path: root/dhall_core/src/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'dhall_core/src/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 984 deletions
diff --git a/dhall_core/src/ b/dhall_core/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 12383d4..0000000
--- a/dhall_core/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,984 +0,0 @@
-use itertools::Itertools;
-use pest::iterators::Pair;
-use pest::Parser;
-pub use pest::Span;
-use std::borrow::Cow;
-use std::collections::BTreeMap;
-use std::path::PathBuf;
-use dhall_generated_parser::{DhallParser, Rule};
-use crate::*;
-// This file consumes the parse tree generated by pest and turns it into
-// our own AST. All those custom macros should eventually moved into
-// their own crate because they are quite general and useful. For now they
-// are here and hopefully you can figure out how they work.
-use crate::ExprF::*;
-type ParsedExpr<'a> = Expr<Span<'a>, Import>;
-type ParsedSubExpr<'a> = SubExpr<Span<'a>, Import>;
-type ParsedText<'a> = InterpolatedText<SubExpr<Span<'a>, Import>>;
-type ParsedTextContents<'a> =
- InterpolatedTextContents<SubExpr<Span<'a>, Import>>;
-pub type ParseError = pest::error::Error<Rule>;
-pub type ParseResult<T> = Result<T, ParseError>;
-fn rc(x: ParsedExpr<'_>) -> ParsedSubExpr<'_> {
- crate::rc(x)
-fn spanned<'a>(_span: Span<'a>, x: ParsedExpr<'a>) -> ParsedExpr<'a> {
- x
- // This breaks equality testing; I need to fix that first
- // Note(span, rc(x))
-enum Either<A, B> {
- Left(A),
- Right(B),
-impl crate::Builtin {
- pub fn parse(s: &str) -> Option<Self> {
- use crate::Builtin::*;
- match s {
- "Bool" => Some(Bool),
- "Natural" => Some(Natural),
- "Integer" => Some(Integer),
- "Double" => Some(Double),
- "Text" => Some(Text),
- "List" => Some(List),
- "Optional" => Some(Optional),
- "None" => Some(OptionalNone),
- "Natural/build" => Some(NaturalBuild),
- "Natural/fold" => Some(NaturalFold),
- "Natural/isZero" => Some(NaturalIsZero),
- "Natural/even" => Some(NaturalEven),
- "Natural/odd" => Some(NaturalOdd),
- "Natural/toInteger" => Some(NaturalToInteger),
- "Natural/show" => Some(NaturalShow),
- "Integer/toDouble" => Some(IntegerToDouble),
- "Integer/show" => Some(IntegerShow),
- "Double/show" => Some(DoubleShow),
- "List/build" => Some(ListBuild),
- "List/fold" => Some(ListFold),
- "List/length" => Some(ListLength),
- "List/head" => Some(ListHead),
- "List/last" => Some(ListLast),
- "List/indexed" => Some(ListIndexed),
- "List/reverse" => Some(ListReverse),
- "Optional/fold" => Some(OptionalFold),
- "Optional/build" => Some(OptionalBuild),
- "Text/show" => Some(TextShow),
- _ => None,
- }
- }
-pub fn custom_parse_error(pair: &Pair<Rule>, msg: String) -> ParseError {
- let msg =
- format!("{} while matching on:\n{}", msg, debug_pair(pair.clone()));
- let e = pest::error::ErrorVariant::CustomError { message: msg };
- pest::error::Error::new_from_span(e, pair.as_span())
-fn debug_pair(pair: Pair<Rule>) -> String {
- use std::fmt::Write;
- let mut s = String::new();
- fn aux(s: &mut String, indent: usize, prefix: String, pair: Pair<Rule>) {
- let indent_str = "| ".repeat(indent);
- let rule = pair.as_rule();
- let contents = pair.as_str();
- let mut inner = pair.into_inner();
- let mut first = true;
- while let Some(p) = {
- if first {
- first = false;
- let last = inner.peek().is_none();
- if last && p.as_str() == contents {
- let prefix = format!("{}{:?} > ", prefix, rule);
- aux(s, indent, prefix, p);
- continue;
- } else {
- writeln!(
- s,
- r#"{}{}{:?}: "{}""#,
- indent_str, prefix, rule, contents
- )
- .unwrap();
- }
- }
- aux(s, indent + 1, "".into(), p);
- }
- if first {
- writeln!(
- s,
- r#"{}{}{:?}: "{}""#,
- indent_str, prefix, rule, contents
- )
- .unwrap();
- }
- }
- aux(&mut s, 0, "".into(), pair);
- s
-macro_rules! make_parser {
- (@pattern, rule, $name:ident) => (Rule::$name);
- (@pattern, token_rule, $name:ident) => (Rule::$name);
- (@pattern, rule_group, $name:ident) => (_);
- (@filter, rule) => (true);
- (@filter, token_rule) => (true);
- (@filter, rule_group) => (false);
- (@body,
- $pair:expr,
- $children:expr,
- rule!( $name:ident<$o:ty>; $($args:tt)* )
- ) => (
- make_parser!(@body,
- $pair,
- $children,
- rule!( $name<$o> as $name; $($args)* )
- )
- );
- (@body,
- $pair:expr,
- $children:expr,
- rule!(
- $name:ident<$o:ty>
- as $group:ident;
- captured_str!($x:pat) => $body:expr
- )
- ) => ({
- let $x = $pair.as_str();
- let res: $o = $body;
- Ok(ParsedValue::$group(res))
- });
- (@body,
- $pair:expr,
- $children:expr,
- rule!(
- $name:ident<$o:ty>
- as $group:ident;
- children!( $( [$($args:tt)*] => $body:expr ),* $(,)* )
- )
- ) => ({
- #[allow(unused_imports)]
- use ParsedValue::*;
- #[allow(unreachable_code)]
- let res: $o = improved_slice_patterns::match_vec!($children;
- $( [$($args)*] => $body, )*
- [x..] => Err(
- format!("Unexpected children: {:?}", x.collect::<Vec<_>>())
- )?,
- ).map_err(|_| -> String { unreachable!() })?;
- Ok(ParsedValue::$group(res))
- });
- (@body,
- $pair:expr,
- $children:expr,
- rule!(
- $name:ident<$o:ty>
- as $group:ident;
- $span:ident;
- $($args:tt)*
- )
- ) => ({
- let $span = $pair.as_span();
- make_parser!(@body,
- $pair,
- $children,
- rule!(
- $name<$o>
- as $group;
- $($args)*
- )
- )
- });
- (@body,
- $pair:expr,
- $children:expr,
- token_rule!($name:ident<$o:ty>)
- ) => ({
- Ok(ParsedValue::$name(()))
- });
- (@body, $pair:expr, $children:expr, rule_group!( $name:ident<$o:ty> )) => (
- unreachable!()
- );
- ($( $submac:ident!( $name:ident<$o:ty> $($args:tt)* ); )*) => (
- #[allow(non_camel_case_types, dead_code, clippy::large_enum_variant)]
- #[derive(Debug)]
- enum ParsedValue<'a> {
- $( $name($o), )*
- }
- fn parse_any<'a>(pair: Pair<'a, Rule>, children: Vec<ParsedValue<'a>>)
- -> Result<ParsedValue<'a>, String> {
- match pair.as_rule() {
- $(
- make_parser!(@pattern, $submac, $name)
- if make_parser!(@filter, $submac)
- => make_parser!(@body, pair, children,
- $submac!( $name<$o> $($args)* ))
- ,
- )*
- r => Err(format!("Unexpected {:?}", r)),
- }
- }
- );
-// Non-recursive implementation to avoid stack overflows
-fn do_parse<'a>(initial_pair: Pair<'a, Rule>) -> ParseResult<ParsedValue<'a>> {
- enum StackFrame<'a> {
- Unprocessed(Pair<'a, Rule>),
- Processed(Pair<'a, Rule>, usize),
- }
- use StackFrame::*;
- let mut pairs_stack: Vec<StackFrame> =
- vec![Unprocessed(initial_pair.clone())];
- let mut values_stack: Vec<ParsedValue> = vec![];
- while let Some(p) = pairs_stack.pop() {
- match p {
- Unprocessed(mut pair) => loop {
- let mut pairs: Vec<_> = pair.clone().into_inner().collect();
- let n_children = pairs.len();
- if n_children == 1 && can_be_shortcutted(pair.as_rule()) {
- pair = pairs.pop().unwrap();
- continue;
- } else {
- pairs_stack.push(Processed(pair, n_children));
- pairs_stack
- .extend(pairs.into_iter().map(StackFrame::Unprocessed));
- break;
- }
- },
- Processed(pair, n) => {
- let mut children: Vec<_> =
- values_stack.split_off(values_stack.len() - n);
- children.reverse();
- let val = match parse_any(pair.clone(), children) {
- Ok(v) => v,
- Err(msg) => Err(custom_parse_error(&pair, msg))?,
- };
- values_stack.push(val);
- }
- }
- }
- Ok(values_stack.pop().unwrap())
-// List of rules that can be shortcutted if they have a single child
-fn can_be_shortcutted(rule: Rule) -> bool {
- use Rule::*;
- match rule {
- expression
- | import_alt_expression
- | or_expression
- | plus_expression
- | text_append_expression
- | list_append_expression
- | and_expression
- | combine_expression
- | prefer_expression
- | combine_types_expression
- | times_expression
- | equal_expression
- | not_equal_expression
- | application_expression
- | first_application_expression
- | selector_expression
- | annotated_expression => true,
- _ => false,
- }
-make_parser! {
- token_rule!(EOI<()>);
- rule!(simple_label<Label>;
- captured_str!(s) => Label::from(s.trim().to_owned())
- );
- rule!(quoted_label<Label>;
- captured_str!(s) => Label::from(s.trim().to_owned())
- );
- rule!(label<Label>; children!(
- [simple_label(l)] => l,
- [quoted_label(l)] => l,
- ));
- rule!(double_quote_literal<ParsedText<'a>>; children!(
- [double_quote_chunk(chunks)..] => {
- chunks.collect()
- }
- ));
- rule!(double_quote_chunk<ParsedTextContents<'a>>; children!(
- [interpolation(e)] => {
- InterpolatedTextContents::Expr(rc(e))
- },
- [double_quote_escaped(s)] => {
- InterpolatedTextContents::Text(s)
- },
- [double_quote_char(s)] => {
- InterpolatedTextContents::Text(s.to_owned())
- },
- ));
- rule!(double_quote_escaped<String>;
- captured_str!(s) => {
- match s {
- "\"" => "\"".to_owned(),
- "$" => "$".to_owned(),
- "\\" => "\\".to_owned(),
- "/" => "/".to_owned(),
- "b" => "\u{0008}".to_owned(),
- "f" => "\u{000C}".to_owned(),
- "n" => "\n".to_owned(),
- "r" => "\r".to_owned(),
- "t" => "\t".to_owned(),
- _ => {
- // "uXXXX"
- use std::convert::TryFrom;
- let c = u16::from_str_radix(&s[1..5], 16).unwrap();
- let c = char::try_from(u32::from(c)).unwrap();
- std::iter::once(c).collect()
- }
- }
- }
- );
- rule!(double_quote_char<&'a str>;
- captured_str!(s) => s
- );
- rule!(single_quote_literal<ParsedText<'a>>; children!(
- [single_quote_continue(lines)] => {
- let space = InterpolatedTextContents::Text(" ".to_owned());
- let newline = InterpolatedTextContents::Text("\n".to_owned());
- let min_indent = lines
- .iter()
- .map(|l| {
- l.iter().rev().take_while(|c| **c == space).count()
- })
- .min()
- .unwrap();
- lines
- .into_iter()
- .rev()
- .map(|mut l| { l.split_off(l.len() - min_indent); l })
- .intersperse(vec![newline])
- .flat_map(|x| x.into_iter().rev())
- .collect::<ParsedText>()
- }
- ));
- rule!(single_quote_char<&'a str>;
- captured_str!(s) => s
- );
- rule!(escaped_quote_pair<&'a str>;
- captured_str!(_) => "''"
- );
- rule!(escaped_interpolation<&'a str>;
- captured_str!(_) => "${"
- );
- rule!(interpolation<ParsedExpr<'a>>; children!(
- [expression(e)] => e
- ));
- rule!(single_quote_continue<Vec<Vec<ParsedTextContents<'a>>>>; children!(
- [interpolation(c), single_quote_continue(lines)] => {
- let c = InterpolatedTextContents::Expr(rc(c));
- let mut lines = lines;
- lines.last_mut().unwrap().push(c);
- lines
- },
- [escaped_quote_pair(c), single_quote_continue(lines)] => {
- let c = InterpolatedTextContents::Text(c.to_owned());
- let mut lines = lines;
- lines.last_mut().unwrap().push(c);
- lines
- },
- [escaped_interpolation(c), single_quote_continue(lines)] => {
- let c = InterpolatedTextContents::Text(c.to_owned());
- let mut lines = lines;
- lines.last_mut().unwrap().push(c);
- lines
- },
- [single_quote_char("\n"), single_quote_continue(lines)] => {
- let mut lines = lines;
- lines.push(vec![]);
- lines
- },
- [single_quote_char(c), single_quote_continue(lines)] => {
- let c = InterpolatedTextContents::Text(c.to_owned());
- let mut lines = lines;
- lines.last_mut().unwrap().push(c);
- lines
- },
- [] => {
- vec![vec![]]
- },
- ));
- rule!(builtin<ParsedExpr<'a>>; span;
- captured_str!(s) => {
- spanned(span, match crate::Builtin::parse(s) {
- Some(b) => Builtin(b),
- None => match s {
- "True" => BoolLit(true),
- "False" => BoolLit(false),
- "Type" => Const(crate::Const::Type),
- "Kind" => Const(crate::Const::Kind),
- "Sort" => Const(crate::Const::Sort),
- _ => Err(
- format!("Unrecognized builtin: '{}'", s)
- )?,
- }
- })
- }
- );
- token_rule!(NaN<()>);
- token_rule!(minus_infinity_literal<()>);
- token_rule!(plus_infinity_literal<()>);
- rule!(numeric_double_literal<core::Double>;
- captured_str!(s) => {
- let s = s.trim();
- match s.parse::<f64>() {
- Ok(x) if x.is_infinite() =>
- Err(format!("Overflow while parsing double literal '{}'", s))?,
- Ok(x) => NaiveDouble::from(x),
- Err(e) => Err(format!("{}", e))?,
- }
- }
- );
- rule!(double_literal<core::Double>; children!(
- [numeric_double_literal(n)] => n,
- [minus_infinity_literal(n)] => std::f64::NEG_INFINITY.into(),
- [plus_infinity_literal(n)] => std::f64::INFINITY.into(),
- [NaN(n)] => std::f64::NAN.into(),
- ));
- rule!(natural_literal<core::Natural>;
- captured_str!(s) => {
- s.trim()
- .parse()
- .map_err(|e| format!("{}", e))?
- }
- );
- rule!(integer_literal<core::Integer>;
- captured_str!(s) => {
- s.trim()
- .parse()
- .map_err(|e| format!("{}", e))?
- }
- );
- rule!(identifier<ParsedExpr<'a>> as expression; span; children!(
- [variable(v)] => {
- spanned(span, Var(v))
- },
- [builtin(e)] => e,
- ));
- rule!(variable<V<Label>>; children!(
- [label(l), natural_literal(idx)] => {
- V(l, idx)
- },
- [label(l)] => {
- V(l, 0)
- },
- ));
- rule!(unquoted_path_component<&'a str>; captured_str!(s) => s);
- rule!(quoted_path_component<&'a str>; captured_str!(s) => s);
- rule!(path_component<String>; children!(
- [unquoted_path_component(s)] => {
- percent_encoding::percent_decode(s.as_bytes())
- .decode_utf8_lossy()
- .into_owned()
- },
- [quoted_path_component(s)] => s.to_string(),
- ));
- rule!(path<PathBuf>; children!(
- [path_component(components)..] => {
- components.collect()
- }
- ));
- rule_group!(local<(FilePrefix, PathBuf)>);
- rule!(parent_path<(FilePrefix, PathBuf)> as local; children!(
- [path(p)] => (FilePrefix::Parent, p)
- ));
- rule!(here_path<(FilePrefix, PathBuf)> as local; children!(
- [path(p)] => (FilePrefix::Here, p)
- ));
- rule!(home_path<(FilePrefix, PathBuf)> as local; children!(
- [path(p)] => (FilePrefix::Home, p)
- ));
- rule!(absolute_path<(FilePrefix, PathBuf)> as local; children!(
- [path(p)] => (FilePrefix::Absolute, p)
- ));
- rule!(scheme<Scheme>; captured_str!(s) => match s {
- "http" => Scheme::HTTP,
- "https" => Scheme::HTTPS,
- _ => unreachable!(),
- });
- rule!(http_raw<URL>; children!(
- [scheme(sch), authority(auth), path(p)] => URL {
- scheme: sch,
- authority: auth,
- path: p,
- query: None,
- headers: None,
- },
- [scheme(sch), authority(auth), path(p), query(q)] => URL {
- scheme: sch,
- authority: auth,
- path: p,
- query: Some(q),
- headers: None,
- },
- ));
- rule!(authority<String>; captured_str!(s) => s.to_owned());
- rule!(query<String>; captured_str!(s) => s.to_owned());
- rule!(http<URL>; children!(
- [http_raw(url)] => url,
- [http_raw(url), import_hashed(ih)] =>
- URL { headers: Some(Box::new(ih)), ..url },
- ));
- rule!(env<String>; children!(
- [bash_environment_variable(s)] => s,
- [posix_environment_variable(s)] => s,
- ));
- rule!(bash_environment_variable<String>; captured_str!(s) => s.to_owned());
- rule!(posix_environment_variable<String>; children!(
- [posix_environment_variable_character(chars)..] => {
- chars.collect()
- },
- ));
- rule!(posix_environment_variable_character<Cow<'a, str>>;
- captured_str!(s) => {
- match s {
- "\\\"" => Cow::Owned("\"".to_owned()),
- "\\\\" => Cow::Owned("\\".to_owned()),
- "\\a" => Cow::Owned("\u{0007}".to_owned()),
- "\\b" => Cow::Owned("\u{0008}".to_owned()),
- "\\f" => Cow::Owned("\u{000C}".to_owned()),
- "\\n" => Cow::Owned("\n".to_owned()),
- "\\r" => Cow::Owned("\r".to_owned()),
- "\\t" => Cow::Owned("\t".to_owned()),
- "\\v" => Cow::Owned("\u{000B}".to_owned()),
- _ => Cow::Borrowed(s)
- }
- }
- );
- token_rule!(missing<()>);
- rule!(import_type<ImportLocation>; children!(
- [missing(_)] => {
- ImportLocation::Missing
- },
- [env(e)] => {
- ImportLocation::Env(e)
- },
- [http(url)] => {
- ImportLocation::Remote(url)
- },
- [local((prefix, p))] => {
- ImportLocation::Local(prefix, p)
- },
- ));
- rule!(hash<Hash>; captured_str!(s) =>
- Hash {
- protocol: s.trim()[..6].to_owned(),
- hash: s.trim()[7..].to_owned(),
- }
- );
- rule!(import_hashed<ImportHashed>; children!(
- [import_type(location)] =>
- ImportHashed { location, hash: None },
- [import_type(location), hash(h)] =>
- ImportHashed { location, hash: Some(h) },
- ));
- token_rule!(Text<()>);
- rule!(import<ParsedExpr<'a>> as expression; span; children!(
- [import_hashed(location_hashed)] => {
- spanned(span, Embed(Import {
- mode: ImportMode::Code,
- location_hashed
- }))
- },
- [import_hashed(location_hashed), Text(_)] => {
- spanned(span, Embed(Import {
- mode: ImportMode::RawText,
- location_hashed
- }))
- },
- ));
- token_rule!(lambda<()>);
- token_rule!(forall<()>);
- token_rule!(arrow<()>);
- token_rule!(merge<()>);
- token_rule!(if_<()>);
- token_rule!(in_<()>);
- rule!(expression<ParsedExpr<'a>> as expression; span; children!(
- [lambda(()), label(l), expression(typ),
- arrow(()), expression(body)] => {
- spanned(span, Lam(l, rc(typ), rc(body)))
- },
- [if_(()), expression(cond), expression(left), expression(right)] => {
- spanned(span, BoolIf(rc(cond), rc(left), rc(right)))
- },
- [let_binding(bindings).., in_(()), expression(final_expr)] => {
- bindings.rev().fold(
- final_expr,
- |acc, x| Let(x.0, x.1, x.2, rc(acc))
- )
- },
- [forall(()), label(l), expression(typ),
- arrow(()), expression(body)] => {
- spanned(span, Pi(l, rc(typ), rc(body)))
- },
- [expression(typ), arrow(()), expression(body)] => {
- spanned(span, Pi("_".into(), rc(typ), rc(body)))
- },
- [merge(()), expression(x), expression(y), expression(z)] => {
- spanned(span, Merge(rc(x), rc(y), Some(rc(z))))
- },
- [expression(e)] => e,
- ));
- rule!(let_binding<(Label, Option<ParsedSubExpr<'a>>, ParsedSubExpr<'a>)>;
- children!(
- [label(name), expression(annot), expression(expr)] =>
- (name, Some(rc(annot)), rc(expr)),
- [label(name), expression(expr)] =>
- (name, None, rc(expr)),
- ));
- token_rule!(List<()>);
- token_rule!(Optional<()>);
- rule!(empty_collection<ParsedExpr<'a>> as expression; span; children!(
- [List(_), expression(t)] => {
- spanned(span, EmptyListLit(rc(t)))
- },
- [Optional(_), expression(t)] => {
- spanned(span, OldOptionalLit(None, rc(t)))
- },
- ));
- rule!(non_empty_optional<ParsedExpr<'a>> as expression; span; children!(
- [expression(x), Optional(_), expression(t)] => {
- spanned(span, OldOptionalLit(Some(rc(x)), rc(t)))
- }
- ));
- rule!(import_alt_expression<ParsedExpr<'a>> as expression; children!(
- [expression(e)] => e,
- [expression(first), expression(rest)..] => {
- let o = crate::BinOp::ImportAlt;
- rest.fold(first, |acc, e| BinOp(o, rc(acc), rc(e)))
- },
- ));
- rule!(or_expression<ParsedExpr<'a>> as expression; children!(
- [expression(e)] => e,
- [expression(first), expression(rest)..] => {
- let o = crate::BinOp::BoolOr;
- rest.fold(first, |acc, e| BinOp(o, rc(acc), rc(e)))
- },
- ));
- rule!(plus_expression<ParsedExpr<'a>> as expression; children!(
- [expression(e)] => e,
- [expression(first), expression(rest)..] => {
- let o = crate::BinOp::NaturalPlus;
- rest.fold(first, |acc, e| BinOp(o, rc(acc), rc(e)))
- },
- ));
- rule!(text_append_expression<ParsedExpr<'a>> as expression; children!(
- [expression(e)] => e,
- [expression(first), expression(rest)..] => {
- let o = crate::BinOp::TextAppend;
- rest.fold(first, |acc, e| BinOp(o, rc(acc), rc(e)))
- },
- ));
- rule!(list_append_expression<ParsedExpr<'a>> as expression; children!(
- [expression(e)] => e,
- [expression(first), expression(rest)..] => {
- let o = crate::BinOp::ListAppend;
- rest.fold(first, |acc, e| BinOp(o, rc(acc), rc(e)))
- },
- ));
- rule!(and_expression<ParsedExpr<'a>> as expression; children!(
- [expression(e)] => e,
- [expression(first), expression(rest)..] => {
- let o = crate::BinOp::BoolAnd;
- rest.fold(first, |acc, e| BinOp(o, rc(acc), rc(e)))
- },
- ));
- rule!(combine_expression<ParsedExpr<'a>> as expression; children!(
- [expression(e)] => e,
- [expression(first), expression(rest)..] => {
- let o = crate::BinOp::Combine;
- rest.fold(first, |acc, e| BinOp(o, rc(acc), rc(e)))
- },
- ));
- rule!(prefer_expression<ParsedExpr<'a>> as expression; children!(
- [expression(e)] => e,
- [expression(first), expression(rest)..] => {
- let o = crate::BinOp::Prefer;
- rest.fold(first, |acc, e| BinOp(o, rc(acc), rc(e)))
- },
- ));
- rule!(combine_types_expression<ParsedExpr<'a>> as expression; children!(
- [expression(e)] => e,
- [expression(first), expression(rest)..] => {
- let o = crate::BinOp::CombineTypes;
- rest.fold(first, |acc, e| BinOp(o, rc(acc), rc(e)))
- },
- ));
- rule!(times_expression<ParsedExpr<'a>> as expression; children!(
- [expression(e)] => e,
- [expression(first), expression(rest)..] => {
- let o = crate::BinOp::NaturalTimes;
- rest.fold(first, |acc, e| BinOp(o, rc(acc), rc(e)))
- },
- ));
- rule!(equal_expression<ParsedExpr<'a>> as expression; children!(
- [expression(e)] => e,
- [expression(first), expression(rest)..] => {
- let o = crate::BinOp::BoolEQ;
- rest.fold(first, |acc, e| BinOp(o, rc(acc), rc(e)))
- },
- ));
- rule!(not_equal_expression<ParsedExpr<'a>> as expression; children!(
- [expression(e)] => e,
- [expression(first), expression(rest)..] => {
- let o = crate::BinOp::BoolNE;
- rest.fold(first, |acc, e| BinOp(o, rc(acc), rc(e)))
- },
- ));
- rule!(annotated_expression<ParsedExpr<'a>> as expression; span; children!(
- [expression(e)] => e,
- [expression(e), expression(annot)] => {
- spanned(span, Annot(rc(e), rc(annot)))
- },
- ));
- token_rule!(Some_<()>);
- rule!(application_expression<ParsedExpr<'a>> as expression; children!(
- [expression(e)] => e,
- [expression(first), expression(rest)..] => {
- rest.fold(first, |acc, e| App(rc(acc), rc(e)))
- },
- ));
- rule!(first_application_expression<ParsedExpr<'a>> as expression; span;
- children!(
- [expression(e)] => e,
- [Some_(()), expression(e)] => {
- spanned(span, SomeLit(rc(e)))
- },
- [merge(()), expression(x), expression(y)] => {
- spanned(span, Merge(rc(x), rc(y), None))
- },
- ));
- rule!(selector_expression<ParsedExpr<'a>> as expression; children!(
- [expression(e)] => e,
- [expression(first), selector(rest)..] => {
- rest.fold(first, |acc, e| match e {
- Either::Left(l) => Field(rc(acc), l),
- Either::Right(ls) => Projection(rc(acc), ls),
- })
- }
- ));
- rule!(selector<Either<Label, Vec<Label>>>; children!(
- [label(l)] => Either::Left(l),
- [labels(ls)] => Either::Right(ls),
- ));
- rule!(labels<Vec<Label>>; children!(
- [label(ls)..] => ls.collect(),
- ));
- rule!(primitive_expression<ParsedExpr<'a>> as expression; span; children!(
- [double_literal(n)] => spanned(span, DoubleLit(n)),
- [natural_literal(n)] => spanned(span, NaturalLit(n)),
- [integer_literal(n)] => spanned(span, IntegerLit(n)),
- [double_quote_literal(s)] => spanned(span, TextLit(s)),
- [single_quote_literal(s)] => spanned(span, TextLit(s)),
- [expression(e)] => e,
- ));
- rule!(empty_record_literal<ParsedExpr<'a>> as expression; span;
- captured_str!(_) => spanned(span, RecordLit(BTreeMap::new()))
- );
- rule!(empty_record_type<ParsedExpr<'a>> as expression; span;
- captured_str!(_) => spanned(span, RecordType(BTreeMap::new()))
- );
- rule!(non_empty_record_type_or_literal<ParsedExpr<'a>> as expression; span;
- children!(
- [label(first_label), non_empty_record_type(rest)] => {
- let (first_expr, mut map) = rest;
- map.insert(first_label, rc(first_expr));
- spanned(span, RecordType(map))
- },
- [label(first_label), non_empty_record_literal(rest)] => {
- let (first_expr, mut map) = rest;
- map.insert(first_label, rc(first_expr));
- spanned(span, RecordLit(map))
- },
- ));
- rule!(non_empty_record_type
- <(ParsedExpr<'a>, BTreeMap<Label, ParsedSubExpr<'a>>)>; children!(
- [expression(expr), record_type_entry(entries)..] => {
- (expr, entries.collect())
- }
- ));
- rule!(record_type_entry<(Label, ParsedSubExpr<'a>)>; children!(
- [label(name), expression(expr)] => (name, rc(expr))
- ));
- rule!(non_empty_record_literal
- <(ParsedExpr<'a>, BTreeMap<Label, ParsedSubExpr<'a>>)>; children!(
- [expression(expr), record_literal_entry(entries)..] => {
- (expr, entries.collect())
- }
- ));
- rule!(record_literal_entry<(Label, ParsedSubExpr<'a>)>; children!(
- [label(name), expression(expr)] => (name, rc(expr))
- ));
- rule!(union_type_or_literal<ParsedExpr<'a>> as expression; span; children!(
- [empty_union_type(_)] => {
- spanned(span, UnionType(BTreeMap::new()))
- },
- [non_empty_union_type_or_literal((Some((l, e)), entries))] => {
- spanned(span, UnionLit(l, e, entries))
- },
- [non_empty_union_type_or_literal((None, entries))] => {
- spanned(span, UnionType(entries))
- },
- ));
- token_rule!(empty_union_type<()>);
- rule!(non_empty_union_type_or_literal
- <(Option<(Label, ParsedSubExpr<'a>)>,
- BTreeMap<Label, Option<ParsedSubExpr<'a>>>)>;
- children!(
- [label(l), union_literal_variant_value((e, entries))] => {
- (Some((l, e)), entries)
- },
- [label(l), union_type_or_literal_variant_type((e, rest))] => {
- let (x, mut entries) = rest;
- entries.insert(l, e);
- (x, entries)
- },
- ));
- rule!(union_literal_variant_value
- <(ParsedSubExpr<'a>, BTreeMap<Label, Option<ParsedSubExpr<'a>>>)>;
- children!(
- [expression(e), union_type_entry(entries)..] => {
- (rc(e), entries.collect())
- },
- ));
- rule!(union_type_entry<(Label, Option<ParsedSubExpr<'a>>)>; children!(
- [label(name), expression(expr)] => (name, Some(rc(expr))),
- [label(name)] => (name, None),
- ));
- // TODO: unary union variants
- rule!(union_type_or_literal_variant_type
- <(Option<ParsedSubExpr<'a>>,
- (Option<(Label, ParsedSubExpr<'a>)>,
- BTreeMap<Label, Option<ParsedSubExpr<'a>>>))>;
- children!(
- [expression(e), non_empty_union_type_or_literal(rest)] => {
- (Some(rc(e)), rest)
- },
- [expression(e)] => {
- (Some(rc(e)), (None, BTreeMap::new()))
- },
- [non_empty_union_type_or_literal(rest)] => {
- (None, rest)
- },
- [] => {
- (None, (None, BTreeMap::new()))
- },
- ));
- rule!(non_empty_list_literal<ParsedExpr<'a>> as expression; span;
- children!(
- [expression(items)..] => spanned(
- span,
- NEListLit(
- )
- ));
- rule!(final_expression<ParsedExpr<'a>> as expression; children!(
- [expression(e), EOI(_eoi)] => e
- ));
-pub fn parse_expr<'a>(s: &'a str) -> ParseResult<ParsedSubExpr<'a>> {
- let mut pairs = DhallParser::parse(Rule::final_expression, s)?;
- let expr = do_parse(;
- assert_eq!(, None);
- match expr {
- ParsedValue::expression(e) => Ok(rc(e)),
- _ => unreachable!(),
- }
- // Ok(rc(BoolLit(false)))
-fn test_parse() {
- // let expr = r#"{ x = "foo", y = 4 }.x"#;
- // let expr = r#"(1 + 2) * 3"#;
- let expr = r#"(1) + 3 * 5"#;
- println!("{:?}", parse_expr(expr));
- match parse_expr(expr) {
- Err(e) => {
- println!("{:?}", e);
- println!("{}", e);
- }
- ok => println!("{:?}", ok),
- };
- // assert!(false);