path: root/dhall_syntax/src/
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1 files changed, 563 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dhall_syntax/src/ b/dhall_syntax/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3db07dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dhall_syntax/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,563 @@
+use std::collections::BTreeMap;
+use std::collections::HashMap;
+use std::rc::Rc;
+use crate::context::Context;
+use crate::visitor;
+use crate::*;
+pub type Integer = isize;
+pub type Natural = usize;
+pub type Double = NaiveDouble;
+/// An empty type
+#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub enum X {}
+pub fn trivial_result<T>(x: Result<T, X>) -> T {
+ match x {
+ Ok(x) => x,
+ Err(e) => match e {},
+ }
+/// Double with bitwise equality
+#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
+pub struct NaiveDouble(f64);
+impl PartialEq for NaiveDouble {
+ fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
+ self.0.to_bits() == other.0.to_bits()
+ }
+impl Eq for NaiveDouble {}
+impl From<f64> for NaiveDouble {
+ fn from(x: f64) -> Self {
+ NaiveDouble(x)
+ }
+impl From<NaiveDouble> for f64 {
+ fn from(x: NaiveDouble) -> f64 {
+ x.0
+ }
+/// Constants for a pure type system
+#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub enum Const {
+ Type,
+ Kind,
+ Sort,
+/// Bound variable
+/// The `Label` field is the variable's name (i.e. \"`x`\").
+/// The `Int` field is a DeBruijn index.
+/// See dhall-lang/standard/ for details
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub struct V<Label>(pub Label, pub usize);
+// This is only for the specific `Label` type, not generic
+impl From<Label> for V<Label> {
+ fn from(x: Label) -> V<Label> {
+ V(x, 0)
+ }
+impl<'a> From<&'a Label> for V<Label> {
+ fn from(x: &'a Label) -> V<Label> {
+ V(x.clone(), 0)
+ }
+// Definition order must match precedence order for
+// pretty-printing to work correctly
+#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
+pub enum BinOp {
+ /// x ? y
+ ImportAlt,
+ /// x || y`
+ BoolOr,
+ /// x + y`
+ NaturalPlus,
+ /// x ++ y`
+ TextAppend,
+ /// x # y
+ ListAppend,
+ /// x && y`
+ BoolAnd,
+ /// x ∧ y`
+ Combine,
+ /// x // y
+ Prefer,
+ /// x //\\ y
+ CombineTypes,
+ /// x * y`
+ NaturalTimes,
+ /// x == y`
+ BoolEQ,
+ /// x != y`
+ BoolNE,
+/// Built-ins
+#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub enum Builtin {
+ Bool,
+ Natural,
+ Integer,
+ Double,
+ Text,
+ List,
+ Optional,
+ OptionalNone,
+ NaturalBuild,
+ NaturalFold,
+ NaturalIsZero,
+ NaturalEven,
+ NaturalOdd,
+ NaturalToInteger,
+ NaturalShow,
+ IntegerToDouble,
+ IntegerShow,
+ DoubleShow,
+ ListBuild,
+ ListFold,
+ ListLength,
+ ListHead,
+ ListLast,
+ ListIndexed,
+ ListReverse,
+ OptionalFold,
+ OptionalBuild,
+ TextShow,
+pub type ParsedExpr = SubExpr<X, Import>;
+pub type ResolvedExpr = SubExpr<X, X>;
+pub type DhallExpr = ResolvedExpr;
+#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub struct SubExpr<Note, Embed>(pub Rc<Expr<Note, Embed>>);
+pub type Expr<Note, Embed> = ExprF<SubExpr<Note, Embed>, Label, Note, Embed>;
+/// Syntax tree for expressions
+// Having the recursion out of the enum definition enables writing
+// much more generic code and improves pattern-matching behind
+// smart pointers.
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub enum ExprF<SubExpr, Label, Note, Embed> {
+ Const(Const),
+ /// `x`
+ /// `x@n`
+ Var(V<Label>),
+ /// `λ(x : A) -> b`
+ Lam(Label, SubExpr, SubExpr),
+ /// `A -> B`
+ /// `∀(x : A) -> B`
+ Pi(Label, SubExpr, SubExpr),
+ /// `f a`
+ App(SubExpr, SubExpr),
+ /// `let x = r in e`
+ /// `let x : t = r in e`
+ Let(Label, Option<SubExpr>, SubExpr, SubExpr),
+ /// `x : t`
+ Annot(SubExpr, SubExpr),
+ /// Built-in values
+ Builtin(Builtin),
+ // Binary operations
+ BinOp(BinOp, SubExpr, SubExpr),
+ /// `True`
+ BoolLit(bool),
+ /// `if x then y else z`
+ BoolIf(SubExpr, SubExpr, SubExpr),
+ /// `1`
+ NaturalLit(Natural),
+ /// `+2`
+ IntegerLit(Integer),
+ /// `3.24`
+ DoubleLit(Double),
+ /// `"Some ${interpolated} text"`
+ TextLit(InterpolatedText<SubExpr>),
+ /// `[] : List t`
+ EmptyListLit(SubExpr),
+ /// `[x, y, z]`
+ NEListLit(Vec<SubExpr>),
+ /// Deprecated Optional literal form
+ /// `[] : Optional a`
+ /// `[x] : Optional a`
+ OldOptionalLit(Option<SubExpr>, SubExpr),
+ /// `Some e`
+ SomeLit(SubExpr),
+ /// `{ k1 : t1, k2 : t1 }`
+ RecordType(BTreeMap<Label, SubExpr>),
+ /// `{ k1 = v1, k2 = v2 }`
+ RecordLit(BTreeMap<Label, SubExpr>),
+ /// `< k1 : t1, k2 >`
+ UnionType(BTreeMap<Label, Option<SubExpr>>),
+ /// `< k1 = t1, k2 : t2, k3 >`
+ UnionLit(Label, SubExpr, BTreeMap<Label, Option<SubExpr>>),
+ /// `merge x y : t`
+ Merge(SubExpr, SubExpr, Option<SubExpr>),
+ /// `e.x`
+ Field(SubExpr, Label),
+ /// `e.{ x, y, z }`
+ Projection(SubExpr, Vec<Label>),
+ /// Annotation on the AST. Unused for now but could hold e.g. file location information
+ Note(Note, SubExpr),
+ /// Embeds an import or the result of resolving the import
+ Embed(Embed),
+impl<SE, L, N, E> ExprF<SE, L, N, E> {
+ pub(crate) fn visit<'a, V, Return>(&'a self, v: V) -> Return
+ where
+ V: visitor::GenericVisitor<&'a ExprF<SE, L, N, E>, Return>,
+ {
+ v.visit(self)
+ }
+ fn traverse_ref_with_special_handling_of_binders<'a, SE2, L2, N2, E2, Err>(
+ &'a self,
+ visit_subexpr: impl FnMut(&'a SE) -> Result<SE2, Err>,
+ visit_under_binder: impl FnOnce(&'a L, &'a SE) -> Result<SE2, Err>,
+ visit_note: impl FnOnce(&'a N) -> Result<N2, Err>,
+ visit_embed: impl FnOnce(&'a E) -> Result<E2, Err>,
+ visit_label: impl FnMut(&'a L) -> Result<L2, Err>,
+ ) -> Result<ExprF<SE2, L2, N2, E2>, Err>
+ where
+ L: Ord,
+ L2: Ord,
+ {
+ self.visit(visitor::TraverseRefWithBindersVisitor {
+ visit_subexpr,
+ visit_under_binder,
+ visit_note,
+ visit_embed,
+ visit_label,
+ })
+ }
+ fn traverse_ref<'a, SE2, L2, N2, E2, Err>(
+ &'a self,
+ visit_subexpr: impl FnMut(&'a SE) -> Result<SE2, Err>,
+ visit_note: impl FnOnce(&'a N) -> Result<N2, Err>,
+ visit_embed: impl FnOnce(&'a E) -> Result<E2, Err>,
+ visit_label: impl FnMut(&'a L) -> Result<L2, Err>,
+ ) -> Result<ExprF<SE2, L2, N2, E2>, Err>
+ where
+ L: Ord,
+ L2: Ord,
+ {
+ self.visit(visitor::TraverseRefVisitor {
+ visit_subexpr,
+ visit_note,
+ visit_embed,
+ visit_label,
+ })
+ }
+ pub fn map_ref_with_special_handling_of_binders<'a, SE2, L2, N2, E2>(
+ &'a self,
+ mut map_subexpr: impl FnMut(&'a SE) -> SE2,
+ mut map_under_binder: impl FnMut(&'a L, &'a SE) -> SE2,
+ map_note: impl FnOnce(&'a N) -> N2,
+ map_embed: impl FnOnce(&'a E) -> E2,
+ mut map_label: impl FnMut(&'a L) -> L2,
+ ) -> ExprF<SE2, L2, N2, E2>
+ where
+ L: Ord,
+ L2: Ord,
+ {
+ trivial_result(self.traverse_ref_with_special_handling_of_binders(
+ |x| Ok(map_subexpr(x)),
+ |l, x| Ok(map_under_binder(l, x)),
+ |x| Ok(map_note(x)),
+ |x| Ok(map_embed(x)),
+ |x| Ok(map_label(x)),
+ ))
+ }
+ pub fn map_ref<'a, SE2, L2, N2, E2>(
+ &'a self,
+ mut map_subexpr: impl FnMut(&'a SE) -> SE2,
+ map_note: impl FnOnce(&'a N) -> N2,
+ map_embed: impl FnOnce(&'a E) -> E2,
+ mut map_label: impl FnMut(&'a L) -> L2,
+ ) -> ExprF<SE2, L2, N2, E2>
+ where
+ L: Ord,
+ L2: Ord,
+ {
+ trivial_result(self.traverse_ref(
+ |x| Ok(map_subexpr(x)),
+ |x| Ok(map_note(x)),
+ |x| Ok(map_embed(x)),
+ |x| Ok(map_label(x)),
+ ))
+ }
+ pub fn traverse_ref_simple<'a, SE2, Err>(
+ &'a self,
+ visit_subexpr: impl FnMut(&'a SE) -> Result<SE2, Err>,
+ ) -> Result<ExprF<SE2, L, N, E>, Err>
+ where
+ L: Ord + Clone,
+ N: Clone,
+ E: Clone,
+ {
+ self.traverse_ref(
+ visit_subexpr,
+ |x| Ok(N::clone(x)),
+ |x| Ok(E::clone(x)),
+ |x| Ok(L::clone(x)),
+ )
+ }
+ pub fn map_ref_simple<'a, SE2>(
+ &'a self,
+ map_subexpr: impl Fn(&'a SE) -> SE2,
+ ) -> ExprF<SE2, L, N, E>
+ where
+ L: Ord + Clone,
+ N: Clone,
+ E: Clone,
+ {
+ self.map_ref(map_subexpr, N::clone, E::clone, L::clone)
+ }
+impl<N, E> Expr<N, E> {
+ fn traverse_embed<E2, Err>(
+ &self,
+ visit_embed: impl FnMut(&E) -> Result<E2, Err>,
+ ) -> Result<Expr<N, E2>, Err>
+ where
+ N: Clone,
+ {
+ self.visit(&mut visitor::TraverseEmbedVisitor(visit_embed))
+ }
+ fn map_embed<E2>(&self, mut map_embed: impl FnMut(&E) -> E2) -> Expr<N, E2>
+ where
+ N: Clone,
+ {
+ trivial_result(self.traverse_embed(|x| Ok(map_embed(x))))
+ }
+ pub fn roll(&self) -> SubExpr<N, E>
+ where
+ N: Clone,
+ E: Clone,
+ {
+ rc(ExprF::clone(self))
+ }
+ pub fn squash_embed<E2>(
+ &self,
+ f: impl FnMut(&E) -> SubExpr<N, E2>,
+ ) -> SubExpr<N, E2>
+ where
+ N: Clone,
+ {
+ trivial_result(self.visit(&mut visitor::SquashEmbedVisitor(f)))
+ }
+impl<E: Clone> Expr<X, E> {
+ pub fn note_absurd<N>(&self) -> Expr<N, E> {
+ self.visit(&mut visitor::NoteAbsurdVisitor)
+ }
+impl<N: Clone> Expr<N, X> {
+ pub fn embed_absurd<E>(&self) -> Expr<N, E> {
+ self.visit(&mut visitor::EmbedAbsurdVisitor)
+ }
+impl<N, E> SubExpr<N, E> {
+ pub fn as_ref(&self) -> &Expr<N, E> {
+ self.0.as_ref()
+ }
+ pub fn traverse_embed<E2, Err>(
+ &self,
+ visit_embed: impl FnMut(&E) -> Result<E2, Err>,
+ ) -> Result<SubExpr<N, E2>, Err>
+ where
+ N: Clone,
+ {
+ Ok(rc(self.as_ref().traverse_embed(visit_embed)?))
+ }
+ pub fn map_embed<E2>(
+ &self,
+ map_embed: impl FnMut(&E) -> E2,
+ ) -> SubExpr<N, E2>
+ where
+ N: Clone,
+ {
+ rc(self.as_ref().map_embed(map_embed))
+ }
+ pub fn map_subexprs_with_special_handling_of_binders<'a>(
+ &'a self,
+ map_expr: impl FnMut(&'a Self) -> Self,
+ map_under_binder: impl FnMut(&'a Label, &'a Self) -> Self,
+ ) -> Self {
+ match self.as_ref() {
+ ExprF::Embed(_) => SubExpr::clone(self),
+ // Recursive call
+ // TODO: don't discard the note !
+ ExprF::Note(_, e) => e
+ .map_subexprs_with_special_handling_of_binders(
+ map_expr,
+ map_under_binder,
+ ),
+ // Call ExprF::map_ref
+ e => rc(e.map_ref_with_special_handling_of_binders(
+ map_expr,
+ map_under_binder,
+ |_| unreachable!(),
+ |_| unreachable!(),
+ Label::clone,
+ )),
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn unroll(&self) -> Expr<N, E>
+ where
+ N: Clone,
+ E: Clone,
+ {
+ ExprF::clone(self.as_ref())
+ }
+ pub fn unnote(&self) -> SubExpr<X, E>
+ where
+ E: Clone,
+ {
+ rc(self.as_ref().visit(&mut visitor::UnNoteVisitor))
+ }
+ /// `shift` is used by both normalization and type-checking to avoid variable
+ /// capture by shifting variable indices
+ /// See
+ /// for details
+ pub fn shift(&self, delta: isize, var: &V<Label>) -> Self {
+ match self.as_ref() {
+ ExprF::Var(v) => rc(ExprF::Var(v.shift(delta, var))),
+ _ => self.map_subexprs_with_special_handling_of_binders(
+ |e| e.shift(delta, var),
+ |x: &Label, e| e.shift(delta, &var.shift(1, &x.into())),
+ ),
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn subst_shift(&self, var: &V<Label>, val: &Self) -> Self {
+ match self.as_ref() {
+ ExprF::Var(v) if v == var => val.clone(),
+ ExprF::Var(v) => rc(ExprF::Var(v.shift(-1, var))),
+ _ => self.map_subexprs_with_special_handling_of_binders(
+ |e| e.subst_shift(var, val),
+ |x: &Label, e| {
+ e.subst_shift(
+ &var.shift(1, &x.into()),
+ &val.shift(1, &x.into()),
+ )
+ },
+ ),
+ }
+ }
+impl<N: Clone> SubExpr<N, X> {
+ pub fn embed_absurd<T>(&self) -> SubExpr<N, T> {
+ rc(self.as_ref().embed_absurd())
+ }
+impl<E: Clone> SubExpr<X, E> {
+ pub fn note_absurd<N>(&self) -> SubExpr<N, E> {
+ rc(self.as_ref().note_absurd())
+ }
+impl<N, E> Clone for SubExpr<N, E> {
+ fn clone(&self) -> Self {
+ SubExpr(Rc::clone(&self.0))
+ }
+// Should probably rename this
+pub fn rc<N, E>(x: Expr<N, E>) -> SubExpr<N, E> {
+ SubExpr(Rc::new(x))
+/// Add an isize to an usize
+/// Panics on over/underflow
+fn add_ui(u: usize, i: isize) -> usize {
+ if i < 0 {
+ u.checked_sub(i.checked_neg().unwrap() as usize).unwrap()
+ } else {
+ u.checked_add(i as usize).unwrap()
+ }
+impl<Label: PartialEq + Clone> V<Label> {
+ pub fn shift(&self, delta: isize, var: &V<Label>) -> Self {
+ let V(x, n) = var;
+ let V(y, m) = self;
+ if x == y && n <= m {
+ V(y.clone(), add_ui(*m, delta))
+ } else {
+ V(y.clone(), *m)
+ }
+ }
+/// `shift` is used by both normalization and type-checking to avoid variable
+/// capture by shifting variable indices
+/// See
+/// for details
+pub fn shift<N, E>(
+ delta: isize,
+ var: &V<Label>,
+ in_expr: &SubExpr<N, E>,
+) -> SubExpr<N, E> {
+ in_expr.shift(delta, var)
+pub fn shift0_multiple<N, E>(
+ deltas: &HashMap<Label, isize>,
+ in_expr: &SubExpr<N, E>,
+) -> SubExpr<N, E> {
+ shift0_multiple_inner(&Context::new(), deltas, in_expr)
+fn shift0_multiple_inner<N, E>(
+ ctx: &Context<Label, ()>,
+ deltas: &HashMap<Label, isize>,
+ in_expr: &SubExpr<N, E>,
+) -> SubExpr<N, E> {
+ use crate::ExprF::*;
+ match in_expr.as_ref() {
+ Var(V(y, m)) if ctx.lookup(y, *m).is_none() => {
+ let delta = deltas.get(y).unwrap_or(&0);
+ rc(Var(V(y.clone(), add_ui(*m, *delta))))
+ }
+ _ => in_expr.map_subexprs_with_special_handling_of_binders(
+ |e| shift0_multiple_inner(ctx, deltas, e),
+ |x: &Label, e| {
+ shift0_multiple_inner(&ctx.insert(x.clone(), ()), deltas, e)
+ },
+ ),
+ }