path: root/public/vendor/codemirror/mode/q
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authorWu Cheng-Han2016-11-28 01:36:48 +0800
committerWu Cheng-Han2016-11-28 01:36:48 +0800
commit9f79ed929e4156dc8b5b45161895d70d51cfa5a2 (patch)
tree760e0491a52558036b93b0c986e96aa95b4c0127 /public/vendor/codemirror/mode/q
parent3a305b8258782797b328f2ce46e8bb74e9603594 (diff)
Update to move custom CodeMirror codebase to our own repo and update webpack build config
Diffstat (limited to 'public/vendor/codemirror/mode/q')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 283 deletions
diff --git a/public/vendor/codemirror/mode/q/index.html b/public/vendor/codemirror/mode/q/index.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 72785ba3..00000000
--- a/public/vendor/codemirror/mode/q/index.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
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-<h2>Q mode</h2>
-<div><textarea id="code" name="code">
-/ utilities to quickly load a csv file - for more exhaustive analysis of the csv contents see csvguess.q
-/ 2009.09.20 - updated to match latest csvguess.q
-/ .csv.colhdrs[file] - return a list of colhdrs from file
-/[file] - return a table of information about the file
-/ columns are:
-/ c - column name; ci - column index; t - load type; mw - max width;
-/ dchar - distinct characters in values; rule - rule that caught the type
-/ maybe - needs checking, _could_ be say a date, but perhaps just a float?
-/ .csv.info0[file;onlycols] - like except that it only analyses <onlycols>
-/ example:
-/ info:.csv.info0[file;(.csv.colhdrs file)like"*price"]
-/ info:.csv.infolike[file;"*price"]
-/ show delete from info where t=" "
-/[file;info] - use the info from to read the data
-/ .csv.data10[file;info] - like but only returns the first 10 rows
-/ bulkload[file;info] - bulk loads file into table DATA (which must be already defined :: DATA:() )
-/[file]/read10[file] - for when you don't care about checking/tweaking the <info> before reading
-\d .csv
-ZAPHDRS:0b / lowercase and remove _ from colhdrs (junk characters are always removed)
-WIDTHHDR:25000 / number of characters read to get the header
-READLINES:222 / number of lines read and used to guess the types
-SYMMAXWIDTH:11 / character columns narrower than this are stored as symbols
-SYMMAXGR:10 / max symbol granularity% before we give up and keep as a * string
-FORCECHARWIDTH:30 / every field (of any type) with values this wide or more is forced to character "*"
-DISCARDEMPTY:0b / completely ignore empty columns if true else set them to "C"
-CHUNKSIZE:50000000 / used in fs2 (modified .Q.fs)
-k)nameltrim:{$[~@x;.z.s'x;~(*x)in aA:.Q.a,.Q.A;(+/&\~x in aA)_x;x]}
-cleanhdrs:{{$[ZAPHDRS;lower x except"_";x]}x where x in DELIM,}
-cancast:{nw:x$"";if[not x in"BXCS";nw:(min 0#;max 0#;::)@\:nw];$[not any nw in x$(11&count y)#y;$[11<count y;not any nw in x$y;1b];0b]}
- `$nameltrim DELIM vs cleanhdrs first read0(file;0;1+first where 0xa=read1(file;0;WIDTHHDR))}
- (exec c from info where not t=" ")xcol(exec t from info;enlist DELIM)0:file}
- data[;info](file;0;1+last 11#where 0xa=read1(file;0;15*WIDTHHDR))}
- colhdrs:`$nameltrim DELIM vs cleanhdrs first head:read0(file;0;1+last where 0xa=read1(file;0;WIDTHHDR));
- loadfmts:(count colhdrs)#"S";if[count onlycols;loadfmts[where not colhdrs in onlycols]:"C"];
- breaks:where 0xa=read1(file;0;floor(10+READLINES)*WIDTHHDR%count head);
- nas:count as:colhdrs xcol(loadfmts;enlist DELIM)0:(file;0;1+last((1+READLINES)&count breaks)#breaks);
- info:([]c:key flip as;v:value flip as);as:();
- reserved:key`.q;reserved,:.Q.res;reserved,:`i;
- info:update res:c in reserved from info;
- info:update ci:i,t:"?",ipa:0b,mdot:0,mw:0,rule:0,gr:0,ndv:0,maybe:0b,empty:0b,j10:0b,j12:0b from info;
- info:update ci:`s#ci from info;
- if[count onlycols;info:update t:" ",rule:10 from info where not c in onlycols];
- info:update sdv:{string(distinct x)except`}peach v from info;
- info:update ndv:count each sdv from info;
- info:update gr:floor 0.5+100*ndv%nas,mw:{max count each x}peach sdv from info where 0<ndv;
- info:update t:"*",rule:20 from info where mw>.csv.FORCECHARWIDTH; / long values
- info:update t:"C "[.csv.DISCARDEMPTY],rule:30,empty:1b from info where t="?",mw=0; / empty columns
- info:update dchar:{asc distinct raze x}peach sdv from info where t="?";
- info:update mdot:{max sum each"."=x}peach sdv from info where t="?",{"."in x}each dchar;
- info:update t:"n",rule:40 from info where t="?",{any x in"0123456789"}each dchar; / vaguely numeric..
- info:update t:"I",rule:50,ipa:1b from info where t="n",mw within 7 15,mdot=3,{all x in".0123456789"}each dchar,.csv.cancast["I"]peach sdv; / ip-address
- info:update t:"J",rule:60 from info where t="n",mdot=0,{all x in"+-0123456789"}each dchar,.csv.cancast["J"]peach sdv;
- info:update t:"I",rule:70 from info where t="J",mw<12,.csv.cancast["I"]peach sdv;
- info:update t:"H",rule:80 from info where t="I",mw<7,.csv.cancast["H"]peach sdv;
- info:update t:"F",rule:90 from info where t="n",mdot<2,mw>1,.csv.cancast["F"]peach sdv;
- info:update t:"E",rule:100,maybe:1b from info where t="F",mw<9;
- info:update t:"M",rule:110,maybe:1b from info where t in"nIHEF",mdot<2,mw within 4 7,.csv.cancast["M"]peach sdv;
- info:update t:"D",rule:120,maybe:1b from info where t in"nI",mdot in 0 2,mw within 6 11,.csv.cancast["D"]peach sdv;
- info:update t:"V",rule:130,maybe:1b from info where t="I",mw in 5 6,7<count each dchar,{all x like"*[0-9][0-5][0-9][0-5][0-9]"}peach sdv,.csv.cancast["V"]peach sdv; / 235959 12345
- info:update t:"U",rule:140,maybe:1b from info where t="H",mw in 3 4,7<count each dchar,{all x like"*[0-9][0-5][0-9]"}peach sdv,.csv.cancast["U"]peach sdv; /2359
- info:update t:"U",rule:150,maybe:0b from info where t="n",mw in 4 5,mdot=0,{all x like"*[0-9]:[0-5][0-9]"}peach sdv,.csv.cancast["U"]peach sdv;
- info:update t:"T",rule:160,maybe:0b from info where t="n",mw within 7 12,mdot<2,{all x like"*[0-9]:[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]*"}peach sdv,.csv.cancast["T"]peach sdv;
- info:update t:"V",rule:170,maybe:0b from info where t="T",mw in 7 8,mdot=0,.csv.cancast["V"]peach sdv;
- info:update t:"T",rule:180,maybe:1b from info where t in"EF",mw within 7 10,mdot=1,{all x like"*[0-9][0-5][0-9][0-5][0-9].*"}peach sdv,.csv.cancast["T"]peach sdv;
- info:update t:"Z",rule:190,maybe:0b from info where t="n",mw within 11 24,mdot<4,.csv.cancast["Z"]peach sdv;
- info:update t:"P",rule:200,maybe:1b from info where t="n",mw within 12 29,mdot<4,{all x like"[12]*"}peach sdv,.csv.cancast["P"]peach sdv;
- info:update t:"N",rule:210,maybe:1b from info where t="n",mw within 3 28,mdot=1,.csv.cancast["N"]peach sdv;
- info:update t:"?",rule:220,maybe:0b from info where t="n"; / reset remaining maybe numeric
- info:update t:"C",rule:230,maybe:0b from info where t="?",mw=1; / char
- info:update t:"B",rule:240,maybe:0b from info where t in"HC",mw=1,mdot=0,{$[all x in"01tTfFyYnN";(any"0fFnN"in x)and any"1tTyY"in x;0b]}each dchar; / boolean
- info:update t:"B",rule:250,maybe:1b from info where t in"HC",mw=1,mdot=0,{all x in"01tTfFyYnN"}each dchar; / boolean
- info:update t:"X",rule:260,maybe:0b from info where t="?",mw=2,{$[all x in"0123456789abcdefABCDEF";(any .Q.n in x)and any"abcdefABCDEF"in x;0b]}each dchar; /hex
- info:update t:"S",rule:270,maybe:1b from info where t="?",mw<.csv.SYMMAXWIDTH,mw>1,gr<.csv.SYMMAXGR; / symbols (max width permitting)
- info:update t:"*",rule:280,maybe:0b from info where t="?"; / the rest as strings
- / flag those S/* columns which could be encoded to integers (.Q.j10/x10/j12/x12) to avoid symbols
- info:update j12:1b from info where t in"S*",mw<13,{all x in .Q.nA}each dchar;
- info:update j10:1b from info where t in"S*",mw<11,{all x in .Q.b6}each dchar;
- select c,ci,t,maybe,empty,res,j10,j12,ipa,mw,mdot,rule,gr,ndv,dchar from info}
-info:info0[;()] / by default don't restrict columns
-infolike:{[file;pattern] info0[file;{x where x like y}[lower colhdrs[file];pattern]]} / .csv.infolike[file;"*time"]
-\d .
-/ DATA:()
- if[not`DATA in system"v";'`DATA.not.defined];
- if[count DATA;'`DATA.not.empty];
- loadhdrs:exec c from info where not t=" ";loadfmts:exec t from info;
- .csv.fs2[{[file;loadhdrs;loadfmts] `DATA insert $[count DATA;flip loadhdrs!(loadfmts;.csv.DELIM)0:file;loadhdrs xcol(loadfmts;enlist .csv.DELIM)0:file]}[file;loadhdrs;loadfmts]];
- count DATA}
-@[.:;"\\l csvutil.custom.q";::]; / save your custom settings in csvutil.custom.q to override those set at the beginning of the file
- <script>
- var editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById("code"), {
- lineNumbers: true,
- matchBrackets: true
- });
- </script>
- <p><strong>MIME type defined:</strong> <code>text/x-q</code>.</p>
- </article>
diff --git a/public/vendor/codemirror/mode/q/q.js b/public/vendor/codemirror/mode/q/q.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a4af9383..00000000
--- a/public/vendor/codemirror/mode/q/q.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-// CodeMirror, copyright (c) by Marijn Haverbeke and others
-// Distributed under an MIT license:
-(function(mod) {
- if (typeof exports == "object" && typeof module == "object") // CommonJS
- mod(require("../../lib/codemirror"));
- else if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd) // AMD
- define(["../../lib/codemirror"], mod);
- else // Plain browser env
- mod(CodeMirror);
-})(function(CodeMirror) {
-"use strict";
- var indentUnit=config.indentUnit,
- curPunc,
- keywords=buildRE(["abs","acos","aj","aj0","all","and","any","asc","asin","asof","atan","attr","avg","avgs","bin","by","ceiling","cols","cor","cos","count","cov","cross","csv","cut","delete","deltas","desc","dev","differ","distinct","div","do","each","ej","enlist","eval","except","exec","exit","exp","fby","fills","first","fkeys","flip","floor","from","get","getenv","group","gtime","hclose","hcount","hdel","hopen","hsym","iasc","idesc","if","ij","in","insert","inter","inv","key","keys","last","like","list","lj","load","log","lower","lsq","ltime","ltrim","mavg","max","maxs","mcount","md5","mdev","med","meta","min","mins","mmax","mmin","mmu","mod","msum","neg","next","not","null","or","over","parse","peach","pj","plist","prd","prds","prev","prior","rand","rank","ratios","raze","read0","read1","reciprocal","reverse","rload","rotate","rsave","rtrim","save","scan","select","set","setenv","show","signum","sin","sqrt","ss","ssr","string","sublist","sum","sums","sv","system","tables","tan","til","trim","txf","type","uj","ungroup","union","update","upper","upsert","value","var","view","views","vs","wavg","where","where","while","within","wj","wj1","wsum","xasc","xbar","xcol","xcols","xdesc","xexp","xgroup","xkey","xlog","xprev","xrank"]),
- E=/[|/&^!+:\\\-*%$=~#;@><,?_\'\"\[\(\]\)\s{}]/;
- function buildRE(w){return new RegExp("^("+w.join("|")+")$");}
- function tokenBase(stream,state){
- var sol=stream.sol(),;
- curPunc=null;
- if(sol)
- if(c=="/")
- return(state.tokenize=tokenLineComment)(stream,state);
- else if(c=="\\"){
- if(stream.eol()||/\s/.test(stream.peek()))
- return stream.skipToEnd(),/^\\\s*$/.test(stream.current())?(state.tokenize=tokenCommentToEOF)(stream, state):state.tokenize=tokenBase,"comment";
- else
- return state.tokenize=tokenBase,"builtin";
- }
- if(/\s/.test(c))
- return stream.peek()=="/"?(stream.skipToEnd(),"comment"):"whitespace";
- if(c=='"')
- return(state.tokenize=tokenString)(stream,state);
- if(c=='`')
- return stream.eatWhile(/[A-Z|a-z|\d|_|:|\/|\.]/),"symbol";
- if(("."==c&&/\d/.test(stream.peek()))||/\d/.test(c)){
- var t=null;
- stream.backUp(1);
- if(stream.match(/^\d{4}\.\d{2}(m|\.\d{2}([D|T](\d{2}(:\d{2}(:\d{2}(\.\d{1,9})?)?)?)?)?)/)
- || stream.match(/^\d+D(\d{2}(:\d{2}(:\d{2}(\.\d{1,9})?)?)?)/)
- || stream.match(/^\d{2}:\d{2}(:\d{2}(\.\d{1,9})?)?/)
- || stream.match(/^\d+[ptuv]{1}/))
- t="temporal";
- else if(stream.match(/^0[NwW]{1}/)
- || stream.match(/^0x[\d|a-f|A-F]*/)
- || stream.match(/^[0|1]+[b]{1}/)
- || stream.match(/^\d+[chijn]{1}/)
- || stream.match(/-?\d*(\.\d*)?(e[+\-]?\d+)?(e|f)?/))
- t="number";
- return(t&&(!(c=stream.peek())||E.test(c)))?t:(,"error");
- }
- if(/[A-Z|a-z]|\./.test(c))
- return stream.eatWhile(/[A-Z|a-z|\.|_|\d]/),keywords.test(stream.current())?"keyword":"variable";
- if(/[|/&^!+:\\\-*%$=~#;@><\.,?_\']/.test(c))
- return null;
- if(/[{}\(\[\]\)]/.test(c))
- return null;
- return"error";
- }
- function tokenLineComment(stream,state){
- return stream.skipToEnd(),/\/\s*$/.test(stream.current())?(state.tokenize=tokenBlockComment)(stream,state):(state.tokenize=tokenBase),"comment";
- }
- function tokenBlockComment(stream,state){
- var f=stream.sol()&&stream.peek()=="\\";
- stream.skipToEnd();
- if(f&&/^\\\s*$/.test(stream.current()))
- state.tokenize=tokenBase;
- return"comment";
- }
- function tokenCommentToEOF(stream){return stream.skipToEnd(),"comment";}
- function tokenString(stream,state){
- var escaped=false,next,end=false;
- while(({
- if(next=="\""&&!escaped){end=true;break;}
- escaped=!escaped&&next=="\\";
- }
- if(end)state.tokenize=tokenBase;
- return"string";
- }
- function pushContext(state,type,col){state.context={prev:state.context,indent:state.indent,col:col,type:type};}
- function popContext(state){state.indent=state.context.indent;state.context=state.context.prev;}
- return{
- startState:function(){
- return{tokenize:tokenBase,
- context:null,
- indent:0,
- col:0};
- },
- token:function(stream,state){
- if(stream.sol()){
- if(state.context&&state.context.align==null)
- state.context.align=false;
- state.indent=stream.indentation();
- }
- //if (stream.eatSpace()) return null;
- var style=state.tokenize(stream,state);
- if(style!="comment"&&state.context&&state.context.align==null&&state.context.type!="pattern"){
- state.context.align=true;
- }
- if(curPunc=="(")pushContext(state,")",stream.column());
- else if(curPunc=="[")pushContext(state,"]",stream.column());
- else if(curPunc=="{")pushContext(state,"}",stream.column());
- else if(/[\]\}\)]/.test(curPunc)){
- while(state.context&&state.context.type=="pattern")popContext(state);
- if(state.context&&curPunc==state.context.type)popContext(state);
- }
- else if(curPunc=="."&&state.context&&state.context.type=="pattern")popContext(state);
- else if(/atom|string|variable/.test(style)&&state.context){
- if(/[\}\]]/.test(state.context.type))
- pushContext(state,"pattern",stream.column());
- else if(state.context.type=="pattern"&&!state.context.align){
- state.context.align=true;
- state.context.col=stream.column();
- }
- }
- return style;
- },
- indent:function(state,textAfter){
- var firstChar=textAfter&&textAfter.charAt(0);
- var context=state.context;
- if(/[\]\}]/.test(firstChar))
- while (context&&context.type=="pattern")context=context.prev;
- var closing=context&&firstChar==context.type;
- if(!context)
- return 0;
- else if(context.type=="pattern")
- return context.col;
- else if(context.align)
- return context.col+(closing?0:1);
- else
- return context.indent+(closing?0:indentUnit);
- }
- };