path: root/public/vendor/codemirror/mode/mirc/index.html
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diff --git a/public/vendor/codemirror/mode/mirc/index.html b/public/vendor/codemirror/mode/mirc/index.html
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-<!doctype html>
-<title>CodeMirror: mIRC mode</title>
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- <li><a class=active href="#">mIRC</a>
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-<h2>mIRC mode</h2>
-<form><textarea id="code" name="code">
-;AKA Nick Tracker by Ford_Lawnmower #Script-Help
-;**Start Setup
-;Change JoinDisplay, below, for On Join AKA Display. On = 1 - Off = 0
-alias -l JoinDisplay { return 1 }
-;Change MaxNicks, below, to the number of nicknames you want to store for each hostmask. I wouldn't go over 400 with this ;/
-alias -l MaxNicks { return 20 }
-;Change AKALogo, below, To the text you want displayed before each AKA result.
-alias -l AKALogo { return 06 05A06K07A 06 }
-;**End Setup
-On *:Join:#: {
- if ($nick == $me) { .timer 1 1 ialupdateCheck $chan }
- NickNamesAdd $nick $+($network,$wildsite)
- if ($JoinDisplay) { .timerNickNames $+ $nick 1 2 NickNames.display $nick $chan $network $wildsite }
-on *:Nick: { NickNamesAdd $newnick $+($network,$wildsite) $nick }
-alias -l NickNames.display {
- if ($gettok($hget(NickNames,$+($3,$4)),0,126) > 1) {
- echo -g $2 $AKALogo $+(09,$1) $AKALogo 07 $mid($replace($hget(NickNames,$+($3,$4)),$chr(126),$chr(44)),2,-1)
- }
-alias -l NickNamesAdd {
- if ($hget(NickNames,$2)) {
- if (!$regex($hget(NickNames,$2),/~\Q $+ $replacecs($1,\E,\E\\E\Q) $+ \E~/i)) {
- if ($gettok($hget(NickNames,$2),0,126) <= $MaxNicks) {
- hadd NickNames $2 $+($hget(NickNames,$2),$1,~)
- }
- else {
- hadd NickNames $2 $+($mid($hget(NickNames,$2),$pos($hget(NickNames,$2),~,2)),$1,~)
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- hadd -m NickNames $2 $+(~,$1,~,$iif($3,$+($3,~)))
- }
-alias -l Fix.All.MindUser {
- var %Fix.Count = $hfind(NickNames,/[^~]+[0-9]{4}~/,0,r).data
- while (%Fix.Count) {
- if ($Fix.MindUser($hget(NickNames,$hfind(NickNames,/[^~]+[0-9]{4}~/,%Fix.Count,r).data))) {
- echo -ag Record %Fix.Count - $v1 - Was Cleaned
- hadd NickNames $hfind(NickNames,/[^~]+[0-9]{4}~/,%Fix.Count,r).data $v1
- }
- dec %Fix.Count
- }
-alias -l Fix.MindUser { return $regsubex($1,/[^~]+[0-9]{4}~/g,$null) }
-menu nicklist,query {
- -
- .AKA
- ..Check $$1: {
- if ($gettok($hget(NickNames,$+($network,$address($1,2))),0,126) > 1) {
- NickNames.display $1 $active $network $address($1,2)
- }
- else { echo -ag $AKALogo $+(09,$1) 07has not been known by any other nicknames while I have been watching. }
- }
- ..Cleanup $$1:hadd NickNames $+($network,$address($1,2)) $fix.minduser($hget(NickNames,$+($network,$address($1,2))))
- ..Clear $$1:hadd NickNames $+($network,$address($1,2)) $+(~,$1,~)
- ..AKA Search Dialog:dialog $iif($dialog(AKA_Search),-v,-m) AKA_Search AKA_Search
- -
-menu status,channel {
- -
- .AKA
- ..AKA Search Dialog:dialog $iif($dialog(AKA_Search),-v,-m) AKA_Search AKA_Search
- ..Clean All Records:Fix.All.Minduser
- -
-dialog AKA_Search {
- title "AKA Search Engine"
- size -1 -1 206 221
- option dbu
- edit "", 1, 8 5 149 10, autohs
- button "Search", 2, 163 4 32 12
- radio "Search HostMask", 4, 61 22 55 10
- radio "Search Nicknames", 5, 123 22 56 10
- list 6, 8 38 190 169, sort extsel vsbar
- button "Check Selected", 7, 67 206 40 12
- button "Close", 8, 160 206 38 12, cancel
- box "Search Type", 3, 11 17 183 18
- button "Copy to Clipboard", 9, 111 206 46 12
-On *:Dialog:Aka_Search:init:*: { did -c $dname 5 }
-On *:Dialog:Aka_Search:Sclick:2,7,9: {
- if ($did == 2) && ($did($dname,1)) {
- did -r $dname 6
- var %search $+(*,$v1,*), %type $iif($did($dname,5).state,data,item), %matches = $hfind(NickNames,%search,0,w). [ $+ [ %type ] ]
- while (%matches) {
- did -a $dname 6 $hfind(NickNames,%search,%matches,w). [ $+ [ %type ] ]
- dec %matches
- }
- did -c $dname 6 1
- }
- elseif ($did == 7) && ($did($dname,6).seltext) { echo -ga $AKALogo 07 $mid($replace($hget(NickNames,$v1),$chr(126),$chr(44)),2,-1) }
- elseif ($did == 9) && ($did($dname,6).seltext) { clipboard $mid($v1,$pos($v1,*,1)) }
-On *:Start:{
- if (!$hget(NickNames)) { hmake NickNames 10 }
- if ($isfile(NickNames.hsh)) { hload NickNames NickNames.hsh }
-On *:Exit: { if ($hget(NickNames)) { hsave NickNames NickNames.hsh } }
-On *:Disconnect: { if ($hget(NickNames)) { hsave NickNames NickNames.hsh } }
-On *:Unload: { hfree NickNames }
-alias -l ialupdateCheck {
- inc -z $+(%,ialupdateCheck,$network) $calc($nick($1,0) / 4)
- ;If your ial is already being updated on join .who $1 out.
- ;If you are using /names to update ial you will still need this line.
- .who $1
-Raw 352:*: {
- if ($($+(%,ialupdateCheck,$network),2)) haltdef
- NickNamesAdd $6 $+($network,$address($6,2))
-Raw 315:*: {
- if ($($+(%,ialupdateCheck,$network),2)) haltdef
- <script>
- var editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById("code"), {
- theme: "twilight",
- lineNumbers: true,
- matchBrackets: true,
- indentUnit: 4,
- mode: "text/mirc"
- });
- </script>
- <p><strong>MIME types defined:</strong> <code>text/mirc</code>.</p>
- </article>