "(#1)"]
+ [tuple (list (bit #1)) "[#1]"])]
+ ($_ and
+ <tests>)))
+### |>
+Piping macro\.
+(|> elems
+ (list#each int#encoded)
+ (interposed " ")
+ (mix text#composite ""))
+... =>
+(mix text#composite ""
+ (interposed " "
+ (list#each int#encoded
+ elems)))
+### |>>
+Similar to the piping macro, but rather than taking an initial object to work on, creates a function for taking it\.
+(|>> (list#each int#encoded)
+ (interposed " ")
+ (mix text#composite ""))
+... =>
+(function (_ <it>)
+ (mix text#composite ""
+ (interposed " "
+ (list#each int#encoded <it>))))
+## Missing documentation
+1. `` __adjusted_quantified_type__ ``
+# library/lux/abstract/apply
+## Definitions
+### \(Apply f\)
+... .Type
+ [&functor (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor f)
+ on (All (_ _0 _1) (-> (f _0) (f (-> _0 _1)) (f _1)))])
+Applicative functors\.
+### composite
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (Apply _0) (Apply _1) (Apply (All (_ _2) (_0 (_1 _2))))))
+Applicative functor composition\.
+# library/lux/abstract/codec
+## Definitions
+### \(Codec medium value\)
+... .Type
+ [encoded (-> value medium)
+ decoded (-> medium (library/lux/control/try.Try value))])
+A way to move back\-and\-forth between a type and an alternative representation for it\.
+### composite
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Codec _2 _1) (Codec _1 _0) (Codec _2 _0)))
+Codec composition\.
+(: (Codec c a)
+ (composite (: (Codec c b)
+ cb_codec)
+ (: (Codec b a)
+ ba_codec)))
+# library/lux/abstract/comonad
+## Definitions
+### \(CoMonad \!\)
+... .Type
+ [&functor (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor !)
+ out (All (_ _0) (-> (! _0) _0))
+ disjoint (All (_ _0) (-> (! _0) (! (! _0))))])
+Co\-monads are the opposite/complement to monads\.
+Co\-monadic structures are often infinite in size and built upon lazily\-evaluated functions\.
+### be
+A co\-monadic parallel to the 'do' macro\.
+(let [square (function (_ n) (* n n))]
+ (be comonad
+ [inputs (iterate ++ +2)]
+ (square (out inputs))))
+# library/lux/abstract/comonad/cofree
+## Definitions
+### \(CoFree \! it\)
+... .Type
+[it (! (CoFree ! it))]
+The CoFree CoMonad\.
+### comonad
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor _0) (library/lux/abstract/comonad.CoMonad (CoFree _0))))
+### functor
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor _0) (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor (CoFree _0))))
+# library/lux/abstract/enum
+## Definitions
+### \(Enum it\)
+... .Type
+ [&order (library/lux/abstract/order.Order it)
+ succ (-> it it)
+ pred (-> it it)])
+Enumerable types, with a notion of moving forward and backwards through a type's instances\.
+### range
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Enum _0) _0 _0 (.List _0)))
+An inclusive \[from, to\] range of values\.
+(range enum from to)
+# library/lux/abstract/equivalence
+## Definitions
+### \(Equivalence it\)
+... .Type
+ [#= (-> it it .Bit)])
+Equivalence for a type's instances\.
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor/contravariant.Functor Equivalence)
+### rec
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> (Equivalence _0) (Equivalence _0)) (Equivalence _0)))
+A recursive equivalence combinator\.
+(rec recursive_equivalence)
+# library/lux/abstract/functor
+## Definitions
+### \(And left right\)
+... .Type
+(All (_ _0)
+ [(left _0) (right _0)])
+### \(Fix \!\)
+... .Type
+(! (Fix !))
+### \(Functor \!\)
+... .Type
+ [#each (All (_ _0 _1) (-> (-> _0 _1) (! _0) (! _1)))])
+### \(Or left right\)
+... .Type
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Or (left _0) (right _0)))
+### \(Then outer inner\)
+... .Type
+(All (_ _0)
+ (outer (inner _0)))
+### composite
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Functor _0) (Functor _1) (Functor (Then _0 _1))))
+Functor composition\.
+### product
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Functor _0) (Functor _1) (Functor (And _0 _1))))
+Product composition for functors\.
+### sum
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Functor _0) (Functor _1) (Functor (Or _0 _1))))
+Co\-product \(sum\) composition for functors\.
+# library/lux/abstract/functor/contravariant
+## Definitions
+### \(Functor \!\)
+... .Type
+ [#each (All (_ _0 _1) (-> (-> _1 _0) (! _0) (! _1)))])
+The contravariant functor\.
+# library/lux/abstract/hash
+## Definitions
+### \(Hash it\)
+... .Type
+ [&equivalence (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence it)
+ hash (-> it .Nat)])
+A way to produce hash\-codes for a type's instances\.
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor/contravariant.Functor Hash)
+# library/lux/abstract/interval
+## Definitions
+### \(Interval it\)
+... .Type
+ [&enum (library/lux/abstract/enum.Enum it)
+ bottom it
+ top it])
+A representation of top and bottom boundaries for an ordered type\.
+### after?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### before?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### between
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/enum.Enum _0) _0 _0 (Interval _0)))
+### borders?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) _0 .Bit))
+Where a value is at the border of an interval\.
+### complement
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) (Interval _0)))
+The inverse of an interval\.
+### ends\_with?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Interval _0)))
+### finishes?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### inner?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### intersection
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) (Interval _0) (Interval _0)))
+An interval spanned by both predecessors\.
+### meets?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) (Interval _0) .Bit))
+Whether an interval meets another one on its bottom/lower side\.
+### nested?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### outer?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### overlaps?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### precedes?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### singleton
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/enum.Enum _0) _0 (Interval _0)))
+An interval where both top and bottom are the same value\.
+(singleton enum elem)
+### singleton?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### starts?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### starts\_with?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### succeeds?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### touches?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) (Interval _0) .Bit))
+### union
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) (Interval _0) (Interval _0)))
+An interval that spans both predecessors\.
+### within?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Interval _0) _0 .Bit))
+# library/lux/abstract/mix
+## Definitions
+### \(Mix structure\)
+... .Type
+ [#mix (All (_ _0 _1) (-> (-> _1 _0 _0) _0 (structure _1) _0))])
+Iterate over a structure's values to build a summary value\.
+### with\_monoid
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid _1) (Mix _0) (_0 _1) _1))
+Mix a mixable structure using the monoid's identity as the initial value\.
+(with_monoid monoid mix value)
+# library/lux/abstract/monad
+## Definitions
+### \(Monad it\)
+... .Type
+ [&functor (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor it)
+ in (All (_ _0) (-> _0 (it _0)))
+ conjoint (All (_ _0) (-> (it (it _0)) (it _0)))])
+A monad is a monoid in the category of endofunctors\.
+What's the problem?
+### all
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Monad _0) (.List (_0 _1)) (_0 (.List _1))))
+Run all the monadic values in the list and produce a list of the base values\.
+(all monad)
+### do
+Macro for easy concatenation of monadic operations\.
+(do monad
+ [y (f1 x)
+ z (f2 z)]
+ (in (f3 z)))
+### each
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Monad _0) (-> _1 (_0 _2)) (.List _1) (_0 (.List _2))))
+Apply a monadic function to all values in a list\.
+(each monad function items)
+### mix
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Monad _0) (-> _2 _1 (_0 _1)) _1 (.List _2) (_0 _1)))
+Mix a list with a monadic function\.
+(mix monad function initial_value items)
+### only
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Monad _0) (-> _1 (_0 .Bit)) (.List _1) (_0 (.List _1))))
+Filter the values in a list with a monadic function\.
+(only monad predicate items)
+### then
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Monad _0) (-> _1 (_0 _2)) (_0 _1) (_0 _2)))
+Apply a function with monadic effects to a monadic value and yield a new monadic value\.
+(then monad function)
+# library/lux/abstract/monad/free
+## Definitions
+### \(Free \! it\)
+... .Type
+ {#Pure it}
+ {#Effect (! (Free ! it))})
+The Free Monad\.
+### apply
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor _0) (library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply (Free _0))))
+### functor
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor _0) (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor (Free _0))))
+### monad
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor _0) (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (Free _0))))
+# library/lux/abstract/monoid
+## Definitions
+### \(Monoid it\)
+... .Type
+ [identity it
+ composite (-> it it it)])
+A way to compose values\.
+Includes an identity value which does not alter any other value when combined with\.
+### and
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Monoid _0) (Monoid _1) (Monoid [_0 _1])))
+# library/lux/abstract/order
+## Definitions
+### <=
+Less than or equal\.
+### >
+Greater than\.
+### >=
+Greater than or equal\.
+### \(Choice it\)
+... .Type
+(-> (Order it) it it it)
+A choice comparison between two values, with the knowledge of how to order them\.
+### \(Comparison it\)
+... .Type
+(-> (Order it) it it .Bit)
+An arbitrary comparison between two values, with the knowledge of how to order them\.
+### \(Order it\)
+... .Type
+ [&equivalence (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence it)
+ < (-> it it .Bit)])
+A signature for types that possess some sense of ordering among their elements\.
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor/contravariant.Functor Order)
+### max
+### min
+# library/lux/abstract/predicate
+## Definitions
+### \(Predicate it\)
+... .Type
+(-> it .Bit)
+A question that can be asked of a value, yield either false \(\#0\) or true \(\#1\)\.
+### all
+A predicate that always succeeds\.
+### and
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Predicate _0) (Predicate _0) (Predicate _0)))
+A predicate that meets both predecessors\.
+### complement
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Predicate _0) (Predicate _0)))
+The opposite of a predicate\.
+### difference
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Predicate _0) (Predicate _0) (Predicate _0)))
+A predicate that meeds 'base', but not 'sub'\.
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor/contravariant.Functor Predicate)
+### intersection
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid (Predicate _0)))
+### none
+A predicate that always fails\.
+### or
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Predicate _0) (Predicate _0) (Predicate _0)))
+A predicate that meets either predecessor\.
+### rec
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> (Predicate _0) (Predicate _0)) (Predicate _0)))
+Ties the knot for a recursive predicate\.
+### union
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid (Predicate _0)))
+# library/lux/control/concatenative
+## Definitions
+### &&
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> [[_2 _0] _1] [_2 _0 _1]))
+Groups the 2 topmost stack values as a 2\-tuple\.
+### =>
+Concatenative function types\.
+(=> [Nat] [Nat])
+(All (_ a)
+ (-> a (=> [] [a])))
+(All (_ t)
+ (=> [t] []))
+(All (_ a b c)
+ (=> [a b c] [b c a]))
+(All (_ ,,,0 ,,,1)
+ (=> [then (=> ,,,0 ,,,1)
+ else (=> ,,,0 ,,,1)]
+ ,,,0 [Bit then else] ,,,1))
+### ?
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> [[[_1 .Bit] _0] _0] [_1 _0]))
+Choose the top value when \#0 and the second\-to\-top when \#1\.
+### apply
+A generator for functions that turn arity N functions into arity N concatenative functions\.
+(: (=> [Nat] [Nat])
+ ((apply 1) ++))
+### apply/1
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1) (All (_ _2) (-> [_2 _0] [_2 _1]))))
+Lift a function of arity 1 into a concatenative function of arity 1\.
+### apply/2
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1 _2) (All (_ _3) (-> [[_3 _0] _1] [_3 _2]))))
+Lift a function of arity 2 into a concatenative function of arity 2\.
+### apply/3
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1 _2 _3) (All (_ _4) (-> [[[_4 _0] _1] _2] [_4 _3]))))
+Lift a function of arity 3 into a concatenative function of arity 3\.
+### apply/4
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3 _4)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1 _2 _3 _4) (All (_ _5) (-> [[[[_5 _0] _1] _2] _3] [_5 _4]))))
+Lift a function of arity 4 into a concatenative function of arity 4\.
+### apply/5
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3 _4 _5)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1 _2 _3 _4 _5) (All (_ _6) (-> [[[[[_6 _0] _1] _2] _3] _4] [_6 _5]))))
+Lift a function of arity 5 into a concatenative function of arity 5\.
+### apply/6
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3 _4 _5 _6)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1 _2 _3 _4 _5 _6) (All (_ _7) (-> [[[[[[_7 _0] _1] _2] _3] _4] _5] [_7 _6]))))
+Lift a function of arity 6 into a concatenative function of arity 6\.
+### apply/7
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3 _4 _5 _6 _7)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1 _2 _3 _4 _5 _6 _7) (All (_ _8) (-> [[[[[[[_8 _0] _1] _2] _3] _4] _5] _6] [_8 _7]))))
+Lift a function of arity 7 into a concatenative function of arity 7\.
+### apply/8
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3 _4 _5 _6 _7 _8)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1 _2 _3 _4 _5 _6 _7 _8) (All (_ _9) (-> [[[[[[[[_9 _0] _1] _2] _3] _4] _5] _6] _7] [_9 _8]))))
+Lift a function of arity 8 into a concatenative function of arity 8\.
+### call
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> [_0 (-> _0 _1)] _1))
+Executes an anonymous block on the stack\.
+### compose
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> [[_3 (-> _0 _1)] (-> _1 _2)] [_3 (-> _0 _2)]))
+Function composition\.
+(library/lux/math/number/nat.=(library/lux/math/number/nat.+2 sample)
+ (||> (push sample)
+ (push (|>> (push 1) n/+))
+ (push (|>> (push 1) n/+))
+ compose
+ call))
+### dip
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> [[_0 _1] (-> _0 _0)] [_0 _1]))
+Executes a block on the stack, save for the topmost value\.
+### dip/2
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> [[[_0 _1] _2] (-> _0 _0)] [[_0 _1] _2]))
+Executes a block on the stack, save for the 2 topmost values\.
+### do
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> [[_0 (-> _1 [_0 .Bit])] (-> _0 _1)] [[_1 (-> _1 [_0 .Bit])] (-> _0 _1)]))
+Do\-while loop expression\.
+(library/lux/math/number/nat.=(++ sample)
+ (||> (push sample)
+ (push (push false))
+ (push (|>> (push 1) n/+))
+ do while))
+### drop
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> [_1 _0] _1))
+Drop/pop a value from the top of the stack\.
+### dup
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> [_1 _0] [[_1 _0] _0]))
+Duplicate the top of the stack\.
+### f/%
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Frac] .Frac] [_0 .Frac]))
+% for Frac arithmetic\.
+### f/\*
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Frac] .Frac] [_0 .Frac]))
+\* for Frac arithmetic\.
+### f/
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Frac] .Frac] [_0 .Frac]))
+ for Frac arithmetic\.
+### f/\-
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Frac] .Frac] [_0 .Frac]))
+\- for Frac arithmetic\.
+### f//
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Frac] .Frac] [_0 .Frac]))
+/ for Frac arithmetic\.
+### f/<
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Frac] .Frac] [_0 .Bit]))
+< for Frac arithmetic\.
+### f/<=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Frac] .Frac] [_0 .Bit]))
+<= for Frac arithmetic\.
+### f/=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Frac] .Frac] [_0 .Bit]))
+= for Frac arithmetic\.
+### f/>
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Frac] .Frac] [_0 .Bit]))
+> for Frac arithmetic\.
+### f/>=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Frac] .Frac] [_0 .Bit]))
+>= for Frac arithmetic\.
+### i/%
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Int] .Int] [_0 .Int]))
+% for Int arithmetic\.
+### i/\*
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Int] .Int] [_0 .Int]))
+\* for Int arithmetic\.
+### i/
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Int] .Int] [_0 .Int]))
+ for Int arithmetic\.
+### i/\-
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Int] .Int] [_0 .Int]))
+\- for Int arithmetic\.
+### i//
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Int] .Int] [_0 .Int]))
+/ for Int arithmetic\.
+### i/<
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Int] .Int] [_0 .Bit]))
+< for Int arithmetic\.
+### i/<=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Int] .Int] [_0 .Bit]))
+<= for Int arithmetic\.
+### i/=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Int] .Int] [_0 .Bit]))
+= for Int arithmetic\.
+### i/>
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Int] .Int] [_0 .Bit]))
+> for Int arithmetic\.
+### i/>=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Int] .Int] [_0 .Bit]))
+>= for Int arithmetic\.
+### if
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> [[[_0 .Bit] (-> _0 _1)] (-> _0 _1)] _1))
+If expression\.
+(same? "then"
+ (||> (push true)
+ (push "then")
+ (push "else")
+ if))
+### loop
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [_0 (-> _0 [_0 .Bit])] _0))
+Executes a block as a loop until it yields \#0 to stop\.
+### n/%
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Nat] .Nat] [_0 .Nat]))
+% for Nat arithmetic\.
+### n/\*
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Nat] .Nat] [_0 .Nat]))
+\* for Nat arithmetic\.
+### n/
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Nat] .Nat] [_0 .Nat]))
+ for Nat arithmetic\.
+### n/\-
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Nat] .Nat] [_0 .Nat]))
+\- for Nat arithmetic\.
+### n//
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Nat] .Nat] [_0 .Nat]))
+/ for Nat arithmetic\.
+### n/<
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Nat] .Nat] [_0 .Bit]))
+< for Nat arithmetic\.
+### n/<=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Nat] .Nat] [_0 .Bit]))
+<= for Nat arithmetic\.
+### n/=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Nat] .Nat] [_0 .Bit]))
+= for Nat arithmetic\.
+### n/>
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Nat] .Nat] [_0 .Bit]))
+> for Nat arithmetic\.
+### n/>=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Nat] .Nat] [_0 .Bit]))
+>= for Nat arithmetic\.
+### nip
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> [[_2 _0] _1] [_2 _1]))
+Drop the second\-to\-last value from the top of the stack\.
+### partial
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> [[_0 _2] (-> [_0 _2] _1)] [_0 (-> _0 _1)]))
+Partial application\.
+(library/lux/math/number/nat.=(library/lux/math/number/nat.+sample sample)
+ (||> (push sample)
+ (push sample)
+ (push n/+)
+ partial
+ call))
+### push
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (All (_ _1) (-> _1 [_1 _0]))))
+Push a value onto the stack\.
+### r/%
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Rev] .Rev] [_0 .Rev]))
+% for Rev arithmetic\.
+### r/\*
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Rev] .Rev] [_0 .Rev]))
+\* for Rev arithmetic\.
+### r/
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Rev] .Rev] [_0 .Rev]))
+ for Rev arithmetic\.
+### r/\-
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Rev] .Rev] [_0 .Rev]))
+\- for Rev arithmetic\.
+### r//
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Rev] .Rev] [_0 .Rev]))
+/ for Rev arithmetic\.
+### r/<
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Rev] .Rev] [_0 .Bit]))
+< for Rev arithmetic\.
+### r/<=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Rev] .Rev] [_0 .Bit]))
+<= for Rev arithmetic\.
+### r/=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Rev] .Rev] [_0 .Bit]))
+= for Rev arithmetic\.
+### r/>
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Rev] .Rev] [_0 .Bit]))
+> for Rev arithmetic\.
+### r/>=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Rev] .Rev] [_0 .Bit]))
+>= for Rev arithmetic\.
+### rotL
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> [[[_3 _0] _1] _2] [[[_3 _1] _2] _0]))
+Rotes the 3 topmost stack values to the left\.
+### rotR
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> [[[_3 _0] _1] _2] [[[_3 _2] _0] _1]))
+Rotes the 3 topmost stack values to the right\.
+### swap
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> [[_2 _0] _1] [[_2 _1] _0]))
+Swaps the 2 topmost stack values\.
+### when
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [[_0 .Bit] (-> _0 _0)] _0))
+Only execute the block when \#1\.
+### while
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> [[_0 (-> _0 [_1 .Bit])] (-> _1 _0)] _1))
+While loop expression\.
+(library/lux/math/number/nat.=(library/lux/math/number/nat.+distance start)
+ (||> (push start)
+ (push (|>> dup
+ (push start) n/-
+ (push distance) n/<))
+ (push (|>> (push 1) n/+))
+ while))
+### word:
+A named concatenative function\.
+(word: square
+ (=> [Nat] [Nat])
+ dup
+ (apply/2 library/lux/math/number/nat.*))
+### ||>
+A self\-contained sequence of concatenative instructions\.
+(same? value
+ (||> (push sample)))
+(||> (push 123)
+ dup
+ n/=)
+### ||L
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> [_2 _0] [_2 (Or _0 _1)]))
+Left\-injects the top into sum\.
+### ||R
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> [_2 _1] [_2 (Or _0 _1)]))
+Right\-injects the top into sum\.
+# library/lux/control/concurrency/actor
+The actor model of concurrency\.
+## Definitions
+### \(Actor state\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/concurrency/actor.Actor" state)
+An entity that can react to messages \(mail\) sent to it concurrently\.
+### \(Behavior input state\)
+... .Type
+ [#on_init (-> input state)
+ #on_mail (-> (Mail state) state (Actor state) (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async (library/lux/control/try.Try state)))])
+An actor's behavior when mail is received and when a fatal error occurs\.
+### \(Mail state\)
+... .Type
+(-> state (Actor state) (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async (library/lux/control/try.Try state)))
+A one\-way message sent to an actor, without expecting a reply\.
+### \(Message state output\)
+... .Type
+(-> state (Actor state) (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async (library/lux/control/try.Try [state output])))
+A two\-way message sent to an actor, expecting a reply\.
+### \(Obituary state\)
+... .Type
+[.Text state (.List (-> state (Actor state) (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async (library/lux/control/try.Try state))))]
+Details on the death of an actor\.
+### Stop
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/io.IO .Any)
+A signal to stop an actor from observing a channel\.
+### actor
+Defines an anonymous actor, with its behavior and internal state\.
+Messages for the actor must be defined after the on\_mail handler\.
+(actor [Nat
+ 123]
+ ((on_mail message state self)
+ (message (++ state) self)))
+### actor:
+Defines a named actor, with its behavior and internal state\.
+Messages for the actor must be defined after the on\_mail handler\.
+(actor: .public (stack a)
+ (List a)
+ ((on_mail mail state self)
+ (do (try.with async.monad)
+ [.let [_ (debug.log! "BEFORE")]
+ output (mail state self)
+ .let [_ (debug.log! "AFTER")]]
+ (in output)))
+ (message: .public (push [value a] state self)
+ (List a)
+ (let [state' {.#Item value state}]
+ (async.resolved {try.#Success [state' state']}))))
+(actor: .public counter
+ Nat
+ (message: .public (count! [increment Nat] state self)
+ Any
+ (let [state' (n.+ increment state)]
+ (async.resolved {try.#Success [state' state']})))
+ (message: .public (read! state self)
+ Nat
+ (async.resolved {try.#Success [state state]})))
+### alive?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Actor _0) (library/lux/control/io.IO .Bit)))
+### dead
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### default
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Behavior _0 _0))
+Default actor behavior\.
+### mail\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Mail _0) (Actor _0) (library/lux/control/io.IO (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any))))
+Send mail to an actor\.
+### message:
+A message can access the actor's state through the state parameter\.
+A message can also access the actor itself through the self parameter\.
+A message's output must be an async containing a 2\-tuple with the updated state and a return value\.
+A message may succeed or fail \(in case of failure, the actor dies\)\.
+(actor: .public (stack a)
+ (List a)
+ ((on_mail mail state self)
+ (do (try.with async.monad)
+ [.let [_ (debug.log! "BEFORE")]
+ output (mail state self)
+ .let [_ (debug.log! "AFTER")]]
+ (in output)))
+ (message: .public (push [value a] state self)
+ (List a)
+ (let [state' {.#Item value state}]
+ (async.resolved {try.#Success [state' state']}))))
+(actor: .public counter
+ Nat
+ (message: .public (count! [increment Nat] state self)
+ Any
+ (let [state' (n.+ increment state)]
+ (async.resolved {try.#Success [state' state']})))
+ (message: .public (read! state self)
+ Nat
+ (async.resolved {try.#Success [state state]})))
+### obituary
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Actor _0) (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async (Obituary _0))))
+Await for an actor to stop working\.
+### obituary'
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Actor _0) (library/lux/control/io.IO (.Maybe (Obituary _0)))))
+### observe\!
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 Stop (Mail _1)) (library/lux/control/concurrency/frp.Channel _0) (Actor _1) (library/lux/control/io.IO .Any)))
+Use an actor to observe a channel by transforming each datum
+flowing through the channel into mail the actor can process\.
+Can stop observing the channel by executing the Stop value\.
+### poison\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Actor _0) (library/lux/control/io.IO (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any))))
+Kills the actor by sending mail that will kill it upon processing,
+but allows the actor to handle previous mail\.
+### poisoned
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### spawn\!
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Behavior _0 _1) _0 (library/lux/control/io.IO (Actor _1))))
+Given a behavior and initial state, spawns an actor and returns it\.
+### tell\!
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Message _0 _1) (Actor _0) (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async (library/lux/control/try.Try _1))))
+Communicate with an actor through message\-passing\.
+# library/lux/control/concurrency/async
+## Definitions
+### \(Async it\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async" it)
+Represents values produced by asynchronous computations \(unlike IO, which is synchronous\)\.
+### \(Resolver it\)
+... .Type
+(-> it (library/lux/control/io.IO .Bit))
+The function used to give a value to an async\.
+Will signal 'true' if the async has been resolved for the 1st time, 'false' otherwise\.
+### after
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat _0 (Async _0)))
+Delivers a value after a certain period has passed\.
+(after milli_seconds value)
+### and
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Async _0) (Async _1) (Async [_0 _1])))
+Combines the results of both asyncs, in\-order\.
+(and left right)
+### apply
+(library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply Async)
+### async
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Any [(Async _0) (Resolver _0)]))
+Creates a fresh async that has not been resolved yet\.
+(async _)
+### delay
+(-> .Nat (Async .Any))
+An async that will be resolved after the specified amount of milli\-seconds\.
+(delay milli_seconds)
+### either
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Async _0) (Async _0) (Async _0)))
+Yields the results of whichever async gets resolved first\.
+You cannot tell which one was resolved first\.
+(either left right)
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Async)
+### future
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/control/io.IO _0) (Async _0)))
+Runs an I/O computation on its own thread\.
+Returns an async that will eventually host its result\.
+(future computation)
+### monad
+(library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad Async)
+### or
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Async _0) (Async _1) (Async (Or _0 _1))))
+Yields the results of whichever async gets resolved first\.
+You can tell which one was resolved first through pattern\-matching\.
+(or left right)
+### resolved
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Async _0)))
+Produces an async that has already been resolved to the given value\.
+(resolved value)
+### resolved?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Async _0) (library/lux/control/io.IO .Bit)))
+Checks whether an async's value has already been resolved\.
+### schedule\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (library/lux/control/io.IO _0) (Async _0)))
+Runs an I/O computation on its own thread \(after a specified delay\)\.
+Returns an async that will eventually host its result\.
+(schedule! milli_seconds computation)
+### upon\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 (library/lux/control/io.IO .Any)) (Async _0) (library/lux/control/io.IO .Any)))
+Executes the given function as soon as the async has been resolved\.
+(upon! function async)
+### value
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Async _0) (library/lux/control/io.IO (.Maybe _0))))
+Polls an async for its value\.
+### within
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Async _0) (Async (.Maybe _0))))
+Wait for an async to be resolved within the specified amount of milli\-seconds\.
+(within milli_seconds async)
+# library/lux/control/concurrency/atom
+## Definitions
+### \(Atom it\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/concurrency/atom.Atom" it)
+Atomic references that are safe to mutate concurrently\.
+### atom
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Atom _0)))
+### compare\_and\_swap\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 _0 (Atom _0) (library/lux/control/io.IO .Bit)))
+Only mutates an atom if you can present its current value\.
+That guarantees that atom was not updated since you last read from it\.
+### read\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Atom _0) (library/lux/control/io.IO _0)))
+### update\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 _0) (Atom _0) (library/lux/control/io.IO [_0 _0])))
+Updates an atom by applying a function to its current value\.
+If it fails to update it \(because some other process wrote to it first\), it will retry until it succeeds\.
+The retries will be done with the new values of the atom, as they show up\.
+### write\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Atom _0) (library/lux/control/io.IO _0)))
+Writes the given value to an atom\.
+If it fails to write it \(because some other process wrote to it first\), it will retry until it succeeds\.
+# library/lux/control/concurrency/frp
+## Definitions
+### \(Channel it\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async (.Maybe [it (Channel it)]))
+An asynchronous channel to distribute values\.
+### \(Sink it\)
+... .Type
+ [close (library/lux/control/io.IO (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any))
+ feed (-> it (library/lux/control/io.IO (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any)))])
+The tail\-end of a channel, which can be written\-to to fee the channel\.
+### \(Subscriber it\)
+... .Type
+(-> it (library/lux/control/io.IO (.Maybe .Any)))
+A function that can receive every value fed into a channel\.
+### apply
+(library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply Channel)
+### channel
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Any [(Channel _0) (Sink _0)]))
+Creates a brand\-new channel and hands it over, along with the sink to write to it\.
+(channel _)
+### channel\_is\_already\_closed
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### distinct
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (Channel _0) (Channel _0)))
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Channel)
+### iterations
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async (.Maybe [_0 _1]))) _0 (Channel _1)))
+### list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Channel _0) (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async (.List _0))))
+### mix
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _1 _0 (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async _0)) _0 (Channel _1) (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async _0)))
+Asynchronous mix over channels\.
+(mix f init channel)
+### mixes
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _1 _0 (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async _0)) _0 (Channel _1) (Channel _0)))
+### monad
+(library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad Channel)
+### of\_async
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async _0) (Channel _0)))
+A one\-element channel containing the output from an async\.
+(of_async async)
+### only
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 .Bit) (Channel _0) (Channel _0)))
+Produces a new channel based on the old one, only with values
+that pass the test\.
+(only pass? channel)
+### periodic
+(-> .Nat [(Channel .Any) (Sink .Any)])
+### poll
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (library/lux/control/io.IO _0) [(Channel _0) (Sink _0)]))
+### sequential
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.List _0) (Channel _0)))
+Transforms the given list into a channel with the same elements\.
+(sequential milli_seconds values)
+### subscribe\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Subscriber _0) (Channel _0) (library/lux/control/io.IO .Any)))
+# library/lux/control/concurrency/semaphore
+## Definitions
+### Barrier
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/concurrency/semaphore.Barrier")
+A barrier that blocks all processes from proceeding until a given number of processes are parked at the barrier\.
+### Limit
+... .Type
+(library/lux/type/refinement.Refined .Nat (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/control/concurrency/semaphore",122,2 0}"))
+A limit for barriers\.
+### Mutex
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/concurrency/semaphore.Mutex")
+A mutual\-exclusion lock that can only be acquired by one process at a time\.
+### Semaphore
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/concurrency/semaphore.Semaphore")
+A tool for controlling access to resources by multiple concurrent processes\.
+### barrier
+(-> Limit Barrier)
+### block\!
+(-> Barrier (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async .Any))
+Wait on a barrier until all processes have arrived and met the barrier's limit\.
+### limit
+(library/lux/type/refinement.Refiner .Nat (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/control/concurrency/semaphore",122,2 0}"))
+Produce a limit for a barrier\.
+### mutex
+(-> .Any Mutex)
+Creates a brand\-new mutex\.
+(mutex _)
+### semaphore
+(-> .Nat Semaphore)
+(semaphore initial_open_positions)
+### semaphore\_is\_maxed\_out
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### signal\!
+(Ex (_ _0)
+ (-> Semaphore (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async (library/lux/control/try.Try .Int))))
+Signal to a semaphore that you're done with your work, and that there is a new open position\.
+(signal! semaphore)
+### synchronize\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> Mutex (library/lux/control/io.IO (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async _0)) (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async _0)))
+Runs the procedure with exclusive control of the mutex\.
+(synchronize! mutex procedure)
+### wait\!
+(Ex (_ _0)
+ (-> Semaphore (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async .Any)))
+Wait on a semaphore until there are open positions\.
+After finishing your work, you must 'signal' to the semaphore that you're done\.
+(wait! semaphore)
+# library/lux/control/concurrency/stm
+## Definitions
+### \(STM it\)
+... .Type
+(-> Tx [Tx it])
+A computation which updates a transaction and produces a value\.
+### \(Var it\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/concurrency/stm.Var" it)
+A mutable cell containing a value, and observers that will be alerted of any change to it\.
+### apply
+(library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply STM)
+### commit\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (STM _0) (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async _0)))
+Commits a transaction and returns its result \(asynchronously\)\.
+Note that a transaction may be re\-run an indeterminate number of times if other transactions involving the same variables successfully commit first\.
+For this reason, it's important to note that transactions must be free from side\-effects, such as I/O\.
+(commit! procedure)
+### follow\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Var _0) (library/lux/control/io.IO [(library/lux/control/concurrency/frp.Channel _0) (library/lux/control/concurrency/frp.Sink _0)])))
+Creates a channel that will receive all changes to the value of the given var\.
+(follow! target)
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor STM)
+### monad
+(library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad STM)
+### read
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Var _0) (STM _0)))
+### update
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 _0) (Var _0) (STM [_0 _0])))
+Update a var's value, and return a tuple with the old and the new values\.
+(update function var)
+### var
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Var _0)))
+Creates a new STM var, with a default value\.
+(var value)
+### write
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Var _0) (STM .Any)))
+# library/lux/control/concurrency/thread
+## Definitions
+### parallelism
+How many processes can run in parallel\.
+### schedule\!
+(-> .Nat (library/lux/control/io.IO .Any) (library/lux/control/io.IO .Any))
+Executes an I/O procedure after some milli\-seconds\.
+(schedule! milli_seconds action)
+## Missing documentation
+1. `` cannot_continue_running_threads ``
+1. `` run! ``
+# library/lux/control/continuation
+## Definitions
+### \(Cont input output\)
+... .Type
+(-> (-> input output) output)
+### apply
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply (All (_ _1) (Cont _1 _0))))
+### continued
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1) (Cont _0 _1) _1))
+Continues a continuation thunk\.
+(continued next cont)
+### functor
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor (All (_ _1) (Cont _1 _0))))
+### monad
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (All (_ _1) (Cont _1 _0))))
+### pending
+Turns any expression into a function that is pending a continuation\.
+(pending (some_function some_input))
+### portal
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> _0 (Cont [(-> _0 (Cont _1 _2)) _0] _2)))
+### reset
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Cont _0 _0) (Cont _0 _1)))
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Cont _0 _0) _0))
+Forces a continuation thunk to be evaluated\.
+(result cont)
+### shift
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> (-> _0 (Cont _0 _0)) (Cont _0 _0)) (Cont _0 _0)))
+### with\_current
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (-> (-> _0 (Cont _1 _2)) (Cont _0 _2)) (Cont _0 _2)))
+Call with current continuation\.
+ (function (_ go)
+ (do monad
+ [.let [nexus (function (nexus val)
+ (go [nexus val]))]
+ _ (go [nexus init])]
+ (in (undefined)))))
+# library/lux/control/exception
+Pure\-Lux exception\-handling functionality\.
+## Definitions
+### \(Exception it\)
+... .Type
+ [#label .Text
+ #constructor (-> it .Text)])
+An exception provides a way to decorate error messages\.
+### assertion
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Exception _0) _0 .Bit (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any)))
+### error
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Exception _0) _0 .Text))
+Constructs an error message from an exception\.
+(error exception message)
+### except
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Exception _0) _0 (library/lux/control/try.Try _1)))
+Decorate an error message with an Exception and lift it into the error\-handling context\.
+(except exception message)
+### exception:
+Define a new exception type\.
+It mostly just serves as a way to tag error messages for later catching\.
+... Simple case:
+(exception: .public some_exception)
+... Complex case:
+(exception: .public [arbitrary type variables] (some_exception [optional Text
+ arguments Int])
+ optional_body)
+### listing
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 .Text) (.List _0) .Text))
+A numbered report of the entries on a list\.
+NOTE: 0\-based numbering\.
+(listing format entries)
+### match?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Exception _0) .Text .Bit))
+Is this exception the cause of the error message?
+(match? exception error)
+### otherwise
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> .Text _0) (library/lux/control/try.Try _0) _0))
+If no handler could be found to catch the exception, then run a function as a last\-resort measure\.
+(otherwise else try)
+### report
+An error report\.
+(: Text
+ (report ["Row 0" value/0]
+ ["Row 1" value/1]
+ ,,,
+ ["Row N" value/N]))
+### when
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Exception _0) (-> .Text _1) (library/lux/control/try.Try _1) (library/lux/control/try.Try _1)))
+If a particular exception is detected on a possibly\-erroneous value, handle it\.
+If no exception was detected, or a different one from the one being checked, then pass along the original value\.
+(when exception then try)
+### with
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Exception _0) _0 (library/lux/control/try.Try _1) (library/lux/control/try.Try _1)))
+If a computation fails, prepends the exception to the error\.
+(with exception message computation)
+# library/lux/control/function
+## Definitions
+### composite
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (-> _1 _2) (-> _0 _1) _0 _2))
+Function composition\.
+(= ((composite f g) "foo")
+ (f (g "foo")))
+### constant
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (All (_ _1) (-> _1 _0))))
+Create constant functions\.
+(= ((constant "foo") "bar")
+ "foo")
+### flipped
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1 _2) _1 _0 _2))
+Flips the order of the arguments of a function\.
+(= ((flipped f) "foo" "bar")
+ (f "bar" "foo"))
+### identity
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 _0))
+Identity function\.
+Does nothing to its argument and just returns it\.
+(same? (identity value)
+ value)
+### monoid
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid (-> _0 _0)))
+### on
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 (-> _0 _1) _1))
+Simple 1\-argument function application\.
+(on input function)
+# library/lux/control/function/contract
+## Definitions
+### post
+Given a predicate and an expression to run, evaluates the expression and then tests the output with the predicate\.
+If the predicate returns \#1, returns the value of the expression\.
+Otherwise, an error is raised\.
+(post i.even?
+ (i.+ +2 +2))
+### post\_condition\_failed
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Code)
+### pre
+Given a test and an expression to run, only runs the expression if the test passes\.
+Otherwise, an error is raised\.
+(pre (i.= +4 (i.+ +2 +2))
+ (foo +123 +456 +789))
+### pre\_condition\_failed
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Code)
+# library/lux/control/function/memo
+## Definitions
+### \(Memo input output\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/function/mixin.Recursive input (library/lux/control/state.State (library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary input output) output))
+### closed
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (Memo _0 _1) _0 _1))
+Memoization confined to a single invocation to the function \(not counting any subsequent recursive invocations\)\.
+Memoized results will be re\-used during recursive invocations, but cannot be accessed after the main invocation has ended\.
+(closed hash memo)
+### memoization
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (library/lux/control/function/mixin.Mixin _0 (library/lux/control/state.State (library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary _0 _1) _1)))
+### none
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (Memo _0 _1) _0 _1))
+No memoization at all\.
+This is useful as a test control when measuring the effect of using memoization\.
+(none hash memo)
+### open
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Memo _0 _1) [(library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary _0 _1) _0] [(library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary _0 _1) _1]))
+Memoization where the memoized results can be re\-used accross invocations\.
+(open memo)
+# library/lux/control/function/mixin
+## Definitions
+### \(Mixin input output\)
+... .Type
+(-> (-> input output) (-> input output) input output)
+A partially\-defined function which can be mixed with others to inherit their behavior\.
+### \(Recursive input output\)
+... .Type
+(-> (-> input output) input output)
+An indirectly recursive function\.
+### advice
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (Mixin _0 _1) (Mixin _0 _1)))
+Only apply then mixin when the input meets some criterion\.
+(advice when then)
+### after
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (-> _1 _2 (_0 .Any)) (Mixin _1 (_0 _2))))
+Executes an action after doing the main work\.
+(after monad action)
+### before
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (-> _1 (_0 .Any)) (Mixin _1 (_0 _2))))
+Executes an action before doing the main work\.
+(before monad action)
+### fixed
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Mixin _0 _1) _0 _1))
+Given a mixin, produces a normal function\.
+(fixed f)
+### mixed
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Mixin _0 _1) (Mixin _0 _1) (Mixin _0 _1)))
+Produces a new mixin, where the behavior of the child can make use of the behavior of the parent\.
+(mixed parent child)
+### monoid
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid (Mixin _0 _1)))
+### nothing
+A mixin that does nothing and just delegates work to the next mixin\.
+### of\_recursive
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Recursive _0 _1) (Mixin _0 _1)))
+Transform an indirectly recursive function into a mixin\.
+(of_recursive recursive)
+# library/lux/control/function/mutual
+## Definitions
+### def:
+Globally\-defined mutually\-recursive functions\.
+ [.public (even? number)
+ (-> Nat Bit)
+ (case number
+ 0 true
+ _ (odd? (-- number)))]
+ [.public (odd? number)
+ (-> Nat Bit)
+ (case number
+ 0 false
+ _ (even? (-- number)))])
+### let
+Locally\-defined mutually\-recursive functions\.
+(let [(even? number)
+ (-> Nat Bit)
+ (case number
+ 0 true
+ _ (odd? (-- number)))
+ (odd? number)
+ (-> Nat Bit)
+ (case number
+ 0 false
+ _ (even? (-- number)))]
+ (and (even? 4)
+ (odd? 5)))
+# library/lux/control/io
+A method for abstracting I/O and effectful computations to make it safe while writing pure functional code\.
+## Definitions
+### \(IO it\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/io.IO" it)
+A type that represents synchronous, effectful computations that may interact with the outside world\.
+### apply
+(library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply IO)
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor IO)
+### io
+Delays the evaluation of an expression, by wrapping it in an IO 'thunk'\.
+Great for wrapping effectful computations \(which will not be performed until the IO is 'run\!'\)\.
+(io (exec
+ (log! msg)
+ "Some value..."))
+### monad
+(library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad IO)
+### run\!
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (IO _1) _1))
+A way to execute IO computations and perform their side\-effects\.
+# library/lux/control/lazy
+## Definitions
+### \(Lazy it\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/lazy.Lazy" it)
+A value specified by an expression that is calculated only at the last moment possible\.
+Afterwards, the value is cached for future reference\.
+### apply
+(library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply Lazy)
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Lazy _0))))
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Lazy)
+### lazy
+Specifies a lazy value by providing the expression that computes it\.
+(lazy eager_computation)
+### monad
+(library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad Lazy)
+### value
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Lazy _0) _0))
+# library/lux/control/maybe
+## Definitions
+### apply
+(library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply .Maybe)
+### else
+Allows you to provide a default value that will be used
+if a \(Maybe x\) value turns out to be \.\#None\.
+Note: the expression for the default value will not be computed if the base computation succeeds\.
+(else +20 {.#Some +10})
+... =>
+(else +20 {.#None})
+... =>
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (.Maybe _0))))
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor .Maybe)
+### hash
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash (.Maybe _0))))
+### lifted
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (_0 _1) (_0 (.Maybe _1))))
+Wraps a monadic value with Maybe machinery\.
+(lifted monad)
+### list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.Maybe _0) (.List _0)))
+### monad
+(library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad .Maybe)
+### monoid
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid (.Maybe _0)))
+### trusted
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.Maybe _0) _0))
+Assumes that a Maybe value is a \.\#Some and yields its value\.
+Raises/throws a runtime error otherwise\.
+WARNING: Use with caution\.
+(trusted trusted_computation)
+### when
+Can be used as a guard in \(co\)monadic be/do expressions\.
+(do monad
+ [value (do_something 1 2 3)
+ .when (passes_test? value)]
+ (do_something_else 4 5 6))
+### with
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (All (_ _1) (_0 (.Maybe _1))))))
+# library/lux/control/parser
+## Definitions
+### \(Parser state it\)
+... .Type
+(-> state (library/lux/control/try.Try [state it]))
+A generic parser\.
+### after
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 _2) (Parser _0 _2)))
+Run the parser after another one \(whose output is ignored\)\.
+(after param subject)
+### and
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 _2) (Parser _0 [_1 _2])))
+Sequencing combinator\.
+(and first second)
+### apply
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply (Parser _0)))
+### assertion
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text .Bit (Parser _0 .Any)))
+Fails with the given message if the test is \#0\.
+(assertion message test)
+### at\_least
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> .Nat (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 (.List _1))))
+Parse at least N times\.
+(at_least amount parser)
+### at\_most
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> .Nat (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 (.List _1))))
+Parse at most N times\.
+(at_most amount parser)
+### before
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 _2) (Parser _0 _2)))
+Run the parser before another one \(whose output is ignored\)\.
+(before param subject)
+### between
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> .Nat .Nat (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 (.List _1))))
+(between minimum additional parser)
+### codec
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec _1 _2) (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 _2)))
+Decode the output of a parser using a codec\.
+(codec codec parser)
+### either
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 _1)))
+Homogeneous alternative combinator\.
+(either this that)
+### else
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _1 (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 _1)))
+If the given parser fails, returns the default value\.
+(else value parser)
+### exactly
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> .Nat (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 (.List _1))))
+Parse exactly N times\.
+(exactly amount parser)
+### failure
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> .Text (Parser _0 _1)))
+Always fail with this 'message'\.
+(failure message)
+### functor
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor (Parser _0)))
+### lifted
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/control/try.Try _1) (Parser _0 _1)))
+Lift a potentially failed computation into a parser\.
+(lifted operation)
+### many
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 (.List _1))))
+1\-or\-more combinator\.
+(many parser)
+### maybe
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 (.Maybe _1))))
+Optionality combinator\.
+(maybe parser)
+### monad
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (Parser _0)))
+### not
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 .Any)))
+Only succeeds when the underlying parser fails\.
+(not parser)
+### only
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _1 .Bit) (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 _1)))
+Only succeed when the parser's output passes a test\.
+(only test parser)
+### or
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 _2) (Parser _0 (Or _1 _2))))
+Heterogeneous alternative combinator\.
+(or left right)
+### parses
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 .Any)))
+Ignore a parser's output and just execute it\.
+(parses parser)
+### parses?
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 .Bit)))
+Ignore a parser's output and just verify that it succeeds\.
+(parses? parser)
+### rec
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 _1)) (Parser _0 _1)))
+Combinator for recursive parsers\.
+(rec parser)
+### remaining
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Parser _0 _0))
+Yield the remaining input \(without consuming it\)\.
+### result
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) _0 (library/lux/control/try.Try [_0 _1])))
+Executes the parser on the input\.
+Does not verify that all of the input has been consumed by the parser\.
+Returns both the parser's output, and a value that represents the remaining input\.
+(result parser input)
+### separated\_by
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _2) (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 (.List _1))))
+Parses instances of 'parser' that are separated by instances of 'separator'\.
+(separated_by separator parser)
+### some
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 (.List _1))))
+0\-or\-more combinator\.
+(some parser)
+### speculative
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (Parser _0 _1)))
+Executes a parser, without actually consuming the input\.
+That way, the same input can be consumed again by another parser\.
+(speculative parser)
+# library/lux/control/parser/analysis
+## Definitions
+### \(Parser it\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/parser.Parser (.List library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Analysis))
+A parser for Lux code analysis nodes\.
+### any
+(Parser library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Analysis)
+Matches any value, without discrimination\.
+### bit
+(Parser .Bit)
+Queries for a bit value\.
+### bit\!
+(-> .Bit (Parser .Any))
+Assert a specific bit value\.
+### cannot\_parse
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception (.List library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Analysis))
+### constant
+(Parser .Symbol)
+Queries for a constant value\.
+### constant\!
+(-> .Symbol (Parser .Any))
+Assert a specific constant value\.
+### end\!
+(Parser .Any)
+Ensures there are no more inputs\.
+### end?
+(Parser .Bit)
+Checks whether there are no more inputs\.
+### foreign
+(Parser .Nat)
+Queries for a foreign value\.
+### foreign\!
+(-> .Nat (Parser .Any))
+Assert a specific foreign value\.
+### frac
+(Parser .Frac)
+Queries for a frac value\.
+### frac\!
+(-> .Frac (Parser .Any))
+Assert a specific frac value\.
+### int
+(Parser .Int)
+Queries for a int value\.
+### int\!
+(-> .Int (Parser .Any))
+Assert a specific int value\.
+### local
+(Parser .Nat)
+Queries for a local value\.
+### local\!
+(-> .Nat (Parser .Any))
+Assert a specific local value\.
+### nat
+(Parser .Nat)
+Queries for a nat value\.
+### nat\!
+(-> .Nat (Parser .Any))
+Assert a specific nat value\.
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (.List library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Analysis) (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)))
+Executes a parser and makes sure no inputs go unconsumed\.
+(result parser input)
+### rev
+(Parser .Rev)
+Queries for a rev value\.
+### rev\!
+(-> .Rev (Parser .Any))
+Assert a specific rev value\.
+### text
+(Parser .Text)
+Queries for a text value\.
+### text\!
+(-> .Text (Parser .Any))
+Assert a specific text value\.
+### tuple
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses only within the context of a tuple's contents\.
+(tuple parser)
+### unconsumed\_input
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception (.List library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Analysis))
+# library/lux/control/parser/binary
+## Definitions
+### Offset
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+An offset for reading within binary data\.
+### \(Parser it\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/parser.Parser [Offset library/lux/data/binary.Binary])
+A parser for raw binary data\.
+### Size
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+The size of a chunk of data within a binary array\.
+### any
+(Parser .Any)
+Does no parsing, and just returns a dummy value\.
+### binary/16
+(Parser library/lux/data/binary.Binary)
+Parses a block of data prefixed with a size that is 16 bytes long\.
+### binary/32
+(Parser library/lux/data/binary.Binary)
+Parses a block of data prefixed with a size that is 32 bytes long\.
+### binary/64
+(Parser library/lux/data/binary.Binary)
+Parses a block of data prefixed with a size that is 64 bytes long\.
+### binary/8
+(Parser library/lux/data/binary.Binary)
+Parses a block of data prefixed with a size that is 8 bytes long\.
+### binary\_was\_not\_fully\_read
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Nat .Nat])
+### bit
+(Parser .Bit)
+### bits/16
+(Parser .I64)
+### bits/32
+(Parser .I64)
+### bits/64
+(Parser .I64)
+### bits/8
+(Parser .I64)
+### code
+(Parser .Code)
+### end?
+(Parser .Bit)
+Checks whether there is no more data to read\.
+### frac
+(Parser .Frac)
+### int
+(Parser .Int)
+### invalid\_tag
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Nat .Nat])
+### list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser (.List _0))))
+Parses an arbitrarily long list of values\.
+(list value)
+### location
+(Parser .Location)
+### maybe
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser (.Maybe _0))))
+### nat
+(Parser .Nat)
+### not\_a\_bit
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### offset
+(Parser Offset)
+The current offset \(i\.e\. how much data has been read\)\.
+### or
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _1) (Parser (Or _0 _1))))
+### rec
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _0)) (Parser _0)))
+Tie the knot for a recursive parser\.
+### remaining
+(Parser .Nat)
+How much of the data remains to be read\.
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) library/lux/data/binary.Binary (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)))
+Runs a parser and checks that all the binary data was read by it\.
+(result parser input)
+### rev
+(Parser .Rev)
+### segment
+(-> .Nat (Parser library/lux/data/binary.Binary))
+Parses a chunk of data of a given size\.
+(segment size)
+### sequence/16
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser (library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence _0))))
+Parses a sequence of values prefixed with a size that is 16 bytes long\.
+### sequence/32
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser (library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence _0))))
+Parses a sequence of values prefixed with a size that is 32 bytes long\.
+### sequence/64
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser (library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence _0))))
+Parses a sequence of values prefixed with a size that is 64 bytes long\.
+### sequence/8
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser (library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence _0))))
+Parses a sequence of values prefixed with a size that is 8 bytes long\.
+### set
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (Parser _0) (Parser (library/lux/data/collection/set.Set _0))))
+(set hash value)
+### set\_elements\_are\_not\_unique
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### size/16
+### size/32
+### size/64
+### size/8
+### symbol
+(Parser .Symbol)
+### text
+(Parser .Text)
+### type
+(Parser .Type)
+### utf8/16
+(Parser .Text)
+Parses a block of \(UTF\-8 encoded\) text prefixed with a size that is 16 bytes long\.
+### utf8/32
+(Parser .Text)
+Parses a block of \(UTF\-8 encoded\) text prefixed with a size that is 32 bytes long\.
+### utf8/64
+(Parser .Text)
+Parses a block of \(UTF\-8 encoded\) text prefixed with a size that is 64 bytes long\.
+### utf8/8
+(Parser .Text)
+Parses a block of \(UTF\-8 encoded\) text prefixed with a size that is 8 bytes long\.
+# library/lux/control/parser/cli
+## Definitions
+### \(Parser it\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/parser.Parser (.List .Text) it)
+A command\-line interface parser\.
+### any
+(Parser .Text)
+Just returns the next input without applying any logic\.
+### end
+(Parser .Any)
+Ensures there are no more inputs\.
+### named
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses a named parameter and yields its value\.
+(named name value)
+### parameter
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [.Text .Text] (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses a parameter that can have either a short or a long name\.
+(parameter [short long] value)
+### parse
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> .Text (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)) (Parser _0)))
+Parses the next input with a parsing function\.
+(parse parser)
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (.List .Text) (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)))
+Executes the parser and verifies that all inputs are processed\.
+(result parser inputs)
+### somewhere
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Given a parser, tries to parse it somewhere in the inputs \(i\.e\. not necessarily parsing the immediate inputs\)\.
+(somewhere cli)
+### this
+(-> .Text (Parser .Any))
+Checks that a token is in the inputs\.
+(this reference)
+# library/lux/control/parser/code
+## Definitions
+### \(Parser it\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/parser.Parser (.List .Code))
+A Lux code parser\.
+### any
+(Parser .Code)
+Yields the next input without applying any logic\.
+### bit
+(Parser .Bit)
+Parses the next bit input\.
+### bit\!
+(-> .Bit (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific bit input\.
+### end\!
+(Parser .Any)
+Verifies there are no more inputs\.
+### end?
+(Parser .Bit)
+Checks whether there are no more inputs\.
+### form
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses the contents of a form\.
+### frac
+(Parser .Frac)
+Parses the next frac input\.
+### frac\!
+(-> .Frac (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific frac input\.
+### int
+(Parser .Int)
+Parses the next int input\.
+### int\!
+(-> .Int (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific int input\.
+### local
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List .Code) (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Runs parser against the given list of inputs\.
+(local inputs parser)
+### local\_symbol
+(Parser .Text)
+Parse a local local symbol \(a local symbol that has no module prefix\)\.
+### local\_symbol\!
+(-> .Text (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific local local symbol \(a local symbol that has no module prefix\)\.
+### nat
+(Parser .Nat)
+Parses the next nat input\.
+### nat\!
+(-> .Nat (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific nat input\.
+### next
+(Parser .Code)
+Yields the next Code token without consuming it from the input stream\.
+### not
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser .Code)))
+Yields the next Code token if the parser fails\.
+(not expected_to_fail)
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (.List .Code) (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)))
+Executes a parser against a stream of code, and verifies all the inputs are consumed\.
+(result parser inputs)
+### rev
+(Parser .Rev)
+Parses the next rev input\.
+### rev\!
+(-> .Rev (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific rev input\.
+### symbol
+(Parser .Symbol)
+Parses the next symbol input\.
+### symbol\!
+(-> .Symbol (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific symbol input\.
+### text
+(Parser .Text)
+Parses the next text input\.
+### text\!
+(-> .Text (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific text input\.
+### this\!
+(-> .Code (Parser .Any))
+Ensures the given Code is the next input\.
+(this! code)
+### tuple
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses the contents of a tuple\.
+### variant
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses the contents of a variant\.
+# library/lux/control/parser/environment
+## Definitions
+### Environment
+... .Type
+(library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary Property .Text)
+An abstraction for environment variables of a program\.
+### \(Parser it\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/parser.Parser Environment it)
+A parser of environment variables of a program\.
+### Property
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Text")
+A property in the environment\.
+### empty
+An empty environment\.
+### property
+(-> Property (Parser .Text))
+(property name)
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) Environment (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)))
+Executes a parser against the given environment variables\.
+Does not check whether all environment variables were parsed, since they're usually an open set\.
+(result parser environment)
+### unknown\_property
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception Property)
+# library/lux/control/parser/json
+## Definitions
+### \(Parser it\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/parser.Parser (.List library/lux/data/format/json.JSON) it)
+A JSON parser\.
+### any
+(Parser library/lux/data/format/json.JSON)
+Just returns the JSON input without applying any logic\.
+### array
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses the contents of a JSON array\.
+(array parser)
+### boolean
+(Parser library/lux/data/format/json.Boolean)
+Reads a JSON value as boolean\.
+### boolean\!
+(-> library/lux/data/format/json.Boolean (Parser .Any))
+Ensures a JSON value is a boolean\.
+### boolean?
+(-> library/lux/data/format/json.Boolean (Parser .Bit))
+Asks whether a JSON value is a boolean\.
+### dictionary
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser (library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary .Text _0))))
+Parses a dictionary\-like JSON object\.
+### empty\_input
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### field
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses a field inside a JSON object\.
+Use this inside the 'object' combinator\.
+(field field_name parser)
+### null
+(Parser library/lux/data/format/json.Null)
+Reads a JSON value as null\.
+### nullable
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser (.Maybe _0))))
+Enhances parser by adding NULL\-handling\.
+(nullable parser)
+### number
+(Parser library/lux/data/format/json.Number)
+Reads a JSON value as number\.
+### number\!
+(-> library/lux/data/format/json.Number (Parser .Any))
+Ensures a JSON value is a number\.
+### number?
+(-> library/lux/data/format/json.Number (Parser .Bit))
+Asks whether a JSON value is a number\.
+### object
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses the contents of a JSON object\.
+Use this with the 'field' combinator\.
+(object parser)
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) library/lux/data/format/json.JSON (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)))
+Executes the parser against a JSON object\.
+Verifies that all of the JSON was consumed by the parser\.
+(result parser json)
+### string
+(Parser library/lux/data/format/json.String)
+Reads a JSON value as string\.
+### string\!
+(-> library/lux/data/format/json.String (Parser .Any))
+Ensures a JSON value is a string\.
+### string?
+(-> library/lux/data/format/json.String (Parser .Bit))
+Asks whether a JSON value is a string\.
+### unconsumed\_input
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception (.List library/lux/data/format/json.JSON))
+### unexpected\_value
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception library/lux/data/format/json.JSON)
+### value\_mismatch
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/control/exception.Exception [library/lux/data/format/json.JSON library/lux/data/format/json.JSON]))
+# library/lux/control/parser/synthesis
+## Definitions
+### \(Parser it\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/parser.Parser (.List library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Synthesis))
+A parser for the Lux compiler's synthesis nodes using during optimization\.
+### any
+(Parser library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Synthesis)
+Yields a synthesis node without subjecting it to any analysis\.
+### bit
+(Parser .Bit)
+Queries for a bit synthesis node\.
+### bit\!
+(-> .Bit (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific bit synthesis node\.
+### cannot\_parse
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception (.List library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Synthesis))
+### constant
+(Parser .Symbol)
+Queries for a constant synthesis node\.
+### constant\!
+(-> .Symbol (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific constant synthesis node\.
+### empty\_input
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### end\!
+(Parser .Any)
+Ensures there are no more inputs\.
+### end?
+(Parser .Bit)
+Checks whether there are no more inputs\.
+### expected\_empty\_input
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception (.List library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Synthesis))
+### f64
+(Parser .Frac)
+Queries for a f64 synthesis node\.
+### f64\!
+(-> .Frac (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific f64 synthesis node\.
+### foreign
+(Parser .Nat)
+Queries for a foreign synthesis node\.
+### foreign\!
+(-> .Nat (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific foreign synthesis node\.
+### function
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> library/lux/tool/compiler/arity.Arity (Parser _0) (Parser [(library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Environment library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Synthesis) _0])))
+Parses the body of a function with the 'expected' arity\.
+(function expected parser)
+### i64
+(Parser (.I64 .Any))
+Queries for a i64 synthesis node\.
+### i64\!
+(-> (.I64 .Any) (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific i64 synthesis node\.
+### local
+(Parser .Nat)
+Queries for a local synthesis node\.
+### local\!
+(-> .Nat (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific local synthesis node\.
+### loop
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _1) (Parser [library/lux/tool/compiler/reference/variable.Register _0 _1])))
+Parses the initial values and the body of a loop\.
+(loop init_parsers iteration_parser)
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (.List library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Synthesis) (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)))
+Executes the parser against the inputs\.
+Ensures all inputs are consumed by the parser\.
+(result parser input)
+### text
+(Parser .Text)
+Queries for a text synthesis node\.
+### text\!
+(-> .Text (Parser .Any))
+Checks for a specific text synthesis node\.
+### tuple
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses the contents of a tuple\.
+(tuple parser)
+### unconsumed\_input
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception (.List library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Synthesis))
+### wrong\_arity
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [library/lux/tool/compiler/arity.Arity library/lux/tool/compiler/arity.Arity])
+# library/lux/control/parser/text
+## Definitions
+### Offset
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+An offset into a block of text\.
+### \(Parser it\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/parser.Parser [Offset .Text])
+A parser for text\.
+### Slice
+... .Type
+ [#basis Offset
+ #distance Offset])
+A slice of a block of text\.
+### alpha
+(Parser .Text)
+Yields alphabetic characters\.
+### alpha\_num
+(Parser .Text)
+Yields alphanumeric characters\.
+### and
+(-> (Parser .Text) (Parser .Text) (Parser .Text))
+Yields the outputs of both parsers composed together\.
+(and left right)
+### and\!
+(-> (Parser Slice) (Parser Slice) (Parser Slice))
+Yields the outputs of both parsers composed together \(as a slice\)\.
+(and! left right)
+### any
+(Parser .Text)
+Yields the next character without applying any logic\.
+### any\!
+(Parser Slice)
+Yields the next character \(as a slice\) without applying any logic\.
+### at\_least
+(-> .Nat (Parser .Text) (Parser .Text))
+Yields at least N characters\.
+### at\_least\!
+(-> .Nat (Parser Slice) (Parser Slice))
+Yields at least N characters \(as a slice\)\.
+### at\_most
+(-> .Nat (Parser .Text) (Parser .Text))
+Yields at most N characters\.
+### at\_most\!
+(-> .Nat (Parser Slice) (Parser Slice))
+Yields at most N characters \(as a slice\)\.
+### between
+(-> .Nat .Nat (Parser .Text) (Parser .Text))
+(between minimum additional parser)
+### between\!
+(-> .Nat .Nat (Parser Slice) (Parser Slice))
+(between! minimum additional parser)
+### cannot\_match
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Text)
+### cannot\_parse
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### cannot\_slice
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### character\_does\_not\_satisfy\_predicate
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception library/lux/data/text.Char)
+### character\_should\_be
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Text library/lux/data/text.Char])
+### character\_should\_not\_be
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Text library/lux/data/text.Char])
+### decimal
+(Parser .Text)
+Only yields decimal characters\.
+### enclosed
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [.Text .Text] (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+(enclosed [start end] parser)
+### end\!
+(Parser .Any)
+Ensure the parser's input is empty\.
+### exactly
+(-> .Nat (Parser .Text) (Parser .Text))
+Yields exactly N characters\.
+### exactly\!
+(-> .Nat (Parser Slice) (Parser Slice))
+Yields exactly N characters \(as a slice\)\.
+### expected\_to\_fail
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [Offset .Text])
+### hexadecimal
+(Parser .Text)
+Yields hexadecimal digits\.
+### local
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Applies a parser against the given input\.
+(local local_input parser)
+### lower
+(Parser .Text)
+Only yields lowercase characters\.
+### many
+(-> (Parser .Text) (Parser .Text))
+Yields <name> characters as a single continuous text\.
+### many\!
+(-> (Parser Slice) (Parser Slice))
+Yields <name> characters as a single continuous text \(as a slice\)\.
+### next
+(Parser .Text)
+Yields the next character \(without consuming it from the input\)\.
+### none\_of
+(-> .Text (Parser .Text))
+Yields characters that are not part of a piece of text\.
+### none\_of\!
+(-> .Text (Parser Slice))
+Yields characters \(as a slice\) that are not part of a piece of text\.
+### not
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser .Text)))
+Produce a character if the parser fails\.
+### not\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser Slice)))
+Produce a character \(as a slice\) if the parser fails\.
+### octal
+(Parser .Text)
+Only yields octal characters\.
+### offset
+(Parser Offset)
+Yields the current offset into the input\.
+### one\_of
+(-> .Text (Parser .Text))
+Yields characters that are part of a piece of text\.
+### one\_of\!
+(-> .Text (Parser Slice))
+Yields characters \(as a slice\) that are part of a piece of text\.
+### range
+(-> .Nat .Nat (Parser .Text))
+Only yields characters within a range\.
+(range bottom top)
+### remaining
+(Parser .Text)
+Get all of the remaining input \(without consuming it\)\.
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) .Text (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)))
+Executes a parser against a block of text\.
+Verifies that the entire input has been processed\.
+(result parser input)
+### satisfies
+(-> (-> library/lux/data/text.Char .Bit) (Parser .Text))
+Yields characters that satisfy a predicate\.
+(satisfies parser)
+### slice
+(-> (Parser Slice) (Parser .Text))
+Converts a slice to a block of text\.
+(slice parser)
+### some
+(-> (Parser .Text) (Parser .Text))
+Yields <name> characters as a single continuous text\.
+### some\!
+(-> (Parser Slice) (Parser Slice))
+Yields <name> characters as a single continuous text \(as a slice\)\.
+### space
+(Parser .Text)
+Yields white\-space\.
+### then
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _1) (library/lux/control/parser.Parser _0 .Text) (library/lux/control/parser.Parser _0 _1)))
+Embeds a text parser into an arbitrary parser that yields text\.
+(then structured text)
+### this
+(-> .Text (Parser .Any))
+Checks that a specific text shows up in the input\.
+(this reference)
+### unconsumed\_input
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [Offset .Text])
+### upper
+(Parser .Text)
+Only yields uppercase characters\.
+# library/lux/control/parser/tree
+## Definitions
+### \(Parser it\)
+... .Type
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/control/parser.Parser (library/lux/data/collection/tree/zipper.Zipper it) _0))
+A parser of arbitrary trees\.
+### cannot\_move\_further
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### down
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Parser _0 .Any))
+Move down\.
+### end
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Parser _0 .Any))
+Move to the last node\.
+### left
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Parser _0 .Any))
+Move to the left\.
+### leftmost
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Parser _0 .Any))
+Move to the leftmost node\.
+### next
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Parser _0 .Any))
+Move to the next node\.
+### previous
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Parser _0 .Any))
+Move to the previous node\.
+### result
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (library/lux/data/collection/tree.Tree _0) (library/lux/control/try.Try _1)))
+Applies the parser against a tree\.
+(result parser tree)
+### result'
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0 _1) (library/lux/data/collection/tree/zipper.Zipper _0) (library/lux/control/try.Try _1)))
+Applies the parser against a tree zipper\.
+(result' parser zipper)
+### right
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Parser _0 .Any))
+Move to the right\.
+### rightmost
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Parser _0 .Any))
+Move to the rightmost node\.
+### start
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Parser _0 .Any))
+Move to the root node\.
+### up
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Parser _0 .Any))
+Move up\.
+### value
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Parser _0 _0))
+Yields the value inside the current tree node\.
+# library/lux/control/parser/type
+Parsing of Lux types\.
+Used mostly for polytypic programming\.
+## Definitions
+### Env
+... .Type
+(library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary .Nat [.Type .Code])
+An environment for type parsing\.
+### \(Parser it\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/parser.Parser [Env (.List .Type)] it)
+A parser of Lux types\.
+### adjusted\_idx
+(-> Env .Nat .Nat)
+(adjusted_idx env idx)
+### any
+(Parser .Type)
+Yields a type, without examination\.
+### applied
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses a type application\.
+(applied poly)
+### empty\_input
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### env
+(Parser Env)
+Yields the current parsing environment\.
+### exactly
+(-> .Type (Parser .Any))
+Parses a type exactly\.
+### existential
+(Parser .Nat)
+Yields an existential type\.
+### fresh
+An empty parsing environment\.
+### function
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _1) (Parser [_0 _1])))
+Parses a function's inputs and output\.
+(function in_poly out_poly)
+### local
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List .Type) (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Apply a parser to the given inputs\.
+(local types poly)
+### named
+(Parser [.Symbol .Type])
+Yields a named type\.
+### next
+(Parser .Type)
+Inspect a type in the input stream without consuming it\.
+### not\_application
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Type)
+### not\_existential
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Type)
+### not\_function
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Type)
+### not\_named
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Type)
+### not\_parameter
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Type)
+### not\_polymorphic
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Type)
+### not\_recursive
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Type)
+### not\_tuple
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Type)
+### not\_variant
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Type)
+### parameter
+(Parser .Code)
+### parameter\!
+(-> .Nat (Parser .Any))
+(parameter! id)
+### polymorphic
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser [.Code (.List .Code) _0])))
+(polymorphic poly)
+### recursive
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser [.Code _0])))
+(recursive poly)
+### recursive\_call
+(Parser .Code)
+### recursive\_self
+(Parser .Code)
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) .Type (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)))
+Applies a parser against a type\.
+Verifies that the parser fully consumes the type's information\.
+(result poly type)
+### sub
+(-> .Type (Parser .Any))
+Parses a sub type\.
+### super
+(-> .Type (Parser .Any))
+Parses a super type\.
+### tuple
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses the contents of a tuple type\.
+### types\_do\_not\_match
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Type .Type])
+### unconsumed\_input
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception (.List .Type))
+### unknown\_parameter
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Type)
+### variant
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses the contents of a variant type\.
+### with\_extension
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Type (Parser _0) (Parser [.Code _0])))
+(with_extension type poly)
+### wrong\_parameter
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Type .Type])
+# library/lux/control/parser/xml
+## Definitions
+### \(Parser it\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/parser.Parser [library/lux/data/format/xml.Attrs (.List library/lux/data/format/xml.XML)] it)
+A parser of XML\-encoded data\.
+### any
+(Parser library/lux/data/format/xml.XML)
+Yields the next node\.
+### attribute
+(-> library/lux/data/format/xml.Attribute (Parser .Text))
+Yields the value of an attribute in the current node\.
+(attribute name)
+### empty\_input
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### node
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> library/lux/data/format/xml.Tag (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Parses the contents of the next node if the tag matches\.
+(node expected parser)
+### nowhere
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (.List library/lux/data/format/xml.XML) (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)))
+Applies a parser against a stream of XML documents\.
+Verifies that all of the inputs are consumed by the parser\.
+(result parser documents)
+### somewhere
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Parser _0) (Parser _0)))
+Applies the parser somewhere among the remaining inputs; instead of demanding that the parser succeeds against the immediate inputs\.
+(somewhere parser)
+### tag
+(Parser library/lux/data/format/xml.Tag)
+Yields the tag from the next node\.
+### text
+(Parser .Text)
+Yields text from a text node\.
+### unconsumed\_inputs
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception (.List library/lux/data/format/xml.XML))
+### unexpected\_input
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### unknown\_attribute
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [library/lux/data/format/xml.Attribute (.List library/lux/data/format/xml.Attribute)])
+### wrong\_tag
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [library/lux/data/format/xml.Tag library/lux/data/format/xml.Tag])
+# library/lux/control/pipe
+Composable extensions to the piping macros \(|> and <|\) that enhance them with various abilities\.
+## Definitions
+### case>
+Pattern\-matching for pipes\.
+The bodies of each branch are NOT pipes; just regular values\.
+(|> +5
+ (case> +0 "zero"
+ +1 "one"
+ +2 "two"
+ +3 "three"
+ +4 "four"
+ +5 "five"
+ +6 "six"
+ +7 "seven"
+ +8 "eight"
+ +9 "nine"
+ _ "???"))
+### cond>
+Branching for pipes\.
+Both the tests and the bodies are piped\-code, and must be given inside a tuple\.
+(|> +5
+ (cond> [i.even?] [(i.* +2)]
+ [i.odd?] [(i.* +3)]
+ [(new> -1 [])]))
+### do>
+Monadic pipes\.
+Each steps in the monadic computation is a pipe and must be given inside a tuple\.
+(|> +5
+ (do> identity.monad
+ [(i.* +3)]
+ [(i.+ +4)]
+ [++]))
+### exec>
+Non\-updating pipes\.
+Will generate piped computations, but their results will not be used in the larger scope\.
+(|> +5
+ (exec> [.nat %n log!])
+ (i.* +10))
+### if>
+(same? (if (n.even? sample)
+ "even"
+ "odd")
+ (|> sample
+ (if> [n.even?]
+ [(new> "even" [])]
+ [(new> "odd" [])])))
+### let>
+Gives a name to the piped\-argument, within the given expression\.
+(n.= 10
+ (|> 5
+ (let> x (n.+ x x))))
+### loop>
+Loops for pipes\.
+Both the testing and calculating steps are pipes and must be given inside tuples\.
+(|> +1
+ (loop> [(i.< +10)]
+ [++]))
+### new>
+Ignores the piped argument, and begins a new pipe\.
+(n.= 1
+ (|> 20
+ (n.* 3)
+ (n.+ 4)
+ (new> 0 [++])))
+### tuple>
+Parallel branching for pipes\.
+Allows to run multiple pipelines for a value and gives you a tuple of the outputs\.
+(|> +5
+ (tuple> [(i.* +10)]
+ [-- (i./ +2)]
+ [i#encoded]))
+... =>
+[+50 +2 "+5"]
+### when>
+Only execute the body when the test passes\.
+(same? (if (n.even? sample)
+ (n.* 2 sample)
+ sample)
+ (|> sample
+ (when> [n.even?]
+ [(n.* 2)])))
+# library/lux/control/reader
+## Definitions
+### \(Reader environment it\)
+... .Type
+(-> environment it)
+Computations that have access to some environmental value\.
+### apply
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply (Reader _0)))
+### functor
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor (Reader _0)))
+### lifted
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (_0 _2) (Reader _1 (_0 _2))))
+Lift monadic values to the Reader wrapper\.
+### local
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 _0) (Reader _0 _1) (Reader _0 _1)))
+Run computation with a locally\-modified environment\.
+(local change proc)
+### monad
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (Reader _0)))
+### read
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Reader _0 _0))
+Get the environment\.
+### result
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 (Reader _0 _1) _1))
+Executes the reader against the given environment\.
+(result env proc)
+### with
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (All (_ _1) (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (All (_ _2) (Reader _1 (_0 _2)))))))
+Monad transformer for Reader\.
+(with monad)
+# library/lux/control/region
+## Definitions
+### \(Region r \! it\)
+... .Type
+(-> [r (.List (Cleaner r !))] (! [(.List (Cleaner r !)) (library/lux/control/try.Try it)]))
+A region where resources may be be claimed and where a side\-effecting computation may be performed\.
+Every resource is paired with a function that knows how to clean/reclaim it, to make sure there are no leaks\.
+### acquire\!
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (-> _1 (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any))) _1 (All (_ _2) (Region _2 _0 _1))))
+Acquire a resource while pairing it a function that knows how to reclaim it\.
+(acquire! monad cleaner value)
+### apply
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (All (_ _1) (library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply (Region _1 _0)))))
+### clean\_up\_error
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Text (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)]))
+### except
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (library/lux/control/exception.Exception _1) _1 (All (_ _3) (Region _3 _0 _2))))
+Fail by throwing/raising an exception\.
+(except monad exception message)
+### failure
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) .Text (All (_ _2) (Region _2 _0 _1))))
+Immediately fail with this 'message'\.
+(failure monad error)
+### functor
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor _0) (All (_ _1) (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor (Region _1 _0)))))
+### lifted
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (_0 _1) (All (_ _2) (Region _2 _0 _1))))
+Lift an effectful computation into a region\-based computation\.
+(lifted monad operation)
+### monad
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (All (_ _1) (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (Region _1 _0)))))
+### run\!
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (All (_ _2) (Region _2 _0 _1)) (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try _1))))
+Executes a region\-based computation, with a side\-effect determined by the monad\.
+(run! monad computation)
+# library/lux/control/remember
+## Definitions
+### fix\_me
+A FIXME message with an expiration date\.
+Can have an optional piece of code to focus on\.
+(fix_me "2022-04-01"
+ "Do this, that and the other.")
+(fix_me "2022-04-01"
+ "Improve the performace."
+ (some (complicated (computation 123))))
+### must\_remember
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [library/lux/time/date.Date library/lux/time/date.Date .Text (.Maybe .Code)])
+### remember
+A message with an expiration date\.
+Can have an optional piece of code to focus on\.
+(remember "2022-04-01"
+ "Do this, that and the other.")
+(remember "2022-04-01"
+ "Improve the performace."
+ (some (complicated (computation 123))))
+### to\_do
+A TODO message with an expiration date\.
+Can have an optional piece of code to focus on\.
+(to_do "2022-04-01"
+ "Do this, that and the other.")
+(to_do "2022-04-01"
+ "Improve the performace."
+ (some (complicated (computation 123))))
+# library/lux/control/security/capability
+## Definitions
+### \(Capability brand input output\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/security/capability.Capability" brand input output)
+Represents the capability to perform an operation\.
+This operation is assumed to have security implications\.
+### async
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Capability _0 _1 (library/lux/control/io.IO _2)) (Capability _0 _1 (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async _2))))
+Converts a synchronous I/O\-based capability into an asynchronous capability\.
+(async capability)
+### capability:
+Defines a capability as a unique type, and a constructor for instances\.
+(capability: (Can_Duplicate a)
+ (can_duplicate a [a a]))
+(let [capability (can_duplicate
+ (function (_ value)
+ [value value]))
+ [left right] (documentation/lux/control/security/capability.usecapability 123)]
+ (same? left right))
+### use
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Capability _0 _1 _2) _1 _2))
+Applies a capability against its required input\.
+(use capability input)
+# library/lux/control/security/policy
+## Definitions
+### Can\_Conceal
+... .Type
+(Can_Upgrade Privacy)
+### Can\_Distrust
+... .Type
+(Can_Downgrade Safety)
+### \(Can\_Downgrade brand % value\)
+... .Type
+(-> (Policy brand value %) value)
+Represents the capacity to 'downgrade' a value\.
+### Can\_Reveal
+... .Type
+(Can_Downgrade Privacy)
+### Can\_Trust
+... .Type
+(Can_Upgrade Safety)
+### \(Can\_Upgrade brand % value\)
+... .Type
+(-> value (Policy brand value %))
+Represents the capacity to 'upgrade' a value\.
+### \(Context brand scope %\)
+... .Type
+(-> (Privilege brand %) (scope %))
+A computational context with an associated policy privilege\.
+### \(Delegation brand %from %to\)
+... .Type
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Policy brand _0 %from) (Policy brand _0 %to)))
+Represents the act of delegating policy capacities\.
+### \(Policy brand value %\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/security/policy.Policy" brand value %)
+A security policy encoded as the means to 'upgrade' or 'downgrade' in a secure context\.
+### Privacy
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/security/policy.Privacy")
+A security context for privacy\.
+Private data is data which cannot be allowed to leak outside of the programmed\.
+### Private
+... .Type
+(Policy Privacy)
+### \(Privilege brand %\)
+... .Type
+ [#can_upgrade (Can_Upgrade brand %)
+ #can_downgrade (Can_Downgrade brand %)])
+Represents the privilege to both 'upgrade' and 'downgrade' a value\.
+### Safe
+... .Type
+(Policy Safety)
+### Safety
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/security/policy.Safety")
+A security context for safety\.
+Safe data is data coming from outside the program which can be trusted to be properly formatted and lacking injections\.
+### apply
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply (All (_ _2) (Policy _0 _2 _1))))
+### delegation
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Can_Downgrade _0 _1) (Can_Upgrade _0 _2) (Delegation _0 _1 _2)))
+Delegating policy capacities\.
+(delegation downgrade upgrade)
+### functor
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor (All (_ _2) (Policy _0 _2 _1))))
+### monad
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (All (_ _2) (Policy _0 _2 _1))))
+### with\_policy
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (Ex (_ _2)
+ (-> (Context _0 _1 _2) (_1 _2))))
+Activates a security context with the priviledge to enforce it's policy\.
+(type: Password
+ (Private Text))
+(type: (Policy %)
+ (Interface
+ (: (-> Text (Password %))
+ password)
+ (: (-> (Password %) Text)
+ unsafe)))
+(def: (policy _)
+ (Ex (_ %) (-> Any (Policy %)))
+ (with_policy
+ (: (Context Privacy Policy)
+ (function (_ (^open "%::."))
+ (implementation
+ (def: (password value)
+ (%::can_upgrade value))
+ (def: (unsafe password)
+ (%::can_downgrade password)))))))
+(with_policy context)
+# library/lux/control/state
+## Definitions
+### State
+... .Type
+(All (+State _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> _1 (_0 [_1 _2])))
+Stateful computations decorated by a monad\.
+### \(State state it\)
+... .Type
+(-> state [state it])
+Stateful computations\.
+### apply
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply (State _0)))
+### do\_while
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (State _0 .Bit) (State _0 .Any) (State _0 .Any)))
+A stateful do\-while loop\.
+(do_while condition body)
+### functor
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor (State _0)))
+### get
+(All (_ _0)
+ (State _0 _0))
+Read the current state\.
+### lifted
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (_0 _2) (+State _0 _1 _2)))
+Lift monadic values to the State wrapper\.
+(lifted monad ma)
+### local
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 _0) (State _0 _1) (State _0 _1)))
+Run the computation with a locally\-modified state\.
+(local change action)
+### monad
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (State _0)))
+### put
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (State _0 .Any)))
+Set the new state\.
+(put new_state)
+### result
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 (State _0 _1) [_0 _1]))
+Run a stateful computation\.
+(result state action)
+### result'
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> _1 (+State _0 _1 _2) (_0 [_1 _2])))
+Execute a stateful computation decorated by a monad\.
+(result' state action)
+### update
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 _0) (State _0 .Any)))
+Compute the new state\.
+(update change)
+### use
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1) (State _0 _1)))
+Run a function on the current state\.
+(use user)
+### while
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (State _0 .Bit) (State _0 .Any) (State _0 .Any)))
+A stateful while loop\.
+(while condition body)
+### with
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (+State _0 _1))))
+A monad transformer to create composite stateful computations\.
+(with monad)
+# library/lux/control/thread
+## Definitions
+### \(Box \! it\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/control/thread.Box" ! it)
+A mutable box holding a value\.
+### \(Thread \! it\)
+... .Type
+(-> ! it)
+An imperative process with access to mutable values\.
+### apply
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply (Thread _0)))
+### box
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (All (_ _1) (Thread _1 (Box _1 _0)))))
+A brand\-new box initialized to the given value\.
+(box init)
+### functor
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor (Thread _0)))
+### io
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (All (_ _1) (Thread _1 _0)) (library/lux/control/io.IO _0)))
+Transforms the imperative thread into an I/O computation\.
+### monad
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (Thread _0)))
+### read\!
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Box _0 _1) (Thread _0 _1)))
+Reads the current value in the box\.
+(read! box)
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (All (_ _1) (Thread _1 _0)) _0))
+Executes the imperative thread in a self\-contained way\.
+(result thread)
+### update\!
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 _0) (Box _1 _0) (Thread _1 _0)))
+Update a box's value by applying a function to it\.
+(update! f box)
+### write\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (All (_ _1) (-> (Box _1 _0) (Thread _1 .Any)))))
+Mutates the value in the box\.
+(write! value box)
+# library/lux/control/try
+## Definitions
+### \(Try it\)
+... .Type
+ {#Failure .Text}
+ {#Success it})
+A computation that can fail with an error message\.
+### apply
+(library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply Try)
+### else
+Allows you to provide a default value that will be used
+if a \(Try x\) value turns out to be \#Failure\.
+Note: the expression for the default value will not be computed if the base computation succeeds\.
+(= "bar"
+ (else "foo" {#Success "bar"}))
+(= "foo"
+ (else "foo" {#Failure "KABOOM!"}))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Try _0))))
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Try)
+### lifted
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (_0 _1) (_0 (Try _1))))
+Wraps a monadic value with error\-handling machinery\.
+(lifted monad)
+### maybe
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Try _0) (.Maybe _0)))
+(maybe try)
+### monad
+(library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad Try)
+### of\_maybe
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.Maybe _0) (Try _0)))
+(of_maybe maybe)
+### trusted
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Try _0) _0))
+Assumes a Try value succeeded, and yields its value\.
+If it didn't, raises the error as a runtime error\.
+WARNING: Use with caution\.
+(trusted try)
+### with
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (All (_ _1) (_0 (Try _1))))))
+Enhances a monad with error\-handling functionality\.
+(with monad)
+# library/lux/control/writer
+## Definitions
+### \(Writer log value\)
+... .Type
+ [#log log
+ #value value])
+Represents a value with an associated 'log' to record arbitrary information\.
+### apply
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid _0) (library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply (Writer _0))))
+### functor
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor (Writer _0)))
+### lifted
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid _0) (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _1) (_1 _2) (_1 (Writer _0 _2))))
+Wraps a monadic value with Writer machinery\.
+(lifted monoid monad)
+### monad
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid _0) (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (Writer _0))))
+### with
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid _0) (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _1) (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (All (_ _2) (_1 (Writer _0 _2))))))
+Enhances a monad with Writer functionality\.
+(with monoid monad)
+### write
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Writer _0 .Any)))
+Write a value to the log\.
+(write message)
+# library/lux/data/binary
+## Definitions
+### Binary
+... .Type
+(library/lux/data/collection/array.Array (.I64 .Any))
+A binary BLOB of data\.
+### after
+(-> .Nat Binary Binary)
+Yields a binary BLOB with at most the specified number of bytes removed\.
+(after bytes binary)
+### aggregate
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> .I64 _0 _0) _0 Binary _0))
+(aggregate f init binary)
+### copy
+(-> .Nat .Nat Binary .Nat Binary (library/lux/control/try.Try Binary))
+Mutates the target binary BLOB by copying bytes from the source BLOB to it\.
+(copy bytes source_offset source target_offset target)
+### empty
+(-> .Nat Binary)
+A fresh/empty binary BLOB of the specified size\.
+(empty size)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Binary)
+### index\_out\_of\_bounds
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Nat .Nat])
+### monoid
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid Binary)
+### read/16\!
+(-> .Nat Binary (library/lux/control/try.Try .I64))
+Read 2 bytes \(16 bits\) at the given index\.
+(read/16! index binary)
+### read/32\!
+(-> .Nat Binary (library/lux/control/try.Try .I64))
+Read 4 bytes \(32 bits\) at the given index\.
+(read/32! index binary)
+### read/64\!
+(-> .Nat Binary (library/lux/control/try.Try .I64))
+Read 8 bytes \(64 bits\) at the given index\.
+(read/64! index binary)
+### read/8\!
+(-> .Nat Binary (library/lux/control/try.Try .I64))
+Read 1 byte \(8 bits\) at the given index\.
+(read/8! index binary)
+### size
+(-> Binary .Nat)
+### slice
+(-> .Nat .Nat Binary (library/lux/control/try.Try Binary))
+Yields a subset of the binary BLOB, so long as the specified range is valid\.
+(slice offset length binary)
+### slice\_out\_of\_bounds
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Nat .Nat .Nat])
+### write/16\!
+(-> .Nat (.I64 .Any) Binary (library/lux/control/try.Try Binary))
+Write 2 bytes \(16 bits\) at the given index\.
+(write/16! index value binary)
+### write/32\!
+(-> .Nat (.I64 .Any) Binary (library/lux/control/try.Try Binary))
+Write 4 bytes \(32 bits\) at the given index\.
+(write/32! index value binary)
+### write/64\!
+(-> .Nat (.I64 .Any) Binary (library/lux/control/try.Try Binary))
+Write 8 bytes \(64 bits\) at the given index\.
+(write/64! index value binary)
+### write/8\!
+(-> .Nat (.I64 .Any) Binary (library/lux/control/try.Try Binary))
+Write 1 byte \(8 bits\) at the given index\.
+(write/8! index value binary)
+## Missing documentation
+1. `` cannot_copy_bytes ``
+# library/lux/data/bit
+## Definitions
+### codec
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Bit)
+### complement
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 .Bit) _0 .Bit))
+Generates the complement of a predicate\.
+That is a predicate that returns the oposite of the original predicate\.
+### conjunction
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Bit)
+### disjunction
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Bit)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence .Bit)
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash .Bit)
+### no
+### off
+### on
+### yes
+# library/lux/data/collection/array
+## Definitions
+### \(Array it\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Array" it)
+Mutable arrays\.
+### any?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate (Array _0))))
+### clone
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Array _0) (Array _0)))
+Yields a shallow clone of the array\.
+(clone xs)
+### contains?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Array _0) .Bit))
+(contains? index array)
+### copy\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat .Nat (Array _0) .Nat (Array _0) (Array _0)))
+Writes the contents of one array into the other\.
+(copy! length src_start src_array dest_start dest_array)
+### delete\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Array _0) (Array _0)))
+Mutate the array by deleting the value at the specified index\.
+(delete! index array)
+### empty
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Array _0)))
+An empty array of the specified size\.
+(empty size)
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Array _0))))
+### every?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate (Array _0))))
+### example
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (Array _0) (.Maybe _0)))
+Yields the first item in the array that satisfies the predicate\.
+(example p xs)
+### example
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> .Nat _0 .Bit) (Array _0) (.Maybe [.Nat _0])))
+Just like 'example', but with access to the index of each value\.
+(example+ p xs)
+### filter\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (Array _0) (Array _0)))
+Delete every item of the array that fails to satisfy the predicate\.
+(filter! p xs)
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Array)
+### list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.Maybe _0) (Array _0) (.List _0)))
+Yields a list with every non\-empty item in the array\.
+Can use the optional default value when encountering an empty cell in the array\.
+(list {.#None} array)
+(list {.#Some default} array)
+### mix
+(library/lux/abstract/mix.Mix Array)
+### monoid
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid (Array _0)))
+### occupancy
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Array _0) .Nat))
+Finds out how many cells in an array are occupied\.
+(occupancy array)
+### of\_list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List _0) (Array _0)))
+(of_list xs)
+### read\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Array _0) (.Maybe _0)))
+(read! index array)
+### size
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Array _0) .Nat))
+(size array)
+### type\_name
+### update\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (-> _0 _0) (Array _0) (Array _0)))
+Mutate the array by updating the value at the specified index\.
+(update! index transform array)
+### upsert\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat _0 (-> _0 _0) (Array _0) (Array _0)))
+Mutate the array by updating the value at the specified index\.
+If there is no value, update and write the default value given\.
+(upsert! index default transform array)
+### vacancy
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Array _0) .Nat))
+Finds out how many cells in an array are vacant\.
+(vacancy array)
+### write\!
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat _0 (Array _0) (Array _0)))
+Mutate the array by writing a value to the specified index\.
+(write! index value array)
+# library/lux/data/collection/bits
+## Definitions
+### Bits
+... .Type
+(library/lux/data/collection/array.Array Chunk)
+A bit\-map\.
+### Chunk
+... .Type
+(All (Chunk _0)
+ (Primitive "#I64" _0))
+### and
+(-> Bits Bits Bits)
+### bit
+(-> .Nat Bits .Bit)
+(bit index bits)
+### capacity
+(-> Bits .Nat)
+(capacity bits)
+### chunk\_size
+### empty
+### empty?
+(-> Bits .Bit)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Bits)
+### flipped
+(-> .Nat Bits Bits)
+### intersects?
+(-> Bits Bits .Bit)
+(intersects? reference sample)
+### not
+(-> Bits Bits)
+(not input)
+### one
+(-> .Nat Bits Bits)
+### or
+(-> Bits Bits Bits)
+### size
+(-> Bits .Nat)
+Measures the size of a bit\-map by counting all the 1s in the bit\-map\.
+(size bits)
+### xor
+(-> Bits Bits Bits)
+### zero
+(-> .Nat Bits Bits)
+# library/lux/data/collection/dictionary
+## Definitions
+### \(Dictionary key value\)
+... .Type
+ [#hash (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash key)
+ #root (Node key value)])
+A dictionary implemented as a Hash\-Array Mapped Trie \(HAMT\)\.
+### empty
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+An empty dictionary\.
+(empty key_hash)
+### empty?
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) .Bit))
+### entries
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) (.List [_0 _1])))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _1) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Dictionary _0 _1))))
+### functor
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor (Dictionary _0)))
+### has
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 _1 (Dictionary _0 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+(has key val dict)
+### has'
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 _1 (Dictionary _0 _1) (library/lux/control/try.Try (Dictionary _0 _1))))
+Only puts the KV\-pair if the key is not already present\.
+(has' key val dict)
+### key?
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) _0 .Bit))
+(key? dict key)
+### key\_already\_exists
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### key\_hash
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0)))
+### keys
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) (.List _0)))
+### lacks
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 (Dictionary _0 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+(lacks key dict)
+### merged
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+Merges 2 dictionaries\.
+If any collisions with keys occur, the values of dict2 will overwrite those of dict1\.
+(merged dict2 dict1)
+### merged\_with
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _1 _1 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+Merges 2 dictionaries\.
+If any collisions with keys occur, a new value will be computed by applying 'f' to the values of dict2 and dict1\.
+(merged_with f dict2 dict1)
+### of\_list
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (.List [_0 _1]) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+(of_list key_hash kvs)
+### re\_bound
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 _0 (Dictionary _0 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+If there is a value under 'from\_key', remove 'from\_key' and store the value under 'to\_key'\.
+(re_bound from_key to_key dict)
+### revised
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 (-> _1 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+Transforms the value located at key \(if available\), using the given function\.
+(revised key f dict)
+### revised'
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 _1 (-> _1 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+Updates the value at the key; if it exists\.
+Otherwise, puts a value by applying the function to a default\.
+(revised' key default f dict)
+### size
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) .Nat))
+### sub
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (.List _0) (Dictionary _0 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+A sub\-dictionary, with only the specified keys\.
+(sub keys dict)
+### value
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 (Dictionary _0 _1) (.Maybe _1)))
+(value key dict)
+### values
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) (.List _1)))
+# library/lux/data/collection/dictionary/ordered
+## Definitions
+### \(Dictionary key value\)
+... .Type
+ [#&order (library/lux/abstract/order.Order key)
+ #root (.Maybe (Node key value))])
+A dictionary data\-structure with ordered entries\.
+### empty
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/order.Order _0) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+An empty dictionary, employing the given order\.
+(empty order)
+### empty?
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) .Bit))
+### entries
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) (.List [_0 _1])))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _1) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Dictionary _0 _1))))
+### has
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 _1 (Dictionary _0 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+(has key value dict)
+### key?
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) _0 .Bit))
+(key? dict key)
+### keys
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) (.List _0)))
+### lacks
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 (Dictionary _0 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+(lacks key dict)
+### max
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) (.Maybe _1)))
+Yields value under the maximum key\.
+### min
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) (.Maybe _1)))
+Yields value under the minimum key\.
+### of\_list
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/order.Order _0) (.List [_0 _1]) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+(of_list order list)
+### revised
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 (-> _1 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1) (Dictionary _0 _1)))
+(revised key transform dict)
+### size
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) .Nat))
+(size dict)
+### value
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 (Dictionary _0 _1) (.Maybe _1)))
+(value key dict)
+### values
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Dictionary _0 _1) (.List _1)))
+# library/lux/data/collection/dictionary/plist
+## Definitions
+### \(PList it\)
+... .Type
+(.List [.Text it])
+A property list\.
+It's a simple dictionary\-like structure with Text keys\.
+### contains?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (PList _0) .Bit))
+(contains? key properties)
+### empty
+### empty?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (PList _0) .Bit))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (PList _0))))
+### has
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text _0 (PList _0) (PList _0)))
+(has key val properties)
+### keys
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (PList _0) (.List .Text)))
+### lacks
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (PList _0) (PList _0)))
+(lacks key properties)
+### revised
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (-> _0 _0) (PList _0) (PList _0)))
+(revised key f properties)
+### size
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (PList _0) .Nat))
+### value
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (PList _0) (.Maybe _0)))
+(value key properties)
+### values
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (PList _0) (.List _0)))
+# library/lux/data/collection/list
+## Definitions
+### after
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.List _0) (.List _0)))
+### all
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 (.Maybe _1)) (.List _0) (.List _1)))
+(all check xs)
+### any?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (.List _0) .Bit))
+### apply
+(library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply .List)
+### empty?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate (.List _0)))
+(empty? xs)
+### enumeration
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List _0) (.List [.Nat _0])))
+Pairs every element in the list with its index, starting at 0\.
+(enumeration xs)
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (.List _0))))
+### every?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (.List _0) .Bit))
+### example
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (.List _0) (.Maybe _0)))
+Yields the first value in the list that satisfies the predicate\.
+(example predicate xs)
+### first
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.List _0) (.List _0)))
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor .List)
+### hash
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash (.List _0))))
+### head
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List _0) (.Maybe _0)))
+Yields the first element of a list\.
+### indices
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.List .Nat)))
+Produces all the valid indices for a given size\.
+(indices size)
+### inits
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List _0) (.Maybe (.List _0))))
+For a list of size N, yields the first N\-1 elements\.
+Will yield a \.\#None for empty lists\.
+(inits xs)
+### interposed
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (.List _0) (.List _0)))
+Puts a value between every two elements in the list\.
+(interposed sep xs)
+### item
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.List _0) (.Maybe _0)))
+Fetches the element at the specified index\.
+(item i xs)
+### iterations
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 (.Maybe _0)) _0 (.List _0)))
+Generates a list element by element until the function returns \.\#None\.
+(iterations f x)
+### last
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List _0) (.Maybe _0)))
+(last xs)
+### lifted
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (_0 _1) (_0 (.List _1))))
+Wraps a monadic value with List machinery\.
+(lifted monad)
+### member?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (.List _0) _0 .Bit))
+(member? eq xs x)
+### mix
+(library/lux/abstract/mix.Mix .List)
+### mixes
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1 _1) _1 (.List _0) (.List _1)))
+(mixes f init inputs)
+### monad
+(library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad .List)
+### monoid
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid (.List _0)))
+### one
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 (.Maybe _1)) (.List _0) (.Maybe _1)))
+(one check xs)
+### only
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (.List _0) (.List _0)))
+A list with only values that satisfy the predicate\.
+(only keep? xs)
+### pairs
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List _0) (.Maybe (.List [_0 _0]))))
+Cut the list into pairs of 2\.
+(pairs list)
+### partition
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (.List _0) [(.List _0) (.List _0)]))
+Divide the list into all elements that satisfy a predicate, and all elements that do not\.
+(partition satisfies? list)
+### repeated
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat _0 (.List _0)))
+A list of the value x, repeated n times\.
+(repeated n x)
+### reversed
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List _0) (.List _0)))
+(reversed xs)
+### size
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List _0) .Nat))
+(size list)
+### sorted
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 _0 .Bit) (.List _0) (.List _0)))
+A list ordered by a comparison function\.
+(sorted < xs)
+### split\_at
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.List _0) [(.List _0) (.List _0)]))
+(split_at n xs)
+### split\_when
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (.List _0) [(.List _0) (.List _0)]))
+Segment the list by using a predicate to tell when to cut\.
+(split_when predicate xs)
+### sub
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.List _0) (.List (.List _0))))
+Segment the list into sub\-lists of \(at most\) the given size\.
+(sub size list)
+### tail
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List _0) (.Maybe (.List _0))))
+For a list of size N, yields the N\-1 elements after the first one\.
+### together
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List (.List _0)) (.List _0)))
+The sequential combination of all the lists\.
+### until
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (.List _0) (.List _0)))
+### when
+Can be used as a guard in \(co\)monadic be/do expressions\.
+(do monad
+ [value (do_something 1 2 3)
+ .when (passes_test? value)]
+ (do_something_else 4 5 6))
+### while
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (.List _0) (.List _0)))
+### with
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (All (_ _1) (_0 (.List _1))))))
+Enhances a monad with List functionality\.
+(with monad)
+### zipped
+Create list zippers with the specified number of input lists\.
+(def: zipped/2 (zipped 2))
+(def: zipped/3 (zipped 3))
+(zipped/3 xs ys zs)
+((zipped 3) xs ys zs)
+### zipped/2
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (.List _0) (.List _1) (.List [_0 _1])))
+### zipped/3
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (.List _0) (.List _1) (.List _2) (.List [_0 _1 _2])))
+### zipped\_with
+Create list zippers with the specified number of input lists\.
+(def: zipped_with/2 (zipped_with 2))
+(def: zipped_with/3 (zipped_with 3))
+(zipped_with/2 + xs ys)
+((zipped_with 2) + xs ys)
+### zipped\_with/2
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1 _2) (.List _0) (.List _1) (.List _2)))
+### zipped\_with/3
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1 _2 _3) (.List _0) (.List _1) (.List _2) (.List _3)))
+# library/lux/data/collection/queue
+## Definitions
+### \(Queue it\)
+... .Type
+ [#front (.List it)
+ #rear (.List it)])
+A first\-in, first\-out sequential data\-structure\.
+### empty
+### empty?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Queue _0) .Bit))
+### end
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Queue _0) (Queue _0)))
+(end val queue)
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Queue _0))))
+### front
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Queue _0) (.Maybe _0)))
+Yields the first value in the queue, if any\.
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Queue)
+### list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Queue _0) (.List _0)))
+(list queue)
+### member?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (Queue _0) _0 .Bit))
+(member? equivalence queue member)
+### next
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Queue _0) (Queue _0)))
+(next queue)
+### of\_list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List _0) (Queue _0)))
+(of_list entries)
+### size
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Queue _0) .Nat))
+# library/lux/data/collection/queue/priority
+## Definitions
+### Priority
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+### \(Queue it\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/collection/queue/priority.Queue" it)
+### empty
+### empty?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Queue _0) .Bit))
+### end
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> Priority _0 (Queue _0) (Queue _0)))
+(end priority value queue)
+### front
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Queue _0) (.Maybe _0)))
+### max
+### member?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (Queue _0) _0 .Bit))
+(member? equivalence queue member)
+### min
+### next
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Queue _0) (Queue _0)))
+### size
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Queue _0) .Nat))
+# library/lux/data/collection/sequence
+## Definitions
+### \(Sequence it\)
+... .Type
+ [#level Level
+ #size .Nat
+ #root (Hierarchy it)
+ #tail (Base it)])
+A sequential data\-structure with fast random access\.
+### any?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (Sequence _0) .Bit))
+### apply
+(library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply Sequence)
+### empty
+### empty?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Sequence _0) .Bit))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Sequence _0))))
+### every?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (Sequence _0) .Bit))
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Sequence)
+### has
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat _0 (Sequence _0) (library/lux/control/try.Try (Sequence _0))))
+(has idx val sequence)
+### index\_out\_of\_bounds
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/control/exception.Exception [(Sequence _0) .Nat]))
+### item
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Sequence _0) (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)))
+(item idx sequence)
+### list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Sequence _0) (.List _0)))
+(list sequence)
+### member?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (Sequence _0) _0 .Bit))
+(member? equivalence sequence val)
+### mix
+(library/lux/abstract/mix.Mix Sequence)
+### monad
+(library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad Sequence)
+### monoid
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid (Sequence _0)))
+### of\_list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.List _0) (Sequence _0)))
+### prefix
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Sequence _0) (Sequence _0)))
+(prefix sequence)
+### reversed
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Sequence _0) (Sequence _0)))
+### revised
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (-> _0 _0) (Sequence _0) (library/lux/control/try.Try (Sequence _0))))
+(revised idx f sequence)
+### sequence
+Sequence literals\.
+(: (Sequence Nat)
+ (sequence 12 34 56 78 90))
+### size
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Sequence _0) .Nat))
+### suffix
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Sequence _0) (Sequence _0)))
+(suffix val sequence)
+### within\_bounds?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Sequence _0) .Nat .Bit))
+Determines whether the index is within the bounds of the sequence\.
+(within_bounds? sequence idx)
+# library/lux/data/collection/set
+## Definitions
+### \(Set it\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary it .Any)
+### difference
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+(difference sub base)
+### empty
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (Set _0)))
+### empty?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) .Bit))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Set _0)))
+### has
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+(has elem set)
+### hash
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash (Set _0)))
+### intersection
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+(intersection filter base)
+### lacks
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+### list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (.List _0)))
+### member?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) _0 .Bit))
+### member\_hash
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0)))
+### monoid
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid (Set _0))))
+### of\_list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (.List _0) (Set _0)))
+### predicate
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0)))
+### size
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) .Nat))
+### sub?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) .Bit))
+(sub? super sub)
+### super?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) .Bit))
+(super? sub super)
+### union
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+# library/lux/data/collection/set/multi
+## Definitions
+### \(Set it\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/collection/set/multi.Set" it)
+A set that keeps track of repetition in its entries\.
+### difference
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+### empty
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (Set _0)))
+### empty?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) .Bit))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Set _0)))
+### has
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat _0 (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+(has multiplicity elem set)
+### hash
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash (Set _0)))
+### intersection
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+### lacks
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat _0 (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+(lacks multiplicity elem set)
+### list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (.List _0)))
+### member?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) _0 .Bit))
+(member? set elem)
+### multiplicity
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) _0 .Nat))
+(multiplicity set elem)
+### of\_list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (.List _0) (Set _0)))
+### of\_set
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/data/collection/set.Set _0) (Set _0)))
+### size
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) .Nat))
+### sub?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) .Bit))
+Is 'subject' a sub\-set of 'reference'?
+(sub? reference subject)
+### sum
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+### super?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) .Bit))
+Is 'subject' a super\-set of 'reference'?
+### support
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (library/lux/data/collection/set.Set _0)))
+A set of the unique \(non repeated\) members\.
+(support set)
+### union
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+# library/lux/data/collection/set/ordered
+## Definitions
+### \(Set it\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/collection/set/ordered.Set" it)
+A set with ordered entries\.
+### difference
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+(difference param subject)
+### empty
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/order.Order _0) (Set _0)))
+### empty?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) .Bit))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Set _0)))
+### has
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+(has elem set)
+### intersection
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+### lacks
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+(lacks elem set)
+### list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (.List _0)))
+### max
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (.Maybe _0)))
+### member?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) _0 .Bit))
+(member? set elem)
+### min
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (.Maybe _0)))
+### of\_list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/order.Order _0) (.List _0) (Set _0)))
+### size
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) .Nat))
+### sub?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) .Bit))
+Is 'sub' a sub\-set of 'super'?
+(sub? super sub)
+### super?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) .Bit))
+Is 'super' a super\-set of 'sub'?
+(super? sub super)
+### union
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Set _0) (Set _0) (Set _0)))
+# library/lux/data/collection/stack
+## Definitions
+### \(Stack it\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/collection/stack.Stack" it)
+A first\-in, last\-out sequential data\-structure\.
+### empty
+### empty?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Stack _0) .Bit))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Stack _0))))
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Stack)
+### next
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Stack _0) (.Maybe [_0 (Stack _0)])))
+(next stack)
+### size
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Stack _0) .Nat))
+### top
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Stack _0) (Stack _0)))
+(top value stack)
+### value
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Stack _0) (.Maybe _0)))
+Yields the top value in the stack, if any\.
+(value stack)
+# library/lux/data/collection/stream
+## Definitions
+### \(Stream it\)
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/continuation.Cont [it (Stream it)])
+An infinite sequence of values\.
+### ^stream&
+Allows destructuring of streams in pattern\-matching expressions\.
+Caveat emptor: Only use it for destructuring, and not for testing values within the streams\.
+(let [(^stream& x y z _tail) (some_stream_func +1 +2 +3)]
+ (func x y z))
+### after
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Stream _0) (Stream _0)))
+### comonad
+(library/lux/abstract/comonad.CoMonad Stream)
+### cycle
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> [_0 (.List _0)] (Stream _0)))
+Go over the elements of a list forever\.
+(cycle [start next])
+### first
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Stream _0) (.List _0)))
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Stream)
+### head
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Stream _0) _0))
+### item
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Stream _0) _0))
+(item idx stream)
+### iterations
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 [_0 _1]) _0 (Stream _1)))
+A stateful way of infinitely calculating the values of a stream\.
+(iterations step init)
+### only
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 .Bit) (Stream _0) (Stream _0)))
+A new stream only with items that satisfy the predicate\.
+(only predicate stream)
+### partition
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 .Bit) (Stream _0) [(Stream _0) (Stream _0)]))
+Split a stream in two based on a predicate\.
+The left side contains all entries for which the predicate is \#1\.
+The right side contains all entries for which the predicate is \#0\.
+(partition left? xs)
+### repeated
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Stream _0)))
+Repeat a value forever\.
+(repeated x)
+### split\_at
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Stream _0) [(.List _0) (Stream _0)]))
+### split\_when
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 .Bit) (Stream _0) [(.List _0) (Stream _0)]))
+### tail
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Stream _0) (Stream _0)))
+### until
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 .Bit) (Stream _0) (Stream _0)))
+### while
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 .Bit) (Stream _0) (.List _0)))
+# library/lux/data/collection/tree
+## Definitions
+### \(Tree it\)
+... .Type
+ [#value it
+ #children (.List (Tree it))])
+A generic tree data\-structure\.
+### branch
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (.List (Tree _0)) (Tree _0)))
+(branch value children)
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Tree _0))))
+### flat
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Tree _0) (.List _0)))
+All the leaf values of the tree, in order\.
+(flat tree)
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Tree)
+### leaf
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Tree _0)))
+(leaf value)
+### mix
+(library/lux/abstract/mix.Mix Tree)
+### tree
+Tree literals\.
+(: (Tree Nat)
+ (tree 12
+ {34 {}
+ 56 {}
+ 78 {90 {}}}))
+# library/lux/data/collection/tree/finger
+## Definitions
+### \(Builder @ tag\)
+... .Type
+ [leaf (All (_ _0) (-> tag _0 (Tree @ tag _0)))
+ branch (All (_ _0) (-> (Tree @ tag _0) (Tree @ tag _0) (Tree @ tag _0)))])
+A builder for finter tree structures\.
+### \(Tree @ tag value\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/collection/tree/finger.Tree" @ tag value)
+A finger tree\.
+### builder
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Ex (_ _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid _0) (Builder _1 _0))))
+A new builder using the given monoid\.
+(builder monoid)
+### exists?
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _1) (Tree _0 _1 _2) .Bit))
+Verifies that a value exists which meets the predicate\.
+(exists? predicate tree)
+### one
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _1) (Tree _0 _1 _2) (.Maybe _2)))
+Finds one value that meets the predicate\.
+(one predicate tree)
+### root
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Tree _0 _1 _2) (.Either _2 [(Tree _0 _1 _2) (Tree _0 _1 _2)])))
+### tag
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Tree _0 _1 _2) _1))
+### tags
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Tree _0 _1 _2) (.List _1)))
+(tags tree)
+### value
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Tree _0 _1 _2) _2))
+(value tree)
+### values
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Tree _0 _1 _2) (.List _2)))
+(values tree)
+# library/lux/data/collection/tree/zipper
+## Definitions
+### \(Zipper it\)
+... .Type
+ [#family (.Maybe (Family Zipper it))
+ #node (library/lux/data/collection/tree.Tree it)])
+Tree zippers, for easy navigation and editing of trees\.
+### adopt
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Zipper _0) (Zipper _0)))
+(adopt value zipper)
+### branch?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) .Bit))
+### comonad
+(library/lux/abstract/comonad.CoMonad Zipper)
+### down
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) (.Maybe (Zipper _0))))
+### end
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) (.Maybe (Zipper _0))))
+### end?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) .Bit))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Zipper _0))))
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Zipper)
+### insert\_left
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Zipper _0) (.Maybe (Zipper _0))))
+### insert\_right
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Zipper _0) (.Maybe (Zipper _0))))
+### interpose
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Zipper _0) (Zipper _0)))
+(interpose value zipper)
+### leaf?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) .Bit))
+### left
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) (.Maybe (Zipper _0))))
+### leftmost
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) (.Maybe (Zipper _0))))
+### next
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) (.Maybe (Zipper _0))))
+### previous
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) (.Maybe (Zipper _0))))
+### remove
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) (.Maybe (Zipper _0))))
+### right
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) (.Maybe (Zipper _0))))
+### rightmost
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) (.Maybe (Zipper _0))))
+### set
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> _0 (Zipper _0) (Zipper _0)))
+(set value zipper)
+### start
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) (.Maybe (Zipper _0))))
+### start?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) .Bit))
+### tree
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) (library/lux/data/collection/tree.Tree _0)))
+### up
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) (.Maybe (Zipper _0))))
+### update
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 _0) (Zipper _0) (Zipper _0)))
+(update transform zipper)
+### value
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Zipper _0) _0))
+### zipper
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/data/collection/tree.Tree _0) (Zipper _0)))
+# library/lux/data/color
+## Definitions
+### Alpha
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Rev"))
+The degree of transparency of a pigment\.
+### CMYK
+... .Type
+ [#cyan .Frac
+ #magenta .Frac
+ #yellow .Frac
+ #key .Frac])
+Cyan\-Magenta\-Yellow\-Key color format\.
+### Color
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/color.Color")
+A color value, independent of color format\.
+### HSB
+... .Type
+[.Frac .Frac .Frac]
+Hue\-Saturation\-Brightness color format\.
+### HSL
+... .Type
+[.Frac .Frac .Frac]
+Hue\-Saturation\-Lightness color format\.
+### Palette
+... .Type
+(-> Spread .Nat Color (.List Color))
+### Pigment
+... .Type
+ [#color Color
+ #alpha Alpha])
+A color with some degree of transparency\.
+### RGB
+... .Type
+ [#red .Nat
+ #green .Nat
+ #blue .Nat])
+Red\-Green\-Blue color format\.
+### Spread
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Frac")
+### addition
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid Color)
+### analogous
+A analogous palette\.
+(analogous spread variations color)
+### black
+### brighter
+(-> .Frac Color Color)
+### clash
+(-> Color [Color Color Color])
+A clash color scheme\.
+### cmyk
+(-> Color CMYK)
+### complement
+(-> Color Color)
+The opposite color\.
+(complement color)
+### darker
+(-> .Frac Color Color)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Color)
+### gray\_scale
+(-> Color Color)
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash Color)
+### hsb
+(-> Color HSB)
+### hsl
+(-> Color HSL)
+### interpolated
+(-> .Frac Color Color Color)
+(interpolated ratio end start)
+### monochromatic
+A monochromatic palette\.
+(monochromatic spread variations color)
+### of\_cmyk
+(-> CMYK Color)
+### of\_hsb
+(-> HSB Color)
+### of\_hsl
+(-> HSL Color)
+### of\_rgb
+(-> RGB Color)
+### opaque
+The minimum degree of transparency\.
+### rgb
+(-> Color RGB)
+### saturated
+(-> .Frac Color Color)
+### split\_complement
+(-> Color [Color Color Color])
+A split\-complement color scheme\.
+### square
+(-> Color [Color Color Color Color])
+A square color scheme\.
+### subtraction
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid Color)
+### tetradic
+(-> Color [Color Color Color Color])
+A tetradic color scheme\.
+### translucent
+The average degree of transparency\.
+### transparent
+The maximum degree of transparency\.
+### triad
+(-> Color [Color Color Color])
+A triad color scheme\.
+### un\_saturated
+(-> .Frac Color Color)
+### white
+# library/lux/data/color/named
+## Definitions
+### alice\_blue
+R:F0 G:F8 B:FF | alice blue
+### antique\_white
+R:FA G:EB B:D7 | antique white
+### aqua
+R:0 G:FF B:FF | aqua
+### aquamarine
+R:7F G:FF B:D4 | aquamarine
+### azure
+R:F0 G:FF B:FF | azure
+### beige
+R:F5 G:F5 B:DC | beige
+### bisque
+R:FF G:E4 B:C4 | bisque
+### black
+R:0 G:0 B:0 | black
+### blanched\_almond
+R:FF G:EB B:CD | blanched almond
+### blue
+R:0 G:0 B:FF | blue
+### blue\_violet
+R:8A G:2B B:E2 | blue violet
+### brown
+R:A5 G:2A B:2A | brown
+### burly\_wood
+R:DE G:B8 B:87 | burly wood
+### cadet\_blue
+R:5F G:9E B:A0 | cadet blue
+### chartreuse
+R:7F G:FF B:0 | chartreuse
+### chocolate
+R:D2 G:69 B:1E | chocolate
+### coral
+R:FF G:7F B:50 | coral
+### cornflower\_blue
+R:64 G:95 B:ED | cornflower blue
+### cornsilk
+R:FF G:F8 B:DC | cornsilk
+### crimson
+R:DC G:14 B:3C | crimson
+### cyan
+R:0 G:FF B:FF | cyan
+### dark\_blue
+R:0 G:0 B:8B | dark blue
+### dark\_cyan
+R:0 G:8B B:8B | dark cyan
+### dark\_goldenrod
+R:B8 G:86 B:B | dark goldenrod
+### dark\_gray
+R:A9 G:A9 B:A9 | dark gray
+### dark\_green
+R:0 G:64 B:0 | dark green
+### dark\_khaki
+R:BD G:B7 B:6B | dark khaki
+### dark\_magenta
+R:8B G:0 B:8B | dark magenta
+### dark\_olive\_green
+R:55 G:6B B:2F | dark olive green
+### dark\_orange
+R:FF G:8C B:0 | dark orange
+### dark\_orchid
+R:99 G:32 B:CC | dark orchid
+### dark\_red
+R:8B G:0 B:0 | dark red
+### dark\_salmon
+R:E9 G:96 B:7A | dark salmon
+### dark\_sea\_green
+R:8F G:BC B:8F | dark sea green
+### dark\_slate\_blue
+R:48 G:3D B:8B | dark slate blue
+### dark\_slate\_gray
+R:2F G:4F B:4F | dark slate gray
+### dark\_turquoise
+R:0 G:CE B:D1 | dark turquoise
+### dark\_violet
+R:94 G:0 B:D3 | dark violet
+### deep\_pink
+R:FF G:14 B:93 | deep pink
+### deep\_sky\_blue
+R:0 G:BF B:FF | deep sky blue
+### dim\_gray
+R:69 G:69 B:69 | dim gray
+### dodger\_blue
+R:1E G:90 B:FF | dodger blue
+### fire\_brick
+R:B2 G:22 B:22 | fire brick
+### floral\_white
+R:FF G:FA B:F0 | floral white
+### forest\_green
+R:22 G:8B B:22 | forest green
+### fuchsia
+R:FF G:0 B:FF | fuchsia
+### gainsboro
+R:DC G:DC B:DC | gainsboro
+### ghost\_white
+R:F8 G:F8 B:FF | ghost white
+### gold
+R:FF G:D7 B:0 | gold
+### goldenrod
+R:DA G:A5 B:20 | goldenrod
+### gray
+R:80 G:80 B:80 | gray
+### green
+R:0 G:80 B:0 | green
+### green\_yellow
+R:AD G:FF B:2F | green yellow
+### honey\_dew
+R:F0 G:FF B:F0 | honey dew
+### hot\_pink
+R:FF G:69 B:B4 | hot pink
+### indian\_red
+R:CD G:5C B:5C | indian red
+### indigo
+R:4B G:0 B:82 | indigo
+### ivory
+R:FF G:FF B:F0 | ivory
+### khaki
+R:F0 G:E6 B:8C | khaki
+### lavender
+R:E6 G:E6 B:FA | lavender
+### lavender\_blush
+R:FF G:F0 B:F5 | lavender blush
+### lawn\_green
+R:7C G:FC B:0 | lawn green
+### lemon\_chiffon
+R:FF G:FA B:CD | lemon chiffon
+### light\_blue
+R:AD G:D8 B:E6 | light blue
+### light\_coral
+R:F0 G:80 B:80 | light coral
+### light\_cyan
+R:E0 G:FF B:FF | light cyan
+### light\_goldenrod\_yellow
+R:FA G:FA B:D2 | light goldenrod yellow
+### light\_gray
+R:D3 G:D3 B:D3 | light gray
+### light\_green
+R:90 G:EE B:90 | light green
+### light\_pink
+R:FF G:B6 B:C1 | light pink
+### light\_salmon
+R:FF G:A0 B:7A | light salmon
+### light\_sea\_green
+R:20 G:B2 B:AA | light sea green
+### light\_sky\_blue
+R:87 G:CE B:FA | light sky blue
+### light\_slate\_gray
+R:77 G:88 B:99 | light slate gray
+### light\_steel\_blue
+R:B0 G:C4 B:DE | light steel blue
+### light\_yellow
+R:FF G:FF B:E0 | light yellow
+### lime
+R:0 G:FF B:0 | lime
+### lime\_green
+R:32 G:CD B:32 | lime green
+### linen
+R:FA G:F0 B:E6 | linen
+### magenta
+R:FF G:0 B:FF | magenta
+### maroon
+R:80 G:0 B:0 | maroon
+### medium\_aquamarine
+R:66 G:CD B:AA | medium aquamarine
+### medium\_blue
+R:0 G:0 B:CD | medium blue
+### medium\_orchid
+R:BA G:55 B:D3 | medium orchid
+### medium\_purple
+R:93 G:70 B:DB | medium purple
+### medium\_sea\_green
+R:3C G:B3 B:71 | medium sea green
+### medium\_slate\_blue
+R:7B G:68 B:EE | medium slate blue
+### medium\_spring\_green
+R:0 G:FA B:9A | medium spring green
+### medium\_turquoise
+R:48 G:D1 B:CC | medium turquoise
+### medium\_violet\_red
+R:C7 G:15 B:85 | medium violet red
+### midnight\_blue
+R:19 G:19 B:70 | midnight blue
+### mint\_cream
+R:F5 G:FF B:FA | mint cream
+### misty\_rose
+R:FF G:E4 B:E1 | misty rose
+### moccasin
+R:FF G:E4 B:B5 | moccasin
+### navajo\_white
+R:FF G:DE B:AD | navajo white
+### navy
+R:0 G:0 B:80 | navy
+### old\_lace
+R:FD G:F5 B:E6 | old lace
+### olive
+R:80 G:80 B:0 | olive
+### olive\_drab
+R:6B G:8E B:23 | olive drab
+### orange
+R:FF G:A5 B:0 | orange
+### orange\_red
+R:FF G:45 B:0 | orange red
+### orchid
+R:DA G:70 B:D6 | orchid
+### pale\_goldenrod
+R:EE G:E8 B:AA | pale goldenrod
+### pale\_green
+R:98 G:FB B:98 | pale green
+### pale\_turquoise
+R:AF G:EE B:EE | pale turquoise
+### pale\_violet\_red
+R:DB G:70 B:93 | pale violet red
+### papaya\_whip
+R:FF G:EF B:D5 | papaya whip
+### peach\_puff
+R:FF G:DA B:B9 | peach puff
+### peru
+R:CD G:85 B:3F | peru
+### pink
+R:FF G:C0 B:CB | pink
+### plum
+R:DD G:A0 B:DD | plum
+### powder\_blue
+R:B0 G:E0 B:E6 | powder blue
+### purple
+R:80 G:0 B:80 | purple
+### rebecca\_purple
+R:66 G:33 B:99 | rebecca purple
+### red
+R:FF G:0 B:0 | red
+### rosy\_brown
+R:BC G:8F B:8F | rosy brown
+### royal\_blue
+R:41 G:69 B:E1 | royal blue
+### saddle\_brown
+R:8B G:45 B:13 | saddle brown
+### salmon
+R:FA G:80 B:72 | salmon
+### sandy\_brown
+R:F4 G:A4 B:60 | sandy brown
+### sea\_green
+R:2E G:8B B:57 | sea green
+### sea\_shell
+R:FF G:F5 B:EE | sea shell
+### sienna
+R:A0 G:52 B:2D | sienna
+### silver
+R:C0 G:C0 B:C0 | silver
+### sky\_blue
+R:87 G:CE B:EB | sky blue
+### slate\_blue
+R:6A G:5A B:CD | slate blue
+### slate\_gray
+R:70 G:80 B:90 | slate gray
+### snow
+R:FF G:FA B:FA | snow
+### spring\_green
+R:0 G:FF B:7F | spring green
+### steel\_blue
+R:46 G:82 B:B4 | steel blue
+### tan
+R:D2 G:B4 B:8C | tan
+### teal
+R:0 G:80 B:80 | teal
+### thistle
+R:D8 G:BF B:D8 | thistle
+### tomato
+R:FF G:63 B:47 | tomato
+### turquoise
+R:40 G:E0 B:D0 | turquoise
+### violet
+R:EE G:82 B:EE | violet
+### wheat
+R:F5 G:DE B:B3 | wheat
+### white
+R:FF G:FF B:FF | white
+### white\_smoke
+R:F5 G:F5 B:F5 | white smoke
+### yellow
+R:FF G:FF B:0 | yellow
+### yellow\_green
+R:9A G:CD B:32 | yellow green
+# library/lux/data/format/binary
+## Definitions
+### Mutation
+... .Type
+(-> [library/lux/control/parser/binary.Offset library/lux/data/binary.Binary] [library/lux/control/parser/binary.Offset library/lux/data/binary.Binary])
+A mutation of binary data, tracking where in the data to transform\.
+### Specification
+... .Type
+[library/lux/control/parser/binary.Size Mutation]
+A description of how to transform binary data\.
+### \(Writer it\)
+... .Type
+(-> it Specification)
+An operation that knows how to write information into a binary blob\.
+### and
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Writer _0) (Writer _1) (Writer [_0 _1])))
+(and pre post)
+### any
+(Writer .Any)
+### binary/16
+(Writer library/lux/data/binary.Binary)
+### binary/32
+(Writer library/lux/data/binary.Binary)
+### binary/64
+(Writer library/lux/data/binary.Binary)
+### binary/8
+(Writer library/lux/data/binary.Binary)
+### bit
+(Writer .Bit)
+### bits/16
+(Writer (.I64 .Any))
+### bits/32
+(Writer (.I64 .Any))
+### bits/64
+(Writer (.I64 .Any))
+### bits/8
+(Writer (.I64 .Any))
+### code
+(Writer .Code)
+### frac
+(Writer .Frac)
+### instance
+(-> Specification library/lux/data/binary.Binary)
+Given a specification of how to construct binary data, yields a binary blob that matches it\.
+### int
+(Writer .Int)
+### list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Writer _0) (Writer (.List _0))))
+### location
+(Writer .Location)
+### maybe
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Writer _0) (Writer (.Maybe _0))))
+### monoid
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid Specification)
+### nat
+(Writer .Nat)
+### no\_op
+A specification for empty binary data\.
+### or
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Writer _0) (Writer _1) (Writer (Or _0 _1))))
+(or left right)
+### rec
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> (Writer _0) (Writer _0)) (Writer _0)))
+A combinator for recursive writers\.
+(rec body)
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Writer _0) _0 library/lux/data/binary.Binary))
+Yields a binary blob with all the information written to it\.
+(result writer value)
+### rev
+(Writer .Rev)
+### segment
+(-> .Nat (Writer library/lux/data/binary.Binary))
+Writes at most 'size' bytes of an input binary blob\.
+(segment size)
+### sequence/16
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Writer _0) (Writer (library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence _0))))
+### sequence/32
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Writer _0) (Writer (library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence _0))))
+### sequence/64
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Writer _0) (Writer (library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence _0))))
+### sequence/8
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Writer _0) (Writer (library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence _0))))
+### set
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Writer _0) (Writer (library/lux/data/collection/set.Set _0))))
+### symbol
+(Writer .Symbol)
+### text
+(Writer .Text)
+### type
+(Writer .Type)
+### utf8/16
+(Writer .Text)
+### utf8/32
+(Writer .Text)
+### utf8/64
+(Writer .Text)
+### utf8/8
+(Writer .Text)
+# library/lux/data/format/json
+Functionality for reading and writing values in the JSON format\.
+For more information, please see: http://www\.json\.org/
+## Definitions
+### Array
+... .Type
+(library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence JSON)
+### Boolean
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Bit")
+### JSON
+... .Type
+(Rec JSON
+ (Variant
+ {#Null Null}
+ {#Boolean Boolean}
+ {#Number Number}
+ {#String String}
+ {#Array (library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence JSON)}
+ {#Object (library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary String JSON)}))
+### Null
+... .Type
+(Ex (Null _0)
+ _0)
+### Number
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Frac")
+### Object
+... .Type
+(library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary String JSON)
+### String
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Text")
+### array\_field
+(-> .Text JSON (library/lux/control/try.Try Array))
+A JSON object field getter for arrays\.
+### boolean\_field
+(-> .Text JSON (library/lux/control/try.Try Boolean))
+A JSON object field getter for booleans\.
+### codec
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text JSON)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence JSON)
+### field
+(-> String JSON (library/lux/control/try.Try JSON))
+A JSON object field getter\.
+(field key json)
+### fields
+(-> JSON (library/lux/control/try.Try (.List String)))
+Get all the fields in a JSON object\.
+(fields json)
+### format
+(-> JSON .Text)
+### has
+(-> String JSON JSON (library/lux/control/try.Try JSON))
+A JSON object field setter\.
+(has key value json)
+### json
+A simple way to produce JSON literals\.
+... null
+(json #null)
+... true
+(json #1)
+... 123.456
+(json +123.456)
+... 'this is a string'
+(json "this is a string")
+... ['this' 'is' 'an' 'array']
+(json ["this" "is" "an" "array"])
+... {'this' 'is', 'an' 'object'}
+(json {"this" "is" "an" "object"})
+### null?
+(library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate JSON)
+### number\_field
+(-> .Text JSON (library/lux/control/try.Try Number))
+A JSON object field getter for numbers\.
+### object
+(-> (.List [String JSON]) JSON)
+### object\_field
+(-> .Text JSON (library/lux/control/try.Try Object))
+A JSON object field getter for objects\.
+### string\_field
+(-> .Text JSON (library/lux/control/try.Try String))
+A JSON object field getter for strings\.
+# library/lux/data/format/tar
+## Definitions
+### Big
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/format/tar.Big")
+### Content
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/format/tar.Content")
+### Contiguous
+... .Type
+[Path library/lux/time/instant.Instant Mode Ownership Content]
+### Directory
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/format/tar.Path")
+### Entry
+... .Type
+ {#Normal Normal}
+ {#Symbolic_Link Symbolic_Link}
+ {#Directory Directory}
+ {#Contiguous Contiguous})
+### File
+... .Type
+[Path library/lux/time/instant.Instant Mode Ownership Content]
+### ID
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/format/tar.Small")
+### Mode
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/format/tar.Mode")
+### Name
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/format/tar.Name")
+### Normal
+... .Type
+[Path library/lux/time/instant.Instant Mode Ownership Content]
+### Owner
+... .Type
+ [#name Name
+ #id ID])
+### Ownership
+... .Type
+ [#user Owner
+ #group Owner])
+### Path
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/format/tar.Path")
+### Small
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/format/tar.Small")
+### Symbolic\_Link
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/format/tar.Path")
+### Tar
+... .Type
+(library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence Entry)
+### and
+(-> Mode Mode Mode)
+### anonymous
+### big
+(-> .Nat (library/lux/control/try.Try Big))
+### big\_limit
+### content
+(-> library/lux/data/binary.Binary (library/lux/control/try.Try Content))
+### data
+(-> Content library/lux/data/binary.Binary)
+### execute\_by\_group
+### execute\_by\_other
+### execute\_by\_owner
+### from\_big
+(-> Big .Nat)
+### from\_name
+(-> Name .Text)
+### from\_path
+(-> Path library/lux/world/file.Path)
+### from\_small
+(-> Small .Nat)
+### invalid\_end\_of\_archive
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### invalid\_link\_flag
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### invalid\_mode
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### mode
+(-> Mode .Nat)
+### name
+(-> .Text (library/lux/control/try.Try Name))
+### name\_is\_too\_long
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Text)
+### name\_size
+### no\_id
+### no\_path
+### none
+### not\_a\_big\_number
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### not\_a\_small\_number
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### not\_ascii
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Text)
+### parser
+(library/lux/control/parser/binary.Parser Tar)
+### path
+(-> library/lux/world/file.Path (library/lux/control/try.Try Path))
+### path\_is\_too\_long
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Text)
+### path\_size
+### read\_by\_group
+### read\_by\_other
+### read\_by\_owner
+### save\_text
+### set\_group\_id\_on\_execution
+### set\_user\_id\_on\_execution
+### small
+(-> .Nat (library/lux/control/try.Try Small))
+### small\_limit
+### write\_by\_group
+### write\_by\_other
+### write\_by\_owner
+### writer
+(library/lux/data/format/binary.Writer Tar)
+### wrong\_character
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [library/lux/data/text.Char library/lux/data/text.Char])
+### wrong\_checksum
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Nat .Nat])
+### wrong\_link\_flag
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [Link_Flag Link_Flag])
+# library/lux/data/format/xml
+## Definitions
+### Attribute
+... .Type
+[.Text .Text]
+### Attrs
+... .Type
+(library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary Attribute .Text)
+### Tag
+... .Type
+[.Text .Text]
+### XML
+... .Type
+(Rec XML
+ (Variant
+ {#Text .Text}
+ {#Node Tag Attrs (.List XML)}))
+### attribute
+(-> Attribute .Text)
+The text format of a XML attribute\.
+### attributes
+An empty set of XML attributes\.
+### codec
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text XML)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence XML)
+### tag
+(-> Tag .Text)
+The text format of a XML tag\.
+(tag name)
+# library/lux/data/identity
+## Definitions
+### \(Identity it\)
+... .Type
+A value, as is, without any extra structure super\-imposed on it\.
+### apply
+(library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply Identity)
+### comonad
+(library/lux/abstract/comonad.CoMonad Identity)
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Identity)
+### monad
+(library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad Identity)
+# library/lux/data/product
+Functionality for working with tuples \(particularly 2\-tuples/pairs\)\.
+## Definitions
+### curried
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (-> [_0 _1] _2) _0 _1 _2))
+Converts a 2\-argument function into nested single\-argument functions\.
+(curried f)
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _1) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence [_0 _1])))
+### forked
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1) (-> _0 _2) _0 [_1 _2]))
+Yields a pair by applying both functions to a single value\.
+(forked f g)
+### hash
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _1) (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash [_0 _1])))
+### left
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> [_0 _1] _0))
+The left side of a pair\.
+### right
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> [_0 _1] _1))
+The right side of a pair\.
+### swapped
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> [_0 _1] [_1 _0]))
+(swapped [left right])
+### then
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> (-> _0 _2) (-> _1 _3) [_0 _1] [_2 _3]))
+Apply functions to both sides of a pair\.
+(then f g)
+### uncurried
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1 _2) [_0 _1] _2))
+Converts nested single\-argument functions into a 2\-argument function\.
+(uncurried f)
+# library/lux/data/sum
+Functionality for working with variants \(particularly 2\-variants\)\.
+## Definitions
+### either
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (-> _0 _2) (-> _1 _2) (Or _0 _1) _2))
+Applies a function to either side of a 2\-variant\.
+(either on_left on_right)
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _1) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Or _0 _1))))
+### hash
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _1) (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash (Or _0 _1))))
+### left
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 (Or _0 _1)))
+Lifts value to the left side of a 2\-variant\.
+### lefts
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (.List (Or _0 _1)) (.List _0)))
+### partition
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (.List (Or _0 _1)) [(.List _0) (.List _1)]))
+### right
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _1 (Or _0 _1)))
+Lifts value to the right side of a 2\-variant\.
+### rights
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (.List (Or _0 _1)) (.List _1)))
+### then
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1) (-> _2 _3) (Or _0 _2) (Or _1 _3)))
+Applies functions to both sides of a 2\-variant\.
+(then on_left on_right)
+# library/lux/data/text
+## Definitions
+### Char
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+A character code number\.
+### \''
+### \0
+### \a
+### \b
+### \f
+### \n
+### \r
+### \t
+### \v
+### alarm
+### all\_split\_by
+(-> .Text .Text (.List .Text))
+(all_split_by token sample)
+### back\_space
+### carriage\_return
+### char
+(-> .Nat .Text (.Maybe Char))
+Yields the character at the specified index\.
+(char index input)
+### clip
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Text (.Maybe .Text))
+Clips a chunk of text from the input at the specified offset and of the specified size\.
+(clip offset size input)
+### clip\_since
+(-> .Nat .Text (.Maybe .Text))
+Clips the remaining text from the input at the specified offset\.
+(clip_since offset input)
+### contains?
+(-> .Text .Text .Bit)
+(contains? sub text)
+### double\_quote
+### empty?
+(-> .Text .Bit)
+### enclosed
+(-> [.Text .Text] .Text .Text)
+Surrounds the given content text with left and right side additions\.
+(enclosed [left right] content)
+### enclosed'
+(-> .Text .Text .Text)
+Surrounds the given content text with the same boundary text\.
+(enclosed' boundary content)
+### enclosed\_by?
+(-> .Text .Text .Bit)
+(enclosed_by? boundary value)
+### ends\_with?
+(-> .Text .Text .Bit)
+(ends_with? postfix x)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence .Text)
+### form\_feed
+### format
+(-> .Text .Text)
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash .Text)
+### index
+(-> .Text .Text (.Maybe .Nat))
+(index pattern input)
+### index\_since
+(-> .Nat .Text .Text (.Maybe .Nat))
+(index_since from pattern input)
+### interposed
+(-> .Text (.List .Text) .Text)
+(interposed separator texts)
+### last\_index
+(-> .Text .Text (.Maybe .Nat))
+(last_index part text)
+### line\_feed
+Same as 'new\_line'\.
+### lower\_cased
+(-> .Text .Text)
+### monoid
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Text)
+### new\_line
+### null
+### of\_char
+(-> Char .Text)
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order .Text)
+### prefix
+(-> .Text .Text .Text)
+(prefix param subject)
+### replaced
+(-> .Text .Text .Text .Text)
+(replaced pattern replacement template)
+### replaced/1
+(-> .Text .Text .Text .Text)
+(replaced/1 pattern replacement template)
+### size
+(-> .Text .Nat)
+### space
+### space?
+(-> Char .Bit)
+Checks whether the character is white\-space\.
+(space? char)
+### split\_at
+(-> .Nat .Text (.Maybe [.Text .Text]))
+(split_at at x)
+### split\_by
+(-> .Text .Text (.Maybe [.Text .Text]))
+(split_by token sample)
+### starts\_with?
+(-> .Text .Text .Bit)
+(starts_with? prefix x)
+### suffix
+(-> .Text .Text .Text)
+(suffix param subject)
+### tab
+### together
+(-> (.List .Text) .Text)
+### upper\_cased
+(-> .Text .Text)
+### vertical\_tab
+# library/lux/data/text/buffer
+## Definitions
+### Buffer
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/text/buffer.Buffer")
+Immutable text buffer for efficient text concatenation\.
+### empty
+### size
+(-> Buffer .Nat)
+### text
+(-> Buffer .Text)
+### then
+(-> .Text Buffer Buffer)
+# library/lux/data/text/encoding
+## Definitions
+### Encoding
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/text/encoding.Encoding")
+Encoding formats for text\.
+### ascii
+'ASCII' text encoding\.
+### cesu\_8
+'CESU\-8' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_037
+'IBM037' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1006
+'IBM1006' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1025
+'IBM1025' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1026
+'IBM1026' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1046
+'IBM1046' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1047
+'IBM1047' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1097
+'IBM1097' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1098
+'IBM1098' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1112
+'IBM1112' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1122
+'IBM1122' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1123
+'IBM1123' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1124
+'IBM1124' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1140
+'IBM01140' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1141
+'IBM01141' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1142
+'IBM01142' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1143
+'IBM01143' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1144
+'IBM01144' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1145
+'IBM01145' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1146
+'IBM01146' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1147
+'IBM01147' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1148
+'IBM01148' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1149
+'IBM01149' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1166
+'IBM1166' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1364
+'IBM1364' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1381
+'IBM1381' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_1383
+'IBM1383' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_273
+'IBM273' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_277
+'IBM277' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_278
+'IBM278' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_280
+'IBM280' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_284
+'IBM284' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_285
+'IBM285' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_290
+'IBM290' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_297
+'IBM297' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_300
+'IBM300' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_33722
+'IBM33722' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_420
+'IBM420' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_424
+'IBM424' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_437
+'IBM437' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_500
+'IBM500' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_737
+'IBM737' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_775
+'IBM775' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_833
+'IBM833' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_834
+'IBM834' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_838
+'IBM\-Thai' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_850
+'IBM850' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_852
+'IBM852' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_855
+'IBM855' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_856
+'IBM856' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_857
+'IBM857' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_858
+'IBM00858' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_860
+'IBM860' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_861
+'IBM861' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_862
+'IBM862' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_863
+'IBM863' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_864
+'IBM864' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_865
+'IBM865' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_866
+'IBM866' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_868
+'IBM868' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_869
+'IBM869' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_870
+'IBM870' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_871
+'IBM871' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_874
+'IBM874' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_875
+'IBM875' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_918
+'IBM918' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_921
+'IBM921' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_922
+'IBM922' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_930
+'IBM930' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_933
+'IBM933' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_935
+'IBM935' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_937
+'IBM937' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_939
+'IBM939' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_942
+'IBM942' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_942c
+'IBM942C' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_943
+'IBM943' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_943c
+'IBM943C' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_948
+'IBM948' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_949
+'IBM949' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_949c
+'IBM949C' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_950
+'IBM950' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_964
+'IBM964' text encoding\.
+### ibm\_970
+'IBM970' text encoding\.
+### iso2022\_cn\_cns
+'ISO2022\-CN\-CNS' text encoding\.
+### iso2022\_cn\_gb
+'ISO2022\-CN\-GB' text encoding\.
+### iso\_2022\_cn
+'ISO\-2022\-CN' text encoding\.
+### iso\_2022\_jp
+'ISO\-2022\-JP' text encoding\.
+### iso\_2022\_jp\_2
+'ISO\-2022\-JP\-2' text encoding\.
+### iso\_2022\_kr
+'ISO\-2022\-KR' text encoding\.
+### iso\_8859\_1
+'ISO\-8859\-1' text encoding\.
+### iso\_8859\_11
+'iso\-8859\-11' text encoding\.
+### iso\_8859\_13
+'ISO\-8859\-13' text encoding\.
+### iso\_8859\_15
+'ISO\-8859\-15' text encoding\.
+### iso\_8859\_2
+'ISO\-8859\-2' text encoding\.
+### iso\_8859\_3
+'ISO\-8859\-3' text encoding\.
+### iso\_8859\_4
+'ISO\-8859\-4' text encoding\.
+### iso\_8859\_5
+'ISO\-8859\-5' text encoding\.
+### iso\_8859\_6
+'ISO\-8859\-6' text encoding\.
+### iso\_8859\_7
+'ISO\-8859\-7' text encoding\.
+### iso\_8859\_8
+'ISO\-8859\-8' text encoding\.
+### iso\_8859\_9
+'ISO\-8859\-9' text encoding\.
+### koi8\_r
+'KOI8\-R' text encoding\.
+### koi8\_u
+'KOI8\-U' text encoding\.
+### mac\_arabic
+'MacArabic' text encoding\.
+### mac\_central\_europe
+'MacCentralEurope' text encoding\.
+### mac\_croatian
+'MacCroatian' text encoding\.
+### mac\_cyrillic
+'MacCyrillic' text encoding\.
+### mac\_dingbat
+'MacDingbat' text encoding\.
+### mac\_greek
+'MacGreek' text encoding\.
+### mac\_hebrew
+'MacHebrew' text encoding\.
+### mac\_iceland
+'MacIceland' text encoding\.
+### mac\_roman
+'MacRoman' text encoding\.
+### mac\_romania
+'MacRomania' text encoding\.
+### mac\_symbol
+'MacSymbol' text encoding\.
+### mac\_thai
+'MacThai' text encoding\.
+### mac\_turkish
+'MacTurkish' text encoding\.
+### mac\_ukraine
+'MacUkraine' text encoding\.
+### name
+(-> Encoding .Text)
+### utf\_16
+'UTF\-16' text encoding\.
+### utf\_32
+'UTF\-32' text encoding\.
+### utf\_8
+'UTF\-8' text encoding\.
+### windows\_1250
+'windows\-1250' text encoding\.
+### windows\_1251
+'windows\-1251' text encoding\.
+### windows\_1252
+'windows\-1252' text encoding\.
+### windows\_1253
+'windows\-1253' text encoding\.
+### windows\_1254
+'windows\-1254' text encoding\.
+### windows\_1255
+'windows\-1255' text encoding\.
+### windows\_1256
+'windows\-1256' text encoding\.
+### windows\_1257
+'windows\-1257' text encoding\.
+### windows\_1258
+'windows\-1258' text encoding\.
+### windows\_31j
+'windows\-31j' text encoding\.
+### windows\_50220
+'windows\-50220' text encoding\.
+### windows\_50221
+'windows\-50221' text encoding\.
+### windows\_874
+'windows\-874' text encoding\.
+### windows\_949
+'windows\-949' text encoding\.
+### windows\_950
+'windows\-950' text encoding\.
+### windows\_iso2022jp
+'windows\-iso2022jp' text encoding\.
+# library/lux/data/text/encoding/utf8
+## Definitions
+### codec
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec library/lux/data/binary.Binary .Text)
+A codec for binary encoding of text as UTF\-8\.
+# library/lux/data/text/escape
+## Definitions
+### dangling\_escape
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Text)
+### escapable?
+(-> library/lux/data/text.Char .Bit)
+### escaped
+(-> .Text .Text)
+Yields a escaped version of the text\.
+(escaped text)
+### invalid\_escape
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Text .Nat library/lux/data/text.Char])
+### invalid\_unicode\_escape
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Text .Nat])
+### literal
+If given a escaped text literal, expands to an un\-escaped version\.
+(literal "Line 1\nLine 2")
+... =>
+(format "Line 1" \n
+ "Line 2")
+### un\_escaped
+(-> .Text (library/lux/control/try.Try .Text))
+Yields an un\-escaped text\.
+Fails if it was improperly escaped\.
+(un_escaped text)
+# library/lux/data/text/format
+## Definitions
+### \(Format it\)
+... .Type
+(-> it .Text)
+A way to produce readable text from values\.
+### bit
+(Format .Bit)
+### code
+(Format .Code)
+### date
+(Format library/lux/time/date.Date)
+### day
+(Format library/lux/time/day.Day)
+### duration
+(Format library/lux/time/duration.Duration)
+### format
+Text interpolation\.
+(format "Static part " (text static) " does not match URI: " uri)
+### frac
+(Format .Frac)
+### frac/10
+(Format .Frac)
+### frac/16
+(Format .Frac)
+### frac/2
+(Format .Frac)
+### frac/8
+(Format .Frac)
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor/contravariant.Functor Format)
+### instant
+(Format library/lux/time/instant.Instant)
+### int
+(Format .Int)
+### int/10
+(Format .Int)
+### int/16
+(Format .Int)
+### int/2
+(Format .Int)
+### int/8
+(Format .Int)
+### json
+(Format library/lux/data/format/json.JSON)
+### list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Format _0) (Format (.List _0))))
+### location
+(Format .Location)
+### maybe
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Format _0) (Format (.Maybe _0))))
+### mod
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Format (library/lux/math/modular.Mod _0)))
+### month
+(Format library/lux/time/month.Month)
+### nat
+(Format .Nat)
+### nat/10
+(Format .Nat)
+### nat/16
+(Format .Nat)
+### nat/2
+(Format .Nat)
+### nat/8
+(Format .Nat)
+### ratio
+(Format library/lux/math/number/ratio.Ratio)
+### rev
+(Format .Rev)
+### rev/10
+(Format .Rev)
+### rev/16
+(Format .Rev)
+### rev/2
+(Format .Rev)
+### rev/8
+(Format .Rev)
+### symbol
+(Format .Symbol)
+### text
+(Format .Text)
+### time
+(Format library/lux/time.Time)
+### type
+(Format .Type)
+### xml
+(Format library/lux/data/format/xml.XML)
+# library/lux/data/text/regex
+## Definitions
+### ^regex
+Allows you to test text against regular expressions\.
+(case some_text
+ (^regex "(\d{3})-(\d{3})-(\d{4})"
+ [_ country_code area_code place_code])
+ do_some_thing_when_number
+ (^regex "\w+")
+ do_some_thing_when_word
+ _
+ do_something_else)
+### incorrect\_quantification
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Nat .Nat])
+### regex
+Create lexers using regular\-expression syntax\.
+... Literals
+(regex "a")
+... Wildcards
+(regex ".")
+... Escaping
+(regex "\.")
+... Character classes
+(regex "\d")
+(regex "\p{Lower}")
+(regex "[abc]")
+(regex "[a-z]")
+(regex "[a-zA-Z]")
+(regex "[a-z&&[def]]")
+... Negation
+(regex "[^abc]")
+(regex "[^a-z]")
+(regex "[^a-zA-Z]")
+(regex "[a-z&&[^bc]]")
+(regex "[a-z&&[^m-p]]")
+... Combinations
+(regex "aa")
+(regex "a?")
+(regex "a*")
+(regex "a+")
+... Specific amounts
+(regex "a{2}")
+... At least
+(regex "a{1,}")
+... At most
+(regex "a{,1}")
+... Between
+(regex "a{1,2}")
+... Groups
+(regex "a(.)c")
+(regex "a(b+)c")
+(regex "(\d{3})-(\d{3})-(\d{4})")
+(regex "(\d{3})-(?:\d{3})-(\d{4})")
+(regex "(?<code>\d{3})-\k<code>-(\d{4})")
+(regex "(?<code>\d{3})-\k<code>-(\d{4})-\0")
+(regex "(\d{3})-((\d{3})-(\d{4}))")
+... Alternation
+(regex "a|b")
+(regex "a(.)(.)|b(.)(.)")
+# library/lux/data/text/unicode/block
+## Definitions
+### Block
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/text/unicode/block.Block")
+A block of valid unicode characters\.
+### alphabetic\_presentation\_forms
+FB00\-FB4F | alphabetic presentation forms
+### arabic
+600\-6FF | arabic
+### arabic\_presentation\_forms\_a
+FB50\-FDFF | arabic presentation forms a
+### arabic\_presentation\_forms\_b
+FE70\-FEFF | arabic presentation forms b
+### armenian
+530\-58F | armenian
+### arrows
+2190\-21FF | arrows
+### basic\_latin
+0\-7F | basic latin
+### basic\_latin/decimal
+30\-39 | basic latin/decimal
+### basic\_latin/lower
+61\-7A | basic latin/lower
+### basic\_latin/upper
+41\-5A | basic latin/upper
+### bengali
+980\-9FF | bengali
+### block
+(-> library/lux/data/text.Char .Nat Block)
+(block start additional)
+### block\_elements
+2580\-259F | block elements
+### bopomofo
+3100\-312F | bopomofo
+### bopomofo\_extended
+31A0\-31BF | bopomofo extended
+### box\_drawing
+2500\-257F | box drawing
+### braille\_patterns
+2800\-28FF | braille patterns
+### buhid
+1740\-175F | buhid
+### cherokee
+13A0\-13FF | cherokee
+### cjk\_compatibility
+3300\-33FF | cjk compatibility
+### cjk\_compatibility\_forms
+FE30\-FE4F | cjk compatibility forms
+### cjk\_compatibility\_ideographs
+F900\-FAFF | cjk compatibility ideographs
+### cjk\_radicals\_supplement
+2E80\-2EFF | cjk radicals supplement
+### cjk\_symbols\_and\_punctuation
+3000\-303F | cjk symbols and punctuation
+### cjk\_unified\_ideographs
+4E00\-9FFF | cjk unified ideographs
+### cjk\_unified\_ideographs\_extension\_a
+3400\-4DBF | cjk unified ideographs extension a
+### combining\_diacritical\_marks
+300\-36F | combining diacritical marks
+### combining\_diacritical\_marks\_for\_symbols
+20D0\-20FF | combining diacritical marks for symbols
+### combining\_half\_marks
+FE20\-FE2F | combining half marks
+### control\_pictures
+2400\-243F | control pictures
+### currency\_symbols
+20A0\-20CF | currency symbols
+### cyrillic
+400\-4FF | cyrillic
+### cyrillic\_supplementary
+500\-52F | cyrillic supplementary
+### devanagari
+900\-97F | devanagari
+### dingbats
+2700\-27BF | dingbats
+### enclosed\_alphanumerics
+2460\-24FF | enclosed alphanumerics
+### enclosed\_cjk\_letters\_and\_months
+3200\-32FF | enclosed cjk letters and months
+### end
+(-> Block library/lux/data/text.Char)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Block)
+### ethiopic
+1200\-137F | ethiopic
+### general\_punctuation
+2000\-206F | general punctuation
+### geometric\_shapes
+25A0\-25FF | geometric shapes
+### georgian
+10A0\-10FF | georgian
+### greek\_and\_coptic
+370\-3FF | greek and coptic
+### greek\_extended
+1F00\-1FFF | greek extended
+### gujarati
+A80\-AFF | gujarati
+### gurmukhi
+A00\-A7F | gurmukhi
+### halfwidth\_and\_fullwidth\_forms
+FF00\-FFEF | halfwidth and fullwidth forms
+### hangul\_compatibility\_jamo
+3130\-318F | hangul compatibility jamo
+### hangul\_jamo
+1100\-11FF | hangul jamo
+### hangul\_syllables
+AC00\-D7AF | hangul syllables
+### hanunoo
+1720\-173F | hanunoo
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash Block)
+### hebrew
+590\-5FF | hebrew
+### high\_private\_use\_surrogates
+DB80\-DBFF | high private use surrogates
+### high\_surrogates
+D800\-DB7F | high surrogates
+### hiragana
+3040\-309F | hiragana
+### ideographic\_description\_characters
+2FF0\-2FFF | ideographic description characters
+### ipa\_extensions
+250\-2AF | ipa extensions
+### kanbun
+3190\-319F | kanbun
+### kangxi\_radicals
+2F00\-2FDF | kangxi radicals
+### kannada
+C80\-CFF | kannada
+### katakana
+30A0\-30FF | katakana
+### katakana\_phonetic\_extensions
+31F0\-31FF | katakana phonetic extensions
+### khmer
+1780\-17FF | khmer
+### khmer\_symbols
+19E0\-19FF | khmer symbols
+### lao
+E80\-EFF | lao
+### latin\_1\_supplement
+A0\-FF | latin 1 supplement
+### latin\_extended\_a
+100\-17F | latin extended a
+### latin\_extended\_additional
+1E00\-1EFF | latin extended additional
+### latin\_extended\_b
+180\-24F | latin extended b
+### letterlike\_symbols
+2100\-214F | letterlike symbols
+### limbu
+1900\-194F | limbu
+### low\_surrogates
+DC00\-DFFF | low surrogates
+### malayalam
+D00\-D7F | malayalam
+### mathematical\_operators
+2200\-22FF | mathematical operators
+### miscellaneous\_mathematical\_symbols\_a
+27C0\-27EF | miscellaneous mathematical symbols a
+### miscellaneous\_mathematical\_symbols\_b
+2980\-29FF | miscellaneous mathematical symbols b
+### miscellaneous\_symbols
+2600\-26FF | miscellaneous symbols
+### miscellaneous\_symbols\_and\_arrows
+2B00\-2BFF | miscellaneous symbols and arrows
+### miscellaneous\_technical
+2300\-23FF | miscellaneous technical
+### mongolian
+1800\-18AF | mongolian
+### monoid
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid Block)
+### myanmar
+1000\-109F | myanmar
+### number\_forms
+2150\-218F | number forms
+### ogham
+1680\-169F | ogham
+### optical\_character\_recognition
+2440\-245F | optical character recognition
+### oriya
+B00\-B7F | oriya
+### phonetic\_extensions
+1D00\-1D7F | phonetic extensions
+### private\_use\_area
+E000\-F8FF | private use area
+### runic
+16A0\-16FF | runic
+### sinhala
+D80\-DFF | sinhala
+### size
+(-> Block .Nat)
+### small\_form\_variants
+FE50\-FE6F | small form variants
+### spacing\_modifier\_letters
+2B0\-2FF | spacing modifier letters
+### specials
+FFF0\-FFFF | specials
+### start
+(-> Block library/lux/data/text.Char)
+### superscripts\_and\_subscripts
+2070\-209F | superscripts and subscripts
+### supplemental\_arrows\_a
+27F0\-27FF | supplemental arrows a
+### supplemental\_arrows\_b
+2900\-297F | supplemental arrows b
+### supplemental\_mathematical\_operators
+2A00\-2AFF | supplemental mathematical operators
+### syriac
+700\-74F | syriac
+### tagalog
+1700\-171F | tagalog
+### tagbanwa
+1760\-177F | tagbanwa
+### tai\_le
+1950\-197F | tai le
+### tamil
+B80\-BFF | tamil
+### telugu
+C00\-C7F | telugu
+### thaana
+780\-7BF | thaana
+### thai
+E00\-E7F | thai
+### tibetan
+F00\-FFF | tibetan
+### unified\_canadian\_aboriginal\_syllabics
+1400\-167F | unified canadian aboriginal syllabics
+### variation\_selectors
+FE00\-FE0F | variation selectors
+### within?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> Block library/lux/data/text.Char .Bit))
+(within? block char)
+### yi\_radicals
+A490\-A4CF | yi radicals
+### yi\_syllables
+A000\-A48F | yi syllables
+### yijing\_hexagram\_symbols
+4DC0\-4DFF | yijing hexagram symbols
+# library/lux/data/text/unicode/set
+## Definitions
+### Set
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/data/text/unicode/set.Set")
+### ascii
+### ascii/alpha
+### ascii/alpha\_num
+### ascii/lower
+### ascii/numeric
+### ascii/upper
+### character
+### composite
+(-> Set Set Set)
+### end
+(-> Set library/lux/data/text.Char)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Set)
+### full
+### member?
+(-> Set library/lux/data/text.Char .Bit)
+(member? set character)
+### non\_character
+### set
+(-> [library/lux/data/text/unicode/block.Block (.List library/lux/data/text/unicode/block.Block)] Set)
+(set [head tail])
+### start
+(-> Set library/lux/data/text.Char)
+# library/lux/debug
+## Definitions
+### :hole
+A typed 'hole'\.
+Reveals the type expected of the expression that should go in the hole\.
+(: (-> Nat Text)
+ (function (_ number)
+ (:hole)))
+... =>
+### cannot\_represent\_value
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Type)
+### here
+Shows the names and values of local bindings available around the call to 'here'\.
+(let [foo 123
+ bar +456
+ baz +789.0]
+ (: Any
+ (here)))
+... =>
+... foo: +123
+... bar: +456
+... baz: +789.0
+... Can optionally be given a list of definitions to focus on.
+... These definitions to focus on can include custom format to represent the values.
+(let [foo 123
+ bar +456
+ baz +789.0]
+ (: Any
+ (here [foo library/lux/data/text/format.nat]baz)))
+... =>
+... foo: 123
+... baz: +789.0
+### inspection
+(library/lux/data/text/format.Format .Any)
+A best\-effort attempt to generate a textual representation of a value, without knowing its type\.
+(inspection value)
+### log\!
+(-> .Text .Any)
+Prints/writes a message to standard output\.
+(log! message)
+### private
+Allows access to un\-exported definitions in other modules\.
+... Module A
+(def: .private (secret_definition input)
+ (-> ??? ???)
+ (foo (bar (baz input))))
+... Module B
+((private secret_definition) my_input)
+### representation
+(-> .Type .Any (library/lux/control/try.Try .Text))
+A best\-effort attempt to generate a textual representation of a value, while knowing its type\.
+(representation type value)
+### type\_hole
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Location .Type])
+### unknown\_local\_binding
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Text)
+# library/lux/documentation
+## Definitions
+### Definition
+... .Type
+ [#definition .Text
+ #documentation (library/lux/data/format/markdown.Markdown library/lux/data/format/markdown.Block)])
+### Module
+... .Type
+ [#module .Text
+ #description .Text
+ #expected (library/lux/data/collection/set.Set .Text)
+ #definitions (.List Definition)])
+### default
+(: Definition
+ (default documentation/lux/documentation.definition))
+### documentation
+(-> (.List Module) .Text)
+### documentation:
+(documentation: default
+ ""
+ [(: Definition
+ (default documentation/lux/documentation.definition))])
+### module
+(: (.List Module)
+ (module _
+ ""
+ [documentation/lux/documentation.default
+ documentation/lux/documentation.documentation:
+ documentation/lux/documentation.module
+ (default unqualified_symbol)
+ (default Definition)
+ (default Module)
+ (default documentation)]
+ []))
+### unqualified\_symbol
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Symbol)
+# library/lux/extension
+## Definitions
+### analysis:
+Mechanism for defining extensions to Lux's analysis/type\-checking infrastructure\.
+(analysis: ("my analysis" self phase archive [pass_through library/lux/control/parser/code.any])
+ (phase archive pass_through))
+### directive:
+(directive: ("my directive" self phase archive [parameters (library/lux/control/parser.somelibrary/lux/control/parser/code.any)])
+ (do library/lux/tool/compiler/phase.monad
+ [.let [_ (library/lux/debug.log!(format "Successfully installed directive " (library/lux/data/text/format.textself) "!"))]]
+ (in library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/directive.no_requirements)))
+### generation:
+(generation: ("my generation" self phase archive [pass_through <synthesis>.any])
+ (for [library/lux/target.jvm
+ (# library/lux/tool/compiler/phase.monadeach (|>> {library/lux/target/jvm.#Embedded}
+ library/lux/data/collection/sequence.sequence)
+ (phase archive pass_through))]
+ (phase archive pass_through)))
+### synthesis:
+Mechanism for defining extensions to Lux's synthesis/optimization infrastructure\.
+(synthesis: ("my synthesis" self phase archive [pass_through <analysis>.any])
+ (phase archive pass_through))
+# library/lux/ffi
+## Definitions
+### Float
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Frac")
+### Function
+... .Type
+(Object Function')
+### Function
+... .Type
+(Object Function')
+### Integer
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Int"))
+### Nil
+... .Type
+(Object Nil')
+### \(Object brand\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/ffi.Object" brand)
+### String
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Text")
+### import:
+Easily import types, methods, functions and constants\.
+(import: Stat
+ ["[1]::[0]"
+ (executable? [] Bit)
+ (size Int)])
+(import: File "as" RubyFile
+ ["[1]::[0]"
+ ("static" SEPARATOR documentation/lux/ffi.String)
+ ("static" open [Path documentation/lux/ffi.String]"io" "try" RubyFile)
+ ("static" stat [Path] "io" "try" Stat)
+ ("static" delete [Path] "io" "try" Int)
+ ("static" file? [Path] "io" "try" Bit)
+ ("static" directory? [Path] "io" "try" Bit)
+ (read [] "io" "try" Binary)
+ (write [Binary] "io" "try" Int)
+ (flush [] "io" "try" "?" Any)
+ (close [] "io" "try" "?" Any)])
+## Missing documentation
+1. `` Boolean ``
+# library/lux/locale
+## Definitions
+### Locale
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/locale.Locale")
+A description of a locale; with territory, \(optional\) language, and \(optional\) text\-encoding\.
+### code
+(-> Locale .Text)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Locale)
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash Locale)
+### locale
+(-> library/lux/locale/language.Language (.Maybe library/lux/locale/territory.Territory) (.Maybe library/lux/data/text/encoding.Encoding) Locale)
+(locale language territory encoding)
+# library/lux/locale/language
+## Definitions
+### Language
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/locale/language.Language")
+An ISO 639 language\.
+### abkhazian
+### achinese
+### acoli
+### adangme
+### adyghe
+### afar
+### afrihili
+### afrikaans
+### afro\_asiatic
+### ainu
+### akan
+### akkadian
+### albanian
+### alemannic
+### aleut
+### algonquian
+### alsatian
+### altaic
+### amharic
+### ancient\_greek
+### angika
+### apache
+### arabic
+### aragonese
+### arapaho
+### arawak
+### armenian
+### aromanian
+### artificial
+### arumanian
+### assamese
+### asturian
+### asturleonese
+### athapascan
+### australian
+### austronesian
+### avaric
+### avestan
+### awadhi
+### aymara
+### azerbaijani
+### bable
+### balinese
+### baltic
+### baluchi
+### bambara
+### bamileke
+### banda
+### bantu
+### basa
+### bashkir
+### basque
+### batak
+### beja
+### belarusian
+### bemba
+### bengali
+### berber
+### bhojpuri
+### bihari
+### bikol
+### bilin
+### bini
+### bislama
+### blin
+### blissymbols
+### bokmal
+### bosnian
+### braj
+### breton
+### buginese
+### bulgarian
+### buriat
+### burmese
+### caddo
+### castilian
+### catalan
+### caucasian
+### cebuano
+### celtic
+### central\_american\_indian
+### central\_khmer
+### chagatai
+### chamic
+### chamorro
+### chechen
+### cherokee
+### chewa
+### cheyenne
+### chibcha
+### chichewa
+### chinese
+### chinook
+### chipewyan
+### choctaw
+### church\_slavic
+### church\_slavonic
+### chuukese
+### chuvash
+### classical\_nepal\_bhasa
+### classical\_newari
+### classical\_syriac
+### code
+(-> Language .Text)
+### cook\_islands\_maori
+### coptic
+### cornish
+### corsican
+### cree
+### creek
+### creoles\_and\_pidgins
+### creoles\_and\_pidgins/english
+### creoles\_and\_pidgins/french
+### creoles\_and\_pidgins/portuguese
+### crimean
+### croatian
+### cushitic
+### czech
+### dakota
+### danish
+### dargwa
+### delaware
+### dhivehi
+### dimili
+### dimli
+### dinka
+### dogri
+### dogrib
+### dravidian
+### duala
+### dutch
+### dyula
+### dzongkha
+### eastern\_frisian
+### edo
+### efik
+### egyptian
+### ekajuk
+### elamite
+### english
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Language)
+### erzya
+### esperanto
+### estonian
+### ewe
+### ewondo
+### fang
+### fanti
+### faroese
+### fijian
+### filipino
+### finnish
+### finno\_ugrian
+### flemish
+### fon
+### french
+### friulian
+### fulah
+### ga
+### gaelic
+### galibi\_carib
+### galician
+### ganda
+### gayo
+### gbaya
+### geez
+### georgian
+### german
+### germanic
+### gikuyu
+### gilbertese
+### gondi
+### gorontalo
+### gothic
+### grebo
+### greek
+### greenlandic
+### guarani
+### gujarati
+### gwich'in
+### haida
+### haitian
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash Language)
+### hausa
+### hawaiian
+### hebrew
+### herero
+### hiligaynon
+### himachali
+### hindi
+### hiri\_motu
+### hittite
+### hmong
+### hungarian
+### hupa
+### iban
+### icelandic
+### ido
+### igbo
+### ijo
+### iloko
+### imperial\_aramaic
+### inari
+### indic
+### indo\_european
+### indonesian
+### ingush
+### interlingua
+### interlingue
+### inuktitut
+### inupiaq
+### iranian
+### irish
+### iroquoian
+### italian
+### japanese
+### javanese
+### jingpho
+### judeo\_arabic
+### judeo\_persian
+### kabardian
+### kabyle
+### kachin
+### kalaallisut
+### kalmyk
+### kamba
+### kannada
+### kanuri
+### kapampangan
+### kara\_kalpak
+### karachay\_balkar
+### karelian
+### karen
+### kashmiri
+### kashubian
+### kawi
+### kazakh
+### khasi
+### khoisan
+### khotanese
+### kimbundu
+### kinyarwanda
+### kirdki
+### kirmanjki
+### klingon
+### komi
+### kongo
+### konkani
+### korean
+### kosraean
+### kpelle
+### kru
+### kumyk
+### kurdish
+### kurukh
+### kutenai
+### kwanyama
+### kyrgyz
+### ladino
+### lahnda
+### lamba
+### land\_dayak
+### lao
+### latin
+### latvian
+### leonese
+### lezghian
+### limburgan
+### lingala
+### lithuanian
+### lojban
+### low\_german
+### lower\_sorbian
+### lozi
+### luba\_katanga
+### luba\_lulua
+### luiseno
+### lule
+### lunda
+### luo
+### lushai
+### luxembourgish
+### macedo\_romanian
+### macedonian
+### madurese
+### magahi
+### maithili
+### makasar
+### malagasy
+### malay
+### malayalam
+### maldivian
+### maltese
+### manchu
+### mandar
+### mandingo
+### manipuri
+### manobo
+### manx
+### maori
+### mapudungun
+### marathi
+### mari
+### marshallese
+### marwari
+### masai
+### mayan
+### mende
+### mi'kmaq
+### micmac
+### middle\_dutch
+### middle\_english
+### middle\_french
+### middle\_high\_german
+### middle\_irish
+### minangkabau
+### mirandese
+### mohawk
+### moksha
+### moldavian
+### moldovan
+### mon\_khmer
+### mongo
+### mongolian
+### montenegrin
+### mossi
+### multiple
+### munda
+### n'ko
+### nahuatl
+### name
+(-> Language .Text)
+### nauru
+### navajo
+### ndonga
+### neapolitan
+### nepal\_bhasa
+### nepali
+### newari
+### nias
+### niger\_kordofanian
+### nilo\_saharan
+### niuean
+### nogai
+### north\_american\_indian
+### north\_ndebele
+### northern\_frisian
+### northern\_sami
+### northern\_sotho
+### norwegian
+### not\_applicable
+### nubian
+### nuosu
+### nyamwezi
+### nyanja
+### nyankole
+### nynorsk
+### nyoro
+### nzima
+### occitan
+### official\_aramaic
+### oirat
+### ojibwa
+### old\_bulgarian
+### old\_church\_slavonic
+### old\_english
+### old\_french
+### old\_high\_german
+### old\_irish
+### old\_newari
+### old\_norse
+### old\_persian
+### old\_provencal
+### old\_slavonic
+### oriya
+### oromo
+### osage
+### ossetic
+### otomian
+### ottoman\_turkish
+### pahlavi
+### palauan
+### pali
+### pampanga
+### pangasinan
+### papiamento
+### papuan
+### pashto
+### pedi
+### persian
+### philippine
+### phoenician
+### pohnpeian
+### polish
+### portuguese
+### prakrit
+### provencal
+### punjabi
+### quechua
+### rajasthani
+### rapanui
+### rarotongan
+### romance
+### romanian
+### romansh
+### romany
+### rundi
+### russian
+### sakan
+### salishan
+### samaritan\_aramaic
+### sami
+### samoan
+### sandawe
+### sango
+### sanskrit
+### santali
+### sardinian
+### sasak
+### scots
+### selkup
+### semitic
+### sepedi
+### serbian
+### serer
+### shan
+### shona
+### sichuan\_yi
+### sicilian
+### sidamo
+### sign
+### siksika
+### sindhi
+### sinhalese
+### sino\_tibetan
+### siouan
+### skolt\_sami
+### slavey
+### slavic
+### slovak
+### slovenian
+### sogdian
+### somali
+### songhai
+### soninke
+### sorbian
+### south\_american\_indian
+### south\_ndebele
+### southern\_altai
+### southern\_sami
+### southern\_sotho
+### spanish
+### sranan\_tongo
+### standard\_moroccan\_tamazight
+### sukuma
+### sumerian
+### sundanese
+### susu
+### swahili
+### swati
+### swedish
+### swiss\_german
+### syriac
+### tagalog
+### tahitian
+### tai
+### tajik
+### tamashek
+### tamil
+### tatar
+### telugu
+### tereno
+### tetum
+### thai
+### tibetan
+### tigre
+### tigrinya
+### timne
+### tiv
+### tlingit
+### tok\_pisin
+### tokelau
+### tonga
+### tongan
+### tsimshian
+### tsonga
+### tswana
+### tumbuka
+### tupi
+### turkish
+### turkmen
+### tuvalu
+### tuvinian
+### twi
+### udmurt
+### ugaritic
+### ukrainian
+### umbundu
+### uncoded
+### undetermined
+### upper\_sorbian
+### urdu
+### uyghur
+### uzbek
+### vai
+### valencian
+### venda
+### vietnamese
+### volapük
+### votic
+### wakashan
+### walamo
+### walloon
+### waray
+### washo
+### welsh
+### western\_frisian
+### wolof
+### xhosa
+### yakut
+### yao
+### yapese
+### yiddish
+### yoruba
+### yupik
+### zande
+### zapotec
+### zaza
+### zazaki
+### zenaga
+### zhuang
+### zulu
+### zuni
+# library/lux/locale/territory
+## Definitions
+### Territory
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/locale/territory.Territory")
+An ISO 3166 territory\.
+### afghanistan
+### aland\_islands
+### albania
+### algeria
+### american\_samoa
+### andorra
+### angola
+### anguilla
+### antarctica
+### antigua
+### argentina
+### armenia
+### aruba
+### ascension
+### australia
+### austria
+### azerbaijan
+### bahrain
+### bangladesh
+### barbados
+### barbuda
+### belarus
+### belgium
+### belize
+### benin
+### bermuda
+### bhutan
+### bolivia
+### bonaire
+### bosnia
+### botswana
+### bouvet\_island
+### brazil
+### british\_indian\_ocean\_territory
+### british\_virgin\_islands
+### brunei\_darussalam
+### bulgaria
+### burkina\_faso
+### burundi
+### caicos\_islands
+### cambodia
+### cameroon
+### canada
+### cape\_verde
+### cayman\_islands
+### central\_african\_republic
+### chad
+### chile
+### china
+### christmas\_island
+### cocos\_islands
+### colombia
+### comoros
+### congo
+### cook\_islands
+### costa\_rica
+### croatia
+### cuba
+### curacao
+### cyprus
+### czech\_republic
+### democratic\_republic\_of\_the\_congo
+### denmark
+### djibouti
+### dominica
+### dominican\_republic
+### east\_timor
+### ecuador
+### egypt
+### el\_salvador
+### equatorial\_guinea
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Territory)
+### eritrea
+### estonia
+### eswatini
+### ethiopia
+### falkland\_islands
+### faroe\_islands
+### fiji
+### finland
+### france
+### french\_guiana
+### french\_polynesia
+### french\_southern\_territories
+### futuna
+### gabon
+### georgia
+### germany
+### ghana
+### gibraltar
+### greece
+### greenland
+### grenada
+### guadeloupe
+### guam
+### guatemala
+### guernsey
+### guinea
+### guinea\_bissau
+### guyana
+### haiti
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash Territory)
+### heard\_island
+### herzegovina
+### honduras
+### hong\_kong
+### hungary
+### iceland
+### india
+### indonesia
+### iran
+### iraq
+### ireland
+### isle\_of\_man
+### israel
+### italy
+### ivory\_coast
+### jamaica
+### jan\_mayen
+### japan
+### jersey
+### jordan
+### kazakhstan
+### kenya
+### kiribati
+### kuwait
+### kyrgyzstan
+### laos
+### latvia
+### lebanon
+### lesotho
+### liberia
+### libya
+### liechtenstein
+### lithuania
+### long\_code
+(-> Territory .Text)
+### luxembourg
+### macau
+### macedonia
+### madagascar
+### malawi
+### malaysia
+### maldives
+### mali
+### malta
+### marshall\_islands
+### martinique
+### mauritania
+### mauritius
+### mayotte
+### mcdonald\_islands
+### mexico
+### micronesia
+### miquelon
+### moldova
+### monaco
+### mongolia
+### montenegro
+### montserrat
+### morocco
+### mozambique
+### myanmar
+### name
+(-> Territory .Text)
+### namibia
+### nauru
+### nepal
+### netherlands
+### nevis
+### new\_caledonia
+### new\_zealand
+### nicaragua
+### niger
+### nigeria
+### niue
+### norfolk\_island
+### north\_korea
+### northern\_ireland
+### northern\_mariana\_islands
+### norway
+### numeric\_code
+(-> Territory .Nat)
+### oman
+### pakistan
+### palau
+### palestine
+### panama
+### papua\_new\_guinea
+### paraguay
+### peru
+### philippines
+### pitcairn\_islands
+### poland
+### portugal
+### principe
+### puerto\_rico
+### qatar
+### reunion
+### romania
+### russia
+### rwanda
+### saba
+### saint\_barthelemy
+### saint\_helena
+### saint\_kitts
+### saint\_lucia
+### saint\_martin
+### saint\_pierre
+### saint\_vincent
+### samoa
+### san\_marino
+### sao\_tome
+### saudi\_arabia
+### senegal
+### serbia
+### seychelles
+### short\_code
+(-> Territory .Text)
+### sierra\_leone
+### singapore
+### sint\_eustatius
+### sint\_maarten
+### slovakia
+### slovenia
+### solomon\_islands
+### somalia
+### south\_africa
+### south\_georgia
+### south\_korea
+### south\_sandwich\_islands
+### south\_sudan
+### spain
+### sri\_lanka
+### sudan
+### suriname
+### svalbard
+### sweden
+### switzerland
+### syria
+### taiwan
+### tajikistan
+### tanzania
+### thailand
+### the\_bahamas
+### the\_gambia
+### the\_grenadines
+### tobago
+### togo
+### tokelau
+### tonga
+### trinidad
+### tristan\_da\_cunha
+### tunisia
+### turkey
+### turkmenistan
+### turks
+### tuvalu
+### uganda
+### ukraine
+### united\_arab\_emirates
+### united\_kingdom
+### united\_states\_minor\_outlying\_islands
+### united\_states\_of\_america
+### united\_states\_virgin\_islands
+### uruguay
+### uzbekistan
+### vanuatu
+### vatican\_city
+### venezuela
+### vietnam
+### wallis
+### western\_sahara
+### yemen
+### zambia
+### zimbabwe
+# library/lux/macro
+## Definitions
+### expansion
+(-> .Code (.Meta (.List .Code)))
+Given code that requires applying a macro, expands repeatedly until no more direct macro\-calls are left\.
+Otherwise, returns the code as\-is\.
+(expansion syntax)
+### full\_expansion
+(-> .Code (.Meta (.List .Code)))
+Expands all macro\-calls everywhere recursively, until only primitive/base code remains\.
+(full_expansion syntax)
+### log\_expansion\!
+Performs a macro\-expansion and logs the resulting code\.
+You can either use the resulting code, or omit them\.
+By omitting them, this macro produces nothing \(just like the lux\.comment macro\)\.
+ (def: (foo bar baz)
+ (-> Int Int Int)
+ (int.+ bar baz)))
+(log_expansion! "omit"
+ (def: (foo bar baz)
+ (-> Int Int Int)
+ (int.+ bar baz)))
+### log\_full\_expansion\!
+Performs a macro\-expansion and logs the resulting code\.
+You can either use the resulting code, or omit them\.
+By omitting them, this macro produces nothing \(just like the lux\.comment macro\)\.
+ (def: (foo bar baz)
+ (-> Int Int Int)
+ (int.+ bar baz)))
+(log_full_expansion! "omit"
+ (def: (foo bar baz)
+ (-> Int Int Int)
+ (int.+ bar baz)))
+### log\_single\_expansion\!
+Performs a macro\-expansion and logs the resulting code\.
+You can either use the resulting code, or omit them\.
+By omitting them, this macro produces nothing \(just like the lux\.comment macro\)\.
+ (def: (foo bar baz)
+ (-> Int Int Int)
+ (int.+ bar baz)))
+(log_single_expansion! "omit"
+ (def: (foo bar baz)
+ (-> Int Int Int)
+ (int.+ bar baz)))
+### one\_expansion
+(-> .Code (.Meta .Code))
+Works just like expand, except that it ensures that the output is a single Code token\.
+(one_expansion token)
+### single\_expansion
+(-> .Code (.Meta (.List .Code)))
+Given code that requires applying a macro, does it once and returns the result\.
+Otherwise, returns the code as\-is\.
+(single_expansion syntax)
+### symbol
+(-> .Text (.Meta .Code))
+Generates a unique name as a Code node \(ready to be used in code templates\)\.
+A prefix can be given \(or just be empty text\) to better identify the code for debugging purposes\.
+(symbol prefix)
+### with\_symbols
+Creates new symbols and offers them to the body expression\.
+(syntax: (synchronized [lock any
+ body any])
+ (with_symbols [g!lock g!body g!_]
+ (in (list (` (let [(~ g!lock) (~ lock)
+ (~ g!_) ("jvm monitorenter" (~ g!lock))
+ (~ g!body) (~ body)
+ (~ g!_) ("jvm monitorexit" (~ g!lock))]
+ (~ g!body)))))))
+### wrong\_syntax\_error
+(-> .Symbol .Text)
+A generic error message for macro syntax failures\.
+# library/lux/macro/code
+## Definitions
+### bit
+(-> .Bit .Code)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence .Code)
+### form
+(-> (.List .Code) .Code)
+### format
+(-> .Code .Text)
+### frac
+(-> .Frac .Code)
+### int
+(-> .Int .Code)
+### local\_symbol
+(-> .Text .Code)
+Produces a local symbol \(an symbol with no module prefix\)\.
+### nat
+(-> .Nat .Code)
+### replaced
+(-> .Code .Code .Code .Code)
+(replaced original substitute ast)
+### rev
+(-> .Rev .Code)
+### symbol
+(-> .Symbol .Code)
+### text
+(-> .Text .Code)
+### tuple
+(-> (.List .Code) .Code)
+### variant
+(-> (.List .Code) .Code)
+# library/lux/macro/local
+## Definitions
+### cannot\_shadow\_definition
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Text .Text])
+### push
+(-> (.List [.Symbol .Macro]) (.Meta .Code))
+Installs macros in the compiler\-state, with the given names\.
+Yields code that can be placed either as expression or as directives\.
+This code un\-installs the macros\.
+NOTE: Always use this code once to clean\-up\.\.
+(push macros)
+### unknown\_definition
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Text .Text])
+### unknown\_module
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Text)
+# library/lux/macro/syntax
+## Definitions
+### syntax:
+A more advanced way to define macros than 'macro:'\.
+The inputs to the macro can be parsed in complex ways through the use of syntax parsers\.
+The macro body is also \(implicitly\) run in the Meta monad, to save some typing\.
+Also, the compiler state can be accessed through the \*lux\* binding\.
+(syntax: .public (object [.let [imports (class_imports *lux*)]
+ .let [class_vars (list)]
+ super (opt (super_class_decl^ imports class_vars))
+ interfaces (tuple (some (super_class_decl^ imports class_vars)))
+ constructor_args (constructor_args^ imports class_vars)
+ methods (some (overriden_method_def^ imports))])
+ (let [def_code ($_ text#composite "anon-class:"
+ (spaced (list (super_class_decl$ (maybe.else object_super_class super))
+ (with_brackets (spaced (list#each super_class_decl$ interfaces)))
+ (with_brackets (spaced (list#each constructor_arg$ constructor_args)))
+ (with_brackets (spaced (list#each (method_def$ id) methods))))))]
+ (in (list (` ((~ (code.text def_code))))))))
+# library/lux/macro/syntax/check
+## Definitions
+### Check
+... .Type
+ [#type .Code
+ #value .Code])
+A type annotation for an expression\.
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Check)
+### format
+(-> Check .Code)
+### parser
+(library/lux/control/parser/code.Parser Check)
+# library/lux/macro/syntax/declaration
+## Definitions
+### Declaration
+... .Type
+ [#name .Text
+ #arguments (.List .Text)])
+A declaration for either a constant or a function\.
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Declaration)
+### format
+(-> Declaration .Code)
+### parser
+(library/lux/control/parser/code.Parser Declaration)
+A parser for declaration syntax\.
+... Such as:
+(foo bar baz)
+# library/lux/macro/syntax/definition
+## Definitions
+### Definition
+... .Type
+ [#name .Text
+ #value (.Either library/lux/macro/syntax/check.Check .Code)
+ #export? .Bit])
+Syntax for a constant definition\.
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Definition)
+### format
+(-> Definition .Code)
+### lacks\_type
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception Definition)
+### parser
+(-> .Lux (library/lux/control/parser/code.Parser Definition))
+A reader that first macro\-expands and then analyses the input Code, to ensure it is a definition\.
+(parser compiler)
+### typed
+(-> .Lux (library/lux/control/parser/code.Parser Definition))
+Only works for typed definitions\.
+(typed compiler)
+# library/lux/macro/syntax/export
+Syntax for marking a definition as an export\.
+## Definitions
+### default\_policy
+### parser
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/control/parser/code.Parser _0) (library/lux/control/parser/code.Parser [.Code _0])))
+(parser un_exported)
+# library/lux/macro/syntax/input
+## Definitions
+### Input
+... .Type
+ [#binding .Code
+ #type .Code])
+The common typed\-argument syntax used by many macros\.
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Input)
+### format
+(-> (.List Input) .Code)
+### parser
+(library/lux/control/parser/code.Parser (.List Input))
+Parser for the common typed\-argument syntax used by many macros\.
+# library/lux/macro/syntax/type/variable
+## Definitions
+### Variable
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Text")
+A variable's name\.
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Variable)
+### format
+(-> Variable .Code)
+### parser
+(library/lux/control/parser/code.Parser Variable)
+Parser for the common type variable/parameter used by many macros\.
+# library/lux/macro/template
+Utilities commonly used while templating\.
+## Definitions
+### amount
+(amount [a b c d])
+... =>
+### irregular\_arguments
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Nat .Nat])
+### let
+Lexically\-bound templates\.
+(let [(!square <root>)
+ [(* <root> <root>)]]
+ (def: (square root)
+ (-> Nat Nat)
+ (!square root)))
+### spliced
+(spliced [a b c d])
+... =>
+### symbol
+An symbol made by concatenating pieces of code\.
+The \(optional\) module part and the short part are specified independently\.
+(symbol ["abc" .def documentation/lux/macro/template.ghi])
+... =>
+(symbol [.def] ["abc" .def documentation/lux/macro/template.ghi])
+... =>
+### text
+A text literal made by concatenating pieces of code\.
+(text [#0 123 +456 +789.0 "abc" .def documentation/lux/macro/template.ghi])
+... =>
+... #0123+456+789.0abcdefghi
+### with\_locals
+Creates names for local bindings aliased by the names you choose\.
+(with_locals [my_var]
+ (let [my_var 123]
+ (text [my_var])))
+... =>
+... __gensym__my_var506
+# library/lux/math
+Common mathematical constants and functions\.
+## Definitions
+### acos
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### acosh
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### acoth
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### acsch
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### asech
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### asin
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### asinh
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### atan
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### atan/2
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Frac)
+(atan/2 x y)
+### atanh
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### ceil
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### cos
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### cosh
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### coth
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### csch
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### e
+The base of the natural logarithm\.
+### exp
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### factorial
+(-> .Nat .Nat)
+### floor
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### hypotenuse
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Frac)
+### log
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### log\_by
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Frac)
+(log_by base it)
+### pi
+The ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter\.
+### pow
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Frac)
+(pow param subject)
+### root/2
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### root/3
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### round
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### sech
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### sin
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### sinh
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### tan
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### tanh
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### tau
+The ratio of a circle's circumference to its radius\.
+# library/lux/math/infix
+## Definitions
+### infix
+Infix math syntax\.
+The rules for infix syntax are simple\.
+If you want your binary function to work well with it\.
+Then take the argument to the right \(y\) as your first argument,
+and take the argument to the left \(x\) as your second argument\.
+... Binary functions
+(infix [x * +10])
+... =>
+(* +10 x)
+... Nested infix
+(infix [[x + y] * [x - y]])
+... =>
+(* (- y x) (+ y x))
+... Unary functions
+(infix [sin [x + y]])
+... =>
+(sin (+ y x))
+... Also works with logic
+(infix [[x < y] and [y < z]])
+... =>
+(and (< z y)
+ (< y x))
+... Forms are left as-is
+(infix [(* 3 9) gcd 450])
+... =>
+(gcd 450 (* 3 9))
+# library/lux/math/logic/continuous
+Continuous logic using Rev values\.
+Continuous logic is logic in the interval \[0,1\] instead of just the binary \#0 and \#1 options\.
+Because Rev is being used, the interval is actual \[0,1\)\.
+## Definitions
+### =
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Rev)
+### and
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Rev)
+### conjunction
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Rev)
+### disjunction
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Rev)
+### false
+### implies
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Rev)
+(implies consequent antecedent)
+### not
+(-> .Rev .Rev)
+### or
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Rev)
+### true
+# library/lux/math/logic/fuzzy
+Fuzzy logic, implemented on top of the Rev type\.
+## Definitions
+### \(Fuzzy it\)
+... .Type
+(-> it .Rev)
+A fuzzy set\.
+### complement
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Fuzzy _0) (Fuzzy _0)))
+### cut
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Rev (Fuzzy _0) (Fuzzy _0)))
+(cut treshold set)
+### difference
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Fuzzy _0) (Fuzzy _0) (Fuzzy _0)))
+(difference sub base)
+### empty
+### full
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor/contravariant.Functor Fuzzy)
+### gradient
+(-> .Rev .Rev (Fuzzy .Rev))
+(gradient from to)
+### intersection
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Fuzzy _0) (Fuzzy _0) (Fuzzy _0)))
+### membership
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Fuzzy _0) _0 .Rev))
+(membership set elem)
+### of\_predicate
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (Fuzzy _0)))
+(of_predicate predicate)
+### of\_set
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/data/collection/set.Set _0) (Fuzzy _0)))
+### predicate
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Rev (Fuzzy _0) (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0)))
+(predicate treshold set)
+### trapezoid
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Rev .Rev (Fuzzy .Rev))
+(trapezoid bottom middle_bottom middle_top top)
+### triangle
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Rev (Fuzzy .Rev))
+(triangle bottom middle top)
+### union
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Fuzzy _0) (Fuzzy _0) (Fuzzy _0)))
+# library/lux/math/modular
+## Definitions
+### \*
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Mod _0) (Mod _0) (Mod _0)))
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Mod _0) (Mod _0) (Mod _0)))
+### \-
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Mod _0) (Mod _0) (Mod _0)))
+### <
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Mod _0) (Mod _0) .Bit))
+### <=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Mod _0) (Mod _0) .Bit))
+### =
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Mod _0) (Mod _0) .Bit))
+### >
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Mod _0) (Mod _0) .Bit))
+### >=
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Mod _0) (Mod _0) .Bit))
+### \(Mod %\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/math/modular.Mod" %)
+A number under a modulus\.
+### adapter
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/math/modulus.Modulus _0) (library/lux/math/modulus.Modulus _1) (library/lux/control/try.Try (-> (Mod _1) (Mod _0)))))
+(adapter reference subject)
+### addition
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/math/modulus.Modulus _0) (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid (Mod _0))))
+### codec
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/math/modulus.Modulus _0) (library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text (Mod _0))))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Mod _0)))
+### incorrect\_modulus
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/control/exception.Exception [(library/lux/math/modulus.Modulus _0) .Int]))
+### inverse
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Mod _0) (.Maybe (Mod _0))))
+### modular
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/math/modulus.Modulus _0) .Int (Mod _0)))
+(modular modulus value)
+### moduli\_are\_not\_equal
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (library/lux/control/exception.Exception [(library/lux/math/modulus.Modulus _0) (library/lux/math/modulus.Modulus _1)]))
+### modulus
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Mod _0) (library/lux/math/modulus.Modulus _0)))
+### multiplication
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/math/modulus.Modulus _0) (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid (Mod _0))))
+### order
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/order.Order (Mod _0)))
+### value
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Mod _0) .Int))
+# library/lux/math/modulus
+## Definitions
+### =
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Modulus _0) (Modulus _1) .Bit))
+### \(Modulus %\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/math/modulus.Modulus" %)
+A number used as a modulus in modular arithmetic\.
+It cannot be 0\.
+### congruent?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Modulus _0) .Int .Int .Bit))
+(congruent? modulus reference subject)
+### divisor
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Modulus _0) .Int))
+### literal
+... Success!
+(literal 123)
+... Failure!
+(literal 0)
+### modulus
+(Ex (_ _0)
+ (-> .Int (library/lux/control/try.Try (Modulus _0))))
+### zero\_cannot\_be\_a\_modulus
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+# library/lux/math/number
+## Definitions
+### bin
+Given syntax for a binary number, generates a Nat, an Int, a Rev or a Frac\.
+(bin "11001001")
+... Allows for the presence of commas (,) among the digits.
+(bin "11,00,10,01")
+### hex
+Given syntax for a hexadecimal number, generates a Nat, an Int, a Rev or a Frac\.
+(hex "deadBEEF")
+... Allows for the presence of commas (,) among the digits.
+(hex "dead,BEEF")
+### oct
+Given syntax for a octal number, generates a Nat, an Int, a Rev or a Frac\.
+(oct "615243")
+... Allows for the presence of commas (,) among the digits.
+(oct "615,243")
+# library/lux/math/number/complex
+Complex arithmetic\.
+## Definitions
+### %
+(-> Complex Complex Complex)
+### \*
+(-> Complex Complex Complex)
+### \*'
+(-> .Frac Complex Complex)
+(-> Complex Complex Complex)
+### one
+### \-
+(-> Complex Complex Complex)
+### \-one
+### /
+(-> Complex Complex Complex)
+### /'
+(-> .Frac Complex Complex)
+### =
+(-> Complex Complex .Bit)
+### Complex
+... .Type
+ [#real .Frac
+ #imaginary .Frac])
+A complex number\.
+### abs
+(-> Complex .Frac)
+### acos
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### approximately?
+(-> .Frac Complex Complex .Bit)
+### argument
+(-> Complex .Frac)
+### asin
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### atan
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### complex
+Complex literals\.
+(complex real imaginary)
+... The imaginary part can be omitted if it's +0.0.
+(complex real)
+### conjugate
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### cos
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### cosh
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Complex)
+### exp
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### i
+### log
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### not\_a\_number?
+(-> Complex .Bit)
+### opposite
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### pow
+(-> Complex Complex Complex)
+### pow'
+(-> .Frac Complex Complex)
+### reciprocal
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### root/2
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### roots
+(-> .Nat Complex (.List Complex))
+### signum
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### sin
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### sinh
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### tan
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### tanh
+(-> Complex Complex)
+### zero
+# library/lux/math/number/frac
+## Definitions
+### %
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Frac)
+Frac\(tion\) remainder\.
+### \*
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Frac)
+Frac\(tion\) multiplication\.
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Frac)
+Frac\(tion\) addition\.
+### \-
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Frac)
+Frac\(tion\) substraction\.
+### /
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Frac)
+Frac\(tion\) division\.
+### /%
+(-> .Frac .Frac [.Frac .Frac])
+(/% param subject)
+### <
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Bit)
+Frac\(tion\) less\-than\.
+(< reference sample)
+### <=
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Bit)
+Frac\(tion\) less\-than or equal\.
+(<= reference sample)
+### =
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Bit)
+Frac\(tion\) equivalence\.
+(= reference sample)
+### >
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Bit)
+Frac\(tion\) greater\-than\.
+(> reference sample)
+### >=
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Bit)
+Frac\(tion\) greater\-than or equal\.
+(>= reference sample)
+### abs
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### addition
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Frac)
+### approximately?
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Frac .Bit)
+(approximately? margin_of_error standard value)
+### biggest
+### binary
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Frac)
+### bits
+(-> .Frac .I64)
+### decimal
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Frac)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence .Frac)
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash .Frac)
+### hex
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Frac)
+### int
+(-> .Frac .Int)
+### max
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Frac)
+Frac\(tion\) minimum\.
+### maximum
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Frac)
+### min
+(-> .Frac .Frac .Frac)
+Frac\(tion\) minimum\.
+### minimum
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Frac)
+### mod
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Frac .Frac .Frac))
+(mod divisor dividend)
+### multiplication
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Frac)
+### nat
+(-> .Frac .Nat)
+### negative?
+(library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate .Frac)
+### negative\_infinity
+Negative infinity\.
+### not\_a\_number
+Not a number\.
+### not\_a\_number?
+(-> .Frac .Bit)
+Tests whether a frac is actually not\-a\-number\.
+(not_a_number? it)
+### number?
+(-> .Frac .Bit)
+### octal
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Frac)
+### of\_bits
+(-> .I64 .Frac)
+### opposite
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order .Frac)
+### positive?
+(library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate .Frac)
+### positive\_infinity
+Positive infinity\.
+### rev
+(-> .Frac .Rev)
+### signum
+(-> .Frac .Frac)
+### smallest
+### zero?
+(library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate .Frac)
+# library/lux/math/number/i16
+## Definitions
+### I16
+... .Type
+(.I64 (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/math/number/i16",13,17 0}"))
+A 16\-bit integer\.
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (.I64 (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/math/number/i16",13,17 0}")))
+### i16
+(-> .I64 (.I64 (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/math/number/i16",13,17 0}")))
+### i64
+(-> (.I64 (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/math/number/i16",13,17 0}")) .I64)
+### width
+# library/lux/math/number/i32
+## Definitions
+### I32
+... .Type
+(.I64 (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/math/number/i32",13,17 0}"))
+A 32\-bit integer\.
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (.I64 (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/math/number/i32",13,17 0}")))
+### i32
+(-> .I64 (.I64 (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/math/number/i32",13,17 0}")))
+### i64
+(-> (.I64 (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/math/number/i32",13,17 0}")) .I64)
+### width
+# library/lux/math/number/i64
+## Definitions
+### Mask
+... .Type
+(All (Mask _0)
+ (Primitive "#I64" _0))
+A pattern of bits that can be imposed on I64 values\.
+### \(Sub width\)
+... .Type
+ [&equivalence (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (.I64 width))
+ bits .Nat
+ narrow (-> .I64 (.I64 width))
+ wide (-> (.I64 width) .I64)])
+A sub\-space of I64 with a reduce amount of bits\.
+### and
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.I64 .Any) (.I64 _0) (.I64 _0)))
+Bitwise and\.
+### bit
+(-> .Nat Mask)
+A mask with only a specific bit set\.
+(bit position)
+### bits\_per\_byte
+### bytes\_per\_i64
+### conjunction
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid (.I64 _0)))
+### disjunction
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid (.I64 _0)))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (.I64 _0)))
+### false
+### flipped
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.I64 _0) (.I64 _0)))
+Flip bit at given index\.
+### hash
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash (.I64 _0)))
+### left\_rotated
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.I64 _0) (.I64 _0)))
+### left\_shifted
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.I64 _0) (.I64 _0)))
+Bitwise left\-shift\.
+### mask
+(-> .Nat Mask)
+Mask a block of bits of the specified size\.
+(mask amount_of_bits)
+### not
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.I64 _0) (.I64 _0)))
+Bitwise negation\.
+### one
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.I64 _0) (.I64 _0)))
+Set bit at given index\.
+### one?
+(-> .Nat (.I64 .Any) .Bit)
+(one? index input)
+### ones
+(-> (.I64 .Any) .Nat)
+Count the number of 1s in a bit\-map\.
+(ones it)
+### or
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.I64 .Any) (.I64 _0) (.I64 _0)))
+Bitwise or\.
+### region
+(-> .Nat .Nat Mask)
+A mask for a block of bits of the given size, starting at the given offset\.
+(region offset size)
+### reversed
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.I64 _0) (.I64 _0)))
+### right\_rotated
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.I64 _0) (.I64 _0)))
+### right\_shifted
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.I64 _0) (.I64 _0)))
+Unsigned/logic bitwise right\-shift\.
+### sign
+A mask for the sign bit of ints\.
+### sub
+(Ex (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.Maybe (Sub _0))))
+Given a width in the interval \(0,64\), yields an implementation for integers of that width\.
+(sub width)
+### true
+### width
+### xor
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.I64 .Any) (.I64 _0) (.I64 _0)))
+Bitwise xor\.
+### zero
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (.I64 _0) (.I64 _0)))
+Clear bit at the given index\.
+### zero?
+(-> .Nat (.I64 .Any) .Bit)
+(zero? index input)
+# library/lux/math/number/i8
+## Definitions
+### I8
+... .Type
+(.I64 (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/math/number/i8",13,17 0}"))
+A 8\-bit integer\.
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (.I64 (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/math/number/i8",13,17 0}")))
+### i64
+(-> (.I64 (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/math/number/i8",13,17 0}")) .I64)
+### i8
+(-> .I64 (.I64 (Primitive "{New Type @"library/lux/math/number/i8",13,17 0}")))
+### width
+# library/lux/math/number/int
+## Definitions
+### %
+(-> .Int .Int .Int)
+Int\(eger\) remainder\.
+### \*
+(-> .Int .Int .Int)
+Int\(eger\) multiplication\.
+(-> .Int .Int .Int)
+Int\(eger\) addition\.
+### \-
+(-> .Int .Int .Int)
+Int\(eger\) substraction\.
+### /
+(-> .Int .Int .Int)
+Int\(eger\) division\.
+### /%
+(-> .Int .Int [.Int .Int])
+Int\(eger\) \[division remainder\]\.
+### <
+(-> .Int .Int .Bit)
+Int\(eger\) less\-than\.
+(< reference sample)
+### <=
+(-> .Int .Int .Bit)
+Int\(eger\) less\-than or equal\.
+(<= reference sample)
+### =
+(-> .Int .Int .Bit)
+Int\(eger\) equivalence\.
+(= reference sample)
+### >
+(-> .Int .Int .Bit)
+Int\(eger\) greater\-than\.
+(> reference sample)
+### >=
+(-> .Int .Int .Bit)
+Int\(eger\) greater\-than or equal\.
+(>= reference sample)
+### abs
+(-> .Int .Int)
+A value of equal magnitude and positive sign\.
+### addition
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Int)
+### binary
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Int)
+### co\_prime?
+(-> .Int .Int .Bit)
+### decimal
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Int)
+### enum
+(library/lux/abstract/enum.Enum .Int)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence .Int)
+### even?
+(-> .Int .Bit)
+### extended\_gcd
+(-> .Int .Int [[.Int .Int] .Int])
+Extended euclidean algorithm\.
+### frac
+(-> .Int .Frac)
+### gcd
+(-> .Int .Int .Int)
+Greatest Common Divisor\.
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash .Int)
+### hex
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Int)
+### interval
+(library/lux/abstract/interval.Interval .Int)
+### lcm
+(-> .Int .Int .Int)
+Least Common Multiple\.
+### max
+(-> .Int .Int .Int)
+Int\(eger\) maximum\.
+### maximum
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Int)
+### min
+(-> .Int .Int .Int)
+Int\(eger\) minimum\.
+### minimum
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Int)
+### mod
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Int .Int .Int))
+Integer modulo\.
+Note: The modulo and the remainder are not the same\.
+(mod divisor dividend)
+### multiplication
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Int)
+### negative?
+(library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate .Int)
+### octal
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Int)
+### odd?
+(-> .Int .Bit)
+### opposite
+(-> .Int .Int)
+A value of equal magnitude and opposite sign\.
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order .Int)
+### positive?
+(library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate .Int)
+### right\_shifted
+(-> .Nat .Int .Int)
+Signed/arithmetic bitwise right\-shift\.
+(right_shifted parameter subject)
+### signum
+(-> .Int .Int)
+A value \(either \-1, 0 or 0\) which represents the sign\.
+### zero?
+(library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate .Int)
+# library/lux/math/number/nat
+## Definitions
+### %
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Nat)
+Nat\(ural\) remainder\.
+### \*
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Nat)
+Nat\(ural\) multiplication\.
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Nat)
+Nat\(ural\) addition\.
+### \-
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Nat)
+Nat\(ural\) substraction\.
+### /
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Nat)
+Nat\(ural\) division\.
+### /%
+(-> .Nat .Nat [.Nat .Nat])
+Nat\(ural\) \[division remainder\]\.
+### <
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Bit)
+Nat\(ural\) less\-than\.
+### <=
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Bit)
+Nat\(ural\) less\-than or equal\.
+### =
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Bit)
+Nat\(ural\) equivalence\.
+### >
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Bit)
+Nat\(ural\) greater\-than\.
+### >=
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Bit)
+Nat\(ural\) greater\-than or equal\.
+### addition
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Nat)
+### binary
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Nat)
+### co\_prime?
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Bit)
+### decimal
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Nat)
+### enum
+(library/lux/abstract/enum.Enum .Nat)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence .Nat)
+### even?
+(-> .Nat .Bit)
+### frac
+(-> .Nat .Frac)
+### gcd
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Nat)
+Greatest Common Divisor\.
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash .Nat)
+### hex
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Nat)
+### interval
+(library/lux/abstract/interval.Interval .Nat)
+### lcm
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Nat)
+Least Common Multiple\.
+### max
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Nat)
+Nat\(ural\) maximum\.
+### maximum
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Nat)
+### min
+(-> .Nat .Nat .Nat)
+Nat\(ural\) minimum\.
+### minimum
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Nat)
+### multiplication
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Nat)
+### octal
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Nat)
+### odd?
+(-> .Nat .Bit)
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order .Nat)
+# library/lux/math/number/ratio
+Rational numbers\.
+## Definitions
+### %
+(-> Ratio Ratio Ratio)
+### \*
+(-> Ratio Ratio Ratio)
+(-> Ratio Ratio Ratio)
+### \-
+(-> Ratio Ratio Ratio)
+### /
+(-> Ratio Ratio Ratio)
+### <
+(-> Ratio Ratio .Bit)
+### <=
+(-> Ratio Ratio .Bit)
+### =
+(-> Ratio Ratio .Bit)
+### >
+(-> Ratio Ratio .Bit)
+### >=
+(-> Ratio Ratio .Bit)
+### Ratio
+... .Type
+ [#numerator .Nat
+ #denominator .Nat])
+An unsigned ratio of numbers\.
+### addition
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid Ratio)
+### codec
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text Ratio)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Ratio)
+### multiplication
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid Ratio)
+### nat
+(-> Ratio (.Maybe .Nat))
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order Ratio)
+### ratio
+Rational literals\.
+(ratio numerator denominator)
+... The denominator can be omitted if it is 1.
+(ratio numerator)
+### reciprocal
+(-> Ratio Ratio)
+# library/lux/math/number/rev
+## Definitions
+### %
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Rev)
+Rev\(olution\) remainder\.
+### \*
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Rev)
+Rev\(olution\) multiplication\.
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Rev)
+Rev\(olution\) addition\.
+### \-
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Rev)
+Rev\(olution\) substraction\.
+### /
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Rev)
+Rev\(olution\) division\.
+### /%
+(-> .Rev .Rev [.Rev .Rev])
+### /1
+### /1024
+### /128
+### /16
+### /2
+### /2048
+### /256
+### /32
+### /4
+### /4096
+### /512
+### /64
+### /8
+### <
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Bit)
+Rev\(olution\) less\-than\.
+(< reference sample)
+### <=
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Bit)
+Rev\(olution\) less\-than or equal\.
+(<= reference sample)
+### =
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Bit)
+Rev\(olution\) equivalence\.
+(= reference sample)
+### >
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Bit)
+Rev\(olution\) greater\-than\.
+(> reference sample)
+### >=
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Bit)
+Rev\(olution\) greater\-than or equal\.
+(>= reference sample)
+### addition
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Rev)
+### binary
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Rev)
+### decimal
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Rev)
+### down
+(-> .Nat .Rev .Rev)
+(down scale subject)
+### enum
+(library/lux/abstract/enum.Enum .Rev)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence .Rev)
+### frac
+(-> .Rev .Frac)
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash .Rev)
+### hex
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Rev)
+### interval
+(library/lux/abstract/interval.Interval .Rev)
+### max
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Rev)
+Rev\(olution\) maximum\.
+### maximum
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Rev)
+### min
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Rev)
+Rev\(olution\) minimum\.
+### minimum
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid .Rev)
+### octal
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Rev)
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order .Rev)
+### ratio
+(-> .Rev .Rev .Nat)
+Ratio between two rev\(olution\)s\.
+### reciprocal
+(-> .Nat .Rev)
+Rev\(olution\) reciprocal of a Nat\(ural\)\.
+(reciprocal numerator)
+### up
+(-> .Nat .Rev .Rev)
+(up scale subject)
+# library/lux/math/random
+Pseudo\-random number generation \(PRNG\) algorithms\.
+## Definitions
+### PRNG
+... .Type
+(Rec PRNG
+ (-> .Any [PRNG .I64]))
+An abstract way to represent any PRNG\.
+### \(Random it\)
+... .Type
+(-> PRNG [PRNG it])
+A producer of random values based on a PRNG\.
+### and
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Random _0) (Random _1) (Random [_0 _1])))
+Sequencing combinator\.
+(and left right)
+### apply
+(library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply Random)
+### array
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Random _0) (Random (library/lux/data/collection/array.Array _0))))
+### ascii
+(-> .Nat (Random .Text))
+### ascii/alpha
+(-> .Nat (Random .Text))
+### ascii/alpha\_num
+(-> .Nat (Random .Text))
+### ascii/lower
+(-> .Nat (Random .Text))
+### ascii/numeric
+(-> .Nat (Random .Text))
+### ascii/upper
+(-> .Nat (Random .Text))
+### bit
+(Random .Bit)
+### char
+(-> library/lux/data/text/unicode/set.Set (Random library/lux/data/text.Char))
+### complex
+(Random library/lux/math/number/complex.Complex)
+### date
+(Random library/lux/time/date.Date)
+### day
+(Random library/lux/time/day.Day)
+### dictionary
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) .Nat (Random _0) (Random _1) (Random (library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary _0 _1))))
+(dictionary hash size key_gen value_gen)
+### duration
+(Random library/lux/time/duration.Duration)
+### either
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Random _0) (Random _0) (Random _0)))
+Homogeneous alternative combinator\.
+(either left right)
+### frac
+(Random .Frac)
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Random)
+### i64
+(Random .I64)
+### instant
+(Random library/lux/time/instant.Instant)
+### int
+(Random .Int)
+### list
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Random _0) (Random (.List _0))))
+### maybe
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Random _0) (Random (.Maybe _0))))
+### monad
+(library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad Random)
+### month
+(Random library/lux/time/month.Month)
+### nat
+(Random .Nat)
+### one
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 (.Maybe _1)) (Random _0) (Random _1)))
+(one check random)
+### only
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 .Bit) (Random _0) (Random _0)))
+Retries the generator until the output satisfies a predicate\.
+(only pred gen)
+### or
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Random _0) (Random _1) (Random (Or _0 _1))))
+Heterogeneous alternative combinator\.
+(or left right)
+### pcg\_32
+(-> [(.I64 .Any) (.I64 .Any)] PRNG)
+An implementation of the PCG32 algorithm\.
+For more information, please see: http://www\.pcg\-random\.org/
+### prng
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> _0 _0) (-> _0 .I64) _0 PRNG))
+(prng update return)
+### queue
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Random _0) (Random (library/lux/data/collection/queue.Queue _0))))
+### ratio
+(Random library/lux/math/number/ratio.Ratio)
+### rec
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> (Random _0) (Random _0)) (Random _0)))
+A combinator for producing recursive random generators\.
+(rec gen)
+### refined
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/type/refinement.Refiner _0 _1) (Random _0) (Random (library/lux/type/refinement.Refined _0 _1))))
+Retries the generator until the output can be refined\.
+(refined refiner gen)
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> PRNG (Random _0) [PRNG _0]))
+(result prng calc)
+### rev
+(Random .Rev)
+### safe\_frac
+(Random .Frac)
+A number in the interval \[0\.0,1\.0\]\.
+### sequence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Random _0) (Random (library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence _0))))
+### set
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) .Nat (Random _0) (Random (library/lux/data/collection/set.Set _0))))
+(set hash size value_gen)
+### split\_mix\_64
+(-> .Nat PRNG)
+An implementation of the SplitMix64 algorithm\.
+### stack
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Nat (Random _0) (Random (library/lux/data/collection/stack.Stack _0))))
+### text
+(-> (Random library/lux/data/text.Char) .Nat (Random .Text))
+(text char_gen size)
+### time
+(Random library/lux/time.Time)
+### unicode
+(-> .Nat (Random .Text))
+### xoroshiro\_128
+(-> [(.I64 .Any) (.I64 .Any)] PRNG)
+An implementation of the Xoroshiro128 algorithm\.
+For more information, please see: http://xoroshiro\.di\.unimi\.it/
+# library/lux/meta
+Functions for extracting information from the state of the compiler\.
+## Definitions
+### apply
+(library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply .Meta)
+### assertion
+(-> .Text .Bit (.Meta .Any))
+Fails with the given message if the test is \#0\.
+(assertion message test)
+### compiler\_state
+(.Meta .Lux)
+Obtains the current state of the compiler\.
+### current\_module
+(.Meta .Module)
+The module currently being compiled, if any\.
+### current\_module\_name
+(.Meta .Text)
+The name of the module currently being compiled, if any\.
+### de\_aliased
+(-> .Symbol (.Meta .Symbol))
+Given an aliased definition's name, returns the original definition being referenced\.
+(de_aliased def_name)
+### definition
+(-> .Symbol (.Meta .Global))
+Looks\-up a definition's whole data in the available modules \(including the current one\)\.
+(definition name)
+### definition\_type
+(-> .Symbol (.Meta .Type))
+Looks\-up a definition's type in the available modules \(including the current one\)\.
+(definition_type name)
+### definitions
+(-> .Text (.Meta (.List [.Text .Definition])))
+The entire list of definitions in a module \(including the non\-exported/private ones\)\.
+(definitions module)
+### either
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.Meta _0) (.Meta _0) (.Meta _0)))
+Pick whichever computation succeeds\.
+(either left right)
+### eval
+(-> .Type .Code (.Meta .Any))
+(eval type code)
+### expected\_type
+(.Meta .Type)
+The expected type of the current expression being analyzed\.
+### export
+(-> .Symbol (.Meta .Definition))
+Looks\-up a definition in the available modules \(including the current one\)\.
+The look\-up only succeeds if the definition has been exported\.
+(export name)
+### exports
+(-> .Text (.Meta (.List [.Text .Definition])))
+All the exported definitions in a module\.
+(exports module_name)
+### failure
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (.Meta _0)))
+Fails with the given error message\.
+(failure error)
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor .Meta)
+### globals
+(-> .Text (.Meta (.List [.Text .Global])))
+The entire list of globals in a module \(including the non\-exported/private ones\)\.
+(globals module)
+### imported?
+(-> .Text (.Meta .Bit))
+Checks if the given module has been imported by the current module\.
+(imported? import)
+### imported\_by?
+(-> .Text .Text (.Meta .Bit))
+(imported_by? import module)
+### imported\_modules
+(-> .Text (.Meta (.List .Text)))
+All the modules imported by a specified module\.
+(imported_modules module_name)
+### lifted
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/control/try.Try _0) (.Meta _0)))
+### locals
+(.Meta (.List (.List [.Text .Type])))
+All the local variables currently in scope, separated in different scopes\.
+### location
+(.Meta .Location)
+The location of the current expression being analyzed\.
+### macro
+(-> .Symbol (.Meta (.Maybe .Macro)))
+Looks\-up a macro known by the given name\.
+(macro full_name)
+### module
+(-> .Text (.Meta .Module))
+Looks\-up a module with the given name\.
+(module name)
+### module\_exists?
+(-> .Text (.Meta .Bit))
+(module_exists? module)
+### modules
+(.Meta (.List [.Text .Module]))
+All the available modules \(including the current one\)\.
+### monad
+(library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad .Meta)
+### normal
+(-> .Symbol (.Meta .Symbol))
+If given a name without a module prefix, gives it the current module's name as prefix\.
+Otherwise, returns the name as\-is\.
+(normal name)
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Lux (.Meta _0) (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)))
+Evaluates a computation that depends on Lux's compiler state\.
+(result lux action)
+### result'
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Lux (.Meta _0) (library/lux/control/try.Try [.Lux _0])))
+Evaluates a computation that depends on Lux's compiler state\.
+Also returns a \(potentially modified\) compiler state\.
+(result' lux action)
+### seed
+(.Meta .Nat)
+The current value of a number tracked by the compiler\.
+Also increases the value, so it's different next time it is seen\.
+This number can be used for generating data 'randomly' during compilation\.
+### slot
+(-> .Symbol (.Meta [.Nat (.List .Symbol) .Type]))
+Given a slot, finds out what is its index, its related slot\-list and its associated type\.
+(slot slot_name)
+### tag
+(-> .Symbol (.Meta [.Nat (.List .Symbol) .Type]))
+Given a tag, finds out what is its index, its related tag\-list and its associated type\.
+(tag tag_name)
+### tag\_lists
+(-> .Text (.Meta (.List [(.List .Symbol) .Type])))
+All the tag\-lists defined in a module, with their associated types\.
+(tag_lists module)
+### tags\_of
+(-> .Symbol (.Meta (.Maybe (.List .Symbol))))
+All the tags associated with a type definition\.
+(tags_of type_name)
+### try
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (.Meta _0) (.Meta (library/lux/control/try.Try _0))))
+### type
+(-> .Symbol (.Meta .Type))
+Looks\-up the type of either a local variable or a definition\.
+(type name)
+### type\_context
+(.Meta .Type_Context)
+The current type\-checking context\.
+### type\_definition
+(-> .Symbol (.Meta .Type))
+Finds the value of a type definition \(such as Int, Any or Lux\)\.
+(type_definition name)
+### var\_type
+(-> .Text (.Meta .Type))
+Looks\-up the type of a local variable somewhere in the environment\.
+(var_type name)
+# library/lux/meta/location
+## Definitions
+### dummy
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence .Location)
+### format
+(-> .Location .Text)
+### here
+The Location of the current form\.
+### with
+(-> .Location .Text .Text)
+(with location error)
+# library/lux/meta/symbol
+## Definitions
+### codec
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text .Symbol)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence .Symbol)
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash .Symbol)
+### module
+(-> .Symbol .Text)
+The module part of a symbol\.
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order .Symbol)
+### short
+(-> .Symbol .Text)
+The short part of a symbol\.
+# library/lux/program
+## Definitions
+### program:
+Defines the entry\-point to a program \(similar to the 'main' function/method in other programming languages\)\.
+... Can take a list of all the input parameters to the program.
+(program: all_arguments
+ (do library/lux/control/io.monad
+ [foo (initialize program)]
+ (do_something_with all_arguments)))
+... Can also parse them using CLI parsers from the library/lux/control/parser/cli module.
+(program: [config configuration_parser]
+ (do library/lux/control/io.monad
+ [data (initialize program with config)]
+ (do_something_with data)))
+# library/lux/static
+## Definitions
+### frac
+\(library/lux/static\.frac \(: library/lux\.Frac \(value generating expression\)\)\)
+### int
+\(library/lux/static\.int \(: library/lux\.Int \(value generating expression\)\)\)
+### literal
+ (: (-> ??? Code)
+ format)
+ (: ???
+ (value generating expression)))
+### nat
+\(library/lux/static\.nat \(: library/lux\.Nat \(value generating expression\)\)\)
+### random
+ (: (-> ??? Code)
+ format)
+ (: (Random ???)
+ (random data generator)))
+### random\_frac
+\(: library/lux\.Frac \(library/lux/static\.random\_frac\)\)
+### random\_int
+\(: library/lux\.Int \(library/lux/static\.random\_int\)\)
+### random\_nat
+\(: library/lux\.Nat \(library/lux/static\.random\_nat\)\)
+### random\_rev
+\(: library/lux\.Rev \(library/lux/static\.random\_rev\)\)
+### rev
+\(library/lux/static\.rev \(: library/lux\.Rev \(value generating expression\)\)\)
+### text
+\(library/lux/static\.text \(: library/lux\.Text \(value generating expression\)\)\)
+# library/lux/target
+## Definitions
+### Target
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Text")
+The name/ID of a platform targetted by a Lux compiler\.
+This information can be used to generate code targetting specific platforms, and to make programs cross\-platform\.
+### common\_lisp
+### js
+### jvm
+### lua
+### old
+### php
+### python
+### r
+### ruby
+### scheme
+# library/lux/target/js
+## Definitions
+### %
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### \*
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+(-> Location Expression)
+### ,
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### \-
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### \-\-
+(-> Location Expression)
+### /
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### <
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### <=
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### =
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### >
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### >=
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### ?
+(-> Expression Expression Expression Computation)
+### Access
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' Access'))))
+### Code
+... .Type
+(All (Code _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/target/js.Code" _0))
+### Computation
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' .Any)))
+### Expression
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' .Any))
+### Label
+... .Type
+(Code Label')
+### Literal
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' Literal')))
+### Location
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' .Any))))
+### Loop
+... .Type
+(Code (Statement' Loop'))
+### Statement
+... .Type
+(Code (Statement' .Any))
+### Var
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' Var'))))
+### and
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### apply/\*
+(-> Expression (.List Expression) Computation)
+### apply/1
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### apply/2
+(-> Expression Expression Expression Computation)
+### apply/3
+(-> Expression Expression Expression Expression Computation)
+### arithmetic\_right\_shift
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### array
+(-> (.List Expression) Computation)
+### at
+(-> Expression Expression Access)
+### bit\_and
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### bit\_not
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### bit\_or
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### bit\_xor
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### boolean
+(-> .Bit Literal)
+### break
+### break\_at
+(-> Label Statement)
+### closure
+(-> (.List Var) Statement Computation)
+### code
+(-> (Code .Any) .Text)
+### comment
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (Code _0) (Code _0)))
+### cond
+(-> (.List [Expression Statement]) Statement Statement)
+### continue
+### continue\_at
+(-> Label Statement)
+### declare
+(-> Var Statement)
+### define
+(-> Var Expression Statement)
+### delete
+(-> Location Statement)
+### do
+(-> .Text (.List Expression) Expression Computation)
+### do\_while
+(-> Expression Statement Loop)
+### for
+(-> Var Expression Expression Expression Statement Loop)
+### function
+(-> Var (.List Var) Statement Computation)
+### function\!
+(-> Var (.List Var) Statement Statement)
+### i32
+(-> .Int Computation)
+### if
+(-> Expression Statement Statement Statement)
+### int
+(-> .Int Literal)
+### label
+(-> .Text Label)
+### left\_shift
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### logic\_right\_shift
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### new
+(-> Expression (.List Expression) Computation)
+### not
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### not\_a\_number?
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### null
+### number
+(-> .Frac Literal)
+### object
+(-> (.List [.Text Expression]) Computation)
+### opposite
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### or
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### return
+(-> Expression Statement)
+### set
+(-> Location Expression Statement)
+### statement
+(-> Expression Statement)
+### string
+(-> .Text Literal)
+### switch
+(-> Expression (.List [(.List Literal) Statement]) (.Maybe Statement) Statement)
+### the
+(-> .Text Expression Access)
+### then
+(-> Statement Statement Statement)
+### throw
+(-> Expression Statement)
+### to\_i32
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### try
+(-> Statement [Var Statement] Statement)
+### type\_of
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### undefined
+### use\_strict
+### var
+(-> .Text Var)
+### when
+(-> Expression Statement Statement)
+### while
+(-> Expression Statement Loop)
+### with\_label
+(-> Label Loop Statement)
+# library/lux/target/jvm
+## Definitions
+### Arithmetic
+... .Type
+ {#Int_Arithmetic Int_Arithmetic}
+ {#Long_Arithmetic Long_Arithmetic}
+ {#Float_Arithmetic Float_Arithmetic}
+ {#Double_Arithmetic Double_Arithmetic})
+### Array
+... .Type
+ {#NEWARRAY (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)}
+ {#ANEWARRAY (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Object)}
+ {#BALOAD .Any}
+ {#BASTORE .Any}
+ {#SALOAD .Any}
+ {#SASTORE .Any}
+ {#IALOAD .Any}
+ {#IASTORE .Any}
+ {#LALOAD .Any}
+ {#LASTORE .Any}
+ {#FALOAD .Any}
+ {#FASTORE .Any}
+ {#DALOAD .Any}
+ {#DASTORE .Any}
+ {#CALOAD .Any}
+ {#CASTORE .Any}
+ {#AALOAD .Any}
+ {#AASTORE .Any})
+### Bitwise
+... .Type
+ {#Int_Bitwise Int_Bitwise}
+ {#Long_Bitwise Long_Bitwise})
+### Branching
+... .Type
+(All (Branching _0)
+ (Variant
+ {#IF_ICMPEQ _0}
+ {#IF_ICMPGE _0}
+ {#IF_ICMPGT _0}
+ {#IF_ICMPLE _0}
+ {#IF_ICMPLT _0}
+ {#IF_ICMPNE _0}
+ {#IFEQ _0}
+ {#IFNE _0}
+ {#IFGE _0}
+ {#IFGT _0}
+ {#IFLE _0}
+ {#IFLT _0}
+ {#TABLESWITCH .Int .Int _0 (.List _0)}
+ {#LOOKUPSWITCH _0 (.List [.Int _0])}
+ {#IF_ACMPEQ _0}
+ {#IF_ACMPNE _0}
+ {#IFNULL _0}))
+### Bytecode
+... .Type
+(All (Bytecode _0 _1)
+ (library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence (Instruction _0 _1)))
+### Comparison
+... .Type
+ {#LCMP .Any}
+ {#FCMPG .Any}
+ {#FCMPL .Any}
+ {#DCMPG .Any}
+ {#DCMPL .Any})
+### Concurrency
+... .Type
+### Constant
+... .Type
+ {#BIPUSH .Int}
+ {#SIPUSH .Int}
+ {#ICONST_M1 .Any}
+ {#ICONST_0 .Any}
+ {#ICONST_1 .Any}
+ {#ICONST_2 .Any}
+ {#ICONST_3 .Any}
+ {#ICONST_4 .Any}
+ {#ICONST_5 .Any}
+ {#LCONST_0 .Any}
+ {#LCONST_1 .Any}
+ {#FCONST_0 .Any}
+ {#FCONST_1 .Any}
+ {#FCONST_2 .Any}
+ {#DCONST_0 .Any}
+ {#DCONST_1 .Any}
+ {#LDC Literal})
+### Control
+... .Type
+(All (Control _0)
+ (Variant
+ {#GOTO _0}
+ {#Branching (Branching _0)}
+ {#Exception (Exception _0)}
+ {#Concurrency Concurrency}
+ {#Return Return}))
+### Conversion
+... .Type
+ {#I2B .Any}
+ {#I2S .Any}
+ {#I2L .Any}
+ {#I2F .Any}
+ {#I2D .Any}
+ {#I2C .Any}
+ {#L2I .Any}
+ {#L2F .Any}
+ {#L2D .Any}
+ {#F2I .Any}
+ {#F2L .Any}
+ {#F2D .Any}
+ {#D2I .Any}
+ {#D2L .Any}
+ {#D2F .Any})
+### Double\_Arithmetic
+... .Type
+ {#DADD .Any}
+ {#DSUB .Any}
+ {#DMUL .Any}
+ {#DDIV .Any}
+ {#DREM .Any}
+ {#DNEG .Any})
+### Exception
+... .Type
+(All (Exception _0)
+ (Variant
+ {#Try _0 _0 _0 (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class)}
+ {#ATHROW .Any}))
+### Float\_Arithmetic
+... .Type
+ {#FADD .Any}
+ {#FSUB .Any}
+ {#FMUL .Any}
+ {#FDIV .Any}
+ {#FREM .Any}
+ {#FNEG .Any})
+### Instruction
+... .Type
+(All (Instruction _0 _1)
+ (Variant
+ {#NOP .Any}
+ {#Constant Constant}
+ {#Arithmetic Arithmetic}
+ {#Bitwise Bitwise}
+ {#Conversion Conversion}
+ {#Array Array}
+ {#Object Object}
+ {#Local Local}
+ {#Stack Stack}
+ {#Comparison Comparison}
+ {#Control (Control _1)}
+ {#Embedded _0}))
+### Int\_Arithmetic
+... .Type
+ {#IADD .Any}
+ {#ISUB .Any}
+ {#IMUL .Any}
+ {#IDIV .Any}
+ {#IREM .Any}
+ {#INEG .Any})
+### Int\_Bitwise
+... .Type
+ {#IOR .Any}
+ {#IXOR .Any}
+ {#IAND .Any}
+ {#ISHL .Any}
+ {#ISHR .Any}
+ {#IUSHR .Any})
+### Label
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+### Literal
+... .Type
+ {#Boolean .Bit}
+ {#Int .Int}
+ {#Long .Int}
+ {#Double .Frac}
+ {#Char .Nat}
+ {#String .Text})
+### Local
+... .Type
+ {#Local_Int Local_Int}
+ {#IINC Register}
+ {#Local_Long Local_Long}
+ {#Local_Float Local_Float}
+ {#Local_Double Local_Double}
+ {#Local_Object Local_Object})
+### Local\_Double
+... .Type
+ {#DLOAD Register}
+ {#DSTORE Register})
+### Local\_Float
+... .Type
+ {#FLOAD Register}
+ {#FSTORE Register})
+### Local\_Int
+... .Type
+ {#ILOAD Register}
+ {#ISTORE Register})
+### Local\_Long
+... .Type
+ {#LLOAD Register}
+ {#LSTORE Register})
+### Local\_Object
+... .Type
+ {#ALOAD Register}
+ {#ASTORE Register})
+### Long\_Arithmetic
+... .Type
+ {#LADD .Any}
+ {#LSUB .Any}
+ {#LMUL .Any}
+ {#LDIV .Any}
+ {#LREM .Any}
+ {#LNEG .Any})
+### Long\_Bitwise
+... .Type
+ {#LOR .Any}
+ {#LXOR .Any}
+ {#LAND .Any}
+ {#LSHL .Any}
+ {#LSHR .Any}
+ {#LUSHR .Any})
+### Object
+... .Type
+ {#GETSTATIC (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) .Text (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value)}
+ {#PUTSTATIC (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) .Text (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value)}
+ {#NEW (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class)}
+ {#INSTANCEOF (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class)}
+ {#CHECKCAST (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Object)}
+ {#GETFIELD (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) .Text (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value)}
+ {#PUTFIELD (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) .Text (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value)}
+ {#INVOKEINTERFACE (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) .Text (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Method)}
+ {#INVOKESPECIAL (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) .Text (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Method)}
+ {#INVOKESTATIC (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) .Text (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Method)}
+ {#INVOKEVIRTUAL (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) .Text (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Method)})
+### Register
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+### Return
+... .Type
+ {#RETURN .Any}
+ {#IRETURN .Any}
+ {#LRETURN .Any}
+ {#FRETURN .Any}
+ {#DRETURN .Any}
+ {#ARETURN .Any})
+### Stack
+... .Type
+ {#DUP .Any}
+ {#DUP_X1 .Any}
+ {#DUP_X2 .Any}
+ {#DUP2 .Any}
+ {#DUP2_X1 .Any}
+ {#DUP2_X2 .Any}
+ {#SWAP .Any}
+ {#POP .Any}
+ {#POP2 .Any})
+# library/lux/target/jvm/type
+## Definitions
+### Argument
+... .Type
+[.Text (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value)]
+### Constraint
+... .Type
+ [#name .Text
+ #super_class (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class)
+ #super_interfaces (.List (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class))])
+### Type
+... .Type
+(All (Type _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type" _0))
+### Typed
+... .Type
+(All (Typed _0)
+ [(Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) _0])
+### array
+(-> (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Array))
+### as\_class
+(-> (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Declaration) (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class))
+### boolean
+(Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### byte
+(Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### char
+(Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### class
+(-> library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External (.List (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter)) (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class))
+### class?
+(-> (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (.Maybe library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External))
+### declaration
+(-> library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External (.List (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var)) (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Declaration))
+### descriptor
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Type _0) (library/lux/target/jvm/type/descriptor.Descriptor _0)))
+### double
+(Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Type _0)))
+### float
+(Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### format
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/data/text/format.Format (Type _0)))
+### hash
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash (Type _0)))
+### int
+(Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### long
+(Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### lower
+(-> (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter))
+### method
+(-> [(.List (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var)) (.List (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value)) (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Return) (.List (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class))] (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Method))
+### primitive?
+(-> (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (.Either (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Object) (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)))
+### reflection
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Type (library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Return' (library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value' _0))) (library/lux/target/jvm/type/reflection.Reflection (library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Return' (library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value' _0)))))
+### short
+(Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### signature
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Type _0) (library/lux/target/jvm/type/signature.Signature _0)))
+### upper
+(-> (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter))
+### var
+(-> .Text (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var))
+### void
+(Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Void)
+### void?
+(-> (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Return) (.Either (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Void)))
+### wildcard
+(Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter)
+# library/lux/target/jvm/type/alias
+## Definitions
+### Aliasing
+... .Type
+(library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary .Text .Text)
+### fresh
+### method
+(-> Aliasing (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Method) (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Method))
+# library/lux/target/jvm/type/box
+## Definitions
+### boolean
+### byte
+### char
+### double
+### float
+### int
+### long
+### short
+# library/lux/target/jvm/type/category
+## Definitions
+### Array
+... .Type
+(Return' (Value' (Object' Array')))
+### Class
+... .Type
+(Return' (Value' (Object' (Parameter' Class'))))
+### Declaration
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Declaration")
+### Method
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Method")
+### Object
+... .Type
+(Return' (Value' (Object' .Any)))
+### Parameter
+... .Type
+(Return' (Value' (Object' (Parameter' .Any))))
+### Primitive
+... .Type
+(Return' (Value' Primitive'))
+### Return
+... .Type
+(Return' .Any)
+### Return'
+... .Type
+(All (Return' _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Return'" _0))
+### Value
+... .Type
+(Return' (Value' .Any))
+### Value'
+... .Type
+(All (Value' _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value'" _0))
+### Var
+... .Type
+(Return' (Value' (Object' (Parameter' Var'))))
+### Void
+... .Type
+(Return' Void')
+# library/lux/target/jvm/type/descriptor
+## Definitions
+### Descriptor
+... .Type
+(All (Descriptor _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/target/jvm/type/descriptor.Descriptor" _0))
+### array
+(-> (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Array))
+### array\_prefix
+### as\_class
+(-> (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Declaration) (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class))
+### boolean
+(Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### byte
+(Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### char
+(Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### class
+(-> library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class))
+### class\_name
+(-> (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Object) library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.Internal)
+### class\_prefix
+### class\_suffix
+### declaration
+(-> library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Declaration))
+### descriptor
+(-> (Descriptor .Any) .Text)
+### double
+(Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Descriptor _0)))
+### float
+(Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### int
+(Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### long
+(Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### lower
+(-> (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter))
+### method
+(-> [(.List (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value)) (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Return)] (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Method))
+### short
+(Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### upper
+(-> (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) (Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter))
+### var
+(Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var)
+### void
+(Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Void)
+### wildcard
+(Descriptor library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter)
+# library/lux/target/jvm/type/lux
+## Definitions
+### Lower
+... .Type
+(All (Lower _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/target/jvm/type/lux.Lower" _0))
+### Mapping
+... .Type
+(library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary .Text .Type)
+### Upper
+... .Type
+(All (Upper _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/target/jvm/type/lux.Upper" _0))
+### boxed\_return
+(-> Mapping (library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/type/check.Check .Type)))
+### boxed\_type
+(-> Mapping (library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/type/check.Check .Type)))
+### check
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/type/check.Check _0)) .Text (library/lux/type/check.Check _0)))
+### class
+(-> Mapping (library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/type/check.Check .Type)))
+### fresh
+### return
+(-> Mapping (library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/type/check.Check .Type)))
+### type
+(-> Mapping (library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/type/check.Check .Type)))
+### unknown\_var
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Text)
+# library/lux/target/jvm/type/parser
+## Definitions
+### array
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Array))
+### array'
+(-> (library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value)) (library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Array)))
+### array?
+(-> (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (.Maybe (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value)))
+### boolean
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive))
+### byte
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive))
+### char
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive))
+### class
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class))
+### class?
+(-> (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (.Maybe [library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External (.List (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter))]))
+### class\_name
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External)
+### declaration
+(-> (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Declaration) [library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External (.List (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var))])
+### declaration'
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser [library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External (.List (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var))])
+### double
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive))
+### float
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive))
+### int
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive))
+### long
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive))
+### lower?
+(-> (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (.Maybe (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class)))
+### method
+(-> (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Method) [(.List (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var)) (.List (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value)) (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Return) (.List (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class))])
+### name
+(-> (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var) .Text)
+### object
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Object))
+### object?
+(-> (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (.Maybe (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Object)))
+### parameter
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter))
+### parameter?
+(-> (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (.Maybe (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter)))
+### primitive
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive))
+### primitive?
+(-> (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (.Maybe (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)))
+### read\_class
+(-> (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) [library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External (.List (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter))])
+### return
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Return))
+### short
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive))
+### upper?
+(-> (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (.Maybe (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class)))
+### value
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value))
+### var
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var))
+### var'
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser .Text)
+### var?
+(-> (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (.Maybe .Text))
+### var\_name
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser .Text)
+### void
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Void))
+### wildcard
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter))
+### wildcard?
+(-> (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (.Maybe (library/lux/target/jvm/type.Type library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter)))
+# library/lux/target/jvm/type/reflection
+## Definitions
+### Reflection
+... .Type
+(All (Reflection _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/target/jvm/type/reflection.Reflection" _0))
+### array
+(-> (Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Array))
+### as\_class
+(-> (Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Declaration) (Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class))
+### boolean
+(Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### byte
+(Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### char
+(Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### class
+(-> library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External (Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class))
+### declaration
+(-> library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External (Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Declaration))
+### double
+(Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Reflection _0)))
+### float
+(Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### int
+(Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### long
+(Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### lower
+(-> (Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) (Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter))
+### reflection
+(-> (Reflection .Any) .Text)
+### short
+(Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### upper
+(-> (Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) (Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter))
+### var
+(Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var)
+### void
+(Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Void)
+### wildcard
+(Reflection library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter)
+# library/lux/target/jvm/type/signature
+## Definitions
+### Signature
+... .Type
+(All (Signature _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/target/jvm/type/signature.Signature" _0))
+### arguments\_end
+### arguments\_start
+### array
+(-> (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value) (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Array))
+### as\_class
+(-> (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Declaration) (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class))
+### boolean
+(Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### byte
+(Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### char
+(Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### class
+(-> library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External (.List (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter)) (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class))
+### declaration
+(-> library/lux/target/jvm/encoding/name.External (.List (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var)) (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Declaration))
+### double
+(Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Signature _0)))
+### exception\_prefix
+### float
+(Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### hash
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash (Signature _0)))
+### int
+(Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### long
+(Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### lower
+(-> (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter))
+### lower\_prefix
+### method
+(-> [(.List (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var)) (.List (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Value)) (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Return) (.List (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class))] (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Method))
+### parameters\_end
+### parameters\_start
+### short
+(Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Primitive)
+### signature
+(-> (Signature .Any) .Text)
+### upper
+(-> (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Class) (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter))
+### upper\_prefix
+### var
+(-> .Text (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var))
+### var\_name
+(-> (Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Var) .Text)
+### var\_prefix
+### void
+(Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Void)
+### wildcard
+(Signature library/lux/target/jvm/type/category.Parameter)
+# library/lux/target/lua
+## Definitions
+### %
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### \*
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### \-
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### /
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### //
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### <
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### <=
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### =
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### >
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### >=
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### Access
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' Access'))))
+### Code
+... .Type
+(All (Code _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/target/lua.Code" _0))
+### Computation
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' .Any)))
+### Expression
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' .Any))
+### Label
+... .Type
+(Code Label')
+### Literal
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' Literal')))
+### Location
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' .Any))))
+### Statement
+... .Type
+(Code (Statement' .Any))
+### Var
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' Var'))))
+### ^
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### and
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### apply/\*
+(-> (.List Expression) Expression Computation)
+### apply/1
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### apply/2
+(-> Expression Expression Expression Computation)
+### apply/3
+(-> Expression Expression Expression Expression Computation)
+### apply/4
+(-> Expression Expression Expression Expression Expression Computation)
+### apply/5
+(-> Expression Expression Expression Expression Expression Expression Computation)
+### array
+(-> (.List Expression) Literal)
+### bit\_and
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### bit\_or
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### bit\_shl
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### bit\_shr
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### bit\_xor
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### bool
+(-> .Bit Literal)
+### break
+### closure
+(-> (.List Var) Statement Expression)
+### code
+(-> (Code .Any) .Text)
+### concat
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### cond
+(-> (.List [Expression Statement]) Statement Statement)
+### do
+(-> .Text (.List Expression) Expression Computation)
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Code _0)))
+### error/1
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### error/2
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### float
+(-> .Frac Literal)
+### for\_in
+(-> (.List Var) Expression Statement Statement)
+### for\_step
+(-> Var Expression Expression Expression Statement Statement)
+### function
+(-> Var (.List Var) Statement Statement)
+### go\_to
+(-> Label Statement)
+### hash
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash (Code _0)))
+### if
+(-> Expression Statement Statement Statement)
+### int
+(-> .Int Literal)
+### ipairs/1
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### item
+(-> Expression Expression Access)
+### label
+(-> .Text Label)
+### length
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### let
+(-> (.List Var) Expression Statement)
+### local
+(-> (.List Var) Statement)
+### local/1
+(-> Var Expression Statement)
+### local\_function
+(-> Var (.List Var) Statement Statement)
+### manual
+(-> .Text Code)
+### multi
+(-> (.List Expression) Literal)
+### nil
+### not
+(-> Expression Expression)
+### opposite
+(-> Expression Expression)
+### or
+(-> Expression Expression Expression)
+### print/1
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### print/2
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### print/3
+(-> Expression Expression Expression Computation)
+### repeat
+(-> Expression Statement Statement)
+### require/1
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### return
+(-> Expression Statement)
+### set
+(-> (.List Location) Expression Statement)
+### set\_label
+(-> Label Statement)
+### statement
+(-> Expression Statement)
+### string
+(-> .Text Literal)
+### table
+(-> (.List [.Text Expression]) Literal)
+### the
+(-> .Text Expression Computation)
+### then
+(-> Statement Statement Statement)
+### type/1
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### var
+(-> .Text Var)
+### when
+(-> Expression Statement Statement)
+### while
+(-> Expression Statement Statement)
+# library/lux/target/python
+## Definitions
+### %
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### \*
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### \*\*
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### \-
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### /
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### //
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### <
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### <=
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### =
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### >
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### >=
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### ?
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### Access
+... .Type
+(Location Access')
+### Code
+... .Type
+(All (Code _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/target/python.Code" _0))
+### Computation
+... .Type
+(All (Computation _0)
+ (Expression (Computation' _0)))
+### Except
+... .Type
+ [#classes (.List SVar)
+ #exception SVar
+ #handler (Statement .Any)])
+### Exception/1
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### Expression
+... .Type
+(All (Expression _0)
+ (Code (Expression' _0)))
+### KVar
+... .Type
+(Var Keyword)
+### Keyword
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/target/python.Keyword")
+### Label
+... .Type
+(Code Label')
+### Literal
+... .Type
+(Computation Literal')
+### Location
+... .Type
+(All (Location _0)
+ (Computation (Location' _0)))
+### Loop
+... .Type
+(Statement Loop')
+### PVar
+... .Type
+(Var Poly)
+### Poly
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/target/python.Poly")
+### SVar
+... .Type
+(Var Single)
+### Single
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/target/python.Single")
+### Statement
+... .Type
+(All (Statement _0)
+ (Code (Statement' _0)))
+### Var
+... .Type
+(All (Var _0)
+ (Location (Var' _0)))
+### \_\_import\_\_/1
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### and
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### apply/\*
+(-> (Expression .Any) (.List (Expression .Any)) (Computation .Any))
+### apply/1
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### apply/2
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### apply/3
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### apply\_keyword
+(-> (.List (Expression .Any)) (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### apply\_poly
+(-> (.List (Expression .Any)) (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### bit\_and
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### bit\_or
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### bit\_shl
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### bit\_shr
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### bit\_xor
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### bool
+(-> .Bit Literal)
+### break
+(Statement .Any)
+### chr/1
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### code
+(-> (Code .Any) .Text)
+### comment
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (Code _0) (Code _0)))
+### cond
+(-> (.List [(Expression .Any) (Statement .Any)]) (Statement .Any) (Statement .Any))
+### continue
+(Statement .Any)
+### def
+(-> SVar (.List (Ex (_ _0) (Var _0))) (Statement .Any) (Statement .Any))
+### delete
+(-> (Location .Any) (Statement .Any))
+### dict
+(-> (.List [(Expression .Any) (Expression .Any)]) (Computation .Any))
+### do
+(-> .Text (.List (Expression .Any)) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### do\_keyword
+(-> (.List (Expression .Any)) (Expression .Any) .Text (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### do\_poly
+(-> (.List (Expression .Any)) (Expression .Any) .Text (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Code _0)))
+### exec
+(-> (Expression .Any) (.Maybe (Expression .Any)) (Statement .Any))
+### float
+(-> .Frac Literal)
+### float/1
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### for\_in
+(-> SVar (Expression .Any) (Statement .Any) Loop)
+### hash
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash (Code _0)))
+### if
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Statement .Any) (Statement .Any) (Statement .Any))
+### import
+(-> .Text (Statement .Any))
+### int
+(-> .Int Literal)
+### int/1
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### is
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### item
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) Location)
+### keyword
+(-> SVar (Var Keyword))
+### lambda
+(-> (.List (Var .Any)) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### len/1
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### list
+(-> (.List (Expression .Any)) Literal)
+### long
+(-> .Int Literal)
+### manual
+(-> .Text Code)
+### none
+### not
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### opposite
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### or
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### ord/1
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### pass
+(Statement .Any)
+### poly
+(-> SVar (Var Poly))
+### print
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Statement .Any))
+### raise
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Statement .Any))
+### repr/1
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### return
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Statement .Any))
+### set
+(-> (.List (Location .Any)) (Expression .Any) (Statement .Any))
+### slice
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) Access)
+### slice\_from
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Expression .Any) Access)
+### statement
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Statement .Any))
+### str/1
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### string
+(-> .Text Literal)
+### the
+(-> .Text (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### then
+(-> (Statement .Any) (Statement .Any) (Statement .Any))
+### try
+(-> (Statement .Any) (.List Except) (Statement .Any))
+### tuple
+(-> (.List (Expression .Any)) Literal)
+### unichr/1
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### unicode
+(-> .Text Literal)
+### unicode/1
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Computation .Any))
+### var
+(-> .Text SVar)
+### when
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Statement .Any) (Statement .Any))
+### while
+(-> (Expression .Any) (Statement .Any) (.Maybe (Statement .Any)) Loop)
+# library/lux/target/ruby
+## Definitions
+### %
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### \*
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### \-
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### /
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### <
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### <=
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### =
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### >
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### >=
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### ?
+(-> Expression Expression Expression Computation)
+### Access
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' Access'))))
+### Code
+... .Type
+(All (Code _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/target/ruby.Code" _0))
+### Computation
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' .Any)))
+### Expression
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' .Any))
+### GVar
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' (Var' GVar')))))
+### IVar
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' (Var' IVar')))))
+### LVar
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' (Var' (LVar' .Any))))))
+### LVar\*
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' (Var' (LVar' LVar*'))))))
+### LVar\*\*
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' (Var' (LVar' LVar**'))))))
+### Literal
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' Literal')))
+### Location
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' .Any))))
+### Rescue
+... .Type
+ [#classes (.List .Text)
+ #exception LVar
+ #rescue Statement])
+### SVar
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' (Var' SVar')))))
+### Statement
+... .Type
+(Code (Statement' .Any))
+### Var
+... .Type
+(Code (Expression' (Computation' (Location' (Var' .Any)))))
+### and
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### apply/\*
+(-> (.List Expression) Expression Computation)
+### apply/1
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### apply/2
+(-> Expression Expression Expression Computation)
+### apply/3
+(-> Expression Expression Expression Expression Computation)
+### apply\_lambda/\*
+(-> (.List Expression) Expression Computation)
+### array
+(-> (.List Expression) Literal)
+### array\_range
+(-> Expression Expression Expression Computation)
+### begin
+(-> Statement (.List Rescue) Statement)
+### bit\_and
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### bit\_or
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### bit\_shl
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### bit\_shr
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### bit\_xor
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### bool
+(-> .Bit Literal)
+### break
+### case\_insensitivity\_flag
+### catch
+(-> Expression Statement Statement)
+### code
+(-> (Code .Any) .Text)
+### code\_equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Code _0)))
+### code\_hash
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash (Code _0)))
+### command\_line\_arguments
+### comment
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (Code _0) (Code _0)))
+### cond
+(-> (.List [Expression Statement]) Statement Statement)
+### do
+(-> .Text (.List Expression) Expression Computation)
+### double\_splat
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### exit\_status
+### float
+(-> .Frac Literal)
+### for\_in
+(-> LVar Expression Statement Statement)
+### function
+(-> LVar (.List LVar) Statement Statement)
+### global
+(-> .Text GVar)
+### hash
+(-> (.List [Expression Expression]) Literal)
+### if
+(-> Expression Statement Statement Statement)
+### input\_record\_separator
+### instance
+(-> .Text IVar)
+### int
+(-> .Int Literal)
+### item
+(-> Expression Expression Access)
+### lambda
+(-> (.Maybe LVar) (.List Var) Statement Literal)
+### last\_line\_number\_read
+### last\_regexp\_match
+### last\_string\_matched
+### last\_string\_read
+### latest\_error
+### local
+(-> .Text LVar)
+### manual
+(-> .Text Code)
+### next
+### nil
+### not
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### opposite
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### or
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### output\_record\_separator
+### pow
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### print/1
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### print/2
+(-> Expression Expression Computation)
+### print/3
+(-> Expression Expression Expression Computation)
+### process\_id
+### raise
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### redo
+### require/1
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### return
+(-> Expression Statement)
+### script\_name
+### set
+(-> (.List Location) Expression Statement)
+### splat
+(-> Expression Computation)
+### statement
+(-> Expression Statement)
+### static
+(-> .Text SVar)
+### string
+(-> .Text Literal)
+### symbol
+(-> .Text Literal)
+### the
+(-> .Text Expression Access)
+### then
+(-> Statement Statement Statement)
+### throw/1
+(-> Expression Statement)
+### variadic
+(-> LVar LVar*)
+### variadic\_kv
+(-> LVar LVar**)
+### when
+(-> Expression Statement Statement)
+### while
+(-> Expression Statement Statement)
+# library/lux/test
+Tools for unit & property\-based/generative testing\.
+## Definitions
+### Assertion
+... .Type
+(library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async [Tally .Text])
+An asynchronous operation that yields test results\.
+### Seed
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+The seed value used for random testing \(if that feature is used\)\.
+### Tally
+... .Type
+ [#successes .Nat
+ #failures .Nat
+ #expected_coverage (library/lux/data/collection/set.Set .Symbol)
+ #actual_coverage (library/lux/data/collection/set.Set .Symbol)])
+A record of successes and failures while executing tests\.
+### Test
+... .Type
+(library/lux/math/random.Random Assertion)
+A test that relies on random data generation to thoroughly cover different scenarios\.
+### and
+(-> Test Test Test)
+Sequencing combinator\.
+(and left right)
+### and'
+(-> Assertion Assertion Assertion)
+Sequencing combinator \(for assertions\)\.
+(and' left right)
+### assertion
+(-> .Text .Bit Assertion)
+Check that a condition is \#1, and fail with the given message otherwise\.
+(assertion message condition)
+### context
+(-> .Text Test Test)
+Adds a contextual description to a test's documentation\.
+(context description)
+### cover
+Specifies a test as covering one or more definitions\.
+Adds to the test tally information to track which definitions have been tested\.
+(cover [definition/0 definition/1 ,,, definition/N]
+ (: Bit
+ (some "computation")))
+### cover'
+Specifies a test as covering one or more definitions\.
+Adds to the test tally information to track which definitions have been tested\.
+(cover' [definition/0 definition/1 ,,, definition/N]
+ (: Bit
+ (some "computation")))
+### covering
+Specifies the module being covered by a test\.
+Adds tracking information to the tally to know which exported definitions in the module need to be covered\.
+(covering documentation/lux/test._
+ (: Test
+ some_test))
+### error\_during\_execution
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Text)
+### failure
+(-> .Text Test)
+A failing test, with a given error message\.
+### for
+Specifies a context for tests as covering one or more definitions\.
+Adds to the test tally information to track which definitions have been tested\.
+(for [definition/0 definition/1 ,,, definition/N]
+ (: Test
+ some_test))
+### in\_parallel
+(-> (.List Test) Test)
+Executes multiple tests in parallel \(if the host platform supports it\) to take advantage of multiple cores\.
+(in_parallel tests)
+### lifted
+(-> .Text (library/lux/math/random.Random .Bit) Test)
+(lifted message random)
+### must\_try\_test\_at\_least\_once
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### run\!
+(-> Test (library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async .Nothing))
+Executes a test, and exits the program with either a successful or a failing exit code\.
+WARNING: This procedure is only meant to be used in \(program: \.\.\.\) forms\.
+(run! test)
+### seed
+(-> Seed Test Test)
+Execute the given test with a specific seed value\.
+This allows you to reproduce a failing test case as many times as you want while debugging\.
+(seed value test)
+### test
+(-> .Text .Bit Test)
+Check that a condition is \#1, and fail with the given message otherwise\.
+(test message condition)
+### times
+(-> .Nat Test Test)
+Allows executing a test several times\.
+By doing this, it's possible to thoroughly test code with many different scenarios\.
+This assumes that random data generation is being used in tests instead of fixed/constant inputs\.
+(times amount test)
+# library/lux/time
+## Definitions
+### Clock
+... .Type
+ [#hour .Nat
+ #minute .Nat
+ #second .Nat
+ #milli_second .Nat])
+A clock marking the specific hour, minute, second, and milli\-second in a day\.
+### Time
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/time.Time")
+Time is defined as milliseconds since the start of the day \(00:00:00\.000\)\.
+### clock
+(-> Time Clock)
+(clock time)
+### codec
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text Time)
+Based on ISO 8601\.
+For example: 21:14:51\.827
+### enum
+(library/lux/abstract/enum.Enum Time)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Time)
+### hours
+Number of hours in an day\.
+### invalid\_hour
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### invalid\_minute
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### invalid\_second
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### midnight
+The instant corresponding to the start of the day: 00:00:00\.000
+### milli\_seconds
+Number of milli\-seconds in a second\.
+### millis
+(-> Time .Nat)
+### minutes
+Number of minutes in an hour\.
+### of\_millis
+(-> .Nat (library/lux/control/try.Try Time))
+(of_millis milli_seconds)
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order Time)
+### parser
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser Time)
+### seconds
+Number of seconds in a minute\.
+### time
+(-> Clock (library/lux/control/try.Try Time))
+(time clock)
+### time\_exceeds\_a\_day
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+# library/lux/time/date
+## Definitions
+### Date
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/time/date.Date")
+A date specified as a year/month/day triplet\.
+### codec
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text Date)
+Based on ISO 8601\.
+For example: 2017\-01\-15
+### date
+(-> library/lux/time/year.Year library/lux/time/month.Month .Nat (library/lux/control/try.Try Date))
+A date, within the allowed limits\.
+(date year month day_of_month)
+### day\_of\_month
+(-> Date .Nat)
+### days
+(-> Date .Int)
+### enum
+(library/lux/abstract/enum.Enum Date)
+### epoch
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Date)
+### invalid\_day
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [library/lux/time/year.Year library/lux/time/month.Month .Nat])
+### invalid\_month
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### month
+(-> Date library/lux/time/month.Month)
+### of\_days
+(-> .Int Date)
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order Date)
+### parser
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser Date)
+### year
+(-> Date library/lux/time/year.Year)
+# library/lux/time/day
+## Definitions
+### Day
+... .Type
+ {#Sunday .Any}
+ {#Monday .Any}
+ {#Tuesday .Any}
+ {#Wednesday .Any}
+ {#Thursday .Any}
+ {#Friday .Any}
+ {#Saturday .Any})
+A day of the week\.
+### by\_number
+(-> .Nat (library/lux/control/try.Try Day))
+### codec
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text Day)
+### enum
+(library/lux/abstract/enum.Enum Day)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Day)
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash Day)
+### invalid\_day
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### not\_a\_day\_of\_the\_week
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Text)
+### number
+(-> Day .Nat)
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order Day)
+### week
+(.List Day)
+All the days, ordered by when they come in a week\.
+# library/lux/time/duration
+## Definitions
+### Duration
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/time/duration.Duration")
+Durations have a resolution of milli\-seconds\.
+### codec
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text Duration)
+### day
+### difference
+(-> Duration Duration Duration)
+(difference from to)
+### down
+(-> .Nat Duration Duration)
+### empty
+### enum
+(library/lux/abstract/enum.Enum Duration)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Duration)
+### framed
+(-> Duration Duration Duration)
+### hour
+### inverse
+(-> Duration Duration)
+### leap\_year
+### merged
+(-> Duration Duration Duration)
+### milli\_second
+### millis
+(-> Duration .Int)
+### minute
+### monoid
+(library/lux/abstract/monoid.Monoid Duration)
+### negative?
+(-> Duration .Bit)
+### neutral?
+(-> Duration .Bit)
+### normal\_year
+### of\_millis
+(-> .Int Duration)
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order Duration)
+### positive?
+(-> Duration .Bit)
+### second
+### ticks
+(-> Duration Duration .Int)
+### up
+(-> .Nat Duration Duration)
+### week
+# library/lux/time/instant
+## Definitions
+### Instant
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/time/instant.Instant")
+Instant is defined as milli\-seconds since the epoch\.
+### absolute
+(-> library/lux/time/duration.Duration Instant)
+(absolute offset)
+### after
+(-> library/lux/time/duration.Duration Instant Instant)
+(after duration instant)
+### codec
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text Instant)
+Based on ISO 8601\.
+For example: 2017\-01\-15T21:14:51\.827Z
+### date
+(-> Instant library/lux/time/date.Date)
+### day\_of\_week
+(-> Instant library/lux/time/day.Day)
+### enum
+(library/lux/abstract/enum.Enum Instant)
+### epoch
+The instant corresponding to 1970\-01\-01T00:00:00Z\.
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Instant)
+### millis
+(-> Instant .Int)
+### now
+(library/lux/control/io.IO Instant)
+Yields the current instant, as measured from the operating\-system's clock\.
+### of\_date\_time
+(-> library/lux/time/date.Date library/lux/time.Time Instant)
+(of_date_time date time)
+### of\_millis
+(-> .Int Instant)
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order Instant)
+### relative
+(-> Instant library/lux/time/duration.Duration)
+(relative instant)
+### span
+(-> Instant Instant library/lux/time/duration.Duration)
+(span from to)
+### time
+(-> Instant library/lux/time.Time)
+# library/lux/time/month
+## Definitions
+### Month
+... .Type
+ {#January .Any}
+ {#February .Any}
+ {#March .Any}
+ {#April .Any}
+ {#May .Any}
+ {#June .Any}
+ {#July .Any}
+ {#August .Any}
+ {#September .Any}
+ {#October .Any}
+ {#November .Any}
+ {#December .Any})
+A month of the year\.
+### by\_number
+(-> .Nat (library/lux/control/try.Try Month))
+### codec
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text Month)
+### days
+(-> Month .Nat)
+The amount of days of a month\.
+(days month)
+### enum
+(library/lux/abstract/enum.Enum Month)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Month)
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash Month)
+### invalid\_month
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### leap\_year\_days
+(-> Month .Nat)
+The amount of days of a month \(in a leap year\)\.
+(leap_year_days month)
+### not\_a\_month\_of\_the\_year
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Text)
+### number
+(-> Month .Nat)
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order Month)
+### year
+(.List Month)
+All the months, ordered by when they come in a year\.
+# library/lux/time/year
+## Definitions
+### Period
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+An amount of years\.
+### Year
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/time/year.Year")
+A year in the gregorian calendar\.
+Both negative \(< 0\) and positive \(> 0\) values are valid, but not 0\.
+This is because the first year of the gregorian calendar was year 1\.
+### century
+### codec
+(library/lux/abstract/codec.Codec .Text Year)
+Based on ISO 8601\.
+For example: 2017
+### days
+The amount of days in a typical year\.
+### epoch
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Year)
+### era
+### leap
+### leap?
+(-> Year .Bit)
+### leaps
+(-> Year .Int)
+The number of leap years in a period of years\.
+(leaps year)
+### order
+(library/lux/abstract/order.Order Year)
+### parser
+(library/lux/control/parser/text.Parser Year)
+### there\_is\_no\_year\_0
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### value
+(-> Year .Int)
+### year
+(-> .Int (library/lux/control/try.Try Year))
+A valid year in the gregorian calendar, if possible\.
+(year value)
+# library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis
+## Definitions
+### %analysis
+(library/lux/data/text/format.Format Analysis)
+### Abstraction
+... .Type
+(All (Abstraction _0)
+ [(Environment _0) library/lux/tool/compiler/arity.Arity _0])
+### Analysis
+... .Type
+(Rec Analysis
+ (Variant
+ {#Primitive Primitive}
+ {#Structure (Composite Analysis)}
+ {#Reference library/lux/tool/compiler/reference.Reference}
+ {#Case Analysis (Match' Analysis)}
+ {#Function (Environment Analysis) Analysis}
+ {#Apply Analysis Analysis}
+ {#Extension (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Extension Analysis)}))
+### Application
+... .Type
+(All (Application _0)
+ [_0 (.List _0)])
+### Branch
+... .Type
+(Branch' Analysis)
+### Branch'
+... .Type
+(All (Branch' _0)
+ (Record
+ [#when Pattern
+ #then _0]))
+### Bundle
+... .Type
+(library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Bundle .Lux .Code Analysis)
+### Composite
+... .Type
+(All (Composite _0)
+ (Variant
+ {#Variant (Variant _0)}
+ {#Tuple (Tuple _0)}))
+### Environment
+... .Type
+(All (Environment _0)
+ (.List _0))
+### Handler
+... .Type
+(library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Handler .Lux .Code Analysis)
+### Match
+... .Type
+(Match' Analysis)
+### Match'
+... .Type
+(All (Match' _0)
+ [(Branch' _0) (.List (Branch' _0))])
+### Operation
+... .Type
+(library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Operation .Lux .Code Analysis)
+### Pattern
+... .Type
+(Rec Pattern
+ (Variant
+ {#Simple Primitive}
+ {#Complex (Composite Pattern)}
+ {#Bind library/lux/tool/compiler/reference/variable.Register}))
+### Phase
+... .Type
+(library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Phase .Lux .Code Analysis)
+### Primitive
+... .Type
+ {#Unit .Any}
+ {#Bit .Bit}
+ {#Nat .Nat}
+ {#Int .Int}
+ {#Rev .Rev}
+ {#Frac .Frac}
+ {#Text .Text})
+### State
+... .Type
+(library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.State .Lux .Code Analysis)
+### Tag
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+### Tuple
+... .Type
+(All (Tuple _0)
+ (.List _0))
+### Variant
+... .Type
+(All (Variant _0)
+ (Record
+ [#lefts .Nat
+ #right? .Bit
+ #value _0]))
+### application
+(-> Analysis (Application Analysis))
+### apply
+(-> (Application Analysis) Analysis)
+### assertion
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/control/exception.Exception _0) _0 .Bit (Operation .Any)))
+### bit
+### choice
+(-> .Nat .Nat [.Nat .Bit])
+### composite\_equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Composite _0))))
+### composite\_hash
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash _0) (library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash (Composite _0))))
+### constant
+### control/case
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Analysis)
+### except
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/control/exception.Exception _0) _0 Operation))
+### except'
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/control/exception.Exception _0) _0 (library/lux/tool/compiler/phase.Operation .Lux)))
+### failure
+(-> .Text Operation)
+### failure'
+(-> .Text (library/lux/tool/compiler/phase.Operation .Lux))
+### frac
+### info
+(-> library/lux/tool/compiler/version.Version .Text .Info)
+### install
+(-> .Lux (Operation .Any))
+### int
+### location
+(-> .Text .Location)
+### nat
+### no\_op
+### pattern/bind
+### pattern/bit
+### pattern/frac
+### pattern/int
+### pattern/nat
+### pattern/rev
+### pattern/text
+### pattern/tuple
+### pattern/unit
+### pattern/variant
+### rev
+### set\_current\_module
+(-> .Text (Operation .Any))
+### set\_location
+(-> .Location (Operation .Any))
+### set\_source\_code
+(-> .Source (Operation .Any))
+### source
+(-> .Text .Text .Source)
+### state
+(-> .Info .Lux)
+### tag
+(-> .Nat .Bit .Nat)
+### text
+### tuple
+### unit
+### variable
+### variable/foreign
+### variable/local
+### variant
+### with\_current\_module
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (Operation _0) (Operation _0)))
+### with\_location
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Location (Operation _0) (Operation _0)))
+### with\_scope
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Operation _0) (Operation [.Scope _0])))
+### with\_source\_code
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Source (Operation _0) (Operation _0)))
+### with\_stack
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/control/exception.Exception _0) _0 (Operation _1) (Operation _1)))
+### without\_scopes
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Operation _0) (Operation _0)))
+# library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/directive
+## Definitions
+### Bundle
+... .Type
+(All (Bundle _0 _1 _2)
+ (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Bundle (State _0 _1 _2) .Code Requirements))
+### Component
+... .Type
+(All (Component _0 _1)
+ (Record
+ [#state _0
+ #phase _1]))
+### Handler
+... .Type
+(All (Handler _0 _1 _2)
+ (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Handler (State _0 _1 _2) .Code Requirements))
+### Import
+... .Type
+ [#module library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/descriptor.Module
+ #alias .Text])
+### Operation
+... .Type
+(All (Operation _0 _1 _2)
+ (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Operation (State _0 _1 _2) .Code Requirements))
+### Phase
+... .Type
+(All (Phase _0 _1 _2)
+ (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Phase (State _0 _1 _2) .Code Requirements))
+### Requirements
+... .Type
+ [#imports (.List Import)
+ #referrals (.List .Code)])
+### State
+... .Type
+(All (State _0 _1 _2)
+ (Record
+ [#analysis (Component library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.State+ library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Phase)
+ #synthesis (Component library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.State+ library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Phase)
+ #generation (Component (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/generation.State+ _0 _1 _2) (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/generation.Phase _0 _1 _2))]))
+### State
+... .Type
+(All (State+ _0 _1 _2)
+ (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.State (State _0 _1 _2) .Code Requirements))
+### analysis
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (Operation _0 _1 _2 library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Phase))
+### generation
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (Operation _0 _1 _2 (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/generation.Phase _0 _1 _2)))
+### lifted\_analysis
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Operation _3) (Operation _0 _1 _2 _3)))
+### lifted\_generation
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/generation.Operation _0 _1 _2 _3) (Operation _0 _1 _2 _3)))
+### lifted\_synthesis
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Operation _3) (Operation _0 _1 _2 _3)))
+### merge\_requirements
+(-> Requirements Requirements Requirements)
+### no\_requirements
+### set\_current\_module
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/descriptor.Module (Operation _0 _1 _2 .Any)))
+### synthesis
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (Operation _0 _1 _2 library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Phase))
+# library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/generation
+## Definitions
+### Buffer
+... .Type
+(All (Buffer _0)
+ (library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence [library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.ID (.Maybe .Text) _0]))
+### Bundle
+... .Type
+(All (Bundle _0 _1 _2)
+ (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Bundle (State _0 _1 _2) library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Synthesis _1))
+### Context
+... .Type
+[library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive.ID library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.ID]
+### Extender
+... .Type
+(All (Extender _0 _1 _2)
+ (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Extender (State _0 _1 _2) library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Synthesis _1))
+### Handler
+... .Type
+(All (Handler _0 _1 _2)
+ (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Handler (State _0 _1 _2) library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Synthesis _1))
+### Host
+... .Type
+(All (Host _0 _1)
+ (Record
+ [evaluate (-> Context _0 (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any))
+ execute (-> _1 (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any))
+ define (-> Context (.Maybe .Text) _0 (library/lux/control/try.Try [.Text .Any _1]))
+ ingest (-> Context library/lux/data/binary.Binary _1)
+ re_learn (-> Context (.Maybe .Text) _1 (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any))
+ re_load (-> Context (.Maybe .Text) _1 (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any))]))
+### Operation
+... .Type
+(All (Operation _0 _1 _2)
+ (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Operation (State _0 _1 _2) library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Synthesis _1))
+### Phase
+... .Type
+(All (Phase _0 _1 _2)
+ (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Phase (State _0 _1 _2) library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Synthesis _1))
+### State
+... .Type
+(All (State _0 _1 _2)
+ (Record
+ [#module library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/descriptor.Module
+ #anchor (.Maybe _0)
+ #host (Host _1 _2)
+ #buffer (.Maybe (Buffer _2))
+ #registry library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.Registry
+ #counter .Nat
+ #context (.Maybe library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.ID)
+ #log (library/lux/data/collection/sequence.Sequence .Text)]))
+### State
+... .Type
+(All (State+ _0 _1 _2)
+ (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.State (State _0 _1 _2) library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis.Synthesis _1))
+### anchor
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (Operation _0 _1 _2 _0))
+### buffer
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (Operation _0 _1 _2 (Buffer _2)))
+### cannot\_interpret
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Text)
+### cannot\_overwrite\_output
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.ID)
+### context
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive.Archive (Operation _0 _1 _2 Context)))
+### define\!
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> Context (.Maybe .Text) _1 (Operation _0 _1 _2 [.Text .Any _2])))
+### empty\_buffer
+### enter\_module
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/descriptor.Module (Operation _0 _1 _2 .Any)))
+### evaluate\!
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> Context _1 (Operation _0 _1 _2 .Any)))
+### execute\!
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> _2 (Operation _0 _1 _2 .Any)))
+### get\_registry
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (Operation _0 _1 _2 library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.Registry))
+### learn
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> .Text (Operation _0 _1 _2 library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.ID)))
+### learn\_analyser
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> .Text (Operation _0 _1 _2 library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.ID)))
+### learn\_custom
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> .Text (Operation _0 _1 _2 library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.ID)))
+### learn\_directive
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> .Text (Operation _0 _1 _2 library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.ID)))
+### learn\_generator
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> .Text (Operation _0 _1 _2 library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.ID)))
+### learn\_synthesizer
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> .Text (Operation _0 _1 _2 library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.ID)))
+### log\!
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> .Text (Operation _0 _1 _2 .Any)))
+### module
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (Operation _0 _1 _2 library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/descriptor.Module))
+### module\_id
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/descriptor.Module library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive.Archive (Operation _0 _1 _2 library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive.ID)))
+### next
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (Operation _0 _1 _2 .Nat))
+### no\_active\_buffer
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### no\_anchor
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### no\_buffer\_for\_saving\_code
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.ID)
+### no\_context
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### remember
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive.Archive .Symbol (Operation _0 _1 _2 Context)))
+### save\!
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.ID (.Maybe .Text) _2 (Operation _0 _1 _2 .Any)))
+### set\_anchor
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> _0 (Operation _0 _1 _2 .Any)))
+### set\_buffer
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Buffer _2) (Operation _0 _1 _2 .Any)))
+### set\_registry
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.Registry (Operation _0 _1 _2 .Any)))
+### state
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Host _1 _2) library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/descriptor.Module (State _0 _1 _2)))
+### symbol
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> .Text (Operation _0 _1 _2 .Text)))
+### unknown\_definition
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Symbol (.List .Text)])
+### with\_anchor
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> _0 (Operation _0 _1 _2 _3) (Operation _0 _1 _2 _3)))
+### with\_buffer
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> (Operation _0 _1 _2 _3) (Operation _0 _1 _2 _3)))
+### with\_context
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive/artifact.ID (Operation _0 _1 _2 _3) (Operation _0 _1 _2 _3)))
+### with\_new\_context
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive.Archive (Operation _0 _1 _2 _3) (Operation _0 _1 _2 [Context _3])))
+# library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/synthesis
+## Definitions
+### \!bind\_top
+### \!multi\_pop
+### %path
+(library/lux/data/text/format.Format Path)
+### %path'
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/data/text/format.Format _0) (library/lux/data/text/format.Format (Path' _0))))
+### %synthesis
+(library/lux/data/text/format.Format Synthesis)
+### Abstraction
+... .Type
+(Abstraction' Synthesis)
+### Abstraction'
+... .Type
+(All (Abstraction' _0)
+ (Record
+ [#environment (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Environment _0)
+ #arity library/lux/tool/compiler/arity.Arity
+ #body _0]))
+### Access
+... .Type
+ {#Side Side}
+ {#Member Member})
+### Apply
+... .Type
+(Apply' Synthesis)
+### Apply'
+... .Type
+(All (Apply' _0)
+ (Record
+ [#function _0
+ #arguments (.List _0)]))
+### Branch
+... .Type
+(All (Branch _0)
+ (Variant
+ {#Let _0 library/lux/tool/compiler/reference/variable.Register _0}
+ {#If _0 _0 _0}
+ {#Get (.List Member) _0}
+ {#Case _0 (Path' _0)}))
+### Bundle
+... .Type
+(library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Bundle State library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Analysis Synthesis)
+### Control
+... .Type
+(All (Control _0)
+ (Variant
+ {#Branch (Branch _0)}
+ {#Loop (Loop _0)}
+ {#Function (Function _0)}))
+### Fork
+... .Type
+(All (Fork _0 _1)
+ [[_0 _1] (.List [_0 _1])])
+### Function
+... .Type
+(All (Function _0)
+ (Variant
+ {#Abstraction (Abstraction' _0)}
+ {#Apply _0 (.List _0)}))
+### Handler
+... .Type
+(library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Handler State library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Analysis Synthesis)
+### Loop
+... .Type
+(All (Loop _0)
+ (Variant
+ {#Scope (Scope _0)}
+ {#Again (.List _0)}))
+### Member
+... .Type
+(.Either .Nat .Nat)
+### Operation
+... .Type
+(library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Operation State library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Analysis Synthesis)
+### Path
+... .Type
+(Path' Synthesis)
+### Path'
+... .Type
+(All (Path' _0)
+ (Variant
+ {#Pop .Any}
+ {#Access Access}
+ {#Bind library/lux/tool/compiler/reference/variable.Register}
+ {#Bit_Fork .Bit (Path' _0) (.Maybe (Path' _0))}
+ {#I64_Fork (Fork (.I64 .Any) (Path' _0))}
+ {#F64_Fork (Fork .Frac (Path' _0))}
+ {#Text_Fork (Fork .Text (Path' _0))}
+ {#Alt (Path' _0) (Path' _0)}
+ {#Seq (Path' _0) (Path' _0)}
+ {#Then _0}))
+### Phase
+... .Type
+(library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Phase State library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Analysis Synthesis)
+### Primitive
+... .Type
+ {#Bit .Bit}
+ {#I64 (.I64 .Any)}
+ {#F64 .Frac}
+ {#Text .Text})
+### Resolver
+... .Type
+(library/lux/data/collection/dictionary.Dictionary library/lux/tool/compiler/reference/variable.Variable library/lux/tool/compiler/reference/variable.Variable)
+### Scope
+... .Type
+(All (Scope _0)
+ (Record
+ [#start library/lux/tool/compiler/reference/variable.Register
+ #inits (.List _0)
+ #iteration _0]))
+### Side
+... .Type
+(.Either .Nat .Nat)
+### State
+... .Type
+ [#locals .Nat
+ #currying? .Bit])
+### State
+... .Type
+(library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.State State library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Analysis Synthesis)
+### Synthesis
+... .Type
+(Rec Synthesis
+ (Variant
+ {#Primitive Primitive}
+ {#Structure (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/analysis.Composite Synthesis)}
+ {#Reference library/lux/tool/compiler/reference.Reference}
+ {#Control (Control Synthesis)}
+ {#Extension (library/lux/tool/compiler/language/lux/phase/extension.Extension Synthesis)}))
+### access\_equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Access)
+### bit
+### branch/case
+### branch/get
+### branch/if
+### branch/let
+### constant
+### currying?
+(Operation .Bit)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Synthesis)
+### f64
+### fresh\_resolver
+### function/abstraction
+### function/apply
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash Synthesis)
+### i64
+### init
+### locals
+(Operation .Nat)
+### loop/again
+### loop/scope
+### member/left
+### member/right
+### path'\_equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _0) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Path' _0))))
+### path/alt
+### path/bind
+### path/member
+### path/pop
+### path/seq
+### path/side
+### path/then
+### path\_equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Path)
+### primitive\_equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Primitive)
+### side/left
+### side/right
+### simple\_left\_side
+### simple\_right\_side
+### text
+### tuple
+### unit
+### variable
+### variable/foreign
+### variable/local
+### variant
+### with\_currying?
+(-> .Bit (All (_ _0) (-> (Operation _0) (Operation _0))))
+### with\_locals
+(-> .Nat (All (_ _0) (-> (Operation _0) (Operation _0))))
+### with\_new\_local
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Operation _0) (Operation _0)))
+# library/lux/tool/compiler/phase
+## Definitions
+### Operation
+... .Type
+(All (Operation _0 _1)
+ (library/lux/control/state.+State library/lux/control/try.Try _0 _1))
+### Phase
+... .Type
+(All (Phase _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> library/lux/tool/compiler/meta/archive.Archive _1 (Operation _0 _2)))
+### Wrapper
+... .Type
+(All (Wrapper _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Phase _0 _1 _2) .Any))
+### assertion
+### composite
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3 _4)
+ (-> (Phase _0 _2 _3) (Phase _1 _3 _4) (Phase [_0 _1] _2 _4)))
+### except
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/control/exception.Exception _0) _0 Operation))
+### failure
+(-> .Text Operation)
+### get\_state
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (Operation _0 _0))
+### identity
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (Phase _0 _1 _1))
+### lifted
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/control/try.Try _1) (Operation _0 _1)))
+### monad
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad (Operation _0)))
+### result
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 (Operation _0 _1) (library/lux/control/try.Try _1)))
+### result'
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 (Operation _0 _1) (library/lux/control/try.Try [_0 _1])))
+### set\_state
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> _0 (Operation _0 .Any)))
+### sub
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> [(-> _0 _1) (-> _1 _0 _0)] (Operation _1 _2) (Operation _0 _2)))
+### timed
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> .Symbol .Text (Operation _0 _1) (Operation _0 _1)))
+# library/lux/type
+Basic functionality for working with types\.
+## Definitions
+### :as
+Casts a value to a specific type\.
+The specified type can depend on type variables of the original type of the value\.
+NOTE: Careless use of type\-casts is an easy way to introduce bugs\. USE WITH CAUTION\.
+(: (Bar Bit Nat Text)
+ (:as [a b c]
+ (Foo a [b c])
+ (Bar a b c)
+ (: (Foo Bit [Nat Text])
+ (foo expression))))
+### :by\_example
+Constructs a type that shares type\-variables with an expression of some other type\.
+(: Type
+ (:by_example [a b c]
+ (Foo a [b c])
+ (: (Foo Bit [Nat Text])
+ (foo expression))
+ (Bar a b c)))
+... =>
+(.type (Bar Bit Nat Text))
+### :log\!
+Logs to the console/terminal the type of an expression\.
+(:log! (: Foo (foo expression)))
+... =>
+... Expression: (foo expression)
+... Type: Foo
+(foo expression)
+### :sharing
+Allows specifing the type of an expression as sharing type\-variables with the type of another expression\.
+(: (Bar Bit Nat Text)
+ (:sharing [a b c]
+ (Foo a [b c])
+ (: (Foo Bit [Nat Text])
+ (foo expression))
+ (Bar a b c)
+ (bar expression)))
+### anonymous
+(-> .Type .Type)
+A type without any names covering it\.
+(anonymous type)
+### application
+(-> (.List .Type) .Type .Type)
+An un\-evaluated type application, with the given quantified type, and parameters\.
+(application params quant)
+### applied
+(-> (.List .Type) .Type (.Maybe .Type))
+To the extend possible, applies a quantified type to the given parameters\.
+(applied params func)
+### array
+(-> .Nat .Type .Type)
+An array type, with the given level of nesting/depth, and the given element type\.
+(array depth element_type)
+### array?
+(-> .Type .Bit)
+Is a type an array type?
+### code
+(-> .Type .Code)
+A representation of a type as code\.
+The code is such that evaluating it would yield the type value\.
+(code type)
+### de\_aliased
+(-> .Type .Type)
+A \(potentially named\) type that does not have its name shadowed by other names\.
+(de_aliased type)
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence .Type)
+### ex\_q
+(-> .Nat .Type .Type)
+A quantified type, with the given number of parameters, and body\.
+### flat\_application
+(-> .Type [.Type (.List .Type)])
+The quantified type, and its parameters, for a type\-application\.
+(flat_application type)
+### flat\_array
+(-> .Type [.Nat .Type])
+The level of nesting/depth and element type for an array type\.
+(flat_array type)
+### flat\_ex\_q
+(-> .Type [.Nat .Type])
+The number of parameters, and the body, of a quantified type\.
+### flat\_function
+(-> .Type [(.List .Type) .Type])
+The input, and the output of a function type\.
+(flat_function type)
+### flat\_tuple
+(-> .Type (.List .Type))
+The members of a composite type\.
+### flat\_univ\_q
+(-> .Type [.Nat .Type])
+The number of parameters, and the body, of a quantified type\.
+### flat\_variant
+(-> .Type (.List .Type))
+The members of a composite type\.
+### format
+(-> .Type .Text)
+A \(readable\) textual representable of a type\.
+(format type)
+### function
+(-> (.List .Type) .Type .Type)
+A function type, with the given inputs and output\.
+(function inputs output)
+### quantified?
+(-> .Type .Bit)
+Only yields \#1 for universally or existentially quantified types\.
+(quantified? type)
+### tuple
+(-> (.List .Type) .Type)
+A composite type, constituted by the given member types\.
+### univ\_q
+(-> .Nat .Type .Type)
+A quantified type, with the given number of parameters, and body\.
+### variant
+(-> (.List .Type) .Type)
+A composite type, constituted by the given member types\.
+# library/lux/type/abstract
+## Definitions
+### :abstraction
+Type\-casting macro for abstract/nominal types\.
+(|> value
+ (: Representation)
+ :abstraction
+ (: Abstraction)
+ :representation
+ (: Representation))
+### :representation
+Type\-casting macro for abstract/nominal types\.
+(|> value
+ (: Representation)
+ :abstraction
+ (: Abstraction)
+ :representation
+ (: Representation))
+### :transmutation
+Transmutes an abstract/nominal type's phantom types\.
+(abstract: (JavaScript a)
+ Text
+ (abstract: Expression Any)
+ (abstract: Statement Any)
+ (def: (statement expression)
+ (-> (JavaScript Expression) (JavaScript Statement))
+ (:transmutation expression))
+ (def: (statement' expression)
+ (-> (JavaScript Expression) (JavaScript Statement))
+ (:transmutation JavaScript expression)))
+### Frame
+... .Type
+ [#name .Text
+ #type_vars (.List .Code)
+ #abstraction .Code
+ #representation .Code])
+Meta\-data about an abstract/nominal type in a stack of them\.
+### ^:representation
+Pattern\-matching macro to easily extract a representation\.
+(def: (computation abstraction)
+ (All (_ a) (-> (Abstract a) ???))
+ (let [(^:representation value) abstraction]
+ (foo (bar (baz value)))))
+### abstract:
+Define abstract/nominal types which hide their representation details\.
+You can convert between the abstraction and its representation selectively to access the value, while hiding it from others\.
+(abstract: String
+ Text
+ (def: (string value)
+ (-> Text String)
+ (:abstraction value))
+ (def: (text value)
+ (-> String Text)
+ (:representation value)))
+... Type-parameters are optional.
+(abstract: (Duplicate a)
+ [a a]
+ (def: (duplicate value)
+ (All (_ a) (-> a (Duplicate a)))
+ (:abstraction [value value])))
+... Definitions can be nested.
+(abstract: (Single a)
+ a
+ (def: (single value)
+ (All (_ a) (-> a (Single a)))
+ (:abstraction value))
+ (abstract: (Double a)
+ [a a]
+ (def: (double value)
+ (All (_ a) (-> a (Double a)))
+ (:abstraction [value value]))
+ (def: (single' value)
+ (All (_ a) (-> a (Single a)))
+ (:abstraction Single [value value]))
+ (let [value 123]
+ (same? value
+ (|> value
+ single'
+ (:representation Single)
+ double
+ :representation)))))
+... Type-parameters do not necessarily have to be used in the representation type.
+... If they are not used, they become phantom types and can be used to customize types without changing the representation.
+(abstract: (JavaScript a)
+ Text
+ (abstract: Expression Any)
+ (abstract: Statement Any)
+ (def: (+ x y)
+ (-> (JavaScript Expression) (JavaScript Expression) (JavaScript Expression))
+ (:abstraction
+ (format "(" (:representation x) "+" (:representation y) ")")))
+ (def: (while test body)
+ (-> (JavaScript Expression) (JavaScript Statement) (JavaScript Statement))
+ (:abstraction
+ (format "while(" (:representation test) ") {"
+ (:representation body)
+ "}"))))
+### current
+(.Meta Frame)
+The currently\-being\-defined abstract/nominal type\.
+### no\_active\_frames
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### specific
+(-> .Text (.Meta Frame))
+A specific abstract/nominal type still being defined somewhere in the scope\.
+(specific name)
+# library/lux/type/check
+Type\-checking functionality\.
+## Definitions
+### \(Check it\)
+... .Type
+(-> .Type_Context (library/lux/control/try.Try [.Type_Context it]))
+A type\-checking computation which may fail or yield a value\.
+### Var
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+The ID for a type\-variable in a type\-checking context\.
+### apply
+(library/lux/abstract/apply.Apply Check)
+### assertion
+(-> .Text .Bit (Check .Any))
+(assertion message test)
+### bind
+(-> .Type Var (Check .Any))
+Attemmpts to buy a type\-variable\.
+Fails if the variable has been bound already\.
+(bind type id)
+### bound?
+(-> Var (Check .Bit))
+### cannot\_rebind\_var
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Nat .Type .Type])
+### check
+(-> .Type .Type (Check .Any))
+Type\-check to ensure that the 'expected' type subsumes the 'actual' type\.
+(check expected actual)
+### clean
+(-> .Type (Check .Type))
+Resolves every bound type\-variable to yield a new type that is as resolved as possible\.
+(clean inputT)
+### context
+(Check .Type_Context)
+The current state of the type\-checking context\.
+### except
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/control/exception.Exception _0) _0 (Check _1)))
+(except exception message)
+### existential
+(Check [.Nat .Type])
+A brand\-new existential type\.
+### failure
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (Check _0)))
+(failure message)
+### fresh\_context
+An empty/un\-used type\-checking context\.
+### functor
+(library/lux/abstract/functor.Functor Check)
+### invalid\_type\_application
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Type .Type])
+### monad
+(library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad Check)
+### peek
+(-> Var (Check (.Maybe .Type)))
+### read
+(-> Var (Check .Type))
+### result
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Type_Context (Check _0) (library/lux/control/try.Try _0)))
+(result context proc)
+### subsumes?
+(-> .Type .Type .Bit)
+A simple type\-checking function that just returns a yes/no answer\.
+(subsumes? expected actual)
+### type\_check\_failed
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Type .Type])
+### unbound\_type\_var
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### unknown\_type\_var
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### var
+(Check [Var .Type])
+A brand\-new \(unbound\) type\-variable\.
+# library/lux/type/dynamic
+## Definitions
+### :dynamic
+(: Dynamic
+ (:dynamic 123))
+### :static
+(: (try.Try Nat)
+ (:static Nat (:dynamic 123)))
+### Dynamic
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/type/dynamic.Dynamic")
+A value coupled with its type, so it can be checked later\.
+### format
+(-> Dynamic (library/lux/control/try.Try .Text))
+### wrong\_type
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception [.Type .Type])
+# library/lux/type/implicit
+## Definitions
+### \#\#
+Automatic implementation selection \(for type\-class style polymorphism\)\.
+This feature layers type\-class style polymorphism on top of Lux's signatures and implementations\.
+When calling a polymorphic function, or using a polymorphic constant,
+this macro will check the types of the arguments, and the expected type for the whole expression
+and it will search in the local scope, the module's scope and the imports' scope
+in order to find suitable implementations to satisfy those requirements\.
+If a single alternative is found, that one will be used automatically\.
+If no alternative is found, or if more than one alternative is found \(ambiguity\)
+a compile\-time error will be raised, to alert the user\.
+Caveat emptor: You need to make sure to import the module of any implementation you want to use\.
+Otherwise, this macro will not find it\.
+... Nat equivalence
+(# number.equivalence = x y)
+(## = x y)
+... Can optionally add the prefix of the module where the signature was defined.
+(## equivalence.= x y)
+... (List Nat) equivalence
+(## =
+ (list.indices 10)
+ (list.indices 10))
+... (Functor List) each
+(## each ++ (list.indices 10))
+### implicit:
+Establish local definitions for implementations that will be prioritized over foreign definitions\.
+(implicit: [n.multiplication])
+(n.= (# n.multiplication composite left right)
+ (## composite left right))
+### with
+Establish lexical bindings for implementations that will be prioritized over non\-lexically\-bound implementations\.
+(with [n.addition]
+ (n.= (# n.addition composite left right)
+ (## composite left right)))
+## Missing documentation
+1. `` compatible_type? ``
+# library/lux/type/poly
+## Definitions
+### code
+(-> library/lux/control/parser/type.Env .Type .Code)
+(code env type)
+### poly:
+# library/lux/type/quotient
+## Definitions
+### \(Class value label\)
+... .Type
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/type/quotient.Class" value label _0))
+The class knows how to classify/label values that are meant to be equivalent to one another\.
+### \(Quotient value label\)
+... .Type
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/type/quotient.Quotient" value label _0))
+A quotient value has been labeled with a class\.
+All equivalent values will belong to the same class\.
+This means all equivalent values possess the same label\.
+### class
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (Ex (_ _2)
+ (-> (-> _0 _1) (Class _0 _1 _2))))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence _1) (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Quotient _0 _1 _2))))
+### label
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Quotient _0 _1 _2) _1))
+### quotient
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Class _0 _1 _2) _0 (Quotient _0 _1 _2)))
+(quotient class value)
+### type
+The Quotient type associated with a Class type\.
+(def: even
+ (class even?))
+(def: Even
+ Type
+ (type even))
+(: Even
+ (quotient even 123))
+### value
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Quotient _0 _1 _2) _0))
+# library/lux/type/refinement
+## Definitions
+### \(Refined it\)
+... .Type
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/type/refinement.Refined" it _0))
+A refined version of another type, using a predicate to select valid instances\.
+### \(Refiner it\)
+... .Type
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> it (.Maybe (Refined it _0))))
+A selection mechanism for refined instances of a type\.
+### lifted
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (-> _0 _0) (Refined _0 _1) (.Maybe (Refined _0 _1))))
+Yields a function that can work on refined values\.
+Respects the constraints of the refinement\.
+(lifted transform)
+### only
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Refiner _0 _1) (.List _0) (.List (Refined _0 _1))))
+(only refiner values)
+### partition
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Refiner _0 _1) (.List _0) [(.List (Refined _0 _1)) (.List _0)]))
+Separates refined values from the un\-refined ones\.
+(partition refiner values)
+### predicate
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Refined _0 _1) (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0)))
+### refiner
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Ex (_ _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate _0) (Refiner _0 _1))))
+(refiner predicate)
+### type
+The Refined type associated with a Refiner type\.
+(def: even
+ (refiner even?))
+(def: Even
+ Type
+ (type even))
+(: (Maybe Even)
+ (even 123))
+### value
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Refined _0 _1) _0))
+# library/lux/type/resource
+## Definitions
+### \(Affine monad permissions value\)
+... .Type
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Procedure monad _0 [permissions _0] value))
+A procedure which expands the number of available resources\.
+### Commutative
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/type/resource.Commutative")
+The mode of keys which CAN be swapped, and for whom order of release/consumption DOES NOT matters\.
+### \(Key mode key\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/type/resource.Key" mode key)
+The access right for a resource\.
+Without the key for a resource existing somewhere among the available ambient rights, one cannot use a resource\.
+### \(Linear monad value\)
+... .Type
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Procedure monad _0 _0 value))
+A procedure that is constant with regards to resource access rights\.
+This means no additional resources will be available after the computation is over\.
+This also means no previously available resources will have been consumed\.
+### Ordered
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/type/resource.Ordered")
+The mode of keys which CANNOT be swapped, and for whom order of release/consumption matters\.
+### \(Procedure monad input output value\)
+... .Type
+(-> input (monad [output value]))
+A computation that takes a sequence of resource access rights as inputs and yields a different sequence as outputs\.
+A procedure yields a result value\.
+A procedure can make use of monadic effects\.
+### \(Relevant monad permissions value\)
+... .Type
+(All (_ _0)
+ (Procedure monad [permissions _0] _0 value))
+A procedure which reduces the number of available resources\.
+### \(Res key value\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/type/resource.Res" key value)
+A resource locked by a key\.
+The 'key' represents the right to access/consume a resource\.
+### amount\_cannot\_be\_zero
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Any)
+### commutative
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (Ex (_ _2)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) _1 (Affine _0 (Key Commutative _2) (Res _2 _1)))))
+Makes a value into a resource and adds the key/access\-right to it to the ambient keyring for future use\.
+### exchange
+A function that can exchange the keys for resource, so long as they are commutative\.
+This keys will be placed at the front of the keyring in the order they are specified\.
+The specific keys must be specified based of their index into the current keyring\.
+(do (monad !)
+ [res|left (commutative ! pre)
+ res|right (commutative ! post)
+ _ ((exchange [1 0]) !)
+ left (read ! res|left)
+ right (read ! res|right)]
+ (in (format left right)))
+### group
+Group/un\-group keys in the keyring into/out\-of tuples\.
+(do (monad !)
+ [res|left (commutative ! pre)
+ res|right (commutative ! post)
+ _ ((group 2) !)
+ _ ((un_group 2) !)
+ right (read ! res|right)
+ left (read ! res|left)]
+ (in (format left right)))
+### index\_cannot\_be\_repeated
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Nat)
+### lifted
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (_0 _1) (Linear _0 _1)))
+(lifted monad procedure)
+### monad
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (library/lux/abstract/monad/indexed.IxMonad (Procedure _0))))
+### ordered
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (Ex (_ _2)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) _1 (Affine _0 (Key Ordered _2) (Res _2 _1)))))
+Makes a value into a resource and adds the key/access\-right to it to the ambient keyring for future use\.
+### read
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2 _3)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (Res _2 _1) (Relevant _0 (Key _3 _2) _1)))
+Access the value of a resource, so long as its key is available\.
+(read monad resource)
+### run\!
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (Linear _0 _1) (_0 _1)))
+(run! monad procedure)
+### un\_group
+Group/un\-group keys in the keyring into/out\-of tuples\.
+(do (monad !)
+ [res|left (commutative ! pre)
+ res|right (commutative ! post)
+ _ ((group 2) !)
+ _ ((un_group 2) !)
+ right (read ! res|right)
+ left (read ! res|left)]
+ (in (format left right)))
+# library/lux/type/unit
+## Definitions
+### \*
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Qty _0) (Qty _1) (Qty [_0 _1])))
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Qty _0) (Qty _0) (Qty _0)))
+### \-
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Qty _0) (Qty _0) (Qty _0)))
+### /
+(All (_ _0 _1)
+ (-> (Qty _0) (Qty [_0 _1]) (Qty _1)))
+### Giga
+... .Type
+(All (Giga _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/type/unit.Giga" _0))
+### Gram
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/type/unit.Gram")
+### Kilo
+... .Type
+(All (Kilo _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/type/unit.Kilo" _0))
+### Litre
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/type/unit.Litre")
+### Mega
+... .Type
+(All (Mega _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/type/unit.Mega" _0))
+### Meter
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/type/unit.Meter")
+### Micro
+... .Type
+(All (Micro _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/type/unit.Micro" _0))
+### Milli
+... .Type
+(All (Milli _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/type/unit.Milli" _0))
+### Nano
+... .Type
+(All (Nano _0)
+ (Primitive "library/lux/type/unit.Nano" _0))
+### Pure
+... .Type
+(Qty .Any)
+A pure, unit\-less quantity\.
+### \(Qty unit\)
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/type/unit.Qty" unit)
+A quantity with an associated unit of measurement\.
+### \(Scale scale\)
+... .Type
+ [scale (All (_ _0) (-> (Qty _0) (Qty (scale _0))))
+ de_scale (All (_ _0) (-> (Qty (scale _0)) (Qty _0)))
+ ratio library/lux/math/number/ratio.Ratio])
+A scale of magnitude\.
+### Second
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/type/unit.Second")
+### \(Unit unit\)
+... .Type
+ [in (-> .Int (Qty unit))
+ out (-> (Qty unit) .Int)])
+A unit of measurement, to qualify numbers with\.
+### enum
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/enum.Enum (Qty _0)))
+### equivalence
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence (Qty _0)))
+### giga
+(Scale Giga)
+The 'giga' scale, from 1 to 1000000000\.
+### gram
+(Unit Gram)
+The 'gram' unit of meaurement\.
+### kilo
+(Scale Kilo)
+The 'kilo' scale, from 1 to 1000\.
+### litre
+(Unit Litre)
+The 'litre' unit of meaurement\.
+### mega
+(Scale Mega)
+The 'mega' scale, from 1 to 1000000\.
+### meter
+(Unit Meter)
+The 'meter' unit of meaurement\.
+### micro
+(Scale Micro)
+The 'micro' scale, from 1000000 to 1\.
+### milli
+(Scale Milli)
+The 'milli' scale, from 1000 to 1\.
+### nano
+(Scale Nano)
+The 'nano' scale, from 1000000000 to 1\.
+### number
+(-> Pure .Int)
+### order
+(All (_ _0)
+ (library/lux/abstract/order.Order (Qty _0)))
+### pure
+(-> .Int Pure)
+### re\_scaled
+(All (_ _0 _1 _2)
+ (-> (Scale _0) (Scale _1) (Qty (_0 _2)) (Qty (_1 _2))))
+(re_scaled from to quantity)
+### scale:
+Define a scale of magnitude\.
+(scale: .public Bajillion bajillion
+ [1 1234567890])
+### second
+(Unit Second)
+The 'second' unit of meaurement\.
+### unit:
+Define a unit of measurement\.
+Both the name of the type, and the name of the Unit implementation must be specified\.
+(unit: .public Feet feet)
+# library/lux/type/variance
+## Definitions
+### \(Co it\)
+... .Type
+(-> .Any it)
+A constraint for covariant types\.
+### \(Contra it\)
+... .Type
+(-> it .Any)
+A constraint for contravariant types\.
+### \(In it\)
+... .Type
+(-> it it)
+A constraint for invariant types\.
+# library/lux/world/console
+## Definitions
+### \(Console \!\)
+... .Type
+ [read (-> .Any (! (library/lux/control/try.Try library/lux/data/text.Char)))
+ read_line (-> .Any (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Text)))
+ write (-> .Text (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any)))
+ close (-> .Any (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any)))])
+An interface to console/terminal I/O\.
+### \(Mock s\)
+... .Type
+ [on_read (-> s (library/lux/control/try.Try [s library/lux/data/text.Char]))
+ on_read_line (-> s (library/lux/control/try.Try [s .Text]))
+ on_write (-> .Text s (library/lux/control/try.Try s))
+ on_close (-> s (library/lux/control/try.Try s))])
+A mock/simulation of a console\.
+Useful for testing\.
+### async
+(-> (Console library/lux/control/io.IO) (Console library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async))
+### mock
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (Mock _0) _0 (Console library/lux/control/io.IO)))
+(mock mock init)
+### write\_line
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> .Text (Console _0) (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any))))
+Writes the message on the console and appends a new\-line/line\-feed at the end\.
+(write_line message console)
+# library/lux/world/file
+## Definitions
+### Path
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Text")
+A path to a file or a directory in a file\-system\.
+### \(System \!\)
+... .Type
+ [separator .Text
+ file? (-> Path (! .Bit))
+ directory? (-> Path (! .Bit))
+ make_directory (-> Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any)))
+ directory_files (-> Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try (.List Path))))
+ sub_directories (-> Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try (.List Path))))
+ file_size (-> Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Nat)))
+ last_modified (-> Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try library/lux/time/instant.Instant)))
+ can_execute? (-> Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Bit)))
+ read (-> Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try library/lux/data/binary.Binary)))
+ delete (-> Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any)))
+ modify (-> library/lux/time/instant.Instant Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any)))
+ write (-> library/lux/data/binary.Binary Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any)))
+ append (-> library/lux/data/binary.Binary Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any)))
+ move (-> Path Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any)))])
+An interface to a file\-system\.
+### async
+(-> (System library/lux/control/io.IO) (System library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async))
+### cannot\_delete
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception Path)
+### cannot\_find\_directory
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception Path)
+### cannot\_find\_file
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception Path)
+### cannot\_make\_directory
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception Path)
+### cannot\_make\_file
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception Path)
+### cannot\_read\_all\_data
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception Path)
+### default
+(System library/lux/control/io.IO)
+### exists?
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (System _0) Path (_0 .Bit)))
+Checks if either a file or a directory exists at the given path\.
+(exists? monad fs path)
+### make\_directories
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (System _0) Path (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any))))
+Creates the directory specified by the given path\.
+Also, creates every super\-directory necessary to make the given path valid\.
+(make_directories monad fs path)
+### make\_file
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (System _0) library/lux/data/binary.Binary Path (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any))))
+Creates a new file with the given content if\-and\-only\-if the file does not already exist\.
+(make_file monad fs content path)
+### mock
+(-> .Text (System library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async))
+A purely in\-memory simulation of a file\-system\.
+Useful for testing\.
+(mock separator)
+### name
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (System _0) Path .Text))
+The un\-nested name of a file/directory\.
+(name fs path)
+### parent
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (System _0) Path (.Maybe Path)))
+If a path represents a nested file/directory, extracts its parent directory\.
+(parent fs path)
+### rooted
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (System _0) Path .Text Path))
+A nested path for a file/directory, given a root/parent path and a file/directory name within it\.
+(rooted fs parent child)
+# library/lux/world/file/watch
+## Definitions
+### Concern
+... .Type
+(Primitive "library/lux/world/file/watch.Concern")
+A particular concern to watch\-out for\.
+### \(Watcher \!\)
+... .Type
+ [start (-> Concern library/lux/world/file.Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any)))
+ concern (-> library/lux/world/file.Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try Concern)))
+ stop (-> library/lux/world/file.Path (! (library/lux/control/try.Try Concern)))
+ poll (-> .Any (! (library/lux/control/try.Try (.List [Concern library/lux/world/file.Path]))))])
+Machinery for watching a file\-system for changes to files and directories\.
+### all
+### also
+(-> Concern Concern Concern)
+(also left right)
+### cannot\_poll\_a\_non\_existent\_directory
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception library/lux/world/file.Path)
+### creation
+### creation?
+(library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate Concern)
+### deletion
+### deletion?
+(library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate Concern)
+### mock
+(-> .Text [(library/lux/world/file.System library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async) (Watcher library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async)])
+A fake/emulated watcher\.
+Must be given a path separator for the file\-system\.
+(mock separator)
+### modification
+### modification?
+(library/lux/abstract/predicate.Predicate Concern)
+### not\_being\_watched
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception library/lux/world/file.Path)
+### polling
+(-> (library/lux/world/file.System library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async) (Watcher library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async))
+A simple watcher that works for any file\-system\.Polls files and directories to detect changes\.
+(polling fs)
+# library/lux/world/input/keyboard
+## Definitions
+### Key
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+A key from a keyboard, identify by a numeric ID\.
+### Press
+... .Type
+ [#pressed? .Bit
+ #input Key])
+A key\-press for a key\.
+### a
+### alt
+### b
+### back\_space
+### c
+### caps\_lock
+### control
+### d
+### delete
+### down
+### e
+### end
+### enter
+### escape
+### f
+### f1
+### f10
+### f11
+### f12
+### f13
+### f14
+### f15
+### f16
+### f17
+### f18
+### f19
+### f2
+### f20
+### f21
+### f22
+### f23
+### f24
+### f3
+### f4
+### f5
+### f6
+### f7
+### f8
+### f9
+### g
+### h
+### home
+### i
+### insert
+### j
+### k
+### l
+### left
+### m
+### n
+### num\_lock
+### num\_pad\_0
+### num\_pad\_1
+### num\_pad\_2
+### num\_pad\_3
+### num\_pad\_4
+### num\_pad\_5
+### num\_pad\_6
+### num\_pad\_7
+### num\_pad\_8
+### num\_pad\_9
+### o
+### p
+### page\_down
+### page\_up
+### press
+(-> Key Press)
+### print\_screen
+### q
+### r
+### release
+(-> Key Press)
+### right
+### s
+### scroll\_lock
+### shift
+### space
+### t
+### u
+### up
+### v
+### w
+### windows
+### x
+### y
+### z
+# library/lux/world/net
+## Definitions
+### Address
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Text")
+A TCP/IP address\.
+### Location
+... .Type
+ [#address Address
+ #port Port])
+### Port
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Nat"))
+A TCP/IP port\.
+### URL
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Text")
+A Uniform Resource Locator\.
+# library/lux/world/net/http/client
+## Definitions
+### \(Client \!\)
+... .Type
+ [#request (-> library/lux/world/net/http.Method library/lux/world/net.URL library/lux/world/net/http.Headers (.Maybe library/lux/data/binary.Binary) (! (library/lux/control/try.Try (library/lux/world/net/http.Response !))))])
+A HTTP client capable of issuing requests to a HTTP server\.
+### async
+(-> (Client library/lux/control/io.IO) (Client library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async))
+### connect
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> library/lux/world/net.URL library/lux/world/net/http.Headers (.Maybe library/lux/data/binary.Binary) (Client _0) (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try (library/lux/world/net/http.Response _0)))))
+A CONNECT request\.
+### delete
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> library/lux/world/net.URL library/lux/world/net/http.Headers (.Maybe library/lux/data/binary.Binary) (Client _0) (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try (library/lux/world/net/http.Response _0)))))
+A DELETE request\.
+### get
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> library/lux/world/net.URL library/lux/world/net/http.Headers (.Maybe library/lux/data/binary.Binary) (Client _0) (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try (library/lux/world/net/http.Response _0)))))
+A GET request\.
+### head
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> library/lux/world/net.URL library/lux/world/net/http.Headers (.Maybe library/lux/data/binary.Binary) (Client _0) (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try (library/lux/world/net/http.Response _0)))))
+A HEAD request\.
+### headers
+(-> (.List [.Text .Text]) library/lux/world/net/http.Headers)
+### options
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> library/lux/world/net.URL library/lux/world/net/http.Headers (.Maybe library/lux/data/binary.Binary) (Client _0) (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try (library/lux/world/net/http.Response _0)))))
+A OPTIONS request\.
+### patch
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> library/lux/world/net.URL library/lux/world/net/http.Headers (.Maybe library/lux/data/binary.Binary) (Client _0) (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try (library/lux/world/net/http.Response _0)))))
+A PATCH request\.
+### post
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> library/lux/world/net.URL library/lux/world/net/http.Headers (.Maybe library/lux/data/binary.Binary) (Client _0) (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try (library/lux/world/net/http.Response _0)))))
+A POST request\.
+### put
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> library/lux/world/net.URL library/lux/world/net/http.Headers (.Maybe library/lux/data/binary.Binary) (Client _0) (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try (library/lux/world/net/http.Response _0)))))
+A PUT request\.
+### trace
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> library/lux/world/net.URL library/lux/world/net/http.Headers (.Maybe library/lux/data/binary.Binary) (Client _0) (_0 (library/lux/control/try.Try (library/lux/world/net/http.Response _0)))))
+A TRACE request\.
+# library/lux/world/net/http/status
+## Definitions
+### accepted
+### already\_reported
+### bad\_gateway
+### bad\_request
+### conflict
+### continue
+### created
+### early\_hints
+### expectation\_failed
+### failed\_dependency
+### forbidden
+### found
+302: FOUND
+### gateway\_timeout
+### gone
+410: GONE
+### http\_version\_not\_supported
+### im\_a\_teapot
+### im\_used
+226: IM USED
+### insufficient\_storage
+### internal\_server\_error
+### length\_required
+### locked
+423: LOCKED
+### loop\_detected
+### method\_not\_allowed
+### misdirected\_request
+### moved\_permanently
+### multi\_status
+### multiple\_choices
+### network\_authentication\_required
+### no\_content
+### non\_authoritative\_information
+### not\_acceptable
+### not\_extended
+### not\_found
+### not\_implemented
+### not\_modified
+### ok
+200: OK
+### partial\_content
+### payload\_too\_large
+### payment\_required
+### permanent\_redirect
+### precondition\_failed
+### precondition\_required
+### processing
+### proxy\_authentication\_required
+### range\_not\_satisfiable
+### request\_header\_fields\_too\_large
+### request\_timeout
+### reset\_content
+### see\_other
+### service\_unavailable
+### switch\_proxy
+### switching\_protocols
+### temporary\_redirect
+### too\_many\_requests
+### unauthorized
+### unavailable\_for\_legal\_reasons
+### unprocessable\_entity
+### unsupported\_media\_type
+### upgrade\_required
+### uri\_too\_long
+### use\_proxy
+### variant\_also\_negotiates
+# library/lux/world/net/uri
+## Definitions
+### URI
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Text")
+A Uniform Resource Identifier\.
+### separator
+A separator for the pieces of a URI\.
+# library/lux/world/output/video/resolution
+## Definitions
+### Resolution
+... .Type
+ [#width .Nat
+ #height .Nat])
+A screen resolution\.
+### equivalence
+(library/lux/abstract/equivalence.Equivalence Resolution)
+### fhd
+FHD resolution: 1920x1080\.
+### hash
+(library/lux/abstract/hash.Hash Resolution)
+### hd
+HD resolution: 1600x900\.
+### svga
+SVGA resolution: 800x600\.
+### sxga
+SXGA resolution: 1280x1024\.
+### uhd\_4k
+UHD 4K resolution: 3840x2160\.
+### wqhd
+WQHD resolution: 2560x1440\.
+### wsvga
+WSVGA resolution: 1024x600\.
+### wsxga
+WSXGA resolution: 1680x1050\.
+### wuxga
+WUXGA resolution: 1920x1200\.
+### wxga
+WXGA resolution: 1440x900\.
+### wxga/16:10
+WXGA 16:10 resolution: 1280x800\.
+### wxga/16:9
+WXGA 16:9 resolution: 1280x720\.
+### wxga/5:3
+WXGA 5:3 resolution: 1280x768\.
+### xga
+XGA resolution: 1024x768\.
+### xga
+XGA resolution: 1152x864\.
+# library/lux/world/program
+## Definitions
+### \(Program \!\)
+... .Type
+ [available_variables (-> .Any (! (.List .Text)))
+ variable (-> .Text (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Text)))
+ home library/lux/world/file.Path
+ directory library/lux/world/file.Path
+ exit (-> library/lux/world/shell.Exit (! .Nothing))])
+Access to ambient program data and the capacity to exit the program\.
+### async
+(-> (Program library/lux/control/io.IO) (Program library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async))
+### default
+(Program library/lux/control/io.IO)
+### environment
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (library/lux/abstract/monad.Monad _0) (Program _0) (_0 library/lux/control/parser/environment.Environment)))
+Assembles the environment variables available to the program\.
+(environment monad program)
+### mock
+(-> library/lux/control/parser/environment.Environment library/lux/world/file.Path library/lux/world/file.Path (Program library/lux/control/io.IO))
+(mock environment home directory)
+### unknown\_environment\_variable
+(library/lux/control/exception.Exception .Text)
+# library/lux/world/shell
+## Definitions
+### Argument
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Text")
+A parameter for a command\.
+### Command
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#Text")
+A command that can be executed by the operating system\.
+### Exit
+... .Type
+(Primitive "#I64" (Primitive "#Int"))
+A program exit code\.
+### \(Mock s\)
+... .Type
+ [on_read (-> s (library/lux/control/try.Try [s .Text]))
+ on_fail (-> s (library/lux/control/try.Try [s .Text]))
+ on_write (-> .Text s (library/lux/control/try.Try s))
+ on_destroy (-> s (library/lux/control/try.Try s))
+ on_await (-> s (library/lux/control/try.Try [s Exit]))])
+A simulated process\.
+### \(Process \!\)
+... .Type
+ [read (-> .Any (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Text)))
+ fail (-> .Any (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Text)))
+ write (-> .Text (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any)))
+ destroy (-> .Any (! (library/lux/control/try.Try .Any)))
+ await (-> .Any (! (library/lux/control/try.Try Exit)))])
+The means for communicating with a program/process being executed by the operating system\.
+### \(Shell \!\)
+... .Type
+ [#execute (-> [library/lux/control/parser/environment.Environment library/lux/world/file.Path Command (.List Argument)] (! (library/lux/control/try.Try (Process !))))])
+The means for issuing commands to the operating system\.
+### async
+(-> (Shell library/lux/control/io.IO) (Shell library/lux/control/concurrency/async.Async))
+### error
+### mock
+(All (_ _0)
+ (-> (-> [library/lux/control/parser/environment.Environment library/lux/world/file.Path Command (.List Argument)] (library/lux/control/try.Try (Mock _0))) _0 (Shell library/lux/control/io.IO)))
+(mock mock init)
+### normal