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authorEduardo Julian2015-01-26 18:49:45 -0400
committerEduardo Julian2015-01-26 18:49:45 -0400
commit713adb2027e13748c2ba50fb6bd97bc27d33b06e (patch)
parent33aadce096a947300a2531940efc962c979542da (diff)
[Working on]
- Almost finished rebuilding lambda syntax so it always has local names and only takes 1 argument.
Diffstat (limited to '')
3 files changed, 437 insertions, 291 deletions
diff --git a/source/lux.lux b/source/lux.lux
index 2b008f95f..29d7f3f5c 100644
--- a/source/lux.lux
+++ b/source/lux.lux
@@ -1,261 +1,284 @@
## Base interfaces & classes
(jvm:interface Function
- (: apply (-> [java.lang.Object] java.lang.Object)))
+ (: apply (-> [java.lang.Object] java.lang.Object)))
(jvm:class Tuple0 java.lang.Object
- [])
+ [])
(jvm:class Tuple1 java.lang.Object
- [[java.lang.Object _1]])
+ [[java.lang.Object _1]])
(jvm:class Tuple2 java.lang.Object
- [[java.lang.Object _1] [java.lang.Object _2]])
+ [[java.lang.Object _1] [java.lang.Object _2]])
(jvm:class Tuple3 java.lang.Object
- [[java.lang.Object _1] [java.lang.Object _2]
- [java.lang.Object _3]])
+ [[java.lang.Object _1] [java.lang.Object _2]
+ [java.lang.Object _3]])
(jvm:class Tuple4 java.lang.Object
- [[java.lang.Object _1] [java.lang.Object _2]
- [java.lang.Object _3] [java.lang.Object _4]])
+ [[java.lang.Object _1] [java.lang.Object _2]
+ [java.lang.Object _3] [java.lang.Object _4]])
(jvm:class Tuple5 java.lang.Object
- [[java.lang.Object _1] [java.lang.Object _2]
- [java.lang.Object _3] [java.lang.Object _4]
- [java.lang.Object _5]])
+ [[java.lang.Object _1] [java.lang.Object _2]
+ [java.lang.Object _3] [java.lang.Object _4]
+ [java.lang.Object _5]])
(jvm:class Tuple6 java.lang.Object
- [[java.lang.Object _1] [java.lang.Object _2]
- [java.lang.Object _3] [java.lang.Object _4]
- [java.lang.Object _5] [java.lang.Object _6]])
+ [[java.lang.Object _1] [java.lang.Object _2]
+ [java.lang.Object _3] [java.lang.Object _4]
+ [java.lang.Object _5] [java.lang.Object _6]])
(jvm:class Tuple7 java.lang.Object
- [[java.lang.Object _1] [java.lang.Object _2]
- [java.lang.Object _3] [java.lang.Object _4]
- [java.lang.Object _5] [java.lang.Object _6]
- [java.lang.Object _7]])
+ [[java.lang.Object _1] [java.lang.Object _2]
+ [java.lang.Object _3] [java.lang.Object _4]
+ [java.lang.Object _5] [java.lang.Object _6]
+ [java.lang.Object _7]])
(jvm:class Tuple8 java.lang.Object
- [[java.lang.Object _1] [java.lang.Object _2]
- [java.lang.Object _3] [java.lang.Object _4]
- [java.lang.Object _5] [java.lang.Object _6]
- [java.lang.Object _7] [java.lang.Object _8]])
+ [[java.lang.Object _1] [java.lang.Object _2]
+ [java.lang.Object _3] [java.lang.Object _4]
+ [java.lang.Object _5] [java.lang.Object _6]
+ [java.lang.Object _7] [java.lang.Object _8]])
(jvm:class Variant java.lang.Object
- [[java.lang.String tag]])
+ [[java.lang.String tag]])
(jvm:class Variant0 lux.Variant
- [])
+ [])
(jvm:class Variant1 lux.Variant
- [[java.lang.Object _1]])
+ [[java.lang.Object _1]])
(jvm:class Variant2 lux.Variant
- [[java.lang.Object _1] [java.lang.Object _2]])
+ [[java.lang.Object _1] [java.lang.Object _2]])
(jvm:class Variant3 lux.Variant
- [[java.lang.Object _1] [java.lang.Object _2]
- [java.lang.Object _3]])
+ [[java.lang.Object _1] [java.lang.Object _2]
+ [java.lang.Object _3]])
(jvm:class Variant4 lux.Variant
- [[java.lang.Object _1] [java.lang.Object _2]
- [java.lang.Object _3] [java.lang.Object _4]])
+ [[java.lang.Object _1] [java.lang.Object _2]
+ [java.lang.Object _3] [java.lang.Object _4]])
(jvm:class Variant5 lux.Variant
- [[java.lang.Object _1] [java.lang.Object _2]
- [java.lang.Object _3] [java.lang.Object _4]
- [java.lang.Object _5]])
+ [[java.lang.Object _1] [java.lang.Object _2]
+ [java.lang.Object _3] [java.lang.Object _4]
+ [java.lang.Object _5]])
(jvm:class Variant6 lux.Variant
- [[java.lang.Object _1] [java.lang.Object _2]
- [java.lang.Object _3] [java.lang.Object _4]
- [java.lang.Object _5] [java.lang.Object _6]])
+ [[java.lang.Object _1] [java.lang.Object _2]
+ [java.lang.Object _3] [java.lang.Object _4]
+ [java.lang.Object _5] [java.lang.Object _6]])
(jvm:class Variant7 lux.Variant
- [[java.lang.Object _1] [java.lang.Object _2]
- [java.lang.Object _3] [java.lang.Object _4]
- [java.lang.Object _5] [java.lang.Object _6]
- [java.lang.Object _7]])
+ [[java.lang.Object _1] [java.lang.Object _2]
+ [java.lang.Object _3] [java.lang.Object _4]
+ [java.lang.Object _5] [java.lang.Object _6]
+ [java.lang.Object _7]])
(jvm:class Variant8 lux.Variant
- [[java.lang.Object _1] [java.lang.Object _2]
- [java.lang.Object _3] [java.lang.Object _4]
- [java.lang.Object _5] [java.lang.Object _6]
- [java.lang.Object _7] [java.lang.Object _8]])
+ [[java.lang.Object _1] [java.lang.Object _2]
+ [java.lang.Object _3] [java.lang.Object _4]
+ [java.lang.Object _5] [java.lang.Object _6]
+ [java.lang.Object _7] [java.lang.Object _8]])
## Base functions & macros
-(def (id x)
- x)
-(def (fold f init values)
- (case values
- #Nil
- init
- (#Cons x xs)
- (fold f (f init x) xs)))
-(def (cons tail head)
- (#Cons head tail))
-(def (reverse list)
- (fold cons #Nil list))
-(annotate list Macro)
-(def (list xs)
- (fold (lambda [tail head]
- (#Form (#Cons (#Tag "Cons")
- (#Cons head
- (#Cons tail #Nil)))))
- (#Tag "Nil")
- (reverse xs)))
-(def (++ xs ys)
- (case xs
- #Nil
- ys
- (#Cons x xs*)
- (#Cons x (++ xs* ys))))
-(def (map f xs)
- (case xs
- #Nil
- #Nil
- (#Cons x xs*)
- (#Cons (f x) (map f xs*))))
-(def (untemplate-list untemplate tokens)
- (case tokens
- #Nil
- (#Tag "Nil")
- (#Cons token tokens')
- (#Form (list (#Tag "Cons") (untemplate token) (untemplate-list untemplate tokens')))))
-(def (untemplate token)
- (case token
- (#Bool elem)
- (#Form (list (#Tag "Bool") (#Bool elem)))
- (#Int elem)
- (#Form (list (#Tag "Int") (#Int elem)))
- (#Real elem)
- (#Form (list (#Tag "Real") (#Real elem)))
- (#Char elem)
- (#Form (list (#Tag "Char") (#Char elem)))
- (#Text elem)
- (#Form (list (#Tag "Text") (#Text elem)))
- (#Tag elem)
- (#Form (list (#Tag "Tag") (#Text elem)))
- (#Ident elem)
- (#Form (list (#Tag "Ident") (#Text elem)))
- (#Form (#Cons (#Ident "~") (#Cons unquoted #Nil)))
- unquoted
- (#Tuple elems)
- (#Form (list (#Tag "Tuple") (untemplate-list untemplate elems)))
- (#Form elems)
- (#Form (list (#Tag "Form") (untemplate-list untemplate elems)))
- ))
-## I/O
-(def (print x)
- (jvm:invokevirtual java.io.PrintStream "print" [Object]
- (jvm:getstatic System out) [x]))
-(def (println x)
- (jvm:invokevirtual java.io.PrintStream "println" [Object]
- (jvm:getstatic System out) [x]))
-(annotate ' Macro)
-(def (' form)
- (case form
- (#Cons token #Nil)
- (untemplate token)))
-(def (+ x y)
- (jvm:iadd x y))
-(def inc (+ 1))
-(def length (fold (lambda [l x] (inc l)) 0))
-(def (rem dividend divisor)
- (jvm:irem dividend divisor))
-(def (= x y)
- (jvm:invokevirtual Object "equals" [Object]
- x [y]))
-(def (pairs list)
- (case list
- (#Cons x (#Cons y list*))
- (#Cons [x y] (pairs list*))
- _
- #Nil))
-(def (show x)
- (jvm:invokevirtual Object "toString" []
- x []))
-(def (concat t1 t2)
- (jvm:invokevirtual String "concat" [String]
- t1 [t2]))
-(def (range from to)
- (if (= from to)
- #Nil
- (#Cons from (range (inc from) to))))
-(def (text->list text)
- (let length (jvm:invokevirtual String "length" []
- text [])
- (map (lambda [idx]
- (jvm:invokevirtual String "charAt" [int]
- text [idx]))
- (range 0 length))))
-(def (enumerate list)
- (case (fold (lambda [state x]
- (case state
- [idx list']
- [(inc idx) (#Cons [idx x] list')]))
- [0 #Nil]
- list)
- [_ list']
- (reverse list')))
-(def list-map #Nil)
-(def (put key val map)
- (case map
- #Nil
- (#Cons [key val] map)
- (#Cons [?key ?val] map')
- (if (= key ?key)
- (#Cons [?key val] map')
- (#Cons [?key ?val] (put key val map')))))
-(def (get key map)
- (case map
- #Nil
- #None
- (#Cons [?key ?val] map')
- (if (= key ?key)
- (#Some ?val)
- (get key map'))))
-(def (show-kv kv)
- (case kv
- [?key ?val]
- (fold concat "" (list "#" ?key " " (show ?val)))))
-(def (interpose elem list)
- (case list
- (#Cons x (#Cons y list'))
- (#Cons x (#Cons elem (#Cons y list')))
- _
- list))
-(def (show-list xs)
- (case xs
- #Nil
- "#Nil"
- (#Cons x xs')
- (fold concat "" (list "(#Cons " (show x) " " (show-list xs') ")"))))
+(def' id
+ (lambda' id x
+ x))
+(def' + (lambda' + x (lambda' _ y (jvm:iadd x y))))
+(def' fold
+ (lambda' fold f
+ (lambda' _ init
+ (lambda' _ values
+ (case values
+ #Nil
+ init
+ (#Cons x xs)
+ (fold f (f init x) xs)
+ )))))
+ (def' id (lambda [x] x))
+ (def' + (lambda [x y] (jvm:iadd x y)))
+ (def (fold f init values)
+ (case values
+ #Nil
+ init
+ (#Cons x xs)x
+ (fold f (f init x) xs)))
+ (def (cons tail head)
+ (#Cons head tail))
+ (def (reverse list)
+ (fold cons #Nil list))
+ (annotate list Macro)
+ (def (list xs)
+ (fold (lambda' tail
+ (lambda' head
+ (#Form (#Cons (#Tag "Cons")
+ (#Cons head
+ (#Cons tail #Nil))))))
+ (#Tag "Nil")
+ (reverse xs)))
+ (def (++ xs ys)
+ (case xs
+ #Nil
+ ys
+ (#Cons x xs*)
+ (#Cons x (++ xs* ys))))
+ (def (map f xs)
+ (case xs
+ #Nil
+ #Nil
+ (#Cons x xs*)
+ (#Cons (f x) (map f xs*))))
+ (def (untemplate-list untemplate tokens)
+ (case tokens
+ #Nil
+ (#Tag "Nil")
+ (#Cons token tokens')
+ (#Form (list (#Tag "Cons") (untemplate token) (untemplate-list untemplate tokens')))))
+ (def (untemplate token)
+ (case token
+ (#Bool elem)
+ (#Form (list (#Tag "Bool") (#Bool elem)))
+ (#Int elem)
+ (#Form (list (#Tag "Int") (#Int elem)))
+ (#Real elem)
+ (#Form (list (#Tag "Real") (#Real elem)))
+ (#Char elem)
+ (#Form (list (#Tag "Char") (#Char elem)))
+ (#Text elem)
+ (#Form (list (#Tag "Text") (#Text elem)))
+ (#Tag elem)
+ (#Form (list (#Tag "Tag") (#Text elem)))
+ (#Ident elem)
+ (#Form (list (#Tag "Ident") (#Text elem)))
+ (#Form (#Cons (#Ident "~") (#Cons unquoted #Nil)))
+ unquoted
+ (#Tuple elems)
+ (#Form (list (#Tag "Tuple") (untemplate-list untemplate elems)))
+ (#Form elems)
+ (#Form (list (#Tag "Form") (untemplate-list untemplate elems)))
+ ))
+ ## I/O
+ (def (print x)
+ (jvm:invokevirtual java.io.PrintStream "print" [Object]
+ (jvm:getstatic System out) [x]))
+ (def (println x)
+ (jvm:invokevirtual java.io.PrintStream "println" [Object]
+ (jvm:getstatic System out) [x]))
+ (annotate ' Macro)
+ (def (' form)
+ (case form
+ (#Cons token #Nil)
+ (untemplate token)))
+ (def (+ x y)
+ (jvm:iadd x y))
+ (def inc (+ 1))
+ (def length (fold (lambda' l (lambda' x (inc l))) 0))
+ (def (rem dividend divisor)
+ (jvm:irem dividend divisor))
+ (def (= x y)
+ (jvm:invokevirtual Object "equals" [Object]
+ x [y]))
+ (def (pairs list)
+ (case list
+ (#Cons x (#Cons y list*))
+ (#Cons [x y] (pairs list*))
+ _
+ #Nil))
+ (def (show x)
+ (jvm:invokevirtual Object "toString" []
+ x []))
+ (def (concat t1 t2)
+ (jvm:invokevirtual String "concat" [String]
+ t1 [t2]))
+ (def (range from to)
+ (if (= from to)
+ #Nil
+ (#Cons from (range (inc from) to))))
+ (def (text->list text)
+ (let length (jvm:invokevirtual String "length" []
+ text [])
+ (map (lambda' idx
+ (jvm:invokevirtual String "charAt" [int]
+ text [idx]))
+ (range 0 length))))
+ (def (enumerate list)
+ (case (fold (lambda' state
+ (lambda' x
+ (case state
+ [idx list']
+ [(inc idx) (#Cons [idx x] list')])))
+ [0 #Nil]
+ list)
+ [_ list']
+ (reverse list')))
+ (def list-map #Nil)
+ (def (put key val map)
+ (case map
+ #Nil
+ (#Cons [key val] map)
+ (#Cons [?key ?val] map')
+ (if (= key ?key)
+ (#Cons [?key val] map')
+ (#Cons [?key ?val] (put key val map')))))
+ (def (get key map)
+ (case map
+ #Nil
+ #None
+ (#Cons [?key ?val] map')
+ (if (= key ?key)
+ (#Some ?val)
+ (get key map'))))
+ (def (show-kv kv)
+ (case kv
+ [?key ?val]
+ (fold concat "" (list "#" ?key " " (show ?val)))))
+ (def (interpose elem list)
+ (case list
+ (#Cons x (#Cons y list'))
+ (#Cons x (#Cons elem (#Cons y list')))
+ _
+ list))
+ (def (show-list xs)
+ (case xs
+ #Nil
+ "#Nil"
+ (#Cons x xs')
+ (fold concat "" (list "(#Cons " (show x) " " (show-list xs') ")"))))
+ )#
diff --git a/src/lux/analyser.clj b/src/lux/analyser.clj
index d2c64c8df..54ea1f46b 100644
--- a/src/lux/analyser.clj
+++ b/src/lux/analyser.clj
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
:inner-closures 0
:counter 0
:mappings {}
+ :mappings/closure {}
:closure/id 0})
(def ^:private module-name
@@ -126,14 +127,21 @@
^:private with-lets with-let
-(defn with-lambda [args body]
+(def captured-vars
+ (fn [state]
+ [::&util/ok [state (-> state ::local-envs first :mappings/closure)]]))
+(defn with-lambda [self self-type arg arg-type body]
(fn [state]
(let [top (-> state ::local-envs first)
scope* (str (:name top) "$" (str (:inner-closures top)))
body* (with-env scope*
- (with-lets args
- (exec [=return body]
- (return [scope* =return]))))]
+ (with-local self (annotated [::self scope* []] self-type)
+ (with-let arg arg-type
+ (exec [=return body
+ =next next-local-idx
+ =captured captured-vars]
+ (return [scope* =next =captured =return])))))]
(body* (update-in state [::local-envs] #(cons (update-in (first %) [:inner-closures] inc)
(rest %))))
@@ -142,14 +150,17 @@
(let [register* (annotated [::captured scope (:closure/id frame) register] (:type register))]
[register* (-> frame
(update-in [:closure/id] inc)
- (assoc-in [:mappings ident] register*))]))
+ (assoc-in [:mappings/closure ident] register*))]))
(defn ^:private resolve [ident]
(fn [state]
+ (prn 'resolve ident)
(let [[top & stack*] (::local-envs state)]
- (if-let [=bound (get-in top [:mappings ident])]
+ (if-let [=bound (or (get-in top [:mappings ident])
+ (get-in top [:mappings/closure ident]))]
[::&util/ok [state (list =bound)]]
- (let [[inner outer] (split-with #(-> % :mappings (contains? ident) not) stack*)]
+ (let [no-binding? #(and (-> % :mappings (contains? ident) not) (-> % :mappings/closure (contains? ident) not))
+ [inner outer] (split-with no-binding? stack*)]
(if (empty? outer)
(if-let [global|import (get-in state [::global-env ident])]
[::&util/ok [state (list global|import)]]
@@ -157,7 +168,9 @@
(let [[=local inner*] (reduce (fn [[register new-inner] frame]
(let [[register* frame*] (close-over (:name frame) ident register frame)]
[register* (cons frame* new-inner)]))
- [(-> outer first :mappings (get ident)) '()]
+ [(or (get-in (first outer) [:mappings ident])
+ (get-in (first outer) [:mappings/closure ident]))
+ '()]
(reverse (cons top inner)))]
[::&util/ok [(assoc state ::local-envs (concat inner* outer)) (list =local)]])
@@ -619,47 +632,125 @@
(analyse-ast ?body))]
(return (list (annotated [::let idx ?label =value =body] (:type =body))))))
-(defn ^:private analyse-lambda [analyse-ast ?args ?body]
- (exec [?args (map-m extract-ident ?args)
- [=function =args =return] (within ::types (&type/fresh-function (count ?args)))
- [=scope =body] (with-lambda (map vector ?args =args)
- (analyse-ast ?body))
- =function (within ::types (exec [_ (&type/solve =return (:type =body))]
- (&type/clean =function)))]
- (return (list (annotated [::lambda =scope ?args =body] =function)))))
-(defn ^:private analyse-def [analyse-ast ?usage ?value]
- (match ?usage
- [::&parser/ident ?name]
- (exec [:let [scoped-name (str "def_" ?name)]
- [=value] (with-env (str "def_" ?name)
- (analyse-ast ?value))
- _ (annotate ?name ::constant ::public false (:type =value))
- _ (define ?name)]
- (return (list (annotated [::def ?name =value] ::&type/nothing))))
+(defn ^:private raise-tree-bindings [outer-scope to-raise ?tree]
+ (case (:type ?tree)
+ ::adt*
+ (update-in ?tree [:patterns]
+ #(into {} (for [[?tag ?unapply] %
+ :let [=unapply (update-in ?unapply [:parts] (partial map (partial raise-tree-bindings outer-scope to-raise)))]]
+ [?tag =unapply])))
+ ::defaults
+ (update-in ?tree [:stores]
+ #(into {} (for [[?store ?branches] %
+ :let [=store (raise-bindings outer-scope to-raise {:form ?store :type ::&type/nothing})]]
+ [(:form =store) ?branches])))
+ ;; else
+ (assert false (pr-str ?tree))
+ ))
+(defn ^:private raise-bindings [outer-scope to-raise body]
+ ;; (prn 'raise-bindings body)
+ (match (:form body)
+ [::local ?scope ?idx]
+ {:form [::local outer-scope (inc ?idx)]
+ :type (:type body)}
- [::&parser/form ([[::&parser/ident ?name] & ?args] :seq)]
- (exec [def?? (defined? ?name)]
- (if def??
- (fail (str "Can't redefine function/constant: " ?name))
- (exec [ann?? (annotated? ?name)
- args (map-m extract-ident ?args)
- [=function =args =return] (within ::types (&type/fresh-function (count args)))
- :let [scoped-name (str "def_" ?name)]
- current-module module-name
- [=value] (with-env scoped-name
- (with-local ?name (annotated [::global-fn current-module ?name] =function)
- (with-lets (map vector args =args)
- (analyse-ast ?value))))
- =function (within ::types (exec [_ (&type/solve =return (:type =value))]
- (&type/clean =function)))
- _ (if ann??
- (return nil)
- (annotate ?name ::function ::public false =function))
- _ (define ?name)]
- (return (list (annotated [::def [?name args] =value] ::&type/nothing))))))
+ [::captured _ _ ?source]
+ (if (contains? to-raise body)
+ ?source
+ body)
+ [::jvm:iadd ?x ?y]
+ {:form [::jvm:iadd
+ (raise-bindings outer-scope to-raise ?x)
+ (raise-bindings outer-scope to-raise ?y)]
+ :type (:type body)}
+ [::case ?base ?variant ?registers ?mappings ?tree]
+ (let [=variant (raise-bindings outer-scope to-raise ?variant)
+ =mappings (into {} (for [[idx syntax] ?mappings]
+ [idx (raise-bindings outer-scope to-raise syntax)]))
+ =tree (raise-tree-bindings outer-scope to-raise ?tree)]
+ {:form [::case ?base =variant ?registers =mappings =tree]
+ :type (:type body)})
+ [::call ?func ?args]
+ {:form [::call (raise-bindings outer-scope to-raise ?func)
+ (map (partial raise-bindings outer-scope to-raise) ?args)]
+ :type (:type body)}
+;; [:lux.util/ok [{:lux.lexer/source "", :lux.analyser/current-module "lux", :lux.analyser/modules {"lux" {"fold" {:mode :lux.analyser/constant, :access :lux.analyser/public, :macro? false, :type [:lux.type/function (:lux.type/var 6) :lux.type/any], :defined? true}, "+" {:mode :lux.analyser/constant, :access :lux.analyser/public, :macro? false, :type [:lux.type/function (:lux.type/var 2) :lux.type/any], :defined? true}, "id" {:mode :lux.analyser/constant, :access :lux.analyser/public, :macro? false, :type [:lux.type/function (:lux.type/var 0) :lux.type/any], :defined? true}}}, :lux.analyser/global-env {"fold" {:form [:lux.analyser/global "lux" "fold"], :type [:lux.type/function (:lux.type/var 6) :lux.type/any]}, "lux:fold" {:form [:lux.analyser/global "lux" "fold"], :type [:lux.type/function (:lux.type/var 6) :lux.type/any]}, "+" {:form [:lux.analyser/global "lux" "+"], :type [:lux.type/function (:lux.type/var 2) :lux.type/any]}, "lux:+" {:form [:lux.analyser/global "lux" "+"], :type [:lux.type/function (:lux.type/var 2) :lux.type/any]}, "id" {:form [:lux.analyser/global "lux" "id"], :type [:lux.type/function (:lux.type/var 0) :lux.type/any]}, "lux:id" {:form [:lux.analyser/global "lux" "id"], :type [:lux.type/function (:lux.type/var 0) :lux.type/any]}}, :lux.analyser/local-envs (), :lux.analyser/types {:lux.type/counter 12, :lux.type/mappings {0 [:lux.type/any :lux.type/nothing], 7 [:lux.type/any [:lux.type/function (:lux.type/var 8) :lux.type/any]], 1 [:lux.type/any :lux.type/any], 4 [:lux.type/any :lux.type/nothing], 6 [:lux.type/any :lux.type/nothing], 3 [:lux.type/any [:lux.type/function (:lux.type/var 4) :lux.type/any]], 2 [:lux.type/any :lux.type/nothing], 11 [:lux.type/any :lux.type/nothing], 9 [:lux.type/any [:lux.type/function (:lux.type/var 10) :lux.type/any]], 5 [:lux.type/any [:lux.type/object "java.lang.Integer" []]], 10 [:lux.type/any :lux.type/nothing], 8 [:lux.type/any :lux.type/nothing]}}}
+;; ({:form [:lux.analyser/definterface ["lux" "Function"] {:methods {"apply" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type [("java.lang.Object") "java.lang.Object"]}}}], :type :lux.type/nothing} {:form [:lux.analyser/defclass ["lux" "Tuple0"] "java.lang.Object" {:fields {}}], :type :lux.type/nothing} {:form [:lux.analyser/defclass ["lux" "Tuple1"] "java.lang.Object" {:fields {"_1" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}}}], :type :lux.type/nothing} {:form [:lux.analyser/defclass ["lux" "Tuple2"] "java.lang.Object" {:fields {"_1" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}, "_2" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}}}], :type :lux.type/nothing} {:form [:lux.analyser/defclass ["lux" "Tuple3"] "java.lang.Object" {:fields {"_1" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}, "_2" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}, "_3" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}}}], :type :lux.type/nothing} {:form [:lux.analyser/defclass ["lux" "Tuple4"] "java.lang.Object" {:fields {"_1" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}, "_2" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}, "_3" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}, "_4" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}}}], :type :lux.type/nothing} {:form [:lux.analyser/defclass ["lux" "Tuple5"] "java.lang.Object" {:fields {"_1" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}, "_2" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}, "_3" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}, "_4" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}, "_5" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}}}], :type :lux.type/nothing} {:form [:lux.analyser/defclass ["lux" "Tuple6"] "java.lang.Object" {:fields {"_1" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}, "_2" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}, "_3" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}, "_4" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}, "_5" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}, "_6" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}}}], :type :lux.type/nothing} {:form [:lux.analyser/defclass ["lux" "Tuple7"] "java.lang.Object" {:fields {"_1" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}, "_2" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}, "_3" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}, "_4" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}, "_5" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}, "_6" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}, "_7" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}}}], :type :lux.type/nothing} {:form [:lux.analyser/defclass ["lux" "Tuple8"] "java.lang.Object" {:fields {"_1" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}, "_2" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}, "_3" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}, "_4" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}, "_5" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}, "_6" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}, "_7" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}, "_8" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}}}], :type :lux.type/nothing} {:form [:lux.analyser/defclass ["lux" "Variant"] "java.lang.Object" {:fields {"tag" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.String"}}}], :type :lux.type/nothing} {:form [:lux.analyser/defclass ["lux" "Variant0"] "lux.Variant" {:fields {}}], :type :lux.type/nothing} {:form [:lux.analyser/defclass ["lux" "Variant1"] "lux.Variant" {:fields {"_1" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}}}], :type :lux.type/nothing} {:form [:lux.analyser/defclass ["lux" "Variant2"] "lux.Variant" {:fields {"_1" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}, "_2" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}}}], :type :lux.type/nothing} {:form [:lux.analyser/defclass ["lux" "Variant3"] "lux.Variant" {:fields {"_1" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}, "_2" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}, "_3" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}}}], :type :lux.type/nothing} {:form [:lux.analyser/defclass ["lux" "Variant4"] "lux.Variant" {:fields {"_1" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}, "_2" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}, "_3" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}, "_4" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}}}], :type :lux.type/nothing} {:form [:lux.analyser/defclass ["lux" "Variant5"] "lux.Variant" {:fields {"_1" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}, "_2" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}, "_3" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}, "_4" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}, "_5" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}}}], :type :lux.type/nothing} {:form [:lux.analyser/defclass ["lux" "Variant6"] "lux.Variant" {:fields {"_1" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}, "_2" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}, "_3" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}, "_4" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}, "_5" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}, "_6" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}}}], :type :lux.type/nothing} {:form [:lux.analyser/defclass ["lux" "Variant7"] "lux.Variant" {:fields {"_1" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}, "_2" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}, "_3" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}, "_4" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}, "_5" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}, "_6" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}, "_7" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}}}], :type :lux.type/nothing} {:form [:lux.analyser/defclass ["lux" "Variant8"] "lux.Variant" {:fields {"_1" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}, "_2" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}, "_3" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}, "_4" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}, "_5" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}, "_6" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}, "_7" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}, "_8" {:access :lux.analyser/public, :type "java.lang.Object"}}}], :type :lux.type/nothing}
+;; )]]
+;; {:form [:lux.analyser/def "id" {:form [:lux.analyser/lambda "def_id$0" {} ("x") {:form [:lux.analyser/local "def_id$0" 0], :type [:lux.type/var 0]}],
+;; :type [:lux.type/function (:lux.type/var 0) :lux.type/any]}],
+;; :type :lux.type/nothing}
+;; {:form [:lux.analyser/def "+" {:form [:lux.analyser/lambda "def_+$0" {} ("x" "y")
+;; {:form [:lux.analyser/jvm:iadd
+;; {:form [:lux.analyser/local "def_+$0" 0], :type [:lux.type/var 2]}
+;; {:form [:lux.analyser/local "def_+$0" 1], :type [:lux.type/var 4]}],
+;; :type [:lux.type/object "java.lang.Integer" []]}],
+;; :type [:lux.type/function (:lux.type/var 2) :lux.type/any]}],
+;; :type :lux.type/nothing}
+;; {:form [:lux.analyser/def "fold" {:form [:lux.analyser/lambda "def_fold$0" {} ("f" "init" "values")
+;; {:form [:lux.analyser/case 0 {:form [:lux.analyser/local "def_fold$0" 2], :type [:lux.type/var 10]}
+;; 2 {1 {:form [:lux.analyser/call {:form [:lux.analyser/captured "def_fold$0$0" 0 {:form [:lux.analyser/self "def_fold$0" []], :type [:lux.type/function [:lux.type/var 6] [:lux.type/var 7]]}], :type [:lux.type/function [:lux.type/var 6] [:lux.type/var 7]]}
+;; ({:form [:lux.analyser/local "def_fold$0" 0], :type [:lux.type/var 6]}
+;; {:form [:lux.analyser/call {:form [:lux.analyser/local "def_fold$0" 0], :type [:lux.type/var 6]} ({:form [:lux.analyser/local "def_fold$0" 1], :type [:lux.type/var 8]} {:form [:lux.analyser/local "def_fold$0" 3], :type [:lux.type/object "java.lang.Object" []]})], :type [:lux.type/object "java.lang.Object" []]}
+;; {:form [:lux.analyser/local "def_fold$0" 4], :type [:lux.type/object "java.lang.Object" []]})],
+;; :type [:lux.type/object "java.lang.Object" []]},
+;; 0 {:form [:lux.analyser/local "def_fold$0" 1], :type [:lux.type/var 8]}}
+;; {:type :lux.analyser/adt*,
+;; :patterns {"Cons" {:parts ({:type :lux.analyser/defaults, :stores {[:lux.analyser/local "def_fold$0" 3] #{1}}, :branches #{1}}
+;; {:type :lux.analyser/defaults, :stores {[:lux.analyser/local "def_fold$0" 4] #{1}}, :branches #{1}}),
+;; :branches #{1}},
+;; "Nil" {:parts (), :branches #{0}}},
+;; :default nil,
+;; :branches #{0 1}}],
+;; :type :lux.type/nothing}],
+;; :type [:lux.type/function (:lux.type/var 6) :lux.type/any]}],
+;; :type :lux.type/nothing}
+(defn ^:private analyse-lambda [analyse-ast ?self ?arg ?body]
+ (exec [[_ =arg =return :as =function] (within ::types &type/fresh-function)
+ [=scope =next-local =captured =body] (with-lambda ?self =function
+ ?arg =arg
+ (analyse-ast ?body))
+ _ (&util/assert! (= 1 (count =body)) "Can't return more than 1 value.")
+ :let [[=body] =body]
+ :let [_ (prn 'analyse-lambda/=body ?arg =captured =body)]
+ =function (within ::types (exec [_ (&type/solve =return (:type =body))]
+ (&type/clean =function)))
+ :let [_ (prn '(:form =body) (:form =body))
+ =lambda (match (:form =body)
+ [::lambda ?sub-scope ?sub-captured ?sub-args ?sub-body]
+ (let [?sub-body* (raise-bindings =scope (set (map #(get ?sub-captured %) (cons ?arg (keys =captured))))
+ ?sub-body)]
+ [::lambda =scope =captured (cons ?arg ?sub-args) ?sub-body*])
+ _
+ [::lambda =scope =captured (list ?arg) =body])]]
+ (return (list (annotated =lambda =function)))))
+(defn ^:private analyse-def [analyse-ast ?name ?value]
+ (exec [def?? (defined? ?name)]
+ (if def??
+ (fail (str "Can't redefine function/constant: " ?name))
+ (exec [ann?? (annotated? ?name)
+ :let [scoped-name (str "def_" ?name)]
+ [=value] (with-env scoped-name
+ (analyse-ast ?value))
+ _ (if ann??
+ (return nil)
+ (annotate ?name ::constant ::public false (:type =value)))
+ _ (define ?name)]
+ (return (list (annotated [::def ?name =value] ::&type/nothing)))))))
(defn ^:private analyse-annotate [?ident]
(exec [_ (annotate ?ident ::function ::public true ::&type/nothing)]
(return (list))))
@@ -786,11 +877,11 @@
[::&parser/form ([[::&parser/ident "case"] ?variant & ?branches] :seq)]
(analyse-case analyse-ast ?variant ?branches)
- [::&parser/form ([[::&parser/ident "lambda"] [::&parser/tuple ?args] ?body] :seq)]
- (analyse-lambda analyse-ast ?args ?body)
+ [::&parser/form ([[::&parser/ident "lambda'"] [::&parser/ident ?self] [::&parser/ident ?arg] ?body] :seq)]
+ (analyse-lambda analyse-ast ?self ?arg ?body)
- [::&parser/form ([[::&parser/ident "def"] ?usage ?value] :seq)]
- (analyse-def analyse-ast ?usage ?value)
+ [::&parser/form ([[::&parser/ident "def'"] [::&parser/ident ?name] ?value] :seq)]
+ (analyse-def analyse-ast ?name ?value)
[::&parser/form ([[::&parser/ident "annotate"] [::&parser/ident ?ident] [::&parser/ident "Macro"]] :seq)]
(analyse-annotate ?ident)
@@ -879,4 +970,37 @@
::local-envs (list)
::types &type/+init+})))
+ (do (defn raise-bindings [outer-scope to-raise body]
+ (match (:form body)
+ [::local ?scope ?idx]
+ {:form [::local outer-scope (inc ?idx)]
+ :type (:type body)}
+ [::captured _ _ ?source]
+ (if (contains? to-raise body)
+ ?source
+ body)
+ [::jvm:iadd ?x ?y]
+ (let [=x (raise-bindings outer-scope to-raise ?x)
+ =y (raise-bindings outer-scope to-raise ?y)]
+ {:form [:lux.analyser/jvm:iadd =x =y]
+ :type (:type body)})))
+ (let [?scope "def_+$0"
+ ?captured {}
+ ?arg "x"
+ =body '{:form [:lux.analyser/lambda "def_+$0$0" {"x" {:form [:lux.analyser/captured "def_+$0$0" 0 {:form [:lux.analyser/local "def_+$0" 0], :type [:lux.type/var 2]}], :type [:lux.type/var 2]}}
+ ("y")
+ {:form [:lux.analyser/jvm:iadd
+ {:form [:lux.analyser/captured "def_+$0$0" 0 {:form [:lux.analyser/local "def_+$0" 0], :type [:lux.type/var 2]}], :type [:lux.type/var 2]}
+ {:form [:lux.analyser/local "def_+$0$0" 0], :type [:lux.type/var 4]}],
+ :type [:lux.type/object "java.lang.Integer" []]}],
+ :type [:lux.type/function (:lux.type/var 4) :lux.type/any]}]
+ (match (:form =body)
+ [::lambda ?sub-scope ?sub-captured ?sub-args ?sub-body]
+ (let [?sub-body* (raise-bindings ?scope (set (map #(get ?sub-captured %) (cons ?arg (keys ?captured))))
+ ?sub-body)]
+ [::lambda ?scope ?captured (cons ?arg ?sub-args) ?sub-body*])))
+ )
diff --git a/src/lux/type.clj b/src/lux/type.clj
index 854610de7..ae0b882e5 100644
--- a/src/lux/type.clj
+++ b/src/lux/type.clj
@@ -32,11 +32,10 @@
(assoc-in [::mappings id] [::any ::nothing]))
[::var id]]])))
-(defn fresh-function [num-args]
- (exec [=args (map-m (constantly fresh-var) (range num-args))
- =return fresh-var
- :let [=function [::function =args =return]]]
- (return [=function =args =return])))
+(def fresh-function
+ (exec [=arg fresh-var
+ =return fresh-var]
+ (return [::function =arg =return])))
(defn solve [expected actual]
;; (prn 'solve expected actual)