path: root/public/vendor/codemirror/mode/pug
diff options
authorWu Cheng-Han2016-10-10 21:15:29 +0800
committerWu Cheng-Han2016-10-10 21:15:29 +0800
commit795ea21191486a80437d7c535defc503962c5968 (patch)
tree434a65ec986264b2abdec29b8f6a837ca536d2dd /public/vendor/codemirror/mode/pug
parentfb5d7e43592c1a14831067e28def9c4b9e2a97ca (diff)
Update CodeMirror to 5.19.0 and rename jade to pug
Diffstat (limited to 'public/vendor/codemirror/mode/pug')
2 files changed, 661 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/public/vendor/codemirror/mode/pug/index.html b/public/vendor/codemirror/mode/pug/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1765853a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/vendor/codemirror/mode/pug/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+<!doctype html>
+<title>CodeMirror: Pug Templating Mode</title>
+<meta charset="utf-8"/>
+<link rel=stylesheet href="../../doc/docs.css">
+<link rel="stylesheet" href="../../lib/codemirror.css">
+<script src="../../lib/codemirror.js"></script>
+<script src="../javascript/javascript.js"></script>
+<script src="../css/css.js"></script>
+<script src="../xml/xml.js"></script>
+<script src="../htmlmixed/htmlmixed.js"></script>
+<script src="pug.js"></script>
+<style type="text/css">.CodeMirror {border-top: 1px solid black; border-bottom: 1px solid black;}</style>
+<div id=nav>
+ <a href=""><h1>CodeMirror</h1><img id=logo src="../../doc/logo.png"></a>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="../../index.html">Home</a>
+ <li><a href="../../doc/manual.html">Manual</a>
+ <li><a href="">Code</a>
+ </ul>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="../index.html">Language modes</a>
+ <li><a class=active href="#">Pug Templating Mode</a>
+ </ul>
+<h2>Pug Templating Mode</h2>
+<form><textarea id="code" name="code">
+doctype html
+ html
+ head
+ title= "Pug Templating CodeMirror Mode Example"
+ link(rel='stylesheet', href='/css/bootstrap.min.css')
+ link(rel='stylesheet', href='/css/index.css')
+ script(type='text/javascript', src='/js/jquery-1.9.1.min.js')
+ script(type='text/javascript', src='/js/bootstrap.min.js')
+ body
+ div.header
+ h1 Welcome to this Example
+ div.spots
+ if locals.spots
+ each spot in spots
+ div
+ if spot.logo
+ img.img-rounded.logo(src=spot.logo)
+ else
+ img.img-rounded.logo(src="img/placeholder.png")
+ h3
+ a(href=spot.hash) ##{spot.hash}
+ if spot.title
+ span.title #{spot.title}
+ if spot.desc
+ div #{spot.desc}
+ else
+ h3 There are no spots currently available.
+ <script>
+ var editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById("code"), {
+ mode: {name: "pug", alignCDATA: true},
+ lineNumbers: true
+ });
+ </script>
+ <h3>The Pug Templating Mode</h3>
+ <p> Created by Forbes Lindesay. Managed as part of a Brackets extension at <a href=""></a>.</p>
+ <p><strong>MIME type defined:</strong> <code>text/x-pug</code>, <code>text/x-jade</code>.</p>
+ </article>
diff --git a/public/vendor/codemirror/mode/pug/pug.js b/public/vendor/codemirror/mode/pug/pug.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..40182336
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/vendor/codemirror/mode/pug/pug.js
@@ -0,0 +1,591 @@
+// CodeMirror, copyright (c) by Marijn Haverbeke and others
+// Distributed under an MIT license:
+(function(mod) {
+ if (typeof exports == "object" && typeof module == "object") // CommonJS
+ mod(require("../../lib/codemirror"), require("../javascript/javascript"), require("../css/css"), require("../htmlmixed/htmlmixed"));
+ else if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd) // AMD
+ define(["../../lib/codemirror", "../javascript/javascript", "../css/css", "../htmlmixed/htmlmixed"], mod);
+ else // Plain browser env
+ mod(CodeMirror);
+})(function(CodeMirror) {
+"use strict";
+CodeMirror.defineMode("pug", function (config) {
+ // token types
+ var KEYWORD = 'keyword';
+ var DOCTYPE = 'meta';
+ var ID = 'builtin';
+ var CLASS = 'qualifier';
+ var ATTRS_NEST = {
+ '{': '}',
+ '(': ')',
+ '[': ']'
+ };
+ var jsMode = CodeMirror.getMode(config, 'javascript');
+ function State() {
+ this.javaScriptLine = false;
+ this.javaScriptLineExcludesColon = false;
+ this.javaScriptArguments = false;
+ this.javaScriptArgumentsDepth = 0;
+ this.isInterpolating = false;
+ this.interpolationNesting = 0;
+ this.jsState = CodeMirror.startState(jsMode);
+ this.restOfLine = '';
+ this.isIncludeFiltered = false;
+ this.isEach = false;
+ this.lastTag = '';
+ this.scriptType = '';
+ // Attributes Mode
+ this.isAttrs = false;
+ this.attrsNest = [];
+ this.inAttributeName = true;
+ this.attributeIsType = false;
+ this.attrValue = '';
+ // Indented Mode
+ this.indentOf = Infinity;
+ this.indentToken = '';
+ this.innerMode = null;
+ this.innerState = null;
+ this.innerModeForLine = false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Safely copy a state
+ *
+ * @return {State}
+ */
+ State.prototype.copy = function () {
+ var res = new State();
+ res.javaScriptLine = this.javaScriptLine;
+ res.javaScriptLineExcludesColon = this.javaScriptLineExcludesColon;
+ res.javaScriptArguments = this.javaScriptArguments;
+ res.javaScriptArgumentsDepth = this.javaScriptArgumentsDepth;
+ res.isInterpolating = this.isInterpolating;
+ res.interpolationNesting = this.interpolationNesting;
+ res.jsState = CodeMirror.copyState(jsMode, this.jsState);
+ res.innerMode = this.innerMode;
+ if (this.innerMode && this.innerState) {
+ res.innerState = CodeMirror.copyState(this.innerMode, this.innerState);
+ }
+ res.restOfLine = this.restOfLine;
+ res.isIncludeFiltered = this.isIncludeFiltered;
+ res.isEach = this.isEach;
+ res.lastTag = this.lastTag;
+ res.scriptType = this.scriptType;
+ res.isAttrs = this.isAttrs;
+ res.attrsNest = this.attrsNest.slice();
+ res.inAttributeName = this.inAttributeName;
+ res.attributeIsType = this.attributeIsType;
+ res.attrValue = this.attrValue;
+ res.indentOf = this.indentOf;
+ res.indentToken = this.indentToken;
+ res.innerModeForLine = this.innerModeForLine;
+ return res;
+ };
+ function javaScript(stream, state) {
+ if (stream.sol()) {
+ // if javaScriptLine was set at end of line, ignore it
+ state.javaScriptLine = false;
+ state.javaScriptLineExcludesColon = false;
+ }
+ if (state.javaScriptLine) {
+ if (state.javaScriptLineExcludesColon && stream.peek() === ':') {
+ state.javaScriptLine = false;
+ state.javaScriptLineExcludesColon = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ var tok = jsMode.token(stream, state.jsState);
+ if (stream.eol()) state.javaScriptLine = false;
+ return tok || true;
+ }
+ }
+ function javaScriptArguments(stream, state) {
+ if (state.javaScriptArguments) {
+ if (state.javaScriptArgumentsDepth === 0 && stream.peek() !== '(') {
+ state.javaScriptArguments = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (stream.peek() === '(') {
+ state.javaScriptArgumentsDepth++;
+ } else if (stream.peek() === ')') {
+ state.javaScriptArgumentsDepth--;
+ }
+ if (state.javaScriptArgumentsDepth === 0) {
+ state.javaScriptArguments = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ var tok = jsMode.token(stream, state.jsState);
+ return tok || true;
+ }
+ }
+ function yieldStatement(stream) {
+ if (stream.match(/^yield\b/)) {
+ return 'keyword';
+ }
+ }
+ function doctype(stream) {
+ if (stream.match(/^(?:doctype) *([^\n]+)?/)) {
+ return DOCTYPE;
+ }
+ }
+ function interpolation(stream, state) {
+ if (stream.match('#{')) {
+ state.isInterpolating = true;
+ state.interpolationNesting = 0;
+ return 'punctuation';
+ }
+ }
+ function interpolationContinued(stream, state) {
+ if (state.isInterpolating) {
+ if (stream.peek() === '}') {
+ state.interpolationNesting--;
+ if (state.interpolationNesting < 0) {
+ state.isInterpolating = false;
+ return 'punctuation';
+ }
+ } else if (stream.peek() === '{') {
+ state.interpolationNesting++;
+ }
+ return jsMode.token(stream, state.jsState) || true;
+ }
+ }
+ function caseStatement(stream, state) {
+ if (stream.match(/^case\b/)) {
+ state.javaScriptLine = true;
+ return KEYWORD;
+ }
+ }
+ function when(stream, state) {
+ if (stream.match(/^when\b/)) {
+ state.javaScriptLine = true;
+ state.javaScriptLineExcludesColon = true;
+ return KEYWORD;
+ }
+ }
+ function defaultStatement(stream) {
+ if (stream.match(/^default\b/)) {
+ return KEYWORD;
+ }
+ }
+ function extendsStatement(stream, state) {
+ if (stream.match(/^extends?\b/)) {
+ state.restOfLine = 'string';
+ return KEYWORD;
+ }
+ }
+ function append(stream, state) {
+ if (stream.match(/^append\b/)) {
+ state.restOfLine = 'variable';
+ return KEYWORD;
+ }
+ }
+ function prepend(stream, state) {
+ if (stream.match(/^prepend\b/)) {
+ state.restOfLine = 'variable';
+ return KEYWORD;
+ }
+ }
+ function block(stream, state) {
+ if (stream.match(/^block\b *(?:(prepend|append)\b)?/)) {
+ state.restOfLine = 'variable';
+ return KEYWORD;
+ }
+ }
+ function include(stream, state) {
+ if (stream.match(/^include\b/)) {
+ state.restOfLine = 'string';
+ return KEYWORD;
+ }
+ }
+ function includeFiltered(stream, state) {
+ if (stream.match(/^include:([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+)/, false) && stream.match('include')) {
+ state.isIncludeFiltered = true;
+ return KEYWORD;
+ }
+ }
+ function includeFilteredContinued(stream, state) {
+ if (state.isIncludeFiltered) {
+ var tok = filter(stream, state);
+ state.isIncludeFiltered = false;
+ state.restOfLine = 'string';
+ return tok;
+ }
+ }
+ function mixin(stream, state) {
+ if (stream.match(/^mixin\b/)) {
+ state.javaScriptLine = true;
+ return KEYWORD;
+ }
+ }
+ function call(stream, state) {
+ if (stream.match(/^\+([-\w]+)/)) {
+ if (!stream.match(/^\( *[-\w]+ *=/, false)) {
+ state.javaScriptArguments = true;
+ state.javaScriptArgumentsDepth = 0;
+ }
+ return 'variable';
+ }
+ if (stream.match(/^\+#{/, false)) {
+ state.mixinCallAfter = true;
+ return interpolation(stream, state);
+ }
+ }
+ function callArguments(stream, state) {
+ if (state.mixinCallAfter) {
+ state.mixinCallAfter = false;
+ if (!stream.match(/^\( *[-\w]+ *=/, false)) {
+ state.javaScriptArguments = true;
+ state.javaScriptArgumentsDepth = 0;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ function conditional(stream, state) {
+ if (stream.match(/^(if|unless|else if|else)\b/)) {
+ state.javaScriptLine = true;
+ return KEYWORD;
+ }
+ }
+ function each(stream, state) {
+ if (stream.match(/^(- *)?(each|for)\b/)) {
+ state.isEach = true;
+ return KEYWORD;
+ }
+ }
+ function eachContinued(stream, state) {
+ if (state.isEach) {
+ if (stream.match(/^ in\b/)) {
+ state.javaScriptLine = true;
+ state.isEach = false;
+ return KEYWORD;
+ } else if (stream.sol() || stream.eol()) {
+ state.isEach = false;
+ } else if ( {
+ while (!stream.match(/^ in\b/, false) &&;
+ return 'variable';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function whileStatement(stream, state) {
+ if (stream.match(/^while\b/)) {
+ state.javaScriptLine = true;
+ return KEYWORD;
+ }
+ }
+ function tag(stream, state) {
+ var captures;
+ if (captures = stream.match(/^(\w(?:[-:\w]*\w)?)\/?/)) {
+ state.lastTag = captures[1].toLowerCase();
+ if (state.lastTag === 'script') {
+ state.scriptType = 'application/javascript';
+ }
+ return 'tag';
+ }
+ }
+ function filter(stream, state) {
+ if (stream.match(/^:([\w\-]+)/)) {
+ var innerMode;
+ if (config && config.innerModes) {
+ innerMode = config.innerModes(stream.current().substring(1));
+ }
+ if (!innerMode) {
+ innerMode = stream.current().substring(1);
+ }
+ if (typeof innerMode === 'string') {
+ innerMode = CodeMirror.getMode(config, innerMode);
+ }
+ setInnerMode(stream, state, innerMode);
+ return 'atom';
+ }
+ }
+ function code(stream, state) {
+ if (stream.match(/^(!?=|-)/)) {
+ state.javaScriptLine = true;
+ return 'punctuation';
+ }
+ }
+ function id(stream) {
+ if (stream.match(/^#([\w-]+)/)) {
+ return ID;
+ }
+ }
+ function className(stream) {
+ if (stream.match(/^\.([\w-]+)/)) {
+ return CLASS;
+ }
+ }
+ function attrs(stream, state) {
+ if (stream.peek() == '(') {
+ state.isAttrs = true;
+ state.attrsNest = [];
+ state.inAttributeName = true;
+ state.attrValue = '';
+ state.attributeIsType = false;
+ return 'punctuation';
+ }
+ }
+ function attrsContinued(stream, state) {
+ if (state.isAttrs) {
+ if (ATTRS_NEST[stream.peek()]) {
+ state.attrsNest.push(ATTRS_NEST[stream.peek()]);
+ }
+ if (state.attrsNest[state.attrsNest.length - 1] === stream.peek()) {
+ state.attrsNest.pop();
+ } else if (')')) {
+ state.isAttrs = false;
+ return 'punctuation';
+ }
+ if (state.inAttributeName && stream.match(/^[^=,\)!]+/)) {
+ if (stream.peek() === '=' || stream.peek() === '!') {
+ state.inAttributeName = false;
+ state.jsState = CodeMirror.startState(jsMode);
+ if (state.lastTag === 'script' && stream.current().trim().toLowerCase() === 'type') {
+ state.attributeIsType = true;
+ } else {
+ state.attributeIsType = false;
+ }
+ }
+ return 'attribute';
+ }
+ var tok = jsMode.token(stream, state.jsState);
+ if (state.attributeIsType && tok === 'string') {
+ state.scriptType = stream.current().toString();
+ }
+ if (state.attrsNest.length === 0 && (tok === 'string' || tok === 'variable' || tok === 'keyword')) {
+ try {
+ Function('', 'var x ' + state.attrValue.replace(/,\s*$/, '').replace(/^!/, ''));
+ state.inAttributeName = true;
+ state.attrValue = '';
+ stream.backUp(stream.current().length);
+ return attrsContinued(stream, state);
+ } catch (ex) {
+ //not the end of an attribute
+ }
+ }
+ state.attrValue += stream.current();
+ return tok || true;
+ }
+ }
+ function attributesBlock(stream, state) {
+ if (stream.match(/^&attributes\b/)) {
+ state.javaScriptArguments = true;
+ state.javaScriptArgumentsDepth = 0;
+ return 'keyword';
+ }
+ }
+ function indent(stream) {
+ if (stream.sol() && stream.eatSpace()) {
+ return 'indent';
+ }
+ }
+ function comment(stream, state) {
+ if (stream.match(/^ *\/\/(-)?([^\n]*)/)) {
+ state.indentOf = stream.indentation();
+ state.indentToken = 'comment';
+ return 'comment';
+ }
+ }
+ function colon(stream) {
+ if (stream.match(/^: */)) {
+ return 'colon';
+ }
+ }
+ function text(stream, state) {
+ if (stream.match(/^(?:\| ?| )([^\n]+)/)) {
+ return 'string';
+ }
+ if (stream.match(/^(<[^\n]*)/, false)) {
+ // html string
+ setInnerMode(stream, state, 'htmlmixed');
+ state.innerModeForLine = true;
+ return innerMode(stream, state, true);
+ }
+ }
+ function dot(stream, state) {
+ if ('.')) {
+ var innerMode = null;
+ if (state.lastTag === 'script' && state.scriptType.toLowerCase().indexOf('javascript') != -1) {
+ innerMode = state.scriptType.toLowerCase().replace(/"|'/g, '');
+ } else if (state.lastTag === 'style') {
+ innerMode = 'css';
+ }
+ setInnerMode(stream, state, innerMode);
+ return 'dot';
+ }
+ }
+ function fail(stream) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ function setInnerMode(stream, state, mode) {
+ mode = CodeMirror.mimeModes[mode] || mode;
+ mode = config.innerModes ? config.innerModes(mode) || mode : mode;
+ mode = CodeMirror.mimeModes[mode] || mode;
+ mode = CodeMirror.getMode(config, mode);
+ state.indentOf = stream.indentation();
+ if (mode && !== 'null') {
+ state.innerMode = mode;
+ } else {
+ state.indentToken = 'string';
+ }
+ }
+ function innerMode(stream, state, force) {
+ if (stream.indentation() > state.indentOf || (state.innerModeForLine && !stream.sol()) || force) {
+ if (state.innerMode) {
+ if (!state.innerState) {
+ state.innerState = state.innerMode.startState ? CodeMirror.startState(state.innerMode, stream.indentation()) : {};
+ }
+ return stream.hideFirstChars(state.indentOf + 2, function () {
+ return state.innerMode.token(stream, state.innerState) || true;
+ });
+ } else {
+ stream.skipToEnd();
+ return state.indentToken;
+ }
+ } else if (stream.sol()) {
+ state.indentOf = Infinity;
+ state.indentToken = null;
+ state.innerMode = null;
+ state.innerState = null;
+ }
+ }
+ function restOfLine(stream, state) {
+ if (stream.sol()) {
+ // if restOfLine was set at end of line, ignore it
+ state.restOfLine = '';
+ }
+ if (state.restOfLine) {
+ stream.skipToEnd();
+ var tok = state.restOfLine;
+ state.restOfLine = '';
+ return tok;
+ }
+ }
+ function startState() {
+ return new State();
+ }
+ function copyState(state) {
+ return state.copy();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the next token in the stream
+ *
+ * @param {Stream} stream
+ * @param {State} state
+ */
+ function nextToken(stream, state) {
+ var tok = innerMode(stream, state)
+ || restOfLine(stream, state)
+ || interpolationContinued(stream, state)
+ || includeFilteredContinued(stream, state)
+ || eachContinued(stream, state)
+ || attrsContinued(stream, state)
+ || javaScript(stream, state)
+ || javaScriptArguments(stream, state)
+ || callArguments(stream, state)
+ || yieldStatement(stream, state)
+ || doctype(stream, state)
+ || interpolation(stream, state)
+ || caseStatement(stream, state)
+ || when(stream, state)
+ || defaultStatement(stream, state)
+ || extendsStatement(stream, state)
+ || append(stream, state)
+ || prepend(stream, state)
+ || block(stream, state)
+ || include(stream, state)
+ || includeFiltered(stream, state)
+ || mixin(stream, state)
+ || call(stream, state)
+ || conditional(stream, state)
+ || each(stream, state)
+ || whileStatement(stream, state)
+ || tag(stream, state)
+ || filter(stream, state)
+ || code(stream, state)
+ || id(stream, state)
+ || className(stream, state)
+ || attrs(stream, state)
+ || attributesBlock(stream, state)
+ || indent(stream, state)
+ || text(stream, state)
+ || comment(stream, state)
+ || colon(stream, state)
+ || dot(stream, state)
+ || fail(stream, state);
+ return tok === true ? null : tok;
+ }
+ return {
+ startState: startState,
+ copyState: copyState,
+ token: nextToken
+ };
+}, 'javascript', 'css', 'htmlmixed');
+CodeMirror.defineMIME('text/x-pug', 'pug');
+CodeMirror.defineMIME('text/x-jade', 'pug');