diff options
32 files changed, 429 insertions, 240 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 78c4fc78..5e49f2ed 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -260,6 +260,7 @@ There are some config settings you need to change in the files below.
| `CMD_HSTS_PRELOAD` | `true` | whether to allow preloading of the site's HSTS status (e.g. into browsers) |
| `CMD_CSP_ENABLE` | `true` | whether to enable Content Security Policy (directives cannot be configured with environment variables) |
| `CMD_CSP_REPORTURI` | `https://<someid>` | Allows to add a URL for CSP reports in case of violations |
+| `CMD_SOURCE_URL` | `<current commit>` | Provides the link to the source code of CodiMD on the entry page (Please, make sure you change this when you run a modified version) |
***Note:** Due to the rename process we renamed all `HMD_`-prefix variables to be `CMD_`-prefixed. The old ones continue to work.*
@@ -310,6 +311,7 @@ There are some config settings you need to change in the files below.
| `minio` | `{ "accessKey": "YOUR_MINIO_ACCESS_KEY", "secretKey": "YOUR_MINIO_SECRET_KEY", "endpoint": "YOUR_MINIO_HOST", port: 9000, secure: true }` | When `imageUploadType` is set to `minio`, you need to set this key. Also checkout our [Minio Image Upload Guide](docs/guides/ |
| `s3` | `{ "accessKeyId": "YOUR_S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID", "secretAccessKey": "YOUR_S3_ACCESS_KEY", "region": "YOUR_S3_REGION" }` | When `imageuploadtype` be set to `s3`, you would also need to setup this key, check our [S3 Image Upload Guide](docs/guides/ |
| `s3bucket` | `YOUR_S3_BUCKET_NAME` | bucket name when `imageUploadType` is set to `s3` or `minio` |
+| `sourceURL` | `<current commit>` | Provides the link to the source code of CodiMD on the entry page (Please, make sure you change this when you run a modified version) |
<sup>1</sup>: relative paths are based on CodiMD's base directory
diff --git a/app.js b/app.js
index 46fd041c..c2e958a6 100644
--- a/app.js
+++ b/app.js
@@ -175,6 +175,35 @@ app.set('views', config.viewPath)
app.engine('ejs', ejs.renderFile)
// set view engine
app.set('view engine', 'ejs')
+// set generally available variables for all views
+app.locals.useCDN = config.useCDN
+app.locals.serverURL = config.serverURL
+app.locals.sourceURL = config.sourceURL
+app.locals.allowAnonymous = config.allowAnonymous
+app.locals.allowAnonymousEdits = config.allowAnonymousEdits
+app.locals.allowPDFExport = config.allowPDFExport
+app.locals.authProviders = {
+ facebook: config.isFacebookEnable,
+ twitter: config.isTwitterEnable,
+ github: config.isGitHubEnable,
+ gitlab: config.isGitLabEnable,
+ mattermost: config.isMattermostEnable,
+ dropbox: config.isDropboxEnable,
+ google: config.isGoogleEnable,
+ ldap: config.isLDAPEnable,
+ ldapProviderName: config.ldap.providerName,
+ saml: config.isSAMLEnable,
+ oauth2: config.isOAuth2Enable,
+ oauth2ProviderName: config.oauth2.providerName,
+ openID: config.isOpenIDEnable,
+ email: config.isEmailEnable,
+ allowEmailRegister: config.allowEmailRegister
+// Export/Import menu items
+app.locals.enableDropBoxSave = config.isDropboxEnable
+app.locals.enableGitHubGist = config.isGitHubEnable
+app.locals.enableGitlabSnippets = config.isGitlabSnippetsEnable
diff --git a/bin/manage_users b/bin/manage_users
index 74ac1812..8c356200 100755
--- a/bin/manage_users
+++ b/bin/manage_users
@@ -8,7 +8,8 @@ const models = require("../lib/models/");
const readline = require("readline-sync");
const minimist = require("minimist");
-var usage = `
+function showUsage(tips) {
+ console.log(`${tips}
Command-line utility to create users for email-signin.
@@ -16,74 +17,103 @@ Usage: bin/manage_users [--pass password] (--add | --del) user-email
--add Add user with the specified user-email
--del Delete user with specified user-email
+ --reset Reset user password with specified user-email
--pass Use password from cmdline rather than prompting
+ process.exit(1);
+function getPass(argv, action) {
+ // Find whether we use cmdline or prompt password
+ if(typeof argv["pass"] !== 'string') {
+ return readline.question(`Password for ${argv[action]}:`, {hideEchoBack: true});
+ }
+ console.log("Using password from commandline...");
+ return argv["pass"];
// Using an async function to be able to use await inside
async function createUser(argv) {
- var existing_user = await models.User.findOne({where: {email: argv["add"]}});
+ const existing_user = await models.User.findOne({where: {email: argv["add"]}});
// Cannot create already-existing users
if(existing_user != undefined) {
- console.log("User with e-mail "" already exists! Aborting ...");
+ console.log(`User with e-mail ${} already exists! Aborting ...`);
- // Find whether we use cmdline or prompt password
- if(argv["pass"] == undefined) {
- var pass = readline.question("Password for "+argv["add"]+":", {hideEchoBack: true});
- } else {
- console.log("Using password from commandline...");
- var pass = "" + argv["pass"];
- }
+ const pass = getPass(argv, "add");
// Lets try to create, and check success
- var ref = await models.User.create({email: argv["add"], password: pass});
+ const ref = await models.User.create({email: argv["add"], password: pass});
if(ref == undefined) {
- console.log("Could not create user with email "+argv["add"]);
+ console.log(`Could not create user with email ${argv["add"]}`);
} else
- console.log("Created user with email "+argv["add"]);
+ console.log(`Created user with email ${argv["add"]}`);
// Using an async function to be able to use await inside
async function deleteUser(argv) {
// Cannot delete non-existing users
- var existing_user = await models.User.findOne({where: {email: argv["del"]}});
- if(existing_user == undefined) {
- console.log("User with e-mail "+argv["del"]+" does not exist, cannot delete");
+ const existing_user = await models.User.findOne({where: {email: argv["del"]}});
+ if(existing_user === undefined) {
+ console.log(`User with e-mail ${argv["del"]} does not exist, cannot delete`);
// Sadly .destroy() does not return any success value with all
// backends. See sequelize #4124
await existing_user.destroy();
- console.log("Deleted user "+argv["del"]+" ...");
+ console.log(`Deleted user ${argv["del"]} ...`);
+// Using an async function to be able to use await inside
+async function resetUser(argv) {
+ const existing_user = await models.User.findOne({where: {email: argv["reset"]}});
+ // Cannot reset non-existing users
+ if(existing_user == undefined) {
+ console.log(`User with e-mail ${argv["reset"]} does not exist, cannot reset`);
+ process.exit(1);
+ }
+ const pass = getPass(argv, "reset");
+ // set password and save
+ existing_user.password = pass;
+ await;
+ console.log(`User with email ${argv["reset"]} password has been reset`);
+const options = {
+ add: createUser,
+ del: deleteUser,
+ reset: resetUser,
// Perform commandline-parsing
-var argv = minimist(process.argv.slice(2));
+const argv = minimist(process.argv.slice(2));
-// Check for add/delete missing
-if (argv["add"] == undefined && argv["del"] == undefined) {
- console.log("You did not specify either --add or --del!");
- console.log(usage);
- process.exit(1);
+const keys = Object.keys(options);
+const opts = keys.filter((key) => argv[key] !== undefined);
+const action = opts[0];
+// Check for options missing
+if (opts.length === 0) {
+ showUsage(`You did not specify either ${ => `--${key}`).join(' or ')}!`);
// Check if both are specified
-if (argv["add"] != undefined && argv["del"] != undefined) {
- console.log("You cannot add and delete at the same time!");
- console.log(usage);
- process.exit(1);
+if (opts.length > 1) {
+ showUsage(`You cannot ${action.join(' and ')} at the same time!`);
+// Check if not string
+if (typeof argv[action] !== 'string') {
+ showUsage(`You must follow an email after --${action}`);
// Call respective processing functions
-if (argv["add"] != undefined) {
- createUser(argv).then(function() {
- process.exit(0);
- });
-} else if (argv["del"] != undefined) {
- deleteUser(argv).then(function() {
- process.exit(0);
- })
+options[action](argv).then(function() {
+ process.exit(0);
diff --git a/docs/guides/ b/docs/guides/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c3783c89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/guides/
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+Pad migration guide from etherpad-lite
+The goal of this migration is to do a "dumb" import from all the pads in Etherpad, to notes in
+CodiMD. In particular, the url locations of the pads in Etherpad will be lost. Furthermore, any
+metadata in Etherpad, such as revisions, author data and also formatted text will not be migrated
+to CodiMD (only the plain text contents).
+Note that this guide is not really meant as a support guide. I migrated my own Etherpad to CodiMD,
+and it turned out to be quite easy in my opinion. In this guide I share my experience. Stuff may
+require some creativity to work properly in your case. When I wrote this guide, I was using
+[Etherpad 1.7.0] and [CodiMD 1.2.1]. Good luck!
+[Etherpad 1.7.0]:
+[CodiMD 1.2.1]:
+## 0. Requirements
+- `curl`
+- running Etherpad server
+- running CodiMD server
+- [codimd-cli]
+## 1. Retrieve the list of pads
+First, compose a list of all the pads that you want to have migrated from your Etherpad. Other than
+the admin interface, Etherpad does not have a dedicated function to dump a list of all the pads.
+However, the Etherpad wiki explains how to list all the pads by [talking directly to the
+You will end up with a file containing a pad name on each line:
+## 2. Run the migration
+Download [codimd-cli] and put the script in the same directory as the file containing the pad names.
+Add to this directory the file listed below, I called it ``. Modify at least the
+configuration settings `ETHERPAD_SERVER` and `CODIMD_SERVER`.
+# Description: Migrate pads from etherpad to codimd
+# Author: Daan Sprenkels <>
+# This script uses the codimd command line script[1] to import a list of pads from
+# [1]:
+# The base url to where etherpad is hosted
+# The base url where codimd is hosted
+# Write a list of pads and the urls which they were migrated to
+# Fail if not called correctly
+if (( $# != 1 )); then
+ echo "Usage: $0 PAD_NAMES_FILE"
+ exit 2
+# Do the migration
+for PAD_NAME in $1; do
+ # Download the pad
+ PAD_FILE="$(mktemp)"
+ curl "$ETHERPAD_SERVER/p/$PAD_NAME/export/txt" >"$PAD_FILE"
+ # Import the pad into codimd
+ OUTPUT="$(./codimd import "$PAD_FILE")"
+Call this file like this:
+./ pad_names.txt
+This will download all the pads in `pad_names.txt` and put them on CodiMD. They will get assigned
+random ids, so you won't be able to find them. The script will save the mappings to a file though
+(in my case `redirects.txt`). You can use this file to redirect your users when they visit your
+etherpad using a `301 Permanent Redirect` status code (see the next section).
+## 3. Setup redirects (optional)
+I got a `redirects.txt` file that looked a bit like this:
+date-ideas -> Found. Redirecting to
+groceries -> Found. Redirecting to
+london -> Found. Redirecting to
+weddingchecklist -> Found. Redirecting to
+Using some `sed` magic, I changed it to an nginx config snippet:
+location = /p/date-ideas {
+ return 301;
+location = /p/groceries {
+ return 301;
+location = /p/london {
+ return 301;
+location = /p/weddingchecklist {
+ return 301;
+I put this file into my `` nginx config, such that all the users would be
+redirected accordingly.
diff --git a/lib/config/default.js b/lib/config/default.js
index c3ada982..15f11aaa 100644
--- a/lib/config/default.js
+++ b/lib/config/default.js
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
'use strict'
+const os = require('os')
module.exports = {
domain: '',
urlPath: '',
@@ -39,7 +41,7 @@ module.exports = {
dhParamPath: '',
// other path
viewPath: './public/views',
- tmpPath: './tmp',
+ tmpPath: os.tmpdir(),
defaultNotePath: './public/',
docsPath: './public/docs',
uploadsPath: './public/uploads',
diff --git a/lib/config/environment.js b/lib/config/environment.js
index 6737637c..0c7c9a4f 100644
--- a/lib/config/environment.js
+++ b/lib/config/environment.js
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
const {toBooleanConfig, toArrayConfig, toIntegerConfig} = require('./utils')
module.exports = {
+ sourceURL: process.env.CMD_SOURCE_URL,
domain: process.env.CMD_DOMAIN,
urlPath: process.env.CMD_URL_PATH,
host: process.env.CMD_HOST,
diff --git a/lib/config/index.js b/lib/config/index.js
index f8b68e30..4e1fa50d 100644
--- a/lib/config/index.js
+++ b/lib/config/index.js
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ const {merge} = require('lodash')
const deepFreeze = require('deep-freeze')
const {Environment, Permission} = require('./enum')
const logger = require('../logger')
+const {getGitCommit, getGitHubURL} = require('./utils')
const appRootPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '../../')
const env = process.env.NODE_ENV || Environment.development
@@ -16,11 +17,17 @@ const debugConfig = {
// Get version string from package.json
-const {version} = require(path.join(appRootPath, 'package.json'))
+const {version, repository} = require(path.join(appRootPath, 'package.json'))
+const commitID = getGitCommit(appRootPath)
+const sourceURL = getGitHubURL(repository.url, commitID || version)
+const fullversion = commitID ? `${version}-${commitID}` : version
const packageConfig = {
version: version,
- minimumCompatibleVersion: '0.5.0'
+ minimumCompatibleVersion: '0.5.0',
+ fullversion: fullversion,
+ sourceURL: sourceURL
const configFilePath = path.resolve(appRootPath, process.env.CMD_CONFIG_FILE ||
@@ -110,6 +117,8 @@ if (config.gitlab && config.gitlab.version !== 'v4' && config.gitlab.version !==
logger.warn('config.js contains wrong version (' + config.gitlab.version + ') for gitlab api; it should be \'v3\' or \'v4\'. Defaulting to v4')
config.gitlab.version = 'v4'
+// If gitlab scope is api, enable snippets Export/import
+config.isGitlabSnippetsEnable = (!config.gitlab.scope || config.gitlab.scope === 'api')
// Only update i18n files in development setups
config.updateI18nFiles = (env === Environment.development)
diff --git a/lib/config/utils.js b/lib/config/utils.js
index b2406cf1..9646f8c0 100644
--- a/lib/config/utils.js
+++ b/lib/config/utils.js
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
'use strict'
+const fs = require('fs')
+const path = require('path')
exports.toBooleanConfig = function toBooleanConfig (configValue) {
if (configValue && typeof configValue === 'string') {
return (configValue === 'true')
@@ -20,3 +23,33 @@ exports.toIntegerConfig = function toIntegerConfig (configValue) {
return configValue
+exports.getGitCommit = function getGitCommit (repodir) {
+ if (!fs.existsSync(repodir + '/.git/HEAD')) {
+ return undefined
+ }
+ let reference = fs.readFileSync(repodir + '/.git/HEAD', 'utf8')
+ if (reference.startsWith('ref: ')) {
+ reference = reference.substr(5).replace('\n', '')
+ reference = fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(repodir + '/.git', reference), 'utf8')
+ }
+ reference = reference.replace('\n', '')
+ return reference
+exports.getGitHubURL = function getGitHubURL (repo, reference) {
+ // if it's not a github reference, we handle handle that anyway
+ if (!repo.startsWith('') && !repo.startsWith('')) {
+ return repo
+ }
+ if (repo.startsWith('') || repo.startsWith('ssh://')) {
+ repo = repo.replace(/^(ssh:\/\/)?, '')
+ }
+ if (repo.endsWith('.git')) {
+ repo = repo.replace(/\.git$/, '/')
+ } else if (!repo.endsWith('/')) {
+ repo = repo + '/'
+ }
+ return repo + 'tree/' + reference
diff --git a/lib/realtime.js b/lib/realtime.js
index f6c62d4e..8541bafa 100644
--- a/lib/realtime.js
+++ b/lib/realtime.js
@@ -887,7 +887,7 @@ function connection (socket) {
// check version
socket.on('version', function () {
socket.emit('version', {
- version: config.version,
+ version: config.fullversion,
minimumCompatibleVersion: config.minimumCompatibleVersion
diff --git a/lib/response.js b/lib/response.js
index 4f572e47..3cbd3203 100644
--- a/lib/response.js
+++ b/lib/response.js
@@ -55,12 +55,10 @@ var response = {
function responseError (res, code, detail, msg) {
res.status(code).render('error.ejs', {
- url: config.serverURL,
title: code + ' ' + detail + ' ' + msg,
code: code,
detail: detail,
- msg: msg,
- useCDN: config.useCDN
+ msg: msg
@@ -69,26 +67,6 @@ function showIndex (req, res, next) {
var deleteToken = ''
var data = {
- url: config.serverURL,
- useCDN: config.useCDN,
- allowAnonymous: config.allowAnonymous,
- allowAnonymousEdits: config.allowAnonymousEdits,
- facebook: config.isFacebookEnable,
- twitter: config.isTwitterEnable,
- github: config.isGitHubEnable,
- gitlab: config.isGitLabEnable,
- mattermost: config.isMattermostEnable,
- dropbox: config.isDropboxEnable,
- google: config.isGoogleEnable,
- ldap: config.isLDAPEnable,
- ldapProviderName: config.ldap.providerName,
- saml: config.isSAMLEnable,
- oauth2: config.isOAuth2Enable,
- oauth2ProviderName: config.oauth2.providerName,
- email: config.isEmailEnable,
- allowEmailRegister: config.allowEmailRegister,
- allowPDFExport: config.allowPDFExport,
- openID: config.isOpenIDEnable,
signin: authStatus,
infoMessage: req.flash('info'),
errorMessage: req.flash('error'),
@@ -124,27 +102,7 @@ function responseCodiMD (res, note) {
'X-Robots-Tag': 'noindex, nofollow' // prevent crawling
res.render('codimd.ejs', {
- url: config.serverURL,
- title: title,
- useCDN: config.useCDN,
- allowAnonymous: config.allowAnonymous,
- allowAnonymousEdits: config.allowAnonymousEdits,
- facebook: config.isFacebookEnable,
- twitter: config.isTwitterEnable,
- github: config.isGitHubEnable,
- gitlab: config.isGitLabEnable,
- mattermost: config.isMattermostEnable,
- dropbox: config.isDropboxEnable,
- google: config.isGoogleEnable,
- ldap: config.isLDAPEnable,
- ldapProviderName: config.ldap.providerName,
- oauth2ProviderName: config.oauth2.providerName,
- saml: config.isSAMLEnable,
- oauth2: config.isOAuth2Enable,
- email: config.isEmailEnable,
- allowEmailRegister: config.allowEmailRegister,
- allowPDFExport: config.allowPDFExport,
- openID: config.isOpenIDEnable
+ title: title
@@ -254,16 +212,13 @@ function showPublishNote (req, res, next) {
var updatetime = note.lastchangeAt
var title = models.Note.decodeTitle(note.title)
title = models.Note.generateWebTitle(meta.title || title)
- var origin = config.serverURL
var data = {
title: title,
description: meta.description || (markdown ? models.Note.generateDescription(markdown) : null),
viewcount: note.viewcount,
createtime: createtime,
updatetime: updatetime,
- url: origin,
body: body,
- useCDN: config.useCDN,
owner: note.owner ? : null,
ownerprofile: note.owner ? models.User.getProfile(note.owner) : null,
lastchangeuser: note.lastchangeuser ? : null,
@@ -634,18 +589,15 @@ function showPublishSlide (req, res, next) {
var updatetime = note.lastchangeAt
var title = models.Note.decodeTitle(note.title)
title = models.Note.generateWebTitle(meta.title || title)
- var origin = config.serverURL
var data = {
title: title,
description: meta.description || (markdown ? models.Note.generateDescription(markdown) : null),
viewcount: note.viewcount,
createtime: createtime,
updatetime: updatetime,
- url: origin,
body: markdown,
theme: meta.slideOptions && utils.isRevealTheme(meta.slideOptions.theme),
meta: JSON.stringify(extracted.meta),
- useCDN: config.useCDN,
owner: note.owner ? : null,
ownerprofile: note.owner ? models.User.getProfile(note.owner) : null,
lastchangeuser: note.lastchangeuser ? : null,
diff --git a/lib/web/statusRouter.js b/lib/web/statusRouter.js
index fb2609ea..2b9cb65f 100644
--- a/lib/web/statusRouter.js
+++ b/lib/web/statusRouter.js
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ statusRouter.get('/config', function (req, res) {
domain: config.domain,
urlpath: config.urlPath,
debug: config.debug,
- version: config.version,
+ version: config.fullversion,
DROPBOX_APP_KEY: config.dropbox.appKey,
allowedUploadMimeTypes: config.allowedUploadMimeTypes
diff --git a/locales/en.json b/locales/en.json
index 100f4f54..ead7ce2f 100644
--- a/locales/en.json
+++ b/locales/en.json
@@ -112,5 +112,6 @@
"This will delete your account, all notes that are owned by you and remove all references to your account from other notes.": "This will delete your account, all notes that are owned by you and remove all references to your account from other notes.",
"Delete user": "Delete user",
"Export user data": "Export user data",
- "Help us translating on %s": "Help us translating on %s"
-} \ No newline at end of file
+ "Help us translating on %s": "Help us translating on %s",
+ "Source Code": "Source Code"
diff --git a/locales/fr.json b/locales/fr.json
index 0784daa5..7d4aa8e1 100644
--- a/locales/fr.json
+++ b/locales/fr.json
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
"Releases": "Versions",
"Are you sure?": "Ëtes-vous sûr ?",
"Do you really want to delete this note?": "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer cette note?",
- "All users will lose their connection.": "All users will lose their connection.",
+ "All users will lose their connection.": "Tous les utilisateurs perdront leur connexion.",
"Cancel": "Annuler",
"Yes, do it!": "Oui, je suis sûr !",
"Choose method": "Choisir la méthode",
@@ -109,7 +109,8 @@
"Privacy": "Confidentialité",
"Terms of Use": "Conditions d'utilisation",
"Do you really want to delete your user account?": "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer votre compte utilisateur",
- "This will delete your account, all notes that are owned by you and remove all references to your account from other notes.": "This will delete your account, all notes that are owned by you and remove all references to your account from other notes.",
+ "This will delete your account, all notes that are owned by you and remove all references to your account from other notes.": "Cela supprimera votre compte, toutes les notes dont vous êtes propriétaire et supprimera toute référence à votre compte dans les autres notes.",
"Delete user": "Suprrimez l'utilisteur",
- "Export user data": "Exportez les données utilisateur"
+ "Export user data": "Exportez les données utilisateur",
+ "Help us translating on %s": ""
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locales/it.json b/locales/it.json
index 207f3e7e..8a7f9ee5 100644
--- a/locales/it.json
+++ b/locales/it.json
@@ -111,5 +111,6 @@
"Do you really want to delete your user account?": "Vuoi veramente cancellare il tuo account utente?",
"This will delete your account, all notes that are owned by you and remove all references to your account from other notes.": "Questo cancellerà il tuo account, tutte le note di cui sei proprietario e rimuoverà i riferimenti al tuo account dalle altre note.",
"Delete user": "Elimina utente",
- "Export user data": "Esporta dati utente"
+ "Export user data": "Esporta dati utente",
+ "Help us translating on %s": "Aiutaci nella traduzione su %s"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 524f87e9..304a526d 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
"Idle.Js": "git+",
"archiver": "^2.1.1",
"async": "^2.1.4",
- "aws-sdk": "^2.7.20",
+ "aws-sdk": "^2.345.0",
"azure-storage": "^2.7.0",
"base64url": "^3.0.0",
"blueimp-md5": "^2.6.0",
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
"jsdom-nogyp": "^0.8.3",
"keymaster": "^1.6.2",
"list.js": "^1.5.0",
- "lodash": "^4.17.4",
+ "lodash": "^4.17.11",
"lz-string": "git+",
"markdown-it": "^8.2.2",
"markdown-it-abbr": "^1.0.4",
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
"passport-ldapauth": "^2.0.0",
"passport-local": "^1.0.0",
"passport-oauth2": "^1.4.0",
- "passport-saml": "^0.31.0",
+ "passport-saml": "^0.35.0",
"passport-twitter": "^1.0.4",
"passport.socketio": "^3.7.0",
"pdfobject": "^2.0.201604172",
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
"randomcolor": "^0.5.3",
"raphael": "git+",
"readline-sync": "^1.4.7",
- "request": "^2.79.0",
+ "request": "^2.88.0",
"reveal.js": "~3.6.0",
"scrypt": "^6.0.3",
"select2": "^3.5.2-browserify",
diff --git a/public/docs/ b/public/docs/
index 411f31d4..5503cbd7 100644
--- a/public/docs/
+++ b/public/docs/
@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ Press `B` or `.` on your keyboard to pause the presentation. This is helpful whe
Down below you can find a print icon<i class="fa fa-fw fa-print"></i>.
-After you click on it, use the print function of your browser (either CTRL+P or cmd+P) to print the slides as PDF.
+After you click on it, use the print function of your browser (either CTRL+P or cmd+P) to print the slides as PDF. [See official reveal.js instructions for details](
diff --git a/public/js/extra.js b/public/js/extra.js
index dd264047..ed1470be 100644
--- a/public/js/extra.js
+++ b/public/js/extra.js
@@ -1145,6 +1145,19 @@ const pdfPlugin = new Plugin(
+const emojijsPlugin = new Plugin(
+ // regexp to match emoji shortcodes :something:
+ // We generate an universal regex that guaranteed only contains the
+ // emojies we have available. This should prevent all false-positives
+ new RegExp(':(' + => { return RegExp.escape(item) }).join('|') + '):', 'i'),
+ (match, utils) => {
+ const emoji = match[1].toLowerCase()
+ const div = $(`<img class="emoji" src="${serverurl}/build/emojify.js/dist/images/basic/${emoji}.png"></img>`)
+ return div[0].outerHTML
+ }
// yaml meta, from
function get (state, line) {
const pos = state.bMarks[line]
@@ -1189,6 +1202,7 @@ function metaPlugin (md) {
diff --git a/public/js/render.js b/public/js/render.js
index 23b8934e..ff5e2bf2 100644
--- a/public/js/render.js
+++ b/public/js/render.js
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
/* eslint-env browser, jquery */
-/* global filterXSS */
// allow some attributes
+var filterXSS = require('xss')
var whiteListAttr = ['id', 'class', 'style']
window.whiteListAttr = whiteListAttr
// allow link starts with '.', '/' and custom protocol with '://', exclude link starts with javascript://
@@ -71,5 +73,6 @@ function preventXSS (html) {
window.preventXSS = preventXSS
module.exports = {
- preventXSS: preventXSS
+ preventXSS: preventXSS,
+ escapeAttrValue: filterXSS.escapeAttrValue
diff --git a/public/js/reveal-markdown.js b/public/js/reveal-markdown.js
index d15b5ebd..ad5bfd04 100644
--- a/public/js/reveal-markdown.js
+++ b/public/js/reveal-markdown.js
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* eslint-env browser, jquery */
-import { preventXSS } from './render'
+import { preventXSS, escapeAttrValue } from './render'
import { md } from './extra'
@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ import { md } from './extra'
while ((matchesClass = mardownClassRegex.exec(classes))) {
var name = matchesClass[1]
var value = matchesClass[2]
- if (name.substr(0, 5) === 'data-' || window.whiteListAttr.indexOf(name) !== -1) { elementTarget.setAttribute(name, window.filterXSS.escapeAttrValue(value)) }
+ if (name.substr(0, 5) === 'data-' || window.whiteListAttr.indexOf(name) !== -1) { elementTarget.setAttribute(name, escapeAttrValue(value)) }
return true
diff --git a/public/views/codimd/foot.ejs b/public/views/codimd/foot.ejs
index 000ccb6d..9b1c68d6 100644
--- a/public/views/codimd/foot.ejs
+++ b/public/views/codimd/foot.ejs
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<script src="<%= url %>/js/mathjax-config-extra.js"></script>
+<script src="<%= serverURL %>/js/mathjax-config-extra.js"></script>
<% if(useCDN) { %>
<script src="" integrity="sha256-PieqE0QdEDMppwXrTzSZQr6tWFX3W5KkyRVyF1zN3eg=" crossorigin="anonymous" defer></script>
<script src="" integrity="sha256-hVVnYaiADRTO2PzUGmuLJr8BLUSjGIZsDYGmIJLv2b8=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
<script src="" integrity="sha256-Sq1r2XXWXQoShQKsS0Wrf5r7fRkErd9Fat9vHYeU68s=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<%- include ../build/index-scripts %>
<% } else { %>
-<script src="<%- url %>/build/MathJax/MathJax.js" defer></script>
-<script src="<%- url %>/build/MathJax/config/TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML.js" defer></script>
+<script src="<%- serverURL %>/build/MathJax/MathJax.js" defer></script>
+<script src="<%- serverURL %>/build/MathJax/config/TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML.js" defer></script>
<%- include ../build/index-pack-scripts %>
<% } %>
diff --git a/public/views/codimd/head.ejs b/public/views/codimd/head.ejs
index 356ded6d..afa89d13 100644
--- a/public/views/codimd/head.ejs
+++ b/public/views/codimd/head.ejs
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" content="black">
<meta name="mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes">
<title><%= title %></title>
-<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="<%- url %>/favicon.png">
-<link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="<%- url %>/apple-touch-icon.png">
+<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="<%- serverURL %>/favicon.png">
+<link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="<%- serverURL %>/apple-touch-icon.png">
<% if(useCDN) { %>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha256-916EbMg70RQy9LHiGkXzG8hSg9EdNy97GazNG/aiY1w=" crossorigin="anonymous" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha256-ZhApazu+kejqTYhMF+1DzNKjIzP7KXu6AzyXcC1gMus=" crossorigin="anonymous" />
@@ -16,6 +16,6 @@
<%- include ../build/index-header %>
<%- include ../shared/polyfill %>
<% } else { %>
-<link rel="stylesheet" href='<%- url %>/build/emojify.js/dist/css/basic/emojify.min.css'>
+<link rel="stylesheet" href='<%- serverURL %>/build/emojify.js/dist/css/basic/emojify.min.css'>
<%- include ../build/index-pack-header %>
<% } %>
diff --git a/public/views/codimd/header.ejs b/public/views/codimd/header.ejs
index 1b5e4222..b83838ea 100644
--- a/public/views/codimd/header.ejs
+++ b/public/views/codimd/header.ejs
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
<ul class="dropdown-menu list" role="menu" aria-labelledby="menu">
- <a class="navbar-brand pull-left" href="<%- url %>/"><i class="fa fa-file-text"></i> CodiMD</a>
+ <a class="navbar-brand pull-left" href="<%- serverURL %>/"><i class="fa fa-file-text"></i> CodiMD</a>
<div class="nav-mobile pull-right visible-xs">
<span class="btn btn-link btn-file ui-upload-image" title="Upload Image" style="display:none;">
<i class="fa fa-camera"></i><input type="file" accept="image/*" name="upload" multiple>
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
<i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i>
<ul class="dropdown-menu list" role="menu" aria-labelledby="menu">
- <li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" class="ui-new" tabindex="-1" href="<%- url %>/new" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><i class="fa fa-plus fa-fw"></i> <%= __('New') %></a>
+ <li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" class="ui-new" tabindex="-1" href="<%- serverURL %>/new" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><i class="fa fa-plus fa-fw"></i> <%= __('New') %></a>
<li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" class="ui-publish" tabindex="-1" href="#" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><i class="fa fa-share-square-o fa-fw"></i> <%= __('Publish') %></a>
@@ -32,16 +32,16 @@
<li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" class="ui-extra-slide" tabindex="-1" href="#" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><i class="fa fa-tv fa-fw"></i> <%= __('Slide Mode') %></a>
- <% if((typeof github !== 'undefined' && github) || (typeof dropbox !== 'undefined' && dropbox) || (typeof gitlab !== 'undefined' && gitlab && (!gitlab.scope || gitlab.scope === 'api'))) { %>
+ <% if(enableGitHubGist || enableDropBoxSave || enableGitlabSnippets) { %>
<li class="divider"></li>
<li class="dropdown-header"><%= __('Export') %></li>
<li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" class="ui-save-dropbox" tabindex="-1" href="#" target="_self"><i class="fa fa-dropbox fa-fw"></i> Dropbox</a>
- <% if(typeof github !== 'undefined' && github) { %>
+ <% if(enableGitHubGist) { %>
<li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" class="ui-save-gist" tabindex="-1" href="#" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><i class="fa fa-github fa-fw"></i> Gist</a>
<% } %>
- <% if(typeof gitlab !== 'undefined' && gitlab && (!gitlab.scope || gitlab.scope === 'api')) { %>
+ <% if(enableGitlabSnippets) { %>
<li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" class="ui-save-snippet" href="#"><i class="fa fa-gitlab fa-fw"></i> Snippet</a>
<% } %>
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
<li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" class="ui-import-gist" href="#" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#gistImportModal"><i class="fa fa-github fa-fw"></i> Gist</a>
- <% if(typeof gitlab !== 'undefined' && gitlab && (!gitlab.scope || gitlab.scope === 'api')) { %>
+ <% if(enableGitlabSnippets) { %>
<li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" class="ui-import-snippet" href="#"><i class="fa fa-gitlab fa-fw"></i> Snippet</a>
<% } %>
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@
<ul class="nav navbar-nav navbar-right" style="padding:0;">
- <a href="<%- url %>/new" target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="ui-new">
+ <a href="<%- serverURL %>/new" target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="ui-new">
<i class="fa fa-plus"></i> <%= __('New') %>
@@ -134,16 +134,16 @@
<li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" class="ui-extra-slide" tabindex="-1" href="#" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><i class="fa fa-tv fa-fw"></i> <%= __('Slide Mode') %></a>
- <% if((typeof github !== 'undefined' && github) || (typeof dropbox !== 'undefined' && dropbox) || (typeof gitlab !== 'undefined' && gitlab && (!gitlab.scope || gitlab.scope === 'api'))) { %>
+ <% if(enableGitHubGist || enableDropBoxSave || enableGitlabSnippets) { %>
<li class="divider"></li>
<li class="dropdown-header"><%= __('Export') %></li>
<li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" class="ui-save-dropbox" tabindex="-1" href="#" target="_self"><i class="fa fa-dropbox fa-fw"></i> Dropbox</a>
- <% if(typeof github !== 'undefined' && github) { %>
+ <% if(enableGitHubGist) { %>
<li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" class="ui-save-gist" tabindex="-1" href="#" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><i class="fa fa-github fa-fw"></i> Gist</a>
<% } %>
- <% if(typeof gitlab !== 'undefined' && gitlab && (!gitlab.scope || gitlab.scope === 'api')) { %>
+ <% if(enableGitlabSnippets) { %>
<li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" class="ui-save-snippet" href="#"><i class="fa fa-gitlab fa-fw"></i> Snippet</a>
<% } %>
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@
<li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" class="ui-import-gist" href="#" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#gistImportModal"><i class="fa fa-github fa-fw"></i> Gist</a>
- <% if(typeof gitlab !== 'undefined' && gitlab && (!gitlab.scope || gitlab.scope === 'api')) { %>
+ <% if(enableGitlabSnippets) { %>
<li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" class="ui-import-snippet" href="#"><i class="fa fa-gitlab fa-fw"></i> Snippet</a>
<% } %>
diff --git a/public/views/error.ejs b/public/views/error.ejs
index 98c3c74e..3ed76c8c 100644
--- a/public/views/error.ejs
+++ b/public/views/error.ejs
@@ -3,14 +3,14 @@
<%- include codimd/head %>
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="<%- url %>/css/center.css">
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="<%- serverURL %>/css/center.css">
<%- include codimd/header %>
<div class="container-fluid text-center">
<div class="vertical-center-row">
- <h1><%- code %> <%- detail %> <small><%- msg %></small></h1>
+ <h1><%- code %> <%- detail %> <small><%- msg %></small></h1>
<%- include codimd/footer %>
diff --git a/public/views/index/body.ejs b/public/views/index/body.ejs
index 18bffddb..43582d78 100644
--- a/public/views/index/body.ejs
+++ b/public/views/index/body.ejs
@@ -12,24 +12,24 @@
<li class="ui-history<% if(signin) { %> active<% } %>"><a href="#"><%= __('History') %></a>
<div class="ui-signin" style="float: right; margin-top: 8px;<% if(signin) { %> display: none;<% } %>">
- <% if(allowAnonymous) { %>
- <a type="button" href="<%- url %>/new" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary"><i class="fa fa-plus"></i> <%= __('New guest note') %></a>
+ <% if (allowAnonymous) { %>
+ <a type="button" href="<%- serverURL %>/new" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary"><i class="fa fa-plus"></i> <%= __('New guest note') %></a>
<% } %>
- <% if(facebook || twitter || github || gitlab || mattermost || dropbox || google || ldap || saml || oauth2 || email) { %>
+ <% if (authProviders.facebook || authProviders.twitter || authProviders.github || authProviders.gitlab || authProviders.mattermost || authProviders.dropbox || || authProviders.ldap || authProviders.saml || authProviders.oauth2 || { %>
<button class="btn btn-sm btn-success ui-signin" data-toggle="modal" data-target=".signin-modal"><%= __('Sign In') %></button>
<% } %>
<div class="ui-signout" style="float: right; margin-top: 8px;<% if(!signin) { %> display: none;<% } %>">
- <a type="button" href="<%- url %>/new" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary"><i class="fa fa-plus"></i> <%= __('New note') %></a>
+ <a type="button" href="<%- serverURL %>/new" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary"><i class="fa fa-plus"></i> <%= __('New note') %></a>
<span class="ui-profile dropdown pull-right">
<button id="profileLabel" class="btn btn-sm btn-link ui-profile-label" style="padding-right: 0;" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">
<img class="ui-avatar" width="20" height="20"><span class="hidden-xs hidden-sm">&ensp;<span class="ui-name"></span></span>&ensp;<i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i>
<ul class="dropdown-menu" aria-labelledby="profileLabel">
- <li><a href="<%- url %>/features"><i class="fa fa-dot-circle-o fa-fw"></i> <%= __('Features') %></a></li>
- <li><a href="<%- url %>/me/export"><i class="fa fa-cloud-download fa-fw"></i> <%= __('Export user data') %></a></li>
+ <li><a href="<%- serverURL %>/features"><i class="fa fa-dot-circle-o fa-fw"></i> <%= __('Features') %></a></li>
+ <li><a href="<%- serverURL %>/me/export"><i class="fa fa-cloud-download fa-fw"></i> <%= __('Export user data') %></a></li>
<li><a class="ui-delete-user" data-toggle="modal" data-target=".delete-user-modal"><i class="fa fa-trash fa-fw"></i> <%= __('Delete user') %></a></li>
- <li><a href="<%- url %>/logout"><i class="fa fa-sign-out fa-fw"></i> <%= __('Sign Out') %></a></li>
+ <li><a href="<%- serverURL %>/logout"><i class="fa fa-sign-out fa-fw"></i> <%= __('Sign Out') %></a></li>
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
<% if (errorMessage && errorMessage.length > 0) { %>
<div class="alert alert-danger" style="max-width: 400px; margin: 0 auto;"><%= errorMessage %></div>
<% } %>
- <% if(facebook || twitter || github || gitlab || mattermost || dropbox || google || ldap || saml || oauth2 || email) { %>
+ <% if (authProviders.facebook || authProviders.twitter || authProviders.github || authProviders.gitlab || authProviders.mattermost || authProviders.dropbox || || authProviders.ldap || authProviders.saml || authProviders.oauth2 || { %>
<span class="ui-signin">
<a type="button" class="btn btn-lg btn-success ui-signin" data-toggle="modal" data-target=".signin-modal" style="min-width: 200px;"><%= __('Sign In') %></a>
@@ -58,26 +58,26 @@
<span class="ui-or"><%= __('or') %></span>
<% } %>
<span class="ui-signin">
- <a type="button" href="<%- url %>/features" class="btn btn-lg btn-primary" style="min-width: 200px;"><%= __('Explore all features') %></a>
+ <a type="button" href="<%- serverURL %>/features" class="btn btn-lg btn-primary" style="min-width: 200px;"><%= __('Explore all features') %></a>
- <img src="<%- url %>/screenshot.png" class="screenshot ui-signin">
+ <img src="<%- serverURL %>/screenshot.png" class="screenshot ui-signin">
<div class="lead row" style="width: 90%; margin: 0 auto;">
<div class="col-md-4 inner">
- <a href="<%- url %>/features#share-notes">
+ <a href="<%- serverURL %>/features#share-notes">
<i class="fa fa-bolt fa-3x"></i>
<h4><%= __('Collaborate with URL') %></h4>
<div class="col-md-4 inner">
- <a href="<%- url %>/features#mathjax">
+ <a href="<%- serverURL %>/features#mathjax">
<i class="fa fa-bar-chart fa-3x"></i>
<h4><%= __('Support charts and MathJax') %></h4>
<div class="col-md-4 inner">
- <a href="<%- url %>/features#slide-mode">
+ <a href="<%- serverURL %>/features#slide-mode">
<i class="fa fa-tv fa-3x"></i>
<h4><%= __('Support slide mode') %></h4>
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@
<option value="id">Bahasa Indonesia</option>
- Powered by <a href="">CodiMD</a> | <a href="<%- url %>/s/release-notes" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><%= __('Releases') %></a><% if(privacyStatement) { %> | <a href="<%- url %>/s/privacy" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><%= __('Privacy') %></a><% } %><% if(termsOfUse) { %> | <a href="<%- url %>/s/terms-of-use" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><%= __('Terms of Use') %></a><% } %>
+ Powered by <a href="">CodiMD</a> | <a href="<%- serverURL %>/s/release-notes" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><%= __('Releases') %></a>| <a href="<%- sourceURL %>" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><%= __('Source Code') %></a><% if(privacyStatement) { %> | <a href="<%- serverURL %>/s/privacy" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><%= __('Privacy') %></a><% } %><% if(termsOfUse) { %> | <a href="<%- serverURL %>/s/terms-of-use" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><%= __('Terms of Use') %></a><% } %>
<h6 class="social-foot">
<%- __('Follow us on %s and %s.', '<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><i class="fa fa-github"></i> GitHub</a>, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><i class="fa fa-comments"></i> Riot</a>', '<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><i class="fa fa-globe"></i> POEditor</a>') %>
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@
<div class="modal-footer">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default ui-delete-user-modal-cancel" data-dismiss="modal"><%= __('Cancel') %></button>
- <a type="button" class="btn btn-danger" href="<%- url %>/me/delete/<%- deleteToken %>"><%= __('Yes, do it!') %></a>
+ <a type="button" class="btn btn-danger" href="<%- serverURL %>/me/delete/<%- deleteToken %>"><%= __('Yes, do it!') %></a>
diff --git a/public/views/index/head.ejs b/public/views/index/head.ejs
index fc10dfa0..7a601bdf 100644
--- a/public/views/index/head.ejs
+++ b/public/views/index/head.ejs
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@
<meta name="description" content="<%= __('Best way to write and share your knowledge in markdown.') %>">
<meta name="keywords" content="Collaborative, Markdown, Notes">
<title>CodiMD - <%= __('Collaborative markdown notes') %></title>
-<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="<%- url %>/favicon.png">
-<link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="<%- url %>/apple-touch-icon.png">
+<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="<%- serverURL %>/favicon.png">
+<link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="<%- serverURL %>/apple-touch-icon.png">
<% if(useCDN) { %>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha256-916EbMg70RQy9LHiGkXzG8hSg9EdNy97GazNG/aiY1w=" crossorigin="anonymous" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha256-ZhApazu+kejqTYhMF+1DzNKjIzP7KXu6AzyXcC1gMus=" crossorigin="anonymous" />
diff --git a/public/views/pretty.ejs b/public/views/pretty.ejs
index a087be7f..ff4dcc23 100644
--- a/public/views/pretty.ejs
+++ b/public/views/pretty.ejs
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@
<meta name="description" content="<%= description %>">
<% } %>
<title><%= title %></title>
- <link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="<%- url %>/favicon.png">
- <link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="<%- url %>/apple-touch-icon.png">
+ <link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="<%- serverURL %>/favicon.png">
+ <link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="<%- serverURL %>/apple-touch-icon.png">
<% if(useCDN) { %>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha256-916EbMg70RQy9LHiGkXzG8hSg9EdNy97GazNG/aiY1w=" crossorigin="anonymous" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha256-ZhApazu+kejqTYhMF+1DzNKjIzP7KXu6AzyXcC1gMus=" crossorigin="anonymous" />
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
<%- include build/pretty-header %>
<%- include shared/polyfill %>
<% } else { %>
- <link rel="stylesheet" href='<%- url %>/build/emojify.js/dist/css/basic/emojify.min.css'>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href='<%- serverURL %>/build/emojify.js/dist/css/basic/emojify.min.css'>
<%- include build/pretty-pack-header %>
<% } %>
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
-<script src="<%= url %>/js/mathjax-config-extra.js"></script>
+<script src="<%= serverURL %>/js/mathjax-config-extra.js"></script>
<% if(useCDN) { %>
<script src="" integrity="sha256-hVVnYaiADRTO2PzUGmuLJr8BLUSjGIZsDYGmIJLv2b8=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<script src="" integrity="sha256-bhm0lgEt6ITaZCDzZpkr/VXVrLa5RP4u9v2AYsbzSUk=" crossorigin="anonymous" defer></script>
@@ -90,8 +90,8 @@
<script src="" integrity="sha256-Sq1r2XXWXQoShQKsS0Wrf5r7fRkErd9Fat9vHYeU68s=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<%- include build/pretty-scripts %>
<% } else { %>
-<script src="<%- url %>/build/MathJax/MathJax.js" defer></script>
-<script src="<%- url %>/build/MathJax/config/TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML.js" defer></script>
+<script src="<%- serverURL %>/build/MathJax/MathJax.js" defer></script>
+<script src="<%- serverURL %>/build/MathJax/config/TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML.js" defer></script>
<%- include build/pretty-pack-scripts %>
<% } %>
<%- include shared/ga %>
diff --git a/public/views/shared/refresh-modal.ejs b/public/views/shared/refresh-modal.ejs
index 64580545..2aa652aa 100644
--- a/public/views/shared/refresh-modal.ejs
+++ b/public/views/shared/refresh-modal.ejs
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
<div class="new-version" style="display:none;">
<h5><%= __('New version available!') %></h5>
- <a href="<%- url %>/s/release-notes" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><%= __('See releases notes here') %></a>
+ <a href="<%- serverURL %>/s/release-notes" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><%= __('See releases notes here') %></a>
<strong><%= __('Refresh to enjoy new features.') %></strong>
@@ -28,4 +28,4 @@
-</div> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/views/shared/signin-modal.ejs b/public/views/shared/signin-modal.ejs
index b413511c..d46b8d54 100644
--- a/public/views/shared/signin-modal.ejs
+++ b/public/views/shared/signin-modal.ejs
@@ -8,56 +8,56 @@
<h4 class="modal-title" id="mySmallModalLabel"><%= __('Choose method') %></h4>
<div class="modal-body" style="text-align: center;">
- <% if(facebook) { %>
- <a href="<%- url %>/auth/facebook" class="btn btn-lg btn-block btn-social btn-facebook">
+ <% if (authProviders.facebook) { %>
+ <a href="<%- serverURL %>/auth/facebook" class="btn btn-lg btn-block btn-social btn-facebook">
<i class="fa fa-facebook"></i> <%= __('Sign in via %s', 'Facebook') %>
<% } %>
- <% if(twitter) { %>
- <a href="<%- url %>/auth/twitter" class="btn btn-lg btn-block btn-social btn-twitter">
+ <% if (authProviders.twitter) { %>
+ <a href="<%- serverURL %>/auth/twitter" class="btn btn-lg btn-block btn-social btn-twitter">
<i class="fa fa-twitter"></i> <%= __('Sign in via %s', 'Twitter') %>
<% } %>
- <% if(github) { %>
- <a href="<%- url %>/auth/github" class="btn btn-lg btn-block btn-social btn-github">
+ <% if (authProviders.github) { %>
+ <a href="<%- serverURL %>/auth/github" class="btn btn-lg btn-block btn-social btn-github">
<i class="fa fa-github"></i> <%= __('Sign in via %s', 'GitHub') %>
<% } %>
- <% if(gitlab) { %>
- <a href="<%- url %>/auth/gitlab" class="btn btn-lg btn-block btn-social btn-soundcloud">
+ <% if (authProviders.gitlab) { %>
+ <a href="<%- serverURL %>/auth/gitlab" class="btn btn-lg btn-block btn-social btn-soundcloud">
<i class="fa fa-gitlab"></i> <%= __('Sign in via %s', 'GitLab') %>
<% } %>
- <% if(mattermost) { %>
- <a href="<%- url %>/auth/mattermost" class="btn btn-lg btn-block btn-social btn-soundcloud">
+ <% if (authProviders.mattermost) { %>
+ <a href="<%- serverURL %>/auth/mattermost" class="btn btn-lg btn-block btn-social btn-soundcloud">
<i class="fa fa-mattermost"></i> <%= __('Sign in via %s', 'Mattermost') %>
<% } %>
- <% if(dropbox) { %>
- <a href="<%- url %>/auth/dropbox" class="btn btn-lg btn-block btn-social btn-dropbox">
+ <% if (authProviders.dropbox) { %>
+ <a href="<%- serverURL %>/auth/dropbox" class="btn btn-lg btn-block btn-social btn-dropbox">
<i class="fa fa-dropbox"></i> <%= __('Sign in via %s', 'Dropbox') %>
<% } %>
- <% if(google) { %>
- <a href="<%- url %>/auth/google" class="btn btn-lg btn-block btn-social btn-google">
+ <% if ( { %>
+ <a href="<%- serverURL %>/auth/google" class="btn btn-lg btn-block btn-social btn-google">
<i class="fa fa-google"></i> <%= __('Sign in via %s', 'Google') %>
<% } %>
- <% if(saml) { %>
- <a href="<%- url %>/auth/saml" class="btn btn-lg btn-block btn-social btn-success">
+ <% if (authProviders.saml) { %>
+ <a href="<%- serverURL %>/auth/saml" class="btn btn-lg btn-block btn-social btn-success">
<i class="fa fa-users"></i> <%= __('Sign in via %s', 'SAML') %>
<% } %>
- <% if(oauth2) { %>
- <a href="<%- url %>/auth/oauth2" class="btn btn-lg btn-block btn-social btn-soundcloud">
- <i class="fa fa-mail-forward"></i> <%= __('Sign in via %s', oauth2ProviderName || 'OAuth2') %>
+ <% if (authProviders.oauth2) { %>
+ <a href="<%- serverURL %>/auth/oauth2" class="btn btn-lg btn-block btn-social btn-soundcloud">
+ <i class="fa fa-mail-forward"></i> <%= __('Sign in via %s', authProviders.oauth2ProviderName || 'OAuth2') %>
<% } %>
- <% if((facebook || twitter || github || gitlab || mattermost || dropbox || google || saml || oauth2) && ldap) { %>
+ <% if ((authProviders.facebook || authProviders.twitter || authProviders.github || authProviders.gitlab || authProviders.mattermost || authProviders.dropbox || || authProviders.saml || authProviders.oauth2) && authProviders.ldap) { %>
<% }%>
- <% if(ldap) { %>
- <h4>Via <% if (ldapProviderName) { %> <%= ldapProviderName %> (LDAP) <% } else { %> LDAP <% } %></h4>
+ <% if (authProviders.ldap) { %>
+ <h4>Via <% if (authProviders.ldapProviderName) { %> <%= authProviders.ldapProviderName %> (LDAP) <% } else { %> LDAP <% } %></h4>
<form data-toggle="validator" role="form" class="form-horizontal" method="post" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded">
<div class="form-group">
<div class="col-sm-12">
@@ -73,15 +73,15 @@
<div class="form-group">
<div class="col-sm-12">
- <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" formaction="<%- url %>/auth/ldap">Sign in</button>
+ <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" formaction="<%- serverURL %>/auth/ldap">Sign in</button>
<% } %>
- <% if((facebook || twitter || github || gitlab || mattermost || dropbox || google || ldap || oauth2) && openID) { %>
+ <% if ((authProviders.facebook || authProviders.twitter || authProviders.github || authProviders.gitlab || authProviders.mattermost || authProviders.dropbox || || authProviders.ldap || authProviders.oauth2) && authProviders.openID) { %>
<% }%>
- <% if(openID) { %>
+ <% if (authProviders.openID) { %>
<form data-toggle="validator" role="form" class="form-horizontal" method="post" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded">
<div class="form-group">
@@ -92,15 +92,15 @@
<div class="form-group">
<div class="col-sm-12">
- <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" formaction="<%- url %>/auth/openid">Sign in</button>
+ <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" formaction="<%- serverURL %>/auth/openid">Sign in</button>
<% } %>
- <% if((facebook || twitter || github || gitlab || mattermost || dropbox || google || ldap || oauth2 || openID) && email) { %>
+ <% if ((authProviders.facebook || authProviders.twitter || authProviders.github || authProviders.gitlab || authProviders.mattermost || authProviders.dropbox || || authProviders.ldap || authProviders.oauth2 || authProviders.openID) && { %>
<% }%>
- <% if(email) { %>
+ <% if ( { %>
<h4>Via Email</h4>
<form data-toggle="validator" role="form" class="form-horizontal" method="post" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded">
<div class="form-group">
@@ -117,8 +117,8 @@
<div class="form-group">
<div class="col-sm-12">
- <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" formaction="<%- url %>/login">Sign in</button>
- <% if(allowEmailRegister) { %><button type="submit" class="btn btn-default" formaction="<%- url %>/register">Register</button><% }%>
+ <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" formaction="<%- serverURL %>/login">Sign in</button>
+ <% if (authProviders.allowEmailRegister) { %><button type="submit" class="btn btn-default" formaction="<%- serverURL %>/register">Register</button><% }%>
diff --git a/public/views/slide.ejs b/public/views/slide.ejs
index 42fb5199..9b19af2a 100644
--- a/public/views/slide.ejs
+++ b/public/views/slide.ejs
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
<meta name="description" content="<%= description %>">
<% } %>
<title><%= title %></title>
- <link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="<%- url %>/favicon.png">
- <link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="<%- url %>/apple-touch-icon.png">
+ <link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="<%- serverURL %>/favicon.png">
+ <link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="<%- serverURL %>/apple-touch-icon.png">
<% if(useCDN) { %>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha256-ZhApazu+kejqTYhMF+1DzNKjIzP7KXu6AzyXcC1gMus=" crossorigin="anonymous" />
@@ -23,28 +23,28 @@
<%- include build/slide-header %>
<%- include shared/polyfill %>
<% } else { %>
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="<%- url %>/build/reveal.js/css/reveal.css">
- <link rel="stylesheet" href='<%- url %>/build/emojify.js/dist/css/basic/emojify.min.css'>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="<%- serverURL %>/build/reveal.js/css/reveal.css">
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href='<%- serverURL %>/build/emojify.js/dist/css/basic/emojify.min.css'>
<%- include build/slide-pack-header %>
<% } %>
<!-- For reveal.js theme -->
<% if(typeof theme !== 'undefined' && theme) { %>
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="<%- url %>/build/reveal.js/css/theme/<%= theme %>.css" id="theme">
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="<%- serverURL %>/build/reveal.js/css/theme/<%= theme %>.css" id="theme">
<% } else { %>
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="<%- url %>/build/reveal.js/css/theme/black.css" id="theme">
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="<%- serverURL %>/build/reveal.js/css/theme/black.css" id="theme">
<% } %>
<!-- For syntax highlighting -->
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="<%- url %>/build/reveal.js/lib/css/zenburn.css">
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="<%- serverURL %>/build/reveal.js/lib/css/zenburn.css">
<!-- For overwrite reveal.js -->
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="<%- url %>/css/slide.css">
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="<%- serverURL %>/css/slide.css">
<!-- Printing and PDF exports -->
<script nonce="<%= cspNonce %>">
var link = document.createElement( 'link' );
link.rel = 'stylesheet';
link.type = 'text/css';
- link.href = '<%- url %>/build/reveal.js/' + ( /print-pdf/gi ) ? 'css/print/pdf.css' : 'css/print/paper.css');
+ link.href = '<%- serverURL %>/build/reveal.js/' + ( /print-pdf/gi ) ? 'css/print/pdf.css' : 'css/print/paper.css');
document.getElementsByTagName( 'head' )[0].appendChild( link );
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
- <script src="<%= url %>/js/mathjax-config-extra.js"></script>
+ <script src="<%= serverURL %>/js/mathjax-config-extra.js"></script>
<% if(useCDN) { %>
<script src="" integrity="sha256-+09kLhwACKXFPDvqo4xMMvi4+uXFsRZ2uYGbeN1U8sI=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<script src="" integrity="sha256-ixSKHrWAL2k0mqVSRju9+to2/uZSEK9+kJRfdNBolG8=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
@@ -106,8 +106,8 @@
<script src="" integrity="sha256-Sq1r2XXWXQoShQKsS0Wrf5r7fRkErd9Fat9vHYeU68s=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<%- include build/slide-scripts %>
<% } else { %>
- <script src="<%- url %>/build/MathJax/MathJax.js" defer></script>
- <script src="<%- url %>/build/MathJax/config/TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML.js" defer></script>
+ <script src="<%- serverURL %>/build/MathJax/MathJax.js" defer></script>
+ <script src="<%- serverURL %>/build/MathJax/config/TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML.js" defer></script>
<%- include build/slide-pack-scripts %>
<% } %>
diff --git a/tmp/.keep b/tmp/.keep
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29b..00000000
--- a/tmp/.keep
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/webpack.common.js b/webpack.common.js
index efd2b3e2..1e9c0707 100644
--- a/webpack.common.js
+++ b/webpack.common.js
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-var webpack = require('webpack')
-var path = require('path')
-var HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin')
-var CopyWebpackPlugin = require('copy-webpack-plugin')
+const webpack = require('webpack')
+const path = require('path')
+const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin')
+const CopyWebpackPlugin = require('copy-webpack-plugin')
const MiniCssExtractPlugin = require('mini-css-extract-plugin')
// Fix possible nofile-issues
-var fs = require('fs')
-var gracefulFs = require('graceful-fs')
+const fs = require('fs')
+const gracefulFs = require('graceful-fs')
module.exports = {
@@ -202,7 +202,6 @@ module.exports = {
- 'expose-loader?filterXSS!xss',
@@ -253,7 +252,6 @@ module.exports = {
- 'expose-loader?filterXSS!xss',
@@ -273,7 +271,6 @@ module.exports = {
pretty: [
- 'expose-loader?filterXSS!xss',
@@ -298,7 +295,6 @@ module.exports = {
- 'expose-loader?filterXSS!xss',
@@ -310,7 +306,6 @@ module.exports = {
slide: [
- 'expose-loader?filterXSS!xss',
@@ -338,7 +333,6 @@ module.exports = {
- 'expose-loader?filterXSS!xss',
@@ -392,7 +386,7 @@ module.exports = {
module: {
rules: [{
test: /\.js$/,
- use: [{loader: 'babel-loader'}],
+ use: [{ loader: 'babel-loader' }],
exclude: [/node_modules/, /public\/vendor/]
}, {
test: /\.css$/,
@@ -428,43 +422,43 @@ module.exports = {
test: require.resolve('js-sequence-diagrams'),
use: [{
loader: 'imports-loader',
- options: {_: 'lodash', Raphael: 'raphael', eve: 'eve'}
+ options: { _: 'lodash', Raphael: 'raphael', eve: 'eve' }
}, {
test: /\.eot(\?v=\d+\.\d+\.\d+)?$/,
- use: [{loader: 'file-loader'}]
+ use: [{ loader: 'file-loader' }]
}, {
test: /\.html$/,
- use: [{loader: 'string-loader'}]
+ use: [{ loader: 'string-loader' }]
}, {
test: /\.(woff|woff2)(\?v=\d+\.\d+\.\d+)?$/,
use: [{
loader: 'url-loader',
- options: {prefix: 'font/', limit: '5000'}
+ options: { prefix: 'font/', limit: '5000' }
}, {
test: /\.ttf(\?v=\d+\.\d+\.\d+)?$/,
use: [{
loader: 'url-loader',
- options: {limit: '5000', mimetype: 'application/octet-stream'}
+ options: { limit: '5000', mimetype: 'application/octet-stream' }
}, {
test: /\.svg(\?v=\d+\.\d+\.\d+)?$/,
use: [{
loader: 'url-loader',
- options: {limit: '10000', mimetype: 'svg+xml'}
+ options: { limit: '10000', mimetype: 'svg+xml' }
}, {
test: /\.png(\?v=\d+\.\d+\.\d+)?$/,
use: [{
loader: 'url-loader',
- options: {limit: '10000', mimetype: 'image/png'}
+ options: { limit: '10000', mimetype: 'image/png' }
}, {
test: /\.gif(\?v=\d+\.\d+\.\d+)?$/,
use: [{
loader: 'url-loader',
- options: {limit: '10000', mimetype: 'image/gif'}
+ options: { limit: '10000', mimetype: 'image/gif' }
diff --git a/yarn.lock b/yarn.lock
index bddcab02..504b8129 100644
--- a/yarn.lock
+++ b/yarn.lock
@@ -716,10 +716,10 @@ autolinker@~0.15.0:
resolved ""
integrity sha1-NCQX2PLzRhsUzwkIjV7fh5HcmDI=
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buffer "4.9.1"
events "1.1.1"
@@ -729,7 +729,7 @@ aws-sdk@^2.7.20:
sax "1.2.1"
url "0.10.3"
uuid "3.1.0"
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+ xml2js "0.4.19"
version "0.6.0"
@@ -7883,11 +7883,12 @@ passport-oauth@^1.0.0:
passport-oauth1 "1.x.x"
passport-oauth2 "1.x.x"
- version "0.31.0"
- resolved ""
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+ version "0.35.0"
+ resolved ""
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+ debug "^3.1.0"
passport-strategy "*"
q "^1.5.0"
xml-crypto "^0.10.1"
@@ -9184,7 +9185,7 @@ request@2.x, request@^2.40.0, request@^2.79.0, request@^2.81.0, request@^2.86.0:
tunnel-agent "^0.6.0"
uuid "^3.1.0"
+request@^2.61.0, request@^2.88.0:
version "2.88.0"
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sax "0.5.x"
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version "0.4.19"
resolved ""
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xmlbuilder@^9.0.4, xmlbuilder@~9.0.1:
version "9.0.7"
resolved ""