path: root/dhall/src/semantics/phase/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'dhall/src/semantics/phase/')
1 files changed, 810 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dhall/src/semantics/phase/ b/dhall/src/semantics/phase/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59380a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dhall/src/semantics/phase/
@@ -0,0 +1,810 @@
+use std::cmp::max;
+use std::collections::HashMap;
+use crate::semantics::core::context::TypecheckContext;
+use crate::semantics::core::value::Value;
+use crate::semantics::core::valuef::ValueF;
+use crate::semantics::core::var::{Shift, Subst};
+use crate::semantics::error::{TypeError, TypeMessage};
+use crate::semantics::phase::normalize::merge_maps;
+use crate::semantics::phase::Normalized;
+use crate::syntax;
+use crate::syntax::{
+ Builtin, Const, Expr, ExprF, InterpolatedTextContents, Label, RawExpr, Span,
+fn tck_pi_type(
+ ctx: &TypecheckContext,
+ x: Label,
+ tx: Value,
+ te: Value,
+) -> Result<Value, TypeError> {
+ use TypeMessage::*;
+ let ctx2 = ctx.insert_type(&x, tx.clone());
+ let ka = match tx.get_type()?.as_const() {
+ Some(k) => k,
+ _ => return Err(TypeError::new(ctx, InvalidInputType(tx))),
+ };
+ let kb = match te.get_type()?.as_const() {
+ Some(k) => k,
+ _ => {
+ return Err(TypeError::new(
+ &ctx2,
+ InvalidOutputType(te.get_type()?),
+ ))
+ }
+ };
+ let k = function_check(ka, kb);
+ Ok(Value::from_valuef_and_type(
+ ValueF::Pi(x.into(), tx, te),
+ Value::from_const(k),
+ ))
+fn tck_record_type(
+ ctx: &TypecheckContext,
+ kts: impl IntoIterator<Item = Result<(Label, Value), TypeError>>,
+) -> Result<Value, TypeError> {
+ use std::collections::hash_map::Entry;
+ use TypeMessage::*;
+ let mut new_kts = HashMap::new();
+ // An empty record type has type Type
+ let mut k = Const::Type;
+ for e in kts {
+ let (x, t) = e?;
+ // Construct the union of the contained `Const`s
+ match t.get_type()?.as_const() {
+ Some(k2) => k = max(k, k2),
+ None => return Err(TypeError::new(ctx, InvalidFieldType(x, t))),
+ }
+ // Check for duplicated entries
+ let entry = new_kts.entry(x);
+ match &entry {
+ Entry::Occupied(_) => {
+ return Err(TypeError::new(ctx, RecordTypeDuplicateField))
+ }
+ Entry::Vacant(_) => entry.or_insert_with(|| t),
+ };
+ }
+ Ok(Value::from_valuef_and_type(
+ ValueF::RecordType(new_kts),
+ Value::from_const(k),
+ ))
+fn tck_union_type<Iter>(
+ ctx: &TypecheckContext,
+ kts: Iter,
+) -> Result<Value, TypeError>
+ Iter: IntoIterator<Item = Result<(Label, Option<Value>), TypeError>>,
+ use std::collections::hash_map::Entry;
+ use TypeMessage::*;
+ let mut new_kts = HashMap::new();
+ // Check that all types are the same const
+ let mut k = None;
+ for e in kts {
+ let (x, t) = e?;
+ if let Some(t) = &t {
+ match (k, t.get_type()?.as_const()) {
+ (None, Some(k2)) => k = Some(k2),
+ (Some(k1), Some(k2)) if k1 == k2 => {}
+ _ => {
+ return Err(TypeError::new(
+ ctx,
+ InvalidFieldType(x, t.clone()),
+ ))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ let entry = new_kts.entry(x);
+ match &entry {
+ Entry::Occupied(_) => {
+ return Err(TypeError::new(ctx, UnionTypeDuplicateField))
+ }
+ Entry::Vacant(_) => entry.or_insert_with(|| t),
+ };
+ }
+ // An empty union type has type Type;
+ // an union type with only unary variants also has type Type
+ let k = k.unwrap_or(Const::Type);
+ Ok(Value::from_valuef_and_type(
+ ValueF::UnionType(new_kts),
+ Value::from_const(k),
+ ))
+fn function_check(a: Const, b: Const) -> Const {
+ if b == Const::Type {
+ Const::Type
+ } else {
+ max(a, b)
+ }
+pub(crate) fn const_to_value(c: Const) -> Value {
+ let v = ValueF::Const(c);
+ match c {
+ Const::Type => {
+ Value::from_valuef_and_type(v, const_to_value(Const::Kind))
+ }
+ Const::Kind => {
+ Value::from_valuef_and_type(v, const_to_value(Const::Sort))
+ }
+ Const::Sort => Value::const_sort(),
+ }
+pub fn rc<E>(x: RawExpr<E>) -> Expr<E> {
+ Expr::new(x, Span::Artificial)
+// Ad-hoc macro to help construct the types of builtins
+macro_rules! make_type {
+ (Type) => { ExprF::Const(Const::Type) };
+ (Bool) => { ExprF::Builtin(Builtin::Bool) };
+ (Natural) => { ExprF::Builtin(Builtin::Natural) };
+ (Integer) => { ExprF::Builtin(Builtin::Integer) };
+ (Double) => { ExprF::Builtin(Builtin::Double) };
+ (Text) => { ExprF::Builtin(Builtin::Text) };
+ ($var:ident) => {
+ ExprF::Var(syntax::V(stringify!($var).into(), 0))
+ };
+ (Optional $ty:ident) => {
+ ExprF::App(
+ rc(ExprF::Builtin(Builtin::Optional)),
+ rc(make_type!($ty))
+ )
+ };
+ (List $($rest:tt)*) => {
+ ExprF::App(
+ rc(ExprF::Builtin(Builtin::List)),
+ rc(make_type!($($rest)*))
+ )
+ };
+ ({ $($label:ident : $ty:ident),* }) => {{
+ let mut kts = syntax::map::DupTreeMap::new();
+ $(
+ kts.insert(
+ Label::from(stringify!($label)),
+ rc(make_type!($ty)),
+ );
+ )*
+ ExprF::RecordType(kts)
+ }};
+ ($ty:ident -> $($rest:tt)*) => {
+ ExprF::Pi(
+ "_".into(),
+ rc(make_type!($ty)),
+ rc(make_type!($($rest)*))
+ )
+ };
+ (($($arg:tt)*) -> $($rest:tt)*) => {
+ ExprF::Pi(
+ "_".into(),
+ rc(make_type!($($arg)*)),
+ rc(make_type!($($rest)*))
+ )
+ };
+ (forall ($var:ident : $($ty:tt)*) -> $($rest:tt)*) => {
+ ExprF::Pi(
+ stringify!($var).into(),
+ rc(make_type!($($ty)*)),
+ rc(make_type!($($rest)*))
+ )
+ };
+fn type_of_builtin<E>(b: Builtin) -> Expr<E> {
+ use syntax::Builtin::*;
+ rc(match b {
+ Bool | Natural | Integer | Double | Text => make_type!(Type),
+ List | Optional => make_type!(
+ Type -> Type
+ ),
+ NaturalFold => make_type!(
+ Natural ->
+ forall (natural: Type) ->
+ forall (succ: natural -> natural) ->
+ forall (zero: natural) ->
+ natural
+ ),
+ NaturalBuild => make_type!(
+ (forall (natural: Type) ->
+ forall (succ: natural -> natural) ->
+ forall (zero: natural) ->
+ natural) ->
+ Natural
+ ),
+ NaturalIsZero | NaturalEven | NaturalOdd => make_type!(
+ Natural -> Bool
+ ),
+ NaturalToInteger => make_type!(Natural -> Integer),
+ NaturalShow => make_type!(Natural -> Text),
+ NaturalSubtract => make_type!(Natural -> Natural -> Natural),
+ IntegerToDouble => make_type!(Integer -> Double),
+ IntegerShow => make_type!(Integer -> Text),
+ DoubleShow => make_type!(Double -> Text),
+ TextShow => make_type!(Text -> Text),
+ ListBuild => make_type!(
+ forall (a: Type) ->
+ (forall (list: Type) ->
+ forall (cons: a -> list -> list) ->
+ forall (nil: list) ->
+ list) ->
+ List a
+ ),
+ ListFold => make_type!(
+ forall (a: Type) ->
+ (List a) ->
+ forall (list: Type) ->
+ forall (cons: a -> list -> list) ->
+ forall (nil: list) ->
+ list
+ ),
+ ListLength => make_type!(forall (a: Type) -> (List a) -> Natural),
+ ListHead | ListLast => {
+ make_type!(forall (a: Type) -> (List a) -> Optional a)
+ }
+ ListIndexed => make_type!(
+ forall (a: Type) ->
+ (List a) ->
+ List { index: Natural, value: a }
+ ),
+ ListReverse => make_type!(
+ forall (a: Type) -> (List a) -> List a
+ ),
+ OptionalBuild => make_type!(
+ forall (a: Type) ->
+ (forall (optional: Type) ->
+ forall (just: a -> optional) ->
+ forall (nothing: optional) ->
+ optional) ->
+ Optional a
+ ),
+ OptionalFold => make_type!(
+ forall (a: Type) ->
+ (Optional a) ->
+ forall (optional: Type) ->
+ forall (just: a -> optional) ->
+ forall (nothing: optional) ->
+ optional
+ ),
+ OptionalNone => make_type!(
+ forall (a: Type) -> Optional a
+ ),
+ })
+pub(crate) fn builtin_to_value(b: Builtin) -> Value {
+ let ctx = TypecheckContext::new();
+ Value::from_valuef_and_type(
+ ValueF::from_builtin(b),
+ type_with(&ctx, type_of_builtin(b)).unwrap(),
+ )
+/// Type-check an expression and return the expression alongside its type if type-checking
+/// succeeded, or an error if type-checking failed.
+/// Some normalization is done while typechecking, so the returned expression might be partially
+/// normalized as well.
+fn type_with(
+ ctx: &TypecheckContext,
+ e: Expr<Normalized>,
+) -> Result<Value, TypeError> {
+ use syntax::ExprF::{Annot, Embed, Lam, Let, Pi, Var};
+ let span = e.span();
+ Ok(match e.as_ref() {
+ Lam(var, annot, body) => {
+ let annot = type_with(ctx, annot.clone())?;
+ let ctx2 = ctx.insert_type(var, annot.clone());
+ let body = type_with(&ctx2, body.clone())?;
+ let body_type = body.get_type()?;
+ Value::from_valuef_and_type(
+ ValueF::Lam(var.clone().into(), annot.clone(), body),
+ tck_pi_type(ctx, var.clone(), annot, body_type)?,
+ )
+ }
+ Pi(x, ta, tb) => {
+ let ta = type_with(ctx, ta.clone())?;
+ let ctx2 = ctx.insert_type(x, ta.clone());
+ let tb = type_with(&ctx2, tb.clone())?;
+ return tck_pi_type(ctx, x.clone(), ta, tb);
+ }
+ Let(x, t, v, e) => {
+ let v = if let Some(t) = t {
+ t.rewrap(Annot(v.clone(), t.clone()))
+ } else {
+ v.clone()
+ };
+ let v = type_with(ctx, v)?;
+ return type_with(&ctx.insert_value(x, v.clone())?, e.clone());
+ }
+ Embed(p) => p.clone().into_typed().into_value(),
+ Var(var) => match ctx.lookup(&var) {
+ Some(typed) => typed.clone(),
+ None => {
+ return Err(TypeError::new(
+ ctx,
+ TypeMessage::UnboundVariable(span),
+ ))
+ }
+ },
+ e => {
+ // Typecheck recursively all subexpressions
+ let expr = e.traverse_ref_with_special_handling_of_binders(
+ |e| type_with(ctx, e.clone()),
+ |_, _| unreachable!(),
+ )?;
+ type_last_layer(ctx, expr, span)?
+ }
+ })
+/// When all sub-expressions have been typed, check the remaining toplevel
+/// layer.
+fn type_last_layer(
+ ctx: &TypecheckContext,
+ e: ExprF<Value, Normalized>,
+ span: Span,
+) -> Result<Value, TypeError> {
+ use syntax::BinOp::*;
+ use syntax::Builtin::*;
+ use syntax::Const::Type;
+ use syntax::ExprF::*;
+ use TypeMessage::*;
+ let mkerr = |msg: TypeMessage| Err(TypeError::new(ctx, msg));
+ /// Intermediary return type
+ enum Ret {
+ /// Returns the contained value as is
+ RetWhole(Value),
+ /// Returns the input expression `e` with the contained value as its type
+ RetTypeOnly(Value),
+ }
+ use Ret::*;
+ let ret = match &e {
+ Import(_) => unreachable!(
+ "There should remain no imports in a resolved expression"
+ ),
+ Lam(_, _, _) | Pi(_, _, _) | Let(_, _, _, _) | Embed(_) | Var(_) => {
+ unreachable!()
+ }
+ App(f, a) => {
+ let tf = f.get_type()?;
+ let tf_borrow = tf.as_whnf();
+ let (x, tx, tb) = match &*tf_borrow {
+ ValueF::Pi(x, tx, tb) => (x, tx, tb),
+ _ => return mkerr(NotAFunction(f.clone())),
+ };
+ if &a.get_type()? != tx {
+ return mkerr(TypeMismatch(f.clone(), tx.clone(), a.clone()));
+ }
+ RetTypeOnly(tb.subst_shift(&x.into(), a))
+ }
+ Annot(x, t) => {
+ if &x.get_type()? != t {
+ return mkerr(AnnotMismatch(x.clone(), t.clone()));
+ }
+ RetWhole(x.clone())
+ }
+ Assert(t) => {
+ match &*t.as_whnf() {
+ ValueF::Equivalence(x, y) if x == y => {}
+ ValueF::Equivalence(x, y) => {
+ return mkerr(AssertMismatch(x.clone(), y.clone()))
+ }
+ _ => return mkerr(AssertMustTakeEquivalence),
+ }
+ RetTypeOnly(t.clone())
+ }
+ BoolIf(x, y, z) => {
+ if *x.get_type()?.as_whnf() != ValueF::from_builtin(Bool) {
+ return mkerr(InvalidPredicate(x.clone()));
+ }
+ if y.get_type()?.get_type()?.as_const() != Some(Type) {
+ return mkerr(IfBranchMustBeTerm(true, y.clone()));
+ }
+ if z.get_type()?.get_type()?.as_const() != Some(Type) {
+ return mkerr(IfBranchMustBeTerm(false, z.clone()));
+ }
+ if y.get_type()? != z.get_type()? {
+ return mkerr(IfBranchMismatch(y.clone(), z.clone()));
+ }
+ RetTypeOnly(y.get_type()?)
+ }
+ EmptyListLit(t) => {
+ match &*t.as_whnf() {
+ ValueF::AppliedBuiltin(syntax::Builtin::List, args)
+ if args.len() == 1 => {}
+ _ => return mkerr(InvalidListType(t.clone())),
+ }
+ RetTypeOnly(t.clone())
+ }
+ NEListLit(xs) => {
+ let mut iter = xs.iter().enumerate();
+ let (_, x) =;
+ for (i, y) in iter {
+ if x.get_type()? != y.get_type()? {
+ return mkerr(InvalidListElement(
+ i,
+ x.get_type()?,
+ y.clone(),
+ ));
+ }
+ }
+ let t = x.get_type()?;
+ if t.get_type()?.as_const() != Some(Type) {
+ return mkerr(InvalidListType(t));
+ }
+ RetTypeOnly(Value::from_builtin(syntax::Builtin::List).app(t))
+ }
+ SomeLit(x) => {
+ let t = x.get_type()?;
+ if t.get_type()?.as_const() != Some(Type) {
+ return mkerr(InvalidOptionalType(t));
+ }
+ RetTypeOnly(Value::from_builtin(syntax::Builtin::Optional).app(t))
+ }
+ RecordType(kts) => RetWhole(tck_record_type(
+ ctx,
+ kts.iter().map(|(x, t)| Ok((x.clone(), t.clone()))),
+ )?),
+ UnionType(kts) => RetWhole(tck_union_type(
+ ctx,
+ kts.iter().map(|(x, t)| Ok((x.clone(), t.clone()))),
+ )?),
+ RecordLit(kvs) => RetTypeOnly(tck_record_type(
+ ctx,
+ kvs.iter().map(|(x, v)| Ok((x.clone(), v.get_type()?))),
+ )?),
+ Field(r, x) => {
+ match &*r.get_type()?.as_whnf() {
+ ValueF::RecordType(kts) => match kts.get(&x) {
+ Some(tth) => {
+ RetTypeOnly(tth.clone())
+ },
+ None => return mkerr(MissingRecordField(x.clone(),
+ r.clone())),
+ },
+ // TODO: branch here only when r.get_type() is a Const
+ _ => {
+ match &*r.as_whnf() {
+ ValueF::UnionType(kts) => match kts.get(&x) {
+ // Constructor has type T -> < x: T, ... >
+ Some(Some(t)) => {
+ RetTypeOnly(
+ tck_pi_type(
+ ctx,
+ "_".into(),
+ t.clone(),
+ r.under_binder(Label::from("_")),
+ )?
+ )
+ },
+ Some(None) => {
+ RetTypeOnly(r.clone())
+ },
+ None => {
+ return mkerr(MissingUnionField(
+ x.clone(),
+ r.clone(),
+ ))
+ },
+ },
+ _ => {
+ return mkerr(NotARecord(
+ x.clone(),
+ r.clone()
+ ))
+ },
+ }
+ }
+ // _ => mkerr(NotARecord(
+ // x,
+ // r?,
+ // )),
+ }
+ }
+ Const(c) => RetWhole(const_to_value(*c)),
+ Builtin(b) => RetWhole(builtin_to_value(*b)),
+ BoolLit(_) => RetTypeOnly(builtin_to_value(Bool)),
+ NaturalLit(_) => RetTypeOnly(builtin_to_value(Natural)),
+ IntegerLit(_) => RetTypeOnly(builtin_to_value(Integer)),
+ DoubleLit(_) => RetTypeOnly(builtin_to_value(Double)),
+ TextLit(interpolated) => {
+ let text_type = builtin_to_value(Text);
+ for contents in interpolated.iter() {
+ use InterpolatedTextContents::Expr;
+ if let Expr(x) = contents {
+ if x.get_type()? != text_type {
+ return mkerr(InvalidTextInterpolation(x.clone()));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ RetTypeOnly(text_type)
+ }
+ BinOp(RightBiasedRecordMerge, l, r) => {
+ let l_type = l.get_type()?;
+ let r_type = r.get_type()?;
+ // Extract the LHS record type
+ let l_type_borrow = l_type.as_whnf();
+ let kts_x = match &*l_type_borrow {
+ ValueF::RecordType(kts) => kts,
+ _ => return mkerr(MustCombineRecord(l.clone())),
+ };
+ // Extract the RHS record type
+ let r_type_borrow = r_type.as_whnf();
+ let kts_y = match &*r_type_borrow {
+ ValueF::RecordType(kts) => kts,
+ _ => return mkerr(MustCombineRecord(r.clone())),
+ };
+ // Union the two records, prefering
+ // the values found in the RHS.
+ let kts = merge_maps::<_, _, _, !>(kts_x, kts_y, |_, _, r_t| {
+ Ok(r_t.clone())
+ })?;
+ // Construct the final record type from the union
+ RetTypeOnly(tck_record_type(
+ ctx,
+ kts.into_iter().map(|(x, v)| Ok((x.clone(), v))),
+ )?)
+ }
+ BinOp(RecursiveRecordMerge, l, r) => RetTypeOnly(type_last_layer(
+ ctx,
+ ExprF::BinOp(
+ RecursiveRecordTypeMerge,
+ l.get_type()?,
+ r.get_type()?,
+ ),
+ Span::Artificial,
+ )?),
+ BinOp(RecursiveRecordTypeMerge, l, r) => {
+ // Extract the LHS record type
+ let borrow_l = l.as_whnf();
+ let kts_x = match &*borrow_l {
+ ValueF::RecordType(kts) => kts,
+ _ => {
+ return mkerr(RecordTypeMergeRequiresRecordType(l.clone()))
+ }
+ };
+ // Extract the RHS record type
+ let borrow_r = r.as_whnf();
+ let kts_y = match &*borrow_r {
+ ValueF::RecordType(kts) => kts,
+ _ => {
+ return mkerr(RecordTypeMergeRequiresRecordType(r.clone()))
+ }
+ };
+ // Ensure that the records combine without a type error
+ let kts = merge_maps(
+ kts_x,
+ kts_y,
+ // If the Label exists for both records, then we hit the recursive case.
+ |_, l: &Value, r: &Value| {
+ type_last_layer(
+ ctx,
+ ExprF::BinOp(
+ RecursiveRecordTypeMerge,
+ l.clone(),
+ r.clone(),
+ ),
+ Span::Artificial,
+ )
+ },
+ )?;
+ RetWhole(tck_record_type(ctx, kts.into_iter().map(Ok))?)
+ }
+ BinOp(o @ ListAppend, l, r) => {
+ match &*l.get_type()?.as_whnf() {
+ ValueF::AppliedBuiltin(List, _) => {}
+ _ => return mkerr(BinOpTypeMismatch(*o, l.clone())),
+ }
+ if l.get_type()? != r.get_type()? {
+ return mkerr(BinOpTypeMismatch(*o, r.clone()));
+ }
+ RetTypeOnly(l.get_type()?)
+ }
+ BinOp(Equivalence, l, r) => {
+ if l.get_type()?.get_type()?.as_const() != Some(Type) {
+ return mkerr(EquivalenceArgumentMustBeTerm(true, l.clone()));
+ }
+ if r.get_type()?.get_type()?.as_const() != Some(Type) {
+ return mkerr(EquivalenceArgumentMustBeTerm(false, r.clone()));
+ }
+ if l.get_type()? != r.get_type()? {
+ return mkerr(EquivalenceTypeMismatch(r.clone(), l.clone()));
+ }
+ RetWhole(Value::from_valuef_and_type(
+ ValueF::Equivalence(l.clone(), r.clone()),
+ Value::from_const(Type),
+ ))
+ }
+ BinOp(o, l, r) => {
+ let t = builtin_to_value(match o {
+ BoolAnd => Bool,
+ BoolOr => Bool,
+ BoolEQ => Bool,
+ BoolNE => Bool,
+ NaturalPlus => Natural,
+ NaturalTimes => Natural,
+ TextAppend => Text,
+ ListAppend => unreachable!(),
+ RightBiasedRecordMerge => unreachable!(),
+ RecursiveRecordMerge => unreachable!(),
+ RecursiveRecordTypeMerge => unreachable!(),
+ ImportAlt => unreachable!("There should remain no import alternatives in a resolved expression"),
+ Equivalence => unreachable!(),
+ });
+ if l.get_type()? != t {
+ return mkerr(BinOpTypeMismatch(*o, l.clone()));
+ }
+ if r.get_type()? != t {
+ return mkerr(BinOpTypeMismatch(*o, r.clone()));
+ }
+ RetTypeOnly(t)
+ }
+ Merge(record, union, type_annot) => {
+ let record_type = record.get_type()?;
+ let record_borrow = record_type.as_whnf();
+ let handlers = match &*record_borrow {
+ ValueF::RecordType(kts) => kts,
+ _ => return mkerr(Merge1ArgMustBeRecord(record.clone())),
+ };
+ let union_type = union.get_type()?;
+ let union_borrow = union_type.as_whnf();
+ let variants = match &*union_borrow {
+ ValueF::UnionType(kts) => kts,
+ _ => return mkerr(Merge2ArgMustBeUnion(union.clone())),
+ };
+ let mut inferred_type = None;
+ for (x, handler_type) in handlers {
+ let handler_return_type =
+ match variants.get(x) {
+ // Union alternative with type
+ Some(Some(variant_type)) => {
+ let handler_type_borrow = handler_type.as_whnf();
+ let (x, tx, tb) = match &*handler_type_borrow {
+ ValueF::Pi(x, tx, tb) => (x, tx, tb),
+ _ => {
+ return mkerr(NotAFunction(
+ handler_type.clone(),
+ ))
+ }
+ };
+ if variant_type != tx {
+ return mkerr(TypeMismatch(
+ handler_type.clone(),
+ tx.clone(),
+ variant_type.clone(),
+ ));
+ }
+ // Extract `tb` from under the `x` binder. Fails is `x` was free in `tb`.
+ match tb.over_binder(x) {
+ Some(x) => x,
+ None => return mkerr(
+ MergeHandlerReturnTypeMustNotBeDependent,
+ ),
+ }
+ }
+ // Union alternative without type
+ Some(None) => handler_type.clone(),
+ None => {
+ return mkerr(MergeHandlerMissingVariant(x.clone()))
+ }
+ };
+ match &inferred_type {
+ None => inferred_type = Some(handler_return_type),
+ Some(t) => {
+ if t != &handler_return_type {
+ return mkerr(MergeHandlerTypeMismatch);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for x in variants.keys() {
+ if !handlers.contains_key(x) {
+ return mkerr(MergeVariantMissingHandler(x.clone()));
+ }
+ }
+ match (inferred_type, type_annot) {
+ (Some(ref t1), Some(t2)) => {
+ if t1 != t2 {
+ return mkerr(MergeAnnotMismatch);
+ }
+ RetTypeOnly(t2.clone())
+ }
+ (Some(t), None) => RetTypeOnly(t),
+ (None, Some(t)) => RetTypeOnly(t.clone()),
+ (None, None) => return mkerr(MergeEmptyNeedsAnnotation),
+ }
+ }
+ ToMap(_, _) => unimplemented!("toMap"),
+ Projection(record, labels) => {
+ let record_type = record.get_type()?;
+ let record_type_borrow = record_type.as_whnf();
+ let kts = match &*record_type_borrow {
+ ValueF::RecordType(kts) => kts,
+ _ => return mkerr(ProjectionMustBeRecord),
+ };
+ let mut new_kts = HashMap::new();
+ for l in labels {
+ match kts.get(l) {
+ None => return mkerr(ProjectionMissingEntry),
+ Some(t) => new_kts.insert(l.clone(), t.clone()),
+ };
+ }
+ RetTypeOnly(Value::from_valuef_and_type(
+ ValueF::RecordType(new_kts),
+ record_type.get_type()?,
+ ))
+ }
+ ProjectionByExpr(_, _) => unimplemented!("selection by expression"),
+ };
+ Ok(match ret {
+ RetTypeOnly(typ) => Value::from_valuef_and_type_and_span(
+ ValueF::PartialExpr(e),
+ typ,
+ span,
+ ),
+ RetWhole(v) => v.with_span(span),
+ })
+/// `type_of` is the same as `type_with` with an empty context, meaning that the
+/// expression must be closed (i.e. no free variables), otherwise type-checking
+/// will fail.
+pub(crate) fn typecheck(e: Expr<Normalized>) -> Result<Value, TypeError> {
+ type_with(&TypecheckContext::new(), e)
+pub(crate) fn typecheck_with(
+ expr: Expr<Normalized>,
+ ty: Expr<Normalized>,
+) -> Result<Value, TypeError> {
+ typecheck(expr.rewrap(ExprF::Annot(expr.clone(), ty)))