path: root/documentation/book/the_lux_programming_language/chapter_3.md
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authorEduardo Julian2021-09-20 23:01:35 -0400
committerEduardo Julian2021-09-20 23:01:35 -0400
commit8196ab379495ab00c11b74b55b6f2fabd99ab351 (patch)
tree07b5e9eacbe1532ff4eb7506ac5d492e367b1d7b /documentation/book/the_lux_programming_language/chapter_3.md
parent0bc2c541ab27e44b760618d15a248a794ab2f98e (diff)
Updates and fixes for the book.
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diff --git a/documentation/book/the_lux_programming_language/chapter_3.md b/documentation/book/the_lux_programming_language/chapter_3.md
index a08fbc618..8565e24e3 100644
--- a/documentation/book/the_lux_programming_language/chapter_3.md
+++ b/documentation/book/the_lux_programming_language/chapter_3.md
@@ -4,13 +4,13 @@ _Where you will learn the what Lux code is made of._
-# Syntax for data-types
+## Syntax for data-types
* `Bit`s look like this:
-#0 ## false
-#1 ## true
+#0 ... false
+#1 ... true
* `Nat`s look like this:
@@ -63,8 +63,8 @@ _Where you will learn the what Lux code is made of._
* Variants look like this:
-(#Bar 10 +20.0 "thirty")
+{#Bar 10 +20.0 "thirty"}
* Tuples look like this:
@@ -76,30 +76,20 @@ _Where you will learn the what Lux code is made of._
* Records look like this:
-{#name "Lux" #paradigm #Functional #platforms (list #JVM)}
+[#name "Lux" #paradigm {#Functional} #platforms (list {#JVM})]
**Note**: As you can see, commas (`,`) can be used as separators for the numeric literals.
-From looking at this, we can see a few interesting bits we haven't discussed.
-One is that the hash (`#`) character is overloaded.
-In the last chapter we saw it being used for comments, but now we're seeing it being used as a prefix for _some weird "label" thingies_ (more on that in a moment).
-To avoid reserving many characters for the language, Lux overloads the hash (`#`) character in situations where it can be used unambiguously. That way, most characters can be used by anyone without fear of stepping on the feet of the language.
-Regarding _those label thingies_ we saw earlier, they're called **tags**, and the reason they're not mentioned as part of Lux's data-types is that they're not really data-types; they're just part of the language syntax.
+Regarding _those label thingies_ we saw earlier, they're called **labels**, and the reason they're not mentioned as part of Lux's data-types is that they're not really data-types; they're just part of the language syntax.
They're used as part of the syntax for data-types, but they're not data-types in themselves.
-Also, you can't just use anything you want as a tag, as you first have to declare them.
+Also, you can't just use anything you want as a label, as you first have to declare them.
-We'll talk more about tags a bit later, when we talk about defining types.
+We'll talk more about labels a bit later, when we talk about defining types.
@@ -111,41 +101,57 @@ Also, just from looking at the syntax for unit and tuples, you can see that they
In the section for variants, you can see 2 different alternatives, and you might wonder how do they differ.
-Well, a variant is a pair of a tag and a _single_ value. That's right, I said **single** value; so you might be wondering how come we're associating 3 values with the `#Bar` tag.
+Well, a variant is a pair of a _label_ (referred to as a _tag_) and a _single_ value.
-It's pretty simple, actually. Whenever you're trying to create a variant with more than one value, Lux just wraps all the values inside a tuple for you.
+That's right, I said **single** value; so you might be wondering how come we're associating 3 values with the `#Bar` tag.
-So, `(#Bar 10 +20.0 "thirty")` is the same as `(#Bar [10 +20.0 "thirty"])`.
+It's pretty simple, actually: whenever you're trying to create a variant with more than one value, Lux just wraps all the values inside a tuple for you.
+So, `{#Bar 10 +20.0 "thirty"}` is the same as `{#Bar [10 +20.0 "thirty"]}`.
Now, you might be thinking: _what's up with that `#Foo` variant?_
-Well, sometimes you only care about a variant for its tag, and not for any value it may hold (for example, if you're trying to use a variant type as an enumeration). In that case, you'll want to pair the tag with an empty value (since it has to be paired with something).
+Well, sometimes you only care about a variant for its tag, and not for any value it may hold (for example, if you're trying to use a variant type as an enumeration).
+In that case, you'll want to pair the tag with an empty value (since it has to be paired with something).
-That's right! You've just witnessed **unit** value in action and you didn't even know it. If you just write the name of the tag without any parentheses, Lux will stick a **unit** in there for you.
+That's right! You've just witnessed **unit** value in action and you didn't even know it.
-That means `#Foo` is the same as ``(#Foo [])``.
+If you just write the tag in braces, with nothing else in there, Lux will stick a **unit** in there for you.
+That means `{#Foo}` is the same as `{#Foo []}`.
You might have noticed that I mentioned **records** in this chapter, but not in the previous chapter, where I also talked about the basic data-types Lux offers.
-The reason is that records are a bit of a magic trick in Lux. That means records are not really a data-type that's distinct from the other ones. In fact, records just offer you an alternative syntax for writing tuples.
+The reason is that records are a bit of a magic trick in Lux.
+That means records are not really a data-type that's distinct from the other ones.
-That's right! `{#name "Lux" #paradigm #Functional #platforms (list #JVM)}` could mean the same as `["Lux" #Functional (list #JVM)]`, depending on the ordering imposed by the tags.
+In fact, records just offer you an alternative syntax for writing tuples.
+That's right! `[#name "Lux" #paradigm {#Functional} #platforms (list {#JVM})]` could mean the same as `["Lux" {#Functional} (list {#JVM})]`, depending on the ordering imposed by the _slots_ (which is the name given to record _labels_).
-Remember when I said that you needed to declare your tags? Well, depending on the order in which you declare them, that means that `#name` could point to the first element in the tuple, or to another position entirely. Also, in the same way that tags have a numeric value when it comes to their usage in tuples/records, that's also the case for variants.
+Remember when I said that you needed to declare your labels?
+Well, depending on the order in which you declare them, that means that `#name` could point to the first element in the tuple, or to another position entirely.
-For example, the `List` type has two tags: `#.End` and `#.Item`. The `#.End` tag has value 0, while the `#.Item` tag has value 1. That's what allows Lux to the able to identify which option it is working with at runtime when you're dealing with variants.
+Also, in the same way that labels have a numeric value when it comes to their usage in tuples/records, that's also the case for variants.
-Tags belong to the module in which they were declared, and you must use the module name (or an alias) as a prefix when using tags. That is why I've written `#.End` and `#.Item`, instead of `#End` and `#Item`. However, you may forgo the prefixes if you're referring to tags which were defined in the same module in which they're being used.
+For example, the `List` type has two tags: `.#End` and `.#Item`.
-Finally, you may have noticed that, unlike all other data-types, variants re-use some syntax that you're already seen before: _the parentheses_. Clearly, we didn't build our program by creating a bunch of variants, so, what's going on?
+The `.#End` tag has value 0, while the `.#Item` tag has value 1.
-Well, the parenthesis delimit the syntax of what is called a **form** in Lux. This is actually an old concept that's very familiar to those with experience with other Lisp-like languages. Basically, a form is a composite expression or statement.
+That's what allows Lux to the able to identify which option it is working with at runtime when you're dealing with variants.
-When the form starts with a tag, Lux interprets that to be a variant.
+Labels belong to the module in which they were declared, and you must use the module name (or an alias) as a prefix when using tags.
+That is why I've written `.#End` and `.#Item`, instead of `#End` and `#Item`.
+However, you may forgo the prefixes if you're referring to tags which were defined in the same module in which they're being used.
## Types for data-types
@@ -155,7 +161,7 @@ Patience, young grasshopper. We'll talk about those in the next chapter.
For now, let's talk about **types**.
-The type-annotation macro is called `:` (I know, _real cute_). You use it like this `(: Some_Type some_value)`.
+The type-annotation macro is called `:` (I know, _real cute_). You use it like this: `(: Some_Type some_value)`.
There is also a separate macro for type-coerciones that's called `:as`, which is used the same way. However, you should probably steer clear off that one, unless you know what you're doing, since you can trick the compiler into thinking a value belongs to any type you want by using it.
@@ -171,38 +177,41 @@ Now that we know about type annotations, I'll show you some types by giving you
(: Text "YOLO")
(type: Some_Enum
- #primitive
- #tuple
- #variant)
+ (Variant
+ {#Primitive}
+ {#Variant}
+ {#Tuple}))
(: [Int [Text Some_Enum] Bit]
- [10 ["nested" #tuple] .false])
+ [10 ["nested" {#Tuple}] .false])
(type: Quux
- #Foo
- (#Bar Int Frac Text))
+ (Variant
+ {#Foo}
+ {#Bar Int Frac Text}))
-(: Quux #Foo)
+(: Quux {#Foo})
-(: Quux (#Bar 10 +20.0 "thirty"))
+(: Quux {#Bar 10 +20.0 "thirty"})
(type: Lang
- {#name Text
- #paradigm Paradigm
- #platforms (List Platform)})
+ (Record
+ [#name Text
+ #paradigm Paradigm
+ #platforms (List Platform)]))
(: Lang
- {#name "Lux"
- #paradigm #Functional
- #platforms (list #JVM)})
+ [#name "Lux"
+ #paradigm {#Functional}
+ #platforms (list {#JVM})])
(: Lang
- ["Lux" #Functional (list #JVM)])
+ ["Lux" {#Functional} (list {#JVM})])
(: [Text Paradigm (List Platform)]
- {#name "Lux"
- #paradigm #Functional
- #platforms (list #JVM)})
+ [#name "Lux"
+ #paradigm {#Functional}
+ #platforms (list {#JVM})])
By the way, the value of a type-annotation or a type-coearcion expression is just the value being annotated/coerced. So `(: Bit #1)` simply yields `#1`.
@@ -211,13 +220,15 @@ _What is that `type:` thingie?_
It's just a macro for defining types. We'll learn more about it in a future chapter.
-The tags that get mentioned in the type definition get automatically declared, and the order in which they appear determines their value. `#Foo` came first, so it's value is 0. `#Bar`, as you may guess, gets the value 1.
+The labels that get mentioned in the type definition get automatically declared, and the order in which they appear determines their value.
+`#Foo` came first, so its value is 0. `#Bar`, as you may guess, gets the value 1.
Also, you might be wondering what's the difference between `List` and `list`. Well, the first one is the type of lists (or a type-constructor for list types, however you want to look at it). The second one is a _macro_ for constructing actual list values. `List` can only take one argument (the type of the list elements), while `list` can take any number of arguments (the elements that make up the list value).
-Again, we haven't mentioned functions. But if you're impatient to learn about them, just click the link below.
+Again, we haven't mentioned functions. But the next chapter is about them.
See you in [the next chapter](chapter_4.md)!