path: root/src/main.rs
diff options
authornotgne22020-10-26 21:05:03 -0700
committernotgne22020-10-26 21:05:03 -0700
commit997d1151fd3d303eaa9c2c41312ff87eee986418 (patch)
tree229deae6687a5b454cf2417fcb022a78f8ac20b8 /src/main.rs
parent30197f8a352c879f0070e059ebc117dc17e8270f (diff)
parentdf002c31a64409350a3cb8825364542c65a4d00a (diff)
Merge branch 'master' into review
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main.rs')
1 files changed, 439 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/main.rs b/src/main.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5dc6bb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Serokell <https://serokell.io/>
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
+use clap::Clap;
+use std::process::Stdio;
+use tokio::process::Command;
+use merge::Merge;
+extern crate pretty_env_logger;
+extern crate log;
+extern crate serde_derive;
+mod utils;
+/// Simple Rust rewrite of a simple Nix Flake deployment tool
+#[derive(Clap, Debug)]
+#[clap(version = "1.0", author = "Serokell <https://serokell.io/>")]
+struct Opts {
+ /// The flake to deploy
+ #[clap(default_value = ".")]
+ flake: String,
+ /// Check signatures when using `nix copy`
+ #[clap(short, long)]
+ checksigs: bool,
+ /// Extra arguments to be passed to nix build
+ extra_build_args: Vec<String>,
+ /// Keep the build outputs of each built profile
+ #[clap(short, long)]
+ keep_result: bool,
+ /// Location to keep outputs from built profiles in
+ #[clap(short, long)]
+ result_path: Option<String>,
+ /// Skip the automatic pre-build checks
+ #[clap(short, long)]
+ skip_checks: bool,
+ /// Override the SSH user with the given value
+ #[clap(long)]
+ ssh_user: Option<String>,
+ /// Override the profile user with the given value
+ #[clap(long)]
+ profile_user: Option<String>,
+ /// Override the SSH options used
+ #[clap(long)]
+ ssh_opts: Option<String>,
+ /// Override if the connecting to the target node should be considered fast
+ #[clap(long)]
+ fast_connection: Option<bool>,
+ /// Override if a rollback should be attempted if activation fails
+ #[clap(long)]
+ auto_rollback: Option<bool>,
+ /// Override hostname used for the node
+ #[clap(long)]
+ hostname: Option<String>,
+ /// Make activation wait for confirmation, or roll back after a period of time
+ #[clap(long)]
+ magic_rollback: Option<bool>,
+ /// How long activation should wait for confirmation (if using magic-rollback)
+ #[clap(long)]
+ confirm_timeout: Option<u16>,
+ /// Where to store temporary files (only used by magic-rollback)
+ #[clap(long)]
+ temp_path: Option<String>,
+async fn push_all_profiles(
+ node: &utils::data::Node,
+ node_name: &str,
+ supports_flakes: bool,
+ repo: &str,
+ top_settings: &utils::data::GenericSettings,
+ check_sigs: bool,
+ cmd_overrides: &utils::CmdOverrides,
+ keep_result: bool,
+ result_path: Option<&str>,
+) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
+ info!("Pushing all profiles for `{}`", node_name);
+ let mut profiles_list: Vec<&str> = node
+ .node_settings
+ .profiles_order
+ .iter()
+ .map(|x| x.as_ref())
+ .collect();
+ // Add any profiles which weren't in the provided order list
+ for profile_name in node.node_settings.profiles.keys() {
+ if !profiles_list.contains(&profile_name.as_str()) {
+ profiles_list.push(&profile_name);
+ }
+ }
+ for profile_name in profiles_list {
+ let profile = match node.node_settings.profiles.get(profile_name) {
+ Some(x) => x,
+ None => good_panic!("No profile was found named `{}`", profile_name),
+ };
+ let mut merged_settings = top_settings.clone();
+ merged_settings.merge(node.generic_settings.clone());
+ merged_settings.merge(profile.generic_settings.clone());
+ let deploy_data = utils::make_deploy_data(
+ top_settings,
+ node,
+ node_name,
+ profile,
+ profile_name,
+ cmd_overrides,
+ )?;
+ let deploy_defs = deploy_data.defs();
+ utils::push::push_profile(
+ supports_flakes,
+ check_sigs,
+ repo,
+ &deploy_data,
+ &deploy_defs,
+ keep_result,
+ result_path,
+ )
+ .await?;
+ }
+ Ok(())
+async fn deploy_all_profiles(
+ node: &utils::data::Node,
+ node_name: &str,
+ top_settings: &utils::data::GenericSettings,
+ cmd_overrides: &utils::CmdOverrides,
+) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
+ info!("Deploying all profiles for `{}`", node_name);
+ let mut profiles_list: Vec<&str> = node
+ .node_settings
+ .profiles_order
+ .iter()
+ .map(|x| x.as_ref())
+ .collect();
+ // Add any profiles which weren't in the provided order list
+ for profile_name in node.node_settings.profiles.keys() {
+ if !profiles_list.contains(&profile_name.as_str()) {
+ profiles_list.push(&profile_name);
+ }
+ }
+ for profile_name in profiles_list {
+ let profile = match node.node_settings.profiles.get(profile_name) {
+ Some(x) => x,
+ None => good_panic!("No profile was found named `{}`", profile_name),
+ };
+ let mut merged_settings = top_settings.clone();
+ merged_settings.merge(node.generic_settings.clone());
+ merged_settings.merge(profile.generic_settings.clone());
+ let deploy_data = utils::make_deploy_data(
+ top_settings,
+ node,
+ node_name,
+ profile,
+ profile_name,
+ cmd_overrides,
+ )?;
+ let deploy_defs = deploy_data.defs();
+ utils::deploy::deploy_profile(&deploy_data, &deploy_defs).await?;
+ }
+ Ok(())
+/// Returns if the available Nix installation supports flakes
+async fn test_flake_support() -> Result<bool, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
+ debug!("Checking for flake support");
+ Ok(Command::new("nix")
+ .arg("eval")
+ .arg("--expr")
+ .arg("builtins.getFlake")
+ .stdout(Stdio::null())
+ .stderr(Stdio::null())
+ .status()
+ .await?
+ .success())
+async fn check_deployment(supports_flakes: bool, repo: &str, extra_build_args: &[String]) -> () {
+ info!("Running checks for flake in {}", repo);
+ let mut c = match supports_flakes {
+ true => Command::new("nix"),
+ false => Command::new("nix-build"),
+ };
+ let mut check_command = match supports_flakes {
+ true => {
+ c.arg("flake")
+ .arg("check")
+ .arg(repo)
+ }
+ false => {
+ c.arg("-E")
+ .arg("--no-out-link")
+ .arg(format!("let r = import {}/.; in (if builtins.isFunction r then (r {{}}) else r).checks.${{builtins.currentSystem}}", repo))
+ }
+ };
+ for extra_arg in extra_build_args {
+ check_command = check_command.arg(extra_arg);
+ }
+ let check_status = match check_command.status().await {
+ Ok(x) => x,
+ Err(err) => good_panic!("Error running checks for the given flake repo: {:?}", err),
+ };
+ if !check_status.success() {
+ good_panic!("Checks failed for the given flake repo");
+ }
+ ()
+/// Evaluates the Nix in the given `repo` and return the processed Data from it
+async fn get_deployment_data(
+ supports_flakes: bool,
+ repo: &str,
+ extra_build_args: &[String],
+) -> Result<utils::data::Data, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
+ info!("Evaluating flake in {}", repo);
+ let mut c = match supports_flakes {
+ true => Command::new("nix"),
+ false => Command::new("nix-instantiate"),
+ };
+ let mut build_command = match supports_flakes {
+ true => {
+ c.arg("eval")
+ .arg("--json")
+ .arg(format!("{}#deploy", repo))
+ }
+ false => {
+ c
+ .arg("--strict")
+ .arg("--read-write-mode")
+ .arg("--json")
+ .arg("--eval")
+ .arg("-E")
+ .arg(format!("let r = import {}/.; in if builtins.isFunction r then (r {{}}).deploy else r.deploy", repo))
+ }
+ };
+ for extra_arg in extra_build_args {
+ build_command = build_command.arg(extra_arg);
+ }
+ let build_child = build_command.stdout(Stdio::piped()).spawn()?;
+ let build_output = build_child.wait_with_output().await?;
+ if !build_output.status.success() {
+ good_panic!(
+ "Error building deploy props for the provided flake: {}",
+ repo
+ );
+ }
+ let data_json = String::from_utf8(build_output.stdout)?;
+ Ok(serde_json::from_str(&data_json)?)
+async fn run_deploy(
+ deploy_flake: utils::DeployFlake<'_>,
+ data: utils::data::Data,
+ supports_flakes: bool,
+ check_sigs: bool,
+ cmd_overrides: utils::CmdOverrides,
+ keep_result: bool,
+ result_path: Option<&str>,
+) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
+ match (deploy_flake.node, deploy_flake.profile) {
+ (Some(node_name), Some(profile_name)) => {
+ let node = match data.nodes.get(node_name) {
+ Some(x) => x,
+ None => good_panic!("No node was found named `{}`", node_name),
+ };
+ let profile = match node.node_settings.profiles.get(profile_name) {
+ Some(x) => x,
+ None => good_panic!("No profile was found named `{}`", profile_name),
+ };
+ let deploy_data = utils::make_deploy_data(
+ &data.generic_settings,
+ node,
+ node_name,
+ profile,
+ profile_name,
+ &cmd_overrides,
+ )?;
+ let deploy_defs = deploy_data.defs();
+ utils::push::push_profile(
+ supports_flakes,
+ check_sigs,
+ deploy_flake.repo,
+ &deploy_data,
+ &deploy_defs,
+ keep_result,
+ result_path,
+ )
+ .await?;
+ utils::deploy::deploy_profile(&deploy_data, &deploy_defs).await?;
+ }
+ (Some(node_name), None) => {
+ let node = match data.nodes.get(node_name) {
+ Some(x) => x,
+ None => good_panic!("No node was found named `{}`", node_name),
+ };
+ push_all_profiles(
+ node,
+ node_name,
+ supports_flakes,
+ deploy_flake.repo,
+ &data.generic_settings,
+ check_sigs,
+ &cmd_overrides,
+ keep_result,
+ result_path,
+ )
+ .await?;
+ deploy_all_profiles(node, node_name, &data.generic_settings, &cmd_overrides).await?;
+ }
+ (None, None) => {
+ info!("Deploying all profiles on all nodes");
+ for (node_name, node) in &data.nodes {
+ push_all_profiles(
+ node,
+ node_name,
+ supports_flakes,
+ deploy_flake.repo,
+ &data.generic_settings,
+ check_sigs,
+ &cmd_overrides,
+ keep_result,
+ result_path,
+ )
+ .await?;
+ }
+ for (node_name, node) in &data.nodes {
+ deploy_all_profiles(node, node_name, &data.generic_settings, &cmd_overrides)
+ .await?;
+ }
+ }
+ (None, Some(_)) => {
+ good_panic!("Profile provided without a node, this is not (currently) supported")
+ }
+ };
+ Ok(())
+async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
+ if std::env::var("DEPLOY_LOG").is_err() {
+ std::env::set_var("DEPLOY_LOG", "info");
+ }
+ pretty_env_logger::init_custom_env("DEPLOY_LOG");
+ let opts: Opts = Opts::parse();
+ let deploy_flake = utils::parse_flake(opts.flake.as_str());
+ let cmd_overrides = utils::CmdOverrides {
+ ssh_user: opts.ssh_user,
+ profile_user: opts.profile_user,
+ ssh_opts: opts.ssh_opts,
+ fast_connection: opts.fast_connection,
+ auto_rollback: opts.auto_rollback,
+ hostname: opts.hostname,
+ magic_rollback: opts.magic_rollback,
+ temp_path: opts.temp_path,
+ confirm_timeout: opts.confirm_timeout,
+ };
+ let supports_flakes = test_flake_support().await?;
+ if !supports_flakes {
+ warn!("A Nix version without flakes support was detected, support for this is work in progress");
+ }
+ if !opts.skip_checks {
+ check_deployment(supports_flakes, deploy_flake.repo, &opts.extra_build_args).await;
+ }
+ let data =
+ get_deployment_data(supports_flakes, deploy_flake.repo, &opts.extra_build_args).await?;
+ let result_path = opts.result_path.as_deref();
+ run_deploy(
+ deploy_flake,
+ data,
+ supports_flakes,
+ opts.checksigs,
+ cmd_overrides,
+ opts.keep_result,
+ result_path,
+ )
+ .await?;
+ Ok(())