path: root/pest_consume/src
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authorNadrieril2019-09-18 22:37:30 +0200
committerNadrieril2019-09-18 22:37:30 +0200
commitbf417fadb206d6d2351a13cd7c6988977a46dd33 (patch)
tree06effc0f10795a208e929bdf9fdbbbfa6d94cc31 /pest_consume/src
parentf8341503c778db92f46fa9f6f368a2013e4c0c1a (diff)
Extract pest_consume into its own crate
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 325 deletions
diff --git a/pest_consume/src/ b/pest_consume/src/
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index c1d62e5..0000000
--- a/pest_consume/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,325 +0,0 @@
-//! `pest_consume` extends [pest] to make it easy to consume a pest parse tree.
-//! Given a grammar file, pest generates a parser that outputs an untyped parse tree. Then that
-//! parse tree needs to be transformed into whatever datastructures your application uses.
-//! `pest_consume` provides two macros to make this easy.
-//! Features of `pest_consume` include:
-//! - strong types;
-//! - consuming children uses an intuitive syntax;
-//! - error handling is well integrated.
-//! # Example
-//! Here is the [CSV example from the doc](,
-//! using `pest_consume`.
-//! The pest grammar file contains:
-//! ```text
-//! field = { (ASCII_DIGIT | "." | "-")+ }
-//! record = { field ~ ("," ~ field)* }
-//! file = { SOI ~ (record ~ ("\r\n" | "\n"))* ~ EOI }
-//! ```
-//! ```no_run
-//! use pest_consume::{match_nodes, Error, Parser};
-//! type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Error<Rule>>;
-//! type Node<'i> = pest_consume::Node<'i, Rule, ()>;
-//! // Construct the first half of the parser using pest as usual.
-//! #[derive(Parser)]
-//! #[grammar = "../examples/csv/csv.pest"]
-//! struct CSVParser;
-//! // This is the other half of the parser, using pest_consume.
-//! #[pest_consume::parser]
-//! impl CSVParser {
-//! fn EOI(_input: Node) -> Result<()> {
-//! Ok(())
-//! }
-//! fn field(input: Node) -> Result<f64> {
-//! input
-//! .as_str()
-//! .parse::<f64>()
-//! .map_err(|e| input.error(e.to_string()))
-//! }
-//! fn record(input: Node) -> Result<Vec<f64>> {
-//! Ok(match_nodes!(input.children();
-//! [field(fields)..] => fields.collect(),
-//! ))
-//! }
-//! fn file(input: Node) -> Result<Vec<Vec<f64>>> {
-//! Ok(match_nodes!(input.children();
-//! [record(records).., EOI(_)] => records.collect(),
-//! ))
-//! }
-//! }
-//! fn parse_csv(input_str: &str) -> Result<Vec<Vec<f64>>> {
-//! let inputs = CSVParser::parse(Rule::file, input_str)?;
-//! Ok(match_nodes!(<CSVParser>; inputs;
-//! [file(e)] => e,
-//! ))
-//! }
-//! fn main() {
-//! let parsed = parse_csv("-273.15, 12\n42, 0").unwrap();
-//! let mut sum = 0.;
-//! for record in parsed {
-//! for field in record {
-//! sum += field;
-//! }
-//! }
-//! println!("{}", sum);
-//! }
-//! ```
-//! There are several things to note:
-//! - we use two macros provided by `pest_consume`: `parser` and `match_nodes`;
-//! - there is one `fn` item per (non-silent) rule in the grammar;
-//! - we associate an output type to every rule;
-//! - there is no need to fiddle with `.into_inner()`, `.next()` or `.unwrap()`, as is common when using pest
-//! # How it works
-//! The main types of this crate ([Node], [Nodes] and [Parser]) are mostly wrappers around
-//! the corresponding [pest] types.
-//! The `pest_consume::parser` macro does almost nothing when not using advanced features;
-//! most of the magic happens in `match_nodes`.
-//! `match_nodes` desugars rather straightforwardly into calls to the `fn` items corresponding to
-//! the rules matched on.
-//! For example:
-//! ```ignore
-//! match_nodes!(input.children();
-//! [field(fields)..] => fields.collect(),
-//! )
-//! ```
-//! desugars into:
-//! ```ignore
-//! let nodes = { input.children() };
-//! if ... { // check that all rules in `nodes` are the `field` rule
-//! let fields = nodes
-//! .map(|node| Self::field(node)) // Recursively parse children nodes
-//! ... // Propagate errors
-//! { fields.collect() }
-//! } else {
-//! ... // error because we got unexpected rules
-//! }
-//! ```
-//! # Advanced features
-//! TODO
-//! - rule aliasing
-//! - rule shortcutting
-//! - user data
-pub use pest::error::Error;
-use pest::Parser as PestParser;
-use pest::RuleType;
-pub use pest_derive::Parser;
-pub use pest_consume_macros::match_nodes;
-pub use pest_consume_macros::parser;
-mod node {
- use super::Parser;
- use pest::error::{Error, ErrorVariant};
- use pest::iterators::{Pair, Pairs};
- use pest::Parser as PestParser;
- use pest::{RuleType, Span};
- /// Carries a pest Pair alongside custom user data.
- #[derive(Debug, Clone)]
- pub struct Node<'input, Rule: RuleType, Data> {
- pair: Pair<'input, Rule>,
- user_data: Data,
- }
- /// Iterator over `Node`s. It is created by `Node::children` or `Nodes::new`.
- #[derive(Debug, Clone)]
- pub struct Nodes<'input, Rule: RuleType, Data> {
- pairs: Pairs<'input, Rule>,
- span: Span<'input>,
- user_data: Data,
- }
- impl<'i, R: RuleType, D> Node<'i, R, D> {
- pub fn new(pair: Pair<'i, R>, user_data: D) -> Self {
- Node { pair, user_data }
- }
- /// Create an error that points to the span of the input.
- pub fn error(&self, message: String) -> Error<R> {
- Error::new_from_span(
- ErrorVariant::CustomError { message },
- self.as_span(),
- )
- }
- /// Reconstruct the input with a new pair, passing the user data along.
- pub fn with_pair(&self, new_pair: Pair<'i, R>) -> Self
- where
- D: Clone,
- {
- Node {
- pair: new_pair,
- user_data: self.user_data.clone(),
- }
- }
- /// If the contained pair has exactly one child, return a new Self containing it.
- pub fn single_child(&self) -> Option<Self>
- where
- D: Clone,
- {
- let mut children = self.pair.clone().into_inner();
- if let Some(child) = {
- if {
- return Some(self.with_pair(child));
- }
- }
- None
- }
- /// Return an iterator over the children of this input
- // Can't use `-> impl Iterator` because of weird lifetime limitations
- // (see
- pub fn children(&self) -> Nodes<'i, R, D>
- where
- D: Clone,
- {
- Nodes {
- pairs: self.as_pair().clone().into_inner(),
- span: self.as_span(),
- user_data: self.user_data(),
- }
- }
- pub fn user_data(&self) -> D
- where
- D: Clone,
- {
- self.user_data.clone()
- }
- pub fn as_pair(&self) -> &Pair<'i, R> {
- &self.pair
- }
- pub fn into_pair(self) -> Pair<'i, R> {
- self.pair
- }
- pub fn as_span(&self) -> Span<'i> {
- self.pair.as_span()
- }
- pub fn as_str(&self) -> &'i str {
- self.pair.as_str()
- }
- pub fn as_rule(&self) -> R {
- self.pair.as_rule()
- }
- pub fn as_aliased_rule<C>(&self) -> C::AliasedRule
- where
- C: Parser<Rule = R>,
- <C as Parser>::Parser: PestParser<R>,
- {
- C::rule_alias(self.as_rule())
- }
- }
- impl<'i, R: RuleType, D> Nodes<'i, R, D> {
- /// `input` must be the _original_ input that `pairs` is pointing to.
- pub fn new(input: &'i str, pairs: Pairs<'i, R>, user_data: D) -> Self {
- let span = Span::new(input, 0, input.len()).unwrap();
- Nodes {
- pairs,
- span,
- user_data,
- }
- }
- /// Create an error that points to the span of the input.
- pub fn error(&self, message: String) -> Error<R> {
- Error::new_from_span(
- ErrorVariant::CustomError { message },
- self.span.clone(),
- )
- }
- pub fn aliased_rules<C>(&self) -> Vec<C::AliasedRule>
- where
- D: Clone,
- C: Parser<Rule = R>,
- <C as Parser>::Parser: PestParser<R>,
- {
- self.clone().map(|p| p.as_aliased_rule::<C>()).collect()
- }
- /// Reconstruct the input with a new pair, passing the user data along.
- fn with_pair(&self, new_pair: Pair<'i, R>) -> Node<'i, R, D>
- where
- D: Clone,
- {
- Node::new(new_pair, self.user_data.clone())
- }
- pub fn as_pairs(&self) -> &Pairs<'i, R> {
- &self.pairs
- }
- pub fn into_pairs(self) -> Pairs<'i, R> {
- self.pairs
- }
- }
- impl<'i, R, D> Iterator for Nodes<'i, R, D>
- where
- R: RuleType,
- D: Clone,
- {
- type Item = Node<'i, R, D>;
- fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
- let child_pair =;
- let child = self.with_pair(child_pair);
- Some(child)
- }
- }
- impl<'i, R, D> DoubleEndedIterator for Nodes<'i, R, D>
- where
- R: RuleType,
- D: Clone,
- {
- fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
- let child_pair = self.pairs.next_back()?;
- let child = self.with_pair(child_pair);
- Some(child)
- }
- }
-pub use node::{Node, Nodes};
-/// Used by the macros.
-/// Do not implement manually.
-pub trait Parser {
- type Rule: RuleType;
- type AliasedRule: RuleType;
- type Parser: PestParser<Self::Rule>;
- fn rule_alias(rule: Self::Rule) -> Self::AliasedRule;
- fn allows_shortcut(rule: Self::Rule) -> bool;
- /// Parses a `&str` starting from `rule`
- fn parse<'i>(
- rule: Self::Rule,
- input_str: &'i str,
- ) -> Result<Nodes<'i, Self::Rule, ()>, Error<Self::Rule>> {
- Self::parse_with_userdata(rule, input_str, ())
- }
- /// Parses a `&str` starting from `rule`, carrying `user_data` through the parser methods.
- fn parse_with_userdata<'i, D>(
- rule: Self::Rule,
- input_str: &'i str,
- user_data: D,
- ) -> Result<Nodes<'i, Self::Rule, D>, Error<Self::Rule>> {
- let pairs = Self::Parser::parse(rule, input_str)?;
- Ok(Nodes::new(input_str, pairs, user_data))
- }