path: root/dhall
diff options
authorNadrieril2019-04-20 22:11:37 +0200
committerNadrieril2019-04-20 22:13:15 +0200
commit0c981c548db098b0842b79faecfba93f32a1b589 (patch)
treeb884b2606b181bdcc9e2edaf16c03fb99f525223 /dhall
parent6bbe7df139552695081af735bd82945e5e22ed05 (diff)
Avoid a lot of unnecessary cloning in apply_builtin
Diffstat (limited to 'dhall')
2 files changed, 184 insertions, 126 deletions
diff --git a/dhall/Cargo.toml b/dhall/Cargo.toml
index 905f074..d1c921f 100644
--- a/dhall/Cargo.toml
+++ b/dhall/Cargo.toml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ itertools = "0.8.0"
term-painter = "0.2.3"
serde = { version = "1.0", features = ["derive"] }
serde_cbor = "0.9.0"
+improved_slice_patterns = { version = "2.0.0", path = "../improved_slice_patterns" }
dhall_core = { path = "../dhall_core" }
dhall_generator = { path = "../dhall_generator" }
diff --git a/dhall/src/ b/dhall/src/
index 6d071f2..ae27ab8 100644
--- a/dhall/src/
+++ b/dhall/src/
@@ -32,133 +32,193 @@ impl<'a> Typed<'a> {
fn apply_builtin(
ctx: NormalizationContext,
b: Builtin,
- args: &[WHNF],
-) -> Option<WHNF> {
+ args: Vec<WHNF>,
+) -> WHNF {
use dhall_core::Builtin::*;
use WHNF::*;
- let ret = match (b, args) {
- (OptionalNone, [t]) => EmptyOptionalLit(Now::from_whnf(t.clone())),
- (NaturalIsZero, [NaturalLit(n)]) => BoolLit(*n == 0),
- (NaturalEven, [NaturalLit(n)]) => BoolLit(*n % 2 == 0),
- (NaturalOdd, [NaturalLit(n)]) => BoolLit(*n % 2 != 0),
- (NaturalToInteger, [NaturalLit(n)]) => IntegerLit(*n as isize),
- (NaturalShow, [NaturalLit(n)]) => {
- TextLit(vec![InterpolatedTextContents::Text(n.to_string())])
- }
- (ListLength, [_, EmptyListLit(_)]) => NaturalLit(0),
- (ListLength, [_, NEListLit(xs)]) => NaturalLit(xs.len()),
- (ListHead, [_, EmptyListLit(n)]) => EmptyOptionalLit(n.clone()),
- (ListHead, [_, NEListLit(xs)]) => {
- NEOptionalLit(xs.first().unwrap().clone())
- }
- (ListLast, [_, EmptyListLit(n)]) => EmptyOptionalLit(n.clone()),
- (ListLast, [_, NEListLit(xs)]) => {
- NEOptionalLit(xs.last().unwrap().clone())
- }
- (ListReverse, [_, EmptyListLit(n)]) => EmptyListLit(n.clone()),
- (ListReverse, [_, NEListLit(xs)]) => {
- let xs = xs.iter().cloned().rev().collect();
- NEListLit(xs)
- }
- (ListIndexed, [_, EmptyListLit(t)]) => {
- let mut kts = BTreeMap::new();
- kts.insert(
- "index".into(),
- Now::from_whnf(AppliedBuiltin(ctx, Natural, vec![])),
- );
- kts.insert("value".into(), t.clone());
- EmptyListLit(Now::from_whnf(RecordType(kts)))
- }
- (ListIndexed, [_, NEListLit(xs)]) => {
- let xs = xs
- .iter()
- .cloned()
- .enumerate()
- .map(|(i, e)| {
- let i = NaturalLit(i);
- let mut kvs = BTreeMap::new();
- kvs.insert("index".into(), Now::from_whnf(i));
- kvs.insert("value".into(), e);
- Now::from_whnf(RecordLit(kvs))
- })
- .collect();
- NEListLit(xs)
- }
- // fold/build fusion
- (ListBuild, [_, WHNF::AppliedBuiltin(_, ListFold, args)])
- if args.len() == 2 =>
- {
- args.get(1).unwrap().clone()
- }
- (ListFold, [_, WHNF::AppliedBuiltin(_, ListBuild, args)])
- if args.len() == 2 =>
- {
- args.get(1).unwrap().clone()
- }
- (ListBuild, [t, g]) => g
- .clone()
- .app(AppliedBuiltin(ctx.clone(), List, vec![]).app(t.clone()))
- .app(ListConsClosure(Now::from_whnf(t.clone()), None))
- .app(EmptyListLit(Now::from_whnf(t.clone()))),
- (ListFold, [_, EmptyListLit(_), _, _, nil]) => nil.clone(),
- (ListFold, [_, NEListLit(xs), _, cons, nil]) => {
- let mut v = nil.clone();
- for x in xs.iter().rev() {
- v = cons.clone().app(x.clone().normalize()).app(v);
+ let ret = match b {
+ OptionalNone => improved_slice_patterns::match_vec!(args;
+ [t] => EmptyOptionalLit(Now::from_whnf(t)),
+ ),
+ NaturalIsZero => improved_slice_patterns::match_vec!(args;
+ [NaturalLit(n)] => BoolLit(n == 0),
+ ),
+ NaturalEven => improved_slice_patterns::match_vec!(args;
+ [NaturalLit(n)] => BoolLit(n % 2 == 0),
+ ),
+ NaturalOdd => improved_slice_patterns::match_vec!(args;
+ [NaturalLit(n)] => BoolLit(n % 2 != 0),
+ ),
+ NaturalToInteger => improved_slice_patterns::match_vec!(args;
+ [NaturalLit(n)] => IntegerLit(n as isize),
+ ),
+ NaturalShow => improved_slice_patterns::match_vec!(args;
+ [NaturalLit(n)] => {
+ TextLit(vec![InterpolatedTextContents::Text(n.to_string())])
- v
- }
- // fold/build fusion
- (OptionalBuild, [_, WHNF::AppliedBuiltin(_, OptionalFold, args)])
- if args.len() == 2 =>
- {
- args.get(1).unwrap().clone()
- }
- (OptionalFold, [_, WHNF::AppliedBuiltin(_, OptionalBuild, args)])
- if args.len() == 2 =>
- {
- args.get(1).unwrap().clone()
- }
- (OptionalBuild, [t, g]) => g
- .clone()
- .app(AppliedBuiltin(ctx.clone(), Optional, vec![]).app(t.clone()))
- .app(OptionalSomeClosure(Now::from_whnf(t.clone())))
- .app(EmptyOptionalLit(Now::from_whnf(t.clone()))),
- (OptionalFold, [_, EmptyOptionalLit(_), _, _, nothing]) => {
- nothing.clone()
- }
- (OptionalFold, [_, NEOptionalLit(x), _, just, _]) => {
- just.clone().app(x.clone().normalize())
- }
- // fold/build fusion
- (NaturalBuild, [WHNF::AppliedBuiltin(_, NaturalFold, args)])
- if args.len() == 1 =>
- {
- args.get(0).unwrap().clone()
- }
- (NaturalFold, [WHNF::AppliedBuiltin(_, NaturalBuild, args)])
- if args.len() == 1 =>
- {
- args.get(0).unwrap().clone()
- }
- (NaturalBuild, [g]) => g
- .clone()
- .app(AppliedBuiltin(ctx.clone(), Natural, vec![]))
- .app(NaturalSuccClosure)
- .app(NaturalLit(0)),
- (NaturalFold, [NaturalLit(0), _, _, zero]) => zero.clone(),
- (NaturalFold, [NaturalLit(n), t, succ, zero]) => {
- let fold = AppliedBuiltin(ctx, NaturalFold, vec![])
- .app(NaturalLit(n - 1))
- .app(t.clone())
- .app(succ.clone())
- .app(zero.clone());
- succ.clone().app(fold)
- }
- _ => return None,
+ ),
+ ListLength => improved_slice_patterns::match_vec!(args;
+ [_, EmptyListLit(_)] => NaturalLit(0),
+ [_, NEListLit(xs)] => NaturalLit(xs.len()),
+ ),
+ ListHead => improved_slice_patterns::match_vec!(args;
+ [_, EmptyListLit(n)] => EmptyOptionalLit(n),
+ [_, NEListLit(xs)] => {
+ NEOptionalLit(xs.into_iter().next().unwrap())
+ }
+ ),
+ ListLast => improved_slice_patterns::match_vec!(args;
+ [_, EmptyListLit(n)] => EmptyOptionalLit(n),
+ [_, NEListLit(xs)] => {
+ NEOptionalLit(xs.into_iter().rev().next().unwrap())
+ }
+ ),
+ ListReverse => improved_slice_patterns::match_vec!(args;
+ [_, EmptyListLit(n)] => EmptyListLit(n),
+ [_, NEListLit(xs)] => {
+ let mut xs = xs;
+ xs.reverse();
+ NEListLit(xs)
+ }
+ ),
+ ListIndexed => improved_slice_patterns::match_vec!(args;
+ [_, EmptyListLit(t)] => {
+ let mut kts = BTreeMap::new();
+ kts.insert(
+ "index".into(),
+ Now::from_whnf(
+ AppliedBuiltin(ctx.clone(), Natural, vec![])
+ ),
+ );
+ kts.insert("value".into(), t);
+ EmptyListLit(Now::from_whnf(RecordType(kts)))
+ },
+ [_, NEListLit(xs)] => {
+ let xs = xs
+ .into_iter()
+ .enumerate()
+ .map(|(i, e)| {
+ let i = NaturalLit(i);
+ let mut kvs = BTreeMap::new();
+ kvs.insert("index".into(), Now::from_whnf(i));
+ kvs.insert("value".into(), e);
+ Now::from_whnf(RecordLit(kvs))
+ })
+ .collect();
+ NEListLit(xs)
+ }
+ ),
+ ListBuild => improved_slice_patterns::match_vec!(args;
+ // fold/build fusion
+ [_, WHNF::AppliedBuiltin(_, ListFold, args)] => {
+ let mut args = args;
+ if args.len() >= 2 {
+ args.remove(1)
+ } else {
+ // Do we really need to handle this case ?
+ unimplemented!()
+ }
+ },
+ [t, g] => g
+ .app(AppliedBuiltin(ctx.clone(), List, vec![]).app(t.clone()))
+ .app(ListConsClosure(Now::from_whnf(t.clone()), None))
+ .app(EmptyListLit(Now::from_whnf(t))),
+ ),
+ ListFold => improved_slice_patterns::match_vec!(args;
+ // fold/build fusion
+ [_, WHNF::AppliedBuiltin(_, ListBuild, args)] => {
+ let mut args = args;
+ if args.len() >= 2 {
+ args.remove(1)
+ } else {
+ unimplemented!()
+ }
+ },
+ [_, EmptyListLit(_), _, _, nil] => nil,
+ [_, NEListLit(xs), _, cons, nil] => {
+ let mut v = nil;
+ for x in xs.into_iter().rev() {
+ v = cons.clone().app(x.normalize()).app(v);
+ }
+ v
+ }
+ ),
+ OptionalBuild => improved_slice_patterns::match_vec!(args;
+ // fold/build fusion
+ [_, WHNF::AppliedBuiltin(_, OptionalFold, args)] => {
+ let mut args = args;
+ if args.len() >= 2 {
+ args.remove(1)
+ } else {
+ unimplemented!()
+ }
+ },
+ [t, g] => g
+ .app(AppliedBuiltin(ctx.clone(), Optional, vec![])
+ .app(t.clone()))
+ .app(OptionalSomeClosure(Now::from_whnf(t.clone())))
+ .app(EmptyOptionalLit(Now::from_whnf(t))),
+ ),
+ OptionalFold => improved_slice_patterns::match_vec!(args;
+ // fold/build fusion
+ [_, WHNF::AppliedBuiltin(_, OptionalBuild, args)] => {
+ let mut args = args;
+ if args.len() >= 2 {
+ args.remove(1)
+ } else {
+ unimplemented!()
+ }
+ },
+ [_, EmptyOptionalLit(_), _, _, nothing] => {
+ nothing
+ },
+ [_, NEOptionalLit(x), _, just, _] => {
+ }
+ ),
+ NaturalBuild => improved_slice_patterns::match_vec!(args;
+ // fold/build fusion
+ [WHNF::AppliedBuiltin(_, NaturalFold, args)] => {
+ let mut args = args;
+ if args.len() >= 1 {
+ args.remove(0)
+ } else {
+ unimplemented!()
+ }
+ },
+ [g] => g
+ .app(AppliedBuiltin(ctx.clone(), Natural, vec![]))
+ .app(NaturalSuccClosure)
+ .app(NaturalLit(0)),
+ ),
+ NaturalFold => improved_slice_patterns::match_vec!(args;
+ // fold/build fusion
+ [WHNF::AppliedBuiltin(_, NaturalBuild, args)] => {
+ let mut args = args;
+ if args.len() >= 1 {
+ args.remove(0)
+ } else {
+ unimplemented!()
+ }
+ },
+ [NaturalLit(0), _, _, zero] => zero,
+ [NaturalLit(n), t, succ, zero] => {
+ let fold = AppliedBuiltin(ctx.clone(), NaturalFold, vec![])
+ .app(NaturalLit(n - 1))
+ .app(t)
+ .app(succ.clone())
+ .app(zero);
+ },
+ ),
+ _ => Err(args),
- Some(ret)
+ match ret {
+ Ok(x) => x,
+ Err(args) => AppliedBuiltin(ctx, b, args),
+ }
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
@@ -405,10 +465,7 @@ impl WHNF {
(WHNF::AppliedBuiltin(ctx, b, mut args), val) => {
- match apply_builtin(ctx.clone(), b, &args) {
- Some(v) => v,
- None => WHNF::AppliedBuiltin(ctx, b, args),
- }
+ apply_builtin(ctx, b, args)
(WHNF::OptionalSomeClosure(_), val) => {