path: root/docs/content
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-# Migrations and Notable Changes
-## Migrating to 1.4.0
-We dropped support for node 6 with this version. If you have any trouble running this version, please double check that you are running at least node 8!
-## Migrating to 1.3.2
-This is not a breaking change, but to stay up to date with the community
-repository, you may need to update a few urls. This is not a breaking change.
-See more at [issue #10](
-### Native setup using git
-Change the upstream remote using `git remote set-url origin`.
-### Docker
-When you use our [container repository](
-(which was previously `hedgedoc-container`) all you can simply run `git pull` and
-your `docker-compose.yml` will be updated.
-When you setup things yourself, make sure you use the new image:
-### Heroku
-All you need to do is [disconnect GitHub](
-and [reconnect it](
-with this new repository.
-Or you can use our Heroku button and redeploy your instance and link the old
-database again.
-## Migrating to 1.1.0
-We deprecated the older lower case config style and moved on to camel case style. Please have a look at the current `config.json.example` and check the warnings on startup.
-*Notice: This is not a breaking change right now but will be in the future*
-## Migrating to 0.5.0
-[migration-to-0.5.0 migration tool](
-We don't use LZString to compress data and DB data after version 0.5.0.
-Please run the migration tool if you're upgrading from the old version.
-## Migrating to 0.4.0
-[migration-to-0.4.0 migration tool](
-We've dropped MongoDB after version 0.4.0.
-So here is the migration tool for you to transfer the old DB data to the new DB.
-This tool is also used for official service.
diff --git a/docs/content/images/hedgedoc_logo_black.svg b/docs/content/images/hedgedoc_logo_black.svg
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1.063-4.905 1.595-7.702 1.595-3.577 0-6.765-.85-9.562-2.551-2.798-1.7-5.003-4.037-6.614-7.01-1.611-2.975-2.416-6.34-2.416-10.094 0-3.788.805-7.162 2.416-10.12 1.61-2.956 3.816-5.284 6.614-6.983 2.797-1.701 5.985-2.55 9.562-2.55 2.797 0 5.364.522 7.702 1.565a17.433 17.433 0 0 1 6.001 4.384l6.11-6.11c-2.479-2.442-5.4-4.355-8.765-5.736-3.365-1.382-7.047-2.072-11.048-2.072zm-413.42.002c-5.24 0-9.932 1.188-14.076 3.56-4.144 2.373-7.402 5.623-9.774 9.748-2.372 4.125-3.56 8.808-3.56 14.05 0 5.384 1.267 10.18 3.8 14.395 2.53 4.214 6.027 7.516 10.49 9.907 4.462 2.39 15.298 3.585 15.298 3.585 3.577 0 7.286-.602 11.13-1.807 3.841-1.204 7.692-3.416 11.552-6.64l-5.152-6.586c-2.622 2.479-5.525 4.276-8.71 5.392-3.19 1.114-6.216 1.673-9.086 1.673-5.17 0-9.588-1.514-13.253-4.54-3.665-3.03-5.94-6.9-6.825-11.61h45.045v-3.557c0-5.347-1.152-10.094-3.454-14.236-2.302-4.144-5.47-7.401-9.507-9.775-4.038-2.37-8.676-3.559-13.918-3.559zm200.366 0c-5.241 0-9.933 1.188-14.076 3.56-4.144 2.373-7.402 5.623-9.774 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-<svg xmlns="" width="1564" height="1564" clip-rule="evenodd" fill-rule="evenodd" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-miterlimit="2"><path style="line-height:normal;font-variant-ligatures:normal;font-variant-position:normal;font-variant-caps:normal;font-variant-numeric:normal;font-variant-alternates:normal;font-variant-east-asian:normal;font-feature-settings:normal;font-variation-settings:normal;text-indent:0;text-align:start;text-decoration-line:none;text-decoration-style:solid;text-decoration-color:#000;text-transform:none;text-orientation:mixed;white-space:normal;shape-padding:0;shape-margin:0;inline-size:0;isolation:auto;mix-blend-mode:normal;solid-color:#000;solid-opacity:1" d="M781.965 0l-79.182 79.19-94.818-59.575-59.574 94.81-105.7-36.99-36.982 105.7-111.283-12.54-12.535 111.276-111.278 12.535 12.541 111.278-105.71 36.988 36.984 105.695-94.815 59.574 59.582 94.832L0 781.961l79.19 79.2-59.577 94.823 94.815 59.573-36.985 105.695 105.707 36.99-12.537 111.264 111.278 12.543 12.535 111.275 111.283-12.535 36.982 105.686 105.694-36.97 59.582 94.821 94.9-59.64 79.096 78.36 79.1-78.343 94.908 59.631 59.572-94.824 105.707 36.988 36.98-105.697 111.284 12.533 12.533-111.283 111.285-12.533-12.543-111.276 105.705-36.99-36.988-105.705 94.814-59.574-59.574-94.813 79.19-79.2-79.188-79.18 59.572-94.813-94.814-59.578 36.99-105.703-105.7-36.983 12.534-111.281-111.275-12.535-12.543-111.283-111.274 12.535-36.99-105.703-105.69 36.986-59.591-94.815-94.82 59.579zm0 77.785l71.305 71.307 85.394-53.656 53.666 85.384 95.172-33.302 33.31 95.185 100.206-11.289 11.296 100.217 100.205 11.289-11.287 100.213 95.182 33.3-33.309 95.188 85.385 53.654-53.648 85.381 71.312 71.309-71.31 71.318 11.666 18.569 41.978 66.812-85.383 53.647 33.311 95.193-95.195 33.31 11.297 100.205-100.215 11.288-11.287 100.216-100.215-11.287-33.301 95.182-95.193-33.31-53.649 85.394-85.289-53.588-18.094 17.922a106.956 106.956 0 0121.871 16.893c-.309 41.33-33.914 74.76-75.33 74.76-41.417 0-75.016-33.42-75.324-74.76a106.994 106.994 0 0122.069-17.01l-17.997-17.828-85.293 53.601-53.65-85.38-95.18 33.29-33.302-95.175-100.217 11.287-11.287-100.205-100.21-11.297 11.29-100.197-95.194-33.311 33.307-95.184-85.385-53.646 53.649-85.39-71.31-71.32 71.32-71.312-53.659-85.4 85.385-53.65-33.305-95.18 95.198-33.313-11.293-100.205 100.207-11.289 11.289-100.207 100.215 11.293 33.302-95.183 95.184 33.308 53.648-85.38 85.391 53.65z" color="#000" font-weight="400" font-family="sans-serif" clip-rule="nonzero" overflow="visible" fill="#fff" fill-rule="nonzero"/><path d="M528.81 636.127c-145.441 0-263.341 117.905-263.341 263.342 0 76 32.23 144.43 83.72 192.49l357.635 357.443c19.257-19.156 45.746-30.984 74.996-30.984 29.295 0 55.839 11.871 75.1 31.09l348.266-348.49c52.88-49.77 92.25-120 92.25-200.1 0-145.437-117.9-263.34-263.34-263.34-72.24 0-137.68 29.112-185.252 76.225l-.033-.035-67.096 67.101-54.863-54.863c-48.267-55.067-119.07-89.88-198.041-89.88zm107.461 300.662c31.804 0 57.57 25.77 57.57 57.57s-25.766 57.569-57.57 57.569c-31.787 0-57.558-25.769-57.558-57.569 0-31.8 25.771-57.57 57.558-57.57zm291.944 0c31.8 0 57.57 25.77 57.57 57.57s-25.77 57.569-57.57 57.569c-31.79 0-57.567-25.769-57.567-57.569 0-31.8 25.777-57.57 57.567-57.57zm-146.27 587.695l.024.023.023-.023h-.047z" fill="#fff" fill-rule="nonzero"/><path d="M674.097 985.728c0 8.82-7.146 15.94-15.95 15.94-8.808 0-15.958-7.12-15.958-15.94 0-8.81 7.15-15.96 15.958-15.96 8.804 0 15.95 7.15 15.95 15.96m291.938 0c0 8.82-7.15 15.94-15.95 15.94-8.81 0-15.96-7.12-15.96-15.94 0-8.81 7.15-15.96 15.96-15.96 8.8 0 15.95 7.15 15.95 15.96" fill="#fffffa" fill-rule="nonzero"/></svg> \ No newline at end of file
+<svg xmlns="" width="1564" height="1564" clip-rule="evenodd" fill-rule="evenodd" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-miterlimit="2"><path style="line-height:normal;font-variant-ligatures:normal;font-variant-position:normal;font-variant-caps:normal;font-variant-numeric:normal;font-variant-alternates:normal;font-variant-east-asian:normal;font-feature-settings:normal;font-variation-settings:normal;text-indent:0;text-align:start;text-decoration-line:none;text-decoration-style:solid;text-decoration-color:#000;text-transform:none;text-orientation:mixed;white-space:normal;shape-padding:0;shape-margin:0;inline-size:0;isolation:auto;mix-blend-mode:normal;solid-color:#000;solid-opacity:1" d="m781.965 0-79.182 79.19-94.818-59.575-59.574 94.81-105.7-36.99-36.982 105.7-111.283-12.54-12.535 111.276-111.278 12.535 12.541 111.278-105.71 36.988 36.984 105.695-94.815 59.574 59.582 94.832L0 781.961l79.19 79.2-59.577 94.823 94.815 59.573-36.985 105.695 105.707 36.99-12.537 111.264 111.278 12.543 12.535 111.275 111.283-12.535 36.982 105.686 105.694-36.97 59.582 94.821 94.9-59.64 79.096 78.36 79.1-78.343 94.908 59.631 59.572-94.824 105.707 36.988 36.98-105.697 111.284 12.533 12.533-111.283 111.285-12.533-12.543-111.276 105.705-36.99-36.988-105.705 94.814-59.574-59.574-94.813 79.19-79.2-79.188-79.18 59.572-94.813-94.814-59.578 36.99-105.703-105.7-36.983 12.534-111.281-111.275-12.535-12.543-111.283-111.274 12.535-36.99-105.703-105.69 36.986-59.591-94.815-94.82 59.579zm0 77.785 71.305 71.307 85.394-53.656 53.666 85.384 95.172-33.302 33.31 95.185 100.206-11.289 11.296 100.217 100.205 11.289-11.287 100.213 95.182 33.3-33.309 95.188 85.385 53.654-53.648 85.381 71.312 71.309-71.31 71.318 11.666 18.569 41.978 66.812-85.383 53.647 33.311 95.193-95.195 33.31 11.297 100.205-100.215 11.288-11.287 100.216-100.215-11.287-33.301 95.182-95.193-33.31-53.649 85.394-85.289-53.588-18.094 17.922a106.956 106.956 0 0 1 21.871 16.893c-.309 41.33-33.914 74.76-75.33 74.76-41.417 0-75.016-33.42-75.324-74.76a106.994 106.994 0 0 1 22.069-17.01l-17.997-17.828-85.293 53.601-53.65-85.38-95.18 33.29-33.302-95.175-100.217 11.287-11.287-100.205-100.21-11.297 11.29-100.197-95.194-33.311 33.307-95.184-85.385-53.646 53.649-85.39-71.31-71.32 71.32-71.312-53.659-85.4 85.385-53.65-33.305-95.18 95.198-33.313-11.293-100.205 100.207-11.289 11.289-100.207 100.215 11.293 33.302-95.183 95.184 33.308 53.648-85.38 85.391 53.65z" color="#000" font-weight="400" font-family="sans-serif" clip-rule="nonzero" overflow="visible" fill="#fff" fill-rule="nonzero"/><path d="M528.81 636.127c-145.441 0-263.341 117.905-263.341 263.342 0 76 32.23 144.43 83.72 192.49l357.635 357.443c19.257-19.156 45.746-30.984 74.996-30.984 29.295 0 55.839 11.871 75.1 31.09l348.266-348.49c52.88-49.77 92.25-120 92.25-200.1 0-145.437-117.9-263.34-263.34-263.34-72.24 0-137.68 29.112-185.252 76.225l-.033-.035-67.096 67.101-54.863-54.863c-48.267-55.067-119.07-89.88-198.041-89.88zm107.461 300.662c31.804 0 57.57 25.77 57.57 57.57s-25.766 57.569-57.57 57.569c-31.787 0-57.558-25.769-57.558-57.569 0-31.8 25.771-57.57 57.558-57.57zm291.944 0c31.8 0 57.57 25.77 57.57 57.57s-25.77 57.569-57.57 57.569c-31.79 0-57.567-25.769-57.567-57.569 0-31.8 25.777-57.57 57.567-57.57zm-146.27 587.695.024.023.023-.023h-.047z" fill="#fff" fill-rule="nonzero"/><path d="M674.097 985.728c0 8.82-7.146 15.94-15.95 15.94-8.808 0-15.958-7.12-15.958-15.94 0-8.81 7.15-15.96 15.958-15.96 8.804 0 15.95 7.15 15.95 15.96m291.938 0c0 8.82-7.15 15.94-15.95 15.94-8.81 0-15.96-7.12-15.96-15.94 0-8.81 7.15-15.96 15.96-15.96 8.8 0 15.95 7.15 15.95 15.96" fill="#fffffa" fill-rule="nonzero"/></svg> \ No newline at end of file
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# Welcome to the HedgeDoc Documentation
-![HedgeDoc Logo](images/hedgedoc_logo_horizontal.svg)
+<img alt="HedgeDoc Logo" title="HedgeDoc Logo" class="light-mode-only" src="images/hedgedoc_logo_black.svg">
+<img alt="HedgeDoc Logo" title="HedgeDoc Logo" class="dark-mode-only" src="images/hedgedoc_logo_white.svg">
HedgeDoc lets you create real-time collaborative markdown notes. You can test-drive
it by visiting our [HedgeDoc demo server][hedgedoc-demo].
diff --git a/docs/content/setup/ b/docs/content/setup/
index f6aeb833..11ff9b02 100644
--- a/docs/content/setup/
+++ b/docs/content/setup/
@@ -1,20 +1,93 @@
# HedgeDoc Docker Image
-[![Try in PWD](](
+!!! info "Requirements on your server"
+ - [Git](
+ - [Docker]( 17.03.1 or higher
+ - [Docker Compose](
-## Debian-based version
+The official docker images are [available on](
+We currently only support the `amd64` architecture.
-[![Docker Repository on Quay]( "Docker Repository on Quay")](
-## Alpine-based version
+The easiest way to get started with HedgeDoc and Docker is to use the following `docker-compose.yml`:
-[![Docker Repository on Quay]( "Docker Repository on Quay")](
+!!! warning
+ This is a minimal example to get started quickly and not intended for production use.
-The easiest way to setup HedgeDoc using docker are using the following three commands:
+version: '3'
+ database:
+ image: postgres:9.6-alpine
+ environment:
+ - POSTGRES_USER=hedgedoc
+ - POSTGRES_DB=hedgedoc
+ volumes:
+ - database:/var/lib/postgresql/data
+ restart: always
+ app:
+ # Make sure to use the latest release from
+ image:
+ environment:
+ - CMD_DB_URL=postgres://hedgedoc:password@database:5432/hedgedoc
+ - CMD_DOMAIN=localhost
+ volumes:
+ - uploads:/hedgedoc/public/uploads
+ ports:
+ - "3000:3000"
+ restart: always
+ depends_on:
+ - database
+ database:
+ uploads:
+After executing `docker-compose up`, HedgeDoc should be available at [](
+You can now continue to configure your container with environment variables.
+Check out [the configuration docs](/configuration) for more details.
+## Upgrading
+!!! warning
+ Before you upgrade, **always read the release notes**.
+ You can find them on our [releases page](
+!!! info "Upgrading to 1.7"
+ Together with changing the name to "HedgeDoc" the default username,
+ password and database name have been changed in `docker-compose.yml`.
+ In order to migrate the existing database to the new default credentials, run
+ ```shell
+ docker-compose exec database createuser --superuser -Uhackmd postgres
+ docker-compose exec database psql -Upostgres -c "alter role hackmd rename to hedgedoc; alter role hedgedoc with password 'password'; alter database hackmd rename to hedgedoc;"
+ ```
+ before running `docker-compose up`.
+You can upgrade to the latest release by stopping the containers and changing the referenced image version in `docker-compose.yml`.
+Then run `docker-compose up` to start HedgeDoc again.
+### Migrating from CodiMD & HackMD
+If you currently use CodiMD or HackMD, you should be able to swap the docker image for ours.
+See [the general migration hints](/setup/getting-started/#migrating-from-codimd-hackmd) for compatibility details.
+## Backup
+If you use a PostgreSQL database, you can leverage this command to create a backup:
+ docker-compose exec database pg_dump hedgedoc -U hedgedoc > backup.sql
+## Restore
+If you want to restore your PostgreSQL backup, run these commands before starting the application for the first time:
-git clone hedgedoc-container
-cd hedgedoc-container
-docker-compose up
+docker-compose up -d database
+cat backup.sql | docker exec -i $(docker-compose ps -q database) psql -U hedgedoc
-Read more about it in the [container repository](
diff --git a/docs/content/setup/ b/docs/content/setup/
index 41426514..2b1f8653 100644
--- a/docs/content/setup/
+++ b/docs/content/setup/
@@ -6,5 +6,28 @@ To set up your instance follow these steps:
1. Choose an installation method and follow the instructions
2. [Configure your reverse proxy](
3. [Configure HedgeDoc](
+4. If you didn't disable [local accounts](/configuration/#email-local-account), you can use the "Sign In" button to
+ create an account, login and start using HedgeDoc.
-Follow us on <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferer noopener">:fontawesome-brands-mastodon:{: .mastodon }Mastodon</a> or <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferer noopener">:fontawesome-brands-twitter:{: .twitter }Twitter</a> for updates.
+Follow us on <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferer noopener">:fontawesome-brands-mastodon:{: .mastodon }Mastodon</a> or <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferer noopener">:fontawesome-brands-twitter:{: .twitter }Twitter</a> for updates.
+## Upgrading HedgeDoc
+HedgeDoc follows [Semantic Versioning](
+This means that minor and patch releases should not introduce user-facing backwards-incompatible changes.
+You can find more details about upgrading in the instructions of your installation method.
+!!! warning
+ Before you upgrade, **always read the release notes**.
+ You can find them on our [releases page](
+## Migrating from CodiMD & HackMD
+Migrating from CodiMD <= 1.6.0 or HackMD <= 1.1.0 to HedgeDoc should be safe,
+just make sure to read the release notes.
+A particular issue that has come up is when handling TLS connections using a reverse proxy.
+You must [set the `X-Forwarded-Proto` header correctly](
+Migrating from more recent versions of CodiMD is not guaranteed to work, although some community members
+[reported success migrating from CodiMD 2.2](
+If you successfully migrated from other versions, please report your upgrade results in the [community forum](
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index 4d03b752..acc739ca 100644
--- a/docs/content/setup/
+++ b/docs/content/setup/
@@ -1,41 +1,141 @@
# Manual Installation
-## Requirements on your server
-- Node.js 10.13 or up
-- Database (PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite, MSSQL)
- The database must use charset `utf8`. This is typically the default in PostgreSQL and SQLite.
- In MySQL and MariaDB UTF-8 might need to be set with `alter database <DBNAME> character set utf8 collate utf8_bin;`
- Be aware of older MySQL and MariaDB versions which sometimes use shorter representations of UTF-8 than 4 bytes.
- This can break if symbols with more bytes are used.
- You can use `alter database <DBNAME> character set utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci` to be on the safe side.
-- NPM (and its dependencies, [node-gyp](
-- Yarn
-- Bash (for the setup script)
-- For **building** the HedgeDoc frontend you need a machine with at least **2 GB** RAM.
- - Starting with release 1.7 the release tarball includes the frontend, so building it yourself is not necessary.
-## Instructions
-1. Check if you meet the [requirements at the top of this document](#requirements-on-your-server).
-2. Download a [release]( tarball and extract it.
- Alternatively, you can use Git to clone the repository and checkout a release, e.g. with `git clone -b 1.7.2`.
-3. Enter the directory and type `bin/setup`, which will install the dependencies and create configs.
-4. Modify the file named `config.json` or configure HedgeDoc through environment variables which will overwrite the configs, see docs [here](../
-5. **If using the release tarball for 1.7.0 or newer, this step can be skipped.**
- Build the frontend bundle by `yarn run build` (use `yarn run dev` if you are in development)
-6. It is recommended to start your server manually once: `NODE_ENV=production yarn start`, this way it's easier to see warnings or errors that might occur (leave out `NODE_ENV=production` for development).
-7. Run the server as you like (node, forever, pm2, SystemD, Init-Scripts)
-## How to upgrade your installation
-If you are upgrading HedgeDoc from an older version, follow these steps:
-1. Check if you meet the [requirements at the top of this document](#requirements-on-your-server).
-2. Verify which version you were running before and take a look at [migrations and breaking changes](../guides/ to see if additional steps, or configuration changes are necessary!
-3. Fully stop your old HedgeDoc server.
-4. `git pull` or unzip a new release in the directory.
+!!! info "Requirements on your server"
+ - Node.js 10.13 or higher
+ - Database (PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite, MSSQL)
+ The database must use charset `utf8`. This is typically the default in PostgreSQL and SQLite.
+ In MySQL and MariaDB UTF-8 might need to be set with `alter database <DBNAME> character set utf8 collate utf8_bin;`
+ Be aware of older MySQL and MariaDB versions which sometimes use shorter representations of UTF-8 than 4 bytes.
+ This can break if symbols with more bytes are used.
+ You can use `alter database <DBNAME> character set utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci` to be on the safe side.
+ - NPM (and its dependencies, [node-gyp](
+ - [Yarn Classic]( 1.22 or higher (Yarn 2 is currently not supported)
+ - Bash (for the setup script)
+ - For **building** the HedgeDoc frontend you need a machine with at least **2 GB** RAM.
+ - Starting with release 1.7 the release tarball includes the prebuilt frontend, so building it yourself is not necessary.
+1. Check if you meet the [requirements at the top of this document](#manual-installation).
+2. Download the [latest release]( and extract it.
+ <small>Alternatively, you can use Git to clone the repository and checkout a release, e.g. with `git clone -b 1.7.2`.</small>
+3. Enter the directory and execute `bin/setup`, which will install the dependencies and create example configs.
+4. Configure HedgeDoc: To get started, you can use this minimal `config.json`:
+ ```json
+ {
+ "production": {
+ "db": {
+ "dialect": "sqlite",
+ "storage": "./db.hedgedoc.sqlite"
+ },
+ "urlAddPort": true,
+ "domain": "localhost"
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+ It's also possible to use environment variables.
+ For details, have a look at [the configuration documentation](../
+5. *:octicons-light-bulb-16: If you use the release tarball for 1.7.0 or newer, this step can be skipped.*
+ Build the frontend bundle by running `yarn run build`.
+6. Modify the file named `.sequelizerc`, change the value of the variable `url` to your db connection string. For example:
+ - `postgres://username:password@localhost:5432/hedgedoc`
+ - `mysql://username:password@localhost:3306/hedgedoc`
+ - `sqlite:///opt/hedgedoc/hedgedoc.sqlite` (note that you need to use an absolute path to the SQLite file)
+7. It is recommended to start your server manually once:
+ ```shell
+ NODE_ENV=production yarn start
+ ```
+ This way it's easier to see warnings or errors that might occur.
+ <small>You can leave out `NODE_ENV=production` for development.</small>
+8. If you use the example config, HedgeDoc should now be available at [](
+9. Run the server as you like (node, forever, pm2, systemd, Init-Scripts).
+ See [below](#systemd-unit-example) for an example using systemd.
+## Upgrading
+!!! warning
+ Before you upgrade, **always read the release notes**.
+ You can find them on our [releases page](
+If you want to upgrade HedgeDoc from an older version, follow these steps:
+1. Check if you still meet the [requirements at the top of this document](#requirements-on-your-server).
+2. Ensure you read the [release notes]( of all versions between your current version
+ and the latest release.
+2. Fully stop your old HedgeDoc server.
+3. [Download]( the new release and extract it over the old directory.
+ <small>If you use Git, you can check out the new tag with e.g. `git fetch origin && git checkout 1.7.2`</small>
5. Run `bin/setup`. This will take care of installing dependencies. It is safe to run on an existing installation.
-6. Build front-end bundle by `yarn run build` (use `yarn run dev` if you are in development).
-7. It is recommended to start your server manually once: `NODE_ENV=production yarn start`, this way it's easier to see warnings or errors that might occur (leave out `NODE_ENV=production` for development).
+6. *:octicons-light-bulb-16: If you used the release tarball for 1.7.0 or newer, this step can be skipped.*
+ Build the frontend bundle by running `yarn run build`.
+7. It is recommended to start your server manually once:
+ ```shell
+ NODE_ENV=production yarn start
+ ```
+ This way it's easier to see warnings or errors that might occur.
8. You can now restart the HedgeDoc server!
+## Systemd Unit Example
+Using the unit file below, you can run HedgeDoc as a systemd service.
+!!! warning
+ - In this example, you must configure HedgeDoc using the `config.json` file and the
+ `production` key.
+ - Make sure the user and group `hedgedoc` exists and has appropriate permissions in the
+ directory you installed HedgeDoc in or change the `User` and `Group` settings in the unit
+ file.
+ - Make sure `WorkingDirectory` points to the directory you installed HedgeDoc in.
+ - Make sure `ReadWritePaths` contains all directories HedgeDoc might write to. This may
+ include the `public/uploads` folder if you configured local storage. If you use SQLite, you
+ must also include the directory where the database file is saved. **Do not save the SQLite
+ file in the root directory of the HedgeDoc installation**, but create a subfolder like `db`!
+ - If you use an external database like PostgreSQL or MariaDB, make sure to add a corresponding
+ `After` statement.
+Description=HedgeDoc - The best platform to write and share markdown.
+# Uncomment if you use MariaDB/MySQL
+# After=mysql.service
+# Uncomment if you use PostgreSQL
+# After=postgresql.service
+ExecStart=/usr/bin/yarn start --production
+RestrictAddressFamilies=AF_UNIX AF_INET AF_INET6
+# You may have to adjust these settings
+# Example: local storage for uploads and SQLite
+# ReadWritePaths=/opt/hedgedoc/public/uploads /opt/hedgedoc/db
diff --git a/docs/content/theme/styles/hedgedoc-custom.css b/docs/content/theme/styles/hedgedoc-custom.css
index e3c52757..97baeed5 100644
--- a/docs/content/theme/styles/hedgedoc-custom.css
+++ b/docs/content/theme/styles/hedgedoc-custom.css
@@ -1,9 +1,41 @@
+[data-md-color-scheme="slate"][data-md-color-primary=hedgedoc] {
+ --md-hue: 8;
+ --md-default-fg-color: hsla(var(--md-hue), 20%, 80%, 1);
+ --md-default-fg-color--light: hsla(var(--md-hue), 20%, 80%, 1);
+ --md-default-fg-color--lighter: hsla(var(--md-hue), 20%, 80%, 0.5);
+ --md-default-fg-color--lightest: hsla(var(--md-hue), 20%, 80%, 0.2);
+ --md-default-bg-color: hsla(var(--md-hue), 0%, 5%, 1);
+ --md-default-bg-color--light: hsla(var(--md-hue), 0%, 5%, 0.54);
+ --md-default-bg-color--lighter: hsla(var(--md-hue), 0%, 5%, 0.26);
+ --md-default-bg-color--lightest: hsla(var(--md-hue), 0%, 5%, 0.07);
+ --md-typeset-color: hsl(var(--md-hue), 5%, 80%);
+ --md-typeset-a-color: hsl(var(--md-hue), 92%, 67%, 1);
+ --md-primary-fg-color: hsl(var(--md-hue), 92%, 25%, 1);
+ --md-table-header-fg-color: var(--md-typeset-color);
+ --md-table-header-bg-color: hsla(var(--md-hue), 0%, 20%, 1);
+ --md-code-fg-color: hsla(var(--md-hue),0%,86%,1);
+ --md-code-bg-color: hsla(var(--md-hue),0%,15%,1);
+[data-md-color-primary=hedgedoc] .md-typeset table:not([class]) th {
+ background-color: var(--md-table-header-bg-color);
+ color: var(--md-table-header-fg-color);
[data-md-color-primary=hedgedoc] {
- --md-primary-fg-color: #b51f08;
- --md-primary-fg-color--light: #b51f08;
- --md-primary-fg-color--dark: #b51f08;
- --md-primary-bg-color: hsla(0, 0%, 100%, 1);
- --md-primary-bg-color--light: hsla(0, 0%, 100%, 0.7);
+ --md-hue: 8;
+ --md-primary-fg-color: hsl(var(--md-hue), 92%, 37%, 1);
+ --md-primary-fg-color--dark: var(--md-primary-fg-color);
+ --md-primary-fg-color--light: var(--md-primary-fg-color);
+ --md-primary-bg-color: hsla(0, 15%, 100%, 1);
+ --md-footer-bg-color: hsla(var(--md-hue), 0%, 12%, 1);
+ --md-footer-bg-color--dark: hsla(var(--md-hue), 0%, 16%, 1);
+ --md-table-header-fg-color: var(--md-default-bg-color);
+ --md-table-header-bg-color: var(--md-default-fg-color--light);
[data-md-color-accent=hedgedoc] {
@@ -24,3 +56,11 @@
.mastodon {
color: #2b90d9;
+[data-md-color-scheme="slate"] .light-mode-only {
+ display: none;
+[data-md-color-scheme="light"] .dark-mode-only {
+ display: none;