path: root/webpack.config.js
diff options
authorYukai Huang2016-10-08 23:04:19 +0800
committerYukai Huang2016-10-08 23:04:19 +0800
commit8e2b03cfd6d389df454d4baed68837c84e64ae66 (patch)
tree7d8a53119e45187c08cbc7d32b0cde61c9ec2799 /webpack.config.js
parent2b678c1f129abde7e20f471018c55626f57cae97 (diff)
Config bootstrap with webpack
Diffstat (limited to 'webpack.config.js')
1 files changed, 67 insertions, 58 deletions
diff --git a/webpack.config.js b/webpack.config.js
index af001444..26eeed58 100644
--- a/webpack.config.js
+++ b/webpack.config.js
@@ -3,67 +3,76 @@ var path = require('path');
var ExtractTextPlugin = require("extract-text-webpack-plugin");
module.exports = {
- plugins: [
- new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
- '_': 'lodash',
- jquery: "jquery",
- jQuery: "jquery",
- $: "jquery",
- "window.jQuery": "jquery",
- Visibility: "visibilityjs",
- Cookies: "js-cookie",
- CodeMirror: "codemirror",
- emojify: "emojify.js",
- ot: "ot",
- io: "",
- LZString: "lz-string",
- key: "keymaster"
- }),
- new webpack.DefinePlugin({
- "require.specified": "require.resolve"
- })
- ],
+ plugins: [
+ new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
+ '_': 'lodash',
+ jquery: "jquery",
+ jQuery: "jquery",
+ $: "jquery",
+ "window.jQuery": "jquery",
+ Visibility: "visibilityjs",
+ Cookies: "js-cookie",
+ CodeMirror: "codemirror",
+ emojify: "emojify.js",
+ ot: "ot",
+ io: "",
+ LZString: "lz-string",
+ key: "keymaster"
+ }),
+ new webpack.DefinePlugin({
+ "require.specified": "require.resolve"
+ })
+ ],
- entry: {
- app: path.join(__dirname, 'public/js/app.js')
- },
+ entry: {
+ app: path.join(__dirname, 'public/js/app.js')
+ },
- output: {
- path: path.join(__dirname, 'public/build/js'),
- filename: '[name].js'
- },
+ output: {
+ path: path.join(__dirname, 'public/build/js'),
+ filename: '[name].js'
+ },
- resolve: {
- root: [
- path.resolve(__dirname, 'src'),
- path.resolve(__dirname, 'node_modules')
- ],
- extensions: ["", ".js"],
- alias: {
- 'jquery-ui': 'jquery-ui/ui/widgets'
- }
- },
+ resolve: {
+ root: [
+ path.resolve(__dirname, 'src'),
+ path.resolve(__dirname, 'node_modules')
+ ],
+ extensions: ["", ".js"],
+ alias: {
+ 'jquery-ui': 'jquery-ui/ui/widgets'
+ }
+ },
- module: {
- loaders: [{
- test: /\.json$/,
- loader: 'json-loader'
- }, {
- test: /\.css$/,
- loader: ExtractTextPlugin.extract({
- fallbackLoader: "style-loader",
- loader: "css-loader"
- })
- }, {
- test: /\.scss$/,
- loaders: ['style', 'css', 'sass']
- }, {
- test: require.resolve("js-sequence-diagrams"),
- loader: "imports?Raphael=raphael"
- }]
- },
+ module: {
+ loaders: [{
+ test: /\.json$/,
+ loader: 'json-loader'
+ }, {
+ test: /\.css$/,
+ loader: 'style-loader!css-loader'
+ }, , {
+ test: /\.scss$/,
+ loaders: ['style', 'css', 'sass']
+ }, {
+ test: require.resolve("js-sequence-diagrams"),
+ loader: "imports?Raphael=raphael"
+ }, {
+ test: /\.eot(\?v=\d+\.\d+\.\d+)?$/,
+ loader: "file"
+ }, {
+ test: /\.(woff|woff2)$/,
+ loader: "url?prefix=font/&limit=5000"
+ }, {
+ test: /\.ttf(\?v=\d+\.\d+\.\d+)?$/,
+ loader: "url?limit=10000&mimetype=application/octet-stream"
+ }, {
+ test: /\.svg(\?v=\d+\.\d+\.\d+)?$/,
+ loader: "url?limit=10000&mimetype=image/svg+xml"
+ }]
+ },
- node: {
- fs: "empty"
- }
+ node: {
+ fs: "empty"
+ }