path: root/Verification
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2 files changed, 19 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/Verification.lean b/Verification.lean
index 31d8103..4a28407 100644
--- a/Verification.lean
+++ b/Verification.lean
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
import Verification.Insert
import Verification.Find
+import Verification.Order
diff --git a/Verification/Find.lean b/Verification/Find.lean
index 764a685..9ff7f3d 100644
--- a/Verification/Find.lean
+++ b/Verification/Find.lean
@@ -15,26 +15,34 @@ variable (T: Type) (H: avl_verification.Ord T) [DecidableEq T] [LinearOrder T] (
def AVLTreeSet.find_loop_spec
(a: T) (t: Option (AVLNode T)):
- BST.Invariant t -> a ∈ AVLTree.set t -> AVLTreeSet.find_loop _ H a t = Result.ok true := fun Hbst Hmem => by
+ BST.Invariant t -> ∃ b, AVLTreeSet.find_loop _ H a t = Result.ok b ∧ (b ↔ a ∈ AVLTree.set t) := fun Hbst => by
+ rewrite [AVLTreeSet.find_loop]
match t with
- | none => trivial
+ | none => use false; simp [AVLTree.set]; tauto
| some ( b left right) =>
- rw [AVLTreeSet.find_loop]
dsimp only
have : ∀ a b, ∃ o, H.cmp a b = .ok o := infallible H
progress keep Hordering as ⟨ ordering ⟩
cases ordering
all_goals dsimp only
- . refine' AVLTreeSet.find_loop_spec a right (BST.right Hbst) (BST.right_pos Hbst Hmem _)
- exact ltOfRustOrder _ _ _ Hordering
- . refine' AVLTreeSet.find_loop_spec a left (BST.left Hbst) (BST.left_pos Hbst Hmem _)
- exact gtOfRustOrder _ _ _ Hordering
+ . convert (AVLTreeSet.find_loop_spec a right (BST.right Hbst)) using 4
+ apply Iff.intro
+ -- We apply a localization theorem here.
+ . intro Hmem; exact (BST.right_pos Hbst Hmem (ltOfRustOrder _ _ _ Hordering))
+ . intro Hmem; simp [AVLTree.set_some]; right; assumption
+ . simp [Ospec.equivalence _ _ Hordering]
+ . convert (AVLTreeSet.find_loop_spec a left (BST.left Hbst)) using 4
+ apply Iff.intro
+ -- We apply a localization theorem here.
+ . intro Hmem; exact (BST.left_pos Hbst Hmem (gtOfRustOrder _ _ _ Hordering))
+ . intro Hmem; simp [AVLTree.set_some]; left; right; assumption
def AVLTreeSet.find_spec
(a: T) (t: AVLTreeSet T):
- BST.Invariant t.root -> a ∈ AVLTree.set t.root ->
- t.find _ H a = Result.ok true := fun Hbst Hmem => by
- rw [AVLTreeSet.find]; progress
+ BST.Invariant t.root -> ∃ b, t.find _ H a = Result.ok b ∧ (b ↔ a ∈ AVLTree.set t.root) := fun Hbst => by
+ rw [AVLTreeSet.find]
+ progress; simp only [Result.ok.injEq, exists_eq_left']; assumption
end Implementation