diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 42 insertions, 50 deletions
diff --git a/src/bin/deploy.rs b/src/bin/deploy.rs
index 6da2110..30ebd25 100644
--- a/src/bin/deploy.rs
+++ b/src/bin/deploy.rs
@@ -52,10 +52,6 @@ struct Opts {
#[clap(short, long)]
skip_checks: bool,
- /// Always evaluate deploy attribute strictly
- #[clap(long)]
- strict_eval: bool,
/// Override the SSH user with the given value
ssh_user: Option<String>,
@@ -160,12 +156,13 @@ enum GetDeploymentDataError {
DecodeUtf8(#[from] std::string::FromUtf8Error),
#[error("Error decoding the JSON from evaluation: {0}")]
DecodeJson(#[from] serde_json::error::Error),
+ #[error("Impossible happened: profile is set but node is not")]
+ ProfileNoNode,
/// Evaluates the Nix in the given `repo` and return the processed Data from it
async fn get_deployment_data(
supports_flakes: bool,
- strict_eval: bool,
flake: &deploy::DeployFlake<'_>,
extra_build_args: &[String],
) -> Result<deploy::data::Data, GetDeploymentDataError> {
@@ -178,54 +175,49 @@ async fn get_deployment_data(
if supports_flakes {
- c
- .arg("eval")
+ c.arg("eval")
- .arg(format!("{}#deploy", flake.repo));
- match (&flake.node, strict_eval) {
- (Some(node), false) => {
- // We use --apply instead of --expr so that we don't have to deal with builtins.getFlake
- c.arg("--apply");
- info!("Evaluating the flake lazily; Use --strict-eval for old behavior");
- match &flake.profile {
- None => {
- // Ignore all nodes but the one we're evaluating
- c.arg(format!(
- r#"
- deploy:
- (deploy // {{
- nodes = {{
- inherit (deploy.nodes) "{}";
- }};
- }})
- "#,
- node
- ))
- }
- Some(profile) => {
- // Ignore all nodes and all profiles but the one we're evaluating
- c.arg(format!(
- r#"
- deploy:
- (deploy // {{
- nodes = {{
- "{0}" = deploy.nodes."{0}" // {{
- profiles = {{
- inherit (deploy.nodes."{0}".profiles) "{1}";
- }};
- }};
- }};
- }})
- "#,
- node, profile
- ))
- }
- }
+ .arg(format!("{}#deploy", flake.repo))
+ // We use --apply instead of --expr so that we don't have to deal with builtins.getFlake
+ .arg("--apply");
+ match (&flake.node, &flake.profile) {
+ (Some(node), Some(profile)) => {
+ // Ignore all nodes and all profiles but the one we're evaluating
+ c.arg(format!(
+ r#"
+ deploy:
+ (deploy // {{
+ nodes = {{
+ "{0}" = deploy.nodes."{0}" // {{
+ profiles = {{
+ inherit (deploy.nodes."{0}".profiles) "{1}";
+ }};
+ }};
+ }};
+ }})
+ "#,
+ node, profile
+ ))
+ }
+ (Some(node), None) => {
+ // Ignore all nodes but the one we're evaluating
+ c.arg(format!(
+ r#"
+ deploy:
+ (deploy // {{
+ nodes = {{
+ inherit (deploy.nodes) "{}";
+ }};
+ }})
+ "#,
+ node
+ ))
- (_, _) => {
+ (None, None) => {
// We need to evaluate all profiles of all nodes anyway, so just do it strictly
- &c
+ c.arg(format!("deploy: deploy"))
+ (None, Some(_)) => return Err(GetDeploymentDataError::ProfileNoNode),
} else {
@@ -573,7 +565,7 @@ async fn run() -> Result<(), RunError> {
check_deployment(supports_flakes, deploy_flake.repo, &opts.extra_build_args).await?;
- let data = get_deployment_data(supports_flakes, opts.strict_eval, &deploy_flake, &opts.extra_build_args).await?;
+ let data = get_deployment_data(supports_flakes, &deploy_flake, &opts.extra_build_args).await?;
let result_path = opts.result_path.as_deref();