diff options
authorEduardo Julian2017-04-06 20:19:54 -0400
committerEduardo Julian2017-04-06 20:19:54 -0400
commit0c0ae6e4334677595bda5e7e67a0687532aff7d7 (patch)
parent6aa989b62f71179bdbad2d9d04110ee3d010c838 (diff)
- Added XML support.
Diffstat (limited to '')
3 files changed, 332 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/stdlib/source/lux/data/format/xml.lux b/stdlib/source/lux/data/format/xml.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fbe088ae7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/source/lux/data/format/xml.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+(;module: {#;doc "Functionality for reading, generating and processing values in the XML format."}
+ lux
+ (lux (control monad
+ eq
+ codec)
+ (data [text "text/" Eq<Text>]
+ text/format
+ (text ["l" lexer "lex/" Monad<Lexer>])
+ [number]
+ error
+ [char "c/" Eq<Char>]
+ [product]
+ [maybe "m/" Monad<Maybe>]
+ [ident "Ident/" Eq<Ident>]
+ (coll [list "L/" Monad<List>]
+ ["D" dict]
+ (tree ["T" rose]
+ ["Z" zipper])))
+ ))
+## [Types]
+(type: #export Tag Ident)
+(type: #export Attrs (D;Dict Ident Text))
+(type: #export #rec XML
+ (#Text Text)
+ (#Node Tag Attrs (List XML)))
+(def: #export (text value)
+ (-> Text XML)
+ (#Text value))
+(def: #export (node tag attrs children)
+ (-> Tag Attrs (List XML) XML)
+ (#Node tag attrs children))
+## [Parsing]
+(def: xml-standard-escape-char^
+ (l;Lexer Char)
+ ($_ l;either
+ (l;after (l;text "&lt;") (lex/wrap #"<"))
+ (l;after (l;text "&gt;") (lex/wrap #">"))
+ (l;after (l;text "&amp;") (lex/wrap #"&"))
+ (l;after (l;text "&apos;") (lex/wrap #"'"))
+ (l;after (l;text "&quot;") (lex/wrap #"\""))))
+(def: xml-unicode-escape-char^
+ (l;Lexer Char)
+ (|> (do l;Monad<Lexer>
+ [hex? (l;opt (l;text "x"))
+ code (case hex?
+ #;None
+ (l;codec number;Codec<Text,Int> (l;many' l;digit))
+ (#;Some _)
+ (l;codec number;Hex@Codec<Text,Int> (l;many' l;hex-digit)))]
+ (wrap (|> code int-to-nat char;char)))
+ (l;before (l;text ";"))
+ (l;after (l;text "&#"))))
+(def: xml-escape-char^
+ (l;Lexer Char)
+ (l;either xml-standard-escape-char^
+ xml-unicode-escape-char^))
+(def: xml-char^
+ (l;Lexer Char)
+ (l;either (l;none-of "<>&'\"")
+ xml-escape-char^))
+(def: xml-identifier
+ (l;Lexer Text)
+ (do l;Monad<Lexer>
+ [head (l;either (l;char #"_")
+ l;alpha)
+ tail (l;some' (l;either (l;one-of "_.-")
+ l;alpha-num))]
+ (wrap (format (char;as-text head) tail))))
+(def: namespaced-symbol^
+ (l;Lexer Ident)
+ (do l;Monad<Lexer>
+ [first-part xml-identifier
+ ?second-part (<| l;opt (l;after (l;char #":")) xml-identifier)]
+ (case ?second-part
+ #;None
+ (wrap ["" first-part])
+ (#;Some second-part)
+ (wrap [first-part second-part]))))
+(def: tag^ namespaced-symbol^)
+(def: attr-name^ namespaced-symbol^)
+(def: spaced^
+ (All [a] (-> (l;Lexer a) (l;Lexer a)))
+ (let [white-space^ (l;some l;space)]
+ (|>. (l;before white-space^)
+ (l;after white-space^))))
+(def: attr-value^
+ (l;Lexer Text)
+ (let [value^ (l;some' xml-char^)]
+ (l;either (l;enclosed ["\"" "\""] value^)
+ (l;enclosed ["'" "'"] value^))))
+(def: attrs^
+ (l;Lexer Attrs)
+ (<| (:: l;Monad<Lexer> map (D;from-list ident;Hash<Ident>))
+ l;some
+ (l;seq (spaced^ attr-name^))
+ (l;after (l;char #"="))
+ (spaced^ attr-value^)))
+(def: (close-tag^ expected)
+ (-> Tag (l;Lexer []))
+ (do l;Monad<Lexer>
+ [actual (|> tag^
+ spaced^
+ (l;after (l;char #"/"))
+ (l;enclosed ["<" ">"]))]
+ (l;assert (format "Close tag does not match open tag.\n"
+ "Expected: " (%ident expected) "\n"
+ " Actual: " (%ident actual) "\n")
+ (Ident/= expected actual))))
+(def: comment^
+ (l;Lexer Text)
+ (|> (l;some' (l;not (l;text "--")))
+ (l;after (l;text "-->"))
+ (l;after (l;text "<--"))
+ spaced^))
+(def: xml-header^
+ (l;Lexer Attrs)
+ (|> (spaced^ attrs^)
+ (l;before (l;text "?>"))
+ (l;after (l;text "<?xml"))
+ spaced^))
+(def: cdata^
+ (l;Lexer Text)
+ (let [end (l;text "]]>")]
+ (|> (l;some' (l;not end))
+ (l;after end)
+ (l;after (l;text "<![CDATA["))
+ spaced^)))
+(def: text^
+ (l;Lexer XML)
+ (|> (l;either cdata^
+ (l;many' xml-char^))
+ (lex/map (|>. text;trim #Text))))
+(def: xml^
+ (l;Lexer XML)
+ (|> (l;rec
+ (lambda [node^]
+ (l;either text^
+ (spaced^
+ (do l;Monad<Lexer>
+ [_ (l;char #"<")
+ tag (spaced^ tag^)
+ attrs (spaced^ attrs^)
+ #let [no-children^ (do l;Monad<Lexer>
+ [_ (l;text "/>")]
+ (wrap (node tag attrs (list))))
+ with-children^ (do l;Monad<Lexer>
+ [_ (l;char #">")
+ children (l;some node^)
+ _ (close-tag^ tag)]
+ (wrap (node tag attrs children)))]]
+ (l;either no-children^
+ with-children^))))))
+ ## This is put outside of the call to "rec" because comments
+ ## cannot be located inside of XML nodes.
+ ## This way, the comments can only be before or after the main document.
+ (l;before (l;some comment^))
+ (l;after (l;some comment^))
+ (l;after xml-header^)))
+(def: #export (read-xml input)
+ (-> Text (Error XML))
+ (case (l;run' input xml^)
+ (#;Right ["" output])
+ (#;Right output)
+ (#;Some [input-left output])
+ (#;Left (format "Unconsumed input: " (%t input-left)))
+ (#;Left error)
+ (#;Left error)))
+## [Generation]
+(def: (sanitize-value input)
+ (-> Text Text)
+ (|> input
+ (text;replace-all "&" "&amp;")
+ (text;replace-all "<" "&lt;")
+ (text;replace-all ">" "&gt;")
+ (text;replace-all "'" "&apos;")
+ (text;replace-all "\"" "&quot;")))
+(def: (write-tag [namespace name])
+ (-> Tag Text)
+ (case namespace
+ "" name
+ _ (format namespace ":" name)))
+(def: (write-attrs attrs)
+ (-> Attrs Text)
+ (|> attrs
+ D;entries
+ (L/map (lambda [[key value]]
+ (format (write-tag key) "=" "\""(sanitize-value value) "\"")))
+ (text;join-with " ")))
+(def: xml-header
+ Text
+ "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>")
+(def: #export (write-xml input)
+ (-> XML Text)
+ (format xml-header
+ (loop [input input]
+ (case input
+ (#Text value)
+ (sanitize-value value)
+ (#Node xml-tag xml-attrs xml-children)
+ (let [tag (write-tag xml-tag)
+ attrs (if (D;empty? xml-attrs)
+ ""
+ (format " " (write-attrs xml-attrs)))]
+ (if (list;empty? xml-children)
+ (format "<" tag attrs "/>")
+ (format "<" tag attrs ">"
+ (|> xml-children
+ (L/map recur)
+ (text;join-with ""))
+ "</" tag ">")))))))
+## [Structs]
+(struct: #export _ (Codec Text XML)
+ (def: encode write-xml)
+ (def: decode read-xml))
+(struct: #export _ (Eq XML)
+ (def: (= reference sample)
+ (case [reference sample]
+ [(#Text reference/value) (#Text sample/value)]
+ (text/= reference/value sample/value)
+ [(#Node reference/tag reference/attrs reference/children)
+ (#Node sample/tag sample/attrs sample/children)]
+ (and (Ident/= reference/tag sample/tag)
+ (:: (D;Eq<Dict> text;Eq<Text>) = reference/attrs sample/attrs)
+ (n.= (list;size reference/children)
+ (list;size sample/children))
+ (|> (list;zip2 reference/children sample/children)
+ (list;every? (product;uncurry =))))
+ _
+ false)))
diff --git a/stdlib/test/test/lux/data/format/xml.lux b/stdlib/test/test/lux/data/format/xml.lux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0479cb561
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib/test/test/lux/data/format/xml.lux
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+ lux
+ (lux [io]
+ (control monad
+ pipe)
+ (data [char]
+ [text "Text/" Monoid<Text>]
+ text/format
+ [ident]
+ (format ["&" xml])
+ (coll [dict]
+ [list]))
+ ["R" math/random "R/" Monad<Random>]
+ test)
+ )
+(def: (valid-xml-char? char)
+ (text;contains? (char;as-text char)
+ (format "_"
+ "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
+(def: (size^ bottom top)
+ (-> Nat Nat (R;Random Nat))
+ (let [constraint (|>. (n.% top) (n.max bottom))]
+ (R/map constraint R;nat)))
+(def: (xml-text^ bottom top)
+ (-> Nat Nat (R;Random Text))
+ (do R;Monad<Random>
+ [size (size^ bottom top)]
+ (R;text' (R;filter valid-xml-char? R;char)
+ size)))
+(def: xml-identifier^
+ (R;Random Ident)
+ (R;seq (xml-text^ +0 +10)
+ (xml-text^ +1 +10)))
+(def: gen-xml
+ (R;Random &;XML)
+ (R;rec (lambda [gen-xml]
+ (R;alt (xml-text^ +1 +10)
+ (do R;Monad<Random>
+ [size (size^ +0 +2)]
+ ($_ R;seq
+ xml-identifier^
+ (R;dict ident;Hash<Ident> size xml-identifier^ (xml-text^ +0 +10))
+ (R;list size gen-xml)))))))
+(test: "XML"
+ [sample gen-xml
+ #let [(^open "&/") &;Eq<XML>
+ (^open "&/") &;Codec<Text,XML>]]
+ ($_ seq
+ (assert "Every XML is equal to itself."
+ (&/= sample sample))
+ (assert "Can encode/decode XML."
+ (|> sample &/encode &/decode
+ (case> (#;Right result)
+ (&/= sample result)
+ (#;Left error)
+ false)))
+ ))
diff --git a/stdlib/test/tests.lux b/stdlib/test/tests.lux
index 6b23caebd..08d73a430 100644
--- a/stdlib/test/tests.lux
+++ b/stdlib/test/tests.lux
@@ -36,7 +36,8 @@
["_;" sum]
["_;" text]
(error ["_;" exception])
- (format ["_;" json])
+ (format ["_;" json]
+ ["_;" xml])
(coll ["_;" array]
["_;" dict]
["_;" list]