path: root/public/vendor/codemirror/mode/apl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'public/vendor/codemirror/mode/apl')
2 files changed, 247 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/public/vendor/codemirror/mode/apl/apl.js b/public/vendor/codemirror/mode/apl/apl.js
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..4357bed4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/vendor/codemirror/mode/apl/apl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+// CodeMirror, copyright (c) by Marijn Haverbeke and others
+// Distributed under an MIT license:
+(function(mod) {
+ if (typeof exports == "object" && typeof module == "object") // CommonJS
+ mod(require("../../lib/codemirror"));
+ else if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd) // AMD
+ define(["../../lib/codemirror"], mod);
+ else // Plain browser env
+ mod(CodeMirror);
+})(function(CodeMirror) {
+"use strict";
+CodeMirror.defineMode("apl", function() {
+ var builtInOps = {
+ ".": "innerProduct",
+ "\\": "scan",
+ "/": "reduce",
+ "⌿": "reduce1Axis",
+ "⍀": "scan1Axis",
+ "¨": "each",
+ "⍣": "power"
+ };
+ var builtInFuncs = {
+ "+": ["conjugate", "add"],
+ "−": ["negate", "subtract"],
+ "×": ["signOf", "multiply"],
+ "÷": ["reciprocal", "divide"],
+ "⌈": ["ceiling", "greaterOf"],
+ "⌊": ["floor", "lesserOf"],
+ "∣": ["absolute", "residue"],
+ "⍳": ["indexGenerate", "indexOf"],
+ "?": ["roll", "deal"],
+ "⋆": ["exponentiate", "toThePowerOf"],
+ "⍟": ["naturalLog", "logToTheBase"],
+ "○": ["piTimes", "circularFuncs"],
+ "!": ["factorial", "binomial"],
+ "⌹": ["matrixInverse", "matrixDivide"],
+ "<": [null, "lessThan"],
+ "≤": [null, "lessThanOrEqual"],
+ "=": [null, "equals"],
+ ">": [null, "greaterThan"],
+ "≥": [null, "greaterThanOrEqual"],
+ "≠": [null, "notEqual"],
+ "≡": ["depth", "match"],
+ "≢": [null, "notMatch"],
+ "∈": ["enlist", "membership"],
+ "⍷": [null, "find"],
+ "∪": ["unique", "union"],
+ "∩": [null, "intersection"],
+ "∼": ["not", "without"],
+ "∨": [null, "or"],
+ "∧": [null, "and"],
+ "⍱": [null, "nor"],
+ "⍲": [null, "nand"],
+ "⍴": ["shapeOf", "reshape"],
+ ",": ["ravel", "catenate"],
+ "⍪": [null, "firstAxisCatenate"],
+ "⌽": ["reverse", "rotate"],
+ "⊖": ["axis1Reverse", "axis1Rotate"],
+ "⍉": ["transpose", null],
+ "↑": ["first", "take"],
+ "↓": [null, "drop"],
+ "⊂": ["enclose", "partitionWithAxis"],
+ "⊃": ["diclose", "pick"],
+ "⌷": [null, "index"],
+ "⍋": ["gradeUp", null],
+ "⍒": ["gradeDown", null],
+ "⊤": ["encode", null],
+ "⊥": ["decode", null],
+ "⍕": ["format", "formatByExample"],
+ "⍎": ["execute", null],
+ "⊣": ["stop", "left"],
+ "⊢": ["pass", "right"]
+ };
+ var isOperator = /[\.\/⌿⍀¨⍣]/;
+ var isNiladic = /⍬/;
+ var isFunction = /[\+−×÷⌈⌊∣⍳\?⋆⍟○!⌹<≤=>≥≠≡≢∈⍷∪∩∼∨∧⍱⍲⍴,⍪⌽⊖⍉↑↓⊂⊃⌷⍋⍒⊤⊥⍕⍎⊣⊢]/;
+ var isArrow = /←/;
+ var isComment = /[⍝#].*$/;
+ var stringEater = function(type) {
+ var prev;
+ prev = false;
+ return function(c) {
+ prev = c;
+ if (c === type) {
+ return prev === "\\";
+ }
+ return true;
+ };
+ };
+ return {
+ startState: function() {
+ return {
+ prev: false,
+ func: false,
+ op: false,
+ string: false,
+ escape: false
+ };
+ },
+ token: function(stream, state) {
+ var ch, funcName, word;
+ if (stream.eatSpace()) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ ch =;
+ if (ch === '"' || ch === "'") {
+ stream.eatWhile(stringEater(ch));
+ state.prev = true;
+ return "string";
+ }
+ if (/[\[{\(]/.test(ch)) {
+ state.prev = false;
+ return null;
+ }
+ if (/[\]}\)]/.test(ch)) {
+ state.prev = true;
+ return null;
+ }
+ if (isNiladic.test(ch)) {
+ state.prev = false;
+ return "niladic";
+ }
+ if (/[¯\d]/.test(ch)) {
+ if (state.func) {
+ state.func = false;
+ state.prev = false;
+ } else {
+ state.prev = true;
+ }
+ stream.eatWhile(/[\w\.]/);
+ return "number";
+ }
+ if (isOperator.test(ch)) {
+ return "operator apl-" + builtInOps[ch];
+ }
+ if (isArrow.test(ch)) {
+ return "apl-arrow";
+ }
+ if (isFunction.test(ch)) {
+ funcName = "apl-";
+ if (builtInFuncs[ch] != null) {
+ if (state.prev) {
+ funcName += builtInFuncs[ch][1];
+ } else {
+ funcName += builtInFuncs[ch][0];
+ }
+ }
+ state.func = true;
+ state.prev = false;
+ return "function " + funcName;
+ }
+ if (isComment.test(ch)) {
+ stream.skipToEnd();
+ return "comment";
+ }
+ if (ch === "∘" && stream.peek() === ".") {
+ return "function jot-dot";
+ }
+ stream.eatWhile(/[\w\$_]/);
+ word = stream.current();
+ state.prev = true;
+ return "keyword";
+ }
+ };
+CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/apl", "apl");
diff --git a/public/vendor/codemirror/mode/apl/index.html b/public/vendor/codemirror/mode/apl/index.html
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..53dda6b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/vendor/codemirror/mode/apl/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+<!doctype html>
+<title>CodeMirror: APL mode</title>
+<meta charset="utf-8"/>
+<link rel=stylesheet href="../../doc/docs.css">
+<link rel="stylesheet" href="../../lib/codemirror.css">
+<script src="../../lib/codemirror.js"></script>
+<script src="../../addon/edit/matchbrackets.js"></script>
+<script src="./apl.js"></script>
+ .CodeMirror { border: 2px inset #dee; }
+ </style>
+<div id=nav>
+ <a href=""><h1>CodeMirror</h1><img id=logo src="../../doc/logo.png"></a>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="../../index.html">Home</a>
+ <li><a href="../../doc/manual.html">Manual</a>
+ <li><a href="">Code</a>
+ </ul>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="../index.html">Language modes</a>
+ <li><a class=active href="#">APL</a>
+ </ul>
+<h2>APL mode</h2>
+<form><textarea id="code" name="code">
+⍝ Conway's game of life
+⍝ This example was inspired by the impressive demo at
+⍝ Create a matrix:
+⍝ 0 1 1
+⍝ 1 1 0
+⍝ 0 1 0
+creature ← (3 3 ⍴ ⍳ 9) ∈ 1 2 3 4 7 ⍝ Original creature from demo
+creature ← (3 3 ⍴ ⍳ 9) ∈ 1 3 6 7 8 ⍝ Glider
+⍝ Place the creature on a larger board, near the centre
+board ← ¯1 ⊖ ¯2 ⌽ 5 7 ↑ creature
+⍝ A function to move from one generation to the next
+life ← {∨/ 1 ⍵ ∧ 3 4 = ⊂+/ +⌿ 1 0 ¯1 ∘.⊖ 1 0 ¯1 ⌽¨ ⊂⍵}
+⍝ Compute n-th generation and format it as a
+⍝ character matrix
+gen ← {' #'[(life ⍣ ⍵) board]}
+⍝ Show first three generations
+(gen 1) (gen 2) (gen 3)
+ <script>
+ var editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById("code"), {
+ lineNumbers: true,
+ matchBrackets: true,
+ mode: "text/apl"
+ });
+ </script>
+ <p>Simple mode that tries to handle APL as well as it can.</p>
+ <p>It attempts to label functions/operators based upon
+ monadic/dyadic usage (but this is far from fully fleshed out).
+ This means there are meaningful classnames so hover states can
+ have popups etc.</p>
+ <p><strong>MIME types defined:</strong> <code>text/apl</code> (APL code)</p>
+ </article>