path: root/public/vendor/codemirror/mode/css/scss_test.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'public/vendor/codemirror/mode/css/scss_test.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 110 deletions
diff --git a/public/vendor/codemirror/mode/css/scss_test.js b/public/vendor/codemirror/mode/css/scss_test.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 785921b3..00000000
--- a/public/vendor/codemirror/mode/css/scss_test.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-// CodeMirror, copyright (c) by Marijn Haverbeke and others
-// Distributed under an MIT license:
-(function() {
- var mode = CodeMirror.getMode({indentUnit: 2}, "text/x-scss");
- function MT(name) { test.mode(name, mode,, 1), "scss"); }
- MT('url_with_quotation',
- "[tag foo] { [property background]:[atom url]([string test.jpg]) }");
- MT('url_with_double_quotes',
- "[tag foo] { [property background]:[atom url]([string \"test.jpg\"]) }");
- MT('url_with_single_quotes',
- "[tag foo] { [property background]:[atom url]([string \'test.jpg\']) }");
- MT('string',
- "[def @import] [string \"compass/css3\"]");
- MT('important_keyword',
- "[tag foo] { [property background]:[atom url]([string \'test.jpg\']) [keyword !important] }");
- MT('variable',
- "[variable-2 $blue]:[atom #333]");
- MT('variable_as_attribute',
- "[tag foo] { [property color]:[variable-2 $blue] }");
- MT('numbers',
- "[tag foo] { [property padding]:[number 10px] [number 10] [number 10em] [number 8in] }");
- MT('number_percentage',
- "[tag foo] { [property width]:[number 80%] }");
- MT('selector',
- "[builtin #hello][qualifier .world]{}");
- MT('singleline_comment',
- "[comment // this is a comment]");
- MT('multiline_comment',
- "[comment /*foobar*/]");
- MT('attribute_with_hyphen',
- "[tag foo] { [property font-size]:[number 10px] }");
- MT('string_after_attribute',
- "[tag foo] { [property content]:[string \"::\"] }");
- MT('directives',
- "[def @include] [qualifier .mixin]");
- MT('basic_structure',
- "[tag p] { [property background]:[keyword red]; }");
- MT('nested_structure',
- "[tag p] { [tag a] { [property color]:[keyword red]; } }");
- MT('mixin',
- "[def @mixin] [tag table-base] {}");
- MT('number_without_semicolon',
- "[tag p] {[property width]:[number 12]}",
- "[tag a] {[property color]:[keyword red];}");
- MT('atom_in_nested_block',
- "[tag p] { [tag a] { [property color]:[atom #000]; } }");
- MT('interpolation_in_property',
- "[tag foo] { #{[variable-2 $hello]}:[number 2]; }");
- MT('interpolation_in_selector',
- "[tag foo]#{[variable-2 $hello]} { [property color]:[atom #000]; }");
- MT('interpolation_error',
- "[tag foo]#{[variable foo]} { [property color]:[atom #000]; }");
- MT("divide_operator",
- "[tag foo] { [property width]:[number 4] [operator /] [number 2] }");
- MT('nested_structure_with_id_selector',
- "[tag p] { [builtin #hello] { [property color]:[keyword red]; } }");
- MT('indent_mixin',
- "[def @mixin] [tag container] (",
- " [variable-2 $a]: [number 10],",
- " [variable-2 $b]: [number 10])",
- "{}");
- MT('indent_nested',
- "[tag foo] {",
- " [tag bar] {",
- " }",
- "}");
- MT('indent_parentheses',
- "[tag foo] {",
- " [property color]: [atom darken]([variable-2 $blue],",
- " [number 9%]);",
- "}");
- MT('indent_vardef',
- "[variable-2 $name]:",
- " [string 'val'];",
- "[tag tag] {",
- " [tag inner] {",
- " [property margin]: [number 3px];",
- " }",
- "}");