diff options
7 files changed, 341 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index e77655a..a2e9049 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -4,3 +4,5 @@
diff --git a/Notraits.thy b/Notraits.thy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd459f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Notraits.thy
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+(** [avl_verification] *)
+theory "Notraits" imports
+ "Aeneas.Primitives"
+ "HOL-Library.Datatype_Records"
+ Source: 'src/', lines 1:0-1:17*)
+datatype Ordering = Ordering_Less | Ordering_Equal | Ordering_Greater
+ Source: 'src/', lines 10:0-10:14*)
+datatype AVLNode = mkAVLNode
+ (val: "u32") (left: "AVLNode option") (right: "AVLNode option")
+local_setup \<open>Datatype_Records.mk_update_defs \<^type_name>\<open>AVLNode\<close>\<close>
+ Source: 'src/', lines 18:0-18:17*)
+datatype AVLTreeSet = mkAVLTreeSet (root: "AVLNode option")
+local_setup \<open>Datatype_Records.mk_update_defs \<^type_name>\<open>AVLTreeSet\<close>\<close>
+ Source: 'src/', lines 23:4-23:24*)
+definition aVLTreeSet_new :: "AVLTreeSet result" where
+ "aVLTreeSet_new = Ok (\<lparr> root = None \<rparr>)"
+ Source: 'src/', lines 61:0-61:40*)
+fun cmp :: "u32 \<Rightarrow> u32 \<Rightarrow> Ordering result" where
+ "cmp a other =
+ (if u32_lt a other
+ then Ok Ordering_Less
+ else (if a = other then Ok Ordering_Equal else Ok Ordering_Greater))"
+(*[avl_verification::{avl_verification::AVLTreeSet}::find]: loop 0:
+ Source: 'src/', lines 27:4-39:5*)
+function aVLTreeSet_find_loop
+ :: "u32 \<Rightarrow> AVLNode option \<Rightarrow> (bool * AVLNode option) result" where
+ "aVLTreeSet_find_loop value1 current_tree =
+ (case current_tree of
+ None \<Rightarrow> Ok (False, None)
+ | Some current_node \<Rightarrow>
+ do {
+ o1 \<leftarrow> cmp (val current_node) value1;
+ (case o1 of
+ Ordering_Less \<Rightarrow>
+ do {
+ (b, current_tree1) \<leftarrow>
+ aVLTreeSet_find_loop value1 (right current_node);
+ Ok (b, Some
+ (current_node \<lparr> right := current_tree1 \<rparr>))
+ }
+ | Ordering_Equal \<Rightarrow> Ok (True, Some current_node)
+ | Ordering_Greater \<Rightarrow>
+ do {
+ (b, current_tree1) \<leftarrow>
+ aVLTreeSet_find_loop value1 (left current_node);
+ Ok (b, Some (current_node \<lparr> left := current_tree1 \<rparr>))
+ })
+ })" by auto
+ Source: 'src/', lines 27:4-27:46*)
+fun aVLTreeSet_find
+ :: "AVLTreeSet \<Rightarrow> u32 \<Rightarrow> (bool * AVLTreeSet) result" where
+ "aVLTreeSet_find self value1 =
+ do {
+ (b, as) \<leftarrow> aVLTreeSet_find_loop value1 (root self);
+ Ok (b, (\<lparr> root = as \<rparr>))
+ }"
+(*[avl_verification::{avl_verification::AVLTreeSet}::insert]: loop 0:
+ Source: 'src/', lines 40:4-58:5*)
+function aVLTreeSet_insert_loop
+ :: "u32 \<Rightarrow> AVLNode option \<Rightarrow> (bool * AVLNode option) result" where
+ "aVLTreeSet_insert_loop value1 current_tree =
+ (case current_tree of
+ None \<Rightarrow>
+ let a = (\<lparr> val = value1, left = None, right = None \<rparr>) in
+ Ok (True, Some a)
+ | Some current_node \<Rightarrow>
+ do {
+ o1 \<leftarrow> cmp (val current_node) value1;
+ (case o1 of
+ Ordering_Less \<Rightarrow>
+ do {
+ (b, current_tree1) \<leftarrow>
+ aVLTreeSet_insert_loop value1 (right current_node);
+ Ok (b, Some
+ (current_node \<lparr> right := current_tree1 \<rparr>))
+ }
+ | Ordering_Equal \<Rightarrow> Ok (False, Some current_node)
+ | Ordering_Greater \<Rightarrow>
+ do {
+ (b, current_tree1) \<leftarrow>
+ aVLTreeSet_insert_loop value1 (left current_node);
+ Ok (b, Some (current_node \<lparr> left := current_tree1 \<rparr>))
+ })
+ })" by auto
+ Source: 'src/', lines 40:4-40:48*)
+fun aVLTreeSet_insert
+ :: "AVLTreeSet \<Rightarrow> u32 \<Rightarrow> (bool * AVLTreeSet) result" where
+ "aVLTreeSet_insert self value1 =
+ do {
+ (b, as) \<leftarrow> aVLTreeSet_insert_loop value1 (root self);
+ Ok (b, (\<lparr> root = as \<rparr>))
+ }"
+end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ROOT b/ROOT
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18d302f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ROOT
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+session "avl-verification" = "Aeneas" +
+ options [document = pdf, document_output = "output"]
+ theories
+ Notraits
+ Verification
+ document_files
+ "root.tex"
diff --git a/Verification.thy b/Verification.thy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bdb1743
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Verification.thy
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+theory Verification imports
+ Notraits
+fun height_of_node :: "AVLNode option \<Rightarrow> nat" where
+ "height_of_node None = 0"
+| "height_of_node (Some (mkAVLNode _ l r)) =
+ max (height_of_node l) (height_of_node r) + 1"
+fun is_ok :: "'a result \<Rightarrow> bool" where
+ "is_ok (Ok _) = True"
+| "is_ok _ = False"
+lemma[simp]: "is_ok (cmp a b)"
+ by simp
+(* nicer induction rule for type AVLNode option *)
+lemma AVLNode_option_induct:
+ assumes "\<And>v l r. (\<And>x. x \<in> set_option l \<Longrightarrow> P (Some x))
+ \<Longrightarrow> (\<And>x. x \<in> set_option r \<Longrightarrow> P (Some x))
+ \<Longrightarrow> P (Some (mkAVLNode v l r))"
+ and "P None"
+ shows "P AVLNodeOption"
+proof (cases AVLNodeOption)
+ case None
+ then show ?thesis using assms by simp
+ case (Some a)
+ then show ?thesis
+ apply (induction a arbitrary: AVLNodeOption)
+ using Some assms(1) by blast
+lemma right_is_smaller: "height_of_node r < height_of_node (Some (mkAVLNode v l r))"
+ by (cases l) auto
+lemma left_is_smaller: "height_of_node l < height_of_node (Some (mkAVLNode v l r))"
+ by (cases r) auto
+(* the loop in find always terminates (important for using \<open>obtain\<close> further down *)
+termination aVLTreeSet_find_loop
+proof (relation "measure (\<lambda>(v, t). height_of_node t)")
+ show "wf (measure (\<lambda>(v, t). height_of_node t))" by simp
+ fix value1 current_tree and x2 :: "AVLNode"
+ assume "current_tree = Some x2"
+ then show "((value1, right x2), value1, current_tree) \<in> measure (\<lambda>(v, t). height_of_node t)"
+ using right_is_smaller in_measure
+ by (metis AVLNode.collapse case_prod_conv)
+ fix value1 current_tree and x2 :: "AVLNode"
+ assume "current_tree = Some x2"
+ then show "((value1, left x2), value1, current_tree) \<in> measure (\<lambda>(v, t). height_of_node t)"
+ using left_is_smaller in_measure
+ by (metis AVLNode.collapse case_prod_conv)
+value "cmp (u32 1) (u32 1)"
+value "left (mkAVLNode (u32 0) None (Some (mkAVLNode (u32 0) None None)))"
+lemma find_loop_ok: "is_ok (aVLTreeSet_find_loop v n)"
+proof (induction n arbitrary: v rule: AVLNode_option_induct)
+ case (1 u l r)
+ obtain ordering where order: "Ok ordering = cmp u v"
+ by force
+ then show ?case
+ proof (cases ordering)
+ case Ordering_Less
+ hence "is_ok (aVLTreeSet_find_loop v r)"
+ using 1 by (simp add: option.split_sel_asm)
+ then obtain b r' where a: "Ok (b, r') = aVLTreeSet_find_loop v r"
+ by (auto elim: is_ok.elims)
+ hence "aVLTreeSet_find_loop v (Some (mkAVLNode u l r)) =
+ Ok (b, Some (mkAVLNode u l r'))"
+ using Ordering_Less order apply simp
+ by (smt (verit) AVLNode.expand AVLNode.record_simps(12) AVLNode.record_simps(13) AVLNode.record_simps(14) AVLNode.sel(1) AVLNode.sel(2) AVLNode.sel(3) case_prod_conv result.simps(4))
+ then show ?thesis by simp
+ next
+ case Ordering_Equal
+ hence "aVLTreeSet_find_loop v (Some (mkAVLNode u l r)) = Ok (True, Some (mkAVLNode u l r))"
+ using 1 order by simp
+ then show ?thesis by simp
+ next
+ case Ordering_Greater
+ hence "is_ok (aVLTreeSet_find_loop v l)"
+ using 1 by (simp add: option.split_sel_asm)
+ then obtain b l' where a: "Ok (b, l') = aVLTreeSet_find_loop v l"
+ by (auto elim: is_ok.elims)
+ hence "aVLTreeSet_find_loop v (Some (mkAVLNode u l r)) =
+ Ok (b, Some (mkAVLNode u l' r))"
+ using Ordering_Greater order apply simp
+ by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) AVLNode.expand AVLNode.record_simps(6) AVLNode.record_simps(7) AVLNode.record_simps(8) AVLNode.sel(1) AVLNode.sel(2) AVLNode.sel(3) case_prod_conv result.simps(4))
+ then show ?thesis by simp
+ qed
+ case 2
+ then show ?case by simp
+(* find never produces an error *)
+lemma find_ok: "\<exists>res. aVLTreeSet_find t v = Ok res"
+proof -
+ obtain b as where "Ok (b, as) = aVLTreeSet_find_loop v (root t)"
+ using find_loop_ok by (metis is_ok.elims(2)
+ then have "aVLTreeSet_find t v = Ok (b, \<lparr> root = as \<rparr>)"
+ apply simp unfolding bind_def
+ by (metis result.simps(4))
+ thus ?thesis
+ by simp
+end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/document/root.tex b/document/root.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1924cf3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/document/root.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+% further packages required for unusual symbols (see also
+% isabellesym.sty), use only when needed
+ %for \<leadsto>, \<box>, \<diamond>, \<sqsupset>, \<mho>, \<Join>,
+ %\<lhd>, \<lesssim>, \<greatersim>, \<lessapprox>, \<greaterapprox>,
+ %\<triangleq>, \<yen>, \<lozenge>
+ %for \<euro>
+ %for \<Sqinter>, \<Parallel>, \<Zsemi>, \<Parallel>, \<sslash>
+ %for \<AA> ... \<ZZ>, \<aa> ... \<zz> (also included in amssymb)
+ %for \<onequarter>, \<onehalf>, \<threequarters>, \<degree>, \<cent>,
+ %\<currency>
+% this should be the last package used
+% urls in roman style, theory text in math-similar italics
+% for uniform font size
+% sane default for proof documents
+\parindent 0pt\parskip 0.5ex
+% generated text of all theories
+% optional bibliography
+%%% Local Variables:
+%%% mode: latex
+%%% TeX-master: t
+%%% End:
diff --git a/ b/
index 942e1ca..977cbd0 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,3 +1,20 @@
+# Isabelle
+build with
+❯ isabelle build -d path/to/aeneas/backends/IsabelleHOL/ -D .
+or open in jedit via
+❯ isabelle jedit -d path/to/aeneas/backends/IsabelleHOL/ Verification.thy
+(there is no nix flake output for Isabelle. Isabelle is unpackagable and the
+one that exists in nixpkgs is but a mirage)
# Formalization notes
- Inhabited is not synthesized systematically for any type.
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 1fa0f35..f42ef81 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -4,47 +4,44 @@ pub enum Ordering {
-trait Ord {
- fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering;
// TODO: la structure AVLNode est extrait comme un inductif à un cas
// au lieu d'être extrait comme une structure
-struct AVLNode<T> {
- value: T,
- left: AVLTree<T>,
- right: AVLTree<T>,
+struct AVLNode {
+ val: u32,
+ left: AVLTree,
+ right: AVLTree,
-type AVLTree<T> = Option<Box<AVLNode<T>>>;
+type AVLTree = Option<Box<AVLNode>>;
-struct AVLTreeSet<T> {
- root: AVLTree<T>,
+struct AVLTreeSet {
+ root: AVLTree,
-impl<T: Ord> AVLTreeSet<T> {
+impl AVLTreeSet {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self { root: None }
- pub fn find(&self, value: T) -> bool {
- let mut current_tree = &self.root;
+ pub fn find(&mut self, value: u32) -> bool {
+ let mut current_tree = &mut self.root;
while let Some(current_node) = current_tree {
- match current_node.value.cmp(&value) {
- Ordering::Less => current_tree = &current_node.right,
+ match cmp(&current_node.val, &value) {
+ Ordering::Less => current_tree = &mut current_node.right,
Ordering::Equal => return true,
- Ordering::Greater => current_tree = &current_node.left,
+ Ordering::Greater => current_tree = &mut current_node.left,
- pub fn insert(&mut self, value: T) -> bool {
+ pub fn insert(&mut self, value: u32) -> bool {
let mut current_tree = &mut self.root;
while let Some(current_node) = current_tree {
- match current_node.value.cmp(&value) {
+ match cmp(&current_node.val, &value) {
Ordering::Less => current_tree = &mut current_node.right,
Ordering::Equal => return false,
Ordering::Greater => current_tree = &mut current_node.left,
@@ -52,7 +49,7 @@ impl<T: Ord> AVLTreeSet<T> {
*current_tree = Some(Box::new(AVLNode {
- value,
+ val: value,
left: None,
right: None,
@@ -61,14 +58,12 @@ impl<T: Ord> AVLTreeSet<T> {
-impl Ord for u32 {
- fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {
- if *self < *other {
+fn cmp(a: &u32, other: &u32) -> Ordering {
+ if *a < *other {
- } else if *self == *other {
+ } else if *a == *other {
} else {