path: root/dhall/src/syntax/binary
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
-rw-r--r--dhall/src/syntax/binary/ (renamed from dhall/src/phase/
3 files changed, 332 insertions, 320 deletions
diff --git a/dhall/src/phase/ b/dhall/src/syntax/binary/
index 0639120..46c9921 100644
--- a/dhall/src/phase/
+++ b/dhall/src/syntax/binary/
@@ -1,18 +1,15 @@
use itertools::Itertools;
use serde_cbor::value::value as cbor;
use std::iter::FromIterator;
-use std::vec;
-use dhall_syntax::map::DupTreeMap;
-use dhall_syntax::{
- Expr, ExprF, FilePath, FilePrefix, Hash, Import, ImportLocation,
- ImportMode, Integer, InterpolatedText, Label, Natural, RawExpr, Scheme,
- Span, URL, V,
+use crate::semantics::error::DecodeError;
+use crate::semantics::phase::DecodedExpr;
+use crate::syntax;
+use crate::syntax::{
+ Expr, ExprF, FilePath, FilePrefix, Hash, ImportLocation, ImportMode,
+ Integer, InterpolatedText, Label, Natural, RawExpr, Scheme, Span, URL, V,
-use crate::error::{DecodeError, EncodeError};
-use crate::phase::DecodedExpr;
pub(crate) fn decode(data: &[u8]) -> Result<DecodedExpr, DecodeError> {
match serde_cbor::de::from_slice(data) {
Ok(v) => cbor_value_to_dhall(&v),
@@ -20,19 +17,14 @@ pub(crate) fn decode(data: &[u8]) -> Result<DecodedExpr, DecodeError> {
-pub(crate) fn encode<E>(expr: &Expr<E>) -> Result<Vec<u8>, EncodeError> {
- serde_cbor::ser::to_vec(&Serialize::Expr(expr))
- .map_err(|e| EncodeError::CBORError(e))
// Should probably rename this
-pub fn rc<E>(x: RawExpr<E>) -> Expr<E> {
+fn rc<E>(x: RawExpr<E>) -> Expr<E> {
Expr::new(x, Span::Decoded)
fn cbor_value_to_dhall(data: &cbor::Value) -> Result<DecodedExpr, DecodeError> {
use cbor::Value::*;
- use dhall_syntax::{BinOp, Builtin, Const};
+ use syntax::{BinOp, Builtin, Const};
use ExprF::*;
Ok(rc(match data {
String(s) => match Builtin::parse(s) {
@@ -350,7 +342,7 @@ fn cbor_value_to_dhall(data: &cbor::Value) -> Result<DecodedExpr, DecodeError> {
- Import(dhall_syntax::Import {
+ Import(syntax::Import {
@@ -443,306 +435,3 @@ where
.collect::<Result<_, _>>()
-enum Serialize<'a, E> {
- Expr(&'a Expr<E>),
- CBOR(cbor::Value),
- RecordMap(&'a DupTreeMap<Label, Expr<E>>),
- UnionMap(&'a DupTreeMap<Label, Option<Expr<E>>>),
-macro_rules! count {
- (@replace_with $_t:tt $sub:expr) => { $sub };
- ($($tts:tt)*) => {0usize $(+ count!(@replace_with $tts 1usize))*};
-macro_rules! ser_seq {
- ($ser:expr; $($elt:expr),* $(,)?) => {{
- use serde::ser::SerializeSeq;
- let count = count!($($elt)*);
- let mut ser_seq = $ser.serialize_seq(Some(count))?;
- $(
- ser_seq.serialize_element(&$elt)?;
- )*
- ser_seq.end()
- }};
-fn serialize_subexpr<S, E>(ser: S, e: &Expr<E>) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
- S: serde::ser::Serializer,
- use cbor::Value::{String, I64, U64};
- use dhall_syntax::Builtin;
- use dhall_syntax::ExprF::*;
- use std::iter::once;
- use self::Serialize::{RecordMap, UnionMap};
- fn expr<E>(x: &Expr<E>) -> self::Serialize<'_, E> {
- self::Serialize::Expr(x)
- }
- let cbor =
- |v: cbor::Value| -> self::Serialize<'_, E> { self::Serialize::CBOR(v) };
- let tag = |x: u64| cbor(U64(x));
- let null = || cbor(cbor::Value::Null);
- let label = |l: &Label| cbor(cbor::Value::String(l.into()));
- match e.as_ref() {
- Const(c) => ser.serialize_str(&c.to_string()),
- Builtin(b) => ser.serialize_str(&b.to_string()),
- BoolLit(b) => ser.serialize_bool(*b),
- NaturalLit(n) => ser_seq!(ser; tag(15), U64(*n as u64)),
- IntegerLit(n) => ser_seq!(ser; tag(16), I64(*n as i64)),
- DoubleLit(n) => {
- let n: f64 = (*n).into();
- ser.serialize_f64(n)
- }
- BoolIf(x, y, z) => ser_seq!(ser; tag(14), expr(x), expr(y), expr(z)),
- Var(V(l, n)) if l == &"_".into() => ser.serialize_u64(*n as u64),
- Var(V(l, n)) => ser_seq!(ser; label(l), U64(*n as u64)),
- Lam(l, x, y) if l == &"_".into() => {
- ser_seq!(ser; tag(1), expr(x), expr(y))
- }
- Lam(l, x, y) => ser_seq!(ser; tag(1), label(l), expr(x), expr(y)),
- Pi(l, x, y) if l == &"_".into() => {
- ser_seq!(ser; tag(2), expr(x), expr(y))
- }
- Pi(l, x, y) => ser_seq!(ser; tag(2), label(l), expr(x), expr(y)),
- Let(_, _, _, _) => {
- let (bound_e, bindings) = collect_nested_lets(e);
- let count = 1 + 3 * bindings.len() + 1;
- use serde::ser::SerializeSeq;
- let mut ser_seq = ser.serialize_seq(Some(count))?;
- ser_seq.serialize_element(&tag(25))?;
- for (l, t, v) in bindings {
- ser_seq.serialize_element(&label(l))?;
- match t {
- Some(t) => ser_seq.serialize_element(&expr(t))?,
- None => ser_seq.serialize_element(&null())?,
- }
- ser_seq.serialize_element(&expr(v))?;
- }
- ser_seq.serialize_element(&expr(bound_e))?;
- ser_seq.end()
- }
- App(_, _) => {
- let (f, args) = collect_nested_applications(e);
- ser.collect_seq(
- once(tag(0))
- .chain(once(expr(f)))
- .chain(args.into_iter().rev().map(expr)),
- )
- }
- Annot(x, y) => ser_seq!(ser; tag(26), expr(x), expr(y)),
- Assert(x) => ser_seq!(ser; tag(19), expr(x)),
- SomeLit(x) => ser_seq!(ser; tag(5), null(), expr(x)),
- EmptyListLit(x) => match x.as_ref() {
- App(f, a) => match f.as_ref() {
- ExprF::Builtin(Builtin::List) => ser_seq!(ser; tag(4), expr(a)),
- _ => ser_seq!(ser; tag(28), expr(x)),
- },
- _ => ser_seq!(ser; tag(28), expr(x)),
- },
- NEListLit(xs) => ser.collect_seq(
- once(tag(4)).chain(once(null())).chain(xs.iter().map(expr)),
- ),
- TextLit(xs) => {
- use dhall_syntax::InterpolatedTextContents::{Expr, Text};
- ser.collect_seq(once(tag(18)).chain(xs.iter().map(|x| match x {
- Expr(x) => expr(x),
- Text(x) => cbor(String(x.clone())),
- })))
- }
- RecordType(map) => ser_seq!(ser; tag(7), RecordMap(map)),
- RecordLit(map) => ser_seq!(ser; tag(8), RecordMap(map)),
- UnionType(map) => ser_seq!(ser; tag(11), UnionMap(map)),
- Field(x, l) => ser_seq!(ser; tag(9), expr(x), label(l)),
- BinOp(op, x, y) => {
- use dhall_syntax::BinOp::*;
- let op = match op {
- BoolOr => 0,
- BoolAnd => 1,
- BoolEQ => 2,
- BoolNE => 3,
- NaturalPlus => 4,
- NaturalTimes => 5,
- TextAppend => 6,
- ListAppend => 7,
- RecursiveRecordMerge => 8,
- RightBiasedRecordMerge => 9,
- RecursiveRecordTypeMerge => 10,
- ImportAlt => 11,
- Equivalence => 12,
- };
- ser_seq!(ser; tag(3), U64(op), expr(x), expr(y))
- }
- Merge(x, y, None) => ser_seq!(ser; tag(6), expr(x), expr(y)),
- Merge(x, y, Some(z)) => {
- ser_seq!(ser; tag(6), expr(x), expr(y), expr(z))
- }
- ToMap(x, None) => ser_seq!(ser; tag(27), expr(x)),
- ToMap(x, Some(y)) => ser_seq!(ser; tag(27), expr(x), expr(y)),
- Projection(x, ls) => ser.collect_seq(
- once(tag(10))
- .chain(once(expr(x)))
- .chain(ls.iter().map(label)),
- ),
- ProjectionByExpr(x, y) => {
- ser_seq!(ser; tag(10), expr(x), vec![expr(y)])
- }
- Import(import) => serialize_import(ser, import),
- Embed(_) => unimplemented!(
- "An expression with resolved imports cannot be binary-encoded"
- ),
- }
-fn serialize_import<S, E>(
- ser: S,
- import: &Import<Expr<E>>,
-) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
- S: serde::ser::Serializer,
- use cbor::Value::{Bytes, Null, U64};
- use serde::ser::SerializeSeq;
- let count = 4 + match &import.location {
- ImportLocation::Remote(url) => 3 + url.path.file_path.len(),
- ImportLocation::Local(_, path) => path.file_path.len(),
- ImportLocation::Env(_) => 1,
- ImportLocation::Missing => 0,
- };
- let mut ser_seq = ser.serialize_seq(Some(count))?;
- ser_seq.serialize_element(&U64(24))?;
- let hash = match &import.hash {
- None => Null,
- Some(Hash::SHA256(h)) => {
- let mut bytes = vec![18, 32];
- bytes.extend_from_slice(h);
- Bytes(bytes)
- }
- };
- ser_seq.serialize_element(&hash)?;
- let mode = match import.mode {
- ImportMode::Code => 0,
- ImportMode::RawText => 1,
- ImportMode::Location => 2,
- };
- ser_seq.serialize_element(&U64(mode))?;
- let scheme = match &import.location {
- ImportLocation::Remote(url) => match url.scheme {
- Scheme::HTTP => 0,
- Scheme::HTTPS => 1,
- },
- ImportLocation::Local(prefix, _) => match prefix {
- FilePrefix::Absolute => 2,
- FilePrefix::Here => 3,
- FilePrefix::Parent => 4,
- FilePrefix::Home => 5,
- },
- ImportLocation::Env(_) => 6,
- ImportLocation::Missing => 7,
- };
- ser_seq.serialize_element(&U64(scheme))?;
- match &import.location {
- ImportLocation::Remote(url) => {
- match &url.headers {
- None => ser_seq.serialize_element(&Null)?,
- Some(e) => {
- ser_seq.serialize_element(&self::Serialize::Expr(e))?
- }
- };
- ser_seq.serialize_element(&url.authority)?;
- for p in url.path.file_path.iter() {
- ser_seq.serialize_element(&p)?;
- }
- match &url.query {
- None => ser_seq.serialize_element(&Null)?,
- Some(x) => ser_seq.serialize_element(x)?,
- };
- }
- ImportLocation::Local(_, path) => {
- for p in path.file_path.iter() {
- ser_seq.serialize_element(&p)?;
- }
- }
- ImportLocation::Env(env) => {
- ser_seq.serialize_element(env)?;
- }
- ImportLocation::Missing => {}
- }
- ser_seq.end()
-impl<'a, E> serde::ser::Serialize for Serialize<'a, E> {
- fn serialize<S>(&self, ser: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
- where
- S: serde::ser::Serializer,
- {
- match self {
- Serialize::Expr(e) => serialize_subexpr(ser, e),
- Serialize::CBOR(v) => v.serialize(ser),
- Serialize::RecordMap(map) => {
- ser.collect_map(map.iter().map(|(k, v)| {
- (cbor::Value::String(k.into()), Serialize::Expr(v))
- }))
- }
- Serialize::UnionMap(map) => {
- ser.collect_map(map.iter().map(|(k, v)| {
- let v = match v {
- Some(x) => Serialize::Expr(x),
- None => Serialize::CBOR(cbor::Value::Null),
- };
- (cbor::Value::String(k.into()), v)
- }))
- }
- }
- }
-fn collect_nested_applications<'a, E>(
- e: &'a Expr<E>,
-) -> (&'a Expr<E>, Vec<&'a Expr<E>>) {
- fn go<'a, E>(e: &'a Expr<E>, vec: &mut Vec<&'a Expr<E>>) -> &'a Expr<E> {
- match e.as_ref() {
- ExprF::App(f, a) => {
- vec.push(a);
- go(f, vec)
- }
- _ => e,
- }
- }
- let mut vec = vec![];
- let e = go(e, &mut vec);
- (e, vec)
-type LetBinding<'a, E> = (&'a Label, &'a Option<Expr<E>>, &'a Expr<E>);
-fn collect_nested_lets<'a, E>(
- e: &'a Expr<E>,
-) -> (&'a Expr<E>, Vec<LetBinding<'a, E>>) {
- fn go<'a, E>(
- e: &'a Expr<E>,
- vec: &mut Vec<LetBinding<'a, E>>,
- ) -> &'a Expr<E> {
- match e.as_ref() {
- ExprF::Let(l, t, v, e) => {
- vec.push((l, t, v));
- go(e, vec)
- }
- _ => e,
- }
- }
- let mut vec = vec![];
- let e = go(e, &mut vec);
- (e, vec)
diff --git a/dhall/src/syntax/binary/ b/dhall/src/syntax/binary/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e13efd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dhall/src/syntax/binary/
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+use serde_cbor::value::value as cbor;
+use std::vec;
+use crate::semantics::error::EncodeError;
+use crate::syntax;
+use crate::syntax::map::DupTreeMap;
+use crate::syntax::{
+ Expr, ExprF, FilePrefix, Hash, Import, ImportLocation, ImportMode, Label,
+ Scheme, V,
+/// Warning: will fail if `expr` contains an `Embed` node.
+pub(crate) fn encode<E>(expr: &Expr<E>) -> Result<Vec<u8>, EncodeError> {
+ serde_cbor::ser::to_vec(&Serialize::Expr(expr))
+ .map_err(|e| EncodeError::CBORError(e))
+enum Serialize<'a, E> {
+ Expr(&'a Expr<E>),
+ CBOR(cbor::Value),
+ RecordMap(&'a DupTreeMap<Label, Expr<E>>),
+ UnionMap(&'a DupTreeMap<Label, Option<Expr<E>>>),
+macro_rules! count {
+ (@replace_with $_t:tt $sub:expr) => { $sub };
+ ($($tts:tt)*) => {0usize $(+ count!(@replace_with $tts 1usize))*};
+macro_rules! ser_seq {
+ ($ser:expr; $($elt:expr),* $(,)?) => {{
+ use serde::ser::SerializeSeq;
+ let count = count!($($elt)*);
+ let mut ser_seq = $ser.serialize_seq(Some(count))?;
+ $(
+ ser_seq.serialize_element(&$elt)?;
+ )*
+ ser_seq.end()
+ }};
+fn serialize_subexpr<S, E>(ser: S, e: &Expr<E>) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
+ S: serde::ser::Serializer,
+ use cbor::Value::{String, I64, U64};
+ use std::iter::once;
+ use syntax::Builtin;
+ use syntax::ExprF::*;
+ use self::Serialize::{RecordMap, UnionMap};
+ fn expr<E>(x: &Expr<E>) -> self::Serialize<'_, E> {
+ self::Serialize::Expr(x)
+ }
+ let cbor =
+ |v: cbor::Value| -> self::Serialize<'_, E> { self::Serialize::CBOR(v) };
+ let tag = |x: u64| cbor(U64(x));
+ let null = || cbor(cbor::Value::Null);
+ let label = |l: &Label| cbor(cbor::Value::String(l.into()));
+ match e.as_ref() {
+ Const(c) => ser.serialize_str(&c.to_string()),
+ Builtin(b) => ser.serialize_str(&b.to_string()),
+ BoolLit(b) => ser.serialize_bool(*b),
+ NaturalLit(n) => ser_seq!(ser; tag(15), U64(*n as u64)),
+ IntegerLit(n) => ser_seq!(ser; tag(16), I64(*n as i64)),
+ DoubleLit(n) => {
+ let n: f64 = (*n).into();
+ ser.serialize_f64(n)
+ }
+ BoolIf(x, y, z) => ser_seq!(ser; tag(14), expr(x), expr(y), expr(z)),
+ Var(V(l, n)) if l == &"_".into() => ser.serialize_u64(*n as u64),
+ Var(V(l, n)) => ser_seq!(ser; label(l), U64(*n as u64)),
+ Lam(l, x, y) if l == &"_".into() => {
+ ser_seq!(ser; tag(1), expr(x), expr(y))
+ }
+ Lam(l, x, y) => ser_seq!(ser; tag(1), label(l), expr(x), expr(y)),
+ Pi(l, x, y) if l == &"_".into() => {
+ ser_seq!(ser; tag(2), expr(x), expr(y))
+ }
+ Pi(l, x, y) => ser_seq!(ser; tag(2), label(l), expr(x), expr(y)),
+ Let(_, _, _, _) => {
+ let (bound_e, bindings) = collect_nested_lets(e);
+ let count = 1 + 3 * bindings.len() + 1;
+ use serde::ser::SerializeSeq;
+ let mut ser_seq = ser.serialize_seq(Some(count))?;
+ ser_seq.serialize_element(&tag(25))?;
+ for (l, t, v) in bindings {
+ ser_seq.serialize_element(&label(l))?;
+ match t {
+ Some(t) => ser_seq.serialize_element(&expr(t))?,
+ None => ser_seq.serialize_element(&null())?,
+ }
+ ser_seq.serialize_element(&expr(v))?;
+ }
+ ser_seq.serialize_element(&expr(bound_e))?;
+ ser_seq.end()
+ }
+ App(_, _) => {
+ let (f, args) = collect_nested_applications(e);
+ ser.collect_seq(
+ once(tag(0))
+ .chain(once(expr(f)))
+ .chain(args.into_iter().rev().map(expr)),
+ )
+ }
+ Annot(x, y) => ser_seq!(ser; tag(26), expr(x), expr(y)),
+ Assert(x) => ser_seq!(ser; tag(19), expr(x)),
+ SomeLit(x) => ser_seq!(ser; tag(5), null(), expr(x)),
+ EmptyListLit(x) => match x.as_ref() {
+ App(f, a) => match f.as_ref() {
+ ExprF::Builtin(Builtin::List) => ser_seq!(ser; tag(4), expr(a)),
+ _ => ser_seq!(ser; tag(28), expr(x)),
+ },
+ _ => ser_seq!(ser; tag(28), expr(x)),
+ },
+ NEListLit(xs) => ser.collect_seq(
+ once(tag(4)).chain(once(null())).chain(xs.iter().map(expr)),
+ ),
+ TextLit(xs) => {
+ use syntax::InterpolatedTextContents::{Expr, Text};
+ ser.collect_seq(once(tag(18)).chain(xs.iter().map(|x| match x {
+ Expr(x) => expr(x),
+ Text(x) => cbor(String(x.clone())),
+ })))
+ }
+ RecordType(map) => ser_seq!(ser; tag(7), RecordMap(map)),
+ RecordLit(map) => ser_seq!(ser; tag(8), RecordMap(map)),
+ UnionType(map) => ser_seq!(ser; tag(11), UnionMap(map)),
+ Field(x, l) => ser_seq!(ser; tag(9), expr(x), label(l)),
+ BinOp(op, x, y) => {
+ use syntax::BinOp::*;
+ let op = match op {
+ BoolOr => 0,
+ BoolAnd => 1,
+ BoolEQ => 2,
+ BoolNE => 3,
+ NaturalPlus => 4,
+ NaturalTimes => 5,
+ TextAppend => 6,
+ ListAppend => 7,
+ RecursiveRecordMerge => 8,
+ RightBiasedRecordMerge => 9,
+ RecursiveRecordTypeMerge => 10,
+ ImportAlt => 11,
+ Equivalence => 12,
+ };
+ ser_seq!(ser; tag(3), U64(op), expr(x), expr(y))
+ }
+ Merge(x, y, None) => ser_seq!(ser; tag(6), expr(x), expr(y)),
+ Merge(x, y, Some(z)) => {
+ ser_seq!(ser; tag(6), expr(x), expr(y), expr(z))
+ }
+ ToMap(x, None) => ser_seq!(ser; tag(27), expr(x)),
+ ToMap(x, Some(y)) => ser_seq!(ser; tag(27), expr(x), expr(y)),
+ Projection(x, ls) => ser.collect_seq(
+ once(tag(10))
+ .chain(once(expr(x)))
+ .chain(ls.iter().map(label)),
+ ),
+ ProjectionByExpr(x, y) => {
+ ser_seq!(ser; tag(10), expr(x), vec![expr(y)])
+ }
+ Import(import) => serialize_import(ser, import),
+ Embed(_) => unimplemented!(
+ "An expression with resolved imports cannot be binary-encoded"
+ ),
+ }
+fn serialize_import<S, E>(
+ ser: S,
+ import: &Import<Expr<E>>,
+) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
+ S: serde::ser::Serializer,
+ use cbor::Value::{Bytes, Null, U64};
+ use serde::ser::SerializeSeq;
+ let count = 4 + match &import.location {
+ ImportLocation::Remote(url) => 3 + url.path.file_path.len(),
+ ImportLocation::Local(_, path) => path.file_path.len(),
+ ImportLocation::Env(_) => 1,
+ ImportLocation::Missing => 0,
+ };
+ let mut ser_seq = ser.serialize_seq(Some(count))?;
+ ser_seq.serialize_element(&U64(24))?;
+ let hash = match &import.hash {
+ None => Null,
+ Some(Hash::SHA256(h)) => {
+ let mut bytes = vec![18, 32];
+ bytes.extend_from_slice(h);
+ Bytes(bytes)
+ }
+ };
+ ser_seq.serialize_element(&hash)?;
+ let mode = match import.mode {
+ ImportMode::Code => 0,
+ ImportMode::RawText => 1,
+ ImportMode::Location => 2,
+ };
+ ser_seq.serialize_element(&U64(mode))?;
+ let scheme = match &import.location {
+ ImportLocation::Remote(url) => match url.scheme {
+ Scheme::HTTP => 0,
+ Scheme::HTTPS => 1,
+ },
+ ImportLocation::Local(prefix, _) => match prefix {
+ FilePrefix::Absolute => 2,
+ FilePrefix::Here => 3,
+ FilePrefix::Parent => 4,
+ FilePrefix::Home => 5,
+ },
+ ImportLocation::Env(_) => 6,
+ ImportLocation::Missing => 7,
+ };
+ ser_seq.serialize_element(&U64(scheme))?;
+ match &import.location {
+ ImportLocation::Remote(url) => {
+ match &url.headers {
+ None => ser_seq.serialize_element(&Null)?,
+ Some(e) => {
+ ser_seq.serialize_element(&self::Serialize::Expr(e))?
+ }
+ };
+ ser_seq.serialize_element(&url.authority)?;
+ for p in url.path.file_path.iter() {
+ ser_seq.serialize_element(&p)?;
+ }
+ match &url.query {
+ None => ser_seq.serialize_element(&Null)?,
+ Some(x) => ser_seq.serialize_element(x)?,
+ };
+ }
+ ImportLocation::Local(_, path) => {
+ for p in path.file_path.iter() {
+ ser_seq.serialize_element(&p)?;
+ }
+ }
+ ImportLocation::Env(env) => {
+ ser_seq.serialize_element(env)?;
+ }
+ ImportLocation::Missing => {}
+ }
+ ser_seq.end()
+impl<'a, E> serde::ser::Serialize for Serialize<'a, E> {
+ fn serialize<S>(&self, ser: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
+ where
+ S: serde::ser::Serializer,
+ {
+ match self {
+ Serialize::Expr(e) => serialize_subexpr(ser, e),
+ Serialize::CBOR(v) => v.serialize(ser),
+ Serialize::RecordMap(map) => {
+ ser.collect_map(map.iter().map(|(k, v)| {
+ (cbor::Value::String(k.into()), Serialize::Expr(v))
+ }))
+ }
+ Serialize::UnionMap(map) => {
+ ser.collect_map(map.iter().map(|(k, v)| {
+ let v = match v {
+ Some(x) => Serialize::Expr(x),
+ None => Serialize::CBOR(cbor::Value::Null),
+ };
+ (cbor::Value::String(k.into()), v)
+ }))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+fn collect_nested_applications<'a, E>(
+ e: &'a Expr<E>,
+) -> (&'a Expr<E>, Vec<&'a Expr<E>>) {
+ fn go<'a, E>(e: &'a Expr<E>, vec: &mut Vec<&'a Expr<E>>) -> &'a Expr<E> {
+ match e.as_ref() {
+ ExprF::App(f, a) => {
+ vec.push(a);
+ go(f, vec)
+ }
+ _ => e,
+ }
+ }
+ let mut vec = vec![];
+ let e = go(e, &mut vec);
+ (e, vec)
+type LetBinding<'a, E> = (&'a Label, &'a Option<Expr<E>>, &'a Expr<E>);
+fn collect_nested_lets<'a, E>(
+ e: &'a Expr<E>,
+) -> (&'a Expr<E>, Vec<LetBinding<'a, E>>) {
+ fn go<'a, E>(
+ e: &'a Expr<E>,
+ vec: &mut Vec<LetBinding<'a, E>>,
+ ) -> &'a Expr<E> {
+ match e.as_ref() {
+ ExprF::Let(l, t, v, e) => {
+ vec.push((l, t, v));
+ go(e, vec)
+ }
+ _ => e,
+ }
+ }
+ let mut vec = vec![];
+ let e = go(e, &mut vec);
+ (e, vec)
diff --git a/dhall/src/syntax/binary/ b/dhall/src/syntax/binary/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ed1f6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dhall/src/syntax/binary/
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+mod decode;
+mod encode;
+pub(crate) use decode::decode;
+pub(crate) use encode::encode;