path: root/dhall/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 107 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/dhall/src/ b/dhall/src/
index 6fb6e1d..c4f4ce2 100644
--- a/dhall/src/
+++ b/dhall/src/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
-use itertools::*;
+// use itertools::*;
use lalrpop_util;
use pest::Parser;
use pest::iterators::Pair;
@@ -24,6 +24,36 @@ pub fn custom_parse_error(pair: &Pair<Rule>, msg: String) -> ParseError {
pest::error::Error::new_from_span(e, pair.as_span())
+fn debug_pair(pair: Pair<Rule>) -> String {
+ use std::fmt::Write;
+ let mut s = String::new();
+ fn aux(s: &mut String, indent: usize, prefix: String, pair: Pair<Rule>) {
+ let indent_str = "| ".repeat(indent);
+ let rule = pair.as_rule();
+ let contents = pair.as_str().clone();
+ let mut inner = pair.into_inner();
+ let mut first = true;
+ while let Some(p) = {
+ if first {
+ first = false;
+ let last = inner.peek().is_none();
+ if last && p.as_str() == contents {
+ let prefix = format!("{}{:?} > ", prefix, rule);
+ aux(s, indent, prefix, p);
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ writeln!(s, r#"{}{}{:?}: "{}""#, indent_str, prefix, rule, contents).unwrap();
+ }
+ }
+ aux(s, indent+1, "".into(), p);
+ }
+ if first {
+ writeln!(s, r#"{}{}{:?}: "{}""#, indent_str, prefix, rule, contents).unwrap();
+ }
+ }
+ aux(&mut s, 0, "".into(), pair);
+ s
/* Macro to pattern-match iterators.
* Panics if the sequence doesn't match;
@@ -45,7 +75,13 @@ pub fn custom_parse_error(pair: &Pair<Rule>, msg: String) -> ParseError {
* })
* ```
- */
+enum IterMatchError<T> {
+ NotEnoughItems,
+ TooManyItems,
+ Other(T), // Allow other macros to inkect their own errors
macro_rules! match_iter {
// Everything else pattern
(@match 0, $iter:expr, $x:ident* $($rest:tt)*) => {
@@ -63,11 +99,17 @@ macro_rules! match_iter {
(@match 0, $iter:expr, $x:ident? $($rest:tt)*) => {
match_iter!(@match 1, $iter $($rest)*);
let $x = $;
- $"Some values remain unused");
+ match $ {
+ Some(_) => break Err(IterMatchError::TooManyItems),
+ None => {},
+ };
// Normal pattern
(@match 0, $iter:expr, $x:ident $($rest:tt)*) => {
- let $x = $;
+ let $x = match $ {
+ Some(x) => x,
+ None => break Err(IterMatchError::NotEnoughItems),
+ };
match_iter!(@match 0, $iter $($rest)*);
// Normal pattern after a variable length one: declare reversed and take from the end
@@ -78,17 +120,29 @@ macro_rules! match_iter {
// Check no elements remain
(@match 0, $iter:expr) => {
- $"Some values remain unused");
+ match $ {
+ Some(_) => break Err(IterMatchError::TooManyItems),
+ None => {},
+ };
(@match $_:expr, $iter:expr) => {};
- // Entrypoint
- ($iter:expr; ($($args:tt)*) => $body:expr) => {
+ // Entrypoints
+ (@get_err, $iter:expr; ($($args:tt)*) => $body:expr) => {
let mut iter = $iter;
- match_iter!(@match 0, iter, $($args)*);
- $body
+ let ret: Result<_, IterMatchError<_>> = loop {
+ match_iter!(@match 0, iter, $($args)*);
+ break Ok($body);
+ };
+ ret
+ }
+ };
+ ($($args:tt)*) => {
+ {
+ let ret: Result<_, IterMatchError<()>> = match_iter!(@get_err, $($args)*);
+ ret.unwrap()
@@ -115,38 +169,61 @@ macro_rules! match_children {
match_children!(@collect, $pairs, ($($args)*), $body, ($($acc)*, $x??), ($($rest)*))
(@collect, $pairs:expr, ($($args:tt)*), $body:expr, (,$($acc:tt)*), ()) => {
- match_iter!($pairs; ($($acc)*) => {
- match_children!(@parse, $pairs, $($args)*);
- Ok($body)
- })
+ let matched: Result<_, IterMatchError<ParseError>> =
+ match_iter!(@get_err, $pairs; ($($acc)*) => {
+ match_children!(@parse, $pairs, $($args)*);
+ Ok($body)
+ });
+ match matched {
+ Ok(v) => break v,
+ Err(_) => {},
+ };
(@parse, $pairs:expr, $x:ident : $ty:ident $($rest:tt)*) => {
- let $x = $ty($x)?;
+ let $x = $ty($x);
+ let $x = match $x {
+ Ok(x) => x,
+ Err(e) => break Err(IterMatchError::Other(e)),
+ };
match_children!(@parse, $pairs $($rest)*);
(@parse, $pairs:expr, $x:ident? : $ty:ident $($rest:tt)*) => {
- let $x = $$ty).transpose()?;
+ let $x = $$ty).transpose();
+ let $x = match $x {
+ Ok(x) => x,
+ Err(e) => break Err(IterMatchError::Other(e)),
+ };
match_children!(@parse, $pairs $($rest)*);
(@parse, $pairs:expr, $x:ident* : $ty:ident $($rest:tt)*) => {
+ let $x = $$ty).collect::<ParseResult<Vec<_>>>();
- let mut $x = $$ty);
+ let mut $x = match $x {
+ Ok(x) => x.into_iter(),
+ Err(e) => break Err(IterMatchError::Other(e)),
+ };
match_children!(@parse, $pairs $($rest)*);
(@parse, $pairs:expr) => {};
- // Entrypoints
- ($pair:expr; $($rest:tt)*) => {
+ // Entrypoint
+ ($pair:expr; $( ($($args:tt)*) => $body:expr ),* $(,)*) => {
+ let pair = $pair;
- let mut pairs = $pair.into_inner();
- match_children!(@pairs; pairs; $($rest)*)
+ let mut pairs = pair.clone().into_inner();
+ // Would use loop labels but they create warnings
+ #[allow(unreachable_code)]
+ loop {
+ $(
+ match_children!(@collect, pairs.clone(), ($($args)*), $body, (), ($($args)*,));
+ )*
+ // break Err(TODO);
+ panic!("No match found while matching on:\n{}", debug_pair(pair));
+ }
- (@pairs; $pairs:expr; ($($args:tt)*) => $body:expr) => {
- match_children!(@collect, $pairs, ($($args)*), $body, (), ($($args)*,))
- };
macro_rules! with_captured_str {
@@ -189,7 +266,7 @@ macro_rules! binop {
let f = $f;
match_children!($pair; (first: expression, rest*: expression) => {
- rest.fold_results(first, |acc, e| bx(f(acc, e)))?
+ rest.fold(first, |acc, e| bx(f(acc, e)))
@@ -245,11 +322,10 @@ named!(record_entry<(&'a str, BoxExpr<'a>)>;
named!(partial_record_entries<(Rule, BoxExpr<'a>, BTreeMap<&'a str, ParsedExpr<'a>>)>;
- with_rule!(rule;
+ with_rule!(rule;
match_children!((expr: expression, entries*: record_entry) => {
let mut map: BTreeMap<&str, ParsedExpr> = BTreeMap::new();
- for entry in entries {
- let (n, e) = entry?;
+ for (n, e) in entries {
map.insert(n, *e);
(rule, expr, map)
@@ -287,7 +363,7 @@ named!(expression<BoxExpr<'a>>; match_rule!(
Rule::let_expression =>
match_children!((bindings*: letbinding, final_expr: expression) => {
- bindings.fold_results(final_expr, |acc, x| bx(Expr::Let(x.0, x.1, x.2, acc)))?
+ bindings.fold(final_expr, |acc, x| bx(Expr::Let(x.0, x.1, x.2, acc)))
Rule::forall_expression =>
@@ -317,7 +393,7 @@ named!(expression<BoxExpr<'a>>; match_rule!(
Rule::selector_expression_raw =>
match_children!((first: expression, rest*: str) => {
- rest.fold_results(first, |acc, e| bx(Expr::Field(acc, e)))?
+ rest.fold(first, |acc, e| bx(Expr::Field(acc, e)))
Rule::empty_record_type => plain_value!(bx(Expr::Record(BTreeMap::new()))),
@@ -335,9 +411,9 @@ named!(expression<BoxExpr<'a>>; match_rule!(
_ => with_rule!(rule;
match_children!((exprs*: expression) => {
- // panic!();
let rulename = format!("{:?}", rule);
- bx(Expr::FailedParse(rulename, exprs.map_results(|x| *x).collect::<ParseResult<_>>()?))
+ // panic!(rulename);
+ bx(Expr::FailedParse(rulename,|x| *x).collect()))