path: root/dhall/src/syntax/text/
diff options
authorNadrieril Feneanar2019-12-19 21:33:26 +0000
committerGitHub2019-12-19 21:33:26 +0000
commit91ef0cf697d56c91a8d15937aa4669dc221cd6c1 (patch)
treed3f00cf31d4386b82c6fb09eda3f690415dd8902 /dhall/src/syntax/text/
parent3f00e4ca3fe22f88a1d0633e254df0bff781c6d3 (diff)
parent1e4f15d1891b497ecf6632432bc9252dc6a4507d (diff)
Merge pull request #117 from Nadrieril/merge-crates
Merge a bunch of sub-crates
Diffstat (limited to 'dhall/src/syntax/text/')
1 files changed, 920 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dhall/src/syntax/text/ b/dhall/src/syntax/text/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6b6577
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dhall/src/syntax/text/
@@ -0,0 +1,920 @@
+use itertools::Itertools;
+use pest::prec_climber as pcl;
+use pest::prec_climber::PrecClimber;
+use std::rc::Rc;
+use pest_consume::{match_nodes, Parser};
+use crate::semantics::phase::Normalized;
+use crate::syntax;
+use crate::syntax::core;
+use crate::syntax::map::{DupTreeMap, DupTreeSet};
+use crate::syntax::ExprF::*;
+use crate::syntax::{
+ FilePath, FilePrefix, Hash, ImportLocation, ImportMode, InterpolatedText,
+ InterpolatedTextContents, Label, NaiveDouble, RawExpr, Scheme, Span, URL,
+ V,
+// This file consumes the parse tree generated by pest and turns it into
+// our own AST. All those custom macros should eventually moved into
+// their own crate because they are quite general and useful. For now they
+// are here and hopefully you can figure out how they work.
+type Expr = syntax::Expr<Normalized>;
+type ParsedText = InterpolatedText<Expr>;
+type ParsedTextContents = InterpolatedTextContents<Expr>;
+type ParseInput<'input> = pest_consume::Node<'input, Rule, Rc<str>>;
+pub type ParseError = pest::error::Error<Rule>;
+pub type ParseResult<T> = Result<T, ParseError>;
+enum Selector {
+ Field(Label),
+ Projection(DupTreeSet<Label>),
+ ProjectionByExpr(Expr),
+impl crate::syntax::Builtin {
+ pub fn parse(s: &str) -> Option<Self> {
+ use crate::syntax::Builtin::*;
+ match s {
+ "Bool" => Some(Bool),
+ "Natural" => Some(Natural),
+ "Integer" => Some(Integer),
+ "Double" => Some(Double),
+ "Text" => Some(Text),
+ "List" => Some(List),
+ "Optional" => Some(Optional),
+ "None" => Some(OptionalNone),
+ "Natural/build" => Some(NaturalBuild),
+ "Natural/fold" => Some(NaturalFold),
+ "Natural/isZero" => Some(NaturalIsZero),
+ "Natural/even" => Some(NaturalEven),
+ "Natural/odd" => Some(NaturalOdd),
+ "Natural/toInteger" => Some(NaturalToInteger),
+ "Natural/show" => Some(NaturalShow),
+ "Natural/subtract" => Some(NaturalSubtract),
+ "Integer/toDouble" => Some(IntegerToDouble),
+ "Integer/show" => Some(IntegerShow),
+ "Double/show" => Some(DoubleShow),
+ "List/build" => Some(ListBuild),
+ "List/fold" => Some(ListFold),
+ "List/length" => Some(ListLength),
+ "List/head" => Some(ListHead),
+ "List/last" => Some(ListLast),
+ "List/indexed" => Some(ListIndexed),
+ "List/reverse" => Some(ListReverse),
+ "Optional/fold" => Some(OptionalFold),
+ "Optional/build" => Some(OptionalBuild),
+ "Text/show" => Some(TextShow),
+ _ => None,
+ }
+ }
+fn input_to_span(input: ParseInput) -> Span {
+ Span::make(input.user_data().clone(), input.as_pair().as_span())
+fn spanned(input: ParseInput, x: RawExpr<Normalized>) -> Expr {
+ Expr::new(x, input_to_span(input))
+fn spanned_union(span1: Span, span2: Span, x: RawExpr<Normalized>) -> Expr {
+ Expr::new(x, span1.union(&span2))
+// Trim the shared indent off of a vec of lines, as defined by the Dhall semantics of multiline
+// literals.
+fn trim_indent(lines: &mut Vec<ParsedText>) {
+ let is_indent = |c: char| c == ' ' || c == '\t';
+ // There is at least one line so this is safe
+ let last_line_head = lines.last().unwrap().head();
+ let indent_chars = last_line_head
+ .char_indices()
+ .take_while(|(_, c)| is_indent(*c));
+ let mut min_indent_idx = match indent_chars.last() {
+ Some((i, _)) => i,
+ // If there is no indent char, then no indent needs to be stripped
+ None => return,
+ };
+ for line in lines.iter() {
+ // Ignore empty lines
+ if line.is_empty() {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Take chars from line while they match the current minimum indent.
+ let indent_chars = last_line_head[0..=min_indent_idx]
+ .char_indices()
+ .zip(line.head().chars())
+ .take_while(|((_, c1), c2)| c1 == c2);
+ match indent_chars.last() {
+ Some(((i, _), _)) => min_indent_idx = i,
+ // If there is no indent char, then no indent needs to be stripped
+ None => return,
+ };
+ }
+ // Remove the shared indent from non-empty lines
+ for line in lines.iter_mut() {
+ if !line.is_empty() {
+ line.head_mut().replace_range(0..=min_indent_idx, "");
+ }
+ }
+lazy_static::lazy_static! {
+ static ref PRECCLIMBER: PrecClimber<Rule> = {
+ use Rule::*;
+ // In order of precedence
+ let operators = vec![
+ import_alt,
+ bool_or,
+ natural_plus,
+ text_append,
+ list_append,
+ bool_and,
+ combine,
+ prefer,
+ combine_types,
+ natural_times,
+ bool_eq,
+ bool_ne,
+ equivalent,
+ ];
+ PrecClimber::new(
+ operators
+ .into_iter()
+ .map(|op| pcl::Operator::new(op, pcl::Assoc::Left))
+ .collect(),
+ )
+ };
+#[grammar = "dhall.pest"]
+struct DhallParser;
+#[pest_consume::parser(parser = DhallParser, rule = Rule)]
+impl DhallParser {
+ fn EOI(_input: ParseInput) -> ParseResult<()> {
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ #[alias(label)]
+ fn simple_label(input: ParseInput) -> ParseResult<Label> {
+ Ok(Label::from(input.as_str()))
+ }
+ #[alias(label)]
+ fn quoted_label(input: ParseInput) -> ParseResult<Label> {
+ Ok(Label::from(input.as_str()))
+ }
+ fn double_quote_literal(input: ParseInput) -> ParseResult<ParsedText> {
+ Ok(match_nodes!(input.into_children();
+ [double_quote_chunk(chunks)..] => {
+ chunks.collect()
+ }
+ ))
+ }
+ fn double_quote_chunk(
+ input: ParseInput,
+ ) -> ParseResult<ParsedTextContents> {
+ Ok(match_nodes!(input.into_children();
+ [expression(e)] => {
+ InterpolatedTextContents::Expr(e)
+ },
+ [double_quote_char(s)] => {
+ InterpolatedTextContents::Text(s)
+ },
+ ))
+ }
+ #[alias(double_quote_char)]
+ fn double_quote_escaped(input: ParseInput) -> ParseResult<String> {
+ Ok(match input.as_str() {
+ "\"" => "\"".to_owned(),
+ "$" => "$".to_owned(),
+ "\\" => "\\".to_owned(),
+ "/" => "/".to_owned(),
+ "b" => "\u{0008}".to_owned(),
+ "f" => "\u{000C}".to_owned(),
+ "n" => "\n".to_owned(),
+ "r" => "\r".to_owned(),
+ "t" => "\t".to_owned(),
+ // "uXXXX" or "u{XXXXX}"
+ s => {
+ use std::convert::{TryFrom, TryInto};
+ let s = &s[1..];
+ let s = if &s[0..1] == "{" {
+ &s[1..s.len() - 1]
+ } else {
+ &s[0..s.len()]
+ };
+ if s.len() > 8 {
+ Err(input.error(format!(
+ "Escape sequences can't have more than 8 chars: \"{}\"",
+ s
+ )))?
+ }
+ // pad with zeroes
+ let s: String = std::iter::repeat('0')
+ .take(8 - s.len())
+ .chain(s.chars())
+ .collect();
+ // `s` has length 8, so `bytes` has length 4
+ let bytes: &[u8] = &hex::decode(s).unwrap();
+ let i = u32::from_be_bytes(bytes.try_into().unwrap());
+ let c = char::try_from(i).unwrap();
+ match i {
+ 0xD800..=0xDFFF => {
+ let c_ecapsed = c.escape_unicode();
+ Err(input.error(format!("Escape sequences can't contain surrogate pairs: \"{}\"", c_ecapsed)))?
+ }
+ 0x0FFFE..=0x0FFFF
+ | 0x1FFFE..=0x1FFFF
+ | 0x2FFFE..=0x2FFFF
+ | 0x3FFFE..=0x3FFFF
+ | 0x4FFFE..=0x4FFFF
+ | 0x5FFFE..=0x5FFFF
+ | 0x6FFFE..=0x6FFFF
+ | 0x7FFFE..=0x7FFFF
+ | 0x8FFFE..=0x8FFFF
+ | 0x9FFFE..=0x9FFFF
+ | 0xAFFFE..=0xAFFFF
+ | 0xBFFFE..=0xBFFFF
+ | 0xCFFFE..=0xCFFFF
+ | 0xDFFFE..=0xDFFFF
+ | 0xEFFFE..=0xEFFFF
+ | 0xFFFFE..=0xFFFFF
+ | 0x10_FFFE..=0x10_FFFF => {
+ let c_ecapsed = c.escape_unicode();
+ Err(input.error(format!("Escape sequences can't contain non-characters: \"{}\"", c_ecapsed)))?
+ }
+ _ => {}
+ }
+ std::iter::once(c).collect()
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ fn double_quote_char(input: ParseInput) -> ParseResult<String> {
+ Ok(input.as_str().to_owned())
+ }
+ fn single_quote_literal(input: ParseInput) -> ParseResult<ParsedText> {
+ Ok(match_nodes!(input.into_children();
+ [single_quote_continue(lines)] => {
+ let newline: ParsedText = "\n".to_string().into();
+ // Reverse lines and chars in each line
+ let mut lines: Vec<ParsedText> = lines
+ .into_iter()
+ .rev()
+ .map(|l| l.into_iter().rev().collect::<ParsedText>())
+ .collect();
+ trim_indent(&mut lines);
+ lines
+ .into_iter()
+ .intersperse(newline)
+ .flat_map(InterpolatedText::into_iter)
+ .collect::<ParsedText>()
+ }
+ ))
+ }
+ fn single_quote_char(input: ParseInput) -> ParseResult<&str> {
+ Ok(input.as_str())
+ }
+ #[alias(single_quote_char)]
+ fn escaped_quote_pair(_input: ParseInput) -> ParseResult<&str> {
+ Ok("''")
+ }
+ #[alias(single_quote_char)]
+ fn escaped_interpolation(_input: ParseInput) -> ParseResult<&str> {
+ Ok("${")
+ }
+ // Returns a vec of lines in reversed order, where each line is also in reversed order.
+ fn single_quote_continue(
+ input: ParseInput,
+ ) -> ParseResult<Vec<Vec<ParsedTextContents>>> {
+ Ok(match_nodes!(input.into_children();
+ [expression(e), single_quote_continue(lines)] => {
+ let c = InterpolatedTextContents::Expr(e);
+ let mut lines = lines;
+ lines.last_mut().unwrap().push(c);
+ lines
+ },
+ [single_quote_char(c), single_quote_continue(lines)] => {
+ let mut lines = lines;
+ if c == "\n" || c == "\r\n" {
+ lines.push(vec![]);
+ } else {
+ // TODO: don't allocate for every char
+ let c = InterpolatedTextContents::Text(c.to_owned());
+ lines.last_mut().unwrap().push(c);
+ }
+ lines
+ },
+ [] => {
+ vec![vec![]]
+ },
+ ))
+ }
+ #[alias(expression)]
+ fn builtin(input: ParseInput) -> ParseResult<Expr> {
+ let s = input.as_str();
+ let e = match crate::syntax::Builtin::parse(s) {
+ Some(b) => Builtin(b),
+ None => match s {
+ "True" => BoolLit(true),
+ "False" => BoolLit(false),
+ "Type" => Const(crate::syntax::Const::Type),
+ "Kind" => Const(crate::syntax::Const::Kind),
+ "Sort" => Const(crate::syntax::Const::Sort),
+ _ => {
+ Err(input.error(format!("Unrecognized builtin: '{}'", s)))?
+ }
+ },
+ };
+ Ok(spanned(input, e))
+ }
+ #[alias(double_literal)]
+ fn NaN(_input: ParseInput) -> ParseResult<core::Double> {
+ Ok(std::f64::NAN.into())
+ }
+ #[alias(double_literal)]
+ fn minus_infinity_literal(_input: ParseInput) -> ParseResult<core::Double> {
+ Ok(std::f64::NEG_INFINITY.into())
+ }
+ #[alias(double_literal)]
+ fn plus_infinity_literal(_input: ParseInput) -> ParseResult<core::Double> {
+ Ok(std::f64::INFINITY.into())
+ }
+ #[alias(double_literal)]
+ fn numeric_double_literal(input: ParseInput) -> ParseResult<core::Double> {
+ let s = input.as_str().trim();
+ match s.parse::<f64>() {
+ Ok(x) if x.is_infinite() => Err(input.error(format!(
+ "Overflow while parsing double literal '{}'",
+ s
+ ))),
+ Ok(x) => Ok(NaiveDouble::from(x)),
+ Err(e) => Err(input.error(format!("{}", e))),
+ }
+ }
+ fn natural_literal(input: ParseInput) -> ParseResult<core::Natural> {
+ input
+ .as_str()
+ .trim()
+ .parse()
+ .map_err(|e| input.error(format!("{}", e)))
+ }
+ fn integer_literal(input: ParseInput) -> ParseResult<core::Integer> {
+ input
+ .as_str()
+ .trim()
+ .parse()
+ .map_err(|e| input.error(format!("{}", e)))
+ }
+ #[alias(expression, shortcut = true)]
+ fn identifier(input: ParseInput) -> ParseResult<Expr> {
+ Ok(match_nodes!(input.children();
+ [variable(v)] => spanned(input, Var(v)),
+ [expression(e)] => e,
+ ))
+ }
+ fn variable(input: ParseInput) -> ParseResult<V<Label>> {
+ Ok(match_nodes!(input.into_children();
+ [label(l), natural_literal(idx)] => V(l, idx),
+ [label(l)] => V(l, 0),
+ ))
+ }
+ #[alias(path_component)]
+ fn unquoted_path_component(input: ParseInput) -> ParseResult<String> {
+ Ok(input.as_str().to_string())
+ }
+ #[alias(path_component)]
+ fn quoted_path_component(input: ParseInput) -> ParseResult<String> {
+ #[rustfmt::skip]
+ const RESERVED: &percent_encoding::AsciiSet =
+ &percent_encoding::CONTROLS
+ .add(b'=').add(b':').add(b'/').add(b'?')
+ .add(b'#').add(b'[').add(b']').add(b'@')
+ .add(b'!').add(b'$').add(b'&').add(b'\'')
+ .add(b'(').add(b')').add(b'*').add(b'+')
+ .add(b',').add(b';');
+ Ok(input
+ .as_str()
+ .chars()
+ .map(|c| {
+ // Percent-encode ascii chars
+ if c.is_ascii() {
+ percent_encoding::utf8_percent_encode(
+ &c.to_string(),
+ )
+ .to_string()
+ } else {
+ c.to_string()
+ }
+ })
+ .collect())
+ }
+ fn path(input: ParseInput) -> ParseResult<FilePath> {
+ Ok(match_nodes!(input.into_children();
+ [path_component(components)..] => {
+ FilePath { file_path: components.collect() }
+ }
+ ))
+ }
+ #[alias(import_type)]
+ fn local(input: ParseInput) -> ParseResult<ImportLocation<Expr>> {
+ Ok(match_nodes!(input.into_children();
+ [local_path((prefix, p))] => ImportLocation::Local(prefix, p),
+ ))
+ }
+ #[alias(local_path)]
+ fn parent_path(input: ParseInput) -> ParseResult<(FilePrefix, FilePath)> {
+ Ok(match_nodes!(input.into_children();
+ [path(p)] => (FilePrefix::Parent, p)
+ ))
+ }
+ #[alias(local_path)]
+ fn here_path(input: ParseInput) -> ParseResult<(FilePrefix, FilePath)> {
+ Ok(match_nodes!(input.into_children();
+ [path(p)] => (FilePrefix::Here, p)
+ ))
+ }
+ #[alias(local_path)]
+ fn home_path(input: ParseInput) -> ParseResult<(FilePrefix, FilePath)> {
+ Ok(match_nodes!(input.into_children();
+ [path(p)] => (FilePrefix::Home, p)
+ ))
+ }
+ #[alias(local_path)]
+ fn absolute_path(input: ParseInput) -> ParseResult<(FilePrefix, FilePath)> {
+ Ok(match_nodes!(input.into_children();
+ [path(p)] => (FilePrefix::Absolute, p)
+ ))
+ }
+ fn scheme(input: ParseInput) -> ParseResult<Scheme> {
+ Ok(match input.as_str() {
+ "http" => Scheme::HTTP,
+ "https" => Scheme::HTTPS,
+ _ => unreachable!(),
+ })
+ }
+ fn http_raw(input: ParseInput) -> ParseResult<URL<Expr>> {
+ Ok(match_nodes!(input.into_children();
+ [scheme(sch), authority(auth), path(p)] => URL {
+ scheme: sch,
+ authority: auth,
+ path: p,
+ query: None,
+ headers: None,
+ },
+ [scheme(sch), authority(auth), path(p), query(q)] => URL {
+ scheme: sch,
+ authority: auth,
+ path: p,
+ query: Some(q),
+ headers: None,
+ },
+ ))
+ }
+ fn authority(input: ParseInput) -> ParseResult<String> {
+ Ok(input.as_str().to_owned())
+ }
+ fn query(input: ParseInput) -> ParseResult<String> {
+ Ok(input.as_str().to_owned())
+ }
+ #[alias(import_type)]
+ fn http(input: ParseInput) -> ParseResult<ImportLocation<Expr>> {
+ Ok(ImportLocation::Remote(match_nodes!(input.into_children();
+ [http_raw(url)] => url,
+ [http_raw(url), expression(e)] => URL { headers: Some(e), ..url },
+ )))
+ }
+ #[alias(import_type)]
+ fn env(input: ParseInput) -> ParseResult<ImportLocation<Expr>> {
+ Ok(match_nodes!(input.into_children();
+ [environment_variable(v)] => ImportLocation::Env(v),
+ ))
+ }
+ #[alias(environment_variable)]
+ fn bash_environment_variable(input: ParseInput) -> ParseResult<String> {
+ Ok(input.as_str().to_owned())
+ }
+ #[alias(environment_variable)]
+ fn posix_environment_variable(input: ParseInput) -> ParseResult<String> {
+ Ok(match_nodes!(input.into_children();
+ [posix_environment_variable_character(chars)..] => {
+ chars.collect()
+ },
+ ))
+ }
+ fn posix_environment_variable_character(
+ input: ParseInput,
+ ) -> ParseResult<&str> {
+ Ok(match input.as_str() {
+ "\\\"" => "\"",
+ "\\\\" => "\\",
+ "\\a" => "\u{0007}",
+ "\\b" => "\u{0008}",
+ "\\f" => "\u{000C}",
+ "\\n" => "\n",
+ "\\r" => "\r",
+ "\\t" => "\t",
+ "\\v" => "\u{000B}",
+ s => s,
+ })
+ }
+ #[alias(import_type)]
+ fn missing(_input: ParseInput) -> ParseResult<ImportLocation<Expr>> {
+ Ok(ImportLocation::Missing)
+ }
+ fn hash(input: ParseInput) -> ParseResult<Hash> {
+ let s = input.as_str().trim();
+ let protocol = &s[..6];
+ let hash = &s[7..];
+ if protocol != "sha256" {
+ Err(input.error(format!("Unknown hashing protocol '{}'", protocol)))?
+ }
+ Ok(Hash::SHA256(hex::decode(hash).unwrap()))
+ }
+ fn import_hashed(
+ input: ParseInput,
+ ) -> ParseResult<crate::syntax::Import<Expr>> {
+ use crate::syntax::Import;
+ let mode = ImportMode::Code;
+ Ok(match_nodes!(input.into_children();
+ [import_type(location)] => Import { mode, location, hash: None },
+ [import_type(location), hash(h)] => Import { mode, location, hash: Some(h) },
+ ))
+ }
+ #[alias(import_mode)]
+ fn Text(_input: ParseInput) -> ParseResult<ImportMode> {
+ Ok(ImportMode::RawText)
+ }
+ #[alias(import_mode)]
+ fn Location(_input: ParseInput) -> ParseResult<ImportMode> {
+ Ok(ImportMode::Location)
+ }
+ #[alias(expression)]
+ fn import(input: ParseInput) -> ParseResult<Expr> {
+ use crate::syntax::Import;
+ let import = match_nodes!(input.children();
+ [import_hashed(imp)] => {
+ Import { mode: ImportMode::Code, ..imp }
+ },
+ [import_hashed(imp), import_mode(mode)] => {
+ Import { mode, ..imp }
+ },
+ );
+ Ok(spanned(input, Import(import)))
+ }
+ fn lambda(_input: ParseInput) -> ParseResult<()> {
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn forall(_input: ParseInput) -> ParseResult<()> {
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn arrow(_input: ParseInput) -> ParseResult<()> {
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn merge(_input: ParseInput) -> ParseResult<()> {
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn assert(_input: ParseInput) -> ParseResult<()> {
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn if_(_input: ParseInput) -> ParseResult<()> {
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn toMap(_input: ParseInput) -> ParseResult<()> {
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ #[alias(expression)]
+ fn empty_list_literal(input: ParseInput) -> ParseResult<Expr> {
+ Ok(match_nodes!(input.children();
+ [expression(e)] => spanned(input, EmptyListLit(e)),
+ ))
+ }
+ fn expression(input: ParseInput) -> ParseResult<Expr> {
+ Ok(match_nodes!(input.children();
+ [lambda(()), label(l), expression(typ),
+ arrow(()), expression(body)] => {
+ spanned(input, Lam(l, typ, body))
+ },
+ [if_(()), expression(cond), expression(left),
+ expression(right)] => {
+ spanned(input, BoolIf(cond, left, right))
+ },
+ [let_binding(bindings).., expression(final_expr)] => {
+ bindings.rev().fold(
+ final_expr,
+ |acc, x| {
+ spanned_union(
+ acc.span(),
+ x.3,
+ Let(x.0, x.1, x.2, acc)
+ )
+ }
+ )
+ },
+ [forall(()), label(l), expression(typ),
+ arrow(()), expression(body)] => {
+ spanned(input, Pi(l, typ, body))
+ },
+ [expression(typ), arrow(()), expression(body)] => {
+ spanned(input, Pi("_".into(), typ, body))
+ },
+ [merge(()), expression(x), expression(y), expression(z)] => {
+ spanned(input, Merge(x, y, Some(z)))
+ },
+ [assert(()), expression(x)] => {
+ spanned(input, Assert(x))
+ },
+ [toMap(()), expression(x), expression(y)] => {
+ spanned(input, ToMap(x, Some(y)))
+ },
+ [expression(e), expression(annot)] => {
+ spanned(input, Annot(e, annot))
+ },
+ [expression(e)] => e,
+ ))
+ }
+ fn let_binding(
+ input: ParseInput,
+ ) -> ParseResult<(Label, Option<Expr>, Expr, Span)> {
+ Ok(match_nodes!(input.children();
+ [label(name), expression(annot), expression(expr)] =>
+ (name, Some(annot), expr, input_to_span(input)),
+ [label(name), expression(expr)] =>
+ (name, None, expr, input_to_span(input)),
+ ))
+ }
+ #[alias(expression, shortcut = true)]
+ #[prec_climb(expression, PRECCLIMBER)]
+ fn operator_expression(
+ l: Expr,
+ op: ParseInput,
+ r: Expr,
+ ) -> ParseResult<Expr> {
+ use crate::syntax::BinOp::*;
+ use Rule::*;
+ let op = match op.as_rule() {
+ import_alt => ImportAlt,
+ bool_or => BoolOr,
+ natural_plus => NaturalPlus,
+ text_append => TextAppend,
+ list_append => ListAppend,
+ bool_and => BoolAnd,
+ combine => RecursiveRecordMerge,
+ prefer => RightBiasedRecordMerge,
+ combine_types => RecursiveRecordTypeMerge,
+ natural_times => NaturalTimes,
+ bool_eq => BoolEQ,
+ bool_ne => BoolNE,
+ equivalent => Equivalence,
+ r => Err(op.error(format!("Rule {:?} isn't an operator", r)))?,
+ };
+ Ok(spanned_union(l.span(), r.span(), BinOp(op, l, r)))
+ }
+ fn Some_(_input: ParseInput) -> ParseResult<()> {
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ #[alias(expression, shortcut = true)]
+ fn application_expression(input: ParseInput) -> ParseResult<Expr> {
+ Ok(match_nodes!(input.children();
+ [expression(e)] => e,
+ [expression(first), expression(rest)..] => {
+ rest.fold(
+ first,
+ |acc, e| {
+ spanned_union(
+ acc.span(),
+ e.span(),
+ App(acc, e)
+ )
+ }
+ )
+ },
+ ))
+ }
+ #[alias(expression, shortcut = true)]
+ fn first_application_expression(input: ParseInput) -> ParseResult<Expr> {
+ Ok(match_nodes!(input.children();
+ [Some_(()), expression(e)] => {
+ spanned(input, SomeLit(e))
+ },
+ [merge(()), expression(x), expression(y)] => {
+ spanned(input, Merge(x, y, None))
+ },
+ [toMap(()), expression(x)] => {
+ spanned(input, ToMap(x, None))
+ },
+ [expression(e)] => e,
+ ))
+ }
+ #[alias(expression, shortcut = true)]
+ fn selector_expression(input: ParseInput) -> ParseResult<Expr> {
+ Ok(match_nodes!(input.children();
+ [expression(e)] => e,
+ [expression(first), selector(rest)..] => {
+ rest.fold(
+ first,
+ |acc, e| {
+ spanned_union(
+ acc.span(),
+ e.1,
+ match e.0 {
+ Selector::Field(l) => Field(acc, l),
+ Selector::Projection(ls) => Projection(acc, ls),
+ Selector::ProjectionByExpr(e) => ProjectionByExpr(acc, e)
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ )
+ },
+ ))
+ }
+ fn selector(input: ParseInput) -> ParseResult<(Selector, Span)> {
+ let stor = match_nodes!(input.children();
+ [label(l)] => Selector::Field(l),
+ [labels(ls)] => Selector::Projection(ls),
+ [expression(e)] => Selector::ProjectionByExpr(e),
+ );
+ Ok((stor, input_to_span(input)))
+ }
+ fn labels(input: ParseInput) -> ParseResult<DupTreeSet<Label>> {
+ Ok(match_nodes!(input.into_children();
+ [label(ls)..] => ls.collect(),
+ ))
+ }
+ #[alias(expression, shortcut = true)]
+ fn primitive_expression(input: ParseInput) -> ParseResult<Expr> {
+ Ok(match_nodes!(input.children();
+ [double_literal(n)] => spanned(input, DoubleLit(n)),
+ [natural_literal(n)] => spanned(input, NaturalLit(n)),
+ [integer_literal(n)] => spanned(input, IntegerLit(n)),
+ [double_quote_literal(s)] => spanned(input, TextLit(s)),
+ [single_quote_literal(s)] => spanned(input, TextLit(s)),
+ [expression(e)] => e,
+ ))
+ }
+ #[alias(expression)]
+ fn empty_record_literal(input: ParseInput) -> ParseResult<Expr> {
+ Ok(spanned(input, RecordLit(Default::default())))
+ }
+ #[alias(expression)]
+ fn empty_record_type(input: ParseInput) -> ParseResult<Expr> {
+ Ok(spanned(input, RecordType(Default::default())))
+ }
+ #[alias(expression)]
+ fn non_empty_record_type_or_literal(
+ input: ParseInput,
+ ) -> ParseResult<Expr> {
+ let e = match_nodes!(input.children();
+ [label(first_label), non_empty_record_type(rest)] => {
+ let (first_expr, mut map) = rest;
+ map.insert(first_label, first_expr);
+ RecordType(map)
+ },
+ [label(first_label), non_empty_record_literal(rest)] => {
+ let (first_expr, mut map) = rest;
+ map.insert(first_label, first_expr);
+ RecordLit(map)
+ },
+ );
+ Ok(spanned(input, e))
+ }
+ fn non_empty_record_type(
+ input: ParseInput,
+ ) -> ParseResult<(Expr, DupTreeMap<Label, Expr>)> {
+ Ok(match_nodes!(input.into_children();
+ [expression(expr), record_type_entry(entries)..] => {
+ (expr, entries.collect())
+ }
+ ))
+ }
+ fn record_type_entry(input: ParseInput) -> ParseResult<(Label, Expr)> {
+ Ok(match_nodes!(input.into_children();
+ [label(name), expression(expr)] => (name, expr)
+ ))
+ }
+ fn non_empty_record_literal(
+ input: ParseInput,
+ ) -> ParseResult<(Expr, DupTreeMap<Label, Expr>)> {
+ Ok(match_nodes!(input.into_children();
+ [expression(expr), record_literal_entry(entries)..] => {
+ (expr, entries.collect())
+ }
+ ))
+ }
+ fn record_literal_entry(input: ParseInput) -> ParseResult<(Label, Expr)> {
+ Ok(match_nodes!(input.into_children();
+ [label(name), expression(expr)] => (name, expr)
+ ))
+ }
+ #[alias(expression)]
+ fn union_type(input: ParseInput) -> ParseResult<Expr> {
+ let map = match_nodes!(input.children();
+ [empty_union_type(_)] => Default::default(),
+ [union_type_entry(entries)..] => entries.collect(),
+ );
+ Ok(spanned(input, UnionType(map)))
+ }
+ fn empty_union_type(_input: ParseInput) -> ParseResult<()> {
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn union_type_entry(
+ input: ParseInput,
+ ) -> ParseResult<(Label, Option<Expr>)> {
+ Ok(match_nodes!(input.children();
+ [label(name), expression(expr)] => (name, Some(expr)),
+ [label(name)] => (name, None),
+ ))
+ }
+ #[alias(expression)]
+ fn non_empty_list_literal(input: ParseInput) -> ParseResult<Expr> {
+ Ok(match_nodes!(input.children();
+ [expression(items)..] => spanned(
+ input,
+ NEListLit(items.collect())
+ )
+ ))
+ }
+ #[alias(expression)]
+ fn final_expression(input: ParseInput) -> ParseResult<Expr> {
+ Ok(match_nodes!(input.into_children();
+ [expression(e), EOI(_)] => e
+ ))
+ }
+pub fn parse_expr(input_str: &str) -> ParseResult<Expr> {
+ let rc_input_str = input_str.to_string().into();
+ let inputs = DhallParser::parse_with_userdata(
+ Rule::final_expression,
+ input_str,
+ rc_input_str,
+ )?;
+ Ok(match_nodes!(<DhallParser>; inputs;
+ [expression(e)] => e,
+ ))