path: root/dhall_proc_macros/src/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 215 deletions
diff --git a/dhall_proc_macros/src/ b/dhall_proc_macros/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index a35c03f..0000000
--- a/dhall_proc_macros/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
-use proc_macro2::{Span, TokenStream};
-use quote::quote;
-use syn::parse::{Parse, ParseStream, Result};
-use syn::punctuated::Punctuated;
-use syn::spanned::Spanned;
-use syn::{bracketed, parenthesized, token, Error, Expr, Ident, Pat, Token};
-#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
-struct ChildrenBranch {
- pattern_span: Span,
- pattern: Punctuated<ChildrenBranchPatternItem, Token![,]>,
- body: Expr,
-#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
-enum ChildrenBranchPatternItem {
- Single { rule_name: Ident, binder: Pat },
- Multiple { rule_name: Ident, binder: Ident },
-#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
-struct ParseChildrenInput {
- input_expr: Expr,
- branches: Punctuated<ChildrenBranch, Token![,]>,
-impl Parse for ChildrenBranch {
- fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> Result<Self> {
- let contents;
- let _: token::Bracket = bracketed!(contents in input);
- let pattern_unparsed: TokenStream = contents.fork().parse()?;
- let pattern_span = pattern_unparsed.span();
- let pattern = Punctuated::parse_terminated(&contents)?;
- let _: Token![=>] = input.parse()?;
- let body = input.parse()?;
- Ok(ChildrenBranch {
- pattern_span,
- pattern,
- body,
- })
- }
-impl Parse for ChildrenBranchPatternItem {
- fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> Result<Self> {
- let contents;
- let rule_name = input.parse()?;
- parenthesized!(contents in input);
- if input.peek(Token![..]) {
- let binder = contents.parse()?;
- let _: Token![..] = input.parse()?;
- Ok(ChildrenBranchPatternItem::Multiple { rule_name, binder })
- } else if input.is_empty() || input.peek(Token![,]) {
- let binder = contents.parse()?;
- Ok(ChildrenBranchPatternItem::Single { rule_name, binder })
- } else {
- Err(input.error("expected `..` or nothing"))
- }
- }
-impl Parse for ParseChildrenInput {
- fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> Result<Self> {
- let input_expr = input.parse()?;
- let _: Token![;] = input.parse()?;
- let branches = Punctuated::parse_terminated(input)?;
- Ok(ParseChildrenInput {
- input_expr,
- branches,
- })
- }
-fn make_parser_branch(
- branch: &ChildrenBranch,
- i_inputs: &Ident,
-) -> Result<TokenStream> {
- use ChildrenBranchPatternItem::{Multiple, Single};
- let body = &branch.body;
- // Convert the input pattern into a pattern-match on the Rules of the children. This uses
- // slice_patterns.
- // A single pattern just checks that the rule matches; a variable-length pattern binds the
- // subslice and checks, in the if-guard, that its elements all match the chosen Rule.
- let i_variable_pattern =
- Ident::new("___variable_pattern", Span::call_site());
- let match_pat = branch.pattern.iter().map(|item| match item {
- Single { rule_name, .. } => quote!(stringify!(#rule_name)),
- Multiple { .. } => quote!(#i_variable_pattern @ ..),
- });
- let match_filter = branch.pattern.iter().map(|item| match item {
- Single { .. } => quote!(),
- Multiple { rule_name, .. } => quote!(
- {
- // We can't use .all() directly in the pattern guard; see
- //
- let all_match = |slice: &[_]| {
- slice.iter().all(|r|
- *r == stringify!(#rule_name)
- )
- };
- all_match(#i_variable_pattern)
- } &&
- ),
- });
- // Once we have found a branch that matches, we need to parse the children.
- let mut singles_before_multiple = Vec::new();
- let mut multiple = None;
- let mut singles_after_multiple = Vec::new();
- for item in &branch.pattern {
- match item {
- Single {
- rule_name, binder, ..
- } => {
- if multiple.is_none() {
- singles_before_multiple.push((rule_name, binder))
- } else {
- singles_after_multiple.push((rule_name, binder))
- }
- }
- Multiple {
- rule_name, binder, ..
- } => {
- if multiple.is_none() {
- multiple = Some((rule_name, binder))
- } else {
- return Err(Error::new(
- branch.pattern_span.clone(),
- "multiple variable-length patterns are not allowed",
- ));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- let mut parses = Vec::new();
- for (rule_name, binder) in singles_before_multiple.into_iter() {
- parses.push(quote!(
- let #binder = Self::#rule_name(
- )?;
- ))
- }
- // Note the `rev()`: we are taking inputs from the end of the iterator in reverse order, so that
- // only the unmatched inputs are left for the variable-length pattern, if any.
- for (rule_name, binder) in singles_after_multiple.into_iter().rev() {
- parses.push(quote!(
- let #binder = Self::#rule_name(
- #i_inputs.next_back().unwrap()
- )?;
- ))
- }
- if let Some((rule_name, binder)) = multiple {
- parses.push(quote!(
- let #binder = #i_inputs
- .map(|i| Self::#rule_name(i))
- .collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()?
- .into_iter();
- ))
- }
- Ok(quote!(
- [#(#match_pat),*] if #(#match_filter)* true => {
- #(#parses)*
- #body
- }
- ))
-pub fn parse_children(
- input: proc_macro::TokenStream,
-) -> Result<proc_macro2::TokenStream> {
- let input: ParseChildrenInput = syn::parse(input)?;
- let i_children_rules = Ident::new("___children_rules", Span::call_site());
- let i_inputs = Ident::new("___inputs", Span::call_site());
- let input_expr = &input.input_expr;
- let branches = input
- .branches
- .iter()
- .map(|br| make_parser_branch(br, &i_inputs))
- .collect::<Result<Vec<_>>>()?;
- Ok(quote!({
- let #i_children_rules: Vec<_> = #input_expr.pair
- .clone()
- .into_inner()
- .map(|p| p.as_rule())
- .map(<Self as PestConsumer>::rule_alias)
- .collect();
- let #i_children_rules: Vec<&str> = #i_children_rules
- .iter()
- .map(String::as_str)
- .collect();
- #[allow(unused_mut)]
- let mut #i_inputs = #input_expr
- .pair
- .clone()
- .into_inner()
- .map(|p| #input_expr.with_pair(p));
- #[allow(unreachable_code)]
- match #i_children_rules.as_slice() {
- #(#branches,)*
- [..] => return Err(#input_expr.error(
- format!("Unexpected children: {:?}", #i_children_rules)
- )),
- }
- }))