path: root/public/vendor/codemirror/addon/fold/brace-fold.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 105 deletions
diff --git a/public/vendor/codemirror/addon/fold/brace-fold.js b/public/vendor/codemirror/addon/fold/brace-fold.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 13c0f0cd..00000000
--- a/public/vendor/codemirror/addon/fold/brace-fold.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-// CodeMirror, copyright (c) by Marijn Haverbeke and others
-// Distributed under an MIT license:
-(function(mod) {
- if (typeof exports == "object" && typeof module == "object") // CommonJS
- mod(require("../../lib/codemirror"));
- else if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd) // AMD
- define(["../../lib/codemirror"], mod);
- else // Plain browser env
- mod(CodeMirror);
-})(function(CodeMirror) {
-"use strict";
-CodeMirror.registerHelper("fold", "brace", function(cm, start) {
- var line = start.line, lineText = cm.getLine(line);
- var tokenType;
- function findOpening(openCh) {
- for (var at =, pass = 0;;) {
- var found = at <= 0 ? -1 : lineText.lastIndexOf(openCh, at - 1);
- if (found == -1) {
- if (pass == 1) break;
- pass = 1;
- at = lineText.length;
- continue;
- }
- if (pass == 1 && found < break;
- tokenType = cm.getTokenTypeAt(CodeMirror.Pos(line, found + 1));
- if (!/^(comment|string)/.test(tokenType)) return found + 1;
- at = found - 1;
- }
- }
- var startToken = "{", endToken = "}", startCh = findOpening("{");
- if (startCh == null) {
- startToken = "[", endToken = "]";
- startCh = findOpening("[");
- }
- if (startCh == null) return;
- var count = 1, lastLine = cm.lastLine(), end, endCh;
- outer: for (var i = line; i <= lastLine; ++i) {
- var text = cm.getLine(i), pos = i == line ? startCh : 0;
- for (;;) {
- var nextOpen = text.indexOf(startToken, pos), nextClose = text.indexOf(endToken, pos);
- if (nextOpen < 0) nextOpen = text.length;
- if (nextClose < 0) nextClose = text.length;
- pos = Math.min(nextOpen, nextClose);
- if (pos == text.length) break;
- if (cm.getTokenTypeAt(CodeMirror.Pos(i, pos + 1)) == tokenType) {
- if (pos == nextOpen) ++count;
- else if (!--count) { end = i; endCh = pos; break outer; }
- }
- ++pos;
- }
- }
- if (end == null || line == end && endCh == startCh) return;
- return {from: CodeMirror.Pos(line, startCh),
- to: CodeMirror.Pos(end, endCh)};
-CodeMirror.registerHelper("fold", "import", function(cm, start) {
- function hasImport(line) {
- if (line < cm.firstLine() || line > cm.lastLine()) return null;
- var start = cm.getTokenAt(CodeMirror.Pos(line, 1));
- if (!/\S/.test(start.string)) start = cm.getTokenAt(CodeMirror.Pos(line, start.end + 1));
- if (start.type != "keyword" || start.string != "import") return null;
- // Now find closing semicolon, return its position
- for (var i = line, e = Math.min(cm.lastLine(), line + 10); i <= e; ++i) {
- var text = cm.getLine(i), semi = text.indexOf(";");
- if (semi != -1) return {startCh: start.end, end: CodeMirror.Pos(i, semi)};
- }
- }
- var startLine = start.line, has = hasImport(startLine), prev;
- if (!has || hasImport(startLine - 1) || ((prev = hasImport(startLine - 2)) && prev.end.line == startLine - 1))
- return null;
- for (var end = has.end;;) {
- var next = hasImport(end.line + 1);
- if (next == null) break;
- end = next.end;
- }
- return {from: cm.clipPos(CodeMirror.Pos(startLine, has.startCh + 1)), to: end};
-CodeMirror.registerHelper("fold", "include", function(cm, start) {
- function hasInclude(line) {
- if (line < cm.firstLine() || line > cm.lastLine()) return null;
- var start = cm.getTokenAt(CodeMirror.Pos(line, 1));
- if (!/\S/.test(start.string)) start = cm.getTokenAt(CodeMirror.Pos(line, start.end + 1));
- if (start.type == "meta" && start.string.slice(0, 8) == "#include") return start.start + 8;
- }
- var startLine = start.line, has = hasInclude(startLine);
- if (has == null || hasInclude(startLine - 1) != null) return null;
- for (var end = startLine;;) {
- var next = hasInclude(end + 1);
- if (next == null) break;
- ++end;
- }
- return {from: CodeMirror.Pos(startLine, has + 1),
- to: cm.clipPos(CodeMirror.Pos(end))};