path: root/dhall/src/semantics/phase
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
2 files changed, 6 insertions, 544 deletions
diff --git a/dhall/src/semantics/phase/ b/dhall/src/semantics/phase/
index ce37993..2d4b4b3 100644
--- a/dhall/src/semantics/phase/
+++ b/dhall/src/semantics/phase/
@@ -1,373 +1,12 @@
use std::collections::HashMap;
-use std::convert::TryInto;
-use crate::semantics::phase::typecheck::{
- builtin_to_value_env, const_to_value, rc,
use crate::semantics::phase::Normalized;
-use crate::semantics::tck::typecheck::type_with;
use crate::semantics::NzEnv;
-use crate::semantics::{Binder, Closure, TyExpr, TyExprKind, Value, ValueKind};
-use crate::syntax;
-use crate::syntax::Const::Type;
-use crate::syntax::{
- BinOp, Builtin, Const, ExprKind, InterpolatedText,
- InterpolatedTextContents, Label, NaiveDouble,
+use crate::semantics::{
+ apply_builtin, Binder, Closure, TyExpr, TyExprKind, Value, ValueKind,
-// Ad-hoc macro to help construct closures
-macro_rules! make_closure {
- (var($var:ident)) => {{
- rc(ExprKind::Var(syntax::V(
- Label::from(stringify!($var)).into(),
- 0
- )))
- }};
- (λ($var:tt : $($ty:tt)*) -> $($body:tt)*) => {{
- let var = Label::from(stringify!($var));
- let ty = make_closure!($($ty)*);
- let body = make_closure!($($body)*);
- rc(ExprKind::Lam(var, ty, body))
- }};
- (Type) => {
- rc(ExprKind::Const(Type))
- };
- (Natural) => {
- rc(ExprKind::Builtin(Builtin::Natural))
- };
- (List $($ty:tt)*) => {{
- let ty = make_closure!($($ty)*);
- rc(ExprKind::App(
- rc(ExprKind::Builtin(Builtin::List)),
- ty
- ))
- }};
- (Some($($v:tt)*)) => {
- rc(ExprKind::SomeLit(
- make_closure!($($v)*)
- ))
- };
- (1 + $($v:tt)*) => {
- rc(ExprKind::BinOp(
- syntax::BinOp::NaturalPlus,
- make_closure!($($v)*),
- rc(ExprKind::NaturalLit(1))
- ))
- };
- ([ $($head:tt)* ] # $($tail:tt)*) => {{
- let head = make_closure!($($head)*);
- let tail = make_closure!($($tail)*);
- rc(ExprKind::BinOp(
- syntax::BinOp::ListAppend,
- rc(ExprKind::NEListLit(vec![head])),
- tail,
- ))
- }};
-pub(crate) fn apply_builtin(
- b: Builtin,
- args: Vec<Value>,
- ty: &Value,
- types: Vec<Value>,
- env: NzEnv,
-) -> ValueKind<Value> {
- use syntax::Builtin::*;
- use ValueKind::*;
- // Small helper enum
- enum Ret<'a> {
- ValueKind(ValueKind<Value>),
- Value(Value),
- // For applications that can return a function, it's important to keep the remaining
- // arguments to apply them to the resulting function.
- ValueWithRemainingArgs(&'a [Value], Value),
- DoneAsIs,
- }
- let make_closure = |e| {
- type_with(&env.to_alpha_tyenv(), &e)
- .unwrap()
- .normalize_whnf(&env)
- };
- let ret = match (b, args.as_slice()) {
- (OptionalNone, [t]) => Ret::ValueKind(EmptyOptionalLit(t.clone())),
- (NaturalIsZero, [n]) => match &*n.as_whnf() {
- NaturalLit(n) => Ret::ValueKind(BoolLit(*n == 0)),
- _ => Ret::DoneAsIs,
- },
- (NaturalEven, [n]) => match &*n.as_whnf() {
- NaturalLit(n) => Ret::ValueKind(BoolLit(*n % 2 == 0)),
- _ => Ret::DoneAsIs,
- },
- (NaturalOdd, [n]) => match &*n.as_whnf() {
- NaturalLit(n) => Ret::ValueKind(BoolLit(*n % 2 != 0)),
- _ => Ret::DoneAsIs,
- },
- (NaturalToInteger, [n]) => match &*n.as_whnf() {
- NaturalLit(n) => Ret::ValueKind(IntegerLit(*n as isize)),
- _ => Ret::DoneAsIs,
- },
- (NaturalShow, [n]) => {
- match &*n.as_whnf() {
- NaturalLit(n) => Ret::ValueKind(TextLit(vec![
- InterpolatedTextContents::Text(n.to_string()),
- ])),
- _ => Ret::DoneAsIs,
- }
- }
- (NaturalSubtract, [a, b]) => match (&*a.as_whnf(), &*b.as_whnf()) {
- (NaturalLit(a), NaturalLit(b)) => {
- Ret::ValueKind(NaturalLit(if b > a { b - a } else { 0 }))
- }
- (NaturalLit(0), _) => Ret::Value(b.clone()),
- (_, NaturalLit(0)) => Ret::ValueKind(NaturalLit(0)),
- _ if a == b => Ret::ValueKind(NaturalLit(0)),
- _ => Ret::DoneAsIs,
- },
- (IntegerShow, [n]) => match &*n.as_whnf() {
- IntegerLit(n) => {
- let s = if *n < 0 {
- n.to_string()
- } else {
- format!("+{}", n)
- };
- Ret::ValueKind(TextLit(vec![InterpolatedTextContents::Text(s)]))
- }
- _ => Ret::DoneAsIs,
- },
- (IntegerToDouble, [n]) => match &*n.as_whnf() {
- IntegerLit(n) => {
- Ret::ValueKind(DoubleLit(NaiveDouble::from(*n as f64)))
- }
- _ => Ret::DoneAsIs,
- },
- (IntegerNegate, [n]) => match &*n.as_whnf() {
- IntegerLit(n) => Ret::ValueKind(IntegerLit(-n)),
- _ => Ret::DoneAsIs,
- },
- (IntegerClamp, [n]) => match &*n.as_whnf() {
- IntegerLit(n) => {
- Ret::ValueKind(NaturalLit((*n).try_into().unwrap_or(0)))
- }
- _ => Ret::DoneAsIs,
- },
- (DoubleShow, [n]) => {
- match &*n.as_whnf() {
- DoubleLit(n) => Ret::ValueKind(TextLit(vec![
- InterpolatedTextContents::Text(n.to_string()),
- ])),
- _ => Ret::DoneAsIs,
- }
- }
- (TextShow, [v]) => match &*v.as_whnf() {
- TextLit(elts) => {
- match elts.as_slice() {
- // Empty string literal.
- [] => {
- // Printing InterpolatedText takes care of all the escaping
- let txt: InterpolatedText<Normalized> =
- std::iter::empty().collect();
- let s = txt.to_string();
- Ret::ValueKind(TextLit(vec![
- InterpolatedTextContents::Text(s),
- ]))
- }
- // If there are no interpolations (invariants ensure that when there are no
- // interpolations, there is a single Text item) in the literal.
- [InterpolatedTextContents::Text(s)] => {
- // Printing InterpolatedText takes care of all the escaping
- let txt: InterpolatedText<Normalized> =
- std::iter::once(InterpolatedTextContents::Text(
- s.clone(),
- ))
- .collect();
- let s = txt.to_string();
- Ret::ValueKind(TextLit(vec![
- InterpolatedTextContents::Text(s),
- ]))
- }
- _ => Ret::DoneAsIs,
- }
- }
- _ => Ret::DoneAsIs,
- },
- (ListLength, [_, l]) => match &*l.as_whnf() {
- EmptyListLit(_) => Ret::ValueKind(NaturalLit(0)),
- NEListLit(xs) => Ret::ValueKind(NaturalLit(xs.len())),
- _ => Ret::DoneAsIs,
- },
- (ListHead, [_, l]) => match &*l.as_whnf() {
- EmptyListLit(n) => Ret::ValueKind(EmptyOptionalLit(n.clone())),
- NEListLit(xs) => {
- Ret::ValueKind(NEOptionalLit(xs.iter().next().unwrap().clone()))
- }
- _ => Ret::DoneAsIs,
- },
- (ListLast, [_, l]) => match &*l.as_whnf() {
- EmptyListLit(n) => Ret::ValueKind(EmptyOptionalLit(n.clone())),
- NEListLit(xs) => Ret::ValueKind(NEOptionalLit(
- xs.iter().rev().next().unwrap().clone(),
- )),
- _ => Ret::DoneAsIs,
- },
- (ListReverse, [_, l]) => match &*l.as_whnf() {
- EmptyListLit(n) => Ret::ValueKind(EmptyListLit(n.clone())),
- NEListLit(xs) => {
- Ret::ValueKind(NEListLit(xs.iter().rev().cloned().collect()))
- }
- _ => Ret::DoneAsIs,
- },
- (ListIndexed, [_, l]) => {
- let l_whnf = l.as_whnf();
- match &*l_whnf {
- EmptyListLit(_) | NEListLit(_) => {
- // Extract the type of the list elements
- let t = match &*l_whnf {
- EmptyListLit(t) => t.clone(),
- NEListLit(xs) => xs[0].get_type_not_sort(),
- _ => unreachable!(),
- };
- // Construct the returned record type: { index: Natural, value: t }
- let mut kts = HashMap::new();
- kts.insert("index".into(), Value::from_builtin(Natural));
- kts.insert("value".into(), t.clone());
- let t = Value::from_kind_and_type(
- RecordType(kts),
- Value::from_const(Type),
- );
- // Construct the new list, with added indices
- let list = match &*l_whnf {
- EmptyListLit(_) => EmptyListLit(t),
- NEListLit(xs) => NEListLit(
- xs.iter()
- .enumerate()
- .map(|(i, e)| {
- let mut kvs = HashMap::new();
- kvs.insert(
- "index".into(),
- Value::from_kind_and_type(
- NaturalLit(i),
- Value::from_builtin(
- Builtin::Natural,
- ),
- ),
- );
- kvs.insert("value".into(), e.clone());
- Value::from_kind_and_type(
- RecordLit(kvs),
- t.clone(),
- )
- })
- .collect(),
- ),
- _ => unreachable!(),
- };
- Ret::ValueKind(list)
- }
- _ => Ret::DoneAsIs,
- }
- }
- (ListBuild, [t, f]) => {
- let list_t = Value::from_builtin(List).app(t.clone());
- Ret::Value(
- .app(
- make_closure(make_closure!(
- λ(T : Type) ->
- λ(a : var(T)) ->
- λ(as : List var(T)) ->
- [ var(a) ] # var(as)
- ))
- .app(t.clone()),
- )
- .app(EmptyListLit(t.clone()).into_value_with_type(list_t)),
- )
- }
- (ListFold, [_, l, _, cons, nil, r @ ..]) => match &*l.as_whnf() {
- EmptyListLit(_) => Ret::ValueWithRemainingArgs(r, nil.clone()),
- NEListLit(xs) => {
- let mut v = nil.clone();
- for x in xs.iter().cloned().rev() {
- v =;
- }
- Ret::ValueWithRemainingArgs(r, v)
- }
- _ => Ret::DoneAsIs,
- },
- (OptionalBuild, [t, f]) => {
- let optional_t = Value::from_builtin(Optional).app(t.clone());
- Ret::Value(
- .app(
- make_closure(make_closure!(
- λ(T : Type) ->
- λ(a : var(T)) ->
- Some(var(a))
- ))
- .app(t.clone()),
- )
- .app(
- EmptyOptionalLit(t.clone())
- .into_value_with_type(optional_t),
- ),
- )
- }
- (OptionalFold, [_, v, _, just, nothing, r @ ..]) => match &*v.as_whnf()
- {
- EmptyOptionalLit(_) => {
- Ret::ValueWithRemainingArgs(r, nothing.clone())
- }
- NEOptionalLit(x) => {
- Ret::ValueWithRemainingArgs(r,
- }
- _ => Ret::DoneAsIs,
- },
- (NaturalBuild, [f]) => Ret::Value(
- .app(make_closure(make_closure!(
- λ(x : Natural) ->
- 1 + var(x)
- )))
- .app(
- NaturalLit(0)
- .into_value_with_type(Value::from_builtin(Natural)),
- ),
- ),
- (NaturalFold, [n, t, succ, zero, r @ ..]) => match &*n.as_whnf() {
- NaturalLit(0) => Ret::ValueWithRemainingArgs(r, zero.clone()),
- NaturalLit(n) => {
- let fold = Value::from_builtin(NaturalFold)
- .app(
- NaturalLit(n - 1)
- .into_value_with_type(Value::from_builtin(Natural)),
- )
- .app(t.clone())
- .app(succ.clone())
- .app(zero.clone());
- Ret::ValueWithRemainingArgs(r,
- }
- _ => Ret::DoneAsIs,
- },
- _ => Ret::DoneAsIs,
- };
- match ret {
- Ret::ValueKind(v) => v,
- Ret::Value(v) => v.to_whnf_check_type(ty),
- Ret::ValueWithRemainingArgs(unconsumed_args, mut v) => {
- let n_consumed_args = args.len() - unconsumed_args.len();
- for x in args.into_iter().skip(n_consumed_args) {
- v =;
- }
- v.to_whnf_check_type(ty)
- }
- Ret::DoneAsIs => AppliedBuiltin(b, args, types, env),
- }
+use crate::syntax;
+use crate::syntax::{BinOp, Const, ExprKind, InterpolatedTextContents};
pub(crate) fn apply_any(f: Value, a: Value, ty: &Value) -> ValueKind<Value> {
let f_borrow = f.as_whnf();
@@ -643,8 +282,8 @@ pub(crate) fn normalize_one_layer(
unreachable!("This case should have been handled in typecheck")
ExprKind::Annot(x, _) => Ret::Value(x),
- ExprKind::Const(c) => Ret::Value(const_to_value(c)),
- ExprKind::Builtin(b) => Ret::Value(builtin_to_value_env(b, env)),
+ ExprKind::Const(c) => Ret::Value(Value::from_const(c)),
+ ExprKind::Builtin(b) => Ret::Value(Value::from_builtin_env(b, env)),
ExprKind::Assert(_) => Ret::Expr(expr),
ExprKind::App(v, a) => Ret::Value(,
ExprKind::BoolLit(b) => Ret::ValueKind(BoolLit(b)),
diff --git a/dhall/src/semantics/phase/ b/dhall/src/semantics/phase/
index 2e22ad2..8b13789 100644
--- a/dhall/src/semantics/phase/
+++ b/dhall/src/semantics/phase/
@@ -1,178 +1 @@
-use crate::semantics::{NzEnv, Value, ValueKind};
-use crate::syntax;
-use crate::syntax::{
- Builtin, Const, Expr, ExprKind, Label, Span, UnspannedExpr,
-pub(crate) fn const_to_value(c: Const) -> Value {
- let v = ValueKind::Const(c);
- match c {
- Const::Type => {
- Value::from_kind_and_type(v, const_to_value(Const::Kind))
- }
- Const::Kind => {
- Value::from_kind_and_type(v, const_to_value(Const::Sort))
- }
- Const::Sort => Value::const_sort(),
- }
-pub fn rc<E>(x: UnspannedExpr<E>) -> Expr<E> {
- Expr::new(x, Span::Artificial)
-// Ad-hoc macro to help construct the types of builtins
-macro_rules! make_type {
- (Type) => { ExprKind::Const(Const::Type) };
- (Bool) => { ExprKind::Builtin(Builtin::Bool) };
- (Natural) => { ExprKind::Builtin(Builtin::Natural) };
- (Integer) => { ExprKind::Builtin(Builtin::Integer) };
- (Double) => { ExprKind::Builtin(Builtin::Double) };
- (Text) => { ExprKind::Builtin(Builtin::Text) };
- ($var:ident) => {
- ExprKind::Var(syntax::V(stringify!($var).into(), 0))
- };
- (Optional $ty:ident) => {
- ExprKind::App(
- rc(ExprKind::Builtin(Builtin::Optional)),
- rc(make_type!($ty))
- )
- };
- (List $($rest:tt)*) => {
- ExprKind::App(
- rc(ExprKind::Builtin(Builtin::List)),
- rc(make_type!($($rest)*))
- )
- };
- ({ $($label:ident : $ty:ident),* }) => {{
- let mut kts = syntax::map::DupTreeMap::new();
- $(
- kts.insert(
- Label::from(stringify!($label)),
- rc(make_type!($ty)),
- );
- )*
- ExprKind::RecordType(kts)
- }};
- ($ty:ident -> $($rest:tt)*) => {
- ExprKind::Pi(
- "_".into(),
- rc(make_type!($ty)),
- rc(make_type!($($rest)*))
- )
- };
- (($($arg:tt)*) -> $($rest:tt)*) => {
- ExprKind::Pi(
- "_".into(),
- rc(make_type!($($arg)*)),
- rc(make_type!($($rest)*))
- )
- };
- (forall ($var:ident : $($ty:tt)*) -> $($rest:tt)*) => {
- ExprKind::Pi(
- stringify!($var).into(),
- rc(make_type!($($ty)*)),
- rc(make_type!($($rest)*))
- )
- };
-pub(crate) fn type_of_builtin<E>(b: Builtin) -> Expr<E> {
- use syntax::Builtin::*;
- rc(match b {
- Bool | Natural | Integer | Double | Text => make_type!(Type),
- List | Optional => make_type!(
- Type -> Type
- ),
- NaturalFold => make_type!(
- Natural ->
- forall (natural: Type) ->
- forall (succ: natural -> natural) ->
- forall (zero: natural) ->
- natural
- ),
- NaturalBuild => make_type!(
- (forall (natural: Type) ->
- forall (succ: natural -> natural) ->
- forall (zero: natural) ->
- natural) ->
- Natural
- ),
- NaturalIsZero | NaturalEven | NaturalOdd => make_type!(
- Natural -> Bool
- ),
- NaturalToInteger => make_type!(Natural -> Integer),
- NaturalShow => make_type!(Natural -> Text),
- NaturalSubtract => make_type!(Natural -> Natural -> Natural),
- IntegerToDouble => make_type!(Integer -> Double),
- IntegerShow => make_type!(Integer -> Text),
- IntegerNegate => make_type!(Integer -> Integer),
- IntegerClamp => make_type!(Integer -> Natural),
- DoubleShow => make_type!(Double -> Text),
- TextShow => make_type!(Text -> Text),
- ListBuild => make_type!(
- forall (a: Type) ->
- (forall (list: Type) ->
- forall (cons: a -> list -> list) ->
- forall (nil: list) ->
- list) ->
- List a
- ),
- ListFold => make_type!(
- forall (a: Type) ->
- (List a) ->
- forall (list: Type) ->
- forall (cons: a -> list -> list) ->
- forall (nil: list) ->
- list
- ),
- ListLength => make_type!(forall (a: Type) -> (List a) -> Natural),
- ListHead | ListLast => {
- make_type!(forall (a: Type) -> (List a) -> Optional a)
- }
- ListIndexed => make_type!(
- forall (a: Type) ->
- (List a) ->
- List { index: Natural, value: a }
- ),
- ListReverse => make_type!(
- forall (a: Type) -> (List a) -> List a
- ),
- OptionalBuild => make_type!(
- forall (a: Type) ->
- (forall (optional: Type) ->
- forall (just: a -> optional) ->
- forall (nothing: optional) ->
- optional) ->
- Optional a
- ),
- OptionalFold => make_type!(
- forall (a: Type) ->
- (Optional a) ->
- forall (optional: Type) ->
- forall (just: a -> optional) ->
- forall (nothing: optional) ->
- optional
- ),
- OptionalNone => make_type!(
- forall (A: Type) -> Optional A
- ),
- })
-pub(crate) fn builtin_to_value(b: Builtin) -> Value {
- builtin_to_value_env(b, &NzEnv::new())
-pub(crate) fn builtin_to_value_env(b: Builtin, env: &NzEnv) -> Value {
- Value::from_kind_and_type(
- ValueKind::from_builtin_env(b, env.clone()),
- crate::semantics::tck::typecheck::typecheck(&type_of_builtin(b))
- .unwrap()
- .normalize_whnf_noenv(),
- )