diff options
authorEduardo Julian2015-05-04 14:13:33 -0400
committerEduardo Julian2015-05-04 14:13:33 -0400
commitd2c78010486bfa05cfac7e71f74ed87c8021572e (patch)
parent99a4eec5bce78ce5262f94a51f2b57ed2507ac46 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 433 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4ba768a0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,433 @@
+## What's available?
+### Types
+ (deftype Bool (^ java.lang.Boolean))
+ (deftype Int (^ java.lang.Long))
+ (deftype Real (^ java.lang.Double))
+ (deftype Char (^ java.lang.Character))
+ (deftype Text (^ java.lang.String))
+ (deftype Void (|))
+ (deftype Ident (, Text Text))
+ (deftype (List a)
+ (| #Nil
+ (#Cons [a (List a)])))
+ (deftype (Maybe a)
+ (| #None
+ (#Some a)))
+ (deftype Type ...)
+ (deftype (Meta m d)
+ (| (#Meta [m d])))
+ (deftype Syntax ...)
+ (deftype (Either l r)
+ (| (#Left l)
+ (#Right r)))
+ (deftype Reader ...)
+ (deftype LuxVar ...)
+ (deftype CompilerState ...)
+ (deftype (Lux a)
+ (-> CompilerState (Either Text (, CompilerState a))))
+ (deftype Macro
+ (-> (List Syntax) (Lux (List Syntax))))
+ (deftype (IO a)
+ (-> (,) a))
+### Macros
+ (defmacro #export (and tokens)
+ (case (reverse tokens)
+ (\ (list& last init))
+ (return (: (List Syntax)
+ (list (fold (: (-> Syntax Syntax Syntax)
+ (lambda [post pre]
+ (` (if (~ pre)
+ true
+ (~ post)))))
+ last
+ init))))
+ _
+ (fail "and requires >=1 clauses.")))
+ (comment 1 2 3 4) ## Same as not writing anything...
+ (list 1 2 3)
+ => (#Cons [1 (#Cons [2 (#Cons [3 #Nil])])])
+ (list& 0 (list 1 2 3))
+ => (#Cons [0 (list 1 2 3)])
+ (def const
+ (lambda [x y] x))
+ (def const
+ (lambda const [x y] x))
+ (let [x (foo bar)
+ y (baz quux)]
+ ...)
+ ($ text:++ "Hello, " name ".\nHow are you?")
+ => (text:++ "Hello, " (text:++ name ".\nHow are you?"))
+ (|> elems (map ->text) (interpose " ") (fold text:++ ""))
+ =>
+ (fold text:++ ""
+ (interpose " "
+ (map ->text elems)))
+ (if true
+ "Oh, yeah"
+ "Aw hell naw!")
+ (^ java.lang.Object)
+ (, Text Int Bool)
+ (| #Yes #No)
+ (& #name Text
+ #age Int
+ #alive? Bool)
+ (-> Int Int Int)
+ (All List [a]
+ (| #Nil
+ (#Cons [a (List a)])))
+ (All [a]
+ (-> a a))
+ ## This macro is not mean to be used directly. It's used by :, :!, deftype, struct, sig
+ ## Just makes sure whatever computation you do returns an IO type. It's here mostly for host-interop.
+ (: (List Int) (list 1 2 3))
+ (:! Dinosaur (list 1 2 3))
+ (deftype (List a)
+ (| #Nil
+ (#Cons [a (List a)])))
+ (exec
+ (println "#1")
+ (println "#2")
+ (println "#3")
+ "YOLO")
+ (def (rejoin-pair pair)
+ (-> (, Syntax Syntax) (List Syntax))
+ (let [[left right] pair]
+ (list left right)))
+ (case (: (List Int) (list 1 2 3))
+ (#Cons [x (#Cons [y (#Cons [z #Nil])])])
+ (#Some ($ int:* x y z))
+ _
+ #None)
+ (case (: (List Int) (list 1 2 3))
+ (\ (list 1 2 3))
+ (#Some ($ int:* x y z))
+ _
+ #None)
+ (deftype Weekday
+ (| #Monday
+ #Tuesday
+ #Wednesday
+ #Thursday
+ #Friday
+ #Saturday
+ #Sunday))
+ (def (weekend? day)
+ (-> Weekday Bool)
+ (case day
+ (\or #Saturday #Sunday)
+ true
+ _
+ false))
+ ## It's a special macro meant to be used with case
+ ## It's a special macro meant to be used with case
+ ## Quasi-quotation as a macro. Unquote (~) and unquote-splice (~@) must also be used as forms
+ e.g.
+ (` (def (~ name)
+ (lambda [(~@ args)]
+ (~ body))))
+ ## Not mean to be used directly. Prefer defsig
+ ## Not mean to be used directly. Prefer defstruct
+ (defsig #export (Ord a)
+ (: (-> a a Bool)
+ <)
+ (: (-> a a Bool)
+ <=)
+ (: (-> a a Bool)
+ >)
+ (: (-> a a Bool)
+ >=))
+ (defstruct #export Int:Ord (Ord Int)
+ (def (< x y)
+ (jvm-llt x y))
+ (def (<= x y)
+ (or (jvm-llt x y)
+ (jvm-leq x y)))
+ (def (> x y)
+ (jvm-lgt x y))
+ (def (>= x y)
+ (or (jvm-lgt x y)
+ (jvm-leq x y))))
+ (and true false true) ## => false
+ (or true false true) ## => true
+ ## Just creates local aliases of everything defined & exported in lux.lux
+ e.g.
+ (;alias-lux)
+ (using Int:Ord
+ (< 5 10))
+### Functions
+ (All [a b]
+ (-> (-> a b a) a (List b) a))
+ (All [a]
+ (-> (List a) (List a)))
+ (All [a b]
+ (-> (-> a b) (List a) (List b)))
+ (All [a]
+ (-> (-> a Bool) (List a) Bool))
+ (All [a b c]
+ (-> (-> b c) (-> a b) (-> a c)))
+ (-> Int Int Int)
+ (-> Int Int Int)
+ (-> Int Int Int)
+ (-> Int Int Int)
+ (-> Int Int Int)
+ (-> Int Int Bool)
+ (-> Int Int Bool)
+ (-> Int Int Bool)
+ (-> Real Real Real)
+ (-> Real Real Real)
+ (-> Real Real Real)
+ (-> Real Real Real)
+ (-> Real Real Real)
+ (-> Real Real Bool)
+ (-> Real Real Bool)
+ (-> Real Real Bool)
+ (All [a]
+ (-> (List a) Int))
+ (-> Bool Bool)
+ (-> Text Text Text)
+ (Lux Text)
+ (-> Ident (Lux (Maybe Macro)))
+ (-> Ident (Lux Ident))
+ (-> (^ java.lang.Object) Text)
+ (All [a]
+ (-> a (List a) (List a)))
+ (-> Syntax Text)
+ (-> Syntax (Lux (List Syntax)))
+ (-> Text (Lux Syntax))
+ (-> Syntax (Lux Syntax))
+ (All [a] (-> a a))
+ (-> Text (,))
+ (-> Text (,))
+ (All [a b]
+ (-> (-> a (Maybe b)) (List a) (Maybe b)))
+### Signatures
+ (defsig #export (Eq a)
+ (: (-> a a Bool)
+ =))
+ (defsig #export (Show a)
+ (: (-> a Text)
+ show))
+ (defsig #export (Ord a)
+ (: (-> a a Bool)
+ <)
+ (: (-> a a Bool)
+ <=)
+ (: (-> a a Bool)
+ >)
+ (: (-> a a Bool)
+ >=))
+### Structures