path: root/dhall_normalize
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1 files changed, 38 insertions, 46 deletions
diff --git a/dhall_normalize/src/ b/dhall_normalize/src/
index 3b87419..2068ae3 100644
--- a/dhall_normalize/src/
+++ b/dhall_normalize/src/
@@ -48,6 +48,10 @@ where
(App(box Builtin(ListBuild), _), App(box App(box Builtin(ListFold), _), box e2)) |
(App(box Builtin(ListFold), _), App(box App(box Builtin(ListBuild), _), box e2)) |
+ // fold/build fusion for `Optional`
+ (App(box Builtin(OptionalBuild), _), App(box App(box Builtin(OptionalFold), _), box e2)) |
+ (App(box Builtin(OptionalFold), _), App(box App(box Builtin(OptionalBuild), _), box e2)) |
// fold/build fusion for `Natural`
(Builtin(NaturalBuild), App(box Builtin(NaturalFold), box e2)) |
(Builtin(NaturalFold), App(box Builtin(NaturalBuild), box e2)) => normalize(&e2),
@@ -81,43 +85,19 @@ where
(Builtin(NaturalOdd), NaturalLit(n)) => BoolLit(n % 2 != 0),
(Builtin(NaturalToInteger), NaturalLit(n)) => IntegerLit(n as isize),
(Builtin(NaturalShow), NaturalLit(n)) => TextLit(n.to_string()),
- (App(f@box Builtin(ListBuild), box t), k) => {
- let labeled =
- normalize::<_, T, _>(&app(app(app(k.clone(), app(
- Builtin(self::Builtin::List), t.clone())), "Cons"), "Nil"));
- fn list_to_vector<'i, S, A>(v: &mut Vec<Expr<'i, S, A>>, e: Expr<'i, S, A>)
- where S: Clone, A: Clone
- {
- match e {
- App(box App(box Var(V("Cons", _)), box x), box e2) => {
- v.push(x);
- list_to_vector(v, e2)
- }
- Var(V("Nil", _)) => {}
- _ => panic!("internalError list_to_vector"),
- }
- }
- fn check<S, A>(e: &Expr<S, A>) -> bool {
- match *e {
- App(box App(box Var(V("Cons", _)), _), ref e2) => check(e2),
- Var(V("Nil", _)) => true,
- _ => false,
- }
- }
- if check(&labeled) {
- let mut v = vec![];
- list_to_vector(&mut v, labeled);
- ListLit(Some(bx(t)), v)
- } else {
- app(App(f, bx(t)), k)
- }
- }
+ (App(box Builtin(ListBuild), a0), k) => {
+ let k = bx(k);
+ let a1 = bx(shift(1, V("a", 0), &a0));
+ let a = bx(Var(V("a", 0)));
+ let as_ = bx(Var(V("as_", 0)));
+ normalize(&dhall!(k (List a0) (λ(a : a0) -> λ(as_ : List a1) -> [ a ] # as_) ([] : List a0)))
+ }
(App(box App(box App(box App(box Builtin(ListFold), _), box ListLit(_, xs)), _), cons), nil) => {
- let e2: Expr<_, _> = xs.into_iter().rev().fold(nil, |y, ys| // foldr
- App(bx(App(cons.clone(), bx(y))), bx(ys))
- );
+ let e2: Expr<_, _> = xs.into_iter().rev().fold(nil, |y, ys| {
+ let y = bx(y);
+ let ys = bx(ys);
+ dhall!(cons y ys)
+ });
(App(f, x_), ListLit(t, ys)) => match *f {
@@ -150,20 +130,16 @@ where
(App(box App(box App(box App(box Builtin(OptionalFold), _), box OptionalLit(_, xs)), _), just), nothing) => {
- let e2: Expr<_, _> = xs.into_iter().fold(nothing, |y, _|
- App(just.clone(), bx(y))
- );
+ let e2: Expr<_, _> = xs.into_iter().fold(nothing, |y, _| {
+ let y = bx(y);
+ dhall!(just y)
+ });
- (App(box Builtin(OptionalBuild), _), App(box App(box Builtin(OptionalFold), _), b)) => {
- normalize(&b)
- }
(App(box Builtin(OptionalBuild), a0), g) => {
let x = bx(Var(V("x", 0)));
let g = bx(g);
- let e2: Expr<_, _> =
- dhall!((g (Optional a0)) (λ(x: a0) -> [x] : Optional a0) ([] : Optional a0));
- normalize(&e2)
+ normalize(&dhall!((g (Optional a0)) (λ(x: a0) -> [x] : Optional a0) ([] : Optional a0)))
(f2, a2) => app(f2, a2),
@@ -235,6 +211,22 @@ where
+ BinOp(ListAppend, ref x, ref y) => {
+ match (normalize(x), normalize(y)) {
+ (ListLit(t1, xs), ListLit(t2, ys)) => {
+ // Drop type annotation if the result is not empty
+ let t = if xs.len() == 0 && ys.len() == 0 {
+ t1.or(t2)
+ } else {
+ None
+ };
+ let xs = xs.into_iter();
+ let ys = ys.into_iter();
+ ListLit(t, xs.chain(ys).collect())
+ }
+ (x, y) => BinOp(ListAppend, bx(x), bx(y)),
+ }
+ },
ListLit(ref t, ref es) => {
let t2 = t.as_ref().map(|x| x.as_ref()).map(normalize).map(bx);
let es2 = es.iter().map(normalize).collect();
@@ -263,7 +255,7 @@ where
Note(_, ref e) => normalize(e),
Embed(ref a) => Embed(a.clone()),
- _ => unimplemented!(),
+ ref e => unimplemented!("{:?}", e),