path: root/locales
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 124 insertions, 124 deletions
diff --git a/locales/es.json b/locales/es.json
index 17b11016..55917abf 100644
--- a/locales/es.json
+++ b/locales/es.json
@@ -1,130 +1,130 @@
- "Collaborative markdown notes": "Kunlaborataj marksubenaj notoj",
- "Realtime collaborative markdown notes on all platforms.": "Tujkunlaborataj marksubenaj notoj ĉe ĉiuj sistemoj.",
- "Best way to write and share your knowledge in markdown.": "La plej bona maniero skribi kaj havigi vian scion marksubene.",
- "Intro": "Enkonduko",
- "History": "Historio",
- "New guest note": "Novan gastan noton",
- "Collaborate with URL": "Kunlaboru per URL",
- "Support charts and MathJax": "Ebleco por skemoj kaj MathJax",
- "Support slide mode": "Ebleco por bildvica modo",
- "Sign In": "Ensalutu",
- "Below is the history from browser": "Malsupre estas la historio de la retumilo",
- "Welcome!": "Bonvenon!",
- "New note": "Novan Noton",
- "or": "aŭ",
- "Sign Out": "Elsalutu",
- "Explore all features": "Esploru ĉiujn eblecojn",
- "Select tags...": "Elektu etikedojn..",
- "Search keyword...": "Serĉu ĉefvorton...",
- "Sort by title": "Ordigu laŭ titolo",
- "Title": "Titolo",
- "Sort by time": "Ordigu laŭ tempo",
- "Time": "Tempo",
- "Export history": "Elportu historion",
- "Import history": "Alportu historion",
- "Clear history": "Malplenigu historion",
- "Refresh history": "Refreŝigu historion",
- "No history": "Neniu historio",
- "Import from browser": "Alportu de retumilo",
- "Releases": "Eldonoj",
- "Are you sure?": "Ĉu vi certas?",
- "Do you really want to delete this note?": "Ĉu vi vere volas forigi tiun noton?",
- "All users will lose their connection.": "Ĉiuj uzantoj perdos siaj konektojn.",
- "Cancel": "Nuligu",
- "Yes, do it!": "Jes, faru ĝin!",
- "Choose method": "Elektu metodon",
- "Sign in via %s": "Ensalutu per %s",
- "New": "Nova",
- "Publish": "Dissendu",
- "Extra": "Plia",
- "Revision": "Versio",
- "Slide Mode": "Bildvica modo",
- "Export": "Elportu",
- "Import": "Alportu",
- "Clipboard": "Poŝo",
- "Download": "Elŝuti",
- "Raw HTML": "Kruda HTML",
- "Edit": "Redaktu",
- "View": "Vidu",
- "Both": "Ambaŭ",
- "Help": "Helpo",
- "Upload Image": "Alŝutu bildon",
- "Menu": "Menuo",
- "This page need refresh": "Ĉi tiu paĝo bezonas refreŝiĝi",
- "You have an incompatible client version.": "Vi havas malkongruan klientversion.",
- "Refresh to update.": "Refreŝigu por ĝisdatigi",
- "New version available!": "Nova versio disponeblas!",
- "See releases notes here": "Vidu elsendajn notojn ĉi tie",
- "Refresh to enjoy new features.": "Refreŝigu por ĝui novajn eblecojn.",
- "Your user state has changed.": "Via uzantstato ŝanĝiĝis.",
- "Refresh to load new user state.": "Refreŝigu por ŝargi novan uzantstaton.",
- "Refresh": "Refreŝigu",
- "Contacts": "Kontaktuloj",
- "Report an issue": "Raportu problemon",
- "Meet us on %s": "Renkonti nin ĉe %s",
- "Send us email": "Sendu al ni retpoŝton",
- "Documents": "Dosieroj",
- "Features": "Eblecoj",
- "YAML Metadata": "YAML metadateno",
- "Slide Example": "Bildvica ekzemplo",
- "Cheatsheet": "Gvidfolio",
- "Example": "Ekzemplo",
- "Syntax": "Sintakso",
- "Header": "Paĝokapo",
- "Unordered List": "Neordita Listo",
- "Ordered List": "Ordita Listo",
- "Todo List": "Farenda Listo",
- "Blockquote": "Deŝovita cito",
- "Bold font": "Dika tiparo",
- "Italics font": "Kursiva tiparo",
- "Strikethrough": "Trastrekita",
- "Inserted text": "Enmetita teksto",
- "Marked text": "Markita teksto",
- "Link": "Ligilo",
- "Image": "Bildo",
- "Code": "Kodo",
- "Externals": "Eksteraĵoj",
- "This is a alert area.": "Ĉi tiu estas avertzono.",
- "Revert": "Malfaru ŝanĝojn",
- "Import from clipboard": "Alportu de la poŝo",
- "Paste your markdown or webpage here...": "Algluu vian marksubenon aŭ retpaĝaron ĉi tie...",
- "Clear": "Malplenigu",
- "This note is locked": "Ĉi tiu noto estas ŝlosita",
- "Sorry, only owner can edit this note.": "Bedaŭrinde, nur la proprulo povas redakti ĉi tiun noton.",
- "OK": "Bone",
- "Reach the limit": "Atingi la limigon",
- "Sorry, you've reached the max length this note can be.": "Pardonon, ĉi tiu noto jam atingis maksimuman longecon.",
- "Please reduce the content or divide it to more notes, thank you!": "Bonvolu malpligrandigi la enhavaĵon, aŭ dividi ĝin en pliajn notojn!",
- "Import from Gist": "Alportu el Gist",
- "Paste your gist url here...": "Algluu vian gist-an URL-n ĉi tie...",
- "Import from Snippet": "Alportu el tekstero",
- "Select From Available Projects": "Elektu el disponeblaj projektoj",
- "Select From Available Snippets": "Elektu el disponeblaj teksteroj",
- "OR": "AŬ",
- "Export to Snippet": "Elportu al Snippet",
- "Select Visibility Level": "Elektu videblecan nivelon",
- "Night Theme": "Nokta Temo",
- "Follow us on %s and %s.": "Follow us on %s, and %s.",
- "Privacy": "Privateco",
- "Terms of Use": "Terms of Use",
- "Do you really want to delete your user account?": "Do you really want to delete your user account?",
- "This will delete your account, all notes that are owned by you and remove all references to your account from other notes.": "This will delete your account, all notes that are owned by you and remove all references to your account from other notes.",
- "Delete user": "Forigi uzanton",
- "Export user data": "Export user data",
- "Help us translating on %s": "Help us translating on %s",
- "Source Code": "Source Code",
- "Register": "Register",
- "Powered by %s": "Powered by %s",
- "Help us translating": "Help us translating",
- "Join the community": "Join the community",
- "Imprint": "Imprint",
- "Freely - Anyone can edit": "Libere - Iu ajn povas redakti",
+ "Collaborative markdown notes": "Notas colaborativas en Markdown",
+ "Realtime collaborative markdown notes on all platforms.": "Notas colaborativas en Markdown para todas las plataformas en tiempo real.",
+ "Best way to write and share your knowledge in markdown.": "La mejor forma de escribir y compartir tu conocimiento en Markdown.",
+ "Intro": "Introduccion",
+ "History": "Historia",
+ "New guest note": "Nueva nota como invitado",
+ "Collaborate with URL": "Colaborar via URL",
+ "Support charts and MathJax": "Soporte para gráficos y MathJax",
+ "Support slide mode": "Soporte para diapositivas",
+ "Sign In": "Ingresar",
+ "Below is the history from browser": "A continuación se muestra el historial del navegador",
+ "Welcome!": "¡Bienvenido!",
+ "New note": "Nueva nota",
+ "or": "o",
+ "Sign Out": "Salir",
+ "Explore all features": "Explorar todas las funciones",
+ "Select tags...": "Seleccionar etiquetas...",
+ "Search keyword...": "Buscar palabras clave...",
+ "Sort by title": "Ordenar por título",
+ "Title": "Título",
+ "Sort by time": "Ordenar por fecha",
+ "Time": "Tiempo",
+ "Export history": "Exportar historial",
+ "Import history": "Importar historial",
+ "Clear history": "Borrar historial",
+ "Refresh history": "Actualizar historial",
+ "No history": "Ningún historial",
+ "Import from browser": "Importar del navegador",
+ "Releases": "Versiones",
+ "Are you sure?": "¿Estás seguro?",
+ "Do you really want to delete this note?": "¿Realmente quieres eliminar esta nota?",
+ "All users will lose their connection.": "Todos los usuarios perderán su conexión.",
+ "Cancel": "Cancelar",
+ "Yes, do it!": "Si, ¡hazlo!",
+ "Choose method": "Elegir método",
+ "Sign in via %s": "Ingresar via %s",
+ "New": "Nuevo",
+ "Publish": "Publicar",
+ "Extra": "Extra",
+ "Revision": "Revision",
+ "Slide Mode": "Modo presentación",
+ "Export": "Exportar",
+ "Import": "Importar",
+ "Clipboard": "Portapapeles",
+ "Download": "Descargar",
+ "Raw HTML": "HTML puro",
+ "Edit": "Editar",
+ "View": "Ver",
+ "Both": "Ambos",
+ "Help": "Ayuda",
+ "Upload Image": "Subir imagen",
+ "Menu": "Menú",
+ "This page need refresh": "Esta página necesita ser cargada de nuevo",
+ "You have an incompatible client version.": "Tienes una version del cliente incompatible.",
+ "Refresh to update.": "Cargar de nuevo para actualizar.",
+ "New version available!": "¡Nueva versión disponible!",
+ "See releases notes here": "Ver aquí las notas de publicación",
+ "Refresh to enjoy new features.": "Actualizar para usar las nuevas funciones.",
+ "Your user state has changed.": "El estado de tu usuario ha cambiado.",
+ "Refresh to load new user state.": "Recargar para actualizar el estado de tu usuario.",
+ "Refresh": "Recargar",
+ "Contacts": "Contactos",
+ "Report an issue": "Reportar un problema",
+ "Meet us on %s": "Encuéntranos en %s",
+ "Send us email": "Enviarnos un email",
+ "Documents": "Documentos",
+ "Features": "Funciones",
+ "YAML Metadata": "Metadatos en YAML",
+ "Slide Example": "Ejemplo de diapositiva",
+ "Cheatsheet": "Ayudamemorias",
+ "Example": "Ejemplo",
+ "Syntax": "Sintaxis",
+ "Header": "Cabecera",
+ "Unordered List": "Lista desordenada",
+ "Ordered List": "Lista ordenada",
+ "Todo List": "Lista de tareas",
+ "Blockquote": "Bloque de cita",
+ "Bold font": "Fuente negrita",
+ "Italics font": "Fuente itálica",
+ "Strikethrough": "Tachado",
+ "Inserted text": "Texto subrayado",
+ "Marked text": "Texto marcado",
+ "Link": "Enlace",
+ "Image": "Imagen",
+ "Code": "Código",
+ "Externals": "Externos",
+ "This is a alert area.": "Esto es un área de alerta.",
+ "Revert": "Revertir",
+ "Import from clipboard": "Importar del portapapeles",
+ "Paste your markdown or webpage here...": "Pega tu markdown o página web aquí...",
+ "Clear": "Limpiar",
+ "This note is locked": "Esta nota está bloqueada",
+ "Sorry, only owner can edit this note.": "Disculpa, solo el dueño puede editar esta nota.",
+ "OK": "OK",
+ "Reach the limit": "Haz alcanzado el límite",
+ "Sorry, you've reached the max length this note can be.": "Disculpa, haz alcanzado la longitud máxima que puede tener esta nota.",
+ "Please reduce the content or divide it to more notes, thank you!": "Por favor, reduce el contenido o dividela en mas notas, ¡gracias!",
+ "Import from Gist": "Importar de un Gist",
+ "Paste your gist url here...": "Pega el URL de tu Gist aquí...",
+ "Import from Snippet": "Importar de Snippet",
+ "Select From Available Projects": "Elegir de un proyecto disponible",
+ "Select From Available Snippets": "Elegir de un Snippet disponible",
+ "OR": "O",
+ "Export to Snippet": "Exportar a Snippet",
+ "Select Visibility Level": "Elegir el nivel de visibilidad",
+ "Night Theme": "Modo nocturno",
+ "Follow us on %s and %s.": "Síguenos en %s, y %s.",
+ "Privacy": "Privacidad",
+ "Terms of Use": "Términos de uso",
+ "Do you really want to delete your user account?": "¿Estás seguro que quieres eliminar tu cuenta de usuario?",
+ "This will delete your account, all notes that are owned by you and remove all references to your account from other notes.": "Esta acción eliminará tu cuenta, todas tus notas y las referencias a tu cuenta desde otras notas.",
+ "Delete user": "Eliminar usuario",
+ "Export user data": "Exportar información de usuario",
+ "Help us translating on %s": "Ayúdanos traduciendo en %s",
+ "Source Code": "Código fuente",
+ "Register": "Registrar",
+ "Powered by %s": "Desarrollado por %s.",
+ "Help us translating": "Ayúdanos traduciendo",
+ "Join the community": "Únete a la comunidad",
+ "Imprint": "Huella",
+ "Freely - Anyone can edit": "Freely - Anyone can edit",
"Editable - Signed-in people can edit": "Editable - Signed-in people can edit",
"Limited - Signed-in people can edit (forbid guests)": "Limited - Signed-in people can edit (forbid guests)",
- "Locked - Only owner can edit": "Ŝlosita - Nur la mastro rajtas redakti",
- "Protected - Only owner can edit (forbid guests)": "Protektita - Nur la mastro rajtas redakti (gastoj estas malpermesitaj)",
- "Private - Only owner can view & edit": "Privata - Nur la mastro rajtas vidi & redakti",
+ "Locked - Only owner can edit": "Locked - Only owner can edit",
+ "Protected - Only owner can edit (forbid guests)": "Protected - Only owner can edit (forbid guests)",
+ "Private - Only owner can view & edit": "Private - Only owner can view & edit",
"changed": "changed",
"created": "created"
} \ No newline at end of file