path: root/dhall_core
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'dhall_core')
2 files changed, 266 insertions, 189 deletions
diff --git a/dhall_core/src/ b/dhall_core/src/
index 43c8d9a..508ad3a 100644
--- a/dhall_core/src/
+++ b/dhall_core/src/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
+#![recursion_limit = "128"]
diff --git a/dhall_core/src/ b/dhall_core/src/
index 4bbb08a..6718c00 100644
--- a/dhall_core/src/
+++ b/dhall_core/src/
@@ -71,153 +71,206 @@ fn debug_pair(pair: Pair<Rule>) -> String {
-enum IterMatchError<T> {
- NoMatchFound,
- Other(T), // Allow other macros to inject their own errors
+// #[derive(Debug)]
+// enum IterMatchError<T> {
+// NoMatchFound,
+// Other(T), // Allow other macros to inject their own errors
+// }
+// macro_rules! match_iter_typed {
+// // Collect untyped arguments to pass to match_iter!
+// (@collect, ($($vars:tt)*), ($($args:tt)*), ($($acc:tt)*), ($x:ident : $ty:ident, $($rest:tt)*)) => {
+// match_iter_typed!(@collect, ($($vars)*), ($($args)*), ($($acc)*, $x), ($($rest)*))
+// };
+// (@collect, ($($vars:tt)*), ($($args:tt)*), ($($acc:tt)*), ($x:ident.. : $ty:ident, $($rest:tt)*)) => {
+// match_iter_typed!(@collect, ($($vars)*), ($($args)*), ($($acc)*, $x..), ($($rest)*))
+// };
+// // Catch extra comma if exists
+// (@collect, ($($vars:tt)*), ($($args:tt)*), (,$($acc:tt)*), ($(,)*)) => {
+// match_iter_typed!(@collect, ($($vars)*), ($($args)*), ($($acc)*), ())
+// };
+// (@collect, ($iter:expr, $body:expr, $callback:ident, $error:ident), ($($args:tt)*), ($($acc:tt)*), ($(,)*)) => {
+// {
+// let res = iter_patterns::destructure_iter!($iter; [$($acc)*] => {
+// match_iter_typed!(@callback, $callback, $iter, $($args)*);
+// $body
+// });
+// res.ok_or(IterMatchError::NoMatchFound)
+// }
+// };
+// // Pass the matches through the callback
+// (@callback, $callback:ident, $iter:expr, $x:ident : $ty:ident $($rest:tt)*) => {
+// let $x = $callback!(@type_callback, $ty, $x);
+// #[allow(unused_mut)]
+// let mut $x = match $x {
+// Ok(x) => x,
+// Err(e) => break Err(IterMatchError::Other(e)),
+// };
+// match_iter_typed!(@callback, $callback, $iter $($rest)*);
+// };
+// (@callback, $callback: ident, $iter:expr, $x:ident.. : $ty:ident $($rest:tt)*) => {
+// let $x = $|x| $callback!(@type_callback, $ty, x)).collect();
+// let $x: Vec<_> = match $x {
+// Ok(x) => x,
+// Err(e) => break Err(IterMatchError::Other(e)),
+// };
+// #[allow(unused_mut)]
+// let mut $x = $x.into_iter();
+// match_iter_typed!(@callback, $callback, $iter $($rest)*);
+// };
+// (@callback, $callback:ident, $iter:expr $(,)*) => {};
+// ($callback:ident; $iter:expr; ($($args:tt)*) => $body:expr) => {
+// {
+// #[allow(unused_mut)]
+// let mut iter = $iter;
+// let res: Result<_, IterMatchError<_>> = loop {
+// break match_iter_typed!(@collect,
+// (iter, $body, $callback, last_error),
+// ($($args)*), (), ($($args)*,)
+// )
+// };
+// res
+// }
+// };
+// }
+// macro_rules! match_iter_branching {
+// (@noclone, $callback:ident; $arg:expr; $( $submac:ident!($($args:tt)*) => $body:expr ),* $(,)*) => {
+// {
+// #[allow(unused_assignments)]
+// let mut last_error = IterMatchError::NoMatchFound;
+// // Not a real loop; used for error handling
+// // Would use loop labels but they create warnings
+// #[allow(unreachable_code)]
+// loop {
+// $(
+// let matched: Result<_, IterMatchError<_>> =
+// $callback!(@branch_callback, $submac, $arg; ($($args)*) => $body);
+// #[allow(unused_assignments)]
+// match matched {
+// Ok(v) => break Ok(v),
+// Err(e) => last_error = e,
+// };
+// )*
+// break Err(last_error);
+// }
+// }
+// };
+// ($callback:ident; $iter:expr; $($args:tt)*) => {
+// {
+// #[allow(unused_mut)]
+// let mut iter = $iter;
+// match_iter_branching!(@noclone, $callback; iter.clone(); $($args)*)
+// }
+// };
+// }
-macro_rules! match_iter_typed {
- // Collect untyped arguments to pass to match_iter!
- (@collect, ($($vars:tt)*), ($($args:tt)*), ($($acc:tt)*), ($x:ident : $ty:ident, $($rest:tt)*)) => {
- match_iter_typed!(@collect, ($($vars)*), ($($args)*), ($($acc)*, $x), ($($rest)*))
- };
- (@collect, ($($vars:tt)*), ($($args:tt)*), ($($acc:tt)*), ($x:ident.. : $ty:ident, $($rest:tt)*)) => {
- match_iter_typed!(@collect, ($($vars)*), ($($args)*), ($($acc)*, $x..), ($($rest)*))
- };
- // Catch extra comma if exists
- (@collect, ($($vars:tt)*), ($($args:tt)*), (,$($acc:tt)*), ($(,)*)) => {
- match_iter_typed!(@collect, ($($vars)*), ($($args)*), ($($acc)*), ())
- };
- (@collect, ($iter:expr, $body:expr, $callback:ident, $error:ident), ($($args:tt)*), ($($acc:tt)*), ($(,)*)) => {
- {
- let res = iter_patterns::destructure_iter!($iter; [$($acc)*] => {
- match_iter_typed!(@callback, $callback, $iter, $($args)*);
- $body
- });
- res.ok_or(IterMatchError::NoMatchFound)
- }
+macro_rules! match_pair {
+ // // (@type_callback, parse_any_fast, $x:expr) => {
+ // // ParseWrapped::parse_any_fast($x).map(Box::new)
+ // // };
+ // (@type_callback, $ty:ident, $x:expr) => {
+ // ParseUnwrapped::$ty($x)
+ // // ParseWrapped::$ty($x).map(|x| x.$ty())
+ // // match ParseWrapped::parse_any($x) {
+ // // match parse_any_fast($x.clone()) {
+ // // // match ParseWrapped::$ty($x.clone()) {
+ // // Ok(ParsedValue::$ty(x)) => Ok(x),
+ // // // _ => ParseUnwrapped::$ty($x),
+ // // _ => Err(custom_parse_error(&$x, format!("Total failure"))),
+ // // }
+ // };
+ // (@branch_callback, children, $pair:expr; $($args:tt)*) => {
+ // {
+ // #[allow(unused_mut)]
+ // let mut pairs = $pair.clone().into_inner();
+ // match_iter_typed!(match_pair; pairs; $($args)*)
+ // }
+ // };
+ // (@branch_callback, raw_pair, $pair:expr; ($x:ident) => $body:expr) => {
+ // {
+ // let $x = $pair.clone();
+ // Ok($body)
+ // }
+ // };
+ // (@branch_callback, captured_str, $pair:expr; ($x:ident) => $body:expr) => {
+ // {
+ // let $x = $pair.as_str();
+ // Ok($body)
+ // }
+ // };
+ (@make_child_match, $pair:expr, ($($outer_acc:tt)*), ($($acc:tt)*), ($(,)* $x:ident : $ty:ident $($rest_of_match:tt)*) => $body:expr, $($rest:tt)*) => {
+ match_pair!(@make_child_match, $pair, ($($outer_acc)*), ($($acc)*, ParsedValue::$ty($x)), ($($rest_of_match)*) => $body, $($rest)*)
- // Pass the matches through the callback
- (@callback, $callback:ident, $iter:expr, $x:ident : $ty:ident $($rest:tt)*) => {
- let $x = $callback!(@type_callback, $ty, $x);
- #[allow(unused_mut)]
- let mut $x = match $x {
- Ok(x) => x,
- Err(e) => break Err(IterMatchError::Other(e)),
- };
- match_iter_typed!(@callback, $callback, $iter $($rest)*);
+ (@make_child_match, $pair:expr, ($($outer_acc:tt)*), ($($acc:tt)*), ($(,)* $x:ident.. : $ty:ident $($rest_of_match:tt)*) => $body:expr, $($rest:tt)*) => {
+ match_pair!(@make_child_match, $pair, ($($outer_acc)*), ($($acc)*, x..), ($($rest_of_match)*) => {
+ let $x =|x| x.$ty());
+ $body
+ }, $($rest)*)
- (@callback, $callback: ident, $iter:expr, $x:ident.. : $ty:ident $($rest:tt)*) => {
- let $x = $|x| $callback!(@type_callback, $ty, x)).collect();
- let $x: Vec<_> = match $x {
- Ok(x) => x,
- Err(e) => break Err(IterMatchError::Other(e)),
- };
- #[allow(unused_mut)]
- let mut $x = $x.into_iter();
- match_iter_typed!(@callback, $callback, $iter $($rest)*);
+ (@make_child_match, $pair:expr, ($($outer_acc:tt)*), (, $($acc:tt)*), ($(,)*) => $body:expr, $($rest:tt)*) => {
+ match_pair!(@make_matches, $pair, ([$($acc)*] => { $body }, $($outer_acc)*), $($rest)*)
- (@callback, $callback:ident, $iter:expr $(,)*) => {};
- ($callback:ident; $iter:expr; ($($args:tt)*) => $body:expr) => {
- {
- #[allow(unused_mut)]
- let mut iter = $iter;
- let res: Result<_, IterMatchError<_>> = loop {
- break match_iter_typed!(@collect,
- (iter, $body, $callback, last_error),
- ($($args)*), (), ($($args)*,)
- )
- };
- res
- }
+ (@make_child_match, $pair:expr, ($($outer_acc:tt)*), (), ($(,)*) => $body:expr, $($rest:tt)*) => {
+ match_pair!(@make_matches, $pair, ([] => { $body }, $($outer_acc)*), $($rest)*)
-macro_rules! match_iter_branching {
- (@noclone, $callback:ident; $arg:expr; $( $submac:ident!($($args:tt)*) => $body:expr ),* $(,)*) => {
- {
- #[allow(unused_assignments)]
- let mut last_error = IterMatchError::NoMatchFound;
- // Not a real loop; used for error handling
- // Would use loop labels but they create warnings
- #[allow(unreachable_code)]
- loop {
- $(
- let matched: Result<_, IterMatchError<_>> =
- $callback!(@branch_callback, $submac, $arg; ($($args)*) => $body);
- #[allow(unused_assignments)]
- match matched {
- Ok(v) => break Ok(v),
- Err(e) => last_error = e,
- };
- )*
- break Err(last_error);
- }
- }
+ (@make_matches, $pair:expr, ($($acc:tt)*), children!($($args:tt)*) => $body:expr, $($rest:tt)*) => {
+ match_pair!(@make_child_match, $pair, ($($acc)*), (), ($($args)*) => $body, $($rest)*)
+ // (@make_matches, $pair:expr, ($($acc:tt)*), children!($($x:ident : $ty:ident),*) => $body:expr, $($rest:tt)*) => {
+ // match_pair!(@make_child_match, $pair, ($($acc)*), ($(, ParsedValue::$ty($x))*), () => $body, $($rest)*)
+ // match_pair!(@make_matches, $pair, ([$(ParsedValue::$ty($x)),*] => { $body }, $($acc)*), $($rest)*)
- ($callback:ident; $iter:expr; $($args:tt)*) => {
- {
- #[allow(unused_mut)]
- let mut iter = $iter;
- match_iter_branching!(@noclone, $callback; iter.clone(); $($args)*)
- }
- };
-macro_rules! match_pair {
- (@type_callback, $ty:ident, $x:expr) => {
- ParseUnwrapped::$ty($x)
- // ParseWrapped::$ty($x).map(|x| x.$ty())
- };
- (@branch_callback, children, $pair:expr; $($args:tt)*) => {
- {
- #[allow(unused_mut)]
- let mut pairs = $pair.clone().into_inner();
- match_iter_typed!(match_pair; pairs; $($args)*)
- }
- };
- (@branch_callback, self, $pair:expr; ($x:ident : $ty:ident) => $body:expr) => {
- {
- let $x = match_pair!(@type_callback, $ty, $pair.clone());
- match $x {
- Ok($x) => Ok($body),
- Err(e) => Err(IterMatchError::Other(e)),
- }
- }
- };
- (@branch_callback, raw_pair, $pair:expr; ($x:ident) => $body:expr) => {
- {
+ (@make_matches, $pair:expr, ($($acc:tt)*), raw_pair!($x:ident) => $body:expr, $($rest:tt)*) => {
+ match_pair!(@make_matches, $pair, ([..] => {
let $x = $pair.clone();
- Ok($body)
- }
+ $body
+ }, $($acc)*), $($rest)*)
- (@branch_callback, captured_str, $pair:expr; ($x:ident) => $body:expr) => {
- {
+ (@make_matches, $pair:expr, ($($acc:tt)*), captured_str!($x:ident) => $body:expr, $($rest:tt)*) => {
+ match_pair!(@make_matches, $pair, ([..] => {
let $x = $pair.as_str();
- Ok($body)
- }
+ $body
+ }, $($acc)*), $($rest)*)
- ($pair:expr; $( children!($($x:ident : $ty:ident),*) => $body:expr ),* $(,)*) => {
+ (@make_matches, $pair:expr, ($($acc:tt)*) $(,)*) => {
- let pair = $pair;
+ let pair = $pair.clone();
let rule = pair.as_rule();
- let err = custom_parse_error(&pair, "No match found".to_owned());
- let parsed: Vec<_> = pair.into_inner().map(ParseWrapped::parse_any_fast).collect::<Result<_, _>>()?;
+ let parsed: Vec<_> = pair.clone().into_inner().map(ParseWrapped::parse_any_fast).collect::<Result<_, _>>()?;
- $(
- [$(ParsedValue::$ty($x)),*] => {
- $body
- },
- )*
+ $($acc)*
[x..] => panic!("Unexpected children while parsing rule '{:?}': {:?}", rule, x.collect::<Vec<_>>()),
- ).ok_or(err)
+ ).ok_or_else(|| custom_parse_error(&pair, "No match found".to_owned()))
+ // ($pair:expr; $( children!($($x:ident : $ty:ident),*) => $body:expr ),* $(,)*) => {
+ // match_pair!(@make_matches, $pair, (), $( children!($($x : $ty),*) => $body ),* ,)
+ // ($pair:expr; $( children!($($args:tt)*) => $body:expr ),* $(,)*) => {
+ // match_pair!(@make_matches, $pair, (), $( children!($($args)*) => $body ),* ,)
+ ($pair:expr; $( $submac:ident!($($args:tt)*) => $body:expr ),* $(,)*) => {
+ match_pair!(@make_matches, $pair, (), $( $submac!($($args)*) => $body ),* ,)
+ // ($pair:expr; $($args:tt)*) => {
+ // match_pair!(@make_matches, $pair, (), $($args)*)
+ // {
+ // let pair = $pair;
+ // let rule = pair.as_rule();
+ // let err = custom_parse_error(&pair, "No match found".to_owned());
+ // let parsed: Vec<_> = pair.into_inner().map(ParseWrapped::parse_any_fast).collect::<Result<_, _>>()?;
+ // #[allow(unreachable_code)]
+ // iter_patterns::match_vec!(parsed;
+ // $(
+ // [$(ParsedValue::$ty($x)),*] => { $body },
+ // )*
+ // [x..] => panic!("Unexpected children while parsing rule '{:?}': {:?}", rule, x.collect::<Vec<_>>()),
+ // ).ok_or(err)
+ // }
+ };
($pair:expr; $($args:tt)*) => {
let pair = $pair;
@@ -277,7 +330,7 @@ macro_rules! make_parser {
enum ParsedValue<'a> {
$( $name($o), )*
- parse_any(Box<ParsedValue<'a>>),
+ // parse_any(Box<ParsedValue<'a>>),
impl<'a> ParsedValue<'a> {
@@ -290,25 +343,25 @@ macro_rules! make_parser {
- #[allow(non_snake_case, dead_code)]
- fn parse_any(self) -> Box<ParsedValue<'a>> {
- match self {
- ParsedValue::parse_any(x) => x,
- x => Box::new(x),
- }
- }
- #[allow(non_snake_case, dead_code)]
- fn parse_any_fast(self) -> Box<ParsedValue<'a>> {
- self.parse_any()
- }
+ // #[allow(non_snake_case, dead_code)]
+ // fn parse_any(self) -> Box<ParsedValue<'a>> {
+ // match self {
+ // ParsedValue::parse_any(x) => x,
+ // x => Box::new(x),
+ // }
+ // }
+ // #[allow(non_snake_case, dead_code)]
+ // fn parse_any_fast(self) -> Box<ParsedValue<'a>> {
+ // self.parse_any()
+ // }
- named!(parse_any<Box<ParsedValue<'a>>>;
- // self!(x: parse_any_fast) => x,
- $(
- self!(x: $name) => Box::new(ParsedValue::$name(x)),
- )*
- );
+ // named!(parse_any<Box<ParsedValue<'a>>>;
+ // // self!(x: parse_any_fast) => x,
+ // $(
+ // self!(x: $name) => Box::new(ParsedValue::$name(x)),
+ // )*
+ // );
impl ParseWrapped {
#[allow(non_snake_case, dead_code)]
@@ -317,6 +370,19 @@ macro_rules! make_parser {
+ impl ParseUnwrapped {
+ #[allow(unused_variables, non_snake_case, dead_code, clippy::all)]
+ fn expression<'a>(pair: Pair<'a, Rule>) -> ParseResult<RcExpr> {
+ ParseWrapped::expression(pair).map(|x| x.expression())
+ }
+ }
+ impl ParseWrapped {
+ #[allow(unused_variables, non_snake_case, dead_code, clippy::all)]
+ fn expression<'a>(pair: Pair<'a, Rule>) -> ParseResult<ParsedValue<'a>> {
+ ParseWrapped::parse_any_fast(pair)
+ }
+ }
// fn do_the_parse(s: &str, r: Rule, ty: ParsedType) -> ParseResult<ParsedValue> {
// let pairs = DhallParser::parse(r, s)?;
// match_iter!(pairs; (e) => ty.parse(e))
@@ -328,7 +394,6 @@ macro_rules! make_parser {
macro_rules! make_pest_parse_function {
($name:ident<$o:ty>; $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
impl ParseUnwrapped {
@@ -347,43 +412,44 @@ macro_rules! make_pest_parse_function {
-macro_rules! named {
- ($name:ident<$o:ty>; $($args:tt)*) => (
- make_pest_parse_function!($name<$o>; match_pair!( $($args)* ));
- );
+// macro_rules! named {
+// ($name:ident<$o:ty>; $($args:tt)*) => (
+// make_pest_parse_function!($name<$o>; match_pair!( $($args)* ));
+// );
+// }
macro_rules! rule {
($name:ident<$o:ty>; $($args:tt)*) => (
- make_pest_parse_function!($name<$o>; match_rule!(
- Rule::$name => match_pair!( $($args)* ),
- ));
+ make_pest_parse_function!($name<$o>; match_pair!( $($args)* ));
+ // make_pest_parse_function!($name<$o>; match_rule!(
+ // Rule::$name => match_pair!( $($args)* ),
+ // ));
macro_rules! rule_group {
($name:ident<$o:ty>; $($ty:ident),*) => (
- make_pest_parse_function!($name<$o>; match_rule!(
- $(
- Rule::$ty => match_pair!(raw_pair!(p) => ParseUnwrapped::$ty(p)?),
- )*
- ));
+ // make_pest_parse_function!($name<$o>; match_rule!(
+ // $(
+ // Rule::$ty => match_pair!(raw_pair!(p) => ParseUnwrapped::$ty(p)?),
+ // )*
+ // ));
-macro_rules! match_rule {
- ($pair:expr; $($pat:pat => $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* ),)*) => {
- {
- #[allow(unreachable_patterns)]
- match $pair.as_rule() {
- $(
- $pat => $submac!($pair; $($args)*),
- )*
- r => Err(custom_parse_error(&$pair, format!("Unexpected {:?}", r))),
- }
- }
- };
+// macro_rules! match_rule {
+// ($pair:expr; $($pat:pat => $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* ),)*) => {
+// {
+// #[allow(unreachable_patterns)]
+// match $pair.as_rule() {
+// $(
+// $pat => $submac!($pair; $($args)*),
+// )*
+// r => Err(custom_parse_error(&$pair, format!("Unexpected {:?}", r))),
+// }
+// }
+// };
+// }
// List of rules that can be shortcutted as implemented in binop!()
fn can_be_shortcutted(rule: Rule) -> bool {
@@ -448,15 +514,14 @@ macro_rules! binop {
+make_parser! {
rule!(EOI<()>; children!() => ());
-named!(str<&'a str>; captured_str!(s) => s.trim());
+// named!(str<&'a str>; captured_str!(s) => s.trim());
-named!(raw_str<&'a str>; captured_str!(s) => s);
+// named!(raw_str<&'a str>; captured_str!(s) => s);
-named!(label<Label>; captured_str!(s) => Label::from(s.trim().to_owned()));
+// named!(label<Label>; captured_str!(s) => Label::from(s.trim().to_owned()));
rule!(label_raw<Label>; captured_str!(s) => Label::from(s.trim().to_owned()));
@@ -473,7 +538,7 @@ rule!(double_quote_chunk<ParsedTextContents<'a>>;
children!(s: double_quote_escaped) => {
- captured_str!(s) => {
+ children!(s: double_quote_char) => {
@@ -495,6 +560,9 @@ rule!(double_quote_escaped<&'a str>;
+rule!(double_quote_char<&'a str>;
+ captured_str!(s) => s
rule!(end_of_line<()>; children!() => ());
@@ -756,11 +824,18 @@ rule!(application_expression<RcExpr>;
- children!(first: expression, rest..: label) => {
+ children!(first: expression, rest..: selector_raw) => {
rest.fold(first, |acc, e| bx(Expr::Field(acc, e)))
+// TODO: handle record projection
+ children!(l: label_raw) => {
+ l
+ }
children!(n: double_literal_raw) => bx(Expr::DoubleLit(n)),
children!(n: minus_infinity_literal) => bx(Expr::DoubleLit(std::f64::NEG_INFINITY)),
@@ -824,21 +899,23 @@ rule!(non_empty_record_type_or_literal<RcExpr>;
rule!(non_empty_record_type<(RcExpr, BTreeMap<Label, RcExpr>)>;
- self!(x: partial_record_entries) => x
-named!(partial_record_entries<(RcExpr, BTreeMap<Label, RcExpr>)>;
- children!(expr: expression, entries..: record_entry) => {
+ children!(expr: expression, entries..: record_type_entry) => {
(expr, entries.collect())
-named!(record_entry<(Label, RcExpr)>;
+rule!(record_type_entry<(Label, RcExpr)>;
children!(name: label_raw, expr: expression) => (name, expr)
rule!(non_empty_record_literal<(RcExpr, BTreeMap<Label, RcExpr>)>;
- self!(x: partial_record_entries) => x
+ children!(expr: expression, entries..: record_literal_entry) => {
+ (expr, entries.collect())
+ }
+rule!(record_literal_entry<(Label, RcExpr)>;
+ children!(name: label_raw, expr: expression) => (name, expr)