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authorEduardo Julian2015-05-04 15:43:31 -0400
committerEduardo Julian2015-05-04 15:43:31 -0400
commit4f864b0090c05ab1d4aae92ca972105389227a14 (patch)
parentc2d2bec9daadf45731b7251ae7b510300885a306 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to '')
4 files changed, 541 insertions, 95 deletions
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 4ba768a0c..c47c7efc1 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,5 +1,249 @@
+## What is Lux?
+Lux is a new programming language in the making.
+It's meant to be a functional, statically-typed Lisp that will run on several platforms, such as the Java Virtual Machine and JavaScript interpreters.
+### What's the current version?
+### How far ahead is the project?
+The Java-bytecode compiler is close to completion.
+Some features are missing and the compiler is not as fast as I would like.
+However, some small programs can be written to try out Lux and get a feeling for the language.
+### How can I use it?
+Download the 0.1 compiler from here: https://github.com/LuxLang/lux/raw/master/lux-jvm-0.1.0-standalone.jar
+Right now, the current version of Lux (0.1) is mostly to play around with the language, so it's a bit limited on what you can do.
+Once you download the compiler, you'll want to create a directory named "source" in the same directory where the compiler is located.
+"source" must contain 2 files.
+One will be the Lux prelude (lux.lux), the other will be program.lux
+You can write anything you want inside program.lux to play around with the language.
+##### Note: You can download the lux.lux & program.lux files in the source/ directory in this repo to get started.
+To run the compiler, open your terminal and write this:
+ java -jar lux-jvm-0.1.0-standalone.jar
+This will generate a directory named "output" and put all the .class files there.
+Then, you can package the program and run it using this:
+ cd output && jar cvf program.jar * && java -cp "program.jar" program && cd ..
+### What's the license?
+Eclipse Public License v1.0
+## What's interesting about the language?
+### Inspirations
+The language is mostly inspired by the following 3 languages:
+* Haskell (functional programming)
+* Clojure (syntax, overall look & feel)
+* ML (module system)
+The compiler is even implemented in Clojure.
+### Types
+They are implemented as plain-old data-structures whose expressions get eval'ed by the compiler and integrated into the type-checker.
+That means it's actually possible to generate types via functions.
+However, most of the types in the prelude are generated via several macros that provide a more pleasant syntax to types.
+If you wonder what types look like without makeup, feel free to read the first few hundred lines of lux.lux.
+### Module system
+The module system is heavily inspired by ML, and both signatures & structures are suported.
+The main difference between Lux and ML is that ML separates signaturs & structures from the rest of the language, whereas Lux implements them on-top of the base language.
+By implementing signatures as record-types and structures as actual records.
+##### But, why not just use type-classes?
+Haskell's type-class system forces the user to only specify 1 instance for any given type-class and it's argument.
+This means that if there are more than 1 possible valid instances (as is the case for Monoid of Int), you have to resort to newtype hacks to be able to provide alternative implementations.
+By using a system like ML's, that problem is averted.
+Also, by hosting the module system on top of records, which are regular values, you get the further benefit that structures can be parameterized at runtime just like any other data-structures.
+You can also write functions that take and return structures (as Functors do in ML) and you can generate structures on the fly.
+### Functional programming
+While the means to do Java-interop will be provided (and there are already a few ways to do it that you can look-up inside lux.lux), Lux is commited to functional programming.
+Functions are curried and partial application is as simple as just applying a function to less arguments than it needs (as in Haskell).
+ (let [inc (int:+ 1)]
+ (map inc (list 1 2 3 4 5)))
+### Code portability
+Many languages nowadays support compilation to multiple platforms (e.g. Haskell, Scala, Clojure).
+However, sharing code between platforms can be a pain in the neck due to the following reasons:
+* differences in features between platforms
+* the languages weren't originally designed with the goal of running both native/JVM and in JavaScript
+Lux is being designed from the ground up to target multiple platforms and achieve maximum reusability of code with minimum hassle.
+The mechanism hasn't been added yet to the language (mainly because there's only 1 compiler at the moment), but it will come pretty soon in one of the upcoming releases.
+### Macros
+Unlike in most other lisps, Lux macros are monadic.
+The **(Lux a)** type is the one responsibly for the magic by treading **CompilerState** instances through macros.
+Macros must have the **Macro** and then be declared as macros.
+However, just using the **defmacro** macro will take care of it for you.
+However, in an upcoming release you'll get another macro for defining macros.
+It will be named **defsyntax** and will use monadic parsing of AST tokens to parse the syntax.
+If you want to see how macros are implemented, you can take a look at *lux.lux*.
+### Custom pattern-matching
+##### Wait... wut?
+Custom pattern-matching basically means that you can use macros to provide custom syntax & features on top of the pattern-matching macro (case).
+For instance, the **list** and **list&** macros are used to build lists.
+But you can also use them to destructure them inside pattern-matching:
+ (case (: (List Int) (list 1 2 3))
+ (#Cons [x (#Cons [y (#Cons [z #Nil])])])
+ (#Some ($ int:* x y z))
+ _
+ #None)
+ (case (: (List Int) (list 1 2 3))
+ (\ (list 1 2 3))
+ (#Some ($ int:* x y z))
+ _
+ #None)
+There is also the special **\or** macro, which instroduces *or patterns*
+ (deftype Weekday
+ (| #Monday
+ #Tuesday
+ #Wednesday
+ #Thursday
+ #Friday
+ #Saturday
+ #Sunday))
+ (def (weekend? day)
+ (-> Weekday Bool)
+ (case day
+ (\or #Saturday #Sunday)
+ true
+ _
+ false))
+##### Please note: \ and \or are just macros like and other and anyone can implement them.
+I'll be adding more useful pattern-matching macros in upcoming releases of the language.
+If you want to see how they work, just check out their implementation inside lux.lux
+### Is there a community for this?
+Lux was just born today.
+Come join the budding community by joining the discussion group at: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/lux-programming-language
+If you want to communicate with me directly, just email me at luxlisp@gmail.com
+### How can I edit Lux code?
+Check out the Emacs plugin for it: https://github.com/LuxLang/lux-mode
## What's available?
+### Base syntax
+ ## This is a single-line comment
+ ## Multi-line comments are comming soon
+Bool (implemented as java.lang.Boolean)
+ true
+ false
+Int (implemented as java.lang.Long)
+ 1
+ 20
+ 12345
+Real (implemented as java.lang.Double)
+ 1.23
+ 0.5
+Char (implemented as java.lang.Character)
+ #"a"
+ #"\n"
+Text (implemented as java.lang.String)
+ "yolo"
+ "Hello\nWorld!"
+ (+ 1 2)
+ (lambda [x] (foo 10 x))
+ foo ## Unprefixed symbol (compiler will assume it's in the current module)
+ bar;baz ## Prefixed symbol (compiler will assume it's in the module specified by the prefix)
+ ;fold ## With just the semi-colon, compiler wil assume it's the same as lux;fold
+ ;;quux ## With 2 semi-colons, it will get automatically prefixed with the current-module
+ #Nil
+ #lux;Cons
+ #;Some
+ #;;MyTag
+ []
+ ["yolo" 10 true]
+Variants (aka sum-types, aka discriminated unions)
+ #Nil
+ (#Cons [10 #Nil])
+ {#name "Eduardo" #alive? true}
### Types
(deftype Bool (^ java.lang.Boolean))
@@ -50,8 +294,9 @@
(-> (,) a))
### Macros
+###### defmacro
(defmacro #export (and tokens)
(case (reverse tokens)
(\ (list& last init))
@@ -67,121 +312,162 @@ e.g.
(fail "and requires >=1 clauses.")))
+###### comment
(comment 1 2 3 4) ## Same as not writing anything...
+###### list
(list 1 2 3)
=> (#Cons [1 (#Cons [2 (#Cons [3 #Nil])])])
+###### list&
(list& 0 (list 1 2 3))
=> (#Cons [0 (list 1 2 3)])
+###### lambda
(def const
(lambda [x y] x))
(def const
(lambda const [x y] x))
+###### let
(let [x (foo bar)
y (baz quux)]
+###### $
+ ## Text/string concatenation
($ text:++ "Hello, " name ".\nHow are you?")
=> (text:++ "Hello, " (text:++ name ".\nHow are you?"))
+###### |>
+ ## Piping macro
(|> elems (map ->text) (interpose " ") (fold text:++ ""))
(fold text:++ ""
(interpose " "
(map ->text elems)))
+###### if
(if true
"Oh, yeah"
"Aw hell naw!")
+###### ^
+ ## Macro to treat classes as types
(^ java.lang.Object)
+###### ,
+ ## Tuples
(, Text Int Bool)
+ (,) ## The empty tuple, aka "unit"
+###### |
(| #Yes #No)
+ (,) ## The empty variant, aka "void"
+###### &
+ ## Records
(& #name Text
#age Int
#alive? Bool)
+###### ->
- (-> Int Int Int)
+ ## Function types
+ (-> Int Int Int) ## This is the type of a function that takes 2 Ints and returns an Int
+###### All
+ ## Universal quantification.
(All List [a]
(| #Nil
(#Cons [a (List a)])))
+ ## It must be explicit, unlike in Haskell. Rank-n types will be possible as well as existential types
(All [a]
(-> a a))
- ## This macro is not mean to be used directly. It's used by :, :!, deftype, struct, sig
+###### type`
+ ## This macro is not meant to be used directly. It's used by :, :!, deftype, struct, sig
+###### io
## Just makes sure whatever computation you do returns an IO type. It's here mostly for host-interop.
+###### :
+ ## The type-annotation macro
(: (List Int) (list 1 2 3))
+###### :!
+ ## The type-coercion macro
(:! Dinosaur (list 1 2 3))
+###### deftype
+ ## The type-definition macro
(deftype (List a)
(| #Nil
(#Cons [a (List a)])))
+###### exec
+ ## Sequential execution of expressions (great for side-effects).
+ ## But please use the io macro to help keep the purity.
(println "#1")
(println "#2")
(println "#3")
+###### def
+ ## Macro for definining global constants/functions.
(def (rejoin-pair pair)
(-> (, Syntax Syntax) (List Syntax))
(let [[left right] pair]
(list left right)))
+###### case
+ ## The pattern-matching macro.
+ ## Allows the usage of macros within the patterns to provide custom syntax.
(case (: (List Int) (list 1 2 3))
(#Cons [x (#Cons [y (#Cons [z #Nil])])])
(#Some ($ int:* x y z))
@@ -214,27 +500,34 @@ e.g.
+###### \
## It's a special macro meant to be used with case
+###### \or
## It's a special macro meant to be used with case
+###### `
## Quasi-quotation as a macro. Unquote (~) and unquote-splice (~@) must also be used as forms
(` (def (~ name)
(lambda [(~@ args)]
(~ body))))
+###### sig
## Not mean to be used directly. Prefer defsig
+###### struct
## Not mean to be used directly. Prefer defstruct
+###### defsig
+ ## Definition of signatures ala ML
(defsig #export (Ord a)
(: (-> a a Bool)
@@ -245,8 +538,10 @@ e.g.
(: (-> a a Bool)
+###### defstruct
+ ## Definition of structures ala ML
(defstruct #export Int:Ord (Ord Int)
(def (< x y)
(jvm-llt x y))
@@ -259,156 +554,215 @@ e.g.
(or (jvm-lgt x y)
(jvm-leq x y))))
+###### and
(and true false true) ## => false
+###### or
(or true false true) ## => true
+###### alias-lux
## Just creates local aliases of everything defined & exported in lux.lux
- e.g.
+###### using
+ ## The Lux equivalent to ML's open.
+ ## Opens up a structure and provides all the definitions as local variables.
(using Int:Ord
(< 5 10))
### Functions
+###### fold
(All [a b]
(-> (-> a b a) a (List b) a))
+###### reverse
(All [a]
(-> (List a) (List a)))
+###### map
(All [a b]
(-> (-> a b) (List a) (List b)))
+###### any?
(All [a]
(-> (-> a Bool) (List a) Bool))
+ ## Function composition: (. f g) => (lambda [x] (f (g x)))
(All [a b c]
(-> (-> b c) (-> a b) (-> a c)))
+###### int:+
(-> Int Int Int)
+###### int:-
(-> Int Int Int)
+###### int:*
(-> Int Int Int)
+###### int:/
(-> Int Int Int)
+###### int:%
(-> Int Int Int)
+###### int:=
(-> Int Int Bool)
+###### int:>
(-> Int Int Bool)
+###### int:<
(-> Int Int Bool)
+###### real:+
(-> Real Real Real)
+###### real:-
(-> Real Real Real)
+###### real:*
(-> Real Real Real)
+###### real:/
(-> Real Real Real)
+###### real:%
(-> Real Real Real)
+###### real:=
(-> Real Real Bool)
+###### real:>
(-> Real Real Bool)
+###### real:<
(-> Real Real Bool)
+###### length
+ ## List length
(All [a]
(-> (List a) Int))
+###### not
(-> Bool Bool)
+###### text:++
+ ## Text/string concatenation
(-> Text Text Text)
+###### get-module-name
+ ## Obtain the name of the currently-compiling module while in a macro.
(Lux Text)
+###### find-macro
+ ## Given the name of a macro, try to obtain it.
(-> Ident (Lux (Maybe Macro)))
+###### normalize
+ ## Normalizes a name so if it lacks a module prefix, it gets the one of the current module.
(-> Ident (Lux Ident))
+###### ->text
(-> (^ java.lang.Object) Text)
+###### interpose
(All [a]
(-> a (List a) (List a)))
+###### syntax:show
+ ## Turn Lux synta into user-readable text. (Note: it's not pretty-printed)
(-> Syntax Text)
+###### macro-expand
+ ## The standard macro-expand function.
(-> Syntax (Lux (List Syntax)))
+###### gensym
+ ## Can't forget gensym!
(-> Text (Lux Syntax))
+###### macro-expand-1
(-> Syntax (Lux Syntax))
+###### id
(All [a] (-> a a))
+###### print
+ ## Neither print or println return IO right now because I've yet to implement monads & do-notation
+ ## Note: The implementation inside lux.lux is not meant for public consumption.
+ ## Note: You'll get an implementation of monads, functors et al. soon enough...
(-> Text (,))
+###### println
(-> Text (,))
+###### some
(All [a b]
(-> (-> a (Maybe b)) (List a) (Maybe b)))
### Signatures
+###### Eq
(defsig #export (Eq a)
(: (-> a a Bool)
+###### Show
(defsig #export (Show a)
(: (-> a Text)
+###### Ord
(defsig #export (Ord a)
(: (-> a a Bool)
@@ -420,14 +774,35 @@ Ord
### Structures
+###### Int:Eq
+###### Real:Eq
+###### Bool:Show
+###### Int:Show
+###### Real:Show
+###### Char:Show
+###### Int:Ord
+###### Real:Ord
+## Caveats
+### Errors
+The compiler is not fully stable so you might get an error if you do anything funny.
+Also, the error messages could really use an overhaul, so any error message you get will probably startle you.
+Don't worry about it, version 0.2 will improve error reporting a lot.
+If you have any doubts, feel free to ask/complain in the Google Group.
+### Tags
+Tags that are unprefixed will just assume the prefix of the current module you're in.
+If you want to write variants/records with tags from lux.lux, you must do 1 of the following 2 alternatives:
+* Fully prefix them: #lux;Cons
+* Use the ; short-cut: #;Cons
+##### Copyright (c) 2015 Eduardo Julian. All rights reserved.
diff --git a/source/lux.lux b/source/lux.lux
index acd913a3c..acaee2265 100644
--- a/source/lux.lux
+++ b/source/lux.lux
@@ -1705,7 +1705,7 @@
(fail "Wrong syntax for \\or")))
(do-template [<name> <offset>]
- [(def <name> (int:+ <offset>))]
+ [(def #export <name> (int:+ <offset>))]
[inc 1]
[dec -1])
diff --git a/src/lux.clj b/src/lux.clj
index 1812bf294..de302b260 100644
--- a/src/lux.clj
+++ b/src/lux.clj
@@ -5,7 +5,8 @@
(defn -main [& _]
- (time (&compiler/compile-all (&/|list "program"))))
+ (time (&compiler/compile-all (&/|list "program")))
+ (System/exit 0))
;; TODO: Finish total-locals
diff --git a/src/lux/analyser.clj b/src/lux/analyser.clj
index 679a3fea3..e2cdb83ce 100644
--- a/src/lux/analyser.clj
+++ b/src/lux/analyser.clj
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
(:require (clojure [template :refer [do-template]])
[clojure.core.match :as M :refer [matchv]]
- (lux [base :as & :refer [|do return fail |list]]
+ (lux [base :as & :refer [|do return fail return* fail* |list]]
[reader :as &reader]
[parser :as &parser]
[type :as &type]
@@ -29,11 +29,7 @@
(defn ^:private _meta [token]
(&/V "lux;Meta" (&/T (&/T "" -1 -1) token)))
-(defn ^:private analyse-basic-ast [analyse eval! exo-type token]
- ;; (prn 'analyse-basic-ast (aget token 0))
- ;; (when (= "lux;Tag" (aget token 0))
- ;; (prn 'analyse-basic-ast/tag (aget token 1)))
- ;; (prn 'analyse-basic-ast token (&/show-ast token))
+(defn ^:private aba1 [analyse eval! exo-type token]
(matchv ::M/objects [token]
;; Standard special forms
[["lux;Meta" [meta ["lux;Bool" ?value]]]]
@@ -67,7 +63,13 @@
[["lux;Meta" [meta ["lux;Symbol" [_ "jvm-null"]]]]]
(return (&/|list (&/T (&/V "jvm-null" nil) (&/V "lux;DataT" "null"))))
+ [_]
+ (fail "")
+ ))
+(defn ^:private aba2 [analyse eval! exo-type token]
+ (matchv ::M/objects [token]
[["lux;Meta" [meta ["lux;Symbol" ?ident]]]]
(&&lux/analyse-symbol analyse exo-type ?ident)
@@ -117,6 +119,11 @@
["lux;Nil" _]]]]]]]]]
(&&lux/analyse-export analyse ?ident)
+ [_]
+ (fail "")))
+(defn ^:private aba3 [analyse eval! exo-type token]
+ (matchv ::M/objects [token]
;; Host special forms
;; Integer arithmetic
[["lux;Meta" [meta ["lux;Form" ["lux;Cons" [["lux;Meta" [_ ["lux;Symbol" [_ "jvm-iadd"]]]] ["lux;Cons" [?y ["lux;Cons" [?x ["lux;Nil" _]]]]]]]]]]]
@@ -168,6 +175,11 @@
[["lux;Meta" [meta ["lux;Form" ["lux;Cons" [["lux;Meta" [_ ["lux;Symbol" [_ "jvm-lgt"]]]] ["lux;Cons" [?y ["lux;Cons" [?x ["lux;Nil" _]]]]]]]]]]]
(&&host/analyse-jvm-lgt analyse ?x ?y)
+ [_]
+ (fail "")))
+(defn ^:private aba4 [analyse eval! exo-type token]
+ (matchv ::M/objects [token]
;; Float arithmetic
[["lux;Meta" [meta ["lux;Form" ["lux;Cons" [["lux;Meta" [_ ["lux;Symbol" [_ "jvm-fadd"]]]] ["lux;Cons" [?y ["lux;Cons" [?x ["lux;Nil" _]]]]]]]]]]]
(&&host/analyse-jvm-fadd analyse ?x ?y)
@@ -218,6 +230,11 @@
[["lux;Meta" [meta ["lux;Form" ["lux;Cons" [["lux;Meta" [_ ["lux;Symbol" [_ "jvm-dgt"]]]] ["lux;Cons" [?y ["lux;Cons" [?x ["lux;Nil" _]]]]]]]]]]]
(&&host/analyse-jvm-dgt analyse ?x ?y)
+ [_]
+ (fail "")))
+(defn ^:private aba5 [analyse eval! exo-type token]
+ (matchv ::M/objects [token]
;; Objects
[["lux;Meta" [meta ["lux;Form" ["lux;Cons" [["lux;Meta" [_ ["lux;Symbol" [_ "jvm-null?"]]]]
["lux;Cons" [?object
@@ -316,6 +333,11 @@
["lux;Nil" _]]]]]]]]]
(&&host/analyse-jvm-monitorexit analyse ?monitor)
+ [_]
+ (fail "")))
+(defn ^:private aba6 [analyse eval! exo-type token]
+ (matchv ::M/objects [token]
;; Primitive conversions
[["lux;Meta" [meta ["lux;Form" ["lux;Cons" [["lux;Meta" [_ ["lux;Symbol" [_ "jvm-d2f"]]]] ["lux;Cons" [?value ["lux;Nil" _]]]]]]]]]
(&&host/analyse-jvm-d2f analyse ?value)
@@ -386,7 +408,12 @@
[["lux;Meta" [meta ["lux;Form" ["lux;Cons" [["lux;Meta" [_ ["lux;Symbol" [_ "jvm-lushr"]]]] ["lux;Cons" [?x ["lux;Cons" [?y ["lux;Nil" _]]]]]]]]]]]
(&&host/analyse-jvm-lushr analyse ?x ?y)
+ [_]
+ (fail "")))
+(defn ^:private aba7 [analyse eval! exo-type token]
+ (matchv ::M/objects [token]
;; Arrays
[["lux;Meta" [meta ["lux;Form" ["lux;Cons" [["lux;Meta" [_ ["lux;Symbol" [_ "jvm-new-array"]]]]
["lux;Cons" [["lux;Meta" [_ ["lux;Symbol" [_ ?class]]]]
@@ -428,7 +455,50 @@
(&&host/analyse-jvm-program analyse ?args ?body)
- (fail (str "[Analyser Error] Unmatched token: " (&/show-ast token)))))
+ (fail "")))
+(defn ^:private analyse-basic-ast [analyse eval! exo-type token]
+ ;; (prn 'analyse-basic-ast (aget token 0))
+ ;; (when (= "lux;Tag" (aget token 0))
+ ;; (prn 'analyse-basic-ast/tag (aget token 1)))
+ ;; (prn 'analyse-basic-ast token (&/show-ast token))
+ (fn [state]
+ (matchv ::M/objects [((aba1 analyse eval! exo-type token) state)]
+ [["lux;Right" [state* output]]]
+ (return* state* output)
+ [_]
+ (matchv ::M/objects [((aba2 analyse eval! exo-type token) state)]
+ [["lux;Right" [state* output]]]
+ (return* state* output)
+ [_]
+ (matchv ::M/objects [((aba3 analyse eval! exo-type token) state)]
+ [["lux;Right" [state* output]]]
+ (return* state* output)
+ [_]
+ (matchv ::M/objects [((aba4 analyse eval! exo-type token) state)]
+ [["lux;Right" [state* output]]]
+ (return* state* output)
+ [_]
+ (matchv ::M/objects [((aba5 analyse eval! exo-type token) state)]
+ [["lux;Right" [state* output]]]
+ (return* state* output)
+ [_]
+ (matchv ::M/objects [((aba6 analyse eval! exo-type token) state)]
+ [["lux;Right" [state* output]]]
+ (return* state* output)
+ [_]
+ (matchv ::M/objects [((aba7 analyse eval! exo-type token) state)]
+ [["lux;Right" [state* output]]]
+ (return* state* output)
+ [_]
+ (fail* (str "[Analyser Error] Unmatched token: " (&/show-ast token))))))))))))
(defn ^:private analyse-ast [eval! exo-type token]
;; (prn 'analyse-ast (aget token 0))